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File: a3c5ed02866b18d⋯.jpeg (99.84 KB,840x557,840:557,download (1).jpeg)

 No.13517919 [View All]

The United States military has openly stated they will kill Americans if they step one foot into area 51, they are taking a meme seriously. Meanwhile they refuse to shoot illegal aliens that cross into our borders to stick their hairy brown HIV penises into white children.

Why the fuck aren't you cucks emigrating to Russia or Belarus yet? I have never heard of Russia or Belarus threaten to kill their own over a meme like western nation's military has done numerous times in the past.

In my opinion, I think anyone who joins the United States military, French military (including the French foriegn legion), United kingdom military, basically any and all western nation military and those in NATO should be killed the most gruesome and morbid way possible, they kill their own and should be punished for it.

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The first war was called the "Brit BTFOing War" the second was called the "Inbred Southern war"

Each one ended in the mighty triumphing over the weak, and the weak bitching about it as usual.

The weak fear the strong, which is why the South can't shut the fuck up about it.

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This is tough to argue with.

Opening the border to enemies is fucked up but at least there is still some semblance of national security. . . or maybe it's all theater.

Maybe Area 51 has been sanitized and will be made open to the public after the oddly-scheduled stunt takes place.

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>muh ZOG identity

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>Actually stuff from the skunk works operates from there, probs because it's close to Tonopah test range for combat evaluations and shit.

Possibly, but that doesn't change the fundamental truth that a healthy nation that experienced this kind of meme would relocate some of the more sensitive things elsewhere and then greet the public with open arms and a guided tour.

That the American military refuses to lift a single doughnut powder encrusted finger at the border but threatens lethal force against it's own citizens for wanting to see the inside of a cold war military base speaks volumes of how diseased and backwards the entire system has become. It is the perfect encapsulation of clown world today: the system doesn't exist to help the people or even to perpetuate itself, the system exists solely and explicitly to stop white people from doing anything while it sells the house out from under them. The police aren't here to stop crime anymore, they're here to stop white men from cleaning house and dealing with the corrupt themselves. The military doesn't exist to protect America, it exists to protect the people invading it and shoot anyone who tries to stop them.


>Your mental cock must be huge

>no argument


A Jew, frightened at the notion of the Awoken Saxon.

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<Why the fuck aren't you cucks emigrating to Russia or Belarus yet? (((I have never heard of Russia or Belarus threaten to kill their own over a meme))) like western nation's military has done numerous times in the past.

Communism was a meme. A banker meme. Andropov Doctrine.

Imagine attempting active measures on a Mongolian yurt-making image board of peace.

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Something tells me that if you and your buddies tried to storm a top secret facility in Russia, you'd die. And seriously, what the fuck would you do if you got past the first checkpoint, it's another fifteen or twenty miles until you even get to anything else, and then some guy's going to hand you a key and tell you the space ship's over there? Grow up.

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>Killing unarmed people for merely trespassing on a military base isn't legal.


Yes it is faggot, same goes for border trespassing just like it was for centuries but the globohomo doesn't want that for you to believe

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>Possibly, but that doesn't change the fundamental truth that a healthy nation that experienced this kind of meme would relocate some of the more sensitive things elsewhere and then greet the public with open arms and a guided tour.

This is obvious to anyone who isn't a ''reflexive worshiper of the ZOG.

The ZOG-lings in this thread doing otherwise so strongly identify with the Zionist Occupation Government, that it is hilarious. They're compelled to fall all over each other, in feeble attempts to justify not only the ZOG's reaction to all this, but to claim it is the "legal" thing!

Nevermind that government soldiers are heavily indoctrinated to believe they are "defending the people" or some garbage. That's why all regimes all over the world have to separate the military and the police. The police have one ideology, the military has another. The soldier is supposed to see himself as protecting his country, while the police officer is supposed to see themselves as dealing with troublesome elements inside their own society.

The ZOG's response, from the military itself no less, shows it already perceives itself as nothing more than World-Police. Mowing down its own citizens is the equivalent of a "police action" in Vietnam.

The only question is, how far down does this view go? Will soldiers willingly carry out order to fire on civilians looking to discover the truth their government is hiding from them?

My guess is yes, yes they will. And the ZOG media will do everything it can, "Left" and 'Right,' to justify any massacre that would occur, being so overwhelmingly arrogant.

And that will be the moment people who aren't ideologically wedded to the ZOG will realize: it isn't their government at all!

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>would like to see a Miltia go to the border to shoot some illegals, to force the Feds to go down to the border to give escorts to illegals.

what do you think CBP is for? The DHS was designed by chertoff which is basically a family line of Talmudic scholars. All executive gov is compromised, necessarily, due to pay and grant structure. they've destroyed the balance and checks of law, this chaos is the result. Same thing happened in germany and russia,now its our turn. Tree of liberty got dry and wilted.

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>Muh repeating the same thing over and over again

You gotta admire how borderline autistic "ZOG" posters are.

They scream "ZOG" every thread because they have no other criticism based on logic but frivolous "Jew" connections and acquisition which turn out to be the eternal asshurt of Southerners because they lost the civil war and can't get fucking over it.

To the point of role playing.


