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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 318f32fb8525239⋯.png (50.5 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.13496542 [Last50 Posts]

I've been silent about this for a while, not sure if the phenomenon is just natural, or caused intentionally by (((certain elements))) on /pol/. Have you ever noticed the following trend: There is a moderately relevant or productive thread about some news, or someone asking for help, sharing an idea. Somewhere right at the start, someone makes a completely baseless accusation of OP or another poster being a kike. Then that guy gets called a kike in turn. then the one who called out the guy who called out the OP gets called a kike.

By the 10th post, the thread devolves into people screeching kike at each other. Discussion about the OP is either nonexistent, or buried in heaps of nonsense accusations and flaming.

Now, I wouldn't underestimate the number of genuine retards who infest any given internet froum, /pol/ included, but seeing how devastating this is to any sort of discussion, I must conclude that this is intentionally induced by some. I've been around for long enough to know that it's also something new, people always called each other out ofc, but not so much that it drowned practically all threads in irrelevant shit flinging. It started happening somewhere around early 2017. I also noticed that an awfully lot of these posts wouldn't pass a Turing test. Regardless, the vast majority of these thread derailing posts are still likely made by our less than genial comrades.




That is all.

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lol kikes don't like when you larp as a kike to ruin their reputation

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kike nigger

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>By the 10th post, the thread devolves into people screeching kike at each other. Discussion about the OP is either nonexistent, or buried in heaps of nonsense accusations and flaming.


I know I'm not the only one tired of this shit, but it's good to see others who notice this too.

Things got a lot worse after Tarrant popularized 8chan and the dumbasses and edgelords flooded across the border in higher numbers than ever before.

A lot of oldfags just left.

We used to be able to have genuinely intelligent discussions here. Now it's; your a kike! No YOUR a kike. NO your akike! no YOUR a kike! all day.

Fuck all of you low IQ niggers who didn't lurk.

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I'm fairly certain at this point that the flame war is usually started by either actual shills or bots, but unlike normal shills who push the agenda, their explicit purpose seems to be drowning out all discussion. Then our resident fucktards continue doing their job for them. All of these flamewar starting posts are very similar. Very few words, baseless, sometimes wouldn't pass a Turing test. the torpedo with the second post in this thread illustrated it, tho I think that was his explicit intention.

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That's because there is so much paranoia on /pol/ that people think the Jews are behind EVERYTHING and so if they disagree the other person must be a kike. It just shows how pathetic those people are

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What discussion is there to have with someone that is only trying to twist your words, constantly trying to decieve you and to drown you in an endless ocean of lies? . No, don't waste time trying to reason with the jew. Just outjew the jew and the jew will get neutralized by his own jewry.

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File: c72ae46a677f937⋯.jpg (149.53 KB,792x1000,99:125,Tay Tays Stop These Kikes.jpg)


I was the anon who made the Odinia threads. You're 100% correct. The Rottenchilds spent sixteen billion dollars to shill the internet, and we have no real moderation, and these are the results. Speaking of which, Odinia is about to be yanked, and I am going to have to help them with new hosting to defeat the (actual) kikes. The niggerlovers constantly derailing threads need to be banned.

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*third post

Also, checked.

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<Odinia International is a Neo-Nazi, white supremacist, and Holocaust denying WordPress website created by Seana Elizabeth Fenner von Fenneberg (also known as Sharon H. Fenner) sometime in 2012.[2] It denounces the Judeo-Christian God as being a "Jewish God" rather than a "true European God" and states that Christianity is equivalent to "cultural marxism". Fenner labels the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League as "terrorist Jewish supremacist organizations."[2] The website states in its values that it is against both same-sex marriage and interracial marriage.[3] Fenner has also posted many white supremacist and Neo-Nazi memes to the Odinia International website.

We don't do that here, sweetie.

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Let me guess, if you were a mod this would be the greatest forum in the world?

Save it you god damned control freak.

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Have you ever heard of Operation Cognitive Dissidence? It was a plan proposed (I think) in the late 90s by (((Chuck Schumer))) to fund a JIDF like program that pays thousands of Americans to post off the walls, insane shit on White Nationalist boards to try to make White Nationalists appear to be insane, unreasoning, historically illiterate buffoons to outsiders and to provoke infighting along religious and ethnic/national grounds within the global White community. Thus sapping away our energies from fighting the jew and redirecting it to non-threatening targets like other White people.

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Shitposting: Serious Business.

How about you get more serious about white resistance in the real world. I'm about to meet with some friends and distribute white lives matter stickers.

Edit: Fuck I've failed like 5 reCaptchas trying to post this, saw this thread before it had any replies, and now it's got several

Edit 2: fuck make that 6…

Edit 3: Make that 7…

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is lesss than a week old, here's what the Jews are doing.

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Funny you say, I also had to fill out 6 to post the OP. Fuck captchas. There would be even more bots without them, I guess. Now at least their handlers need to fill it out once a day.

Now, 8chan does not substitute real life activism, but can help it. WLM for example, was planned here, if I know it right. Internet activism can be seriously beneficial to our cause, or for any other cause, for that matter.

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File: 9d2759f5767c5a4⋯.jpg (98.65 KB,1000x710,100:71,d13a6db2ff143fecab2d0650d1….jpg)



I've been banned for pointing it out. Kampfy encouraged it and it's not gone away since.

IMO that retarded shit should be bannable, but it's not like banning someone means anything any more. If there were decent vols instead of shitty globals who have to spend all their time focused on chasing pedos off /b2/, something might be able to be done about it.

/pol/ needs to be handed over to someone who gives a shit. This global board setup is just as much a failed experiment as kampfy's disgraceful run.

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There's going to be Jews lurking here it's obvious and it's to be expected, just just your brain, it's kinda obvious when you see one anyway.

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File: 555d99726340d93⋯.jpg (151.68 KB,1280x856,160:107,FrankColin.jpg)

This forum is a Jewish psyop to keep whites politically isolated and powerless as they curb free speech and censor the flow of information.

Imagine if Frank Colin ran a message board.

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If I were a mod, I would dutifully perma-ban all trolls, /b/tards, morons, kikes, the DACA-shill, and give 1 month ban for everyone posting a two-sentence thread without archive or sources.

I probably wouldn't have any time to post anymore, but I'd rather the board be clean than contribute my opinions.

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Oh, this is certainly intentional. The great thing about pol is that it just takes a click to filter.

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You forgot the part where you suddenly received an email offering 10k shekels for reduced moderation.

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I would like to dispute the OP's claim that this is an internet forum.

It is in an imageboard.

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Like this ? https://8ch.net/pol/res/13492505.html#q13492691

I put effort into that post and the first reply demoralized me and killed the thread. Thats the point.

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If you get "demoralized" by an internet post you should probably kill yourself.

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That is exactly what kike would post.

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That's the kind of shit I'm talking about. Anything that doesn't contribute to quality discussion needs to start getting nuked ASAP. This board needs an actual führer to lead it.

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File: eb95e9bfdce6f7c⋯.webm (1.58 MB,1280x720,16:9,KikeShill.webm)


People have noticed.

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>boards to try to make White Nationalists appear to be insane, unreasoning, historically illiterate buffoons

That's a waste of time, they do that to themselves without any help

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File: bd5ea32801ea05f⋯.jpg (113.94 KB,775x775,1:1,1420376119337-3.jpg)


> Have you ever noticed the following trend: There is a moderately relevant or productive thread about some news, or someone asking for help, sharing an idea. Somewhere right at the start, someone makes a completely baseless accusation of OP or another poster being a kike. Then that guy gets called a kike in turn. then the one who called out the guy who called out the OP gets called a kike.

>By the 10th post, the thread devolves into people screeching kike at each other. Discussion about the OP is either nonexistent, or buried in heaps of nonsense accusations and flaming.

That's most threads on this board, because the moderation don't do their fucking jobs. Disruptive posting can be extremely effective.

<self-policing will work!

No it won't, as humans are social animals. VPNs and proxies allow one person to seem as dozens, and its inevitable that the human response will kick in and draw people into these conflicts.

> I've been around for long enough to know that it's also something new, people always called each other out ofc, but not so much that it drowned practically all threads in irrelevant shit flinging.

>It started happening somewhere around early 2017.

No it didn't; it started much earlier than that. It started with Trump. And then came "shill". And once Trump had passed, and could no longer be promoted here effectively (because moderation was no longer willing to range-ban opposition, a small improvement amongst their net failure) and the base wasn't pleased, we saw a whole bunch of new changes, the gradual introduction of a new moderation interface and staff, including the true emergence of a whole new age of rampant spam-shitposting and absentee moderation as justified by a public ruleset which is clearly and blatantly not employed without bias. It has only gotten worse as time goes on.

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File: c820a00d47da860⋯.jpg (188.14 KB,1010x1118,505:559,1420032044957-0.jpg)


And here you are, telling people, "Don't engage with it! Self-policing will work!" and one has to wonder if you fundamentally don't understand how this works.

Let me explain: Assuming I have a VPN with variable IP, meaning its possible for me to change my IP on a whim, perhaps even in just a single browser instance, let alone multiple desktops, and repeat this process, I can quickly become many men. I don't have to talk to you at all, and I can still fuck up your shit. Without minimal moderation, requiring minimal expenditure of accessible IP addresses and maximal expression of subversive, inflammatory, acerbic commentary, I can repeat this process for an extended period of time and across multiple threads, as aforementioned, fucking your shit up. Now imagine this coupled with artificial response simulators, aka bots. You see where this is going.

Now, would I personally ever do this? Fuck no, that's horrible… But don't be fooled into thinking its not happening when you see the sort of malicious disruptive shitposts which stream into any thread that gets posted with even the slightest engagement. It is happening. Its happening on behalf of those you might call 'less than genial comrades', and its happening on behalf of those who fucking hate you and everything you stand for on multiple levels and in multiple categories. Any extant /pol/ will have many enemies, and in an age of technology, subversion and disruption (especially of a /pol/) remain powerful avenues of pursuit to those desiring to engage in mischief.

