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 No.13510683 [Last50 Posts]



Like my Shlomo sticker? I've made three different messages so far:

Read The Jews and Their Lies by Martin Luther

Read The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion

Research the “USS Liberty”

Post other things I should add. I have right now 450 stickers so that is how many different unique messages I can do.

I am working also on waterproofing methods to make sure Shlomo doesn't wash away in the rain. I may just print the majority of the stickers all black and white if I don't find a satisfactory waterproofing method.

If anyone wants also other memes like Pepe I can do whatever is desired. Just submit the meme you want turned into a sticker itt.

I can, and it really is more convenient anyways, also just do stickers that are a link to 8/pol/ and the rest is just text. Remember the less words you use also, the further away someone can read the sticker. These stickers are only 4"x2".

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Pics will also be delivered as proof that your requests have been turned into real stickers.

I have a whole team of /pol/acks now in my area too that distribute them and more are welcome to join.

Email 8Stickers@protonmail.com if you want to join.

These are all the current sticker templates: https://mega.nz/#!lCggyQLC!6_ebWYReE36Fi0_26ieWzu6XPqxk1_ceRFOkjUCt85U


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Google The Kalergi Plan

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Op isn't a faggot, about time one of us DID SOMETHING… SOMETHING!!!!

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File: 53cd18fb019d3b0⋯.jpg (661.2 KB,958x775,958:775,jew burns.jpg)




(((200 years)))



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Better to say "Search"

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Why does half of Congress have DUAL CITIZENSHIP with ISRAEL? or something of that variation.

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File: f13bac014312c8b⋯.jpg (67.62 KB,640x390,64:39,2xfac0.jpg)

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File: a6ba1ffbc787b0f⋯.jpg (154.34 KB,1200x759,400:253,7grwa2.jpg)

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DDG/Searx.me/etc. do you not know about these?

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I hate clown world.

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>is getting mad he's been called out on telling people to use google, the most kiked search engine (and yes, they are all run and owned by jews, but still jewgle is the fucking worst)

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What is the total number of congressmen?

I know 89 of them are jews but 89 out of how many in total?

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>making stickers is a glow honeypot

If it weren't for my support of free speech and also the knowledge you shills will just switch IP anyways in a flash, I'd say the mods need to ban everyone that calls everything a honeypot/glowop.

<oy vey goyim, don't walk outside your home, leaving the basement will cause you to be insta-arrested, nobody walks outside their home unless it's to engage in terrorism



That's still telling people to use a kiked search engine.

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Jews are behind each and every atrocity on the face of the Earth

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Could you explain why I'm a glownigger champ? Or are you just shitpostin for no cause??

Or didn't you like the fact that stickers are a good way? Cause staying on a imageboard, implying fellow anons are cia cunts cause they don't mind the idea, is quite honestly the most kosher kike to derail a thread. You Jew mutt.

(((You))) own everything, stop it.

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You right.

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Starting to think you're a kike who's scared of being found out, look at the shit posts you make.

Already know the Kikes wants to be white faggot, and we already know you want to be white... But that's never happening aye mordecai?? Almost feel a little bad for you, but not really.

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LGBTQ = Let God Burn Them Quickly

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Hehehe check this Jew out, so what? You agree with op but I'm the kike for saying "about time we DID SOMETHING". it's stickers you dopey fuck, don't try and think you even know Opsec fuckhead when ya blatantly doing this shit.

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Note the kike how he dodges the question, just straight on the attack... Typical jew that needs zyklon.

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They own that too…

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Didn't see op reply, looks like the kike got found out... Guess he'll kvetch and shut it down.

Kek too easy cunt.

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Genesee District Library?

George Department of Labor?

What does GDL even stand for?


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Goym Defense League

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Maybe is some kike joke like the Goyim Defense League

If not, I'm coining the phrase

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The 1% are jews.

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Yes but they intended it for themselves not for the goyim. The jews need privacy for themselves and surveillance for goyim.

