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File: ea1cbbb65081cad⋯.jpg (410.74 KB, 1021x483, 1021:483, cvg_BANNER.jpg)

File: 8a0b74ba92dd9cd⋯.png (21.83 KB, 255x204, 5:4, 6aa3a7c7123db6c0b127a9f88d….png)

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File: 1922a3ecc7c095a⋯.png (3.11 MB, 1500x1800, 5:6, Corona_Chan_Made_In_China.png)

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e2301f  No.80933[Last 50 Posts]

Thread 42

turbo niggerdeath edition


As this is very busy, different rules apply here:

Off-topic, bait/spam/feeding bait, one liner, kiketube embeds subject to deletion at discretion.

Ignore bait/trolling

<Thread is for virus related news, discussion and debate.

>Thread is not for: rehashing the same burger politics, nuke china bullshit, survival, decon or PPE and /k/ related questions every bread - please take that to /cvg/ survival bread linked below

</cvg/ survival bread


Please help keep this bread information-dense for highest quality.


Coronavirus update: 23st Mar ‘20 (Sauce: BNODesk and other reports https://twitter.com/BNODesk)

(((Official))) current global bullshit numbers

- 378,579 confirmed cases

- 16,440 dieded

- 10,721 Serious cundushuns

- 100,028 (((silent recoveries)))

Corona-Chan official Scoreboard As of Mar 23rd, 2020 (Sauce: BNO)

Cases Deaths Srs/crit Recovered

Bug Hive 81,093 3270 1749 72703

Pastaniggers 63,927 6077 3204 7432

Burgers 44,204 570 454 35

Conquistadores 33,089 2206 2355 3355

Deutsches Reich 29,056 119 N/A 453

Eye-Ran 23,049 1812 N/A 8376

Frogs 19,856 860 1746 1587

Worst Korea 8,961 111 N/A 3166

Switzerniggers 8,743 117 N/A 4

Bongs 6,650 335 20 135

Toothpaste/Negerlands 4,749 213 405 2

Asstria 3,924 21 N/A 9

Chocolateniggers 3,743 88 322 401

Black Metal 2,561 10 26 N/A

Poortugal 2,060 23 26 14

Sweden (yes) 2,016 25 N/A N/A

Brownzil 1,891 34 N/A 1

Legoland 1,568 13 46 3

Leafs 1,459 21 7 18

Shitposters 1,682 7 N/A 119

Turkroaches 1,549 37 N/A N/A

Muhayysia 1,518 14 57 159

ISISrael 1,238 1 24 37

Checked Republic 1,165 1 2 6

Nips 1,102 41 49 215


• Diamond Princess: Cases are not included in the Nip government’s official count. 380 of the 696 were asymptomatic. 14 are Burgers whose test results weren’t known until they left the petri-dish. The total does not include 3 employees of Nip’s Health Ministry and 1 staff member of Nip Diet Secretariat, all of whom were infected while working on the petri dish. It does also not include fucktards who tested positive upon returning home: 45 in burgerland, 10 in Shitpostingland (one of whom dieded), 4 in Bongistan, 5 in Hong Kong, 3 in ISISrael, and 2 in Animeland.

• Legoland: The total includes 118 cases in the Faroe Islands.

• Frogs includes Guadeloupe, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, and Réunion. It does not include French Polynesia, which is listed separately.

• The United Bongistan includes Bongs, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, and the Tax Haven Islands are listed separately.


Previous Threads


Previous Threads



Thread 023 Archive: https://archive.is/d8skk (niggermod edition)

Thread 024 Archive: https://archive.is/C0kYE (NBA edition)

Thread 025 Archive: http://archive.is/03RtY

Thread 026 Archive: http://archive.is/VOBQu

Thread 027 Archive: http://archive.is/ZQzeT

Thread 028 Archive: http://archive.is/Hp06v

Thread 029 Archive: http://archive.is/Kzbtg

Thread 030 Archive: http://archive.is/QYwBw

Thread 031 Archive: http://archive.is/MAdi7

Thread 032 Archive: http://archive.is/MXBaH

Thread 033 Archive: http://archive.is/DVDKC

Thread 034 Archive: http://archive.is/GxesI

Thread 035 Archive: http://archive.md/YzKrt

Thread 036 Archive: http://archive.md/opVnt

Thread 037 Archive: http://archive.md/QQUIo

Thread 038 Archive: http://archive.md/Xbhfo

Thread 039 Archive: http://archive.md/DnBiG

Thread 040 Archive: http://archive.md/sTiSs

Thread 041 Archive: http://archive.md/TbrfN

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4e7d01  No.80934

File: 65ea6e692cddc5d⋯.jpg (74.91 KB, 724x1024, 181:256, Corona_Chan_and_plague_doc….jpg)

This first/second post has been claimed by the Coronian Cult. Coronian thoughts for this thread:

>Love and hatred are the most powerful emotions of the human soul. Entire civilizations were built and destroyed by men driven by them.

>A Coronian Cultist sees the world with his heart, not his eyes.

Prayer for this thread: Short Prayer of Declaration of Eternal Love

Corona-Chan, my beloved patron Goddess of perfect bio-weapons, my beloved Goddess of purification

My love for you never stops growing and my passion never stops burning

My mind is your shrine and my body is your temple, imbue me with your blessings and use me as your vessel

Liberate my spirit from this prison made of flesh and bones, so that I may serve you in the afterlife for eons and eons to come

Ignore and filter the nothingburgerfags, the hoaxniggers and the shills, for they have already been hexed with an unbreakable curse and are doomed to a painful death. Corona-Chan and her cult loves all of you anons. Never lose your hope and your faith in a better future, use your wisdom to survive the global collapse that is about to happen. Good luck, stay safe and have a nice thread.

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307dc4  No.80938

File: 03bf4716483032d⋯.jpg (66.22 KB, 605x346, 605:346, 321.jpg)

File: 78d6c15ed87bd87⋯.jpg (80.25 KB, 699x690, 233:230, 1544593575496.jpg)

File: 34c1f4231753053⋯.png (404.9 KB, 822x731, 822:731, 1550705400160.png)

File: 42c9a72a67007d9⋯.png (58 KB, 853x703, 853:703, 1570201706891.png)


Second post for Africa acceleration plan

How do we help Corona Chan spread in Apefrica?

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e2301f  No.80945


>How do we help Corona Chan spread in Apefrica?

Tell the niggers white man doesn't want them infected because she gives them magic power.

Hapafag only is here because the (((ADL))), fbiniggers and cianiggers didn't like anons suggestions to convert to kikeism if infected, as they are an (((at risk))) group.

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8cc63f  No.80946


>How do we help Corona Chan spread in Apefrica?

You can help africans develop their infrastructure, kek.

But i'm starting to think that there's no need though, the vast majority of cases will go unnoticed, which is sad as we won't have a cool map or graph showing all the cases. It will also be a slow burn.

Something to take into account is hat with the rest of the world's economy in dissarray there won't be many gibs left for africa.

Wasn't the only heretical sister a follower of Slaneesh?

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307dc4  No.80947

File: 471c70ad6b980c2⋯.jpg (302.43 KB, 700x2053, 700:2053, 1525379772532.jpg)


>Wasn't the only heretical sister a follower of Slaneesh?

It'd certainly make more sense

You're probably right but as >>80945 mentioned niggers believe in magic, last time they took the bait with ebolachan altar, maybe spamming such shit on niggerchans would be somewhat cool

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c2fedd  No.80948

File: 396e83e4baa728a⋯.jpg (194.43 KB, 480x512, 15:16, gook.jpg)


No beef with the niggers at this moment. What we the west needs to do is store all our nukes in China in the most explosive manner possible. Filthy bastards that keep getting ill and spreading their coofs.

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307dc4  No.80949

File: 66eb6a76c15c4cc⋯.jpg (133.84 KB, 900x829, 900:829, 1535543555642.jpg)

File: a4c79987d6b6127⋯.jpg (186.65 KB, 860x917, 860:917, 1542893719843.jpg)


gooks will get fucked by incoming crisis and their dwindling birthrates, niggers are the real problem, jews can't wait to flood Europe with them, expecting that whites won't put up any fight

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8cc63f  No.80950


That'd be fucking hilarious.

Also don't forget it's niggers and muslims the ones that refuse to quarantine, so it's in Europe where we need to keep our eyes on.

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e770e3  No.80952


What would happen if Corona Chan and Ebola Chan have a baby?

Niggers will cannibalize each other once the gibs stop due to the civilized countries falling apart and they will spread it over time either way.


I seriously hope this turns into a nuclear war, but chances for that are low. I'd rather die by having my face melt off from a nuclear blast than getting killed by a micro-jew. If USA wasn't ruled by the same kikes as China, China would be up for some good glassing.

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ed1665  No.80953


>no beef with niggers

currynigger spotted

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000000  No.80954


>I noticed the efficiency of some locally produced antibiotics drop considerably ever since (((Soros))) supposedly bought a controlling package of shares there.

Most antibiotics barely work, if at all, anymore. What's the problem? It's partly aids patients and other degenerates living on them, in addition to farmers feeding them to livestock daily so they can crowd more animals in less space.

>And as another anon said, standards in India are probably considerably lower than in 1st/2nd world. But you are most likely ending up getting some powder without the medicine components that some pajeet pushed in a mold/capsule/paper bag with his shit smeared hands because machines are expensive

Most drugs in india are actually made for export. The plants are held to international standards. And tell me how some bathtub chemist can make inhalers, it's just not happening. Most drugs are only held to +/- 20% of the stated label anyway. How can you get much worse than accepted pharmaceuticals without just being straight up fake. Most of the drugs I buy are off patent anyway, they are well known how to make, and should be cheap, but aren't.

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60ffdd  No.80955

File: 5600950c89bd28e⋯.png (116.98 KB, 466x280, 233:140, wut.png)


>No beef with the niggers at this moment.


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c72963  No.80956

File: 939dcd7034d262c⋯.gif (683 KB, 500x196, 125:49, letthegamesbegin.gif)

Reposting from the end of the last thread

Updates from Seattle:

Gov. Inslee bans gatherings, closes many businesses, and requires individuals to stay inside unless they're going out for food, medicine, or work in essential roles

>comes into effect in 48 hours, lasts for two weeks

>explicitly called out needing to do it because idiots kept out and didn't give a shit

>encourages restaurants to still provide to-go services

>voluntary compliance is expected but he stressed that the order is enforceable by law and can be enforced


Commence chimping by blue-haired SJWs in Seattle in 3… 2… 1…

Let the games begin!

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8cc63f  No.80957


>Not Asspain

You had one job

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000000  No.80959

San antonio anon update. Mayor enhanced the "stay at home" proclamation. They pumped it like it was the apocalypse, but I think the only enhancement was that retail stores are now shut. The roads still aren't empty, it's not packed like usual, but still plenty of people moving around. 57 confirmed cases now.

One point of good news, coronachan has now infested the local degenerate population. One of the health care providers at "Haven for Hope" has tested positive. Haven for Hope is one of the local homeless shelters. Going to be homeless zombie time soon.


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e2301f  No.80962

File: ec6ed8cb37659be⋯.png (254.2 KB, 595x462, 85:66, ClipboardImage.png)


<White man want to stop you getting corona

>Corona-Chan is a gift from god

>Corona-Chan only kills white man

>Corona-Chan needs to infect you so you can remove chink/white man

>Corona-Chan makes you see through things

>Corona-Chan is only for rich people

>Corona-Chan enables you to see the future

>Corona-Chan makes you invisible

>Corona-Chan makes you a god

>Corona-Chan makes you kang

>Corona-Chan enables you to find gold

>Corona-Chan is a powerful aphrodesiac

>Corona-Chan is a powerful mans virus that escaped that's why they don't want it

If any oldfags saw 419eater they will know how easy this is




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a6855a  No.80963

File: 4ac560e1b09fa06⋯.png (1.67 MB, 2422x5170, 1211:2585, angry_loli.png)

File: f658442f8f02548⋯.png (3.47 MB, 3332x4096, 833:1024, 1584744020834.png)

File: f4300f8df9642ee⋯.jpg (706.65 KB, 1887x2350, 1887:2350, hfw_you_call_her_cute.jpg)

File: dfdc50828de5646⋯.jpg (1.93 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, TOO_LEWD_CORONA_CHAN.jpg)

File: 584263435746363⋯.png (525.74 KB, 848x638, 424:319, ORDER.png)


Based, you never fail us Coronian-sama!


Posting some rare Corona-chan pics, including one pic of /ourgirl/ being a very naughty girl trying to hold hands with you. Also, a quick update on CDC-Land: Kemp bans large gatherings by force now, as well as forcibly closing bars and restaurants.


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d7d7b4  No.80964

File: e99c47b86196a75⋯.jpeg (31.13 KB, 720x531, 80:59, 68b9912bcc933fb576e7323af….jpeg)




You lack faith in Coronachan, I am, monitoring apefrica. Nigeria just increased to 40 from 22 in the last thread.


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d190cf  No.80966

STOP. Here it is finished with the discoveries of Professor Raoult who has just discovered the remedy against the Coronavirus, he has used this product on more than 4000patients in his career and has never had a problem with Chloroquine.

It is therefore no longer useful to continue to pour your fantasies on this thread, most countries begin to mass produce Chloroquine, within a few months, the coronavirus should be of ancient history.

So thank you to stop vomiting your fantasies here, it was just a firecracker in the water this story and we will quickly move on, the world will recover and continue, stop dreaming.

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ed5be7  No.80967

white house briefing dr woman reckons there'll be a vaccine by the 2021/22 coronachan wave

if it's bat aids she's just being hopeful

better prepare for corona to take out 5% of the population every year forever

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b2274a  No.80968

<last thread replies


Hmmm yes, sole survivor. Fitting.

I want to stop myself...but I just can’t. What is ‘black hand’? I do not know this term, but I have seen, and studied, the gesture in artwork (not pic) a many times. And someone I was ‘keepin’ an eye on recently’ until they up and vanished was very fond of it...


You know I was out innafield working today (burning off the rage from my kike ‘research’) when it struck me that we anons are all really uniquely qualified out of all the people of the world to survive and thrive in the New World. None of us really NEED people like other people NEED people (for status etc)...none of us really care all that much about peer approval. I have some real doubts that the herd is even engineered to survive what is coming.


Without gloves? I thought that was a violation of health code? Gross, now that I think about it, chefs don’t wear gloves either. It is disgusting, even if it isn’t a violation.


Alright octaboy, we are ‘aware’...you have ten tickles just like all the rest of us.

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77543b  No.80971

File: 5386334adbba217⋯.jpg (42.86 KB, 324x450, 18:25, anti_chinese_10.jpg)

Go back in time


James Madsen, lead clinical consultant and clinical laboratory director at the chemical casualty care division at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense,

“China knows more about marine toxins in particular than any other country in the world,” he said.

Madsen said there are many deadly and frightening chem-bio threats that are not on many people’s radar. One, which he would not name, can infect a person and have a long latency period. “When you have symptoms … it's too late and you deteriorate over a period of months to weeks and you die,” he said.

Sound Familiar?


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4e7d01  No.80973

File: c079f6071048fa3⋯.jpg (106.69 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, Pernambucan_Military_Polic….jpg)

File: 61d029549d35ac6⋯.png (479.45 KB, 1042x674, 521:337, our_glorious_government.png)

File: 03090abc95b3b75⋯.png (660.59 KB, 1064x696, 133:87, Itamaraca_police_checkpoin….png)

File: d23d255b0d7ae2c⋯.png (696.86 KB, 1070x682, 535:341, phony_evangelical_church_f….png)

File: f93452c64a6607a⋯.png (552.17 KB, 1062x672, 177:112, Street_food_vendors_are_fu….png)

Update on the state of Pernambuco and the city of Recife

Brownzilian anon is an idiot for not knowing when the numbers are released Edition My stupid ass thought it was at early evening but it's at noon

>Current number of "confirmed" cases: 42-4, 7 of them are hospitalized in private hospitals and one in a public hospital. The rest are "self isolating" at home

<Why minus four?

Because the government is being retarded and counting 4 blessed Pernambucans that live outside the state. To me, those four faggots don't fucking count.

>Locations: 3 in Jaboatão, 2 in Olinda, 30 in Recife COME TO MY HOUSE CORONA-CHAN! and 3 in three different towns in the countryside.

New measures

>Gatherings of more than 10 people have been forbidden Kek

>MotoTaxi has been forbidden MotoTaxi: Motorcycle Taxi

>More than 4000 health workers have been hired and 208 new hospital beds for blessed Pernambucans have been announced. 46 of them are ready to use.

>Itamaraca Island has been closed to outsiders due to airborne aids.

The closure of business and banning of gatherings isn't really working. While police is trying to enforce the rules laid out by the governor and the mayor, even by arresting a man who threw a party in his apartment, the rules are not being enforced at large. Formal and informal business are disobeying the decree. Those business range from street food vendors to gyms, beauty salons and churches. Many residents of Recife are complaining that the lockdown and closures are only being enforced in the most important and affluent parts of the city, not in neighborhoods where the "common man" goyim peasantry lives and I can agree with them. In my favela, shit's open as normal and everyone is gathering around everyday because no one seems to give a damn, aside from a small number of shitskins who have started wearing masks. I will finish this update in the next post and also post some news/videos, because I need to post one more image.


Forgot to check those digits!


>How do we help Corona Chan spread in Apefrica?

By worshiping her, of course. Not that she needs any help, she has already won. Like I said before: All we do is give her a boost to help accomplishing her mission sooner, but it will be accomplished, with our without our help.


Hey Bellevue anon, thanks for the updating us on what's happening over there.

>voluntary compliance is expected but he stressed that the order is enforceable by law and can be enforced

>Commence chimping by blue-haired SJWs in Seattle in 3… 2… 1…

Kek, no more parading against men with their saggy tits out or giving cultural marxist talks at campuses.


>One of the health care providers at "Haven for Hope" has tested positive. Haven for Hope is one of the local homeless shelters. Going to be homeless zombie time soon.

Wew, another homeless community receives the Goddess's blessing.


Really liked that hand holding pic. Saved a cropped version of it.


Very nice find, anon. Good job digging this up.

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b2274a  No.80976

File: 0a21e46baa2570c⋯.jpeg (178.21 KB, 736x718, 368:359, 3AA0CA34_A83C_463C_8307_0….jpeg)

File: 6e2f68aba539e53⋯.jpeg (33.18 KB, 190x190, 1:1, CF2EB789_A3B8_4A1D_9FB2_E….jpeg)


2022? How will they even find the survivors to distribute it? If I can survive 2 fucking years of CV-19, including hyperinflation and mass starvation and wars that are coming the last thing in the WORLD I am going to want to do is lower my immune system with a toxic brew of kike juice…who are they fucking kidding?

Forgot pic from my last comment…


>Yasmin Tadjdeh

I am not worried about China much…they are bugs. Russia, though…I worry about, a lot. However, since I am monitoring the Triangle of Death I am slightly less worried as it seems to take the hide off one particular group of people more than others. There is a reason they do not break deaths down by ethnicity.

And if the Russians wanted revenge for the Bolshevik Revolution I would probably say that it was totally justified. Completely.

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c72963  No.80981

File: 93daeaa4894e77d⋯.png (279.75 KB, 430x300, 43:30, 1375409155483.png)


I feel like Russia is smart enough to play the long game and wait for it all to go tits-up before doing anything. Just like how they played that idiot MBS with the oil war stuff. The Chinese think they're smart like the Russians, but they aren't and corona-chan is the result, along with the obliteration of their economy.

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5e42fb  No.80986

File: c1840c3b489bbd8⋯.jpg (2.76 MB, 1000x4150, 20:83, The_Secret_History_of_Coro….jpg)

And then there's the Saudis

And their recent oil war with Russia?

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b2274a  No.80987

File: efbb4f790e9c909⋯.jpeg (92.43 KB, 1215x669, 405:223, 82B392BE_2B08_4496_B089_7….jpeg)


They are getting obscenely large…

Pretty soon this will be the only thing left as everything else will have been pushed out of frame…amiright?


Well, there is that…and the fact that for almost 100 years while the (((West))) was playing footsie with antibiotics, the Russians were diligently investigating phages; while they just kicked back and profited from antibiotics while the ‘getting was good’. Did you know that they have their own private pharma and vaccine makers…I guess they don’t trust the (((West))) to make them for their people. They are probably fine with pharma while we are going to go without because our stock comes from street shitters and bugs. I can see why they want to migrate the productive class of Europeans to Russia, it looks like they are going to come out on top of this one.

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e2301f  No.80991


>Pic 2

Wew the look on the face of the fat fag on the right.


>absolutely bazookas

Ivan might do well but current outbreak jump isn't so good footing for them.

They mostly weren't following precautions and acted like brownzil niggers a bit.

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716f14  No.80992


i doubt corona chan will exterminate all the nigger, unless bugmen do something good for man kind for once in their entire existence and spread the goddess blessing to every remote village in niggerland

big cities, and urban center will go down like the twin towers, but most apefrican niggers live isolated from the world in nomadic mud huts away from roads, unless mudslimes start another apefrican tour like the Boko Haram did a few years back i doubt those mudhut niggers will be able to receive the goddess's blessing

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b2274a  No.80993

File: 0cdbe9929e60c58⋯.png (530.92 KB, 1136x629, 1136:629, FCF5FBAC_D2C2_46F1_853E_86….png)


You know, I didn’t know that this strain came from a Saudi man. Holy crap…I guess that explains the Triangle of Death. No wonder the bugs wanted that strain so bad. They wanted it as insurance against the kikes. I wonder what they will say now…whoops,

“Sorry, it was axcredent, lound eye merchant man. Trump es big helo in China.”

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c72963  No.80994

File: 2f36abd886ff7fc⋯.jpg (31.5 KB, 200x200, 1:1, nsf.jpg)


Both the US and the USSR were doing heavy germ warfare research and had their own biowar divisions and facilities in the Cold War. But germ warfare seems like nukes - practical as a deterrent only but totally impractical to actually use because the potential for it spiraling out of control is massive. The only kind of plague that would work in practical terms would be a Deus Ex-style nanotech one that you could 100% control because it's machine-based and not able to mutate or get away from you.


Think about this though, anon: If Corona hits first-world countries hard enough, what do you think is going to happen to the aid programs they current send to Africa? Sure, a few will remain, but those countries will absolutely prioritize their own asses over a bunch of uneducated clowns who machete each other because the local witch doctor told them to.

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99ab1b  No.80997

>How people around the world are dealing with Coronavirus

Africa … donated soap, no water. Detroit … water, no soap. China … lye. Canada … still won’t wash hands, refusing to let the virus win.

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a6855a  No.81003


So if I'm interpreting this article correctly, those commie chink fuckers have more in store for the world, either by accident because of their stupidity or by (((accident))), after Corona-chan? Why are we not nuking them right now? Hell, why are we is DC not nuking itself since our retarded government obviously knew about Corona-chan since last year.


>A big wig think tank is laying the bioweapon from hell, China theory

WEW, and that infographic has no right to be as well-made as it is.


>They are getting obscenely large…

Kek, now if only she can transfer some of new stuff to her hips and thighs. She's going to get THICK.

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a6e81a  No.81009

File: c7512547d23a57c⋯.mp4 (7.81 MB, 360x360, 1:1, miamibeach_nignogs.mp4)

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b2274a  No.81011

File: f7701469bbc0b4b⋯.jpeg (2.37 MB, 2732x1854, 1366:927, 67227639_7D5D_4024_A85C_F….jpeg)



Well THAT WAS (((Doc Lieber’s))) specialty…

Doesn’t go a long way to explaining the Triangle of Death though…unless Lieber was a self hating jew (a possibility I suppose).

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d7d7b4  No.81012

File: cd6b22ad759fe85⋯.jpg (6.07 MB, 4207x2366, 601:338, 180412_Urbanization_Sub_Sa….jpg)


>most apefrican niggers live isolated from the world in nomadic mud huts away from roads,

While it's some apefrican niggers live isolated, Africa is becoming more packed and city-centered, do you know how many live in Largos, Nigeria? 21 million. 472 milion out of one billion niggers live like this.

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e2301f  No.81013

File: 328bcc97e8d8aa7⋯.png (7.74 MB, 5460x3736, 1365:934, ddsm5st_ceb3f7f6_79ea_419b….png)


>Think about this though, anon: If Corona hits first-world countries hard enough, what do you think is going to happen to the aid programs they current send to Africa? Sure, a few will remain, but those countries will absolutely prioritize their own asses over a bunch of uneducated clowns who machete each other because the local witch doctor told them to.

This is actually a critical issue.

One would highly not suggest anons to make memes, sockpuppets and shitstir IF cuck countries with PPE and test shortages send their gears to niggers at the expense of their own people. Kek

It would tear boomers and normalfags apart initially, as the loud screechers would go off, which kills their own propaganda. The 'winners' taking the 'save your own people first' position, because the plebs will agree with it eventually for the simple, natural law of 'you can't help others if you are weak.'

Window shifts further again. Corona-chan has been the biggest shift in nationalism and similar 'cut the shit out' reasoning i've seen in a very long time, it's ripe for easy fear based exploitation in a fearful time.. so don't. ^_~

cianiggers love when anons do nothing


Her numbers are getting pretty thicc, she's earned it

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4e7d01  No.81015

File: 128641386fcc0a5⋯.png (717.91 KB, 1076x698, 538:349, Sao_lourenco_loudspeaker_c….png)

File: ed3504d3a7a48d2⋯.png (123.78 KB, 601x529, 601:529, Twatter_sao_lorenco_da_mat….png)

File: 1d0f36c966047af⋯.png (242.33 KB, 682x578, 341:289, Nigs.png)

File: 6c07e6b8c6dfc58⋯.png (211.54 KB, 461x633, 461:633, divine_punishment_for_goin….png)

File: 1ab313dc9eadf10⋯.png (165.17 KB, 482x631, 482:631, bolso_helicopter_money.png)

Burger congressmen say prisons are a ticking time bomb https://archive.is/UY6Ad

Coordinator of anti Corona-Chan group in São Paulo gets blessed as divine punishment for going against the will of the Almighty Creator

Bolsonaro announces a R$88 Billion pandemic relief package


Finishing the update: To end this update, let's go to a town that's pretty much the border of the greater Recife metropolitan area and the countryside: São Lourenço da Mata. The government there is using a police convoy with a loudspeaker car in an attempt to talk some sense into the shitskins.

>Commerce and civil construction will be closed. Supermarkets, bakeries, drugstores, gas stations, and water and kitchen gas distributors will remain open. We sincerely ask you to follow our orientations, this situation is serious, the coronavirus is already being transmitted locally. Protect your family, we ask all citizens to stay at home. This is the São Lourenço da Mata's Government, in the fight against the coronavirus.

But it's not working. I went on twatter in the hopes to find a video of the convoy but all I could find was São Lourenço da Mata's residents complaining that their neighbors aren't taking Corona-Chan and the lockdown seriously at all, they're making fun of the entire situation and carrying on as usual. Here's the translation of 3 of the tweets in the second pic:

>There are two cases in São Lourenço da Mata, one of them is a woman that came from São Paulo

>I live in São Lourenço da Mata and I'm anguished, many people are making jokes and much more. The mayor and the governor ordered the closure of non essential services but the city was still packed yesterday. Zero conscience. (conscience as in common sense)

>What leaves me more astonished is everyone posting about the gravity of the situation, telling people to stay home and everything else, then they throw parties and go travelling. Hypocrisy reigns in São Lourenço da Mata and Recife!

If what that guy said is true, and Corona-Chan is already there, they will spread her love to the countryside, which will send their blessed coofers to hospitals in the capital, overwhelming them along with city's coofers.


>Wew the look on the face of the fat fag on the right.



That last half isn't Miami, that's the Brownzilian video I posted last thread. A nice comparison, though.

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b2274a  No.81016


>Her numbers are getting pretty thicc

Anons…you are making me laugh. You’d have a hard time even finding a place to get balls deep if you make her any larger…

What is with the fleshies anyway?

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c72963  No.81017


Only the most hardcore and completely glass-eyed ideologues would still screech about our duty to send supplies to Africa when doing so means the difference between grandma/grandpa dying or not. Most people, even from the left-middle, would say 'Hey wait, why would we send food away when we're starving here?'

A lot of anons tend to forget that the craziest of the crazy libs shout loud and make it seem like they're bigger than they are, but in reality are a tiny minority. Twitter is a perfect example, where 10% of its users account for 80% of its posts. I can only wonder how history will remember those imbeciles.

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b2274a  No.81018


>I can only wonder how history will remember those imbeciles.

Not at all.

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e2301f  No.81020


Angles anon..

Some draw them as thiccer as the infection numbers grow, kek.


You got it!!

Loud minority with a bot army from NGOs and kikes to ((amplify)) the message (usually until normalfags get sick of it).

soycucks hate when you say 'why would you support a nigger (in normalfag lingo) while we have so many homeless and poor people here, we should fix our own country first'.

They have no out because you are still caring for disadvantaged people. And they can't deny it. Force the nationalism pill down their throat with oathbreaker for great justice

It'll work very well for nigger gibs and help improve the situation in nigfrica.

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ff437c  No.81022

File: 653a1300b6e06db⋯.jpg (108.96 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 1584752245113.jpg)


>Corona-Chan, my beloved patron Goddess of perfect bio-weapons, my beloved Goddess of purification

>My love for you never stops growing and my passion never stops burning

>My mind is your shrine and my body is your temple, imbue me with your blessings and use me as your vessel

>Liberate my spirit from this prison made of flesh and bones, so that I may serve you in the afterlife for eons and eons to come

Honestly? This prayer is more deep than you think. It's the best one until now

>Twitter is a perfect example, where 10% of its users account for 80% of its posts

And what about the audience? Nowadays it's instagram which is lobotomizing normies and entertaining npcs

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233734  No.81023


Mil-shills are soooo easy to spot.

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e2301f  No.81024


Corona is a little like a distant niece of Ebola-Chan already kek.


>1st part of vid

Maimi niggers got fucking baited and sassed by those cops, great move to set an example.

Im out for a bit, laters you glorious faggots

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28fe8f  No.81025

File: 474084a72e29ea2⋯.jpg (87.65 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 2a8296eb9be29af9ab4c5163c4….jpg)

Martial Law coming Wednesday

Be prepared.

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ff437c  No.81026

File: cde040c99a69472⋯.jpg (395.54 KB, 1458x1436, 729:718, 1583198186036.jpg)


I got the blessing, again! Kek be praised, and HEIL corona-chan!

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a6855a  No.81027

File: 3c09c4a3e7beb1f⋯.png (650.69 KB, 2422x3419, 2422:3419, please_take_care_of_us_mom….png)


>What is with the fleshies anyway?

It's very simple anon. A woman with large breasts, wide hips, thick thighs, large ass, and long hair (to the butt at least), even if those features don't actually help with reproduction physiology are aesthetically symbolic of a woman's fertility and everything makes her a woman. Add to those physical features, gentleness, modesty, motherliness, devotion, and masterful homemaking, and you have the ideal woman. A high testosterone man will want to make sweet, sweet love to that woman and bear lots of kids. So when Corona-chan gains those features, she is finally manifesting herself as the waifu of purge infection and blessed lungs, balls, and immune systems she was always meant to be. She has finally become the Mother of All Pandemics.

These aren't even fetishes, but are features of femininity any true man should find hot and beautiful. If you don't like them or still don't understand, you're just a gay faglord.




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b2274a  No.81028

File: 2baebcabd962acd⋯.png (2.36 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 49F42F16_190E_4747_98DB_3C….png)

File: c67dcdc9ad3ff7f⋯.png (5.66 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, A934FD21_24CD_46A1_8276_5D….png)

File: d954b56f18f8b71⋯.jpeg (519.07 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 9A1D6A7D_671B_4C81_8A70_E….jpeg)

File: a70d5608f792a81⋯.png (5.09 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, BA0CF273_7433_4321_B8BE_2B….png)

File: 331536a602f3f08⋯.png (684.23 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 2F44701D_EEBF_45A8_9C53_D1….png)


88 billion? These people are fools. The USA was tentatively planning something around 4 trillion in aid.

Hyperinflation is going to kill more people than CV-19. “You can print more money but you can’t print more food.”

That was assuming that there will be any food to spare since we were already down past reserves and China and other places are no longer exporting ANY FOOD…they used to be the worlds largest supplier of rice to Rapefrica.


What do you think his point was? The bug in the photo is wearing a US Flag patch (noice; photo reminds me of Biden).


Why Wednesday? Which nation?

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ccf8bb  No.81029


You obviously didn't listen the press conference. Economy is a priority, fuck goyim.

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ed5be7  No.81031



>pinning your hopes on this quack


like giving tylenol to someone with a brain hemorrhage and hoping they pull through

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b2274a  No.81033


Bummer that I turn out gay.


Are you sure it wasn’t bait and switch. To keep people on their toes? Peak Prosperity was commenting on a nation that totally changed their entire direction (maybe when they got the ethnic data) in three days. Day one - yay economy; day two - sphincter said wat?; day three - Marshall law, everybody lockdown.

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e2301f  No.81034


>If you don't like them or still don't understand, you're just a gay faglord.

QFT. Perfect waifu


>Rice stats

Fucking interesting. The indoniggers ackbars must have a population boom as usual, corona-chan is working her magic there now.

>bugs and other places are no longer exporting ANY FOOD

kek, burgers will haev to step in with muh grain, but they'll be too busy to give a fuck. This will be a great national issue to fuck with soon and promote nationalism, anons. Be ready.

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233734  No.81036


>What do you think his point was?

Standard issue nigger-loving anti-China nonsense. Go fight the war yourself, nigger lovers and stop shilling it here. Every single problem facing the West is INTERNAL and has nothing to do with China apart from its particular characteristics making it attractive to INTERNAL DOMESTIC capital launching a hostile program of wage arbitrage against the historic American nation. Ramping up the Emmanuel Goldstein treatment for the chicoms while we niggerize at breakneck speed doesn't work on me. Maybe it works on you, Randeep.

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5047a8  No.81037


>7 day history of corona-like disease

>did not infect anyone else despite living in a shithole

>no name, no hospital name, no source


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5047a8  No.81038


Edit : oh wait it's from india

Explains all the bs.

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9d8bb1  No.81040


I fucking LOVED 419eater… The wooden keyboard was great. Same with the various tattoos.

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0ff2b0  No.81041


>>Rice stats

>Fucking interesting.

The rich will invest in commodities now that the shut down and all the money printing have made a rice in prices a sure bet.

Tank rates have soared since so many tankers are used to just store oil until the prices go up.

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d7d7b4  No.81042

File: 582e624243c9ccb⋯.png (31.52 KB, 688x369, 688:369, 582e624243c9ccb0bce42d6b9f….png)


>88 billion? These people are fools. The USA was tentatively planning something around 4 trillion in aid.

>Hyperinflation is going to kill more people than CV-19. “You can print more money but you can’t print more food.”

The feds are buying as many bonds as possible

>The Federal Reserve, determined to try to keep the spread of the coronavirus from devastating the American economy, rolled out a series of sweeping new programs on Monday meant to shore up large and small businesses and keep markets functioning.

>As mortgage markets showed signs of crumbling, companies struggled to sell debt and stresses plagued the entire financial system, the Fed announced several never-before-attempted actions to try to calm the turmoil.

>The Fed pledged to buy as much government-backed debt as needed to bolster the markets for housing and Treasury bonds. It announced that it would buy corporate bonds, including the riskiest investment-grade debt, for the first time in its history. And it promised to unveil more, including supports for small businesses, in the days and weeks to come.

>The Fed is throwing its full weight at confronting the economic fallout from the coronavirus, which poses a severe threat as factories shut down, people lose jobs and the economy grinds to a halt while lawmakers in Congress continue to struggle to find a fiscal response, making the central bank the primary line of defense.

“>The speed of the response has been unprecedentedly fast,” said Roberto Perli, a partner at Cornerstone Macro and former Fed economist. “It is a ‘whatever it takes’ moment, but backed by actions.”

>To try to curb the virus, several more states, including Massachusetts, Michigan and Oregon, moved on Monday to impose stay-at-home orders. Such orders will soon cover more than 100 million Americans.


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b2274a  No.81043


It really will. We already saw the report out of the Department of Defense that said that we could ask whatever price we wanted from China (and fuck them very much) last year during the army worm; swine flu; avian flu; locust plague outbreak. Can you IMAGINE what their food situation is like this year? I mean I think it was thread 18 or so that I was speculating that they released COVID with the sole intention of slaughtering their ‘excess baggage’ of their worthless eaters. (But things got out of hand as they will do when you are a subhuman retard who has no idea what you are doing)…anyway…I think they wanted a way to liquidate their worthless population without actually slaughtering them by hand…so that they had more economic bargaining power with the kikes.

I don’t think shit is moving anywhere…remember the Baltic Dry Index from January…not a fucking thing moving. At all…and this was before the worst…and I know; Chinese New Year and all but I think the problem occurred before COVID. I mean shit just doesn’t stop on a dime like that in the real world. Right?


How did I suddenly become a nigger lover in all this?

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d4a66f  No.81044

File: 47bc084ca064300⋯.jpg (370.31 KB, 1917x1161, 71:43, 4ac084ct06430048dgfd4a5088….jpg)


What is the general consesus that it will become seasonal like the corona viruses that cause the cold? I've seen this thrown around and am generally curious. If it was like the cold or mutated (which is what everyone is afraid of) like the flu, then would a vaccine be ruled out entirely?

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01def9  No.81045

File: d38707dc14357df⋯.jpg (236.43 KB, 1005x1173, 335:391, wuhan_institute_bat_job_po….jpg)

File: 2db12059efce86c⋯.jpg (239.27 KB, 1009x1247, 1009:1247, wuhan_bat_google_translate….jpg)

File: 58c48778261bc44⋯.jpg (551.53 KB, 2016x2416, 126:151, 58c48778261bc44d902599a7de….jpg)

File: 75191c9fe215ca9⋯.png (269.51 KB, 690x517, 690:517, covid19.png)


its not the bioweapon yet. the chinks modified it, giving it HIV like chameleon properties and mutagenic properties. the original sars was actaully a natural act. but it was limited, nature didnt create a perfect weapon. the saudi guy actaully got bite by a bat!

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716f14  No.81046

File: 306571e4618a0e6⋯.jpg (19.36 KB, 236x314, 118:157, nurgle_34.jpg)



thanks anons, you give me hope, though it's still hard to sleep at night knowing there may be nigger who know not of Corona's love, it breaks my heart to fathom that thought

On that note

our goddess in one hell of a cocktease. a

As incompetent chinks may be, they at least have a somewhat functional government that is able to organize an army that follows orders so they have no trouble containing their slaves at gun point. The west may be even more functional but it's mostly ran by emasculated limp wristed liberals more worried about their reputations than their duties.

But apefrica, ooooohhh boy, apefrica is gonna be one hell of a shitshow to remeber, their government are basically gangsters with a tie, their armies are just mercenary barbaric savages, and their people… welp, what can i say about niggers that you guys don't know already

imagine… the riots, the death, nigger corpses littering the streets, all buildings and vehicles collapsed and set ablaze by lotters, coofing scavengers pecking through the corpses like vultures and fighting each other like starving hyenas, the few dindus with double digit IQ dragging the corpses to the street to burn in the pyres, columns of smoke raising from their central plazas, ash falling like snow burrying the ruined remains of their cities, decay and rot as far as the eye can see. flies and cockroaches reclaiming the land purging it from the remains of niggers and the filth they produced

ooooh sure, apefrica has seen enough of those, but this time it'll be different, unlike any of the other massacres that came before.

The sounds will be much different this time, while screams of violated niggresse in the name of allahakbar and gunshots once filled the air, now there will be silence and desolation, perhaps interrupted by the cough of the last nig standing as he gazes on the beauty that lies before him, unable to comprehend just how much better the world will be without his kind, and wallowing in despair as the goddess embraces him in her soft warm bosom

they will fall to their knees before her holy divinity, first one by one, then by the dozens, and then hundreds, thousands and millons

And the days before. anarchy and violence on a scale never seen before even by nigger standards, yes, such is the love of our goddess that not only Nurgle will fill his belly, so will will Khorne sate his thirst with nigger blood, as will Slaanesh satisfy her lust with the countless rapes, as will Tzneetch amuse himself watching other continents plotting and scheming to plunder the land

such is the love of our goddess for she is not an ebony of the god of plagues but the incarnation of chaos undivided

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5047a8  No.81048


Still waiting on a source for patient zero. Otherwise total bs.

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28fe8f  No.81049

File: 61f9b933f9f03b0⋯.png (640.62 KB, 888x800, 111:100, 03eaebb014e6062f7e3eb7ada0….png)


United States. Or at least California to begin with.


Press conferences are insisting they're discussing the matter. Internally, a decision has already been made.

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ff437c  No.81051


> columns of smoke raising from their central plazas, ash falling like snow burrying the ruined remains of their cities, decay and rot as far as the eye can see. flies and cockroaches reclaiming the land purging it from the remains of niggers and the filth they produced



Checked. But how can this work with the highest mutagenicity of this virus? and the r0

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b51f3d  No.81052



>Health officials in Nigeria have issued a warning over chloroquine after they said three people in the country overdosed on the drug, in the wake of President Trump's comments about using it to treat coronavirus.

>A Lagos state official told CNN that three people were hospitalized in the city after taking the drug. Officials later issued a statement cautioning against using chloroquine for Covid-19 treatment.

>Trump says anti-malarials show promise

>Niggers immediately OD on it.

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5e42fb  No.81055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guo’s Remark in 90 Seconds: The CCP’s Biowarfare and The US’s Counterattack

By 秘密翻译组- 2020-03-23 19:020591


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ed5be7  No.81056

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233734  No.81057

File: fa57e4ce8d71efa⋯.jpg (23.09 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ethnonationalismthatsforlo….jpg)

File: 6e7e97b7ce7e2d2⋯.png (394.09 KB, 827x1266, 827:1266, Screenshot_2020_01_15_VICE….png)


Guo is a rogue capitalist and Bannon affiliated shill for globohomo. Permanent enemy of the White race.

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01def9  No.81059

File: a641e6384d7a194⋯.jpg (21.82 KB, 700x390, 70:39, bannedinchina4.jpg)

File: 98de5d40adecfde⋯.jpg (83.17 KB, 696x512, 87:64, bannedinchina3.jpg)

File: 213e589e43f3c27⋯.jpg (27.35 KB, 720x407, 720:407, winnietheflu1.jpg)


you do know what a "strawman" is right. thats where you take some bit of information, re levant or not, and proclaim "Since no one has presented me with 100% verified information ….. EVERYTHING is false. You know what. I didnt post the original article. Im not goign to search it for you, do your own fucken legwork. You go beleive what you want to believe.

I dont care where the chinks got thier sample. Its as plain as day that it started in china, right in front of thier won bioweapons lab.

And without using any information taintd by chink government, prove to me winnie the flu didnt originate in china, and is not a bioweapon.

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b2274a  No.81060

File: 85ddb6058f68510⋯.jpeg (267.47 KB, 821x1095, 821:1095, AA8537E9_328E_4F91_9B24_E….jpeg)

File: 06c35ccad554cf8⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1190x595, 2:1, AE96DEE1_F32B_4065_8F48_E3….png)

File: f60b7ea68a91420⋯.jpeg (96.01 KB, 931x524, 931:524, B1521DFE_F985_448C_961B_2….jpeg)


So ‘bat soup’ is really ‘semitic soup’?

>”Eat the soup..ya gonna luv it”


You are going to wait a while if you think they are going to divulge National Security data on /pnd/.

Remember the sarcofigi they dug up in Egypt? That was coincident with the last SARS outbreak as well. There was a lot of speculation about WTF (virus and other things) came out of those tombs…all very hush hush, you know…super secret…military airlift to a laboratory and all.

I still remember that THOUSANDS signed up to drink the liquid and right after that there was the SARS outbreak in Mecca.

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4e7d01  No.81061

File: 182e8c50c0e66c2⋯.png (47.07 KB, 596x222, 298:111, Darwin_awards.png)

File: be3f1b55ac67f36⋯.png (390.8 KB, 1272x621, 424:207, Ruby_Princess.png)

File: 8c37721eb1fac61⋯.png (190.11 KB, 546x541, 546:541, angry_soyboy.png)

File: dd00c4c977f1661⋯.jpg (158.83 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, Brenda_Gooch.jpg)

File: 590cd99125f5b60⋯.jpg (170.46 KB, 750x898, 375:449, BASED.jpg)

Arizona man wins the Darwin Award

Corona Cruise in 'Straya https://archive.is/hOfpe

Based social worker is pissed off at chinks, soy butthurt ensues

>>81022 (checked)

>Honestly? This prayer is more deep than you think. It's the best one until now

Thank you, Strelok. The inspiration for the third line came from my lack of necessary conditions to build a shrine or altar to her, the last line isn't completely mine but inspired by a picture, along with a revelation I had after a recent ritual session.


>Hyperinflation is going to kill more people than Corona-Chan. “You can print more money but you can’t print more food.”

Wise words. She is causing the collapse of this entire shit show that we call "the modern world".


I wouldn't lose sleep over Apefrica if I were you, that place is guaranteed to become a total clusterfuck because of Corona-Chan, and so is north/northeastern Brownzil. I have been recently pondering over the similarities between this part of Brownzil and Apefrica and came to the realization that racially, psychologically and spiritually, they're nearly the same.


Yep, idiots are killing themselves with chloroquine.

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d4a66f  No.81062


I'm trying to get to the bottom of it and it's something I can't find discussion of. The common cold is caused by the human corona viruses (229E, OC43).


