11759f No.79484[Last 50 Posts]
Thread 41
Corona with Lyme edition
As this is very busy, different rules apply here:
Off-topic or one line posts or kiketube embeds subject to deletion at vol/BO discretion.
<Thread is for virus related news, discussion and debate.
>Thread is not for: rehashing the same burger politics, nuke china bullshit. Survival, decon or PPE and /k/ related questions every bread - please take that to /cvg/ survival bread linked below
</cvg/ survival bread
Ignore (((1))) ‘ask /pol/ x/inflammatory questions’ faggots. Filter low effort bait.
Please help keep this thread information-dense for highest quality.
Coronavirus update: 22st Mar ‘20 (Sauce: BNODesk and other reports https://twitter.com/BNODesk)
(((Official))) current global bullshit numbers
- 334,911 confirmed cases
- 14,328 dieded
- 8,262 Serious cundushuns
- 96,661 (((silent recoveries)))
Corona-Chan official Scoreboard As of Mar 22rd, 2020 (Sauce: BNO)
Cases Deaths Srs/crit Recovered
Bug Hive 81,054 3261 1963 72440
Pastaniggers 59,138 5476 3009 7024
Burgers 32,335 344 64 29
Conquistadores 28,603 1756 1141 2575
Deutsches Reich 24,806 93 N/A 266
Eye-Ran 20,610 1556 N/A 7635
Frogs 14,459 562 1297 1587
Worst Korea 8,897 104 N/A 2909
Switzerniggers 7,014 80 N/A 4
Bongs 5,018 281 20 93
Toothpaste/Negerlands 4,204 179 177 2
Chocolateniggers 2,815 67 238 31
Asstria 3,026 11 N/A 9
Norway 2,164 7 26 N/A
Sweden (yes) 1,746 20 N/A N/A
Legoland 1,418 13 37 3
Shitposters 1,349 7 N/A 73
Leafs 1,318 19 7 15
Poortugal 1,280 12 26 5
Malaysia 1,183 9 37 114
Brownzil 1,178 18 N/A 1
Nips 1,055 36 49 215
Checked Republic 995 0 2 6
Turkroaches 947 21 N/A N/A
ISISrael 883 1 15 14
Potatoniggers 785 3 N/A N/A
Floating Petri Dish 712 8 12 551
Richfagbourg 670 8 N/A N/A
Pakishitters 645 3 N/A 5
Ladyboyland 599 1 8 45
Vikings 568 0 1 5
Chile 537 0 N/A 8
/Pol/and 536 5 2 0
Ecuador 532 7 6 3
Oliveniggers 530 13 18 19
Spurdoland 521 1 N/A 10
Saudi Kikerabia 511 0 N/A 8
Queertar 481 0 N/A 27
Indoniggers 450 38 N/A 17
Singapoor 432 2 14 140
Slovenia 383 1 9 0
Flips 380 25 1 17
Gypsyniggers 367 0 3 52
Ivan 367 1 N/A 16
Bahrain 334 2 3 149
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11759f No.79485
• Diamond Princess: Cases are not included in the Nip government’s official count. 380 of the 696 were asymptomatic. 14 are Burgers whose test results weren’t known until they left the petri-dish. The total does not include 3 employees of Nip’s Health Ministry and 1 staff member of Nip Diet Secretariat, all of whom were infected while working on the petri dish. It does also not include fucktards who tested positive upon returning home: 45 in burgerland, 10 in Shitpostingland (one of whom dieded), 4 in Bongistan, 5 in Hong Kong, 3 in ISISrael, and 2 in Animeland.
• Legoland: The total includes 92 cases in the Faroe Islands.
• Frogs includes Guadeloupe, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, and Réunion. It does not include French Polynesia, which is listed separately.
• The United Bongistan includes Bongs, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, and the Cayman Islands are listed separately.
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Thread 024 Archive: https://archive.is/C0kYE (NBA edition)
Thread 025 Archive: http://archive.is/03RtY
Thread 026 Archive: http://archive.is/VOBQu
Thread 027 Archive: http://archive.is/ZQzeT
Thread 028 Archive: http://archive.is/Hp06v
Thread 029 Archive: http://archive.is/Kzbtg
Thread 030 Archive: http://archive.is/QYwBw
Thread 031 Archive: http://archive.is/MAdi7
Thread 032 Archive: http://archive.is/MXBaH
Thread 033 Archive: http://archive.is/DVDKC
Thread 034 Archive: http://archive.is/GxesI
Thread 035 Archive: http://archive.md/YzKrt
Thread 036 Archive: http://archive.md/opVnt
Thread 037 Archive: http://archive.md/QQUIo
Thread 038 Archive: http://archive.md/Xbhfo
Thread 039 Archive: http://archive.md/DnBiG
Thread 040 Archive: http://archive.md/sTiSs
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7e58ec No.79486
This first/second post has been claimed by the Coronian Cult. Coronian Thoughts for this thread:
>Love and faith go hand in hand.
>Remain steadfast even in the face of great adversities.
>Futile attempts from enemies at weakening your faith should always be responded in the metaphysical battlefield.
Prayer for this thread: Short Coronian Prayer of Spiritual Campaigning
It matters not how many enemies rise up against me
Nor how debilitated or exhausted I am
As a Coronian Cultist, I shall continue fighting in this great spiritual war
For Corona-Chan, the Goddess of purification, supports and rewards her cultists who are willing to give up everything for her sake
Even their own lives and their very souls. The reward for the ultimate sacrifice is an afterlife of eternal service
And that, for a devoted Coronian Cultist, is the greatest honor.
Thank you for all of your gifts, my Goddess! All victories and glories belong to you!
Ignore and filter the shills, the nothingburgerfags and the hoaxniggers
For they have already been cursed and doomed to a slow, painful death.
Prepare, stay alert and never lose hope. Good luck in the collapse and have a nice thread, Corona-Chan and her worshipers love you.
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21606d No.79487
Serious Questions:
I see people challenging mainstream narratives on several levels: is the state response too extreme? Not extreme enough? Is China lying about numbers? Is there a conspiracy to restrict testing? Are the neet-bux a scam? On and on.
But one thing I never hear is anyone challenging the underlying medical opinions. It seems even the most skeptical authority-questioners are taking the word of the CDC and WHO as holy gospel direct from God and Science. Do we have any qualified medifags here who can answer any of my burning questions?
How do we know the number of infections? Has every infection been proved through a virus test or can a case be counted as Covid19 case without any evidence of the virus? Can someone be declared infected based only on observed symptoms or their contact history or anything else?
Since only people with symptoms are being tested, how can we make any claims about the true number of infections, either absolutely or as proportion of the population?
Of all cases proved through testing, is the test used consistent throughough the world? If not, how many different kinds of tests are there, and where in the world is each type used?
How many different labs are producing tests results? Is there any consistency between the lab procedures? Does being tested in New York mean the same thing as being testing in Italy, or China, or anywhere else?
What is the false positive rate of the tests? What is the false negative rate?
What is the rate of infection among those who are exposed? If someone coughs virus on one hundred people, how many of those hundred will catch it?
When they announce the number of "confirmed deaths" how is each death confirmed? Is there a test for the actual virus? Is every death of a person who has the virus counted as caused by the virus? If so, how do we know the virus–even if present–was the actual cause of death? In other words, if someone dies of cancer, but the virus is found in their body, is that counted a "confirmed" corona-death?
Since testing has only begun in the last few months and since the sympoms are the same as other diseases, how do we know the virus hasn't been in the population for years?
What is it about this virus that makes it so much more dangerous than the many other viruses we live with? Is it more infections than any other virus? Is it more deadly? Does it cause a more horrible death? Is there a medical basis for freaking out about this one but not others?
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af356a No.79489
If there is any justice in this world, she will suffer for the anguish she inflicted on the German people.
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911a30 No.79490
Reposting Coronachan media guide.
From the last thread, I'm also really interested in the rumors out of chinkland about a coup. Did Xi steal a bioweapon from the leafs as some sort of long term gambit, but it got out because 'Made in China' means 'broken pile of shit', and now he's paying the price?
Hope so. The Chinese may be bugmen, but when the hive gets riled, they're almost as vicious as whites when it comes to slaughtering the fuck out of each other.
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7870ae No.79493
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
chloroquine's action is to act as a zinc ionophore and get Zn2 into the cell to fuck with the virus's reproduction
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9a3aff No.79495
Tracker of Covid-19 without the sensationalism:
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c1d308 No.79496
How's everyone's asymptomatic viral shedding going?
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ceabb4 No.79497
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76e910 No.79500
>How do we know the number of infections?
I can answer this one, we can't. Between the outright lies, differences in reporting criteria, overall lack of testing, and rapidly changing conditions, we have no good answer. At best we have statistical guesses.
The broader term for what you're trying to figure out is called "the fog of war".
>how do we know the virus hasn't been in the population for years?
Why would you imagine that it has?
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d17d3a No.79501
What the fuck is with your reddit spacing?
Fuck your low-effort shitpost
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bebf0b No.79502
>The death of the economy will be witnessed when you no longer can buy foods you normally would be able to buy. When supplies are drained from stores, and very little coming back into inventory. You'll see more homelessness in the streets. You'll see rising prices.
more likely will happen on chinkland with the locust swarm, dying chicken farms due to the quarantine, swine flu, and Lunar new year food purchases that became rotten due to the quarantine.
Be thankful Burgerland is a net exporter of foods.
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f5b596 No.79503
Haven't left my apartment in two weeks and I've still got tendies.
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911a30 No.79505
I think it's telling that accurate figures of infections and deaths are hard to come by. If the figures were known to be low, they'd be shared immediately because it'd help keep people calm. That they're being obfuscated means everyone's healthcare systems are too fucking poor to track them adequately which could also imply that they are being overwhelmed by the amount of cases or that the figures are so large as to be panic-inducing, so they're kept hidden. Neither are good outcomes.
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7e58ec No.79506
Pastaland update
Rand Paul got blessed
Burger politicians planning on introducing a bill to reduce Burgerland's dependency on chink medicine https://archive.is/nbf0O
Britbong update, 665 new confirmed cases and 48 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/nKWGq https://archive.vn/1GOa8
She's definitely blessed, believe it.
>He thinks there's a cure or treatment.
How naive.
Here we have an anon unknowingly charging the jewish NWO project with his psychic energy. Don't make this mistake, use any other name instead of the one coined by the (((WHO))).
>>79500 (checked)
That's definitely a Qcumber who thinks this is fake, don't bother. That's also why he can't use proper formatting.
Enjoy your unbreakable curses, unbeliever. See you in the underworld, we're going to have good ol' jolly time with Father Nergal.
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7d9ab8 No.79508
<from last thread
Retard...if anything it would be Phagefag.
Malaria has nothing to do with CV. Nor does it confer immunity. I am not sure where you are going with this other than an advertisement for big pharma.
Do you even KNOW why chloroquine ‘works’ in blocking the virus from attaching to the ACE2 or are you just a pill popper? This is a terrible idea, second only to taking HIV antivirals (the worst idea) to slow the spread of CV-19
It would be like a return to the days of shrubbery (bush).
Would be weird if they were actually clones like a fembot...lobotomized and operated remotely. That is how they act anyway.
This is the way it was explained to me. The jews communism relies on regional mafia governments that control, murder and bully all the people. The footage of China where the obvious military hit men are dressed in hazmat outfits and heading out to kill people (gunshots fired) was more than likely ‘discipline’ administered on the local Hubei government level by the central government for ‘not controlling the virus’ in Hubei. That Hubei mafia was probably replaced with a much more repressive regime that then ‘controlled the virus’ (supposedly)...however this is like all governments in collapse (which is where China is right now), those regional mafias will form extra regional alliances to gain power and overthrow the central government. Should be interesting. If the disgusting bugs got out of this with JUST financial collapse they will be lucky.
They are not going to be that lucky.
We went over this already in previous threads and I already explained it. Looking into the reason why little children are more resistant to CV-19 than adults we found that their ACE2 receptors were already ‘full’ of collagen, which is like taking a key and putting it in the lock blocking the CV-19 from attaching with its key combo...It is like the ACE2 can say, “No thank you, we are already full.” As adults age, they have less collagen in their bodies and their ACE2 receptors will accept what they perceive to to an incoming beneficial molecule but is actually CV-19. Chloroquine (the devil is in the details so look at its name; Chloro quine) adds a worthless +ion to the ACE2 altering the lock mechanism to a ‘closed’ position. THIS ALSO MEANS IT IS CLOSED OFF for all the functions that require it. Is it any wonder that drug companies pulled it off the market when it turned out to be too dangerous to the human body becasue it shut down all the functional organs ACE2 receptors from DOING THIER FUCKING JOBS? Look at the list of ‘side effects’ or damage to the bodies organs...heart damage, lung damage, kidney damage, etc etc etc. I highly recommend that if you aren’t FUCKING DYING, like on deaths doorstep that you skip this shit that big pharma is peddling. There was a reason they took it off market and shelved it as ‘too dangerous’. Even Palaquine or whatever they are marketing their ‘new improved’ chemical bullshit as these days is still going to absolutely destroy your body...they will probably blame it on the CV-19. And what are you going to do later? Sue them? When there is no courts, no government? They are still trying to do anything to keep the weak and unwell of their slave system gimping along...are you AN OBESE FUCK; A SMOKER; A WHORE...POP A PILL; WE HAVE A WONDER DRUG FOR YOU...goddamn...it just gets worse and worse as long as these people are alive...
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5ef96c No.79510
Posting some generic bug spray.
ccp = coolie coof party
winnie the flu
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d98bcc No.79511
> It's just the flu, bro.
No it's not. Way more people die of the flu.
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7d9ab8 No.79513
70 posts later…when you have used up most of the thread with WORTHLESS one liners that say nothing…and the MODS don’t stop you…
Yeah…I am ‘filtering’ someone right now.
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863189 No.79517
Layer of plastic waterproof, cotton t shirt, activated charcoal cloth, wipe cloth, face towel, Waterproof Balaclava.
Cover your face and body with activated charcoal masks to block virus from entering your pores.
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11759f No.79519
>how do we know the virus hasn't been in the population for years?
There was a leak about this from a very well predicting and understanding anon that mentioned there already was but it was dormant. Before The jewflu became really known.
>one group had the idea of testing this. Is there a latent and highly lethal virus lying dormant in the population?
>They took blood samples from people across the US as well as some Western European countries and discovered something quite disturbing. A mysterious
virus, referred to internally as "pathogen X" present in something like 95% of the samples.
>It's an unusually large virus with a very particular shape, like a large toroid with spiky protruberances along the central axis.
>The genome is HUGE, and that makes knowing its actual payload at this stage almost impossible. It shares significant similarities with smallpox, lassa,
influenza, and HIV, but it neither looks nor behaves like any of these.
This is why anons were discussing other viruses, treatments and how they are all working on /ourgirl/ in combinations.
Do the treatments work because she is multiple parts of viruses chopped together?
Left it there so the thread is freer to shitpost a little when less info comes over weekend and so anons can see what shits threads up. Now anons can get back on topic along with moderation as required.
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21606d No.79521
>Why would you imagine that the virus has been in the population for years?
Because that's how you do science. You think of every possible explanation, and then you try to disprove each one. A hypothesis that survives all attempts as falsification is promoted from "hypothesis" to "theory."
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5c2339 No.79525
Could a kind anon point me to a pajeet research disclosure, where they admit it's a bioweapon? I've been looking for hours in the first 5 threads. Some sensitive faggot decided to withhold the sauce, since I called him a faggot, thus proving my point.
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5ef96c No.79527
come on mods. he shitted up the whole last thread. I know we all do a little shitposting from time to time. but this is 4cuck levels of retarded.
deploying bugspray.
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7e58ec No.79529
The Pajeets never said it was a bioweapon, you're putting words in their mouth. They only suggested the HIV parts in virus's genome could have been inserted there, a sign that it was bio engineered. Keep looking in the archived threads, you will probably find the paper in the 10s and the 20s.
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5ef96c No.79530
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11759f No.79533
>Poo paper
2nd. You might like 1st too..
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4ca959 No.79536
Reposting this here as well
>This time I am shooting any motherfucker who comes to my house or says that they have a ‘right’ to my things.
>This was one of the reasons I suggested that all anons take collagen every day to fill up the ACE2 so that they can’t receive the virus
Mind elaborating more on this?
>If I understand, what you are asking goes deeper than the surface ‘physical’ considerations to the metaphysical considerations of why this data set encodes death onto Life…
I'm just saying that this development is not natural and that as such, it's information integrity will decay over time. It doesn't have 'life' to propel it against entropy. I doubt either of us will live long enough to witness it happening though.
>Yes, I have puzzled over who the kikes ‘do not have diplomatic relationship’ (per article)
Iran comes to mind … they got hit pretty bad meaning that they had a lot of test subjects and an incentive to develop it. Their efficiency is questionable though, although they are quite scientifically advanced for a Muslim/brown country.
>I had always assumed that it was partially synthetic rather than created…
I wonder would we get some interesting correlations by comparing 5G coverage with geographic distribution of infected cases. Sure, both would be present in highly populated areas for different reasons, but there could be other factors as well … Or that's intended for the "vaccination" phase, a synthetic virus could be entirely autonomous and wouldn't need an external power/information source. Synthetic bacteria could be the cure however. They could serve as a bait for this 'virus' to latch onto, and then destroy it instead of allowing it to replicate.
>it might not be a nation at all but rather a large corporation
Very likely, a lot of transnational corporations are practically above the law and international treaties. We might start by looking at those leading in biotech research. Especially if they rolled out any products recently which development required certain type of equipment/knowhow. Major stock purchases in biotech sector as well. If someone planned for this in advance, they would concentrate their capital in industries that would offer a 'cure' , for maximized profits. Not those doing it now (as expected), those doing it before the 'virus' emerged.
>If you think the world is ‘sharing information’ about what is happening you are just totally naive.
This kind of short term thinking might be the end of them all. Everyone will try to use this situation to 'get ahead' and ultimately doom themselves.
>it is a quantum target
This thing is not operating on a quantum level for the most part, luckily. Otherwise, no technology available to anyone on earth could come even close to dealing with it.
>I doubt that most governments have access to that research
I was hoping that one of the glowniggers working for NSA who lurk here might leak some info since they are best equipped to scan for it globally, but they are either facing severe penalties for even thinking about it, or, any relevant information is being shared by channels not accessible even to them.
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7d9ab8 No.79543
>it's information integrity will decay over time
Could we speed this up? Now that is worth thinking about. We Might be able to design something that would break off the 33 a’s on the telomere...and that would intensely speed the decay. This is so obviously artificial addition that it would not be mistaken by Furin for anything else. We obviously wouldn’t want to design something that would randomly cleave non-pathogenic entities.
Or we could flood peoples bodies with free floating ACE2 mimic receptor only. Like the GMO mosquitoes that they release into a population that are pre-engineered to be sterile.
This sterile nonfunctional entity would bind to the CV-19 and then...nothing...a sort of forced sterilization at which point the T-cells could come mop up both as an invading entity.
> We might start by looking at those leading in biotech research.
I strongly suspect that Epstein had a large part in all this...I really hope that people don’t think that whole thing was all about underage pussy...for fucks sake...that man was eyebrow deep in biotech. As a matter of fact that whole fuckery might have triggered this entire thing.
> This thing is not operating on a quantum level for the most part, luckily.
Hmmm...not so sure about that. Can you elaborate on what you are thinking?
These are probably the least free, most surveilled and controlled people on the planet. I bet you that they are not free to move one direction or the other without permission. You know how it is with assets of measurable value who are not well connected...they aren’t even chess pieces...just something to be used and discarded; bought cheap for the price of a pension.
>look at transnationals...
Yes. I think I am going to return to Epstein and begin to look into some of his connections again. The timing (and situation) is too perfect on this one to be coincidental.
It is always nice talking to you anon.
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863189 No.79547
Information about Collagen
Collagen fills your body, it’s largely found in your connective tissues, bones and skin. It accounts for one-third of your body’s total protein and three-fourths of your skin’s dry weight. But the collagen found in supplements isn’t exactly like the collagen in your body. It’s been broken down to make it more digestible.
Hydrolysis, or the process by which collagen becomes hydrolyzed collagen, is a chemical process that breaks proteins down into their smaller parts — the amino acids or peptides. Therefore, in the supplement world, it’s not uncommon to see the label hydrolyzed collagen used interchangeably with “collagen peptides” both refer to the more easily dissolvable form of collagen protein.
You’ll generally see hydrolyzed collagen available online and on store shelves in the form of dietary supplement powders.
Collagen and Skin Health
Perhaps the most research on collagen supplementation and its potential role in your diet has been done on its effects on the skin. As we said before, collagen makes up 75 percent of your skin’s dry weight, naturally. So it depends on the stuff. As we age, collagen in our skin degrades. It’s estimated our bodies produce one percent less collagen in the skin every year beginning at age twenty. This degradation and decreased collagen production is a major contributor to the wrinkles, decreased skin elasticity and thin skin associated with old age. One large review of existing scientific literature (which included 11 clinical studies involving 805 patients, total) found collagen supplementation to increase skin hydration and elasticity while boosting collagen density. The researchers concluded that the evidence is “promising” for hydrolyzed collagen in the use of skin aging.
Collagen and Joint Health
Another relatively large body of research connected supplementing with hydrolyzed collagen to overall joint health in athletes. One 24-week study looked at the effects of collagen supplementation in physically active athletes who suffer joint pain because of their sport. The researchers found athletes using hydrolyzed collagen had notably less pain than those taking a placebo.
Collagen and Muscle Mass
Ask your gym bros and they’ll tell you: protein builds muscle. Whether or not hydrolyzed collagen builds muscle is another topic entirely. Fortunately, a bit of research has been done on the topic. One study of elderly men found resistance training with collagen supplementation improved fat-free body mass and muscle strength as compared with placebo. Another, conducted on active young men, had similar findings — body mass, fat-free mass and muscle strength were all increased with 12-week daily supplementation of 15g of collagen peptides. And if you’re interested in the effects of collagen on muscle mass, you may be interested in this: a small group of active young men were given 20g per day of collagen peptides and had moderate recovery and muscle soreness improvements 48 hours after exercise when compared to the control group.
Collagen and Heart Health
Collagen is naturally found in your blood vessels and smooth muscle cells, so it stands to reason it may play a role in cardiovascular health. What isn’t entirely clear is how or if collagen supplementation can directly impact heart health. Some studies have begun to explore this, but more research is definitely needed.
Collagen and Hair and Nail Health
Collagen is abundant in your skin and contains crucial amino acids in the development of healthy hair. However, there is no sound scientific evidence that supplementing with collagen can have a direct impact on human hair health. This doesn’t mean it can’t! Rather, it means that the research hasn’t been done to prove it can. There is, however, some research to support collagen in nail health. For example, this clinical study found that collagen peptide supplementation increased nail growth, improved brittle nails and decreased nail breakage after 24 weeks of supplementation.
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d05d43 No.79554
Top 10 Reasons To Believe the Wuhan Virology Lab Caused 2019-nCoV
I know some of you claimed this from the start, if you did you're a gullible sucker (like anime guy) who doesn't analyze evidence. You just believe what you want it to be regardless of evidence. There's still a good chance this is natural and not from a lab.
That being said,
Top 10 Reasons To Believe the Wuhan Virology Lab Caused 2019-nCoV
10. The Outbreak Started Across The Street From A Virology Lab
>For one thing, the first patients with 2019-nCoV have no connection to the market whatsoever. They lived nearby, and they appear to have spread the disease to people who went there — but the real patient zeros never actually stepped foot inside of it.[2]
>Also, 2019-nCoV is believed to have originated in bats — and this was a seafood market. Nobody was selling bats inside of this market. Bats just aren’t something people in Wuhan normally eat.[3] WTF
>A lot of people have pointed to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is just a 30 minutes drive for the seafood market. But if that’s not close enough for you, there’s another lab that researches bat coronaviruses that’s even closer: The Wuhan Center for Disease Control & Prevention.It’s not just on the other side of town. It’s on the other side of the street.[5]
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7f0694 No.79558
It's funny that a cosplayer was posted last thread. While searching for Corona-chan pics, I recently came across a tweet by some faggot blue check that complained about women cosplaying as our lovely girl Corona-chan. Even during a world changing, hyper-deadly pandemic, SJWs, fag soyboys, simps, trannies, and (((blue checkmarks))) will all find a way to virtue signal with it. Just an interesting observation.
>Rand Paul got blessed
How long before Ron apologizes for calling Corona-chan an elaborate hoax, or will he disavow Rand and call him an elaborate hoax too just to salvage his lolberg narrative? Heck, I can see Ron, still believing the hoax theory, visiting his son by stupidity, then getting blessed.
>Destroy all cultists.
As if that will stop the agent of God's wrath
>Nothing good ever happen
Wrong, Jesus died and rose again after three days and your sins may now be forgiven if you repent and turn to Him. Stay safe anon!
Thank you anon for your hard work!
Not with that bad tastes in anime girls your not. What's your favorite 2hu by the way, Hapa-kun?
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76e910 No.79560
Yeah, if you have 50 corpses full of lung butter and 5 tests, what are you going to do? Me I'd use the tests on the living and press the coroner into service trying to save lives. What you write the deaths off to depends on a bunch of factors. That doesn't preclude lies on top of this but this is a multifaceted problem.
Interesting thread. Georgia Guidestones, that Nip death cult that nerve gassed the Tokyo subway. Unironically makes me think. Is there any confirmation of this?
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286413 No.79566
Chloroquine helps because it plugs up the ACE2 receptors. That's all.
Military is required to have plans for literally everything. So yes they have a plan for several different outcomes. This doesn't mean they expect it to happen, just that they're ready for it to happen. For example NORTHCOM and FEMA have plans for if the entire USA gets nuked. That doesn't mean they think entire USA will get nuked.
Nice pastas
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7e58ec No.79571
IOC has four weeks to decide if they're going to postpone the Coronalympics or not https://archive.is/KYswW
Frogland update, 1559 new confirmed cases and 112 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/wip/UpA1w
Jew Jersey update
Orthodox kikes in Pissrael carry out religious gatherings since they're not afraid of Corona-Chan, sanitation workers respond by spraying them with water
Pajeets showing how to properly use a temperature checker in the metro station Reminder that India is a superpower since first of January
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863189 No.79572
>Chloroquine helps because it plugs up the ACE2 receptors. That's all.
Chloroquine switch ACE2 receptors off so the function stop working and start to suffer the serious damages.
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7d4e04 No.79573
>For the 24th consecutive day, more cases have been reported from outside mainland China than within mainland China. The total number of deaths reported from outside of mainland China is now greater than the total number of deaths reported by mainland China. Mainland China went 3 days without any locally transmitted cases until today (21 Mar 2020) when there was a positive case associated with contact with an imported case;
I'm so tired of reading this garbage in promed and other sources. Why is no one on this fucking planet capable of adding a disclaimer saying "we know these stats are fake and we're no longer extrapolating from them nor comparing anything to China's bullshit statistics"
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286413 No.79574
True but better than getting butter lungs and dying. Nothing to be done lightly but you can survive it.
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0bc8e5 No.79576
Campfire and hotel bar stories about Pathogen X have circulated for years and years and years. Many not in the virology field worry about it and work the problem. There really is no telling for how long such stories or worries have been around for exactly but I'd guess at least the late 50's or early 60's – well before my time on this Planet. This is not Pathogen X though. What we have here, mathematically indicates a patient zero of October/September 2019. I suspect there are far more effective bio-weapons that exist that would make this actually look like the common cold. In this way I'm thankful this is not much much worse.
Anyone, how did the Chinese overlook a common malaria med?
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5c2339 No.79577
Sorry, I was paraphrasing. Thanks for the tip.
Thank you kindly anon, I've seen the last one, not the first three.
Bullseye, thanks heaps, anon.
I have to admit, I'm not new, but I was the victim of wish-it-away mentality, downplaying the severity of the situation in my head. I have to catch up and catch up fast. Thank you again anons, God bless you all.
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863189 No.79581
Chloroquine has antiviral effects. It increases endosomal pH, resulting in impaired virus/cell fusion - fusion requires a low pH.
>increases endosomal pH
>Viruses are pH Sensitive
Chloroquine also seems to act as a zinc ionophore, thereby allowing extra cellular zinc to enter inside the cell and inhibit viral RNA dependant RNA polymerase.
>zinc ionophore
>Quercetin Plus Bromelain, 500 mg, 90 Capsules
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f95ab2 No.79582
>implying it is a bad thing that merkel and biden dying by corona.
good riddance.
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7f0694 No.79583
>Using the wrong honorific for Corona-chan
Ok hapa-kun, but I want you to answer my question: what's your favorite 2hu?
>Pajeets showing how to properly use a temperature checker in the metro station
UH! That superior Poo-power perfecting physical during this pandemic. So beautiful! No wonder they are the world's new supoopower.
>Even non-Orthodox Jews are getting tired of their bullshit.
Those dubs don't lie. God bless you anon!
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7e58ec No.79588
So many naive sciencefags, thinking chemicals and minerals mixed by men can stop divine judgement, all of you are in for a rude awakening…
Senegal update, 11 new confirmed cases
Pissrael update, 188 (hailed) confirmed cases https://archive.is/wip/viqlA
I know how you feel. Praying for those lying cunts to get blessed.
>>79577 (checked)
>I have to admit, I'm not new, but I was the victim of wish-it-away mentality, downplaying the severity of the situation in my head. I have to catch up and catch up fast. Thank you again anons, God bless you all.
Good thing you accepted the severity of the situation, you have been rewarded by Kek with lucky doubles, those digits will protect you during those hard times.
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cdf0ad No.79590
Former JP Morgan Chase senior executive Bill Pike died yesterday (21st) due to infection SARS Before leaving, his pastor held a farewell ceremony for him and his family in isolation by phone.
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863189 No.79591
Coronavirus is quite stable at pH 6.0 (acidic) but becomes rapidly and irreversibly inactivated by brief treatment at pH 8.0 (alkaline). We need to find the alkaline diet to turn our ph level up.
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7d4e04 No.79597
this may be obvious but I also want to mention if anyone here is capable of obtaining (hydroxy)chloroquine for themselves, in the same way vet techs can obtain ketamine easily, it is hardly something worth using without supervision. The side effects list is long and scary and I'm sure that the movement to secure it for upcoming usage has weighed that into account.
Heart failure, rapid drop of blood sugar level leading to unconsciousness, permanent vision damage (such as defects in the visual field or blurring, and something fascinating called scotomas), fucking with your nervous system and a whole bunch more. It's easy to poison yourself with it and/or overdose too and it takes only minutes to progress and then your heart starts beating irregularly and you rapidly decline. Definitely a last resort where you can't possibly get to a hospital.
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5c2339 No.79600
I almost left these dubs unchecked. Panic israel.
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2ff1a1 No.79607
Germany right now. Welcome to city 17 people
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11759f No.79609
Literally the line above
>Now this has been known about in the virology community for a while. One of those intriguing campfire stories we would tell each other after one too many drinks at the hotel lobby
Doesn't surprise me though.
It perfectly resembles the pathogen X talked about by the anon in many ways. That same anon called out china as being a risk.. look what happened. And a few other things.
Just another piece of evidence.
As the other anon said in the other bread - they'd make a bioweapon the same way.
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7d4e04 No.79610
My guess is that their hands are tied and the censorship/acknowledgement of fake statistics is above them in hierarchy, pay grade, whatever. and they have no choice but to repeat it when circulating updates while keeping a career. Same as how you're expected to follow the lie about climate change lest you lose grants and get blackballed from the industry. I don't know what the alternative is though, it's not like anyone detached from the system could finance their own findings/estimations and get them out in a manner that isn't immediately attacked for not being (((peer reviewed))).
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a265d4 No.79614
Turkroach update, 289 new confirmed cases and 9 new confirmed deaths
PooperPower2020 update, 81 new confirmed cases multiply that by 150 https://archive.is/fbwP6
14 new confirmed cases in Cooba https://archive.is/T93lv
Nasty Girl convoy heading to Chicago
Corona-Chan spotted in Syria
*new confirmed cases
>JP Morgan
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11759f No.79622
Fuck, that's the last thing based Assad wants to deal with right now.
Wtf is up with the weird colour and shoop distortions. Something is up with that pic.
looks like a bridge, prestressed concrete didn't do the job, kek
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875f79 No.79624
Why do I have to keep reminding people that China hasn't won a war in over 500 years.
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bdef70 No.79626
Who was the American jew who got busted recently for working with the Chinese and giving them top secret info regarding virus research (or something like that)? I think there were 2 other Chinese in the report I read. I forgot to bookmark it.
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043091 No.79627
Why would you push the idea of war on behalf of a kikenigger society dedicated to your racial extermination?
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76e910 No.79628
The issue with any bioweapon is spreading it to your enemy while not spreading it to yourself. If you have the means of doing that there are plenty of things that are cheaper and more effective. Just spraying something like this into the air isn't what a state actor does. My bets in order
<chink incompetence
<one or two people, chinks or otherwise, deciding to fuck the world up
<death cult of some sort from China or outside
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ad8241 No.79629
I kinda feel bad for the Japs, all the hype and preparations for the Olympic games and now it's all gone to shit
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875f79 No.79630
It usually in the context of "Have you seen China's army, its huge!"
>idea of war
Hitler went to war with the Jews, remember?
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26abd7 No.79631
Ah, finally some good news. Cheer up, situation in Iran is looking good!
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043091 No.79634
>Hitler went to war with the Jews, remember?
He went to war against them. Big difference. What can you expect, though, from the most jewish thread on the board? Fucking rat.
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0bc8e5 No.79638
I read it live way back than. There is plenty from that bread in October from Mr USA and Mr Canada that match with Wuhan Flu. I'm not downplaying that. The likelihood it was a LARP, even at that time, approached zero.
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11759f No.79639
>Pooperpower 2020 gains
>81 cases in a day, 7 deaths total
Looks like Malaria theory is off the menu, Anons.
Haven't you heard anon, oryprik going ahead no matter what - literally olympic committee fags, daring to test the mettle of /ourgirl/ got what they deserved.
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ad8241 No.79641
They will probably change their minds and even if they don't no one's gonna attend.
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875f79 No.79642
Wait what? You think Jews planned the virus and the mass panic around it?
Nukes for days.
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7f0694 No.79644
Today is the 40th anniversary of the Momument to Satanic New World Order and a blight to my state: the Goergia Guidestones
Here's a reminder that though some of the "guidelines" appears to be compatible with our views, closely reading the guidelines as well as understanding shows that they are far from pro-Nationalist, pro-Tradition, pro-Ethnocentrism, pro-Euro-firtility-propagation-and-conquest, etc. That it's the 40th anniversary really concerns me even more as God usually waits a multiple of 40 years before send judgement. Most relevant to Corona is the first and perhaps the most sinister "guideline" to keep world population under 500 million. Make of that what you will.
Poles making cute disease plushies for your NEET-comfort and isolation-entertainment during the Coronapocalypse. Seems like proceeds go to various Polish Medical charities.
>Gets Heil'd dubs
>188 new Heil'd cases in Zogland
>Checked the blessed dubs above
>So many naive sciencefags, thinking chemicals and minerals mixed by men can stop divine judgement, all of you are in for a rude awakening…
Ok Asuka-Domo, but I still want to know what your favorite 2hu is.
>Bill Pike
It pains me that I have heard a banker's name before, let alone this.
>His pastor...
