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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 5d4cdb76f126499⋯.jpg (114.5 KB,880x495,16:9,gilets jaune crowd.jpg)

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 No.13479548 [Last50 Posts]

The Gilets Jaune are basically a dead movement. They aren't taking to the streets in the hundreds anymore and they aren't fighting with the police. The very limited coverage that they got from non-French media (CNN, RT, Rebel Media, The Gaurdian, etc.) has ended, so most people outside of France don't even know they exist. The Yellow Vests movements that have popped up in other white countries (Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, etc.) have all fizzled out. It's done. It's over.

But at their peak, the Gilets Jaunes truly were a movement to be reckoned with. They weren't afraid to burn shit, to fight against the cops who cared less about protecting the people of France and more about protecting Macron and the (((ruling class))). They were fearless and relentless in their fight against Macron, the Jewropean Union and (((globalism))) as a whole.

So, what happened?

ITT: We discuss what went wrong, and more importantly, how future white working class movements can succeed in ways that the Gilets Jaune failed.

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Kill people or don't bother.

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That the French are as worthless now as always

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We can learn that it was a fucking slide then just like it's a slide now.

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carry shields, have helmets and """flagpoles""" to defend yourself with. cops are used to breaking up rioters who are unorganised and a rabble, if you have organised men who can hold formations and fight they'd get fucked easily

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Peaceful resistance won't work when your king is jewish and you are a goy.

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Mass movements don't work if there isn't a clear goal or are allowed to be infiltrated by "useful idiots"

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They did help delay war with China. There's no way Macron can order anybody in France to go die for Israel's empire after literally blinding and gassing his own people. Rothschild has to wait until Macron is replaced by a new smooth talker.

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One tip do not let leftists or Marxists pollute your movements. They are one of the forces of the States and are thus protected, do not let them destroy your projects. Control and monitor your events or parades if you do. Fuck those red scums.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


La Blanche Biche…

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they needed their own news format and using (((Facebook))) was a mistake

all of their best and most motivated got arrested immediately, this was a mistake and they should have gotten much more violent to prevent their own from being arrested

do you really think getting shot by police is going to be a worse fate than being imprisoned by ZOG for trying to overthrow them?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>yellow vests are dead says increasingly sweaty man for the 88th time.png

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You need to rapidly and violently escalate as soon as you have numbers. Seizing police buildings and media apparatus as soon as possible. Also be better organized, with actual ranks and a chain of command. Cell organization won't work on a mass scale. And of course >>13479670. Don't fucking organize on facebook.

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Imagine trying to peacefully protest while the Jews are in Power. Cute goy walking around in circle like sheep.

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We can learn that niggers are retarded. The conversation at 05:55:55 about clean water gets ugly when the white guy, who obviously has learned that niggers are retarded, talks to the monkey like its a full human being and gets this beautiful response: "You tell me what they taught me in the army." This is what Trump thinks he can bring down China with because he's seen a lot of movies where niggers save the world. The female of course steps in to help the retarded pet.

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Lining up and letting the police shoot at you is not a winning strategy.

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what went wrong is that the yellow vests didn't have the means by which to murder the entire government

thats why assault weapons are important for civilians to have

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Much like occupy wall street, the yellow vests had that bried swell in numbers but never had any central organization, it was just everybody on their own program, and many of them were weekend warriors who only participated 2 days per week. If anything it shows you need some kind of central organization fo immediately take charge while you have the numbers, otherwise it goes nowhere and fizzles out

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Food kept being delivered to stores, hospitals stayed open, people went to work the next day. You don't achieve real degrees of change (toward freedom) without rebellion, even with effective rebellion (the kind not mentioned often or favorable in "history") your fail rate is much higher then success. Every Anon that hasn't needs to look up the baron rebellions, especially the one with simon demontfort, this is how you rebel. The "protest" model was invented by (((elites))) to make people think their voice matters and to effectuate change THEY WISH to see because they were able to pay 1 million poorfags to show up downtown and walk around.

tldr - protests = chance to inform and organize…REBELLION = ability to effect change.

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Their 'movement' was a failure from the word go.

There was no true solidarity, no shared vision.

Fighting with the police is a waste of time, is fighting pawns, while the kings and queens laugh.

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File: 49076b23197cfec⋯.png (1.32 MB,955x1653,955:1653,1562608044268.png)

To take politicians into the street before they have time to react. Also fuck opticscucks

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Also this

>destroy comms towers


>rail lines

Yeah people will bitch but they'll bitch harder at the lack of gibs and crackdowns

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Eh, they had momentum but let it fizzle out


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It was never hot bro.

It was a mob, composed of people who did not share the same complaints, the same ideals nor the same visio. A disgruntled mob fighting with the men hired by (((the elite))) to maintain the status quo, nothing more.

And now, it is nothing but a memory.

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They probably lost some weight…marching all over hell and gone.

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The French are a bunch of dumb niggers and will be soon negrified 100%

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>Gee, what can we possibly learn.

Harming Jewish elites and burning their property would be, as has always been the case, far more effective than marching aimlessly in the streets and having fist-fights with ZOGbots.

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File: a371feda357e705⋯.jpg (530.05 KB,1427x1885,1427:1885,Hitler Was Right.jpg)

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This. Gay Frenchies should’ve refreshed themselves on their history.

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>burning their property would be

They have insurance. If you aren't ending their lives you are wasting time.

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We live in an age where children are considered property.

Food for thought.

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It sounds cruel to Whites, but I propose that we treat our enemies in the same way they are treating us...destroying our breeding stock

>>13479519 forever...therefor theirs and their own offspring and women must be destroyed as well.

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Children are their parent's property, you evil fucking jew.

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How about we destroy your breeding stock, jew? Sounds a lot more humane to me.

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Suck it up buttercup. You and yours are going to be destroyed when the Saxon decides to get his revenge.

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This >>13479601

Violence is always the only solution against any problem involving corrupts and parasites.

Any movement's aim must be to kill all jews.

Any movement's aim must be to kill all who are supported by the jews.