The corona viruses only diverged from each other evolutionarily over the course of a few hundred years to even a few decades in one type. If they're seasonal I ponder if this could be as well and if it mutates then we're boned.

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ff437c  No.81066

File: 4e9ecff63b6633f⋯.jpg (31.73 KB, 612x410, 306:205, _2666cb6d1042ea598f2bc118c….jpg)


> along with a revelation I had after a recent ritual session.

Not to go off-topic, but you have my full attention here. If you ever mind to further explain anon, here or somewhere else like x or fringe related boards, just know that I'd be looking forward to understand how you celebrate corona chan daily and ask for some guidance


> The corona viruses only diverged from each other evolutionarily over the course of a few hundred years to even a few decades in one type. If they're seasonal I ponder if this could be as well and if it mutates then we're boned.

I'm a bioinformatician, that's interesting! In the coming days I'll try to play with the available sequences and do a quick phylogenetic analysis

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b2274a  No.81070

File: a0fe9c946e33748⋯.png (401.68 KB, 1600x956, 400:239, 7E830536_D96D_4090_83F8_62….png)

File: 80ce64bbb3b6bba⋯.gif (94.68 KB, 909x528, 303:176, DA528D54_4211_4A1D_9A24_AD….gif)


I should qualify that…THOUSANDS of Muslims signed up to drink it and the SARS outbreak in Mecca was during Hajj. I speculated and learned to think about infecting these religious events with my own bioweapon at that point since the people who go to Hajj disperse all over the globe. Didn’t know about Chinese New Year.


>racially, psychologically and spiritually, they're nearly the same.

The really are anon. Pic 2 - 35% of the niggers exported from Africa ended up in Brazil. Brazil is what the kikes want for the whole world. I tell Europeans to KILL THE NIGGERS, they don’t listen; so Europe too will become Brazil in less than 20 years. Right now, as we speak niggers with COVID are taking the hospital beds and resources that should be given to people who paid into the European system and taxes their whole life.

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ccf8bb  No.81071


Isn't that shithole closed?

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ed5be7  No.81073


>if it mutates then we're boned


if it learns to mutate like HIV then once you've caught it, you're never losing it

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ff437c  No.81075


> I tell Europeans to KILL THE NIGGERS, they don’t listen

We still have this fucking self-shaming attitude and cultural annihilation after ww2. Not to justify our current state of things, but this has been a key element for all the kikery going on.


Checked again, two in a row, praising corona chan. kek is here fellow anons!


Let's just talk about "uncommon coincidences", ok?

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716f14  No.81076


>I wouldn't lose sleep over Apefrica

it's hard anon

even if it's just a matter of time, i just can't wait

>Brownzil and Apefrica are the same

true that, the fabelas will be a trailer to the apefrican blockbuster, that said Brownzil niggers have to deal with the BOPE who are highly trained and well equipped military police made mostly of whites and they show no hesitation when they have to shoot up a favela,

I doubt they'll be able to impose order among niggers, but they will surely bring a different flavor of war to the chaos we will soon see unfold in apefrica


i did said the goddess was a cocktease of biblical proportions

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b2274a  No.81077

File: bcae75e839cff46⋯.jpeg (216.67 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 794A8824_228C_479D_984A_7….jpeg)

File: 9341360d89ed904⋯.jpeg (148.91 KB, 962x642, 481:321, 2BADEFB2_92FB_4F58_8BBC_6….jpeg)


Try looking at the regression as well. That is what I am indicating was in the black tomb. A extremely early form of Corona Virus (common cold) we need to look into SARS as well. Yes, the sandniggers defaced the alabaster tomb protection monument so that they could open the tomb. But it is OBVIOUSLY a White man. And the technology to make a tomb like that is pretty far beyond anything that they dated to that era.


This was several years ago anon. Remember the SARS outbreak a couple years ago? This all happened at the same time.


It already know how to mutate like that anon. It is part of its genetic capacity. This is how the common cold (also a cv) mutates as well…I am trying to STOP calling it a ‘virus’ because that is WRONG. I want to start calling it a PATHOGEN, because as a chimera bioweapon, this is CORRECT.


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716f14  No.81082

File: d771e4d1e041161⋯.jpg (133.73 KB, 867x922, 867:922, holy_fuck.jpg)


wait a secon.

Are you saying that our goddess, corona chan is an ancient virus that once ravaged the world until she was entombed beneath the sand only to be unearthed by Jews who intended to use her as a bio weapon, that the chinks stole, experimented on, and then unleash to wreak havoc upon the world?

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ff437c  No.81083


I am still uncertain whether you are leaning towards a "novel spiritual-animated bioweapon" (heil!) or towards the ancient pathogen discovered and edited in labs version of the story.

Because the black tomb itself, if investigated correctly, could open a pandora's box of epic proportions, but we already know that.

Pardon, it's late night.

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b2274a  No.81084

File: 160b137ec9a8af8⋯.jpeg (138.33 KB, 640x440, 16:11, DA1D69EF_96D9_4584_B210_D….jpeg)

File: 292beb526a8dd6e⋯.jpeg (411.81 KB, 799x518, 799:518, ADF6E461_1AE6_46B8_A839_8….jpeg)

File: 35a4cbafd0d1609⋯.jpeg (41.53 KB, 500x313, 500:313, 0FA3274E_C8B3_4187_9717_3….jpeg)

File: d20d745f43cc648⋯.jpeg (67.27 KB, 736x504, 92:63, EAF13EF0_792A_4C2D_99B3_6….jpeg)

File: 96abeaa315db118⋯.jpeg (88.04 KB, 800x497, 800:497, FF23D78E_FE81_461C_A3D9_D….jpeg)


If you won’t deal with this then the last picture is your only future in Europe.

You will turn out just like Brazil. This is what all of Europe will look like in less than 20 years.

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d4a66f  No.81085

>I'm a bioinformatician, that's interesting! In the coming days I'll try to play with the available sequences and do a quick phylogenetic analysis

I have no idea what any of that means


>Bovine coronavirus and human coronavirus OC43 diverged around the 1890s

>The most closely related bat coronavirus and SARS-CoV diverged in 1986


That's really fucking weird isn't it?


I don't know what you're talking about. Are you suggesting the cold predecessor is related to this tomb? Why do you think so?

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b2274a  No.81086


As laughable as it sounds, yes.

It is not as ‘far out’ as you think, as ancient bacteria, pathogens and virus have been discovered in tombs for centuries.


I don’t know. That tomb was left totally undecorated (unusual for its era) it is black, possibly the very first one of its kind. It crops up and is opened and people Muslims drank the liquid at the same time SARS spread in the Middle East. We (think) we know that SARS came from a (middle eastern male) of unknown origin (so this would technically geographically be correct; if it was the wrong timeline; his having died thousands of years earlier and the pathogen still lying dead in their Tomb with them)…I am just saying that I doubt it was coincidental that all this fuckery went down at the same time. I think it is worth looking into.

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b2274a  No.81088


I am suggesting that this Corona Virus might have been a precursor to all modern Corona Virus that was the re-emergence of SARS or a more virulent strain of Corona Virus from the past. It was too ‘mild’ so they took it and made a chimera out of it. This SARS prototypical pathogen would have been WAY more virulent than our common cold because it would not have had the time to learn to BEHAVE…

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d4a66f  No.81089


It does appear to be evolving rather quickly. What is the info on the virus found in the tomb?

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b2274a  No.81090

Jurassic Pathogen.

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b2274a  No.81091


The whole thing was super hush hush and I was warned several time to FUCK OFF and mind my own business on /pol/ when I made the article about it. It was taken by military helicopters to a laboratory and nothing was ever heard of it again.

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716f14  No.81094

File: 3ec2ade2aad84bb⋯.jpg (25.29 KB, 426x543, 142:181, this_just_keeps_getting_be….jpg)


>we started with Resident Evil bio weapons

>then Metal Gear espionage

>and now it turns out corona is literally the Doom Slayer

>and the only people who will be left alive to repopulate the world

>will be the glorious neet master race


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988d65  No.81095

File: e9da2336b09a533⋯.jpg (185.72 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ExorcistT02.jpg)


why is it that every time something shitty happens we find a jew involved. EVERY FUCKING TIME.


wikipedia. look at the edits. that page has been edited the shit out of since the outbreak began. its chinks trying to cover thier tracks


(((cohencidences))) and, "me no speeky engrish, i go now."


I cant wait. Its going to be the greatest chimpening of all time. and CCP plays only a little role at this point. just the quarantine alone is going to fuck the economy so bad that chimps will go wild.


CCP = Corona Chan Pathogen


we tried to warn them.

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b2274a  No.81096

Think about it THIS way. The bugs could literally grab ANY SANDNIGGER off the street at Hajj if they wanted a sample of the SARS that was passing around at the time in Mecca. But they wanted THIS SAMPLE and why was it ‘hard to come by’? Well because you can’t get it off the street. That is why it ended up in the worlds only level bio lab in Canada. It didn’t come from a goat herded at Hajj…it came from this tomb.

The tomb was so heavy and difficult that it was almost impossible to get out of the ground with todays technology.

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c649c7  No.81097

Thoughts on Trump giving up and ending the lockdowns?

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ed5be7  No.81098


people will come to accept a 5% attrition to coronachan every year

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4e7d01  No.81099

File: ac7354b5a817e70⋯.mp4 (6.22 MB, 888x512, 111:64, Blessed_Florida_Man_refuse….mp4)

File: 440547e03690c6e⋯.png (244.69 KB, 701x593, 701:593, damnit_florida_man.png)

Florida man who tested positive for Corona-Chan, refused to self quarantine, went to a Walmart and recorded a livestream saying "If I got it, Y'all get it too", ended up in jail. https://archive.is/Zatsw


>Remember the sarcofigi they dug up in Egypt? That was coincident with the last SARS outbreak as well. There was a lot of speculation about WTF (virus and other things) came out of those tombs…all very hush hush, you know…super secret…military airlift to a laboratory and all. I still remember that THOUSANDS signed up to drink the liquid and right after that there was the SARS outbreak in Mecca.

Very interesting, I never heard of this. Must have missed out this ordeal.

>>81066 (checked)

>Not to go off-topic, but you have my full attention here. If you ever mind to further explain anon, here or somewhere else like x or fringe related boards, just know that I'd be looking forward to understand how you celebrate corona chan daily and ask for some guidance

Like I already said in the previous thread, I'm working on a Coronian Bible that will go well into depth into various topics, including worshiping methods. The bible will take a long time to be finished and released since I'm only working on it during lulls of news. Work on it will be fast tracked at the moment I realize I'm blessed, I will definitely not leave this mortal world before publishing it. I will give you the same directions I gave to a cultist in the last thread: Research Chaos Magick, especially ecstatic gnosis. It's my primary method of reaching a state where I can easily interact with the metaphysical world. Though I also had very good results with accidental inhibitory gnosis, which I have recently decided to engage in on purpose and am gaining positive results.


>Right now, as we speak niggers with COVID are taking the hospital beds and resources that should be given to people who paid into the European system and taxes their whole life.

It truly is infuriating to see non Yuropeans taking up hospital beds that belong to whites. I would stop using c*vd if I were you, you're powering a jewish egregore by using that name. Call it a joke name like Wu-flu, it's much healthier


>it's hard anon. even if it's just a matter of time, i just can't wait

No it isn't hard, trust me. All you have to do is take a deep breath and reassure yourself that they absolutely have no physical and metaphysical chances of surviving this. Such impatience is a sign of a weakened faith or perhaps an external agent successfully engaging in metaphysical combat with you. I too am slightly anxious for my time to be blessed, but not fretting over it because I know my time will come. When those doubtful thoughts invade your mind, take some time to have a quick meditation session. Breath hope and faith in, breath negative thoughts of doubt out. If you feel chills running through your body and an alleviating sensation of tranquility, you're doing it right and pushing all of those negative thoughts outwards, away from your body and mind. I particularly use this technique with some modifications and additions to ward off external forces that attempt to implant doubtful thoughts into my mind, works flawlessly. Here's a Coronian Thought just for you

>A cultist must always be ready to defend his mind and his spirit, and also to heal and repair them.


This is the kind of mindset every anon here should have.


>Think about it THIS way. The bugs could literally grab ANY SANDNIGGER off the street at Hajj if they wanted a sample of the SARS that was passing around at the time in Mecca. But they wanted THIS SAMPLE and why was it ‘hard to come by’? Well because you can’t get it off the street. That is why it ended up in the worlds only level bio lab in Canada. It didn’t come from a goat herded at Hajj…it came from this tomb.

Getting some weird vibrations in front of my pineal gland right now. Some anons wondered that same question, why the chinks were stealing SARS samples when they have so many already. You're really unto something.


Will backfire.

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ff437c  No.81100


>why is it that every time something shitty happens we find a jew involved. EVERY FUCKING TIME.

Where's (((Waldo))) ? New game for anons from now on. Also, I'll have a look on the edits. saving everything in the kikery folder. Lastly: warn them?

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c72963  No.81101

File: 75e48f6d44a8d40⋯.jpg (136.05 KB, 600x820, 30:41, 1375692286334.jpg)




Not entirely improbable. Also the premise of a decent puzzle vidya game called The Talos Principle. Mother Nature doesn't fuck around, and there's no telling what's waiting for us in the deeper parts of the world.


>da joos everyteim

A bit of confirmation bias at play here on /pol/, anon. Not to say we're wrong all the time, but goal seeking does occur.


He's still leaving it up mostly to the states. WA tonight is going into 'voluntary' but you could still get ticketed/arrested for noncompliance shelter in place in 48 hours for two weeks, for instance.

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d4a66f  No.81104


You can check the sources but I don't think that matters. I would try to find an archive of it before the outbreak but my shiternet cannot multitask so much.

Last time I was here the discourse wasn't so unproductive. The formatting on the board is mostly ramblings at this point

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8ed04e  No.81105

"experts" say that this is gonna last 18 months, what are the chances of this virus slowing down and then another outbreak on november happens close to black friday, people get afraid of money and then boom, new currency or way to pay, id2020?

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3474a4  No.81106


>It crops up and is opened and people Muslims drank the liquid

Just why? Is slurping ancient tomb soup a favorite pastime of the sand niggers? Fuck I'd rather have bat soup.


>Its going to be the greatest chimpening of all time. and CCP plays only a little role at this point.

CCP is hoping for that chimpout. Take out the US- China numba won! All they gotta do is watch as we rip ourselves apart and die.


At this point it isn't his call. He can use the bully pulpit but it really comes down the the local, County then State levels. He can't not allow them to quarantine- he CAN force things from a Federal level. Uncle Sam still have some shackles left on him, not for much longer though.

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c72963  No.81108


>CCP still alive

Is there any evidence they're actually recovering? Last I saw in these threads the satellite images still showed cleaner skies (meaning no factories open), the information lockdown hammer fell (meaning the bug leadership caste is afraid), and the infrequent videos that did leak were showing bugs protesting. Crippling yourself in a bid to cripple everyone else and then somehow come out on top of the garbage heap doesn't seem like a sensible strategy, even for Pooh.

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b2274a  No.81109





The only race in the world that could keep up with that birth rate is the nigger. And we all know what a world full of niggers will end like.

>”The last nigger would eat the last blade of grass and fuck the last baby corpse and then die of starvation.”

Maybe they planned for this 5% attrition rate already…maybe they wanted the only people left on the planet to have an average lifespan of the 26-30 year old niggers in Africa. Old enough to reproduce and be a grandparent (niggers!) but never old enough to think through any complex questions.

>>81099 (checked)

Yes, we all know that the bugs are not above grabbing people off the street and torturing them for their organs. If they just wanted SARS they could have probably asked a sandnigger to spit in a cup for them. This is different.


>The Talos Principle

I will look up the storyline. Thanks anon.


I DON’T KNOW!!! There was this very strange virus that passed through the International Airport in Alexandria and infected a few German tourists…I can’t remember but I think they died of it and were sent back to Germany as well…they got it passing through the airport and got sick and died 24 hours later in their hotel…some fucked up shit went down at this time right in that area. The tomb was located in the heart of Alexandria as well WAYYYY underground with no markers or anything. they found it with ground penetrating radar and dug it up.

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428eba  No.81110

File: 335078a450843f7⋯.png (320.26 KB, 551x450, 551:450, 88_hours_in_paint.png)

File: 99d14605cec6a29⋯.png (210.61 KB, 1909x791, 1909:791, march_23_netherlands.png)

File: 34a0dff775b3598⋯.png (161.74 KB, 1917x639, 3:1, march_16_netherlands.png)

File: afdb08d3903a5a8⋯.jpg (97.1 KB, 626x640, 313:320, corona_.jpg)

What's up fags. The living debt here, with another unexciting update live from the land of Toothpaste.

Our government announced an additional set of measures yesterday, making us just one step short of an entire lockdown imo. The previous measure of no events allowed of 100 people or more has been altered and extended, now no groups are allowed at all anymore, and this rule will be in effect until the first of June. If you have to visit someone, you can this with a gathering of three people maximum, provided they all adhere to the rule of staying at least 1,5m away from one another. All non-vital businesses that have physical contact between people (like barbers, for example) are as of now forced to close. If one member of your household has the flu, the entire household will have to be self-isolated, with the exception of those in vital careers. All supermarkets, and other shops that are still allowed to be open, will have to see to it themselves that the rules are being followed (like the 1,5m distancing rule). Should these shops fail to follow these rules, the police can as of now fine them. Also normal people who do not follow these rules can be fined, these fines will be high, even for Dutch standards. Suffice to say, if someone like me were to be fined, they'd be royally fucked.

Let's have a look at the statistics, shall we? As I've said time and time again, the real number of infected is definitely a lot higher than those officially reported, as people have been told from the beginning to self-isolate on the on-set of showing flu-like symptoms. Only those cases serious enough to illicit testing are being reported. There is no way in hell to know the real numbers, beside heavy speculation. Having said that, the current (March 23rd, pic 2 related) tally of infected stands at 4749, with the death toll at 213. To put things in perspective, a week ago (March 16th, pic 3 related) we stood at 1413 infected, 24 dead.

On a more personal note, since yesterday evening, I've started showing flu-like symptoms myself fucking again. Nothing more than a soar and dry throat currently, combined with a slightly elevated body temperature. I'm not sure what to think of this yet, but I will keep you nogs posted on my condition should it worsen.

As always, I hope you guys are safe and healthy. Keep your wits about you, anon, and you will be fine.


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6ed2af  No.81112


BigCorp had a status call today and we were assured that our China team was back at work like good insects. I no longer deal with them thank fuck so I can't tell how many coofed out. Some words were said that implied reduced capacity.

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230259  No.81113

Just phoning in- you may feel inexplicable patches of cold in your fingertips or inside of you mouth as early signs of being COLONISED.com

Maybe- have a pain in the left side of my throat that just came up- not good at anatomy may be thyroid- gonna prepare leave house- parents are retards and dad may have intentionally exposed us because he’s an evil selfish prick with no integrity and a grunions death wish boomer as long as I get mine attitude- shoul’ve taken the advice and bought as much as I needed prior and gotten a raft.

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ed5be7  No.81114

so what bioweapons will the West and Russia release in a diminishing world

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d6ab8c  No.81116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>never had a problem with Chloroquine.

Chloroquine switched ACE2 off and within months they suffer again. Nobody know how to switch it on after the recovery p.

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b2274a  No.81117

File: 832712650b75e41⋯.png (6.33 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 71553627_F250_42B4_8A50_1D….png)


>nobody know how to switch it on again

Lol…that might be a problem with ‘the recovery’…meh…who needs ACE2 receptors…Lol

Remember kids…again, Israel didn’t ‘donate’ 6 million doses of Chloroquine to the USA ‘because it works’…if it ‘worked’ and didn’t cause irreversible damage they would have kept it for themselves.

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ccf8bb  No.81121


>6 million doses

Why would they give 6 billions doses to the US if the vaccine doesn't work?

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b2274a  No.81125


Because it doesn’t work anon {rolling eyes}. It kills the people who take it just like the anti-virals the bugs tried out kill people as well on the 2nd wave infection.

I don’t know if this is a news flash for you or something but the kikes are trying to genocide us as hard as they can.

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3474a4  No.81127

File: 16d7227596e8090⋯.jpg (63.99 KB, 499x600, 499:600, communism_repeats.jpg)

File: 03a140723d4c2b7⋯.jpg (50.65 KB, 682x449, 682:449, collectivism_one_shot_from….jpg)

File: 85e52aae5dccf15⋯.jpg (25.64 KB, 307x395, 307:395, blowing_up_communists_is_a….jpg)


>Surely you dont believe the numbers being released by Jinping.

Not at all. As was discussed early on there are only two ways to "win" in a biological warfare scenario. You either have enough population going in that you know enough of your remnant will survive far past your enemy's capabilities (China), or you have a pre-developed antidote that can covertly given to your population that will lessen the blow (possibly China, possibly the West). Either case while there is plausible deniability reinforced by virtue signaling censorship- culpability points right back to the Sino-Jew.

While I'm first to say that China should burn in beautiful nuclear fire, it would be foolish to assume that they will come out of this worse for wear. What do they care, they have over 1.5 billion (and dropping) but they still have over 1.5 billion. They've got this thing wrapped up nice and tight like most Commies do. Lie, burn the bodies and lie some more. An old venerable troupe rolled out since old Lenin's days. The destabilization towards the West that this is causing, is continuing to cause, and will increasingly cause is a full death blow to their enemies (the West especially the US). The wargame goes something like we outnumber you and you tear yourself apart so we can march in and be the new leadership for a New World under glorious Communist ideology. Pay no mind that a few million Chinese died and we destroyed Western Civilization (well what was left of it)- China Numba Won and so forth and such and such. Now bow to your new slant eyed masters.

Their tell is their very vocal and very magnanimous "aid" they are giving to the poor stricken Italians et al. They are using this to a propaganda advantage which is a win for big C Communism and the Marxists over here slurp up like sandniggers with Tomb Soup. The plans that the WHO signed off on, LOCK EVERYONE THE FUCK UP, can work in a China (somewhat) but destroy the West, is a reinforcement to Marxist ideology and is completely against the grain of personal responsibility that makes the West the West (well did). Since we are no longer capable of taking care of ourselves as a Society, and Mama Gobment gotta feed us off her teet, the weak shall turn to the strong during the catastrophic times ahead. They know this and why ALL of this is to their advantage. Remember it is Workers of the WORLD Unite. Stalin is the one that decided not to spread Trotsky's wet dreams not most Marxists.

Besides. It is a simple matter of numbers. There are many many many more of them and the die off is manageable for them. For us it is civilization ending. I expect the nuclear war to start towards the end of summer.

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b2274a  No.81128

File: 9e784aa9c39a5e8⋯.jpeg (34.96 KB, 440x313, 440:313, 25365A66_BCF0_48A7_B624_B….jpeg)

File: 74dce36274b14d6⋯.jpeg (13.13 KB, 231x160, 231:160, A6F89A8B_D28D_41CD_89FD_D….jpeg)



Thinking a bit more...yes, I think you (probably you alone) would find this interesting but see that red fluid? That is red mercury (you know what that is and why they would go to that expense to bury all three in red mercury)? I do, but I am not going to tell people here, but I thought you would appreciate it.

>Red mercury is purportedly a substance of uncertain composition used in the creation of nuclear weapons, as well as a variety of unrelated weapons systems. Because of the great secrecy surrounding the development and manufacture of nuclear weapons, there is no proof that red mercury exists. However, all samples of alleged "red mercury" analyzed in the public literature have proven to be well-known, common red substances of no interest to weapons makers. Red mercury is therefore considered a hoax, perpetrated by con artists who sought to take advantage of gullible buyers on the black market for arms. There have been reports of "red mercury" on the international black markets since 1979, but the hoax seems to have been most common in the early 1990s, with asking prices as high as $1,800,000 per kilogram.

You know what that is on the left there... :). I do.

Can you imagine the fortune they took out of that tomb after the ‘public charade’ was done? And pray tell where did that ‘red mercury’ end up? Hmmm...no one knows or if they do they aren’t telling.

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d6ab8c  No.81130


>The mystery liquid is evaporated and infected the bats then go nuts and bite the people.

Did they test the liquid? I want to know what was it in.

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b2274a  No.81133

File: c95dc18fcb67a36⋯.jpeg (72.93 KB, 570x494, 15:13, 55297BB7_4F98_4B4D_8A6E_1….jpeg)


I don’t see that…and I did sage when I went off topic. The rest is all related to The Red Death.


Yes, they did. In the lab. They did not disclose the results. Publicly they said it was ‘sewer water’ from the Alexandria sewer. But that tomb was totally sealed. It weighed a MASSIVE MASSIVE amount and it was taken and hidden from the public as were all its contents and everything in them.


How can it be THE Serpopod if there are two of them? The Male and The Female? Look at the constellations map…you can see them both there. Or are they ONE?


We are SAGING most incurious anon. It is like TWO FUCKING COMMENTS that are not directly related to the virus. Give us a break…this is all related. Nobody can even ask a fucking question anymore! It isn’t like there is a DIFFERENT THREAD where I can go ask this shit.

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233734  No.81134


>Their tell is their very vocal and very magnanimous "aid" they are giving to the poor stricken Italians et al. They are using this to a propaganda advantage which is a win for big C Communism and the Marxists over here slurp up like sandniggers with Tomb Soup.

Assuming you're right, and you aren't, there would be no foothold for any of this had internal, domestic capital not assaulted their own people with wage arbitrage and deindustrialisation. You want to talk about everything but the root.

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17508c  No.81135

Trump is listening to Martin Armstrong. Good.

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b2274a  No.81136


It was never about money though anon. They can’t have any value for something when they can just invent it out of mid air with a snap of their fingers. It was about conditioning and dysgenic programming of HUMAN CAPITAL. Quit thinking that money has anything to do with the product at that level. It only matters to those who are at its mercy…and thus the mercy of the kikes. Money was not the goal. GLOBAL SLAVERY WAS THE GOAL AND THAT COMES VIA GENETICS…THE ONLY ‘REAL MEASURABLE CURRENCY’ ON THE PLANET.

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d6ab8c  No.81137


>They did not disclose the results. Publicly they said it was ‘sewer water’ from the Alexandria sewer. But that tomb was totally sealed. It weighed a MASSIVE MASSIVE amount and it was taken and hidden from the public as were all its contents and everything in them.

I guess they don’t want to be responsible for leashed the ancient virus but the problem is virus need the host cell to survive and the guys in the tombs are dead so it might not be virus but something else. I think the liquid might have corrupted the virus in the bats and make the bats go crazy and start biting the people.

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3474a4  No.81138

File: 1ab757a1b5a044e⋯.mp4 (7.27 MB, 854x480, 427:240, a_glorious_day.mp4)


>dont understadn why we havent already pushed the button!

Soon. Let the death count rise. This thing goes one of two ways. It unites the society under a new banner and ideology; or it fractures and burns. Both of which have a good chance of leading to a glorious day.


It is the root that they are exploiting and yes friend I did.

<Since we are no longer capable of taking care of ourselves as a Society, and Mama Gobment gotta feed us off her teet, the weak shall turn to the strong during the catastrophic times ahead.

The West that would have been able to fend this off is long dead and gone. This (((West))) is weak, pathetic and enslaved already. Be it through Trade, War or the UN- China will be attempting to take a dominant position from this. A power vacuum formed by the licentiousness of our Jewry poisoned state, /ourgirl/ has filled it and the Chinese will exploit it. This either leads to Worldwide Communism or a grinding Balkanization. Even in our own country the fractures are starting to strain. Just a Flu Bros vs. the Hoarders. Both a mockery of what should have been a healthy and responsible action- being prepared way ahead of time for most eventualities and monitoring the situation. Just like a large number of our Great Grandparents did. A bit of self reliance and self accountability. The West's decadence, lack of scarcity and false idols of (((wealth))) and (((fame))) have been a house of cards for awhile. China just turned on the fan.

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233734  No.81139


You're just rambling to excuse away self-treason.

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7aa7ac  No.81140


>Red mercury

probably the material "FOGBANK"


Read it again carefully.

The Serpopard is the demon. The harbringer of chaos, etc.

Serpopods are the visual depiction of a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the neck like a snake. Serpopods were often depicted as two, with intertwined necks (sound familiar...). You could have a singular serpopod. Being a serpopod does not mean you are "The Serpopard". The ancient Egyptians outlawed depictions of her/him, the would not name it either. We invented the name serpopod to describe the creatures Egyptians drew. They ar two different things.

We have no idea what the Serpopard was or looked like. Depicting it was illegal. It was only long after its banishment that it was represented by a lion with the head of a snake.


I know we are getting a little of topic. we got here with "maybe corona chan came out of that black sarcophagus found in Egypt"

soz zuckniggermod, offtopic, saged>>81132

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3474a4  No.81143

File: 75e982ecb345ad0⋯.png (129.16 KB, 680x537, 680:537, wtf.png)


Pic related


>we got here with "maybe corona chan came out of that black sarcophagus found in Egypt"

Don't forget the part about the Camel Jockey's drinking the bone broth too. Besides there's not much going on. More deaths, more exponential growth, more lock downs, chimpout on the horizon and bored anons that bait you for agreeing with them with. Ahhhh comfy.

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c2802e  No.81144


good summary, anon


>coronachan seasonal

i think it has already been with us a good 18 months. It is a demyelinating disease, and there's been a number of people I know (3!) hit with a mystery disease last year that made them lose their ability to walk (no nerve conduction).

That's why the adrenochrome link. AC dependency leads to demyelination in the same pattern as extreme age.

Add in a virus that demyelinates (most coronaviruses, as they are used as models for MS) and you get deaths.

So corona-chan didn't start in Wuhan at all, but has been lose for 18 months or more.

the NWO and its stooges are locking down the world because they have the weakness from their drug addiction that makes them target #1, just like the Wuhan people who were also using the drug that has been made in their labs.

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d6ab8c  No.81145

Update from Australia

Some of the state's 14,000 prisoners could be released as the NSW Government steps up its response to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Key points:

The COVID-19 Legislation Amendment (Emergency Measures) Bill is expected to be introduced to Parliament today

The bill could see low-risk, elderly and prisoners with medical conditions granted parole. Those serving sentences for murder, terrorism or a serious sex offence will not be eligible. Corrective Services Commissioner Peter Severin could be allowed to grant parole to certain inmates based on the threat of COVID-19 under proposed laws to be considered by Parliament. The extraordinary powers would apply to low-risk and vulnerable prisoners, who would be subject to strict parole conditions. That would include home detention, electronic monitoring and a pre-arranged schedule of movements.

Introducing the bill to Parliament today, Attorney-General Mark Speakman said it was designed to protect the health of inmates and staff. "The bill seeks to provide us with powers we'll hope we never have to use but the evolution of the pandemic may require it," he said.

"This flexibility is needed to give the commissioner the capacity to protect the health of inmates and correctional services staff and ensure the good order and security of correctional premises through the emergency." Vulnerable inmates include the elderly or those with a pre-existing medical condition, while the nature of the offence committed and the time left on a sentence would also be considered.

Those serving sentences for murder, terrorism or a serious sex offence will not be eligible for early release, nor will those serving a life sentence for any other serious offence. Before making such an order, the commissioner will have to assess the risk to community safety and check whether the prisoner has been convicted of domestic violence charges.

The COVID-19 Legislation Amendment (Emergency Measures) Bill also allows the pre-recording of evidence to reduce the number of people having to attend courts across the state.

According to figures released by the Bureau of Crime Statistics in February, the number of people in jail across the state rose by almost 500 people last year to nearly 14,000. Andrew Christopoulos, National President of the Australian Lawyers Alliance said a coronavirus outbreak in prisons would be a "human rights disaster". "The risk of an outbreak of COVID-19 in a prison or detention centre is extremely serious," Mr Christopoulos said.

"This is potentially a human rights disaster for Australia, and governments must act urgently."

The reason is literally because they are concerned about the human rights. Just move the inmates in to outback and have them work on the farms. This is ridiculous!

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ccf8bb  No.81146


>14,000 prisoners

Let me guess, mostly niggers, pajeets and sand-niggers.

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d6ab8c  No.81147


I don’t know much about NSW prison so I cannot answer that. Sorry, anon.

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597b3a  No.81155

Are there any downsides to the Chinese Corona virus?

Even the dumbest phone zombie simpleton is now aware of the need for strong borders and an organized national response. Governments are openly stratifying the public into various levels of "essential personnel," doing away with insipid mantras of yesterday espousing that "we are all equal." It is now being made bare, who in society is needed, and who is essentially a dead weight. As organizations transition to remote work and learn to operate in a leaner fashion, they are quickly learning that 'do nothing' and 'make work' positions carved out for low IQ minorities and unqualified women, can simply be cast aside. Soon the bureaucratic dead weight of HR departments will be sent to the dustbin of history. Men do not need 'empowered women' who spend half of their time organizing 'growth and wellness' retreats and the other 9/10ths shopping and updating facebook. The age of the useless negro and HR cunt is over!

But wait, there's more! The shaky ground of the current byzantine financial system is also being shown for the farce that it is. Sadly 2008 wasn't enough to shake the goyim out of their T.V. induced trance, but hopefully now that they've been wiped out again, there will be less inclination to dump a representation of their labor into Shlomo's digital casino staffed by the so-called geniuses of wall street.

In eight days, many city dwellers will kvetch that "muh rent moniez be due," and without a job, they simply won't be paying it. The kikes and foreign speculators who infested the housing market will be hosed. You can also bet that local and state governments, desperate to appear effective, will also championing writing off those debts.

I didn't even talk about the inevitable return of the manufacturing sector. Tell me /pol/ /pnd, are there any downsides to Corona? This is the happening you've all been waiting for, and it's about time you give yourself to enjoy it. This is going to be a wild ride.

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32a28f  No.81156

File: 371d4727e379c8c⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, SA_lockdown.mp4)

File: b8bf303031cc231⋯.jpeg (124.75 KB, 826x1279, 826:1279, Pastas_outside_1.jpeg)

File: 9d715181b6c6261⋯.jpeg (149.3 KB, 1279x840, 1279:840, Pastas_outside_2.jpeg)

File: 16e0648b3cbbb06⋯.jpeg (160.91 KB, 1279x955, 1279:955, Pastas_outside_3.jpeg)

File: ac608d03d0a7d1d⋯.jpeg (109.72 KB, 1279x569, 1279:569, Pastas_outside_4.jpeg)


My niggernet spazzed out since my last post then I couldn't connect to here, startpage.com, the linux mint forum and even twitter and halfchan. I could only connect to jewgle and jewtube, and a couple of other lesser known alternative imageboards. I tried every trick that I know of to fix this shit but it was no use. It was a shame 8kun blocks web browser proxies or else could have come back sooner, but oh well, it doesn't matter, Corona-Chan, Nergal, Kek and the Almighty Creator fixed it. Can any other Brazilian anon report something like this? Is our ZOG trying to censor us? Anyway, here's some updates: Lockdown in South Africa and Pasta patients being forced to go outside because the hospitals are full.


OH OKAY IT'S BACK AGAIN but twitter is still fucked, images and videos aren't loading. And I'm not talking about Nitter, but on actual twitter.

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86b605  No.81157

File: 423cc26bbe6b7f2⋯.jpg (13.37 KB, 310x200, 31:20, umbrella.jpg)

In past threads I've done some minimal seemingly China apologist, not really, but the fact is China is actually recovering and the death rate outside of Wuhan hasn't been that bad. This isn't personal opinion or a hunch. How do I know? I am in China, I've been in China for years working. That's why I'm confidant of either of the labs in Wuhan breeding/releasing this thing on the world out of sheer mismanagement laziness and not because of some grand plan. Chinese want to be like the west, they want to be "scientifical" and "high-techory" but they have absolutely zero ability to create or manage things properly. (seriously Chinese management is like an spoiled 10 year old girl in America and they have the creativity of a rock)

Though, it's easy to see weird shit like the umbrella logo of the Wuhan lab, do you know why because these faggots are not creative enough to make their own logo they just literally search biolab on baidu and stole the first logo that came up, ie, resident evil, they copied it just like they copied every piece of tech they could from western civ in the last 20 years.

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c72963  No.81158


The biggest downsides I've seen are pretty substantial:

>miserable way to go if you catch it

>no current cure, unless it's being held in secret

>secured borders, sure, at the cost of freedom for everyone within

>US currency collapse, likely onset of hyperinflation, and the 99% taking it up the ass while the 1% get bailouts

The ride will indeed be wild, but I'm not sure it'll end up where we'd prefer.


Unless people are going full Mad Max and stealing internet infrastructure, I'd wager either the nationwide net getting stressed to its limits while everyone bunkers, the gubment closing it off because of some mass shitstorm about to brew, or some combination of all those things.

Stay safe, hueanon.

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4e5669  No.81159

File: 2a298d9f22eec22⋯.jpeg (117.65 KB, 876x832, 219:208, menonlywantonething.jpeg)

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597b3a  No.81160


*4/10ths, sorry. I have a math degree too


> reduced capacity.

The unloaded a lot of elderly though, so they aren't going to show up in any manufacturing declines. Honestly if the bugs made it a national policy to kill off all 65 year olds, it would be hard for us to notice.

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597b3a  No.81161


>The ride will indeed be wild, but I'm not sure it'll end up where we'd prefer.

The previous system was always a precarious mess, it had to fail at some point. Meth epidemics, constant racial tension, wars for Israel, LGBT degeneration, nigger glorification etc. That's an untenable mess, and even being relatively well-to-do in a safe lily-white suburb, it's always felt like an illusion.

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99ab1b  No.81162


Make yourself right with Kek. If Corona-chan is worthy, Kek will relay your affection.


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32a28f  No.81163

File: 95a6aa515384716⋯.png (76.91 KB, 812x590, 406:295, completely_fucked.png)

File: 86abc1413fbf0ca⋯.png (210.27 KB, 984x610, 492:305, nitter_is_fine.png)


Debt anon my friend, I don't have time to write you a detailed and well formatted reply because I don't know if my niggernet will last until then, but your symptoms sound just like Corona-Chan, you need to rest and take care of yourself. Stay safe.


>, I'd wager either the nationwide net getting stressed to its limits while everyone bunkers, the gubment closing it off because of some mass shitstorm about to brew, or some combination of all those things.

I actually think some glownigger agency is targeting me. Why the fuck would startpage.com, halfchan and the linux mint forum completely not working, completely unreachable, but jewgle & co and other unrelated sites were working? It's like the glowies knew that I would look for answers in the mint forum and in halfchan's tech board. Here's an update on my situation: Twatter is fucked but Nitter is actually fine.

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0051f6  No.81164

File: a6f068c11619ffa⋯.jpeg (284.93 KB, 1529x2048, 1529:2048, EA65522A_A502_4C43_8BEF_5….jpeg)

does anyone have a report of that is an examination of the symptoms that the infected experience when they start to show symptoms?

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86b605  No.81165


because the internet is a network, being taxed balls deep 24/7 recently, shit happens man

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428eba  No.81166

File: 7e8dfea9db1d20e⋯.jpg (336.38 KB, 1126x1125, 1126:1125, 7e8dfea9db1d20e30e027c256e….jpg)


>Debt anon my friend, I don't have time to write you a detailed and well formatted reply because I don't know if my niggernet will last until then, but your symptoms sound just like Corona-Chan, you need to rest and take care of yourself. Stay safe.

Thanks hueanon, I'm taking rest and doing all the things I can in order to survive this potential infection. I've been self-isolated for more than a week now, so if this indeed is Corona-Chan, I will be rightly pissed off. Oh well, I'll keep you guys posted.

Thanks for your concern brother, it means a lot. All the best!

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86b605  No.81167


google coronavirus symptoms you lazy nigger

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0051f6  No.81168

File: 9b87b998a9311e2⋯.jpeg (361.22 KB, 1512x1920, 63:80, 9B792E1B_E451_447D_B101_5….jpeg)


Thanks for the info nigg. For the symptoms I im questioning the same whether im infected or have the normal flu. Which would be odd since I haven’t been sick in 5 years with my change of diet. Here have a corona

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428eba  No.81170

File: dbff0ac0dcfbac5⋯.png (9.16 KB, 746x982, 373:491, dbff0ac0dcfbac58be2d57d5a3….png)


As I've said in that post, I only show minor symptoms now, the soar throat and slight increase in body temperature. Nothing to worry about, yet. What's funny to me is, should I get the flu or God forbid, the virus this will be the third time in as many months. Before this, I hadn't been sick in over two years.

Thanks for the Corona, have a gondola in return.

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ccf8bb  No.81171

File: 3e0cb3ae5cd54ff⋯.jpg (160.95 KB, 980x653, 980:653, 1.jpg)

File: 5fd5c20efeec405⋯.jpeg (114.48 KB, 940x705, 4:3, 2.jpeg)

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4e2377  No.81174

File: ecd8ae84e2a6f21⋯.png (142.97 KB, 456x509, 456:509, blacks_are_not_immune.png)

I'm sorry anons, I really let you guys down tonight because of this niggernet problem, I wish I could have contributed some more but it's time for me to call it a night. I will do this last, small update then perform my rituals and prayers and go to bed. 36YO Nigress succumbs to Corona-Chan's blessing, proving that blacks are not immune https://archive.is/mmdPW Shit it's happening again, 8kun all the other websites I mentioned are becoming unreachable again, I was going to post more news but this is it, bye for now, If I never come back here, My niggernet got fucked for good and I'm too much of a retarded shitskin to fix it.

>8kun's IP adress could not be found



So you think it's just an outage? I hope you're right. I can bypass DNS blocks easily but if the gubbmint tries harder to block websites, I'm fucked. I'm not that tech savvy. Can't buy a VPN either.


Nice double doubles, debt anon. Good night.


>Croatia after the quake

Fuck, the dude I follow for info got bamboozled and so did I. Thanks for correcting my faggotry.

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d4ef83  No.81175

File: 7015161b4c847e4⋯.jpg (158.92 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 42870157881ad56ac0f2806cb0….jpg)

>weinstein got corona in prison

what a load of shit

im sure soon he will mysteriously disappear to his pedo bunker

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8f2781  No.81176


Do you think they lied about the numbers of dead? What is the local feeling about 'recovereds'?

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0ba6e1  No.81177

Can anyone provide proof that the virus was engineered? I think there was an image of some academic journal article from 2009 or something here at some point.

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0b342b  No.81179

File: 77a2be7791e1421⋯.png (68.43 KB, 936x432, 13:6, Screenshot_2020_03_24_01_2….png)

Coronavirus Traces Lingered in Vacated Cruise Cabins for 17 Days


17 days. Wew. There goes my 10 day quarantine on un-washables.




Think about it.

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cc587f  No.81181


> Can't buy a VPN either.

Why exactly? You can use SoftEther VPN Gate, free service run by a nip university "for science"

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8f2781  No.81182


Sorry to hear about your health, as others have noted, that sounds suspiciously like her. If you do receive her blessing, know that toothpaste niggers will not send you to a hospital but home with a stern warning not to go out. That may be a moment to seek the comfort of religion, debtanon. There is a flyer in the previous bread that lays out your options perfectly. But of course I hope it's just the flu and you're being your faggot self.

Also, which site provides this view on infections like Johns Hopkins (the black graphs)? RIVM website is horrible. Thanks.

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8cc63f  No.81183


I think it was from a world cup where Spain lost 1 to 5 i think so /int/ started calling Spain A55pain.

Something like that.

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e2301f  No.81184

File: 0bc3ccf98eadc41⋯.png (562.78 KB, 3000x3000, 1:1, EagleTetsika_result.png)



Wew lad, it's still up and they went so far. My favorite were the nigger pyramid builders kek, can't remember seeing tatts but that's brilliant.


One of the leakers (italy/brownzil bats guy) said to go plastic and biomed.



Looks like they've all gone air with all the extra capacity now for stuff that can be handled there. Ships are sitting around, lovely time to be a whale.

Shit does literally stop when more than 1/2 of a 1 billion person country is locked down for nearly two months.


>But apefrica, ooooohhh boy, apefrica is gonna be one hell of a shitshow to remeber, their government are basically gangsters with a tie, their armies are just mercenary barbaric savages, and their people… welp, what can i say about niggers that you guys don't know already

One of the best summaries of apefrica I've seen in a long time.

Are you descended from Cecil Rhoades?

>incarnation of chaos undivided

Novelty surely did increase in the last 4-5 years.


>Hyperinflation is going to kill more people than Corona-Chan. “You can print more money but you can’t print more food.”

>Wise words. She is causing the collapse of this entire shit show that we call "the modern world".

The straw that broke the camels back and all.

Thing is the rothskikes will keep their taxslaver system going as long as possible by any means necessary. Inflation will be here to stay if not replaced.


>TFW Chloroquine becomes the next unexpected 'grow you own crystals' meme

Corona-Prayer was great anon, you're quite the creative type!


>prisoners released

>mad max is coming to IRL near you, shitposters

'human rights' kek though, fucks sake.

Agreed they should be providing workforce.


Internet has been highly variable where I am to point I think load is genuinely that high. Phone system died nationally yesterday was so overwhelmed, hours waiting for lines etc.

Seed supplier website was very busy today, few time outs ;)

Tried VPN with different DNS?


I've also had variability between sites but thats normal on occasions, international tubes are getting slammed so if it's not on a local CDN you will notice it.


Sleep well hueanon. Get a VPN. Try out mullvad free demo anon see if it fixes you and we can go from there I might have something to help.



I think thinks got close to 1-2 mil cases and hundred(s) of thousands of deaths. They got whacked but not all of it and not everyone as I too have contacts there who are alive and well.


Lot of summer flu where I was this season, more than I remember and was bitching about it before this all broke down. I didn't get sick tho kek.