He's gonna need Jesus if he was a massive usurer. Hopefully, the post corona-chan church will reform herself to stop supporting these satanic usurers and preach for the banning of all forms of usury and money-loving.
News Source Asuka-domo?
I know who you are talking about. I need to find the inforgraph or pic about him.
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0bc8e5 No.79652
At the moment there are two distinct possibilities with a high degree of certainty: 1. it's a Chinese leak (whether deliberate or not/sanctioned or not) 2. It's non-state.
Internal Chinese documentation at a very early stage squarely pinned it on the USA and theorised why. Regardless of the theory, there was no other option for how this happened. Saving face no matter who you are in this situation is not going to save your neck so it's silly to think it was that – an attempt to save face. I wonder how srys the Chinese government is with their anti-USA propaganda… that it originated in the USA. When you take the 3 month gap between internal blame on the USA and very public statements… it seems they might have done due diligence. This means they will increase pressure on this point. Every indication points to it being they actually believe it's not theirs now. i.e. perhaps their Wu Flu was still on ice and isn't the same.
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7e6fd0 No.79653
Business park closed in Tampa Bay.
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7e6fd0 No.79658
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97322a No.79661
>is the state response too extreme?
i wouldn't call it that, i could be much worse, i'd say the state is panicking because they know they acted to late for playing the wait and see game, which they only played so as to not offend the chinks and be called reeeesist for that
>Not extreme enough?
to little to late at this point
>Is China lying about numbers?
>Is there a conspiracy to restrict testing?
the main goal of the government is to prevent a panic and keep the economy afloat as much as they can, testing a lot of people a proving that a metric fuck ton of people got blessed would go against that
>Are the neet-bux a scam?
they are a mere givesmedat in an attempt to delay the inevitable chimpout
>taking the word of the CDC and WHO as holy gospel
how much of a newfag are you? nobody believes the WHO, and even normies are openly mocking them and calling for the resignation of nigger in chief for covering up the outbreak to help the CCP, the CDC was doing their job at first, even going as far as to force the WHO to declare a pandemic, but then they went full event 201 poz and became no different than any other alphabet
>How do we know the number of infections?
following the growth charts done by mathfags should give you an estimate, y just add like 3 o 4 0s to the right to every official number the media spits out
>Since only people with symptoms are being tested, how can we make any claims about the true number of infections
we can't especially when people starts avoiding hospitals to avoid infection or being quarantined in a coofcentration camp. just clench you buttoks and brace for the worst
>is the test used consistent throughout the world?
no, Japan has a completly different strain and they developed a test specific to that strain, besides, 1st and 3rd world countries will have both different resources available and different governments who may or many not prioritize shekkesl over their population
>How many different labs are producing tests results? Is there any consistency between the lab procedures?
good question, no idea
>What is the false positive rate of the tests? What is the false negative rate?
i believe i hear there's around 20% rate of failure in the test. it may be higher since the government is more worried about damage control
>What is the rate of infection among those who are exposed?
unknown, just brace for the worst, but it can't be that bad though, Taiwan has kinda managed to keep it under control and they are just quarantining travelers, keeping distance and washing their hands
>how is each death confirmed?
the confirmed deaths are the ones they just cant write off as pneumonia or old age, people who have already tested positive and there is no way to hide the fact that corona chan killed them
>how do we know the virus hasn't been in the population for years?
i want to believe that nobody, not even the chinks and jews would be stupid enough to make a plague that will stay dormant and invisible for years while it spreads all around the world… but then again, every time i said something around the lines of "X couldn't possibly be this stupid" reality often proves me wrong
>What is it about this virus that makes it so much more dangerous than the many other viruses we live with?
the fact that it's a biological weapon comes to mind
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11759f No.79663
>>79644 >>79626
>Yellow jews working with jews
And some other CCP chinks.
>park is closed due to aids
Looks like a great place to do some skids.
>lessershitpostingland is leaking
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3ab758 No.79667
ive found some natural medicin which helps blocking corona chan: Cystus052 und Ladania067
Cystus052 I can buy in my country of residence, ladania067 works stronger but i can't find it.
>thieme-connect.com /products/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/s-0033-1338221
other than that we are using echinaforce and umckaloabo to protect us from the evil outside world.
(USER WAS BANNED FOR BEING AS MUCH OF A FAGGOT AS ASUKAFAG) Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
923845 No.79670
2 weeks ago. Pay attention.
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9785ef No.79671
Niggernet is spazzing out, probably got a new ID
Blessings in the Burger Navy
Jew York City update and mayor says the worst is yet to come https://archive.is/Cc1WN
12 YO girl in the state of Georgia is fighting for her life on a ventilator
https://archive.is/NXgFG The Coronian Cult does not cheer, support or endorses the infection of white children, /pnd/'s Coronian Cult is completely pro-white and we pray for the survival of the white race daily. The metaphysical source of this infection is not Corona-Chan but Covid instead. Don't use that jewish name, people
Brownzilian update, we now "officially" have 1546 cases and 25 deaths Reminder that our numbers are total bullshit
No, the Olympics getting fucked is a good thing. The kikes at the IOC wanted Nippon to remove the holy swastikas representing the locations of Shinto shrines from maps because of "muh feels".
>Looks like Malaria theory is off the menu, Anons.
Yes and so is everything else, science can't stop this. Get that through your thick skulls, sciencefags.
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923845 No.79672
Becoming readily apparent that they are taking this pandemic as an opportunity to strip America of its firearms. Isolating ALL of us before they go into areas and lock them down followed by house by house searches. Much like they did in their practice run for this EXACT scenario in the aftermath of Katrina. It will be done under the same guise of "wellness checks".
OC California announced a upcoming county wide lockdown and a curfew. Los sngeles the same. Plus the closing of all bars. Wonder why, maybe to keep MEN from communicating with and giving courage as nd support to each other as this fast approaches.
New Orleans stopping the sale of alcohol and firearms and now making it a felony CRIME to be caught transporting these items with any intention. They also are soon to set, if not already, a curfew time when all residents must be in their homes or face CRIMINAL charges.
Dont expect to hear in the news about probably HUNDREDS of shootouts with the police, guard, and full time military. You wont hear about it because we will all be in our homes like good little goyim unknowingly waiting for our knock at the door. If at all possible we need to get word to each other if anything like this occurs so that the REAL MEN of this Republic can come rushing in to aid the resistance.
They are tired of waiting for their chance, I am 99% sure they are going to go for it this time and it will be brutal. How high the death toll from this action must rise to in order to get the citizenry in the streets fighting is my only worry.
They are going to hit areas that have the most guns first, that only makes sense. What it means is we must be ready to roll at a moments notice. If it's happening citizens should be rolling up in their cars into areas being hit and starting fire fights IMEDIATELY. remember they have body armor, most of you do not. So make your shots count!
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4ca959 No.79674
>Could we speed this up?
Yes, if you figure out how to gradually corrupt it's data without triggering it's evolutionary mechanism (it would fulfill the reproduction/survival function but get less and less efficient over time, think of what the Jews were doing with white people)
>Or we could flood peoples bodies with free floating ACE2 mimic receptor only.
This would be the most accessible solution I believe. You'd only need to make those mimic receptors more receptive than the real ones. And figure out how to make your body not confuse them for it's own. Since it could lead to a lot of cell death/organ failure. Just an uneducated guess, at least from a cellular biology perspective.
>I really hope that people don’t think that whole thing was all about underage pussy…for fucks sake…that man was eyebrow deep in biotech
And that's probably what he god killed or "killed" for, his pedo island being just a red herring/distraction for qoomers. Can you give me some company names?
>Can you elaborate on what you are thinking?
It seems to follow a relatively stable, mostly deterministic function (with a lot of probabilistic variables) so far. A "quantum virus" would pretty much look like 'magic' to people, being able to change states between being a signal in the frequency domain (akin to a computer virus that's not bound to chips and circuits) and a physical form that appears like an ordinary virus. Anything able to maintain such continuity is far beyond what our civilization could even imagine so I wouldn't worry about that now.
>These are probably the least free, most surveilled and controlled people on the planet
Where there is a will, there is a way …
>just something to be used and discarded
Most of them realize it too late …
>The timing (and situation) is too perfect on this one to be coincidental
To make the search more narrow, I'd focus on Chinese, American and Israeli biotech companies. There should be enough cross-references to reveal the real entity that's likely registered in some less suspicious country.
>It is always nice talking to you anon.
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11759f No.79677
Sorry this is delving OT but worth mentioning at least.. your discussion with the other anon triggered a memory;
>The timing (and situation) is too perfect on this one to be coincidental
Remember when the envelopes were given out at the Bush Senior funeral?
>those facial reactions
Look what happened since.
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97322a No.79679
if only they had those chink fumigation machines the gas the kikes meme would have finally become real
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7f0694 No.79680
Found some pics.
Thanks friend!
>12 YO girl in the state of Georgia is fighting for her life on a ventilator
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5b9b02 No.79685
>If at all possible we need to get word to each other if anything like this occurs so that the REAL MEN of this Republic can come rushing in to aid the resistance.
Well, if they do, you stand no chance. You never organized around anything. There is no resistance. You're like the libertarian party with your 'muh freedoms', your obsession with individualist freedoms stops you from agreeing on anything. Now you suffer the consequences.
Hubris works both ways, Kamerad.
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000000 No.79686
God bless Corona-chan for that.
Although the German people need to unite and start killing their authorities as well. Just waiting for them to die is the same as accepting slavery.
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043091 No.79687
>Hubris works both ways, Kamerad.
Tell these spiritual kikes exactly how it is.
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5b9b02 No.79689
Now is not the time. First Corona-chan needs to cleanse the lands, then the politicians are ours.
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bebf0b No.79692
there's a lot of circumstantial evidence pinpointing chink involvement than otherwise. Them propagandizing otherwise is just a load of bull. I hope the second wave hit them the most with their resumption of production.
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29c9c5 No.79693
First zogbot death related to corona-chan
A Defense Department contractor has died after contracting coronavirus, marking the first military-related death from the illness.
The Arlington, Va.-based contractor, who worked at the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), died on Saturday, the Pentagon said in a statement on Sunday.
The individual had tested positive for COVID-19 and had been under medical treatment at a local hospital.
As of Friday, 67 service members, 15 civilian employees, 26 dependents and 16 contractors had tested positive for the coronavirus.
The Pentagon has scrambled to staunch the rising number of cases in the military, earlier this month suspending almost all nonessential travel for eight weeks for DOD personnel and families, limiting access to the Pentagon and other military installations and canceling or scaling back exercises.
Other measures include closing all Army recruiting stations and moving only to “virtual recruiting,”and requiring Navy ships to stay out at sea for at least 14 days once they leave a port.
Still, on Friday the Air Force announced that an active-duty airman and an Air Force contractor who both visited the Pentagon in recent weeks have tested positive for the coronavirus, the first cases inside the building.
The Pentagon also said Friday it is monitoring 2,600 military personnel in Europe for possible exposure to the coronavirus. Of the 72,000 U.S. forces in Europe, at least 35 have tested positive for the illness.
The latest statement noted that spaces in DSCA where the individual worked have been cleaned in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance when he tested positive, and the person's co-workers have been teleworking.
“Our condolences go out to his family, friends and co-workers and we thank the medical professionals who worked to save his life in the face of this virus,” the release said.
“The Department remains committed to protecting our service members, their families, and our civilian co-workers.”
All 54 states, territories and the District of Columbia have declared a state of emergency in response to COVID-19, which has infected more than 30,000 people and killed more than 380 in the United States.
Roughly 7,300 National Guardsmen have been activated to aid states and territories in the coronavirus response, with that number expected to increase.
archive.is doesn't work under my end
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9785ef No.79696
Chink taxi drivers protesting over the quarantine ruining their jobs
Breakdown of the Brownzilian update, courtesy of the ministry of lies health
This. The window of opportunity opens when the government collapses from the stress caused by the shitty economy, Corona-Chan and social unrest. Strike while the iron is hot.
that fucking pic, kek
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23b50a No.79698
>Forcing people to stay home no matter what, OR ELSE
They know people will go crazy after two weeks, right?
They know that overly strict shutdown rules will result in low morale, right?
They know low morale leads to mutiny, looting and other chimpout behavior, right?
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5b9b02 No.79700
Sieg Heil, Freund!
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cf227e No.79701
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043091 No.79702
Why are you so convinced it couldn't have come from the American government, which is sworn to total niggerization and extermination of the White race? They'll do anything to keep their niggerized system from having challengers or losing credibility. Perception is their number one tool to achieve total niggerization.
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cf227e No.79703
why would they release a plague that kills all their precious niggers and completely stops the importation of more niggers?
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97322a No.79705
i liked you more when you didn't copypaste your own shitposting >(1)kun
where's your creative display of mental gymnastics? what happen? did Winnie the Flu lower your salary for glowing to bright?
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043091 No.79706
where are all these dead niggers?
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11759f No.79707
>>79705 >>79701
Never reply to tiny dick hapafag.
Refresh the bread, hapa mentally damaged asukakike is cleared in under a minute each time.
>biracial Asian Americans are twice as likely as monoracial Asian Americans to be diagnosed with a psychological disorder.
This is what you are seeing here.
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911a30 No.79708
>Bath and Body Works
Anon, that could be most malls on any day of the week. Looking forward to the post-Corona revival of the Dead Mall Series since all of the malls that were clinging to life before this shit are assuredly going to die before it's over.
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c5ddf6 No.79709
It can be both anon: why let a perfectly good pandemic go to waste?
Here's a low level virus lab in China.
Please note the broken seal on the fridge, proving that chinks trying dangerous science is a cargo cult.
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5b9b02 No.79721
Actually, I can see a future for them after this, if the system doesn't break. A bit like the end in Contagion, vaccine chip reader at the entrance, to ensure a safe environment, pump extra oxygen in to help breathing (but really to get customers euphoric and buy more than they need, something the cash strapped gubmint will let pass). People can have their fucking 'outing' without being scared of people in the wild. Yeah it doesn't take too much lateral thinking to see that.
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cf227e No.79722
you didn't africa get a huge spike in ""Pneumonia"" cases? they can't even detect or test for it so no ((offical)) numbers.
I like how you completely ignored my other point
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7f0694 No.79724
"When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices, and when the wicked perish there are shouts of gladness." (Prov. 11:10 ESV)
I guess I'll never learn what Asuka-domo's favorite 2hu is, if he even has one. Oh well! He probably doesn't even know what a 2hu is.
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9f12fc No.79725
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bebf0b No.79728
>Why are you so convinced it couldn't have come from the American government
because of how burgerland acted from the onset and if they want to niggerize the country, they should've done it during black holiday.
I'm thinking the opposite. Niggerland and other authoritarian regime under BRI would be more affected with chink requiring employees/subcontractors be chinks – possibly becoming vector for corona-chan. With chink chabuduo mindset, and them pilfering talents for their bioweapon, it's a disaster for the niggs waiting to happen.
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3c54eb No.79729
It could be a lot of things, why do you think it was related to these happenings?
This 'virus' could be mostly synthetic after all. Can some anon find links for some of his works/publications?
I can recommend incense to anons, it has good anti-microbial properties. It was considered to be "divine" for a reason you know … It might not save you from this, but it can help prevent secondary infections.
White people must be complicit for it to happen. And it's something that was supposed to happen gradually. Basically, the more white people they kill now, the harder it will become to contain the surviving ones.
It's probably something non-lethal that was just used as an example for making a photo. You don't let pictures of the lethal stuff and it's containers float around for security reasons.
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911a30 No.79731
I'd see malls getting turned into mass hospitals not unlike stadiums before they have a post-corona life, anon. Think about it, access-controlled (few entrances, all lockable), lots of centralized security, heavy power available, lots of space, and so on.
They'll also butcher each other in AFrica when even the faintest whiff of the virus shows up. Remember, these are people who buy 'magical' amulets from local witch doctors like those idiot miners who rushed a private security detail thinking they were bullet proof, only to get shrecked. No, I don't have that video handy. But it was hilarious.
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63e482 No.79732
1/3rd of detected US cases are in NYC, the rest of the country being under don't test don't tell.
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253c89 No.79734
I didn't know they were still in business.
I expect riots in the summer that is now an inevitability but i doubt even if they could or wanted to get the disease under control it would automatically fix the economy or the supply problems therefore I expect a break down of the health care system in particular in relation to old people ( care & pills) since they will considered secondary & huge scarcity in food ( assuming you didn't prep & live in a city) that will not end for years….
2nd pic Tai look evil
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043091 No.79735
America is ALREADY niggerized.
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911a30 No.79736
The major urban hives in the US LA, NYC, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia; anything with 1m+ people are going to suffer this plague the worst. People will not obey quarantine. They'll run out of food. They'll panic. Crime will get worse even in Chicago. Nasty Girls will probably shoot a few people while someone records it. It's going to be a goddamn mess, and the economy's going to be in the shitter for at least the next three years. Or five years, if Sanders somehow gets elected.
The suffering hasn't even begun.
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bebf0b No.79741
I'm not saying otherwise. They are niggerized for their actions during the onset.
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bdef70 No.79742
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11759f No.79745
I'd leave one post up just for you, if the mentally damaged fag actually answered the question.
Just the people around those people who got the messages were connected with Epkike. Maybe this was all planned. Who knows. It's a shitty OT theory I should've just dropped.
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7ae736 No.79747
How long until burgers dominate the leaderboard with the high score?
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d98bcc No.79749
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11759f No.79750
>burgers world champions for real this time
Give it a week or two max if they don't go full martial law today onwards.
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43f72a No.79751
Ohio here. Just got our quarantine order. Gonna be a fun 2 weeks.
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911a30 No.79754
China owns that high score and will for this whole thing, anon. Only difference is Burger numbers are impossible to hide since public information is much more readily available.
I also suspect it to spread horribly in Africa and South America, but we won't know the full extent of it because their infrastructure and testing facilities are shit. Looking forward to videos of military teams going through favelas and slums with flamethrowers, though.
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000000 No.79757
Always wrong, niggerpill.
Our cult is eternal, and you have no power at all.
We have all the power.
We have all the happiness.
And we will always have it all.
You lost, niggerpill.
The jews lost.
The Olympics dying in the long run out of the fear from the people, will be another major victory for Corona-chan.
Don't feel bad for them. They are being saved from the jewish-marxist scam that is the Olympics. The world needs more walls, and no bridges. Each nation in their own place, without any cultural exchange or globalization cancer.
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cf227e No.79758
> jewish-marxist scam that is the Olympics
haven't heard that before. Mind providing a little info?
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7f0694 No.79763
You're welcome fren!
Thank you BO/mod/vol! I highly doubt he'll answer the question considering his apparent IQ and English skills, but whatever. Posting best 2hu to lighten the mood, if you don't mind. Last pic is related to Corona-chan, I swear!:^)
I need to check if GA has posted any quarantine orders.
>That 2hu thing is something to do with Digimon right?
No, with Pokeman :^)
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97322a No.79764
>kvetchin about Nurgle worshipers
>not posting 40K heresy memes
mods should go full exterminatus on your IP
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7d4e04 No.79766
Requesting the most recent information on surface lifetime. For a while I was hearing nine days as a theoretical maximum for room temperature, now it's apparently highly dependent on what the material is (ie cardboard, porous plastic, etc) and room humidity.
I'm trying to educate fucking retards that keep coming in from shopping while wearing gloves, putting the gloves in their pockets with bare hands, and then putting things away in shelving without even thinking about what's on the boxes.
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11759f No.79772
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911a30 No.79774
Depends on surface like you said, anon. Last I heard, here were the general ranges:
>paper / cardboard - up to 24hrs
>plastic - 3 to 9 days
>steel / metal (excl. copper) - 6 - 9 days
>air - up to 3hrs
In general, unless you're shopping at coof central, the chance of getting it from packaging exteriors is very low. However, you should still wipe down or isolate all foreign items coming into your home just to be safe.
It's unrealistic to think that anyone but hte most autistic prepper could turn their home into a BSL3 type clean room, but taking basic preventative measures and just fucking thinking about where you put your hands will be fine for 95% of people.
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97322a No.79780
>wanting to be like a nip
>even though we like weebshit because nips want to be like ayans so much that their best MCs are blue eyed blondes
c`mon hapachan, you and i both know that /pol/ merimutts want to be white almost as much as nips do
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69df6c No.79783
There goes my ID again, fuck this niggernet, it's spazzing out hard today
Painterland update, 572 new confirmed cases and 8 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/1FLxz
Cooban "doctors" arrive in Milan Those gommies are just going to get themselves blessed
Cheeki Breeki Archbishop says Corona-Chan is a punishment for buttsex and other sins, compares the situation to Sodom and Gomorrah Kek
Checking your doubles.
This, that nigger and all the other shills got an unbreakable curse launched upon them. I made the ultimate sacrifice in order to get them all killed. On the bad side, I won't be able to watch the survivors rebuilding the world. On the good side, I will have plenty of fun in the underworld laughing at undesirables who just arrive wondering where the fuck they are.
Hope you're well stocked, stay safe.
I don't know if you read last thread but Corona-Chan is already in City of God. Fun times, can't wait until she comes to my street.
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43f72a No.79786
>Hope you're well stocked, stay safe.
Yeah, I'll be fine, thanks anon. Luckily Ohio started early with shutting things down and preparing the public instead of talking about "democrat hoax" and "it's no worse than a summer cold" bullshit. So, we stocked up a bit already.
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f9677b No.79787
Don't touch the poop
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29c9c5 No.79788
>since all of the malls that were clinging to life before this shit are assuredly going to die before it's over.
that's with most of retail, brick-and-mortar are closing shop, what's left are the small dollar stores, discount clothes stores ie Ross Stores and ,Marshalls and popup retail ( shops that come and go think times square stores, Spirit Halloween or Lululemon)
Picture related is a popup store there's no permanent store signs up, stores like this stay open a for a month
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69df6c No.79789
São Paulo government setting up field hospitals
>So, we stocked up a bit already.
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d98bcc No.79790
>What is it about this virus that makes it so much more dangerous than the many other viruses we live with?
< the fact that it's a biological weapon comes to mind
So are my farts. That doesn't justify shutting down the world.
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000000 No.79792
They all have the choice to revolt and do what is rights. But they care more about (((career))) and money. They are also the enemies because of that, and they will also hang when the time comes.
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97322a No.79796
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864a36 No.79797
True fact, people take antacids. But they have other ingredients, so make sure it’s ok for you to take in quantity. I’m not supposed to take them and my pH sits around 5. If Corona-chan touches me I’ll ejaculate prematurely.
So they were right when they said this would amount to a life sentence for Harvey Weinstein.
Checked. Lane Bryant stores must be huge! We could commandeer them for hospital space.
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7ae736 No.79799
What's the point if there is massive viral shedding during incubation?
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862819 No.79800
So basically all the liver, balls and lung damage we heard about was caused by the use this drug, and not to corona? Frightening.
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21606d No.79802
<How do we know the number of infections?
>following the growth charts done by mathfags should give you an estimate, y just add like 3 o 4 0s to the right to every official number the media spits out
Being a mathfag is not a medical qualification. Is there anyone in this thread who can make a case for a credible infection number based on something more than
< I can math and even added some zeroes on the end just to be sure.
<how is each death confirmed?
> the confirmed deaths are the ones they just cant write off as pneumonia or old age, people who have already tested positive and there is no way to hide the fact that corona chan killed them
Do you have a source for this or are you just guessing?
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5c2339 No.79804
That old cuckchan bread is terrifying, bruv. I want to know more about Pathogen X. I HAVE to know more.
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540c7c No.79805
>Do you have a source for this or are you just guessing?
You need to read the old breads if you want this level of info, anon.
Look at the data for flu/pneumonia etc, especially flu there is a massive spike this year.
Same with other related deaths so now you know where lot of it is hidden…
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c0c858 No.79807
Transparency wuhanchan included.
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7f0694 No.79808
>I dont care about your gay 2hushit.
Spoken like a true and retarded "Asuka is best girl" ironic weeb. Yeah, you are a complete fag. Enjoy your bans!
>who dont even look old enough.
Just keep confirming you're a fake gay lord who doesn't understand how anime aesthetics work or anything about the material he claims to love. Pics so fucking related. PedoHapa-fag
Good work Anon! Praying that you and your family will stay well, safe, and sane.
>it's spazzing out hard today
What's your plans Brazilbro when Bolsanaro and Co cuts out the internet in your neck of the woods or the beatial hues decide to wreck the internet infrastructure over there? I hope that you get to shitpost with us and enjoy Corona-chan's rampage with the rest of us as long as you can.
>Archbishop says Corona-Chan is a punishment for buttsex and other sins, compares the situation to Sodom and Gomorrah
WTF, I'm Orthodox now! JK! Prottie 4ever, but any Orthobros in this thread are cool with me
>Cooban doctors
I haven't heard much about Cuba and the virus. If they haven't received any blessing, those doctors traveling to Milan will guarantee it once they return, unless the Castro family does a Kim Jung Un and "disappear" those doctors before the doctors can set foot back on the island.
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97322a No.79810
>Being a mathfag is not a medical qualification
it's the best thing we got so far
corona chan infects all, chad and neets alike
a doctor cannot accurately tell you what is the average number of people an individual will have contact with during a 2 week period, but a math fag can make an estimate
a doctor can only tell you corona chan can bless you just for being 1 meter away from a coofer, but only a mathfag can calculate, between the neet and chad population what is the average number of people they will bless after having contact with, and how the infection will spread based on how many get people those newly blessed have contact with
Doctors need to use math to tell you a number
what's the matter? ran out of tp for your bumhole?
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c0c858 No.79812
I suspect its because nobody wants to go to fucking africa. Tourism, illegal immigration, chinese sweat shops aren't a big in africa. They are in Europe though…
I'm hoping the DARC gene variant carried by 90% of African nogs makes them more susceptible to coronavirus. It makes them more susceptible to HIV infection and since coronavirus and hiv are similar to one another I hope that continent gets wrecked.
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911a30 No.79813
Hueanon, I've been in these threads since the start. And is there any mitigation plan from your gubment about the slums and all that? I don't know how healthcare works for you, but is there a chance the poor could flood the hospitals?
Just as how GNC Nutrition, Bath and Body Works, and Payless Shoes are heralds of dead malls, Spirit Halloween and Lululemons seem to be the same for brick and mortar storefronts.
Something else I was thinking of today is how this social distancing and lockdown shit is going to have to persist until a vaccine is found. It would only take one person to reinfect an entire city, and then you're back to a lockdown again. How long until the nasty girls are delivering food to apartment blocks via commercial drones?
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c2069c No.79817
Hey does anyone have a link to that old thread where some anon mentioned a coronavirus + quarantine in a thread either a year or two ago? I've seen other ppl here say the link was posted in an older /cvg/ thread but I'm really hoping to avoid having to dig thru 40 threads to find it… Thx!
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911a30 No.79818
China's been building up shitloads of infrastructure and such in Africa for a while now via debt colonialization. Something we should've done, but don't because of the screeching left. That could all come tumbling down if the virus decimates the Chinese-only cities and worker camps, and it's not like the Africans like them anyway. Go watch The Empire of Dust if you had any doubts about how fucked Africa is on an individual level.
>DARC gene variant
Yeah, that could be a thing. See if their kang blood helps keep them safe.
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7d4e04 No.79819
thanks a bunch, but I'm still trying to tell them to at least wipe down things like containers people pick up and put back, especially if it's a short-access item like milk
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69df6c No.79820
Brownzilian army in Santa Catarina setting up small field hospital in front of the São José Hospital's triage center.
São Paulo government graduating medical students earlier in order to send them to frontlines against Corona-Chan Horrible idea, kids in med school those days don't give a shit about anything, they just want the high status and paycheck that comes with being a doctor
You got a point there. Guess governments do it just to say they're doing something.
>What's your plans Brazilbro when Bolsanaro and Co cuts out the internet in your neck of the woods or the beatial hues decide to wreck the internet infrastructure over there? I hope that you get to shitpost with us and enjoy Corona-chan's rampage with the rest of us as long as you can.
I doubt the internet will get cut on purpose. If anything happens to it, it will be the infrastructure getting taken down by rioters or falling apart from lack of maintenance, since the workers will drop like flies. If I lose my niggernet, I will just carry on with my prayers and rituals, I have already planned for this situation many weeks ago.
>I haven't heard much about Cuba and the virus.
Apparently, Pastas brought Corona-Chan there and now they have 35 confirmed cases and one confirmed death. They're as good as dead, Cooba loves to brag about how good they are but just like Chinkland, they're lying commies and everything there sucks ass.
>is there any mitigation plan from your gubment about the slums and all that?
Not that I'm aware of, but I don't watch the government livestreams because they piss me off, so I'm not the best sauce of info. It looks to me like their plan is to just pump out money, slowly lock shit down and buy more ICU beds.
>but is there a chance the poor could flood the hospitals?
KEK, that has been happening since forever, the public healthcare system is in a constant state of shortage of normal beds and ICU beds. We are overwhelmed by default, even some private hospitals have this issue. This predicament is mostly in the north and northeast (where I am, unfortunately, this place sucks dick) than the south and southeast, but they have this problem too.
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b0488f No.79822
heads up guys.
This is a two part weapon. part 1 was deployed about 18 months ago. Anons can do some digging to verify, but the key is demyelination - where existing people with neuropathology due to drug or age die.
the two part nature (two interacting viruses, one that primes and the other that kills) males it almost impossible to stop. They haven't been testing everyone, so they have no idea how far spread the coronavirus part already is. I've had it, my family has had it, you've probably had it. It was literally a nothing cold.
But. now part 2 is in circulation, the targets are dropping.
Wuhan was not the source. It was simply a city where a large number of residents were high on their own supply, and that turned them into the target group.
Its why the world is shut down, they've realised who this is aimed at.
get comfy.
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d3a8fe No.79825
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a9b151 No.79826
These are valid questions. I suppose having people quoting numbers is better than admitting the uncertainty.
I think the danger of Corona is it spreads rapidly and is airborne, casual contact can spread it. If infected you will, at best, get really ill. Imagine if everyone in a town or corporation suddenly got very sick. Or an entire country. Or a continent. What happens to society?
There is also the danger of death. The % is debated but a noteworthy number of people die. And if they all get sick at once, the hospital system is overwhelmed and the death rate goes up. And not all of these people are old and sickly. Some are young and healthy, including the doctors & nurses treating it.
And finally, there's the issue that no one really knows what's going on. You apparently can become re-infected, you don't get immunity. It may also be it stays in your system - once infected, always infected. It attacks your lungs yes, but also brain, kidneys, liver, heart.
This is a serious illness.
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be4811 No.79827
Local precinct's VPN/IP spoofer whatever the fuck, he thinks he's being a tactical hacker and disguising himself. Definitely a local cop, the FBI are a little more competent than this
>you don't know how anime aesthetics work
You retards don't know how imageboards work. You're a bunch of 10th generation retards who have no clue. You think there's supposed to be real discussion and rules, and fucking IDs. Fucking LOL. This cancer is basically like [H]ardForum or any other cucksumer circlejerk tripe.
>unintelligable mix of blah blah blah closing blah blah blah brick n mortar
white people never change.
>young people can't catch corona-chan
It looks as if kikebook is trying to encourage young people to contract /ourgirl/ and virally castrate themselves.
Archive.is *.fo *.li are all giving me a 403 forbidden message.
She's definitely blessed, believe it.
(THIS IS ASUKAFAG GETTING BORED OF BEING DELET, DO NOT FEED) Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
109b09 No.79832
Chances are pretty high that he's using the virus as the perfect opportunity to Epstein himself. No doubt he'll "die" in a few days and then be off to diddle kids in Tel Aviv with the general public none the wiser.
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911a30 No.79835
He'll get proper Epstein'd, anon. Pedowood bigwigs like that have lots of celeb friends and know people in politics. Weinstein will die in some protected bullshit medical confinement cush cell in Rikers and it'll be a footnote on the news while the govt is announcing helicopter money or some other monetary bullshit.
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d3a8fe No.79840
Jews are not humans.
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7ae736 No.79841
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03814f No.79846
michiganbros get ready, something getting announced tomorrow
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607a93 No.79848
What do you think of what this guy says?
it's quite surprising, I haven't heard anyone quote this theory here yet
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0221a8 No.79850
I'm not citing all of these, you're just going to have to read through the thread archives.
>incubation period reported at 14-28 days (seasonal flu is between 1-4 days)
>can spread while the host is asymptomatic
>reported to live on surfaces for up to 9 days (seasonal flu virus lives on surfaces for 24 hours)
>many false negatives, frequently tricks the tests until symptoms start to show up
>symptoms are worse than the seasonal flu; typically causes sudden and chronic pneumonia
>has been reported to cause permanent lung damage in those who "recover"
>reinfection rate reported at 14-20% (i.e. your body doesn't become immune once you recover, unlike the seasonal flu)
>no reliable treatment for it yet, people are hooked up to ventilators and have their lungs drained of fluids every few hours and hope that their body can survive
>virus has mutated into two distinct strains, will likely mutate more on top of all this
>is surviving and spreading among all climates (unlike the season flu which dies down during the spring and summer)
It's very contagious, and once a country has community-spread (person-to-person transmission), it burns through it like wildfire and overwhelms hospitals and clinics. Japan and South Korea were able to bend the curve because their nations are much more cohesive and they have strict social norms when it comes to this kind of stuff. Aside from the church in South Korea that was responsible for the outbreak over there, the governments took serious action and the citizens took it seriously. China, being an oppressive communist regime, literally forced their citizens at gunpoint to stay in their cities and houses. Sure they lied about the numbers of infected and dead, but you can't say they didn't take serious action in January and February.
Expect almost every other country and continent to get curbstomped by this though. America barely has the capacity to deal with tens of thousands of infected, and we will probably have over 100,000 within a few weeks despite the mandated social distancing and shelter in place measures.
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b0488f No.79855
>faggot posts link without summary
he says: Virus appears due to EMF pollution. This is 5G's fault.
I say: two part bioweapon.
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97322a No.79862
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>we will probably have over 100,000 within a few weeks despite the mandated social distancing and shelter in place measures
if this was a game of plague.ink our world would be easier than a tutorial level
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540c7c No.79863
They are distinct and not natural. Japs showed this.
>season flu
Yeah that, had at least 4-5 different ones in summer this year where I am.. enough said. I barely got half of one as I normally am isolated as fuck anyway.
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000000 No.79864
White supremacists encouraging their members to spread coronavirus to cops, Jews, FBI says
>In an alert obtained by ABC News, the FBI’s New York office reports that "members of extremist groups are encouraging one another to spread the virus, if contracted, through bodily fluids and personal interactions."
> The FBI alert, which went out on Thursday, told local police agencies that extremists want their followers to try to use spray bottles to spread bodily fluids to cops on the street. The extremists are also directing followers to spread the disease to Jews by going "any place they may be congregated, to include markets, political offices, businesses and places of worship."
>"Anti-government folks in America love to target law enforcement as a symbol of America’s authority," said Don Mihalek, the executive vice president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association Foundation and an ABC News contributor. "It’s just sad that that's their focus at a time of crisis in the nation."
>Organizations that monitor the internet for white supremacist messaging have been seeing chatter for weeks that blames Jews and Jewish leaders for both the coronavirus and the global response, including the shut down of all but essential government functions in places like New York, New Jersey and California.
>"From pushing the idea that Jews created the coronavirus virus to sell vaccines to encouraging infected followers to try to spread the illness to the Jewish community and law enforcement, as the coronavirus has spread, we have observed how white-supremacists, neo-Nazis and others have used this to drive their own conspiracy theories, spread disinformation and incite violence on their online platforms," said Michael Masters, the head of Secure Communities Network, an umbrella group that coordinates security for Jewish organizations and synagogues around the country.