Thus endeth the lesson.

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The entire downward trajectory of the board can be traced to a single origin: trumpniggers.

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YES I've noticed it too!

and also every thread devolving into 'violence is the only solution' posts. Blackpilled one-liners with an incitement at the end. Tarrant turned this board to shit by mentioning us.

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File: d141c81264625e1⋯.png (189.75 KB,1030x353,1030:353,d141c81264625e1c414ce47344….png)

Reminds me of this post this one JIDF guy once did, he talked about what tactics theyre using, and causing infighting by larping as 2 different factions was one of them.

Pic related but not the post I was talking about.

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I always figured they were the same person arguing with themselves or two or more people working together.

The first comment is almost always a sage and insult twoard OP. Nothing to do with the content. It's like people are sitting by wiating for new threads so they can be disruptive and attempt to slide.

We all know but they still do it so it must be working in their favor.

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File: d0937c445958199⋯.png (718.51 KB,467x700,467:700,ClipboardImage.png)


Hello spicspam


You must enhance your autism, anon.

That's spicspam right above you, and you didn't notice.

Take your board back, lads.

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Also I do fuckloads of different messages WLM is just the latest request from a fellow aryan in my area.

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Larping as an insane jew for the sake of kek makes the jew upset.


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I'm tempted to agree with you. Certainly we have our share of lazy, low IQ, schizos scurrying about doing the jew's bidding for them.

However I at least want to believe that they're being helped along by some (((guiding hand)))


Dubdubs confirm

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Pretty much every thread has been like that for years

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No it was always this bad, i've been browsing since 2016 and there was a lot of leftist spamming but after late 2017 geniunely productive collective conversations bacame extinct on here. People rarely bother to make constructive arguments and jews may be behind it but idiots definately are a major part.

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File: 293da13585a6b6c⋯.jpg (55.94 KB,500x387,500:387,896c7782275719723fbf8b3506….jpg)


>idiots definately are a major part

It's not just idiots. Don't forget the perpetually-angry-at-everything blackpill naysayer. Everything sucks. Everything's stupid. Nobody ever do anything ever, just sit on /pol/ and shitpost and wait for Hitler. Nevermind that if Hitler 2.0 showed up tomorrow, they'd still talk shit and call him a kike because he's not gassing jews fast enough.

Idiots have to go. Blackpills have to go. But it'll never happen without real mods. The board needs someone who cares. That's all there is to it.

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You made this exact same meta spam thread word for word weeks ago.

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Kill yourself. Fucking bitch coward or fed, which one are you?

<hurr violence bad you can vote your way out of genocide just vote trump and make memes guys

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When did I ever say that, le angry internet man?



sage negated

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>remember goyim, whatever you do, don't pretend you are a jew, because you are not one of us. We get our feelings hurt when you LARP as a jew.

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File: bce5773109bb01c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,135.99 KB,850x1250,17:25,KEKKKK!.jpg)

This board is at least 60% kikes.

DemoralizationNiggers = kikes

Fedposters = kikes

D&C faggots = kikes

Stormtards = kikes (not talking legit reasonable NatSocs, relax)

Anyone posting anything negative w/o a possible solution = kike

20-30% of the rest aren't kikes, but are kike stand-ins (Feds, Lefties, idiots, schizos).

So, you're left with 10-20% of the posters being legit /pol/acks (not counting the ones that fled to qresearch).

So, just filter the above posters (and all their replies), and what's left is actually pretty informative/entertaining.

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File: acd1e470562c2bb⋯.jpg (48.92 KB,1920x1080,16:9,was that an argument.jpg)


>getting into a shitflinging contest with actual retards and paid disruptive elements is excusable

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I too have been browsing since 2016 and I don't remember things being this bad at all. Granted, we've always had a lot of mouth breathing wiggers who scream KIKIKIKIKIKIKIKE at everything and retards who spam every thread proposing we actually do something with desperate naysaying, but it appears undeniably worse today.

I was banned by Imkamfy all the fucking time for criticizing Trump after he won. Yet I almost wish he was back. At least that turk could actually ban someone for more than 6 hours.


This is so goddamn true. Every single thread that proposes an actual idea instantly is swarmed by a dozen or so desperate nay-sayers who hammer down any nail that sticks up without providing any alternative. I like to challenge them to provide another idea and 9 times out of 10 they just vomit forth a list of buzzwords

>kike nigger shill fbi cia kike nigger! Go back to reddit nigger kike fed faggot nigger cuck kike nigger!

I am not opposed to constructive criticism. But this incessant screaming is unbecoming to a pro-White image board.

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>was that an argument

>implying arguments its what will make the white race survive in a propaganda war

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File: 6456b4f708576a1⋯.jpg (104.88 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 9757acf6a80baeb⋯.png (251.12 KB,600x700,6:7,undercover.png)


>implying that what goes on here will

>trying to lure me into a shitflinging contest

filtered & reported

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>blackpill and incitement


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Thread derailment

Yes that is one of the ussual kike tactics

Here and in all boards we need to avoid bait. There shouldnt be need for such a reminder but here we are

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Ooh it's da ebil joos oh no who will they pay to shill next??? (Hint hint recruiters)

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>being a retard


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Name calling makes u look sooooo smart lol not.

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Pedos should be chased off /b2/ anon. There should be no place on the planet for pedos

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>don't try to outjew me in my own jew-thread against people out-jewing jews.

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Leftist/Islamic bros always proclaim… you can't destroy an idea. Same goes for white people. Sure, the soyboys will comply… but what about the other 64% of us? We're fucking psychos.

We literally can't wait until this escalates. Troll /pol/ ad infinitum, kike lords, Discord trannies, Shareblue niggers, unemployed Buzzfeed hack journos, et. al. Seen it all. Patiently waiting for you to quit LARPing and shilling. You no longer have the ability to infiltrate, so the DOTR draws nigh.

Make your move already. Quit wasting my time.

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Based. Checked.

Peepeepoopoo = 5th horseman of the Apocalypse.

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I'm with this guy, faggots.

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That wasn't my complaint at all, but maybe I could have worded it better. Globals have to sink so much time into keeping pedos off the site, who now have an inroad via /b2/ because their mod does nothing about pedo threads, that they don't have time to mod this board.

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>Make your move already. Quit wasting my time.

Based federal agent ally.

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File: 1847f278509b025⋯.gif (1.24 MB,500x539,500:539,924641A7-238B-48FE-AE43-A4….gif)

They just made an “unkiked” version of /SIG/ and deleted the /SIG/ I was having a good discussion in. I was even learning some things and reevaluating my thoughts. All the sudden, a guy tags every body in the thread and redtexts


The thread was taken down by mods and now the “unkiked” one is up. Even mods fall for the bandwagon mob bullshit. People are intentionally fueling suspicion for no reason at all.

This is a HUGE problem with /pol/. It is progressing geometrically I swear. It wasn’t even this bad 3 months ago and it was bad then.

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Kike shit stays up while Purple's thread got deleted.


Further proof most of the mods are compromised.

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This is true. I have noticed this myself on /pol/ recently.

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Thank God someone deleted that LARP. How many of those do we need per day. We just had one yesterday, a new one today. That man needs HIS OWN BOARD and you need to follow him there.

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If not shills derailing, you've usually got some newfags out who feel the need to correct the tiniest detail and nitpick into oblivion even if it was irrelevant to the point of the post. It's usually involving the tiniest mention of opposing religion, sperging over NatSoc vs. Nazi, posting screencaps that feel out of place, etc.

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The israeli Moarpheus definitely is part of that operation.

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Whatever happens, we must not let them LARP as insane jews. This is intolerable! They must never be allowed to reach a consensus of the jew being an insane caricature through humor and LARP.

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Maybe we need a new board with real mods?

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I like this guy.

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my bone to pick are those 'white woman killed by shitskin' threads

instead of being productive and doing some intel and meme_magic.xcf, it's 300+ replies from the peanut gallery doing the same

>"probably deserved it"

>">cheering dead white women"

>"white knight"


and every 4 word line of sarcastic (1) comments in between

the thread dies, a week or two go by, it's forgotten and no memes or infograph to remember any of it by, the next dead white woman makes headlines, the same shitfest all over again, rinse repeat, year after year after year

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Maybe you need to focus on IRL community, eh? Forget about the hellhole that is the internet. The best thing that could ever happen to this planet would be a solar flare that destroyed all electronics.

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File: 741787c2b556df8⋯.png (80.5 KB,450x450,1:1,image.png)


Ah yes such a LARP that must be exactly why it was deleted even though some RP faggot trying to start his own christcuck cult has had his LARP threads up for a month. Or how about the endless anti Russia shill threads. Or the fucking thread claiming Epstein is a Russian not Israeli Spy. Fact is those threads remain while that one thread got deleted with the speed faster than interracial spam threads get pruned which means someone is paying them to do it.

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File: d481d0d67f40e80⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,640x360,16:9,d481d0d67f40e80107f0aef889….mp4)


I do both tbh.

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My problem with those are the deliberate breakdown of in-group preferences for White people. Rather than stregnthen our community (such as it is) the kikes come in an make all sorts of horrific and baseless claims about the women who are murdered. No one wants to be connected to them or defend them when this happens because to be murdered by a subhuman is 'sinful' in our day and age and obviously something must 'be wrong with your' for being tricked or cajoled. They don't even have evidence OR WORSE they have digital evidence which is easily manufactured for anyone with pshop skills.

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Nice edit. ;)

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I personally don't even go on those threads but you are correct, I never considered the insidious intent behind those threads.

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File: 59f5ede701c2158⋯.png (714.11 KB,564x500,141:125,deathcomes.png)


You still don't know why you glow, do you cunt?