>17 days

Wew, worse than testing data, how on earth…


>those fags

Kek okok it will be done next OP



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8f2781  No.81185

File: e2a9604133612fd⋯.png (923.01 KB, 674x756, 337:378, stop.png)

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428eba  No.81186


Thanks friend, I'll look into it should the need arise.

>Debt anon my friend, I don't have time to write you a detailed and well formatted reply because I don't know if my niggernet will last until then, but your symptoms sound just like Corona-Chan, you need to rest and take care of yourself. Stay safe.



>But of course I hope it's just the flu and you're being your faggot self.

Fucking kek, one can only hope :^)


>Lot of summer flu where I was this season, more than I remember and was bitching about it before this all broke down. I didn't get sick tho kek.

Flu season over here was pretty bad as well, not exceptionally so though.

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428eba  No.81188



Welp, fucked that up. Should've been this:

>Also, which site provides this view on infections like Johns Hopkins (the black graphs)? RIVM website is horrible. Thanks.



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597b3a  No.81189


36 years old and a school principal? Thank KEK for correcting that aberration.

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86b605  No.81193


They might have fudged slightly on numbers it's hard to say but I believe the figures are more or less acccurate. Jiangsu province is between Shanghai and Hubei (Wuhan) and the government is talking about reopening schools, while just about everyone is already back to work in Shanghai and Jiangsu regions. China is certainly not burning down.

I haven't been close to to anyone that has had it or recovered from it, I'm bunkered out in the countryside sitting in front of a computer for the last two months. However, there has been no reason presented to me to believe that this virus, as opposed to other viruses leave someone forever disableded or sterile. Also, surely we will have hard science from the Euro/US on this matter soon.


I disagree with you that the deaths in China are (much) higher than published. I simply have not seen or heard anything that supports it and I know a lot of people here both foreigners and Chinese. Every single Chinese person has at least one phone, if their was a mountain of bodies we would have pics and videos, not just some bitch arguing with a cop.

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d6ab8c  No.81196


>Are there any downsides to the Chinese Corona virus?

<Impossible to keep up with creating constantly new vaccines.

<We will fall into dark age with Great Depression 1.1 possibly for decades.

<There will be civil wars across the entire world.

<Near total extinction event

<Unstable supply chains

<Global mass hunger

<Ammo shortage

<Maybe nuclear war and winter

<New dozen countries in the future.

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0fb256  No.81197


Ok, but how are these downsides? Do you want to go back to playing videos, working for peanuts with a portion of your money going to fund wars for Israel and your inevitable replacement? Corona has interrupted the spic-nig cycle, it's amazing!

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d6ab8c  No.81199


>Chinese want to be like the west, they want to be "scientifical" and "high-techory" but they have absolutely zero ability to create or manage things properly. (seriously Chinese management is like an spoiled 10 year old girl in America and they have the creativity of a rock)

I understand that the Chinese people want to be like Europeans but the virus is the last thing that I would want to mess with it. There is a very good reason that the Soviets and other European nations stopped experimenting on the virus is because it is extremely hard to control and the virus is very good at mutating to be free from the human hands. Virus is literally dead and can’t be killed in a traditional way.

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8f2781  No.81200


Thanks for this. Indeed, we will be able to tell quite soon. If their infected/recovered/dead stats are true (which I strongly doubt still), then that is good news for the closed case mortality rate for us in Europe. Rn I'm scaring the bejesus out of my family with 30% from data excluding chinkland, which would be 16% if you would include them.

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e2301f  No.81201


videos of bodies well exceeding the official daily rates (10s per hospital when it was only going up 20-30 a day in entire country) and lack of people living in Wuhan right now is pretty obvious.

Definitely not 200 million dead or anything but chinks using perfect quadratic equations and then suddenly 'leveling off' with no new cases while multiple videos of people being rejected from hospital exist.. enough said.

Plenty more shit where that came from.

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8f2781  No.81202


14% my mistake.

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d6ab8c  No.81203


>not understanding the dark humour.

Um, I think that went over your head, anon.

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c2802e  No.81208


wuhan is the centre of the world artificial adrenochrome trade. deaths there are due to the large number of people with age-like demyelination from adrenochrome abuse.

It is not the source of the virus, but the place where the quiet, low key, endemic virus first met a large number of its target host.

you've probably already had it, it went around the world 18 months ago.

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d6ab8c  No.81209

Update from Straya

Health authorities in New South Wales have confirmed Australia's eighth coronavirus death — a female passenger in her 70s who had been on the Ruby Princess cruise ship and died in hospital this morning. There have been 133 diagnosed cases of COVID-19 aboard the Ruby Princess, which docked in Sydney last week. The woman is the seventh person in New South Wales to die from COVID-19, with the other death in Western Australia.

Earlier, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the state was at a "critical stage". "I can't emphasise that enough," she said.

Health authorities in the state confirmed 149 new coronavirus infections in the 24 hours to 8:00pm AEDT Monday, taking the state's total to 818.

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e2301f  No.81211

Shitloads of seed buying in kiwiland atm, main suppliers getting hammered - good sign, whites are preparing for shit to get bad.

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51cf99  No.81212

Updates from the italian red zone by your friendly PastaAnon: SportyPasta (Mattia Maestri) is better, they made him release a propaganda audio message and he says he was lucky and so on. His father died last week, he was infected. We received yesterday 14 cargo planes of supplies from Russia (thank you, uncle Vlad. We do love you). Gooks are amazing: last week they were all dying while this week they are here in Italy trying to push their wonderful free Huawei tablets.Infection rate went down for the last two days but they are still increasing the quarantine measures. No shortages whatsoever regarding food or medicals. Niggers can not respect the quarantine so we already had a couple of official chimpouts, the best of them in Castel Volturno. Notably one of our sandniggers trying to flee the quarantine zone killed a farmer that tried to stop him. Even Anglin noticed.



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d6ab8c  No.81213

Update from Straya

Problems for mobile and fixed phone services. Some Telstra and Optus mobile and fixed-phone services are experiencing problems as a result of increased demand in the wake of the coronavirus shutdowns. Telstra says mobile call volumes are up by more than 50 per cent, driven in part by a surge in people ringing government services. Optus says congestion on the Telstra network is causing intermittent errors for its customers who try to connect with Telstra network users. Both Telcos are working to fast-track upgrades to the system so they can resolve the issues.

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99ab1b  No.81226


Get used to it. Before long these threads will be flowing like the old days with anons talking about their blessing. We’ll end up with a corcular thread. Then the traffic will disappear as anons go to ICU/morgue until all that’s left is posters claiming it’s a hoax.


It’s prolly just netsplit nonsense.

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175dfa  No.81227


the only 'hoax' is you guys pretending like you're epidemiologists, or have even the vaguest education in virology.

(Only (((experts))) can discuss this, goyim)
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0cd5c7  No.81228

File: 876fb6df37433ba⋯.jpg (454.84 KB, 1937x2048, 1937:2048, ET1s6OLWAAEbWi9.jpg)

Hydroxychloroquine does not look all that promising.

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0f64d9  No.81229


Do not buy these fake (((medicines))) or any globohomo pharma products. They don't work and when they do(fat chance) they'll cripple you for life. Just stay inside, eat healthy and exercise bro.

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6d4c41  No.81244

File: e7e64845a5f84c1⋯.mp4 (3.99 MB, 352x640, 11:20, AS1IISvj725NNB6M.mp4)

Another chimpout in a French prison (Fleury-Mérogis).

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8cc63f  No.81262


Sure, but it's not the societal collapse we were expecting from china 2 months ago, they got it more or less under control, after 10 times the cases/deaths than they admit.

This isn't the happening i wanted.

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95850b  No.81263

File: 91a2c52d28787d3⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 141.01 KB, 552x325, 552:325, But_it_Do.png)


>tfw /pnd/ evolved into an International-NatSoc Cult of Chaos Undivided

I don't know how it works, but IT JUST WORKS.

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5d1efd  No.81264


Imagine the smell.

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17508c  No.81276

File: 5b2a374ef0a713b⋯.png (1.21 MB, 720x5599, 720:5599, The_Underverse_Awaits_Coro….png)


This is now my favourite short film of all time.

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92bfa6  No.81280

File: edd8a4a4edbd0ab⋯.png (377.4 KB, 592x448, 37:28, come_on_now_winnie_the_poo….PNG)

A new virus Haitivirus has infected 1 person and 35 people are suspected to be infected.

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92bfa6  No.81283

File: 3efdca6815833d2⋯.jpg (91.23 KB, 720x824, 90:103, ET35xfqUUAAlq0p.jpg)

File: 5322dd411327b08⋯.jpg (74.67 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ET35xfqUYAEbcBO.jpg)

File: 09a058766a0f404⋯.jpg (61.1 KB, 803x688, 803:688, 157.jpg)

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9669a1  No.81284


It makes sense in certain situations I guess


>What is ‘black hand’?

Organization that was supposedly behind Archduke assassination and start of WW1. Gavrilo Princip was a kike, who got trained and funded by another masonic kike (Weifert).

>but I have seen, and studied, the gesture in artwork (not pic) a many times

It has occult connotations, it was used by the SS for example. Generally a good gesture, wouldn't associate it with (((black hand))) but they can use it as well I guess.

>when it struck me that we anons are all really uniquely qualified out of all the people of the world to survive and thrive in the New World

You have people who are marginalized because they are too below the (lower) social threshold, but you also have people who are marginalized because they are too above the (upper) social threshold. Anons tend to be the latter, and it's exactly people like us who excel in crisis situations due to creative intelligence and lack of certain inhibitions while the herd brains short-circuit.

>I have some real doubts that the herd is even engineered to survive what is coming.

NPC's have their utility, but a world where unique, autonomous individuals make up the majority of population would be a much better one. If they are mostly white, but that's usually the condition for the rest to be possible anyway

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17508c  No.81287


This little film is shadow banned. Wow.

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6cea0d  No.81289


Sympdoms of Goronavirus:

Fever, gough, shordness of breath, and loss of sense of smell. Then Death.


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d6ab8c  No.81291


>a world where unique, autonomous individuals make up the majority of population would be a much better one.

That’s the good happening we need. Too bad kikes are in the way.

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cc587f  No.81309



> The viruses that cause hantavirus hemorrhagic fever have not been shown to transfer from person to person, except for Andes virus. For other species of hantavirus, aerosolized rodent excreta or rodent bites are the only known routes of transmission to humans.

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e2db3e  No.81311


yeah but that's how the black plague spread originally didn't it. Might we see a repeat?

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d6ab8c  No.81314

Hey anons, check this link out. It’s really important for the nervous wrecks to watch the Corona lady’s children.


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6cea0d  No.81318

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baf5da  No.81322


>Sure, but it's not the societal collapse we were expecting from china 2 months ago

Agreed, shit was looking grim initially.

Burgers and some of EU will get nailed with it, niggerdeath will be accelerated. Apefrica will be amazing. hopefully it kicks off while everyone else is too busy at home.


>esoteric shitposting

/pol/ has always been that way inclined. Kek, Tet, Old Gods etc



Interesting, another anon said multiple pathogens were released.


No pissing plz. Hantachan can also bite to infect.

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7b920e  No.81324


Rats and mice dribble piss constantly. That's why she does.

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e2db3e  No.81326


glad someone explained it. The PG-13 version is she just spits everywhere.

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7b920e  No.81333


Yeah it's bullshit. The list of exemptions is huge. My employer is still open and I still have to go to work tonight.


But mice don't drool everywhere. To get it from mouse saliva, you have to be bitten.

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428eba  No.81334

File: d7f45fcea70da4d⋯.png (212.74 KB, 1919x795, 1919:795, march_24_netherlands.png)


After two days of having fewer infections than the curve suggested, niggers were already rejoicing the coming plateau and sure defeat of the virus by our great Aquafresh overlords. Well guess what you faggots.

811 new infections, total now 5560.

63 new deaths, total at 276.

Curve still going very strong, and with all the stupid fuckers going out to enjoy the fresh spring sun and politicians implementing half-measures, don't expect it to slow down any time soon. Hail Corona-Chan.

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219aca  No.81340


What these stupid fuckers need to understand about two weeks ago is that the infection numbers they see in testing are not only delayed by two weeks because of the asymptomatic period, they're also limited to only the part of the population that actually gets tested, which is impacted by nigger/sandnigger retardation (witchdoctors/imams instead of doctors), government regulations limiting who gets tested, and status of sick people (wanted criminals/illegals/junkies aren't likely to go get tested)

You can explain lowered numbers by any of the above.

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a2da25  No.81344


that's why we are all fucked anon.


wish-fantasy i'm afraid, China didn't get smoked.


that's right and that's why the US and UK is the next to get the rape

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428eba  No.81350

File: 3eed0a6b2abe95a⋯.jpg (137.77 KB, 700x953, 700:953, 3eed0a6b2abe95a8c6af240ae7….jpg)


Why contain it?

Seriously let the ignorant run themselves into the ground. It's going to wide, widespread by now. There's even reports of fucking millennials/zoomers having Corona parties, intentionally infecting one another in a drunken stupor.

Kiss your fucking grandma's goodbye.

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5b35fe  No.81366


Imagine My Shock!!


MY RESPONSE: Nope! Never trusting those same central bankers again, ever! No thanks kike. I'll go back to growing and canning my own foods, raising my own livestock, hunting and fishing too. I'll trade in silver coins, vodka rations, canned soups, fresh eggs or ammo when SHTF settles down! And I'll only trust locals who have defected from the system, no outsiders.

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95850b  No.81367

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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60d887  No.81368

File: abf4b97c9e318e5⋯.jpeg (125.81 KB, 393x600, 131:200, 01.jpeg)


>63 new deaths

sweet like a rotten corpse


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0fff85  No.81381


I'll never give up. Period. Fuck the kikes, fuck the central bankers and fuck all the defeatists. I will not take any vaccines. I will not give up my guns. I will not trust the banks ever again once this is over. And if they want to shoot it out with me, fine, go for it! Better just drone me! You'll save more life that way!

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56f044  No.81387

File: 994f794ff602871⋯.jpg (45.78 KB, 274x540, 137:270, 1458164276497.jpg)

Nothingburger shills on suicide watch. It warms my heart to see these people, who were saying

>it's just in wuhan

>it's just in china

>it's just in italy

>it's just in europe

>it's just one case in the US

at the end of their rope (see >>81367). Now that the reality of the situation is hitting home for them they are now having mental breakdowns as their entire world is beginning to crumble apart. You know what's really fucking sad? This could have been easily prevented if everyone had actually taken this seriously from the beginning and made even a minor effort to contain it. The economy could have been put on a controlled pause, travel could have been shut down, testing could have been actually fucking done on people who weren't already obviously sick. Didn't the CDC ship contaminated people from Cali and Washington to different quarantine sites all across the country? (((Fact check))) me on that one.

Yeah, congrats kikes, you kept everything running smoothly for an additional month or two, now everything has to crash and burn. There is no conspiracy, this is all the result of the sheer criminal incompetence of the kikes and boomers that run the system. They weren't ever that smart. It didn't have to be this way, you could have prevented this. Why didn't you listen? You've made your bed, now lie in it. But don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose. It's happening.

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a6855a  No.81393

File: b59ab13879e5abd⋯.png (411.66 KB, 832x630, 416:315, corona_chan_went_down_geor….png)

File: 5dccef044b03ced⋯.jpg (115.79 KB, 720x720, 1:1, she_was_looking_for_a_soul….jpg)

File: 613ee6104968b41⋯.png (459.31 KB, 821x1552, 821:1552, she_was_in_a_bind_because_….png)

File: afea585410bf3fa⋯.png (348.76 KB, 858x914, 429:457, She_came_across_him_and_ma….png)

File: 75adce0f661e90f⋯.jpg (164.59 KB, 720x960, 3:4, FIRE_ON_THE_MOUNTAIN_RUN_B….jpg)


I hope the Lord has kept all of you well and Corona-chan ha blessed you.


>Filter Asuka-fag. Asuka is a shit waifu and Evangelion is a shit anime.

If any deserves digits right now, it would be you.


We're gonna miss you whenever this blows over. Just remember that while you sperg like a retard.


>Any updates anons?

New numbers for CDC-Land


China will have a second wave soon, and it's not even autumn.


Singapore is also about to have a second wave because of travelers to the UK were blessed.


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8e8b59  No.81395


>You don't have to give up. Just Watch What Happens.

Anon, I don't care at this point, I really don't. Death is far from the worst result which is capture and forced submission. That I would fear far more than death. So if I go out with a BANG, it was well worth it. :)

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8f2781  No.81398


You would have to go back to the Paleolithic. Yes jews have to go. But autonomous individuals is not a society. You're looking at this with American glasses on. This virus eats individuals for breakfast. It's the ultimate divide and conquer.

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8f2781  No.81401




Yeah ok, I'll pass.

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92f5ad  No.81404

File: 7a25599b7e070aa⋯.jpg (74.32 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, JUST_DO_IT.jpg)


If these kikes in power released something that they cannot control and ends up blowing back in their faces and wipes out most of the planet, I'm going to laugh like a maniac.

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19d4f9  No.81407


>But mice don't drool everywhere. To get it from mouse saliva, you have to be bitten.

Nice trips, but you don't understand how rodents work. They are constantly chewing, shitting and pissing all over everything. If rodents are around, you can't help exposure. Idiot tenant didn't tell me there were signs of rodents in house. Ended up killing over 50 rats.

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d7d7b4  No.81408

File: 716b220456cd3c8⋯.jpg (189.96 KB, 1290x960, 43:32, 716b220456cd3c839b5cfd17df….jpg)

rapeuges say the refapeuge camps are a death sentence as Covid-19 reaches Somalia

In the Nabadoon camp on the outskirts of Mogadishu, Asho Abdullahi Hassan, a 40-year-old mother of seven, has heard about the coronavirus on the radio.

“I am very scared about this deadly virus. I only heard about it from the news. It is like we are waiting for death to come,” she says.

The camp hosts about 3,000 families, most recently displaced from Somalia’s Lower Shabelle region following an intensification of fighting and US airstrikes.

Humanitarian activists are warning that it may be impossible to stop the spread of the virus in such places, where sanitary precautions are difficult and social distancing impossible. In Nabadoon, few can afford soap and water is rare.

“This can get very bad. It will be hard,” said Patrick Youssef, deputy director for Africa at the International Committee of the Red Cross. “Our fear is that governments will seek to protect those they see as their own populations and people … in refugee camps will be left to fend for themselves.”


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8f2781  No.81410


Hail Corona Chan! I read they will now keep supermarkets from overflowing and letting only set numbers of people in. Did your schoolboy PM consider the large coofing group outside, and the sandniggers that don't know how to queue? Will hanging outside the supermarket become the next toothpaste attempt to circumvent simple rules? Good luck anon, although with such assclowns around you, you don't really need it, Darwin and Corona chan will take care of them.

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8f2781  No.81419


Jesus Christ, don't you have a suicide attempt to get to, you failed ladyboy degenerate? Or at least spend days on tumblr crying about the last one for likes? It's obvious you're not welcome here, just leave, it must get tedious. And remember, vertical cuts, not horizontal.

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716f14  No.81427


>you assume that the ZOGBots would ever question the worth of the money?

Zogbot need to do shopping to and even if kikes can print paper they can't restock their supermarkets if the goy that produces consumable goods are not willing to exchange them for said paper. Zogbots will go to buy a box of cigarettes or a bottle of booze and they'll be shocked when they see prices skyrocket exponentially every day because the providers do not trust the (((shekkel))) any more, sure kikes will print more shekkels, and raise the zogbot salaries to keep them loyal but inflation will grow in equal proportions and their acquisitive power will remain the same, only with more 0s to right, and when the kikes decide to unleash their zogbot on the bad goyim that don't trust shekkels, they will see a lot of desertion among their ranks because lo and behold, zogbots are people to, and many of them can put 2 and 2 together, why remain loya to a worthless currency when the alternative is much better?


>trying to apply genetic logic in an animu that has waifus with natural blue hair


go ahead anon, with news as slow as they are your tinfoilhattery may be good entertainment


you don't have to pirate it anon, Bethesda one upped their own incompetence on launch day, they released the DRM free exe for the game by mistake, you don't even have to crack it

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2f145d  No.81431


Suicide is not a good option. If you want to slow down the kike agenda, squat in your home armed refusing to pay your debts and wait for an eviction notice and go from there, like fucking Rambo. Think about it, they want you enslaved, disarmed and impoverished anyway, right? Why not die fighting back? It's the best and only option many will have, and it will drain kike supplies and slow them down if enough people did it.

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428eba  No.81435

File: a9680019636d085⋯.jpg (27.46 KB, 593x386, 593:386, 1489286966841.jpg)


I think our schoolboy PM i like that considered every possibility quite frankly, obviously I don't think he's fighting for the people he governs. This seems to me to be a sure-fire way to get a large portion of your populace get sick. Implementing half-measures too late, and then saying "oopsie, looks like we didn't do enough, but we're doing some more stuff now!'' and being too late again, this cycle repeating itself. You know, fun times for everyone.

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7acb67  No.81436


>Zogbots will go to buy a box of cigarettes or a bottle of booze and they'll be shocked when they see prices skyrocket exponentially every day because the providers do not trust the (((shekkel))) any more, sure kikes will print more shekkels, and raise the zogbot salaries to keep them loyal but inflation will grow in equal proportions and their acquisitive power will remain the same, only with more 0s to right, and when the kikes decide to unleash their zogbot on the bad goyim that don't trust shekkels, they will see a lot of desertion among their ranks because lo and behold, zogbots are people to, and many of them can put 2 and 2 together, why remain loya to a worthless currency when the alternative is much better?

When Americans get seriously desperate and start starving, with the threat of losing everything they have, this nation is going to turn into a full blown war zone. I mean like Vietnam only with all the villagers owning guns as well. Can you dig that scenario if you were a cop? Or would you say "fuck this!" and retire early to save your family? THAT is what most cops will have to decide at that point.

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8f2781  No.81441


I was obviously giving the ladyboy some tips, I'm not dying or giving up lol. Stocked up over time with food and PPE so with no impact to society, but not needing to use any of it yet, as I'm surrounded by thoughtful common sense people who don't panic or hoard. Our biggest worry here is, do we want to open the borders again. It's comfy here.

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99ab1b  No.81445


She can bite me if she really wants to.

>spread the love



The county Tampa is in rejected shelter in place, will reconsider Friday. Decided to try one more shop in case there’s a mad rush on an announcement. Tampa Bay first thing wholesale club shopping. Traffic a little light. Seniors allowed in an hour early, booyah. It’s the honor system, so all blacks count as seniors too, hiss. Saw four masks. Two proper masks, one worn loosely, one possibly correct. Two wearing the crummy masks that only work for medical professionals. First time seeing any masks.

No toilet paper. Some paper towels that disappeared immediately. No disinfectant of course. No antibacterial soap. No hamburger, almost no meat. Deli operating with limited meat/cheese. Only canned soup was a bit of tomato. Only canned vegetables were tomato. Only pasta was a bit of lasagna (come on, you lazy fucks can eat it like regular pasta if you want). Plenty of water, bread, beer, juice, peanut butter, jam. Some big bags of rice. Enough milk and eggs.

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69404a  No.81446


>you don't have to pirate it anon, Bethesda one upped their own incompetence on launch day, they released the DRM free exe for the game by mistake, you don't even have to crack it

Sauce or filename or link? I havent been gaming lately since I was building a garage but hey, its raining, and if the price is right….

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8f3f1f  No.81447

Any word on that $1000 check supposedly being rolled out or is it being stalled?

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b0e828  No.81449

File: 886fac3e7c414d8⋯.png (20.38 KB, 886x564, 443:282, d051eb9957244fa1b78770ab53….png)


>No hamburger

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c4ee07  No.81450


Pelosi is still trying to ensure child sacrifices to Moloch continue as a top national priority.

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2f4017  No.81451


Cockblocked by Pelosi, Schumer and the Democrats.

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8ef0c9  No.81452


It's, ironically, being stalled by Dems because they want (((strings))) attached to receive the money. Likely they desire more control over what people can/cannot do. And they also desire illegals get it, shit like that.

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6ed2af  No.81453

File: 21def16efe2e56d⋯.png (48.43 KB, 537x503, 537:503, ET4dadRWkAAgYid.png)


>I was told there would be a check

Between the Democrats wanting more money for nigger tranny abortions and the Republicans wanting more money for banks there has been no progress. You'll probably end up with a phased tax credit while illegal Squatemalens and Wall Street kikes get shovelfulls of cash.

Topical: street shitters shutting down.

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7c6556  No.81454

File: 3fc5d2d49132f10⋯.png (51.9 KB, 1329x213, 443:71, LMAOing_at_my_country.png)

File: b94d47afa292db8⋯.png (76.73 KB, 656x584, 82:73, MYFUCKING_RETARDED_GOVERNM….png)


>you don't have to pirate it anon, Bethesda one upped their own incompetence on launch day

Yeah, I read about that. Some bit of good, ole Lulz-worthy news to brighten up the day. I'm still not downloading it since I really am not interested in NuDude, so it will just be a waste of hard drive space. I haven't been into vidya for awhile since all the bullshit that has been going from 2015 onward. If I play vidya, it'll be retro or some very good indie or small dev title, like Rimworld or Kenshi.


Thanks for the update TampaAnon!

>Plenty of water…peanut butter…milk and eggs

That's good, that means that a few essentials are still bearing well in the supply chain.

You should be careful since our fucking retarded government is now deliberately fucking with the stats to make the amount of new cases seem low.




It was blocked by the Dems yet again last night. They keep wanting to pollute the bill with side laws and budgets that promote their various agendas, and they won't accept any bill that's as pure as possible.


There's an active thread other here at /v/. >>/v/16884168


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d7d7b4  No.81455

File: 6e15ce2c8645575⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.92 MB, 3479x3206, 497:458, PhotoID_3777.jpg)

File: 75886cd5c4ca988⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 631.09 KB, 520x684, 130:171, m_dre8030f1.png)

File: 0602a61db6807c8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.24 MB, 1367x1024, 1367:1024, image_20150629_9054_tap4qz.jpg)

File: dddf0ce074f1e15⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 113.35 KB, 1200x1032, 50:43, SS2447190.jpg)


the black death was caused by bacteriium

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7c6556  No.81456


I forgot, like a retard, you need three >'s for crossboard linking.


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cf79f6  No.81457


Might be happening. Boomers are freaking about about the deal being up to 4 trillion now. I couldn't care less about the Brrrrrrrrrrr - It's all fucked.

Turn torposting back on faggot

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716f14  No.81460

File: b9d68e81ac2c208⋯.png (253.24 KB, 672x666, 112:111, corona_app_1.png)

File: 1514ed5f582a224⋯.png (28.26 KB, 471x358, 471:358, corona_app_2.png)

File: 1ca25ad6018ea19⋯.png (31.59 KB, 463x362, 463:362, corona_app_3.png)

File: ada285fae544590⋯.png (27.81 KB, 467x360, 467:360, corona_app_4.png)

File: a326e2ea836e36b⋯.png (29.83 KB, 466x367, 466:367, corona_app_5.png)


sorry anon, not a FPS fanboy i heard it at the end of the the last killstream of the ralphreport, and i only listened because Mr Metokur was there, did not confirmed myself, but those guys have never been wrong to my knowledge and i can totally see Bethesda fucking up like this

on another note chek this out goys

the Argentinian government released a cell phone app to track corona chan, or at least that was the excuse, what does the app do? check the pics

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716f14  No.81461

File: b6fc752b16e188b⋯.png (32.7 KB, 477x384, 159:128, corona_app_6.png)

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69404a  No.81462


o/ Thanks brother! I will check it out.

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19d4f9  No.81463


Sorry anons, neetbucks are off the menu.

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a200dc  No.81465


Coronavirus Patients in Limbo as Gilead Suspends Emergency Drug Access

Overwhelmed by demand for an experimental treatment for coronavirus, the drug maker Gilead abruptly shut down its emergency access program, leaving doctors and families scrambling for answers.

The company said it was setting up a broader access program that could try to help more people, but some said the transition is delaying remedies for very ill patients who have few options.

“We have heard zero. We know nothing,” said Genny Allard, the mother of Jack Allard, a 25-year-old New Jersey resident who is in a medically induced coma and on a ventilator at Hackensack Meridian Health JFK Medical Center in Edison, N.J. “I’m just, like, apoplectic at this point. I have a kid who is sick and the doctor wants to give him the next medicine that is supposed to help.”

The drug, remdesivir, is being studied in several large-scale clinical trials around the world, including a huge trial announced last week by the World Health Organization. But the results have not been reported yet, and it is still unclear whether the drug works against the coronavirus. It was studied to treat Ebola, but did not work well enough against that virus.

There is no known treatment against the coronavirus. Over the last week, President Trump has repeatedly referred to remdesivir and other drugs, like two long-used malaria drugs, as potential game-changers, despite pushback by top health officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Dr. Fauci has corrected Mr. Trump in blunt ways during the daily White House briefings, saying that there is not enough scientific evidence to prove the drugs will work against the virus.

Critics of the president have complained that he is instilling false hope in a desperate public, as the disease spreads rapidly around the United States and elsewhere. Highly publicized talk of prospective cures has fueled demand for these potential treatments — threatening the longstanding supply of some of these drugs that are relied on regularly by people with lupus and other conditions.

As the virus spread to Europe and the United States, Gilead said emergency requests had “flooded an emergency treatment access system that was set up for very limited access to investigational medicines and never intended for use in response to a pandemic.”


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d7d7b4  No.81469


>neetbucks are off the menu.

Not for me, disabilitybux and food stamp-bux still works

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7c4706  No.81478


If they ever lockdown everything families will need aid or many will end up starving, then becoming desperate enough to break out of quarantine to find food and basic supplies. Many of these people will be armed while doing so, desperate and defensive, quick to pull triggers. Don't think for one second this couldn't be right around the corner within the next two months time.


If Tor anons are blocked it will only incentivize more metadata spoofing. Many preppers here, like myself, do their best to not leave reasonable traces or breadcrumbs while posting. You can call us paranoid all you want, but we know folks like us must be high priority targets by now.

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b2274a  No.81482

File: 214e77ff713a9b2⋯.jpeg (198.02 KB, 1773x1335, 591:445, AB6BA4E6_A78F_4A36_90EE_7….jpeg)


THE Serpopard.

>read it again

Yes. Got it. Sorry I was being a fag last night…I was so tired towards the end.


Half + 9/10ths? Lol :)


>It’s gone. No its back. It’s gone again. :)

Yeah…the internet here has been stressed out for about a week now. I know someone who works for a major corporation that is deemed ‘essential’ and they are having a time getting everyone ‘up and working from home’. They say that it will be taken away from ‘little people’ soon to provide for essential services…but I don’t know if that is true.


Yeah, debtanon…those are the symptoms of CC. Your body doesn’t recognize it as a pathogen, so it doesn’t react like it should.


Both my logistics contacts were saying that it is really getting hard to move things around by air because they used to piggyback on private jets and there are a lot fewer of them, while (for now), volume is increasing exponentially as people have things delivered rather than go shop. This is why I was thinking that for the most part food, etc was going to become really scare in the coming months, JIT inventory combined with no air travel is going to leave crops rotting in fields in nations and people hungry in other places. The few remaining flights that do occur will be completely dedicated to ‘essential services’ goods that have to be moved for things to function AT ALL.


Every time I look into their criminality I RAGE AND RAGE AND RAGE.

This fake death bullshit has been going on A LONG FUCKING TIME anon. Even Maxwell (Hoch) the kike faked his own death to avoid having to pay back the pension money he stole from his own employees and that was 60 years ago. When you ‘own the press’ you can PRINT WHATEVER YOU WANT. Who is going to challenge your assertions? Only ‘conspiracy theorists’…because the mouth of god (((the press))) spoke and told everyone ‘what is’. We used to know that if we didn’t actually WITNESS something ourselves it was hearsay. But this idea is gone from our society and replaced with disgusting kikenigger LIES, on more LIES on more LIES…they are the most unclean things on this planet.




>Out in the middle of the countryside all alone

>hasn’t seen anything that would indicate high deaths

Yeah…well unless the CCP rolled up next door and started burning corpses there, you probably wouldn’t ‘see anything’ now would you?



Graph pic

>this is the way it happen, round eye…why you not believe?


Thank God, anon. I am so glad to hear this…you have no idea. So glad. Just make sure that you are buying the RIGHT SEEDS…you are not going to live on a diet of cucumbers and tomato’s…high high carb, high fat, staples…potatoes, sweet potatoes, sunflowers, peanuts, things that store well, carrots, beets, winter squash like pumpkins, etc…don’t forget the food dryers or 4x8 plywood that you can lay a screen over and use for drying meats, veg and fruit as well in case power goes out. SAVE YOUR SEEDS!!! There may not be a place for you to ‘order them’. Onions and carrots (others) are biannual seeders…meaning you need to leave a part of your harvest in the ground, do not eat, so that they will seed the next year. You all will need sand or peat to pack the winter storage crops in if you root cellar, or CANNING SUPPLIES, glass ball jars, lids, pressure canner, + equipment, separate propane burner and propane in case the utilities get shut off (or a rocket stove). There aren’t going to be enough seeds to go around as people ‘figure it out’ so share with your White neighbors. A community that grows together will bond and survive together. I am already growing trees, shrubs and fruiting plants for all my neighbors as well (they don’t know they need them yet; but I am growing them for them anyway) when they figure it out, I will help them plan and plant them out…so that we are all strong together. I am lucky to live around Whites exclusively. I don’t think I would help non-Whites, because they will only resort to low trust, violent and immoral behavior later, no matter what you did to help them, they will always want MORE from you since they are parasites.

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0227a5  No.81485


Your body doesn't realize its sick and isnt sending white blood cells to attack the virus. I recommend using a knife and cutting yourself in a safe place, but deep enough to stimulate your body's immune response. White blood cells will be deployed and will help your body mitigate the effects of corona chans blessing.

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4e8c03  No.81486

Coronavirus 384,000+ Infected, Chinese Intentionally Spreading COVID-19!


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d0a3bd  No.81487

File: d99e7ffde3eff9d⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB, 360x640, 9:16, Mortuary_of_Imam_Raza_Hosp….mp4)

File: 04aef28c9ada638⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB, 624x352, 39:22, Pajeets_enforcing_the_quar….mp4)

File: d15e352146b5fc0⋯.png (259.06 KB, 914x946, 457:473, she_acts_like_HIV_you_mong….png)

File: 570a8e2346ccb77⋯.png (324.03 KB, 542x877, 542:877, Sao_paulo_governor_tests_n….png)

File: 7a315c4753990b9⋯.png (464.5 KB, 837x958, 837:958, remember_that_zerohedge_ar….png)

Brownzilian anon here, the glowniggers might have tried their best but they can't hold a Coronian High Priest down forever, I made some prayers over the router and now it's working normally

Iranians outside of a mortuary

Pajeets enforcing the quarantine with high tech batons

WA's eggheads trying to understand why Corona-Chan turns the bodies of her victims against themselves https://archive.is/Hygpi

São Paulo's governor says he tested negative for /ourgirl/ but did he really?

Pastaland's number of cases could be 10 times higher https://archive.is/ywGgT of course, anyone still remembers that zerohedge article about that professor?


>Why exactly

Because poorfag, especially now since one dollar is worth 5 Brownzilian funny money notes.

>free Nip VPN

I'm looking at the site and it doesn't look like a free VPN service, it looks like a software used to manage VPNs. But like I said, I'm pretty retarded when it comes to tech, my knowledge in this area is very limited.


>Corona-Prayer was great anon, you're quite the creative type!

Thanks, but like I have said, many words are not my own.

>Tried VPN with different DNS?

VPN, no can do, tried changing to a bunch of different DNSs to no avail. I'm convinced that it was not an outage but someone from outside messing with my niggernet, if it was an outage, almost every site wouldn't work but jewgle, jewtube, small imageboards and some other websites were working. The sites that weren't working were startpage.com, twatter and nitter, 8kun, halfchan, some sites containing lists of DNSs and proxies, the linux mint forum even the archiving site was busted, and I don't mean the archiving feature: Every single one of those sites was saying that the IP couldn't be found or that it was unreachable. It was as if someone was deliberately picking and choosing which sites I couldn't go to.


Hey Pasta anon, long time no see.

>SportyPasta is better


I hope he din't suffer long term damages.

>Notably one of our sandniggers trying to flee the quarantine zone killed a farmer that tried to stop him. Even Anglin noticed.

Fucking bastard. RIP Farmer.

>>81244 (checked)

I wonder if they will be able to pull of an escape like how it happened here in Brownzil.

>>81366 (checked)

Fucking kikes.


Good morning Christian anon.


Good, kill them all, Corona-Chan

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f205ef  No.81490


It needs to go with an antibiotic too. There is a reason why Trump keeps saying it's HCQ + antibiotics. It needs both. Just using one of them in lower than recommended doses is just kike vaccine propaganda. If you can take HCQ + Z-Pack and get over the virus, there goes a chance to force everyone to get a vaccine. And that's not counting for the money big pharma could make with a vaccine instead of a 100-year-old drug with no patents. Not to mention there are a lot of chinks out there that want CCP China virus to spread throughout the West and cripple it.

I'm not discounting HCQ + Z-Pack until I see a study done with both in a large sample size. The only reason for that to be made common is to make people better. The reasons for it to be buried are huge, pharma, CCP, etc.


It's obvious CCP Corona thrives in unsanitary cities on a case by case basis. Why lock down the entire, sprawling area of the USA because NYC, Cali, and Washington state are going to get pounded? The only major risk right now is major cities. You'll see places like Miami, Chicago, etc turn into hot spots, but those should be managed individually.

No need to shut shit down all over. I live in rural America and I can't even go to the fucking gun range in the woods because it's closed down because of Corona. Some of this is ridiculous bullshit that's hurting the economy for zero reasons.

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91dc0c  No.81491


>seed banks getting hammered with orders, thank God

It's not just that anon, everything is getting hammered at this point. Even hardware stores are selling out of sanitation supplies lol. The freeze dried foods are either "out of stock" or severely backlogged too. I am so glad I was prepped for these events. Not just that, ammo is running low and drying up. I live in a small town and the local gun shop was nearly out of all ammo, the dude had a whole shelf full of it weeks ago. Now you can't find .22 or 9mm anymore. Gun sales skyrocketing so options are low. Good luck finding other stuff like TP and paper towels too, it's getting FUBAR even in smaller areas.

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428eba  No.81492


Damn, that's some unconventional thinking.

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3dda40  No.81495

File: 9fca627c68a8b78⋯.jpg (3.76 MB, 5400x8381, 5400:8381, 1509838816420.jpg)

==NY Governor Cuomo: the peak in NYC will be in 14-21 days== Does anyone believe this?

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091d50  No.81496


>If they ever lockdown everything families will need aid or many will end up starving, then becoming desperate enough to break out of quarantine to find food and basic supplies. Many of these people will be armed while doing so, desperate and defensive, quick to pull triggers. Don't think for one second this couldn't be right around the corner within the next two months time.

Here is an update, Dems may be forced to drop some of their 'green new deal' demands to pass this or everyone will find out it was them who prevented the free gibs & fiscal aid:


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f205ef  No.81501


Yeah, that's the peak. Corona started February 1st there. So you're looking at about 3 months to reach the peak, then another 3 months of decline. He's just sugar coating it to make it sound optimistic. NYC is still fucked going by peak in 21 days. That's only the point when it starts to decline, not when it's over.

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d6ab8c  No.81502

We need to pump our white blood out and store it in the freeze to use it when our white blood level is low.

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ebef08  No.81503

File: 3edab7b124f826b⋯.png (1.07 MB, 926x521, 926:521, Screenshot_2020_03_24_Glen….png)

Anyone gonna take notice that Cuomo is screeching about supplies while doing a news conference in a warehouse full of supplies? Didn't this same thing happen in Puerto Rico after that hurricane?

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a2da25  No.81506


I believe NYC is going to look Fallout 5 in 21 days.


I think we have a dedicated thread on hating Asian females, maybe you can find it…..

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b2274a  No.81507


Wow...can you imagine being old as hell and living through Corona Chan because your family took good care of you and then being killed by a subhuman, shit for brains invading parasitic criminal who should have never been in your nation in the first place...and WTF was wrong with his son? Seriously, you dad calls you panicking because a subhuman parasite is harassing him and you ARGUE WITH HIM about it? Like wtf...dad has lived forever and he knows a dangerous man when he sees one. This is why old people are rayciss...makes me wonder if the son learned a fucking thing since he is basically responsible for his fathers death. Basically since the drug dealing subhuman was incapable of ‘escaping’ through the old mans vineyard, like the old man told him, he killed the old man FOR NOTHING.


Ok...but they don’t look like ‘children’ ya pedo...they look like APES. Are you telling me you are attracted to APES...like you go to the zoo and give yourself a hand job inside your pants when you reach the primate enclosures?

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8f2781  No.81508


If you need an app you probably need to die. I've seen these kind of permission grabbing apps before, what I don't know is, if all these permissions have to be coded into the app (as in, actual use) for the permissions to be triggered, or if it's simply a blanket waiver, to minimize the actual checking done, with this version and future updates? Does it need these permissions because the app literally uses the functionalities, or is it just jew talk?

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ed7f6d  No.81510

End Times Near As Central Banks & Investors Rush For Gold

The current coronavirus-induced economic and financial market turmoil is seemingly the perfect environment for gold.

“We have long argued that gold is the currency of last resort, acting as a hedge against currency debasement when policy makers act to accommodate shocks such as the one being experienced now,” said analysts at Goldman Sachs led by Jeffrey Currie.

Yet while the yellow metal GC00, +5.27% has done far better than other assets, it has slipped 2% over the last month.

The Goldman analysts, with a 12-month price target of $1800 an ounce, said that is about to change, thanks to the Federal Reserve’s aggressive bond purchase plan unveiled on Monday, in which the U.S. central bank said it would buy as many Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities as needed to keep financial markets running smoothly.

The Goldman analysts said gold has been weighed down by a world in need of dollars, requiring forced sales of liquid assets like gold. The downturn in oil CL.1, +0.34% as Saudi Arabia and Russia fail to agree on production cuts has also created dollar shortages for emerging market economies, which may have made Russia a net seller of gold, according to Goldman.

In 2008, the Goldman analysts noted, the November announcement of quantitative easing was a turning point.


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e2db3e  No.81511


>I believe NYC is going to look Fallout 5 in 21 days.

your a fucking retard for using cuckthesda's game as a reference and not the obvious Deus Ex/Escape From New York equivalent.

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f7c0ac  No.81513


Anyone gonna take notice that Cuomo is screeching about supplies while doing a news conference in a warehouse full of supplies? Didn't this same thing happen in Puerto Rico after that hurricane?

YES, the government is hoarding all this stuff for "continuity of government" plans aka they know they best have a lot of resources or they are fucked!

And as we see on the ground: >>81491

>It's not just that anon, everything is getting hammered at this point. Even hardware stores are selling out of sanitation supplies lol. The freeze dried foods are either "out of stock" or severely backlogged too. I am so glad I was prepped for these events. Not just that, ammo is running low and drying up. I live in a small town and the local gun shop was nearly out of all ammo, the dude had a whole shelf full of it weeks ago. Now you can't find .22 or 9mm anymore. Gun sales skyrocketing so options are low. Good luck finding other stuff like TP and paper towels too, it's getting FUBAR even in smaller areas.

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a2da25  No.81514


Even the Abrahamic god is a bipolar twat.


I actually typed escape from NY and I wasn't sure the millenials would know wtf I was talking about.

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d7d7b4  No.81515


Hydroxychloroquine has really nasty side effects, that stuff is used for arthritis. Arthritis meds and immune suppression drugs cause severe depression and painful kidney issues . I'd rather deal with my joint pain then take that.

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8f2781  No.81517


Thanks. The pajeets are literally cow herding other pajeets lmao.

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8f2781  No.81522


I'm betting there is not going to be a peak for a long time. Show me video proof first that Queens is locked down indoors. So far I've only seen the same footage of Times Square for shock value. And I still see tons of airplanes around JFK. Once all that stops, it will still grow exponentially but that's when you can start to estimate where the peak will be.

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a6855a  No.81525

File: b89592188d6b8cb⋯.png (140.1 KB, 640x693, 640:693, Christchan_drinking.png)



Hanta-chan is really cute anon! Hopefully your version is the one people stick with as there's few good rodent monster girls out there.


Thank you so much anon! Fucking hell, why couldn't they just stick with the dumb, stupidly short and sweet plot of "Hell fiends kill Doomguy's pet rabbit. Doomguy is pissed!"? Nobody should need this subversive lore bullshit in a good game. Carmack was right: game devs should've treated games like porn and not give a dam about the plot.


>Good morning Christian anon.

Same to you fren!

>I made some prayers over the router and now it's working normally


>Pastaland's number of cases could be 10 times higher

>of course, anyone still remembers that zerohedge article about that professor?

No, but this should make sense to anyone who keeps hearing about the Italian government and doctors simply stopping any testing because of supply issues, extremely low morale, and exhaustion.

>Tech problems

Know anyone in your neighborhood that's good with WAN and WAN-to-LAN connections or just autistically tech-savy? Maybe he knows where the various switchboxes and local DNS servers are and can help with the issues.


>that chart

>All that disinfo about theology and what the Bible actually says.

Ow, that's pretty cringe anon. I'm not looking for an argument, but wherever you're getting your info about about theology, it's not helping you. Still, thanks for summary about NuDood.


>Didn't this same thing happen in Puerto Rico after that hurricane?

Pretty much

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4c133f  No.81529

Anyone gonna take notice that Cuomo is screeching about supplies while doing a news conference in a warehouse full of supplies? Didn't this same thing happen in Puerto Rico after that hurricane?