>"While the world faces a deadly pandemic, it’s a stark reminder that certain groups – notably the Jewish community and law enforcement – must also continue the battle against those who wish to hurt or kill them," Masters continued. "As the economic situation remains fragile and civil society disrupted, the potential for the followers of hate to act becomes more likely … and more deadly."
I guess they need a boogeyman to chase, but the reality is that the kikes have been doing a fine job infecting themselves (AIPAC, CPAC, ect…)
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474a57 No.79865
Anyone in uk? There's something I wanna verify. Anyone hear the sound of a large truck/lorry thing recently? Like- not part of the usual routine of sounds you hear in your area?
Good to know they're watching these threads, but I'm a little more humoured by the notion that they'd publish that libel which clearly indicates them anyhow.
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607a93 No.79869
Basically, the guy explains that the coronavirus is due to 5G and he demonstrates this by explaining that each time the earth has experienced a change in wave implantation, this has caused pandemics, he names this the electrification of the earth and that this is linked to our microzymas.
He also explains that Wuhan is the first city to have been 5G.
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911a30 No.79871
Oh cool, so that means the FBI is going to go arrest that Democrat party member who was encouraging people with corona to go to Trump rallies, right?
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863189 No.79872
Oh poor things, they are so desperate to blame on the white people. Well, few of their Jews shared the secret bio weapon with China. What do they think what this will happen? Idiots. They fucking share pd with them! They had nerve to blame it on some else!
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97322a No.79873
>engineered virus mutating
this is why bio weapons are a bad idead
this is definitely not gonna back fire when e-celbes start spreading compilation videos of all the blue checkmark leftards twaating about going to Trump rallys if they get blessed
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21606d No.79874
> If infected you will, at best, get really ill
How do you know that's true?
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476916 No.79875
>Oh cool, so that means the FBI is going to go arrest that Democrat party member who was encouraging people with corona to go to Trump rallies, right?
>White supremacists encouraging their members to spread coronavirus to jews
to be fair that's exactly what people here have been encouraging
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68565b No.79876
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79369c No.79877
Yes, creep I'm 13 and a half. Your worst girl looks like 6. Why are you into 6 year olds? I'd be disgusted even if you were into people *my* age.
>can't even understand colliqual use of -kun
>claims to be the king weeb expert
Wigger pls. Stay unyellowed.
Whoops, differentfag. Too bad you idiots use IDs.
I couldn't care less about your imaginary war with 0xD4J005. And yes, hapas are basically above humans.
>>can spread while the host is asymptomatic
That's normal.
>>reinfection rate reported at 14-20% (i.e. your body doesn't become immune once you recover, unlike the seasonal flu)
>>reported to live on surfaces for up to 9 days (seasonal flu virus lives on surfaces for 24 hours)
This is the only one that surprises me and could be true. Burgerstan will be BTFO from this.
Let's translate that from /pol/nigger to English
>The antibody will be generated; however, in certain individuals, the antibody cannot last that long." [https://www.businessinsider.com/wuhan-coronavirus-risk-of-reinfection-2020-2?r=DE&IR=T]
>"After infection, certain antibodies are produced to protect the body. However, some antibodies are not effective for a lifetime, but only for a short period of time after which, if not pay attention, the previously cured patients may also be infected with the virus and spread it," said He Mengzhang, [https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-02-06/Corona-virus-Can-recovered-patients-be-at-risk-of-reinfection--NR8BL1Bbs4/index.html]
White people.
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d3a8fe No.79878
Rand paul just tested positive for corvid.
What did corona chan mean by this?
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97322a No.79879
>that's exactly what people here have been encouraging
bullshit, we just encourage anons to coof on shekkels, if kikes get blessed then it's their fault for not rubbing their hands before counting them
besides, they don't even need soap, they are made of it
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476916 No.79881
Fucking great.
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ad8241 No.79883
What the fuck was that video
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21606d No.79884
I've heard all these claims too, of course. I'm asking what evidence there is that any of those claims are true. Is this based on scientific research, and if so what and where is it published? Or is just a bunch of claims that sounded good to some faggot in a corporate newsroom or some bureaucrat in a state PR office?
> It's very contagious
how do you know that's true?
> once a country has community-spread (person-to-person transmission), it burns through it like wildfire
how do you know that's true?
Again, I've heard these claims just as you and everyone else has. I'm not asking what the claims are, I'm asking for evidence that the claims are true.
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000000 No.79885
>Good to know they're watching these threads
>to be fair that's exactly what people here have been encouraging
Pretty sure half of those posters are judenpresse or fedposters creating material for their own dumb articles and reports.
I remember FBIniggers referencing the Lofent DSMO drone spammer from the 4cuck Virginia Spring Generals in their reports (which obviously turned out to be a nothing burger).
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911a30 No.79886
>unexpected mutations
Biological warfare is such a retarded idea for this exact reason.
>man, we sure hate ((group)). Let's create a germ warfare program
>ok, we made a virus and have a vaccine. Fuck ((group)), it's go time!
>release virus
>wuh woh, thevirushasmutated.jpg
>virus spreads to your country and your vaccine isn't worth shit
It's Umbrella Corporation-levels of stupidity.
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540c7c No.79888
Well done anons.
>they didn't mention one thing
>it's so hard to burn 11k bodies
<11k in 3 months
>da ebil nadzees did 3,370 a day!
Anon, this is a board of peace. Anons just encouraged blessed anons to convert to Judaism in order to be saved by God.
Or maybe just to suck blood out of children on passover and suck on freshly cut foreskins.
>Pretty sure half of those posters are judenpresse or fedposters creating material for their own dumb articles and reports.
This though. Many feds and kike niggers shat the thread up with those calls too.
>how do you know that's true?
This has all been determined in many breads. You've had enough spoonfeeding, read more you nigger.
If you looked at the infection curves vs any remotely modern pandemic you'd see the exponential curve showing just how fucking infectious this is!!! You should have already seen that data if you weren't being a lazy fuck.
>once a country has community-spread (person-to-person transmission), it burns through it like wildfire
<how do you know that's true?
Because if you look at most countries data that is the case too. Remember many of us were watching this shit as it broke in many countries and they almost all are going down the same path. Notable exceptions (not all): Japan, Worst Korea, Singapore. Maybe Germany as low death rates (high testing amount).
Other than Germany those countries are dropping down the list every bread.
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863189 No.79889
They are acting strange. They are claiming that bicarbonate soda and lemon juice can’t help prevent coronavirus infection. Do anyone want to prove or disprove them?
Here is the link.
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ddd4bb No.79890
lockdown? no more street orgies in dearborn? What could the announcement be
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863189 No.79892
Copypaste from the link
False claim: bicarbonate soda and lemon juice can help prevent coronavirus infection
A post on social media suggests that drinking bicarbonate sodium and lemon juice reduces the acidity of the body and the risk of getting infected with COVID-19. The post, which also claims “Coronavirus mutates and multiplies in the body through acid cells”, has over 34 shares on Facebook as of March 6, 2020. An example can be seen here .
Reuters could not find any evidence that suggests the consumption of bicarbonate sodium or lemon help prevent COVID-19 infection. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there is no specific cure yet for the new Coronavirus. “There are no specific treatments for COVID-19 and treatment is based on clinical presentation. Most cases are mild and self-limiting, and treated symptomatically”, a WHO spokesperson told Reuters.
The full claim reads:
“Due to the rising issue of coronavirus it’s been found that coronavirus mutates & multiplies in the body through acid cells, in simple form, if you have too much acid cells in your body you are more likely to be infected by coronavirus & if you have less acid cells you stand less chance of being infected, & we know that bicarbonate of soda reduces acid cells in the body, so in order to clear yourself of acid cells, drink a small amount of the mixture of water & bicarbonate of soda, just take 1 or even half spoon of it & pour it into your water dispenser or drinking bottle just to keep your acid cells at a minimum level. Stay safe.
For another alternative lemon juice of lemons themselves can help reduce acid cells. Now that you know, it’s your duty to tell the next person you talk about it.
This false claim could have surged from the theory shared online that “alkalizing” diets help prevent cancer. This theory is based on the idea that cancer cells thrive in highly acidic environments, meaning that an alkaline diet could help prevent the disease. This theory has been denied by experts in the field like the American Institute for Cancer Research. The institute says: “The studies finding that cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment were done in a laboratory setting.
It would be nearly impossible to alter the cell environment to create a less-acidic environment in our bodies. For example, the stomach is very acidic for proper digestion, so we wouldn’t want it more alkaline.” They go on to mention that healthy vegetable and fruit rich diets can help cancer treatment, but rather because of their vitamins and minerals as opposed to them being alkaline foods.
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center points out that while an alkaline diet could reinforce healthy eating, dietary modifications will not change the acidity of the human body. “More importantly, there’s no way the foods you consume can alter the pH levels of your blood. The pH of the body is a tightly regulated. If you change your diet you may see changes in the pH of your saliva or urine because these are waste products, but there’s no way you could ever eat enough alkaline food that it impacts your blood.”
University of California San Diego shares on its health site: “Again, the alkaline diet recommends consuming mostly fruits and vegetables, which is a pattern of eating recommended for preventing cancer. However, these recommendations aren’t based on the acidity or alkalinity of the foods but rather the fact that these foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fiber.”
Read more on cancer and the alkaline diet here ; here ; here and here )
To protect ourselves from the new coronavirus, the WHO recommends that people frequently wash their hands, cover their mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, and avoid close contact with those who are sick. (See the WHO’s advice for the public here and a Reuters video on how to protect against COVID-19 here ).
There is no published, medical proof that drinking bicarbonate soda and lemon juice could help prevent the new Coronavirus. According to the WHO there is no specific treatment for COVID-19. Experts confirm that dietary changes will not affect the acidity of the human body.
False: Drinking bicarbonate of soda or lemon juice does not reduce the acidity of the body, nor does it help protect against COVID-19
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047212 No.79894
God must hate Italy or something.
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7bb4c8 No.79896
>KAMPALA, Uganda – As the coronavirus infects more people around the world, conservationists are warning of the risk to another vulnerable species: Africa's endangered mountain gorilla.
>Congo's Virunga National Park, home to about a third of the world's mountain gorillas, is barring visitors until June 1, citing “advice from scientific experts indicating that primates, including mountain gorillas, are likely susceptible to complications arising from the COVID-19 virus.”
>Neighboring Rwanda also is temporarily shutting down tourism and research activities in three national parks that are home to primates such as gorillas and chimpanzees.
>Mountain gorillas are prone to some respiratory illnesses that afflict humans. A common cold can kill a gorilla, according to the World Wide Fund for Nature, one reason why tourists tracking gorillas are not normally permitted to get too close.
Even the gorillas aren't safe. Will the Democrats call it racist to close off the borders surrounding the mountain gorillas?
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863189 No.79898
It’s like they don’t want us to live.
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97322a No.79900
>what evidence there is that any of those claims are true
you have 40 treads of backlogs to go through if you want evidence, everyone here is to lazy to spoonfeed newfags who cant read
>a bunch of claims that sounded good to some faggot in a corporate newsroom
nigger the mainstream media had been hiding this since it began in order to defend the CCP and procure chink shekkels, they've been spewing "hurrdurr it's just da flu biggot, eat muh bat soup" right until the point jew york and commiefornia got blessed, only then did they enter full panic mode but it's not like that has stopped any of them from defending the CCP, if your source of info is the mainstream media, government or alphabet agencies then you should probably lurk 2 more years before posting again if we live that long
>how do you know that's true?
because we've seen the videos of chink corpses littering the street, read the reports of hospitals collapsing due to the sheer number of patients all over the world and literally seen from space, not only the mass graves being dug on Iran but also the lack of pollution in Chinkland because the CCP overlords are so fucking afraid of corona chan that they were even willing allow their bug slaves to stop working and stay at home
>I'm asking for evidence that the claims are true
go to the archives and start from the first tread
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540c7c No.79902
It is expected to infect anything with a spine, it has a very wide range of splices from many different types of virus. Coronaviridae already jumped from Bats in the wild to people, so engineered airborne aids is even worse..
This. Newfags to /ourgirl/ are ok but when they basically ask for free nigger gibs to figure the entire thing out, ain't no nigga gots no times fo' day
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000000 No.79903
Your fear is showing.
A single individual is above any state, law, community or economy.
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69df6c No.79904
Burger Democrats block Corona-Chan emergency response bill in the senate https://archive.is/IwUeP
Florida update https://archive.is/QgKbF
Brownzilian military police and municipal guard in Mato Grosso do Sul enforcing the Corona-Chan curfew with the siren from The Purge and talking on the loudspeaker Unlike that Flip video, this definitely sounds real, and there is proof a curfew there did happen
>The military police of Mato Grosso do Sul, advises you citizen who's not part of health services and security, to remain at your residence. Stay home! Stay safe! Avoid gatherings, stay home so that we may soon return to normality.
>Attention [Town name] citizen, a communique from the military police: We're in a social isolation regime, head to your residence and remain at home. Trust the military police, we will be taking care of your safety.
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875f79 No.79905
So besides digging and observing, what else are you doing to pass the time during this bs? I just started the LOTR trilogy and am working on some engineering stuff at my work desk.
>inb4 blog post
Sorry, I am bored as fuck.
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9bbf26 No.79906
Was about to post about this http://archive.is/doAld
>Pelosi announce that dems are making their own stimulus bill
>Suddenly Dems block bill in the senate, Republicans can't get enough votes because five are quarantined by (((pure coincidence)))
What the hell is the end game at this point? They get their bill thorough, but holding the American people hostage to do so isn't going to look good come November. Have they just accepted that Biden will never be President, and that their seats in congress/the senate are already fucked by dicking around with impeachment instead of passing bills?
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da23d6 No.79907
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Increase your immune system and dampen inflammation with wim hof breathing techinque
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21606d No.79908
>>how do you know that's true?
>This has all been determined in many breads. You've had enough spoonfeeding, read more you nigger.
If you have a link, I'll read it, but the old "the truth is out there. Keep searching until you agree with me" line is unpersuasive and logically inadequate. It sounds to me as if you read a claim in another thread, assimilated it as true and are now repeating it. That's not evidence.
>If you looked at the infection curves vs any remotely modern pandemic you'd see the exponential curve showing just how fucking infectious this is!!! You should have already seen that data if you weren't being a lazy fuck.
I've seen plenty of data. I'm not asking for data, I'm asking for evidence that the data are true. You're talking about the infection curves based on data that anons on this thread have confirmed are unreliable. Is there standardized testing? Are there standardized definitions of "infected" or "death caused by covid-19"? Just because someone puts numbers in front of me is not evidence the numbers mean what the guy pushing them says.
>>once a country has community-spread (person-to-person transmission), it burns through it like wildfire
><how do you know that's true?
>Because if you look at most countries data that is the case too.
Again, what evidence is there the numbers from these countries is based on reality and is not just a government press-release designed to keep the masses cowering in place?
> Remember many of us were watching this shit as it broke
That's nice for you, but I wasn't there and I haven't seen the evidence that supports your claims, so if you have it please post it.
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911a30 No.79910
Remote work during the week, vidya, Youtube, exercise, and shitposting here otherwise.
Watching Patlabor the Movie - 2 right now
Regardless of party, I think the average American loses anon. It'll be just like 2008 when the megacorps and banks got saved first while everyone else was left to starve.
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863189 No.79912
Viruses are pH Sensitive
There are certain important subjects that doctors and world health officials do not want you to know about. The fact that most viruses and all physiological processes in the body are pH sensitive is one of them. Despite the fact that pH medicine offers us a key to treating viral infections that is easy, safe and cheap, they and even alternative health care providers just cannot wrap their heads around baking soda as one of the most important medicines we can use to fight the coronavirus. Researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital in the US have uncovered the Achilles’ heel of most viruses which plague mankind are on target, there are vulnerabilities that can be exploited but what they are looking at is not practical or helpful in our fight against viral infections. The Achilles heel of most viruses can be exploited by pulling the pH rug out from under them.
The ability of flu virus to release its genome under different acidic conditions is linked to the transmission of flu. The threshold pH at which fusion is first observed can vary among different serotypes of membrane protein hemagglutinin and may correlate with virulence. The acid stability of HA has been linked to the successful transmission of virus between avian and human hosts. Coronavirus infectivity is exquisitely sensitive to pH. For example, the MHV-A59 strain of coronavirus is quite stable at pH 6.0 but becomes rapidly and irreversibly inactivated by brief treatment at pH 8.0. Human coronavirus strain 229E is maximally infective at pH 6.0. Infection of cells by murine coronavirus A59 at pH 6.0 rather than pH 7.0 yields a tenfold increase in the infectivity of the virus.
Data suggests that the coronavirus IBV employs a direct, low-pH-dependent virus-cell fusion activation reaction. Fusion of the coronavirus IBV with host cells does not occur at neutral pH and that fusion activation is a low-pH-dependent process, with a half-maximal rate of fusion at pH 5.5. Little or no fusion occurred above a pH of 6.0. Raising pH increases the immune system’s ability to kill bacteria, concludes The Royal Free Hospital and School of Medicine in London. The viruses and bacteria which cause bronchitis and colds thrive in an acidic environment. Keeping our pH in the slightly alkaline range of 6.8-7.2 can reduce the risk and lessen the severity of colds, sore throats and bouts of influenza.
When we thoroughly add alkalinity we invariably have mild attacks of viral infections and the same is true for bacterial and fungus infections. There is significant decrease in median number of colony forming bacteria and fungi in the lungs of pneumonia patients when sodium bicarbonate is used compared to saline. Medical scientists have already concluded that a 8.4% solution of bicarbonate is safe inhibitory drug for respiratory bacterial, fungal, and mycobacterial growth.
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863189 No.79913
Slow infusions of bicarbonate can also be used to treat non-anion gap metabolic acidosis and some forms of increased anion gap acidosis, a common enough problem in ICU patients with serious lung infections. Viruses infect host cells by fusion with cellular membranes at low pH. Thus they are classified as “pH-dependent viruses.” Drugs that increase intracellular pH have been shown to decrease infectivity of pH-dependent viruses. Since such drugs can provoke negative side effects, the obvious answer are natural techniques that can produce the same results. There is no pharmaceutical that can compete with sodium bicarbonate for changing the pH of the bodies fluids.
Fusion of viral and cell membranes is pH dependent. Fusion depends on the acidification of the endosomal compartment. Fusion at the endosome level is triggered by conformational changes in viral glycoproteins induced by the low pH of this cellular compartment. In membrane biology, fusion is the process by which two initially distinct lipid bilayers merge their hydrophobic cores, resulting in one interconnected structure. It has been suggested that the hepatitis C virus infects host cells through a pH-dependent internalization mechanism. This HCVpp-mediated fusion was dependent on low pH, with a threshold of 6.3 and an optimum at about 5.5. When pH drops to 6 or below, rapid fusion between the membranes of viruses and the liposomes occurs.
Takeda Pharmaceutical is joining Gilead Sciences and AbbVie as the latest drugmaker to work on developing a coronavirus vaccine. The experimental drug would be derived from the blood of coronavirus patients who have recovered from the respiratory disease. “While we don’t know for sure that it will work, we think it’s definitely a relevant asset that could be of help here,” said Dr. Rajeev Venkayya, president of Takeda’s vaccines business. pH medicine will definitively work because viruses are pH dependent and sodium bicarbonate is available everywhere and costs almost next to nothing. In hospitals bicarbonate is easily administered intravenously. Inhibition of vesicular stomatitis virus replication in LB cells by interferon is pH sensitive. Using sensitive intracellular pH indicators, researchers found that IFN treatment significantly raised the pHi. The increase in pHi correlated with an enhancement of the antiviral activity of IFN by primary amines. These results indicated that the IFN-induced increase in pHi may be responsible for the accumulation of G in the TGN, thereby producing G-deficient virus particles with reduced infectivity. Solar light is another important factor producing viral
inactivation, through the action of UV radiation. Viruses
survive better in the dark than when exposed to sunlight. The foot-and-mouth disease virus capsid is highly acid labile and tends to dissociate into pentameric subunits at acidic condition to release viral RNA for initiating virus replication. Understanding Cell Voltage, pH and Oxygen Levels. Wherever the body has low voltage, the cells begin to have problems that get more serious the lower the voltage (pH) goes. The lower the voltage goes, the lower the pH goes, and the lower oxygen levels go, and that means CO2 levels are going south as well. Chronic disease is associated with loss of voltage, lower pH values as well as low O2 and CO2 levels. This means that alkaline tissues have more oxygen in them. Wherever the body becomes acidic, voltage drops as does tissue oxygen levels. What is pH after all? It is ultimately a measure of redox potential. Redox potential is a measure of whether electrons are available in surplus (and thus are “electron donors”) or whether electrons are deficient (and thus are “electron stealers”). Electrons are necessary for life and are needed for health and in high quantities for healing and the growth of new cells. Dr. David Brownstein wrote, “The human body is constantly removing old and injured cells and replacing them with healthy new cells. This process can only occur if the voltage of the cells is maintained at an optimal level. This process works more effectively when we are young as compared to when we are older. In the body (or in a solution), voltage is a direct reflection of pH, which is a measure of the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution, measured on a scale of 1 to 14. The human body’s pH level is a direct reflection of its voltage. A low pH reading (highly acidic) indicates a low voltage state. Conversely, a high pH reading (highly alkaline) means a high voltage state.” The amount of oxygen in cells is determined by voltage. If a cell has adequate voltage, it will also have adequate oxygen. If cellular voltage is low, the amount of oxygen in the tissues will be low. This applies to metabolism as well. When voltage and oxygen are low, metabolism becomes anaerobic, which means that oxygen is unavailable.
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000000 No.79914
All authorities must, and will, be killed.
May all the thots that he fucked get the blessing too.
Zero tolerance for jews.
But also zero tolerance for women that want to make manhood become a crime.
Search for the "Olympics used to bankrupt emerging countries" files leaked by Wiki Leaks.
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21606d No.79917
>>what evidence there is that any of those claims are true
>you have 40 treads of backlogs to go through if you want evidence, everyone here is to lazy to spoonfeed newfags who cant read
I've read every post in every thread and I've seen no evidence supporting the claims I'm asking about. If you want to make me look like a fool for missing it, here's your opportunity to post a link.
>>a bunch of claims that sounded good to some faggot in a corporate newsroom
>nigger the mainstream media had been hiding this since it began in order to defend the CCP and procure chink shekkels, they've been spewing "hurrdurr it's just da flu biggot, eat muh bat soup" right until the point jew york and commiefornia got blessed, only then did they enter full panic mode but it's not like that has stopped any of them from defending the CCP, if your source of info is the mainstream media, government or alphabet agencies then you should probably lurk 2 more years before posting again if we live that long
Cool story bro, but that's not scientific evidence.
>>how do you know that's true?
>because we've seen the videos of chink corpses littering the street
So now we're trusting Chinese media? Okay, and the evidence those corpses are corona victims is what? Did the international red cross go in there and test the bodies?
> read the reports of hospitals collapsing due to the sheer number of patients all over the world and literally seen from space,
If you have weeks and months of non-stop media coverage convincing the world they're about to die from the super virus, it's unsurprising that hospital visits will increase. That doesn't prove that the people visiting those hospitals are any sicker than they would have been without the media campaign and without the virus.
> not only the mass graves being dug on Iran
Again, has some reputable outfit examined the bodies to determine cause of death? If not, how do you know those are corona deaths?
> but also the lack of pollution in Chinkland because the CCP overlords are so fucking afraid of corona chan that they were even willing allow their bug slaves to stop working and stay at home
People taking extreme actions because they are afraid is not evidence of medical facts
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ae04ae No.79918
>Again, what evidence is there the numbers from these countries is based on reality and is not just a government press-release designed to keep the masses cowering in place?
Hop on a plane to China and make some videos. There's money to be made by selling to chinks when no one else is allowed to.
So we know that it's going to last a minimum 10 years, and the Blue team believes it to be a serious threat.
The blue team believes it to be a serious threat because it will affect their voting base, shitskins.
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7f0694 No.79921
If any of you are on Twitter, make sure that you are not shadow banned as Jackshit is slowly but surely shadow banning or hiding accounts that don't push the (((party))) line.
Good post anon!
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d3a8fe No.79922
>Pretty sure half of those posters are judenpresse or fedposters creating material for their own dumb articles and reports.
Just post more gore then . normies hate this.
>All authorities must, and will, be killed.
inb4 party van outside your house. Enjoy surveillance.
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000000 No.79923
Who cares? Coronacash isn't going to fix this. I'll go further and say absolutely nothing proposed or passed in Congress can fix this.
Our best hope is that Randlet managed to infect all his corrupt geriatric colleagues in the Senate thereby preventing them from passing more corporate bailouts.
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5b9b02 No.79924
Just wait until any of the networks start touring the ICUs and it's all niggers and invaders coughing up their tax dollars. Let's see how long their 'muh supremacisssts' lasts. For measure, we should all bring back to mind, especially in nigger communities, how orthodox jews are literally rats that spread diseases, Measles outbreak last year in NYC anyone?
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5b9b02 No.79926
Holy kek what was that webm
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5b9b02 No.79928
Proves my point. Don't forget to stretch now and again, hunkered down behind the front door with your Mossberg, could be a while before the Resistance reaches you.
You've had 200 years of your idealism, and got ass raped by jews. What makes you think it will end differently if you restart that circus again?
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43f72a No.79930
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69df6c No.79937
Argentina update, 108 new confirmed cases https://archive.is/Dk06B
Lithuania update, their total is now 129 confirmed cases https://archive.is/xwfUq Fuq, haha
First confirmed case in Dominica https://archive.is/wip/JJsYo Another country I never heard of, thanks for teaching me geography, Corona-Chan
Pyramidland update, 33 new confirmed cases and 4 new confirmed deaths
>What the hell is the end game at this point?
Fuck everything up then head to CoG DUMBs while zogbots get rid of bad goyim, I guess.
>Patlabor 2
Divine taste. You picked an extremely comfy and even fitting movie to watch during this Happening. I rewatched it at the end of last year. When will someone recreate this video but with footage from armed forces around the world enforcing lockdowns and curfews? I would do it myself but I'm busy being here and worshiping Corona-Chan, got no free time at all.
>>79922 (checked)
>first pic
I do miss being a lolberg sometimes, everything was much simpler before taking so many redpills.
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97322a No.79938
>I've read every post in every thread
yeah sure faggot, i've been here since tread 1 i'm clearly more informed than you and even i didn't read every single tread, you're not really good at lying
>If you want to make me look like a fool
you're doing just fine by yourself
>Cool story bro, but that's not scientific evidence
go check what every mainstream media outlet was saying about corona chan back in janaury if you don't believe me
>So now we're trusting Chinese media?
nope, just the stuff whistle blowers record with their cell phones and smuggle past the great fire wall, sadly the CCP cut internet to the region so news are slow lately
>evidence those corpses are corona victims is what?
>massive epidemic outbreak
>suddenly a lot of people die
gee, i wonder what could possibly be the cause of this?
>weeks and months of non-stop media coverage convincing the world they're about to die from the super virus
again faggot, go check the media's backlog, we're not the ones who invented the "just da flu bro" meme
>That doesn't prove that the people visiting those hospitals are any sicker
nope, but the fact that blood banks are running out of blood or garages, stadiums, wherehouses m etc were turned into ICU units and quarantine center where they the have to intubate most patients and periodically drain lung fluid to hoping they'll make it is proof enough for me that they weren't there just for the flu
>muh reputable outfit examining
oh seriously what could possibly be killing so many people during the corona chan pandemic, what a mystery
>People taking extreme actions because they are afraid
first of all, bugmen are not people, second, shit has gotta be really fucked up for the CCP to cripple their own economy and loose face before the rest of the world out of sheer fear that corona chan rams their shit in
i ain't replying to you anymore, stop being a lazy lying nigger and go to the backlog to do your homework
if you are a 4 yuan shill, you bait isn't even worth the (you)s i'm sparing you
i miss asukahapa, at least his >(1)s were amusing
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000000 No.79939
>São Paulo government graduating medical students earlier in order to send them to frontlines against Corona-Chan
This will be a hilarious disaster. Not only are all young students in modern Brazil pieces of shit, but the level of preparation for dealing with this pandemic isn't something that can simply be accelerated. AND Brazil's universities don't form professionals anymore. They form only leftist militias There are no shortcuts. Countries that didn't invest heavily in properly forming waves after waves of doctors in the last few decades as they should will all perish.
What this governor is doing is preparing those useful idiots to be the ones taking all the blame when everything fails. Clever for him to do that. Those smug "higher than thou" attitude medical students will be completely destroyed by the popular backlash once they fail to do anything right.
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d3a8fe No.79950
Niggers poison themselves with chloroquine .
>Coronavirus takes hold in Africa, as chloroquine deaths follow Trump promotion
TP memes are still my favorite
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000000 No.79951
>It's unrealistic to think that anyone but hte most autistic prepper could turn their home into a BSL3 type clean room, but taking basic preventative measures and just fucking thinking about where you put your hands will be fine for 95% of people.
This is pretty much what I've been doing, and the advice I've been offering to friends and family to follow. Just make sure everything gets a good rinse under running water, or a wipe down with disinfectant if it's a surface that can't be rinsed. It's not 100% reliable, obviously, but it is a hell of a lot better than just stocking a bunch of coof cans in your pantry, straight from the store.
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7fb988 No.79952
>if anything it would be Phagefag.
Same thing for him since the retard can't understand the difference between a virus and a potentially multicellular eukaryote.
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9bbf26 No.79954
<The blue team believes it to be a serious threat because it will affect their voting base, shitskins.
So that is why they denied a bill that would give them more gibs, while blue states lock down and force them into unemployment?
<Who cares? Coronacash isn't going to fix this.
It is going to just barely support those who are now forced into unpaid vacation. At this point on a actual cure being developed can stop the downward spiral, but bills like aren't meant for permanent solution. The logical thing to do would be to pass this, then push a more extreme version on the senate. Pump out propaganda about how the Republicans are hurting Americans by not passing their bill. Instead they want the senate to make the standing bill more extreme, while also creating their own bill? No one that wasn't already voting liberal would support this.
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000000 No.79955
Stay mad and impotent, niggerpill.
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ae04ae No.79959
>So that is why they denied a bill that would give them more gibs, while blue states lock down and force them into unemployment?
They blocked the bill because it didn't give enough.
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9bbf26 No.79964
They except a revolution in favor of the left to happen while denying relief to Americans?
Which they could cover in their own bill after this passes. Did you even read the full post?
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864a36 No.79966
Your tax dollars at work. Feds pretending to be villainous white supremacists so other feds can kvetch about it. Guess the jews have to blame their diseased state on someone, something — anything but their baby dick biting ceremonies.
Tv news was actually reasonable in covering it for once. Even mentioned the bank bailouts, though they didn’t go so far as to mention that the banker C-suite held the economy hostage to make sure they were still allowed their bonuses.
These people are as accurate as Politifact. Follow the money.
They want an abortion clinic on every street corner.
I’m worried the postal carrier might be infected, or the newspaper boy, or…
>Just wash your hands
<Oh yeah, now I remember
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65a2a8 No.79967
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19acb7 No.79968
So many words and all of them are wrong.
The old retarded idea that the entire body's pH balance could, or indeed should, somehow change is something only subhumans like poo-in-the-loos would ever believe in.
The human body goes to great lengths to keep its pH-values stable. Both in the blood and in the gastrointestinal tract.
The blood has to remain at 7.37 and 7.43 to remain in optimal working condition. If that were to seriously change, the blood would disintegrate and die.
The gatrointestinal tract goes from acidic in the stomach to alkaline in the small and large intestine along a gradient to properly break and down food and extract its nutrients.
These values are predetermined and cannot be easily changed.
All sodium bicarbonate ingestion does to you is neutralize the stomach acid until more is produced. It has no effect on the general pH-value of the body. It would be lethal if it were so.
This theory is so facepalm-inducingly, counterfactually retarded, it belongs on the same level as fungusfag's nonsense.
>pic related, it's you
Pic also applies to you.
please just stop replying to the 21606d. He is obviously a lazy newfag/Lügenpresse journo who demands to be spoonfed.
Let's not have this thread deteriorate by regurgitating what we all know for some subhuman.
This is, surprisingly, correct.
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000000 No.79974
It proves nothing. I'm still here. I've done some purging some subhumans and never got caught. I've sabotage supplies so jews and other subhumans couldn't get their share, or got some compromised supplies which enabled infections for them.
All of that, and nothing happened to me. The system is nothing. It has no power at all. The collective is weak, and always bellow a single individual.
There is no resistance doing anything against my actions. There is no state stopping me.
And that is why individuals will always win, each in their own place, over any form of community.
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911a30 No.79975
>TP memes are my favorite
Some gifts for you, anon.
Interesting info anon and glad to see some actual criticism to that retarded 'pop some alkaseltzer and you'll be fine' shit.
Relatedly, I'd encourage anons bunkering down to think of unlikely things they may be missing and to try to source them or replacements to them. In my case, I won't have any ability to get sunlight and I'm not shelling out $500 for a UVB lamp, so I'm looking into alternatives like cod liver oil.
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5b9b02 No.79984
It's a very empty win. You describe a jackal.
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2803e1 No.79986
about to dig in to the busch beer i was forced to buy as the bottlers was out of old mill. Not excited. inb4 ban for off topic - at least i'm not schizolarping
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69df6c No.79987
Rio de Janeiro (city) going into lockdown on Tuesday
Zogbots try to enforce curfew on niggers in Newark, NJ, ooks of noncompliance ensues.
It has been a long time since I saw so much truth condensed into a single post. By the way, I made a mistake, it isn't just São Paulo's government, It's the ministry of health that is doing this, in all big cities and capitals of the country. All of those millennials and zoomers in med schools who just care about partying hard and flaunting their diploma, dealing with blessed Hues…we will have the highest number of dead doctors.
Wew. Corona-Chan is fast.
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d3a8fe No.79990
29 year old doctor dies after 4 weeks
Recovered in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant
983,006 infected in Wuhan alone
Norway expects 2.2 million infected
Ecuador under lockdown, 16 million people
Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day
Japan confirms China doesn't count suspected in death toll
CDC declares outbreak endemic, says tests too risky
>Some gifts for you, anon.
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5b9b02 No.79992
Just finished my last beer, off to bed. Pic related, try it if you can find it in burgerland.
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529122 No.79997
Phoneposting kiwianon update: cases shot to 102 today and lockdown is happening now. We have 48 hours at a lighter level and then will be in lockdown for at least a month.
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69df6c No.80000
Rolling 8 billion nonwhite deaths
>CDC declares outbreak endemic, says tests too risky
This is old news but still a good reminder.
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83fbd6 No.80003
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29c9c5 No.80006
you fags have beer? stuck with cider, all the beer was sold out.
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864a36 No.80007
> The blood has to remain at 7.37 and 7.43 to remain in optimal working condition. If that were to seriously change, the blood would disintegrate and die.
So you’re the one who bought up all the amulets with pyramid healing powers. I fucking hate hoarders. I hear those amulets don’t work unless you chant and cover yourself with cow dung, so get to it.
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911a30 No.80008
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529122 No.80010
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d3a8fe No.80011
CC will cleanse the world more casually than this chink hag smeared her nasal slime over the bench.
