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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 0180bd0583c3445⋯.jpg (68.33 KB,600x400,3:2,farm-attack-victims-south-….jpg)

 No.13388971 [Last50 Posts]

Why does the MSM not report about (or downplay/ignore/suppress) the white genocide in South Africa by a corrupt black government?

also is there something we can do to help defend them?

Also white people are being discriminated in South Africa, white skilled workers are not hired by companies.

companies favor black people to work at high positions even if they are less skilled.

Also because the black government is in favor of black people, more and more white people live in white trailer parks.


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>Why does the MSM not report about (or downplay/ignore/suppress) the white genocide in South Africa by a corrupt black government?

>why does the MSM

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File: 5f161ab813a0c72⋯.jpg (101.82 KB,600x644,150:161,1560282648653.jpg)


Because the media is a cartel of anti white Jews that want South Africa to be our future everywhere. They have to hide examples of literal genocide against whites. That's why Israel denies holomodor and they will never talk about how most of the communists that killed whites in the Soviet Union were Jewish. They will never talk about the civil war in Germany between WW1 and WW2 that was literally Jews murdering every German with power. They don't talk about forced child prostitution in Germany at the hands of those Jews. They won't talk about the USS liberty that Israel attacked, or how they drove out rafts to our drowning sailors and shot them point blank.

What they have done to us is always ignored in history. They are our greatest racial enemy, they aren't an ally at all. They literally want to kill us off. They will do anything to marginalize us to the point that no one cares when they send around kill teams to finish us off, South Africa is the Jew's plan for us.

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File: 868589c0503e587⋯.mp4 (2.55 MB,640x640,1:1,Afrikaner_qt.mp4)

Why isn't there a more comprehensive coverage of this issue on /pol/? We should have easily digestable lists, infographics, etc.

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what can we do to protect our people. We have to wake governments up, especially Dutch, French, German, British and maybe even the US Government to send troops for protection.

like the USA is sending troops to Poland for "a threat of Russian aggression"

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South Africa is the racewar in the happening.

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File: a56d4b44d3e040d⋯.jpg (698.18 KB,1376x2582,688:1291,Clown World - Trump Study ….jpg)


Who cares? White people are going extinct and there's nothing to be done about it.

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File: 0903459e4e11509⋯.jpg (345.96 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_20190613-151852….jpg)


Why don't they sell their land and start anew in Brazil or another Latin American country?

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File: d9a95a6bc22f1c8⋯.jpg (50.09 KB,473x621,473:621,4a143158068f8ab0e0f83f1570….jpg)

File: 9afe5fae91df098⋯.jpg (103.12 KB,1005x643,1005:643,FM002.jpg)


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File: 50d09cce00b9fa3⋯.jpg (1.49 MB,3052x2448,763:612,Jews - South African Commu….jpg)

File: ebbb98d9a4b2035⋯.png (108.08 KB,1480x1022,740:511,South Africa (((Anti-Apart….png)

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I don't know why all white people are racist?

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File: b33e7e49685882c⋯.jpg (3.48 MB,1472x9336,184:1167,Progressives are Golems Ma….jpg)


Everyone is racist you pleb.

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Why don't you?

You're the them of tomorrow, loser.

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File: afcb328ff3e9f5e⋯.jpg (65.68 KB,640x616,80:77,Jewish-hate.jpg)


The governments are part of what's doing it. The US government helps the brown invasion and even locks open gates on the boarder that are on private property. It's naive to think they will help us at this point.

We need to be a lot more blatant in getting this information out to people, it's already undeniable. Whites are disproportionately murdered there to the rate where they will effectively be killed off in a few years. Zimbabwe had a large white population too before their government seized their assets. Now where are the white farmers? There's over 30,000 missing people and fucking no one is talking about it.

It's time to get mad. The line has been crossed and shat on. We are actively being murdered and not even for the first or second time. What the fuck does it take to motivate white people into fighting back?

White nationalism is not about hate or murder, it's about our literal survival.

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Why don't they immigrate to Colombia or something??

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>all other races get along fine


This is the jewry killing you.

And you sit and cry about it.

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Why don't you?

You're the them of tomorrow, loser.

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I'm already traveling to those countries. I'm looking to retire there.

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I honestly believe we have to take matters into own hands. nobody else gives a shit. We must set up a fund and guard them.

We must lobby at governments (NL, DE, FR, USA, UK) to create gated communities and send troops to prevent burglary, rape and murder from happening there.

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who knows how lobbying works? How do we get troops to be stationed there to protect white folks.

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Enjoy your rape!

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I'm going to retire on Brazil, you can get a large house for 30K. I would get mine on the outskirts of Brazilia as property prices will skyrocket in the next few decades.

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Money. Which you don't have.

Its done. They lost.

You lost.

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Enjoy your rape!

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yeah we have to stop being beta males about this.

they opened gates to europe and let refugees in to rapemix us, and white people are being murdered out of africa.

fuck this shit is not fair

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fine. all we need then is a financial incentive for rich people to fund lobbying.

let me think..

wine farmers → wine lovers

Elon Musk

We must ask Elon Musk for help and wine lovers.

the biggest problem is that nobody talks about this. We must bring this to the public.

We have done our share in paying retributions, stop murdering us.

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Recommended readings against white genocide:







Security tools:




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You're so dumb. Really dumb.

Jews own the money. They own finance. Nobody is going to help you you stupid nigger. And the fact that you think they would is why you're going to o extinct.

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Shlomo your mom sucks muslim dick for a living. Remember that!

your jewish tactics do not work here, because we know them:


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kys tornigger.

You're a gutless coward and will die like the rest.

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Bad idea mate, you're gonna get your home invaded and possibly murdered by niggers just because you're a rich gringo.

>I'm going to the countryside where it's safer

Countryside is just as bad, small rural towns often get raided by gangs of bank robbers who sometimes take hostages with them during their escape to stop cops from shooting their asses. Not to mention the fact that drug gangs are expanding into the countryside and the huge radical marxist movement know as the MST often invade farms and ranches with with extreme violence, sometimes killing farmers and raping their wives just like the niggers do in SA.

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File: ad4b6bc2490034b⋯.jpg (43.12 KB,570x350,57:35,infographic-murder-rate-57….jpg)

File: 29cf2d4aade5d2c⋯.png (119.37 KB,600x848,75:106,6793f58ff03014786d637e7a98….png)

File: 01708075fa2f3e4⋯.jpg (118.2 KB,686x960,343:480,1h36ntsq84r01.jpg)

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>You're a gutless coward and will die like the rest.

So nice to see you butthurt kike.

We all die, so i do not mind it. But rest assured, that your plans will not work out because you are against nature. And if there is a god, than he created nature. You can not win against god.

your silly Talmud, Zohar, Schulchan Aruch are all men made, god will teach you a lesson, kike

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this mentally is a loser mentality. stop being a defeatist

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Cool faggot.


Nah, a loser mentality is refusing to acknowledge the game is rigged and continuing to play like its not, you fucking coward.

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>the Jewish God will getcha!

You're so fucking stupid, even for a tornigger.

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Here is a website where you could supposedly donate money to help out, but it hasn't been updated in years.

Does anyone know of any other organizations like this that are active?


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File: 285a3bd6a095008⋯.jpg (44.22 KB,930x620,3:2,bank robbers taking hostag….jpg)

File: 11a886e59e71e2c⋯.jpg (136.11 KB,800x600,4:3,bank robbers using human s….jpg)

File: 0204fb8ab34efcb⋯.jpg (48.65 KB,788x466,394:233,Integrantes-do-MST-tentam-….jpg)

File: 4fc19f90c57c186⋯.png (711.6 KB,623x483,89:69,mst with FN FAL's.PNG)

File: ce1e2c076ddccf8⋯.jpg (49.13 KB,680x453,680:453,mst-invasao.jpg)



Sorry for the typo, here are some pictures.

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Never forget, that jews were behind the end of Apartheit in South Africa.

Jews were behind the communist revolution in russia.

Nearly all foreign advisors to Mao were jewish while he purged 70 000 000 humans.

Jews = Satan




Even if the game is rigged, we would still fight as long as we breath. And all your jewish efforts to spread defeatism just show how much you fear the


By the way, take a shower, shlomo, you jews smell worse than you think!

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File: de05d3cb6e407c7⋯.jpg (97.36 KB,960x638,480:319,Plaasmoorde.jpg)



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Why would you donate to them?

They're fucked. They are not going to survive.

But sure, dump your money in a fucking hole.

Fucks sake you're so stupid.

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Yeah no shit loser.


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File: 3bff761af9257eb⋯.jpg (2.8 MB,1536x8192,3:16,Ironpill Gets Redpilled.jpg)


>muh ironpill

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I am asking if anyone knows any organizations that can help out, scumbag.

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And full of rapey niggers with nothing to live for, fuckwit.

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It seems you completely missed my point: Not even the countryside is safe from niggers and commies.

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hahaha i love it how you try to brush it off, but you still can not hide your emotions. Do more of this lil semite.


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And I'm asking you, to what fucking end, you moron?They are 10% of the population.

They're fucked. Deal with it - and not by dumping your money into that hole of uselessness.

I hate you almost as much as the jews, you know that? I hate weakness more than those who prey upon it.

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I love how fucking stupid you are to have not realized I beat you to the punch on the fact that the end of apartheid was the doing of kikes.

I hate you too. You're just another type of weakness.

That fag above cries about trying to 'lobby' his way out of destruction, but here you are, just crying like a bitch-made faggot because I'm telling you the hard truth. And what do you do? You just call me a jew, despite the fact I've already exposed the jewish hand in this shit better than you did.

Fucking pathetic.

People like you are the reason Whites are going to go extinct.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Please do the world a favor and kill yourself immediately. Thank You.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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>People like you are the reason Whites are going to go extinct.

No. It'speople it's like you.

We wanna fight and collaborate. you just wanna watch the world burn.

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>Why does the MSM not report about (or downplay/ignore/suppress) the white genocide in South Africa by a corrupt black government?

How many times to we have to tell you, the entire media is owned, run, funded and created by jews

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Ẃhites to go extict dream on shitskin.

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go away kike. Your shilling attempt does not work.

If the white race gets its mind straight we will easily conquer the world, even if we are down to 1 percent. Deal with it shlomo!


Do not listen to the derailing kikes here. Here take inspiration:

South Africa help organisation (support them!):




"Be the change you want to see in this world"


Be a race warrior of Odin. Become an Einherjer!

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No thanks, pussy.


No, its not, because people like me are telling you the truth and you run from it into accusations that make no fucking sense and whine about demoralization or what have you.

You deserve to be demoralized. You're losing.

If you want to raise morale, win something - and I mean ACTUALLY win something, doing just get rused into supporting another Zionist asset because he lies to you with charisma, you fucking pleb. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.



Worthless cowardly cumdumpsters kvetching about me being non-White because I tell you the hard fucking truth that whining about shit on the internet does nothing, that lobbying is not going to save you, and that dumping funding into a 10% White population is fucking stupid.

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thank you brother

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>go away kike. Your shilling attempt does not work.

Then why do you keep responding to it you fucking mongoloidal fuckstain?

Go ahead and explain to me why a jew would expose the jewish hand in ending apartheid, if you can out a fucking sentence together without red-texting you fucking idiot.

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there was , you just missed them, multiple threads all the time about the imminent land seizure by niggers on white farmers and general happenings

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And this kinda shit

>If the white race gets its mind straight we will easily conquer the world, even if we are down to 1 percent.

Kek, talk about dream on!

This is the sort of shit you'd be telling kids covered in their parents blood as their sisters got raped in Berlin, eh?

Fuck you.

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I was just pointing out he error in your comment where you said whites where going to go extict you wish. Don't forget we still outnumber you lot.

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Always remember that Adolf Hitler was a nobody who nearly overturned the jewish world order.

On person CAN make a difference

Here take this onto your reading list and become iron pilled.Never loose hope. Always help the aryan race. Always fight against kike in all their forms on all levels possible.

Recommended readings against white genocide:







Security tools:







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File: 541a1574a79f45a⋯.jpg (63.76 KB,720x890,72:89,vvwKf8r8H9s.jpg)

File: 5acb2ba68c98c04⋯.jpg (28.25 KB,480x360,4:3,Child burned to a crisp.jpg)

File: 142e7005dbfd2ff⋯.jpg (20.35 KB,480x360,4:3,child murdered.jpg)

File: d412ca14755c537⋯.jpg (17.15 KB,200x274,100:137,This baby was placed in ne….jpg)


South African party leader calls to kill all Whites, especially women & babies


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Because White people elsewhere don't give a shit.

They're DADA'd (demoralized, apathetic, deracinated, atomized) to the point they don't even care about THEIR OWN country, the fuck you think they're going to pout about Whites getting raped and murdered in Africa for?

Nobody. Fucking. Cares.

If they did, there'd be an armed resisted of aut-ryters doing something about it in SA today, instead of trying to 'raise funds' for…. For fucking WHAT, I ask you?

Armaments? Doubtful.

Plane tickets? Similarly doubtful.

So what? What the fuck are you going to donate towards? To what fucking end?

I'm just so sick of this toothless faggotry my mans. If you want to save South Africans, get off the fucking internet RIGHT NOW, drop what you're doing, sell some worthless materialistic shit which you're undoubtedly surrounded by - probably typing up some faggot snark reply right now - and go to SA and help them fight the niggers.

Otherwise, you're just a pussy with a mouthful of cunny-juice and an empty fucking hand.

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We can't just sit back and let them get murdered.

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>I was just pointing out he error in your comment where you said whites where going to go extict

You can't even fucking spell it right you fucking mongoloid.

Fucks sake.

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>Why does the MSM not report about (or downplay/ignore/suppress) the white genocide in South Africa by a corrupt black government?

The media is run by jews and jews don't want whites to wake up to whites being persecuted because the jews worry that whites will eventually go after jews if the whites wake up.

>also is there something we can do to help defend them?

We can keep spreading information about their situation and we can do letter writing campaigns and phone calling and lobby governments to help south africans either leave or just help them have civil rights.

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Typing error get over it nigger.

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Low-IQ. Get over it, nigger.

And learn some fucking punctuation.

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Shut up you mad faggot. All the hate you are spilling here is pointless.

The aryan race will rise again. No doubt about this! Of course we will have victims, but in the end we will win!


Take it easy internet strong guy.


We should form units of mercenaries to free our brothers and sisters in south africa.

Niggers were not the original people of south africa. It were the khoisan. Niggers came even later than the white race.

The white race just made not enough children.

Learn from these mistakes!

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Go fuck yourself why are you even on this site again? You don't belong here. Your all alone on this one just a one man army.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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File: 6c4c70233e96487⋯.jpg (101.21 KB,640x411,640:411,church-str-bomb21.jpg)

File: ca9d25ad2d63597⋯.jpg (84.38 KB,569x346,569:346,Mandela-terrorist-Church-S….jpg)

File: be004ee3d4c3d1c⋯.jpg (77.78 KB,534x458,267:229,zrQsbVsnVC4.jpg)

File: c4fdce415ea75bd⋯.jpg (154.75 KB,652x756,163:189,We don't care.jpg)


You're the only cuck subhuman who's just a hobbyist like a rebel without a cause. You types of people will have to be executed after we've sorted out the envious & literal retarded parasites.

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Do not expect others to do the work that you can do yourself!

Also, this is a board of peace. Some things need to be done, but not to be spoken about.

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>muh lone wolf shit


You need organized groups expressing political will and a willingness to employ whatever means necessary to achieve their desired outcomes.

We don't have that.


>s-s-s-s-shut up!

No u.

And don't call me 'mad', I'm not 'mad', I'm blisteringly fucking furious at the worthless dregs I've been given to combat what is happening around me.


Fucking pathetic.

I'm supposed so save the fucking world with YOU? How the fuck am I supposed to do that?

You're as DADA'd out as the rest. And you'll die like the rest in turn, because you're a comfy little cumdumpster.

>w-w-w-we will r-r-r-rise again!

Tell that to the Confederacy you fucking mong.

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>You're the only cuck subhuman who's just a hobbyist

He says, while spamming lame memes.

Fucking pathetic dude.

Shut the fuck up, go to Africa, or stop pretending you give a shit.

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how easy is it for a white guy to get military equipment, a gun and some ammo in africa?

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>Go fuck yourself why are you even on this site again?

To remind faggots like you that you're wasting your life.

>You don't belong here. Your all alone on this one just a one man army.

Good. This board is full of cuckolds and if I don't belong here, that's fine - but you have no power whatsoever to get rid of me, so fucking eat a dick, loser.

And while I'm here, I'll be sure to remind you that cuckoldry is your bread and butter.


>with spanish subs


This is pathetic.

You people are fucking pathetic.

