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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 318f32fb8525239⋯.png (50.5 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.13496542 [View All]

I've been silent about this for a while, not sure if the phenomenon is just natural, or caused intentionally by (((certain elements))) on /pol/. Have you ever noticed the following trend: There is a moderately relevant or productive thread about some news, or someone asking for help, sharing an idea. Somewhere right at the start, someone makes a completely baseless accusation of OP or another poster being a kike. Then that guy gets called a kike in turn. then the one who called out the guy who called out the OP gets called a kike.

By the 10th post, the thread devolves into people screeching kike at each other. Discussion about the OP is either nonexistent, or buried in heaps of nonsense accusations and flaming.

Now, I wouldn't underestimate the number of genuine retards who infest any given internet froum, /pol/ included, but seeing how devastating this is to any sort of discussion, I must conclude that this is intentionally induced by some. I've been around for long enough to know that it's also something new, people always called each other out ofc, but not so much that it drowned practically all threads in irrelevant shit flinging. It started happening somewhere around early 2017. I also noticed that an awfully lot of these posts wouldn't pass a Turing test. Regardless, the vast majority of these thread derailing posts are still likely made by our less than genial comrades.




That is all.

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File: 7ffbbdb41ce0595⋯.gif (89.78 KB,260x260,1:1,5f8.gif)

Obligatory to all threads.

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Agreed, I think another big part is the simple fact that a lot of these anons just generally hate women

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Reminder to kill yourself you autistic kike

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File: 36f94afc403816a⋯.png (26.15 KB,1222x431,1222:431,race war now.png)

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>I don't understand how intelligent humans are unable to ignore shitposts

So much this, one of the reasons I migrated to 8/pol/ in the first place was because other forums, comment threads, and all around internet discussions were being derailed so easily by dumbfuck paid shills and even barely "human" posts by bots. If people just ignored it more, and newfags actually lurked before posting, we wouldn't notice the degradation as much. Doesn't help that the "rule" for lurking is two years, and with a userbase that is all around rebelious in mindset towards (((life))) all /pol/ is doing is creating a rule begging to be broken. Not sure if it would change or help at all changing the lurk times, since anyone can post first day if one decides to.

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Nice try, kike.

this has been going on for years, /pol/ has been irreversibly destroyed

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spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam spicspam spicspam spicspam IP HOP spicspam

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>There is a moderately relevant or productive thread about some news, or someone asking for help, sharing an idea. Somewhere right at the start, someone makes a completely baseless accusation of OP or another poster being a kike. Then that guy gets called a kike in turn. then the one who called out the guy who called out the OP gets called a kike.

Yes, this is a standard form of tag-team shilling you kike.

(And yes, it's ruining the board. Not sure what we can do about it with the kidsralis about to go nuts with the Epstein pedo revelations, but you know there is some kind of pre-planned strategy we can disrupt. I've been trying to hijack patterns when I can.)

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This is how Cass Sunstein ruined usenet newsgroups and how "freeping" was born since Free Republic forums were no doubt boomer but had some moderation. I used to make fun of freepers, now my politics changed and I'm on a fucking East Timor knitting board.

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As much as I hate the cliche, the word cope comes to mind.

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>I don't have to talk to you at all, and I can still fuck up your shit.

And if you talk coherently and use what they call "reddit spacing" (which is what the business world uses) you can disarm ten shills with one person. It works both ways.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


JIDF and kikes being effeminate, they also all sound like women.

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>since 2016 and I don't remember things being this bad at all.

Since 1988 here. The kikes are afraid they found baby blood drinking on pedo island, as I've never seen things this… well, fucking W E I R D everywhere.

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>Leftist/Islamic bros always proclaim… you can't destroy an idea.

>A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.

>John F. Kennedy

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>Since 1988

Here since 1972

Nixon was anti-kike

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File: dde776cf96bc6c7⋯.png (199.94 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_2019-07-17-06-0….png)


great video. i'm spreading it around a few places. i love you fags, and i hate the kikes and shills. also just look at the noses in the video lol.

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File: 51ce7238a46c1d3⋯.png (1.03 MB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_2019-07-17-05-5….png)


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it's really not that hard to figure out who the shills are, just take a position that is clearly not going to be approved by a shill and you'll be called names

even using the word kike itself is suspect

this discussions are kind of irrelevant though, because it's the owners themselves that allow this comping and you can exercise as much restraint as you like but you've got no backup

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You all allowed this to happen when you allowed them to dictate culture through d&c. Everyone who went along with shit like "Anime isn't a part of pol" and pushed western media based memes is to blame. You get the kikes you deserve.

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This. He seems to fear and discourage people from acting as several individuals at once. When you scratch past the bullshit surface of his argument, you find one clear benefactor for anons neutering themselves this way: jews who are using this tactic. They absolutely hate the idea of bad goys going asymmetric on them all over the internet like this, they literally do not have enough manpower skilled enough to stop a deluge of shitposting, which is why they even put their rathole's mandatory diaper brigade to the task.

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File: f32a7ce5133aff3⋯.png (2.08 MB,1408x844,352:211,fraktus.png)

You pick your battles anons

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most of the people that want to change culture tend to be trannies and homos from reddit, why should the board conform for their standards when it already has had its own for years. the problems started when kamphy and moonman started recruiting from reddit.

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As soon as they pulled Laurens contract she just fucked off.

