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File: 0180bd0583c3445⋯.jpg (68.33 KB,600x400,3:2,farm-attack-victims-south-….jpg)

 No.13388971 [View All]

Why does the MSM not report about (or downplay/ignore/suppress) the white genocide in South Africa by a corrupt black government?

also is there something we can do to help defend them?

Also white people are being discriminated in South Africa, white skilled workers are not hired by companies.

companies favor black people to work at high positions even if they are less skilled.

Also because the black government is in favor of black people, more and more white people live in white trailer parks.


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iff that is what he is saying retard

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Holy shit though nobody is reporting on this.

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File: 81f5a003d4192e8⋯.png (461.54 KB,980x418,490:209,ee0c565b5ddf3ed4dfcc5675a3….png)

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Push for black Americans about fixing Africa.

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Because it's (((contrary))) to their narrative.

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go for it, anon. I'll do this as well. How would you go about contacting one?

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>Push for black Americans about fixing Africa.

It begins with white Americans critisizing them for it.

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File: c6d7eed8e62092e⋯.jpg (82.05 KB,960x724,240:181,Dwcy.jpg)

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File: 4f7027b10ba9dd8⋯.jpg (256.88 KB,960x876,80:73,Dw22qhrU.jpg)

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We just have to force the public to listen. Start locally.

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Do something, then.

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Just start calling random phone numbers and ask if there’s any white women between the ages of x and x in the household who would like to be impregnated by the internet’s most notorious Mongolian basket weaver. I’m sure panties will fly off.

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File: 0a5a042cbee3cbb⋯.jpg (59.6 KB,403x604,403:604,DzqgvykU.jpg)

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Make an all white dating site to get them out.

my sister is boning a white south African economic migrant / refugee.

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If mexicans can storm the "wall" with a caravan,

why can´t boers do the same?

>implying they get a boat

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Happily, they wont remain companies for long.

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>my sister is boning a white south African economic migrant / refugee.

Can't you be less crude about your own family…

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Good example of why the U.S. electoral college is so IMPORTANT. It prevents such tyranny by a single party, even if we only have 2 real parties. I'm sure there are enough White areas to provide the representatives neccessary to balance out this wack-a-mole situation.

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But if its blood letting the blackies want, then blood letting it shall be then!

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File: bb64ed84466b1c0⋯.png (181.86 KB,737x543,737:543,lsJhAKK.png)


checking these numbers

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cant make the niggers look bad anon. dont you remember whitey is the problem? oy vey

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question, why did we try to help these fucking animals in the first place?

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time to ditch south africa

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In your dreams Ngoboko

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File: 89a4429115f3e9b⋯.jpg (147.65 KB,664x960,83:120,Dvmn_-fV4AA5.jpg)

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File: 308eef9c32e780b⋯.jpg (347.53 KB,1768x1172,442:293,DuuRd8Z.jpg)

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>N of 1

Meet a South African on a plane and he said it’s not that bad. Bad areas for sure but segregation keeps them safe ie chicago

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File: 6c4d1c1aa60d900⋯.jpg (45.88 KB,1125x738,125:82,Dv2Vp1P.jpg)

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Bad areas spreading quickly to the entire country as the infrastructure fucks out thanks to years of no maintenance. Water inf: fucked. National utility: on life support. Social services: collapsing. Unemployment: 30%. Currency: about to be junked. Food supply: under serious threat as farmers are targeted. Trucking and logistics industry: targeted by gangs. Construction industry: crippled by gangs. I give it about a year before we go full Road Warrior.

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Outgoing CEO of national utility just confirmed it's in a death spiral. Great.

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File: 975c25f1a41735a⋯.jpg (76.01 KB,737x566,737:566,DvXXJq.jpg)

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File: 0fb9094f80dd423⋯.jpg (104.95 KB,1281x1021,1281:1021,rushstarman.jpg)


>we've taken care of everything…

all major news trickles down from rothschilds owned reuters/AP. what we know is what they want us to know. pic related needs a jewstar shop

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File: 00b73ae5a5b80c3⋯.jpg (54.12 KB,736x571,736:571,Dw5D.jpg)

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Both parties suck, both parties are tyrannical.

It is just the type of tyranny that is different.

>borderless pseudocommunist antiwhite wonderland


>mass legal immigration, Trotskyite neocon slightly less blatant antiwhite wonderland

> I'm sure there are enough White areas to provide the representatives neccessary to balance out this wack-a-mole situation

The white areas have less people in them than the nonwhite areas.

This situation in south Africa is just what America will be like in 25 years. You can see them using the same rhetoric already.

Paul Kersey put it best

>all the US is today is a conglomerate of a hundred south africas.