You deserve to go extinct if this is the best you can muster.

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>how easy is it for a white guy to get military equipment, a gun and some ammo in africa?

Really fucking easy. Africa is a giant cesspit of fuckups. And its full of AK-model assault rifles, all for a lower price than you're liable to pay in any Western country.

You want to save these people?

Go there. Raise an army. Kill militant nigger factions and take their shit.

Kill your enemies and win.

Otherwise, you're just another loser.

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File: 2e1fb025f4a9a74⋯.jpg (132.92 KB,800x510,80:51,Amanzimtoti Bomb 23 Dec 19….jpg)

File: 73a992554cff388⋯.jpg (16.75 KB,320x240,4:3,ANC terrorist gunned down ….jpg)

File: 49452007e022f43⋯.jpg (15.46 KB,320x240,4:3,ANC terrorist gunned down ….jpg)

File: 267cb85783ae6b6⋯.jpg (23.56 KB,320x240,4:3,Church street bombing 11.jpg)


Memes? You mean raw images of babies & small children that were burned & raped alive? You apathetic, sit on the fence scum need your head carved in until you've learnt your lesson. I'm sure you'll change your tune if that happened to your children. But hey convince yourself inaction is the best policy if it helps you get to sleep at night.

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Mister big words right here guys. Can't talk in a reasonable manner. Talks down to everyone thinking he is mister big.

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>Farm murders at their lowest rate in 20 years – report

>Farm murders are at their lowest rate since the late 1990s, according to a report by agricultural organisation, AgriSA.

>In recent years the plight of farmers in South Africa has been thrust into the spotlight, with lobby groups like AfriForum insisting that these attacks are politically motivated.


Any infographics have to address the counter-arguments.

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>Because White people elsewhere don't give a shit.

Partially. Those would be most of the blue pilled goyim. But some also just don't know what to do about it. I personally feel that way. This is happening thousands of km away, and I'm sitting here reading about it. It enrages me so much, but what are you supposed to do? You just feel kinda helpless.

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Thank you

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Tbh, I stopped posting on 8/pol/ because of the proliferation of shitposters like this. Aside from being abrasive, they don't listen to any of the counters posted at them. Everyone who opposes them is automatically a shill, a Jew, a nigger, whatever.

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File: dfca6bc444523c4⋯.jpg (108.63 KB,672x378,16:9,Hatred-does-not-cease-by-h….jpg)



We must be really careful not to start a race war. If the governments against 10% of whites there everything is fucked before it even got started.

We must be smart and subversive about this. We can't just go there and start an army.

We must take steps like a chess game to defend white farmers. Gated communities? Nelson Mandela style activism?

We must not go there to start a fight. We must go there to defend and end a fight.

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If you go, read some strategy and tactics beforehand!

Here is the ultimate guide and strategy to save south africa - can some non-Tor user post these:



Niggers are very emotional being and belief in the supernatural. Use this and make them fear the white man again.

More good things here:


Use PsyOp to save blood!

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big question is how could anyone here get into africa, meet up with fellow whites willing to keep you and prevent yourself from being deported?

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Yes 2 seconds

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Because retards aren't killing jews as they should.

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On how Apartheid South Africa was unfairly demonized

The Afrikaner, or Boer, people of South Africa were internationally demonized like no other people in history.

The Afrikaners began to settle in South Africa in the 18th century, fleeing religious persecution in Europe. They established two prosperous states which created job opportunities for blacks, who began pouring in from adjacent areas. The United Kingdom unleashed two devastating wars on them — the Anglo-Boer wars. The British used scorched-land methods and invented the concentration camp, in which 15% of Afrikaners from both republics died.

When Afrikaners finally obtained independence, they understood that only a strong Afrikaner state would prevent further massacres. The Republic thus created was not perfect, granted; the blacks, coloreds and Indians were discriminated against. But the world obsessively focused on the Afrikaners' errors, leaving no stone unturned in their drive to demonize them.

South Africa was uniquely singled out for criticism. Not a word was said about the enslavement of the Pygmies in the Central African republics, yet the public yelled "Apartheid!" every time an Afrikaner showed up at an international event. The Chinese occupation of Tibet concerned no one, but the South African treatment of nonwhites —who enjoyed freedoms Tibetans could never dream of, either then or now— was severely chastised.

Under the Afrikaners, the blacks enjoyed a standard of life far above that of any other African state. By any measure —infant mortality, literacy, life expectancy, you name it— South African blacks were better off than their neighbors — so much so that the latter began to leave their civil-war torn countries for peaceful South Africa.

But not content with taking advantage of the Afrikaner-created wealth, the blacks began a terroristic campaign by the African National Congress that killed thousands. Where was their Gandhi? They bombed public places, mined roads killing innocent civilians and sabotaged productive infrastructure. Although the government reacted to this, most deaths were caused by black-on-black violence. A particularly barbaric murder method was approved of by the wife of Nelson Mandela — the necklacing, a summary execution carried out by forcing a rubber tire, filled with gasoline, around a victim's chest and arms, and setting it on fire. This was used against opponents in internecine ANC warfare.

The Afrikaners only wanted peace, which was offered multiple times to the blacks. After being met with ever more terrorism, Afrikaners disengaged from 20 areas that were designated as black homelands. Each of these territories was offered full independence; four of them took it — Transkei, Venda, Bophuthatswana, and Ciskei. But instead of focusing on building their nations, the blacks continued to resort to terror.

Meanwhile, the international community shunned South Africa — but not Saudi Arabia, a theocracy where converts from Islam face capital punishment; or East Germany, where people who tried to leave the country were shot dead; or Kampuchea, where Pol Pot perpetrated a genocide of more than 1 million people. Only South Africa, where less than 2,000 blacks were killed by a government faced with guerrilla warfare, was subjected to UN sanctions — but not Angola, where civil war killed hundreds of thousands.

International hypocrisy peaked in the 70s and 80s. When the South African rugby team (the Springboks) toured Australia in 1971, the leader of the Labour Party, Gough Whitlam, opposed the tour and declared: "Australians should never let an afternoon's entertainment blind them to a lifetime's repression for another nation." This, said by a politician from a country that dispossessed and mostly exterminated its Aboriginal population. Huge and widespread protest also occurred in New Zealand in 1981 against a Springbok tour — that, in a country that committed cultural genocide against the Maoris, whose language is in a terminal state.

An automatic anti-Afrikaner UN majority recommended several times economic sanctions against South Africa, and third world countries were quick and happy to implement them. Even the US disgraced itself by applying economic sanctions it never imposed on far worse human-rights offenders like Mozambique or the Congo. Of course, none of those countries stopped using South African diamonds or gold, which are key to high-tech industries, or performing heart transplants, an Afrikaner-invented medical procedure.

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File: 9bbb1fb17c31f41⋯.jpeg (56.92 KB,551x400,551:400,South Africa crime rate.jpeg)

File: 53db915e5a22cc6⋯.jpeg (399.6 KB,1200x835,240:167,South Africa.jpeg)

File: d28af9f4ed3213e⋯.jpeg (139.64 KB,606x605,606:605,White genocide in South A….jpeg)

File: 009245550dacd4e⋯.jpg (121.22 KB,530x678,265:339,white south african.jpg)


You mean a genocide that even a UN organization acknowledges. You niggers & leftists love to polarize the victims that are White. 300,000 murdered in 25yrs, while you retarded devils still cry about Apartheid while the security forces killed 7000 criminals between 1948-94. You unironically need to face a similar fate to those children.

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A lot of the names on there not listed as Jews are in fact Jews. Ben Turok for one, is a cartoonish looking jew.

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you can not win by defence alone. the best defence is a strong attack

Love is not the ultimate answer! Love to your own people is the ultimate answer ….. and pure HATE for all the enemies of our race

You can not have love without hate. They are both part of the same coin. So stop this pacifism bullshit. Nothing in nature that lives is peaceful. Every living being has some form of defence - otherwise it gets eaten!

Gods wisdom can be found in nature. And nature teaches us to love our own people and to fight against its enemies.


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Yes, memes.

That's what you're spamming. And 90% of people won't give a single shit.

>I'm sure you'll change your tune if that happened to your children

No, I wouldn't. I'd still be saying you're a fucking faggot for kvetching about it without DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT, besides kvetching about 'donations' or whatever.

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>Can't talk in a reasonable manner.

Checked for fuck yourself bloody with a tonga you fucking stooge.

I down to you because you deserve it.

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Learn to read, dude. I posted an example of the most common counter-narrative when you talk about this shit online, while noting that we need good counters to arguments like these in any infographics. I thought this thread was about discussing what is going on in South Africa and getting the word out.

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File: c6283a125f24deb⋯.png (4.99 MB,640x7406,320:3703,White-Genocide.png)



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No, entirely.

You don't even give a shit. Know how I know?

Because you're not in fucking Africa, are you? No, you aren't. So you don't actually give a shit.

>This is happening thousands of km away, and I'm sitting here reading about it. It enrages me so much, but what are you supposed to do?

Go to Africa. That's what you're supposed to do, if you really give a shit. But let's be honest: You don't.

To be clear, neither do I - I view SA as a totally lost cause, a 10% White population on the African continent. Worthless endeavor.

I feel for the people who have a connection to that land and want to fight for it, but the fight is over and they lost. They're like the twitching foot of a nigger who got blasted in the head with a 12 gauge after being necklace'd - they're already dead, they just don't know it yet.

A real shame, but a shame not worth dumping money or time into.

If you disagree, and really mean it, you'll go to AFrica instead of coming back with some snarky reply.

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>Tbh, I stopped posting on 8/pol/ because of the proliferation of shitposters like this.

Its not shitposting, I'm giving you hard truth and you can't fucking handle it, and when I get disgusted by your mealy-mouthed faggotry, you cry foul.

Go to 4chan. This board is dead anyway, and its because of faggots like you.

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>big question is how could anyone here get into africa, meet up with fellow whites willing to keep you and prevent yourself from being deported?

Bro, get it together.

This is Africa we're talking about.

Its not like there's strong border security, and even if there were, it'd be run by niggers.


>We must be really careful not to start a race war

Going extinct faster than the Dodo.

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>A lot of the names on there not listed as Jews are in fact Jews.

Such as? Provide proof and maybe I'll edit - its not my image, but I'm happy to update with additional info.

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I actually like that image. Best image in thread so far.

Transhumanism is trash, but using genetic engineering to produce bioweapons against non-Whites is a great idea.

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nice nice nice. This one is even better, because each and everyone of us can do our duty in this war


Please post this aswell, to save our race.

Here are the books:



>a must read for every /pol/ack. It teaches how to redpill/subvert and change opinions or how to scare an enemy.

How to fool the enemy forces:


>very good inspiration from the past

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Its all us against you and you hate it don't you?

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File: ac43a30788f987d⋯.jpg (71.54 KB,530x398,265:199,mandela terror.jpg)

File: a81a6b8b763218e⋯.jpg (36.42 KB,346x265,346:265,mandela-violence.jpg)

File: ea5326a4ed934f3⋯.jpg (126.62 KB,800x510,80:51,Terrorist Nelson Mandela -….jpg)


>We need an Nelson Mandela type of activism

What are you smoking liberal? He was anything but a saint, he alone signed off on the bombing raids on black & White civilians throughout 80's South Africa whilst in his cell you libtards just love to visit as much as the 2* hotel of Autchbitchz. Botha, the then PM, bargained with him on stopping the attacks by giving him the chance to renounce his violent ways in return he would be released, only for him to decline. You know shit, all you know is what you get from films like that heavily biased Invictus with Matt Demon.

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Nice attempt to form on consensus you fucking pleb. Maybe I'd give a shit if I was a pea-brained cumdumpster who didn't realize VPN's exist and "all OF (you fucking cretin) us" is probably "me and my 5 IPs".

I hate you. I hate weakness. I hate cowardice.

And that's what you are.

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south Africa and jewish sponsored pedophilia are what will finally push normies to our side

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the south african goverment is 1000% against whites, call for a racewar, and to literally kill everywhite and take their land

>we cant just go there and start an army

its africa, do you really think sub human IQ niggers could stop a bunch of white men with a plan?

>muh chess

white farmers already live in gated communities with body guards and the gates end about 5 feet from around their house

>We must go there to defend and end a fight.

its real simple, we dont say we're having a race war, we just say we're helping the oppressed tribe against the bantu aggressors


this doesnt help at all, niggers are a race that only know force, whilst yes they are emotional and superstitious, psyops is still a risky game, as the nigger doesnt think like any other race making them unpredictable


anyone saying that you should just sit back whilst fellow whites get genocided is a kike


I was thinking that, can never be too careful. are there any usefull manuals for operations in africa? like how to survive off the land, sustaining food and water supplies, first aid for the various diseases there.etc?

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If you like this, than take the time and read through this thread:





there is genius idea after genius idea. its a fun and inspiring read.

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Exactly; WTF are white people doing in South Africa in the first place?

Why didn't they stay in nigger free, happy, perfect, shiny Europe?>>13389423

>Bro, get it together.

>This is Africa we're talking about.

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> are there any usefull manuals for operations in africa? like how to survive off the land, sustaining food and water supplies, first aid for the various diseases there.etc?

Plenty. Do some research. Share if you feel like it.

Fact is though, best course would be to speak with the locals. They undoubtedly know more than any field guide.


Neato. A shame its probably not being implemented anywhere.

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>file already exists



I think he's funny tbh. He's got some points, I bet he's a bro but bitter.

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>Exactly; WTF are white people doing in South Africa in the first place?

Because stupid colonialism shit from back when Whites thought keeping their enemies alive and enslaving them was a super rad idea.

Fucking idiots.

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Dude have you read the picture? Clearly not, because you are telling me the thing that is part of the picture.

Niggers only understand power and they fear the supernatural.



explains some of their beliefs and tells you about the differend niggers people in the area.

Get your enemies to eat each other.

Use their fear to leave you alone.

Combine that with other forces.

It must be part of our survival strategy.

Now do yourself a favour and read it:


and post it for the lazy faggots here!

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>Transhumanism is trash, but using genetic engineering to produce bioweapons against non-Whites is a great idea.

Too late, there is already a bio weapon against non whites, just go look in the mirror Casper

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I don't want any of you /pol/lacks to get killed in South Africa or to ignite a war there.

Really a superpower like the USA or NATO needs to step in who can handle things properly.

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ok, checked an true, but does this mean you can not put into this thread?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Fuck bitter. I'm furious. I'm tired of this shit.

I'm tired of seeing White men sit on their hands and post memes and trash like that.

SA is doomed. Its sad, but this fetishism surrounding it is even more sad, and far more gross. And thats what it is, fetishism. So many White men on the 'right' these days have fetishized this bullshit - they're like cucks watching cuckporn.

Its fucking gross.

You want to help SA? I think thats a waste of time, but if you do? THEN GO TO AFRICA.

Nothing will make you more bitter or redpilled - some may say 'blackpilled' - than actually going to Africa.

You wanna know how I know?

Mangoworms. That's how I know.

You can't imagine the shit I've seen. You really can't.

And as for bitterness? I stopped being bitter a long time ago. I'm furious. I want revenge. I want to make it stop.

And nobody seems to care, all I've got is fetishistic obsession with this foulness, and a total and complete unwillingness to do a god damned fucking thing about it besides kvetching on the internet and trying to use the jewish shekel system to somehow combat the jewish shekel system.

Its all so incredibly tiresome.

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Well I don't like you either so the feelings mutual and there no need to get so offensive with the swear words. I have not once swore at you.

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Fuck you pussy. Go to Africa.

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(((USA or NATO))) yes yes moshe, they will do for us, what we should do.

>> don't want any of you /pol/lacks to get killed in South Africa or to ignite a war there.

(((fellow white people, please do not help other aryans in need, it would be detrimental to our plans of white genocide. Whites helping whites really keeps us awake at night. Thank you for your attention. Goyim, ahem fellow whites)))

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You are so fucking pathetic is almost unbelievable.

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The superpowers endorse it you fool.

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File: c52b2f433e84910⋯.png (5.67 MB,640x8779,640:8779,South_Africa_Survival_2314….png)

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File: 6d4dea0deac23f5⋯.jpg (307.4 KB,1200x1621,1200:1621,Rhodesian Man.jpg)

File: f12a3e5fab93a62⋯.png (163.09 KB,500x501,500:501,Rhodesian short shorts.png)

File: d8673a900fb5d08⋯.jpg (84.46 KB,503x587,503:587,Rhodesian soldier 2.jpg)


I'll ask on /k/, most PDFs i have can only be usefull in everywhere but africa.


All you are posting is meme shit that never fucking works, all you are trying to do is persuade people not to fight for whites

>Use their fear to leave you alone.

I dont want them to leave me alone, I want them exterminated

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I'm white idiot your the nigger Jew.