Any movement's aim must be to kill all who support the jews.

Any movement's aim must be to kill all leftists, niggers, race-mixed, faggots and any other subhumans that are tools of the jews.

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this is a kike call to violence. our movement has everything it needs to succeed with only the force of ideas.

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What can we learn?

One important thing we can learn, is that you haven't got any leverage when all production has been outsourced.

So the only effective thing you can do, since you striking and not going to work doesn't actually in any real way affect anyone but yourself, is to hurt the money pouch in other ways. It can be all from blocking highways slowing down export/import of goods, it can be sabotaging railroad tracks for the same reason (though this is probably more "dangerous" and severe, and make sure it's not tracks used for public transport u goof) as for ports, I can't think of anything realistic and the security there is probably more than is worth dealing with.

Beautiful redditspace here

Fighting in the streets and getting shot at and maimed by the janissaries of the state (the police, who are most often of your own kin) and injuring them, is just entertainment for the kikes of which they laugh at you for. You got to hurt the money. Not yourself or your own kin


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hey dumb dumb, no central organization means we can't be decapitated. the kikes would love for us to have a leader for them to smear in there lying press.

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>disagrees with something as basic as parents owning their children

>thinka the government should own them

Your time is coming, commie.

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ESL or serious reading comprehension issues.


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lol…that is hilarious, anon…it is lacking one vital element in order for it to succeed.

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I'm pretty sure you're responding to the wrong person at this point.

>i give someone shit (not you) about children being property (which is true, parents own their children)

>you disagree

>only commies disagree, because they want the government to own children

<we are here

I'm pretty sure I'm filtering you next post. but we'll see.

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Use the tree view. It will help you achieve clarity.

Please, filter me…by all means…like I give a fuck.

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the best part of this concept is blaming it on nature. drop boulders etc. on any causeway at a choke point. fire. dams. bridges. utility. weaponize nature. unleash our ancient spirits. we win.

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The ZOGstates are not afraid to flex on you to prove that you are a slave, by claiming ownership of your children. This is among the most disgraceful and humiliating conditions we've been put under.

Notorious redditspace

Now I could give you the advice of trying to uneath the names and faces and locations of various behind-the-scenes kikes that pull strings (not the front-men and public faces, but the real string-pullers that make it their business to stay unknown) and to locate their inheritors and suggest you put them to harm that they die. But that would be a fedpost, and last time I suggested something along these lines the faggot glow in the dark CIAnigger mods with e-coli running in their veins b&'d me.

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I like this idea. I very much like the idea of NOT being retarded and implicating yourself, everyone you love and everything you support, when you know that is exactly what they'll go straight for in retaliation. So you put a smile on my face anon, bless your heart

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We could also start making 'mistakes' like the spicniggers do day to day due to their incompetence.


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>Notorious redditspace


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There is a time to use force and politically weak is not the time.

We use force when appropriate and use words when appropriate. Shooting up the enemy is how Britain lost India.

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Only dealing with your own; keep wealth within your in-group. And at the same time cater to and milk the out-group. Whatever that means, I mean I'm no financial genius.

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File: 5f5818b532b2ffe⋯.png (1015.51 KB,750x998,375:499,hispanic female engineer m….png)

File: 98c3018dafacc03⋯.jpg (74.73 KB,634x312,317:156,miami bridge engineer wron….jpg)


Spicnigger sabotage kills many other brown part niggers just as effectively as killing them with a gun. Bonus points for that being a college and if it was like Harvard or a place where jew congregate.

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>Notorious redditspace

I thought it was funny to head off the shills at the pass.

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Literally what the fuck are you talking about? You randomly just shouted 'reddit spacing' out of nowhere as if you have internet Tourrette's.

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>politically weak is not the time.

political strength is obtained at the end of a gun, anon.

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>internet Tourrette's

Hahaha…I can't decide if you are trolling or not. It is seriously funny anon.

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Come now don't derail because of me, we're on to something deliciously balancing on the edge between constructive, useful and fedposty.

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This. Wait for the world to go to complete shit and the civil war has started before we try anything like that. For now, let's just build up our strength. The last thing we want is for our best anons to get the chair.

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Both of you just 'wait until you are dead'…the ULTIMATE SOLUTION

at least you won't be a problem for Europeans anymore…lel

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And the time for violence is when one is organized.

Lone wolves will never bring down the government. It takes organized violence to overthrow an organized system.

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Three of you in here trying to stop people from acting.

I find this interesting.

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trying to stop people from giving us another PR disaster. They would love to wipe Epstien off the front page.

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That makes sense, which is annoying.



How about you consider it from the angle that instead of "ugh but if I don't do the last quest then it doesn't matter" do the first quest and let your children finish what you start, if you don't make it to that point. The state has all the time in the world, for it is not limited by a humans lifespan, you are, you have limited time. Do what makes the best sense for you, and for the future of your people.

This isn't about us, but our people; our children and their children. This is not going to be solved in our life time, and it will most likely not be solved in our childrens either, it will be a tribulation that spans atleast three if not more, but as long as we keep our blood pure and alive, then we can work towards the possibility of achieving the fourteen fourscore and eight my friend.

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That is not true. If anyone here wanted to act, they'd do so. 8chan is 24/7 empty posturing about violence with almost no thought given to the how and why.

If I and the other 2 (I assume) anons who are skeptical of lone-wolf terrorism were not here, no one would do anything.

All I am saying is that the edgy, knee-jerk promotion of lone-wolf terrorism is foolish. If you disagree with me, that's fine. But I have a challenge for you; Name for me one political revolution brought about by disconnected lone-wolves.

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>8chan is 24/7 empty posturing about violence with almost no thought given to the how and why.

/v/ is a board of peace, and no amount of your fedposting will change that.

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meaning /pol/

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Ok but I just want to grill for God's sake

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Great argument.

You totally BTFO'd >>13480938

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Thats what I said, you fucking simpleton.


>How about we destroy your breeding stock, jew?

Thats also what I said, but you were too stupid to see as much.

