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File: f385da331cfc422⋯.jpg (172.59 KB, 1024x729, 1024:729, dead_goy.jpg)

File: 38139cdba30c166⋯.png (2.69 MB, 1248x3224, 12:31, australian_israeli_stamp_p

549ea2  No.76246[Last 50 Posts]

The most vocal people on this board, specifically agents and bots all try to push the fake Christchurch shooting. In any sane attempt to call out this shooting for the Israeli psyop that it was, chatbots usually reply with "ok Ahmed" and their gay cartoons of Tarrant, but for the shills? There's no limits to the mental gymnastics that they'll use, from "the fact that the shooting looks real means it was" to "when Tarrant said he was okay with Israeli jews, he actually meant the opposite". However, catch the shills with this question:

>Tarrant visited Israel

and they'll smugilly reply

<he traveled the world, just because he went to Israel doesn't mean he's an Israeli agent

Now, all you shills and yids, explain the inherent in explainable hole in the fact that he went to Israel. Tarrant's supposed to be a regular working-class Aussie. What other countries did he go to?

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9f3c6b  No.76284


Stay woke nigger. Do not engage in anything illegal especially with strangers on the internet. The Mossad shills will literally tell you to copy cat this kosher faggot. Anyone who replies to my post is a shill. Fags.

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32d72d  No.76477


you're right in that Tarrant is a good goy retarded faggot at best, CIA asset at worst.

His manifesto should have focused on the people behind mass migration and which provoke each side of the current religious war.

Killing random muslims instead is one of the stupidest thing one can come out with.

As stupid as shooting random rabbis in a synagogue (let me explain: doing it will most likely further their grip on society. At best, target the giga kikes which manipulate lesser kikes like fodder cannon. all of this in minecraft of course)

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c3d5a2  No.76499

>still posting muh psyop

You won't have anyone celebrating an anniversary in your honor with that attitude anon.

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e3f9f2  No.76506


>all of this in minecraft of course

lol these are the types that make and participate in these thread.

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c74941  No.76545

the first image is stupid.. but I agree that its incredible how this shooting which can very well be a false flag or hoax is accepted and promoted without shame. There's been so many psy op shootings that you have to assume the ones they promote ( especially the right wing white male ones ) are fishy.

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c74941  No.76546


See >>1

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c74941  No.76549

Dylan "Storm" Roof is like the same sort of character that Adam Lanza ( Sandy Hook ) was. By that I mean he just seems completely fake. This was the Charleston Black Church shooting where Dylan Roof supposedly walked into a black church and started killing in cold blood. A lot of similarities to the Christchurch New Zealand Mosque shooting ( Tarrant shooting ).

I dont know how to embed bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/hP73LmIE4X2w/

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1be4af  No.76585


>The fact the tarrant thread has been up for months is proof the mod is a fucking liberal shill.

There are more than one of us, faggot.

I think he's kosher as fuck and a complete larper who didn't lurk /pol/ more than a few days and used it as a vessel to get a message out.

But if I delete all the tarrant threads the kike shills and retards that believe that shit will whinge and call me a kike or something. Let them fester and be called out by other anons for being retards until they fuck off for good.

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bebad2  No.76718


>one of the mods of pnd literally responds to a shill thread to explain himself to shills

Damn, I didn't expect this place to be THIS fucked.

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3661ed  No.76730

Tarrant went to North Korea, does he work for them too? He visited Turkey, as confirmed by their government. Is he also a Turkish operative?

Do you think that it is impossible to visit Israel unless you work for the mossad? Is everybody who has ever been in Israel a mossad agent?

Do you think Hitler was actually a mossad agent becuase he signed the Haavara agreement making it easier for Jews to migrate to Israel?

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2b48f9  No.76744


You're ignoring the fact that he visited both Israel and Iran, despite the fact that it's obviously impossible for an Australian to do that under normal circumstances. He needs a lot of "connections" to visit both countries without being immediately banned from one or the other.

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481f84  No.76802

File: afcd19b8b997b12⋯.jpg (39.34 KB, 615x411, 205:137, afcd19b8b997b12493ac000469

I ate some eggs with kosher salt this morning. Am I a mossad agent now?