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Probably for the same reason (((NGOs))) are importing nigger hordes to Maine because it’s the last >95% white state.

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I am afraid it's going to backlash. they will literally be surrounded by niggers and a corrupt government with an actual military and make things even worse for the South Africans.

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You are supposed to prepare. Prepare yourself for war. Prepare your family to survive war. Prepare your mind to engage those in your nation. When the flame is lit, the fire rises, and you must be ready to act. Western nations must fall for anyone to salvage our race, all nations. Nobody in SA can do anything so long as the threat of western nations hang over the head of any whom rise up to defend themselves. It is that fucking simple.

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>I'll ask on /k/, most PDFs i have can only be usefull in everywhere but africa.

Why not ask the South Africans?


Fuck you pussy. Go to Africa.

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When C. anthropophaga causes cutaneous myiasis, the larvae more often than not can be removed without any incision. Covering the punctum (the breathing hole) with petroleum jelly or similar substances cuts off the air supply and forces the maggot to the surface, where it is easy to capture with forceps. If this does not work, local anesthetic can be administered and an incision made to widen the punctum and remove the maggot.[5] Another treatment discussed in the March 2014 Journal of the American Medical Association is to inject a combination of anaesthetic and epinephrine into the insect's chamber. Less drastically, because larvae of C. anthropophaga have smaller hooked bristles on the cuticle than those of Dermatobia hominis, it often is practical just to push on each side of the hole to squeeze the maggot out, especially after first enlarging the punctum. It is important not to burst the larva to prevent the risk of granulomatous or serious inflammatory reaction.

>>The white men has a cure for nearly everything. Do your part in the struggle in a constructive way.

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We're as prepared as we're ever going to get.

The numbers game keeps working against us.

Only when you realize that do you realize the severity of what we're up against.

But no, go on, keep fetishizing shit and posting memes. I'm sure one day the war will just 'kick off'.

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You're a fucking idiot. Just because someone doesn't jump on a plane tomorrow whenever a conflict flares up somewhere on the planet, doesn't mean they don't care. I have my own country to defend, which is also being invaded by shitskin hordes, and I am not going to abandon it for anything. And helping doesn't always imply having to be there in the flesh.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Your the Jew and is black why don't you go and join the Africans and be with people your own color? I'm sure you will feel right at home.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Just because someone doesn't jump on a plane tomorrow whenever a conflict flares up somewhere on the planet, doesn't mean they don't care


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We are all surrounded. Shitskins are invading our nations. How long do you want to run?

We all die at some point. Do you want to die as a coward? Do not throw you life away either. Be smart, be cunning. Plan ahead. But still you have to fight.

Voting will not change this. Democracy got us into this mess. IT will not get us out of it.

Voting can slow it down a bit, but not stop it. ==Only we can stop it. With intelligence and force.==

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is what the world has to say to your 'the white man can fix anything' shit bro.

SA is the puppy. You are the nigger woman. I am the German man gradually losing his mind.

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10% of the population is enough to control a country if they have the means to defend themselves.

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I'm white idiot like I said before. Why would I want to go to a nigger country and English is my language. Stop being so butthurt.

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>10% of the population is enough to control a country if they have the means to defend themselves.

Then why aren't they doing it?

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You can't even speak English you fucking nigger. Come back when you can.

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File: e738618263e2f90⋯.jpg (113.47 KB,960x781,960:781,Rhodesian soldier.jpg)

File: 0506031a6b7fc4f⋯.jpg (92.49 KB,810x420,27:14,Rhodesia.jpg)

File: b0e6395957dff6e⋯.jpg (60.89 KB,720x465,48:31,Rhodesian soldiers.jpg)


Because of the chance they may just tell me to fuck off, what are the chances I end up bumping into some anti-racists or EFF supporters and even then people who would consider sharing info may also tell me to fuck off If they knew why I was there, theres always a chance of rejection. so its best to study, gain basic knowledge and then go and ask some south africans, because atleast then if I get rejected I know enough to make it through the week

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File: 13cb07eda5e6bc6⋯.jpg (307.85 KB,700x702,350:351,527f0b59-f48a-404a-9205-cd….jpg)

File: cb14bd4092d0507⋯.jpg (72.08 KB,470x836,235:418,bobub60ieai5xts.jpg)

File: a87a24f21eef683⋯.jpg (199.92 KB,900x600,3:2,anc supporter disembowls w….JPG)


Call it what you want anti-White genocidal maniac but them "memes" don't make it any less true to what's occurring. You're either an non-White ethnic tribalist trying to cover for your cousins in that dump or you deceive yourself into thinking you shouldn't do anything to avert this crisis as it requires you to get off your ass and do something meaningful, instead of being a self-centred tosser or that's it's not your concern as it doesn't affect your immediate kin.

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>Because of the chance they may just tell me to fuck off

Who cares?

Ask another.

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>them "memes" don't make it any less true to what's occurring

Checked for and they don't change a single fucking thing either.

You are a fetishist.

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You should just leave this thread tbh you don't belong in it and my country spawned the language nigger.

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>you don't belong

You don't get to decide that faggot, and you can't do shit to make me do anything, so keep your passive-aggressive faggot mouth shut unless you have something to say besides a vain attempt to form consensus with your other fetishists.

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You are in a very emotional state and not thinking clearly or rational. You think you do, but you dont.

Turn of your computer and take a walk.

Read about the 30 year war. Should be interesting to you if you are a german. Your ancestors walked through way worse times.

So stop being so in emotional madness/ heat and regain your rational thought.

Your hate shall make you intelligent and productive. Not insane and dumb.

>> the videos prove nothing. Only a that these dogs are sick. Cruel to see, but prevention and treatment can do wonders.

Same thing with our race. If we have to die, let us die as brave men, and not as insane idiots.

Germany needs to get redpilled about HollowCost being fake history.

Free them from this mental prison. Do leaflets at night or sth. Use gloves.

There are 1000s ways to do something for our race.

But loosing your mind and insulting us is not one of it!

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>You are in a very emotional state and not thinking clearly or rational.

I do, and you sound like a woman trying to debate another woman. Close your pussy and your mouth, slut.

>the 30 years war was worse

No, it fucking wasn't. It was bad. But it wasnt existential threat mode, as we see today.

And back then, people were prepared to fight things out, to fight for something.

Now everyone wants to sit around and donate to patreons while masturbating to dead white children in SA. Its sick. You're sick.

Fuck off.

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Why am I even talking to you losers? You'll never do anything.

Fuck you and fuck this board.

Its nothing but fetishistic cuckolds.

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Oh, except that one guy.

He guy: Go talk to the SAs. They know more than any book or faggot on the internet. If they shoot you down, ask another.

Africa is hell. Be prepared.

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Your the one that started being aggressive it sure as hell wasn't me.

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I just hope their houses arent miles apart over there, or I dont stumble into a pro-EFF "white" guy

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They need money, arms and support for an independent state.

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Well then, you are a lost case faggot. You are the women here, because you were not strong enough to endure the madness.

All your insults just show that you are not a grown up men. You are not ready to see death in its eye.

Take a walk outside.

>No, it fucking wasn't. It was bad. But it wasnt existential threat mode, as we see today.

>And back then, people were prepared to fight things out, to fight for something.

You have no idea.

And now fuck off, idiot. I can not stand people like you who insult other people who actually d their part. Make yourself useful or leave this place.


No. You will never do anything. All the hate you are spreading here is actually your own self hate, because you are doing nothing.

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File: 0fce2019cb56e28⋯.jpg (754.83 KB,2481x1525,2481:1525,0fce2019cb56e28be0f85ad431….jpg)

File: 112276fbe5f9f96⋯.jpg (96.75 KB,800x600,4:3,Afrikaner Poor arrive at D….jpg)

File: de330cfe86cab46⋯.jpg (96.49 KB,553x523,553:523,AFRIKANER POOR ELSIE BRITS….jpg)


>Stop being so butthurt

Among many others things such as being a coward, sociopathic that doesn't empathy above all it shows you've no soul. It's muppets like you that cause this to continue and prolong their suffering for if there was just a few noble, righteous men out there from your crowd of spineless hobbyists, the niggers will be aware people will aim to destroy them will every fibre of their body who will have the mental fortitude to succeed in making a notable difference in bringing about justice to the people who need it the most.

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Yeah because being solely on a relatively unknown site is going to be the driving force for change. Tell yourself that it helps you get to sleep at night.

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Where was I being a sociopath and a coward anon? And I have a soul anon I don't know what gave you the idea that I didn't? I do care about people you know.

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This needs to follow the balkanization model. Call for an non-democratic independent state, because Afrikanners have no effective representation. The outcry in the U.S. and Europe must be strong enough that there is no NATO type "peacekeeping" force brought in like in Yugoslavia. Support them sharing tweets, memes etc. Set up funding pages and if you are in a position, establish an NGO that could possibly facilitate clandestine arms procurement.

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Make contact with and give voice to young, charismatic leaders where you can find them.

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Maybe they should get out of a black country?

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No. Might is right. You must take what your ancestors shed their blood for.

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Simple evolution. The strong survive and the weak die.

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Today 8ch.net is listening - tomorrow the whole world

We are the spearhead. The mass will follow.

Not you, you will just sit there and whine and bitch.

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this is a plan. bump.

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>support them sharing tweets, memes etc

>all this democratic shit

>Call for an non-democratic independent state, because Afrikanners have no effective representation

the US and europe dont care about white south africans, afrikanners already had their independant state and the US and europe tried their best to destroy it, there will never be an outcry in any western country because white south african suffering is "made up neo-nazi shit" according to all the major politicians and people, australia already did its thing trying to bring white south african refugees over but the mass protests made them change their mind about it

>NATO peacekeeping

will only be brought in when the whites start to win and gain power, because the niggers are already slaugthering whites and no body is doing a thing about it

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File: 3c92b7836a96423⋯.png (433.79 KB,814x545,814:545,1560338946048.png)



this anon is smart

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Whites are less than 10% of the global population as well, niggerbrain. By your logic, we should give up entirely.

Also, 60 replies in one thread… you’ve made your point already.

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No retard I've been carefully gathering graphic images to put into an in-depth video on the subject. I've already made the video but Bitchute has not being uploading my videos since the exodus from the alt-lite.

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upload it to


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except for the fact that niggers didnt inhabit that specific area untill whites came along. its a white country built and founded by whites.


>8ch being the spearhead of anything

most people dont know this place exists and only thinks of 4chan, any time an imageboard (or anything that exists) gets massive global popularity it goes to shit.

shitposting on here wont save the white race.


>this anon is smart

everything he says is invalid or stupid, all their young leaders already have a voice but no one wants to listen, and no major western power would allow afrikanners to create their own state again after trying so hard to kill rhodesia

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South Africa today. USA tomorrow. Black Power.

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Projecting Saul Alinsky? The last time I checked I was in a well known Youth movement you've probably heard of and unlike you I speak openly about National Socialism including to my Black neighbour in a polite manner. What have done apart from play with your dick?

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In America its "hire the smile, train the skill".

-Not sure what this has to do with race, gender, or sexual orientation.

I don't give 2 shits about South Africa.

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The spread of information should focus on things that will produce a knee jerk sympathetic emotional response. Not charts and graphs. Things like children who have been beat up or raped or starved of food. Not gore, but sad. Play up the humanitarian crisis rather than the racial crisis. Give the Rhodesians victimhood status. Highlight the constant fear of attack, imprisionment, kidnapping and theft of multigeneration farms and land. Imply the attackers are more recent migrants to the area than the Rhodesians. Maybe the attackers are Namibians and Botswanans trying to capture lands from South Africa. They are the outsiders. They are not native South Africans.

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Simple repetition of no more 1-3 items. The more it is said, the more people will believe it.

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The young, charismatic leaders of Rhodesian South Africa are there. They just have to be found and given a voice. If anyone is in the country for a humanitarian mission or business, they should make an effort to reach out to them and offer support. If you find one like that on a chat or somewhere on the internet, promote them and connect them with others who can spread their internet fame.

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File: 77b83233deafeae⋯.jpg (3.29 MB,4000x3000,4:3,img_1620.jpg)

The anon who is having a break down is right. South Africa is proof our race is doomed if something doesn't happen. But whites have been cucked into thinking a (((jesus))) is coming to save us. The blackpills are hitting hard and fast these days. Fucking ironic I guess.

But really what can be done? Say anons start going to South Africa, and it starts really helping white families. You think (((they))) would let that continue? Fuck the MSM would have a field day that white men are travling to South Africa to help stop blacks from murdering white farmers and there familes. It really is a noble cause and the current state of South Africa does make me feel ashamed that as a white man, am really doing nothing to stop it. But I can't even stop my own country and people from going into the (((Abyss))).

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>But really what can be done?

War, a war on kikes and other subhumans

>You think (((they))) would let that continue?

It doesnt matter what they do, they only way whites can be stopped is by traitors, mossad is even teaching these white farmers in africa their skills and techniques

>MSM would have a field day that white men are travling to South Africa to help stop blacks from murdering white farmers and there familes.

Who cares what those kikes think? if they report that people travel to south africa to fight for white farmers, then they expose their own lies that white farmers being murderd is some alt right conspiracy.

>But I can't even stop my own country and people from going into the (((Abyss))).

Thats because you have no hope and no plan

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The South Africans must fight for their lands themselves and use guerrilla warfare. The responsibility of Europeans, Australians and Americans is subterfuge and support. Much like a proxy war. Resources, information, organization and encouragement.

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File: eade4f9e0286199⋯.png (144.07 KB,300x263,300:263,300px-Star_Wars_racist.png)

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WTF, anon?

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Elon Musk is jewish.

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File: b875dbff5d9527b⋯.jpg (683.68 KB,1000x750,4:3,me.jpg)


>War, a war on kikes and other subhumans

Ok what army fighting it anon? My countries army is currently doing (((there))) bidding.

>It doesnt matter what they do, they only way whites can be stopped is by traitors, mossad is even teaching these white farmers in africa their skills and techniques

So your saying my countries (((alphabetmen))) won't have a problem with me going to South Africa and murding blacks to save whites?

>Who cares what those kikes think? if they report that people travel to south africa to fight for white farmers, then they expose their own lies that white farmers being murderd is some alt right conspiracy.

It will never get presented like that by the (((MSM))) and you fucking know it, normies don't come here anon. We are a very small fringe, the world is drinking (((Cool-Aid))) and we are on here watching our countries and race get destoryed. Thats it. No one said it would be fun on (((MRBONESWILDRIDE)))

>Thats because you have no hope and no plan

Mind reader aswell now aye?

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I wasn't racist until I met black people and realized they're all racist against white people because they haven't been taught it's wrong.

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>Ok what army fighting it anon?

the people, insurgents, guerillas any military age man.

>So your saying my countries (((alphabetmen))) won't have a problem with me going to South Africa and murding blacks to save whites?

they will have a problem, but that only turns into your problem if you go back to your country


fuck off reddit

>Mind reader aswell now aye?


so is your country scotland or ireland? and yes I know you dont have a plan or any hope because all you've said so far is the most defeatest shit ever, you dont even know where to start nevermind what the end goal is

>waah but the jews may not like whites rising up

who cares, what happens doesnt matter, what does matter is the outcome, dont cry over some kike lugenpresse, because everyone knows they're liars, you should focus on how to save whites and take back rhodesia instead, because once enough whites take up arms there is nothing stopping us

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>will the feds have a problem with me doing this?

>will MSM have a problem with me doing this?

>what will the normalfags think about it?

These are all irrelevant questions that you should be ashamed for factoring in to your decision making process.

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File: 7d373801a6a1d31⋯.png (236.95 KB,900x900,1:1,cumreeepepe.png)


Ok anon, send me the video of it when you start this glourius uprising. And I will make sure to smash that like button, I might even (((Subscribe))). Now fuck off back to what ever you kids do these days.


Already said am ashamed anon, but what can we actually do? There no such things as beer halls today, its nuts. We have the greatest gift of communication in worlds history, but people rather would watch (((BreadandCircus))) than see the true (((Horror))) in the world.

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I wasn't racist until my dad told me when I was a teenager. What's the difference between a retard and a nigger? Nothing.

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You should decide for yourself, not because of what your parents told you.

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File: c5b78b9fbb47930⋯.jpg (189.46 KB,1310x1308,655:654,Mandela monument Atlanta G….JPG)

File: df2dad361acb4ee⋯.jpg (189.25 KB,1024x682,512:341,20131206_247685.xml-Mandel….jpg)

File: 215d4ce3de17437⋯.jpg (143.72 KB,798x1151,798:1151,Filthy monkeys.JPG)


You can't travel there with a gun. The kill teams murdering whites have military jammers and police don't respond to calls even in the cases where they are called. How the fuck could anything besides a government response do anything? Nothing online will make any difference at all.