Stop posting here, you're too stupid to be of any use.

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No, you literally said "we live in a world where children are considered property" as if that were a negative thing. You will die face down in a street.

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>>i give someone shit (not you) about children being property (which is true, parents own their children)

I'm going to demonstrate to you how stupid you are, so you and everyone else can see.


>>Gee, what can we possibly learn.

>Harming Jewish elites and burning their property would be, as has always been the case, far more effective than marching aimlessly in the streets and having fist-fights with ZOGbots.


>>burning their property would be

>They have insurance. If you aren't ending their lives you are wasting time.


>We live in an age where children are considered property.

>Food for thought.


>It sounds cruel to Whites, but I propose that we treat our enemies in the same way they are treating us…destroying our breeding stock

> >>13479519 forever…therefor theirs and their own offspring and women must be destroyed as well.

Thats when you come in.

To me you say:


>Children are their parent's property, you evil fucking jew.

To anon to whom I was speaking, you say:


>How about we destroy your breeding stock, jew? Sounds a lot more humane to me.

Then later...


Your heart is in the right place, but you're fucking stupid.

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As i said, you are stupid, although well-meaning.

Go back to lurking.

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Please explain to me where I'm misunderstanding you. You come across as a jew.

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I already explained it to you. Point blank. But you're too stupid to grasp it.

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You posted a long meandering list of different posts. Explain where I made a mistake, and I will rectify it.

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Go glow somewhere else.

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File: 949f09a8e8fe0bf⋯.gif (400.78 KB,500x364,125:91,slippityslap.gif)


Very well, because you are SO STUPID, and I am SO PATIENT and SO KIND, I will explain to you how stupid you are, even though I doubt you will be able to learn from it.

I was commenting that these street protests movements are a waste of time, that harming jews and/or destroying their property would be a better use of effort.

Another anon interjected, reminding me that jews have their property insured, so harming it does little to them.

I then commented – expressing the very view that you would then attack me for NOT expressing, because you are so fucking stupid – that children are considered property, and suggested this was "food for thought".

The other anon then agreed with me that such was an alternative way of viewing the matter.

Then you, stupid as fuck that you are, came in and screamed that i was a jew.

For indirectly implying the burning of jewish children would be the destruction of (uninsured) jewish property.

Do you see now, how you're fucking stupid, you stupid stupid fellow?

I don't hate you for being so stupid, your heart is in the right place – but you ARE stupid, and you need to go back to lurking.


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>I then commented – expressing the very view that you would then attack me for NOT expressing, because you are so fucking stupid – that children are considered property, and suggested this was "food for thought".

There's so much smug irony going on here that I can't tell your true position. State it in real words, you cowardly commie fuck.

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I did already did you dumb disruptive kike.

Quite literally repeatedly.

But you're just too fucking stupid.

A shame.

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>quotes himself

Too stupid to even troll. Filtered.

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You are pathetic.

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>But I have a challenge for you; Name for me one political revolution brought about by disconnected lone-wolves.

That's an entirely disingenuous commentary and you know it as well as I do.

Lone-wolf "terrorism" is not going to create a "political revolution", but it MOST CERTAINLY – and any attempt to deny this is demonstrable of the UTMOST in absent intellectual integrity – contributes to the polarization and ramping-up of political hostilities.

There is no denial of this.

Brenton Tarrant, just as an example, has done to move the game forward – in our favor, if we have the will and wit to capitalize on it – than any amount of optics-cuck street protests, rhetorical flourishes or grass-roots campaigns.

The intent is to start a fire (a political revolution). This requires both a spark and fuel.

The optics-cuck street protests, rhetorical flourishes or grass-roots campaigns – these are effectively gathering fuel.

The events like Tarrant, what you call "lone-wolf terrorism" – adopting the rhetoric of the enemy even as you claim to be a friendly strategist – are sparks.

As the need for this fire is not likely to dissipate anytime soon, and as your attempts to gather fuel have proven comparably meager, probability suggests it will happen again. Sparks will continue to be made until such time as enough fuel has been gathered such that such a spark ignites that fuel.

And when it does, the fire shall rise.

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I feel you, bro. I too get frustrated with the abysmal IQ level nowadays.

You're also correct. Destroying property of the jews is a good thing regardless of whether it's insured or not because if a bunch of jewish property goes up in flames, insurance rates will rise. In addition, insurance companies are (usually) run by jews anyway so you're ultimately hurting the jews all the same. Finally, if the infrastructure of control is disrupted (via vandalism) it disrupts the jews plan. Thus, even if they were insured and recuperated all their losses, it STILL hinders jewish interests.

That said, I disagree in part with your…er… what you implied earlier about their children.

Without saying anything too specific, it would be somewhat less than ideal to be seen doing what you may or may not be implying. It's far more productive to go after jewish leaders than… er… some other things.

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It's cute you say they had limited coverage when they were on mainstream news around the world at their peak

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That most important thing that you had to say in that post, was the word 'disruption'.

The future of politics is not something as simplistic as 'terrorism', as I've seen some claim.

The future of politics is disruption.

The rest, all this

>That said, I disagree in part with your…er… what you implied earlier about their children.

sort of shit… Is meaningless.

But I will be very blunt in saying I don't believe you are prepared to do anything more than the anons you decry.

You are too comfortable. But that is going to be disrupted. Such is inevitable now.

Food for thought.

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They haven't learned the lesson we learned yet. Your are not free, but a slave, and once you realize that then the your actions become much clearer.

The French are not at that point yet.

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>muh ellipses

>muh (((cartoons))) with (((John Benjamin)))

You're a jew, and you've become too comfortable.

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I get what you're saying. And I support Tarrant because I always support our men of action.

However, Tarrant blew away 51 muslim scum and that's great. Yet things have not accelerated in any conceivable way. In theory, such an attack should have led to tit-for-tat racial/religious violence. This leads to destabilizing of society and revolution.

But that isn't happening.

Maybe we need more lone wolves. But that's simply not going to happen because most people aren't willing to throw away their lives for one or two actions against the enemy.