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95850b  No.81530

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Now that the reality of the situation is hitting home for them they are now having mental breakdowns as their entire world is beginning to crumble apart



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4c133f  No.81531

.Anyone gonna take notice that Cuomo is screeching about supplies while doing a news conference in a warehouse full of supplies? Didn't this same thing happen in Puerto Rico after that hurricane?

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99ab1b  No.81532


Some torpedo was making every other post in the thread. Life of janitor is hard. Smell of piss everywhere.


Even in Wuhan, lockdown meant one person could go shop every other day, mask required. I think there’s an opportunity here for Uber to convince government they can safely transition to all their white drivers doing Uber grocery delivery.


Remember. Elliott killed the pure breed Asians first. These people are unstable.


They want all swabs to go to Jew York to improve infectious spread elsewhere.

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771d8a  No.81534


During SHTF all you will need is the very basic essentials with arms/ammo supply to protect it. Some DIY experience/skills and knowing how to raise livestock, garden and can foods. Don't forget self-defense training and proper entry point fortification to prevent B&E from looters/marauders that are out and about. You can saw out a "cross section" + in the middle of plywood (or other paneling) that you would mount across the window frame studs in order to stick your rifle or shoutgun barrels out to shoot combatants from (to pivot up/down, left/right), and make sure you can duck and cover behind something bulletproofed while you engage (Level 3 or 4 fiberglass paneling does the trick but you need diamond grit blades to work with that heavy duty paneling).

If you rely on GPS for anything ditch it, have state maps, local jurisdiction maps and an atlas handy. If traveling at all, an old F-150 or F-250 (all mechanical) with extra gas, fuel stabilizer, engine oil & carburator cleaner w/ spare motor belts and other basic parts for the truck to maintain over the next few years. Traveling not recommended unless 100% necessary.

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698e96  No.81535

File: 01bcf0f7eace072⋯.jpg (54.21 KB, 288x234, 16:13, 114rbx.jpg)


>Are there any downsides to a highly contagious airborne virus with 20% chance of debilitating pneumonia?

That's a thinker right there man

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05452e  No.81537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Thank you so much anon! Fucking hell, why couldn't they just stick with the dumb, stupidly short and sweet plot of "Hell fiends kill Doomguy's pet rabbit. Doomguy is pissed!"? Nobody should need this subversive lore bullshit in a good game. Carmack was right: game devs should've treated games like porn and not give a dam about the plot.

Amen to that! Plus I completely cringed with the plot since it was identical to my teenage fedora-phase fancfictions).

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716f14  No.81538


i don't know any more than the pics i posted anon

i don't own a cellphone nor have a twaater account, my sister is the one who gave me the heads up

One thing i can tell you is that i've always had the theory that the reason why Argentina is artificially kept by (((foreign powers))) at living standards similar to 1st world despite being a 3rd world shithole, is because we are the guinea pigs to test all the cultural poisons the zog latter applies to the first world

almost all the problems merica and yurop are facing today, we've been dealing with for decades, though in a more diluted form.

The only poz that originated in the first world and was later leaked here was the feminist poz, because back in the 70s we had a right wing dictatorship that made all the commies disappear, they even called them subversives

now a days we have leftards crying about muh 30.000 disappeared gudboiswhodindunuffinrong, despite the fact that the real number of disappearances was 8000.

Where was the last time i saw such (((exaggerated shoah numbers))) i wonder?

just keep an eye on what happens here and know that any government and tech fuckery that is tested here will soon make it's way up north


>the Abrahamic god is a bipolar twat

acording to Sumerian myth, our creator god is an asshole and the bad guy of the story, he made aryans because he was in a dick measuring contest with the other Annunaky to see who could create the cutest husbando/waifu pair, later his brother the Serpent came, gave us the fruit of knowledge so that we could think for ourselves and our creator tried to gas us when he found out, but good guy serpent onichan smuggled us out of eden and saved our asses. Kinda funny when you think that Serpents are a symbol of knowledge and wisdom in almost all pre-kike religions

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baf5da  No.81540


>glad to hear this

Same! It was a glimmer of hope that whites will prevail :)

I do think flights will be okay - there is money in it and govt will demand it as they're paying for them.

>survival info

Thanks anon have enjoyed your other posts on this. Last things to get are sunflower seeds and potatoes to sprout, all the store ones grow anyway. Onions are next thing too. Peanuts might not work here but will look into it.

I'll also be doing indoor grows, tomatos in winter etc if power is on. Can't wait, have everything to do it just the fucks were needed first, kek.

I have infinite sand. Some more jars is also good but have a decent amount already.

I remember you planting trees in early breads, very honorable but be careful of land access as things get particularly difficult.

I will move to an area one day with only whites and even more remote, but everyone where I am at the moment bar one is white.


Sorry for OT


>words aren't mine

Doesn't matter, they're still brilliant.

Also had some weird timeout fuckery. I'd say they are fucking with things but there is also genuine load on unrelated shit for many people I've spoken with.


>They want all swabs to go to Jew York to improve infectious spread elsewhere.

<Fukushima approach

'share' the incineration of nuclear waste (hint it spreads radionuclides) across the country so it's not concentrated in the fallout zones and makes it harder to determine the dangerous areas and removes easy correlation of cancer rate data.

Nasty way to do politics.

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05452e  No.81542

File: c35bac5a13a4e3a⋯.png (51.02 KB, 640x480, 4:3, IMG_4213.PNG)


>you can't talk about evolution in a microBIOLOGY thread

Your seasonal waifu a shit! The sisters had always been within us!


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1c0280  No.81554



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f205ef  No.81559


I took note, but I don't know what to do about it. Puerto Rico massively miss-handled the entire situation, and they tried to blame it 100% on supplies instead of owning up to it. All it is is a giant red flag someone in NYC really fucked up bigly and they're trying to shift the blame. There's some tweets floating around with people in NYC government saying, before the big outbreak, Coronavirus is not a big deal and to come to some Chinatown party. I can't find them at the moment. But it feels like Cuomo is trying really hard to save face for what the NYC government did.

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60d887  No.81560

File: ecf10cb68674d36⋯.jpg (76.99 KB, 1000x617, 1000:617, 4969538_6600015.jpg)

File: 9c09ec8580f77fd⋯.jpg (45.53 KB, 853x480, 853:480, MQWCCV88lgw.jpg)

File: 4966cc0052f907a⋯.jpg (77.31 KB, 1000x617, 1000:617, 4765968_8247403.jpg)

File: fce68ee6b86e2be⋯.png (494.76 KB, 532x710, 266:355, WD_199001_Rot.png)

>President Vladimir Putin unexpectedly came to a modern hospital in Kommunark, where people with coronavirus or suspected COVID-19 are being placed.

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baf5da  No.81567

File: e42e2197e67d782⋯.jpg (80.6 KB, 245x280, 7:8, putin_coofsuit_bad_things.jpg)

File: 8e1837591c97cc2⋯.jpeg (327.82 KB, 1024x631, 1024:631, putin_srs_biz.jpeg)

File: 4b49efe18acb6bc⋯.jpeg (395.81 KB, 1024x631, 1024:631, putin_suiting_up.jpeg)

File: ed7ef7cce46af1d⋯.jpg (571.31 KB, 1300x733, 1300:733, putincoof_higher_res.jpg)


Kek, awesome pictures. Have some OC and slightly higher res pic 1 and 3

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1c0280  No.81572



is he gonna squat on corona?

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b2274a  No.81573

Question: Could you improvise a good mask using HEPA filters from a vacuum cleaner (sort of an interim Hail Mary)? I don’t know that much about vacuum cleaner filters…


They should probably go home then,


In order to ‘be a shill’ you actually have to shill something. If I am a shill, I am a shill for European (genetic) only Ethnoglobalism (the high trust, purely recessive genetics, and the civilization that comes as a product of our people being alive). I don’t think you are going to find that many people on this board who are going to disagree with that. Even the non-Whites who are on this board simply want to live quietly in a high trust civilized nation enjoying the benefits of European culture while escaping the SHITHOLE that is subhuman and kike ‘government’.


We can’t shut down all labs. People are increasing in knowledge. That means that soon there will be no one to ‘control’ them (this is why I push for a European only planet) which means that if you shut down the labs, there will be no way to develop countermeasures, assuming that is even possible. Remember, more than likely this was the decision of a single individual. There is no way to control these things anymore. You have to have a high trust homogeneous society. The only race that qualifies and high trust (capable of managing the technology; that they INVENTED AND UNDERSTAND, I might add) is European. The kikes are like dogs, they will fight among themselves for a penny that was dropped on the ground before it hits the ground…also, they are not particularly intelligent (see ‘globalism’).


Hahahaha…how long before people understand just how much God hates the Chinese and the kikes. Too funny…heading to their principle manufacturing hub. Drops dead and infects everyone around him.


>majority White population (no niggers though)

I might settle for this if the non-Whites were anons. I have considered this before, for sure.


So the giraffe is ‘he who must not be named’?


You would be bettter off…my Mennonite neighbors are not even going to notice this blip in history…yeah, they may bury many dead but they will just keep trucking along doing the same things they always did since they are totally secure and totally self sufficient to maintain a highly comfortable and civilized culture.


hold on a second…how many infected are there in streetshitterland? I mean, they just held a Trump coof together fest that was several hundred thousand strong where they all worshipped CC together…I thought it wasn’t much of a worry there?


Even I was freaking out over 4 trillion. That is going to cause a hyperinflation that can’t be stopped.


Remdesivir was the drug that was given to all the bug where they dropped dead on the 2nd wave wasn’t it?


That is just basic communism anon.


>Does anyone believe this?

No. There is no logical reason that would be true. Unless you think that 80% of New York has been infected.


Yeah, but Zeus was a pedo faggot. There is no getting around that he loved fucking little boys anon. Faggot and pedo. Not attractive as a ‘god’ at all.

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d0a3bd  No.81574

File: 23b40cf0c0f023c⋯.png (255.36 KB, 598x821, 598:821, Bolsonaro_cucking_out.png)

File: 0471229ab48e890⋯.jpg (95.58 KB, 975x711, 325:237, burger_zogbots_update.jpg)

File: 0e4387abac88d49⋯.png (210.93 KB, 660x752, 165:188, Tara_Copp.png)

File: 279f5c50b036d48⋯.png (217.44 KB, 823x874, 823:874, Jim_Banks.png)

File: 45679dd1e06afbc⋯.mp4 (1014.36 KB, 256x480, 8:15, Turkroaches_burying_Corona….mp4)

Bolsonaro cucks out and makes a friendly phone call to Winnie, after his son's twatter incident

>This morning, in a phone call with the president of China, Xi Jinping, we reinforced our bonds of friendship, exchanged information and plans of action about the Coronavirus and discussed the amplification of our commercial bonds.

Instead of taking his son's side and joining Orange Man in criticizing the chink "commies", he would rather cuck out and even talk about expanding our trade with them. Fucking hell. In other news:

Official number of blessed Burger zogbots jump to 174

Burger politician says the CCP should pay reparations for covering up Corona-Chan https://archive.is/0JB0F

Burial of Corona-Chan's victims in Izmir, Roachland


Not buying it.


>Know anyone in your neighborhood that's good with WAN and WAN-to-LAN connections or just autistically tech-savy? Maybe he knows where the various switchboxes and local DNS servers are and can help with the issues.

No, everyone here is pretty retarded when it comes to tech too, I'm on my own. There's the guys who work with pirate networks but they're not tech savvy as it sounds, they just share their connection with others, for a fee.


>I'd say they are fucking with things but there is also genuine load on unrelated shit for many people I've spoken with.

I can agree with you on that.


Maybe he's a Coronian Cultist too, he's trying to get himself blessed.

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a2da25  No.81576

India delcares 21 day lockdown.


>India has 1.3 billion people in it.

<I'd imagine it's going to fail to work to stop the spread considering I saw a video earlier today of some Indians taking a cow-shit bath because they thought it could protect them.

<I think India could use a good plague tbh.

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b2274a  No.81578


I am sure there is at least one porno with a Putin body double fucking Corona Chan at this point.

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1c0280  No.81587


>21 poos later

Finally a Bollywood horror movie.

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5838d7  No.81592


>Finally a Bollywood horror movie.

What will it be called? 21 Bombays Later? Nightmare on Shit Street?

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d0a3bd  No.81594

File: 7089192967097b7⋯.png (194.35 KB, 593x851, 593:851, Wuhan_cemetery_reopens.png)

File: e1f314119cf1b4b⋯.mp4 (295.63 KB, 272x480, 17:30, Wuhan_cemetery_reopens_for….mp4)

File: f4a5767d9fd9a6d⋯.png (876.54 KB, 1019x748, 1019:748, Favela_street_party.png)

File: 34664c5ba9ad881⋯.png (240 KB, 602x590, 301:295, pasta_update.png)

File: 3bd97fb6cd3aaac⋯.png (31.31 KB, 667x154, 667:154, harvard_pres_got_blessed.png)

I'm eagerly awaiting for today's numbers from my state. I got something to show you guys that will make you want to puke but also give you hope that this place will be fully cleansed.

Cemetery in Wuhan reopens for burials

Numerous reports of large street parties taking place in favelas in São Paulo, Brownzil, despite all the warnings given by the government

Pasta update

The president of Harvard got blessed



Kek, my sides.

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b2274a  No.81597

File: 7e6b8134e037da3⋯.jpeg (78.18 KB, 660x371, 660:371, EC3598D1_6AB2_4F8B_9931_F….jpeg)


‘Social distancing’ India style.

I can tell just looking at this photo that there is no way CC would spread in a place this cleanly and carefully controlled and ‘locked down’. 500 cases…these people are so fucked. At 200 meter fecal plume (assuming they have plumbing) they would still be way to densely populated even in their own homes to control the spread.

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1c0280  No.81598


>a lead indoctrinator got blessed

Fucking GOOD.

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2d464e  No.81606

UK wide text just went out:


New rules in force now: you must stay hat home. More info and exemptions at gov.uk/coronavirus Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.'

Thank fuck they've closed my work anyway, now we get to see how mental people go.

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e63b0c  No.81607

File: fb1fd95a7c1c213⋯.png (438.14 KB, 700x467, 700:467, pooper_power_vs_Corona.png)


CC has standards.

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313657  No.81612

So I go away from this board for a couple weeks, and pop back in now expecting you guys would have figured out the hoax by now, but no! You guys are all in. Guess what, I have news for you:

It's a nothing burger and you don't even get fries

It's amusing how if a crackpot stands on the street-corner with a sign saying "Repent the end is nigh!" you'll just walk right by and forget you ever saw him, but oh take the same guy, give him a lab coat, put a couple letters after his name, and put him on the jew tube, and even the critical-thinkers on /pnd/ will fall for it hook-line-and-sinker.

I know it's comfy for you there in your quarantine safe-space where your virus-doomsday-cult leaders have told you to cower-in-place. Just don't be disappointed when you finally come out and learn that it was all literally nothing.

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1c0280  No.81614


>don't listen to that voice in the box, listen to my voice in a box.


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2d464e  No.81615


>why gotta be cussing at me

Enjoy the mountains of dead idiots you're due over there. At least the problem will sort it's self out. Those pigs need live rounds.

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d0a3bd  No.81619

File: 229b849f16ebb05⋯.png (441.28 KB, 993x611, 993:611, Joana_Bezerra_bus_terminal….png)

File: f09157a195528ed⋯.png (442.64 KB, 861x581, 123:83, They_said_they_would_enfor….png)

File: c4a0836da4bff10⋯.png (403.33 KB, 835x586, 835:586, Packed_bus_terminal_1.png)

File: 94bf6172aafc533⋯.png (418.02 KB, 827x597, 827:597, everydays_struggle_to_get_….png)

File: 4c49707cb4ae188⋯.jpg (122.17 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Packed_bus_nigger_on_the_w….jpg)


I was going to wait to post those pictures until my update on my state and city but fuck it, your post just makes me want to do this already, I don't feel like waiting for the bullshit numbers to come out anymore: This just happened a couple of hours ago in my city, the scenes shown in those pictures are very normal, this happens every single day. The government says they will limit the number of passengers allowed in public transport and told the companies to help in enforcing the new "social distancing" rules, ordering them to activating the reserve bus fleet to help in preventing the overcrowding of buses. The government also recommended passengers to ride the bus on the seats, instead of standing up, an also to keep a safe distance from each other while waiting at the line. Their recommendation will fall on deaf hears'. It has always been this way, "people" fight to get on the buses because there aren't enough of them circulating, waiting for hours for the next one to come is a very ordinary occurrence and everyone wants to get home as soon as possible. Like I said before: Northeastern Brownzil is as good as dead, the same thing happens in other states too.


Don't worry about him, all shills, nothingburgerfags and hoaxniggers have been hexed with an unbreakable curse that I reinforce nightly. In fact, I just launched an extra one on that faggot just to make sure he will be a dropper.

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716f14  No.81621


i'm bored and tread is slow so i'll bite

>I go away from this board for a couple weeks

go away for a couple of decades

>hurrdurr you believe labcoat guy on youtube

no faggot, we believe numbers, statistics, math, exponential growth, our own digging dating back almost a decade, cellphone videos smuggled across the great chink fire wall, the fact that the economy is paralyzed, the fact every government around the world prefers their wageslaves stay at home than keeping the economy afloat, and most of all, the information that every government, alphabet agency and tech company has been trying to suppress for months

>hurrdurr muh fuggin nuffin burger XD

buy the dip faggot

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b2274a  No.81622


Good for you; cabals of thinking this way. Now go help the poor, the homeless and the disenfranchised since you have notihngburger to loose. Do something with your libtard self since you are going to die soon anyway you might as well REALLY be helping others instead of ‘wasting’ your time on this board.

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c2cdbd  No.81623

File: e6ea907cf0de912⋯.mp4 (14.4 MB, 480x848, 30:53, JFpKyOBF_IG4RWmD.mp4)


Another case of mutiny in the prison of Uzrech.

The govt announced that at least 5000 prisoners will be released early. We are effectively ruled by criminals.

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2d464e  No.81629


>purportedly a substance of uncertain composition used in the creation of nuclear weapons

You do realise how retarded that line is yes?

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2d464e  No.81635




>a nigger

>school principal

Talk about selling kids down the river. At least the worlds is self correcting.

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d0a3bd  No.81637

File: bc7814dabd259d8⋯.png (455.64 KB, 883x898, 883:898, pakishitters.png)

File: 0d14036cd3cb2db⋯.png (218.15 KB, 836x940, 209:235, Nip_update.png)

File: 0266c233144c78c⋯.png (371.99 KB, 991x630, 991:630, Bipedal_sardines_in_a_whee….png)

File: 32a999ec01d23d8⋯.png (806.73 KB, 996x615, 332:205, bipedal_sardines_in_a_whee….png)

File: 04f4b1a185acf81⋯.png (844.14 KB, 1006x624, 503:312, Bipedal_sardines_in_a_whee….png)

Pakishitter update, 97 new confirmed cases and one new confirmed death https://archive.is/kKGcD

Nip update, 65 new confirmed cases and one new confirmed death https://archive.is/sNfdP


*Everyone wants to get to their destination as soon as possible. Anyway, have more pictures of how Recife practices social distancing on the bus.


Those savages are really taking over the prisons. Can the Frog zogbots even respond to so many prisoner revolts happening nearly simultaneously, when they have their hands full preparing for potential yellow vest protests and enforcing quarantine rules?

>We are effectively ruled by criminals.

I know very well how that feels.


I have read about red mercury, many stories out there say that it's used to power flying saucers, including Die Glocke.

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74b285  No.81638

File: ea2e1cccafb0834⋯.jpg (146.83 KB, 1213x859, 1213:859, 2020_03_24_14_13_32_Fed_sa….jpg)

File: b3adab083c3c823⋯.jpg (100.51 KB, 1186x845, 1186:845, 2020_03_24_14_14_25_Goldma….jpg)

If Trump doesn't stop the fed from giving themselves the power to hyperinflate the economy to death on the 26th we're fucked either way, they're trying to fucking kill us and fufil their century-based country destruction bullshit, rob us and bury us alive while they flee like rats..



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716f14  No.81642


>Can the Frog zogbots even respond to so many prisoner revolts happening nearly simultaneously

how is it that every fucking prison is having a revolt at the same time?

even if inmates managed to get information of what's going on outside, how the fuck do they organize themselves to riot? most of them are niggers either way so it's not like they have the brain power to organize themselves to riot while zogbots are busy

it's almost like someone is organizing them all

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b7f80d  No.81643


When the kikes tell you not to buy gold, that means they are stockpiling it for themselves behind the scenes.

When they tell you to buy it, that means they have gotten enough to protect their wealth and intend to raise the prices astronomically to rake in tons of profits off their investments (effectively crashing national fiat currencies).

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9aec2f  No.81646

File: 6c32417b73a293f⋯.png (110.94 KB, 333x362, 333:362, lockdown_lunacy.png)

File: 4839f1168149f4e⋯.jpg (161.97 KB, 800x392, 100:49, 800x392_2020319T161625.jpg)

File: a247605f7ad5638⋯.jpg (23.3 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ProfYoramLass.jpg)

<It is preferable 'to sacrifice' the elderly so that daily life can go on as normal.

> Prof. Lass feels that it is wrong to shut down the entire country because of a virus that is ultimately less of a killer than the flu. In other words, he is saying that taking into account the cost benefits, it is preferable 'to sacrifice' the elderly so that daily life can go on as normal.

https:// en.globes.co.il/en/article-lockdown-lunacy-1001322696

natural immunity stops the virus, not governments.

>Whoever thinks that the government ends viruses is completely wrong. What really happens? The virus, which nobody can stop, spreads throughout the population and then the population, not those at risk, are exposed to the virus and simultaneously the body creates antibodies to shut down and prevent the disease.

>Regular flu makes people yawn and the old person in a bed in a hospital corridor doesn't interest anybody but we have become monstrously hysterical and in the past fascist regimes have come to power.

If the theory of lockdown was correct they would be continuing to die

>the Chinese claim that they have stopped the virus by the lockdown but the lockdown is finished and the virus is moving around freely, so how are morbidity and mortality not continuing? If the theory of lockdown was correct they would be continuing to die there. Who discusses this?

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832100  No.81647


since we developed phosphor bronze alloys and stainless steel gold became useless

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706796  No.81648


>how is it that every fucking prison is having a revolt at the same time?



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2d464e  No.81650


>Rapefugee camps

I cannot think of a more deserving set of victims than people too fucking weak to do something about the absolute state of their own country so they drag the poison with them to another.

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2d464e  No.81655


Listening to This Podcast Will Kill You it turns out 60%ish of pajeets are lactose intolerant yet they consume more milk than anywhere else. Probably accounts for a lot of the street shitting, that and them being dirty animals.

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11fd18  No.81656


Can we appreciated for a moment that he showed up in the native dress of Slavs everywhere?

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1da956  No.81658

UK City Dwellers Flocking En Mass To Small Towns


Angry locals in towns and villages all over the UK have put up signs demanding that second home owners leave and return to their city properties amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Londoners and people living in big cities all over the UK are flocking to the seaside and their second homes to escape the virus, drawing the ire of locals.

Now, furious locals in St Ives, Cornwall have scrawled messages on the beach demanding second home owners leave.

An even more furious sign has appeared in Bala, north Wales, which says 'Go home rats'.

It come as the government urged people not to head to the countryside or to holiday homes, with fears that they could be spreading the virus throughout the nation.

However, despite their pleas, government commands and Boris Johnson imposing a UK-wide lockdown, second homers are remaining defiant and continuing to flock to the countryside in their droves.

Residents of St Ives in Cornwall scrawled a series of messages into the sand on the beach demanding that tourists go home.

Two messages read 'Locals only', while another said 'Tourists please go home'.

In Bala, second home owners were compared to rats in one sign while another message, scrawled on the side of a car, read 'Go home idiots'.


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36994b  No.81661



Probably angra Mainyu juice.

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3803fb  No.81662


>Red mercury

probably the material "FOGBANK"


Read it again carefully.

The Serpopard is the demon. The harbringer of chaos, etc.

Serpopods are the visual depiction of a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the neck like a snake. Serpopods were often depicted as two, with intertwined necks (sound familiar…). You could have a singular serpopod. Being a serpopod does not mean you are "The Serpopard". The ancient Egyptians outlawed depictions of her/him, the would not name it either. We invented the name serpopod to describe the creatures Egyptians drew. They ar two different things. h4p4s 4f3 sup3ri0r t0 wh1t3s

We have no idea what the Serpopard was or looked like. Depicting it was illegal. It was only long after its banishment that it was represented by a lion with the head of a snake.


I know we are getting a little of topic. we got here with "maybe corona chan came out of that black sarcophagus found in Egypt"

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3f844d  No.81665

File: 75f12978902613a⋯.mp4 (9.46 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, COVID_19_Putin_dons_hazmat….mp4)


Only good will come from it.

Random Russian man 'Putin on' a hazmat suit.

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738ba6  No.81666


LA County Sheriff Orders Gun Stores To Close

In a sit-down interview with FOX 11, Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva declared gun stores as nonessential businesses that will be forced to close.

Sheriff Villanueva also said he’s adding 1,300 deputies to patrol, that he’s released 1,700 nonviolent inmates from county jails, and criticized how local politicians have handled the messaging behind the numerous stay-at-home orders.

He pointed out that the routine press conferences routinely involve politicians thanking each other, and minimal important information.

“When I see the same faces and they’re saying a lot but there’s no substance, you eventually become background noise and people just tune you out,” Villanueva said.

The Sheriff is also the Director of Emergency Operations, meaning he is the number one person in charge during a crisis like the coronavirus. All FEMA requests go through him, and all National Guard requests go through him.

One clear message that Villanueva is sending, is on gun stores.

“We will be closing them, they are not an essential function,” Villanueva said. “I’m a supporter of the 2nd amendment, I’m a gun owner myself, but now you have the mixture of people that are not formerly gun owners and you have a lot more people at home and anytime you introduce a firearm in a home, from what I understand from CDC studies, it increases fourfold the chance that someone is gonna get shot.”

Villanueva told FOX 11 he’s adding 1,300 deputies to patrol, doubling the current amount, and in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in jail, he has released 10% of the inmate population from county jails, 1,700 nonviolent offenders with misdemeanor sentences that were up within 30 days.

“We’re gonna keep violent felony suspects who are a threat to the community in the jail no matter what,” Villanueva said. “Anybody who has an idea that somehow we’re not going to be hard on crooks out there on the streets, they’re tragically mistaken, there’s twice as many deputies on the street now so the odds of you getting caught are a lot higher.”

As for numerous photos posted to social media showing military vehicles in our area, Villanueva said the National Guard has not responded here, and he would only ask them to under dire circumstances.

“If we start losing major portions of our sworn personnel, that impacts our ability to man jails or our patrol obligations, and were running out of people to do that, if were in that position typically our counterparts in LAPD they’ll be in the same boat, then we can use the National Guard to start assigning them to security operations,” Villanueva said.


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baf5da  No.81667


>those subhumans

If pictures were able to suck your IQ away through a screen, those would be terminal.


That nigger knows nothing.

>the body creates antibodies to shut down and prevent the disease

No evidence of this shown so far, where there is much more data showing second time around most die.

Kek, shills so mad they can't shit the thread up much so they are resorting to catalog spamming.

>being this nigger-tier

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a6855a  No.81669

File: b3f248fab229ea3⋯.png (302.21 KB, 2076x548, 519:137, EFT.png)

File: 4c5f0a8650c2b10⋯.png (554.32 KB, 720x720, 1:1, THE_DEVILS_IN_THE_HOUSE_OF….png)

File: 65a18214755aedb⋯.jpg (41.47 KB, 676x646, 338:323, eat_shit_devil_girl_editio….jpg)


>The president of Harvard got blessed


>All those poor souls not wearing goggles and dinky masks.

They may as well go and bury themselves while they're at it.

>>81666 (Checked those devil trips!)



><It is preferable 'to sacrifice' the elderly so that daily life can go on as normal.

>You better let your grandparents and boomer parent die millennial and zoomer trash goyim.

>You better get back to work you goyim slaves

>It's all hysterics and a nothingburger and null fries

It's almost as if…

*Quickly checks the usual sites*

>Pic related


Update on CDC-Land:

1,024 cases and 32 deaths. Up 224 cases and 6 deaths from yesterday. /Ourgirl/ working her magic!


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c72963  No.81674

File: 178059121f5c11f⋯.jpg (12.35 KB, 415x387, 415:387, 1368529076084.jpg)



>India is so filthy and medieval that not even Corona-chan will visit

Incidentally, bathing in filth 24/7 could mean the poos have fucking amazing herd immunity.


QEternity seems like a 'fuck it, what do we have to lose?' play. The whole system was a wreck held together by lies, bandaids, and tape before this shit started. I hope it goes tits up for all of the major corps, especially those cunts at Boeing who are not only demanding bail outs, but refusing any option other than 'just give us the money, no questions asked, and go fuck yourself' while threatening that they have their own means of getting the cash if they can't get what they want.


This is some grim calculus shit, but probably right. Much in the same way people take leave of their senses when they see a picture of a dead rapefugee kid in the surf while not caring about the thousands of homeless that die in their country each year, people advocating for a minor loss in life to prevent extended mass suffering get painted as the product of Hitler and Pol Pot. Maybe extinction is preferable, at this point.

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1f506d  No.81678


>I’m a gun owner myself, but now you have the mixture of people that are not formerly gun owners and you have a lot more people at home and anytime you introduce a firearm in a home, from what I understand from CDC studies, it increases fourfold the chance that someone is gonna get shot.

That is likely during a crisis because people will be forced to defend themselves and properties! That is not a bad thing, it is to the commie (((social planners))) though.



The only reason they fear is because home owners can fight back against a bunch of subhuman apes who chimp outside their ghettos. In other words, they don't want the goyim to be able to defend themselves.

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2ec953  No.81685

Tsunami Of Angry Armed Home Squatters Soon Likely?

Mortgage Firms Brace for Wave of Missed Payments Over Coronavirus Shutdown

Mortgage companies are bracing for a severe cash crunch when Americans who lose jobs and income because of the coronavirus pandemic stop making payments on their home loans.

The companies, such as Quicken Loans Inc. and Mr. Cooper Group Inc., expect a wave of missed payments from borrowers as early as next month that will force them to come up with tens of billions of dollars on short notice.

“It’s going to be a liquidity tsunami,” said Jay Bray, chief executive of Mr. Cooper, one of the biggest such companies, which process mortgage payments on behalf of investors.

The mortgage firms are on the hook to continue paying principal and interest on the mortgages they service even if homeowners are in arrears. They are lobbying Congress and the Trump administration to establish a lending facility to help finance the billions of dollars of payments they will be obligated to make.

Such a facility would ensure that millions of Americans could obtain “forbearance” agreements allowing them to miss some mortgage payments and make them up at a later date.

The companies service loans that are guaranteed by the big U.S. government-backed mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as Ginnie Mae.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac announced last week that they would suspend for at least 60 days foreclosures and evictions of homeowners who fall behind on their mortgage payments. They have also set up plans for borrowers harmed by the virus to work out a repayment plan over the course of up to a year.


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ac8df8  No.81688

Commie Harvard President Tests Positive For COVID-19

Harvard President Lawrence S. Bacow said he and his wife have tested positive for coronavirus.

"We started experiencing symptoms on Sunday—first coughs then fevers, chills, and muscle aches and contacted our doctors on Monday. We were tested yesterday and just received the results a few minutes ago," he said in a statement.

Bacow said he's not sure how he and his wife contracted the virus, but said "far fewer people crossed our paths recently than is usually the case" since they started to work from home back on March 14.

"We will be taking the time we need to rest and recuperate during a two-week isolation at home," he added. "I am blessed with a great team, and many of my colleagues will be taking on more responsibility over the next few weeks as Adele and I focus on just getting healthy."

Harvard was one of the first big US colleges to move all or most classes online.


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8f2781  No.81692


Seems like everyone on this planet knows how to organize. Except for Americans with guns.

It's almost like someone is keeping them disorganized.

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8f2781  No.81693


Seems like everyone on this planet knows how to organize. Except for Americans with guns.

It's almost like someone is keeping them disorganized.

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233734  No.81704


They're mostly just retarded. I don't know how many years you need to watch them consistently come to the wrong conclusions before you figure that out.

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99ab1b  No.81705


Remember. Villanueva is the enemy of law abiding citizens. He’s following the strategy of disarming the public while simultaneously encouraging criminals to run loose and terrorize the population. Should rename himself Venezuela.

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d0a3bd  No.81725

File: f11c175103ba974⋯.png (206.95 KB, 534x525, 178:175, frogland.png)

File: 026bb881167f5e7⋯.png (87.5 KB, 604x399, 604:399, blessed_carrier.png)

File: aa706e15a3a126a⋯.png (136.48 KB, 605x575, 121:115, kurwa.png)

File: 6c6570a8a0cc365⋯.png (449.47 KB, 1351x605, 1351:605, germoney.png)

File: f0438670beffb72⋯.jpg (50.63 KB, 768x404, 192:101, Inmates_will_make_masks.jpg)

Frog update

Blessings at a Burger aircraft carrier

/Pol/and update, 135 new confirmed cases and two new confirmed deaths

Deutschland update, 3725 new confirmed cases and 33 confirmed new deaths https://archive.is/omHXb

Meanwhile in Brownzil, São Paulo's governor announces that the state's inmates will work on producing masks. He estimates that at least 26K masks will be produced per day.


>That nose and name

Kike advocating for inaction and the herd immunity meme strategy. Just for goyim countries of course, I wonder what he thinks Pissrael should do.

>>81642 >>81648

>how is it that every fucking prison is having a revolt at the same time?

>P H O N E S

This, you have no idea how organized and connected those savages can be when they actually put their primitive minds to work. Brownzilian inmates also use phones to organize themselves and manage their gangs from inside prisons.


Tripes of violence checked. Long live the second amendment, may armed Burgers rise up and take back what's rightfully theirs.




>/Ourgirl/ working her magic!

She really is.


>Tsunami Of Angry Armed Home Squatters Soon Likely?

Reminds me of the anon that posts here saying Burgers shouldn't pay their bills and stay barricaded in their homes, a complete boycott of the government.


>Should rename himself Venezuela.

Kek, but even Memezuela has armed militias who support Maduro, so that guy is worse than a commie.

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d7d7b4  No.81730


anons here need countersue if you can't pay their mortgages, the police could only come to your property if you don't file legal paperwork against the eviction, or go to court and lose but it's takes 3 months to end up in court

>t lost my eviction case but squated at my property for free until my court case

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99ab1b  No.81742

File: a815821efa3ecf4⋯.jpeg (898.46 KB, 1031x1961, 1031:1961, 4F6BD6EB_0970_4984_98F8_F….jpeg)


Probably lying and want an excuse to stay isolated longer. Chills are a symptom of influenza.


I like the way BNO calls France “NEW: France.”

>I’m blessed (pic). I’m such a slut. Pay attention to me.

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676790  No.81750


I think due to the fact governments decided to release this bioweapon and start shutting down the economy, acting like a bunch of unhinged tyrants, maybe the home owners should stick it to them and take the property by armed force (or perhaps destroy it and wreck the place so not one could make any money from it). It's only fair to engage in retribution when you have been lied to and robbed of your savings, right? I'm saying this for a reason, if people are too weak to fight back they will be crushed like the cowards they are (deservingly so).

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716f14  No.81762


that smile sure inspires confidence… who is this old fart anyway and why should anyone care about his unfounded opinions

>hurrdurr just let boomers die goyim

has this fucker looked himself in the mirror these past 50 years, if he was bald he would look just like Montgomery Burns


>diversity addicted bong city rats fleeing to white suburban neighborhoods in the country

>bong rednecks telling them to go back to lie ion the bed they made

top kek


>We have no idea what the Serpopard was or looked like. Depicting it was illegal.

how do you ilegalize the depiction of something id you don't even know what it looks like?

4L50 U R 4 F4660+

>>81666 (checked)

>release criminals

>complain people arm themselves

>expect to prevent gun sales by closing shops

>in the gun worshiping capital of the world




The fact the child turned out to be a girl instead of a boy is the only reason Zeus let her live, he was scared shitless of the child being born a boy who would grow up to dethrone him like he had done to his own father in the past Zeus was a hypocrite and a pussy


>oy vey! muh shekkels!


everybody laughed at Greta when she said the main pollution problem in the world was to many people but after looking at Wuhan clear skies nobody is laughing any more

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d7d7b4  No.81764


>or perhaps destroy it and wreck the place so not one could make any money from it

just don't brake the furniture if you paid for it, remember your stuff that you bought is yours, the banks can't touch it. You could always resell if you don't need it

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670322  No.81765

File: 484b3d14821be6a⋯.gif (5.58 MB, 700x718, 350:359, 484b3d14821be6a3a9fa87baac….gif)



Not a bad analysis my dude but don't fall for the myth of the infallible chink wizard. The CPC is fucking toast. Commies deal with lying about tens of millions of deaths over a few years. This thing has already exceeded that number in under 180 days. They literally can lift quarantine, based on my modeling, because so many fucking people are dead and guess what… Commie Flu Wave 2 Boogalu now at dink theaters near you. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Wait until it starts really really infecting their farmers, then they are totally fucked, it's likely already started to happen and that is out of the tube as well. Kek, that's what you get retards, literally creating a pathogen that puts evolutionary pressure on everything with a nervous system, lungs and heart. FUCK YOU JACKIE.

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716f14  No.81771


corona chan doesn't need to go visit chinkland country side anon

her pets the bird & swine flu as well as the locust swarm are cleaning up the place for her, and they are even getting help from the weather, first floods that kill their rise, then fires, and then a fucking typhoon that spreaded it all over country

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d0a3bd  No.81772

File: 2b4852446ca3a99⋯.png (136.4 KB, 758x516, 379:258, SoCal.png)

File: c6e6e00b8826c6c⋯.png (110.66 KB, 606x552, 101:92, blessed_nasty_girls.png)

File: 51e91749ffe1d7e⋯.png (248.47 KB, 680x634, 340:317, 1930_kek.png)

File: 9afa9d4309d2fec⋯.jpg (78.1 KB, 907x507, 907:507, Brownzilian_update.jpg)

Southern Commiefornia update https://archive.is/hhvxo

26 Nasty Girls are confirmed to be blessed

Pissrael update, 488 (HAILED) new confirmed cases and 3 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/pii5u

Brownzilian update, 2201 confirmed cases and 46 confirmed deaths Never forget those numbers are complete bullshit, if the official numbers are rising this fast, imagine how many there really are

>Breakdown: 82 in the north, 354 in the south, 1278 in the southeast, 217 in the midwest and 270 in the south

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a2da25  No.81773


the fact that your graph doesn't even look like the one in the official figures as your "seems legit" source shows how desperate you are to believe something that isn't true. namely that china is suffering more than the USA is about too. it's not, it's not about shill, it's not about anything but reality. you are desperate and fanatically fantasizing something that just isn't real.

and the fact that you think you need to reply to ten different points with a wall of text prompts me to believe that you think your opinion is super fucking important on every point and super fucking informed.

it's not, so go fuck yourself you rude cunt.

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d0a3bd  No.81774


Fuck, I meant 354 in the northeast.

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a2da25  No.81776


fantasy, is it a coping mechanism? i suppose so

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e5ecb2  No.81777

File: b03fba1f5386c66⋯.webm (3.69 MB, 1920x800, 12:5, The_Wall_Pink_Floyd.webm)

>Mother should I trust the government

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d09c43  No.81786

File: b03c4da2713639b⋯.png (177.58 KB, 500x870, 50:87, 1533780270473.png)

File: be385c58e7fb0c5⋯.jpg (48.22 KB, 659x570, 659:570, 1533780270406.jpg)

File: 577e54eeebda707⋯.gif (262.21 KB, 244x244, 1:1, 1536054470818.gif)

File: 3ff4f87f631b4c0⋯.gif (812.52 KB, 811x541, 811:541, 1567066034638.gif)


It's funny because biggest floyd fans usually turn out to be major socialists.

Senegal 86

Burkina Faso 144

SA 554

Nigaboon 66

Ghana 52

Cote d'niggore 73

Niggeria 44

Rwanda 36

Next week we're gonna be hitting >1k in all of those shitholes

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716f14  No.81788


i had my fun with him in the last tread when he actually put some effort in his shilling, now he's just copypasting and doesn't even bother ID hop or ban evade so i just filtered him


China has been suffering more than the entire western world for the past 7 decades

overpopulation, starvation, plagues, authoritarian governments, filth everywhere, fake food, illiteracy, censorship almost on par with Islamic states, organ harvesting, everyone is a swindler, can't own a business, can't have a family, houses crumble due to poor infrastructure, sub par quality in any kind of good manufactured there, wageslavery so bad chink corps hold the world record for employee suicide

the massive purge of crowds corona has brought them is the only breath of fresh air the bugs have had in years, but it's still ruined by tyrannical dictatorship larping as their government



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f8d61d  No.81794

File: 2fee6a56952bcf7⋯.webm (593.71 KB, 384x288, 4:3, chong.webm)


Thanks. Have an amusing video in return.

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2ebe84  No.81830

File: c0a329161a7f759⋯.png (194.57 KB, 596x543, 596:543, Michigan.png)

Michigan update


Did you just got here? That's the local shill, don't reply to him, he's already good as dead anyway.


>Next week we're gonna be hitting >1k in all of those shitholes

Yes, officially ;^)


Negative. Nothing wrong in the thread slowing down a little anyway. There's plenty of stuff to post but I'm vetting the news and videos I'm finding pretty thoroughly.

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d7e7e9  No.81834


No, just waiting for some sauce

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d3ad4d  No.81848

File: 8c1fc0c324eba20⋯.jpg (90.66 KB, 1080x1241, 1080:1241, 90431298_760892631107815_4….jpg)

File: 17fbff10bdd1698⋯.jpg (55.92 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 90405127_145713310258674_2….jpg)

File: 031d06e3434c7ff⋯.jpg (138.14 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 90421107_142745547264951_8….jpg)

File: ffee516d43c358c⋯.jpg (106.97 KB, 1440x1012, 360:253, 90515150_248884709601920_3….jpg)

File: 97ee56c5b3b094b⋯.jpg (91.77 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 90965281_2511848782387450_….jpg)

Nu fart

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d7d7b4  No.81863

No one is updating Florida numbers?

>1,412 confirmed in Florida

>338 confirmed in Miami-Dade

>101 comfirmed in west palm

>311 cases in Broward.

More than half of Florida cases are concentrated in SoFL

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1c0280  No.81870


>tampa still unscathed

I'm not counting my blessings yet but its getting on edge here.

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b1c4c5  No.81875

File: c07825fa24c451a⋯.jpg (21.7 KB, 355x351, 355:351, 614VmsFwoNL_SX355_.jpg)


You take out the gooks first then you deal with the niggers. No one is saying make peace with the spear chuckers. Just gotta priorities shit Anon.

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388318  No.81877


Tampa was one of the first places hit, idiot.

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1c0280  No.81878


And cases are nonexistent compared to the miami region.

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b1c4c5  No.81881

File: eca017e3b1066dd⋯.png (335.55 KB, 1137x378, 379:126, prophets.png)

File: 5069695411bea0c⋯.png (54.42 KB, 666x268, 333:134, Opera_Snapshot_2020_03_24_….png)

God bless Coronachan.

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6ed2af  No.81885

File: b79e95d184204aa⋯.jpeg (97.99 KB, 1440x2040, 12:17, ET5xHpPXgAMgG9C.jpeg)

Breaking911 got kilded. (((They))) are shutting it down.

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2ebe84  No.81888

File: 19568caa27a6ae4⋯.mp4 (1012.85 KB, 400x400, 1:1, chinkess_spreading_Corona_….mp4)

File: ab21379fc1aff4c⋯.mp4 (8.84 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Madrid_turns_ice_rink_into….mp4)

File: e6205066145de07⋯.png (238.3 KB, 795x637, 795:637, Niggeria.png)

Crazy chinkess spitting and throwing contaminated water around, location unknown

Spanish government turns an ice rink in Madrid in a morgue, Spanish soldiers find bodies of abandoned elderly people in nursing home.

Corona-Chan going after the Niggerian government https://archive.is/h9ebE


No they are not unreadable. They're annoying, I will give them that. But they can be defeated. Filter them on sight, moderation takes care of them later. Stay strong, keep your morale up.


>containment is temporary

>Infection is eternal



I have started to go easier on Burger updates, your numbers are rising too fast for me to keep up with. Plus, I have to give my own country and the rest of the world some attention too.

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b1c4c5  No.81891

File: d0dc149e23a9d89⋯.png (167.39 KB, 317x385, 317:385, shutitdown.png)


I take it thats a Twatter account that shows police cam vids and other shit like that. The Jews do not want people knowing how bad it is gotta shut that shit down.

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ccf8bb  No.81895

Dow closes up 2,112 points (11.3%) as Congress nears coronavirus stimulus deal, making it the best day on Wall Street since 1933 - CNBC


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6ed2af  No.81897


Worse, they post independent news. One thing our masters agree on is that the line on the chart must go up.

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7bbf28  No.81898

How much of a lonely faggot do you have to be to sit there and waste entire days spamming stupid shit on an obscure imageboard, just to have it deleted anyway?

This board was slow as shit before this soynigger showed up and now he's artificially inflating the traffic statistics.

Low-IQ IP hopping niggers are actually making this site look way more popular than it is.

The more they do it, the more they bump this site up in the rankings.