But you know what western governments do? Deny it outright. Deny white refugees admission. Then they build monuments to Mandela who indiscriminately murdered whites all while tearing down any white hero they can think of.

Niggers even want to tear down Horatio Nelson's statue. Few greater whites have ever lived yet we are supposed to tear it down because some shitty nigger doesn't want us to remember our greatness. How about we tell them to fuck off. It's not a Confederate or KKK member, it's a Lord Admiral in the Royal Navy who fought the Spanish. How the fuck is he bad? They will do mental gymnastics to demonize any of us. Nothing is safe. At this rate in 5 years they will want to tear down Abraham Lincoln's monument and call him a racist.

Not another inch. This is a slippery slope to our extinction.

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Wanting to not die is racist, didn't you know? Like how niggers chimp out every time one of them is shot by police even when there's video of the suspect pointing guns at cops first. They literally think free scholarships and wellfare = obstacles against them. They think laws about murder and theft are anti black. They think self defense is institutionalized racism.

We are incompatible, our ideas of a civilized society are what niggers consider racist. That's why they like south Africa better as a destitute shithole. They would rather starve to death than treat whites fairly. Their ideals have been screamed from the rooftops. I say we send them back to Africa and call it a day.

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That the thing anon, imagine if me or you where to say this shit in the middle of our local towns/cites streets, we prop be arrested, shamed in the local paper and labled a Nazi to the public, that would be that. Then we are left to ourselves with nothing but our assault spoons picking up litter with your local niggers and chavs. Worlds a true (((horror))) show mate.

(polite sage because South Africa is the biggest Blackpill of All)

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I don't think it should be saged, South Africa is tantamount to prophecy for the United States if we stay on course.

Ruining our individual lives talking about it in public will not help either, but we need real online protection. We need freedom of speech enforced against giant corporate entities that seek to oppress us. There are legal actions we can take to oppose our demise.

We can oppose gun control and stay armed and stay active in local community watch efforts. We can stop gangs and we can teach our families to never relax.

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File: d09afaa269a6dd1⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB,202x360,101:180,RiceNationalists.mp4)


>all other races get along fine

So how did ebil whitey cause this again?

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>all other races in the world get along fine

In what fucking reality is this true? How can leftists be so stupid and out of touch?













>I say we send them back to Africa and call it a day.

Smartest thing said all day. They hate being around being "oppressed" by whites and neither are we fond of them. Let's just finish the Liberia plan and ship em all back for good.

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Dump the infographics then

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I'm not talking about people elsewhere I'm talking about people here. We need more graphic form OC which we can spread to the normalfaggots

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File: 523e6c19aba3bf5⋯.jpg (296.18 KB,686x1128,343:564,south-africa-farm-attacks-….jpg)


Thanks, added pics of the white victims to make it more visceral and draw the connection that this is race related.

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File: c67415684235fdb⋯.jpg (232.51 KB,800x603,800:603,south-africa-stop-white-ge….jpg)

Another OC

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I would love to have sex with South African farm animals but the people there are intolerant, criminals and extremely mentally ill. They would probably kill me for doing it because they have nothing better to do with their own lives.

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File: 39b2640db1ed8c5⋯.png (455.34 KB,594x752,297:376,b5cca3cd166fe34c56a322068a….png)

File: 1286bf745b92b8c⋯.jpg (620.22 KB,1672x818,836:409,1286bf745b92b8cd68de568ae5….jpg)

File: e59989cd267ef86⋯.jpg (68.63 KB,600x444,50:37,ed6ba456fffbd993316b7a0bd5….jpg)

File: f0b49a4f6819e20⋯.jpg (61.71 KB,944x389,944:389,1d5177b4f0afab80e3d1c930be….jpg)

File: 81b3a59ad725651⋯.jpeg (64.25 KB,798x1187,798:1187,south african demographic….jpeg)

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File: a36731ba9bce751⋯.png (128.08 KB,500x540,25:27,37350028e18d16fe4cbb4e0b9d….png)

File: 9cdb5447441420a⋯.png (880.19 KB,720x720,1:1,164856197173acac2f39150632….png)

File: 50e6488d5f31d5f⋯.png (1.51 MB,1685x3437,1685:3437,why hello fellow south afr….png)

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File: 9c9ea7156f01532⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB,640x352,20:11,South African Boertjie kno….mp4)

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File: 32e36103bca8cfe⋯.webm (12.45 MB,640x360,16:9,they_are_going_to_kill_us.webm)

Prepare for the feels on this one

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File: 2ab34202be4a6c3⋯.jpg (67.72 KB,640x640,1:1,39323479_224893551704919_3….jpg)

File: d4a05fb88bc9068⋯.jpg (59.88 KB,448x448,1:1,29417398_155697408435495_6….jpg)

File: 79af4922648743b⋯.jpg (80.91 KB,432x432,1:1,39132501_228361391355547_4….jpg)

File: 622ffeb114ae5bf⋯.jpg (91.68 KB,636x636,1:1,40510685_157672958491359_7….jpg)

did internet racists taint the legitimacy of this cause?

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It is a shame this does not get reported on the news or our governments does not do something about it they should be ashamed of themselves.

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File: 23be1e70caa2965⋯.jpg (91.32 KB,1057x760,1057:760,robojew.jpg)


The people who control the news want our race ethnically replaced

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Then fucking kill yourself dipshit.


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The spics will kill you niggers. You've lost every race war against spics, Compton was just the beginning. Every last one of you niggers, dead. The only consolation of spics becoming majority.

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Fuck Trump for doing nothing to save these men and women.

I seriously pray he's Assassinated.

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the power of psy-ops is remarkable. the most advanced people on Earth have been defeated several times by lower-stone age subhumans, just due to kikes suggesting to the white man that he doesn't fight the creatures that are killing his family.

all the boers ever had to do is kill or be killed, something that comes naturally to every living thing on earth.

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File: d58a21fca47594c⋯.webm (1.31 MB,718x540,359:270,blood_libel.webm)


my blood is boiling.

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Anyone have the shit about the radio jammers?

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jesus christ that girl is gorgeous

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File: 4698b9c82ecb9f1⋯.png (544.8 KB,590x650,59:65,screenshot_3.png)

nothing to see here….

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remember: the media is now trying to claim that the bolshevik massacre never happened, because how could jews, who were genocided, commit genocide?

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File: a9de3ac311c175d⋯.gif (3.93 MB,960x540,16:9,1548655315279.gif)


fuck. yeah, I was going to share this one.

they're pushing us against the wall and backing us into a corner.

one day we'll snap. our governments, our elected bodies who are citizens of our nation, need to acknowledge this and help us or get ready for a war.

the new world war will be a global civil war: the inheritors of the greatest civilizations on earth vs the ones we let into our borders.


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>anyone saying that you should just sit back whilst fellow whites get genocided is a kike

>just sit back

As if posting on 8/pol/ was fucking doing something, you delusional faggot.


>Its not shitposting


You have nothing, you simply come on here and post compulsively because you don't have a life and you do nothing useful.


He obviously meant the media image of Mandela. Nice infographics if they're yours though.


What's the story there?


>How can leftists be so stupid and out of touch?


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Because the MSM is run by people who want to exterminate whites.


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Victims but to get in the state they are in they relaxed.

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File: 7a244510e0c0c3a⋯.png (392.74 KB,624x594,104:99,44.png)

File: f8e5c92a14efcac⋯.jpg (94.56 KB,800x800,1:1,robert-mugabe-quote-our-pa….jpg)

File: 306ec3036289a9c⋯.jpg (30.39 KB,800x420,40:21,robert-mugabe-quote-the-on….jpg)


I am afraid SA is going down like Rhodesia under Mugabe.

Outnumbered by the black hordes.

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I don't see being outnumbered being the problem but not fighting back.

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>What's the story there?

Chink whore cheats on boyfriend with a nigger, boyfriend gathers friends and gives nigger a lesson.

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>also is there something we can do to help defend them?

Ship them water filters, ammo, weapon parts, wide-range antibiotics, and anything they're really short on

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how would you do this?

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White South African's had their chance in the 90's and did basically nothing. What did they expect to happen?

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>Did the only people who talk about this or understand it scare the multi billion dollar jew corporatiins away from covering this war?

Grow the fuck up, hymie.

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Better late than never. We are following the same path anyhow.

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>why do jews not report on situations caused by jews?

I guess we'll never know.

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ZANLA was actually trained by red china. The meme needs fixing. Also, the operation, dubbed Eland, was carried out by mostly blacks in the Selous Scouts.

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>nothing to be done about it

We could, y'know, just kill all the shitskins and kikes responsible.

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Because the South African government is actively preventing them from leaving, because it wants white tax revenue and knows everything will go to shit as soon as the white man leaves, just like it did in Rhodesia, Zambia, etc.

They can't get a fair price for their land, so it's impossible to sell.

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File: 6e8cad3ae9037f4⋯.jpg (54.66 KB,304x400,19:25,Independent_JamesWatson_In….jpg)


We must snitch the SA government to the MSM so the NATO will intervene

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File: 5cd61b05fd8f291⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB,1280x720,16:9,8zqt9cdKcW2GBc-f.mp4)



we must contact the united nations guys


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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I'm quite sure the libtard left and their Jewish handlers have been planning a similar thing here in the US for a very long time. Now that the soil is fertile enough, and the conditions nearly just right, it is only a matter of a little time before they increase the heat. Whites here in the US are in suicidal zombie mode, and they are quite prepared to accept their fate. I want to say that the Conservatards are not, but they have a religion, for the most part, which allows them to be "colorblind" and accepts as a basic tenant the sacrifice of the innocent to expunge the black stains on the souls of the guilty, so they are fundamentally "Jewed" and it is only a matter of time before they are sold out by their own foolishness. The Truth is, only the Genius in Man can rise above the foolishness of becoming chattel to the Jew, and needless to say Geniuses are rare, even if more frequently appearing in White races. The problem is that most everyone on earth is NOT a Genius, and while enjoying the expropriated fruits of Genius happily sits by while they are enslaved by evil "semi-genius" Jews. Nothing anyone can do to wake up the willfully comatose, nor show the truth and light to the willfully blind. Even these images of gore will have no impact on their truncated minds..

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I respect only this man among all men I have met in my life. Only this one.

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who is she and what's the source on the video?

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File: 3a9071bc73a9429⋯.png (93.83 KB,515x703,515:703,genocide (2).png)

File: 624bf9a0f120af7⋯.png (90.48 KB,506x663,506:663,genocide (3).png)

File: 313b42c4f2a2789⋯.png (94.28 KB,593x644,593:644,genocide (4).png)

File: 9ad9cb3b9eea6d0⋯.png (118.36 KB,522x806,261:403,genocide (1).png)

Read the book "Kill the Boer" by Ernst Roets.

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watch and spread this documentary


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File: 7133421483761dc⋯.pdf (6.6 MB,Kill The Boer.pdf)

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Aren't you an ass for pretending posting on internet is NOT doing something, but you cheerleading people TO do something… ON THE INTERNET… is. What a fucking glow in the dark nigger faggot kike you are.

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Just replace those maggots with Jews. There's the problem right there. Stop waiting for Jewsus and start living in the here and now.

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File: 0f718de859793f9⋯.jpg (56.39 KB,964x912,241:228,pepeworried - Copy.jpg)


Is she alive? Did she get out, or get to some place that is safe? This is genuinely sad anons.

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Never has "could" been so far from "will" in the history of those words.

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I may have some strange beliefs, as far as others are concerned, but there is not only nothing in this world that contradicts those "beliefs", but everything reinforces them, making them damn near speakable as "Laws of the World and Reality". One of those things that indicates to me that the world is evil is that it is even POSSIBLE that a race would sell itself out to foreign religions (based on Jewdaism of all things) and then progressively (no pun intended), SUICIDE THEMSELVES AND THEIR CHILDREN out of perverse and idiotic tendencies to obey the closest thing to a TROGLODYTE that the world has ever known, to a race of creatures that LAUGH ABOUT IT and consider themselves the masters of the Whites. Meanwhile, nothing contradicts them! Not even this kike-controlled, federal entrapment scheme (a violation of the law in that case), which is probably monitored only by niggers, kikes, faggots, cucks, trannies, and pedos. Say what you would about my Religion, at least I would never have fostered or condoned THIS FILTHY EVIL SHIT. When you are done HUMILIATING YOURSELVES, I'll be shocked.

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Context? Other than the black guy didn't leave him alone when asked (he should have, but idk if that was enough to get knocked the fuck out).

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based Randbot

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Right. The more I look at it, the more it looks like the 4th Reich is waiting just outside of the boundaries of our perception and retaliatory capability, and that they will not intervene until either White people develop the will to fight the same fight they had to fight alone against the world (with only the Japs and Italians really helping!), or possibly not even then, for the Justice that there must be punishment for betrayal. And what a poetic Justice it is turning out to be, yes? If I were them, I would selectively exfiltrate only those who are awakened and not "DADA"d. Otherwise, they will simply be "crucified" by their "fellow Whites". But for all I know, these are ones who are either reincarnating to suffer their punishment out of guilt and want to try THEIR hand at fighting the Jew, or else they are intentionally staying to try and help as many as possible in a sort of "Boddhisatva" strategy. Personally, I consider the world to be a hellhole that is a lost domain, not a battlefield anymore. it is a killing fields left over from a war that was fought for its soul long ago.

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Thanks for the book drop anon

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You would expect by now that there would be some real professional made information coming out about this. A lot of the real stuff that comes out tends to be from the overtly Christian Afrikaner types, and while the information is excellent, it's often low quality in terms of presentation. I imagine that the situation will improve once former liberal White types, and former ANC and government supporters defect and realize that Whites in South Africa are truly in some deep shit, and it's not some "right-wing conspiracy," and subsequently, they'll bring with them their technical expertise.

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i know one of you faggots knows who the qt is.

tell us

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File: 6ba6ef25dc82482⋯.webm (8.54 MB,640x360,16:9,History of Rhodesia - Zim….webm)

Most of you probably already know this, but for anyone that doesn't, look up the history of Rhodesia, and compare it to what's happening in South Africa today. Also consider the "stolen land" narrative being pushed in the US and Canada. We are headed toward this wherever the European diaspora is.

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You know, it's an excellent choice that 99 Red Balloons was used as the background song, considering that the whole Rhodesian Bush War is a part of the wider Cold War.

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File: bffa3c5bbd2ec0b⋯.gif (1007.38 KB,300x186,50:31,this.gif)

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File: 3022b834dd6f31f⋯.jpg (36.75 KB,480x653,480:653,62438378_1390897254394229_….jpg)


if nothing happens South Africa will die the same fate as Rhodesia.

We must turn south Africa into the white Israel. Being backed by NATO and the USA protecting the ethnic whites against a hostile black environment.

let's turn SA into the white Israel

let's lobby the NATO for protection against rape, murder and white genocide in South Africa.

we must also protect the white refugees from Rhodesia who fled from Zimbabwe under Mugabe for the very same reasons.






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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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(((Leftypol))) approves of this racial cleansing.

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File: f0e6070367ba4e9⋯.png (668.51 KB,693x2059,693:2059,murders.png)

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I personally love seeing SA's niggers digging up their own grave

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File: 9bc32315548ee66⋯.mp4 (14.51 MB,854x480,427:240,BDEXwKOGisOL.mp4)

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>Why does the MSM not report about (or downplay/ignore/suppress) the white genocide in South Africa by a corrupt black government?

They don't want to spook the herd in other white countries with a redpill on their impending future.

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>South Africa is the racewar in the happening.

No. Whites are not fighting in South Africa.

There is no war. Just eradication done by the Jews' savage puppets.

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Considering that negroes came after, I wouldn't be surprised if in 50 years, after considerable brainwashing and erasure of the remnants of white history, ZOG wouldn't argue that we stole lands from proud kemites in Europe and America.

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I wish South African farmers just stopped providing food for the niggers. Just let them fucking starve to death

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File: ed81ce02220cd3d⋯.jpg (257.24 KB,1200x887,1200:887,the snake game.jpg)


How many of us can even get these protections for the precursors and ongoing acts of genocide in our home countries? Where is the wisdom in protecting another country when we cannot protect our own. Are we to keep chasing behind the snake, trying to clean up its mess after the fact? Does that sound reasonable? I encountered a snake in the woods yesterday with its head missing, its desiccated corpse was left to rot.

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File: 3780e069ffcae70⋯.png (2.51 MB,2626x1808,1313:904,Screen Shot 2019-06-16 at ….png)


Exactly. Keep an eye out for claims that America was built by slavery (exact words: "on the backs of slaves"), which will be used to justify the seizure of white landholdings in North America. They are also pushing this out of Africa narrative in Europe, see Sweden and Britain.