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File: e9d615a329bf058⋯.png (961.17 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_2019-07-17-05-4….png)

you get the kikes you deserve? does this mean there are good jews? lol. thats the funniest shit i've heard in a minute. un-kikeing is harder for some people than others. the jew works on guilt and insecurity. when i first started i had no idea how kiked i really was. it wasn't until i tried telling other people what i had learned that i was able to see the way that reason is distorted for those fucks. they poison people minds with bullshit. the best thing to do is just keep exposing them and those who carry their kike water. isreal is our greatest ally my ass. recently the us goverment fined the makers of opioid pain pills, all of them got bammed , all of them but the jew company…. de-kike-ification efforts are really important. there are nigger hate threads, perhaps this can be the begining of that for jews? exposing the kikery is the first step, name the jew and he knows he has been found out. there is so much fucked up stuff out there about them, it all needs to see the light of day.

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The deeds been done for a few years bud

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File: f1b52b9c6cac11b⋯.png (394.48 KB,1280x662,640:331,1564650015625.png)

i've really been enjoying this https://archive.org/details/AdolfHitlersMeinKampf-CompleteAudioBookMp3 way longer than i thought though.

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Actually it was already bad before that. There was a point in time where coming to this board meant getting to read very well formatted summaries and useful archives. Now it has mostly ideological ramblings and arguments that draws an image in mind of a couple retards measuring how big their tinfoil hat is.

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File: b27051d8510c1ae⋯.png (978.21 KB,2900x1500,29:15,1564799102883.png)

Aside from shills and biased moderation, there is the damn recaptcha itself. It is keyed on 4pol to be always be about slow as a slug disappearing pictures.

This is deliberate to force anon to buy a 4chan pass and to associate slowness with 4pol to make them leave. It is homosexual to the highest degree.

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>their explicit purpose seems to be drowning out all discussion

And Ron and the mods let it happen

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This board is utterly compromised, sadly. A move needs to happen. Where too? That is up to consideration.

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>A lot of oldfags just left.

All oldfags left years ago.

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Hosting popular imageboards is a giant hassle, and the community isn't much better

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The problem is that newfags arent going to find their way on this forum. With all the shills and stupid people within us this forum is representing schitzo instead of consequentive thinking..

We need a leader that always has the right answer once a discussion starts.

But the leader obviously cant be random or anon. Im up, but Im not the smartest goy. But im not scared to reveal my identity to kikes or anything.

Ive been talking to dangerous leftist and delusionalists. Idgaf. Spread the word.

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Fuck off kike

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Somebody might have to make an actual message board with tradition accounts and shit, like the old Chimpout website. Something so it has actual moderation and leadership, but at that point you're pretty much reinventing a 21st century stormfront.

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File: 10707447b6a6bca⋯.jpg (55.58 KB,700x500,7:5,10707447b6a6bca2d75b0bfa67….jpg)


What you are describing is signal to noise ratio. Basically, since a few months before kamphy was dethroned, there was a growing amount of botting/shilling/"Noise" after Kamphy it got worse, and after Tarrant it went into overdrive. It is becoming more and more like half in here. Where you have to sift through mounds of shit to find one shiny pebble, not even a gem, just a pebble. I think that is the main goal of psyops on chans now, prevent people from establishing a consensus outside of controlled media. They could not control the chans, so instead they make them unusable.

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File: b79dd679f196328⋯.png (346.76 KB,717x532,717:532,Screenshot_20190803_135613.png)



I'm not defending the namefag format, but they can't relentlessly shill there like they can here. We're talking about the Walmart Wetback Whack-a-mole now.


It's 100% to make the place unusable. It works because Ron and the mods agree with it.

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"Shiny pebble" i.e. faggots like you that are still a majority but pretend like you aren't because of your massive butthurt that people aren't falling for your optics bullshit and don't think that you are a genius.

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File: b60f966c31b712f⋯.jpg (219.15 KB,1236x848,309:212,pol_Studies.jpg)


Heiled. They are disrupting white supremacy online. It's something they do instead of working or giving birth to white children.

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File: b63045dc6ffb89b⋯.webm (2.41 MB,720x480,3:2,sheik blames jews for NZ ….webm)


>Operation GLOW:

Gee I wonder what that could possibly be?

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Reminder that all natsoc mods were removed by the website owner, so yes, they CAN control “the chans” you fucking retard. Why do you think we’re here in the first place? Because they took over 4um.

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I miss the genuine esoteric and thought-provoking discussions here.

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Btw, 8chan's bodycount is now 73

How safe do you think it is to continue posting here?

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You are just seeing bot posting in action from (((them))). Its not that hard to have a bot farm to do the same if you have a regular job and some computer knowledge, botting has been around along time. I suggest disrupting reddit main subs with redpill repetition.

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Me too, fren… me too…

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File: 56246b870f5dbfe⋯.png (157.4 KB,1323x364,189:52,avoid being banned.png)


Damn - I wish I had that email address

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>>I've been silent about this for a while

Oh you have, have you? I guess it's been your twin making this type of thread every other week then… I don't even need to read the rest at this point. This faggot was called a jew faggot for some dumb question his lazy ass made a thread to ask instead of searching now he thinks there's a grand conspiracy against him. 'Why do they call me a faggot and kike every time I make a simple inquiry?' Because your fucking nose is showing, that's why. Now die of AIDS, bitch.

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>Law enforcement was already analyzing the document before the mass shooting began and had connected it to a person, but the writing didn’t name a target, time, place, or use the suspect’s name.

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