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File: b79c7449d7ece3f⋯.jpg (43.61 KB,750x738,125:123,b79c7449d7ece3f04d247b3e92….jpg)

File: e9251065c2daf0b⋯.jpg (47.94 KB,400x400,1:1,86662ce4277da79f6350260713….jpg)

File: a7380e0a3169cb3⋯.jpg (266.26 KB,913x913,1:1,877f09150c33937f55eb256737….jpg)

File: 82aad6f95d02eb5⋯.jpeg (80.32 KB,640x640,1:1,82aad6f95d02eb5421761eb74….jpeg)

File: 7e41ec8b0cdfe59⋯.png (89.68 KB,3275x3275,1:1,554c7da46f13889d74863bfd18….png)

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OP here.

I will print out every single message even the retarded ones and I will deliver proof.

Most likely it will be Friday when I deliver.

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Based. Keep up the good work

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File: 5ea701b35a157ef⋯.jpg (27.2 KB,326x456,163:228,5ea701b35a157efcf406591f00….jpg)

File: 4c421fcdc3f8368⋯.jpg (101.49 KB,800x512,25:16,4c421fcdc3f8368aa1f56ca9a2….jpg)

File: 964a4698a72d06a⋯.jpg (207.81 KB,917x845,917:845,964a4698a72d06a3743a88be8e….jpg)

File: b37e5f1d2eb6362⋯.jpg (155.25 KB,959x603,959:603,blackbaby.jpg)

File: afe12c17899caf8⋯.jpg (71.85 KB,646x514,323:257,df2d283334d635f064d80bb611….jpg)

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Tarrant deserve execution

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Who could be behind this post?

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'Desmond is Amazing' dancing in a gay bar is the perfect example of what the LGBT community wants for your child.

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==No 8 year old boy would call himself 'Lactatia' and identify as a trans person…=

…Unless they were manipulated from a young age

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Put up Matthew 27:25, John 8:44, and Revelation 2:9 near churches

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Best one yet

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justin trudeau is a massive fucking faggot

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Open borders for Israel

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What was the Holodomor?

Jews run the pornography industry

The holocaust is a lie

Its great to be White

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File: 429cea5df6aa347⋯.jpg (479.01 KB,967x729,967:729,always.jpg)


How many?

what a waste of Hitler dubs

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File: ffbd436a6d5d759⋯.jpg (128.56 KB,588x592,147:148,checked.jpg)

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File: b615e4c39e0db24⋯.jpg (51.75 KB,338x507,2:3,poster_opt.jpg)

can someone plz shop a jew's head onto this…

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8chan stickers! How you been, >>13510683?

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If not you, then who?

Take a deep hit of Zyklon B and rethink your life decisions.

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tail gaters get gassed!

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White Nationalism is the weapon Jews use to exterminate Whites

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File: d103f260efb75f6⋯.jpeg (5.72 KB,228x197,228:197,retardedchrsit.jpeg)



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>Matthew 27:25

kek, Wikedpedo can't even spin that one

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End Foreskin Theft

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"So Jewish girl runs by twice, and I am basically Hitler to these people, what do?"

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niggers tongue my anus

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ok retard

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Open up a 2 hour play through of all of Chopin's Nocturnes… musician is your preference. Open a muted tab of whatever is on youtube's front page. Where you go in that two hours is only constrained by whatever shows up as follow up recommendations, or in the right hand bar. Clicking ads is forbidden.

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You jew fuck, you didn't make my message a fucking sticker.

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Fuck off attention whore.

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absolutely this

also checked

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Tor is down right now and has been for a couple of days.

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Google (((Bilderberg)))

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What is this word salad supposed to mean?

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File: e420e71ee28975f⋯.png (469.92 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Demonstrative Traitor



For all the Subaru's and Prius's that still have Obama Biden 08 stickers on them…

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File: f7c33db91958ef2⋯.png (1.01 MB,1280x752,80:47,1551811944273.png)

File: d938b676a441393⋯.jpg (221.29 KB,650x879,650:879,1552859939994.jpg)

File: cb850c46f7db609⋯.jpg (84.19 KB,1187x688,1187:688,zombie.jpg)

ebba stickers.