Once you've seen one example (Rhodesia and South Africa) it's impossible to ignore the ground work being laid to justify taking the homelands of the European Diaspora.

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The media is anti-white, and by anti-white it means not just anti-anglo, but against any white ethnicity, including the boers.

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good kek, but its not that simple. the kikes are funding the niggers, if the boers stop feeding the niggers then the kikes will import food to keep their nigger mob going. but also the kikes want the niggers to be hungry cos that'll make give them motivation to raid farms.

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all in all the simplest and best solution is for boers to go out on night patrol with silenced rifles and calmly pick off the invaders, creating safer neighborhood. They don't live in the 100% surveillance police state that europe does, and any place with niggers is wrecked, so survailance cameras aren't working.

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>They don't live in the 100% surveillance police state that europe does

They do, or at least have the potential to. It's just the fact that South African glowniggers, are literal niggers, and are pretty incompetent at what they do. The few White glowniggers hopefully are awake to what's going on, but unbelievably, there's STILL White liberals in SA that still support the ANC, or the DA, and that things can still be solved democratically and peacefully.

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File: 7d0e83f541f4168⋯.png (613.24 KB,593x4000,593:4000,Kill the Boer.png)

Raise awareness, post this everywhere. Prepare, train, read, learn. Do not forget.

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File: f9314a0a01fdf71⋯.jpg (53.44 KB,640x960,2:3,bump.jpg)

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So let's continue to bitch about in our little hug box of an echo chamber and never actually do anything about it

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File: 5a5ee825e1af5da⋯.png (Spoiler Image,814.35 KB,882x495,98:55,pete the poot.png)


anon, be sure to check out the south africa thread on k/k

also, i think that only men in a stick operating in the bush should use the 7.62NATO and 7.62Soviet (and maybe 7.62{Imperial}Russian) and those operating in urban areas and in wide-open field, should elect to use a 5.56NATO instead of the 7.62Soviet caliber. What do you think?

awesome pics by the way man

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File: 09b9ab643967e9f⋯.jpg (78.12 KB,862x960,431:480,DpAVpAJ.jpg)

File: fad249c393322ff⋯.jpg (135.73 KB,563x714,563:714,DxL.jpg)


5.56x45 is an abomination of a round; I agree that full-power cartridge is a good idea in the open areas, for CQB it's a much better idea to switch to 9mm for better handling and recoil control.

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but 5.56NATO can be used to devastating effect if paired in groups of 8-10 in an open area, plus you can fit way more of them and fire more rounds per second than 7.62NATO. My point was simply that in the bush a different round for fireteams should be used than those operating in wide-open field. I don't agree with you on the idea that 9mm will have less recoil especially considering that a rifle will be easier to should and maneouver than a pistol

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You know, it’s spitting in the wind to suggest anything real on this site, but South Africa should try cracking down on hospital corruption, drug diversion, etc. All of Africa has corruption problems, but as far as corruption impacting national stability, hospitals are IMO the most under-appreciated factor. City planners taking bribes or paying them might augur instability in ten years; hospital administrators doing that augurs a bad year ahead. And usually all the blame falls elsewhere! It’s like… encountering corruption in a hospital doesn’t seem to make people hate doctors, it just totally shifts their paradigm.

One of the stabilizing factors in the USA despite the occasional corruption scandal is that the USA has mostly-honest hospitals. Pushing for the last bite of honesty makes a bitter broth for the budget, but it pays off in time.

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>South Africa should try cracking down on hospital corruption, drug diversion, etc.

South Africa's horrid corruption and drug problems come from one source: niggers. You cannot ask niggers to crack down on themselves.

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File: 22d3811189e479a⋯.jpg (68.87 KB,917x701,917:701,DpNbKMX.jpg)


>but 5.56NATO can be used to devastating effect if paired in groups of 8-10 in an open area

It's much less powerful and has much less penetrating power than 7,62x51. It matters greatly in a difficult terrain where trees, stones and other obstacles are abundant.

>plus you can fit way more of them and fire more rounds per second than 7.62NATO

one accurate shot is better than ten inaccurate ones. When it comes to suppresion, full caliber beats intermediate as well; intermediate makes you keep your head down, full caliber removes your head. Also a submachine gun is much easier to handle in tight quarter than a M4-sized carbine, and at the usual ranges of engagement in CQB the greater stopping power of 5.56 doesn't matter much in comparison to 9x19.

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Everything is a trade off. M4/5.56 is never going to be optimal, but it's going to be capable in most situations. Calling it an abomination reveals you as an armchair general.

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I called it an abomination because it tries to be good at everything but comes short at it.

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File: e6ab28fbf88fce5⋯.png (Spoiler Image,115.36 KB,1281x641,1281:641,flag of rhodesia.png)


I'd like to while you bring up valid points, it's not accurate to suggest that South Africa is going to be bushland, since it's mostly desert. On that note, that's where my initial point was, 5.56 as a rifleman's use in the open areas and urban areas and 7.62Soviet to be used in the bushin a fire fight, it's much easier to pin down enemies if you have a caliber that is lightweight and will allow an insurgent to carry more of that type of ammunition. With a DM, of course 7.62NATO would be an absolute necessity

The problem we must contend with is the availability of ammunition and the type. It's likely that there are AK47's and caches of soviet ammo buried throughout Africa including South Africa, but it's been forgotten about. 5.56 is also going to be more plentiful than either 7.62 Soviet OR NATO because of it's use in the SANDF and SAPS. My point being that each cartridge will be useful in some respect, but in different areas. It's best to take these things into consideration when planning any operation whether it's to initiate or repulse an attack.

On that note, it's unlikely we're going to see submachine guns, although the portuguese paras used them in their fireteams during their colonial wars

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File: a33b3becb16b463⋯.png (Spoiler Image,513.03 KB,800x420,40:21,notevenclose.png)


I think he's trolling us, anon

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>and at the usual ranges of engagement in CQB the greater stopping power of 5.56 doesn't matter much in comparison to 9x19.

Dumb. Soft points will fuck someone's shit up, immensely more devastating than even a good bonded core JHP 9mm

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File: aa0fa6f7030ad11⋯.jpg (255.79 KB,811x1674,811:1674,objectively shit.jpg)


Nigger "society" will be fixed by technocratic solutions… this time!

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Just because it is seen as okay to hate on whites in the world we live in. Honestly disgusts me that the US or someone else has not gone over there and fucked them sideways and arrested them crimes against humanity.

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The US placed sanctions on SA in ‘86 to help support the ANC takeover of the government. Why the fuck would they start supporting whites now?

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I have no military training or access to weapons whatsoever. I do have however, money and my life and wrath. Is it possible to get trained and equiped in SA? Are there any military organizations you can refer me to?

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>that gun totting old white cuck amongst the niggers

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File: 3f536b073e491a7⋯.png (508.98 KB,480x488,60:61,1394588897639.png)


I'm thinking about impregnating an Afrikaner girl and then bringing her over here by abusing the very same anchor baby laws shitskins do. It's a Jewish tactic, but we're living in a country that actively puts into law regulations against us anyhow.

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1. get fit, not buff, but start running

2. go to south africa and shoot off some guns OR go to Nevada in the US, they have an open range and the gun laws are the most lax worldwide. Try shooting 556 and 762 to get a feel for things.

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In a recent briefing about 2018 International Religious Freedom report, a reporter asked about white genocide in SA. She was told to look at the report, of course it's about religious freedom and I couldn't find any remarks about South Africa.

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and nothing of value was lost

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I allready am fit, I did a lot of fighting sports from young age up until recently and I have decent endurance, but as I said I have no expirience with guns whatsoever.

This is why I asked. If I just was to fly to SA and start shooting up some niggers it wouldn't have much of an effect since they are so many. Again, are there any organizations or similar there that I can join? Is there no movement or anything?

If there really isn't then I might as well start lone wolf activism there.

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then why do black people want to live in europe in mass because your are apes and filth scum

the boer actually are in their home you didnt own the land back then you were so small in number the entirety of blacks in the world couldve fit in one city

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Always kill niggers, jews and leftists. There is no point in endless discussion or endless planning. Mass murder all who are not white and all who are against white men.

All other races are weak and inferior to the white race in every aspect. It is easy to kill any subhuman from any of those races. Genocide them, and make the world a white ethnoworld.

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File: ccca0d0de603991⋯.png (148.21 KB,1762x537,1762:537,ccca0d0de60399112f0fb4ddfb….png)


Join the French Foreign Legion.

Alternatively you can try pic related.

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Info in pic has some good advice. Joining FFL however, is terrible advice.

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File: fbdc2dcef39ddd4⋯.png (178.84 KB,500x804,125:201,commie.png)



pic related is ANC/EFF platform

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>let's turn SA into the white Israel

How do you think they got the Vektor R4s? They had to be close with Israel at one point or another.

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Kill yourself for being so fucking stupid you worthless fucking redditor.

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File: 1144f86ec39c953⋯.jpg (54.37 KB,960x540,16:9,Doz8mYNU0AE4Zhl.jpg)


Spotted a nigger apologist. Do you like servicing your black brothas, or you're just a cuck that likes seeing white people beaten?

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>you’re apologizing for niggers because you don’t want reddit spam here

sage, report

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>raising awareness about white genocide is reddit

Fuck you.

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That's why. OP, MSM will always be controlled propaganda and they only report on what they're being told to report. I can go into hours on the motives behind the propaganda, but let's keep it short by saying they don't give a damn about you or what you think. MSM is for the sheep and if you don't have influence in Hollywood and other big groups that give you the opportunity to have a say in the world, then you basically can't do anything about it unless you get invited into the secret society.

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>I am quite clearly a redditor

>I don’t even know what a jew is

>boy oh boy why isn’t my spam thread being well received


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Israel was one of the last countries to pass sanctions against them, but I suspect this was only because they were able to buy SA gold at a discount due to the reduced number of other buyers. This is just speculation though. There are many small details of recent SA history that are glossed over in the historical record and deserve to be fleshed out better.

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Aside from the reddit spacing, why are you calling this spam? Has it already been posted recently? Also the thread has been "received" just fine. Out of 327 replies, only you and the anon roleplaying as a nigger in >>13422454 have complained about the thread.

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File: fc6ad1d9d0d2a66⋯.jpg (47.56 KB,564x479,564:479,DpNe.jpg)


Fuck you again. Going to negate your sages just to spite you, bitch.

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Shills are out in force today, I see.

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Did you read the part of going to an open air gun range in nevada? other than that, read pdfs on the other topics, numbskull

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Because SA is the future that awaits all Whites if the present demographic trends continue. The MSM does what it does to ensure the continuation of said trends.

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I have enough money for ammonium nitrate.

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File: fefbdb13246ecfe⋯.png (302.32 KB,828x586,414:293,Screenshot at 2019-06-22 0….png)

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File: dbafd336d878cc1⋯.png (416.86 KB,910x430,91:43,Screenshot at 2019-06-22 0….png)

What i want to know is why none of the single dudes here are openly offering marriage to S. African women to get them out of the country? I am old and married. you young guys and girls here can literally "marry" someone from there so they can permanently leave… IF YOU DIDNT KNOW!

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Anyone here can simply marry someone from SA and save their lives then use chain migration to bring their entire families… JUST LIKE THE MEXICANS DO! Fucking do something!

I'm offering my farm and cabins to 2 families right fucking now. Have you offered your spare room in your mom's basement to a SA family? Every other race on the planet does this shit why not us white people? Really! W.H.Y. ?

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Relax boomer. Many of the whites who still remain there at this point won’t leave, because they intend to fight.

Also a sham visa marriage and playing house with a complete stranger is not that simple. Of course, there’s no need for that anyway. If they are set on evacuating, they can simply join the ranks of the other 30 million illegal aliens in the US who enjoy free medical, work permits and drivers licenses.

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Blackpill… as expected. Let whites die goy… Do nothing and just watch they die.

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Why don’t those white people just leave if they don’t like living there? Those white people stole that land anyway and have been using violence for centuries to hold it. Now they’re all bloo bloo bloo that they’re getting the land taken from them the same way they took it from the blacks.

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Why are white people so primitive, they literally live in heaps of trash.

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File: 1325a9805c62297⋯.jpg (76.19 KB,604x595,604:595,DwQF5g-V4AA.jpg)


You're mindlessly parrotting the same old lie used by idiots worldwide. It's factually incorrect. Ancestors of modern Afrikaners arrived there in the mid-1600's. The only original inhabitants of modern South Africa were Khoi-San people, which are considered colored, not black. Modern black tribes are Bantu people who have migrated there from the equatorial areas hundred years later. If there's anybody that stole the land, it was the bantus.

White people have built this country and made it a paradise even with niggers constantly chimping out. Just imagine this place without them.

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My question is why aren't farmers in SA armed at all times?

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I think they are. Read "Kill the Boer" by Ernst Roets - niggers attack elderly and defenseless people most of the time, spy on them for weeks to determine if they can defend themselves or not, and only then attack. I think most adult men in the business have already employed good defense measures, or else we'd see even more killings. The problem is that it's not enough and this macabre is going to continue, and they're going to be overwhelmed, armed or not.

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File: 925183f79b4b3f6⋯.jpg (57.61 KB,677x1024,677:1024,1559722471759.jpg)


Fuck you, cocksucker.

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File: cbdfe1cd7fffc44⋯.png (1.67 MB,1896x3504,79:146,127131.png)

White Saffer here. Thanks for your concern /pol/.

We did our best. We really did. We united behind Nelson Mandela and we gave it our best shot. Now his daughter is harking back 25 years and claiming we stole the land. This is bullshit. And even today a large portion of our tax goes to giving blacks free money each month. But blacks can't run a white society because they are parasites and have no concept of the future. Literally none. Everything is The Now to them. Protest, break stuff, destroy so they can get Free Stuff. No idea that things need to be fixed or maintained. Constantly in fear that their ancestors will be angry with them. They go to churches and get sprayed in the face with bug spray to keep demons away. This is the mentality, such as it is, when the majority of the population is <70 IQ.

Before the end of the year there will be a tipping point: one too many government-sponsored farm murders, the water supply running out - whatever. The Boers will stop growing food. The whites will stop working or paying tax. And things will collapse very fast after that. The ANC will deploy and the army and the police. Both are entirely useless and will instead serve as useful sources of weapons and bullets for pissed-off whites.

Within a few years a white nationalist state will be born out of the civil war that's surely coming. And it will be glorious. You're welcome to join us.

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God bless you. What makes you believe that the tipping point will be by year's end? Also is there any way to help in right now? If war breaks out next year, I'll be there to fight alongside you guys.

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You either lack reading comprehension skills or don’t understand what black pill means. Either way you sound like a hyperbolic woman.

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True the wording of the OP is naive, but the SA topic as a whole is clearly relevant, and your assblastedness is pointless.

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You’re responding to a /leftypol/ tranny and/or redditor.

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Based Chinks. I wish we did the same.

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Gut feel based on living in africa for many years. The economy is contracting rapidly, ~4-5% per quarter. Country's water supply is completely fucked because nigs think maintaining water pumps and stopping sewage from contaminating fresh water is some kind of white man's magic. The ruling party is stoking the fires of hatred to distract from their complete fucking up of the power infrastructure and looting of state enterprises. The whole grid could still go off - it came mighty close a couple of months ago.

This all suits the true (((powers behind the curtain))) because they want to see what happens when you try and get rid of a white minority. It will fail horribly. Whites are heavily armed, well prepared and just waiting for payback time. Thanks for the offer anon - you'll be very welcome to join us and form a new Boer nation based on western values and a culture of hard work and brotherhood. For now you can spread the word about what's happening here. There is almost no rule of law in certain rural areas already: water problems, looting, attacks on supply trucks and farms, powerless authorities. It's bad. I'm in a moderate sized city so we have some buffers here but it will be a lot worse when the shooting starts i fear because of the numbers alone.

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> For now you can spread the word about what's happening here

I've been trying. I'm reading Kill The Boer (posted above) and have been trying to bring up the plight as much as possible without alienation. If there is anything else (in particular anywhere I can tell boomer relatives to send money) let me know. In the meantime I will pray. Glad to hear the boers will welcome an amerimutt like me.

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>There is almost no rule of law in certain rural areas already

Which areas?

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File: b45cac1091a29c0⋯.jpg (191.88 KB,1024x758,512:379,DvmoXgb.jpg)


>You’re responding to a /leftypol/ tranny and/or redditor.

I'm aware. Still it's a common misconception and it needed to be said. If after this it still doesn't go through, shame on them.