The only way lone-wolf terrorism would work is if they went after actually important people. But apparently that's asking for the moon.


Maybe not. Neither are you.

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Tarrant spent years of his life in Israel. You're probably too stupid to understand the implications of this, so you can keep on defending him.

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I am laughing SOOO hard…and it is wrong but I am doing it anyway. :)

You are so very kind.

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No he didn't.

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>I get what you're saying.

>And I support Tarrant because I always support our men of action.

I sincerely doubt that, on both fronts.

>Yet things have not accelerated in any conceivable way.

Really? Because I disagree.

>In theory, such an attack should have led to tit-for-tat racial/religious violence.

It did.

>But that isn't happening.

It took Tarrant 2 years of planning. Why would you assume the response would take only a few months?

>But that's simply not going to happen because most people aren't willing to throw away their lives for one or two actions against the enemy.

You might be surprised how many sparks start to fly as time goes on.

>The only way lone-wolf terrorism would work is if they went after actually important people.

Ah, but does it really? For all those pouting that you need to go after 'actually important people', I don't think most of you even understand what that means.

>Maybe not.

Clearly not.

>Neither are you.

I wasn't decrying others for it with the implication that I had a better answer.


Ah, and the fellow who claims to filter, but does not, who calls all others a jew in his bid to disrupt, shows his true colors.

Prove to us all that Tarrant spent "years of his life" in Israel. You must have the data readily at hand, surely. Surely.

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>His sole purpose here is disruption

Operation Cognitive Dissidence? Or are you just a dollar-a-day Indian paid by the JIDF?

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Yes, he did.

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No he didn't.

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K filtered. You are deliberately shitting up this thread.

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>>In theory, such an attack should have led to tit-for-tat racial/religious violence.

>It did.

I should clarify on this point, because it lacks a bit.

It did not result in tit-for-tat racial/religious violence. I was wrong in that.

But it did result in a tit-for-tat implementation of restriction and imposition, it was disruptive. And that disruption is still being felt today, as the many powers that be run and scream and try their hardest to contain it.

Did it cause the Muslims to attack? No… Well, not YET at least.

But it did cause many, many attacks. Maybe not quite so simplistically 'violent', but… All towards the same end.

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Its strange, isn't it? Look over his posts, and know that I've reported several of them already. It seems like every thread has one of these.

And they never seem to be imposed upon in any way.

Strange. Isn't it?

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>Did it cause the Muslims to attack? No… Well, not YET at least.

There was at least one failed Muslim attack https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12225080

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>I sincerely doubt that, on both fronts.

You're an ornery fuck aren't you. Calm down.

You're acting like the people you were complaining about earlier.

>It did.

No it didn't. ISIS blew up a church in Sri Lanka. No one cares. That will not provoke White retaliation.

>Why would you assume the response would take only a few months?

Because the point of tit-for-tat violence is immediate. It doesn't take two years to figure out how to bomb a church in New Zealand. And Muslims are not known for well thought out attacks anyway. This whole "tarrant spent two years planning" is bullshit. He spent 2 years preparing mentally and probably about 2 weeks actually planning the attack.

An actually good example of a well planned out attack was Breivik.

>You might be surprised how many sparks start to fly as time goes on.

>Breath holding

>I don't think most of you even understand what that means.


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I haven't been keeping up on the matter, and though I assumed such was likely the case, I didn't want to lay such a simple "It did" without certainty and did not care to pursue the investigation of the various forms of 'response' to the Tarrant event at this time.

But thanks for pointing that out.

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Don't try to take public transit to a protest against the government.

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>An actually good example of a well planned out attack was Breivik

Wouldn't a 'good attack' be the one you got away with doing and were not caught or killed by ZOG? Just saying…

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What I took from it:

Whites (en masse) will not riot over anything but taxes.

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Like that guy who killed that German politician and got covered up as a suicide?

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>You're an ornery fuck aren't you. Calm down.

I'm quite calm, so don't try that ploy. 'Ornery'. 'Bad tempered and combative'. Yes, thats about the sum of it.

>You're acting like the people you were complaining about earlier.

I was complaining about you. I still am, technically.

>No it didn't.


And see:



>That will not provoke White retaliation.

Who said thats what it was about, besides you? I don't believe Tarrant's intent, ala Dylan Roof, was to try to start a race war; at least, not so simplistically in the notion that his event alone would create such an event. Contributive, as it were, rather than formative.

And this leads us back to how this 'conversation' started:

>>But I have a challenge for you; Name for me one political revolution brought about by disconnected lone-wolves.

>That's an entirely disingenuous commentary and you know it as well as I do.

>Lone-wolf "terrorism" is not going to create a "political revolution", but it MOST CERTAINLY – and any attempt to deny this is demonstrable of the UTMOST in absent intellectual integrity – contributes to the polarization and ramping-up of political hostilities.

>There is no denial of this.

Do you deny such? Yes, or no?

The rest of your commentary relies upon your own assumptions, and as such can be discarded.

However, I will point out one thing:

>This whole "tarrant spent two years planning" is bullshit.


>He spent 2 years preparing mentally and probably about 2 weeks actually planning the attack.


Insightful as to your behavioral patterns.

>Breath holding

As long as what caused it continues to exist, it will continue to happen – and as what caused it to exist is only going to increase with time, the probability of it happening again, and in greater number, continues to increase.

Am I wrong? If so, how?

>I don't think most of you even understand what that means.


That's a childish response.

What I mean is, I don't think you actually understand what it means to be "actually important".

You think targeting, say, jewish bankers, or politicos, is targeting those who are "actually important"?

Do you think the public would response more powerfully to a jewish banker or politico being targeted, or to a bunch of muslim invaders?

Which event is going to more-powerfully polarize the populace?

Frankly, the more I speak with you, the more I doubt that you even understand what Tarrant was after at all.

You seem to think this was Dylan Roof, but the evidence suggests there was more thought put into this than you seem to have put into your critique of it.