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I go on them because I have high in-group preference…in other words, I don't care 'what sins' according to the kikes my people have committed. What is important to me is that we are being bled to death inexorably and no one is doing anything about it but brow beating the fuck out of us, WITH THE INTENT OF BREAKING DOWN OUR SOCIETY, in threads like those. I go on there to fight for our people, but it is a TOTAL SHITSTORM OF HATRED DIRECTED AT WOMEN AND EUROPEANS THAT YOU CAN'T IMAGINE.

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Good lord, its all do tiring. You do Gods work… why can't it just start already.

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Just wondering if you could give a point of clarification are you suggesting that there is no toll for burning coal? If a woman wants to lay with beasts and dies she had it coming. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. This is an extremely important distinction as there are many victims who are completely innocent that do not deserve to be given the same status as social signal statusing thots who want a wild night with jamal and end up dead.

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Woman are borderline retards, potentially beautiful retards to be sure. If their actions are benign surely they deserve pity as much as hatred?

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I am suggesting that if White men did their job of protecting their nation, there would be no niggers for White women to lay with.

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File: f6ba6be65bb0d2c⋯.jpg (110.3 KB,791x1024,791:1024,2bcce4a6e626e94afa3f2e62ec….jpg)

Spread this. As a newfag i find this helpfull to pick out shills.

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>look how smart i am everyone

>i tell shills how they fuck up

Get lost, avatarfag.

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You fucking niggerbrains are useless to the White race.


EVERY incident must be turned into a blazing outrage that puts fear into ANY mother fucker who dares even look in the general direction of our women!

You better wake the fuck up, shitstain, or you go first!

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yo, where did all of the smart people go too

I tried some of the other chans but they seem dead

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I pity you. Actions have consequence and not only do you cheapen the deaths of the innocent but insult your own people for not holding traitors accountable for their actions. Fucking shitskins is not a benign act it is an act of racial betrayal and any woman who engages in such behavior should be viewed as completely lost to the race and part of a separate one.


What you are doing is making excuses for their behavior and choices which have direct consequences like some caricature of a white knight. Every innocent victim of subhuman crime you completely dishonor by giving sluts the same status.

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Read the mystery of the grail.

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Found the jew again. You are never far from /pol/ threads, are you?

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Only your own 'crimes' are never examined, now are they?

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So everyone knows I have seen these kike faggots malign girls as young as 4 who were attacked raped tortured and murdered by feral niggers with things like, "She would have grown up to be a thot."

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File: 131006abe997d5d⋯.png (411.45 KB,430x640,43:64,image.png)


Ah yes I'm apparently a nigger. Thank you for providing an example of the garbage killing this board.

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File: fe8356ebdf16199⋯.png (457.95 KB,730x342,365:171,ClipboardImage.png)



> Actions have consequence

They absolutely do. And any nigger who thinks he can stroll into OUR lands, and rape and eat our women, shall be held accountable for their actions.


You are a more vile traitor to your Blood than any nigger fucker.

Allow that to sink in, you spiritual kike.


All of YOU blinded incels go first, nigger!

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You are worse than a nigger. You are a kike who attacks our own under the guise of 'helping' the White race. The women that you malign are DEAD ANON. They are not being taught anything and in the meantime our numbers grow smaller and the eligible wives of anons are raped by foreign kike faggots like Epstein and feral niggers that you BROUGHT to our nation.

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I'm afraid you don't realize what you are replying too anon. It most certainly will not bother consuming anything that challenges it's ideology; that's if it's not one of the very kikes/idiots who is destroying /pol/ itself.

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I think if they knew what they were doing then it would be punishable by death and will be one day. Not that I would date a coalburner, but they are running on autopilot, they are doing what they are told by they who hold the power, that is a normal thing for a woman to do. I pity them, I pity everyone under the Jews spell. If I wrote off everyone who does something antithetical to national socialism, there would be no one left. Don't get me wrong I hate race mixers more than most, but I still pity them.

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You die tonight, spicspam

Sleep well

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I have read all Evola, why did you suggest that?

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File: 3d37f63e6cb97bc⋯.png (84.05 KB,1000x523,1000:523,what is war.png)

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You're a year or two late with this, but other than that you're 100% right

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Do you think laws kept our women from fucking shitskins or the social pressure and removal of status they knew we would enforce as a social consequence did? Just like laws don't stop anyone from smoking pot or driving drunk. This has nothing to do with writing everyone off it has to do with writing shitskin fuckers off. To be frank I'd even give a girl a pass on asians and hispanics but anything else and she's dead to the race for me.

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Reported and filtered.

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Prime example of board cancer ITT anons.

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This is a very interesting attempt to influence group dynamics and make White women take the blame for jewish behavior and jewish actions.

Very good anon, you have some very high level training.

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The only cancer is you, traitor.

Your niggerbrain can't handle what must be done.

You die with the rest, UNDER the pile.

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> high level training.

Weak outcome, though.

Glowing nigger glows.

I know where one sleeps.

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Ah yes because jews make all white women's decisions for them in person and not the person themselves because there is no such thing as free will apparently. How old are you? You can't be over 20 to still have such an idyllic view of a world where social consequence not only shouldn't exist but the person who is the offender should be treated as the victim.

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You are still trying to pin the blame on White women for the actions of jews as a group. I swear the day you are all exterminated is going to be the best day this planet has ever seen.

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I just looked at the OPs. New thread had the better one.

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Niggers rape and eat our women.

NO ONE here is entertaining your bullshit argument until we remove all of you subhuman filth. Once you are gone, we will have time again for our women and families to rear them righteously.

You never even knew your Father, did you nigger?

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A jew isn't the one spreading their legs and fucking mandingo Anon that would be the woman herself. If a woman want's to fuck literal africans she is no longer white but has mongrelized herself. Does your HS crush date Jamal or something Anon is this why you must be so forgiving and ignore any form of personal responsibility?

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keep talking

Changes nothing


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File: c036297bfd7780c⋯.jpg (59.45 KB,778x632,389:316,c036297bfd7780c65c8992ad80….jpg)

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What are your crimes anon…let's talk about those for a while…you kikes have encouraged this behavior among white women, done tons of reserach to influence them, you know that you are being unfair and you don't care. This is the major reason why you all need to die. You are horrific people. White women would never have considered fucking subhumans without your propaganda machines and 'educational mind control'.


Make it so, anon.

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Except you are a literal kike anon who is glorifying the torture and death of our women.

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You have think tanks and public influence and propaganda machines DEVOTED to the Kalergi plan for White men as well as White women. Maybe we should talk about White men and your 'fuck a bug' campaign as well?

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Too bad chodenigger only alllows maximum 1 week ban with exception to pedo and dox. Just accept that chodenigger wants this to happen.

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28 posts 2 IPs 1 shill 0 arguments or constructive engagement provided but a fine example of OP's point.

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Reading a book many times is actually productive. Maybe your perspective will change every time you read it and eventually get the hole meaning of a book. Simply reading like we did in school is not enough you need to truly understand what the author has to say.

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If this subhuman was Aryan, his niggerbrain would understand that you NEVER chastise your own Blood in public.


Completely ignoring this makes it quite obvious of who and what you are.

Even more despicable is your "WeWhites" LARP as you defile the rape and murder of our People.

Strange that you still can't see what lies just over the horizon for you, yid.

I certainly can not hold my excitement.

Can't wait to meet you.

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I find you should also re-read a formative book every 5 years or so as your interpretation will change as your life experiences give your new perceptions.

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File: 15d7907d038c9ea⋯.png (912.68 KB,600x920,15:23,ClipboardImage.png)


Isn't that clever. You're so fucked, judenigger.

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If you anons do not learn to fight this kike mind control, you will die. They want you to look forward to seeing your own people slaughtered.

They name the 'sin' and you are supposed to go along with watching them murdered for that 'sin'. This is 100 percent mind control. None of our people deserve to die for the 'sins' that the kikes have pinned on them when it was the kikes themselves who engineered the very sins and the circumstances to go along with them to make sure that these things took place.


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>Even more despicable is your "WeWhites" LARP as you defile the rape and murder of our People.

me? I am arguing against the kikes and their agenda, anon.

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Imagine thinking you actu

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We're going to kill them all.

They think this is a game.

Lost in their own hubris and lies.

They are incapable of recognizing reality.

They are already extinct.



was for


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>Imagine thinking

Good luck with than, niggerbrained kike.

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i agree. Kikes love to merch against the white race. But when they get merched they start whining and talking about idealism, twisting words as usual. Double speek as per definition from 1984.

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File: 68e506087341521⋯.jpg (153.96 KB,575x720,115:144,Ill-post-whatever-the-fuck….jpg)

>>I've been silent about this for a while

But now that the bitch is about to get her period, the dumb cunt imagines we care to hear the deep thoughts they had while on the toilet.

>>not sure if the phenomenon is just natural, or caused intentionally by (((certain elements))) on /pol/.

See? My jewdar has just gone off. Silent for awhile and yet, making threads when the dumb fuck is no less of a dumb fuck.

No, we never noticed how the first poster is 90+% of the time a rat in Tel Aviv with a bot.

>>seeing how devastating this is to any sort of discussion

If it was 'devastating' we wouldn't be here for a decade you dumb shit. Learn to fucking FILTER if seeing someone call a kike a kike disturbs you. Or! fuck off back to reddit.

A lurker is telling people how to post, how very JEWISH of you.

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>They are already extinct.

I hope so, I really hope so, anon. All the semites must be exterminated.

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>Imagine thinking you actu

For a second I thought you died at your keyboard. But I see it was just an IP hop.


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Formative book? Care to share a few titles. After the age of 18 (im 20)i think that my life experiences got more controllable so i dont think my life perspective on society changes anymore. I can only mature spiritualy now.

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Oh no! (1) and done filtered me!

IP hopping niggers.

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The saddest part is 95% of these shills aren't even paid because if they were the quality and effort would certainly be higher instead of the majority of it which comes off as mentally ill scripted ramblings. It's great when they talk to themselves as well as it really gives it away with how much they glad-hand each other in a thread. The schizo must always be self congratulatory after all.

