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File: 5d4cdb76f126499⋯.jpg (114.5 KB,880x495,16:9,gilets jaune crowd.jpg)

File: 93d887b8047997d⋯.jpg (296.07 KB,665x468,665:468,gilets jaune crowd 2.jpg)

File: b2ae7b2e5d1ad1a⋯.png (413.22 KB,635x438,635:438,gilets jaune rothschilds.png)

File: be869d974d8efb6⋯.jpeg (131.61 KB,540x405,4:3,naming them.jpeg)

File: 081c892d28237ca⋯.jpg (80.57 KB,720x447,240:149,the boxer.jpg)

 No.13479548 [View All]

The Gilets Jaune are basically a dead movement. They aren't taking to the streets in the hundreds anymore and they aren't fighting with the police. The very limited coverage that they got from non-French media (CNN, RT, Rebel Media, The Gaurdian, etc.) has ended, so most people outside of France don't even know they exist. The Yellow Vests movements that have popped up in other white countries (Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, etc.) have all fizzled out. It's done. It's over.

But at their peak, the Gilets Jaunes truly were a movement to be reckoned with. They weren't afraid to burn shit, to fight against the cops who cared less about protecting the people of France and more about protecting Macron and the (((ruling class))). They were fearless and relentless in their fight against Macron, the Jewropean Union and (((globalism))) as a whole.

So, what happened?

ITT: We discuss what went wrong, and more importantly, how future white working class movements can succeed in ways that the Gilets Jaune failed.

172 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Always smile when you get arrested. That way you will get memed faster.

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Thanks for the reminder that women can't into engineering.

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File: aaf795986164fdd⋯.jpg (85.23 KB,1270x847,1270:847,gettyimages-1155707865.jpg)




Macron the macaroni thinking to the future

Didnt u hear he just announced french Space Force? Fucking french so french

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Im mad now I just realized the jews will go into space so they will escape to mars or someshit and then they will start firing icbms into earth and try to kill everyone!

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I found an article from Reuters that you guys might be interested in. It's about the tactics currently being used by the protesters in Hong Kong.



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its hard to take a protest serious when months later you're still at best catching shit on fire

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>blows up federal building

>kills 73 pro immigrant cucks

>"surprisingly" gets caught

ya you're right, breivik is awful

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They got lowered gas prices and taxes, right? Anybody heard anything about lower pricing?

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Like those two pharma kikes in Canada?

That was a monster from Hamilton

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Nothing, Its turned into a phaggot movement that no one gives a fuck about anymore.

Whats the plan? Go out every weekend, get your picture taken, and a beating from the cops? Ask the Palestinians how that worked out.

Peace movements only work when the establishment organized them in the first place. Politician: "We had to do something, look at the outrage!"

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File: c1ea9eeeb76c0b2⋯.gif (1.94 MB,350x194,175:97,uJk01CI.gif)


This looks promising. If anyone can o this stuff would be Americans since they have an endless surplus of power tools. From this, to a company of a thousand rioters is just a step and only real bullets will do. Will burgers shoot their own? That is the question it comes down to.






What happened to this board? Such good posts and nobody is checking dem dubs. Bless you all anon.

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True but also simplistic. Uncle Adolf didn't use barrels to get to where he was.

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>and let your children finish what you start

<dumb the hard choices on the next generation


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Confirmed you are Jewish

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File: bceb29906c0609a⋯.jpg (45.82 KB,608x402,304:201,amused hitler.jpg)

File: 65a0a96bc1d439c⋯.png (806.33 KB,1156x672,289:168,ClipboardImage.png)


>fuzz move in to bust up your riot

>some autist shouts "SHIELD WALL", "FORM RANKS" or "TESTUDO"

>fellow autists form a halfassed shield line

>riot police just confused

I'd want to see something like this be a success but I have doubts it'll work out.

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Anon are you must be joking. The kikes from pissrael tried and failed to get an unmanned rocket to the moon 70 years after the Americans managed to do it using German engimeers.

The kikes rocket crashed and burned on Moonmans genocidal abs as it was trying to deliver their memorial plaque for the 6 gorillion.

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File: 308694975709c9a⋯.png (501.07 KB,815x520,163:104,ClipboardImage.png)

Frère jacques est éveillé. C'est bon.