What I'm trying to say is, the "actually important people" is dependent upon how the public views such, and what your motives are.

I think Tarrant was more interested in intensifying political polarization than he was generating a tit-for-tat base-violence response, or eliminating a single piece off the board. For after all, what pieces on the board would be truly missed? What pieces of the machine could not be easily replaced?

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Oh, right, one more thing:

>I think Tarrant was more interested in intensifying political polarization than he was generating a tit-for-tat base-violence response, or eliminating a single piece off the board.

I would further suggest that, alongside the aim of further polarization, I would suggest an increase in the oppressive actions of the state in response was also on the docket.

And there is no denial that in that, he was successful, ala pic related here:


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I agree with you that it caused some disruption. What would have been more ideal would be Tarrant forming a cell and accomplishing far more than killing 51 pawns.


Obviously. But that hasn't happened yet. Primarily because lone-wolves have an abysmal second-strike rate.

Almost all lone wolf attacks are one-and-done events.

This is another reason why I am suspicious of lone wolf terrorism as a tactic against the Regime.


>Stochastic terrorism will contribute to the polarization and ramping-up of political hostilities.

>Do you deny this??

No. Technically every violent action has SOME effect on something. However, the idea that stochastic terrorism will cause chaos is completely unsupported by history. People have been trying to do that for over a hundred years and gotten nowhere.

>That's just your opinion

If it took Tarrant two years to figure out how to do a drive-by shooting, then he was an idiot. And I do not believe he was an idiot.

Thus I must assume he did not need two years to plan out how to walk into a Mosque and start shooting muzzis.

>Do you think the public would response more powerfully to a jewish banker or politico being targeted, or to a bunch of muslim invaders?

Yet the public is not responding to Christchurch other than mildly condemning it.

How is the public reacting to Christchurch?

I tried treating you like an intelligent adult, but you're actually nearly as dumb as >>13481028

Calm down and stop projecting like an ornery woman. One more emotional response like from you with mindless projection and I'll filter you. There is no reason for me to waste my time with a fool.

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>I agree with you that it caused some disruption.

Indeed. Quite a lot of disruption, in fact. Its still doing so.

>What would have been more ideal would be Tarrant forming a cell and

And that introduces a whole additional set of challenges and hazards. But then, you know as much, which is why you wouldn't present it as though that weren't the case.

>>Do you deny this??


Good, that would be intellectually dishonest of you, and I wouldn't want to think I've wasted my time on such a fool.

>However, the idea that stochastic terrorism will cause chaos


Who said ANYTHING about that? You have this nasty habit of running from what someone said, to what you WISH they'd said.

I never said ANYTHING about chaos. I was talking about disruption, political polarization, and state oppressive/imposition.

You've already admitted you believe I am correct on at least two of those points, even if you DID try to undermine that acknowledgement via some – to be very honest - rather shifty rhetorical flourishes.

>That's just your opinion

I never said that, so why would you say that I did? I said you made an assumption which was unfounded, and that you engaged in one of those shifty rhetorical flourishes to cover your tracks in doing so.

Its a big step to go from "this IS bullshit" to "this PROBABLY happened this way". I'm sure you'll agree.

And unless you know him personally and were there during the planning, it stands to reason the man's own words are better evidence than your "probably"s. And I hope you won't take offense in my saying so.

>Yet the public is not responding to

Is that why the video is being so aggressively curtailed? Hmm.

>I tried treating you like an intelligent adult

No, when I questioned your reasoning and pushed you back into a corner, you lashed out like a wounded animal, and you're still doing it now.

>Calm down and stop projecting like an ornery woman.


>One more emotional response like from you with mindless projection and I'll filter you.

Filter me then. I won't miss out on anything of import based upon my judgement of you in terms of character or intellect at this point, and your filtering me won't stop me in tearing your narratives apart – you just won't be able to see what I've said about you. Which you clearly care about, given how many times you've responded thus far.

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Oh right, one more thing:

>You've already admitted you believe I am correct on at least two of those points, even if you DID try to undermine that acknowledgement via some – to be very honest - rather shifty rhetorical flourishes

As stated previously here >>13481224 , on the third point, you really don't have a leg to stand on as per questioning the extancy of that condition in post-event response.

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Actually, one MORE thing…

>accomplishing far more than killing 51 pawns.

I'd like to come back to this as well.

I'd like you to address this commentary in greater detail:


>What I mean is, I don't think you actually understand what it means to be "actually important".


>You think targeting, say, jewish bankers, or politicos, is targeting those who are "actually important"?


>Do you think the public would response more powerfully to a jewish banker or politico being targeted, or to a bunch of muslim invaders?


>Which event is going to more-powerfully polarize the populace?


>Frankly, the more I speak with you, the more I doubt that you even understand what Tarrant was after at all.


>You seem to think this was Dylan Roof, but the evidence suggests there was more thought put into this than you seem to have put into your critique of it.


>What I'm trying to say is, the "actually important people" is dependent upon how the public views such, and what your motives are.


>I think Tarrant was more interested in intensifying political polarization than he was generating a tit-for-tat base-violence response, or eliminating a single piece off the board. For after all, what pieces on the board would be truly missed? What pieces of the machine could not be easily replaced?

Now, obviously I'm not going to ask you to give me a list of alternatives or anything like that – such would be begging to be called a glownigger or the like – but do you have ANYTHING of detail or merit to offer in response to my commentary therein?

Its very easy to say "oh it would've been better to accomplish more than just killed 51 pawns", or what have you, but what does that mean?

It would have been better to target only a single pawn, which you believe to be a bishop or even queen?

I just want some clarity on this one, while we're chatting.

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checking double dubs

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Good to see they're still trucking along since media silence and a lack of renewed interest in /pol/ makes updates or analysis of their actions difficult to track. The main thing the Gilet Jaunes need though is consistency in their actions and increasing momentum again. Standing around and just constantly getting railed on by the police as opposed to getting even or having heavy machinery destroy toll booths and banks like they used to does nothing to make others sympathetic when no one in or outside of France is able to easily access this information.