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40e0e4  No.76809


Whatever you do -

Don't criticize the jew.

Protocol rule #1

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d72b68  No.76820


>didn't expect a site run by a guy who has done everything to stop white nationalists from posting here for four years, going so far as to ban us from having our own board at all, would be THIS fucked

lol, that's on you, dumb dumb

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e553de  No.76851

If you think Brenton Tarrant was a mossad operation then you have forfeited your right to live. In a different day and age you would qualify for Action T4 due to mental retardation.

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e553de  No.76854

Oh and by the way, take this shit back to Neinchan. You intellectually disabled incels would probably slip on a burger walking down up stairs and then claim netanyahu placed it there as part of some grand conspiracy to keep you in your mother's basement forever.

Truly pathetic.

Lord do we need Aktion T4!!!!!

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c74941  No.76929


strange to say that since neinchan worships Tarrant

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e2e8c1  No.76930


Let me guess, you're one of those "let's ally with the muslim and defeat the Jew" types, despite the fact that both muslims and jews work together to defeat the white race and they've been doing it for millenial. Let's ignore the rapes in europe, it's all jews doing the raping, right? Muslims r guud boys they dindu nuffin.

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0a8e59  No.76931


>The most vocal people on this board, specifically agents and bots

I am a simple man from an European shithole, faggot.


>oy vey do not do anything goyim.

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32d72d  No.76936



maybe not a psyop but ((( they ))) allowed it to happen so as to blame muslims and not jewish enablers?

Like i said before, one needs to be full retarded to not acknowledge that jews are behind the mass migration of muslims to white countries. So why focus on the foot soldiers (muslims) and not jews?

(Which again i'm not promoting anything illegal, just discussing.)

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6431bc  No.77056


> fake Christchurch shooting.

This is how Jews do damage control, which can be observed at absolutely all scales of any debate.

They try to take control of all sides and either have them ignore certain topics or have them make stupid claims so as to have the side in question be totally discredited.

This happened during 9/11 in 2001 too.

In this case, pretending debunking Tarrant by associating the doubters to a totally asinine claim, namely that the event was FAKE.

Jews used all possible tools in their box to provide critical mass to this made up side, including the usual it's all CGI, where's the blood, bullet casings disappear, etc.

One year later, they are still trying to recycle this abortion of a hijacking.

By far, Tarrant visiting Israel is certainly not the most troubling aspect of his history. It is quite a tame piece of indirect evidence.

I'm sageing this. Tarrant came and went and has hardly been an example because madly striking against Muslims like an enraged Zionist dog is not helping.

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41158d  No.77071



Read the scripture you dumb niggers, he explains why he didn't attack another target right there in black and white, clear as crystal. Jews aren't a physically invasive force, so they could be dealt with later. If you don't remove and discourage colonization from the immediate invaders, especially in a place they do not yet have a strong foothold in, they will be much harder to remove later.

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41158d  No.77073

File: bc2197b72f9b8cd⋯.png (92.06 KB, 1064x501, 1064:501, k.png)

forgot the image, doesnt matter cause still saged

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74880f  No.77479


>Action T4, for doubter of (((Tarrant)))

<Actually put in place by people who exposed and fought the Jews.

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dfe22d  No.77493


Doesn't matter.

When you're going to butcher people in order to advertise for a manifesto that supposedly redpills people, you're actually expected to… redpill people, not just point a finger at the problematic and annoying consequence and TOTALLY IGNORE THE MALEVOLENT CAUSE.

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e5da58  No.77634


>x groups

Useless. Especially if trying to warn White people of the impending danger. Today is not a day to waste time with silly childish games.

>Target for Westerners: Mudslimes Mudslimes Mudslimes!

Muslims only became a problem to White Americans the day (((9/11))) happened. The demographic issues are related to niggers and latinos mainly, and even gooks to some other extent.

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c242be  No.77923


Blackjack thinks that Netanyahu is tarrant's boss and claims that him and the Neinchan trolls almost caught the real mossad agent.