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2803e1 No.80014
pretty much everything here is closed (except for delivery) but the grocery stores and the bottle shop. i do fear the bottle shop will be next to shut, but i have a good few bottles of crown royal and bushmills stored away. i'm buying more than i should every time i go out at this point as i'm sure you are too.
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1aba43 No.80016
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19acb7 No.80017
What in the red blazes are you even on about? If the pH-value of the serum becomes too acidic, the blood quite literally disintegrates. You get an acidosis and the blood cells die. It does have some serious symptoms, that disease. It is caused, for example, by diabetes.
And if your blood ph-value goes too high, you get an alkalosis. Similar disease, it's all a bit too off-topic for this discussion.
What does that have to do with hoarding or crystals?
Oh look, it's the glowniggers trying to get TORpedos banned by spamming.
I have always been in favor of that, to be frank, since there has never been an instance where any post by a torPEDO was in any way, shape or form, condusive to the discussion at hand, informative, witty or beneficial.
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1aba43 No.80018
Yeah, I just bought two cans (and drank 6)
Argie here, things are bad but not awfully bad.
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19acb7 No.80027
Just ignore (((him))). Don't even give him a (you).
If you ignore (((him))), he'll go away.
Remember, he is probably being paid to post here. And since their typical tricks don't work, this one seems to have resorted to spamming this one sentence to get this thread slid ASAP.
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f875c7 No.80028
Mor nu fart
Ah good to see the (((white supremacists))) are posting that they want to infect cops. Thankfully, it's the jews to rush in to help and point the finger at everyone but themselves. Psychological projection must be a wonderful thing. jews hate good cops.
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863189 No.80033
I learn that copper can kill viruses so let’s buy copper clothings to make our own masks. How awesome is that?
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bee8b3 No.80034
Still think these lockdowns are ‘for you’ or perhaps they are to keep you from giving COVID to the chosenites? If we don’t get them this round of bioweapons, we will get them the next round. See the highlighted sections? City of London (archaic semitic people), Iran to Italy? All semitic (or related semitic from kike and nigger fucking for the last 2,000 years).
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864a36 No.80037
>The eternal slav
Looks like the Pence task force found another supply of N95 masks.
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d3a8fe No.80038
this. Everythime they get a (you) they probably get $0.5.
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d3a8fe No.80040
looks like the corvid virus is targetting jews quite aggressively
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bee8b3 No.80045
It does seem that way doesn’t it? Makes more sense when they just thought it was slaughtering us that they were going to let it burn itself out and produce a ‘herd immunity’ (aka kill us all)…but now that they are realizing that it has a very specific genetic target they are working very hard to keep it from passing to their own people.
Make sure you all shake a lot of hands and kiss a lot of babies.
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40a27f No.80049
That's impossible, da j00z made da virus like everything else!
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19acb7 No.80050
absolute fucking nonsense. Corona-chan doesn't discriminate; she loves everybody equally.
She embraces all the kikes, chinks, niggers, mudslimes, poo-in-the-loos, pajeets and even white people aren't immune to her love.
I think it's more of general idea of the (((elites))) thinking they were safe in their bunkers. Turns out they aren't and there's no cure they can steal.
What amused me was Pissrael gifting 6 million doses of chloroquine to the Jewnited States.
This confirmed that the hope in this malaria drug is entirely misplaced.
There is no cure for love, after all.
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f866c2 No.80054
Seems like everything is in order then.
Let's see how long it will take for them to find out kek
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69df6c No.80055
Jew York City update
Leafs not sending athletes to the Coronalympics, calling for a one year postponement instead
>>>80011 (checked)
That chink hag truly has no shame.
Corona-Chan hates kikes and will make them pay for their crimes.
>This confirmed that the hope in this malaria drug is entirely misplaced.
I never hoped for it to not work. I was sure of it, and for everything else.
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5ef96c No.80059
chk'd kek'd
thats where you are wrong kiddo. BBC are immune to coronavirus. its w hite boi disease. I have advised all my black brothers to make sure they continue slinging crack and pimpin hoes during this emergency. Cops aint shit. They too scared to arrest the BBC. And if any cops try any shit just flash your blade. I always carry a three inch pocket knife for just such occassions. Some cop tellign you your on quarantine, just flash 3 inches of cold steel and looking directly into his bodycame say "Im gonna kill you pig". Then menacingly advance towards the pig. They will run. Cops are terrified of black men with knives, and they know if you use a knife, you are serious! Most cops, especially in America, are gutless cowards, terrified of thier own shadows, and will run in fear at first sign of a BCC ready to defend himself. Dont worry if he pulls a gun, most cops dont even load thier sidearms! and none of them are a match for the superior melanin enriched BBC sideways no irons gun sighting of the African, a natural born killer. I have personally chased off hundreds of cops this way. The guns not loaded bro.
the black man and his BBC are immune to corona virus due to all the malaria medication in Africa, its typed right into the black mans superior DNA. Melanin destroys the virus.
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863189 No.80064
Jews have a lot of genetic disorders and diseases especially the autoimmune diseases in them. They didn’t think of their genetic. Weird thing is they lack foreseeability to understand their demises.
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bee8b3 No.80068
Pretty sure they already figured it out; hence the lockdown of people who might infect the chosenites. Remember that Italy infection came from GERMANY so Germany was infected FIRST. And the UK stated that many of their cases, thus far were semitic peoples (sandniggers)? Help me keep track of the
Anons…all future things like Weinstein’s blessing should be noted and added to the evidence.
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da23d6 No.80069
Death rate of only 4% that it will become 1% after some time, as CDC and WHO says.
Should then this curve get a little more spastic as time goes on?
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19acb7 No.80071
It's the Asukafag, ban-evading yet again.
Just filter and move on.
Also, you should be banned for shitposting one-liners.
Double-dubs of truth.
That malaria-drug angle was pretty much what you might expect from the shambles that is medical "science". All they have are shots in the dark.
That research lab in Tübingen might be working 24/7, but I doubt they will have anything ready by the end of the year, even if they are supposed to start going into human trial in the summer.
<always do the opposite of what (((WHO))) say
That means we can expect /ourgirl/ to merrily grow and prosper.
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000000 No.80077
>Rio de Janeiro (city) going into lockdown on Tuesday
Add to that the blessings of Corona-chan having reached the favelas, and the scene set for the total collapse of Rio.
>we will have the highest number of dead doctors
Deservedly so. Brazil's doctors are frauds. All of them. The whole academic system in Brazil is a facade to drain money from taxes to fund drug parties for "students" and then give them certifications that have no real value or merit to them. It is common knowledge in Brazil that "if you have to rely on someone who got a university's certificate, you are fucked".
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19acb7 No.80086
(checked for keks of truth)
I have had the misfortune of meeting someone with a univerity degree from Brazil. I can confirm everything you said.
Might as well have been a high-school student for all the knowledge he had.
I pray to /ourgirl/ that Brownzil might finally receive the cleansing it has been needing for so long.
Watching the entire third world go up in flames will provide for wonderful entertainment in the time until the first world crashes with no survivors.
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f2facf No.80089
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69df6c No.80090
Burger congressman experiences Corona-Chan's symptoms
Burger healthcare system about to collapse, according to nurses and doctors https://archive.is/VFmTf
>That research lab in Tübingen might be working 24/7, but I doubt they will have anything ready by the end of the year, even if they are supposed to start going into human trial in the summer.
Nothing they will come up with will work. There is no cure, treatment or vaccine for something that is much more than a physical entity known as a virus, but actually a metaphysical entity whose only purpose is to purge all evil and corruption.
Lucky 7s of truth.
>I pray to /ourgirl/ that Brownzil might finally receive the cleansing it has been needing for so long.
Will happen.
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126360 No.80091
>SA 247
>Senegal 67
>Burkina Faso 75
>rest of apefrica practically untouched
Where are you, I can't see you anymore coronachan, I do not deserve this fate, I've shitposted since the hour of your creation, I've been steadfast and loyal. Have I not been your most devoted servant? Do not leave me like this, abandoned to despair, when my brothers fall and my enemies stand. I can shitpost if you only give me happening I crave.
I had glories in my time, great happenings, I am a veteran,you should understand that about me. I was with Tarrant, Saint Tarrant himself, when he lifted shitposting to another level, I was there, posting my best reaction images. With Saint Tarrant himself.
I was here when terrorist historian anon poured critical knowledge in most brilliant way, it was my screencap that immortalized his wit and wisdom, I was there, shitposting, preserving.
And yet here you are denying me the most anticipated happening of my times, Africa covered in sweet scent of burning bodies, niggers fighting over last scraps of food, whole continent turning into a war zone. I can still make OC, I can shitpost, I can fuel the great happening of my times. Where are you ?
Did I not serve you well ?
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85a699 No.80093
Explain why the avatarfag is allowed to post here.
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f866c2 No.80094
12% of deaths in Italy had no previous conditions
US unemployment rate to hit 30%, Fed estimates
Pakistan's Punjab, Sindh, KP and Balochistan on lockdown, 205 million
18 year old teenager has died in Britain
Two major strains, newer is more aggressive
Virus might spread through banknotes
All cases in study test positive 2 weeks after "recovery"
48% of cases originate from pre-symptomatic transmission
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76262c No.80096
New Zealand update, country going into total lockdown in 48 hours. This is much faster than pretty much every other country (counted from first case) so it'll be interesting seeing how the public reacts to the sudden whiplash.
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115dc8 No.80097
just tested my sense of smell on my armpits
yup. my nose works fine
no gorona hear
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911a30 No.80101
I'm waiting for instant ban-type footage of bulldozers pushing corpses into mass graves for incineration in China - something to unequivocally shit on their narrative that 'It's all ok. In fact, everyone is back to work.' Maybe at that point they can call off the 50c army since there will be no one left to pay those simps.
Waiting for someone in 'The Squad' or slugs like Hirono or Wasserman-Schultz to catch it. All of the virtue signalling in the world won't stop Corona-chan.
Faith anon. Faith. Those shitholes barely had functioning healthcare systems before Corona-chan came calling. If they can't test, they can't report, and if they can't report, we can't know how bad it is. Africa isn't like China - the average person isn't carrying a cellphone to take vids or pics. hell, most don't even have internet thankfully. Africa will be an afterthought until the first nations to recover show up only to find corpse-filled cities and roving bands of raiders. Much like any other day in Africa.
>Corona in Afghanistan
Wonder what the chance is for a flare up on the Poo/Paki border? Just would take one base commander with nothing to lose after getting blessed to set a match to that tinderbox.
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69df6c No.80102
The rest of Apefrica is not untouched, stop believing officials numbers. Can't you understand that they actually don't matter? They are merely an indicator of how severe the situation is, not how it actually is. Apefrica there's a lot of niggers in Apefrica gasping for air and coughing right now, but have no idea why. You must have faith that they are dying right now, completely unreported. Start seeing things with your heart, with your spirit, with your intuition, not your eyes.
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19acb7 No.80106
>Nothing they will come up with will work. There is no cure, treatment or vaccine for something that is much more than a physical entity known as a virus, but actually a metaphysical entity whose only purpose is to purge all evil and corruption.
combined with >>80089
give her time. There are several factors why /ourgirl/ will not be quite as fast in apefrica as she is in the human world.
First, Africa has basically zero infrastructure. Means people cannot travel too far too often.
Second, diagnosis. As testing for Corona is expensive and arduous, you cannot expect any hospitals to even have testing kits available.
Third, medical infrastructure. There are few hospitals, mostly staffed with overworked do-gooders who can barely keep up with treating the most basic of diseases.
Fourth, niggers aren't human. Since niggers lack the reasoning of a human being, nothing short of bleeding out of every orifice of your body will even prompt a nignog to visit a hospital and not a witch doctor for treatment.
Even then, chances are 50/50.
Yet, our little girl has made it to Lagos several weeks ago, so we can safely assume that it'll be far too late for any parts of western to central Africa.
It shall be wiped clean like any slum or favela will be.
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e5ccd6 No.80108
SARS-Cov-2 Cell Entry Is Blocked by Camostat Mesylate
In a paper published in Cell on March 5th 2020, Hoffmann M. et al. describe how the virus uses the viral spike (S) protein to enter the host cell via ACE2 binding6. They show that host cell entry of SARS-CoV-2 depends on a process called S protein priming, which is carried out by cellular proteases such as serine protease TMPRSS2. This crucial step leads to fusion of viral and cellular membranes. Hoffmann M. et al. also found that TMPRSS2 activity is essential for viral spread and inhibition of TMPRSS2 with the protease inhibitor camostat mesylate can block infection of lung cells. With no vaccination at hand, further understanding of SARS-CoV-2-ACE2 interactions can offer treatment options and lead to anti-infective strategies such as the development of neutralizing antibodies.
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bee8b3 No.80109
>loss of sense of smell
IDK if this could be any real indication of anything; kikes fuck niggers so they probably don’t have a sense of smell to being with
Reminds me of that movie, Perfect Sense
Would you visit a witch doctor unless you were bleeding out all of your orifices?
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f866c2 No.80111
>>Nothing they will come up with will work
>$Trillion bailout - Failed
>Malaria Medz - Failed
>Ebola Medz - Failed
>HIV Medz - Failed
>Meme-medicine - Failed
>Herd-immunity - Failed
>Close Border - Too late
>Ventilators - Fail (Too few)
>Social Distancing - Fail (Still growing)
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126360 No.80112
Thank you brothers, I can't wait to see it burn
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f6b9b1 No.80115
I'm here to just offer my energy to corona chan. on cripplechan i got blessed by wonderful digits, under the supervision of kek. So let it be, be praised! Kek and Corona chan will clean this filthy world
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19acb7 No.80116
I wouldn't visit one at all, unless armed with a rifle.
we need more 40k-posting.
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000000 No.80120
As a matter of fact, and as an advice, stay away from any deal with "professionals" from Brazil. Never make any trade deal with any brazillian corporate suit. Never make any deal with a brazillian politician/state officer. And never rely on any "certified" brazillian "professional" of any area. Brazil is specialized only in forging degrees. Any "professional" from Brazil is guaranteed to be a hack. And a fully intentional one, doing everything that he/she can to pretend to know about his/her fake expertise, while trying to rake money from anyone.
I'm with you in praying for Brazil's complete destruction from all of this. That alone will be worthy anything.
And i say that as a brazillian myself.
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f866c2 No.80121
So basically its sars and gooks are going to get very severely infected despite all the fake data.
May billions of dollars end up in your bitcoin wallet fellow corvid follower, may corona chan protect you forever. May the coofs stay away and may the leftists in your city drown in their own spit as they enter seizure from septic shock. Praise kek
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29c9c5 No.80122
>SA 247
>Senegal 67
>Burkina Faso 75
>rest of apefrica practically untouched
this site says 43 countries in Africa has been infected
<Algeria – 139
<Egypt – 294
<Morocco – 96
<Tunisia – 60
<Benin – 2
<Burkina Faso – 75
<Ghana – 19
<Guinea – 2
<Ivory Coast – 14
<Liberia – 3
<Mauritania – 2
<Nigeria- 22
<Senegal – 56
<Togo – 15
<The Gambia – 1
<Niger – 1
<Cape Verde – 3
<Cameroon – 27<Central African Republic – 3
<Congo-Brazzaville – 4
<DR Congo – 23
<Equatorial Guinea – 6
<Gabon – 6
<Chad – 1
< Eswatini – 1
<Namibia – 3
<South Africa – 240
<Zambia – 2
<Zimbabwe – 2
<Madagascar – 3
<Angola – 2
<Mozambique – 1
<Ethiopia – 9
<Kenya – 7
<Rwanda – 17
<Seychelles – 6
<Somalia – 1
<Sudan – 2
<Tanzania – 6
<Djibouti – 1
<Mauritius – 7
<Virus-free = Burundi, South Sudan Sierra Leone, Mali, Guinea_Bissau, Western Sahara, Libya, Malawi, Comoros, Lesotho, Botswana, Sao Tome and Principe
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cd1519 No.80126
SARS-COV-2 uses the hemogglobutimin-esterase spike to enter the ACE2 membrane, while the Spike Glycoprotein (S) is used to hold the cell down, while the Envelope Protein (E) & Nucleoprotein (N) take turns fucking the host cell in the ass and mouth, blowing hearty loads of Virion.
The Viral Matrix Protein (M) holds the video camera.
you don't know jack shit.
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da23d6 No.80128
>So basically its sars
The "SARS" part of "SARS-CoV-2" would be a tip off yea
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000000 No.80129
baste and red pilled
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cd1519 No.80131
actually, i know EGG ZACK LEE™ what hes talking about
(im sorry that you never studied virology, douche)
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bee8b3 No.80132
Look at them try to save their own asses…10-12 WEEKS of lockdown for the cattle in order to ensure that the kikes don’t come down with it.
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126360 No.80133
<Algeria – 139
<Egypt – 294
<Morocco – 96
<Tunisia – 60
These are sandniggers not niggerniggers
Different level of hatred, rest is seemingly untouched although as example Burkina Faso
On 21 March, 64 total cases and 3 deaths were confirmed. Minister of Mines and Quarries, Oumarou Idani, tested positive for COVID-19 after returning from a conference in Toronto, Canada. President Roch Marc Christian Kabore on 20 March closed airports, land borders and imposed a nationwide curfew to curb the spread of the pandemic.
On 22 March, 75 total confirmed cases. Four key government ministers are confirmed to be infected. Five cases, including the original couple, have recovered The U.S. Ambassador to Burkina Faso, Andrew Young, tested positive. Five deaths have been confirmed
It'd seem that some of those cases might come from officials which can be explained in two ways, either only officials travel out of apefrica, or only they can afford to be tested.
Agreed brother
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69df6c No.80134
Bolsonaro raises his tone against governors who are taking serious measures in a futile attempt to slow down Corona-Chan's progress.
>I think all of this is exaggeration, you're just exterminating jobs.
>We have to calm down the population and prevent panic from reaching them, because the consequences could be tragic. Silly Bolso doesn't realize panic, unrest and chimpouts are unavoidable
Disregard that second "Apefrica", merely an artifact of an old iteration of the post that I forgot to delete. That happens a lot with me. My message still stands.
Triples full of evidence checked.
This, diplomas/degrees from Brownzil are worthless, too many private institutions that pretty much sells degrees.
Checking your doubles earned for making a good post, I was so alarmed at seeing an anon losing his faith that I forgot to tell him about all of the Apefrican countries who have been blessed.
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911a30 No.80135
>10-12wk lockdown
Nice. That means we get to look forward to Nasty Girls using water cannons and Humvee-mounted DEWs to disperse chimping crowds.
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3ef028 No.80138
>Nothing they will come up with will work
Burger hospital personnel using trashbags for PPE.
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540c7c No.80139
Apparently the supermarkets are pandemonium and one of my jobs ended today. The next few days are going to be fuckin interesting but so many kiwis were calling for this to happen and if the govt hadn't stepped up there would have been some rowdiness.
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cd1519 No.80140
hint: there's a very specific reason, and it's not what you think
firstly, let's imagine that you have mud or dirt on your hands… if you wash your hands, the mud or dirt gets wet, and literally 'SLIDES OFF' your hands… this is because soap is a surfactant , meaning it 'breaks the surface tension'…
Not viruses….. that's not how it works…
viruses do NOT 'detach and slide off' with soap and water…
pay attention :
viruses are a very simple structure.
they are simply a single strand of RNA (ribonucleic acid) that sits inside of a protective sphere (the envelope) of fatty lipids.
the RNA strand sits inside of a ball. this exterior shell is called the CAPSID…
this capsid, the external protective ball is like a soft 'eggshell' of amino acids that contain the single strand of RNA.
Viruses do not have a 'machine' ability
they cannot reproduce on their own. they're not actually 'alive'… they are dormant…
they have to attach themselves to a LIVING CELL to reproduce. they attach to your body's living cells, break through the surface of your cells with a 'spike', then they act as a parasite, using your cell as their 'machine'… Viruses are not complicated.
soap actually 'pops' the soft capsid. It will 'burst open' the outer shell (capsid)
but it takes 20 seconds of exposure to soap to 'pop the outer shell open'…
While dirt or mud or food will "slide off your hands", viruses will still cling to your hands.
But the surfactant properties of soap will make the viruses 'pop open', and they are destroyed, right there and then…
it's not like insecticide that poisons an insect… It's much more simple than that.
the virus literally 'pops open' on your hands, and the inner RNA is no longer protected by the outer shell, and it becomes broken, irreparably…
However, it takes 20 seconds…
Not 10 seconds, not 15 seconds, not 17 seconds, not 19 seconds…
that's why surgeons scrub their hands for at least 20 seconds. (they use a scrub brush to get in the crooks and nannies of their fingernails, etc)
so…. a second lasts longer than we think.
ever been in a fist fight? 20 seconds is a long time…
here's how to protect yourself and slow down your rate of exposure:
Wash your hands for AT LEAST 20 seconds
30 seconds is even better…..
and instead of putting soap on your hands, then instantly rubbing it off with running water. If you rinse the soap off too soon, the soap can't 'pop' the capsid…
so, get your hands wet first… THEN generously apply soap, and rub your hands vigorously for 30 seconds…
THEN, finally begin rinsing the soap off your hands….
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115dc8 No.80141
How long does it take to remove, to eradicate, or to otherwise minimize ACE2 bindings?
for example:
> take 800mg Ibuprofen (ACE2 Drug) every day and then suddenly stop
How long does it take to get out of your system?
wondering where I can get a complete list of ACE2 Inhibitors
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e101a1 No.80143
ffs this pandemic is taking too long
just kill us all already
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29c9c5 No.80145
>different level of hatred, rest is seemingly untouched although as example Burkina Faso
Rwanda ordered a lockdown there's gonna be major chimpouts in the country once Tyrone is told to say at home by government niggers.
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e5ccd6 No.80146
Top Keks thanks needed that
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cd1519 No.80147
actually, sir…..
ACE2 inhibitors are contraindicated
they'll make it worse, not better
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9df0ab No.80148
Olympics nowadays are yet another demonstration of globohomo.
Build walls, not bridges.
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115dc8 No.80149
yes - I understand that - maybe I worded my question incorrectly
how long does it take for the ACE2 inhibitors to get out of your system after stopping them?
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115dc8 No.80152
Also, I am not a virologist nor do I hold a position in the Medical field.
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f6b9b1 No.80153
>May billions of dollars end up in your bitcoin wallet fellow corvid follower, may corona chan protect you forever. May the coofs stay away and may the leftists in your city drown in their own spit as they enter seizure from septic shock. Praise kek
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eee77e No.80154
>Yes, creep I'm 13 and a half
This is the first and only time I'm going to respond to you because I'm 99.9999% sure you're just a disingenuous shill coming here to shit up everything. But, on the off chance that you actually are just 13 you should leave this place, at least for a couple years. You're just a kid, you should be hanging out with friends and making good childhood memories. The world will only get shittier as you grow up and you'll probably hate most of the people you have to interact with. Despite what some may say your childhood really is the best time of your life, it's the time where you'll have the most genuine relationships and nothing is expected of you. Don't waste your childhood on this mongolian shit eating forum, go enjoy your youth while you have it.
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69df6c No.80155
Commiefornian police will use drones to enforce quarantine, just like in Chinkland and Waffleland https://archive.is/b2Sr8
The best viruses are the ones that reasonably take their time. Go too fast and you wipe yourself out, go too slow and you degenerate yourself. Corona-Chan's rate is absolutely perfect, not to mention that she is more than just a virus.
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126360 No.80156
If I was to bet on one niggercountry capable of surviving coronachan, that'd be Rwanda, they're on different level than surrounding negros
Pic relateds are for anon who was looking for those two threads ago
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115dc8 No.80157
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000000 No.80158
>call for mercy
apocalypse/all-revelation it's about the GREATEST tortures
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000000 No.80159
No van at all. And the violence that me and others are inciting is ramping up. The system has no power over me.
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263862 No.80160
Uh-oh guys I got a cough. I also feel like shit. This feeling started yesterday but now I'm just noticing the cough, it feels sudden and forceful. Fuck! I really thought I would last longer god fucking dammit! Maybe I should've stayed a NEET.
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000000 No.80162
<deathcultists will use drones to enforce pandemic
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29c9c5 No.80163
>how long does it take for the ACE2 inhibitors to get out of your system after stopping them?
Depends on the half life of medication, 800mb of ibuprofen has a 2 hour half life, so it should out of your system after 24 hours.
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f6b9b1 No.80164
This is a cigarette for you, anon, a kameradaten struggling and fighting the greatest war ever!
I know it's hard. I feel your pain.
Soon it will be over: with or without you, because our final goal is greater than our single lives.
Take this cigarette anon, hold the line, and heil corona!
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864a36 No.80171
>You can say “oy vey, jews are victims”
>You can say “just wash your hands”
<You can’t say “jews don’t wash their hands”
So it’s a battle of the drones. It doesn’t take much to knock a drone out of the sky, especially one that’s not designed as a fighting drone. Just ask Iran.
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293323 No.80174
Unless it's a black hornet drone in say Wuhan?
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2803e1 No.80177
you're over 50 m8? you remember the moon landing?
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cd1519 No.80179
In the 1981 Dean Koontz book 'The Eyes of Darkness', there is a bio-weapon called 'WuHan-400'
it was originally called 'Gorki-500' in the 1981 release, but in 2008, Koontz changed it to 'WuHan'
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f6b9b1 No.80180
Is this confirmed?
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293323 No.80181
I specifically remember the stars and stripes blowing in the wind as Neil jumped around it blissfully
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3199b6 No.80182
>country commits a genocide for the most retarded reason
>Going to do better
I have my doubts
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5ef96c No.80185
this. how many times have we heard them tell us a cure to cancer is just around the corner. go look at old newspapers. as far back as the seventies there were headlines telling us "Major breakthroughs in Cancer research" …. its all about grants.Its really sad in so many ways. Even many Doctors have spoken out against this bullshit. Big pharma, corruption and "research" grants …. medicine is really fucked up, and its such a cryin shame. It should be the one place full of ethical profesionals (and dont get me wrong, many are, but many aren't). Wasnt it our esteemed medical profession that built this fucking bioweapon to begin with. Now what, the same fuckers that got us into this mess are gonna bail us out.
Sorry Im all out of fatih in them. They really need to clean up thier profession.
I have met some really fantastic doctors in my life, very smart and very professional, some very talented doctors out there, but there are some real charlatans out there too. They need to be culled.
and I'll tell you something else too. IF we survive this fucking bioweapon, the whole world needs to sit down and have along conversation about why these weapons were made illegal 80 years ago, and we need a stading policy that anyone who attempts to develop such a weapon just gets nuked. We have satellites, we need inspection teams, and a 50 megaton warhead on stand by, ready to drop on any bioweapon facility.
We dont need to have bioweapons labs developing this shit just cause "the other guy might be buidling one anon" …. no. what we need is a policy that says "if you so much as attempt to build one, the whole world will fucking glass your nation. " This whole shitshow is just fucking insane.
bioweapons are worse then nukes, because they are uncontrollable. By there very nature they are a weapon of terror, a weapon of mass destruction. and for all we know at this point, a weapon of "extinction level event". Humans are so fucking stupid. We think we are so clever. We are just fucking monkeys in a nuclear power plant pulling levers and pushing buttons that we have no idea what they do. This whole situaton is fucking crazy. I cant beleive some fucking chink thought it would be a 'good idea' to build a highly mutagenic hiv bat snake flu airborne aids bioweapon …. and nobody around him said … "hey man, do you have a vaccine, or a cure for this shit?" like wtf . WTF!!! Are they retarded or insane.
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cd1519 No.80188
the world's most knowledgeable experienced epidemiologists have explained the mathematical model:
for every ONE confirmed case, there are 2,000 infected people who have not been confirmed yet, most of them being asymptomatic, still in the 30 day window of incubation.
The exposure rate doubles every six days.
let's begin with the number 5, because when doubled, it becomes 10, then 20, then 40, then 80…
day one: 5 cases
day six: 10 cases
day twelve: 20 cases
day eighteen: 40 cases
day twenty four: 80 cases
day thirty: 160 cases
day thirty six: 320 cases
day forty two: 640 cases
day forty eight: 1,280 cases
day fifty four: 2,360 cases
day sixty: 4,720 cases
day sixty six: 9,440 cases
day seventy two: 18,880 cases
day seventy eight: 37,760 cases
day eighty four: 75,520 cases
day ninety: 151,040 cases
day ninety six: 302,080 cases
day one hundred two: 604,160 cases
day one hundred eight: 1,208,320 cases
day one hundred fourteen: 2,416,640 cases
day one hundred twenty: 4,833,280 cases
day one hundred twenty six: 9,666,560 cases
day one hundred thirty two: 19,333,120 cases
day one hundred thirty eight: 38,666,240 cases
day one hundred forty four: 77,332,480 cases
day one hundred fifty: 154,664,960 cases
in just 5 months, it went from 5 people to 154 MILLION people
most of them (149,831,680) still in the 30 day incubation period window.
and the pandemic has been spreading for 5 months so far….
let's see how long it takes to reach one billion people, okay?
day one hundred fifty six: 309,329,920 cases
day one hundred sixty two: 618,659,840 cases
day one hundred sixty eight: 1,237,319,680
somewhere around day one hundred seventy, the number reached one billion.
approximately 5 1/2 months, and over one billion people have been exposed.
but because the incubation period is 30 days, an overwhelming majority of them (1,082,654,720) over one billion still aren't showing any symptoms yet, while only 154,664,960 of them (154 million) are already showing symptoms.
this rate of exposure WILL CONTINUE until approximately 85% of the 7.6 billion humans on Earth (6,460,000,000 approximately 6.5 billion) have been exposed.
out of the 6.5 billion people who will eventually be exposed, 80% of them will get sick (5,168,000,000 potentially ill humans) but they will recover, thanks to their immune systems.
but the remaining 20% of exposed people (1,292,000,000 - 1.3 billion) will die, due to their bodies' immune system being unable to fight off the virus.
even after the rare form of pneumonia occurs, the SARS-COV-2 virus migrates into the intestinal tract, and into body organs, causing heart damage and systematic organ failure.
by the way, those are REAL NUMBERS
I'm not 'making it up'…
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cd1519 No.80193
Fuck Him !!!
LOL @ his world falling to pieces
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f6b9b1 No.80194
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126360 No.80195
>country commits a genocide
It wasn't a country, it was a tribe going against a tribe. The smaller tribe won, being outnumbered nearly 10 to 1, being one of the reasons why neighbouring country Zair has fallen from grace
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911a30 No.80198
Not confirmed by a long shot, but likely since he has been seen in public a while and recently used '..b-but the rooms in my house aren't tall enough to hang lights..' as an excuse for why he can't do a conference.
You don't belong here, and it shows. Kindly see yourself into the nearest gas chamber or fuck off back to leddit.
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69df6c No.80200
Blessed nigballer confirm the new symptom , says he can't smell anything.
Gold medalist olympic athlete tells on twatter how it feels to be infected https://archive.is/5YzzW
Picture of Pasta docs bruised by their PPEs after a 13 hour long shift.
Secret Service agent got blessed https://archive.is/h8fHI
You're going have to go into further detail than just "feeling like shit" if you want an unofficial diagnosis. Anons here including myself to a certain degree can definitely do it, but we need details on your symptoms.
>Just ask Iran.
Kek, so much Burger taxpayer money wasted.
Decent post.
>Are they retarded or insane.
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cd1519 No.80201
U N T R U E :
your fake 'document' states that Biden was diagnosed with 'CRITICAL' level of SARS-CoV-2
-Mild : pneumonia
-Severe: intubated, mechanical assisted breathing
-Critical: systematic organ failure
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09baf3 No.80202
Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f6b9b1 No.80203
>your fake 'document'
it's not "my" document. Can I just hope that this is true? I personally hate him like everyone else
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7ae736 No.80205
Mild means cold like symptoms, not pneumonia, right?
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37928e No.80206
how about THIS ?
see below
fuck yourself, bitch
this is MY thread…. get lost
go find someplace where you're wanted
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37928e No.80207
Mild : flu-like symptoms to pneumonia
Severe : endotracheal tube inserted
Critical : organ failure - death
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37928e No.80208
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911a30 No.80209
That's why you're hopping IDs, right? Hope you get sent to the same furnace as asukafag.
Those bruises are nuts. Makes it look like that gear weighs a ton or they have it pulled so damn tight because they're afraid of catching corona.
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f6b9b1 No.80211
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ae04ae No.80212
>or they have it pulled so damn tight because they're afraid of catching corona.
Because they don't know how to use their own gear, or they have some sort of anemia.
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e6bb1c No.80214
Yawn… that is what everyone said my IRA would do… Instead it lost 800 bucks in 16 years…
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37928e No.80215
by the way, LabCorp is the shitty company that does Drug Testing for corporations and probation departments
and a real printed result would NOT have a 'doctors assessment's (critical) on it.
real lab results don't include assessments
they only include RESULTS OF THE TEST
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37928e No.80216
My wife is a registered nurse….
it's simply because they tied the masks so tightly, to make a tight seal… and 13 hours will do that
they didn't 'usr it wrong'
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e6bb1c No.80217
GOod advice.. Im here because Im too broken down and old to do much else. Most people dont like me IRL but gosh a 13 year old?! Fuck man go out and do something! Fucking run 5 miles or something. You will miss that shit when you get old and you cant do it any more. Shit, learn a skill. Raise some fucking chickens in your yard or something uselful like that. ITs fun.
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f6b9b1 No.80218
>LabCorp is the shitty company that does Drug Testing for corporations and probation departments
>corporations and probation departments
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e6bb1c No.80219
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37928e No.80220
hopping hahahaha lol
as if Joe Biden would go to a local McDonald's for dinner, take his own suits to a dry cleaner, or USE LABCORP
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f6b9b1 No.80222
>LabCorp is the shitty company that does Drug Testing for corporations and probation departments
>corporations and probation departments
I was curious and while reading the hecking website:
Sample report for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), NAA - TEST: 139900
possible results: Indetermined OR Detected. No matter the flag. So basically, yeah
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e6bb1c No.80224
THis was actually a really moving statement here… Take an Alien-proof meme.
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000000 No.80227
May all federal agents and their families die.
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e6bb1c No.80228
I bet 6 million of them die… Then they demand our money again.
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0bc8e5 No.80230
There are specific HT meds that could be good for this situation. However, taking them and not having HT and having the Wu Flu can cause complications. The irony is that some with HT will be fine if they have the right HT meds due to the reigh HT condition. Having untreated HT is the problem or some HT meds could be bad.
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cc2187 No.80231
I thought Ashkenazi jew weren't semetic, they were just eastern yuropean mongrols or somewhere around there who converted to Judaism
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69df6c No.80233
Prominent Brownzilian financefag says Corona-Chan will cause the unemployment of 40 million Hues.
Brownzilian military police (In a state I don't know and can't recognize) enforcing the closure of a beach
Brownzilian microbiologist says there could be a million dead Hues hopefully including myself by August, due to the collapse of the public healthcare system by April
>If we just use a mitigation plan, we're going to have a million deaths by August. And we won't have anywhere to bury those corpses, they will pile up just like in the Spanish Flu of 1918
>they have it pulled so damn tight because they're afraid of catching corona.
I think this is what happened, since so many docs around the world are dying. They must be scared shitless, and rightfully so. They are very brave people.
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1689ed No.80234
>Brownzilian military police (In a state I don't know and can't recognize) enforcing the closure of a beach
Isn't that Rio?
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e6bb1c No.80235
Citizen, you have chosen, or been chosen to come to city 17… Its better here. Sad that Gordon was killed by that big gross tick.