There's great many dangers ahead of the Boer nation. A fight against overwhelming number of enemies will be tricky, but not impossible as the past has already proven; in my opinion enemies from within will be the worst threat. And I don't necessarily mean traitors, when it would primarily be a fight for survival. The moment anything serious starts, your ranks will be flooded with glowing people of all kind. Although easy enough to spot on our Bantu club swinging forums, in reality it's going to be much more tricky. Remember, and be sure to mention it often, that counter-intelligence is going to be an essential matter for success.

Another issue is the question of inevitable sanctions and lack of diplomatic recognition of the new state. International diplomacy is not my strong suit, as I see it as the prattle of limp-wristed (((men))) - but whoever takes it up needs to learn the lesson from history and know that giving up ground and going for compromises has never helped the cause of South Africa. No matter what a white Afrikaner is going to say, no matter how many photos of victims you are going to present, how many eyewitness reports, you still are going to be a white devil going against the so called "black majority". Remember the riots at Sharpeville? Everybody remembers it. But nobody remembers what happened at Cato Manor beforehand, where both black and white policemen were slaughtered with machetes. Nothing any of us will convince (((them))). All we can do is try to turn the hearts of people; the distrust in the mass media grows, and the internet is an excellent place to spread information. When it is inevitably started, it is going to take our sympathetic followers to unite in a common effort, just like IOTBW campaign or many others, to combat the propaganda and provide the world with the truth, while others will be fighting in the front line.

We have plenty of reasons to be optimistic, but there's a great amount of work to be done.

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Okay, I can tell you right off the bat that there is no issue of white farmers in particular being killed. There are many attacks on farms, but that's just because farms are wealthy; the attacks are overwhelmingly just theft, not racial assaults. Around 33% of the farm workers who have been attacked have been black, which is roughly proportional to the number of Black farmers in South Africa in the first place.


You're not a victim

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File: 52aee3e541d0ab8⋯.png (622.94 KB,521x2552,521:2552,boer.png)


Absolute majority of attacks are aimed at white people who are absolutely not wealthy. Look at the amount of money stolen during attacks.


>264$ stolen after viciously murdering a family with child

>20$ stolen after grievous torture of an elderly couple

>a farmer is torn to pieces, and a phone and clothes are taken

>other elderly people tortured and threatened for a car and some guns

>a woman raped, a man savagely killed for some money and then the niggers laugh

Read these caps, you dishonest nigger.

>Okay, I can tell you right off the bat that there is no issue of white farmers in particular being killed.

You're a lying piece of shit. Even your website tells something different.

>In 2001, the police’s Crime Information Analysis Centre revealed that of the 1,398 people attacked on farms, 61.6% were white, 33.3% were black, 4.4% were Asian and 0.7% were listed as “other”. This data is now more than 15 years old and should not be assumed to be representative of the current situation.

>should not be assumed to be representative of the current situation.

Even if blacks are killed too, the whites are still the majority of the victims DESPITE BEING THE MINORITY IN THE COUNTRY. Also you purposefully dismiss that white victims are subject to far more extreme violence than black victims.

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File: 5f3622761df4a9e⋯.png (140 KB,203x283,203:283,5f3622761df4a9ed8d231ebe86….png)


No, it is the TRUTH. There are two positive routes we can take. One is raising a big family well and teaching them about gun safety and educating them on ZOG. I am from a rural town of ~1000 people and this is very common there. The other is direct lone-wolf actions against ZOG. This is a better route for someone who for whatever reason lives in a city but has not balked under the pressure of his surroundings yet – but when he has had enough of the jew multi-culti SHIT he will take his surroundings down with him in a blaze of glory.

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Africa Check gets its funding from George Soros. Nice try kike.

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Quite a few spots in Limpopo, North West Province, the Eastern Cape, the Western Cape and Natal are now completely run by gangs. The construction industry is one that has now been destroyed in many areas by armed gangs demanding a cut of the profits.

http://www. sabuilder.co.za/2019/03/26/construction-mafia-derailing-projects-causes-engineers-to-flee/

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What the… Nothing you have shown disproves my point but only adds detail that isn't even detrimental to my argument. You talk about money stolen, violence done and some mocking but I'm not arguing whether or not the attacks are violent or bad but rather that there is some fight against whites in South Africa. You make a claim that I can only conclude as being either deceptive or you're just being ignorant on purpose.

>Even if blacks are killed too, the whites are still the majority of the victims DESPITE BEING THE MINORITY IN THE COUNTRY.

So what? We're not talking about the number of blacks and whites in South Africa, which as you said is correct to say that most are black. But we're talking about farm owners here not the national population. And when you simply look at the farmer population 60% of the victims are white and 30% of the victims are black which coincides with the black and white farm owner population, again not national demographic you idiot but the land ownership demographic.

>should not be assumed to be representative of the current situation.

Doesn't even refute the point since there are more recent studies and unless you can provide evidence that somehow the black farm ownership has changed then your points are mute.

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So what? They have other funders too that pay even more. Are they in on the conspiracy too?

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This isn't social media nyoka. It's 8/pol/. If you take money from Soros you're compromised and nothing you say can be believed. You seem new here so I'd suggest lurking for a few more years before contributing.

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>nigger tries to use math to show why whites getting raped and murdered by niggers is no big deal

You could get a PR gig in the Ramaphosa admin.

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Great post anon. Yes there is a lot of work ahead but the fighting will weed out the weak, the liberal, the Jew and the uncommitted. The world is going nationalist so we'll have a lot more support than you think.

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You've made a claim that farms are attacked because they are wealthy - it is not true, because most farmers barely get by. Even if they were wealthy, I've provided you reports of the levels of torture against white people that disprove the claim that "it's just robberies".

You've made a claim that these attacks are theft, not racially motivated assaults. Look above, and look at the witness and perp testimonies - even they clearly say about how their attacks were caused by hatred against whites. I've already presented the fact that the black victims receive far less grievous treatment from the attackers.

The only claim that (maybe) has some merit is about the percentage of land ownership, but even then you're purposefully dismissing the fact that it's been stated that one of the goals of farm attacks is scaring white landowners away and making them sell or leave their property behind. Meanwhile one of the black groups in the country calls for land expropriation without compensation, just when these attacks are taking place. Attacks done exclusively by blacks. Coincidence, I'm certain.

>The extreme levels of violence are used to intimidate landowners with the sole purpose of scaring the farmers away from their property to facilitate the land invasion process, argues Neels Moolman of the Department of Criminology at the University of Limpopo. He further argues that the spoils obtained during these attacks can be regarded as a bonus and not the primary aim of the attack.

<but I'm not arguing whether or not the attacks are violent or bad but rather that there is some fight against whites in South Africa.

Yes, indeed, there is "some fight against whites". There is a wave of organized crime aimed overwhelmingly against white minority; the country's government is complicit; the mass media (and local media in SA, as it turns out) is silent about it all. The purpose of this thread is raising awareness about it and trying to spread this message. Meanwhile, you come here, pull out some outdated statistics and try to make "some" point; you try pussyfooting around the subject and trying to create confusion without outright denying the ethnic genocide that is taking place as we speak.

>But we're talking about farm owners here not the national population.

So? The higher percentage of white people among land owners doesn't explain the higher level of violence against them. I already proved that robbery is not the primary cause of farm attacks, so it's not because "whites are richer". Besides, what other comparison do you want to make? What else can we compare with farm attacks to prove that the problem is significant and exceeds the other areas of the country? Pics related.

Your claim towards White Afrikaners that "they're not victims" is completely absurd in lieu of the facts I have presented thus far, and it's purposefully provocative and untrue. As such, I believe you should fuck off back to cuckchan, or whatever other hole you've crawled out from.

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Beautiful song. More talented men and women should make similar songs. If, someone doesn't have the talent they should seek to develop it assuming the desire is strong enough.

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There have been a few instances of racially charged attacks, no doubt about that, but on a systemic level, the racial breakdown of murders is more or less proportional to the racial breakdown of farmers. Therefore, there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that racial animosity is a primary motivator in most of these attacks. A more reasonable hypothesis would be that people who attack farms are more likely to treat white farmers with more hostility due to racist sentiments, taking the opportunity to take out their racism when farmers are white, just as how when victims are female, they more often take the opportunity to commit sexual assault. Additionally, I once again point to the disproportionately low number of white victims in general murders; if racial animosity was the primary motivator for farm attacks, you would expect people to also be going after white people off of farms, but instead, black people are disproportionately victimized in murders.

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fuck your bullshit OP.









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Fucking drama queen

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Jew jew jew jew'Reilly's jewish parts

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It’s amusing, the lengths you shekel-niggers will go to, to justify the disproportionate rates of whites murdered by blacks vs blacks murdered by whites. What do you think the ratio is? 50-1? 500-1? And yet when it comes time to discuss the disparity in the economic and developmental outcomes between black territories and white territories during the second half of the 20th century, your ability to acknowledge black responsibility for their own lack of achievement is discarded in favor of blaming whitey for not giving the nigger enough free shit.

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Do it anon.

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Ignore the nigger/Jew in this thread casting doubt on the murder rate of white farmers. When a white person with a basic understanding of the math looks at the numbers, the rate is at least TRIPLE the national average: https://www.politics web.co.za/opinion/farm-murders-factchecking-the-factcheckers

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I say again, most murders in SA are "social fabric" crimes (definition above). Farm murders are not social fabric crimes. Violence against people in SA is heavily romanticized, in the form of encouragement of violence on social media, songs like "Kill the Boer, kill the farmer", and claiming that all white people are racist and responsible for oppression of blacks.

>black people are disproportionately victimized in murders.

Now you're just embarrassing yourself.


If they'll be ignored someone might have a semblance of doubt that they have a point. All these claims are easy to disprove, the proofs are there but are just largely ignored.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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This is 8/pol/ not cuck/pol/. Don't ask questions that both you and everyone else already knows the answer to. Just make a Thread on topic you want.

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>Be me at 23

>Grew up in South Africa hating niggers

>mfw I found I have a nigger ancestor from race-mixing bastard dutchmen in the 1600s

>mfw I want to die every single moment of every single day

So much for pure "Afrikaaners" since most of them have a nigger ancestor from the dutch. Look up Simon van der Stel. Look up the records. Most Dutch family lines in South Africa start with a Dutchman and a nigger.

>nb4 DNC kike shill

>nb4 bait

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>You can't imagine the shit I've seen. You really can't.

>And as for bitterness? I stopped being bitter a long time ago. I'm furious. I want revenge. I want to make it stop.

ok mr cuckold

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This isn't too far-fetched, since the origin of the Cape Colored is from white/black mixing correct?

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the fact that you're a mutt doesn't mean that everyone else is


Khoisan are colored, not niggers. Bantu-niggers came about 100 years later than whites.

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I said most. For instance, the "Van der Merwe" family line begins in South Africa with a German race-mixing with a nigger. Some "Afrikaaners" might still be 100% pure, but that doesn't change the fact that mixing was prevelant way back when. Hell, even Paul Kruger was known for loving his slaves too much, and he's a damn folk hero.


Most of the Cape Colored have Dutch / German surnames. It did happen.

It should be taken into account that SOME, not all, pure looking blonde-haired, blue eyed, Aryan featured Afrikaans waifus may, in fact, have 400 year old secrets in the closet.

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It's not a racial motive smh, they're robbing.

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only a nigger would stab a man 150 times to steal 200$.

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File: fa62dfd7352a23d⋯.jpg (183.6 KB,1200x800,3:2,IMG_0230.jpg)


Khoi san indigenous people are 1% of the population and are unrelated to Cape Coloreds (Kaapse Kleurlings) which is a larger group at 9% of total, same as whites. They are probably comparable to American blacks who have on average around 20% white admixture I believe. They are hated by the Bantu almost as much as whites. They don't vote for ANC/EFF but rather for various Colored parties which have little to no power.

The country has a lot of political parties, but it basically breaks down as blacks vote ANC/EFF/FF+, and whites vote DA.

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Go back to twitter, homedawg.

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File: 5381bce5be506ca⋯.jpg (269.19 KB,1008x1600,63:100,ad2.jpg)

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It is a similar situation that happened with nonwhite populations in America- most mixed people were melded back into their nonwhite group, hence the creation of "Cape Coloureds" and the "Colored" population in America.



They brought their women, though.

If anything, the prevalent non-euro admixture in a minority of Afrikaners is Maylay.

The blacks were always seen as a race apart.

the true is same with Dutchmen in the Netherlands, Indonesian indentured servants were used there, and there was some interbreeding.

but yeah, inb4ing doesn't really change the fact that this is the same argument that is generally used against white americans for bait purposes

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Them bringing their own women didn't stop them from breeding with the slaves. The slaves were brought from West Africa, I'm not kidding. Here's the slave ship which carried slaves which I know for a fact were mixed with ("Hasselt" from Popo, Benin). I'm saying that there are cases of married men touching their slaves for some unknown reason and then the children being reintegrated for another godless reason. And this isn't meant as bait, because Afrikaners are slowly being murdered with no end in sight. I just wanted to highlight that Afrikaners might have some mixing, as evidenced in myself and there's nothing I can do to change the fact that one of my ancestors made poor decisions that has removed me from the Europe forever.

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File: a2803f6d46fa84f⋯.jpg (61.58 KB,582x439,582:439,Must_Rape.jpg)


Every interaction between the oppressor and the oppressed is political. A marxist academic taught me that. Which is why there are no good non-whites.

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Tweet it to Trump he might comment

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>>Why do the jews not report about (or downplay/ignore/suppress) the White genocide in <insert White homeland> by <non-White> government?

Its because they are all your enemies. Do you not listen to what they say? Its not about "liberation" its about dominance, as simple as that, two groups different groups come together and there is tension, conflict and combat.

Where there is no more Whites they'll all celebrate even if all the infrastructure is collapsing or iPhones are breaking down because those were just play-things unearned and meaningless to the jewish parasites or non-White inheritors.

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checked and kekd

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>blacks vote ANC/EFF/FF+

>blacks vote FF+


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File: 4c5db2d2fbcc89b⋯.png (424.88 KB,459x600,153:200,ruckus.png)


Kek think I meant to write IFP. Maybe there are some Baste Blacks™ who go in for FF+ though. Pic related

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well, obviously the media and their masters want to destroy the aryan race.. Isn't that obvious by now?

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File: dc025a6fa0f99ae⋯.jpg (36.2 KB,632x470,316:235,bump2.jpg)

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Eugenics exists for a reason, anon.

>I still don't believe that most of the population is admixtured.

>most of the sources who claim that "7 percent of the modern Afrikaner genepool is noneuro" (which is repeated/cited fucktons of times) are blatantly anti-Afrikaner

>anyway, the whole issue is kinda besides the point as long as obvious nonwhites want to slaughter a population that is phenotypically white, is hated by antiwhites almost as much as germans, and is accepted as white by pretty much everyone.

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don't drink and post, anons

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File: 383da104cfb0f7e⋯.jpg (467.51 KB,2048x1520,128:95,DtrhW2.jpg)

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>"It's not all Soros!"

Omidyar, the creepier, geekier Arab David Brock look-a-like, is a frequent Soros partner, and is a similarly monstrous piece of shit. Also Gates Fund, whose sliminess speaks for itself.

You are a most ineffective shill. Could be worse! At least be thankful that you're not a jew.

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File: d2f2e686d874f3a⋯.jpg (98.81 KB,1084x684,271:171,DpC5_0iVsAABOWv.jpg)

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Lots more of this required. Soon.

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haha if you are a white person and still living in South Africa, it's your fault for not leaving. If you are dumb enough to stay, you deserve this

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File: e301e4d44b9b1d4⋯.png (13.25 KB,86x87,86:87,392101536660193288.png)


>if you are a white person and living at your home where you were born and where your parents were born it's your fault for not running away

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It's even worse than that, the Boers have been in Africa since the 1600s, before the bantu niggers came in and started demanding gibs.

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imagine being a nigger , imagine how much that would suck..

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Ya know this photos is from Brazil, right?

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File: 2c1f1bd9f6ce050⋯.jpg (25.49 KB,564x316,141:79,ytjtDG.jpg)

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see you on best gore

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File: 6a3740b15b75828⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB,640x360,16:9,petrol-bombed.mp4)

Floppies celebrating setting a supply truck on fire in Koeberg, Western Cape. Far sighted race this people.

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Imagine trying to (((coexist))). Far sighted race, these people.

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What's new?

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That anon >>13397406 is correct. If violent action, which is what you're alluding to, even through you're doing anything to not outright say it, is what you consider the only option, then be the change you want to see in the world. Grab your gun, walk from door to door, and recruit a White militia to overthrow the government.

I guarantee, you will do nothing. Just like you are now. So stop asking others to do what you're too much of a pussy to do.

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real question is

why do whites want to live in a nigger country?

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Soon every country is going to be a nigger country. You might as well ask why would anyone want to live in UK or France. Are you okay with it?