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You realize OP is in Canada so your message is going to be a little confusing.

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Watch "The Greatest Story Never Told"

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File: 48f765b054ac5ca⋯.gif (172.87 KB,599x796,599:796,9IYWY6.gif)

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File: c25f6ecd8d816c5⋯.png (12.26 KB,600x700,6:7,c25f6ecd8d816c5eebf3e9e987….png)

File: f691f18e9de36b7⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,236x236,1:1,484c73b572b3244500c8cc6708….jpg)

File: 01773826a05852e⋯.jpg (11.1 KB,483x482,483:482,16508098_1434328126579391_….jpg)

File: f5d99c11b7ec5ba⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x675,16:9,f5d99c11b7ec5ba4fd461e7de8….png)

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Holy, finally, the damned onion is back.

I have made every single message I've seen posted in this thread into a sticker now and I've even put up a whole bunch of them already. I even plastered stickers over top of fuckloads of communist, anarchist, and lgbt propaganda.

I have no camera right now. Maybe later if I get one though I'll take pictures of some spots they were put, assuming they're still there, which I think they will be.

I also watched people crossing a bridge where I plastered white nationalist stickers with the WPWW cross on them and they all turn their head and look at the sticker and read it so it's not being ignored, which is awesome.

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I also got some kids that want me to make emoji stickers for them with various anti-homo and pro-white messages and are willing to pay money for it because they believe they can sell them to their friends for even more than what they'd pay me so that's pretty epic.

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Anything with color gets washed out so easily.

I can take the messages from stuff like this and adapt them to the format though.

I also got more people distributing the stickers this week as a bunch of kids wanted stickers from me to put up in their schools and give to their friends. They also requested emoji stickers with various politically incorrect messages.

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New series of stickers.

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Hundred Handers and others.

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White Nationalists making cringe Stickers while millions of White die of poverty.

>muh boomers fault

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National Socialism puts the people first!

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We wouldn't have millions of whites dying of poverty if we had a pro-white government that brings in white refugees and deports all non-whites.

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Test 14

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>twitter.com/hundredhanders | gab.com/hundredhanders | hundred-handers@tutanota.com

The third email address isn't even a real email. When I send an email to it, it says the address doesn't exist.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

That tuta email should just be replaced with a link to 8chan.

Btw I saw someone carved a giant wolfsangel into a pole in response to my own stickers (I put out a few hundred wolfsangel rune stickers with a link to here). Heh.

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Jeffrey Epstein Did Nothing Wrong

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Judah was not entitled to the Abhrahamic blessing; Jews are not the chosen people of Israel

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Niggers worship BWC

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Ah here is the thread.

Huge amounts of enemy propaganda have been going up lately although lots was slashed and taken down. Communist, lgbtbbq, and anarchist trash.

Heart not Hate posters also just appeared everywhere. We need to poster over or write over every single one of them, probably with a giant pepe or swastika or some other symbol or just a YOU WILL NOT REPLACE US slogan and a link to 8/pol.

I think these are the faggots doing it but it's blocked on Tor so someone who has a kikebook will have to screencap what they can and post in here: https://www.facebook.com/HaveHeartNotHate

Also interesting; someone has started carving and spray painting wolfsangel runes everywhere. I put out about a thousand of them in the form of small stickers absolutely everywhere and someone must have been inspired to "go big".


I recommend everyone go out and poster/sticker/spray over the Heart Not Hate boards that are fucking everywhere right now. They will then become a way to spread our message instead of their own faggotry. A lot of them have gone up in pretty busy areas so you may need to stick to something big and simple that can be seen easily by the cars too but it's all up to you.

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Update: All enemy propaganda has been tagged, even though it was rainy as fuck and dark, also some wet concrete that hadn't fully dried now two swastikas in it and /pol/ carved into it too. It could not be left to stand.

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File: d615699a0a08eb5⋯.jpg (43.63 KB,248x400,31:50,jew.jpg)

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You cant have antisemitism without semitism.

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All of these have been tagged.

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That video reminded me of Rekt Shekels.