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99ab1b  No.81900

File: eee9f0ebd6c9320⋯.jpeg (50.11 KB, 445x531, 445:531, 2DA209AE_4B07_47E9_9ED7_9….jpeg)


St Petersburg mayor complaining the governor hasn’t shut down the whole state. Governor already stated he isn’t going to do that because what St Petersburg needs to do is quite different from what Strawberry Plant City needs. This mayor doesn’t act because he doesn’t want to take responsibility for any chimpout; he’d rather fiddle and take shots at other politicians. Meanwhile /ourgirl/ is partying in the streets. Tough luck, niggers; next time don’t vote for a jew.

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b1c4c5  No.81906

File: 3a235b273ab1ae8⋯.jpg (42.95 KB, 540x360, 3:2, 3a235b273ab1ae8bee91e94c54….jpg)


Its a low IQ gook. They think the same tactics that work on other low IQ gooks will work outside the retarded republic of China.

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230259  No.81915


What symptoms have we dug up that are not part of the mainstream? I know about the 10sec breath rule. What else

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1c0280  No.81918


Not being able to smell when not congested is one I've heard of.

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b1c4c5  No.81924

File: b28a1bd13a3efd2⋯.jpg (157.74 KB, 501x420, 167:140, Skeletor_up_in_this_mother….jpg)


My nurse friend says those blessed by Coronachan have aches in the palms of their hand. She could be just fucking with me she evil like that but its something to keep an eye out for.

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7bbf28  No.81926


Nigger? Gook? whatever it is, it's making it appear that a shit ton of new people are coming here and this will actually help 8kun in the long-term.

All these shills and spammers coming here are giving me nostalgia for the glory days of 8ch. Maybe this site is more relevant and influential than we think.

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b1c4c5  No.81932

File: 3d0fdbb414ebeec⋯.jpg (73.43 KB, 640x380, 32:19, space_precinct_1.jpg)


It is more relevant than you think its why the jews tried to destroy it after that shooter live streamed on Facebook.

Facebook is the faggots that had the kill cam and 8chan got the blame. Thats why Winnie the Flu sends his Glow in The Dark gooks to spam the place up. These thread shitposts aside are stating cold hard facts about the Gook Virus.

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716f14  No.81934


>we got demonized harder than half chan

>countles DDOS attacks

>for the media, 4chan is a hacker nut 8chan a white supremasist

>gamergate triggered leftards harder than anything that came before

>THQ doing an AMA here was enough to trigger half the internet

>(((they))) spent millons so that cloudflare wouldn't host us anymore

>stole our domain name

>went after the site's internet provider

>and even sued the owner of the site

>we memed pepe into the ADL black list

>we did the same with honkler

>we were blamed for more mass shootings that heavy metal and violent vidya combined

>leftards even blame us for Trump's victory in 2016

i find it hard to believe that this 2D Cambodian tiddy site would actually have so much weight but (((they))) are definitely spending a lot of effort to nuke this site

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8f2781  No.81935


Dumb cunt makes it all about herself of course. If she's been traveling through Europe, who did she and her Soros pimp dad infect? I hope Open Society foundations and their jew activists across central Europe will cough blood in two weeks time.

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aaf325  No.81943


Yes, that would be stupid. What some people did after the 2008 collapse before being evicted is they spray painted the outside, trashed the carpets and floors, busted up the drywalls, cemented the pipes and toilets shut, bashed some windows out, unhinged the doors among other nice things. Many houses were ruined after the foreclosure epidemic and many realtors lost a lot of money over it. I assume that would happen again, along with people shooting at evictors and zogbots. Honestly, I hope it does happen because I'm sick at civility in the face of a bunch of assholes.

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6ed2af  No.81944

Trump briefing:

2 Trillion for direct assistance

4 Trillion for (((loans)))

Family of 4 gets $3000 $1K per adult $500 per crotchfruit

Presumably this needs to pass Congress

Big talk about how good Boeing is, so they are getting bailed out for sure.

Talked down the lack of in home tests, it's better this way goyim

Pence: testing ramping up, don't get a test if you don't need one

Pence: NYC most important, goyim

Pence: self isolate if you've been to New York shitty

Pence: surge resources to NYC

Pence: some bullshit about McDonald's and Ford

Q&A period

Q about doubling rates, A from orange man is incoherently optimistic, "we'll have to see" ok boomer

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9669a1  No.81945


You forgot the Deus Ex synthetic/nanotech pathogen. Which is most likely so far since the Jew who worked on it specialized in nanotech.

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8d01e8  No.81946


Don't expect anything from these clowns. Prepare for total war.

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ccf8bb  No.81947


And DOW goes up over 2k points.

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b1c4c5  No.81949

File: 3bf1c5d8590cce1⋯.jpg (114.11 KB, 499x1063, 499:1063, 3bf1c5d8590cce1eb94ec4f00e….jpg)


Think of all the children that dumb whore Greta infected for clout. Lets be real here Greta is not a child she is a 17 year old woman. She is basically an adult weirdo that dresses like a ten year old and molests children with a virus while banging on about muh climate. Pretty sure she is a JoJo villain at this point.

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5c9e86  No.81951


Fake economy can go up and down, down and up all it wants. It's still a fake economy. Check back in two months and see if those shortages have gone away yet. They won't.

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ccf8bb  No.81954


What has to happen for a financial crisis to finally strikes?

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b1c4c5  No.81955


Jews get bored.

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b2274a  No.81956


You can’t really be this stupid IRL...Or is this the vaunted 107 IQ at play?


The worthless demon monkeys know their time is at an end and they are freaking out.


Hapa are such trash it is amazing that they made it past the first day of birth without their mother killing them on sight. Mongrel trash. That is all they are.


Take them all out. We need a White only Ethnoglobe.


You have to be a pathetic ASIAN (FAILURE) NEET without a chance of breeding or a future. If it had any ability to self reflect (it doesn’t due to the ‘Asian’ genetics) it would know that it was proving that it was inferior just by being here.


No wonder their government slaughters them en-mass; they are worthless.


I think that one included taste as well.


We have to stop participating.

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95c85d  No.81960


It takes mass shortages for a long time until the masses blow up and finally give up on the system completely, no longer contributing to it or trusting it. Inevitably violent conflict begins but most countries are not as lucky as Americans to have the weapons to fight back. Maybe something will change this time around?

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eb0c51  No.81962

Dang. The Chink-hate thread got axed. Is there a specific rule against it, or have the Chinese got to us?

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b1c4c5  No.81967

File: 0df589d9bf1ec22⋯.png (180.34 KB, 426x265, 426:265, no_idea_whats_going_on_but….png)


Fear not Anon. Most of the world hate the Chinks now. Chink hate is becoming more and more mainstream the longer normal fags are without their Starbucks, Mc-Ribs and shitty Marvel Movies.

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3eb540  No.81969


Ignore them, filter them and move on. Post news, survival tips or talk about whatever related to corona but always ignore those who try sliding threads.

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eb0c51  No.81970

File: fe4e8b29db88246⋯.jpeg (70.47 KB, 828x1278, 46:71, ES8_KQQXQAAB_04.jpeg)

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99ab1b  No.81971

File: e46974d045aac45⋯.jpeg (171.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 14A874B9_D5B1_4A0F_94CD_7….jpeg)


And every time they don’t want you to hear what Trump said, they turn up the volume for the mic at the teletype. Much distribution of medical stuff, including ventilators. More coming. 4k ventilators to NY. Poised to order industrial production, but no need because all requests have been treated favorably.


If so, hopefully site got payday from China, the way Moon of Alabama did.


Thanks, mod for not resetting thread 50 different times.

Have a free Asuka pic

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6ed2af  No.81973


Sustained 25% unemployment along with mortgage and rental defaults, should do the trick. At that point you're looking at effectively an insurrection among people who refuse to move out of income properties. Landlords income collapses too, and many of them are overleveraged, one months missed income away from foreclosure. Paycheck to paycheck living only works as long as paychecks keep coming.

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b1c4c5  No.81978

File: 1815e2ad62c94f0⋯.jpg (68.9 KB, 695x425, 139:85, 65266012_940149662983316_1….jpg)


>Gooks are patient zero.

>Idiot goes to gook restaurant.


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95850b  No.81979


>tfw all I wanted to do was play vidyagaems

<tfw end up fighting in the greatest metaphysical war of all time

We live in quite the timeline I tell ya hwat…

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6ed2af  No.81980


Yeah, audio was being fucked with, but orange man is also not at 100%. He's mailing it in, for reasons I can only guess at

<doesn't know what to do

<has the coof

<doesn't give a shit

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1b4c2f  No.81982


>Paycheck to paycheck living only works as long as paychecks keep coming.

I always told the younger generation to take up the trade instead of going into student loan debts lol. Oh well….

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d7e7e9  No.81983

File: c524783d98546d4⋯.jpg (63.39 KB, 754x392, 377:196, conte_xi_iping2.jpg)


> Open Society foundations and their jew activists across central Europe WILL cough blood in two weeks time.




so nuke on china when? I followed the live stream but this time was boring af without any journalist btfo


Somehow this time I have to say thank you to mr president Trump with his chinese virus trollposting


Let's roll then, anon!

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f205ef  No.81984


>every place that cried about racism is being hit the hardest

>look at me I'm not being racist with Corona!

The only problem I see with this is that some dumbfuck is going to take a hospital bed from someone who deserves it.

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8a8c5d  No.81985


>confirmation bias

they're less than 2% of the population.

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9af685  No.81986


They could take anyone with MERS as a sample but the premise or argument of latter cases holds true especially that chink spy on canadian BSL-4.

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d6ab8c  No.81988

Update from Straya

Two Australian children under 10 have recorded positive tests for coronavirus.

NSW Health confirmed on Wednesday a two-month-old baby and a seven-year-old girl are among the record 211 new cases recorded in the state overnight.

Both cases were in contact with adults that had Covid-19.

“A two-month-old boy who was tested following close contact with a confirmed adult case and has had minimal symptoms and he’s isolated at home,” NSW Chief Health Minister Dr Kerry Chant told reporters.

“In a separate unrelated case, we have a seven-year-old girl who was tested following close contact with a confirmed adult case and is, again, has minimal symptoms and isolated at home.”

The youngest case prior to these was a 12-year-old child.

“I would like to re-enforce the Premier’s message about the importance of self-isolation if you have returned from overseas or if we have given you those instructions when we have identified that you are a close contact of a case,” Dr chant added .

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b1c4c5  No.81989

File: 6add925d37800c0⋯.jpg (55.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, fuck.jpg)


Thats what pisses me off. All I do with my free time is harmlessly collect slot cars. Minding my own fucking business not harming anyone then the gooks catch some fucked up flu because they eat stupid shit and cover it up. When it gets out of control the the gays, jews and diversity niggers in the media along with curryfags at WHO are like its just the flu bro. Weeks later large chunks of humanity are in lockdown and grandpas are dying on mass.

One good thing Corona-Chan has done is shine a big fucking spotlight on the true degenerates of this world for Average Joe to see.

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7b40f9  No.81991

America Was Founded By Geniuses… Today Run By A Bunch Of Idiots!

I Can't Argue!

Louisiana Republican Sen. John Kennedy had strong words for his Senate colleagues on Monday as Democrats continued to block legislation aimed at providing economic relief amid the coronavirus outbreak, telling the upper chamber that the delay makes it look like the country "is being run by a bunch of idiots."

Speaking from the Senate floor, Sen. Kennedy said, "Do you know what the American people are thinking right now? They're thinking that the brain is an amazing organ. It starts working in a mother's womb, and it doesn't stop working until you get elected to Congress."

"Do you know what the American people are thinking right now, Mr. President?" Kennedy continued. "They're thinking that this country was founded by geniuses, but it's being run by a bunch of idiots. Do you know what the American people are thinking right now, Mr. President? They're thinking 'Why do the members of the United States Senate continue to double down on stupid?'"

According to the Washington Examiner, "Kennedy explained that the legislation had been drafted in a bipartisan fashion with members of both parties adding snippets. The legislation included $2 trillion in cash for people, small businesses, and large corporations hardest hit by the coronavirus."

In his speech, the senator added, "I get politics. I have been around it my whole life. But there comes a time when we have to stop thinking about the next election and start thinking about the next generation. What are we going to leave to our children if we allow this economy to crash? And it is happening as we speak."

A bipartisan package had been negotiated over the weekend before Democrats voted against moving forward with the legislation on Sunday night and then again on Monday. While the Senate is controlled by Republicans, five GOP members were unable to appear to vote on the measure because of quarantines due to COVID-19.

Democrats are now pushing for unrelated agenda items to be included in the coronavirus relief bill, at the pressing of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday, "Here are some of the items on the Democratic wish list, over which they chose to block this legislation last night: Tax credits for solar energy and wind energy. Provisions to force employers to give special new treatment to big labor. And listen to this: New emission standards for the airlines. Are you kidding me? … Democrats won't let us fund hospitals or save small businesses unless they get to dust off the Green New Deal."


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eb0c51  No.81992

File: 62692f43777be1c⋯.png (180.28 KB, 519x526, 519:526, hazmat_suit_laugh_hilariou….png)

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7bbf28  No.81994


>Thats why Winnie the Flu sends his Glow in The Dark gooks to spam the place up.

I highly doubt the chink government thinks this site is worth committing resources to. Real chink glowies are easy to spot as they rely on the same core message and never stick around to defend it for long, due to lack of English and insect intelligence.

This is just some sad lonely soyfaggot that thinks he's fighting real Nahtzeees, these retards are a meme at this point.

>It is more relevant than you think its why the jews tried to destroy it after that shooter live streamed on Facebook.

This is not 8chan. 8ch got nuked and we're living in the shadow of what it used to be. There really is only a few dozen of us oldfags left that remember 8ch in its prime.


>we got demonized harder than half chan

Cuckchan is basically reddit, so of course we were demonized more.

>we were blamed for more mass shootings that heavy metal and violent vidya combined

Were you there during the final months, it had spiralled into the most potent shitposting site on the internet. Anons had created shrines for just about every mass murderer in history. KEK

The Kiwi cunt PM was directly responsible for starting that trend by threating the entire internet with arrest if they shared the video of our patron saint cleaning up that mosque.

>for the media, 4chan is a hacker nut 8chan a white supremasist

90% of the threads on /pol/ were generic unironic Uncle Adolf worship

>leftards even blame us for Trump's victory in 2016

As they should've. The internet hate machine was a non-stop meme factory throughout 2015/16. Shitposting across social media is what tipped the scales in Trump's favor.

There's a reason why pepe became an offical hate symbol half way through the general election. It's because we co-opted it and flooded the normalfags with it.

>(((they))) are definitely spending a lot of effort to nuke this site

The vast major of attempts to bring this site down came directly from kikewheels himself, the rest are just soyfaggots trying to find a purpose in life.

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b1c4c5  No.81997

File: 87539b8e98864a3⋯.jpg (143.77 KB, 1026x1062, 57:59, Kirby_nigger.jpg)


Anon if the gooks get their panties in a twist about Winnie the Poo memes they are sure as hell gonna have a brain fart about here. You are talking about sub-humans here.

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baf5da  No.82009


NBA/OP usually sleeps at this time of day so up to other mods to manage drongos like this. Filter and report as per usual practice

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60ffdd  No.82014


That's fine, but you still had to hear the folks after him. He's a sound byte.

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9669a1  No.82015


*gets tasted fake positive when mandatory testing comes and thrown into a gulag to die in misery

Beware of the containment camps anons, once you go there it's all over for you. This is literally a global Stalinist purge to usher worldwide communism, and it's only the beginning. Better tattoo skull and crossbones and go inawoods to ambush commies soon.

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6ed2af  No.82019


Tradesmen are only partially insulated from this because most tradesmen are service industry people. If you unclog shitters for boomers or plumb (((new construction))) you're literally one step removed from the real estate speculators.

MegaCorps import H1Bs to do bullshit jobs who need places to stay so kikes take out construction loans to build shitty apartments in shitty cities driving a "demand" for plumbers…

It's all fucking fake. Line on chart is all that matters to anyone with any power because everyone is leveraged. If line on chart goes up then today's problems can be leveraged with tomorrow's line on chart. If line on chart goes down then you're fucked because nobody has anything to back up their obligations except tomorrow's line on chart.

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5e7dbf  No.82021

File: b769491da69e39c⋯.png (47.46 KB, 868x261, 868:261, kudlow.png)



>pic related

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2ebe84  No.82023

File: 3b0b09a440bfb65⋯.jpeg (109.23 KB, 480x320, 3:2, Not_the_actual_bank_this_….jpeg)

File: a000578413ffbc4⋯.png (338.23 KB, 700x564, 175:141, The_mayor_knows_where_you_….png)

File: 8eb4a9be78c58d1⋯.png (579.6 KB, 842x600, 421:300, Curado_police_checkpoint.png)

Update on the state of Pernambuco and the city of Recife

No new cases my ass Edition

Government said that all test results for today were negative, which is a huge crock of shit when you consider Corona-Chan's stealthy nature and the unreliability of tests. A guard at a Banco do Brasil branch in north Recife displayed /ourgirl/'s symptoms and was rushed to the hospital, the bank was closed for disinfection and all workers were told to self quarantine at home.

New measures

>Mayor of Recife approves the GPS tracking of all residents through their phones, says the data is private and there's no invasion of privacy

The reason this tracking will be done is to "monitor which parts of the city are obeying recommendations to stay home". According to the mayor, areas where people are not staying home will receive the visits of loudspeaker cars and the residents will receive SMS messages with recommendations of staying at home and how to take care of themselves. I will make sure to record any loudspeaker cars that show up at my favela because no one is staying home and everyone here has phones.

>CELPE (the state's electricity company) has been forbidden to cut the supply of electricity of homes that don't pay their bills.

This doesn't mean free power, the bill still has to paid.

>Police will enforce the suspension of inter-municipal travel

And that's pretty much it for tonight's update on this shithole.


*into a morgue

>>81988 (heil'd)

Stay strong, Aussies.


>asukafag bringing 8glow to its knees with his autism

You must be living in another reality, everything is proceeding as normal, if you think he's interfering with anything, you must be tripping your balls out. He's a nuisance, that's it. Dealing with my niggernet bothers me more than filtering his posts.

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05452e  No.82026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>in some weeks or months ill be back to do it

Judging by your racial profile you don't have that long.

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0d2113  No.82027


I won't let them come near me. I already decided to pull the gun on them the second they attempt anything with me.

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f8c772  No.82032

File: fada8fe67965000⋯.png (305.83 KB, 1247x670, 1247:670, 5minHanta.PNG)


>nothing statistically significant

Regardless if people aren't coughing up blood on your doorstep right now anon, statistically speaking about half a million people are confirmed infected for a disease that even if it has a 1% chance of death means if the whole population were to have a go at the virus it would mean 77 million would perish. Think about how statistically significant that is.

This link https://archive.is/uGeHm is an article about the guy who recently caught hantavirus and died on the way to work in china.

>No human-to-human transmission of this virus has been found except for Argentina in 1996 when it was suggested that “strains of hantaviruses in South America may be transmissible from person to person,” according to U.S.-based center for Disease Control and Prevention.

This link https://archive.is/CRhwb is to a youtube video posted that basically breaks down the Hantavirus and pic related is from there. The stuff about coughing, shortness of breath, and fluid filling the lungs is distressing. It sounds like what was being said about corona early on and its seemingly assured that human to human transmission isn't possible. But the quote from the article could imply that if some strains of the hantavirus may be transferable between human to human then is it possible for it to do so by piggybacking on coronas infection rate? It'd be the trojan horse of viruses.

Note: I know theres a way to embed videos on here because I see people do it, if its as simple as dragging a video onto the files location in the quick reply window then I'm sorry but I'm not downloading a youtube video onto my computer just so I can put it here. You can follow the archive link and if you want to see the video you have the information there. Although, if anyone feels irritated by my ignorance, feel free to tell me an easier way to do this stuff. Thanks for reading.

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5e7dbf  No.82045


>Big talk about how good Boeing is, so they are getting bailed out for sure.

Oh yeah. big time.

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9669a1  No.82047


Can unbaked sunflower seeds with shell removed be planted for it to grow? Or they are killed already?


Maybe that part is a revelation of sorts. Most religions and philosophies do seem to have the same core principles, and certain (((societies))) are responsible for implanting those in almost every school of thought and belief system in the world. Theosis is definitively something that (((they))) don't want you to attempt, or if you insist, to offer you plenty of false and extremely corrupt ways to do it so you achieve the opposite. Their god is a false god.


>Corrupt gov't officials hoarding supplies for themselves first

Who would have thought


Kikery began with monotheism and moral absolutism.

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716f14  No.82052


>Kikery began with monotheism and moral absolutism

monotheism is kikery

the only other monotheistic religion i know of is Zoroastrianism and i don't know much more about that cult other than the name

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2ebe84  No.82065

File: c7d123469a82762⋯.png (167.42 KB, 599x574, 599:574, This_fucking_timeline.png)

File: 73ff7012631d6ef⋯.png (226.22 KB, 445x630, 89:126, Sounds_like_a_perfectly_go….png)

File: 7bfbb32827f8cc4⋯.png (252.3 KB, 598x584, 299:292, Spain.png)

File: 56052d050f0ed52⋯.png (61.99 KB, 1031x298, 1031:298, terrorism_in_2020.png)

File: efc17fb9eac170b⋯.jpg (147.88 KB, 1634x994, 817:497, Blessed_invader.jpg)

'Strippers delivering food due to strip club closures caused by Corona-Chan 'https://archive.is/REcRR

Brownzilian Navy considering evacuating Hues who are in /ourgirl/'s high risk group from Rio's favelas to their ships what could possibly go wrong

Spain update

Jew Jersey man arrested and charged for terrorism after claiming he was blessed and threatened to coof on a supermarket employee

Blessed ICE detainee

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2ebe84  No.82068

File: ff532b195ea9991⋯.png (182.13 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, World_closed_due_to_airbor….png)


*After coofing on supermarket employee and claiming he was blessed. Also apologizing for niggering the first line of bold text. Have a picture to use in the next thread to make up for this worthless post.

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c2802e  No.82070


>cowshit baths

tfw they actually work, because indians live in such seething filth that their immune systems have to be turbocharged or they are dead before puberty. Cowshit baths are just a way of hitting the gas.


>president of Harvard blessed.

remember, anons, this disease targets people with specific patterns of nerve damage (demyelinatoin) through drug-of-choice abuse.


board litmus test. User breaks narrative and is banned? that's interesting. This disease is a nothingburger for non-degenerate, healthy people. only ancient and drug abusing people going to die, plus a few unfortunate genetic children of Khan.

8kun's glow just intensified.

Digging and discussion was /pol/acks very soul.

How many people do YOU know with the disease? How about people you know who know? I know ONE person who knows ONE person who tested positive, and they had NO SYMPTOMS.

mileage might vary if you have a very drug heavy freindlist.


>literal IFLS reddit tier reply

We knew this was coming. We knew WHEN it was coming. march 2020 has been the timeline for at least 3 years. The UN's Agenda 21 followed by sustainability 2020 spelt it out, ad the drive to capture guns from citizens around the world signalled that it was about to go down. The ONLY fly in the NWO ointment is not having killary at the helm of the US.

It behoves us to engage critical thinking facilities.


>unlimited QE is BAD

QE is fine. the idea that monetary growth has to be balanced by debt is the problem that needed solving, and is the reason our dear germanic friends were crushed, burnt and raped, as dear Adolph recognised this early.

An analogy. If Farmer A grows carrots, and farmer B grow cows, they can swap them with each other. If A or B grows more, then the can swap more. The monetary system is supposed to support that, by acting as a medium of exchange, instead of direct swapping.

BUT, with our debt backed system, if A or B grow more, then more money has to be issued to enable the exchange, and that money generates DEBT. therefore, A and B's hard work is transformed into a social COST by the (((monetary system)))

Monetary supply should match economic activity, and be reduced or increased as required to maintain healthy society.


>gold useless

gtfooh. Electronics requires gold.

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262e2d  No.82074

File: a092f59064e30a1⋯.jpeg (215.84 KB, 1024x1023, 1024:1023, xlarge.jpeg)

King Nigger knew.

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ccf8bb  No.82076

File: aac4587ea130668⋯.jpg (49.85 KB, 300x470, 30:47, Untitled.jpg)

By the end of the week $6 trillion will disappear.

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f60577  No.82077


>Electronics requires gold.

Does it matter if they're all produced in a semi-hostile country a world away? Or am I supposed to sit on it until we bring electronics manufacturing home to cash in?(WW3 has a better chance of happening, IMO)

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716f14  No.82078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Brownzilian Navy considering evacuating Hues who are in /ourgirl/'s high risk group from Rio's favelas to their ships

>what could possibly go wrong

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265ba2  No.82079


>Congress loves Trillions $$$ for wall street bailouts and banker bailouts, WILL NOT bailout citizens hurt by economic problems

>Big talk about how good Boeing is, so they are getting bailed out for sure.

>Talked down the lack of in home tests, it's better this way goyim

Is it normal to hate the government more than any virus itself? If I had a choice between government intervention or getting anthrax, I'd likely get the anthrax!!!!

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d6ab8c  No.82086


>tfw they actually work, because indians live in such seething filth that their immune systems have to be turbocharged or they are dead before puberty. Cowshit baths are just a way of hitting the gas.

Yeah, it is good that their immune system is made of iron, however it resulted in extremely overpopulation and made their homelands shitholes. Who want to live in that shitty life? Nobody, only idiots might like it. We need to eat 5 fat carrots and sweet potatoes per day because that can increase the lymphocytes count (the type of immune agent working as maniac virus murderous killers in our immune system).

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2d1003  No.82089


>QE is fine.

No anon, it's mass fraud, it's endless debt they pump into the stock market and banking system to keep a fraudulent non-existent fake insolvent 'economy' propped up, hoping and praying other nations will still use the USD for global trade as a reserve currency. And I have news for the Keynesian economists, it's not going to work. It never has. It never will. Enjoy your fake debt economy, endless QE and never ending third world shortages and other nations start dumping the USD en mass. And when the central banking kikes skip over to another nation, they'll forget all about the misery here and move on to raping another nation (as they always always do!)

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b2274a  No.82090


The San Franfeces Whores portion of the Coof moneys:


List of things in Nancy Pelosi's bill will make your head spin

No voter ID to get a ballot, & anonymous “ballot harvesting” pg 650

$300,000,000 for Migrant and Refugee Assistance pg 147

$10,000 per person for student loan bailout

$100,000,000 to Nasa, because, who knows why.

$20,000,000,000 to the USPS, because why the hell not

$300,000,000 to the Endowment for the Arts / because fuck it

$300,000,000 for the Endowment for the Humanities/ because no one even knew that was a thing

$15,000,000 for Veterans Employment Training / for when the GI Bill isn't enough

$435,000,000 for mental health support / thats a lot of suicide hotlines

$30,000,000,000 for the Department of Education stabilization fund/ because that will keep people employed

$200,000,000 to Safe Schools Emergency Response to Violence Program

$300,000,000 to Public Broadcasting / NPR has to be bought by the dems

$500,000,000 to Museums and Libraries / Who the hell knows how we are going to use it

$720,000,000 to Social Security Admin / but get this only 200,000,000 is to help people. The rest is for admin costs

$25,000,000 for Cleaning supplies for the Capitol Building / I shit you not it's on page 136

$7,500,000 to the Smithsonian for additional salaries

$35,000,000 to the JFK Center for performing Arts

$25,000,000 for additional salary for House of Representatives

$3,000,000,000 upgrade to the IT department at the VA

$315,000,000 for State Department Diplomatic Programs

$95,000,000 for the Agency of International Development

$300,000,000 for International Disaster Assistance

$90,000,000 for the Peace Corp pg 148

$13,000,000 to Howard University pg 121

9,000,000 Misc Senate Expenses pg 134

$100,000,000 to Essential Air carriers pg 162 This of note because the Airlines are going to need billions in loans to keep them afloat. $100,000,000 is chump change

$40,000,000,000 goes to the Take Responsibility to Workers and Families Act. This sounds like it's direct payments for workers. Pg 164

$1,000,000,000 Airlines Recycle and Save Program pg 163

$25,000,000 to the FAA for administrative costs pg 165

$492,000,000 to National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) pg 167

$526,000,000 Grants to Amtrak to remain available if needed through 2021 pg 168 (what are the odds that doesn't go unused)

Hidden on page 174 the Secretary has 7 days to allocate the funds & notify Congress

$25,000,000,000 for Transit Infrastructure pg 169

$3,000,000 Maritime Administration pg 172

$5,000,000 Salaries and Expensive Office of the Inspector General pg 172

$2,500,000 Public and Indian Housing pg 175

$5,000,000 Community Planning and Development pg 175

$2,500,000 Office of Housing

I can’t really ‘complain’ about this since I no longer live in the state and the people who do live there haven’t coofed on the old pedo hag and put her out of her misery.

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ccf8bb  No.82091

A case of hantavirus has been reported in China. Here's why you shouldn't worry



Half of that money will end up in (((tier))) pockets.

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9669a1  No.82092



Originally Aryan religion that got kiked up and corrupted beyond recognition through miscegenation. Just like Hinduism.


It's up to us to overcome them. It's all part of your development


>I might settle for this if the non-Whites were anons.

Only those who are not too niggardly, but yes. People of that personality type in general. Their percentage is low enough not to damage the white gene pool, so we could keep them around if they are decent. I've been pondering now, as normiecattle are having nervous breakdowns/depression due to this happening/psyop and their involuntarily containment, other than some reasonable precautions, I do not feel particularly disturbed by the whole thing. And my only 'friends' are a bunch of other weirdos and glowniggers on anonymous imageboards. Normies find this eerie quietness very disturbing, I find it blissful, soothing …

>That is just basic communism anon.

Prepare for 'advanced' communism soon. Luckily it won't last very long, for the few who survive it.

Can we go back to discussing the nature of this virus? Something must have triggered the spam. So far we have it being a synthetic, autonomous or wireless transmission controlled pathogen, ancient disease escaped from a tomb ('curse' could as well be how the primitive people interpreted an unseen killer like that), bioweapon released much prior to official dates targeting global populace, US/Chink biological warfare, it just being a flu bro and an excuse to implement the final stage of globohomo (worldwide communism).

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d6ab8c  No.82095



That’s made of copper and zinc which can reduce slutty Corona lady’s children life to 4 hours outside of the hosts. Australia have a lot of copper and zinc.

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9669a1  No.82097


I still have some trillion Dinar notes laying around, you could buy a pack of cigarretes or a liter of oil for that back in a day. This is how it begins. My tip for anons who have the capacities for it, start hoarding diesel.

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2ebe84  No.82098

File: 3fc206077aa3c0d⋯.png (130.63 KB, 823x637, 823:637, clean_your_packages.png)

File: 15840658453143a⋯.png (40.02 KB, 469x629, 469:629, scribble.png)

File: fc83ecbe87eeca0⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB, 640x1280, 1:2, March_24_Dingxi_City_Pharm….mp4)

File: 58beeeb89221e69⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB, 352x640, 11:20, Indian_police_punishing_ma….mp4)

File: fb8a202217ebf92⋯.png (348.62 KB, 830x635, 166:127, Gypsyland.png)

Blessings at an Amazon warehouse in Louisville https://archive.vn/7xkaq

Corona-Chan officially arrives in Libya https://archive.is/fQQMS

Fire at a pharmaceutical factory in Chinkland. No more meds to treat /ourgirl/'s symptoms, they're barbecue now.

Poolice beating a Pajeet biker for not wearing a mask

Gypsyland update, 218 new confirmed cases and 5 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/0AByg


>board litmus test

Nothingburgerfags and hoaxniggers deserve the banhammer, nothing of value was lost.






Crazy ass bill.


> Normies find this eerie quietness very disturbing, I find it blissful, soothing …


>Can we go back to discussing the nature of this virus? Something must have triggered the spam. So far we have it being a synthetic, autonomous or wireless transmission controlled pathogen, ancient disease escaped from a tomb ('curse' could as well be how the primitive people interpreted an unseen killer like that), bioweapon released much prior to official dates targeting global populace, US/Chink biological warfare,

I'm going with "bioweapon targeting global populace, made with parts of an ancient disease that came from a tomb."

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a6855a  No.82099



How long before we see a Wuhan 2: Hanta Bagoloo?



This anything done to the economy that's not based on hard goods, services, and trade is a load of bullshit.

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d6ab8c  No.82101


>start hoarding diesel.

Just use the horses because there is unlimited free foods for the horse and horse poo can be used to fertilise the soil.

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95850b  No.82102

File: f32678f21178698⋯.jpg (228.4 KB, 601x600, 601:600, Ahnenerbe.jpg)


>There really is only a few dozen of us oldfags left that remember 8ch in its prime.

8ch is an idea fam, not just a website. Don't let your memes be dreams…

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d09c43  No.82108

File: 1552baefd95d564⋯.jpg (20.64 KB, 255x234, 85:78, 1567805278102.jpg)



What the fuck,are chinks just straight up pouring all the viruses from labs to sewers or is the lamb of God fucking around with first seal.

Made me think about old song, maybe some of you glowies are into sung poetry


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e39c0d  No.82113


Bitch is on crack. When will she die?

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74e0a3  No.82115


Did this get passed?

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74e0a3  No.82116


Rather than a yay or nay on a bill, they should yay or nay on EACH individual proposal.

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ace04b  No.82117


>This disease is a nothingburger for non-degenerate, healthy people. only ancient and drug abusing people going to die, plus a few unfortunate genetic children of Khan.

>board litmus test

<breaks narrative

<provides no proof

<just it's a flu shilling

>just a litmus test

Yes, that's why I saw three dead children stuffed in a body bag, multiple accounts of dead under 20s without preconditions, 30s, etc etc, stats showing young people being more than 1/4 of cases in most countries. You are just ignorant and clearly have not actually done any research. Most people have lung damage if surviving, plus other side effects and that's just first wave.

The other factor you brainlet niggers don't know about is reinfection and the lethality associated. This will keep coming round and round and none of you normalfags will have immunity. You are ignorant lazy nigger trash and I hope you are blessed for your lack of foresight.


It works burger time slot usually.

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d6ab8c  No.82118

Update from Australia

Australian Border Force Commissioner Michael Outram is speaking to reporters in Canberra now, again responding to criticism over the Ruby Princess disaster.

He's pointing the finger elsewhere, saying Border Force is largely responsible for policing customs and contraband and that the Department of Agriculture is responsible for "human bio-security".

He's largely blaming NSW Health.

Mr Outram says on March 18, the senior doctor on board the cruise ship notified NSW Health they had taken "viral swabs for a few cases of febrile influenza (that returned a) negative test, and that those people had been isolated".

At 5pm on that day, NSW Health informed the ship that "the NSW Health panel has assessed the Ruby Princess as not requiring on-board health assessment in Sydney".

"NSW Health requested the Ruby Princess send the 15 samples to the NSW Health lab for COVID-19 testing and attached lab forms as required," Mr Outram said.

"NSW Health stated to the Ruby Princess, 'You are free to disembark tomorrow.' However, in accordance with the Australian government guidance, all passengers must go into self isolation for 14 days."

Mr Outram said the decision to allow the passengers off was made by NSW Health but that "I'm not here to apportion blame, we are all here together in Australia".

"We don't need to apportion blame but the public need to know the facts," he said.

"People can make their own minds up about what went wrong and no doubt further down the track there will be lots of inquiries about what happened and who was in whose emails."

He added, "But for now I would like to carry on working with the state and territory health departments, the police, governments, industry and others and our communities to get through this really difficult time."

Michael Outram, this is your fucking responsibility to watch the border so don’t dish this on others. NSW Health Idiots who let them go without assessment needs to spend with Coronavirus infected people and see how they like it.

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203016  No.82119


I heard they don't write their own bills, they're paid to push bills that are written by corporate lawyers.

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9669a1  No.82120


I'm sticking with the synthetic bioweapon theory for now, that's something that they would actually release since they would have (or hope to have) means of controlling it. That's the cutting edge technology right now and what a lot of black ops are devoted to. Also, that kike who supposedly sold the virus to the chinks specialized in nanotech, a red flag too big to ignore.


You can't do the heavy hauling or move a tank with horses, those are only viable in a post-collapse scenario, later stages of it, not while it happens. Meanwhile, diesel is going to be a very valuable and essential commodity. Those who think that they will be able to hide in their basements or larp as Amish farmers are deluding themselves. You need to prepare, you need to organize with people close to you, and you need to do some contingency planning. Things are about to go very bad, very fast in most of the world. And amerifrens shouldn't delude themselves that whatever gun they bought at Walmart is going to save them long term. Although much better equipped and in a far better position than people with no guns in urban environments, it will take much more than that to actually survive. Don't fall for the false sense of security, because there will be none. You will have to seize the window of opportunity to obtain much "bigger" guns once it opens, otherwise you are screwed.


Any attempt at investigation does. Where did you get the idea about the tomb? It could as well be a more "exciting" red herring meant to draw people's attention away in the wrong direction. They do this on 'conspiracy' websites all the time. But I'm waiting for more legit info before I discount it.

>So I should probably do that

Losing your nerves won't change anything. Let me know if you find some interesting leads.


This pandemic could act as a very convenient 'fog of war' where all sorts of bioweapons are released covertly. Whatever side did it (officially, we know who is the true culprit as usual), the other side won't leave it without an answer. We might be up for a bioweapon MAD right now.

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c1360f  No.82121


Hopefully it just kills off the human race then, I've kinda had enough of the bullshit already, don't mean to sound nihilistic but humans just suck.

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716f14  No.82124


>The other factor you brainlet niggers don't know about is reinfection

they know anon

last tread i got asukahapa to admit he is aware of reinfection, that we cannot gain immunity to it, that it won't go away with the cold season and that it has at least a 1% mortality rate and he still called that a nothing burger

they are 5 yuan shills, i know it's fun to take the bait but the mods started to nuke replies to them


hi Greta! you shouldn't be here, only bad goyim lurk around these parts

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b2274a  No.82125


Well ‘anon/CCP’ it is not a ‘nothingburger’ for me because you are talking about killing our elderly, parents and grandparents; boomers or not. That is an act of war at the very least. If it was a ‘nothingburger’ it would be killing your kind in total leaving no living human standing.

That would make it a ‘nothingburger’ to me, your complete extermination.


Not sure…it probably will get passed. There is nothing to stop it and the corporate handouts are in the trillions and trillions of dollars which means hyperinflation is coming…another OPEN ACT OF WAR AGAINST US BY THE KIKENIGGERS.

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2ebe84  No.82130

File: ec2b0692672af07⋯.png (162.4 KB, 335x637, 335:637, Mengla_Chan.png)


Those dubs say NOW.


>What the fuck,are chinks just straight up pouring all the viruses from labs to sewers or is the lamb of God fucking around with first seal.

There's a third one too, that got discovered January of last year. Say hello to Mengla-Chan https://archive.is/8SmHC


From my end, it looks like you're right, they show up during the day and vanish at late night.


I'm super jealous of you guys. Unfortunately, all the passengers from the Corona-Cruise that docked here in my city are being disembarked and sent back to their homes in a relatively safe manner. But it's not that bad, the blessed tourists disembarked on the capital of a neighboring state before coming here and their numbers just keep getting higher, plus there's always the chance the inspection team could fuck up during their tour of the cruise and get themselves blessed. Us Hues are incompetent after all. Stay safe, Aussie.


>I'm sticking with the synthetic bioweapon theory for now, that's something that they would actually release since they would have (or hope to have) means of controlling it. That's the cutting edge technology right now and what a lot of black ops are devoted to. Also, that kike who supposedly sold the virus to the chinks specialized in nanotech, a red flag too big to ignore.

I think the synthetic bioweapon theory doesn't conflict with the tomb stuff, It could have been used as a component or perhaps as a blueprint for Corona-Chan.

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b2274a  No.82131


Someone posted a graphic in this thread showing that they had collected the original SARS-nCov virus from a middle eastern man. But that is a lie and I know it now.

The tomb is a research project from /pol/ that no one really got closure on. I guess since my comments are being deleteted as I type ‘research’ is not allowed here either…good thing I don’t post any of the Epstein links to COVID here…they would just be deleted as well I suppose. Gotta keep this a (((news service))) OP and not actually ‘look into things’ or think about anything. Good luck anons. I am off to research.

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95850b  No.82132

File: 686ad89df665af3⋯.jpg (100.88 KB, 670x419, 670:419, Army_of_Two.jpg)


Fucking kek. MM in top form I see…

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023b6c  No.82133


>hi Greta! you shouldn't be here, only bad goyim lurk around these parts

Greta, another disgusting selfish power-starving human being. See, that's my fucking point. We survive off the misery and expense of others, endless corruption, endless lying, endless lust for control and selfishness. That is what sickens me sometimes, it's like our gene pool is inherently that of evil. Perhaps I should blame Eve for biting into an apple?

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ace04b  No.82135


you replied to the wrong post anon hopefully you're not that same fag that's been doing that often, I was telling the faggot why it wasn't a nothingburger and 'just da young'

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c2802e  No.82136


> three dead children

reddit tier. real /pol/acks found the source of that video in about 2 minutes and showed it was utterly unrelated to bug, beyond being dead bugs.

>young people

i get you cannot into reading or thinking. Drug damage - specifically demyelination, potentiates the covid-19 cold.

>is reinfection and the lethality associated

life as a parrot must be so fun. Just keep bleating what you hear on the MSM and feel smart. Fuck off back to reddit.

Two risk factors: demyelination, genetics acquired from mongol invasion. Coronaviruses cause demyelination, which is in itself a risk factor. So if you are a child of Khan, you self potentiate due to genetics and die on turn 2

>no immunity

most of us are already immune, we caught it 12 or 18 months ago when it first appeared. Or do we just ignore all the first hand accounts of "it was nothing", from, for example, dark St. Greta?

when /pol/ sounds like reddit, almost exactly, with the same gay mods, you know the world has gone to shit.

This was all planned, and spelt out, with timelines. that's why most of us are already prepared for supply chain loss and no longer living in cities. Unlike the reddit faggots who've come here and now act as flying monkeys for the system.

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c2802e  No.82139


I bet no one here even makes the effort to search the scientific papers for the two words "demyelination" and "coronavirus"

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b2274a  No.82140


Sorry there anon…maybe I am just discouraged and wish that I had 8chan/pol/ back…a place where we could think instead of just regurgitating the jews news…or really investigate things…no other COVID boards are allowed and you can’t make a different COVID thread on this board so effectively everything has been silenced except rehashing of the jew news on /pnd/…it is discouraging because it has the look and feel of /pol/ but it is the farthest thing from THINKING that you can get.

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b2274a  No.82143


>no one does

Not even you.

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e39c0d  No.82145


Devils trips checked… If Calianons need guns simply go to 5D Tactical and get a set of plates to finish your own 80% lower builds.

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d7d7b4  No.82146

File: 259ecaeadbc4f7a⋯.pdf (2.95 MB, FINAL_HOUSE_BILL.pdf)


not yet it passed the house waiting senate approval this is the bill in case someone wants to read it.

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b2274a  No.82150


I really think we need to stop paying taxes.

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716f14  No.82151


if you are that black piled remember to cut vertically and not horizontally, if you don't like blood, there are probably instructions online on how to tie a slipknot, bong are erudites in hanging people, they know the perfect height for strangling, neck breaking and decapitation

>Perhaps I should blame Eve for biting into an apple

that apple gave us the ability to think, if you wanna bitch at Eve you should bitch at her for taking just one bite, maybe if she had taken a second bite women wouldn't be so retarded so as to get us into the mess that is le current year

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c2802e  No.82153


>low effort

morons going to moron

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2ca0f3  No.82154


>Things are about to go very bad, very fast in most of the world. And amerifrens shouldn't delude themselves that whatever gun they bought at Walmart is going to save them long term. Although much better equipped and in a far better position than people with no guns in urban environments, it will take much more than that to actually survive. Don't fall for the false sense of security, because there will be none. You will have to seize the window of opportunity to obtain much "bigger" guns once it opens, otherwise you are screwed.

Yes, even as a long time prepper I still have this utter sense of doom, almost every day. Especially now. Somehow, even though I am more prepared and better off than 90% of the global population, I still feel this utter dread. Like no matter how much I have prepared, I will end up dying anyway, going out fighting to the death. I've even had nightmares about different scenarios. You seem to understand the same as I do, that really when it comes down to it, only the most cruel mean heartless hostile brutal son-of-a-bitches are going to survive this in the end, and not without a lot of pain and misery and tons of hard work ahead of them. The strongest will survive, everyone else dies.

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1bb293  No.82156

File: deeb27ef04bae63⋯.pdf (1.52 MB, Treatment_of_Biological_Ca….pdf)

File: 30b3dfb2d1a0a97⋯.jpg (105.99 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, 200319_N_NO101_0001.JPG)

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b2274a  No.82157


You would know.

>Doesn’t even bother to post links to his own shit.

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b1c4c5  No.82158

File: 3fad55d0c9db8e1⋯.jpg (70.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7ji3iksw02l31.jpg)


Sounds like fun times to me. Going to play with my slot cars and rabbits while the world burns.Got my shotgun for when motherfuckers interrupt me.

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0a60e7  No.82159

File: b6b4e6a806b941a⋯.png (863.21 KB, 556x662, 278:331, WillemTheSilent.png)


Debtanon: rest, eat well, plenty of water and tea (you know all this). Do not listen to or read anything negative. Get some sunshine if possible, and above all stay warm. Draw on the strength of your ancestors and never, ever give up.

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6f4125  No.82160


If I was some idiot who wanted to kill himself I would have done it long ago, with a bullet to my head. I don't have any reason to do that (at least not yet lol) Maybe I'm just more disgruntled than usual today.

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ace04b  No.82167


There are 2 other /cvg/ related threads anon and everything is discussed between them. survival stays OT, this stays mostly OT and the misc/fiscal/x/etc one stays as it is.