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If you like i can filter your ass too

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Hopping back now, nigger?

Who do you think you're fooling, sodomite?

You think anyone is still reading your drivel, kike?

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Naw they have to be paid. That or bots.

No one is that autistic & stupid to carry on as long getting btfo and getting their feelings hurt

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File: d07b21c565bc9fe⋯.png (215.53 KB,500x793,500:793,bunnyrat.png)

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Please do.


And this is how I know I am 'over the target'.

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File: 7468022001afc33⋯.jpg (310.3 KB,808x1156,202:289,pol.jpg)


>adventures of guy who just started paying attention

yeah thats how it is now

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File: 023f83419d3c634⋯.jpeg (277.15 KB,1236x856,309:214,tonightnigger.jpeg)


Fucking pathetic, spicspam


You heading home soon?

Kill yourself

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>over the target

With your head up your ass I'm sure you have a great view over the target


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You believe this works?

You still can't figure out how we ALWAYS know, can you, bitch?

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Lol look its still responding to me here >>13497470

Its gotta be bots

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*frank collin


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Just a heads up: the same thing that this post warns about is happening. HAVE PRODUCTIVE CONVERSATIONS DONT FALL AT THEIR LEVEL LET THEM BE!!!

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Good…you should probably just find another board to shill on since people are catching onto the 'agenda' of murdering our women and our people.

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Babysat bots.

There is a spicspamming nigger overseeing her many puppets.

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Your life perspectives on society will change once you have to limit them to what actually can be accomplished vs what ideally should be accomplished. This didn't happen for me till I was almost 30 though and is an ever continuing experience; as long as you are willing to supply your brain with constant information you never stop evolving.

As to spiritually I would suggest reading everything and I mean everything that constitutes a formative religious text firsthand. Some of it is trash and boring as fuck but very important if you want to understand the motives and manipulations behind other people/societies. Even read the LARP shit like Hubbard the point is to explore what people search for in religion as part of the human condition and how they allow it to impact/influence them and society. Read stuff from dead religions as well as though time has changed in 10,000 years man has not. The thing about spirituality is that it should be a unique relationship between every individual and God. Sure some philosophies are much more comical than others and some are plain evil but by informing yourself on all of them you'll find yourself in a very unique vantage point compared to your fellow man.

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the "kikes" are the nazis you dumb fucking cunt

sage for trust me im not a bad guy look at all the other bad guys

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Don't ever take advice from filthy lying kikes like this, anon.


The advice they give for you to live, is to benefit them.

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If they are getting paid they are definitely the equivalent of pajeet labor in Hyderabad.

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or bots hence the incoherency

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File: 178ef08b5d0f7df⋯.png (458.97 KB,500x500,1:1,We'reHere.png)


You're going to die by the hand of they you fear most.

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>sry for doubleposting

All I gotta say is Epstein better not be dead in his cell / gone - when the power comes back on in Jew York

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I dont get what you are trying to say. You are getting a bit paranoid. I was trying to talk on surface level with you.


Maybe… But still i want to see what he has to say. By the looks of it he is currently freefalling

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It is always nice to see two of you working a thread as a team. Perhaps we could get a few more in here saying the same exact thing and not responding to any of our points like the jewish investment is mind control and psyops as well as their extensive work in behavioral control and cognitive manipulation.

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Please articulate how what he said was in ANY way paranoid?

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pilpul anon…he is a kike.

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>grrrr i am angry you are kike


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File: 044b11e13299f50⋯.png (1.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,image.png)


Let's do a little test that they seem to fail if they are a bot or a non english speaker because whoever their wrangler is sucks at their job. My suspicion is the incoherency comes from the fact they are a bunch of spastics collecting disability that do this for free on behalf of JIDF or as you say low paid shills/bots.

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No, kike. We don't argue with subhumans.

We are above your bullshit, and see right through you.



It's the "Tard Wrangler" faggot, anons. They will always end up outing themselves. The niggerbrain can only hold so much.

Report and filter this useless nigger.

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Lol he is on a advisory let me tell you trip. The shit he says make no sense.


I want to stretch him. Join in if you like. This motherfucker is close to losing his shit. Would make a great daystarter for me.

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Oh fuck it is the 'purple anon' FEDFAG AGAIN…don't you have anything better to do with your time like move to Jonestown and drink a bunch of purple Kool-aid?

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And how is that paranoid?

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>arguing with what you suspect is a bot or a shill

>double posting

>derailing the thread with nonsense

Just filter the faggot already. The fuck is wrong with you?

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They are federal agents anon. I doubt they are allowed to filter a thread.

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You are the fag, nigger.

Reported. Filtered.

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Not derailing when the subject how /pol/ is being destroyed. I believe its being destroyed mainly by shills & bots, as we are discussing. Also we are discussing how you can sense them.

And I have filtered like 2 of them so far

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Exactly this shill is a perfect example of OP's point and a lesson on a constructive discussion vs. an endless spew of ad hominems.

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Care to take the conversation back because we started on the wrong foot. Let me preemptively say sorry if i have offended you. My earliest question was about fornative books. What are formative books and how will they help me.

To justify myself: the things you said >>13497485 are contradictory. Idk maybe you live in two or three worlds at the same time. Even though you say you are 30+ you sound more like 15-16 edgelord.

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File: 2284c4e03857c41⋯.jpg (6.37 KB,222x227,222:227,88a583a63520f5e7593ad857a1….jpg)



They NEVER post any photos either.

Probably can't have all our edgy may mays on gubmint compooters.

It's all so tiresome.

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Who the fuck do you think you're fooling now


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I'm not >>13497485

And you still haven't answered how what he posted was "PARANOID"


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Can I get a tally of who believes that there are no kikes on /pol/? Because that is basically what this OP is saying…it is making the subliminal suggestion that it is wrong to knowingly call a kike who is shilling on /pol/ a kike.

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Sure buddy

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File: 9f897e9b99f3900⋯.jpg (126.86 KB,591x1024,591:1024,9f897e9b99f39007e08464feae….jpg)


I love how they keep responding even when filtered. Gotta be a bot. Nobody is that stupid. The only thing worse would be some retard with mental problems arguing with himself like a larp

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The fact you are so butthurt about me calling you paranoid is just confirming me. Its like calling the fat kid at school fat. If he wasn't fat he wouldn't get mad.

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File: 3c67a122905929b⋯.jpeg (218.54 KB,1086x1500,181:250,asdhd.jpeg)


This board is so fucking retarded, I seldom even use it anymore. Too many stupid teenagers who have just figured out that being edgy gets the attention that their own fathers fail to give them. They claim to be 'Nazis', "For the Aryan race!", yet aren't even blonde, have a half poorly shaven beard, are fat and probably own an Instagram meme account. I have seen these kids, and went to school with a few like it. They use their, edgy political opinion as an opportunity to look intelligent or important. Yet do not read anything, political, nor noteworthy and prefer to play their childish computer games.




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It's called context and it's what separates the intellectually lazy from those who seek to form their own thoughts. If you want to simply parrot the ideas of others sure read one or two books but if you ever expect to have ideas of your own you should seek to acquire as much of your own knowledge as possible whether it comes from a book or life experience.

We also live in a global world, like it or not, and part of understanding how to thrive in that world is to know how to manipulate the NPC's around you. Spiritual programing forms a large base of their code by understanding elements of it you will find it much easier to understand them. By understanding past religions/spirituality you can surmise how humans shape their faith to their needs and in seeing how it evolves your will learn an essential component to politics as well.

As to what are formative books I suggest looking up and reading the foundational text from every major religion past and present. If you just want a few books on a subject as broad as spirituality you will never have the full picture if the topic was more limited such as aerospace engineering I could suggest a much more limited selection of works.

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There are none of them of any note. It doesn't matter anyway. Jews are a distraction. They are annoying and they are weird but they are just a pimple on the ass of the beast that is consuming us.

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Nice cope :)

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01000011 01101111 01101111 01101100 00100000 01110011 01110100 01101111 01110010 01111001 00100000 01100110 01100001 01100111

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>part of understanding how to thrive in that world is to know how to manipulate the NPC's around you.

How very 'aryan' of you. Using religion to parasite off honest, hardworking people.

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>Jews at my homework

Fucking retarded robot, what will you do now your pet golems are being evicted?

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You mean all of the semites together as a group?

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WTF are you talking about?

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All kikes will die. ALL kikes.

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The one that referred to me as paranoid now apparently thinks you were the one it called paranoid.

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Even though you seem like you know your shit you throw it all away with meme talk and stupid optics. Ffs you are 30. What the fuck is wrong with you. Thats how you talk to the youth. My friend you are filled with hate and nothing else. Look how the universe brought us together at this beautiful day a SUNDAY. Put on your big boy casual clothes and go to church. Maybe on the way back home grab a icecream. And enjoy the tel aviv sun.

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This FBI robot is stuck on repeat.

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>that picture

What an awesome picture. How much truth there is in it. Oh, except…


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>WTF are you talking about?

You're fucking retarded is what I'm talking about.

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If he doesn't, he's not getting re-elected.

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>if Trump doesn't send more of our warriors to die in some godforsaken sandpit then no one will vote for him

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>>13497210 (disagreed with their LARP purple)

>>13497291 (commented on the destruction of in-group preferences by the kikes)

>>13497311 (commented on the kikes hatred and deliberate genocide of our people using their 'morality' as a weapon against our people)

>>13497326 (commented that it wasn't White women but that protection of a nation is a White male duty)

>>13497339 (found the jew; at this point it calls in reinforcements and they are all in the thread)

>>13497341 (turned the focus from the victims, White women and White people to the kikes)

>>13497346 (talked about the jew tactics of shitting on our dead in many threads)

>>13497354 (explained that it is not women; IT IS THE JEWS)

>>13497379 (began talking about the science behind their attempts to influence group dynamics on /pol/ and other places)

>>13497395 (repeatedly pointed out that IT IS THE JEWS; not White women who are at fault)

>>13497412 (tried to focus on jewish crimes, rather than the 'moral' questions of the victims in violent murders)

>>13497414 (explained what it looks like when a kike glorifies the murder of our women)

>>13497416 (explained how the think tanks and propaganda machines target all Whites)

>>13497436 (reminded anons of the importance of fighting the kike mind control agenda on /pol/)

I would appreciate it if all the anons took note of when I became 'a shill' to the two kikes who are running this thread. Here >>13497409 and here >>13497399

I became 'a shill' when I disagreed with their agenda to murder White women and began speaking out on their social manipulation and murder of our people.