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oh, un pédé

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File: a987fcfc11c3849⋯.jpg (351.17 KB,915x610,3:2,36-Weapons-of-EuroMaidan-i….jpg)


literally just search up footage of the ukraine riots, thats where the pictures come from. that shit works

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They moved from being a decentralised movement and were infiltrated by commies. Then Tarrant's attack happened, lone-wolf terrorism began to be associated with proper nationalism.

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He also didn't exist in a place where his race was a minority either.

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>So, what happened?

Are you an idiot? Whites are most of the people oppressing the yellow jackets.

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>What a lot of people outside the yellow vest learned tho is this:

They learned other countries like the USA and Russia were trying to break up the EU, too, with a scheme.

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They found him.

His name was Stephan Ernst

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That is true but the point I want to make is that convincing people of our cause and showing then the truth is incredibly important.

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It wasn't very diverse…

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I know, I was planning to go there and help via false flags the yellow vest so the EU would get rekt. I don't care about Eurasia or Eurasians. The more destabilized things are there, the better they are here.

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(You) are 100% accurate.

it is to win the minds and hearts back, of those who are our sisters and brothers. wake them and open their minds and clear their vision from the fog of propaganda they are being numbed with constantly. help them to witness the other ways of thinking, help them to realize other solutions, help them to overcome their opressed and depressive state, help them lift the burden of thought hurled upon them day in day out by the controlled media.

however do not be fooled there will be the need for force projection since our countries have already been invaded by occupants who follow the strategy of violence without agression. this is the first war we have to win.

wars are won in its entirety by the soldier on the frontline as well as by the kindred spirits of the homefront in supporting the troops and ensuring the foundations of war for victory !

dont think we could win any war without a solid backing with our (potential) allies. if this should escalate, there will be resistance , there will be spilled blood on both sides. and fuck me but i would not want to be turned down on any door i might be knocking in need of aid for a wounded companion or myself just because the people inside are still indoctrinated by the enemy…

take every precautions if possible do not make foolish decisions regardless of that regret nothing. dehumanize and face bloodshed can be applied to the war of minds as well.

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File: 888392b94672abc⋯.jpg (107.04 KB,960x540,16:9,c3718d57bed5e5cf5f58ced8a8….jpg)

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guess it's summer break for yellow vest but gonna start again at automn maybe. Cos the movement were infiltrated by fucking leftist cuck and they destroy the whole wave from inside. See wut happen' next fell.

Maybe we will see some action in UK wo knows ?

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hey he's not dead

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Appeal to the majority of your countrymen, not just extremists

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We can learn that street action never works. Observant people realized that long time ago.

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>What can we learn from the Gilets Jaune?

how to totaly not do something

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File: 3baaca9efcf9ef4⋯.jpg (233.48 KB,690x383,690:383,hitler-at-the-feldherrnhal….jpg)

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File: 4117bddd5eb64b6⋯.jpg (80.74 KB,543x352,543:352,antisemitic_pamphlet.jpg)


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Daughters and Wives are also property, property of their fathers and husbands: not controversial.

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Heroes never die.

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>why haven't you done anything? since you haven't killed several prominent jews and politicians you're literally not allowed to have an opinion or be upset about things


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The army, or a political party, could have used the protest movement to stage a coup. But they didn't, because we have no ability to identify and trust each other and win converts, because we just have a complaint, not a religion.

The top of our list of demands needs to be the restoration of real Christianity and rejection of heresies.

Including the heresy that marriage is between two equals based on transient feelings, instead of being a man choosing the best woman he can get to have the best children he can get, and the heresy that those who don't work should be given what those who do work earn.

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Protesting doesn't work when the people in power want your genocide.

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>ITT: We discuss what went wrong

Nothing went wrong. They shut it down further radicalising them into the inevitable this >>13479601

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Speaking off the GJ on vid enbed on the 4:05 you can hear ¨Macron Bitch off the jews¨ in French,any Froganon can confirm this?

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That as always, the French surrendered yet again.

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He’s mocking the retards who hold the irrational belief that reddit invented using the enter button at all when typing. As if a huge text wall is easy on the eyes.

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>So, what happened?

I imagine that whole "Gilette Ad" business will have blurred out some of the coverage they did get. I was for instance not quite sure about the spelling of "Jaune" and looked up "Gilet" on Google once. I got shit about what a scandal this or that about that fucking ad was, and at "yellow jacket" it gave me a species of wasp and a link to buy rubber cable bridges. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it might actually have been a factor.

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Good argument, jew.

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Go ahead and try to use that defense in any issue of import.

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