All of Neinchan agrees and kicks people out for saying the opposite. That is why that dumpster fire died a year ago.

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c242be  No.77927


Aktion T4 4 U it is!!!

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722c32  No.77966

File: 1c78cd1aaea7153⋯.jpg (952.8 KB, 3688x2728, 461:341, 1566955885401.jpg)


Let us suppose for the sake of argument that Tarrant was a literal Mossad agent. What Jewish interests did his aesthetic kebab removal serve?

One possible argument is that he gave cover for the antipodean occupation regimes to shut down their growing identitarian movements. There used to be a lot of white nationalist content coming out of Australia which has since all become illegal. I still miss The Convict Report and The Absolute State of Victoria podcasts. I have heard theories that ZOG wants to use Australia and especially New Zealand as strongholds for the global elite in case of catastrophe and that the Tarrant operation helped to clear the way for this. Are there any other possible motives for the kikes to carry out this operation?

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1e3416  No.77987


Use New Zealand, part of the Five Eyes, as an experimental, small scale area (lab) for thought and gun control, see how far they could go with it, before upscaling the model to the rest of the Western world.

Also create a false worldview that is extremely Zionist where our eternal enemies, and now their allies, are never mentioned.

This is just an extension of the fallacious War on Terror from 2001, which needed to mutate so as to target rising domestic White resistance. It's the extremist side of the Zionist process of controlling the right-wing narrative, to make sure it conforms to the Christians vs Muslims plot.

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9eabbe  No.78017


This is the most psychotic schizophrenic explanation I've heard in a while. If you actually believe in it you should commit yourself to a mental institution.

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f3c0df  No.78041


>kike sperging

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722c32  No.78057

File: 28da5ed599a109a⋯.jpg (4.27 MB, 4096x2671, 4096:2671, Frederick_William_Woodhous


Thanks, that actually makes sense. The rapid and effective suppression of dissidents down there was quite disheartening, almost as though it was planned in advance, Australians and New Zealanders were some of the most charismatic branches of the global white nationalist movement and their silencing has been a great loss to all of us. As a committed follower of international dissident politics it truly appears as though an iron curtain has descended over the region.

Is there are good source keeping track of their social engineering campaign in New Zealand? I haven't heard any news from our guys down there in a while.


lol, kikes are not sending their best.

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8ff482  No.78076



Kill yourselves, kikes.

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000000  No.78153


It doesn't work. Tarrant actually does mention Jews, he says "A Jew living in Israel is no enemy of mine so long as they do not seek to subvert or harm my people," which is a pretty common position and also means he thought (correctly) that Jews aren't white Europeans and have no place in our countries. He also says that NGOs and businessmen who want cheap labor are the driving forces behind this and encourages people to attack them.

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8ebd29  No.78236

File: 0513489ad6fc5f7⋯.webm (1.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, agent_falseflag.webm)

>two of the crusius shooters were groomed to be shooters by a cult father in the deepstate

>certain adrenos and other chemicals can be used to control shooters

>what is god-slave mind-control operations

>didn't dent 8chan so they had to set up something even more "dramatic"

>flight logs: went to israel

>cointelpro agents: "but muh guy was visiting whitepower heritage sites"

>fake blood bags everywhere

>blanks shot at point blank = weak ass shots

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49d171  No.78336


>It doesn't work.

Perhaps because you are too stupid to understand?

>Tarrant actually does mention Jews

Mention =/= expose. Learn the difference idiot.

>He also says that NGOs and businessmen who want cheap labor are the driving forces behind this and encourages people to attack them.

Haha "driving force".


They apply a plan and they have to get their money from somewhere. Pro-immigration NGOs are often times backed by Soros and Israel.

>Capitalists want cheap labor

Return to 4chan with these diluted redpills. That shit argument has been peddled for decades already, even by leftists. It never threatened the Jews.

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49d171  No.78337


>>fake blood bags everywhere

>>blanks shot at point blank = weak ass shots

Poisoning the well are we, shlomo?

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000000  No.78343


> Allows rape

> Forbids fornication

Pick one.

