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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 5a73d66cb8eb074⋯.jpg (99.58 KB, 600x546, 100:91, 1586975853352.jpg)

File: 0a0daae3b781723⋯.png (1.3 MB, 2328x1857, 776:619, 1586967272058.png)

File: f1fdb84078dd956⋯.jpg (245.8 KB, 1328x722, 664:361, 1586966189603.jpg)

79abd9  No.96186

Revival of the old /HTG/ thread, bringing light to the darkness that surrounds us.

The point of this thread is to expose pedos and spread infromation and awareness about these people and their actions.

Mouthybudha recently exposed pedos connected to "pizzagate" and Epstein/Ghislaine that are secretly hosting cp on a European clothing and modelling website.

Watch the video.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4uPgLMVI_g&t [Embed]

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82a0d7  No.96190



The fact that they're hosting borderline child porn is obviously very significant, but the case he makes for how he found it is retarded. Obongo and Bourdain were in a Vietnamese restaurant, of course there would be a no smoking sign there. It has nothing to do with some troupe of sexualzied gook children who made an anti-smoking song, nor is it connected to the kikess Bhad Bhabie's name.

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9feb47  No.96203

Jesus, still? By now, you people have milked this thing for so long and produced so much "evidence" over the years that all these pedos have bought, sold, and fucked more children than have existed on the planet for the last 100 years.

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c5703a  No.96315


ok pedo

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9feb47  No.96323


>obsesses over kiddie diddling

>calls others "pedo"


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4efda6  No.96325


>Silly goy, why would you have a problem with your children being kidnapped, raped, killed, and eaten by Satanic Jews? We're G-d's chosen people you know!

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9feb47  No.96328


No, you stupid faggot. The math doesn't add up. You're starting to sound like the "muh 600 trillion" kikes who inflate numbers to "prove" their cause. The sheer amount of children claimed to have been kidnapped, sold, raped, killed, and eaten means there literally can't be any children left on the planet. Stop kvetching and gnashing teeth and larping and do some REAL work. If you have to use kike tactics, you've already lost.

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4efda6  No.96333


I'm not sure if you know how IDs work. I haven't put out any numbers. But even one is too much.

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03213c  No.96498


Anti-pedo bump.

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ab3a1b  No.96501



Bump because what investigative threads are more important than this subject. Bump because God-less glowmo pedo defending shills,use the Lord's name in vain, because they can't turn off the glow. It just beams out their third eye.

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5adfe0  No.96601

File: 02cc1ab58250352⋯.jpg (3.88 MB, 2459x2333, 2459:2333, 02cc1ab5825035230661d48e3e….jpg)

File: 5c89120914dab77⋯.png (3.13 MB, 1614x1708, 807:854, 5c89120914dab773ddddef6083….png)

File: 22fe4337dcc0b70⋯.jpeg (495.32 KB, 842x1283, 842:1283, 22fe4337dcc0b707ec68b947c….jpeg)

File: 60ca0e7f125073d⋯.png (1.17 MB, 2530x1292, 1265:646, 60ca0e7f125073da67eb6b14ed….png)

File: 80b41390e1a1042⋯.png (569.27 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 80b41390e1a1042ab32b8f9975….png)

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5adfe0  No.96602

File: 148dd2f517f30fc⋯.png (4.03 MB, 1010x3998, 505:1999, 148dd2f517f30fccd09d843d3c….png)

File: 943d2a5f10e1385⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1018x2433, 1018:2433, 943d2a5f10e13852dac1570b38….png)

File: 52423fbac6a7234⋯.jpg (3.43 MB, 3536x6284, 884:1571, 52423fbac6a723460f0716565a….jpg)

File: 6c48c34651d3d80⋯.png (1012.64 KB, 682x2048, 341:1024, Anderson_Cooper.png)

File: 501f898e052ace1⋯.jpg (405.09 KB, 789x756, 263:252, Biblical.jpg)

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5adfe0  No.96604

File: c1d18ad32c3460e⋯.png (865.42 KB, 1018x940, 509:470, c1d18ad32c3460e9f146c481ae….png)

File: deb47760affb087⋯.png (324.42 KB, 960x725, 192:145, Clinton_Foundation.png)

File: a66eb465d2cd4da⋯.jpg (3.72 MB, 3457x2990, 3457:2990, Israeli_organ_harvest.jpg)

File: fb1b082136856e0⋯.png (566.45 KB, 772x2621, 772:2621, Las_Vegas_pedophile_ring.png)

File: c34d8bcd8df5493⋯.jpg (1.7 MB, 3250x3710, 325:371, Pizza_time.jpg)

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5adfe0  No.96605

File: 5d5fa878206431a⋯.jpg (604.84 KB, 1023x1595, 93:145, Should_be_noted_that_she_w….jpg)

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6b45e7  No.96611


Is that Anderson Cooper picture a joke? It's obviously a printout of a news article, and so what if the Q LARPer drew attention to it.

Also, what does an ADL asset killing himself after his cover was blown have to do with "looking Biblical"?

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5adfe0  No.96652


It is made by Q-LARPer but the question still arises why the papers on the table advertise brown children. Because I doubt actual walnut sauce is so popular in Russia that they don't even need to advertise the product itself, they just need pay money to write the words "WALNUT SAUCE" on a white background. And then pay money for a second advertisement at the top of the page in case the person reading didn't see the advertisement directly below it.