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A sudden surge in Tor posts oh my this thread is becoming replete with examples for lurkers of board shitter behavior.

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File: f002a8068cc0a2a⋯.png (2.38 MB,2297x1291,2297:1291,image.png)

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>muh tor

Fuck off back to reddit, you smug, cocksucking cunt.

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No, TORfag.

Nothing can be trusted anymore because of all of you niggers.

Everything will burn, and we'll see who comes out on top.

You're all faggots, and you know it.

Except this, anon >>13497668

The rest of you can fuck off.

Especially this spicspamming nigger.


jews aren't commies


Since when?


fuck off bot.

Notice, too, anons, this bot has gamed the dubs and trips. Go back through the threads. It's sad.

They don't even try to hide this shit very well.

The tech is weak. It's like watching the simplistic patterns play out on early Atari and shit.

Filtering doesn't work because of the IP hopping.


At least it's an education in this shit. Keeping anons on their toes.

Fuckin kikes.

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You will die a thousand deaths before this world is gone.

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File: 53cef035f637707⋯.png (121.2 KB,250x313,250:313,image.png)

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File: 1256c7777beff96⋯.gif (96.12 KB,150x150,1:1,mfw Patchy holds down the ….gif)

>Thread turns out just like how OP was warning


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I would also like to point out that the exclusive purpose of this thread is to control the narrative on /pol/ and keep people from calling the kikes out on their agenda here of demoralizing and destroying our people. Remember anons, you are not the problem. It really is the kikes who are the problem.

This thread sets up the premise that we are 'not allowed' to call out the kikes, on /pol/ even when they are blatantly destroying our people with words and deeds. They set this thread up and by extension set up /pol/lacks so that you are not allowed to call them out for their behavior. This thread is an excellent teaching tool for anons to really look at in-depth manipulation of /pol/ and really understand how we are being manipulated socially and mind controlled into hating our people and being unable to challenge the kikes in our own 'private spaces'.


Thx anon ;) You too.

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File: d7cd6eb82851e9b⋯.png (1.65 MB,1060x763,1060:763,d7cd6eb82851e9b215e8d52db2….png)


>The entire downward trajectory of the board can be traced to a single origin: trumpniggers.

Close but no cigar.

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That is because the thread was DESIGNED to have a specific outcome which was limiting people's ability to point out OBVIOUS KIKE BEHAVIOR when it is happening. The idea to make it horrific on /pol/ by misbehaving 24/7 then to make the 'solution' to the problem to be the inability to challenge kike behavior is not even a new Hegelian dialectic for them, anon…this is old school.

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File: 162e0bab428ea67⋯.png (215.63 KB,1284x948,107:79,108_frens_times_countries.png)


no they just say that so that it distracts from everyone being able to point out a kike in a conversation or a topic like weed thats on here someweres, were they call it for losers who want to be ran by kikes, then someones like ur a kike, idiot. then you know fuckign wow lots of interesting information, but the main ones throwing it around are the ones who just call shit anything that has any tid bit of some tyupe of authority behhind it from some law or something anyone who disagrees with it a kike.

mostly bootlickers call people unwarrantedly kikes.

just get rid of the bootlickers thats were its comeing from, and you can have good conversations.

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>FBI sockpuppet accounts, talking to themselves

Jews didn't make your wife leave you for a black man. That you would not confront your own shortcomings did that. Your house is burning and its frame collapsing. Stop pretending it is fine and help us with the hose.

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File: 9e0e20c9fc4f218⋯.jpeg (83.52 KB,474x711,2:3,cubby.jpeg)

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File: e0d9ec9c2a5233e⋯.jpg (35.33 KB,567x480,189:160,1413230558815-0.jpg)


>sockpuppet accounts

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File: 6c9f8d6f122b2fe⋯.png (276.96 KB,980x200,49:10,glow.png)




Fuck off glownigger.

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Hello newfriend

/pol/ has been mostly glow in the darks since the 'exodus' and has been fully under their control since the election

Enjoy your stay

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File: 92dc3fc9f8fa2df⋯.gif (1.01 MB,500x281,500:281,92dc3fc9f8fa2dfc2ffedca2a7….gif)


>0 arguments

What's there to argue? OP is a faggot who can't handle banter and/or a kike provacateur and demands that we steer the board in the direction of his choice so he feels safer to post here without getting his feelings hurt.

That doesn't warrant an argument. That warrants open mockery.

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Took your time to answer,I hope you are getting ready for church, would be a shame to waste such a blessed day inside. Anyway we sociopaths must vent our hatered somewhere so why not the jew ammirite pal?

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something for everything, but still glowing

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File: 9479db7e5c876da⋯.png (409.69 KB,682x768,341:384,cbb46d06bd165446521aa7d9a3….png)

This is the idea, I imagine.

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File: 43b16b4c3a724c2⋯.jpg (136.32 KB,800x422,400:211,pestilence .jpg)

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File: e42f566158d0947⋯.jpg (479.18 KB,1024x768,4:3,OP's dinner.jpg)


Shame it was such a clumsy and obvious effort.

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That is correct.

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Saving the white race with stickers. You going to make white babies or just be a faggot forever?

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Stickers and graffiti hold great power

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Phone ips are a thing.

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Did I stutter? Make white babies.

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Will also make sure to vaccinate them and send them to the best schools and universities where they will be tought everything they dont need to know by a jewish circusiced nut

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Unless you're a poligamist, you have at least 9 months in between babies. That's plenty of time for stickers.

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The best thing anyone do is stand up from their desk right now and implement any one of the ideas, actions or operations you've seen working on here themselves. Genuine anons should already have all the information they need, so glowniggers trying to disrupt and dilute us on the internet should be rewarded with RL retaliation.

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Dam the kikes/tards are really getting lazy as fuck. Their low effort shilling in this thread to attempt to derail it is so puerile even a sub saharan could detect it. If you think it's bad now wait until the election when the MIGAkikes are working double shifts to fuck this boards shit up.

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Imagine having the tip of your dick cut off at a young age without your consent and after throwing your true self out of the window in order to just exist, while your parents see you as a tool. having a void inside you so deep that you can assume any feeling you can think of. your only remedy being, feeling powerful and above others trough any means while at the same time feeling a mix of jealousy and hate for people that follow the light. Because deep down you feel like you where wronged by god. Thats why you will always be like your father a liar

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>people call people kikes on /pol/

nothing new there

>By the 10th post, the thread devolves

this is what happens when a highly disciplined board gets overrun by newfags and shills. in the old /pol/ this would mostly be ignored, or at least anons would add legitimate arguments into their claims of kikery. Now, shills shilling shills shilling newfags newfagging shills is the pervasive interaction. its been this way for years, dipshit newfag OP

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>the ones that fled to qresearch

anyone this retarded was never a "true" /pol/lack anyway

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kek Look at these things go.

It's blown well beyond ridiculous now. Hey fedfags. Come get your busted bots. Reprogram. They're going full blown schizo kike.

Can a robot be schizophrenic?

I guess if they're programmed by jews they can.

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You can't 'ignore'. These fucking things hop IPs every two posts.

Look at the red text spicspam in this thread. It's endless nonsense in the way.

The fucking yids and pakis are laughing their asses off.

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File: b6b2a47aeaa4d82⋯.jpg (9.8 KB,255x191,255:191,76bdbd7994a8113a46752a7305….jpg)


Doh! Almost got me.

The GreenTexter uses it to quote you DIRECTLY, without strawmanning, or mocking your shit the way any /pol/ack would, and then responds with irrelevant insults, or TELLING you how to act with logical fallacy appeals.

Almost got me!

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right, but that's what happens when you're overrun by newfags and shills. also, moderation is atrocious. at least imkikey kept the shills out, even if he autistically banned tons of legitimate users. if he would have laid off the amphetamines and trump dicksucking, he might never have been branded the worst BO ever


>I've lost the argument, so I'm going to make a desperate attempt to salvage a win by making a canned response based on pathetic rhetoric

almost got me, jew

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busted bot

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>muh ur a bot

no u

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Check those 88's. A lot of it is the same person or bot yelling at themselves and flaming themselves just to derail shit and drag people into it. Bottom line is we just have to try to adapt because the mods won't do anything about it nor allow an actual WN /pol/ack to moderate the board.

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File: 2ae5deecf09d2ad⋯.jpeg (52.72 KB,299x432,299:432,be strong.jpeg)


Ya thats from lack of modding and otherwise exhausting to mod with the amount of money jews spent on shilling. Also common now is where its the jew ip hopping while arguing with their self to look like two anons shitposting kike to derail.

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File: 97649388db9735d⋯.png (54.8 KB,176x317,176:317,ClipboardImage.png)


What is it that bitch Vox says? It's all rhetoric, and no dialectic.

Besides the kike Hegelian Dialectic, of course. Which is what the training and design of these shills and bots are doing.

tl;dr Empty rhetoric in a Hegelian Dialectic

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Vox is a retard, and you misunderstand the basic idea behind the Hegelian Dialectic. Read some basic philosophy. or, alternatively, pick a different name for the strategy that you're naming like Icke did (Problem-Reaction-Solution)… which, btw, sounds curiously pro-reich now that I think about it

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Well I should have mentioned I originally started with 4chan and only in I think late 2017 or early 2018 switched to 8chan, which in all fairness was actually decent at the time but 4chan has been a mess eversince I've been paying attention to it.