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File: cc383c624326169⋯.jpg (48.53 KB,624x351,16:9,_108132221_knifeangel.jpg)


This is an angel sculpture plan for Sheffield town centre.

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File: b2f809a47ceac2e⋯.png (1.61 MB,1308x676,327:169,00000000000000000000000000….png)

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File: 61ba9f7a2837cc6⋯.png (504.11 KB,575x767,575:767,5bf25265030bf67699eec41aca….png)


Refugees Welcome.

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File: 36239bcab77e69e⋯.jpg (29.99 KB,439x423,439:423,36239bcab77e69e7d90226f1be….jpg)



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File: 9735c0114ecc50c⋯.png (192.36 KB,379x362,379:362,1559557620544.png)

File: 53c4557909dbb48⋯.jpg (102.99 KB,800x445,160:89,1559606336591.jpg)


About tolerance.

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File: cd5dd146bf652ea⋯.jpg (64.56 KB,960x636,80:53,1559439323088.jpg)


Obama and his handler, Prince Talwaleed

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File: 4441960aadb765c⋯.jpg (118.09 KB,683x1024,683:1024,1562999111034.jpg)


This is an alien.

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File: 5c11c3395fe0589⋯.jpg (131.3 KB,1024x768,4:3,1561320585568.jpg)


They did it…

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File: 84f30416299d797⋯.jpg (17.62 KB,567x350,81:50,1560095985487.jpg)


I like this weaponised autism image

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File: b4ea1f5ebab9c10⋯.jpg (97.59 KB,382x570,191:285,1562924343637.jpg)

File: 3a1748f85b0a1d1⋯.jpg (518.51 KB,1245x1385,249:277,1560292114719.jpg)

File: 5ff80976d28d95b⋯.jpg (42.76 KB,715x539,65:49,1564159079204.jpg)

File: a5d7e8bc3ed90dd⋯.jpg (157.45 KB,1199x845,1199:845,a5d7e8bc3ed90dd5e74816ad75….jpg)

File: 345dec6d408e044⋯.png (2.47 MB,1190x1588,595:794,1562023007005.png)

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File: 0401f6168c60b99⋯.jpg (171.85 KB,879x881,879:881,us-senators-and-represntat….jpg)

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File: ec524be936e6984⋯.png (4.65 MB,1197x2580,399:860,Back_to_School_2019.png)

The only white boy in the Walmart ad looks like a tranny. Sure hope no one here gives that shithouse any of your money.

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How much nig could a nig nog nog if a nig nog could nog nig.

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Stickers or vinyl? I can do vinyl, give me a high quality png or jpeg and i can make anything from car vinyls to mug graphics to designer looking shirt inlays.

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File: 5bc4cc0616e95ff⋯.jpg (34.9 KB,403x403,1:1,1356521018424.jpg)

Good night, jewish parasite.

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File: 912d68c0a24a968⋯.png (1003.59 KB,800x1142,400:571,1564643562095.png)

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crypto-left can't meme

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They killed people attending a faggot show.

Makes for a sticker too.

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File: 13b420720c1d382⋯.png (1.01 MB,800x1232,50:77,1564728607817.png)

lol, these images will live forever in the butts of the people.

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File: 262e70e65f44276⋯.png (403.09 KB,1280x662,640:331,1564727708192.png)

if you can do worse lets see it.

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File: 7b8ba30e86253da⋯.png (889.43 KB,1280x752,80:47,1564729014105.png)

my stickers are going to be shweet!!!

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File: ce309aff919d727⋯.jpg (44.31 KB,384x288,4:3,sagahtnd.jpg)

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make the following into stickers:

the holocaust is a lie

access to white people is not a human right

why have the jews been expelled from 109 countries?

multiculturalism or western civilization?

kill all jews

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File: 735b8cf6f66db08⋯.png (767.77 KB,800x1232,50:77,1564958437835.png)

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>access to white people is not a human right

>why have the jews been expelled from 109 countries?


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>posting a pro-Trump meme in 2019

Get the fuck out.

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Reported. Go back to cuckchan and reddit, faggot.

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