>Zionist Occupation Government

>White Nation Liberation War

You gotta be joking.

It's hard to tell who's a real and who isn't but you certainly are real because no one can be this blindsightly retarded with this much effort in their larp.

I just don't know what kind of larper you are?

Zoomer? Qresearch? Boomer? Redditor? Newfag? Or just a random faggot?

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>You're a Jew for pointing out that writing an essay about how America doesn't exist because it was "Jewed from the start except when muh South tried to leave" and stroking your mental cock with a guy who you basically agree with because "muh South" isn't mental circle jerking and reaffirmation of your beliefs with a faggot who knows nothing other than screaming and larping about his fantasy white liberation movement.


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File: b5f2f88e412f806⋯.png (127.84 KB,500x375,4:3,ayy lmao.PNG)


That or some of the (((evil ones))) are interested in something stored there.

With enough useful idiots for the grinder they'd be able to mix in their more in pocket useful idiots to infiltrate and pillage the place.

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>shilling for Russia and white flight

Russia is even more cucked you actual fucking FBInigger .

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>why aren’t you chucks moving to russia

because vodka niggers like you live there

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File: 16ebc46f180dd9e⋯.jpg (92.73 KB,634x482,317:241,fashfasc.jpg)


>The United States military has openly stated they will kill Americans if they step one foot into area 51, they are taking a meme seriously.

those fuckers taking their jobs at a military base seriously. fucking pigs.

down with the patriarchy

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Doesn’t affect you since we don’t give visas freely to vodka niggers

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Imagine being such a dumb faggot that you think an imageboard would care what you think when your own family doesn't. Just neck yourself, OP.

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anyone who mentions russia is a fed

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Hopefully the green niggers are stupid enough to do it. Killing some American faceberg fags will turn up the heat nicely. As long as "we're" ready with propaganda. Anything that can be used to futher destabilize this shithole is objectively a good thing.

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File: 58199a4de06b12b⋯.jpg (120.14 KB,900x601,900:601,pochinok_002.jpg)

Fuck GRUniggers.

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>I have never heard of Russia or Belarus threaten to kill their own

Da da. In Mother Russia, you go to any military base no problem. Car broke down, I go to base and borrow T-72 tank. Give vodka to soldier he say da bring back next week. I drive tank to work to milk goats.

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File: ca498d521f94c30⋯.jpg (97.3 KB,1024x1001,1024:1001,Hitler-im-Sportpalast-1930….jpg)



All it takes is just one speaker

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I'll just bump this to counter the shills. Well said anon.

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>He thinks ZOG is a new expression

>He thinks its a larp

>Way to absolutely fail to blend in.

You suck jew cock. Here's what your "greatest allies" think of you ZOGbots:


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tfw Area 51 is black ops site for smuggling illegals and other contraband across US borders.

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File: 81407505e8ca789⋯.jpg (4.06 MB,4128x3096,4:3,20190702_064522.jpg)

Someone a while ago sent me this image

>the absolute state of the U.S military

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Lmao JUSTed

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Bob Lazar - aliens and hookers. Joe Rogan - drugs. Just sayin'.

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File: 314cef7a1e62622⋯.png (128.28 KB,1500x312,125:26,russiashithole.png)

>Why the fuck aren't you cucks emigrating to Russia or Belarus yet?

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Federalist papers address this. Standing army is requires but has to specifically authorized and funded. Which it is.

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File: 35c1e166a3da665⋯.png (148.94 KB,501x585,167:195,7833059.png)

yes goy, hate the military, hate the only force between you & us- I mean, you & ZOG!

hate the only thing that is in more control that ZOG itself!

shiggy diggy

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backwater slime, military personal are some of the dumbest beings in existence and it is showing

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why do that when I can take some of you kikes with me

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>the US military

>not owned by the kikes

U wut?

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Acceleration or not, this gonna get gud

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>I have never heard of Russia or Belarus threaten to kill their own

Try being gay like this faggot OP and see how far it gets you on the other side of the vodka curtain.

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fuck you faggot

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File: cd6c356a9a9fb1e⋯.jpg (134.96 KB,1200x1920,5:8,sketch-1564619048231.jpg)

Fucking jew bagel!

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File: 1a7738a7b27bb3a⋯.jpg (553.59 KB,1042x820,521:410,20190731_172501.jpg)

Fuck you jew bagel

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>Fuck the United States military and fuck American troops


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I smell a goy!

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Leftypol go home

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This really needs to be pushed more. This has potential to cause zogbots to get mad and deflect the military. The peoples distrust for the ZOG needs to be elevated to the all time high, before any meaningful change can happen. It's important to weaken the military for accelerations sake, since it's the only thing standing between the frustrated "goyim" and the kikes ruling over them.

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I fail to see how this will encourage the white guy to enlist in.

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Day of the Pillow Soon

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They are already dying from the old age.

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File: 768102a28e6b509⋯.jpg (121.72 KB,567x632,567:632,youre funny.jpg)


>Zog gubermint is allowed to shoot any actual legal citizen that simply wants to know what the hell is going on in area 51 and openly says they will

>Zog gubermint also blatantly refuses to stop literal hordes of illegal non citizens from flooding into america and pillaging and raping the citizens

>this very same government demands that you respect it

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