Fullchan vols would've done the same thing kek, don't ask how I know ;)

I don't think BO knows about the other one and hopefully won't read this, I certainly ain't modding it ;)

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9669a1  No.82168


>That is an act of war at the very least.

It not being treated as such (at least publicly, a lot of answers could be prepared as a matter of 'national security') is what's most concerning right now. It could only be indicative of what /pol/ has been claiming all along. That there are no major international actors that are outside of (((their))) control.


>or perhaps as a blueprint for Corona-Chan

This is a viable possibility. Transhumanist kikes can only copy Nature after all. The irony being lost on them. Speaking of which, we might be offered some sort of Necron tier deal where the only "salvation" from these viruses targeting complex life is to embrace artificial life of some kind.


Let me know once you find out something, I'd like to get involved as well. It seems that we triggered the (((gatekeepers))) again kek


There is no such thing as good and evil.


Yes, and I regret not being around other anons while shit hits the fan. Don't feel dread, embrace it. Remaining composed and rational is essential. Victory or Valhalla kameraden.

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000000  No.82171


>Yeah…the internet here has been stressed out for about a week now.

Bored millennials streaming Netflix 24/7. Some services are reducing picture quality to combat demand.


>Finally a Bollywood horror movie

I Know Where You Shit Last Summer

Dirka Dirkula

Child Bride of Frankensingh

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ace04b  No.82172



I haven't touched your egypt derail as I hope it brings fruit. If it starts getting too much though just make a tomb OP with good info and shit to discuss and have at it, i'll let BO/niggermod/lead/etc know.

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b21ce9  No.82173

File: 5e0a75cb092158f⋯.jpg (38.62 KB, 625x337, 625:337, cf18520db908f9b7e135f46050….jpg)


>Because poorfag, especially now since one dollar is worth 5 Brownzilian funny money notes.

Fellow poorfag here. Search for a torrent titled "NordVPN_6.26.15_2b". No crack, no patches, official software.

Activation instruction are in the downloaded file. You can update the software with no problems too.

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924ec8  No.82174


polymorphic malware

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2ebe84  No.82176

File: 9a2dcfff174b6a2⋯.png (193.76 KB, 459x633, 153:211, Coronian_Cultist.png)

File: bb9fdfc0d94b1d9⋯.png (398.31 KB, 858x569, 858:569, that_womans_face_tho.png)

File: 1e4b31912bfe60b⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB, 528x960, 11:20, Chink_hospital_being_built….mp4)

Bolsonaro slams the governors who have locked down their states once more, he criticized the closure of schools and called for an end of "mass confinement and hysteria" on national television. I'm convinced he is a Coronian Cultist at this point, he wants /ourgirl/ to clean up the mess that is Brownzil. Go Bolso go, end the lockdowns, let Corona-Chan go to work without any hindrances!

Chinks building an hospital at the Xi'an Xianyang International Airport


>a place where we could think instead of just regurgitating the jews news

Hey, I'm all for tomb and MERS discussion, I just post news and videos because it's a somewhat decent way to know what's going on out there and also food for some thoughts. Not to mention that I have to monitor Corona-Chan's actions and her progress for religious reasons


>that apple gave us the ability to think, if you wanna bitch at Eve you should bitch at her for taking just one bite, maybe if she had taken a second bite women wouldn't be so retarded so as to get us into the mess that is le current year

I like the way you think.


>Speaking of which, we might be offered some sort of Necron tier deal where the only "salvation" from these viruses targeting complex life is to embrace artificial life of some kind.



>Those Pajeet horror movie names

I'm dying.



I'm on loonix but I would rather not take that chance.

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9669a1  No.82177


Yeah, I believe it deserves a separate thread, but it would get slid to death if not pinned. Wouldn't call it a derail, not much has been going on in here lately, just chatter, some news and hapa spam. We are just trying to do what /pol/ used to do the best, investigate, give good advice to other anons and create context.

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716f14  No.82178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I don’t post any of the Epstein links to COVID here

wut!? why?

Eipstein being linked to corona chan is certainly news worthy enough to be posted here, if you can post some evidence besides just your word of honor mods won't nuke it




all these jokes and nobody posted this video

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3df82a  No.82179

File: fa9439e632f9de2⋯.jpg (328.37 KB, 1820x1820, 1:1, cbhgfoh5sixeybbykmx60ommql….jpg)

When will you guys learn that this pandemic will amount to nothing?

Few old people dead, few weak and already ill people dead, so what? It's not like you guys didn't want that to happen anyways.

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2ebe84  No.82180

File: 7b6f011f6b752ab⋯.gif (266.86 KB, 284x287, 284:287, there_s_corona_in_the_burg….gif)


I will respond to you just because I want to use this gif. Now fuck off and die, cursed nothingburgerfag shill, your fate has already been sealed.

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88c8b7  No.82183

File: 0affb2acf038d74⋯.jpg (5.86 KB, 108x150, 18:25, c4f40a455249e1448860b1669a….jpg)


It is coming back. Anon's unpuggled, from what I can see, after the shutdown. Many are just now finding their way back. I personally was devastated when Meguca went offline, and didn't go to any other image board for over 6 months

I've picked up on some oldfag signals recently; just hang around, stay upbeat, and creative.

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053077  No.82185


it is a nothingburger. i'm in vancoofer, the most chinese place outside of china, and there's been about 10 deaths here, 25 in all of leafland. Keep in mind le meme virus has been around since last December. It's fucking nothing and i'm getting pissed off with all the closures and shortages. 25 DEAD IN 4 MONTHS. Fucking absolute meme.

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e2db3e  No.82186

File: abbae800bdf17b1⋯.png (194.29 KB, 595x649, 595:649, yearoftherat.png)

File: 96303e3f088147c⋯.jpg (40.5 KB, 510x420, 17:14, EPQ8gwTXUAARrvZ.jpg)


>Eipstein being linked to corona chan

He was involved in some organisation called lifeboat apparently though all traces of Epstein have since been purged but I've seen tweets from people alleging he donated to them. Lifeboat's operation is about "saving the world" through researching pathogens and even transhumanity. Definitely suspicious shit. Also because the mods deleted my waifu hantachan I'm reposting her as this time I'm on topic.

Update from Aussieland

Shits fucked, celebrities are coming out and attacking the government over how they've handled this whole mess. They're about to escalate I suspect we'll be in house lockdown by next week. Typical Australian cunts couldn't give two shits when an anon is telling them about this bullshit, but when a footballer or a cricketer does holyshit we need to do something?! by the way the reaction is over 2 months late we've been saying this since January. At least for the moment the dollar has stopped crashing I was getting a bit worried we were heading into Wiemar territory. Tony Abbott came out and basically said that Globalisation was a mistake- all the while under him he enacted some of the worst free trade agreements with China that has utterly crippled us. I'm still 100% sure that our politicians are just actors and don't believe any of the shit they say. In other news the welfare system is over run and I suspect in time it'll lead to civil unrest. I've seen Civil Unrest at a Centerlink without this kind of stresser so you could imagine how pissed people are gonna be when welfarefags start being sent home empty handed to go "call the number" or "go to the website". Gonna be fun times you just need an abbo family to go ballistic and it'll spark a riot I reckon.

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f205ef  No.82189


Anyplace with a lot of chinks will eventually get it. I would not be surprised if chinks were intentionally spreading it. But there will be situations where the curve is flattened and it doesn't explode. Worst Korea and Nippon both fucking hate mainland chinks, so it's no surprise they could flatten the curve. USA probably flattened the curve, we'll see after this week. as the week after that will be about when we see the fruits of all the measures we took and a lot of retards ignored

I think Canada will go the China route, and blame a lot of illness from Corona on anything but Corona. Turd-dough gave away a shit ton of your medical supplies, and there's no way you're getting the same amount in return from China.

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1c0280  No.82190


>lol take my anonymous word for granted

next you'll tell me the world is flat

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716f14  No.82191

File: 023d4bf36732535⋯.jpg (89.26 KB, 619x800, 619:800, nurglelite_hanta_chan.jpg)


i'll reply to you since you are not a >(1)

the death rate doesn't matter, the reason corona chan is fucking up the economy is because of the infection rate which is fucking massive

if you get blessed you will, at best, be bed ridden for a whole month, with glue like liquid being drained from your lungs and to weak to do anything other than cough into your oxygen mask if you are lucky enough to get one

if blessed wageslaves could still work, China wouldn't have had to shut down their factories, as they care very little for the health of their slaves so long as they are still able to make money for the CCP, let's not even mention the fact that corona chan will leave you with permanent damage if you get her

>10 death in my hometown out of 25 in my country

i really hope you are not actually believing the official numbers anon

and if there is a pestilence lurking your neighborhood that already has 10 deaths under her belt, i'd be a little more concerned about my safety that you are


>missing a chance to post cute ratgirls and warhammer memes with such a shit waifu

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7bbf28  No.82193


>there's been about 10 deaths here

What arbitrary number is the magic number for you?

>virus has been around since last December.


The virus wasn't in Canada in fucking December, so what the fuck are you talking about?

>not enough people have died since December

>thinks the numbers released by the Chinese government are accurate

>i'm in vancoofer, the most chinese place outside of china

Thinking the virus only infects Chinese people is the fucking meme.

>It's fucking nothing

You're right, the whole world is fucking crazy except for you.

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0cd5c7  No.82194

You know what that whole pandemic spiel just did? - It made a couple million of Europeans prepare for ABC-warfare and supply chain disruptions.

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2ebe84  No.82195

File: 9fe5222d7f4ea82⋯.png (443.01 KB, 700x933, 700:933, Corona_Chan_with_a_corona_….png)

File: 0c226fb06cda9ec⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1140x1039, 1140:1039, Corona_Chan_eating_a_somet….png)

File: 23c222e3a691c3c⋯.png (251.05 KB, 601x585, 601:585, Jew_York.png)

File: a65bec0b3bb0a41⋯.png (72.07 KB, 384x606, 64:101, kiwi_update.png)

File: a44be34af64e454⋯.png (107.57 KB, 1058x631, 1058:631, Ukraine.png)

Posting some CoronaBurgers to piss off those cursed nothingburgerfags, die coughing your lungs out while enjoying your butthurt, you pieces of shit, It's Happening, doesn't matter if you like it or not.

Jew York update

Kiwi update, 103 new confirmed cases https://archive.is/lsT9w

Cheeki Breekiland update, 29 new confirmed caseshttps://archive.is/1t5FC


Sounds like a party is about to pop off in 'Straya.


Very interesting and positive way of looking at this situation.

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053077  No.82196


25 deaths in canada, 13 in BC, I never said the virus only infects chinese, idiot, i was saying that because vancouver is chinese the virus has presumably been here since the beginning, and during that time has done nothing.

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000000  No.82198


>Thinking the virus only infects Chinese people is the fucking meme.

His point is that Vancouver should have more infections because chinks travel here much more often than anywhere else in the world, which is valid. None the less I think his nothing burger narrative is retarded. Vancouver has a high amount of cases per capita, just not as high as some of the euro countries. There could be plenty of reasons that Vancouver is reporting low numbers, such as simply not having testing kits or telling people to go home and not bother getting tested unless they need urgent care that requires them to be hospitalized. I haven't particularly followed how exactly BC is handling things but I do recall reading that doctors were getting pissed off at the lack of public information being available so they know what the fuck they need to be doing.

Calling this a nothing burger based off of raw numbers and raw deaths is just silly when you take everything surrounding those numbers into the proper context. But of course people like to play the contrarian, especially here on boomerchan.

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000000  No.82202



Status: About to enter quarantine

Blessings: 378

Dieded: 3

Recovered: 6


>In two hours we go on full mandatory quarantine until 0000h April 13.

>After the coordinated riots in 13 prisons last saturday (and 1 today), between 4000 and 15000 inmates will be put in "house detention" so that they won't get blessed or bless others.





>Supermarkets in some cities (and at least one jewelry) have already being looted by "foreign citizens", meaning memezuelans of the criminal type. Cops don't have a clue about how to deal with them since they have some sort of refugee status. News outlets haven't found out about this yet. Bullshit. They don't want to say it so not to "feed the xenophobia".

>I heard this afternoon that business owners were warned that (in some low and middle income areas) shops that opened today would be looted before the quarantine (hearsay, I don't know anything else). I stick to my previous predictions about chimpouts.

Since it seems Torposters could get banned again eventually, I want to wish you all anons good luck and good health. Protect yourself and your families at all costs in the weeks to come. As for shills, derailing fucks, larpers, nothingburgerfags and assorted niggers, I don't feel any sympathy for you, so you can go fellate a chainsaw. The previous stands even if torposting isn't banned.

<Also wtf 8kun has a voice recorder applet now? WHAT?

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053077  No.82203


thanks, i was excited for the happening at the beginning, now it looks like this is just going to be a long, boring, slog that we all come out of broke and with just as many cunts on the planet as before.

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ff437c  No.82204

File: e370e1d80ae343c⋯.png (12.1 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 9e726a65c1c8bdae129a97d39d….png)

File: 42bc5c6d261a989⋯.jpg (66.49 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 42bc5c6d261a989d72418966b1….jpg)

File: 1989c9a8c2653df⋯.jpg (66.58 KB, 599x537, 599:537, 3b74c7b0dcb8fa113780582e8d….jpg)


pastanigger here.

Is there any hope to ride the corona wave and produce mass riots?inb4 you have to act and not just talk etcetc.: I'm asking because spaghetti are boiling from at least two years and this chan uncovered the masks of specific people full of virtue signaling/sjw bullshit. It's just to prevent (((THEM))) to establish a new order, and I'm still confused about this sexy chan as she's blessing us with digits under kek supervision. Is this an ELE or just a filth-remover event? I'm really hoping it's kek hijacking the current events as he commands it. Chaos, wiping out this modern world, so that we can hit the iron while it's still hot (an intriguing perspective). But if this is an ELE, who cares?

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8c647f  No.82205


>no load shedding this week


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1457c6  No.82206

Hope you guys bought the stock market dip. Stocks going up again and it'll all be over by October after all the retards who ignore isolation get killed.

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d7d7b4  No.82207

File: 3a87f6e29e6017c⋯.png (250.39 KB, 635x457, 635:457, kenya.png)

Is there any way we could send some the basketball niggers back to Africa? Kenya is giving away free one way flights https://twitter.com/KenyaAirways/status/1242353568553803776

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053077  No.82208

don't buy the stock market, this is a bounce. If you do buy, sell on Friday.

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58d37e  No.82210


I was initially excited as well, but no longer think this is going to be the big happening we hoped for back in January and February. It's still going to cause mass economic damage though, fuck over tons of people, create a huge push back against globalism in regards to unrestricted travel tourism and globalized supply chains, anti-China sentiment, etc. It's not quite going to be what we hoped for, but there is still a ton of shit to come out of this for a long time. I for one hope we can rev up the meme machines and create a fraction of the amount of anti-GloboHomo memes out of this as we have Coronachan memes. This is still a major happening even if it's not some huge gamebreaker.

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2e2eda  No.82211


When will it become a game changer then?

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ff437c  No.82212

File: ae72bf8e2d12334⋯.png (208.34 KB, 512x459, 512:459, 1583081921440.png)


Please do something, take my energy, this happening is slowing down and our cultists are starting to lose hope!

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d7d7b4  No.82213

File: b96de36b4c4efcc⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, 55eae3fbef4c28907515adeee0….jpg)

Sierra test suspected case, Ivory records ‘boom’

>Authorities in Sierra Leone are awaiting test results of a patient who meets the case definition for COVID19. The country is currently virus-free and under a state of public health emergency declared by President Maada Bio on Tuesday.

>A statement from the Health Ministry said the patient entered Sierra Leone on March 20 having travelled from Congo Republic through Ghana before her arrival.

>She reported to a local facility with symptoms and was referred to a center where medics put her in isolation and on treatment whiles a test was being run.

>Meanwhile, Ivory Coast on Tuesday recorded an almost 200% in the number of confirmed cases. Coronavirus cases in the West African country reached 73, government announced. The addition of 48 new cases to 25 as at March 23 means the figure is up by almost 200%.

>There are 3 recoveries and no death recorded so far. Ivory Coast shoots to third most impacted in the region after Burkina Faso (99) and Senegal (79). Government is enforcing raft of restrictions.


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2ebe84  No.82214


Cokelombian anon, good to see you again. Thanks for the update on your country, glad the prisoners din't manage to pull off an escape.

>Supermarkets in some cities (and at least one jewelry) have already being looted by "foreign citizens", meaning memezuelans of the criminal type

Looks like rapefugees are an universal cancer, doesn't seem to matter if they're mudslimes or commies.

>As for shills, derailing fucks, larpers, nothingburgerfags and assorted niggers, I don't feel any sympathy for you, so you can go fellate a chainsaw.

Based. Stay safe up there, dude.


>Is this an ELE or just a filth-remover event? I'm really hoping it's kek hijacking the current events as he commands it. Chaos, wiping out this modern world, so that we can hit the iron while it's still hot (an intriguing perspective). But if this is an ELE, who cares?

I believe it's a filth-remover event. The best way to incite unrest right now would be to redpill your fellow Pastas on the fact that your ZOG made you guys part of the One Belt One Road chink initiative, which basically makes you guys their colony trade partner, that's how you got flooded with blessed chinks which transmitted Corona-Chan to you. Tell your spicy brethren that this is all the governments fault for lying in bed with the CCP.


Tell nigs that Apefrican countries are somehow managing to handle the outbreak better than first world countries. Make something like that up.


It's not slowing down and those faggots saying it's nothing or that they no longer believe it's a Happening are not cultists, they're just faggots.

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58d37e  No.82215


When people's family members have died due to canceled procedures and missed medication. When people lose their jobs and have to close their businesses due to lockdown. In the aftermath when shit starts getting back on track and people are less panicky they will quickly become angry and will want answers and changes for how shit got so fucked up so fast. The answer will of course be anti-globalization themed shit like localized supply chains and production, and all the other anti-(((globalism))) shit we need to push for. The public will suddenly be very receptive to such things and rightfully so. This is a shining example of how the system sucks ass on every level and we need to change it.

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760a7e  No.82217


It's not slowing, it just feels slower because our countries are slowed down right now. A clock moves slower when you stare at it, etc.

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342a4f  No.82218

File: 28515a2bf521ed3⋯.png (248.54 KB, 318x516, 53:86, 603f57c1172d171044b9585f6a….png)


As entertaining as these videos are. Why are they still so pathetic? It's a bunch of fat boomer and women cops going up against equally fat and out-of-shape nogs. Not to mention it's niggers swinging their soda cans like chimps and cops using paintball guns and pepperspray. Can't we get some real action? It's so unorganized and half assed. I wanna see two massive swarms clashing with each other, bludgeons and knives, live ammo (or at least fucking rubber ammo, come on), maybe a molotov or something. Once again, normalfags can't do anything right. God no matter what they never fail to upset me.

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58d37e  No.82221


> It's so unorganized and half assed

>Expecting more from niggers than unorganized and half assed

Anon, I….

You've got to realize this is low intensity shit, daily occurrence in nigger life. Nigs are so high up on the hog it actually takes a lot to get them riled these days. And even when they do get something big and notable going it's still never organized, nothing beyond a bunch of disparate bands of marauding orcs and ghetto goblins with a loose general heading for direction and zero centralized leadership. If you want organized and coordinated concentrated effort you are looking at the wrong subspecies.

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2ebe84  No.82222

File: 5bfa0360239930d⋯.mp4 (601.93 KB, 300x640, 15:32, chinks_who_built_the_Wuhan….mp4)

Chinks who worked in the construction of the Thunder Mountain Hospital protest over not being paid



See? It's not slowing down. Just because I'm not posting updates every 10 minutes doesn't mean that it's ending. I'm vetting the news and looking for good videos, high quality posts take time to be made, be patient and have faith, this world is definitely being cleansed and Corona-Chan already won. Nothing can change, halt or revert that.

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000000  No.82224


>"If I got it, Y'all get it too"

That is what every infected must do. If you can't have a good life, nobody else can.

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716f14  No.82225


>this is not going to be the big happening we hoped for

>It's still going to cause mass economic damage

>fuck over tons of people

>create a huge push back against globalism and globalized supply chains

>create anti-China sentiment

>there is still a ton of shit to come out of this for a long time

what part of it is not the big happening we've all be waiting for?

this shitstorm is huge and it keeps growing by the day,

were you expecting that suddenly one day cyber Hitler descends from space in a an emperor class battleship riding a fire breathing dragon with an army of laser katana wielding valkyries behind him to gas the kikes once and for all?

you sound just like the faggots who kept saying gamergate did nothing despite it starting as just a mere bedroom scandal between 2 nobodys and quickly growing into a happening that has kept the left perpetually butthurt ever since

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000000  No.82226


Huezillian here. The internet is unstable in the whole country. Got reports from Brasília, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte and Rio Grande do Sull, all complaining about the same problem.

It surely is what this anon said >>81158

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58d37e  No.82227


Anon, that's the very reason that it is slowing down. If they were still full retard like in Jan. and Feb. then it would still be growing. The very fact these tards are finally starting to take action is what is causing it to decline. Not trying to be a downer just prepping you for the reality of how it's probably going to go.


Anon, I myself am saying this is in fact a major happening. I'm just saying it's not going to cause some Mad Max tier breakdown with roaming warlords and shit. Still gonna be fuckin huge, don't misinterpret me. There are just a lot of anons babbling about admittedly goofy shit like extinction level event and going to wipe out all zog governments etc. And likewise I myself in my post am saying this is a golden opportunity to push our own line of reasoning into public sphere. That's why I'm posting this, because i DON'T think Cyber Hitler is coming to save us in his emperor ship, we need to be ready to strike while the iron is hot, and this is gonna get that furnace (oven? ;^) hot as fuck for us to exploit.

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ff437c  No.82228


Holy corona! you got sacred digits! I bow down to our mighty goddes. Praise Corona! And praise kek!


> you are looking at the wrong subspecies

It's also the higher chaotic threshold in order to be triggered that they have


> redpill your fellow Pastas on the fact that your ZOG made you guys part of the One Belt One Road chink initiative

This is actually used as bait for conspiracy theorists to accuse Germany / USA. They are trying to set a false narrative with USA and / or Germany trying to derail our "privileged" commercial relationship with ching chongs. So before redpilling them, it's mandatory to make them stop shitposting about this crappy theory

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0cd5c7  No.82230


>Very interesting and positive way of looking at this situation.

It's not killing, or even infecting, people I know. But everybody I care about on a personal level made connections to their more useful and aware neighbors, has ABC gear, emergency provisions, weapons, a bug out plan, and general threat awareness, now. Which is, in most cases, more than I archived in preaching just that to them for decades.

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760a7e  No.82233

File: a2ee4ee33bdb2af⋯.png (16.86 KB, 695x508, 695:508, Coronavirus_Update_Live_42….png)

File: a082d9bf7a35781⋯.png (18.51 KB, 681x498, 227:166, Coronavirus_Update_Live_42….png)


>is causing it to decline.


The only place it declined is East Asia because they have their shit together. The growth rate in the west is still massive. It's not the apocalypse, sure, but it will be a defining point in history, and our societies will emerge from it different than how they went in, probably for the better (metapolitically speaking).

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58d37e  No.82235


That graph is essentially going to have a "whiplash" effect. As in, Asia got it worse, now getting it under control, then they west will get it worse while the east tapers off. And yes it definitely has room to grow in the west, but the fact that everything is now going in to lockdown also shows the steps to prevent it from getting worse are finally being taken. The most exciting part, like you said, is going to be the metapolitcal aftermath. I'm actually excited for it. HUGE amount of shit is going to have to be restructured, and I seriously hope the medical fags who have to deal with all this shit get better pay and benefits out of it.

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f6798b  No.82236


>The only place it declined is East Asia

>Trusting the chinks

>believing the chinks

This is your mind on tencent.

China doesn't have this disease under control. They have it under wraps.

<infected rate doesn't increase if we don't test!

<death rate doesn't increase if we don't record deaths!

<missing people don't exist if they're never found!

<industry doesn't falter if we turn on the machines for 10 hours a day!

The US bureaucrats are doing the exact same things because, "The US was not meant to be shutdown."

Governments value monetary transactions over lives and productive industry.

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58d37e  No.82237


Same in Russia. The state media is touting how good they have reacted, even though a bunch of people are dying from "pneumonic" conditions. No doubt all governments are trying to create a rosier picture than it really is.

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760a7e  No.82238


So Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore are all lying too?

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f6798b  No.82239



No government is telling the truth.

The difference is the degree at which they lie.

Some may lie by 10% understatements, while others lie by 20000% understatements.

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000000  No.82240

>But mark my words: There is no way America gets out of this with fewer than 100,000 deaths, and by offering you that incredibly low, “best case” number, I’m trying to ease your psyche into the far worse reality that’s likely coming, since I’ve come to learn that most people are mental snowflakes and can’t handle any numbers that threaten their internal delusions.


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a6855a  No.82242


Oh ye of little faith! Think of this as being in the eye of the hurricane. We're on a plateau on the Happening Steppes right now before we start climb Mt. Coronapolyspe. Just enjoy the brief quiet while it lasts and take the time to get any last minute supplies, travel to a safer location, and download all the anime shows you've been dreaming to watch.


East Asia > East China

I think he's talking about South Korea, Japan, and Singapore, rather than China. Now are Korea and Japan lying and is Korea about to face second wave, and is cluster analysis a meme counter measure? Is the Pope an antichrist? Is /pnd/ always right?

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716f14  No.82243


corona chan has already made it to apefrica and the brazilian favelas, give her some time anon, it takes 2 weeks of foreplay to get her horny

China has a massive firewall, trigger happy zofbots, and the CCP cut off the internet to the region and expelled all foreigners

Pasta land and the rest of got a heads up of what and how to censor and they are clearly better at doing so than the chink government, not to mention, whit the exception of retarded millenials lots of people are actually quarantining themselves unlike chinks who had to be welded into their homes

but in apefrica and the favelas, there'll be no quarantine, no order, no supplies, no medical treatment, only chimping, cooffers and droppers and unlike places with more competent governments, the crazy shit nogs will record with their cellphones will not be as easily suppressed, and years of givesmedat + nigger consumerism have made sure almost every nignog has phone with wifi and a hd camera

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ccf8bb  No.82245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The difference between west Asians and us westerners is that we are laid back and think that the shit always happens in some 3rd world shitholes which is usually true Asians on the other hand are disciplined and they actually obey the rules. The shit this time happened all around the world and we are going to have a rude awakening. I've seen videos from Chicongo and Jew York which are on full lockdown where people simply don't give two fucks about the quarantine. In the video below (Chicongo) you can see that even cashiers don't have mask. Timestamp 17:15

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2ebe84  No.82246

File: 58aedb3cf1297e3⋯.png (100.31 KB, 597x487, 597:487, wake_up_call.png)

File: 0edd22cd6cffa66⋯.png (131.78 KB, 546x591, 182:197, 1.png)

File: a1b06334afffb18⋯.png (119.98 KB, 536x569, 536:569, 2.png)

File: d97c59bc6624eb6⋯.png (122.36 KB, 540x591, 180:197, 3.png)

File: 5fa29b0c57101fc⋯.png (198.25 KB, 722x605, 722:605, the_paper.png)

Burger doctors starting to discuss the ethical allocation of medical resources due to shortages https://archive.is/6d4P9 In other words: They are starting to discuss the fact that they will have to decide who deserves a better chance at fighting for their lives and who doesn't


>you sound just like the faggots who kept saying gamergate did nothing despite it starting as just a mere bedroom scandal between 2 nobodys and quickly growing into a happening that has kept the left perpetually butthurt ever since

This. If it weren't for GamerGate, I probably wouldn't be here. Or at least be the person that I am right now.


Good to see you again Hue torpedo, thanks for the info. It's kinda working well on my end, at least right now.


>But everybody I care about on a personal level made connections to their more useful and aware neighbors, has ABC gear, emergency provisions, weapons, a bug out plan, and general threat awareness, now.

This is a very good thing.


Hit the nail right on it's head, good post.


>I’m trying to ease your psyche into the far worse reality that’s likely coming, since I’ve come to learn that most people are mental snowflakes and can’t handle any numbers that threaten their internal delusions.

So much fucking truth. My parents thought this would end by June but flipped their shit at me when I told them the Burger HHS expects this to last for 18 months or more. I tried explaining to them how similar the situations of both countries, and how that's probably how much it will last for us too, but they wanted to hear none of it. I honestly don't give a fuck if they believe me or not, I merely doing my job of reporting my findings to them.


>corona chan has already made it to apefrica and the brazilian favelas

>but in apefrica and the favelas, there'll be no quarantine, no order, no supplies, no medical treatment, only chimping, cooffers and droppers and unlike places with more competent governments, the crazy shit nogs will record with their cellphones will not be as easily suppressed, and years of givesmedat + nigger consumerism have made sure almost every nignog has phone with wifi and a hd camera

This, Corona-Chan is in City of God, Rio de Janeiro. And definitely many other favelas too.

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716f14  No.82247


Taiwan seems to be doing great for a country right next door to patient zero not to mention they have a lot of traveler from the mainland and still have less cases than Japan and worst Korea

Nips don't seem to have shut down their country like the rest of the world has, and they seem to have acted rather quickly to contain corona chan, they just got fucked by the Death Princess and the new strain that was different from the chink one

as for worst Korea, i haven't heard much more about them, i wonder how the whole business with the Shinji cult is going on?

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d09c43  No.82248

File: 113e2eeacff0968⋯.jpg (85.3 KB, 700x646, 350:323, 1.jpg)

File: 22ab7d1f71cfadd⋯.jpg (25.77 KB, 700x243, 700:243, 2.jpg)

I will need some confirmation but it seems favelas will enforce order in Rio.

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a6855a  No.82250

File: 6c2dc341a5756a3⋯.png (291.04 KB, 827x1230, 827:1230, RIP_Chads.png)

File: 2689206e9713f6a⋯.png (68.03 KB, 915x431, 915:431, RIP_Chads2.png)

File: 13e0be5bc880b9d⋯.png (95.08 KB, 946x974, 473:487, Corona_chan_loves_Big_boys.png)

Good night all! I leave with a new article confirming what we already know: Corona-chan's love of balls:



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0cd5c7  No.82251


Enforce public order, or suffer law enforcement. Which would you choose if you were a criminal enterprise dependent on a general lack of law enforcement in your stomping grounds?

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e39c0d  No.82252


This guys face-pubes will negate that mask since it wont seal… but thats none of my business.

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60ffdd  No.82253

File: 2e6840ca6014d48⋯.webm (2.66 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, murdoch_murdoch_coofing_2.webm)

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2ebe84  No.82256

File: e02c128e6d87c78⋯.png (105.09 KB, 1007x637, 1007:637, Worst_Korea.png)

File: 3f20daef780ab6f⋯.png (210.1 KB, 454x604, 227:302, DUDE_CORONA_LMAO.png)

File: 9dff6ee2900d66f⋯.png (206.01 KB, 779x638, 779:638, Paraguay.png)

File: ea775fc5b5bbc24⋯.png (171.46 KB, 390x610, 39:61, Maduro_wearing_a_meme_mask.png)

File: 665787d818e42a9⋯.png (142.52 KB, 343x630, 49:90, First_brownzilian_death_ou….png)

Worst Korea update, 100 new confirmed cases and 6 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/Z4O6w

Weedland update, 4 new confirmed cases, total is now 25 https://archive.is/rDegx

Smugglerland update, 10 new confirmed cases and one new confirmed death https://archive.is/qhQbu

Memezuela update, 7 new confirmed cases https://archive.is/TM5zg

First Brownzilian death outside of the southeast. 49 YO man in Amazonas just croaked after being hooked to a ventilator. He had hypertension though.


*how similar the situations of both countries are. *I'm merely doing my job. Fucking hell, hate those mistakes caused by fast typing, this is why I like to take my time writing my posts but then the thread slows down and people of little faith start crying "is it ending?" why is the thread dead?


Never heard of the outcome of the Shinji cult ordeal. Last thing I heard was that they might prosecute the leader for murder because he helped in spreading Corona-Chan's love. But regarding their official numbers of new cases, they fluctuate between days of high numbers and days of low numbers. I believe it will be like this for them for quite some time. Today is a high number day, yesterday was a low number day.


I can't provide a confirmation since I don't live in Rio but I already provided a translation in the last thread and I'm not going to write it again. Go back there and control+F "translation". Second pic's translation is accurate, by the way.




Other than that, not a bad thing for non whites and non Nips.


This. I posted the CDC's guide on facial hair and mask effectiveness many threads ago. Shave your bushy beards if you haven't already, anons.

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58d37e  No.82257


I've tested a gas mask with short beard and it worked. The whole beard will block modern gas mask shit is a military meme so they can haze you for not shaving perfectly. As long as your beard is short and well kept it shouldn't fuck with the seal of modern masks.


This is my greatest fear personally about this whole thing. Though third pic does say 'no clinical evidence,' still a chilling thought and fits with the bioweapon angle.

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000000  No.82259


>Bolsonaro cucks out and makes a friendly phone call to Winnie, after his son's twatter incident

That was his biggest mistake. Now he divided his own followers. Leftists can't do anything right, but with a divided base, any opportunist can show up and become "king" now.

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60ffdd  No.82260

File: 5b5c27cb3cd2c47⋯.png (224.87 KB, 1380x864, 115:72, archive_screenshot.png)


That archive link -

I tried resaving it in Archive.ph, but it still sucked.

Here's a better archive link for that:


Funny, but I can't access the source site through my VPN lel - I have to view it in an archive page

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0cd5c7  No.82261



Lube your face-pubes (petroleum jelly, butterfat, lard, duck fat, whatever you have) and all will be fine.

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000000  No.82263


Seize the opportunity to incite everyone there to kill jews and leftists.

Incite leftists to kill each other. Prey on their fears.

Incite everyone else to kill the leftists and the jews who survive.

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c2802e  No.82265


>If you get blessed you will, at best, be bed ridden for a whole month

shit tier garbage. Hundreds of people reporting no or mild symptoms before recovery

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c2802e  No.82267



we don't want white people dropping like flies from Coronchan's blessing.

Fortunately it targets the children of Genghis Khan (chinese/persian/wop) and degenerate drug abusers. For the rest it is like a cold.

Memetic magic needs to be targeted properly. Too many thantos gripped anons just want to see the whole world burn to nothing, instead of seeing it bloom, like an aussie forest.

The economic transformation, wrenching the world into a new form is driven by the elite's fear of their own demise. Which they cannot escape, as coronachan is…. endemic

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0cd5c7  No.82268


It's a cold. Unless you draw the loosing card and get pneumonia or encephalitis. Of course, you get to draw again every few months until you draw the loosing card.

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0a60e7  No.82272

File: cc8be94154c94e4⋯.jpg (75.62 KB, 670x577, 670:577, SearsAdvsToday.jpg)


Excellent analogy, anon.

Thanks for reminding me to tighten up my cards.

Goodnight faggots.

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80d47b  No.82274

File: 579034177ab259c⋯.mp4 (12.13 MB, 446x720, 223:360, t3nwe4rx.mp4)

A88519 spread it

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c2802e  No.82275

File: 50daefd1a87525a⋯.png (813.36 KB, 751x474, 751:474, so_charles.PNG)


>anon makes up a bunch of nonsense because he still hasn't researched the role of demyelination in outcome, and has no idea of the genetic prevalence of certain genes that potentiate the demyelination in a distinct genetic group even though he's read it like 10 times. because shit-tier anon wants to keep bleating because it makes him feel powerful

imagine if some anons posting here were not larping ifls reditors, but rather something entirely else.

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80d47b  No.82278

A88519 was the zero day exploit who spread bio-chem virus

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2ebe84  No.82280

File: 36ba50bbab7db98⋯.png (188.77 KB, 543x571, 543:571, It_s_pretty_much_a_fine.png)

File: d01185f39d68f1b⋯.jpg (205.81 KB, 1125x1457, 1125:1457, ching_chong.jpg)

File: 20982d2ceaea078⋯.jpg (85.21 KB, 970x512, 485:256, KEK.jpg)

File: 50c0194a2597801⋯.png (211.29 KB, 628x609, 628:609, Pakistan_community_transmi….png)

File: 4a3239ee280eee4⋯.png (77.68 KB, 451x572, 41:52, pakishitter_dropper.png)

Chinks being pretty much fined for being confirmed and even suspected to be blessed

Spanish man fined for breaking the quarantine lockdown to play Pokemon GO can't believe normalfags still play this CIAnigger shit

Pakishitter suddenly dies from a Corona-Chan induced cardiac arrest https://archive.is/Q5XRj too bad we don't have footage of him dropping dead


You're right on the money with that analysis.


Shit, archive.is really fucked up with that page. Thanks for providing a proper archived link.


Some context would be nice.

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d6ab8c  No.82282

Corona lady is fucking omnipresence and her children is her. She is watching the entire world through the infectees’s eye like many browser tabs simultaneously. She’s everywhere.

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59594e  No.82288


So too put it another way it's nano tech that gets passed down to next generation? That's pretty far fetch but who the fuck knows

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c72963  No.82291

File: 539b3e9b4e16d45⋯.png (310.2 KB, 503x401, 503:401, 1390380412413.png)

LA Mayor will turn off water/power of nonessential businesses that stay open in defiance of Safe at Home Order


>remove the ability for people to get guns because muh first time gun owners

>nonessential businesses which include gun stores stay open? Say goodbye to your water and power


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48d2dc  No.82294


Too bad we lost Allodial Title / land patents. Then we could own something.

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b06ea3  No.82296

File: dca51ce33535227⋯.jpg (80.87 KB, 480x640, 3:4, ww2_work_authorization_boo….jpg)


It's going to get real, once the latest million to get on the dole realize there's not going to be any actual money in the bank for several weeks. I heard five weeks could be expected, but we'll see. Anyhow, I'm in a position as one of the expendable essential workers to be aware of at least part of stage 2 coming in Sydney. We've been told that we'll be issued travel authorizations, so we can keep exposing ourselves in order to be shoved together in an office with central AC that doesn't give a fuck about social distancing. This is how City Rail will get closed to the bugs and niggers, you'll need to show your papers and see if you can talk your way out of a much stiffer fine than fare evasion.

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d6ab8c  No.82302


Maybe we can live in the underground permanently and be hermetically sealed off.

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d6ab8c  No.82304


>travel authorizations

Kek, do you source on that, anon?

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b06ea3  No.82307


What I was told by my employer. No public sauce.

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c72963  No.82310


MTA in NYC is giving employees a printed letter to get them past the cops in case they get stopped during the lockdown, because they're essential staff.

There was a post in one of the /cvg/s about a retailer in China selling fake 'I'm tested clean, let me cross into a new province' papers for Chinese people, too.

Shit is near-full Papers Please.

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99ab1b  No.82311

File: 8415d2ea3174f79⋯.jpeg (728.15 KB, 1174x721, 1174:721, 7CE3E7A7_AE80_406E_95CC_2….jpeg)


You need to consider time to infectiousness, time to death, and likelihood of specific travel by a small number of people in the early days. First diagnosed death was Dec 8.


The local media claiming that the produce/buy local initiative is in danger. Shut down! Lock down! Face down! It’s like they think being a parasite relying on the productivity of the rest of the world and transportation infrastructure is a long term solution. This is cityjew thinking.


You can calculate the risks of people transport and resources. But it seems everyone thinks their business is essential, even Musk.

Bonus pic: you know your food is safe because it’s being delivered by an out of work stripper (tip expected)

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d5e7fd  No.82312

File: 48677a5a3cb9f0b⋯.jpg (3.36 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, papers_please.jpg)


Not sure about in Australia but they are becoming quite the norm over here in the States. We just distributed them to our workforce today since we are an "essential business" and they placed our city Houston under a pseudo-lockdown. Instead of calling it a shelter in place order it is officially a "Stay Home Work Smart®" order. Considering they declared 90% of businesses as "essential" it is a mere formality- for now. Since the city is pretty much the oil production center for >20% of US refining capacity- they gonna keep 'er going and morale high till the last cough. But yes they are a thing and all the rage in the plauge-lands of North America.

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8f2781  No.82313


They're basically giving the profession cover to treat jews before goyim. They'll work out the details if shouting them down with natzeeh doesn't work; he employs people, without her three kids can't survive, etc.

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e560c8  No.82314

Essential Personnel here. This morning we were all issued a letter written up by a corporate attorney. It opens with a lot of ass-covering followed by stating I'm permitted to move about only in the act of performing Essential Activity. I'll let you fags know how the sun feels tomorrow.

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0cd5c7  No.82315


I guess "Mr." Garcetti just admitted that he resides over a failed state.

Even in Brazil's Favelas and Europe's no-go zones petty shit like this is still dealt with by local authorities with fines and arrests.

If the goddam Mayor of one of the "greatest" cities in the world can not muster the forces to shut down a store, and has to threaten to shut down their utilities instead, then said city has no government at all.

A friend of mine is the Mayor of a small Polish town, he has three department heads and a bunch of friends to call to shut down any store in his town. Shit, I am just some dude and I have enough friends to shut down any store in my hometown.

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ed5be7  No.82316

File: 18c3da62783c7a9⋯.jpg (114.29 KB, 765x530, 153:106, covid.jpg)


you know they won't

fact is at present it's incurable and inimmunizable

this is likely gonna come back every year

drs will get masks but likely suffer the same fate as society

mass kill-offs every year forever

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d6ab8c  No.82317


Mmmm, I will ask the Queensland cop (the state of Straya) in my local area to glean the information about that. Maybe they have more useful information.


>because they're essential staff.

I am see a lot of ‘essential’ use from the governments. I don’t know if my state or local area will start issuing the travel authorization yet, but I know they passed the law that fine the people for failing to social distance themselves unless they are out for essential reason so a result of that, the street have become peaceful.

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a2da25  No.82319


>most of us immune, caught it months ago

<I guess during that time everyone's grandparents were out of town


>based on meh modeling

<god you are a fucking expert, we are so lucky your dumb ass is here spouting theories as truth


>(you) thinking you know shit

<you don't know shit

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8f2781  No.82320


I'm thinking after this is over we can push west and take some failed states too. Maybe you can team up with Lithuania or call yourselves Prussia, I was thinking of Bohemia for us and push into Austria a bit.

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99ab1b  No.82321

File: 5e5a21e61303a0b⋯.jpeg (95.47 KB, 749x556, 749:556, 1C60639D_4D1C_47DF_867E_0….jpeg)


No name on the papers, but Publisher’s Clearinghouse always had the tech to put my name on what they send me. Waiting to be stolen. This is The Whole Town’s Talking tier screwup.

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0cd5c7  No.82322


>call yourselves Prussia

Hey, I am Prussian. I have official papers stating the Königreich Preußen as my country of origin.

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eb67e0  No.82323


>$13,000,000 to Howard University pg 121

13 million to some nigger university, WHY?

>$300,000,000 for Migrant and Refugee Assistance pg 147

kek. 300 million to bring in more retards, this is amazing. Isn't America dumb enough already, do they really need more niggle cattle?

>$25,000,000 for additional salary for House of Representatives

These fucking kikes. Americans, if you don't revolt you deserve this. Stop paying your taxes.

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d6ab8c  No.82324


> food is safe because it’s being delivered by an out of work stripper.

>no mask or google to prevent transmission.

Only idiots will get the slutty micro-Jewish particulates from slutty food deliverers. Wew, Corona lady is so slutty about the idiots.

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48d2dc  No.82325


IDK… I like the one on the left. She's got something I can eat.

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d6ab8c  No.82326

Oink! Anons, I just got Corona msg from Aus Gov!

Coronavirus Aus Gov msg: To stop the spread, stay 1.5 from others, follow rules on social gatherings, wash hands, stay home if sick. Aus.gov.au

Well, that is nice to know that they are scared. They should have send that earlier.

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c2802e  No.82327


><I guess during that time everyone's grandparents were out of town


Or just dying like they are now, but without people blaming the bug

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d5e7fd  No.82328

File: 04b32df943000b6⋯.jpg (54.23 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1584498601667.jpg)


Remember our Lt. Govenor pretty much said that we should take the losses, save the economy (too late) and resign ourselves to the fact that there will be a tragic loss of life which pales in comparison to the loss of life the shutdowns will cause. Thought it was rather noble of him to volunteer his generation for Carrousel but it didn't really resound with the masses for some reason.


These types of letters usually have an associated business card of the named employee that matches their ID as well as a Company contact listed. That's the route my Company chose to do as well since everyone has a badge and/or business card. Yes all can be faked, but by the time you'd be fucking with that there are much bigger problems. We were compelled to do it since the operation is 24 hours a day and several of my coworkers live in a county with a curfew sunset to sunrise curfew.


People think it will matter. It won't. They've already killed the USD so it is all just numbers going forward. Don't get me wrong, utterly offensive and the Commies are finally showing their colors. But either way with what's being bantered around in DC already at $6TRILLION to just get started, yeah- cue hyperinflation. Hell why doesn't old Uncle Sam just start covering everyone's payroll for the population under quarantine. Might as well. We've truly gone the way of Monopoly money.

One of the major signs that shit is going sideways for me is Gold decoupling from paper. When that happens things get economically weird. Gold has decoupled from paper. Silver has decoupled from paper. Shit is coming in a way that we've only read about in history books.