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calling everyone a kike is not discussion

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Migration is the inevitable course for us 'mafraid. But wherever we go it's bound to eventually be derailed and destroyed.

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MM was right 8 pol is cancer and retarded

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Tell me a place on the Internet that its not

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Yeah but this place is home even if its terrible

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Whew saved it at the last moment now no one will now that i dont belong here.

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i dont belong antwhere i am a sperg that lurks please make fun of me maybe i'll work the courage for suicide

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Im sorry anon didnt want to demoralise you. Have a happy day.

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Nah, it just gets a lot of flak and shelling. For a reason. Start talking to people 1on1.

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What if everyone is a kike? Like the faggots 'purple anon' goons in this thread?

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>oy vey goy, stop exposing us

>stop naming the jews


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shut up kike

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File: b523a43adcd5610⋯.jpg (64.95 KB,540x622,270:311,1ee91c1544703d40999fd6fba9….jpg)

>Boomer OP finally learns about imageboard shills

>Can't tell a shill from a shitpost so he decides to play it safe and get offended by everything

>Immediately and completely loses the plot and starts a thread telling Anons to abandon banter because surely that will fix things

>In a flash of divine irony, his shitty thread immediately devolves onto exactly the type of tire fire he was complaining about

>Fucks off after three replies

You're part of the problem, asshole.

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Go back to >>>/b/ if that's how you feel you canary in the coal mine killer.

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KYS pedo

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>canary in the coal mine killer.

I don't think you understand the "canary in a Coalmine" concept. But then again, you don't understand that fucking children is abhorrent so I guess being a tone deaf retard is just kind of your thing.

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Pedophilia is completely accepted and practiced amongst (((the elite))) and in society in general. Charges of being a pedophile are at this point only used to kill and destroy the lives of innocent whites who were not actual pedophiles or of those who become disloyal to the (((Deep State))) aka Israel. Getting rid of pedophiles from imageboards is a slippery slope, is against free speech, and is a sign that you're a retard who thinks a bunch of 1's and 0's are hurting anyone. If you're going to go after anything at least go after the blacked stuff first you cuckolds.

I am no pedophile, a woman needs to have wide hips and breasts and be filled out to be peak attractive to me, but I view pedophilia as just another obscene thing along the lines of all the gore and porn spammed on imageboards. It's shocking, disgusting, but must be tolerated in the name of freedom of speech.

Don't like that? It's hilarious also how you guys got your way on /b/ and then /b/ died and now a new /b2/ is up and has freedom and you want to ruin that too. You have your censored shithole on /b/ that you could be posting on so go there. Instead you follow those pedophiles you hate so much everywhere they go, because guess what? Posting on censored, rulecucked boards sucks.

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Pedos destroy children, glownigger.

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4chan has been like that since before I ever heard of it, back when Trump announced his campaign. I was a slightly edgy libertarian then. Ah, the memories…

Then again, I sometimes drop by and it's at /b/ levels now.

Okay, maybe a little better. And certainly better than being a /liberalpol/ dead board.


You are correct of course. The problem is that while we can filter the morons, their true goal and/or unintentional purpose is to cause lurkers to think that we're insane and stupid and to cause infighting among actual /pol/acks.


Ya'know, it's possible to be a pro-White discussion board without allowing pedophiles. Should we have absolute freedom to post whatever nonsense you like? Is it a slippery slope to ban spam-bots, AMA-faggots, open-kikes, and no-effort-nigger posters?

Personally, I believe that any anti-White speech whatsoever should be a bannable offense depending on it's subversiveness and overall intention.

I hate saying this, but censorship, like government, is a tool. Not necesarrily an evil. Our enemies all use censorship to dominate the normie internet. It is completely justifiable to ban anti-Whites considering that they ban us.

As for pedophiles, look, I am a very tolerant person and I understand, at least the heptophile position or whatever it's called. I get it, biology does not care about the legal system. Point conceded and I vocally opposed the recent banning of that guy who was complaining about the AoC because despite his demonstrably false historical claims and how he was an absolute asshole, I admit that his thread was of higher quality than 30% of the shit that passes for threads today.

However, look at /b2/ and ask yourself; is that really what you want to see on a nominally pro-White image board?

Loli porn? Open pedophilia towards 9 year olds? Sometimes even younger? Literal gay porn? Creepy guys talking about their fantasies about children? Trannies?

Don't you see how that would appear to normies if the White resistance was dogged by a bunch of weirdo pedophiles?

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File: 43fa6bf26050aef⋯.png (366.61 KB,2412x1092,201:91,Chad Hominem.png)


Kill yourself, chomo.

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Torpedos need to be stopped

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Pedophilia is pushed by the Elite on purpose. if you destroy a child's mind through abuse you can control them in adulthood. Add to that the factor of destroying the family. They want to take away a parental rights by stealing children away from "bigoted" parents, then brainwash the kid to hate their them. Once this is complete children can be turned into agents of the state, tattling on their ebil rightwing parents.

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>we must endure every sick and vile fetish in existence because muh freeze peach

livestream your own suicide you pathetic mongoloid

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File: 5c736ddf272592a⋯.png (11.49 KB,1485x93,495:31,(((elite))).png)


I know you're just stating the excruciatingly obvious, but I felt compelled to save it anyway.

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trump is done and theres nothing you can do to stop it

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File: 960591df09e971d⋯.jpg (434.36 KB,1280x1556,320:389,960591df09e971dd5f614619d7….jpg)


Iv said that this was a useful way of weeding out faggots and it was, not so much anymore. In the past these things were resolved fairly quick someone says something, a few others respond and that was generally the end of it - the thread would continue but now a whole thread will be drowned in noise. I don't have a solution but recognize it's probably on purpose that /b/-tier nonsense is spammed constantly. Filtering works but it has it's drawbacks, do you want to filter 90% of the fucking posts in a thread? What if that one anon isn't a retard and you just genuinely disagree on a certain point but he makes a great post later?

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that would be a valid point if the jews were not actually behind every god damn thing.

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I know. Besides, jews are freaks. They simply enjoy that kind of shit. What kind of "culture" would make sucking a bleeding baby dick a large part of itself? What kind of "people" would consider it high-comedy to drone on and on about feces?

As the jews Judaize our society, our nations (or rather our states at this point) will resemble their societies more and more.

Eventually we'll start seeing literal White slavery. Not low-key shit anymore but legit, open White-slavery.

is nothing is done…

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soon we will all be in our own personal digital bubbles conversing with bots all day

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>OY VEY. Nothing you do works! Don’t even talk about the Jews if you care about optics!


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whatever you do, make sure as many people of the white race dies as possible. No matter their background! White genocide must go on. KEK HEHEHEHE

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Don't bother with that guy, if someone is typing in red letters it's most likely the same JIDF nigger trying to derail a thread.

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Also the "KEK HEHEHEHE" at the end confirms that it's the same Jewish scum who was shilling for days.

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>Shills 24/7 about White people fighting back

>"N-no... YOUR the one sucking jew-cock!!!"


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File: d386598d7f57cdf⋯.png (23.54 KB,256x192,4:3,1448930256161.png)


You looking for a new place to shit up since FastJack ruined your obnoxious live action detective roleplay board? Well this ain't it, so kick rocks grandpa.

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But seriously the trend of JIDF kikes telling us that White Nationalism is Jewish is the most hilarious thing I've ever seen on /pol/ , and I've been here a while.

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lol, when every single post generates some kind of irritation against kikes.

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>Filter this one.

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it's ridiculous and definitely one to filter on sight. there's not even any effort behind it, just "x is y" spam.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Implying you'd even know what the JDIF was if it weren't for people like me

Ha ha just kidding you can just check your paystubs

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No, no, seriously, you're totally right. Everything gets derailed and braindead within the first 10 posts. It happens every day, in basically every single thread, and people still cannot see beyond this and take the bait every time. Now one could assume that of those posts are trolls or bots talking amongst each other. But if anything it is probably 1 out of 10 and 9 useful idiots taking the bait. It's probably best to ignore those completely.

You can filter by ID after all, or hide posts of such kind manually and then carry on discussing with the anons that acutally put some effort into their posts and deliver logical arguments and sources for those rather than circular reasoning.

THINK before you reply to a shill.

Also, after a the mentioned behaviour going on for some posts, nobody trusts nobody anymore, each argument is made to seem somehow kiked.


>Things got a lot worse after Tarrant popularized 8chan and the dumbasses and edgelords flooded across the border in higher numbers than ever before.

Yes. The everybody-must-be-Brenton-Tarrant larper. The Tarrant threads were quite funny for the first 3 days but by now it has become fucking annoying.




>The great thing about pol is that it just takes a click to filter.


it just takes a click to filter

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I don't understand how intelligent humans are unable to ignore shitposts

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Lmao, I got banned on 4chan's /pol/ for no reason. /pol/ has been cucked for quite some time now.

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>By the 10th post, the thread devolves into people screeching kike at each other. Discussion about the OP is either nonexistent, or buried in heaps of nonsense accusations and flaming.

Yep this happens all the time, and noticed it mysef. But whatever, you don't need /pol/ to know right from wrong, and what to do in order to secure the existence etc.

If you are a "kikeposter" you are just waging war on your own people, being a dumb pawn for other forces who divide and conquer.

Best is just to ignore the kikeposters.

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If that demoralized you, you're not ready for the real world. Stay behind the keyboard, go to reddit and enjoy your slow death. If you ever have to go outside, don't make eye contact. You're not ready for that.

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>that OP's pic

>just believe I am one of you goys

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File: a93ef5edd6fe278⋯.jpg (368.33 KB,1920x1200,8:5,1414226624834.jpg)


That was pretty lazy of him to be sure. He should have done like all the other posers and posted a girl from an anime he never watched instead.