Rape is haram, don't believe me? Read our books. Not every brown person is a muslim. Not every person that calls himself muslim is a muslim. A guy that comes to Europe, drinks, smokes, fucks around and then commit rape most likely doesn't care about Islam or religion. He'll probably tell you that Islam is outdated if he'd get comfy enough, or he'll say any other statement of disbelief. Islam is not a race nor a culture, it's submission to the will of God.

Not saying muslims can't be degenerates and still be considered muslims. But where there is smoke there is likely a fire.

Don't slander people you don't know.

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fc12f9  No.78348


But marrying a girl at the age of 6 and fucking her at the age of 9 is haram, brother?

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b385d5  No.78392


>caring about invaders

>invaders who are imported by jews

gtfo this board, barbara spectre.

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9fe94e  No.78445


Yeah, OP wants ZOG to kill us all, while we can pretend that we have a moral ground and be angry at jews in the afterworld…

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000000  No.78656


>Perhaps because you are too stupid to understand?

>Mention =/= expose. Learn the difference idiot.

Nice argument faggot. Real fucking rich that you call me an idiot when you're too stupid to take anything away from a piece of text that isn't explicitly spelled out for you.

>Haha "driving force".

Yes, that's who's doing all the doing.

>They apply a plan and they have to get their money from somewhere. Pro-immigration NGOs are often times backed by Soros and Israel.

Obviously, but what are you going to physically do to Soros or Israel? Shabbos goyim are an objectively worse target, but they're at least actually within reach of a shitty lone-wolf shooting. Not that I would ever advocate such a thing, but someone inclined to take violent action instead of peaceful advocacy (or impotent shitposting) like you needs to be realistic about their capabilities just as much as we do.

>Return to 4chan with these diluted redpills. That shit argument has been peddled for decades already, even by leftists. It never threatened the Jews.

Do you even understand how powerful people turn shekels into action? Without something to offer to lower level elites and to string along the footsoldiers they would be nothing. Don't be mad about someone calling out traitors for what they are as though you're only allowed to talk about the enemy. You not only do that, but you have to MAKE UP some narrative about how he 'never mentions them.'

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000000  No.78694


>Not that I would ever advocate such a thing, but someone inclined to take violent action instead of peaceful advocacy (or impotent shitposting) like you needs to be realistic about their capabilities just as much as we do.

Fuck, that should have been "like you and I." I do not advocate for violence, and am not threatening or soliciting it.

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ffcadc  No.78703

File: e6f23455dd09332⋯.png (77.38 KB, 160x478, 80:239, _.png)

>tarrant was fake because he wasnt a retard like me who thinks the j000s are genetically formed to telecommunicate with each other around the world and automatically form conspiracies subconsciously

white people.

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000000  No.78791


go fuck a goat, invader

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648a17  No.78807


>Nice argument faggot. Real fucking rich that you call me an idiot when you're too stupid to take anything away from a piece of text that isn't explicitly spelled out for you.

Same old argument. It does not work that way. I'm not going to imagine what was inside his head nor what he meant by x groups, nor rely on pathetic and ass backwards rationalizations as to why he jumped through loops to avoid being stamped with a given label.

The whole argument presented by Tarrant blowjobbers falls on its face. A manifesto has a purpose, especially in dire times as those we live in, and it is to inform people, to deliver solid facts in the most efficient way, comprehensible by all, and to identify the enemies, all of them. That's what serious and honest people do.

Kikes made it a circus for you, to play ball.

>Obviously, but what are you going to physically do to Soros or Israel?

Not obviously. That's information you can only know if you dig for it and expose the roots of it.

You have some seriously leaking logic here. We shouldn't expose Soros, Israel, Jews, Zionists, etc. because we can't do anything against any of them? But Merkel and Erdogan are easier targets perhaps?


>Shabbos goyim are an objectively worse target, but they're at least actually within reach of a shitty lone-wolf shooting.

Which he didn't go for. Try again.

>someone inclined to take violent action … needs to be realistic about their capabilities just as much as we do.