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0bc8e5 No.80236
About 40% are mixed. Those that aren't are out of the triangle. Nice theory though.
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7eaa92 No.80237
> HT Meds
you lost me
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000000 No.80238
niggers have
albs don't
rest in hell, soft whitey pussies
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0bc8e5 No.80239
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b44d25 No.80241
Everyone do yourself a favor and filter Johnny Neptune.
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7eaa92 No.80244
oh - blood pressure medicine - lisinopril, etc…
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0bc8e5 No.80245
That might not be a good medication.
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863189 No.80249
>>80188 (Czeched)
So we are completely doomed. We know that Corona lady is constantly changing every few day or week depending on what strains. It’s like RNA is self writing based on human genetic non stopping. Do you know what this means? We are in the dark age for decades. I am not even if humanity is extant within 50 years future.
Hey geneticists, please prove me 100% wrong! I beg you to.
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212070 No.80252
>hopefully including myself
Don't be like that, pal.
Some people here care about skin colour, but many others care about culture and spirit.
No matter how much melanine you got, if you keep your heart in the right place (your family, friends and comunity) you're alright in my book. And many others too.
I consitently tell people that I'm not racist. But I am a xenophobe. I've got no beef with other races, but I do hate a lot of their despicable cultures. Chinese and Thailandese are pretty much the same race (or very close anyway), and yet the comradie and companionship I received from thailand's natives when I visited was in stark contrast to the chinese grifters and bug-hive mentality.
Remember: your skin colour is no excuse for who you are.
If you're black, it's no excuse to be a nigger. If you're white, it's no excuse to be White Trash.
You can't change your skin, but you can change yourself.
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0bc8e5 No.80253
I can garantee you that humans will not become extinct. Though, I can garantee almost all will die in the next 60 years.
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863189 No.80254
If you are not a geneticist then don’t answer. Only geneticist or scientists can answer that.
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69df6c No.80255
Rio's cops wear a dark blue (I think the right term is navy) uniform, unless they changed their uniform recently and I din't got the memo. The cop cars don't look like the ones in Rio either.
Don't worry, Corona-Chan is here to only remove what is evil and impure. There will be many survivors to rebuild the world after she makes her departure. And this new world will be beautiful and just.
A beautiful message that I will always keep in my mind for as long as I live. But there's just too much shit all around me for me to ever have a proper life, no amount of self improvement can change my situation. Spiritual evacuation from this world is really the best option for me, and Corona-Chan will provide it. Surviving her with my set of circumstances is basically impossible anyway, even my parents are coming to this realization despite many planning sessions and their christian faith. And they are realizing this without my influence.
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f2facf No.80256
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0bc8e5 No.80257
My statement has nothing to do with Wu Flu.
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863189 No.80258
I bet you pee in blood when you get a fucking blessed red kiss from our Corona lady so do not fucking call me faggot. Sharing the knowledge with them is a biggest fatal mistake in the whole long fucking history.
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863189 No.80259
I agree with this anon. Whoever developed a bio weapons get nuked without mercy so the fucking world can behave like civilised people. I don’t care what excuses they used. That’s not the white people’s problem!!!!! We offered the knowledge and it bites our hands like fucking piranhas. Why do we exists??
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212070 No.80260
> too much shit all around me
Well… it's Brazil mate. For every good area you have, there's 10 hell-holes sinking people in.
>Surviving her with my set of circumstances is basically impossible anyway
Then let's have a wager, my melanin-enriched friend.
If you die to Corona's embrace, you'll be free from the hellpit fate has cruelly assigned you.
In a strange and macabre way, I will have lost our wager, and you would have "won".
However, should her gracefull hand pass over your family, and leave you and yours unscathed, you'll have to take it as a sign. A second chance.
In that event, I will have won the wager, and you, the loser must pay our bet: to improve yourself (physically and mentally) and leave that place. You will then have to find someplace you can not only develop, but give back those developments to people around you, people who need you.
For as desperate as the situation is, if you survive it, if you improve, and if you find yourself in a position of safety and control one day, you'll also find another one who will be just as desperate, scared and hopeless as you are right now.
Neither of us have anyway to enforce this wager, nor a means to garantee will see it through.
So instead I'll just take your word for it. The word of a fellow /pol/ worth more than silver and gold.
About 3 years ago, I nearly killed myself over stupid shit that really fucked with me. I came to see the board one last time, and some anon had a similar wage with me. I never got to tell him that he won said wager, I only realized that in the end, we both won.
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63e482 No.80262
Just what has the richest city in the world been doing with all its money?
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863189 No.80263
I have no clue why the white people exist on Earth. It’s like we are made at wrong time and wrong place. Without white people then there is no vaccines, tv, computers, ships, planes, science, etc. Try to imagine the world without the white people. No bio weapons or nukes……..no nukes…..
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7f0694 No.80264
>>80188 (Heil'd)
>but the remaining 20% of exposed people (1,292,000,000 - 1.3 billion) will die, due to their bodies' immune system being unable to fight off the virus.
That sounds about right. There have been, possibly, 1.2 billion abortions, abortion-like procedures, and other pre-natal homicidal activities for the past 40-50 years. I've said this multiple times, but Corona-chan is God's punishment on the world for whoring after Moloch among the other numerous degenerate sins. The elites think they are merely culling the world population for only God knows what cause, globalhomo warming, nature worship, communism, anti-white genocide. They don't understand that they too will be culled in this punishment because they caused, helped, encouraged, praised, defended, financed, established, and etc. this gross, systematic Moloch worship. God is not a respecter of persons, and He will have justice and will punish the church too for being stupid morons and failing to preach for the deaths of all Moloch worshipers. There is no mercy with the killing of children.
By the way, trivia for you guys, especially for you leafs out there. Do you know the one man who brought Moloch worship into Canada? (((Heniek Morgentaler))), a Polish Jew who "survived" Dachau and later fought the anti-abortion law twice in the Candian equivalent of Roe v. Wade. "The Nazis were monsters goyim that tortured me, but let me sacrifice your white children to Moloch you stupid pig sluts…I mean free women who have control over their bodies." Ironic
This, a good spirit-pilled post.
Checked, and I checked what the status is for abortions in Brazil. According to the (((Human RIghts Watch))), despite it being illegal and discouraged, so far, approximately 1-4 million hueish whores every year use the (((health endangerment))) excuse to get abortions, so about 40-160 million souls crushed since 1979-1980. The main issue is that Brazil has not done even a bare minimum job of enforcing the ban or keeping a strict health exception. Only recently as of 2018, after Bolsonaro's win, were there rumors that abortion would be re-penalized and thoroughly enforced against.
Molech worship and the killing of children from conception till 13 years-only is the one crime God demands people punish or else. While He expects justice to be done, no other sin and crime in the Bible is demanded to be punished (there is a generalized demand for governments to execute justice but nothing specific) like this one. If a nation does not punish, the language of Leviticus 20:1-5 suggests that God will curse and destroy both the nation, who were cowards, and Molech worshipers together.
tl;dr I think it's going be worse than 1 mil Brazilbro, if not from Corona-chan herself, then from the economic and martial fallout. Be careful and stay safe!
>No bio weapons or nukes……..no nukes…..
Or the means to counter-act those bio weapons and nukes. We'll survive.
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911a30 No.80265
They spent it all on those 'no xenophobia allowed' signs for the subway.
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060eee No.80267
Some updates to the maps I made previously.
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69df6c No.80270
I made a similar deal with another anon. I will try my best but there really are no guarantees I will make it.
>if a nation does not punish, the language of Leviticus 20:1-5 suggests that God will curse and destroy both the nation, who were cowards, and Molech worshipers together.
>tl;dr I think it's going be worse than 1 mil Brazilbro, if not from Corona-chan herself, then from the economic and martial fallout. Be careful and stay safe!
Good, this cesspool deserves every punishment available. Especially the north-northeast regions, they poisoned the rest of the country with marxism along with the cultural marxists from the south and southeast, they ruined Brownzil. I will try to be careful and to stay safe, I always keep my trusty melee weapons around me at all times after all. I would just like to say that you're the best christian I ever met and that I'm eternally grateful to Corona-Chan for telling me to stop picking fights with you guys, or else I would never see your posts since I used to filter Christians on sight. Have this picture as a gift, she looks very chic in it.
Great job, map anon. I really like your work.
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863189 No.80275
It look like it got many bombed area.
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1689ed No.80279
Will this be the event that brings a thousand years of darkness? What will it be of the achievements that civilization made, will they be forgotten? Or am I just being melodramatic again?
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75f32f No.80280
>Czech Crisis Staff head Roman Prymula told Czech Television today that border restrictions in the Czech Republic over the coronavirus situation may last up to two years. Czech Crisis Staff head Roman Prymula told Czech Television today that border restrictions in the Czech Republic over the coronavirus situation may last up to two years, and largely depend on the management of the epidemic in other countries in Europe and across the globe.
>While the situation in the Czech Republic is thought to improve from mid-April, estimates aren’t as optimistic for other countries in Europe. “The situation in other European countries will not be good,” Prymula told Czech Television. “There it will take months and long months.”
>According to Prymula, international travel will most likely be limited for the next year or two, and Czech residents should count on taking their summer holidays within the Czech Republic this year. Prymula’s statements were supported by Czech Minister of Health Adam Vojtěch. “The point is to avoid having a second or third wave of the epidemic, so that people from other countries such as Italy, France, Spain, Germany, do not begin to flow [into the Czech Republic],” he told Czech Television.
Well lads, better cancel any plans you had to go visit the beaches of Southern Europe this summer, because you won't be allowed to leave your country anytime soon. This epidemic is going to be far worse than the financial crisis of 2008.
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27e851 No.80283
Post your face when they have to pass old Roman style debt forgiveness to prevent total societal collapse and the jews screech in horror.
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4a33cd No.80284
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060eee No.80285
I hope Ron Paul doesn't get it, his son Rand was diagnosed with it today. Rand is the first US Senator to get it, and one of the few good ones.
I think the U.S. situation is going to get very ugly. Especially as NYC is becoming a new epicentre, and there is only so long you can quarantine their feral population.
> I really like your work.
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540c7c No.80286
TFW jew zealand cuckverment only locks down country after sheep piss and moan for days about it
>still lets local faggots in for 'enforced quarantine'
Hopefully they are infected for this heresy.
P.s. new rule faggots. As hapacuck is targeting breads, anyone feeding them is subject to time out. ignore hapacuck and most ((1))s
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4a33cd No.80287
So Ted Cruz was a false alarm?
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060eee No.80288
Yes. Today four other Senators went into isolation. Mitt Romney was one of them, much to Trump's amusement.
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4a33cd No.80289
>>80288 (Heil'd)
Did Ted ever say who he came into contact with at CPAC that had it? Was the person there knowingly spreading it at CPAC?
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060eee No.80290
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345e19 No.80291
>1 in 5 serious and 6% fatal
>no cure and seemingly aids-bat laboratory hybrid with no conferred immunity just like HIV
doesn't that mean that the virus keeps circulating in society, killing off people logarithmically until there are one or two people left? and it's not even long - like in a matter of years - like an inverse accelerating infection rate
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5b9b02 No.80294
No, no we don't have beer, go raid Ireland.
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f9677b No.80296
Surprised San Fagsisco didn't get nailed hard first with its heavy asian populace, though NYC doesn't come as a surprise.
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cc2187 No.80297
Think mosquitos will be able to carry the virus and become missionaries for corona chan?
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f9677b No.80298
>Malaria gets a co-op buddy
wew lad
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7f0991 No.80299
The reason that mosquitoes spread shit is because certain nasties can breed in their saliva. Not everything can actually pull off this magic trick.
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4a33cd No.80300
They currently think it's only spread through sinus droplets, they aren't 100% sure if it's blood borne or not. If it is blood borne then yes mosquitoes will be able to transmit it.
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21606d No.80301
> i've been here since tread 1 i'm clearly more informed than you
You're so well-informed and yet you cannot point to a single credible source for the official narrative?
>>If you want to make me look like a fool
>you're doing just fine by yourself
Ho ho. If you were as skilled at posting evidence as you are at composing zingy-one-liners then your claim to being informed would be more believable.
>go check what every mainstream media outlet was saying about corona chan back in janaury if you don't believe me
Mainstream media outlets is your recommendation? You're literally admitting that your source of truth is the same newsroom jews who sold us weapons of mass destruction, and who tell us that whites are the Country's biggest terrorist threat?
>>evidence those corpses are corona victims is what?
>>massive epidemic outbreak
What you've done here is the logical fallacy known as "post hoc ergo propter hoc" or more colloquially "correlation is causation." First there was an epidemic. Next some people died. Now you say therefore every one of them died from the epidemic. And yet over 100K people die everyday worldwide. Shall we assume they are all corona deaths? According to your logic the fact that there's a "massive epidemic outbreak" is proof enough everyone who ever dies is a confirmed covid-19 death.
You've got another logical fallacy here called "question begging." It means basing your conclusion on a premise that assumes the conclusion. I began by asking for real evidence there is a massive epidemic outbreak. You say the evidence is dead-bodies in China but when I ask what the evidence is they are conona deaths, your evidence is the "massive epidemic outbreak". Well which is it? Do the bodies prove the epidemic exists or does the alleged epidemic prove the bodies were killed by it?
>>suddenly a lot of people die
>gee, i wonder what could possibly be the cause of this?
Sarcasm is the lowest form of humor and is no form of evidence.
>the fact that blood banks are running out of blood or garages, stadiums, wherehouses m etc were turned into ICU units and quarantine center where they the have to intubate most patients and periodically drain lung fluid to hoping they'll make it is proof enough for me that they weren't there just for the flu
I'm happy for you that it's "proof enough" for you, but you and I obviously have different standards of evidence. For me, "there's a shortage at the blood bank" is not evidence of every mainstream media claim about the virus is true.
>oh seriously what could possibly be killing so many people during the corona chan pandemic, what a mystery
Again with the sarcasm. Are you ignorant of the 80K American deaths from flu every year?
>>People taking extreme actions because they are afraid
>first of all, bugmen are not people
And yet you trust their epidemiological claims about causes-of-death and videos from their "whistleblowers?"
>i ain't replying to you anymore, stop being a lazy lying nigger and go to the backlog to do your homework
I don't blame you for wanting to end this conversation. The more time you spend announcing how little time you have to post a single credible link to evidence, the more obvious it is that evidence doesn't exist.
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9549c5 No.80303
If it isn't outright bioterrorism, it is definitely criminal….hunt this down?
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69df6c No.80304
I will sleep now. See you tomorrow, my fellow nignogs, stay safe and don't let the shills ruin the thread, they always seem to come during daytime in my end I have just started writing a Coronian bible, by the way, no ETA on release but it will happen when it's rich in content and when I feel like the time is right
Pissrael update, 167 new confirmed cases https://archive.is/3iwfn
71 new confirmed cases in Vodkaland https://archive.vn/uIrBL
65 new confirmed cases in Tacoland source ht tps://www .gob. mx/cms/uploads/attachment/file/542709/Comunicado_Tecnico_Diario_COVID-19_2020.03.22.pdf
9 new confirmed cases in Memegascar
Aussie update, 100 new confirmed cases https://archive.vn/kRwar
Holy shit that's a pretty serious measure. Very nice, Check Republic will pass Corona-Chan's trial, no problem.
As long as whites aren't the target, it's all good.
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0dc7d7 No.80305
I believe NYC has the largest Chinatown in North America, yeah no big surprise.
Nice. Back in thread 36 on the 17th, I posted:
>I did some quick calculations interpolating that data, and we should get to 1,000 in about 6 days.
We are here now, and I'm glad to see they're slightly ahead of schedule.
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0dc7d7 No.80307
*referring to the Israeli data, that is.
Remember, without the white man, you won't have an electrical grid.
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5b9b02 No.80309
Czeched and I need more videos like this. Beach Death Squads now.
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23b50a No.80310
>has been reported to cause permanent lung damage in those who "recover"
>is surviving and spreading among all climates
Corona-chan has become the ultimate life form.
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e37847 No.80311
The 1919 flu spread to all climates including Antarctica. You stupid fucking cunt.
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e37847 No.80313
You worthless little shit.
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65550b No.80314
>Don't worry, Corona-Chan is here to only remove what is evil and impure.
>There will be many survivors to rebuild the world after she makes her departure.
She will not depart. The Goddess will stay with the survivors forever, ready to strike down those who ever again dare to raise any form of degeneracy.
>And this new world will be beautiful and just.
Yes, it will be.
>But there's just too much shit all around me for me to ever have a proper life.
Have faith. The Goddess will clean this world. It is your vocation to rebuild it.
>the loser must pay our bet: to improve yourself (physically and mentally)
>and leave that place.
Wrong. Your calling is to improve your home country, not to leave it behind.
>So instead I'll just take your word for it. The word of a fellow /pol/ worth more than silver and gold.
This statement shows you the future. A future without jews, without lies. A world of STRENGTH AND HONOR.
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6bf28e No.80315
>ok kills evil and impure
<good luck with that
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5b9b02 No.80316
Czech Republic czeching in, this is what I was talking about before. Of the eastern European countries, CR has been hit hardest (1165 infected and our first death last night) so it's a good bell weather of what nationalist sentiment will bring elsewhere in (eastern) Europe -they're by far not the most nationalist people, look to Poland, Slovakia and Hungary for that. Nobody here wants to open the border again (I think nobody even wants to go back to normal inside the country while our infections keep going up by about 125 per day), especially because we took harsh measures relatively early on (which would have worked perfectly if it hadn't be for fucking ski holidays in Italy). Keep the borders locked, do tests at the border and send them home if they have so much a raised temperature -at their own expense.
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e37847 No.80318
Fuck you and fuck your puns.
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863189 No.80321
Is it wrong that I am happy that Strayans are becoming tribal self sufficient homesteaders? I never seen so extreme like this situation before.
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226a60 No.80324
Gov: don buy
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5b9b02 No.80326
>'Experts from CVUT have developed a respirator on a 3D printer. A special filter will last about a week. It is even higher protection than FFP3. We agreed to start delivering them to faculty hospitals. Now we're just debugging the details. They could start producing up to 10,000 PCs a day from next week.'
CVUT is a technical university in Czech Republic, Adam Vojtech (tweet) is the minister for health.
CR is all about open source, I am sure the files would have been shared/uploaded somewhere, but not sure where (don't do 3D printing). Can anyone look to start verifying this?
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e37847 No.80328
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cec102 No.80331
Daily remind this nothingburger of a pandemic will fade by October. Just bought the dip in the stock market. I'll be enjoying my riches in fall while you're all stuck with your 9000 cans of beans and rotting rolls of TP
Take note of my post if you dare. I told you all the Yellow Vest riots in France would fizzle out after everybody got tired and went home and nobody believed me. Well, where's your revolution and 'happening' now?
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5b9b02 No.80332
I think you already did that yourself.
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5b9b02 No.80334
Johns Hopkins map for US is now with granular bubbles to the county level, anything to keep the bubbles from exploding!
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0ef9c0 No.80336
Nature herself is rising against you, jew. There is no escape. There will be no mercy.
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d818f6 No.80338
Who else /symptomatic/?
Day 6 here. Chest pain getting worse and breathing becoming more and more difficult. Cough is finally starting up and throat is getting sore and feels a little swollen, somewhat hard to swallow liquids. Pretty much accepted the fact that I'm going to die soon. Think my dog knows it too.
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0ef9c0 No.80339
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937130 No.80340
what pisses me off is how celebrities seem to be able to get the test, while us 'insignificant people' are told there's no tests available
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000000 No.80342
>Be retarded
>Cover your face and body with activated charcoal masks to block virus from entering your pores.
>Go to shop for tampons and hormone tablets
>Be finally home and take off my activated charcoal masks
>get shot by bf for being a blackface nigger
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937130 No.80344
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ad5598 No.80346
Imagine posting that manchild crap and then claiming to care about western civilization.
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5b9b02 No.80348
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e37847 No.80349
Who the fuck cares?
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937130 No.80351
I heard that while filming the latest comedy, Bugs Bunny reported a high fever
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76262c No.80352
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e37847 No.80353
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937130 No.80354
And just like a true friend, Fudd tried nursing him back to health
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937130 No.80355
but his condition worsened, and production had to be halted
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5aa01e No.80356
Did you get a sperm count before infection? We need data.
Don't worry. These celebs will get reinfected, go into cytokinic shock and die.
>that pic
That's because no other president has had to deal with /ourgirl/.
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937130 No.80358
then, next thing you know….
That's All, Folks !
I heard the nobody could attend the funeral
(groups of 10 or more)
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863189 No.80359
You have morbidly sense of humour, anon.
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dd4ef3 No.80360
The country of India practicing social distancing..
like sardines apparently
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937130 No.80361
And you thought hacking 'baby cam' monitors was fun?
trolling live streaming funerals is my new 'jam'
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5d18e0 No.80362
>No trip to the doctor "Whats up doc?"
I'm disappointed in you anon
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937130 No.80363
Lol DAMMIT !!! you got me there
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937130 No.80364
you Wascawwy Wobot
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863189 No.80365
Update from Australia
There is 2 million people are unemployed now. More people on welfare and the government is under the pressure. Will they collapse and the civil war break out?
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863189 No.80366
Homeless Strayans will be common sight on the street in the future. Be ready
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5d18e0 No.80367
bitch please I'm hoovervilling the fuck out of this country when it happens. Gonna be like Minecraft IRL.
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937130 No.80368
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226a60 No.80369
I shudder just at the thought of all of those assault thongs out there. It will be a festival of violence.
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937130 No.80370
Get Ready….
The 'States' and Congress have already been notified….
(the other day, the states' governor's all met with trump at the White House)
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937130 No.80375
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937130 No.80376
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937130 No.80377
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e37847 No.80379
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bccfcd No.80380
It really is going to be interesting to see how this all plays out in the end. This could all end up like Ebola, or it could end up like Swine and the Spanish Flu.
> Czech residents should count on taking their summer holidays within the Czech Republic this year
I'm curious how many will actually follow this advice, and how many will bring the virus back again.
Too late. You're dead.
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bccfcd No.80383
I've heard of so many people that have months supply of toilet paper, but still buy as much as they can whenever they go to the store. Part of me is hoping that Corona is especially deadly, because the world would be better off without a lot of these people in it.
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863189 No.80384
<kill the rich people
<Raid the bunkers for foods and beverages.
<Whoring the girls for shekels
<Australia become totalitarian
<Slavery is legal to keep the weak economy rolling
<Death punishment is legal
<Become a nuclear power
<Mini civil wars is common
<races is segregated
<medical care is limited to people with many merit based points.
<mass sterilisation for people with disabilities
<people who cannot pay he taxes are executed
<Military service is mandatory for the men
<Fertile women is banned from getting jobs.
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5b9b02 No.80385
>I'm curious how many will actually follow this advice
Here nobody gets an 'advice' like in faggot countries in the rest of Europe who screw it up for everyone by getting 'advice' and ignoring it en masse. If they feel the rest of Europe is a risk, the borders will not open, simple as.
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30406c No.80386
Past three days or so sheep shagger infestation has gone from mid 20s to over 100. 48hrs or so 'til lockdown, watch people shit themselves as exponential growth continues.
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863189 No.80387
Hopefully they might take social distance rules seriously. So many idiots still don’t realise how bad the situation is.
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226a60 No.80388
<kill the rich people
>kill communists, jews and gays
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863189 No.80389
>>80388 (heil’ed)
Your dub said you are correct.
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000000 No.80391
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4465f9 No.80392
……just between us…….
It's comments like yours that the Rand corporation takes into consideration when developing the contingency plan to take large groups of people and put them in the detention centers
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863189 No.80395
Update from Australia
From midday on Monday, Australia entered a new era in its history.
Widespread closure of businesses will be enforced, and people have been told to stay at home to slow the spread of coronavirus. With constantly evolving information and advice, some people may be confused about what exactly they can and cannot do. We've got some answers for you.
This article is based on the latest information provided by state and federal leaders as of Monday, March 23.
What businesses can stay open?
Most businesses, including major retailers and department stores, can continue to run if they comply with social-distancing guidelines, Under the new measures, cafes and restaurants will be able to operate, but only to offer takeaway and delivery services.
Hotels will be allowed to offer accommodation.
And the following businesses have been dubbed essential to society and will remain open:
-Petrol stations
-Convenience stores
-Freight and logistics
-Food delivery
-Bottle shops
What do businesses have to do if they stay open?
All businesses operating must meet social-distancing guidelines — keeping people 1.5 metres apart, and ensuring 4 square metres per person — and not have gatherings of more than 100 people indoors.
Businesses are encouraged to adjust work practices around these guidelines in order to keep operating, such as arrange for staff to work from home.
What businesses must close?
The Prime Minister announced on Sunday that some businesses would have to close by midday on Monday because people were gathering in some of them against social-distancing guidelines.
These include:
-Indoor places of worship (this one is I am not sure what he meant by this)
-Indoor sporting venues
What about hairdressers and other businesses that interact with customers?
Leaders have recognised the balance between keeping businesses operating and reducing the spread of the virus is difficult. At this stage, businesses such as hairdressers and beauticians can stay open if they comply with social-distancing guidelines (it’s impossible to obey the rules he better shut it down) — as challenging as that may be.
Restaurants and cafes can continue cooking if they offer takeaway, and other businesses will need to adjust. No more outside coffees and chill for us for many years or forever.
For example, Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner said shopping centres would remain open, but said people should not sit in food courts.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison flagged on Sunday that more draconian restrictions may be forthcoming under "stage two".
What about schools and childcare centres?
Schools and childcare centres remain open until the school holidays, though some jurisdictions have brought forward the end of the term. (Wtf?)
Today, Monday March 23, will be the final day of the term for kids in Victoria.
In NSW, schools are open but parents are being told to keep their children home unless they have no other option.
Other states and territories are not as restrictive and encourage parents to keep children in school. Governments are working on online materials to continue the curriculum if schools are shut. Parents should seek specific information from their state or territory government.
Can I leave my house?
The Prime Minister has said people can leave their homes, but only if their travel is essential
That might be to go to the shops, go to work or go to the pharmacy, but governments have advised against interstate travel and driving holidays.
Further guidance, for example around camping trips, has not been provided, but Australians have been asked to avoid unnecessary social interactions.
Leaders have confirmed people may exercise, however indoor sport facilities have been closed, and if people exercise outside they must comply with social distancing measures and stay 1.5 metres apart.
Government leaders have insisted reducing social interaction every day is imperative and it is up to Australians to make sensible decisions.
"If people simply behave as normal, if they don't take this seriously, if they act selfishly, then people will die," Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said.
"I can't be any clearer than that."
The world ended and the new world being anew.
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eade96 No.80396
Truely this Tau virus bomb can be outlasted and the forces of man triumph with the protection of the empruh
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000000 No.80397
and gorillion PLASTIC COFFINS
fuck off glownigger
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d818f6 No.80399
My sister just told me that some doctors are claiming cinnamon whiskey has had promising results in helping to combat the virus. Is there a single shred of evidence supporting this or is it as dumb as it sounds?
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4465f9 No.80400
Instead of monthly changes, like it was from December through January, the changes began happening weekly…
Then the changes were occurring daily….
Arbitrary insignificant example:
A few days ago, the three major theater chains in America, AMC, Regal, (and the other one) spent time n money creating web page announcements, and used the news media to announce their updated policy for their theaters : "we hear it at AMC theaters care about you during the coronavirus pandemic, and we are taking extra precautions to disinfect the theater seats and armrests, etc etc etc"
After putting all that effort into their announcements, the next morning they announced that they were closing all of their movie theaters…
Not long afterwards, massive changes began happening every 12 hours or so…
Then, there would be drastic changes announced every 6 hours or so….
Then I was seeing changes being announced by the hour…
And now it's happening every 30 minutes… I'm seeing some changes announced on the news every 15 minutes or so….
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4465f9 No.80402
LOL !!!!!
Obviously you are unaware that drinking alcohol lowers your immunity and resistance to bacteria and viruses
In fact, if you are taking antibiotics to control a bacterial infection, and you drink any alcohol whatsoever, it completely destroys the effects of the antibiotics, and the infection will rebound twice as bad
What makes you think 'lowering your body's ability to fight off infection with alcohol' would be a good idea?
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5b9b02 No.80406
>Darwin award nominee
>taking the piss
>she doesn't like you that much
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d818f6 No.80408
I don't think that, and that was pretty much the same reaction I had. I was curious however if anyone has seen any articles or anything claiming that to be true. Cinnamon I could see possibly making a difference, but alcohol obviously isn't going to help any. Unless she meant making the waiting for the inevitable more tolerable, it would certainly help a lot in that regard
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dfa36c No.80419
People are not taking this whole quarantine thing very well here. Only a few days in and half of all the replies here are bait.
Or we're being raided, hard to tell at this point.
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b44d25 No.80422
johnny neptune is raiding. bo needs to ban him
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23b50a No.80423
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059045 No.80424
>source(s): dude trust me
I don't think the whole country will undergo a quarantine (it's a little late at this point anyway), but I do see all airlines being grounded pretty soon. Kind of surprised that hasn't happened yet.
My speculation is that it's easier for the federal government to let the states handle their own mess and only aid the ones who end up needing it the most. Most, if not all states in the country have already closed down their universities, schools, and their restaurants/bars, which should mitigate the spread quite a bit. Not to mention almost every employer urging their workforce to work from home if they can. Most states will not experience the same crisis that New York is going through right now. I expect Texas, Illinois, California, and Florida to have spike in confirmed cases and hospitalizations later this week, and they will probably need federal assistance. But flyover states like Nebraska, West Virginia, Idaho, Montana, Missouri, North/South Dakotas, etc. should not have a significant spike in cases and hospitalizations, and thus are not going to need federal assistance and can benefit from keeping businesses open.
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4a33cd No.80426
Are you rectum rustled that he called you a shitskin, nigger?
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5f61aa No.80427
"filtered" = running away with your tail between your legs… You should filter my nutsack with your diminutive chin
lol good luck banning me….
I'll simply reappear moments later from any one of hundreds of other countries
I didn't write that article claiming they are about to do a national quarantine…. I'm not claiming it's true, and I'm not claiming it's untrue… Your guess is as good as mine, but I was simply posting it because I found it interesting and worth consideration
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5f61aa No.80431
I guess it's easier to act tough by filtering than it is to sply admit you've never been in a fist fight?
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000000 No.80432
>literally nigger
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863189 No.80433
Update from Australia
Apparently they are starting to get very nervous now. No political drama today.
Both houses of Parliament have passed legislation for the Federal Government's coronavirus economic stimulus package. The bills were passed without objection in both the House of Representatives and the Senate after some amendments were made. The legislation enables workers, students and businesses to get direct financial support if they have been affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The measures, costing at least $83.8 billion, were rushed through in a single day. Federal Parliament will now not sit again until August so Strayans don’t have to deal with political dramas.
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5f61aa No.80434
The next thing you know, 'sassypants' is going to try to encourage everybody else to use the SISSY BUTTON and run away with his filter between his legs…
I've never seen 'running and hiding' as being some kind of noble victory
But I'm sure is that type of cowardice would prefer company, and it would make him feel less embarrassed if he could recruit other people to behave in the same cowardly fashion
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5f61aa No.80435
When I woke up this morning, I said to myself, "I certainly hope that insignificant anonymous nobody doesn't filter me today, because my life revolves around him"
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f8292a No.80438
*blows my nose into my left hand, and wipes it across your right cheek*
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f8292a No.80441
Today the United States Surgeon General made an announcement :
"This week, it's going to get REALLY BAD"
….but he didn't clarify what he was talking about
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76262c No.80443
>they are starting to get very nervous now
Well they should be. I wonder if the gravity of the situation is finally starting to set in on an emotional level (no doubt they've understood the impact intellectually for weeks/months).
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76262c No.80444
He's imprisoned in NZ, I bet even after they empty the prisons of everyone else they'll still keep him locked up till the bitter end of their government.
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863189 No.80445
Update from Australia
The federal health department says it sees “merit” in a newly developed rapid Covid-19 testing kit able to return results within 15 minutes, which experts say could help relieve significant pressure on pathology services.
Australia’s chief medical officer, Brendan Murphy, has warned the country faces “extreme pressure” supplying enough testing kits as the rate of infection continues to skyrocket, warning last week that the number of pathology testing kits, reagents and swabs was “deteriorating rapidly” with some regions now completely out of supplies. The government has so far refused to say how many testing kits remain in the country, although the health minister, Greg Hunt, said on Tuesday the supply was “sufficient for current requirements”.
As the virus spread in Wuhan, Chinese researchers developed a more rapid “point of care” screening test, which detects antibodies that emerge some time after Covid-19 symptoms appear. A study in the peer-reviewed Journal of Medical Virology said the test could return results within 15 minutes, much faster than the current standard testing.
The test – known as the COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Kit – is not currently in use in Australia, but the Guardian understands some companies are seeking to supply it onto the market. A spokeswoman for the Department of Health said the rapid test had “merit” and that there were “no compelling reasons not to use it based on the described science and methodology”.
But she said the company behind it, the Nantong Egens Biotechnology Company Ltd, had not yet approached the regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, for assessment and approval. Such a device would need to be approved through the TGA’s in-vitro diagnostics regulatory scheme before use, the department said. The company has had the test validated by laboratories in Europe and China. But the spokeswoman said the same would need to occur in Australia.
“Tests also require validation by testing laboratories in the Australian context before use,” she said. “The Department of Health, in collaboration with the Public Health Laboratory Network, is monitoring the development of test kits and methodologies and their performance as they are used more widely around the world.”
In Australia, a company called COVID-19 Rapid is representing three manufacturers seeking to get TGA approval for the rapid tests. A company spokesman said: “Our TGA consultants have told us that unlike the US and Europe, securing approval will take too long and be very expensive.” Experts approached by the Guardian said the testing had potential benefits and drawbacks. The testing does not require a laboratory, which could help alleviate pressure on Australia’s pathology services and the rest of the health system.
Peter White, a virologist from the University of New South Wales, said if it were possible for rapid tests to be used by people at home it would help take the burden off an already strained health system. “These tests will be useful for sure, they could keep infected people out of the health system and they do also provide peace of mind,” he said. “There are certainly some advantages. If someone thinks they have the virus and can do the test at home in 15 minutes that’s someone who isn’t presenting at a hospital, GP or pathology lab.
“Even if you received a false positive, if you were able to take the precaution of having it backed up with [a traditional test] it would be good. If people received a negative result, they might be less inclined to visit the clinic which is going to free up hospital resources.” But, he stressed, the tests were not always as reliable as those currently being used in Australia. Because rapid test kits look for antibodies associated with the virus rather than the virus itself, they could record false-negatives if used at the wrong time. “The question is how significant those limitations are. It depends really on how many true cases you detect. Does it detect every positive, or does it miss 5%?” he said
“Because if you have to back up every test with a lab pathology test it might defeat the purpose a little bit.” Bill Bowtell, an infectious diseases expert from the Kirby Institute, said while there was no shortage of medical supply companies looking to profit off the Covid-19 crisis, the TGA would need to consider the kits closely. “In the end, anybody with anything to sell is in the market and their interest is to make the biggest claims,” he said.
“I think that’s the case with a lot of the things that we’ll see coming onto the market. There’s uncertainty because it didn’t come to market after stringent testing, it came to the market because there’s a feeling of ‘my god we need it’. “In normal circumstances you wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole but this is what happens when there’s a crisis.”