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8ch is overwhelmed by nonsense posts spamming kike constantly because it doesn't have a proper captcha system. Half chan is unironically more usable because of this 90% of the time.

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This post is a prime example of what OP is talking about. This retard didn't even respond to him, just called him Jewish because OP posted a generic image, because in his mind, posting a shitty image is synonymous with Judaism

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File: 78dfc2c16e95012⋯.png (72.84 KB,240x244,60:61,1534145510_1508764068519.png)


>(((certain elements)))

Dude, yeah that is standard m.o. for shill outfits. I hate to ask, but are you rather new to /pol/ or did you think this was how /pol/ normally operates. Kikes fear this place and do nothing but try to fuck up the place. Google "shill tactics" and you'll see all the shit you described on there.

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do NOT RESPOND to those

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File: 45069ed9f9625dd⋯.jpg (315.74 KB,887x1080,887:1080,topsecret.jpg)


>Spread this. As a newfag i find this helpfull to pick out shills.

>posts kike shill images

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If biology doesn't care about the legal system, do you support female polyandry as well? We shouldn't let the patriarchy legalize pedophilia while women are forced to ignore their biology as well. Since we are discarding civilization and going with the nigger/semitic model we might as well go whole hog.

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File: 986a16b53e3bf26⋯.jpg (41.69 KB,705x705,1:1,_storage_emulated_0_Downlo….jpg)



>A lot of oldfags just left.

Yes, I force myself to come back here every few months but i rarely post or read much anymore. The shit flinging has become unbearable. Don't know if its intentional D&C or just the natural decline that happens with almost any imageboard. But with little to no good alternatives migrating somewhere else isn't really an option. Sorta just lurk here loosely now hoping one of the times i come back things will have improved.

Not sure what the solution here is. Heavy moderation is almost never a good idea and im not sure the mods could fix the this without making an even worse problem. Like they could enforce a rule where they banned people who derailed a thread but then you wouldnt be able to actually legitimately criticize the OP without the risk of being banned.

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>natural decline

that just doenst happen and has been a ploy for like a LONG ASS FUCKING TIME, so i know your a shill. this was never like this. these losers have somewere else to go if nooone wants them here. they have no reason to stay. its when it continues and persists that its bullshit. i made a topic the other day that was banned and told me to go to something qttdot or someshit. made a topic included some old ass shit that was so hard censored

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How new are you? It's called:

> first post shill post


> shills arguing with each other

Always judge a post by its contents, then its perceived intent.

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>Heavy moderation is almost never a good idea and im not sure the mods could fix the this without making an even worse problem.

polvol5 probably could have fixed it.

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File: ac9e2b0aae62a04⋯.jpg (45.28 KB,500x359,500:359,_storage_Private_Download_….jpg)


>that just doesnt happen and has been a ploy for like a LONG ASS FUCKING TIME

It does though. Imageboards are live platforms meaning you have to be there to see the content. There is no upvote or archiving system, the quality of an imageboard is reliant on the users currently inhabiting and posting on it. Overtime any website, but especially an imageboard will shed users and gain new ones. Even if old users don't straight up leave many will post less frequently than when they first came and enthusiasm for the community was high. Thats not a "ploy" and it DOES HAPPEN. As the userbase changes so does the content. This is almost always seen as a bad thing by older users. The reason being is, if you're a user on a specific board, chances are you like the content and community there. Seeing something you like being changed is usually seen as a negative.

This is one of the reasons i always liked smaller imageboards. The smaller a community the more engaging it tends to be. You're less likely to be drowned out and discussion is a lot more productive. Although there is a fine line between and imageboard being "small" and just being completely dead.

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File: 32a975eca3bab23⋯.webm (3.2 MB,426x240,71:40,1448842994444-0.webm)

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If you want a great example of what I'm talking about, check out this thread:


Its (1) and done central atm.

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>current year

nah. the imageboards stay the same. you letting them get run over without telling them to fuck off, means your complicit. I try to have a decent conversation, or come in and read someting good, and you shit it up. Anyone who goes around talking shit like that can just fuck off if theyre not gave attention. youre giving them attention with your excuse of "current year".

yea nice one try again?

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>youre giving them attention with your excuse of "current year"

What are you even saying, are you responding to the right person?


>you letting them get run over without telling them to fuck off

I do and I have. But the election flooding was too much. We got a bunch of /r/The_Donald retards here who were incapable of seeing criticism of donald trump without autistically screeching in response to it. Also I think /pol/ became much more news oriented after the election which helped to kill off some of the more friendly discussions that used to take place here pre election. I think /pol/ just changed too fast for self moderation to work.

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great job, every time you post crap like this they become aware we know, and they make a new tactic, if you dont spoonfeed them, they dont know if it works or not and they just keep shooting in the dark lel

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File: f465b9b85c32631⋯.jpeg (99.1 KB,422x743,422:743,CDF33D60-7B75-476E-AA78-5….jpeg)

File: 37e1d8c84e9eb6d⋯.jpeg (249.88 KB,770x658,55:47,B48AB403-111C-43AE-88A8-1….jpeg)

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and I can't format correctly

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File: f4750b9e8248bf1⋯.png (29.87 KB,789x362,789:362,codemonkey.png)

Mind you, there was only one slight mention of codemonkey before my comment - he is not /pol/ - he is chink hapa mutt

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File: 2faa116fd214f32⋯.png (118.42 KB,914x408,457:204,1527393599048.png)

some people thought that /pol/ would be better - that "Some" were the trump-tards

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File: a6b0fb23a3e6888⋯.jpg (61.32 KB,384x522,64:87,Max_Racial_anger.jpg)

Can we quit it with the blog posting threads. This isn't reddit, no one cares about your normalfag life. Place needs to stick with politics and news stories and conspiracy theories and image dumps like it was before

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That's why this place is for shitposting, and not serious talk.


Thank the O9A/TOB for that (at least in part). Their whole fucking "Become a vampire through inciting violence" larp is tedious. They're only here for their "insight role", same way they're on Islamist & Communist boards (and even joining the fucking cops) the push the same shit. So while there's definitely actual Conintelpro Feds, a lot of it is just the damn Satanists.

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This is just an overall good habit on any board. Most of the derailing or irrelevant content will come from a handful of IDs, so filtering them turns a long boring thread into a short readable one.

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And what ought be thought of those who continue to serve this regime?

Am I supposed to view them as blameless, anymore than I would view a White soldier serving in the US National Guard and pointing rifles at Whites who try to fight back against ZOG as blameless?

If you don't agree with ChodeNigger's impositions, then stop serving, and let come what may. Contributing to it makes you responsible.

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It's important to stay vigilant and not being all talk. It's important to always be doing something to help the situation change for the better. Don't go for the big target first small steps towards it that are feasible though take them. We can't just wave a magic wand like tinkerbell and wipe the kikes and niggers from our planet ( though i kind of wish we could ). No, we need to take action. Not only we need to take action but as our assets are limited we can't be going around like a one and done school shooter or a fucked up sandnigger. If we want to escape this hell we need to take it step by step. Don't tell me what you are doing or anyone, you ain't getting any brownie points from here, only suggestions if you know how to ask in a roundabout way. Carry on with your plan or make one if you really fucking care dammit. Things are crucial and every second that's passing is valuable, make no mistake of it. Look around you, all around you. They are turning daughters into whores and sons into daughters, drug abuse, trafficking and even minor things like vandalism, all glorified and pushed by niggerkike culture. I am doing my part are you ?

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Also to add to my post, there are really effective ways. Get power is important and how to use it is even more.

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Yeah. This really brings home what Dr. Pierce and Harold Covington had to say about anonymous internet culture.

Hopefully, the movement will re-enter the IRL image board and we can begin shitposting to the jews in person on Minecraft.


>Natural decline doesn't happen

>What's QTDDTOT?

>your a shill.


>this was never like this.

>some old ass shit

You are the natural decline.

Lurk for 2 years before posting, maggot.


Anon, I never said I supported anything beyond sensible moderation.

Do I support polyandry? Not really. It's not a problem because it's not natural. Men don't like sharing women. Would you? Would anyone?

Frankly, I'm not concerned about polyandry at all because it doesn't affect me.

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> to keep whites politically isolated and powerless as they curb free speech and censor the flow of information.

IT is and because you dont act, in productive manner IRL…you all help them

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File: dca0d501e3b9a60⋯.jpg (106.06 KB,700x857,700:857,aa403141cda1ab83540abeb053….jpg)


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What is this from?

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Shut the fuck up, boomer.

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File: 029a75b30195fb5⋯.jpg (48.91 KB,654x667,654:667,0221b3798be4d4eb5c6154f5e2….jpg)



There was significant churn I think, around 2017. You have to remember what a small fraction of anons actually post at all.

The vast majority lurk, always has been that way, always will- and that isn't a problem. The problem is that those that started here from the first migrations were used to troll culture, so they were immune to name calling and kikewhirling, instead now we have an influx of faggots who think that anyone's insult means anything, and they have to respond to some derailing shitpost.

Good post, OP.

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Have been waiting for this meme, lel. Saved. Agreed on intensely subjective personal case study blog type posts. They take the scientific objectivity aspect out of the political exploration. Minor, affectively clear yarns to investigate, support or discount an abstract concept remain reasonable.

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Exciting. Would defo buy this product and consume. Possibly two to four units in one capital transaction.

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I was more talking about intended demoralization. as in it disappointed me to see how quickly this place rejected useful discussion. stop projecting your own desires for stoic toughness and resolution on others you failed neckbeards

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I was on the sticker thread that was one top a couple of hours ago… I said simply wrote "Op isn't faggot, about time someone DID SOMETHING!!!"

which in turn I got a yid posting glownig pics and pointing the finger at me, I asked why he thought I was a cia cunt… Which then escalated to "kys kike" and "look how he capitalize the J in jew".

Op stepped in and told off the faggot shrill and hasn't posted since, and I EXACTLY FUCKING GET WHAT YOU MEAN OP. Didn't realize how bad there getting. Such a kike that cunt.