Yeah so let's go for random sandniggers who actually have zero power instead.

>Do you even understand how powerful people turn shekels into action?

No I was born yesterday and my best friends are Jews. Why?

>Don't be mad about someone calling out traitors for what they are as though you're only allowed to talk about the enemy.

The enemy is the Jew and it is far more than just political. How hard is it for you to understand?

>you have to MAKE UP some narrative about how he 'never mentions them.'

The way Tarrant mentions Jews/Semites in a passing way does not expose them the slightest. And you idiots swallow it up thinking it was very important not to divulge the purest truth because omg nazi anathema or any other shit, oh sure.

Any woke /pol/tard knows how the MSM would paint a racially aware fascist White man the moment he'd go shoot civilians, and the quickest anathema the MSM use, like any other normie, is nazi, swastika or not.

What a failure. All of which is all the more stupid because he actually uses a form of the Schwarze Sonne, runes and some other elements literally taken from antisemitic pro-NatSoc White Nationalism.

So you have a case of a guy who injects in his manifesto all the elements to prove he's a nazi or clearly NatSoc-friendly, yet says he's neither antisemite nor nazi as they don't exist (lol) and does not expose the real system that generates and enforces the White genocide through immigration because it requires exposing the Jews, all of this because the last thing he wants is being seen as a nazi.

Fucking brilliant logic Sherlock.

What is that? 6000000D strategical planning?

Did "woke" Tarrant's manifesto ever mention the Kalergi plan?

No, despite the fact this would have not even required talking about Zionists, even less Jews.

How do you deal with the fact that this, again, happened during a high level anti-terrorist drill, like absolutely every single false flag since 9/11? What is your great excuse? Pure fluke lel?

How do you explain that he had to shove it in your face that he had only two weeks left to rewrite "his" manifesto before the attack, as if he couldn't do it any other Friday? Don't you see that's a hint at who actually arranged this event to happen? Jews like to rub it in your face, as always.

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000000  No.78873


>A manifesto has a purpose, especially in dire times as those we live in, and it is to inform people, to deliver solid facts in the most efficient way, comprehensible by all, and to identify the enemies, all of them. That's what serious and honest people do.

This is the root of the disagreement. He never spells it out, but what I read from his manifesto wasn't that it was meant to inform. If he just wanted to inform he would've just proofed and disseminated the book he apparently wrote. It was a call to arms. He included some information, like his links to wiki articles about rape gangs, but the point wasn't to inform the viewer of those things, it was mentioned in the context of calling attention to the injury being inflicted on us. At the end, he suggests targets and gives some limited advice on carrying out similar attacks. You can call that a mistake, or say he should have mentioned some other thing instead, but it's not some kind of conspiracy. Maybe he thought rape gangs were undeniable while JQ/Kalergi Plan wasn't on most people's radar and it wouldn't have as much emotional impact, or maybe that was just on his mind at the time. He also literally titled the manifesto The Great Replacement lmao

>Not obviously.

You're right. It's obvious when you know where to look, but not everyone does. I never said we shouldn't tell anyone though, I'm just saying that the fact that he didn't write a lengthy screed about it doesn't mean [i]he[/i] didn't know, or that he was some kind of agent - as though the only people who would do anything violent under these conditions are provocateurs.

>but why sandnigs and not Jews?

He does spell this one out. He might have been right or wrong about his reasoning, I haven't looked into it, but there is no reason to think that it wouldn't have stopped some people from coming, if only temporarily. He's also only one man and his ability to act in a way that influences millions of people is limited.


The drill is a suspicious coincidence if true, at least if it's not just something that happens once a month or some shit like that, but I can't find a credible source. I'd guess he was just worried he'd lose his nerve, or that he'd keep putting it off forever if he didn't just get it done with. And honestly, even if it was some other Friday I don't doubt people would have found some other coincidence to latch onto. Maybe some prominent activist flying into or out of the country, or some law being proposed.

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000000  No.78941

so if tarrant was a psyop name one actual right-wing terror attack that was 100% legitimate and not a false flag or being used/controlled by another group for their advantage or personal interests

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000000  No.78943


Those who endorse Islamic law advocate violence, they promise it.