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>What pieces of the machine could not be easily replaced?

The pieces that breed new pieces.

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You mean those ideas that are banned across social media, within workplaces, and across all public squares?

lol good luck with that faggot

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>What can we learn from the Gilets Jaune?

- people are morons

- NPCs are real

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Gilets Jaunes people were complete retards, blaming Macron when he's just one of many heads of the EU Hydra. Instead they should have directly protested against the (((EU))) system and supported Frexit.

French lad here.

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but then the podcast nationalists like andrew anglin would criticize your optics bro. never leave the basement.

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We need pro-white organizers.

GJs started as a grassroots pissed off bunch of angry Frenchmen mad at a regressive gas tax, but anarchists and leftist organizers hijacked it and although they boosted participation in the short term, they killed it as a movement which is why leftists deserve to always be labeled as the footsoldiers of international capital.

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That is literally what community organizers do.

They get people to show up and lobby at local and state governments and protest and petition and give testimony and put influence on local governance.

We don't need Führers (which is what you're thinking); we need local Gauleiters.

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>. It doesn't take much money, social media advertising, or organization to get 10 friends to protest white genocide and let it snowball.

So have you managed too gather them ten friends?

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inb4 glownigger accusation

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They lost power when they started to search leaders.

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angry unwashed NPC masses chimping out in a vaguely semi-organized way, I expected nothing and wasn't disappointed

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>So, what happened?

The french regime used Antifa to take it over.

The lesson for next time, needs to be no anti-white commies.

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>but anarchists and leftist organizers hijacked it and although they boosted participation in the short term, they killed it as a movement

The western regimes knows that this will be the effect, so getting Antifa to beat up "nazis" (read ordinary people) will end a popular protest every time.

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>The Gilets Jaune are basically a dead movement.


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It had no leadership. This made it resistant to subversion and targeting, and also completely incapable of accomplishing anything.

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Have you ever been in front of the White House? There are half a dozen protests going on there, every single day, for 18 hours a day, and there have been for years. No one, including you, gives a shit.

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5 organized people under leadership, knowing their roles, will defeat 100 leaderless people every time, as was clearly visibly apparent every time a small handful of French state officers stopped dozens of yellow vest protestors in their tracks.

The thing you believe in- a leaderless, spontaneous populous uprising of normal folks fighting for what right and winning- is a story told to children. It exists as much in the real world as unicorns and tooth fairies do. Every real major societal change comes from elites fighting each other. “Populist uprising” is a story written after the new elite has already won as they want to justify their victory.

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It wasn't about just the fuel prices you jew.

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Are you french? Ask an actual french person and then get back to us. It's fucking dead.

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fuel prices are just one of the various elements of panem et circenses; these protests were largely an anarchic and chaotic mess of masses that have little concern for the future of Europe or their country or their race as long as their stomachs are filled again and they can go back to being the lavish and spoiled boomers they once were

no wonder they got overtaken by anarchists and leftists so easily, the latter just love to wallow in this sort of filth and self victimization, especially when you get to throw stuff at cops and destroy shit around like a bunch of unattended negroids

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>this is a kike call to violence

Admitting the effectiveness of a tool does not equate to a call to use said tool. Admitting that a gun is a better tool for hunting than a bow does not equate to advocating for the use of a gun for hunting.

>our movement has everything it needs to succeed with the force of ideas

Except time, demographics, funds, public safety, platforms to speak on freely, a valid political party to achieve said goals…

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This. Throughout history those in power only react to legitimate protest when their lives or wealth are endangered

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List 5 issues 90%+ of them agreed on.

It was a mess.

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>m-my larping federation is gone!!!

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The last true resistance against the (((ruling class))) died in 1945, I'm afraid.

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Ruling class will continue to rule regardless of your efforts.

Why even fight?

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Lol, right from the Heidelberg University's archives. The (((ruling class))) are mocking us.


Indeed. We're under the thumb of Pax Judiaca, and the best that one can do is to live as honorable a life as one can under such conditions.

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I'm french and it is far from dead.

People are as pissed off as before. It will restart in september when it is strike season again.

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File: 24816816eb02514⋯.webm (11.12 MB,640x360,16:9,BONNETS ORANGES VS GILETS….webm)


>So, what happened?

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gilets jaune are recovered by the left and government (anti fa group and black blocks ) after the first demonstrations

the political party France insoumise *( left) with its media named "Le média " has recovered the movement , now they are just leftists who want more taxes to import more niggers

* the party leader is a boomer shit-face freemason , and he fuck algerian girl + pro-migrant

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Go after the money itself, in its electronic form.

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Nice proxy Dr. Shekelberg.

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in this instance; recovered = co-oped , hijacked, reintegrated.

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#1. Demonstrations and interrupting traffic don't induce change.

#2. Always be exploring new avenues of expansion. Once you "peak" within the parameters you confine yourself in, you start to decline.

#3. Create a lifestyle around the movement. Boycott bad companies and buy from good ones, so that institutions are hesitant to take action against you.

#4. Both the left and right will support a serious anti-establishmentarian, regardless of whether he's left, right, center, or third-position.

#5. A lack of leaders and organization will stunt possible growth, but bad leaders and organization will cut off your legs.

#6. A proletarian, yet middle-class friendly movement is easiest for people to band together around.

#7. In order to build an "army," you only need a small core of devoted members. Good messaging should attract enough sympathizers to swell your ranks. Reward loyalty and be welcoming and non-dogmatic to newcomers.

#8. Don't keep the ball in the opponent's court. If you plan on giving them a list of demands, and rioting until they're fulfilled, they can wait you out. Instead, also give yourselves goals you can achieve on your own.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


11hours ago:


They are still alive and more antisemitic than ever. I love it.

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the jews are trying to do everything they can to distort the view of yellow vests from all sides.

To nationalists they say "It is dead"

To leftists they say "It is nazi movement"

In TV they refuse to mention it.

In music/poetry they refuse to mention it.

Whatever happens, the white power must get extinguished at all costs.