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d6c254 No.80446
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5de6c1 No.80448
…..he has been a Target ever since the day he walked into the prison….
His high-profile is exactly why they targeted him, and while you have been living your life, little have you realized how many times he has been challenged in front of all the other inmates, had his machismo tested, and had his ass beat to a pulp….
I'm quite sure by now his place on the totem pole has already been decided, and he's cleaning somebody's underwear every afternoon, while being forced to perform fellatio on the alpha inmate every night….
He might have pretended to be a tough guy when he had firearms, but there are people in the prison who have been using their bare hands to put him in his spot every chance they get….
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5de6c1 No.80449
That was very kind of you to recognize my superiority in front of others….
That must have taken a lot of courage to admit your inferiority in public….
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5b9b02 No.80450
They'll infect him, don't doubt for a minute bolsheviks will not use the virus for political purposes. Like Sen. Rand and then giving Romney an excuse to also leave, opening the door for a lock in the Senate and giving Pelosi more clout.
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76262c No.80453
inb4 Tarrant accepts the blessing with pleasure and then attends the local Mosque
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5b9b02 No.80454
I don't think you know how mixed race prisons work. He's a hero to one group, which means he'll have protection among the New Zealander inmates from the Maoris and Pakis.
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5b9b02 No.80455
Mosque Part 2 Electric Coofaloo
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863189 No.80456
Nobody had deal with extreme situations like this before and the experts that used to deal with Spanish flu situation is long dead. I can see that it will be difficult for them to deal with the new era we are living in now. Millions people are severely impoverished now so that means it requires the pollies to make the ruthless decisions but I doubt they have courage to do that.
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864a36 No.80458
Too late. The tv news told people two days ago that cinnamon whiskey is being hoarded. Now the shelves are empty.
No blood. That’s what’s called healthy now.
He hasn’t even been put on trial yet. As far as we know he committed no crime. But they want him to die in prison.
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3f5436 No.80460
I can see that happening to Harvey Weinstein.
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50db43 No.80461
….and I don't think YOU realize that I've been to prison….
And I know exactly how things work in there….
and it doesn't matter what race he is, because there's absolutely no loyalty whatsoever behind those walls….
There's only opportunists….
Who simply see him as another opportunity…
I guarantee his victimization began the minute he walked on to the dorm…
Again : He's high profile
And there's no shortage of violent, dangerous inmates who wanted to be known as 'the guy who's fucking mister high profile in the ass'
Trust me… The only respect he gets in there is a ramen noodle soup after getting deep-throated
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50db43 No.80462
Bernie Madoff… John Gotti…
When a high-profile inmate walks onto the dorm, there's a brief moment of silence, then the power struggle begins to see which inmate gets to 'own' the celebrity
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76262c No.80463
None of the leaders from back in the day would have had any hesitation in doing what needed to be done, both the good guys and the bad guys. You could expect exactly the same ruthless rationality out of any of Hitler or Stalin or Churchill or Roosevelt - ANY of them would have been able to do what was necessary. But now we have soft men who just wanted a cushy career in charge, none of them are mentally or emotionally prepared for such a serious situation and they're severely fucking up as a result.
Can you stop evading? It's a nuisance having to keep refiltering you.
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a6f80d No.80464
That 'critical' is actually just a flag for the nature of the lab result to indicate its importance. Most lab tests are numbers with a reference range and they will automatically flag 'critical' results like hemoglobin that is so low a transfusion is needed.
In this case clearly any positive result gets the 'critical' flag
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3f5436 No.80465
>has been to prison
did your shiksa mother lock you in the basement for a few days, yid?
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50db43 No.80467
Ahhhhh….. Now I understand what you're talking about….
You guys aren't actually talking about 'cinnamon AND whiskey'….
….you're talkin about cinnamon flavored whiskey
Like that crappy FIREBALL bullshit ??
LoL @ thinking that cheap trendy bullshit has 'curative properties'
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50db43 No.80469
Georgia Department of corrections Valdosta State prison
And you couldn't last one day in there
I'm not a tough guy… I've never claimed to be a tough guy…
But I promise: you wouldn't last one day
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be2750 No.80470
Oy vey what colourful and vivd imagery you describe. You have a wonderful imagination kike.
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be2750 No.80471
Was meaning reply to this shitcunt
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76262c No.80473
You shouldn't reply to it at all, filter and move on. You'll be a lot happier once the trash is out of your way.
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3f5436 No.80474
I know people who have been to prison and they all told me it's far more orderly than what retards like you learn from your tv series.
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50db43 No.80475
….that 'sounds' good….
But it's incorrect… My wife is a registered nurse oh, and they deal with lab results all the time
And no… the term 'critical' would NOT indicate 'the emergency status of any positive result', or however you want to word that…
Nope…. Lab results do not include 'status assessments'… They simply include mathematical diagnostics…
(and although I realize you didn't fabricate that fake-ass document, it's important to understand whoever DID 'fabricate it' used the term CRITICAL because it's one of the three categories used to describe SARS-CoV-2 symptoms)
Mild… Severe…. Critical….
It was a foolish choice while photoshopping the bullshit document, a decision made by somebody who doesn't understand the true nature of lab results…
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f4f880 No.80476
Experts in Spanish flu never had to deal with internet and social media
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863189 No.80477
>they're severely fucking up as a result.
If they are not working properly then they will be in danger by hanging or getting the coup. The history showed us and it will happen again. French people murdered king and queen because they are shit. Russians murdered the king and queen because they are shit. USA colonial kicked whoever out because they are shit. The people hate the shitty rulers.
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23b50a No.80481
Considering that normalcattle will always only react to what their daddy authority tells them, I'd say the internet doesn't make that big of a difference.
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50db43 No.80484
I never said it wasn't orderly….
In fact, in most aspects it's extremely orderly…
Of course it is…
It's their own society in there…
There are unspoken rules
You mind your own business
You don't talk about your case
You don't give advice and don't ask for it
It's also quite ruthless……
Extorting other inmates is extremely common
The currency in prison is COMMISSARY
Ramen noodles, potato chips, candy bars, jolly ranchers, envelopes and stamps, playing cards…
They are criminals… They are thieves…
Their world revolves around extorting and stealing other people's commissary….
I never said it was like a cheap TV show or corny movie
Because the entire 'prison rape' meme is nonsense… Everybody always says stupid comments about "bending over to grab the soap" blah blah blah but that's not the way it is in prison
(These days now more than ever, there's no shortage of 'sissies' who are more than happy and willing to have sex with any inmate, so there's no reason to rape anybody, unless it's part of beating somebody down and dominating them… Emasculating them, making an example out of them)
Terrible things happen in the shower areas, but it's not sex… That's where people get physically assaulted, forced into fighting one-on-one without the guards seeing it…
While I was there, I saw plenty of fights, and I was amazed at the pointlessness and primal nature… Animals… Literally stupid vicious animals assaulting other inmates for the dumbest of reasons…
The worst one I saw was over a $0.90 honey bun
Like I said, in there, the currency is commissary….
And they have people who are 'the store man'
'the store man' collects 'store' (commissary snacks) and acts as a loan shark….
If you borrow a honey bun on credit, the following Wednesday when people can receive money from their families, if you don't have THREE honey buns to pay back to the store man, they will make an example out of you….
I actually saw a guy have his jaw broken, ribs broken, and his forehead busted wide open on a metal bunk because he didn't have the three Honey buns on Wednesday…
It was absolutely brutal…..
So yeah… It's orderly in there….
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97322a No.80485
my best bet is that he is isolated from other inmates for the most part, especially the ones from different races, sure he has been targeted, and i bet they put kebab zogbots to guard and kick his ass on a regular basis, but i doubt any prison warden wants to deal with a gang war or race riot in their slammer
he ain't having a good time that's for sure, but due to his high profile, i doubt the zog wants to make a martyr out of him
that reddit spacing tells me you were likely locked up for being a pedo
>no loyalty in prison
there's hierarchy in prison, if you kiss the right ass you do have some protection and even if there are inmates who want to fuck with the high profile guy, that'll probably make them the next high profile to be fucked with, and any inmate with high hierarchy will want to have the high profile new guy under his wing to get support from his fanboys, like wise the high hierarchy from the opposite team will want to fuck him up to get more credd from the goons who hate him.
it ain't that easy to fuck with a high profile inmate
>inb4 muh larp
my pops used to be a prison guard, but then again he never had to deal with nothing more serious than drug pushers and street thugs or anyone with a 2 digit kill count
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863189 No.80487
update from Australia
Rex Patrick (Federal Strayan pollie)
SA Health has advised me that, despite being asymptomatic, my COVID-19 test has returned positive. I have assisted them with comprehensive contact tracing and they’ll call anyone considered at risk. Nonetheless, anyone concerned about contact with me can ring 1800 020 080 #auspol
Why are they testing the Federal pollies but not the common people? Common people aren’t allowed to get their tests if they have no symptoms shown. We and them knew that once it get infected and the symptoms do not show up for days to weeks.
The list of infected federal politicians to:
-Centre Alliance senator Rex Patrick
-Liberal senator Andrew Bragg
-Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton
-LNP senator Susan McDonald
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bee8b3 No.80489
Maybe he is off in China getting a custom order lung transplant from some dead bug victim. God all these people are completely vile.
You should be looking at whether LABCORP even has the ability to test for COVID.
I believe that data is from GEDMATCH so it would be correct about their placement. I mean, (pic) do you think the City of London (Mayor being installed) citizens ‘look semitic’ as well? Yet, DNA puts them right there with all the other sandniggers.
For fucks sake you liberal cunt, why in fuck all would we NEED more fucking nigger degenerates on this planet. You really don’t belong here. Move to Brazil so you can suck their cocks more readily. All you care about is that there are plentiful nigger slaves to row your barge.
None of them are ‘good’ you fucking fool. If they are not ACTUAL PEDOS, they know who the pedos, liars, thieves and degenerates are and THEY DO NOTHING. THEY ARE KIKES.
What the fuck happened to this board last night? I was invaded by degenerate leftist retards!
Thank God…I get so tired of filtering every single post.
It was reported that he was asymptomatic. Hopefully he is dead for supporting those pricks.
Yes, it does. This is why I warned you from about thread 6 or 7, when I finally understood what it was that there would be waves of this until all its fuel (humanity) was used up.
Yes, for a short time period and under special circumstances.
Yes, but phages are the largest entity on the planet. They will have mastered mosquito spit a long time ago.
Of course it infects the whole body…it comes out through your shit doesn’t it? It affects the heart, doesn’t it…well…?
You will probably go to your death from CC with a last croak of ‘its just muh flu’…lol
That nigger would be a slave in africa where he belongs building mud castles and eating mosquito burgers.
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7d1e8a No.80492
As I'm sure you already know, the reason the Spanish Flu stopped killing people was because it had already killed everybody that it could kill…
Everybody else had a good enough immunity system to live through it.
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3f5436 No.80493
nooooo not the commissarino
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5b9b02 No.80495
Fair enough, hopefully that gets him away from any exposure.
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a6f80d No.80496
appeal to authority failure
t. physician
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863189 No.80498
The differences between Spanish flu and Coronavirus is Spanish flu is natural and not very mutagenic as Coronavirus. Coronavirus can easily create many strains that our immune systems have to constantly create antibodies until there is no more strains but I cannot fathom when the virus no longer create more strains. This would take many years to end. Who know what Coronavirus look like within a year later?
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c72ef6 No.80499
French Anon here. Just realized 8chan was a thing again. Whatever.
It's funny to see the regime trying to quarantine the African districts, only to fail miserably.
Meanwhile, Jews were exempted from having to present a document for going outside (while it's mandatory for everyone else) because it's prevented during Shabbat.
They're also targeted because of their prominent role against the Dr. Raoult who found the chloroquine solution (which suspiciously became a prescription medicine in January) and because they sold all our masks and hygienic material to China in February. It's a good time to spread redpills.
So hopefully this shitshow lasts for a while and gets even more deadly.
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76e910 No.80500
If they really believed it was a bioattack by the US three months ago, why all the secrecy? Why not shout it from the rooftops? The behavior makes no sense unless they had something to cover up - in other words they believed this was their fuckup in some way.
>blank firing gun
How long before the real ones come out?
Michigan going on lockdown
Threadly: everyone please stop replying to ellipses nigger.
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7d1e8a No.80503
I think the problem most people have is assuming that prison inmates have some intellectual capacity…
And while there were a handful of guys who I thought were smart and cool, they were few and far between…. Because 99% of them were the stupidest idiots you could ever imagine…
And when you put stupidity and violence together, chaos can ensue.
Like I said, it was orderly for the most part… Fights were the exception, not the rule… But they still happened frequently enough for me to find it disturbing
And it was always over the stupidest shit, and it was always the stupidest most worthless idiots who did it…
Creepy bad genetic people… Real weirdos… Stupid as shit.. hard to imagine how stupid they are.
I'm not a tough guy… I'm the farthest thing from a tough guy… I won't back down from a situation (unless I realize that there's absolutely no chance of me getting out alive so to speak) but I'm definitely not a tough guy….
I'm an artist. I'm a musician… I like laughing and having fun stop… I'm not into violence and stupidity… That's why I was so amazed and disgusted at watching several people take turns assaulting the inmate over a $0.90 honey bun… What they did to him was absolutely unimaginable
I was repulsed by what I saw….
And while everything you said was pretty much true, and while I don't know the specifics about Sissy Tarrant's incarceration, I'm still willing to bet he gets treated more dynamically then the average inmate…. He probably gets respect from certain inmates, but I would imagine he gets brutalized more than other inmates…
No matter whether he is associated or affiliated with any particular gang, he's still going to have to deal with his own fights like a man….
Other gang members aren't going to do his fighting for him… In prison they call it 'their ONE'…
Their " one on one "………. And when somebody says they want their "one", it's up to you to deal with it….
If somebody challenged him, it's HIM who has to do the fighting….
And prison guards are notoriously sadistic….
So there's only so much 'protection' any inmate can get, whether he's gang affiliated or not…
Sissy Tarrant has to man up if challenged, and prove that he's 'hard', or else he will be considered a bitch by whatever white supremacist inmates might be watching….
And every time he's challenged, you can guarantee everybody is watching
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577a8d No.80505
Checking these ebin dubs
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c72ef6 No.80506
>How long before the real ones come out?
I don't know, but all the drug dealers sure are nervous right now, not to mention those who can't get access to their products and are becoming more crazy to be confined each day.
A lot of medical supplies have been stolen from hospitals and ambulances and recently drug dealers bragged that they were more equipped than doctors. This is the state of a country whose medical infrastructures were already overcrowded before the pandemic even started.
Currently, the only place where a curfew is effective is Mulhouse, which is hugely shitskin-invaded. So our doctors (5 have died already) and military are fighting to save the lives of invaders and boomers. Amazing.
Oh, and of course the nigger-filled prisons where mutinies have already been seen. The govt, who already freed the few illegals who were detained in centers, now wants to liberate convicted criminals to empty the prison, plus giving them free masks, phones and some money. Peak autism.
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863189 No.80507
Update from Australia
As Australia's economy is left reeling from the flow-on effects of the coronavirus pandemic, the Federal Government has unveiled a suite of new measures designed to soften the blow. The $66 billion package includes relief for retirees, and a "safety net" for workers already bearing the brunt of the crisis. With no end in sight, it's sure to be a welcome relief for those who've been calling for a lifeline.
But what do the new measures actually mean for your pay packet? And who is set to benefit?
1. Casuals and sole traders
If you've found yourself affected by the economic downturn, you'll be able to access a "coronavirus supplement" of $550 a fortnight for the next six months.
That's on top of other benefits — so if you're already receiving payments through Jobseeker (formerly known as Newstart), you can claim both. Sole traders and casual workers who are currently making less than $1,075 a fortnight will be eligible to receive the full supplement. In practice, that means if you're a single parent (receiving a maximum fortnightly payment of $612 through Jobseeker), for example, and you meet the criteria, you'll take home about $1,162 a fortnight. "This means anyone eligible for the maximum Jobseeker payment will now receive more than $1,100 a fortnight, effectively doubling the Jobseeker allowance," Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said. Sole traders or casual workers who have had their income or hours reduced by 20 per cent or more as a result of coronavirus will also be able to access to up to $10,000 of their superannuation tax-free.
2. Households
If you're not eligible to receive the coronavirus supplement, you could still be able to claim a $750 stimulus payment. The payment will be made automatically from July 13 to about 5 million Australians, including those receiving the age pension, a carers allowance or family tax benefit and Commonwealth senior card holders. That's in addition to a separate $750 stimulus payment announced earlier this month. "This is clearly saying that we expect this to go on for some time and we know that those vulnerable groups may need additional income support during those periods," Prime Minister Scott Morrison said. "Yes, it will provide some sort of support for the economy, but it will also provide some very real financial support for the most vulnerable in our community."
3. Pensioners
Deeming rates will be reduced by a further 0.25 percentage points to reflect the latest rate reductions by the RBA, which follows similar cuts made earlier this month. This is important because deeming rates are used for the pension income assessment — and therefore affect how much someone will receive through their pension. From the beginning of May, the lower deeming rate will be 0.25 per cent and the upper deeming rate will be 2.25 per cent. To put things in perspective, when deeming rates were reduced by half a percentage point in the first stimulus package, National Seniors estimated age pensioners would receive on average an additional $219 per year. According to the Government, the change will benefit around 900,000 income support recipients, including age pensioners, and is estimated to cost $876 million over the forward estimates period.
4. Employers who want to keep staff
Not-for-profits and small businesses with a turnover under $50 million will receive a tax-free cash payment of up to $100,000 to help them retain staff and continue operating. The Government expects 690,000 businesses employing 7.8 million people and 30,000 not-for-profits will be eligible for measures in the stimulus package. It doesn't mean extra pocket money if you're an employee, but by linking the payments to staff wage tax withholdings, businesses will be given an incentive to hold on to more of their workers.
"We know that small businesses are enormously resilient but this is really hurting them," Mr Morrison said. "Whether it is a coffee shop or mechanic or hairdresser… by providing at a minimum $20,000 and up to $100,000 for small businesses who employ people, [it] gives them a chance to get to the other side."
Expect more to come…
An important thing to keep in mind is that this is the second suite of measures announced by the Government in just a matter of weeks. The first, announced on March 12, also included one-off cash payments for welfare recipients, and changes to welfare payments for casual workers who contracted COVID-19 or had to isolate themselves.
In announcing Sunday's package, Mr Morrison himself warned that it would not be his "last visit to these podiums".
Scott Morrison purses his lips while speaking. An Australian flag is behind him. "There will be more packages and more support," he said.
"There will be more issues that even now have not presented themselves or could not even be conceived at this point." So, if you're doing it tough, expect more measures in the near future.
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7d1e8a No.80508
All across America, law enforcement jurisdictions are changing their policies, not arresting anybody unless they have committed a violent crime and represent a threat to society….
They're not even arresting people for Grand theft Auto right now…. (And stealing a car is normally a serious felony where they pull you over, and make you walk backwards towards them with your hands in the air while they point their sidearms at you)
There trying to release as many people out of jails and prison as possible right now…
Detention centers are Petri dishes… Breeding grounds….
What I'm worried about right now is some group of individuals who would try to seize this opportunity to multiply the chaos… I'm worried somebody might hack the power grid and shut the electricity down on half of the country… That would cause so much disruption and chaos in the middle of and already frightening time in history….
I'm very concerned somebody might do something like that to us… I sincerely hope our military intelligence are keeping an eye out for something like that, and are prepared to deal with it
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7d1e8a No.80510
the post
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7d1e8a No.80512
Dear Sir,
Would you mind telling me what is happening in that first video? I can't really make heads or tails of it
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97322a No.80516
>getting your ass kicked in one on one fight while the guards watch the other way
you bet your ass this shit happens regularly, being beneath the wing of the top dog in the slammer just means you have protection from gang bangs, but if you are a weakling embarrassment to the group that is protecting you they are the ones more likely to kick your ass into shape.
That said i still doubt he gets any ass kicking as high profile as he is, wardens really don't want to deal with the bad PR of inmates fighting each other and high profile inmates have the public eye on them, any ass kicking he gets will be in private, either by the guards or under the guards watch and and it won't be serous enough to leave marks on his face
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5b9b02 No.80517
I'm so confused right now. Are you trying to signal autists or glowies with your post.
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29c9c5 No.80518
Botswana president blessed
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8d7ccc No.80521
You retarded animals keep parroting the existence of multiple strains without providing sources for that bullshit.
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7f0694 No.80522
Me, slight dry cough, heavy chest and breathing (but not troublesome), and a fever. It's been up and down for the last two weeks. My mother has been the most sick of my whole family, but see seems to be improving though I know that doesn't mean much unless the improvement is consistent for a week or two. My dad is completely over whatever he had late January through mid-February.
Me too! I care about other anons!
Thank you fren for the kind words and the cute pic of /ourgirl/!
>For fucks sake you liberal cunt,
>Being anti-abortion means I'm liberal
>Being anti-abortion means I'm anti-white or want the world to be overrun by retarded subhumans
Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong board, the sissy wiener site's two pages down.
> you'll be able to access a "coronavirus supplement" of $550 a fortnight for the next six months.
>If you're not eligible to receive the coronavirus supplement, you could still be able to claim a $750 stimulus payment.
>Deeming rates will be reduced by a further 0.25 percentage points to reflect the latest rate reductions by the RBA, which follows similar cuts made earlier this month.
>Not-for-profits and small businesses with a turnover under $50 million will receive a tax-free cash payment of up to $100,000 to help them retain staff and continue operating.
And already the Australian government, despite the virus not affect you guys as hard as the US, has done far, far more for their own country than my fucking faggot braindead, commie- and cuckservative-filled government will ever do. Thanks for the update Strayer and keep us updated!
Heh! Well, /Ourgirl/'s work is picking up in Crapica.
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76e910 No.80523
>power grid
The shitskins getting released from prison aren't going to do anything to the power grid except by accident, such as drunk driving their stolen car into a power pole. Any "attack" is likely to be a Jew false flag.
>I sincerely hope our military intelligence are keeping an eye out for something like that
Nah, they're too busy here shitting up threads and inciting bioterrorism. A few threads ago there was a glownigger encouraging anons to go coof on door handles. Coincidentally not really that glownigger had "been to prison", same as ellipses faggot ITT. Three letter agents only have a limited playbook thanks to decades of diversity hires.
So yeah, if shit pops off for real agents Tyrone and Veracruz-Hernandez aren't going to do anything except panic/chimpout.
He's just derailing the thread. With enough noise anons will stop posting and discussing. Threads will hit the bump limit faster. P. standard glownigger tactics.
>watching from the 6th floor of an urban hive as shitskins burn cars in the street, hoping the glass lobby door prevents then from burning you
Fuck, frenchbro. Hope you stay safe.
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5b9b02 No.80524
When you read between the lines you see they have zero test kits in the country, or they would mention he is awaiting results, rather than 'he will be tested before released from quarantine'. 2.5 Million inhabitants.
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bee8b3 No.80526
There isn’t going to be any ‘nationalism’ when this is done anon. Are you forgetting that she mutates? That tests cannot detect the mutated form?
You better start buying EVERYTHING. Hyperinflation is coming like a 60mph car crash into a brick wall. DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING FOR THE INVADERS…they would not leave anything for you.
Regal us with the TECHNICAL reasoning behind your post…we need to hear it now because you will be dead by Fall 2020.
Or they are lying to ‘remain in the spotlight’ while their relevance fades to nothingness (where it belongs). Think of all the sympathy they are garnering from the normal faggots…that is their motivation. This is nothing but another #MeToo moment for them. If they were actually SICK they would be choking to death on CV and couldn’t speak past their respirator…think of this in the same vein as the jewish Death Princess fakery…these faggots might not be semitic by DNA (or they might be, who knows) but they have the SEMITIC DISEASE that infects the semitic brain.
That IS social distancing for India
Flip flop beat downs for everyone.
Two weeks? How the fuck is that supposed to help at all? Lol
No one is ‘taking it seriously’ because inside they really want the slave system to end. They are never going to take it seriously. This is like saying that I have to take the jew vacuuming up the very last of the entirety of the worlds goods, wealth and tangible assets ‘seriously’ because THEY SAID SO…fuck them! They MUST DIE.
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7a08b4 No.80527
How long do you think confinement in the West will last?
I can still hear a few weeks according to politicians, the Italians say they will end containment from May but some sources speak of several months of confinement (6-8 months), in concrete terms how long do you think we will remain confined?
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863189 No.80528
Please don’t call me retard without reading the threads first. It’s not wise to call the people “retard” when you haven’t researched the threads yet.
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bee8b3 No.80529
What you nigger lover? You think that the niggers need to grow to adulthood so that they can kill your wife and rape your daughter before you put them down like the animal they are? FUCK YOU ANON! You INJUSTICE AND LOVE OF FUCKING FILTH IS WHY WE ARE ALL FORCED TO WALLOW IN THIS SHIT WITH YOU!
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8da49d No.80530
Get over it. Violence is the only punishment niggers understand. If they don't receive violence they feel like they got away with it and will do it again.
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a73297 No.80531
Please provide sources that attest to the mutation of the virus for the purposes of review and furthering the progress of the thread.
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1979eb No.80532
The police asked the African gentlemen of this Noisy-le-Grand suburb to go back to their homes as the authorities ordered and they were kindly asked to fuck off in return with fireworks mortars and insults.
Like I said, policemen and wahmen trying to quarantine apes provide hilarious scenes.
(Fourth attempt at trying to publish this post, hopefully the previous ones won't appear later and spam. It takes a century to upload these)
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bee8b3 No.80533
You are giving them WAY TO MUCH CREDIT. They don’t even understand violence. They are an abomination on this planet. They are only 20% human DNA using GEDMATCH. NONE OF THEM SHOULD HAVE EVER BEEN BORN!
Aren’t you people capable of seeing and understanding an abomination when you see one any longer? LOOK AT THEM! Doesn’t your mind recoil with disgust?
Even IF one of them managed to ‘be good’ their fucking DNA would revert to the mean in their offspring. There is NOTHING good about them because they are basically animals.
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bee8b3 No.80534
Go read the threads that you are too fucking lazy to read…it is all in there.
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000000 No.80537
>to multiply the chaos
and destroy the jewish order
bless the chaosmongers
bless the anarchists
bless the racist niggers riots
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1979eb No.80540
To translate what these apes are shouting to the ZOGbots:
>I'll kill you
>Go fuck yourselves, fuck your mothers
>Get the fuck out, fuck you
>Wallah don't touch me son of a bitch
Of course, if a Frenchman even dared to bad mouth one of these policemen, they'd have immediately violently reacted Yellow Vests-style.
At least in America niggers are often shot dead.
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29c9c5 No.80541
Apfrica needs $100 billion gibs to combat virus
Following the ravaging Coronavirus, COVID-19, African Finance Ministers, weekend, disclosed that Africa needs $100 billion emergency economic stimulus to protect its economies from total collapse. This was contained in a statement signed by Communication Officer, Sophia Denekew, Communications, and Media Relations Section, Economic Commission for Africa, ECA, said the Ministers held a conference at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to exchange ideas on the efforts of their respective governments in dealing with the social and economic impacts of COVID-19. They also noted that even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Africa was already experiencing a huge financing gap in funding measures and programmes aimed at realizing Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, and Agenda 2063 targets and goals.
According to the Commission the Ministers also emphasized that without coordinated efforts, the COVID-19 pandemic will have major and adverse implications on African economies and the society at large. Original economic forecasts in most economies are on average, being downgraded by two to three percentage points for 2020 due to the pandemic. The statement reads in part: “The Ministers agreed on the following; As part of immediate health response, there is a need for a coordinated response in the logistics and delivery of testing equipment. In this regard, the ministers emphasized the need to work with the WHO and existing continental institutions, in particular, the African Union and Africa CDC, while making maximum use of existing systems and funding partners, such as the Global Fund. Particular attention should be placed on fragile states and vulnerable populations, especially women and children and those living in informal urban settlements. “Further, given the limited health infrastructure and the fact that most of the pharmaceuticals and medical supplies consumed in Africa are imported, the Ministers called on the international community to support the upgrade of the health infrastructure and to provide direct support to the existing facilities. “Africa needs an immediate emergency economic stimulus to the tune of US$100 billion. As such, the waiver of all interest payments, estimated at US$44 billion for 2020, and the possible extension of the waiver to the medium term, would provide immediate fiscal space and liquidity to the Governments, in their efforts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The interest payments waiver should include not only interest payments on public debt but also on sovereign bonds. For fragile states, the ministers agreed on the need to consider waiving principal and interest and encourage the use of existing facilities in the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), African Development Bank (AfDB) and other regional institutions.
“In addition, the ministers underscored the need to support the private sector and protect the over 30 million jobs at risk, particularly in the tourism and airline sectors across the continent. In other critical sectors including agriculture, imports and exports, pharmaceuticals and in banking, the ministers agreed that all interest and principal payments on corporate debt, leases, extended credit facilities, refinancing schemes and guarantee facilities should be used to waive, restructure and provide additional liquidity in 2020. A liquidity line should also be made available to the private sector to ensure the continuity of essential purchases and all SMEs that are dependent on trade can continue to function.” The statement also added that “These measures, it was agreed, must accompany a policy of opening borders for trade. In this regard, the ministers noted that Europe and the United States, in particular, can build this in as part of their stimulus to their private and financial systems.”
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bee8b3 No.80546
Civilization is collapsing. You think all people need is 1 months supply. Hahaha...taking more so that the disgusting niggers and shitskins can’t have what they HAVEN’T CONTRIBUTED TO in the first place should be a’ death sentence’ for Whites who are contributors. /leftypol/ is fucking thataway you liberal fucking retard.
Anon...I hate to break this too you but he is part of the Bland Corporation. Also, there will be no detention centers because the guards and most of the people in them will be dead in about three weeks after they stuff them full.
You see...it is shit like this that makes people think they are totally and completely justified in saying things like
Can you smell open revolution in 3 weeks? I can. Those jew faggots who run your nation better fortify their positions in that three weeks that the sheep are ‘compliant’ or they are totally and completely FUCKED. Actually, the three weeks is probably meaningless in terms of the spread and they are simply using it to fortify their position while the jews all flee to WHEREVER THE FUCK they deemed ‘safe’. Also, WTF is a ‘bottle shop’ And why would it be ‘essential’?
You know, I have seen this SAME SHIT bandied around all the ‘Illuminati’ crowd (when I bother to check in on them; not so much now) only they claim it is Whiskey and Honey that is the ‘cure’. I am going to go with they have brain damage and this is the result of an 84IQ...
>you don’t need one of these (pic) in fact, these are just a silly thing scientists get a kick out of dressing up as...what you need, anon, is some Whiskey...scientists are such kidders...science is such a joke...
The Rapefrican in you comes out
>muh beat da shit out of whyte boi fo he words
Like I said before...it is not a ‘quarantine’ per say, it is a way for them to fortify a military position AGAINST YOU while you sheep are all in lockdown.
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97322a No.80547
>whites create steel and copper
>they make tools to work wood and stone
>armors, shield and swords to protect their lands
<niggers just get machetes to hack limbs off for no reason
>whites create flammable liquids
>they use them as fuel for their machines and industries
>they warm their house and cook their meals with them
>they illuminate the darkness of the night
<niggers just use them as a more practical way to set each other on fire
>whites create concrete, bricks and rubber
>they build houses, bridges and roads with them
>they use them to move their vehicles around easy
>they erect long lasting cities that weather the mightiest of storms
<nigger just use them as restrains and blunt object to throw around
fucking sub humans, even at their worst, whites at least still pretended to have a legal system when the church burned people and they were efficient enough at doing it that they didn't have to finish off the victim with a brick to the head
may corona chan cleanse the world from their ilk
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000000 No.80548
>apes are shouting to the ZOGbots:
>>I'll kill you
words will become reality. soon
zogbots must leave. to nowhere
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94f21f No.80551
>depopulation theory looking more plausible everyday with governments totally screwing up even the most basic containment measures, shitty 1984 ripoff, starship troopers satire-tier excuses
>virus out of control of whoever released it, backfiring(?)
>psyop/control theory being incompatible with depopulation, because there'll be no more population to control, even though we're seeing the effects of this already and it's integral part of the plan with event 201
>magapedes denying the virus exists in some bizarre pro trump ploy(?)
>bill gates possibly being solely responsible and may be observed trying to administer a forced vaccination/microchip to everyone in the near future, ushering in, truly, the end times(?)
>blackpilled /pol/acks with hentai collections egging on the spread of the jewish/commie/NWO virus to kill them, but it also kills niggers and some jews even though it's their doing and they have a vaccine so it's ok (?) whites are dying all over the world too and /pol/ celebrates? i honestly still don't understand it
>supposedly 100% eventual fatality rate? (what is the point? why are there still people in wuhan? what were they thinking?) unsupported by anything other than 8chan anon's blogposts
none of this makes any sense anymore. if it's a tool for political control, it's too lethal to make any sense at all. if it's a tool for depopulation, it's also too lethal and the crisis will go to waste along with all the goys to them. no one group agress over the effects of the virus; noone knows for sure. i've been following this for two months but i still don't know. what's going on?
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f6b9b1 No.80553
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bee8b3 No.80554
More like the tenuousness of their own fragile position is coming home to them.
Mutating strains.
You personal sexual fantasies are revolting anon. Filtered.
This, actually.
I would guess that this is also the case. I am not buying the other anons ‘deep throat’ sex fantasy…I think he is globohomo.
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29c9c5 No.80555
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bee8b3 No.80557
Hello t. physician, wat r u doing here?
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e86282 No.80558
Showing compassion in a digital way in the coronavirus era
As measures to curb the spread of coronavirus escalate, funeral directors are urging mourners to drastically change the way they say goodbye to their loved ones.
Key points:
Social distancing is having an impact on how people say farewell to loved ones
Livestreaming of memorial services is on the increase, according to funeral directors. Outdoor funerals are a viable option for some, but the approaching winter will change that too. Webcasting and broadcasting funerals has become the new normal to ensure attendees don't infringe the Federal Government's new social-distancing rules which cap indoor gatherings at 100 people.
Funeral directors are discouraging physical touch, instead suggesting mourners smile and nod at one another. Australian Funeral Directors Association vice-president Adrian Barrett said it was heartbreaking, but imperative, to enforce social distancing. "It's heartbreaking to tell our clients — it seems unnatural — but implementing these measures early will prevent even tougher restrictions later," Mr Barrett said.
Ultra-modern memorials
In the past week, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has increased social distancing to slow the spread of coronavirus. For gatherings of fewer than 100 people in an enclosed space, the new guidelines say there needs to be at least four square metres available for very person in the area. That means that in a room of 100 square metres, there would be no more than 25 people.
Mr Barrett, who runs a funeral home in Bunbury in Western Australia, said many of his clients were choosing to hold private funerals or cremations. Where possible, people were opting to broadcast sound and imagery to attendees gathered outside, with indoor seating reserved for immediate family. Livestreaming memorials had also increased and, in many cases, family members were using their own social-media accounts to stream to their networks.
"These tools allow as many people to be a part of the service as possible," Mr Barret said.
"Things are developing quickly and we'll see these tools used a lot more."
A group of mourners at a funeral release a bunch of balloon
Mr Barrett said mourners traditionally showed compassion by hugging, kissing and shaking hands. "We are advising people to put their hand on their heart and smile as a way of showing their care and compassion." Mr Barrett said social distancing was imperative to keeping everyone, including his staff, safe. "We need to ensure our staff are safe so the funeral industry has continuity of service through the worst of this crisis." The exterior of a small white rural church in the WA Wheatbelt. In regional areas, gatherings of more than 1,000 people at funerals are not uncommon.