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>also is there something we can do to help defend them?


And you need to shut you fucking cock trap.

South Africa is one big cuck shed were white cucks work and employ and feed niggers just to pay taxes so that they can feed even more niggers that they don't employ. The crybaby bullshit about white genocide is a moraly bankrupt and infantile reaction that does not solve anything but does prolong the suffering and it will create more white victims of crime and exploitation.

The afrikaners need to liquify their assets, leave the country, go to maybe texas or back to europe.

There is nothing you or anyone can do to help these people because they don't want to help themselfs.

So either they get a grip or they can get fucked.

Fucking cucks,.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The afrikaners need to liquify their assets, leave the country, go to maybe texas or back to europe.

Afrikaners are the most vilified and hated nation in the world. For the three hundred years of their existence they had to fight constantly for their life, with British, with Bantu tribes inside and outside the borders, the communist infiltrators (ANC), and international prostitutes in the UN and foreign governments. They can't be called cucks, they're the exact opposite of it. Most of their people, like most of people in the world, want to live in their homes and the homes of their ancestors, but they're assaulted and murdered, but there are some that want to fight for it. And they deserve our help. What is happening there will be happening in Western Europe and US in, maybe, 50 years or even less. Where are we going to run away then? North Pole?

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File: b9898ba468e8824⋯.png (63.53 KB,540x960,9:16,South Africa jammers.png)

I was recently at a wedding with a lot of white South Africans who had flown over for the occasion. Before the ceremony began a few of them started talking about recent farm attacks and it later turned out that all of them knew at least one person who had been killed or wounded in an attack. It's incredible they stick around in the country at all. Apparently there are areas of Cape Town which are fairly safe by Western standards.

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Goddamn, anti white shills are clueless about demographics, aren't they?

Texas is only 35-40% white.

Why would they just go from one demographically collapsed place to another one.


>South Africa is one big cuck shed were white cucks work and employ and feed niggers just to pay taxes so that they can feed even more niggers that they don't employ

Sounds exactly like the US and parts of western Europe.

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File: 4ca3ba993e62cd0⋯.jpg (356.07 KB,2656x1620,664:405,4ca3ba993e62cd0b464767174a….jpg)


>Apparently there are areas of Cape Town which are fairly safe by Western standards.

And people living there are the main source of the denials of white genocide in South Africa, vide Ian McCuckold.

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hey ever thought about that these religious weirdos who were kicked out of europe were kicked out for good reasons because they have a stick up their ass. I'am sick of this crybaby bullshit either do or fucking die already.


texas is twice the size of germany so if you can't figure out an existance as an afrikaner farmer there then you can go fuck off and die.

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>the civil war between WW1 and WW2 which was just jews killing Germans with power


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>lmao just migrate to a corrupt tropical shithole completely at odds with the natural environment Whites are used to

Whites deserve the number 1 part of the planet are suited for, and that are the Northern and Southern reaches of the planet. North America, Chile and Argentina, Australia Europe Russia, Central Asia, hell we should've invaded Afghanistan and China while we had the chance and made them White colonies

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File: 88e99ad4153cc04⋯.png (237.77 KB,1201x420,1201:420,Untitled.png)

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It's getting close now, prominent people have been taken out in Clifton (where Princess Diana had a house by the beach) and Stellenbosch (most billionaires live there).

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File: 981aab6a26510e2⋯.jpg (46.17 KB,604x475,604:475,Du7TeC.jpg)

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>same pictures of the same 6 people in every single post about the "genocide"

kike-tier bullshitting

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>Why does the MSM not report about (or downplay/ignore/suppress) the white genocide in South Africa by a corrupt black government?

Because the majority of MSM companies and employees are predominantly anti white and rather report a black convict getting shot by white police officers after he robbed a liquor store. They don't care of a white South African and his family getting brutally rape and murdered by a pack of para-militaristic racist niggers because its not sell as much headlines as much as racist white cop kills black man in a shooting accident because we goyim have been psychologically brainwashed of a span of a century to think the white people are just bunch racist cold hearted people who think they have a superiority complex and non whites as incident kind hearted people who are suppressed by evil whites through means of television, radio, news, entertainment.

>also is there something we can do to help defend them?

You could start a fundraisers to help South African to seek asylum or start a non profit organization and go to South Africa and seek help to the farmers as "humanitarian aid" but unless you going to start a paramilitary militia for white South Africans there's not a whole lot to do since Nelson Mandela completely fucked the country beyond relief with campaign of Black majority rule of South Africa.

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just googled hannah cornelius

makes me so mad the media always ignore these cases, can you imagine how if the races were reveresed CNN would never ever stop tlkaing about this case

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nice photo what's the backstory?

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