A slaver contagion. A disease which has proved fatal more than once. There is a 100% possibility that anyone who discounts it as a distinct organism is at best a useful idiot - enough on average to earn the rope.

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e0c6c6  No.78986

File: 07a2c982a9ca635⋯.webm (4.84 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Five_Eyes_Opened_94.webm)

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257661  No.79005


Impossible. All political ideologies (left & right) are a tool for various groups with ulterior motives.

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3e64f0  No.79007

There was FED like about Tarrent. He was simply an angry white man with a few social problems.

George W Bush and the Patriot are a good thing so is open boarders and global government. Nothing wrong about that either. It keeps the economy up float.

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8aca1d  No.79036


Killing Muslims instead of Jews is like taking painkillers for your illness instead of a fuckin cure.

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45e2c6  No.79051

File: d82e1f0fcd0635f⋯.webm (11.06 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, RIP_McCain.webm)


Wish I knew who made these, they're pretty good.

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000000  No.79105


Ain't fornication if you take 'em by your right hand and rape rape rape. Whether a lie for Islam or an omission, or simply ignorance, some of us have slogged through a fair amount of that material. Some people know more about it than most Mullahs.

Those who accept the co-existence of Islam with complacent familiarity, are holding an asp to their ample tranny chests.

Mohammed himself is a composite charcter, who formulated his precepts as convenience had it at the moment, and so did his followers as they accreted older religious notions, and allah's name was created in polytheist deities. In all the clours of history however, it is clear that he was a slaver, and Muslims have taken his example of rape and pedophilia from the beginning.

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5dd3ee  No.79130



>non arguments and ad hominem attacks


>making forced memes


>jews and muslims working together

Dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life, 70 years of non stop wars and conflicts with neighbouring arab countries. The Israelis surely can buy some assets for themselves in arab countries but to be in a secret cooperation with them, hell no.



Obviously trying to force cult kike semantics into conversastion for gay ops, nice try fag.


>agent fogot he's not on reddit

The New Zealander millenial fag idiot who hated muslim and jews, went to visit their countries to savour their culture then proceeded to shoot some muzzies up. Where is the logic I don't see it.

Paid shills should be doxed and their moms basement should be filled with chlorine gas.

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b385d5  No.79145

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be17e1  No.79343


Tarrant is an accelerationist, and Accelerationnism = Sabbatean Messianism = Satanic rituals involving pedophilia + mass sacrifices aka (((wars)))

He's doing the same job as the White Helmets, ISIS, Wall Street and Israel. And Brievik.


Killing innocent whites isn't accomplishing anything you moron. If anything it makes it easier for normies to have their guns taken away and mass surveillance being operated for """"their safety""""

Glow harder


You're not replying to his point, retard. Be less sloppy next time.

He argued the fact that Tarrant was a fucking plant and was obeying (((instructions))), not that the shooting never happened.

Traitors get the rope.

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be17e1  No.79346


>What Jewish interests did his aesthetic kebab removal serve?

Gun hysteria, portraying muslims as victims (a fucking Kiwi minister wore a scarf over her fucking head ffs), and locking the discussion in the false dichotomy of "kill or not to kill muslims" when the source of evil lies elsewhere and you fucking know it you fucking shill.

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793fdd  No.79356



>le schizo card

Getting desperate I see. Seethe harder.




Israel shall burn.

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861141  No.79494


He was "accelerating" Jewish eschatology. Jews say all Jews will be together in Israel when the end of the world comes. This is why the "Right of Return" (free, instant immigration to Israel for all Jews) exists.

Tarrant said he didn't have a problem with "Jews living in Israel".

It is classic snake-logic. In reality Jews are genetically from Turkey, but he validates their claim to Israel implicitly

Gun-grabbing in Australia / whatever is probably mostly irrelevant

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be8185  No.80197



How is not mentioning jews proof of it being a mossad op? Rabbis are spray painting swastikas all over the place, but its taboo for them to do so in this case?