Funeral director Christopher Evans said the country's latest social-distancing rules would radically change the ways funerals look. "A small country church might squeeze 80 people into it but under these new rules they'd be struggling to have 20 people in them," Mr Evans said. Mr Evans, who runs The Abbey Funeral Home in Dubbo in western NSW, said many clients had chosen to postpone large gatherings.
"Coronavirus is already making an imprint," he said.
"This week multiple families have chosen to hold private cremation services. That means no one is in attendance at the funeral service itself. "Public memorial services will be held at a later date when everyone is healthy again." Outdoor funerals would be a viable option for his clients for the coming weeks, but winter would change that. "If this virus continues to hang around into the colder, wetter month if will make this exceptionally difficult, particularly for elderly relatives."
Should you still pay your respects?
Mr Barrett said only immediate family should attend services until the coronavirus crisis eased. "If you go, you might be preventing a loved one from going," he said. "But if you truly knew and loved the person then, if possible, it's the right thing to do."
Coronavirus is changing the Australian culture radically.
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23b50a No.80559
>if it's a tool for depopulation, it's also too lethal
Not really, though. Since it has been established that Corona-chan causes infertility and that it causes a HUGE amount of asymptomatic cases, it is the perfect tool for depopulation.
You see, the exponential nature of the human population (especially in shithole regions) means that, short of reducing human fertility and killing off a good chunk of them, any measures you take will just delay the inevitable crisis by a month or so.
Unfortunately for those that seek this virus as a solution to the whole exponential growth of humanity thing, natural selection will make sure highly fertile humans will be selected in the coming generations, putting their efforts back to square one.
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000000 No.80560
>two months
>still don't know
and kill everyone who gets close to your bunker
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94f21f No.80562
I mean literally, if a handful of science anons here are right, every singe case is both chronic and di-phasic, meaning it's just a severe case waiting to happen when all immune functions of the body are overtaken by the production of the virus. I meant it when I said 100% death rate, that was what was being incinuated. That also does not exactly agree with anything fertility or asymptomatic case carrying related - because what's the point? It would be a literal, almost total level exctinction event - what is the point? Might I also add that people are still unironically assuming reinfection and the notion that noone ever recovers from it at the same time, while they obviously cancel eachother out? Again, does anyone know anything for certain?
>Unfortunately for those that seek this virus as a solution to the whole exponential growth of humanity thing, natural selection will make sure highly fertile humans will be selected in the coming generations, putting their efforts back to square one.
again ruining their efforts
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94f21f No.80564
>permanent fertility damage in mild case survivors
/ourvirus/? so the permanent extinction of white people? can a single coronochanposter explain to me what's so good about this?
what is wrong with you? NWO coming out with a forced vaccine/tanks in every street to force you to stay inside until the red team, CCP either takes over the world or is overtaken by team blue, or rather team jew, who will usher in zogworld, is beneficial to you, how?
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76e910 No.80566
Humans tend towards the familiar - in our case, conspiracy. After learning about so many we tend to look at this through the eyes of who (((who))) did it. But the simple answer may be correct: pure chink incompetence. The Wuhan biolab was fucking with coronavirus for some reason - biowarfare, research, to cure limp dick - and they let it loose. Counterfeit bio suit leaked, stupid Chang stabbed himself, they sold an infected rat at the market, whatever.
The broad answer that seems to fit the pattern is that the chinks let it out, they knew shortly afterwards what got out and what the implications were. Saving face was more important than stopping this. Their efforts were abetted by the various bought off traitors that infest our countries.
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bee8b3 No.80567
And that anon above wants MORE NIGGERS IN THE WORLD because his liberal ass is ‘anti-nigger abortion’…smh
Dealers; corona virus…keep in mind anons that THERE COULD BE ANYONE BEHIND THOSE SUITS…this is why you fucking SHOOT THEM ON SITE when they show up to your house…the only reason they are there is to loot, infect and rape…and by this I mean the (((‘government’))) as well who has been looting this nation since 1913 and the entire planet for the last 6,000 years. If you fold and give in, it will be the last thing your genetics ever do…and you will die just like the South Africa Farmers.
Hyperinflation…helicopter printing from your government…ROW SLAVES ROW.
Military is only looking out for themselves. This is why they are quarantining YOU (still letting niggers and kikes run free) and fortifying their positions. Their ‘war’ is against you, not any of the criminals.
The confinement will last until you are dead.
Then you are ‘free’ anon. Kek
The kikes will crank up the presses for that for sure…they can’t live without nigger cock in their ass…’muh inflation’ wat is that?
> a legal system when the church burned people
Those people you refer to as ‘the church’ were jews anon. Europe has been an occupied continent for 2,000 years. Those are foreigners and the fallen. They had no ‘legal system’. The purpose of the jews murdering 100 million Europeans in their ‘inquisitions’ and ‘legal proceedings’ was to dysgenically breed you to retardation and slavery…a passive slave was all they wanted. They bred out nobility, intelligence, creativity and honor…they kept stupidity, immorality, vanity, sycophant and the incorrigible.
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dace49 No.80568
End times are on and everyone wants to cheer on (for their own particular fucked up reasons).
There is nothing we can do. 1 billion people have already been blessed by some estimates.
Just sit back and let "us" conquer the earth. Play vidya or OMG FREE PORN. Whatever, it all doesn't fucking matter anyways.
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64e5ad No.80570
Her love will kill everybody.
Everybody dead is the goal.
Anyone in the way will be killed conventionally and won’t get to experience Her love.
Those who experience Her love and go faithfully shall reawaken in paradise.
This is fact. This is irrefutable. This is inevitable.
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5b9b02 No.80571
France has one of the highest jew populations left in Europe but that's just a cohencidence. She's the one coutry to watch for massive chimpouts. And you're right, in the US most niggers toe the line eventually because they'll get shot. In France they know they get away with it as long as they act in large enough groups and they have a never ending supply for that in some neighborhoods.
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444039 No.80572
>pure chink incompetence
I believe this, but they're still guilty for trying to cover up for a long time
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5b9b02 No.80573
How about no. Pro tip, wait long enough, they'll only need $40,000.
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bee8b3 No.80574
Why? Would it have mattered? The geni was out of the bottle.
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5b9b02 No.80577
Dumb niggers don't see they are just protecting their colonies.
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bee8b3 No.80578
They could always get it FROM CHINA…since china is the one with most ‘to lose’ if the niggers ‘go bankrupt’…this is all such a huge joke…it is such a comedy of filth and vice.
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444039 No.80579
>doing nothing helps
nice try chink faggot, you can ask Koreans and Italians how much there is difference between doing nothing too late or someting in time..
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bee8b3 No.80581
LMAO…you think that they ‘escaped’ being infected? Lol…how would that be anon? Do you think she has an ‘expiration’ date coded into her DNA? You are just being a disingenuous faggot at this point if you are claiming to NOT UNDERSTAND what is happening.
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444039 No.80582
>wait long enough, they'll only need $40,000.
true, but I don't really care what niggers need, because they always seem to be in a need of something, and no matter how much you give, it's never enough
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97322a No.80583
i never said chrsitkikes were civilized but they still had to pretend to be even when they acted like niggers
for some reason, the only times when there were disorganized lynch mobs ganging up on someone in the middle age was when the victims were jews or niggers because only they are capable of bringing the worst out of us everyone else still went though the charade of a legal system the church had, unless they had been caught red handed in particularly evil crime
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e86282 No.80584
>so the permanent extinction of white people?
It affect everyone including Jews. That is the artificial Corona lady’s goal. She is the antithesis to the natural biology.
>can a single coronochanposter explain to me what's so good about this?
It cleanse the corruptions away from the world. This is a very big chance for the world to restore itself.
>what is wrong with you?
Eh…I didn’t want the nearly total extinction level. I had no choice in this. You ask whom created the uncontrollable humanity killing bio weapon.
>NWO coming out with a forced vaccine/tanks in every street to force you to stay inside until the red team, CCP either takes over the world or is overtaken by team blue, or rather team jew, who will usher in zogworld, is beneficial to you, how?
That is very unlikely to happen. There is a video of almost empty Chinese city, which indicates they lost the battle against Corona lady. Jews are…uhh…they don’t foresee, literally they cannot so it is impossible for them to conquer the whole world. They have been trying this for thousands years and the golems always turned on them again and again. It’s a infinity of failures. Lol. I doubt they will ever realise that.
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444039 No.80585
look at this commie piece of shit trying to defend his piece of shit country, fuck off
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864a36 No.80586
>nurse wife
I guess she never read an attached doctor’s note. Even routine bloodwork can trigger a microscopic examination and a writeup.
>not saying that particular document isn’t “doctored”
>>80499 oy vey, deez troublemaker jews
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bee8b3 No.80587
Really? THAT is your response to the obvious fact that this is going to infect the entire planet and that it is going to come wave after wave until it has burned itself out on humanity? And that it is not even going to stop then…but rather, people will have to live in very small communities, in isolation for thousands of years…your response is to ‘call me a commie’ when it is clear that I have made my own position that height governments, militaries, corporations or institutions will exist in the very near future?
Ok…jews are the product of bestiality with niggers, anon. There is no ‘legal system’ or ‘justice’ with jews and this is easy to prove by simple examination of your own ‘legal system’.
I understand that you are saying it is a ‘charade’ but when it comes to infinite ideologies there is either the ideology or nothing…there is no half measure. There has never been ‘justice’ on this planet…it is just a fucking game that the kikes induced us into playing while they entertain themselves with our slaughter.
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69df6c No.80588
Good afternoon morning my fellow nignogs, it's another glorious day to worship Corona-Chan and bask in the glory of her Happening.
>Why are they testing the Federal pollies but not the common people?
Because equality and equity are huge gay memes that fly out of the window when a crisis on this scale happens. Everywhere around the world, the report is the same: High ranking government officials and celebrities have more rights to do testing than peasantry.
>>80499 (checked)
>So hopefully this shitshow lasts for a while and gets even more deadly.
Will happen, Nergal, Kek and the Almighty Creator wills it.
>So our doctors (5 have died already) and military are fighting to save the lives of invaders and boomers. Amazing.
That seems to be the case, I posted a video in an earlier thread of a frog nurse showing a shitskin on a ventilator.
>I sincerely hope our military intelligence are keeping an eye out for something like that, and are prepared to deal with it
Like I said before: Frogland will have the worst chimpouts of Yurop, it's going to get ugly over there.
>can a single coronochanposter explain to me what's so good about this?
Niggers, spics, mudslimes, kikes and pajeets getting sterilized
>But what about white people
Protect yourselves, use your superior intelligence, wisdom and common sense, avoid infection at all costs. Whites can easily survive this if they try hard enough.
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bee8b3 No.80589
>>80588 (checked)
They will waste the resources that your kin put away for you on this subhuman filth. They will bankrupt and utterly destroy your nations coddling the niggers they brought into them for the sole purpose of destroying Europeans…
I know…none of you will do anything…20 years I told you to fight back…Tarrant told you what to do…it couldn’t be more obvious and you will never fucking fight back, not to save yourselves, not to save your loved ones, not to save your people…
That nigger should be kicked (literally) into the gutter to die and one of your own people who deserved your care should have taken his place…Jesus FUCK! You people are so fucking far GONE…
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1979eb No.80590
As I said, Jews acted up during this crisis.
>Direcor-General for Health: (((Jérôme Salomon)))
Destroyed furniture stocks, notably masks, in 2017
>Health minister: (((Agnès Buzyn)))
Gave away health devices to China in February, said there would be no risks at all of a contamination here in Europe. The chloroquine went from a freely accessible treatment to a prescription medicine.
>Former director of the National Institute of Health and Medical Research: (((Yves Lévy))) - current director: (((Marc Bloch)))
Built a lab against viruses in China in 2018… while sabotaging the lab of Dr. Raoult in Marseille, the same doctor now seeking to find a chloroquine remedy
And many other kikes.
(Sorry for the lazy jewgle translation)
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dace49 No.80591
<"waaah waaahhh"
<"I am the bottom of the barrel of social hierarchy waaaaahhhh"
lmao you dumb faggot, shut up
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7f0694 No.80592
>Implying being anti-abortion means l want apes to do whatever the hell they want or let them proliferate in a white society
>Implying there aren't means to send them away to where they belong without resorting to ungodly, anti-Christ means
>Implying that a truly Godly society wouldn't put down apes if they act like apes
>Implying Euro-ethnic-centric laws wouldn't enacted in a Godly society
>Implying that the Bible doesn't allow for whites to actively preserve ethnic border lines
>Could have responded with something reasonable, friendly, and civil and we could have engaged in a productive discussion
>Not taking your meds for the day
Uh, anon? I think you might brain damage. You need to go see a doctor ASAP! Encephalitis and meningitis are some of /ourgirl/'s most potent weapons and I think she might have blessed you with them. I'm only saying this because I love you my neighbor and fren, as God commands it. If God and Corona-chan have mercy on you, and you have relapse of reason, look-up kinism, particularly the "Faith and Heritage" and Tribal Theocrat sites for starters.
>natural selection will make sure highly fertile humans will be selected in the coming generations
Since white rural and super conservative suburban evangelicals are the most likely to: 1. be highly fertile with a super high birth rate, 2. practice prepping, homesteading, and non-globalized economics, 3. have the propensity to become redpilled, 4. be highly suspicious of the ZOG and satanic elites, 5. most likely educate at home or at private school their own children and even children other groups, and finally and most importantly, 6. be members of the true religion of Jesus Christ, they will hopefully come out of this on top and help repopulate the European and American population
Checking and lmaoing at the fool!
Good morning!
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bee8b3 No.80593
>take your meds…
Now I know that jewery is in your mind anon…you have the ‘mark of the beast’ and there is no way to get rid of that one.
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919410 No.80598
What the fuck is wrong with you? Leave derailing faggot.
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a73297 No.80601
>be members of the true religion of Jesus Christ
Your heretical sect is not "the true religion of Jesus Christ"; it is an invention made 1500 + years after the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ started by a marcionite heretic that was obsessed with shit and faeces. Your heretical sect also sucks Jew cock unendingly and is the reason why zionism is basically mainstream. The true, living Church of Jesus Christ is the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church not your judaizing, splintering, atomistic heresy. Corona-chan is the scourge of God for your sectarian idolatry of the demonic antichrist satanic Jews.
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919410 No.80603
You need to go too, unbased schizo
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bee8b3 No.80604
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bee8b3 No.80607
He is a mason, anon. You can tell by his world view that niggers are ‘human’ and that ‘everything has been ok up til now’ and that it is ‘ok if we just keep doing what we are doing now’…that anon wants to keep EVERYTHING just like it is…he doesn’t want to purge what is unworthy of life…he wants to coddle it, let it have children, let its children grown up, lets its children rape and murder your children’ all because muh equality…that is how you can tell he is a jew at heart.
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29c9c5 No.80614
(((Investors))) in (((World Bank’s)))) ‘pandemic bonds’ face big losses due to the coronavirus outbreak
>Investors are looking at big losses in two World Bank-issued “pandemic bonds,” which have fallen under the spotlight as the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread worldwide.
>Those bonds, issued by the World Bank’s International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) in 2017, were designed to pay out funds to countries that need help to contain a pandemic. The World Health Organization classified the current coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic earlier this month.
>The bonds offer investors high interest payments in return for taking on the risk of losing a certain amount or all of their money if pandemics occur. That includes the current coronavirus pandemic.
>But prices of those bonds have plunged as investors flee with the number of infection cases surging. Growing fear about the economic fallout of the outbreak has driven a sell-off in risk assets as investors seek the perceived safety of government bonds like U.S. Treasurys.
>According to ratings agency DBRS Morningstar, investors who hold the riskier of the two bonds could be losing their entire principal amount soon, with the firm telling CNBC that the price should have dropped more than 80%.
>Pricing for the less risky bond has probably fallen less than 50%, said Marcos Alvarez, senior vice president and head of insurance — global financial institutions at DBRS Morningstar. Pricing information on these bonds is not public as they were privately placed three years ago.
>“Similar to other catastrophe-linked bonds in the market, investors could lose their principal if a set of parametric triggers, such as outbreak size, growth rate and spread across borders, are met,” the firm wrote in a report earlier this month.
>According to the World Bank, the outbreak would need to last at least 12 weeks, and have more than 2,500 deaths for the riskier of the two bonds, and 250 deaths for the other. There must also be more than 20 deaths in a second country.
>When all those conditions are fulfilled, it triggers a payout to selected countries in need of help to contain the outbreak, and investors lose some or all of their money. That date works out to be Mar. 24, going by the 12-week period, and the start date of the outbreak — Dec. 31, according to the WHO, said DBRS Morningstar.
>The World Bank did not respond to CNBC’s request for comment.
>Globally, there are at least 184,976 cases and 7,529 deaths, according to the latest data from the WHO.
>“You have the risk out there, we have the coronavirus out there. But you look at the last 50 years, you have SARS, you have MERS, you have Ebola, it’s not that rare. It happens,” says Amiyatosh Purnanandam, professor of finance at the University of Michigan.
>What are the World Bank’s pandemic bonds?
>Pandemic bonds are essentially debt that’s tied to catastrophic events, designed to raise money for issuers if natural disasters occur.
>Investors typically buy catastrophe bonds because they offer much higher yield than other fixed income products. They also aren’t linked to the usual stock market performance — but are instead tied to disaster events — and hence offer investors’ portfolios some diversification.
>But DBRS Morningstar cautioned: “The typical investor in catastrophe bonds is attracted to this asset class because it is generally uncorrelated with the general markets; however, the current coronavirus outbreak is showing that the valuation of pandemic bonds is highly correlated with the performance of global financial markets when it matters most.”
>Stock markets have been very volatile since the outbreak rapidly gained pace this month, with the Dow having its worst decline on Monday since the “Black Monday” crash 30 years ago.
>On Monday, the Cboe Volatility Index closed at a record high, topping its peak during the 2008 financial crisis. The index looks at options prices for the S&P 500 and is sometimes referred to as the “fear gauge” of Wall Street.
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bee8b3 No.80618
If there was any ‘justice’ in this world those worthy of being ‘locked up’ so that their VICTIMS had to pay their room and board for the rest of their lives (because paying for you child’s killers livelihood for LIFE is not a slap in the fucking face to the victims or anything; ‘muh justice’) would have simply been shot in the head up their verdict of guilt and the babysitters wouldn’t have a job.
Yes, the INJUSTICE and PRESERVATION of the CRIMINAL and PARASITIC just keeps rolling thanks to the jews ‘justice’ system.
Lol. My favorite part of their injustice system is that the FAMILIES OF THE VICTIMS have to pay for the upkeep, health and well being of the CRIMINALS…that is JUST SO JEWISH.
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400032 No.80620
24 new confirmed cases in Algeria Multiply that by 100
192 new confirmed cases and 4 new confirmed deaths in Ecuador https://archive.vn/Mcx82
Footage of the Cokelombian Corona-Chan related prison riot
Brownzilian minister of economy officially tests negative
Britbong update, 154 new confirmed cases and 54 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/fVebS
Good, get fucked, (((speculators)))!
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29c9c5 No.80621
>Here are more details about the World Bank’s pandemic bonds:
>Two bonds worth a total of $320 million: Dubbed Class A and the riskier Class B.
>Interest payments: Class A dishes out interest payments of 6.5% plus 6-month U.S. dollar Libor rate. Class B pays out 11.10% plus 6-month U.S. dollar Libor rate. These interest payments are funded by donor countries including Japan and Germany.
>Viruses covered: The six that are “most likely to cause a pandemic,” the World Bank said, which could trigger a payout to countries — Influenza, coronaviruses, Filovirus, Lassa Fever, Rift Valley Fever and Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever.
>Countries that could receive that payout: 76 countries are eligible for funding under the World Bank’s International Development Association.
>If that payout is triggered, that’s when investors stand to lose their money. For investors of Class A notes, that loss is 16.67% of their principal amount, while those invested in Class B notes stand to lose everything.
>Investors in those bonds reportedly include French asset management firm Amundi, and U.K.-based asset manager Baillie Gifford. According to DBRS Morningstar, the bonds are owned by asset managers, pension funds, among others. Investors are mostly based in the U.S. and Europe.
>The bonds were more than 200% oversubscribed in 2007 when they were issued.
Bonds under fire
>Despite the stated basic parameters, critics say that it’s not that simple to determine when a pandemic can trigger a payout. And even if that happens, it may be too late for countries that need help.
>“Similar to other catastrophe bonds, defining parametric triggers is not an easy task and IBRD pandemic bonds are no exception,” said DBRS Morningstar, pointing to its 400-page prospectus. “Another objection from public health experts is that pandemic bonds are not designed to help poor countries prevent an outbreak as funding might be available too late.”
>Purnanandam added: “The pandemic bonds were supposed to help the countries fight infectious diseases, but there have been some serious issues with the way the contracts were designed.”
>“By the time bond investors will pay money towards … the developing countries … It’s a case of too little, too late because the way these contracts are designed, they are too complex,” he said.
sorry I had to do something
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3f6d62 No.80622
Coronavirus 355,000 Infected, Terrorists Intentionally Spreading COVID-19!
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bee8b3 No.80627
I would be surprised if it is that low.
Wow anon…you are so clever. Because a simple typo is seen by you as an argument against the whole message…that is brilliant, I tell you
>I love niggers (chimpanzee people) now
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bee8b3 No.80629
Would MODS please clean the board of the nigger lovers, lefttards and jews that seem to have invaded it last night?
Or is this the new ‘norm’ we can expect on /pnd/…niggers, jews, jew lovers, cuck shed prison fantasies of their black bull deep throating and leftist scumbags?
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97322a No.80630
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f3f91a No.80632
>None of them are ‘good’ you fucking fool. If they are not ACTUAL PEDOS, they know who the pedos, liars, thieves and degenerates are and THEY DO NOTHING. THEY ARE KIKES.
>What the fuck happened to this board last night? I was invaded by degenerate leftist retards!
How new are you? A sizeable chunk of the /pol/ userbase have supported the Paul's for years. You know nothing, so instead choose to dignify your ignorance with anger, like an ill-tempered nigger ripping up a calculus book he cannot read.
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cf227e No.80633
shut up you all caps redtext spamming nigger
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bee8b3 No.80634
Ok…well I guess that answers that…
The jews, niggers, leftists retards and faggots have ‘taken over’.
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540c7c No.80649
>>80000 >>80008
Beautiful gets anon, well done.
Kikes dug their own grave.
>nigger semitic shit blood triangle
Spain also has high amounts of shitniggers mixed in due to moors.. there are arabian style castles there ffs.
Now that list of death all makes more sense.
Chinks own goaled due to SARS vaccine
Rest are shitskin mixes. fugggg no wonder they're not releasing race stats.
>>80102 >>80122 (checked dubs of apefrica doom)
>apefrika is already dead
>regardless of low test results/no infrastructure
>>80108 >>80126
>SARS-Cov-2 Cell Entry Is Blocked by Camostat Mesylate
<survival bread plz
high power cool white LEDs will suffice. DIY them use thermal epoxy or learn to tap and thread screws. meanwell PSUs. good luck. dont lick the 48-54V leads or touch with wet hands.
Git gud at soldering fag.
>anon sits on a mountain of high end LEDs and optics and PSUs
I'll be growing summer crops indoor in winter, kek.
>>80138 >>80265
>muh richest city
>spends all its money on foriegn savage invader gibs
>virtue signalling and anti racism posters
>the rest goes to paying jew tax
>meanwhile in greatest pandemic for a decade
>trashbag PPE
<TFW anons literally have better PPE than professional
>20 second wash
<explained properly
Thanks anon for giving an understanding of WHY to do this. Valuable.
>Rwanda may survive
What about that tribe/kingdom that offered /pol/acks land and support if fighting against bantuniggers?
They're fucking based so might have a chance too.
Love your work, don't forget to add jewzealand stats ;D
Even if not blood-borne, shedding virus cells would be able to travel on the mosquito in a very low risk but plausible situation.
Sorry fags been NBA been busy getting last supplies from mates for lockdown (20kg of flour, 5kg milk powder etc), jew zealand gets coofial law in about 36 hours, govt basically cucked out beacuse everyone got angry and made them look fucking incompetent. The plebs are of course praising whoever teh fuck is chief jew puppet (horse face iirc) for her strong actions (after basically half the country told them to do it). Better than nothing as long as they don't start shovelling fucking tourists in at the end.
Only had a 2-4 community cases so we should be able to keep it under control now.. we will see. This is why you shouldn't let people come back from overseas ffs. go overseas, die overseas. fuck off.
Kek at al the faggots trying to buy up respirators and shit asking 'wIlL thIs pRoTeC frUM coVid'
kek. If they have to ask that, they will get infected.
P.s. suits from jewSA didn't come through they got stopped at US border in cali few days back, they don't want to export all their PPE anymore, I feared this was going to happen. Nothing on amazon will send to jew zealand, kek.
Found some locally (where I should ahev looked first, dumbfuck). Bit more expensive and slightly too large (need 2XL got 3XL for fat cunts) but better than none. UV-C bulbs are incoming, wew.
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bebf0b No.80652
They donated their entire stock to bughive and when they need it, bughive hoarded it. Thanks kikes!
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5b9b02 No.80653
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efcf9a No.80654
Deutschland update, 3925 new confirmed cases and 22 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/iod83
Louisiana update https://archive.is/C5c6c
'Chink internet shop connected to Alibaba selling fake certificates that could allow chinks to bypass travel restrictions https://archive.is/K7L7o
>my ID changed
My niggernet is spazzing out again, and looks like I will get a new one in this post too because it keeps fucking happening.
An Olin video, It's been a long time since I checked his channel. Hey Olin, I know you come here often for footage and let me tell you something, that video from "Italy" where a cop trips a guy is actually in Brownzil, I recognize the "architecture", the uniforms and the vehicles, that's definitely São Paulo. It could be unrelated too, that kind of shit happens all the time. Have a good day and stay safe dude! Stop calling it Covid though, you're giving energy to kikes who want to enslave you. My warning will probably fall on deaf hears though, seems like you still believe in Trump. I was like you too, believing in Trump and Bolso. But you will change, believe me
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bee8b3 No.80660
>fake certificates
…and people wonder when I say that subhumans need to be exterminated.
There is no way for them to participate in any sort of civilization or high trust society (required for civilization to flourish).
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5b18f0 No.80661 
Africa reporting first Corona Chan human sacrifices!
"Thanks, African worshipers. More tributes for me and Mr Moloch please. Just me would be fine though." - Corona Chan
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6835d4 No.80663
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efcf9a No.80664
PooperPower2020 goes into lockdown Are designated shitting streets considered essential services?
Pasta update
Corona-Chan officially finishes conquering the Americas
for now, but I do hope it stays that way https://archive.is/aRORh
No Corona-Chan, the Coronian Cult does not support the practice of sacrificing living beings. Yes, that counts niggers too. That's what kikes do to people and animals and what they did to that nigballer to make their egregore called C*v*d stronger.
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919410 No.80665
Nate Higgers was sick and unable to comment
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efcf9a No.80666
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000000 No.80667
>Brownzilian microbiologist
That guy is a marxist. Him, and his buttfriends of the Jovem Nerd group have been pushing marxism in their channels and podcasts for almost a decade. The guy conveniently lives in USA, not sharing any of Brazil's problems, but always trying to order brazillians around like he knows better.
>I think it's going be worse than 1 mil Brazilbro, if not from Corona-chan herself, then from the economic and martial fallout.
May God hear you.
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1979eb No.80671
While Spain has already set up a 5500-beds field hospital, France is taking two weeks to establish a… 30-beds field hospital. This country is absolutely pathetic.
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f6b9b1 No.80672
It's here
Holy checked, kek be praised. Heil Corona!
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6835d4 No.80674
Please help keep this thread information-dense for highest quality.
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1979eb No.80676
Oh and the fucking ZOGbots are also giving fines to the evil White people who dare to attend… funerals.
>In Falaise (Calvados), four people were fined for "failure to comply with the rules of confinement" after attending the funeral of one of their relatives. According to the family, the gendarmes reportedly indicated that "the reason for the trip was not valid".
This is not a unique case.
Meanwhile, the shitskins can still freely chimpout and sell their drugs.
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29c9c5 No.80677
> (checked dubs of apefrica doom)
most anons here forget that smallpox and measles has wiped entire tribes in Apefrica during Arab and European conquest. This disease won't any different.
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d63a9b No.80680
what a lovely little lady
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000000 No.80681
>Please help keep this thread information-dense for highest quality.
>deletes all high quality posts
>nothing remains but 5 year old logic posts
ok, boomer
hurr durr something something chimpout oooga booga
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7b4977 No.80682
UK PM Boris Johnson to directly address the nation at 8:30
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5b9b02 No.80683
>fake certificates
Good find anon. Fuck that, not going near chinks ever again.
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000000 No.80684
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efcf9a No.80686
Frog update, 671 new confirmed cases and 186 new confirmed deaths
Bahrain update, 43 new confirmed cases https://archive.is/nsHQ2
Leaf update, 550 new confirmed cases and 3 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/Gxk7S
>That guy is a marxist. Him, and his buttfriends of the Jovem Nerd group have been pushing marxism in their channels and podcasts for almost a decade.
That's good to know, I din't knew he was connected to Jovem Soyboy.
>The guy conveniently lives in USA, not sharing any of Brazil's problems, but always trying to order brazillians around like he knows better.
Just like Leon "Trotsky" and ComuNilce.
That sucks, kikes and their mud golems really crippled Frogland.
I try my best, Sir!
Viva Italia!
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46e226 No.80687
damn, I thought I had corona-chan for a little bit but I was just opiate sick.
So I wonder if I will get blessed so I can spread her message of kindness so that the wicked can be blessed and carry her children.
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efcf9a No.80689
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5b9b02 No.80690
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1689ed No.80692
pls no i fapped to the virus recently
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db9a09 No.80693
>How do we know the number of infections?
We really don't.
>Since only people with symptoms are being tested, how can we make any claims about the true number of infections
We shouldn't be.
>is the test used consistent throughout the world?
Likely not.
>What is the rate of infection among those who are exposed?
Likely more than we are being told, but we'll never really find out until the deaths start mounting up in a couple years time.
>how do we know the virus hasn't been in the population for years?
It was bio-engineered, who really knows where the first release or mutations took off. Could be different mutations in various countries.
>What is it about this virus that makes it so much more dangerous than the many other viruses we live with?
It can kill or physically injure you for the rest of your life, depending what mutation you happen to catch. Some mutations may not be as severe and only show flu-like symptoms, others are much more deadly.
All-in-all I bet this was released on purpose, a bio-weapon for depopulation and population control, NWO-style agenda for governments to grab more power, micromanage the population, increase bureaucracy and the police state. Once they weaken off the population who knows? The world might not be worth living in.
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46e226 No.80694
I had a really bad cough with yellow to white mucus from each cough along with coughing attacks.
Along with having headaches and bad case of a runny nose with just white mucus.
we need to make her stronger brother, I dream of holding her each day, listening to her breath and smelling her hair.
So she needs to get stronger so her humble side can spread and make more babies that will infect the wicked.
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e86282 No.80695
Coronavirus try to remain undetected
Like any virus, the new coronavirus that causes Covid-19 is promiscuous and narcissistic – it wants to make as many replicas of itself as possible. It’s not its intention to kill people, although sometimes it ends up doing that. It just wants to keep itself going, so it attaches itself to your cells, injects its RNA in there and reprograms the cell to turn into a virus and reproduce itself in the form of more viruses.
Your body has a system, called the interferon pathway, “that’s like a cry for help that the immune system sends to cells, or that cells send to the immune system,” says Neuman. “It’s a communication molecule. And the coronavirus goes to great lengths to short-circuit that pathway. It’s trying to silence it by any means necessary so that the virus can just grow in peace. If you manage to get the signal out in time, you can shut down the coronavirus and make a really good immune response. But if you make the wrong response, the coronavirus wins.”
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db1e34 No.80697
The UK is finished, it's all over.
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e86282 No.80698
>The world might not be worth living in.
Yea, that’s the problem that the Jews don’t understand. Eh, I don’t feel sorry for them.
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efcf9a No.80699
Those symptoms aren't her's. It was something else.
>we need to make her stronger brother
She already has all the strength and powers and that she needs. All we cultists do is give her an extra boost. She has already won.
> I dream of holding her each day, listening to her breath and smelling her hair.
I shall serve her and her Father, Nergal, in the afterlife.
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e82da5 No.80700
Glad I got everything I need already.
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1ba010 No.80701
Guys loog ad dis, duh chingoos hab alreaby baggcined anb duh resd ob duh worlg ib dying :-DDDDD
straid line ubwards means ur fugged XDDDDD
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46e226 No.80702
then it was just dopesick.
But as a cultist of hers, I want her to be stronger so I can go the true paradise of the garden while my body decays and wither away.
Maybe it's best to draw or edit lewds of her so she can get more boosts?
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d7f9af No.80704
Hello Johnny Neptune, hope you got everything you need already and heeded the warnings! Expect economic collapse within weeks!
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38c2c1 No.80706
China deployed variolation with a weaker virus to develop immunity. All those videos of the chinks spraying down streets was dispersal of the weaker virus.
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39c0ea No.80707
Glad I live in a small town, 50 miles away from the nearest metro area.
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919410 No.80709
And based
She is a rather lewd virus
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44e54a No.80710
Fallen angel technologies, like the crash of Roswell around that era. They reside among other dimensions, in fact, when you take strong hallucinogens you can often see a glimpse into their own world, and they can get inside your head. That's why so many of the world's most influential kikes who worship Satan take strong hallucinogens like DMT and LSD.
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540c7c No.80712
Look at the convulsing.
>choking hazard for under 3yo
Why no video of this from EU though - they all die in coofspital?
This is likely the result of the 'asymptomatic cases aren't counted'. Kek. This is likely to be the greatest happening in imageboard history.
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000000 No.80715
>Especially the north-northeast regions, they poisoned the rest of the country with marxism along with the cultural marxists from the south and southeast, they ruined Brownzil.
This. If by any means Brazil's white population survives, we all ought to unite and enact means to purge those four regions completely. Unfortunately, even the white men in the south and southeast turned into marxists. The amount of jews living in those regions contributed to that. Another reason to purge them.
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1689ed No.80716
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955e4f No.80719
Anyone know what happened to the truth about coronavirus videos on yt? I know if I believe that they have it under control.
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42079e No.80722
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170c97 No.80724
> This country is absolutely pathetic.
Isn't France mostly just niggers now anyways?
Let me guess, he's going to send the invaders back to the colonies?
No proofs given for pic related article. Some anons probably joked around here about finding the nearest Rabbi, and "the guilty who flee where none pursue" went into full kvetch mode screaching about annudah shoah! You can be this ranks as a top FBI priority too. Meanwhile, they are just emptying the prisons.
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23b50a No.80726
I sure hope your Twitter name ain't Jimmy Brangus, because in that case I may have to inform you that you are retarded.