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>why do whites want to live in a nigger country?

If you actually investigate this question, you'll see that virtually all these people are religious nutjobs that think the Sky Kike gave them these niggers as servants.

During slavery days in "America," people would go down to the South and marvel at how much freedom of movement the niggers had. They could freely leave plantations, go to town, buy and sell shit, etc. When Northern whites found this out, they didn't oppose slavery because they felt sorry for niggers. They opposed slavery because they didn't want to ever live beside them.

There is an old quote from that nigger Harriet Tubman about how she could have freed a thousand more niggers, if they just would realize they were slaves. Naturally this quote causes the modern listener confusion, the exact same type of confusion experienced by the Yankee visiting the States exploding with nigger slaves.

The ideology of the slavemaster is always a religious one. They hate other Europeans. They don't care if they forced other Europeans to live beside niggers, as long as they made some money off it. Niggers to them represent an investment, and their cared more about their investments than they do their People. In their mind, they don't even have a Nation anyway!

Once you understand that, you'll understand why English-speaking Europeans willingly choose to remain a minority surrounded by hordes of niggers, especially stupid niggers from a bunch of different ethnic groups, that speak different languages, that have a history of fighting each other and will look to the foreign white face to give them favors against the other niggers they hate.

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>They opposed slavery because they didn't want to ever live beside them.

Yes, they freed the niggers, allowed them to have rights and breed freely wherever they wanted because they didn't want to live beside them.

> They hate other Europeans

Citation needed.

> They don't care if they forced other Europeans to live beside niggers,

>In their mind, they don't even have a Nation anyway!

You're talking out of your ass, Afrikaners have one of the strongest nations and still have a sense of unity despite what is happening. Besides, Apartheid was a thing, and it disproves everything you're saying.

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>Yes, they freed the niggers, allowed them to have rights and breed freely wherever they wanted because they didn't want to live beside them.

Bloody Kansas didn't happen because they wanted to "free the niggers." It happened because they didn't want people bringing niggers to live beside them.

>Citation needed.

You're not going to find a citation for that, because no one would be foolishly enough to speak so openly about what they actually think. You have to deduce it from the context. Just as Christfags today believe all kinds of stupid shit, Christfags always have believed all kinds of stupid shit, chief of which is that everyone deserves to go to hell because some bitch ate a fruit. And by deserve, I don't mean this is just some technical point in a retarded religious system (which it is); many Christfags revel in this particular doctrine, using it as a justification to hate everyone around them, fellow Christfags included (they're just the "pretend" ones, probably extra-deserving of Hellfire).

>You're talking out of your ass

You're a retarded Christfag Kike cock-sucker.


Aren't a Nation. They're Dutch people, and they need to go back to their real Nation; the Netherlands.

>Besides, Apartheid was a thing, and it disproves everything you're saying.

No it doesn't, no more than "slavery was a thing" disproves anything about why some Europeans want to live beside niggers.

In the mind of retards like yourself, the only people who want to live near niggers are "Leftists," and not even they want to. If everyone hated niggers so much, why would anyone buy them? In your fantasy version of reality, there is no explanation. Perhaps you think slavemasters were the modern equivalent of stereotypical liberals, and just wanted to give niggers more opportunities by shipping them to "America?"

After the Civil War, the old slavemasters found out real quickly that you don't need for the niggers to be legally non-citizens in order to extract value out of their labor. Just like the Europeans moving into Africa proper: they didn't do it because they wasn't even land available to buy in "Canada" and "America." It's because they wanted nigger slaves. Their book of fairy tales told them the Sky Kike had given niggers to them as servants, and they wanted those servants.

Naturally, not everyone in the South was agreeable to this situation, just as not everyone in Africa was. Most with any sense simply pick up and move when the fantasy bubble bursts, and that is exactly what European minorities in Africa need to do. Get the fuck out, because revolutionary White Nationalists aren't going to be sending them soldiers to keep hordes of nigger servants.

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I'm down, where do I start?

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Because the financial system is a ponzi scheme.

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fuck off D&C kike

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File: 129707ac89a9fcf⋯.mp4 (2.8 MB,480x360,4:3,CHAD VS. TYRONE.mp4)


Room for another?

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File: 2a0d7b82cdc259f⋯.png (339.97 KB,1024x1024,1:1,0736b4017a98c879f5428d9c6f….png)


Here's the crypto for them to collect. Fucking take it, fund the ethnostate.


and praise kek you fucking faggots.

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File: dababf274556450⋯.jpg (63.94 KB,458x285,458:285,melee.jpg)

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File: d17cf36e87b734d⋯.jpg (321.63 KB,2048x1308,512:327,ratel.jpg)

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its so fucking hypocritical for anyone to care about politics and eat meat, like to the point of absurdity. politics is centered around the lives of other people, at the core, thats why we are interested in politics. we have boards in /pol/ where these hypocrites cry about white genocide all day

>abloooo abloooo look at these crime statistics ='((((

>huueeeee hueeeeeeeee waaaaaaa niggers are killing whites in south africa :'((((

>look at these muslim rape gangs! =OOO HOW COULD THEY! OH THE HUMANITY ABLOO-ABLOO

>waa waaaa waaaaa look at these bloodies up whites in south africa :'(((((( look they are so sad niggers are such savage apes! :'(((

>how can these cruel animals hurt whites like this? we just want to be left alone, but they keep hurting us, whites are victims!

>whites are these innocent angels who never hurt anyone, its these niggers and spics and jews who hurt other people, look at this crime statistics =OOOOOO wow!

and then they turn around and kill pigs and cows and chickens like its nothing. pigs and humans have a nervous system and an ability to have subjective experiences in a way that is BIOLOGICALLY IDENTICAL. in the same way that niggers and whites experience emotions the same, pigs also experience them the same. if you kick a pig it will feel pain in the same way that a human would if the human was kicked. their nervous system is BIOLOGICALLY IDENTICAL, THEY CAN SUFFER

but whites cry all day about the boo-boo's they recieve with niggers, but go around to torture pigs and cows for their tastebuds

dont you guys find this just a little bit ironic and hypocritical? honestly anyone who takes politics seriously is a fucking JOKE. that entire board is an intelectual joke, i cannot take them seriously. those hypocrites would fucking hunt down ANYONE who hurts dogs for instance, yet they have pigs on their plates every fucking dinner. this is what being a normie is: being a delusional hypocritical retard who contradicts themselves and isnt even aware of it

*dab* *dab* *dab*

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>like its nothing

Vegans are fucking stupid. Leftists only ever argue with Strawmen to fill in the massive blanks they leave by not researching shit, or engaging in their "scary" opposition for what we REALLY feel and believe.

You're obviously a grazer. A eyes down, herd animal, so I don't expect you to be able to grasp this concept at all.

As a Predator, I have NEVER taken a life that didn't effect me deeply. I respect the animals I hunt, or raise VERY much! More than I respect you, really. Taking life to sustain life is a Spiritual cycle that herd animals (food) (YOU!) will never experience, nor understand. I won't explain myself any further because no amount of detail will ever make you experience this harsh reality of life, and the honor and respect for the Natural Order of this world that comes with this personal education. You will never understand the deep connection a man has with his kill.

It is the purest form of survival, and Being Human there is.

Go chew some cud, sheep.

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File: e6edd1603fb9d18⋯.jpg (82.8 KB,800x450,16:9,fwee wange slaughterhouse.jpg)

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> Leftists only ever argue with Strawmen to fill in the massive blanks they leave by not researching shit, or engaging in their "scary" opposition for what we REALLY feel and believe

thats literally what you did yourself. my argument was its fucking hypocritical of you to complain about whites dying to blacks, yet go around killing pigs for fun. you're arguements for killing animals is "its natural tho" and "i have a connection with them tho". lel

niggers kill whites for fun, does that make it okay? fucking retard, honestly this board is filled to the brim with mouthbreathing inbreds like yourself

>I respect the animals I hunt, or raise VERY much!

how can you respect animals by killing them? do you think the niggers who kill white people respect them when they kill them?

>You will never understand the deep connection a man has with his kill.

ah, so having a DEEP CONNECTION makes it okay to kill? niggers have a keep connection with white before they kill them, so you are saying its okay for niggers to kill whites?

>It is the purest form of survival, and Being Human there is

its not survival because you arent in a survival situation you fucking brainlet. you have supermarkets. you have options, you dont NEED to eat meat, but you do it out of amusement and pleasure. literally the only reason you eat meat is for your tastebuds; for your pleasure

niggers kill whites for their pleasure too, does that make it okay?

holy FUCK you are so fucking dense my dude. so much hypocrisy. niggers are in the natural order killing whites, does that make it okay for them to do so?

fucking hypocritical retard. like these cows crying over a dead dog, but eating pork every dinner. all fucking delusional hypocrites. you're in some nazi cult thats violent and promotes genocide, and you kill animals for fun, yet you have the nerve to tell me im stupid?

this board is a JOKE

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File: 2874781273de7b0⋯.jpeg (60.03 KB,516x793,516:793,Wolf.jpeg)


You're far too spergy for a rational conversation, bitch. I don't kill "for fun", cunt! And no, I don't think niggers even know how to respect themselves, let alone the people they MURDER, which is nothing even in the same category as slaughtering an animal FOR SUSTENANCE! Niggers aren't even human, bitch. They don't have a deep connection to anything.

And if you ever compare the White Man to a pig again, I'll hunt you down, and make bacon from your belly myself, bitch.

I eat meat for health, you malnourished twit. I'll let you in on a secret too. Veganism, if it's not a necessity, is a LUXURY! You're either too poor for meat, or you live in such decadence, you can CHOOSE to supplement your diet with unnatural, and toxic options, moron. And yes, you worthless house pet, SURVIVAL is a CONSTANT! You're a brainwashed, coddled dipshit, packed with ignorance, arrogance, and destructive ideologies who believes because there is a system in place that babysits your dumb ass, you're "safe" and "secure" from the World.

I told you grazing sheep don't even possess the Spiritual awareness to grasp this deep concept.

Go suck on a cob of corn, Bessy.

You're embarrassing yourself.

>niggers MURDERING Whites for the change in their pockets is the same as an Aryan Man hunting animals to feed his family.

You seriously are malnourished. Low IQ. Go take some fish oil, you retard.

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Called my senator on this one two years ago. They don't care. USAgov does not care! I've read Australia and Russia may be taking some in. If your a white SA and reading this, get the hell out if there now. If you can somehow make it to US someone here will help you. I could probably help one or two families.

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File: 84d70089be68276⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB,640x360,16:9,baby cow curbstomp.mp4)

File: 81dcd733f691f8e⋯.mp4 (4.98 MB,640x360,16:9,beef farm to fridge.mp4)

File: 1f8a4ab9add6998⋯.jpg (78.81 KB,500x375,4:3,clip_19.jpg)

File: 967dbc5505801e8⋯.png (1.57 MB,1632x918,16:9,piggy.png)


>I don't kill "for fun", cunt!

>which is nothing even in the same category as slaughtering an animal FOR SUSTENANCE!

you kill for your tastebuds. it had repeatedly demonstrably been shown that your body can survive and thrive on a vegan diet. the only reason why you eat meat is because its tasty. its pleasureful and amusing, you dont like beans and lentils, you like steak and cheese

you kill for fun. niggers kill for fun as well. also niggers kill for sustenance. niggers rob for sustenance, they need money to survive. you both are violent killers who kill for your pleasure and amusement

>Veganism, if it's not a necessity, is a LUXURY!

lentils, beans, rice, born, frozen vegetables and oats are significantly cheaper than steak, porkchops, bacon, cheese and milk

>And yes, you worthless house pet, SURVIVAL is a CONSTANT! You're a brainwashed, coddled dipshit, packed with ignorance, arrogance, and destructive ideologies who believes because there is a system in place that babysits your dumb ass, you're "safe" and "secure" from the World. I told you grazing sheep don't even possess the Spiritual awareness to grasp this deep concept.

lol project harder, my dude. i dont go around killing animals for my tastebuds, you do. these animals dont want to die and they suffer deeply as a result of your taste preferences. you fucking retard, i literally kill no animals, unlike you. you kill for PLEASURE. you dont need to kill, its been scientifically shown you can be perfectly healthy on a vegan diet


tell me, what do you think about dog meat? do you think its okay for me to kill and eat dogs to feed myself and for sustenance and because i have a deep connection to the dog? chinks do that


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File: 945d0d7344c68fb⋯.png (817.58 KB,1024x919,1024:919,ClipboardImage.png)


>ignores everything I said, and continues to strawman

Like I said, not even worth attempting a rational conversation. Your brain is made of cholesterol. If you aren't constantly getting Omegas and other fats, you end up as dumb as you, cunt.

You're arguing out of total emotion. You are a herd animal. You don't even possess the capability to grasp what I'm saying without getting irrationally triggered.

I will continue to raise and hunt animals for my health and sustenance, and NOTHING a dumb bitch like you can do or say will ever change that!

You're totally surrounded. Go cope on a hill of beans, you grazing cow.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>You're arguing out of total emotion. You are a herd animal.

dude this entire thread is arguing out of total emotion. look at all the whiny people here crying about the dead white

>waaa waaa abloo-bloooo whites are being killed in south africa this is white genocide ='(((((((((

jesus and hitler were both vegans. the original jesus in the gospels of the ebionites was vegan. hitler was a militant vegan who talked a lot about it, yet ignorant proud people like yourself still go around kill anything for your pleasure, and all you do is dodge me intellectually

dont paint whites as this innocent race of people who dont hurt others. you literally enslave and kill animals for your TASTE PLEASURE

if i treated dogs the way we treated pigs, i would be in jail. but if i kill a pig for FUN, i have committed no crime. its perfectly legal to raise pigs and throw away their corpse FOR FUN

you are literally on the level of the amazingathiest who eat meat just to spite vegans

just because you think its "bacon seed" doesnt mean it wants to die for your bacon. young white girls dont want to die for a nigger's sexual pleasure. dogs dont want to die in dog fighting or for your dog steak. this board are all brainwashed

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File: e8c5dbd822ce963⋯.png (113.59 KB,1092x1052,273:263,cognitive dissonance.png)

File: 4e925200eceb1e4⋯.jpg (81.3 KB,559x445,559:445,goebbels vegan.jpg)

File: 18edab9d51c46c4⋯.jpg (291.55 KB,900x675,4:3,'merica.jpg)


forgot pics

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File: 1847172728c6ef4⋯.png (119.06 KB,231x255,77:85,ClipboardImage.png)


>more strawmen, red herrings, and projection.

Eating is not the same as nigger rape, or dog fights, you purposefully ignorant cunt. False Dichotomy.

You refuse to debate in good faith.

It's not FUN to kill to eat. This is the THIRD time I've had to reiterate past your bullshit strawman, cunt.

Jesus is a Myth, and Hitler took a bullet to the gut in WWI causing his digestive problems. Like I said, you fucking brainlet, either out of NECESSITY, or DECADENCE! And you are one ignorant, decadent, ideological bitch, aren't you?

Keep embarassing yourself if you're so triggered, but I'm done wasting anymore effort on a sperging sheep, lost in the fog of emotion.

Again, if you want to aid in your LOGICAL mind, eat animal fat, and fish oil, bitch. Or just keep proving you're a fucking petulant retard.

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fuck off you dumb fucking nigger.

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File: 6593304725900db⋯.png (90.56 KB,255x188,255:188,1555009422730.png)

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u 2 might be samefagging, u are breaking the rules, stick to thread topic, kike backed niggers are killing white in south africa and the once proud and fierce boers, who at one time would have cleaned their community of niggers, have now been reduced to meek lambs by kike propaganda, lambs to the slaughter

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> vegetarianfaggotry

Hitler did a few things wrong after all.

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File: 09712a553b12d0a⋯.png (16.35 KB,246x255,82:85,67a7adfbd4f3678ca4da623bab….png)


Fuck you, loud mouth, sperg posting, pussy. YOU go to Africa, and show us where all this big talk comes from, faggot!

Well, tough guy? What the fuck are you even doing for your Volk, nigger? Besides talking a gang of empty shit?

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Thread only goes to prove how sick vegans are and need to be gassed. Hitler may not of been fond of steaks but he didn't try to ban meat or use it as anti-white justification. You idiots are really just that desperate to push your dumb agenda.