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I like this. Once we start getting riots in the U.S., we should figure out how to mass-produce shields and wooden batons, and hand them out to any supporters.

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>#5. A lack of leaders and organization will stunt possible growth, but bad leaders and organization will cut off your legs.

A lack of leaders is a power vacuum and a power vacuum with attract all the wrong leaders. Make leaders accountable. demand integrity and competence. do background check on your leaders (even people with only minor responsibility) make sure their story makes sense, if not you probably have an infiltrator or deranged saboteur in your ranks.

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File: 7db2ffff530a90b⋯.png (11.05 KB,606x530,303:265,68899429295194295.png)


shield: 3/8+ plywood, circular saw.

baton: hard wood branch or ax handle.

you need to make pic related to pull zogbots under your shield wall. that will demoralize them. all applies to minecraft only of course

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In minecraft it depends on what kind of shields we need. Ballistic shields can be made cheap. Anons don't need to buy the overpriced PIG approved models.You can make your own realitivly cheap. You need kevlar and UHMWPE, also the better off need to buy Class IV body armor. Almost any anon can afford organic breathing masks and ski goggles.

Start getting what we will need in minecraft boys.

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File: aa6172e79cac8cf⋯.png (157.14 KB,488x2233,488:2233,VAN CREVELD ON WHY COUNTER….png)

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File: df5b335d148f91d⋯.jpg (33.45 KB,321x499,321:499,Arcand1_.jpg)

File: 5ea136229a3c9d3⋯.jpg (219.21 KB,1920x1080,16:9,mm1.jpg)

I don't care if it's the French or the English or the Germans or the Swedes; someone needs to make it clear that masculine, dominant, truth-seeking elements must prevail in our societies.

Until then, all we are is a bunch of a non-countries with a grim future.

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Like that >>13495200 other anon it's far from dead.

People are still very angry since nothing changed.

What a lot of people outside the yellow vest learned tho is this:

Journalists are all liars.

Macron and his government are frauds and traitors.

The national assembly are also frauds and also cowards since they could have voted a censor motion against macron but never even tried to.

What happened ?

The media simply ceased to talk about it or to even mention it.

Each Saturday there are still protests.

There is less people yes. Some go away for some time. Some new faces come. Some die because of their health. But there is never nobody.

What you don't understand is that people in france are desperately poor right now and as long as they are in very deep shit they won't stop. And it will only get worse all the laws that Macron and his government has passed and will pass are only amplifying the overwhelming misery that already exist.

A lot of people stopped for diverse reasons. Just like the occupy wall street movement the gov sent their sojuc spooks to introduce social justice. And it did not work. Some for antifa named black blocks in france they did not work. Note that there is a relation between drug/weapon cartels and black blocks/antifa movement. If you live in France look for "A16" tags in the streets and observe.

The government tried to add a leader and it did not work. Everybody known the leader trap because of how unions are corrupted. Nobody in the yellow vest movement wants a leader. And it doesn't need one because what is being asked is so simple that it's not necessary.

Some people are just resting. After months they need some rest. But they will come back like the others before them.

Some are preparing because they saw how the police force did not respect their own moral principals and they are going to retaliate without following decent moral principals.

Some citizen are still digesting the absolute treason and methods used against them and they'll come back like the others before them.It's a question of patience.

Nothing is finished. It's only going to get worse and maybe that's the plan. There are too much things that are obvious.

Learn anons:




For frogs I recommend this guy:


Be careful tho he's an ex Franc Masson (low ranked).

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They didn't attempt to seize power when they were at the hight of their enthusiasim instead expecting that protests would somehow change the world for them.

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File: 07587ba8ffffa21⋯.jpg (105.27 KB,770x636,385:318,italian mace.jpg)

File: 5dc3e615a11a4e1⋯.jpg (99.13 KB,1076x572,269:143,italian mace 2.jpg)


Only around $85 for one of these.

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File: d5422b49dbd538b⋯.jpg (92.24 KB,1059x800,1059:800,bb_gun.jpg)


You need to use guns and shoot at the police.

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File: b4e67a1f2e01086⋯.jpg (29.76 KB,500x500,1:1,bloodmeal.jpg)



lives up to its name

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File: ab3b98a35a64965⋯.jpg (83.82 KB,1103x599,1103:599,breivik_quote.jpg)

File: 5ff310ef74811eb⋯.jpg (80.19 KB,653x1024,653:1024,1563036682542.jpg)

File: 1da0126ac731b2d⋯.jpg (104.06 KB,993x559,993:559,german_RWDS1.jpg)

We can learn that "peaceful protests" are useless.

You can't win a game that is rigged against you, the only way to succeed is to flip the table, kill the card dealers and light the whole card desk on fire.


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i own a welder, i could make much better for far cheaper.

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Always smile when you get arrested. That way you will get memed faster.

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Thanks for the reminder that women can't into engineering.

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File: aaf795986164fdd⋯.jpg (85.23 KB,1270x847,1270:847,gettyimages-1155707865.jpg)




Macron the macaroni thinking to the future

Didnt u hear he just announced french Space Force? Fucking french so french

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Im mad now I just realized the jews will go into space so they will escape to mars or someshit and then they will start firing icbms into earth and try to kill everyone!

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I found an article from Reuters that you guys might be interested in. It's about the tactics currently being used by the protesters in Hong Kong.



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its hard to take a protest serious when months later you're still at best catching shit on fire

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>blows up federal building

>kills 73 pro immigrant cucks

>"surprisingly" gets caught

ya you're right, breivik is awful

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They got lowered gas prices and taxes, right? Anybody heard anything about lower pricing?

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Like those two pharma kikes in Canada?

That was a monster from Hamilton

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Nothing, Its turned into a phaggot movement that no one gives a fuck about anymore.

Whats the plan? Go out every weekend, get your picture taken, and a beating from the cops? Ask the Palestinians how that worked out.

Peace movements only work when the establishment organized them in the first place. Politician: "We had to do something, look at the outrage!"