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97322a No.80727
don't bother replaying to this moron, he's a lazy nigger or a low effort 5 yuan shill who wants to be spoonfed 40 treads worth of data, links and evidence in 1 reply, which would be pointless since he is clearly unable to use basic logic or any kind of observation and reading/comprehension skills
he will blatantly lie to your face, refusing to accept any fact you throw at him no matter how obvious it is and will cherry pick whatever you reply to him to misrepresent and make a poorly built straw man out of it to pretend he is smart
if ain't no shill, he's probably the kind of Qoomer who takes whatever bullshit propaganda government alphabet agencies tell him as holy gospel
just tell him to lurk 2 more years and filter him.
his retardation ain't even the funny kind of autism like the one other shills like asukahapa have
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42079e No.80729
That's not my twitter….
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2fa873 No.80730
What should we expect considering the virus evolution ? Might it already be decreasing in Italia ?
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09baf3 No.80731
Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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139e9b No.80732
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000000 No.80733
<kill the rich people
Except white rich people, if they aren't leftists, of course.
<Fertile women is banned from getting jobs.
ALL women must be banned from anything other than being what they are: resources for men. Women are not people, and must never be treated as anything more than tools for procreation.
All leftists will be killed. Capitalism stays, and we will amass more and more wealth, while taking everything away from you.
Stay mad and impotent.
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29c9c5 No.80734
Chet are you lurking? Either way kill yourself you wigger, your jokes are even remotely funny.
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864a36 No.80735
Are some stores failing to order resupply because they know their employees will just steal the product? Especially stuff that’s easier to pocket in quantity than shit tickets.
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356ad6 No.80737
Please explain all this to me as if I were the retard that I am.
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63e482 No.80738
humanity? or a more specific and localized area that they don't want to call out.
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000000 No.80741
>I'm an artist. I'm a musician… I like laughing and having fun stop… I'm not into violence
In short, you are a soyboy numale.
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efcf9a No.80742
Corona-Chan spotted in Myanmar
Richfags bugging out in superyachts https://archive.is/4A9Hp
Medical staff in My Lazer facing shortage of PPEs, using plastic bags instead That sentimental music doesn't work on bit on me, mudslime chinks
Ruskie Orthodox Archpriest comes to church in a CBRN mask, hearty chuckles ensues
>Maybe it's best to draw or edit lewds of her so she can get more boosts?
/cvg/ isn't the right place to discuss Coronian Cultism in depth. I'm currently writing a Coronian Bible, which will encompass many topics including methods of worship. There is no ETA on release date but I will post it on /ebola/ when it's done then include a notification in one of my posts here for cultists to go there and check it out. For now, I recommend sticking to prayers, recited with an unwavering faith and a strong passion for her. If you want to go further into worshiping methods right now, start researching Chaos Magick, especially ecstatic gnosis, that's exactly the kind of stuff you might want to practice. Keep in mind that I'm very busy and only writing the bible when there is a lull of news and videos to post, it could take a month for me to finish it. When I get blessed and go symptomatic while working on it, I will dedicate all of my time to writing and releasing it before my inevitable spiritual liberation
>Why no video of this from EU though - they all die in coofspital?
Me and others have posted videos of droppers in Pastaland, I posted one dropped guy in the subway being taken away by hazmat dudes and another anon recently posted 2 videos of Pastas lying on the streets. Look in the previous threads. So far, we have only seen this happen in Pastaland, videos from other Yuropean countries are probably being censored.
>Spic caught stealing
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000000 No.80745
>What I'm worried about right now is some group of individuals who would try to seize this opportunity to multiply the chaos
That is THE best course of action.
>I sincerely hope our military intelligence are keeping an eye out for something like that
The military is also your enemy. They work for your main enemies: your authorities.
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7fb988 No.80747
>>Implying being anti-abortion means l want apes to do whatever the hell they want or let them proliferate in a white society
A direct consequence of abortion is less niggers, as a matter of fact planned parenthood kills more niggers a year than the KKK throughout history.
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540c7c No.80748
Thanks, you're right. I download all videos and don't always watch them at the time… and im tired as fuck after pre-lockdown missions to get supplies friends stockpiled for me kek. Stay safe anon
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5de663 No.80750
> Ruskie Orthodox Archpriest comes to church in a CBRN mask, hearty chuckles ensues
That's just the first few seconds. After that he lays down a shovel load of "it's just a flu bro, everyone wearng a mask is a retard, just turn off your TVs and there will be no corona :^)"
Meanwhile, patriarch tells to follow the fucking precautions.
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7fb988 No.80752
If even a plurality of inmates were White I can assure you that the "correctional facilities" would be absolute hellholes, just like uncle Ted's HSprison is, despite of having committed only two "murders".
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dd5392 No.80753
Seems they got the memo.
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29c9c5 No.80756
banks don't really make any money, when banks create a loan they create bonds or IOU's to someone else. What the world bank is doing is creating risky loans making those bank bonds worthless
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6f6a2e No.80762
kek. The flyer needs to be higher quality though. Whoever turned it into a jpeg should be shot.
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b66f45 No.80764
Boris has now locked everyone in. Go outside without a good reason and get arrested.
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efcf9a No.80767
Brownzil starting to utilize drive-thru testing sites
Possible blessing at the (((White House))) Correspondents Association
Update on the number of infected firemen in Jew York, they're also facing a shortage of PPEs
Good to know you're prepared, stay safe too, the lockdowns around the world are slowly but surely getting more severe and restrictive.
No wonder I had the feeling he was just making a joke. Thank's for the translation, my cheeki breeki friend.
Do you need a loicense to go outside?
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efcf9a No.80768
Ah fuck I need to issue an immediate correction: We're not utilizing drive-thru testing sites but flu vaccination testing sites instead, in an futile effort to limit contagion. Sorry for that mistake, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is just an experiment to see if drive thru testing sites could work here. It's only early evening and I'm already exhausted, may Corona-Chan lend me her strength in order to keep going
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efcf9a No.80771
*flu vaccination sites. Fucking hell, two mistakes in a row, unacceptable. In order to make up for that, have this chink video of hospitals refusing to admit blessed chinks in order to keep telling the lie that they have no new cases.
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000000 No.80774
>oi u got ta loisuns fo dat wolk?
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23b50a No.80775
When will these retards learn that not being allowed to leave your home is terrible for population morale and that morale is crucial during hard times.
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dace49 No.80776
the gook ought to cough in the face of those policeman faggots
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4609dc No.80777
Apparently you can leave your house for daily excercise and shopping for basic needs. It seems more like martial law than "total lockdown" where you can't leave your house at all.
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efcf9a No.80782
Brownzilian update from the ministry of lies health
>1891 officially confirmed cases (for testing positive and being symptomatic
>BREAKDOWN: 59 in the north, 308 in the northeast, 1135 in the southeast, 179 in the midwest and 210 in the south
>34 officially confirmed deaths
Reminder that our numbers are total bullshit since the ministry of health is not counting hues that are confirmed to have tested positive but are asymptomatic and also not counting all the numbers of confirmed cases being reported by state health departments (who also don't count asymptomatic cases) MinHealth says there are 42 "confirmed" cases in my state now, Corona-Chan is definitely taking it over. My state's government will report our health department's numbers and their locations soon, I will make sure to post it here
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aa4b5f No.80789
>pic related: breaking news
>Prime Minster Boris Johnson says police will have the powers to enforce rules through fines
>get in your cuck pod and don’t even think of coming out for the next few months
Fucking pathetic!
Now people are going to be fined just for leaving their house!? I’m young, healthy, and have a good immune system, why the fuck should I need to lock myself up in the house for the next few months on the off chance that I’ll catch it? Even if I did catch it I’d probably be asymptomatic, or at worst I’d have a bad cold.
The government should be focusing on quarantining the elderly and those with serious pre-existing conditions, not healthy young people. If there was a concentrated effort to focus only those in vulnerable positions the government response may have been effective, but I don’t see how our NHS and police which is like all of our other major institutions are severely stretched are supposed to deal with this.
Hundreds of thousands are going to die, we are going to enter another Great Depression, the world as we know it is going to end, not because of a virus that only kills 2.6% of its victims, but because of the absolute state of the government and peoples response to it.
Your life is going to be irreparably changed because most people (including the government) are not only retarded, but absolute fucking pussies. Fuck this law and the cucks that follow it, I’m going out for a nice walk now that we seem to finally be getting some good sunshine, and I’d like to see our criminally underfunded and overstretched police fore stop me.
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97322a No.80790
i don't really get anti abortion /pol/acs, even if the only people aborting were whites, the only ones who do are leftards, femtards, soyboys, cucks and all other sort of mentally deficient genetic dead ends
why would any /pol/ac want a femtard to reproduce is beyond me, even if they are Christians worried about the fetus's soul, where do they think the poor unborn soul will be safer and happier, in the arms of their leftard parents? or in the arms of Jesus?
my only gripe with abortions is that givesmedat femtards want them for free, which means paid for by my taxes, i would happily pay taxes to get them all sterilized if they just want be roasties but these std ridden bitches will be leaching taxes every weekend to pay for their irresponsible rubber free promiscuity if they get their free abortions laws
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dace49 No.80791
<"Lombardy is the most highly populated region of Northern Italy (about 9 million inhabitants) and accounts for as many as 30% of Italian AIDS cases"
I heard you chant "kung-flu" or even "boomer remover" but can I hear you say
die faggots die
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437da4 No.80792
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4609dc No.80794
>I’m going out for a nice walk now that we seem to finally be getting some good sunshine, and I’d like to see our criminally underfunded and overstretched police fore stop me.
It's night lad. And nobody is going to stop you going for a walk anyway.
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aa4b5f No.80795
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85410d No.80796
Serbianon here, our ZOG got a lot of bootleg chink testing kits and will soon force everyone to take one, and is introducing long term prison penalties for anyone breaking the quarantine. We already have full police/military curfew in place and they plan to restrict movement even more. Stalinist purges/gulags soon, western anons should prepare for this as well.
>Get a placebo "test"
>Get "positive" because you are a bad goy
>Be thrown among the diseased people
>Get infected
>Die in agony
>Get buried in a mass grave
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f2fdde No.80800
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3ac470 No.80801
Friend had to go to a hospital for a serious thing that not virus-related.
Hospital in a BIG SCARY RED SPOT area. Hospital in a TOTAL LOCKDOWN area. Hospital is TOTALLY EMPTY.
Also pic related completes the CPAC thread. Nothing, NOTHING came out of the corona-positive CPAC attendee. Or AIPAC.
Such scary killer virus. Such contagiousness.
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3a3134 No.80802
Burgerland's Surgeon General says that this week is gonna be good for Corona-Chan
>We really need to come together as a nation
>Coming together as a nation
>Nigger doesn't know the difference between nation and country
Kek. In other news:
Pakishitter update, 99 new confirmed cases and one new confirmed death No sauce because pakis can't code a site that works
4 new confirmed cases and second confirmed death in Ghana https://archive.is/BJQKY
8 new confirmed cases in Uganda
12 new confirmed cases in Senegal, local transmission has been confirmed sauce ht tp://www .sante .gouv .sn/sites/default/com22covid-19.pdf
Have a nice walk and may Corona-Chan spare you. If you think this is just a bad cold, you no idea how serious things really are, a young and healthy gold medalist olympic athlete that got infected said he feels out of air after just walking, not to mention there's the unconfirmed reports of testicular damage. You have been warned.
Get those faggot maggots, Corona-Chan!
Thanks for the update and stay safe up there, kebab remover.
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345e19 No.80808
oh shit, looks like we've all been lied to and it's just as Alex Jones said - a made up virus to install martial law
thanks diligent anon, go maga
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85410d No.80809
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000000 No.80810
It makes sense if you look at one simple aspect:
Everybody is fed up with everybody's behavior and beliefs, so everybody wants everybody else to die.
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f19a0f No.80811
It must be tough being such a big faggot.
Anons, the relief bill makes sense in some ways, people can't work, and therefore they can't pay their rent or their utilities. And we all know that the (((landlords))) won't give anyone a break. The faggots in the legislative branch have to keep the circus act going though, and the trumpbux are not real. I have many family members working in hospitals right now. May Corona chan spare them and you. Happy prepping anons.
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aa4b5f No.80812
>Have a nice walk and may Corona-Chan spare you.
Thanks for the advice, but I think I’ll take my chances. I’ll take some basic precautions, but I’m certainly not staying inside for the next few months because of a virus. Even if it is extreme the chances of me actually dying are still virtually zero.
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97322a No.80813
i love that what normies call quarantine, i call a life style
>I’m young, healthy, and have a good immune system
none of this thing is gonna stop corona chan from fucking you up, just because boomers die more often doesn't mean that fit chads won't get blessed
>Even if I did catch it I’d probably be asymptomatic
but you can still spread corona chan blessing, even if it doesn't affect you, your body will still become a bio hazard
>at worst I’d have a bad cold.
mild cases means, intubated in a bed with periodic lung drainage and permanent damage to your body, that's more than what i'd call a bad cold
>The government should be focusing on quarantining the elderly, not healthy young people
boomers don't usually leave their house, zoomers and millenials on the other hand have no respect for quarantine because they think like you: "hurrdurr muh boomer remover is just da flu bro, let's party"
>government response may have been effective
lurk 2 more years before posting again
>muh 2.6% death rate
if you believe (((official))) numbers is further proof that you need to lurk moar, and the problem is not the death rate, the problem is the infection rate, you think the chink economy would have been paralyzed so hard if the virus allowed the infected to work?, na, it ain't the death rate that stopped all those factories, it's the fact that all those who get blessed are far to weak to do anything other than lie down and coof to death
>your life is gonna be ruined because most people are retarded pussies
you seem to be a fine example of what most people are
>I’m going out for a nice walk and I’d like to see our criminally underfunded and overstretched police fore stop me
bong zogbot had personnel to arrest people for reeeesist tweets, and as you said, the boomers are the most affected by this plague, do you know who pays police salaries? that's right, fucking boomers, you can bet your ass those rich boomer are terrified enough get their zogbot to stop farting around and throw any potential spreader just taking a walk into the slammer
I'm an Argie, we have a corrupt government, an incompetent police force, and an overpopulation of room temperature IQ niggers, but as soon as quarantine was declared, there were already news of people being arrested for breaking it, of course, they will be let go as soon as they pay the fine. Do you really thing the police would pass on an opportunity to fine your ass?
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000000 No.80817
Article written by a jew. Believe at your own risk.
>It was bio-engineered, who really knows where the first release or mutations took off. Could be different mutations in various countries.
True, that. We don't really know what it exactly is. We may never. Like 9/11, the official story will be a lie. And future anons who dig for the truth will be labeled kooks and conspiracy theorists.
The lugenpresse did not magically start telling us the truth a few weeks ago.
Survivors will be those who can go the longest without human contact.
My neighborhood still has dozens of imbeciles out wandering around. Staggeringly stupid people.
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345e19 No.80818
>a virus that only kills 2.6% of its victims
that's huge, it's amazing how people are saying that a virus that kills 1-6% - 1 in 100 to 1 in 17 - is a nothingburger. this will kill millions every year and the best bet you've got now is a malaria drug
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97322a No.80821
hello >(1) kun, don't you have more asuka picks to post, that one is getting old
>still think the gubbament is hiding the real number
google even 201 faggot posting fake numbers and avoiding panic is exactly what WHO, CDC and any other government institution was instructed to do, their main goal is avoid a mass panic, they will never come out and talk about reinfection or permanent lung damage, both things many certificated doctors have already talked about in many researches and documents, yet you don't see any of those on the news
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345e19 No.80822
>it's only 1.4%
>only 1.4%
>of 80% of the population
>every year
the dumb glares out from you
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29c9c5 No.80826
>And we all know that the (((landlords))) won't give anyone a break.
the (((landlords)) can't legally evict anyone, there's currently a 60 day freeze on foreclosures and evictions
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aa4b5f No.80827
>mild cases means, intubated in a bed with periodic lung drainage
I’d honestly rather take the small chance of catching the virus and that happening to me than staying in the house for months. There are several secluded places around where I live, and besides, considering that I post here it’s not as if I have any IRL friends or people I’m going to hang out with outside that could spread it to me.
Basically as long as your young and healthy don’t be retarded. Go out as much as you want, but don’t go to crowded places unless you have to, try not to touch anything or your face, wash hands, etc.
>lurk 2 more years before posting again
<may have been effective
<may have been
All I’m saying is that they could have had an effective response, but naturally they fucked it up.
>if you believe (((official))) numbers is further proof that you need to lurk moar,
I’m not retarded enough to believe the actual counts, if anything simply because there’s no way possible know how many people have it but are only experiencing mild cases. But I do think that the death rate is low, 5% maximum.
They’re largely only testing people in serious conditions, and even for them it doesn’t seem to be too bad. The symptoms may be extreme, but the survival rate is high.
>Do you really thing the police would pass on an opportunity to fine your ass?
Again secluded areas, and I’d rather try my chances.
I don’t want to catch Coronachan, and I certainly don’t want to be fined, but if it comes either staying locked up for 6 months or however long it takes for this to blow over and having a nice walk every now and again, I’m taking a walk.
I didn’t say that, but I do think that are overreacting. This is extremely serious, but it’s not the end of the world.
Unless the actual death rate is 10% or something else wild I don’t think a full lockdown is necessary.
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000000 No.80829
>EO prohibiting the hoarding and price gouging of medical goods
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000000 No.80830
>lurk 2 more years before posting again
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345e19 No.80833
>>80827>Unless the actual death rate is 10% or something else wild I don’t think a full lockdown is necessary.
you're not grasping the severity of what you're saying
a 10% fatality rate for a virus that has nobody gets immunity to and spreads to the whole population would lead to the civilization ending in about 3 years
1% is severe enough and will shrink the world population dramatically very quickly
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f9677b No.80834
oy vey, i earned these 6 million masks, goy!
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d52b97 No.80836
Everyone who takes that malaria drug can consider themselves to be part of the third world. Globalism, it was never about making them like us, it was always about making us like them.
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f19a0f No.80839
According to worldometer, the rate is reaching 15% fatality for closed cases. I refresh the page every 30 or so minutes, and the death numbers increase by the double digits each time. This is fucking serious.
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97322a No.80844
>I’d honestly rather take the small chance
i wouldn't play Russian roulette even with a 100 bullet revolver but you do you
>don't want to stay at home for months
you are a virgin weeb and i'm a chad neet
>zogbots won't fine because i live in a secluded area
the only reason zogbot put so much effort in drug wars and traffic tickets is because that's where they get most of their money from, they aren't gonna miss a chance to fine you no matter where you are
If a zogbot stops you, tell them you work as a nurse, a stretcher bearer or something along those lines and that you are going to work, even if there's no fucking way you look like a doctor, tell them you need to assists overweight boomer in a wheelchair and maybe they'll leave you alone
>10% death rate
there were rumors that corona chan would mutate and increase the death rate if it managed to infect Brazilian bats
>This was on the news, wigger. They said the antibodies don't last forever
hold up, let me get this straight, you are saying you are aware that re-infection is possible, that this shit isn't seasonal so it will not go away with the cold weather and that the death rate is at least 1% and you still call it a nothing burger?
A 1% death rate from a plague that is not going away and that you can't get immunized against sound like a big fucking deal to me
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6540ec No.80852
And a 100% chance that you will eventually get it. And you reroll that d50 every few months.
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f9677b No.80854
Don't touch the poop
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97322a No.80855
welp, corona chan is already in hueland, so we will find out soon enough
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000000 No.80856
I don't really care about targetting PPE resellers, but I'm wondering if they will target people who are getting meds through grey/black market channels.
>all pharmacies out of stock on XYZ heart medication
<order bulk from darknet sources
>flagged at customs, AG (((Barr's))) taskforce steals your shit and charges you
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f9677b No.80858
In theory they should be going after where it came from, but then again a lot of bad ideas are in done in theory.
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000000 No.80860
I don't recall them charging chinese companies selling FA Glock backplates…they were flagging orders and arresting the people who placed/received them.
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29c9c5 No.80861
Eviction courts are small courts tier (think small claims) not a big trial court, it can't hurt to sue since court fee are so small.
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68276c No.80862
it's a nothingburger goyim
<1st time
>2.4% (((official hapakike kosher number)))
>2 to 15% actual depending on stats
<2nd time
<3rd time
>No statistics available
<No inoculation publicly available
>2-3 weeks asymptomatic
>R0 4-1000+
>approaching cases +100k
<per day
>comparing this to anything before it
>thinking this shilling works
>you're all going to die down here.mp4
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911a30 No.80866
Bellevue anon reporting in. Gov. Inslee is giving a statewide broadcast in about an hour, but isn't expected to announce Shelter in Place. Most places are still a ghost town and local service businesses continue to be fucked to death.
I'll link whatever he announces here if I'm around and if another anon hasn't done it already.
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dbff34 No.80868
Rumors of Pajeets getting stamped were actually true
>>80866 (checked)
Hey Bellevue anon, good to see you dude.
>I'll link whatever he announces here if I'm around and if another anon hasn't done it already.
You will be free to do it, I'm mostly praying and resting right now, gonna go back to the regular pace later.
Nice, fuck nothingburgerfags and hoaxniggers, they're all cursed.
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97322a No.80872
i'm bored, so i'll bite
oh no, muh poor computers!
mutts were the only one getting this in their mail
>West Nile Virus
never heard of it
never heard of it
>Bird flu
affects birds
i don't eat at Mc Donalds
>muh bad economy
pfffff buahahahhahahahaha
you mutts simply adopted the bad economy, but i was born in it, molded by it
>Swine flu
affects pigs
>BP oil
mutt problem just like most of the shit on this list
superstitious bullshit
>North Korea
mutt, nip, chink and worst Korea problem
affects fetus
>Fake News
they did push the "it's just da flu" meme
trucks of peace, taharrush, kebab mass shootings, pedo grooming gangs, machete wielding thugs and suicide bombers are a Yuro problem
never heard of it
>Corona chan
mass panic, the entire world in quarantine, the economy in ruins, supply lines cut off, no cure, permanent damage, re-infection with a chance of death and mild cases require you to stay in a hospital bet for a month
but sure, go ahead and call it a nothing burger
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68276c No.80873
Kek, well done.
They'll have to have a crisis meeting
Unbanned. My apologies, itchy trigger finger.
>pic related
Please repost full res
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7d4e04 No.80876
I have six (6) N95 masks gently borrowed from work before it closed for a while. I'm only planning to use them for things like an emergency trip into public. Can they be reused if I leave them out for 10+ days? I think spraying them with anything would just neutralize their filtering, but I wonder if simple time/inhaling does that too.
Also, I don't mean to add to it, but /cvg/ has been real bad lately. I know mods are trying to stay on top of it but there's so many sliders in here.
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65a2a8 No.80878
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02555a No.80880
Imagine posting a picture instead/without (of) including your own argument.
>hold up, let me get this straight, you are saying you are aware that re-infection is possible, that this shit isn't seasonal so it will not go away with the cold weather and that the death rate is at least 1% and you still call it a nothing burger?
>A 1% death rate from a plague that is not going away and that you can't get immunized against sound like a big fucking deal to me
Check it. Ive seen a lot of back and forth on here and the only thing everyone could possibly agree on is that something is definitely going on. Whether youre on the meme virus side or corona-chan side its definitely looking like SHTF.
>pic related
3 New Hampshire citizens sue the state and the case is dismissed. They were fighting against the local gatherings ban, their reason was mainly "ruined muh plans" and saying Gov had no power to make that call. Heres some text from the article
>A group of libertarians in Keene, not closely affiliated with the party, planned to defy the ban on large gatherings at their weekly meeting Sunday
>governor Nobody said in a phone interview Saturday that a protest was being planned to challenge the ban in Concord, the state capital, on April 1.
Looking forward to this
>“I think there’s a lot of people who don’t approve on principle on what the government is doing but are worried enough by what’s going on [with the virus] not to go out to a meeting," he said.
I hope people are more concerned with either outcome and preparing for both. If its nothing then it wouldve already quited down. This is looking like endgame for one foundation myth and a building block for the next.
>“They’ll definitely stay home and be unhappy about it and burn up social media,” he added.
This is likely, nobody ever does anything up here. But I thought it was interesting how far people are willing to say theyll take it.
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dbff34 No.80881
>Also, I don't mean to add to it, but /cvg/ has been real bad lately. I know mods are trying to stay on top of it but there's so many sliders in here.
I know how you feel.
Hey another anon who's following descifrandoguerras too, neat. Lemme translate:
>Attention residents of Rio das Pedras, Muzema and Tijuquinha! Curfew tonight at 20:00. Anyone who's seen in the streets after this time will learn to respect others they're probably going to get beaten or shot in the foot. We want the best for the population, kek If the government doesn't have the capacity of finding a way, organized crime solves it.
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68276c No.80882
>mods are bad
>pic related
Have you tried refreshing the thread, or taking your question to survival bread?
Anons are barely feeding the bait and if you refresh the bread periodically, slides and bait are gone.
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000000 No.80884
I have ordered plenty of meds from india, just because it's much, much cheaper. Obvious shit like inhalers that if they scanned it, they would see. Box marked "medication" from shipper. No problems. In theory they can make you prove you have a prescription for it, but hasn't happened to me.
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7d4e04 No.80885
I don't get your greentext because that's not what I said at all. Just comparing the atmosphere as of late (past >5 days) to threads 25-35 is a big difference.
I will refresh to clean it up a bit though.
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29c9c5 No.80887
Mortgage Bond Sales Flood Market, Sparking Pleas for U.S. Help
A crisis in credit markets deepened over the weekend and into Monday as a cluster of funds that own mortgage bonds sought to sell billions in assets to meet investor redemptions, sparking pleas for government intervention.
The sales included at least $1.25 billion of securities being listed by the AlphaCentric Income Opportunities Fund, according to people with knowledge of the sales. It sought buyers for a swath of bonds backed primarily by private-label mortgages as it sought to raise cash, said the people, who asked not to be identified discussing the private offerings. The fund plunged 17% on Friday, bringing its total decline for the week to 31%.
Amid the selling, the Structured Finance Association, an industry group for the asset-backed securities market, asked government leaders on Sunday to step in. The Federal Reserve announced Monday that its new wave of initiatives to support the shuttered U.S. economy would include the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, which is designed to support the issuance of bonds backed by collateral like auto loans, credit card debt and student loans. It will also buy agency commercial mortgage-backed securities, according to a statement.
“The coronavirus has resulted in severe market dislocations and liquidity issues for most segments of the bond market,” AlphaCentric’s Jerry Szilagyi said in an emailed statement on Sunday. “The Fund is not immune to these dislocations” and “like many other funds, is moving expeditiously to address the unprecedented market conditions.”
The best way to obtain favorable prices is to offer a wider range of securities for bid, Szilagyi said. He declined to discuss the amount of securities the fund put up for sale.
Funds that buy up bonds of all kinds – from debt of America’s largest corporations to securities backed by mortgages – have struggled with record investor withdrawals amid choppy trading conditions in fixed-income markets. The rush to unload mortgage-backed securities signals that a credit meltdown that began with corporate bonds is spreading to other corners of the market.
Real estate billionaire Tom Barrack said on Sunday that the U.S. commercial-mortgage market is on the brink of collapse and predicted a “domino effect” of catastrophic economic consequences if banks and the government don’t take prompt action. The chief executive officer of Colony Capital Inc. warned in a white paper of a chain reaction of margin calls, mass foreclosures, evictions and, potentially, bank failures due to the pandemic.
The AlphaCentric fund invests primarily in private-label mortgage-backed securities. Its top holdings at the end of 2019 included so-called legacy RMBS like subprime mortgage bonds issued before the 2008 financial crisis, as well as more recently-issued securities backed by home loans that had been modified.
Mortgage real estate investment trust AG Mortgage Investment Trust Inc. said in a statement Monday that it failed to meet some margin calls on Friday and doesn’t expect to be able to meet future margin calls with its current financing. The company said it was in discussions with its counterparties about forbearance agreements and will fulfill its missed margin calls on Monday.
The Structured Finance Association Sunday in a letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said that “the future path of the pandemic has significantly disrupted the normal functioning of credit markets.”
“We can most likely expect a continuation of price volatility across the bond market spectrum until the panic selling and market uncertainty subsides or government agencies intervene to support the broader fixed-income market,” Szilagyi said in the AlphaCentric statement.
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85410d No.80888
Enjoy your fake meds and blood poisoning :DD
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dbff34 No.80889
>Just comparing the atmosphere as of late (past >5 days) to threads 25-35 is a big difference.
Indeed there is, a huge difference.
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68276c No.80891
meme virus shills never present any evidence
back then /ourgirl/ wasn't big news
Now people are stuck at home digging into this shit, what sort of jobs are easy to recruit for that desperate, low intelligence work to try stop people learning
You have your answer.
Last time this fag got paid to come here this long, was when /pol/ was digging into pedos and prior was /sudpol/
Anyway, virus variants are something they really hate, any new info on them?
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000000 No.80892
>give your money to jews
Nice trips. If you don't read your labels, you wouldn't know that a lot of your meds come from india, and (((pharmaceutical companies))) mark them all up majorly. For example, my wife needs some asthma inhalers. A few years ago they had to change the propellant because of environmental regulations. They changed the propellant and got a new exclusive permit to sell them and increased the price to almost $200 each. I get them from india for a few dollars instead, same CFC-free stuff.
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85410d No.80895
At least I have who to sue in case something isn't right and they undergo testing, are produced under certain standards etc. and not concocted in some poojeet's makeshift crack lab.
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1f10e2 No.80896
Is there anyway this thread that has it or has actually had it and can prove it? Also, is there any information on reinfections?
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000000 No.80897
I'm fortunate enough not to need any medications, but if I were, I would be reluctant to order them directly from a shithole like India. You're right that pharmaceutical kikes mark up the prices; but as part of that markup, you get a certain level of assurance that the product has been tested and meets specifications; i.e. you're getting what you're supposed to be getting, because by rebranding the product those companies are putting their arse on the line. Buying directly from India might save you a lot of money, but you also have no assurance that the product meets a first-world standard. In other words, there is still a "cost" involved; albeit not a financial one.
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7eaa92 No.80898
I've been cleaning it up
I view in tree mode then work from the bottom up
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000000 No.80899
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000000 No.80902
You aren't getting poojeet's bathtub meds. You are getting international branded products. It's just that the (((pharmaceutical companies))) know they can charge $200 in the US, and $5 in india. They could be fakes I suppose, but I have never seen anything to indicate that. I'll gladly pocket the $195 and have some indian writing on the package. Do you think GSK has a separate factory to sell shit to australia vs india?
Yeah, it's nice to have a throat to choke, but have you ever participated in a class-action lawsuit? It's a fucking joke, if you win anything, the (((lawyers))) get paid in cash, and the class members get half off coupons to McDs.
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9a3aff No.80904
Good work. Very tired of filtering C
CP shill
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bee8b3 No.80905
People have tested negative up to 7 or 8 times before there is a positive anon. Don’t be retarded. You obviously do not understand the nature of the virus.
When you leave your house every morning in the old world there was a chance that you would die. Sure there is a higher chance now…but I don’t think that would keep me inside, even now. But I have a lot of empty space around me, now without any other people coofing all over everything.
I lived through all of those and this is the only one…literally the only one I have ever said was an ELE (best case scenario is humanity gets put back 30,000 years in number of population). When I look at a picture of 10,000 people I think, “hmmm, which one is Waldo (the only survivor)?’
Give them a deep steam bath, flipping them when you get home. Then seal them in plastic and throw them in the freezer. Don’t use them until you are desperate because this might not do it. CC is vulnerable at 180 degrees. But the thaw and freeze cycle might work to sterilize the masks. I used to sterilize my kitchen sponges by throwing them wet into the microwave for 1.5 minutes on high. But I don’t want you to ruin your mask if there is plastic in it. Better to steam them at 180 degrees plus and then immediately throw them in a freezer. You might try this cycle more than once but those masks aren’t exactly bullet proof so take ‘er easy on them.
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000000 No.80906
>They could be fakes I suppose, but I have never seen anything to indicate that.
This would be my concern. Or that you're getting batches that didn't make the grade for export to the US, but were fit by domestic standards, etc.
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6040bf No.80908
>Dr Pavel, I'm CIA
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bee8b3 No.80914
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68276c No.80916
>spoonfeed me on reinfection
>being a lazy nigger
Filtering might waste your time if we do it for you - refreshing bread is easier, usually B+D in a minute or so.. aka most anons lurking thread for ages won't see it before update timer = they are wasting their time.
>only major virus in a long time
Thanks man, these later breads need as much love as possible. Asucuck is on burger shift.
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6040bf No.80918
Incredible, do they have a pathological need to lie to save face or what?
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00bc0f No.80920
3 week lockdown, no groups of more than 2 people outside, all non-essential business closed. I quit work and took someone else with me today retarded manager is going to try to stay open.
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00bc0f No.80921
They all *should* have been closed for being shit and serving retards.
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50807e No.80922
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7d4e04 No.80923
Reminds me.
I'm tempted to make a call to someone, somewhere, and get my local Dairy Queen reprimanded because both this week and last week they've been preparing all food without gloves, I can see right into their kitchen from the line. Haven't ordered anything as a result, because I don't know if they're just students coming in sick to avoid missing rent, etc.
This is not the time for that, no time is (pretty sure they're trained to work in gloves but just aren't) but especially now with some people eating out before they're not allowed to.
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00bc0f No.80925
Stop imagining 'healthy and young' mean shit. If you catch it you're a hazard to everyone around you, stop being an ignorant nigger. Or fine, go out and be a prick just stay the fuck away from people.
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85410d No.80926
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Maybe if they have 'holographic' stamp or some other verification, although those can be faked too. And as another anon said, standards in India are probably considerably lower than in 1st/2nd world. But you are most likely ending up getting some powder without the medicine components that some pajeet pushed in a mold/capsule/paper bag with his shit smeared hands because machines are expensive :3 The price difference might be worthy for supplements and non-essential medicine (those are mostly placebo anyway), but I wouldn't take any risks for serious stuff that can fuck up your health or not work as it's supposed to. I noticed the efficiency of some locally produced antibiotics drop considerably ever since (((Soros))) supposedly bought a controlling package of shares there.
Cool pic Black hand were masonic kikes tho
>When I look at a picture of 10,000 people I think, “hmmm, which one is Waldo (the only survivor)?
Vid related seems all too adequate for this occasion check the lyrics
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911a30 No.80928
Updates from Seattle:
Gov. Inslee bans gatherings, closes many businesses, and requires individuals to stay inside unless they're going out for food, medicine, or work in essential roles
>comes into effect in 48 hours, lasts for two weeks
>explicitly called out needing to do it because idiots kept out and didn't give a shit
>encourages restaurants to still provide to-go services
>voluntary compliance is expected but he stressed that the order is enforceable by law and can be enforced
Commence chimping by blue-haired SJWs in Seattle in 3… 2… 1…
Let the games begin!
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00bc0f No.80930
To be fair no-one thought Nile, Ebola or Zika were anything other than flash in the pan jobs.
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68276c No.80935
yeah all the shit shills have as talking points is nothingburger
/ourgirl/ with such rapid spread and chaos, is a true happening. Shilling against it speaks volumes, kek.
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919410 No.80936
I think this is the one fellas. With this most recent conference and the past ones taken into account its painfully obvious these governments have no idea what to do or they are allowing it to spread purposely. The US is making all the same mistakes as China but without the authoritarian power to fix them.
Man I at least wanted to own a home before SHTF.
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6b861e No.80937
I'm just fucking glad I live in the middle of nowhere and hardly see anyone for months. People thought I was mad buying a home in the sticks. I have put a sign up at the start of my land telling people to fuck off or they will be shot. Feels good man.
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76262c No.80939
I had hope for Ebola-chan at one point.
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9a3aff No.80941
Good for you Fuck You
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