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>Thread only goes to prove how sick vegans are and need to be gassed

>people who dont kill animals for fun need to be gassed because they expose my hypocritical behavior and my cognitive dissonance is making me feel uncomfortable

every fucking time i swear to god, honestly lellll…. and you have the nerve to call liberals dumb?

you have the nerve to call the left dumb? you are literally killing animals FOR FUN and paint yourself as an angel. whites own tons of farms, you think they didnt own slaves back when we had nigger slavery? most farm owners are white my dude

this board is a joooooooooooooke lleeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllll


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File: f42112b0bc2941d⋯.jpg (139.93 KB,1080x720,3:2,main-qimg-76e74dbea5c9d5fe….jpg)

File: b2d88ad306c87a2⋯.jpg (171.56 KB,1080x720,3:2,main-qimg-6e5e9f804de2abe0….jpg)

File: 0f9755ce27272bc⋯.png (345 KB,500x344,125:86,3.png)

File: b6bffaa3704d5cf⋯.jpg (40.76 KB,720x407,720:407,A0XThS9CMAErTjc.jpg)





this thread is a joke. if ur not a vegan ur LITERALLY such a joke. the entire purpose of this board is to help whites on the basis that humans are important, yet you kill animals for fun

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Stop shitting up the thread replying to a vegan soyim faggot. When a faggot tries to derail a thread, filter and do not reply. For fucks sake.

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I became a racist after having to live and work alongside niggers for years, they taught me to hate them

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File: c98c963afcdcf92⋯.jpg (75.72 KB,773x960,773:960,c98c963afcdcf92243b3090253….jpg)

Why did this thread derail into about meat?

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why are you posting about meat? that poor wittle girl in ur picture is made out of meat, in the same way that a pig or a cow is

both the girl and the pig can suffer, can love, wants to live, and was killed against their will

yet you couldn't care less about the pig, and cry crocodile tears all day about the girl. im just pointing out your hypocrisy you fucking delusional RETARD

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File: 0f0f9bc6f30f487⋯.jpg (12.71 KB,205x305,41:61,bento_box_sailor_jupiter.jpg)


this thread is about South Africa. Take your crap else where.

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i mostly hate them for aesthetic reasons.

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this is peak capitalism

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File: e692299c9043ea1⋯.jpg (74.65 KB,1024x687,1024:687,DuKxGc.jpg)

Stop derailing the fucking thread.

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>Afrikaners aren't a nation

They have achieved ethnogenesis, so that is debatable.

What do you think happened amongst the Europeans of old?

They mixed culturally and ethnically with racially similar tribes, and became ethnic groups.

The dutch, for the most part, don't consider the Afrikaners their kin for the most part, anyway.

Just like the anglos don't really consider anglo americans their kin either (unless it suits them at the time, ala WW1 and 2).

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File: 33c3786678285ba⋯.webm (1.65 MB,224x400,14:25,1514055740402.webm)


Shills are testing a new attack vector.






First you have to love your own kind, then you can start to care for others. Vid related.

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Heavy but must be told.

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Fucking afrofucks fucking kike Jew cunts… Fuck the cunts this is just bullshit, why isn't anyone using their autism to track down where that video was taken and tune this niggerslut it?? Also find Benji and stick a .38 in the hook nosed cunt.

Fuck mate, can't wait till war hits.

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>nigger beating nigger

Jesus, it is almost as if you want to find every Hamster mother that ate its children because it felt like it…

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Dogs are companions kill yourself

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File: 17e221600158e49⋯.jpg (86.3 KB,800x512,25:16,Du7Ttw.jpg)

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It's not just not reporting the news, it's actively lying and saying this is not happening.

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Every willing white person would need at least 100 kills . And that's IF we could get half our population to participate.

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Dude you even posted a picture of a nigger eating monkey meat.

The biggest consumers of meat are niggers.

They eat anything that's easy to multiply and cultivate.

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OMG, This girl is a real prize. Just gorgeous! I pray she finds a guy worthy of reproducing with her!

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File: 42a638db3c631b4⋯.jpg (78.64 KB,960x688,60:43,Dt1qKAU0.jpg)

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File: 2657ede61388cef⋯.jpg (50.83 KB,640x445,128:89,DthAfc0UU.jpg)

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File: 11681a9c4896f6f⋯.jpg (158.46 KB,2048x1461,2048:1461,DupM.jpg)

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What would be a good place to start if I wanted to, say, collect actual testimonies from South African families? I think that an honest campaign of awareness, based on verifiable and organic information could do wonders to help address this.

The problem is that places like reddit are terrible for finding organic contacts, and I'm not sure how prevalent the counter-narrative is among less woke SA families.

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Well it's not that bad of an idea…

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File: cab2ed1376d99e7⋯.jpg (113.2 KB,960x745,192:149,DpBJzjwU4A.jpg)

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Telephone book. data scraping. polite call. speak afrikkans?

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File: 150f5bc9c6efe1b⋯.jpeg (275.64 KB,1280x850,128:85,20171030-GWXDxLfgl4K3pniA….jpeg)

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>Shills are testing a new attack vector.


This is a real special kid and suprise, he is a Jew. A specially sturdy and ignorant one at that.

>A Jew you say? that means he is evil and a shill!

Not quiet. He is not on bord with JIDF or some other stuff. He is campaining on his own. You can detect him because he almost always writes everything in lowercase and is overall really annoying. His latest stick is veganism he has allready created mayhem at https://8ch.net/r9k/res/309028.html (you may notice that the pictures in this thread are the same as the ones over at /r9k/)

Oh yea he also cut his balls of and documented it I am gonna spare you the sight though they are easy to get on /r9k/ just ask some fagg but be warned

So basically this is a highly mentally ill Jew that is on a crusade but everywhere he goes people reject his "brilliant" Ideas .

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File: 5562b64821b90f7⋯.jpg (155.01 KB,886x1280,443:640,D5djskEX4.jpg)

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AWB is filled with spooks FYI

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File: 29f564902fe6dfd⋯.jpg (29.02 KB,480x365,96:73,DpLKmS.jpg)

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Because, it is also going on in all other Western countries as well, though not in the same specific forms. They are invading, and be allowed to invade, by cucked people who serve the Jew Mind without question. Drawing attention to what happens in SA draws attention to the very undesirable consequences of what is going on here. Also, it is already going on, but it is being similarly edited out of all media here. Every time a cop, a fireman, a city councilman, a grocery clerk, a college student, a child, are killed by nogs and spics it is at the behest or in the interest of Kikes who oversee the process of the "great betrayal" of those who fought their own brothers to defend some angry kikes back in WWII.

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File: 893b23df4e324a2⋯.jpg (126.56 KB,862x703,862:703,DtwYm0A.jpg)

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File: 07faac06e87e522⋯.jpg (218.96 KB,1744x1160,218:145,DvKYj.jpg)

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hmm… I wonder who else is (((strongly opposed to eating pork?)))

also fuck niggers

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> your points are mute

(mute=silent,without speech)

The correct phrase is moot point.

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The topic of South Africa is relevant to the board, unlike the other 90 percent of trash in the catalog such as: Le ebin cult leader RP, dudeweedlmao, veganism or Super Secret Pedophile Den Found But Not Really

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National Geographic did an article on Zimbabwe under Mugabi. The blacks stole the white farmers land which resulted in a famine that kill the blacks. This is a mainstream magazine. The whites should leave and enter the United States declaring their hone countries are not safe. My guess is all of them could be placed on unused farms in Kentucky.

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File: 849ff1715d1c025⋯.jpg (87.21 KB,894x672,149:112,Dw-.jpg)


>leave their fatherland overrun by niggers to go to country that will be overrun with niggers in X years

That's a huge improvement. Besides, when will you learn, you freaking freaks, that these people want to stay in their homes and defend themselves. Things are happening, something you wouldn't post on a public imageboard, and the 'status quo', if it can be called so, won't last forever. Least what you can do is keep this thread up, repost the infographics on socmedia and raise awareness.

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File: f5770a5afefb82c⋯.jpg (150.25 KB,960x731,960:731,DuZ64w2V4.jpg)

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her voice is so calm and low pitched, i love it

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File: f77e64c0666cea9⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.72 MB,886x886,1:1,crazy man.png)

File: 60a1f46fe8183d4⋯.png (Spoiler Image,2.29 MB,960x960,1:1,best fwens.png)

File: 5d4daa66b69ef52⋯.png (Spoiler Image,759.52 KB,731x756,731:756,the last thing a glowinthe….png)


To add on that, it's a bad precedent. Are white people supposed to run away from everywhere else? I say, to that want us dead, you're more than welcome to try.

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>poor white girl

They’re derailing threads with vegetarianism

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File: 79a06b84f47e461⋯.jpg (70.27 KB,720x554,360:277,DvcirX4V.jpg)

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File: 8ff8a83e135e067⋯.jpg (223.43 KB,1484x1033,1484:1033,DtzFt1fU.jpg)

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iff that is what he is saying retard

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Holy shit though nobody is reporting on this.

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File: 81f5a003d4192e8⋯.png (461.54 KB,980x418,490:209,ee0c565b5ddf3ed4dfcc5675a3….png)

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Push for black Americans about fixing Africa.

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Because it's (((contrary))) to their narrative.

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go for it, anon. I'll do this as well. How would you go about contacting one?

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>Push for black Americans about fixing Africa.

It begins with white Americans critisizing them for it.

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File: c6d7eed8e62092e⋯.jpg (82.05 KB,960x724,240:181,Dwcy.jpg)

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File: 4f7027b10ba9dd8⋯.jpg (256.88 KB,960x876,80:73,Dw22qhrU.jpg)

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We just have to force the public to listen. Start locally.

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Do something, then.

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Just start calling random phone numbers and ask if there’s any white women between the ages of x and x in the household who would like to be impregnated by the internet’s most notorious Mongolian basket weaver. I’m sure panties will fly off.

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File: 0a5a042cbee3cbb⋯.jpg (59.6 KB,403x604,403:604,DzqgvykU.jpg)

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Make an all white dating site to get them out.

my sister is boning a white south African economic migrant / refugee.

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If mexicans can storm the "wall" with a caravan,

why can´t boers do the same?

>implying they get a boat

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Happily, they wont remain companies for long.

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>my sister is boning a white south African economic migrant / refugee.

Can't you be less crude about your own family…

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Good example of why the U.S. electoral college is so IMPORTANT. It prevents such tyranny by a single party, even if we only have 2 real parties. I'm sure there are enough White areas to provide the representatives neccessary to balance out this wack-a-mole situation.

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But if its blood letting the blackies want, then blood letting it shall be then!

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checking these numbers

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cant make the niggers look bad anon. dont you remember whitey is the problem? oy vey

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question, why did we try to help these fucking animals in the first place?

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time to ditch south africa

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In your dreams Ngoboko

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File: 89a4429115f3e9b⋯.jpg (147.65 KB,664x960,83:120,Dvmn_-fV4AA5.jpg)

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File: 308eef9c32e780b⋯.jpg (347.53 KB,1768x1172,442:293,DuuRd8Z.jpg)

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>N of 1

Meet a South African on a plane and he said it’s not that bad. Bad areas for sure but segregation keeps them safe ie chicago

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File: 6c4d1c1aa60d900⋯.jpg (45.88 KB,1125x738,125:82,Dv2Vp1P.jpg)

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Bad areas spreading quickly to the entire country as the infrastructure fucks out thanks to years of no maintenance. Water inf: fucked. National utility: on life support. Social services: collapsing. Unemployment: 30%. Currency: about to be junked. Food supply: under serious threat as farmers are targeted. Trucking and logistics industry: targeted by gangs. Construction industry: crippled by gangs. I give it about a year before we go full Road Warrior.

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Outgoing CEO of national utility just confirmed it's in a death spiral. Great.

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File: 975c25f1a41735a⋯.jpg (76.01 KB,737x566,737:566,DvXXJq.jpg)

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File: 0fb9094f80dd423⋯.jpg (104.95 KB,1281x1021,1281:1021,rushstarman.jpg)


>we've taken care of everything…

all major news trickles down from rothschilds owned reuters/AP. what we know is what they want us to know. pic related needs a jewstar shop

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File: 00b73ae5a5b80c3⋯.jpg (54.12 KB,736x571,736:571,Dw5D.jpg)

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Both parties suck, both parties are tyrannical.

It is just the type of tyranny that is different.

>borderless pseudocommunist antiwhite wonderland


>mass legal immigration, Trotskyite neocon slightly less blatant antiwhite wonderland

> I'm sure there are enough White areas to provide the representatives neccessary to balance out this wack-a-mole situation

The white areas have less people in them than the nonwhite areas.

This situation in south Africa is just what America will be like in 25 years. You can see them using the same rhetoric already.

Paul Kersey put it best

>all the US is today is a conglomerate of a hundred south africas.

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>also is there something we can do to help defend them?


And you need to shut you fucking cock trap.

South Africa is one big cuck shed were white cucks work and employ and feed niggers just to pay taxes so that they can feed even more niggers that they don't employ. The crybaby bullshit about white genocide is a moraly bankrupt and infantile reaction that does not solve anything but does prolong the suffering and it will create more white victims of crime and exploitation.

The afrikaners need to liquify their assets, leave the country, go to maybe texas or back to europe.

There is nothing you or anyone can do to help these people because they don't want to help themselfs.

So either they get a grip or they can get fucked.

Fucking cucks,.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The afrikaners need to liquify their assets, leave the country, go to maybe texas or back to europe.

Afrikaners are the most vilified and hated nation in the world. For the three hundred years of their existence they had to fight constantly for their life, with British, with Bantu tribes inside and outside the borders, the communist infiltrators (ANC), and international prostitutes in the UN and foreign governments. They can't be called cucks, they're the exact opposite of it. Most of their people, like most of people in the world, want to live in their homes and the homes of their ancestors, but they're assaulted and murdered, but there are some that want to fight for it. And they deserve our help. What is happening there will be happening in Western Europe and US in, maybe, 50 years or even less. Where are we going to run away then? North Pole?

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File: b9898ba468e8824⋯.png (63.53 KB,540x960,9:16,South Africa jammers.png)

I was recently at a wedding with a lot of white South Africans who had flown over for the occasion. Before the ceremony began a few of them started talking about recent farm attacks and it later turned out that all of them knew at least one person who had been killed or wounded in an attack. It's incredible they stick around in the country at all. Apparently there are areas of Cape Town which are fairly safe by Western standards.

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Goddamn, anti white shills are clueless about demographics, aren't they?

Texas is only 35-40% white.

Why would they just go from one demographically collapsed place to another one.


>South Africa is one big cuck shed were white cucks work and employ and feed niggers just to pay taxes so that they can feed even more niggers that they don't employ

Sounds exactly like the US and parts of western Europe.

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>Apparently there are areas of Cape Town which are fairly safe by Western standards.

And people living there are the main source of the denials of white genocide in South Africa, vide Ian McCuckold.

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hey ever thought about that these religious weirdos who were kicked out of europe were kicked out for good reasons because they have a stick up their ass. I'am sick of this crybaby bullshit either do or fucking die already.


texas is twice the size of germany so if you can't figure out an existance as an afrikaner farmer there then you can go fuck off and die.

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>the civil war between WW1 and WW2 which was just jews killing Germans with power


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>lmao just migrate to a corrupt tropical shithole completely at odds with the natural environment Whites are used to

Whites deserve the number 1 part of the planet are suited for, and that are the Northern and Southern reaches of the planet. North America, Chile and Argentina, Australia Europe Russia, Central Asia, hell we should've invaded Afghanistan and China while we had the chance and made them White colonies

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File: 88e99ad4153cc04⋯.png (237.77 KB,1201x420,1201:420,Untitled.png)

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It's getting close now, prominent people have been taken out in Clifton (where Princess Diana had a house by the beach) and Stellenbosch (most billionaires live there).

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File: 981aab6a26510e2⋯.jpg (46.17 KB,604x475,604:475,Du7TeC.jpg)

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>same pictures of the same 6 people in every single post about the "genocide"

kike-tier bullshitting

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>Why does the MSM not report about (or downplay/ignore/suppress) the white genocide in South Africa by a corrupt black government?

Because the majority of MSM companies and employees are predominantly anti white and rather report a black convict getting shot by white police officers after he robbed a liquor store. They don't care of a white South African and his family getting brutally rape and murdered by a pack of para-militaristic racist niggers because its not sell as much headlines as much as racist white cop kills black man in a shooting accident because we goyim have been psychologically brainwashed of a span of a century to think the white people are just bunch racist cold hearted people who think they have a superiority complex and non whites as incident kind hearted people who are suppressed by evil whites through means of television, radio, news, entertainment.

>also is there something we can do to help defend them?

You could start a fundraisers to help South African to seek asylum or start a non profit organization and go to South Africa and seek help to the farmers as "humanitarian aid" but unless you going to start a paramilitary militia for white South Africans there's not a whole lot to do since Nelson Mandela completely fucked the country beyond relief with campaign of Black majority rule of South Africa.

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just googled hannah cornelius

makes me so mad the media always ignore these cases, can you imagine how if the races were reveresed CNN would never ever stop tlkaing about this case

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nice photo what's the backstory?

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