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OP is right. If you don't believe it, scroll up and see firsthand.

You kike!:^)

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Metal Gear Solid 2

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>moar like

If Trump doesn't do his handler's bidding, he's not getting re-elected

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File: 8c6730b73b93eb9⋯.jpg (201.74 KB,690x690,1:1,EuropeDiversity.jpg)


Thanks for the reminder, OP.

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File: 7ffbbdb41ce0595⋯.gif (89.78 KB,260x260,1:1,5f8.gif)

Obligatory to all threads.

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Agreed, I think another big part is the simple fact that a lot of these anons just generally hate women

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Reminder to kill yourself you autistic kike

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File: 36f94afc403816a⋯.png (26.15 KB,1222x431,1222:431,race war now.png)

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>I don't understand how intelligent humans are unable to ignore shitposts

So much this, one of the reasons I migrated to 8/pol/ in the first place was because other forums, comment threads, and all around internet discussions were being derailed so easily by dumbfuck paid shills and even barely "human" posts by bots. If people just ignored it more, and newfags actually lurked before posting, we wouldn't notice the degradation as much. Doesn't help that the "rule" for lurking is two years, and with a userbase that is all around rebelious in mindset towards (((life))) all /pol/ is doing is creating a rule begging to be broken. Not sure if it would change or help at all changing the lurk times, since anyone can post first day if one decides to.

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Nice try, kike.

this has been going on for years, /pol/ has been irreversibly destroyed

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spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam

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>There is a moderately relevant or productive thread about some news, or someone asking for help, sharing an idea. Somewhere right at the start, someone makes a completely baseless accusation of OP or another poster being a kike. Then that guy gets called a kike in turn. then the one who called out the guy who called out the OP gets called a kike.

Yes, this is a standard form of tag-team shilling you kike.

(And yes, it's ruining the board. Not sure what we can do about it with the kidsralis about to go nuts with the Epstein pedo revelations, but you know there is some kind of pre-planned strategy we can disrupt. I've been trying to hijack patterns when I can.)

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This is how Cass Sunstein ruined usenet newsgroups and how "freeping" was born since Free Republic forums were no doubt boomer but had some moderation. I used to make fun of freepers, now my politics changed and I'm on a fucking East Timor knitting board.

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As much as I hate the cliche, the word cope comes to mind.

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>I don't have to talk to you at all, and I can still fuck up your shit.

And if you talk coherently and use what they call "reddit spacing" (which is what the business world uses) you can disarm ten shills with one person. It works both ways.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


JIDF and kikes being effeminate, they also all sound like women.

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>since 2016 and I don't remember things being this bad at all.

Since 1988 here. The kikes are afraid they found baby blood drinking on pedo island, as I've never seen things this… well, fucking W E I R D everywhere.

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>Leftist/Islamic bros always proclaim… you can't destroy an idea.

>A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.

>John F. Kennedy

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>Since 1988

Here since 1972

Nixon was anti-kike

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File: dde776cf96bc6c7⋯.png (199.94 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_2019-07-17-06-0….png)


great video. i'm spreading it around a few places. i love you fags, and i hate the kikes and shills. also just look at the noses in the video lol.

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File: 51ce7238a46c1d3⋯.png (1.03 MB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_2019-07-17-05-5….png)


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it's really not that hard to figure out who the shills are, just take a position that is clearly not going to be approved by a shill and you'll be called names

even using the word kike itself is suspect

this discussions are kind of irrelevant though, because it's the owners themselves that allow this comping and you can exercise as much restraint as you like but you've got no backup

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You all allowed this to happen when you allowed them to dictate culture through d&c. Everyone who went along with shit like "Anime isn't a part of pol" and pushed western media based memes is to blame. You get the kikes you deserve.

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This. He seems to fear and discourage people from acting as several individuals at once. When you scratch past the bullshit surface of his argument, you find one clear benefactor for anons neutering themselves this way: jews who are using this tactic. They absolutely hate the idea of bad goys going asymmetric on them all over the internet like this, they literally do not have enough manpower skilled enough to stop a deluge of shitposting, which is why they even put their rathole's mandatory diaper brigade to the task.

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File: f32a7ce5133aff3⋯.png (2.08 MB,1408x844,352:211,fraktus.png)

You pick your battles anons

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most of the people that want to change culture tend to be trannies and homos from reddit, why should the board conform for their standards when it already has had its own for years. the problems started when kamphy and moonman started recruiting from reddit.

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As soon as they pulled Laurens contract she just fucked off.

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File: e9d615a329bf058⋯.png (961.17 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_2019-07-17-05-4….png)

you get the kikes you deserve? does this mean there are good jews? lol. thats the funniest shit i've heard in a minute. un-kikeing is harder for some people than others. the jew works on guilt and insecurity. when i first started i had no idea how kiked i really was. it wasn't until i tried telling other people what i had learned that i was able to see the way that reason is distorted for those fucks. they poison people minds with bullshit. the best thing to do is just keep exposing them and those who carry their kike water. isreal is our greatest ally my ass. recently the us goverment fined the makers of opioid pain pills, all of them got bammed , all of them but the jew company…. de-kike-ification efforts are really important. there are nigger hate threads, perhaps this can be the begining of that for jews? exposing the kikery is the first step, name the jew and he knows he has been found out. there is so much fucked up stuff out there about them, it all needs to see the light of day.

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The deeds been done for a few years bud

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File: f1b52b9c6cac11b⋯.png (394.48 KB,1280x662,640:331,1564650015625.png)

i've really been enjoying this https://archive.org/details/AdolfHitlersMeinKampf-CompleteAudioBookMp3 way longer than i thought though.

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Actually it was already bad before that. There was a point in time where coming to this board meant getting to read very well formatted summaries and useful archives. Now it has mostly ideological ramblings and arguments that draws an image in mind of a couple retards measuring how big their tinfoil hat is.

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File: b27051d8510c1ae⋯.png (978.21 KB,2900x1500,29:15,1564799102883.png)

Aside from shills and biased moderation, there is the damn recaptcha itself. It is keyed on 4pol to be always be about slow as a slug disappearing pictures.

This is deliberate to force anon to buy a 4chan pass and to associate slowness with 4pol to make them leave. It is homosexual to the highest degree.

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>their explicit purpose seems to be drowning out all discussion

And Ron and the mods let it happen

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This board is utterly compromised, sadly. A move needs to happen. Where too? That is up to consideration.

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>A lot of oldfags just left.

All oldfags left years ago.

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Hosting popular imageboards is a giant hassle, and the community isn't much better

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The problem is that newfags arent going to find their way on this forum. With all the shills and stupid people within us this forum is representing schitzo instead of consequentive thinking..

We need a leader that always has the right answer once a discussion starts.

But the leader obviously cant be random or anon. Im up, but Im not the smartest goy. But im not scared to reveal my identity to kikes or anything.

Ive been talking to dangerous leftist and delusionalists. Idgaf. Spread the word.

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Fuck off kike

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Somebody might have to make an actual message board with tradition accounts and shit, like the old Chimpout website. Something so it has actual moderation and leadership, but at that point you're pretty much reinventing a 21st century stormfront.

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File: 10707447b6a6bca⋯.jpg (55.58 KB,700x500,7:5,10707447b6a6bca2d75b0bfa67….jpg)


What you are describing is signal to noise ratio. Basically, since a few months before kamphy was dethroned, there was a growing amount of botting/shilling/"Noise" after Kamphy it got worse, and after Tarrant it went into overdrive. It is becoming more and more like half in here. Where you have to sift through mounds of shit to find one shiny pebble, not even a gem, just a pebble. I think that is the main goal of psyops on chans now, prevent people from establishing a consensus outside of controlled media. They could not control the chans, so instead they make them unusable.

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File: b79dd679f196328⋯.png (346.76 KB,717x532,717:532,Screenshot_20190803_135613.png)



I'm not defending the namefag format, but they can't relentlessly shill there like they can here. We're talking about the Walmart Wetback Whack-a-mole now.


It's 100% to make the place unusable. It works because Ron and the mods agree with it.

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"Shiny pebble" i.e. faggots like you that are still a majority but pretend like you aren't because of your massive butthurt that people aren't falling for your optics bullshit and don't think that you are a genius.

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File: b60f966c31b712f⋯.jpg (219.15 KB,1236x848,309:212,pol_Studies.jpg)


Heiled. They are disrupting white supremacy online. It's something they do instead of working or giving birth to white children.

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File: b63045dc6ffb89b⋯.webm (2.41 MB,720x480,3:2,sheik blames jews for NZ ….webm)


>Operation GLOW:

Gee I wonder what that could possibly be?

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Reminder that all natsoc mods were removed by the website owner, so yes, they CAN control “the chans” you fucking retard. Why do you think we’re here in the first place? Because they took over 4um.

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I miss the genuine esoteric and thought-provoking discussions here.

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Btw, 8chan's bodycount is now 73

How safe do you think it is to continue posting here?

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You are just seeing bot posting in action from (((them))). Its not that hard to have a bot farm to do the same if you have a regular job and some computer knowledge, botting has been around along time. I suggest disrupting reddit main subs with redpill repetition.

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Me too, fren… me too…

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File: 56246b870f5dbfe⋯.png (157.4 KB,1323x364,189:52,avoid being banned.png)


Damn - I wish I had that email address

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>>I've been silent about this for a while

Oh you have, have you? I guess it's been your twin making this type of thread every other week then… I don't even need to read the rest at this point. This faggot was called a jew faggot for some dumb question his lazy ass made a thread to ask instead of searching now he thinks there's a grand conspiracy against him. 'Why do they call me a faggot and kike every time I make a simple inquiry?' Because your fucking nose is showing, that's why. Now die of AIDS, bitch.

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>Law enforcement was already analyzing the document before the mass shooting began and had connected it to a person, but the writing didn’t name a target, time, place, or use the suspect’s name.

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