Jews love to be victims, if this was a false flag he would of had an armband and the manifesto would be covered in 1488s and antisemitism

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be8185  No.80199


>firing blanks semi auto without a blank firing adapter

You overstepped yourself there

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000000  No.80320


Everything is wrong with it, jewish prostitute:

>there's no evidence to support it

>pulling out this amazing op, that would require an entire city of professionals such as law enforcement and medical staff to be compromised, just for the sake of an "experiment" where n=1 and which targets a fundamentally different population would be extremely risky and completely useless from an analytical point of view

>nobody used Christchurch to push for zionism, Israel and its whores immediately disavowed (including you)

Nobody believes your crap in the real world or here. We know you're all a shill gaggle or even a single person that comes here to push this nonsense, hence why nobody engages with your bullshit anymore other than to dismiss and insult you, jewish whore. If this place was properly moderated you would be immediately banned and deleted Now kindly cannibalize your parents and your children and then burn yourself alive.

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000000  No.80372


> Ain't fornication if you take 'em by your right hand and rape rape rape. Whether a lie for Islam or an omission, or simply ignorance, some of us have slogged through a fair amount of that material. Some people know more about it than most Mullahs.


>Mohammed himself is a composite charcter, who formulated his precepts as convenience had it at the moment, and so did his followers as they accreted older religious notions, and allah's name was created in polytheist deities. In all the clours of history however, it is clear that he was a slaver, and Muslims have taken his example of rape and pedophilia from the beginning.

Allah is not a polytheistic deity, to the contrary. Allah refers to the only God, there is no god but Him. Islam is strictly monotheistic and Muhammad went against the tide by advocating for monotheism in a time and place where polytheism was prevalent, and even profitable (for his tribe). They offered him riches to compromise with them, but he refused, and suffered because of it. He kept going against the tide until God almighty by his mercy gave Islam and monotheism victory over the falsehood that the pagan arabs were following.



Marriage to and sex with prepubescent girls is forbidden in Islam. Puberty is one of the conditions to being able to get married. Another condition is that the guardian (usually the father) must agree to the marriage if it's a girl, and if it's her first marriage. The experience of the father, the laws against fornication and other restrictions related to marriage makes it difficult for a girl to be taken advantage of.

In the west however, a girl can sleep with boys at the age of 13 if she so desires. The boy that sleeps with her is allowed to take zero responsibility. But apparently that's okay because there is no power play?

Setting the age of consent to a high number is a vastly inferior system for protecting young girls than the Islamic system. The Islamic system is much better at what it's supposed to do, fits human nature better and protects the family unit by enforcing marriage.

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e110ec  No.80430

File: 58b0738ebfad860⋯.jpg (158.06 KB, 993x765, 331:255, 1432005922174.jpg)


I wouldn't have it any other way, jewish prostitute.

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000000  No.80550


>What a failure.

After all this effort, I expect that you take up the arms and go shoot up some jews and Israelis yourself.

But you won't do anything, you worthless piece of shit obese nigger.

You will just keep floating on the internet until the end of the world shitting on a brave young white man who actually DID something to fight the invaders irl, for a change.

But don't worry, Coronachan will take care of people like (((You))), one way or the other.

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212df2  No.80879


>No, it won't.

Funny how Israel sympathizers show up like rats in Tarrant threads. Really makes you think.

Of course Israel was built on treachery, lies and deceit and so it is guaranteed to fall. Its only a matter of when. And given how the kikes have treated their neighbors, the Muzzies are really gonna do a number on them, if not the US when Mossad's part in 9/11 is finally public knowledge.

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4affe2  No.80990




Tarrant is 100% kosher, all the larp but doesn't even name the jew and asked for govt to ban semis. `

Couldn't be more kosher if he tried.