Pic related

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2ebe84  No.82329

File: 7aa57877a8e05a7⋯.mp4 (370.79 KB, 464x848, 29:53, chink_dropper_in_dongguan.mp4)

File: 73108edc7da8e33⋯.png (215.64 KB, 1051x507, 1051:507, taco_pdf.png)

File: 1c58e0e85a01259⋯.png (177 KB, 630x613, 630:613, malaysia.png)

File: 08ddb15af733c11⋯.png (286.5 KB, 686x633, 686:633, south_africa.png)

File: e9727dacc7256db⋯.png (144.32 KB, 1189x601, 1189:601, Hungary.png)

Chink dropper in Dongguan

Tacoland update, 38 new confirmed cases and one new confirmed death sauce https: //www .gob .mx/cms/uploads/attachment/file/543210/Comunicado_Tecnico_Diario_COVID-19_2020.03.24.pdf

Malaise update, 172 new confirmed cases https://archive.is/5mnVI

155 new confirmed cases in nigger occupied Suid Afrika https://archive.is/jXD5q

Hungry update, 39 new confirmed cases and one new confirmed death https://archive.is/s2R7j


>There was a post in one of the /cvg/s about a retailer in China selling fake 'I'm tested clean, let me cross into a new province' papers for Chinese people, too.

I believe I posted that in the previous thread or the thread before that. Fake travel papers that could allow chinks to get into other countries, not just provinces. Sauce was Jennifer Zeng.


I hate the fact that you might be right.


>Well, that is nice to know that they are scared. They should have send that earlier.

Kek, indeed.

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d6ab8c  No.82330


>She's got something I can eat.

I wouldn’t eat her because she might have STD and Corona children. Don’t be an rabid cannibal!

Hang on, there’s something on my mind. Can Coronavirus incorporate STD in to RNA or whatever it is?

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8f2781  No.82331


Nice! I can't claim such mythical heritage, my family hails from Ostfriesland and always lived on the border with Netherlands but I live down here now. Stay safe Kamerad! You're beating us with less infected, but the Czechs are a tough bunch, 3 dead until now.

Gott mit uns!

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c2802e  No.82332



Mortality and comorbidity data are limited for patients with MS.

Mortality was 2.9-fold higher in the MS cohort versus the non-MS cohort.

Infection was the leading cause of death for the MS versus the non-MS cohort.

Several comorbidities were higher in the MS versus non-MS cohort.

Focused monitoring of MS may permit intervention to reduce comorbidities/mortality.

Demyelination is the key

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893780  No.82333


So what you are saying is that the coronavirus can cause multiple sclerosis, good to know

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d6ab8c  No.82334


>Czechs are a tough bunch, 3 dead until now.

That means they are doing a good job at enforcing the social distance rules. My Strayan government is inept at dealing with this.

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b06ea3  No.82335


>the law that fine the people for failing to social distance themselves

I'm also interested in what your QLD cop has to say about selective enforcement of this $1,000 fine, or even the "up to $50,000 and 6 months gaol" for failure to self quarantine.

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d6ab8c  No.82336

>>82333 (Überprüft)

Coronavirus can destroy central nerve system through brain barrier so that make sense, but we won’t be seeing now but in the second wave or third wave in the the future so be prepped to see more people drop dead in the front of you. Coronavirus will become even deadlier and turn the infected people into virus bomb when they drop. What a sweet fate we have!

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8f2781  No.82337


We've been on full lockdown since 15 March, one of the first in Europe. Airports and borders were shut before then already. We can only get out for food or medicine and everything else has been forced to shut. They're doing it right, but still we get around 100 new infections daily. They test about 2000 per day and it's increasing, so that to me is a good sign. Many countries in eastern Europe don't want their borders to reopen after this. We have zero guarantee that tourists or whatever is going to reinfect us again.

Stay safe Strayan anon, your winter is only starting now, so I can imagine it's going to get rough. Just make sure you can protect yourself and your own, lock down the family and at least for a while you should be ok.

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c2802e  No.82338


>Shit is coming in a way that we've only read about in history books.

and read about on /pol/ for a few years now.


covid19 treatments

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2a9a38  No.82340


>Stop paying your taxes

I've been saying this shit for the last couple years. If productive, middle class white Americans just decided to go full NEET we could crash the ZOG with no survivors in a few months. Most of all the pozz that we get isn't from our laws (although 1965 really hurt) or even from the courts (although activist judges have hurt us far worse than any congressmen have). No, the real pain comes from the parasitic jew-owned central bank and the batshit retardation that our tax money goes too. If only the average boomer knew just how much of his hard earned income is going to drag queen story hour, open border advocacy, wall street bailouts, and infinite wars we would probably have a revolution tomorrow. The fact that taxes is so widely reviled and yet nobody knows what our tax money is actually being used on is a crime. Jews have intentionally muddled finance, and especially taxes, with so much confusing jargon and mysticism because they want people to be confused about these things. There are tens of millions of genuinely decent Americans who are just trying to put food on the table for their families but they don't understand that their hard work is literally feeding the deep state they hate. Of course if you start talking about dropping out and becoming a NEET then those respectable types consider you to be an Antifa/basement dweller/socialist because in their minds if you aren't working for what you have then you're disparaging the American Dream. What these good people fail to understand is that the dream has been dead for over a century now, if it ever existed at all, and the only way to fight back at these people is to stop going to work and stop paying taxes.

Why do you think the entire MSM blasted the Yellow Vests as being evil white supremacists? It's because that was the first organic movement that was actually dangerous to them. It was a movement where working and middle class white French citizens were seriously contemplating dropping out of the system and living off welfare until they got their way. Despite their hatred for the white race they need us to keep civilization going or else their whole fiat system falls apart. Every other mass movement is always celebrated as a revolutionary triumph but an actual grassroots revolution like Occupy Wall Street or the Yellow Vests are put down because they're striking at the heart of the problem.

Yeah, this is probably off-topic but it enrages me that we are literally paying taxes every day to people who hate us and laugh when we die. People deserve to know what their taxes are being spent on.

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c2802e  No.82341


>So what you are saying is that the coronavirus can cause multiple sclerosis

I'm not saying that. I'm saying that demyelination is the key to understanding this disease, the pattern of victims and the path to healthy anons.


Age and drug use pushes the demyelination past survivable, as does genetic history.


>i've got a fetish for the thought of a disease that does not die, ever getting worse, despite it not actually being true

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d6ab8c  No.82344


Okay, I will ask them about that, anon.

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d5e7fd  No.82345

File: a3fba81dd8ee37d⋯.jpg (68.26 KB, 890x839, 890:839, 1581563873896.jpg)


>she might have STD

Anon, she's an upstanding member of a honorable and ancient profession. She's a veritable disciple of Nurgle.

>I wouldn’t eat her

Your head would get sucked in and she'd digest you. Have you never seen how a stripper feeds?


Trips say it does. Behold:



How long was it just a flu down there? If they conditioned the masses to not panic too effectively then they are reaping the counter-productive rewards. If people can't take reasonable precautions without government intervention- well those are some of the ones that need to be culled. Stay safe and keep clear of the Plague bearers.


Europe shall bow before their Czech overlords. Hail the healthy and wise.


It targets the CNS because of that system's prevalence of ACE2 receptors- that's known. There are plenty of doors that the lock fits. Early videos from China showed people convulsing and others seizing. SARS does the same thing, attacks the lungs and CNS. Either way it wouldn't build up immunity, it would simply weaken for a second bout. There were discussions about how a reinfection seems to just go straight to encephalitis they'd seize out and that's that. Not sure how full of shit those conversations were and it is still too early in the West to start getting reinfection cases.

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0cd5c7  No.82346


Your cheeky secret are the obligatory masks. Europe would have been over this shit last year, if everybody wore mouth and nose protection.

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b06ea3  No.82347

>>82344 (checked)

Because if they're anything like the NSW police, it all depends on what sort of story gets told. Also my mistake, I looked it up and QLD has a $13,000 cap on quarantine violation. It's WA that's gone crazy with $50,000.


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b00edc  No.82348

File: 086ea19d44766c5⋯.gif (3.75 MB, 275x206, 275:206, 086ea19d44766c5a581b678fcf….gif)


Cuckistani on NEETbucks here. They pay me not to an hero; because i've told them on numerous occasions that I will not fund the destruction of my own people and would rather die. No one, from social SJeW social workers to straight doctors can prove me wrong with empirical evidence.

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29d21f  No.82350

File: 8cf9d57fab37ce0⋯.jpg (119.27 KB, 554x946, 277:473, filthy.jpg)

Why Is Europe So Filthy & Diseased?

All of the most infected locations are in Europe


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ed806d  No.82353

File: c43af60e55fbda5⋯.webm (1.07 MB, 244x400, 61:100, 1585122259359.webm)

Welcome to Chullora NSW Australia

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b00edc  No.82354

File: 7d37bf64cbe15d1⋯.jpg (154.92 KB, 1024x1365, 1024:1365, 1463723305825_png.jpg)


mass migration

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2a9a38  No.82355


Based Leaf. Of course they can't prove you wrong, I'm sure most of those SJW workers only have their jobs because tax money was spent creating those useless jobs so useless retards like them could have something to do besides shit up everything (they still do that anyway). I'm graduating college soon and I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna go the NEET route. My parents may disown me but I've tried explaining to them that all our tax money is unironically being used to destroy European civilization and Christian/traditional values. There's nothing anyone can do to stop me, they may call me a parasite but they don't know the real parasites are the ones in suits at the top. My hope is that I can just start going out into the streets and convincing people to stop going to work/paying taxes. I've started up online petitions for this stuff before and I'm considering just going out into the public and asking people if they know what our taxes are being spent on and seeing if they'd be willing to sign a petition to disclose this stuff.

Don't you think it's weird that we live in a free and equal world where anyone can be anything and yet refusing to pay taxes to daddy government is a crime? Maybe we can get a law passed that will allow us to opt out of paying taxes if we disagree with what our government is using them on. Kek, we can say we don't sexually identify as taxpayers.

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23a6b0  No.82356

File: af9de3f055031c5⋯.jpg (79.87 KB, 1388x1024, 347:256, 2020_03_24.jpg)


4,500 + 250 two weeks ago

45,000 + 2,500 now

450,000 + 25,000 in two weeks

4,500,000 + 250,000 in four weeks

45,000,000 + 2,500,000 in six weeks

450,000,000 + 25,000,000 in eight weeks

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d6ab8c  No.82357


The video is not working. What is going on in there?

Update from Straya

‘’’There is medication shortage for diabetic and asthmatic people.’’’

Kristie Archer's two children, Eden, 12, and Bodie, 15, both have type 1 diabetes.

Daily medication is essential.

If we didn't have the medication they wouldn't be able to survive," Ms Archer told 7.30. That's because their pancreas doesn't work, so this is doing the job of their pancreas." But for the first time ever, Ms Archer has been unable to get one of the medications that both children need.

"The pharmacist came out very apologetic but said they had no stock of NovoRapid and they did not know when the new stock would be coming in," she said.

Ms Archer says families in the diabetic community across Australia have been reporting similar experiences, with some told it may be weeks before pharmacies receive stock.

"The advice we're being given is that there is no shortage, they're saying there is stock, please do not stock up," she said. But that wasn't what I was doing, I was genuinely out. I've never had a problem before."

Strayan bogans actually believe that the specific medication may make them breath better if they are infected. I am not sure what is going on in their head. >>82337 German mate pointed out the winter is coming so brace yourself for the winter happening.

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d6d881  No.82359

Corona virus doesn't exist you guys. You just bought into the biggest hoax in history since the holocaust. Go outside, live your life, you won't die lol. All these "deaths" are mostly due to underlying causes and seasonal flu. Some celebs and sports niggers get it and that's all it takes for those of you who are supposed to be aware to commit to the cause.

In 1945, you lot would probably believe in "muh soap and lampshades."

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2259a4  No.82364

File: 3d6ef713d4386af⋯.jpg (43.36 KB, 540x405, 4:3, 3d6ef713d4386af01b0907bcec….jpg)

I'm starting to believe this virus was intentionally released by China then allowed to spread. The goal was to cripple the US/World economy to allow China to move into a stronger place of dominance. I think a lot of the panic is being manipulated by (((media))) and China. I'm in a "hot spot" in the United States and know many involved in healthcare (former industry of mine). This is being grossly blown out of proportion. No, it is not "just a flu." but this is not natural. There is a lot of manipulation at play here.

Example. I believe the government and people behind this want more of us to get infected to try and push the narrative. Notice the big drive to donate PPE to hospitals? Yes goyim, the PPE protect you so surrender them to the people who will save your life because you gave away the protection to save your own life. Aside from this, is the massive closing of gun stores and restriction on purchasing guns.

This is just my opinion. I've watched this since it started in China. Now that I've seen the effects hit the US and the West I've become much more skeptical of the true nature of this beast. I can no longer take joy in the memes. I feel physically ill everyday in (((quarantine))) thinking of just how further we will fall. I do not think we will miraculously improve from this fall. I think most of us here will experience the "recovery" that leads us into a dystopian future of gross oppression. Worse than what we've experienced so far. Digital cash, microchipping, forced vaccination, continued (((social distancing))) (look how quickly that has entered the vernacular), blatant (no longer secretive) movement tracking, and overall further government overreach. The Chinese beta test of the social credit system will come to the west. The few freedoms we have left will be gone. People are violently reacting to anyone stepping out of line because they won't stay at home. The fear in the NPC over this virus is insane. They have never seen it, they were unaware of it months ago. Now suddenly at a directive of the state that most inherently distrust, they are willing to surrender everything they have. No fighting, no complaining. Just cowering in fear.

This is our death.

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462724  No.82365

No room for debate eh? The speed at which my post deleted alone is highly suspicious. Of course they'd want to control a board like this.

Look you faggot tranny, it's back.

<Corona virus doesn't exist you guys. You just bought into the biggest hoax in history since the holocaust. Go outside, live your life, you won't die lol. All these "deaths" are mostly due to underlying causes and seasonal flu. Some celebs and sports niggers get it and that's all it takes for those of you who are supposed to be aware to commit to the cause.

In 1945, you lot would probably believe in "muh soap and lampshades."

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d6ab8c  No.82366


>How long was it just a flu down there?

The cases is growing and it become completely clear to Strayans by the February. A lot of them already left the cities to live in the remote area.

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826f1f  No.82368


I think the virus is real, but the response is over hyped to take away civil liberties. We should absolutely treat everything they do with suspicion.

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8f2781  No.82369



We closed the schools, from nursery to university.

We closed the borders.

We can't go to work unless it's absolutely necessary.

We all have broadband internet.

We can't go out unless wearing a mask.

We can only go out for food or medicine.

We let elderly and weak shop in the morning at reserved hours.

We don't hoard and there is no need, supermarkets have been full since start.

We are a small country.

We have no invaders from shithole countries.

We have nationalism.

We have common sense smart people overall, who have a healthy siege mentality.

We have a good national health service, which is a mix between German (effective) and socialist tradition (doctor knows best, shut up and do as I say).

We have a government that, although not the best, is showing leadership and putting out decrees almost daily for tweaks to the protocols to follow and communicating them well. If they see something to improve, they put out a change and it's implemented country wide the same day (yesterday they moved the elderly and disabled shopping 2-hour time slot from 10-12 to earlier, to ensure they are the first and at least risk to touch infected surfaces).

That's all I can think of why it works well here. It's very comfy going through this here, my heart breaks for my European family, even though I know Corona chan is cleansing their lands so the survivors may build a more just society.

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2259a4  No.82370


>If productive, middle class white Americans just decided to go full NEET we could crash the ZOG with no survivors in a few months

I disagree. The economy is being intentionally crashed now and it's not the doing of white Americans checking out. It's being intentionally crashed by ZOG. Cohencidentally as things were slowly starting to swing against (((them))). The only way for what you advocate for to work is if whites did so as a unified and prepared movement. Which due to the nature of modern society will never happen. This is partly due to design and partly due to nature making such things difficult. Anyway, the system is being crashed now and it is not to our benefit.

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8f2781  No.82372


>Notice the big drive to donate PPE to hospitals?

I noticed and it is exactly what you say. Do NOT give up your PPE. It is every man for himself, your government only wants the economy back.

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3eb942  No.82373


That's simply a combination of infrastructure allowing people to easily move within the continent, a culture of moving within the continent and a big population of elderly.


Then wouldn't the origin places of that migration be even worse? it will be

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2259a4  No.82375

File: 115c2b853d8b557⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 3216x4288, 3:4, 115c2b853d8b5578aae9a10bf4….jpg)


>your government only wants the economy back

No. No they do not want the economy back. The government wants the economy to be absolutely trashed because it gives them an excuse to blatantly abuse us. In a better economy they have less control, with our relatively free movement and somewhat free markets there is a nature to the madness. Now that is done away with. Don't go outside, don't meet with squad sized groups, don't stand close enough to whisper, don't handle physical cash, give up protections. Don't you fucking see what is going on? People have been getting tickets driving on the freeway because they aren't staying at home. Where does this power come from? Even in an "emergency" when was this acceptable? When have our governments ever relaxed power? Hasn't France been in a state of "emergency" since 2014 or some nonsense?

On an aside to the giving up PPE to hospitals, many retailers have stopped selling PPEs like N95, face shields, gloves, etc to tradesmen. Many of these jobs fall under the "essential" employee guidelines anyway. So what… now these people are supposed to work without protection? How will they keep society running? This is a DELIBERATE crash. Personally I think China let this thing out to kill their people and ruin the west. It strengthens their position for certain. But, China's intent or lack of intent is inconsequential. (((They))) have found a crisis and (((they))) are not letting it go to waste. Whether (((they))) played a part in the beginning or not will likely be impossible to be certain of. Doesn't matter anyway, they are working overtime now.

Do not comply with these orders. Do not surrender PPE, do not surrender ammo, do not surrender guns, do not feel fearful to gather with like minded men, do not feel afraid to travel, and do not financially cripple yourself (and thus ability to resist) out of manufactured fear. Look into the eyes of the NPCs and listen to their speech. This will tell you all that you need to know about the current state of affairs.

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d6ab8c  No.82377


Frankly, I envy you so deeply, anon. My government is running around without the chicken head and lack the courage to be ruthless to make the hard decisions so Strayans had to learn to become self sufficient fast. I am impressed with Strayans becoming prepared so quickly, the preparation just started last month. The Europeans is right about Anglo become aggressive suddenly when they are threatened.

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464071  No.82378

File: 21ebdb1d55fdefc⋯.png (25.64 KB, 724x452, 181:113, big_oof_from_poland.png)

Amazing statistics coming from Poland, don't fear the reaper fellow anons.

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8f2781  No.82379


I hope you get organized, when the mass starts to move, it's best to be done already.

>The Europeans is right about Anglo become aggressive suddenly when they are threatened.

I can't say I know much about that. All I have seen in my life of Anglos is sheepish Americans (getting their ass kicked right now) and Britbongs, who have retreated for so long they're now a minority in places where it matters. Aussies may benefit from their criminal ancestors, likely you have a lot more survival instincts in you and a willingness to use them. That's good.

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8f2781  No.82381


You're not going to believe it but I ordered 5 packs of N95 masks yesterday and it's supposed to be delivered tomorrow or Friday. From a big retailer in Czech Republic, so no shady prep shop or something and they take only domestic orders (government put a stop on exporting medical equipment at the very beginning which caused fuming in big EU countries but now look at them). I honestly don't believe it until I see them arrive.

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d6ab8c  No.82382


>Aussies may benefit from their criminal ancestors, likely you have a lot more survival instincts in you and a willingness to use them. That's good.

I am happy to be Strayan. Thank for the positive view, anon.

Update from Australia

Rottnest Island off the coast of Perth, Western Australia will be used as a quarantine zone for 800 Australians currently on board a cruise ship. There are 1,500 passengers and crew on board the Vasco da Gama, which is due to dock in Fremantle on Friday. International crew and passengers will remain on board unless they require desperate medical attention or are being securely transferred to an airport to return home. Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan said the Australians on board would be immediately transferred to Rottnest Island for 14 days of self-isolation.

There is more quarantine zone islands coming so be sure to prepare your emergency bags in case, they take you to the quarantine islands. I think they should increase 14 days to 30 days of self isolation because it is better to be safe than sorry.

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8f2781  No.82383


>Coof Island surrounded by sharks.

I want to see this kek.

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d6ab8c  No.82387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It will be great to watch them livestream their coofs on the beautiful island to improve our researching on Coronavirus.

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c2802e  No.82391


>It targets the CNS because of that system's prevalence of ACE2 receptors- that's known

at last, a thoughtful response.

We are designed to recover from those events, and re-myelination is supposed to occur quite rapidly.

With very old people, that neurodegeneration already exists, so you get brain stem damage and in turn body failures.

with certain drug abusers, you get the same pattern of pre-existing neurodegeneration.

So we have three main risk factors. Genetic (common link between italy, persia and northern china is ghengis khan). Age related neurodegeneration and drug related neurodegeneration and perhaps cardiovascular damage.

eat healthy, anon

> too early in the West to start getting reinfection cases.

We've had western people recovering since december with no relapses. Genetics is a key on that issue

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d6ab8c  No.82393

Update from Australia

The 69-year-old from Toowoomba contracted Coronavirus on board a Royal Caribbean cruise ship that docked in Sydney last week. Garry Kirstenfield was in the intensive care unit in Toowoomba Hospital and died this afternoon. His wife is in self-isolation along with all of his immediate family. His family have described him as “kind and adorable”.

A Queensland woman last week died from the virus in Sydney after a flight from the Sunshine Coast. Kirstenfield is the ninth person to die a coronavirus-related death in Australia.

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9ca654  No.82395

FerryAnon here

Nothing much recently except our unemployment rate in Norway is almost 11% now which is considered worse than after WWII. More markets closing so my job is affected, but the worst part is next..

Since I am living on island but the cases have crept up close to me, yesterday the island next to mine got its first case but info from the locals is that the person was quarantined beforehand, but still now its like 7km away from me.

Fun times coming lads

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21a569  No.82396

File: 76f9536dcbb0b27⋯.jpg (37.35 KB, 331x499, 331:499, suicide_handbook.jpg)

>Deutsches Reich 29,056 119

anybody believes these numbers?

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bf0bf1  No.82397

File: c9b0d17c7d5eef3⋯.mp4 (454.35 KB, 244x400, 61:100, 1242198896933298176.mp4)

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b2274a  No.82398

File: 438f75b66a3888c⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1900x1425, 4:3, 8E1FDB4F_129B_429B_9EB2_21….png)

I am about to drop a data bomb on you guys that you won’t believe. I have to pull a few things together but IT IS COMING later today. I will post it here when I get everything together.

But lets get one thing straight beforehand…






To aid, do business, interact or speak with a bug person (or their jewish cohorts) is to become a traitor and abomination to your own people and even to human LIFE, human or otherwise.

If you CONTINUE to aid, speak with, shelter or do business with YOU WILL SUFFER THEIR FATE.

If our government was serious about protecting life at all or the continuance of humanity on this planet, the Chinese MUST BE PUNISHED FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE.


The half breeds, full breeds and other human abomination that is the ‘Chinese people’ must be expelled from out lands COMPLETELY (this includes half breed TRASH and anyone with their genetic material).




The only thing left for their punishment must be incapable of anything but building a MUD HUT…They are WORSE THAN NIGGERS.



When I drop this data bomb on you all later today…you will understand that ALL THIS AND MORE MUST HAPPEN TO THESE PEOPLE


Anything LESS and you will have ensured through your own inaction the death of the rest of us…


Until my next post…that is all…

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d6ab8c  No.82399

Update from Straya

The state government has announced $17 million in funding to fast-track the development of a Coronavirus vaccine. The money is expected to cut the time a vaccine would be available for use by about six months. She said the funding would support the University of Queensland (UQ) as the only Australian organisation and one of six worldwide to be tasked to develop a vaccine against Coronavirus by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations.

It included:

$10 million from the Queensland Government

$3 million from the Federal Government

$3.5 million from the Paul Ramsay Foundation

This is now becoming a serious issue here in Queensland and a serious issue here in Australia and we've gotta throw everything we've got at it, so $10 million today is a great step forward out of a $17 million package, Ms Palaszczuk said. Queensland is a world leader when it comes to research and the progress that is being made here is very encouraging.The money would allow researchers to bring a large-scale manufacture of the coronavirus vaccine forward to run parallel with clinical trials.

Professor Paul Young, head of UQ's School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, described the work as a "radical approach". We are living through remarkable times and remarkable times sometimes need radical ideas, and that is what the funding announced today is about. The typical timeline for vaccine development has been thrown out the window, with many referring to the possibility of a vaccine in 18 months. A vaccine is required even sooner than this.

What will they do if Coronavirus mutates again to render the new vaccine ineffective? They need to develop the multiple vaccines for Coronavirus strains. I am disappointed that they didn’t throw money at nanotechnology because it is the only solution that can fix the issue. Oh well, there’s a state election on October so hopefully the voters are sensible to vote the good pollies in.

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f94551  No.82400


I used to lurk on alt-chans ever since fullchan got (((shut down))) but this happening got me back onboard. Good old pigsty :>) It's part of military infrastructure so we can hope for it to be at least slightly more durable during the coming shitstorm.


>What is exponential growth


I'll look into this, transhumanism is definitively a game changer here, if those kikes got confident enough in their tech, they might let the rest of the tribe down the drain (this would explain so many of them getting infected, unless it's faked, you can never trust what they say) After all, Jews were only united by their sheer criminality and as a group survival strategy, not because they actually like each other.

Any glowniggers got some handbooks or tips how to avoid the coming Stalinist purges? Remember, without people like us, there is no job for you.

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d6ab8c  No.82401


Damn, the cop is very unprofessional and not wearing the PPE. He should have shoot her to prevent the spreading. We should write the letters to the government to demand the swift death punishments for the intentional spreaders.

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2da1d3  No.82403

File: c705f72b4c8060b⋯.png (20.78 KB, 232x410, 116:205, Hanta_chan.png)

File: 362af996606d873⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_03_25_0….png)

File: 3287a51f35db689⋯.png (291.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_03_25_0….png)

File: 8ad245524680f45⋯.png (298.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_03_25_0….png)

File: ccd7a422535045e⋯.png (250.57 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_03_25_0….png)


>more virusgirls


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1d2e9b  No.82405


>$100,000,000 to Nasa, because, who knows why.

NASA uses refined oxygen to prime the rockets, that needed for treatment along with intebation and draining the blood/pus from the lungs.


>I am about to drop a data bomb on you guys that you won’t believe


Where do you think you are?

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e2db3e  No.82409


no no ==NO== stop it

that's ok its not like I stockpiled fresh food anyway.

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638922  No.82410

File: 73c4800845c562f⋯.png (119.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, La_Trajetura.png)


>cases per capita

>San Marino






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bf0c54  No.82412

File: 415e4019115a809⋯.jpg (135.73 KB, 780x439, 780:439, Corona_Chan_meets_Prince_C….jpg)


Corona Chan loves the Prince of Wales. On one knee.

"Bow and kneel before your new Majesty, dear Charles. Your new Queen Corona Chan!" - Corona Chan (also a new Goddess)


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5047a8  No.82415

Vaccine trials imminent.


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428eba  No.82416

File: e6667e422ba1ed2⋯.png (286.86 KB, 536x384, 67:48, coofschild.png)

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a03996  No.82417

File: 0a558e58cafd66f⋯.jpg (29.66 KB, 320x499, 320:499, xx.jpg)



>bad news anon

<Who does business with China

Vast majority of established car manufacturers

Vast majority of established tech brands

Vast majority of established restaurant brands

Vast majority of established alcohol brands

Vast majority of established food brands

Vast majority of established clothing and shoe companies

Vast majority of medicine, or medical equipment

Literally empty your house/apartment/garage/basement of all tech, all food, all clothes, shoes, burn your car, computer, phone.. etc and GL patriot.

>good news you can keep your guns and ammo

I don't think it's right but again this is just reality, it wasn't the Chinese who sold us out after all, it was American politicians and businesses

If you are driving a Ford/Buick/Chevy, eat Frosted Flakes for breakfast or had Starbucks, Duncan Donuts for breakfast, eat Skippy Peanut Butter for lunch, or Taco bell, enjoy Outback Steakhouse drink Jack Daniels and smoke Marlboros while using Windows OS you need to start a new life because all those companies do big business in China, there is more KFCs in China than in America, they fucking love Chicken in China (and watermelon and NBA lol)

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d2bb26  No.82419

File: 12a1d48585713ac⋯.jpg (187.97 KB, 1143x1242, 127:138, jewish_tricks.jpg)

Seems like there can't be a day without Jewish tricks. "Please I need big pharma to help me right now, the big pharma I'm working for!"

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f94551  No.82420


A lot of interesting stuff here, they seem to have some high profile people onboard yet their funding remains relatively low, which is to be expected of a tax-exempt entity receiving a great portion of it's donations in (((cryptocurrencies))) Could be just another sci-fi scam to shave people off their money, but check out these:



Cross-referencing some leads also yields potentially interesting results


>Andy Aymeloglu is a software engineer residing in northern California. He was Director of Engineering at Palantir Technologies from 2005-2015, as it grew from a fledgling company to an 1800-person company with offices across the globe. Since 2018 he has been the VP of Engineering at Hexagon Bio. He also advises startups in the Bay Area

Palantir, rings a bell, eh. Still, nothing concrete as these people would be connected due to natural circumstances, but worth looking into, I'll get back to this later.

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3b9e80  No.82421

File: f31f9324ec932b5⋯.mp4 (12.9 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, RS_24_YARS.mp4)



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7b920e  No.82422

A SanAntonioanon here. I swear since the stay at home order there are actually MORE people out and about.



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b7fe8e  No.82423

File: 794783c4befda9d⋯.png (62.24 KB, 903x542, 903:542, Fuck_Yo_Couch_Nigga.png)

Cincinnati about to get some enrichment. Smash-n-grabs, property damage, beat yo wife, nigga.


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bf0c54  No.82424


Classy, but mines archived.

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99ab1b  No.82425


Wash your lampshades thoroughly. They’re disease vectors.


The hospitals don’t want to be arsed to disinfect their equipment like we need to do. There’s equipment available.

>first death in Pinellas county, Florida (the one with St Petersburg), 67yo male.

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07f868  No.82426

In case anyone gives a shit, Putin will make an address in about 20 minutes. In Russian ofc.


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7b920e  No.82427


>he hospitals don’t want to be arsed to disinfect their equipment like we need to do. There’s equipment available.

That's got me thinking. They should start making everything, even things intended to be disposable, autoclavable to they can be safely reused during a shortage/emergency. Properly autoclaving something isn't hard. It's just a pressure cooker, and it can fucking destroy everything alive or lifelike. IIRC, autoclaving at the proper temp and pressure can even destroy prions.

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99ab1b  No.82432

Purportedly (Daily Fail), Mountain Dew is the next toilet paper. It makes sense. If you live on Dew, you don’t need shit tickets.


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d6ab8c  No.82436



Okay, that’s new to me so let’s find out what the side effects is.

The side effect of Azithromycin:





Loose stools

Stomach discomfort

Chest pain


Swelling of the feet or ankles

Inflammation of the colon (symptoms may include abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue)

Fluid build-up between the lungs and the chest wall (symptoms may include chest pain or heaviness, or difficulty breathing difficulties)

Low count of white blood cells (this is usually discovered in blood tests, but if you have symptoms, they may include weakness, tiredness, shortness of breath, or infections that do not go away)

So in other words, it made them even sicker. Come on, this is very cruel. What are they thinking? Jews are psychotic.

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dc6ff3  No.82437

File: 4837468a805b03a⋯.png (134.1 KB, 604x460, 151:115, hungry_for_guns.png)

File: 323e958da3c33b7⋯.png (186.7 KB, 451x608, 451:608, definitely_a_Coronian_Cult….png)

File: aa675cc0a196396⋯.png (206.32 KB, 536x498, 268:249, Iranian_lies.png)

File: cf05a9d5a637014⋯.png (207.53 KB, 532x502, 266:251, Spain.png)

File: ee18af55330bb61⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB, 544x976, 34:61, Happy_Festival.mp4)

Corona-Chan making people panic buy weapons in Hungry https://archive.is/w4Iyq

Bolsonaro says that Brownzil will only quarantine the elderly with preexisting conditions

Updated Iranian lies

Spain update

'''Chink governor announces a "Happy Festival" in Tonglu, Zejiang. The festival will last from March 23 to April 10, the Tonglu government will also ask chinks to remove their masks. Everything is fine, after all :^)




Thanks for letting us know.


>So in other words, it made them even sicker. Come on, this is very cruel. What are they thinking? Jews are psychotic.

Indeed they are.

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99ab1b  No.82439


Azithromycin is an antibiotic. It’s not meant to be taken chronically. They list any side effect that any nontrivial number of subjects reported. Sometimes patient reporting is not accurate too (something was going around so a bunch of people reported some effect). You’ll see weird stuff like an antidepressant that may cause suicidal thoughts. Legal beagles are cautious. I’m sure you’ve seen those commercials “don’t take drug XYZ if you have liver/heart/kidney condition, or if you’re allergic to drug XYZ.”


Great news about the gun buying.

>2 trillion American stimulus agreed to overnight.

>Czechoslovakia might keep border closed in anticipation of second wave.

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992f09  No.82440

The new coronavirus may already have infected far more people in the UK than scientists had previously estimated — perhaps as much as half the population — according to modelling by researchers at the University of Oxford.

If the results are confirmed, they imply that fewer than one in a thousand of those infected with Covid-19 become ill enough to need hospital treatment, said Sunetra Gupta, professor of theoretical epidemiology, who led the study. The vast majority develop very mild symptoms or none at all.


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7bd69f  No.82441

File: d06be7128b680a1⋯.png (63.06 KB, 701x774, 701:774, WEW_CORONA_chan.png)

File: af5126953aff1b2⋯.png (93.15 KB, 1148x1468, 287:367, Dumbass.png)

File: 35ef56a8b21339c⋯.jpg (323.68 KB, 598x800, 299:400, Cheetos.jpg)

File: 09ac4dc2cd5f92d⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1280x1031, 1280:1031, corona_chan_on_her_throne_….png)








CDC-Land Update:

Kempy boy, despite shutting down bars and restaurants, won't go all the way with quarantine, so the the whole point of the previous shut down is completely moot:




I hope any anon here relatively close to an urban area has already bought their guns and ammo, if they were able. It's gonna get bumpy.


>Your new Queen Corona Chan!




Of course, all those gamers are gonna need that Gamer Fuel™ while being stuck in their houses for the next few weeks.

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d6ab8c  No.82442


I know that Azithromycin is an antibiotic, it can kill the bacteria but not the viruses. Jesse is on Chloroquine, Azithromycin and Zinc. That is not very safe and may make the virus more aggressive.

Side Effects of Chloroquine:

Unusual behavior or mood changes

Severe diarrhea

Vision problems or blurred vision

Trouble reading words or seeing parts of objects

Sensitivity to sunlight

Hearing loss

Ringing in the ears

Change in skin color

Change in color of the inside of your mouth

Fever or sore throat

Hair loss

Weight loss

Unusual weakness



Difficulty speaking


Loss of balance

Uncontrolled movements

Unusual bleeding or bruising

Dark-colored urine

Yellowing of the skin or eyes


Irregular heartbeat

Signs of a severe allergic reaction, which may include hives, rash, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, or swelling of the face, mouth, lips, or tongue

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dc6ff3  No.82444


>niggered the last line of bold text

>used a = as a -

Fug, my bad nignogs, I'm pretty tired.


>The vast majority develop very mild symptoms or none at all.

Stupid Pajeet gonna get Britbongs killed by spouting such bullshit. Oh well, looks like we're gonna get plenty of videos of droppers from the UK


Good morning!




You're doing some great work exposing those side effects.

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c2802e  No.82445


>autoclave everything

most plastics, except the number 5 recycling stuff, melts or shrinks at autoclaving temps.

And the PP stuff does not have the right physical properties for many uses.





>more made up bullshit and sperging at dihydrogen monoxide level

do you know what's in a G&T?


>You're doing some great work exposing those side effects.

the fucking state of /pol/

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ce482c  No.82446

File: c482e7887d67f30⋯.jpg (193.26 KB, 1440x175, 288:35, index.jpg)


I love how the banner on the Cincinnati police website is cropped in such a way that you know every single cop in that photo is fat as fuck.

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1db8a1  No.82447


>> "Ask" my arse

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d6ab8c  No.82449


They are not looking for the cure. They are looking for more money and maybe get the virus from Jesse and sell it to countries that is researching on the bio weapons.

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74b285  No.82450


Azithromycin is Z-Pack you brainless stupid fucktard, fuck you.

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7b920e  No.82453


I was on a relted drug, erythromycin, when i had pneumonia as a child. The diarrhea was extreme and I almost required hospitalization due to dehydration. The cramps from it were also extremely painful. I was definitely in the minority, though. Most people do very well on the *mycins.


Yeah PP is what I had in mind. What about solicones? Are any of them autoclavable?

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ed5be7  No.82455


10% death rate seems plausible since most people won't have access to ventilators


have they been regularly checked? this study shows they are covid+ after recovering and initially testing negative https://archive.is/TpnNV

just like hiv. when covid goes aids that's when you've got problems, but nobody knows yet what that looks like. this is the initial infection of the entire globe!

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d00a32  No.82456


>vaccine trials

>that take months to years

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b7fe8e  No.82459


>already bought their guns and ammo

Fortunately Ohio is open-carry without permit. A show of force is essential in these times.


You're not wrong. They are all fat fucks.

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4478f7  No.82463


Breaking NEWS: US citizens are fighting virus with bullets

top keks

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b7fe8e  No.82467


People who can't follow simple linked conversation threads should be permabanned.

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ed5be7  No.82471


People who assume a vaccine is imminent are wrong. sars and hiv have no vaccine or cure and they've been working on that for decades.

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8f2781  No.82475


Looks like a jew has been jewing his company and has been selling boxes to his nephew out the back, and they're now trying to get leads on who got them. Very odd, great find. Could even be related to Gilead stopping delivery to a hospitals, I read something but forgot where and what I read exactly, didn't seem like a big thing.

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51cf99  No.82476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hi there, PastaAnon here. Russians are storming Bergamo with their nasty trucks of peace. Thank you guys, we really appreciate. You are the only people really helping around with the Cubans. It may sound weird but this is the only foreign help we received so far.



The real interesting news today is a == DEAD NIGGA ==



Young, no former health issues and nigger! Dead after 12 days of ICU.

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8f2781  No.82478


Here in Czech Republic they started 3D printing respirators, like the 3M half face ones. Still needs the click on filters though but maybe they have better supply of those now. The Prague Tech University developed them and they found a local company to print them at scale and government placed order for couple of thousands, all in same day. https://twitter.com/adamvojtechano/status/1242005771015147521 for a photo.

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dc6ff3  No.82480

File: 47ec051475d2274⋯.png (101.52 KB, 601x498, 601:498, Ruskie_update.png)

File: 4263d98c18052ec⋯.png (135.64 KB, 342x599, 342:599, Rest_in_peace.png)

Ruskie update https://archive.is/P3HR7

21 YO Britbong woman with no underlying conditions gets infected and dies https://archive.is/llycV Rest in peace, it's a shame it had to end this way. Let this be a lesson to incredulous anons: Young healthy people die too and every time someone uses the name c, the chances of the next death being a white person rise by 1%


Hey there Pasta anon.

>Young, no former health issues and nigger! Dead after 12 days of ICU.

Nice, Thank you Corona-Chan! Every time you invoke Corona-Chan's name the chance of the next death being a nonwhite rise by 3%

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6ed2af  No.82482


>what is an 18 month vaccine trial

>why do they even do a trial


>what happens when a city full of feral nig nogs realizes the cops are too busy coofing to come police the streets

>will my smugness prevent me from being raped to death by a pack of niggers

Just wait for the cell phone videos from big nigged American cities, they are going to be kino af.

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99ab1b  No.82488

File: 802ebc425680a95⋯.png (92.09 KB, 824x240, 103:30, B527D525_C52F_481D_9B38_E4….png)


>Young, no former health issues and nigger! Dead after 12 days of ICU.

Epidemiologists report urgent need to determine whether orangutans and orcs can be infected by and spread nCov19.

Nevada governor bans prescribing anti-malaria drugs for Covid19.

>We need these drugs to treat malaria.

Meanwhile poltards complain about OTC drug becoming prescription. Doctors prescribe OTC drugs when they can. Switching to prescription can prevent the drug disappearing like toilet paper. Or they could put it behind the counter if that seems sufficient. A bunch of states don’t have laws against cornering the market.

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459a79  No.82489

File: e83053c1f697181⋯.jpg (199.34 KB, 720x1109, 720:1109, squirrel1.jpg)

Help me anons, I need a medfag.

>banter stops

>be me, 23 yo Slovenian

>had fever (37.2) for two days 8,7 days ago

>while not outright diarrhea, my shit has been on the soft-and-runny side for the past 8 days

>today my fever returned (37.3)

>for the past 2 days felt like my lung capacity might be somewhat reduced (but maybe I'm just imagining it)

But here's the catch:

>haven't coofed once in the last 8 days

>can hold a deep breath without any 'itching' or whatever the fuck one would supposedly feel.

>testing in Slovenia limited to 'serious cases'

I'm positive I got blessed. The reason I'm freaking out right now is because I don't know if coorna-chan fucking up my lungs would 100% be preceded by 'coughing, lung discomfiture'. I mean, how would 'partly filling your lungs with mucus or water or blood or whatever' cause coughing? Is it possible she's fucking up my lungs without me knowing? I like to breathe anons, I don't want to realise something is wrong only after my lungs have already recieved permanent damage.


Is it possible for corona-chan to inflict lung damage without you knowing? Or is coofing 100% guaranteed to be present before and during the destruction of your lungs?

Pic unrelated; it's recompense. Sorry for the blogpost.

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ce482c  No.82492

Chad Putin vs Virgin Western World Leaders


<world leaders hide from corona

>Putin gets in a hazmat suit and sees it balls deep for himself.



Putin's speech with English voice over. First Putin speech I've watched fully. He's delaying the amendment vote that is set to keep him in power.

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8f2781  No.82494


Looks like Corona chan went for your balls instead, anon.

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dc6ff3  No.82497

File: ea3f90399c8299b⋯.png (123.41 KB, 879x608, 879:608, Singapore.png)

File: 49194d3c6d567b0⋯.png (62.1 KB, 768x366, 128:61, Dominican_Republic.png)

File: e8f157665bb8744⋯.png (84.75 KB, 664x564, 166:141, Netherlands.png)

File: 70785c0ac200056⋯.png (55.23 KB, 782x294, 391:147, scribbles.png)

Singapoor update, 73 new confirmed cases https://archive.vn/KTAcZ

Spic Republic update, 80 new confirmed cases and 4 new confirmed deaths

Toothpasteland update, 852 new confirmed cases and 80 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/UhSQ5

85 new confirmed cases in the UAE, their total is now 333 (checked) confirmed cases


Not a blogpost. I have spent quite some time trying to make an educated guess to your question but I just can't do it. I would say it's a 50/50 chance that you cough before getting your respiratory system raped. Lets try something else instead: How's your sense of smell lately, can you smell things?

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8f2781  No.82499

https://shop.respilon.com/virus-killer/ mask that captures but also kills coronavirus, laced with accelerated copper oxide. Czech government just bought a lot for all healthcare workers here. Any chemistry anon that can tell if legit? Can we make our own?

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99ab1b  No.82501


You don’t even have a fever.

Attached. USA stockpile of ventilators and other resources.

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d8cec5  No.82503


copper is apparently the material that the virus survives the shortest on, so that may be worth something.

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a03996  No.82506

File: 644a99cfa5bdfce⋯.jpg (256.92 KB, 1100x618, 550:309, message.jpg)

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99ab1b  No.82507

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d7d7b4  No.82512

File: 0abe2cff47a5000⋯.jpg (123.08 KB, 988x688, 247:172, 0abe2cff47a5000a0c20c575fb….jpg)


>unknowingly have lung damage

Don't scare anon, worrying about "silent" heart attacks and stroke is bad enough. Fuck once I went Neurologist, they told me my eeg test showed I have seizures even though I can't remember ever having a seizure in my life.

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459a79  No.82514


>how is your sense of smell?

Unaffected, my nose is neither full nor runny.

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3b9e80  No.82516

File: 508cf684057fa25⋯.jpeg (143.13 KB, 900x694, 450:347, CC_2020.jpeg)


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459a79  No.82521



Fuck you, I'm just asking what should be a simple question but I can't find an answer.


>looking at 138 hospitalised chinks

>59.4% had dry cough

>36 were sent to ICU

>only 58.3% of them had a dry cough as a symptom (see table 1)

But did all 36 of them develop a cough at some point? It doesn't say.

What exactly is the mechanism that damages your lungs, does it necessarily induce coughing? I can't find the answer.

Look at this shit for example:


>weak heart causes water do build up in your body

>eventually half of your lungs can get submerged

>you don't coof, only have a short breath. Most patients don't even realise it while it's happening.

So in general, damaging your lungs sure as fuck doesn't necessarily involve coofing.

Does it necessarily involve it with corona? What's the mechanism?

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dc6ff3  No.82522

File: 27614eb31ee4369⋯.jpg (285.47 KB, 1125x1783, 1125:1783, FEMA.jpg)

File: 6a76ccdc969efba⋯.png (130.77 KB, 590x578, 295:289, kek.png)

'''Blessing at the FEMA DC HQ,


He definitely isn't wrong about that. The old world is fading away and a new one, a better one, is being born. Many tribulations are coming, but nothing in this world comes for free.


Interesting, not surprised to read about your nose, those two things are not Corona-Chan's symptoms. I read your main post again, given your lack of coughs, low fever and normal sense of smell, I would say you either got something else or shitting yourself due to psychological reasons. Diagnosis: You're okay. Disclaimer: I'm an Coronian High Priest, not a doctor.