>Also, what does an ADL asset killing himself after his cover was blown have to do with "looking Biblical"?

No clue, simply saved it.

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2ca653  No.96718


>Mouthybudha recently exposed pedos connected to "pizzagate" and Epstein/Ghislaine that are secretly hosting cp on a European clothing and modelling website.

I followed this up and figured out one of the naming schemes / locations for those files, and after sending this info directly to him, those particular messages regarding the site's infrastructure (as well as his initial replies thanking me for the information) were deleted by Twitter.

It really got my cogs turning.

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79abd9  No.96830


Send sauce.

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610af9  No.97227

its all true and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. fuck around and get snatched up bb

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90ac06  No.97369

File: c3855c787beabb7⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 640x370, 64:37, tenor_2_.gif)


So basically Garth Ennis' The Boys but with obscene amounts of wealth instead of superpowers?

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9e3400  No.97425


That Hillary donation and pedo connection is huge. Perfect vector to exploit.

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3ee8a0  No.97443


The Hillary obsession in 2020 is retarded. She's just one pawn of the jews, who never even got to be the #1 puppet. The entire ZOG system - both jew parties - is a pedophocracy.

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6e131d  No.97838


The age of consent in the United States used to be 10 in most states except for Delaware where it was 7 until the late 19th century when California changed theirs to 14 which was when many other states soon followed. CP wasn't outlawed until 1977 after some Jewish mainstream media outlets picked up on it, such as Robert Lloyd of NBC, Judianne Densen-Gerber - founder of the Odyssey House group drug treatment program and known fraudster, 60 Minutes, the (((New York Times))), House Democrats Dale E. Kildee of Michigan and John M. Murphy of New York and eventually, Congress/the Supreme Court. Prior to that, you could purchase magazines and films of CP at adult book stores and from trading from street vendors, typically featuring young boys. They usually went under names like "Nudist Moppets" or "Bambina Sex". But thanks to New York v. Ferber and the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation Act of 1977, they raised the minimum age to 16, and then 18 in 1984 under the Child Protection Act. By the 80s, the only way you could obtain CP was through producing it yourself or through classified ads, which usually ran the risk for detection and arrest. By 1998, you had the Child Online Protection Act which was proposed that would, in effect, ban sexual material accessible to minors online and penalize people for distributing it to them whether knowingly or unknowingly, but was later deemed unenforceable.

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1c5b40  No.97893

File: b7c00bcf28bcdb6⋯.png (203.26 KB, 1047x997, 1047:997, antipornredpill.png)

File: 2953ab270b71015⋯.png (218.32 KB, 650x797, 650:797, antijew.png)

File: f163be565144c33⋯.jpg (122.12 KB, 553x747, 553:747, jewporn.jpg)

File: 686269562568aeb⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 2824x3540, 706:885, jewmindgeek.jpg)

File: 3c3d1c53438fe64⋯.jpg (30.01 KB, 328x485, 328:485, matrixisjews.jpg)

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

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e1c491  No.97988

I hope someone archived Lisca's pages featured in the documentary, because they were removed.

OP you are a massive lazy faggot.

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e19501  No.98050


For what, the files?


This is a link to a legal image. Infer from the file name and you can easily find the rest.

I think Lisca has some explaining to do.

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e19501  No.98053



You saved that? Bless you anon :)

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160a02  No.99773


>more children than have existed on the planet for the last 100 years

That's only if you don't count the ones being bred ex professo

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160a02  No.99776


I forgot what it was called, but there was an interview going around by someone who worked in IT securing the infrastructure for pedo rings.

He explained how the two sides of the issue (surprising I know) are essentially created and funded by the same organizations in order to make one on the one hand and have a strong cohercive weapon on the other. They illegalized a relatively small problem and then enlarged it in order to use it.

This process started in Japan a few years ago.

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2ca653  No.100709


Funny, I'm working on a writing right now which explores that same hypothesis. Could you elaborate a bit, and if possible, try to find the interview link?

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24585c  No.101323


What possible commercial purpose is some girl holding up a pair of bikini bottoms while wearing nothing but a pair of bikini bottoms?


Unless it's the children themselves that are the merchandise.

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24585c  No.101324

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693980  No.102283

I am totally against the Jew kid stuff. But in these uncertain times a man could make a decent living catching senioritas on the southern border and selling them off as sex slaves wtf?

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716d86  No.105460

File: 8cc0957673b0a8a⋯.jpg (31.83 KB, 514x709, 514:709, 1535903138483.jpg)



Gee thanks guys, now I gotta clean sweep my drive.

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716d86  No.105469

You guys are aware there's another shitstorm of a missing girl and suspect child exploitation ring going on at /x/ right now?


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78cbb9  No.116459

File: f2fc168862ee91a⋯.jpg (25.89 KB, 445x445, 1:1, 1591170759371.jpg)

What about this cunt? Jamie Illien – a U.N. crook and a child trafficker.

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cf646f  No.119734


Someone should grief these people in minecraft.

Like burn down all their stuff and kill their characters.

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