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File: c1ea9eeeb76c0b2⋯.gif (1.94 MB,350x194,175:97,uJk01CI.gif)


This looks promising. If anyone can o this stuff would be Americans since they have an endless surplus of power tools. From this, to a company of a thousand rioters is just a step and only real bullets will do. Will burgers shoot their own? That is the question it comes down to.






What happened to this board? Such good posts and nobody is checking dem dubs. Bless you all anon.

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True but also simplistic. Uncle Adolf didn't use barrels to get to where he was.

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>and let your children finish what you start

<dumb the hard choices on the next generation


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Confirmed you are Jewish

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File: bceb29906c0609a⋯.jpg (45.82 KB,608x402,304:201,amused hitler.jpg)

File: 65a0a96bc1d439c⋯.png (806.33 KB,1156x672,289:168,ClipboardImage.png)


>fuzz move in to bust up your riot

>some autist shouts "SHIELD WALL", "FORM RANKS" or "TESTUDO"

>fellow autists form a halfassed shield line

>riot police just confused

I'd want to see something like this be a success but I have doubts it'll work out.

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Anon are you must be joking. The kikes from pissrael tried and failed to get an unmanned rocket to the moon 70 years after the Americans managed to do it using German engimeers.

The kikes rocket crashed and burned on Moonmans genocidal abs as it was trying to deliver their memorial plaque for the 6 gorillion.

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File: 308694975709c9a⋯.png (501.07 KB,815x520,163:104,ClipboardImage.png)

Frère jacques est éveillé. C'est bon.

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oh, un pédé

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File: a987fcfc11c3849⋯.jpg (351.17 KB,915x610,3:2,36-Weapons-of-EuroMaidan-i….jpg)


literally just search up footage of the ukraine riots, thats where the pictures come from. that shit works

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They moved from being a decentralised movement and were infiltrated by commies. Then Tarrant's attack happened, lone-wolf terrorism began to be associated with proper nationalism.

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He also didn't exist in a place where his race was a minority either.

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>So, what happened?

Are you an idiot? Whites are most of the people oppressing the yellow jackets.

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>What a lot of people outside the yellow vest learned tho is this:

They learned other countries like the USA and Russia were trying to break up the EU, too, with a scheme.

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They found him.

His name was Stephan Ernst

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That is true but the point I want to make is that convincing people of our cause and showing then the truth is incredibly important.

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It wasn't very diverse…

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I know, I was planning to go there and help via false flags the yellow vest so the EU would get rekt. I don't care about Eurasia or Eurasians. The more destabilized things are there, the better they are here.

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(You) are 100% accurate.

it is to win the minds and hearts back, of those who are our sisters and brothers. wake them and open their minds and clear their vision from the fog of propaganda they are being numbed with constantly. help them to witness the other ways of thinking, help them to realize other solutions, help them to overcome their opressed and depressive state, help them lift the burden of thought hurled upon them day in day out by the controlled media.

however do not be fooled there will be the need for force projection since our countries have already been invaded by occupants who follow the strategy of violence without agression. this is the first war we have to win.

wars are won in its entirety by the soldier on the frontline as well as by the kindred spirits of the homefront in supporting the troops and ensuring the foundations of war for victory !

dont think we could win any war without a solid backing with our (potential) allies. if this should escalate, there will be resistance , there will be spilled blood on both sides. and fuck me but i would not want to be turned down on any door i might be knocking in need of aid for a wounded companion or myself just because the people inside are still indoctrinated by the enemy…

take every precautions if possible do not make foolish decisions regardless of that regret nothing. dehumanize and face bloodshed can be applied to the war of minds as well.

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File: 888392b94672abc⋯.jpg (107.04 KB,960x540,16:9,c3718d57bed5e5cf5f58ced8a8….jpg)

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guess it's summer break for yellow vest but gonna start again at automn maybe. Cos the movement were infiltrated by fucking leftist cuck and they destroy the whole wave from inside. See wut happen' next fell.

Maybe we will see some action in UK wo knows ?

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hey he's not dead

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Appeal to the majority of your countrymen, not just extremists

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We can learn that street action never works. Observant people realized that long time ago.

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>What can we learn from the Gilets Jaune?

how to totaly not do something

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File: 3baaca9efcf9ef4⋯.jpg (233.48 KB,690x383,690:383,hitler-at-the-feldherrnhal….jpg)

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File: 4117bddd5eb64b6⋯.jpg (80.74 KB,543x352,543:352,antisemitic_pamphlet.jpg)


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Daughters and Wives are also property, property of their fathers and husbands: not controversial.

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Heroes never die.

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>why haven't you done anything? since you haven't killed several prominent jews and politicians you're literally not allowed to have an opinion or be upset about things


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The army, or a political party, could have used the protest movement to stage a coup. But they didn't, because we have no ability to identify and trust each other and win converts, because we just have a complaint, not a religion.

The top of our list of demands needs to be the restoration of real Christianity and rejection of heresies.

Including the heresy that marriage is between two equals based on transient feelings, instead of being a man choosing the best woman he can get to have the best children he can get, and the heresy that those who don't work should be given what those who do work earn.

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Protesting doesn't work when the people in power want your genocide.

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>ITT: We discuss what went wrong

Nothing went wrong. They shut it down further radicalising them into the inevitable this >>13479601

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Speaking off the GJ on vid enbed on the 4:05 you can hear ¨Macron Bitch off the jews¨ in French,any Froganon can confirm this?

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That as always, the French surrendered yet again.

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He’s mocking the retards who hold the irrational belief that reddit invented using the enter button at all when typing. As if a huge text wall is easy on the eyes.

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>So, what happened?

I imagine that whole "Gilette Ad" business will have blurred out some of the coverage they did get. I was for instance not quite sure about the spelling of "Jaune" and looked up "Gilet" on Google once. I got shit about what a scandal this or that about that fucking ad was, and at "yellow jacket" it gave me a species of wasp and a link to buy rubber cable bridges. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it might actually have been a factor.

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Good argument, jew.

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Go ahead and try to use that defense in any issue of import.

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