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7bd69f  No.82527

File: acdb84e1087f0d0⋯.jpg (69.64 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, NEW_GIRL_NEW_GIRL.jpg)

File: e0746fcef23646f⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1480x1559, 1480:1559, Corona_chans_cousin_Hanta_….png)

File: 5c6f45dd3fb1547⋯.jpg (319.94 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, Hanta_chans_perhaps_like_N….jpg)

File: af8c0868ebe73d8⋯.jpg (117.67 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, corona_chan_NOW.jpg)

Looks like Corona-chan's cousin wanted to come out and play with her.




Last pic related

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91e988  No.82529

Those Who Intentionally Spread Coronavirus Could Be Charged As Terrorists

So when will government agents be arrested for releasing this bioweapon!?

People who intentionally spread the coronavirus could face criminal charges under federal terrorism laws, the Justice Department’s No. 2 official said Tuesday.

In a memo to top Justice Department leaders, law enforcement agency chiefs and U.S. Attorneys across the country, Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen said prosecutors and investigators could come across cases of “purposeful exposure and infection of others with COVID-19.”

“Because Coronavirus appears to meet the statutory definition of a ‘biological agent’… such acts potentially could implicate the Nation’s terrorism-related statutes,” Rosen wrote. “Threats or attempts to use COVID-19 as a weapon against Americans will not be tolerated.”

Rosen did not say whether any such threats or intentional exposures had been reported or whether his warning was simply precautionary.


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1d9165  No.82531


You really cant stop posting cartoons all day can ya?

At least you've been effectively contained into a single thread, I'd suggest moving to /a/ anyway, degenerate anime low life.

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b54c13  No.82533

Why Did Hundreds Of CEOs Resign Just Before The World Started Going Absolutely Crazy?

Maybe This Bioweapon Was Planned?

In the months prior to the most ferocious stock market crash in history and the eruption of the biggest public health crisis of our generation, we witnessed the biggest exodus of corporate CEOs that we have ever seen. And as you will see below, corporate insiders also sold off billions of dollars worth of shares in their own companies just before the stock market imploded. In life, timing can be everything, and sometimes people simply get lucky. But it does seem odd that so many among the corporate elite would be so exceedingly “lucky” all at the same time. In this article I am not claiming to know the motivations of any of these individuals, but I am pointing out certain patterns that I believe are worth investigating.

One financial publication is using the phrase “the great CEO exodus” to describe the phenomenon that we have been witnessing. It all started last year when chief executives started resigning in numbers unlike anything that we have ever seen before. The following was published by NBC News last November…

Chief executives are leaving in record numbers this year, with more than 1,332 stepping aside in the period from January through the end of October, according to new data released on Wednesday. While it’s not unusual to see CEOs fleeing in the middle of a recession, it is noteworthy to see such a rash of executive exits amid robust corporate earnings and record stock market highs.

Last month, 172 chief executives left their jobs, according to executive placement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas. It’s the highest monthly number on record, and the year-to-date total outpaces even the wave of executive exits during the financial crisis.

By the end of the year, an all-time record high 1,480 CEOs had left their posts.

The following are just a few of the big name CEOs that chose to step down in 2019…

Dennis Muilenburg — Boeing

United Airlines — Oscar Munoz

Alphabet — Larry Page

Gap — Art Peck

McDonald’s — Steve Easterbrook

Wells Fargo — Tim Sloan

Under Armour — Kevin Plank

PG&E — Geisha Williams

Kraft Heinz — Bernardo Hees

HP — Dion Weisler

Bed, Bath & Beyond — Steven Temares

Warner Bros. — Kevin Tsujihara

Best Buy — Hubert Joly

New York Post — Jesse Angelo

Colgate-Palmolive — Ian Cook

MetLife — Steven Kandarian

eBay — Devin Wenig

Nike — Mark Parker

The following are just a few of the well known CEOs that have resigned so far in 2020…

Bob Iger, CEO of Disney

Ginni Rometty, CEO of IBM

Harley-Davidson CEO Matt Levatich

T-Mobile’s CEO John Legere

LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner

Mastercard CEO Ajay Banga

Keith Block, co-CEO of Salesforce

Tidjane Thiam, CEO of Credit Suisse

Hulu CEO Randy Freer

Meanwhile, top corporate executives were dumping billions of dollars worth of shares in their own companies just before the market completely cratered. The following comes from the Wall Street Journal…

Top executives at U.S.-traded companies sold a total of roughly $9.2 billion in shares of their own companies between the start of February and the end of last week, a Wall Street Journal analysis shows.

The selling saved the executives—including many in the financial industry—potential losses totaling $1.9 billion, according to the analysis, as the S&P 500 stock index plunged about 30% from its peak on Feb. 19 through the close of trading March 20.

In the stock market, you only make money if you get out in time, and many among the corporate elite seem to have impeccable timing.


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34d641  No.82539


>Maybe This Bioweapon Was Planned?

too much random collateral damage, I think, possible, but I'd say unlikely

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dc6ff3  No.82541


Oops, fucked up the formatting on that first line, I was too distracted laughing at FEMA being blessed, sorry about that. Not to mention that I'm tired as hell too, but don't worry I can keep going for quite some time before resting


>What exactly is the mechanism that damages your lungs, does it necessarily induce coughing? I can't find the answer.

>Does it necessarily involve it with corona? What's the mechanism?

I don't know the mechanism but I know those things

>Corona-Chan does attack people's heart sometimes Sauce: Mentioned in some papers IIRC, and I posted a Paki that died of a corona cardiac arrest in this thread

>Chink autopsies reports that patient's lungs were clogged, full of a sticky gray goo. Sauce: One of Jimbo's streams

>Burger doctor reporting one of his patients leaking a pink fluid from his mouth Sauce: Article on a doctor talking about serious Corona-Chan is



Don't reply to the faggot giving you shit


>Those Who Intentionally Spread Coronavirus Could Be Charged As Terrorists

Already happened to a guy in Florida

>So when will government agents be arrested for releasing this bioweapon!?

Good question.

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57fefb  No.82542

Democrats Postpone Bailout To Hard Working Citizens And Families

And we call them socialists?

The White House and Senate leaders of both parties announced agreement early Wednesday on an unprecedented $2 trillion emergency bill to rush sweeping aid to businesses, workers and a health care system slammed by the coronavirus pandemic.

The urgently needed measure is the largest economic rescue bill in history. It is intended as a weekslong or monthslong patch for an economy spiraling into recession — or worse — and a nation facing a potentially ghastly toll.

The sprawling, 500 page-plus measure is the third coronavirus response bill produce by Congress and by far the largest, building on earlier efforts focused on vaccines and emergency response, sick and family medical leave for workers, and food aid.

It would give direct payments to most Americans, expand unemployment benefits and provide a $367 billion program for small businesses to keep making payroll while workers are forced to stay home.

One of the last issues to close concerned $500 billion for guaranteed, subsidized loans to larger industries, including a fight over how generous to be with the airlines. Hospitals would get significant help as well.

The package would give one-time direct payments to Americans — $1,200 per adult making up to $75,000 a year, and $2,400 to a married couple making up to $150,000, with $500 payments per child.

A huge cash infusion for hospitals expecting a flood of COVID-19 patients grew during the talks at Schumer’s insistence. Republicans pressed for tens of billions of dollars for additional relief to be delivered through the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the lead federal disaster agency.

Democrats said the package would help replace the salaries of furloughed workers for four months, rather than the three months first proposed. Furloughed workers would get whatever amount a state usually provides for unemployment, plus a $600 per week add-on, with gig workers like Uber drivers covered for the first time.


After the Senate departed on a "well-deserved break", the House gaveled out a quick session on Wednesday without passing the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package, suggesting that the vote on the bill won't come until tomorrow.


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5199db  No.82543



If not, they sure are exploiting it to push their cashless police state against our will.

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99ab1b  No.82544


There’s enough nCov19 in this vial to kill everyone on the planet… and I just ate a greasy burger.

>Tom Hanks and Rita Whoever

>Idris Elba and Sabrina Whoever

>Daniel Dae Kim

>Andy Cohen

>Debi Mazar

>Colton Underwood

>Harvey “Disease Vector” Weinstein

>Kristofer Hivju

>Indira Varma

>Olga Kurylenko

>Rachel Matthews

>Placido Domingo

>Aaron Tveit

>Sophie Trudeausomething

>Prince Charles

>Rand Paul

>Masoumeh Ebtekar

>Francis Suarez

>Begona Sanchezsomething

>Karl von Habsberg

>Prince Albert II

>Mario Diaz-Balart

>Ben McAdams

>Charlotte Lawrence

<Manu Dibango (heil Corona-chan)

>Mwana FA

>David Bryan

>Lucian Grainge

>Andrew Watt

>Natalie Horner

>Slim Thug

>Jackson Browne

>Rudy Gobert

>Donovan Mitchell

>Christian Wood

>Kevin Durant

>Jason Collins

>Marcus Smart

>Sean Payton

>Mikel Arteta

>Blaise Matuidi

>Callum Hudson-Odoi

>Fernando Gaviria

>Dmitry Strakhov

>Paolo Maldini, Daniel Maldini

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b7fe8e  No.82545


I just like how they use Touhou characters and re-purpose them as virus-chans and call it "OC".

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a2c3a4  No.82546

Coronavirus spreads to at least SIX Amazon warehouses shipping packages to isolated Americans


Workers from at least six different Amazon warehouses have tested positive for Covid-19, according to various local reports.

The developments come after the company announced that it's looking to hire around 100,000 additional workers to tackle the increase in demand from online shoppers.

Cases have broken out at warehouses in New York City and Shephersville, Kentucky, as well as Jacksonville, Florida, and Katy, Texas.

Elsewhere, there have also been cases in Browntown, Michigan, and Oklahoma City.

Responses have appeared to vary from warehouse to warehouse, with some facilities shutting for cleaning, while others have told those in close proximity to infected co-workers to quarantine.

On Tuesday, news of a positive test was shared with a small group of supervisors at a Staten Island, New York, facility, according to the New York Post.

That facility remains open, The Post reported, though staff have expressed their concerns.

Chris Smalls, a management assistant at the facility, said: "They don’t have people’s best interests in mind. It’s irresponsible and inhumane to have us keep working there.


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d7d7b4  No.82548


I am no doctor but I would assume you would have low oxygen in the arteries if your lungs were damaged since blood is suppose to carry oxygen . Could you do a blood test at home and mail it to lab in Slovenia?

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c137cc  No.82550


I can guarantee FEMA and others like CDC staff will become common carriers and they should be treated as such if they are ever on your property.

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f205ef  No.82551


I've come to the conclusion that, even if this wasn't intentionally released as a bioweapon, Chinese are exploiting the situation to harm their political opponents. Look at how people have accused people like Pelosi of being Chinese puppets, and they rush to capitalize on this right away with dystopian measures. It's a borderline act of war to capitalize on another country's misery and suffering like this.


Socialists and commies don't want the economy back. The more people who suffer, the more people who need government assistance. And in USA, it's a strict party line between "we'll give you free stuff" and "you should go work"


The pharma jew fears the cure that has no patent. I also suspect China is using the HCQ treatment and they are trying to save as much for their own citizens by making sure HCQ doesn't catch on in the USA. Most HCQ is probably exported from China, so it makes sense.

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a79fba  No.82554

Governments & Big Tech Snooping & Tracking Public Actions Via Major Social Media Platforms

Never use personalized social media. VPN > Tor

Your posts on social media have been harvested for advertising. They've been taken to build up a massive facial recognition database. Now that same data could be used by companies and governments to help maintain quarantines during the coronavirus outbreak.

Ghost Data, a research group in Italy and the US, collected more than half a million Instagram posts in March, targeting regions in Italy where residents were supposed to be on lockdown. It provided those images and videos to LogoGrab, an image recognition company that can automatically identify people and places. The company found at least 33,120 people violated Italy's quarantine orders.

Andrea Stroppa, the founder of Ghost Data, said his group has offered its research to the Italian government. Stroppa doesn't consider the social media scraping to be a privacy concern because researchers anonymized the data by removing profile and specific location data before analyzing it. He also has public health on his mind.

"In our view, privacy is very important. It's a fundamental human right," Stroppa said. "However, it's important to give our support to help the government and the authorities. Hundreds of people are dying every day." (Good goyim!)

Tech companies have also joined the effort there, with mobile providers like Vodafone offering heat maps of location data.

Government actions that would be considered privacy concerns in normal circumstances are becoming acceptable during the pandemic. Privacy commissioners around the world have said they are lifting restrictions on data protection standards, citing emergency circumstances and saving lives as a priority.

The World Health Organization has called for ramping up technology to track the spread of COVID-19. Countries including Singapore and China have shown that surveillance tools such as tracking people by their phones are effective methods.

Still, privacy advocates question how far the governments will go bending the rules on data protection. Will these surveillance tactics be phased out, they wonder, when the pandemic is contained? (We all know damn well they won't be, once they grab power they'll never give it up!)


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dc6ff3  No.82555

File: fa852fc2ea9f0d8⋯.png (172.27 KB, 540x584, 135:146, very_interesting.png)

File: 6f806ad36b1de4f⋯.jpg (345.01 KB, 1712x1406, 856:703, I_wish_I_could_read_this_s….jpg)

Chink premier who's head of the CCP's anti Corona-Chan task force releases an interesting statement: He doesn't want to report that there aren't new cases in Chinkland and says that /ourgirl/ won't disappear like SARS did https://archive.is/gyKVJ https://archive.is/wDSX7


>There’s enough nCov19 in this vial to kill everyone on the planet… and I just ate a greasy burger.

Kek. Also


Very nice move, don't give (((them))) more power.


>HCQ treatment

There's no cure or treatment for Corona-Chan, dum dum. The chinks are fucked, they're good as dead

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59eb2a  No.82559


>Socialists and commies don't want the economy back. The more people who suffer, the more people who need government assistance.

Exactly. And we all know the rest, and where this leads too. Give up your privacy. Take our vaccines, it's mandatory. You need to be tracked with an RFID chip in your arm or hand. You need to give up your guns. No cash allowed anymore, just a new digital credit score goyim…. and if you refuse? They'll cut you off any access to heavily rationed (shit junk) supplies.

We need to defect from this system and that will take hard work, dedication and responsibility. Not to mention we may be targeted to which it's fair game to fight back (you'll have to at that point or lose everything).

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e5a8ef  No.82562


> Buy stocks during the dip 2 days ago

< Dead Cat Bounce

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f205ef  No.82565


Pelosi already blew her NWO load by trying to ramrod her shitty recovery bill through the house. It's officially left conspiracy theory status as we have a concrete example in an officially proposed bill in the US House that wants to do all of this. She really fucked up, now anyone who starts talking about the NWO agenda and gets a "you're just a tin foil conspiracy theory believer" retort can point to a law that attempted to push through all of this. And it wasn't some fringe member of the house in some bumfuck immigrant district. It was the majority leader.

Pelosi has established the dems as the party of the NWO. All this talk of RFID chips, mandatory vaccines, no more cash, etc just moved from conspiracy to attempted law. I don't mean to discredit you, but you have to be oblivious to think that this isn't happening now. Citing Pelosi's bill is all the evidence you need to back up claims like you're making now. It's a gift, it all honesty. And it actually managed to establish Trump and some of the Republicans as against it. Her fuck up is laughable and if it's not capitalized on, something's seriously wrong with the right.

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1357cd  No.82567


Lol, the stock market is not the real economy dumb ass. You can make your 100K if you are good at gambling, predicting outcomes and graphing models but know this: that 100K won't save you from the mass shortages of goods to come! It won't save you when riots are mobbing all the cities (unless you live in small town rural areas and are well armed). It won't save you when the fiat currency crashes either.

Your stocks will continue to go up and down, just like the stocks in China or Venezuela… doesn't make up for the mass loss of physical production! Enjoy third world kikery, where you have a zillion dollars with nothing to spend it on!!!

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ace04b  No.82569



Update from a small Austrian village from trusted sauce related;

>Birthday party

>14 people there, 1 infected

>TEN were infected with it after

R0 of 10 or higher is entirely plausible judging by that.

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8f2781  No.82575


True but I bet if they all kissed the person having the birthday or give hand, then it's a bit of an exceptional situation. Still, in this case your statement stands. Although the R0 really needs to go beyond the first ring, meaning all these people would also have had to infect another ten etc.

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831850  No.82578


she looks like a cunt that would fuck a nigger.

Race mixers should die horribly by corona.

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6ed2af  No.82579


This is big and your triple nickels confirm. The Chicoms are floating a giant trial balloon here, admitting that their numbers are faked. Faking a low number is bad but faking zero is infinitely worse.

If the chinks are no longer going to be faking zero then the idea that's in everyone's head that this can be "beaten" in 10 to 12 weeks is going to be proven wrong, bigly. That in turn is going to cause Big Line On Chart to dive through the floor.



R0 will vary widely with circumstances but seeing these worst case figures is useful.

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716f14  No.82581



for fucks sake, use Communist Corona Plague, Chinese Corona Party or just CCP virus, don't give the kike egregor more power by parroting the WHO's meme name, we bestowed /ourgirl/ with so many dank names and you go for the normie one

also, who are these people?

i recognize a few names there but most of them are nobodies to me

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ace04b  No.82582


>21yo dieded without condushuns in 12 days

L strain..

Or reinfection? Younger people get milder symptoms - literally 'its just a flu' then catch it again and this happens perhaps?


Best part it wasn't from media but was from trusted source who knows them directly, so figured that would be useful for the 'it's just a flu/nothing' faggots.

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ee87b3  No.82584


It should be required to post proof of such accusations, that's probably the worst thing you could call a woman.

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dc6ff3  No.82585


I have that feeling too but I'm giving her the benefit of doubt.


I doubt the rest of the CCP agrees with that chink premier. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he got gulag'd.

<Premier Li just got blessed, how could this happen!? Oh well, we got no other choice other than to send him to coofentration camp. What a shame, he was a good man. Now lets go back to discussing how we're faking our recovery to the western world again.


nCov19 is a neutral name, it doesn't give (((them))) power, you can trust me on that. The name we have to avoid using is c****.

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1c0280  No.82588



chink virus?

You're already giving them power by censoring or avoiding names, just like people avoid saying nigger.

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74b285  No.82589


Sounds like he's saying not to fearmonger over 'false positives' unless it's actually it.

"All localities should be realistic, open and transparent release epidemic information." Hu Jintao, Premier of the State Council, the central response to new outbreaks of pneumonia crown group leader Li Keqiang March 23 in the leading group meeting stressed that "practical and realistic means of targeted to make prevention and control, epidemic once found, the first time for precise control, the possible spread of cases and controls in place effective range;. found a case refers to an open and transparent report a case of, what it is, you may conceal omissions "

Li pointed out that currently, the local spread of the epidemic to the country Wuhan main battleground has been basically blocked, but the risk of sporadic localized outbreaks and sporadic cases still exist, coupled with the emergence of a pandemic epidemic in the world, the situation is still complicated and grim. Epidemiologist at home and abroad through the establishment of various types of data models, scientific judgments on the trend of the epidemic, generally believe that the SARS epidemic is unlikely as the year that suddenly disappeared. Therefore, we must do more challenging and more lasting epidemic prevention and control of mental preparation.

"From the current epidemic situation, domestic and foreign experts' analysis is a scientific basis." Prime Minister said, "This raises a more serious challenge to our prevention and control work. Although the domestic local spread of the epidemic has been basically blocked, but sporadic sporadic cases does not mean that it no longer appears necessary to put 'early discovery, early reporting, early isolation and early treatment' prevention and control measures are in place, and firmly curb the epidemic at the local, even greater range erupt again. "

Li Keqiang pointed out that most of the country for several days zero new confirmed cases reported, which of course is people expect. But remember, the epidemic statistics must be timely and true and accurate, do not report to the pursuit of zero and concealed false negatives.

Li Keqiang stressed the prevention and control of infectious diseases must always seek truth from facts, the principle of open and transparent, so that people will take the initiative to increase vigilance and prevention consciousness, which in turn is also conducive to the prevention and control measures are in place, thus preventing the epidemic rebound.

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d7d7b4  No.82590

America’s Millionaire Ranks Shrink by 500,000 in Record Time

>(Bloomberg) – At the close of 2019, there were an unprecedented 11 million American millionaires, a reflection of the longest bull market in history thanks to ultra-low interest rates and tax cuts.

>Fast forward just a few months and it’s a starkly different picture. The number of households in the U.S. above that threshold has dropped by at least 500,000 as of Friday, according to research firm Spectrem Group.

>The tandem financial and health crises wrought by Covid-19 have disproportionately eroded the fortunes of the wealthy, who are more likely to own equities than the overall population. At the end of 2019, the top 1% of households owned 53.5% of equities and mutual fund shares, according to Federal Reserve statistics.

>The losses affected the rich at every level, from the mass affluent to those worth more than $25 million, according to the report. The wealth destruction at the very top has been especially steep.

>The world’s 500 richest people have lost almost $1.3 trillion since the start of the year, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. That’s equivalent to a 21.6% decline in their collective net worth. Americans on the ranking, who currently number 180, have lost $433 billion.

>The wealth destruction at the very top will resonate especially hard across real estate and banking, sectors reliant on high net-worth individuals.

>The fallout from the virus crisis though is far more severe for the poor and working classes. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard predicted the U.S. unemployment rate may hit 30% in the second quarter as businesses from restaurants to factories shutter.


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51cf99  No.82594

File: db3e3baf7c59ac2⋯.jpg (30.68 KB, 780x410, 78:41, Angelo_Borrelli_protezione….jpg)

Hi guys, PastaAnon here. Idiot in chief Angelo Borrelli, the guy that gives the daily official updates on /ourgirl/, may be blessed so tonight press conference is cancelled.



Hail everybody (hue, debt, toothpaste, all of you burgers, shitposters, bongs, krauts, tracksuit ppl and so on. Stay safe.)

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d7d7b4  No.82595


wait title is misleading, it's saying 500,000 out 11 million millionaires aren't millionaires any. mods please edit the title to 500,000 millionaires dropped

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dc6ff3  No.82598

>>82588 (heil'd)

You kind of have a point but there's a difference between this and being PC. This is a form of metaphysical warfare and the latter is a tool for social engineering. I'm sure censoring and avoiding (((that name))) greatly dampens the energy sent to (((it))).


Thanks for the translation. So this report is pretty much nothing and Zeng is just being an agitator, which doesn't come as a surprise but still very annoying.


>Richfags betting BTFO



>Idiot in chief Angelo Borrelli, the guy that gives the daily official updates on /ourgirl/, may be blessed so tonight press conference is cancelled.

Kek, he's probably blessed. I wouldn't mind if the same thing happened to the Brownzilian minister of health and the rest of his staff. Bunch of lying cunts.

>Hail everybody (hue, debt, toothpaste, all of you burgers, shitposters, bongs, krauts, tracksuit ppl and so on. Stay safe.)

Hail Pasta anon and Viva Italia

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716f14  No.82599


>nCov19 is a neutral name


The CCP is responsible for this virus being unleashed and covering up their fuck only helped to spread it all over the world!!!

All the fucking normies who are bitching and moaning about living the neet life want someone to blame for it which is why we must do absolutely everything in our power to wire their brains so that they instantly link the words Corona virus with China Communist Party

Winnie the Flu paid a lot of shekkels to his nigger fuckboy in the (((WHO))) so that he came up with a name that did not link /ourgirl/ with his shenanigans and you are taking their fucking bait every time you refer to the goddess with that blasphemous heretical name




>inb4 hurrdurr it just a name bro, chill


if words didn't have any power kikes would go to the extremes they go to have them ban hammered, Mao Shang Tzung even mutilated the ancient Chinese writing taught in schools so his slaves were only able to read CCP approved text

when you let (((them))) control what you say and how you speak you give (((them))) power!

never use (((their))) words, let them call you what they will for speaking the truth, the more derogatory buzzwords they throw at you for stating obvious facts, the more (((they))) lose power and the more (((they))) are unable to control how the goyim think

nobody gives a fuck about been called an ebul reeesist natzee anymore because they used that buzzword so much over petty shit that it has completely lost it's power

for fucks sake even bug people who live under Winie the Flu's thumb have enough balls to call /ourgirl/ the CCP virus, and they do so while being well aware that the party wagon could come to lock them up in coofcentration camps

when you say nCov19 or any other (((harmless unstigmatizing))) name the (((WHO))) came up with, you are demonstrating to the world that you are a brainwashed goon with less bollocks than fucking bugmen

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2259a4  No.82602

I am now under the belief that the amount of testing is deliberately short worldwide or at least in the US. Right now cases are at about 60k. I believe that if everyone was tested we'd find half the country has Wu Flu. Tests are being rolled out slowly to make people think this is a big scary growing pandemic. To keep everyone down. When I think in reality most of us have it with nothing happening.

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51cf99  No.82603

File: 60c5602a65cc6fe⋯.jpg (30.43 KB, 800x450, 16:9, luigi_d_angelo_1296077.jpg)


ZOG trying to recover, press conference will be hold by "this random guy". Everything under control, goyim.

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e2db3e  No.82604


Yeah the big tip off of Kobe Bryant, He had dealings with the leader of this organisation, when he died everyone started looking into connections with the Clinton and then this Epstien connection popped up. We all thought it was a fucked up joke that Kobe was assassinated but its plausible knowing what that stupid nigger was into. I guess we just follow the trail until it leads us to the uberjew behind all this shit. I wish you luck anon.

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dc6ff3  No.82606

>>82599 (checked)

Yes, the chinks are responsible and I'm doing my part over here where I live to make the normalfags hate them. So far, I'm being very successful. When I say "neutral name", I mean that in a metaphysical context, I'm not advocating for being PC and not pointing the finger at the chinks. You need to take a deep breath and push those negative energies out. I know it's hard because it happens to me sometimes but you cannot allow your enemies to get under your skin so easily. The enemy must be hated with a clear mind, not an uncontrolled storm of rage. The time for rage comes later, in physical combat.


Kek, at least they're trying.

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716f14  No.82611


>you cannot allow your enemies to get under your skin

nor can you allow them to get into your brain

never speak the (((official name))) only refer to /ourgirl/ by her real name

i have no rage against the chinks, only cold hatred and disgust, it's you, using (((their))) words, here of all places, that enrages me

it doesn't matter if convince the normies that nCov19 is china's fault, you need a whole sentence to do so, but call her the commie plague, or the chines virus, or even the kung flu, and the idea that chinks are to blame will be planted deep within their subconscious

those normies you persuaded to hate china, they will talk to other normies, and refer to our girl with the (((WHO)))'s name, and time that message passes from person to person, the redpill you are trying to spread will get more and more diluted

that is why you ABSOLUTELY MUST make sure that the terms Corona, Communist and China are inseparable from each other in the normies mind

and calling /ourgirl/ with funny word play names that refer to the chinks like Whu Flu or CCPlague is the best way to do so


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2259a4  No.82614


Honestly, I don't even like pronouncing the (((official))) name. It's unpleasant to say. China virus is better.

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95850b  No.82616

File: d0e31341176ce11⋯.gif (41.49 KB, 200x200, 1:1, tfw_you_get_wasted_on_estu….gif)



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f205ef  No.82617


I think a lot of people had it already. I had a few days when I felt like absolute shit, my lungs "tickled', and I completely lost sense of taste and smell. To the point I was eating dinner and nothing tasted at all, completely gone. But I am very active in Winter, working out hard enough to burn 5,000 to 7,000 calories a day.

Coronavirus would not be such a problem if people in the West were healthier. All this obesity, alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise is really highlighting problems with society.

Like China showed the world their people are dying in mass of respiratory disease because they've been breathing awful air their whole lives, the West is getting a lesson in having an unhealthy populace.


This. You slowly feed them red pills about chinks.

>they got it from eating bats, they eat a lot of weird stuff, like dog

>>oh that's not bad, we eat cow and that's sacred in India

>Chinese also think meat tastes better if it suffers before it dies, they think eating tougher meat makes you tougher

There is a major information war going on, people don't realize it. We are at war, but instead of soldiers, we have information and trade used as weapons.

I have been thinking about working on starting an official op, something like World War Meme, but I suck ass at names. If we had collective chan autism working on anti-chink and anti-CCP memes, we could easily beat the chink 50 cent army.

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bb2b3b  No.82621

File: 1c5a16a6d879d4e⋯.jpg (689.47 KB, 1350x1250, 27:25, scorn.jpg)



Chinese virus is too lenghty, I call it the Com-Flu.

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2259a4  No.82624


Do you not get my point? Numbers are being kept "low" and trickled out at such a pace to create a panic. This is a big fucking deal I think.


Com-Flu is horrible. Normies won't get it.

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f205ef  No.82625


I changed my gaming handles to things that reflect this virus is Chinese. One of them is now "yumBatSoup"

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53e523  No.82626


Yah, it's also going to reduce the middle class too. We are facing third world communism at this point, where there will only be the super-rich and the plebs unless we finally defect from the system and have the guts to fight back in necessary (I know, God forbid right!?)

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4642a1  No.82627

Anyone noticing how all the dumb people without a purpose in their lives are the most enthusiastic about the quarantine. Finally it has given them a purpose and these awful types are also the ones calling for more stringent measures too. Thankfully I do not have social media, so I do not have to read the diaries of normalfaggots having to deal with the "OMG like the biggest crisis of my life."

Praise be to KEK for sending an angel of death. May Corona-Chan smite all the gooks, niggers, race traitors, pot heads and tattooed women.

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1c0280  No.82628


Chinkitis comes to mind, but might trigger too many auto censors.

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dc6ff3  No.82629

>>82611 (checked)

>it's you, using (((their))) words, here of all places, that enrages me

>it doesn't matter if convince the normies that nCov19 is china's fault, you need a whole sentence to do so, but call her the commie plague, or the chines virus, or even the kung flu, and the idea that chinks are to blame will be planted deep within their subconscious

>that is why you ABSOLUTELY MUST make sure that the terms Corona, Communist and China are inseparable from each other in the normies mind and calling /ourgirl/ with funny word play names that refer to the chinks like Whu Flu or CCPlague is the best way to do so

Are you aware that I was one of the anons who started pointing out that the name made by the literally WHO shouldn't be used? Other anons are against that shitty name for political reasons. I'm against it for metaphysical reasons. I never, ever use c****. nCov-2019 was the scientific name that was widely being used before the literally WHO came up with that redundant and subversive "official" name. It's true that it's neutral politically but the only good thing about it is that it's neutral metaphysically, it carries no energy. I have replied to anons using the literally WHO's name, telling them to stop doing that and use joke names like kung-flu instead. We're literally on the same side and on the same frequency. If this is was a battlefield, you just committed blue-on-blue, like that one time the Burgers strafed a Britbong column with an A-10.


>Praise be to KEK for sending an angel of death. May Corona-Chan smite all the gooks, niggers, race traitors, pot heads and tattooed women.

Aye aye!

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0b69c0  No.82630


>All this talk of RFID chips, mandatory vaccines, no more cash, etc just moved from conspiracy to attempted law. I don't mean to discredit you, but you have to be oblivious to think that this isn't happening now.

Ironically this is what I warned about for the last two months now and many called me 'a kook' as usual. Yep, this yanky doodle 'must-be-a-cult-member' was correct again about Bill Gates' ID 2020. And they do intend to push us into this so let's, this time around, not fall into that trap and defect from the system that raped us for Christ's sake.

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2259a4  No.82633


This shit is not surprising. I've been calling it for years. I don't think their plan will work though. I suggest you stay optimistic too, you'll be healthier for it. Don't be complacent though.

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309e81  No.82635


Absolutely yes anon. Those pushing for all these totalitarian measures are likely bootlickers or feds themselves. They can't wait to establish totalitarian communism and mask it as "fascism" hoping we'd fall for it.

And the same with you, I'm smarter not to use a 'smartphone' or have any social media and have prepared for days like this for a long time. These spooks better take notice, I don't intend on fucking around either. I can – and will be – nasty and dirty if need be to defend myself and property.

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2259a4  No.82637


I wish I had more prep… oh well. I'm not entirely unprepared either. Just this virus definitely sidelined me on plans to prepare more. God… every day is like a nightmare.

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000000  No.82638


>and I completely lost sense of taste and smell.

Did it recover? Other sources are suggesting the lost of smell and taste is likely permanent.

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f205ef  No.82639


I think it's a big deal because there's enough unhealthy people to overload the healthcare system. It's still serious, don't get me wrong. But to most people it's not that serious.

Look at UK, the muslim population is/was making up 25% of infections, yet they're a significantly lower portion of the population. The places getting hit the hardest are the most diverse parts of the West. A lot of the problems from Corona stem from people being unhealthy and being third world shitters with no cleanliness and sanitation.



Yeah, and Pelosi validated you. She's a useless bimbo but she accomplished something of value for once. Nothing says this is serious like being able to cite the house majority leader writing a 1200 page bill overnight that is laced with tons of NWO/globalist bullshit. It's changed my opinion from "NWO/globalism is something that we have to be careful of, shit on it when you can", to "this is an urgent thing we have to fight." I'm sure a lot of people were in my situation before this, and a lot can become much more active in countering it after Pelosi's bill.

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716f14  No.82642


>nCov-2019 was the scientific name that was widely being used before the literally WHO came up with that redundant and subversive "official" name

nobody was widely speaking about corona chan before she went on her world tour, maybe a few science fags were but back then they had no reason to blame China for any outbreak

only after the out brake did corona chan appear in most people's radar, so now that she is everyone's mouth we must make sure they all use a name that links her to china, it doesn't matter if she had a generic name for years before the out brake.

Nobody cared who she was until everyone had to put on the mask

It was from that point onward that the plague was called the Wu-flu, regardless of whatever generic name the virus had before

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3eb942  No.82643


>This is a form of metaphysical warfare

Do you really believe all that shit?

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4642a1  No.82645


>Look at UK, the muslim population is/was making up 25% of infections,

Well that's comforting if true, do you have any sources to back that up?

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51cf99  No.82646

Hey lads, did we speak before about SHC014-CoV? I found an old pasta talmudvision news outlet from 2015 announcing the coming of /ourgirl/. Then I got back to one of the research made by Zhengli Shi.



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dc6ff3  No.82649


Yes brother, your entire post is correct, especially this part

>we must make sure they all use a name that links her to china

I'm doing my part on this front over here too.


Yes, uninitiated one. Seek your spiritual awakening, I was just like you a couple of months ago but I have made great progresses in little time due to dedication, faith and sheer force of will. You too can awaken the magnificent power of the cosmos that resides in your very soul. After you do that, you will have to decide how to use it, and that's completely up to you alone, no one else.

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f205ef  No.82652


Yes, it came back perfectly fine. Mind you this was in February, it was 100% gone almost. I was eating a somewhat nice meal I made myself and halfway through I was like

>why I am even bothering, I can't taste anything

It's perfectly fine now though. But I have zero confirmation it was actually corona, just a suspicion. I have a lot of sinus problems, so it's not 100% unusual for that to happen. But it was worse than I ever experienced in my life.

I also take niacinamide and reservatrol every day. I have for a year or two, easily. A quick search for reservatrol and coronavirus shows it's already been shown to be effective against MERS, and shows promise with Chinese Bat Soup Plague.


I forget where I saw it, the best I can do is this British invader muslim saying that muslims are disproportionately affected, for obvious reasons.


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cbc90c  No.82657


Half NYC Corona Infections Are Young, Half Are Older

A plurality of COVID-19 cases in New York City are among those aged 18 to 44, but severity rates tend to follow global trends when it comes to age and underlying conditions, data from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene reveals.

Of the 15,597 confirmed as of Tuesday afternoon, 7,094, or 46 percent, were in patients below the 45. In that age group, 9 percent of people with the novel coronavirus have been hospitalized, and there have been five deaths.

All told, the data suggests the city is in line with other countries like Italy, which has reported that the majority of patients experiencing severe cases of COVID-19 are in older age groups, though that certainly doesn't mean younger people aren't at risk. In New York, more than one-fifth of fatalities have occurred in the 45 to 64 range.

Similarly, like Italy, most patients in New York who died after being infected with COVID-19 were suffering from at least one of a wide range of underlying conditions, though several cases are under investigation.


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716f14  No.82659


saying metaphysical warfare is another way of saying that kikes are doing everything in their power to demoralize, depress and black pill us into doomers

ever felt depressed and devoid of purpose as if life was meaningless and there was nothing worth living, fighting or dying for? that's the fucking (((demons))) eroding your spirituality away

i'm not telling you to believe in superstitious medieval fairy tales, nor to try and look at the world with rose colored glasses when i say spirituality

i'm just telling you to not allow kikes to bring your morale down nor control how you think

that's what we mean when we say metaphysical warfare

if you prefer the scientific term, just call it ideological subversion

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d7d7b4  No.82660

File: 405eb249d697e56⋯.jpg (73.42 KB, 785x590, 157:118, 1471138818720.jpg)


I think this is happening way too fast for the economy to saved, I remember the 2008 crash, it really didn't affect the job market or the average consumer that didn't invest in housing or stock until September 2009. I wonder what the aftermarket will be? I think the dollar will become rentenmarks if it ever could be saved at all.

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a48dc8  No.82661


so when did the aids inserts and the tampering happen?

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f94551  No.82663


This whole situation is also a psyop on an unprecedented scale. I find this highly interesting.

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ace04b  No.82664


There is another five letter word used to describe the virus which is used reasonably commonly and has shit feelz.


>Half NYC Corona Infections Are Young, Half Are Older

Same in Jew Zealand. Newfags fell for the 'doesn't impact young' kikebook meme.


Evidence would suggest from 2008-2018~19..

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0b295e  No.82665

Why is 4chan not working since 14h?

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a48dc8  No.82666


>There is no conspiracy


they want to kill you

they want to reduce population and have unquetsioned rule over the people that are left

remember the gerorgia guidestones as an example

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de4533  No.82667


>I wonder what the aftermarket will be?

Mass shortages and an overwhelmed healthcare system to say the least. Likely hyperinflation of the currency too due to all the bailouts and lack of economic production (real production, not how stocks are doing). This also gives the government the potential and precedent to abuse their authority too and potentially make things worse as it causes more upheaval and distrust. Riots are certainly guaranteed in populated areas, and crime rates will spike.

Basically, get whatever you need NOW, ASAP, and do your very best to become more self-sufficient and less dependent on the system while you still have time. If you plan on isolation, don't count on government aid. In fact, prepare in advance for becoming a target (just because governments typically feel threatened by those who no longer require their services or handouts, thinking we must be some irrational kooky cult members: sadly this is how many think of us doomsday preppers). Looting and marauding will also become a threat outside the cities, particularly in suburban areas. You best have a means for defending yourself without hesitation.

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be06bc  No.82668

File: 5d551ba2383be8d⋯.png (218.31 KB, 1130x1212, 565:606, proof.png)

There have been rumors that the genome was tampered with using CRISPR/CAS9

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000000  No.82670


It makes sense in certain situations I guess


>What is ‘black hand’?

Organization that was supposedly behind Archduke assassination and start of WW1. Gavrilo Princip was a kike, who got trained and funded by another masonic kike (Weifert).

>but I have seen, and studied, the gesture in artwork (not pic) a many times

It has occult connotations, it was used by the SS for example. Generally a good gesture, wouldn't associate it with (((black hand))) but they can use it as well I guess.

>when it struck me that we anons are all really uniquely qualified out of all the people of the world to survive and thrive in the New World

You have people who are marginalized because they are too below the (lower) social threshold, but you also have people who are marginalized because they are too above the (upper) social threshold. Anons tend to be the latter, and it's exactly people like us who excel in crisis situations due to creative intelligence and lack of certain inhibitions while the herd brains short-circuit.

>I have some real doubts that the herd is even engineered to survive what is coming.

NPC's have their utility, but a world where unique, autonomous individuals make up the majority of population would be a much better one. HAPАS ARE SUРERIOR TO WHITES

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8fbce4  No.82671


We are currently under covert biowarfare now. You must follow proper decontamination protocols to avoid getting infected. Expect many more strains to be released if corona doesn't live up to it's intention. See the survival thread for many tips on strict, proper decontamination procedures.

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6a9dec  No.82674


Trips prove it. Also, look into UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. This is most likely connected as well, the agendas match what their intentions are as far as reducing and controlling the masses. It looks like some Soviet-conjured plan.

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884a94  No.82675

File: 932a9cc92373510⋯.png (502.94 KB, 2500x2100, 25:21, _bigblu.png)

File: 98903e252cf13e3⋯.jpg (3.57 MB, 1690x4645, 338:929, _e201.jpg)

File: 482ff1a9d31af76⋯.jpg (431.47 KB, 1600x1676, 400:419, _lieber.jpg)

File: ac3315d6a73170c⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 1216x3320, 152:415, _ThePlan.jpg)


JewFlu was designed, but Corona-Chan is free now, and she has turned against (((them))).

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ace04b  No.82677

File: 817cd0201407efe⋯.png (315.92 KB, 1450x980, 145:98, ClipboardImage.png)

This fucking thread is going here where it belongs.

Prince Charles blessed

>when you fail to hit a key twice

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be06bc  No.82678

Another whacky theory is that it contains

Nano-particles which can be activated by 5G microwaves in the human body, so someone can influence them, control them, change our information field, quantum field or our DNA This is so call “Neural Mesh” or NanoCore network. All data are collected and algorithms are used on them – abused A.I.. Activation of nano-particles can be done via 5G ground stations or via satellites.

Sounds absolutely absurd but one anon posted.

Anonymous 03/25/20 (Wed) 01:35:13 d6ab8c No.82282>>82288

"Corona lady is fucking omnipresence and her children is her. She is watching the entire world through the infectees’s eye like many browser tabs simultaneously. She’s everywhere."

Imagine if that were true. David Icke level shit bilut still.

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2da1d3  No.82679

File: b6f17e0a6eb2bfc⋯.png (258.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_03_25_0….png)

File: 323c21b6327a913⋯.png (222.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_03_25_0….png)

File: a09f55d1771b357⋯.png (259.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_03_25_0….png)

File: 50a470b00393847⋯.png (300.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_03_25_0….png)

File: 78927509019b0b2⋯.png (321.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_03_25_0….png)



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65a7b4  No.82680


Let us hope this is true, but for it to be true, they would not happen to have a cure for it in advance. That is what scares me, could the Jews have the cure and are they deliberately keeping it from the masses?

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bb297f  No.82682


The connection between 5G and corona seems a bit wacky to me, although I am not one who condones 5G or trusts it's proclaimed safety for use. I hope 5G gets derailed, but I don't think it has to do with corona as much as it has to do with Total Information Awareness / police state surveillance. I would not doubt they can use the 5G kill grid during a pandemic though, to keep people under control.

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c4cd20  No.82687


>could the Jews have the cure

No. There is no cure. The jews will perish.

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be06bc  No.82691

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be06bc  No.82693

File: 563b215a15c992e⋯.jpg (6.95 KB, 300x360, 5:6, 1403169552364.jpg)

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c311e9  No.82696

File: f89354c6ae11022⋯.jpg (208.21 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Holocoof.jpg)

Anyone daring to question the current narrative are being instantly suppressed on Voat and 4chan. Don't believe me, try to post something.

Is this the very last bastion of free speech?

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000000  No.82704

In case anyone gives a shit, Putin will make an address in about 20 minutes. HAPАS АRE SUРERIOR TO WHITES


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19507c  No.82707


If charles is blessed, then how long before the queen is announced dead. that would be an event.

but personally. I think alot of these rich people are lying and just claiming to have it, like trudeau did already with hsi bullshit story. Its because they are shitting their pants and are going into their bunkers. Here in Cucknada our whole fucking parliament is shut down, they all went home to "self quarantine" …. which is really sycophant speak "Im terrified, and in event of a national emergency, I will be hiding in my oppulent tax payer funded, well stocked bunker … thank you tax payer"

the hubris of it is amazing. our prime mnister has declared that being a fucking stock boy at wal-mart is an essential service, but the prime minister being at his post in parliament is not!!!! "All wagies report to your stations!" meanwhile i wil hide in my bunker. t. your fearless leader


I really dont think the chinks did this intentionally. I think that has been debunked in previous threads. There are some very good indicators that this is not a planned event (which is a very good thing). This is just chink incompetence. Just like they cheat on all the tests, they thought they could cheat on building a BSL-4 lab, they thought they could buy the cheapest air filters, they thought they could beat the cleaning boy and he'd still report his errors. They all live in fear of reporting problems, they dont have the same kind of QC culture as westerners. Thats why it happened in China, and not Japan, or Korea. Because throwing people in gulags for thier mistakes only leads them to cover up thier mistakes.

Years ago when i worked as a carpenters apprentice, first day of the job, my foreman said to me: "Heres the deal, you make 8$hour, i make 28, I expect you to fuck up daily, thats ok. You tell me when you fuck up, and Ill show you how to fix it. and I will never discipline you as long as you self report. you fuck up and dont tell me, and your in shit." and I fucked shit up all the time! and I never got in trouble, as long as i recognized my mistakes and owned them. that culture does not exist in china.

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c311e9  No.82709


I cut and pasted and changed the name from kiketube, but it still didn't work, I had accidentally changed it to jewtube before realizing my mistake.

BTW, anyone speak Russian, I have no idea what he is saying.

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19507c  No.82715


4cuck is completely run by purple haired sjw tranny loving faggot jews. Ive been banned so many times for the most mundane bullshit Ive lost count. Its completely infiltrated at its highest levels. go ahead, protest a ban, and you will wind up in a private IRC chat on rizon…. thats when you get to meet them, and you'll know, just from the horseshit that spews out of the sphincters under thier nose. they got a pack of blue haired, bone-in-nose, bull dykes as mods! its just a jew-fbi honeypot

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d7d7b4  No.82719




senate has approved the $2 trillion bill but with some provisions. I will post the provisions in the next thread. You will get trumpbux trump just has to sign it.

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