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2816e1  No.81058

File: 225433a5e4b24b9⋯.webm (2.91 MB, 640x360, 16:9, tarrant_enters.webm)

ITT: Retards who entirely missed the point of Saint Tarrants attack

Tarrant did not attack the mosque because he thought killing all muslims would solve all the west's problems. He attacked the mosque, and specifically live streamed it, to show US, white men of the west, that it is possible to fight back, that it CAN be done. He chose the mosque because, in his own words, it was the most optically foreign building in New Zealand, and because Muslims were the most hated group of invaders in the west, and an attack on them would consequently receive the most support. He chose New Zealand in order to bring attention that there is no Western country which is free from white genocide, there is nowhere you can run and hide because if even tiny little New Zealand isn't free from the invaders, then where can you go?

Tarrant has set the example. There is NOTHING stopping you from following it and attacking a synagogue, as you claim he should have done. Everyone claiming that he is a mossad or cia plant is at best a brainless retard, and at worst a JIDF shill themselves.

Brenton Harrison Tarrant is a hero and a saint.

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2816e1  No.81190


jidf isnt even trying anymore

get fucked you fucking freak

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92efb5  No.81261


this is the state of optics cowards/qoomers

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ffcadc  No.82812


ITT a retarded faggot who didn't know it's possible to kill unarmed people with guns until an (((agent))) killed unarmed people with guns.

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7f664f  No.82830

>Bans all the pro-tarrant posters

>Only the shills remain

The absolute state of 8kunt

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000000  No.82864


>Saint Tarrants

literally vous?

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75f9a7  No.82871


>This is the root of the disagreement. He never spells it out, but what I read from his manifesto wasn't that it was meant to inform. If he just wanted to inform he would've just proofed and disseminated the book he apparently wrote.

He didn't want to inform but he wanted to inform but he didn't inform oh my. What you "read" makes no sense I'm afraid.

That's the new trick: the manifesto wasn't meant to be informative. Except when it was time to talk about Muslims.

I've seen Jews who were more convincing.

I don't even see the point discussing this with you because any argument regarding the manifesto will be brushed under the rug with this new gigacope.

An excuse that is not even flying half a yard because the manifesto wastes no time "explaining" what needs to be done and "why" we're facing a problem. The document is clearly meant to be informative and there's a huge amount of information that could have been provided within a few pages, a very few pages, not counting the links which would direct towards greater sources of information for the reader's perusal.

His claim of taking revenge for many White deaths utterly glasses over the cases that are responsible for the greatest amount of White deaths: alien religion and ensuing brotherly wars, black plague (poisoning the well and one could count the wars that suddenly erupted just before it when Europe was actually enjoying real peace), "revolutions" (England and France and much later the Russian one which was based on the French one), 19th century wars, WWI and II (with the top notch examples of cities full of civilians being targeted for the terror effect and perhaps, who knows, sacrificial influence, as you never know how far it goes with zealot Jews).

All of which always return to the same tribe.

If you want to explain why Whites were in such a mental state after WWII as to let themselves be overrun by invaders, you actually got to explain how our grandparents and great grandparents got there. No people naturally allows itself to be destroyed in such a way unless its elites are corrupt or its lands have been overrun by armed invaders (which we repelled many times but are not mentioned in history classes because it's racist and we would be proud of it and actually understand why we must fight). We are strictly dealing with the first case, the insidious invasion, the corruption from within, which warrants a quick but good explanation, of which he gave absolutely none and managed to totally miss the Jew who is at the root of it all.

> I'm just saying that the fact that he didn't write a lengthy screed about it doesn't mean [i]he[/i] didn't know

Pure conjecture. The likes of you always enjoy filling blanks with a specific story that is simply not there to start with.

>>but why sandnigs and not Jews?

Another strawman argument, I never asked that question, nor is it implicit in my writings.

>He's also only one man and his ability to act in a way that influences millions of people is limited.

All the more reasons to max out his operation then. I mean, do you realize how stupid it sounds? Officially, assuming for a moment that he was absolutely free: He was literally going to screw his life over and rot in jail for decades, yet he decided to pull punches? The dude is a complete ass, sorry.

This makes no logic at all and that's why his defenders come up with all sorts of absurd excuses that are just as hard to swallow as the initial "mistake" itself.

>The drill is a suspicious coincidence if true


By the way, here is another good part I didn't pick up, when he wrote:

>I was left with a short period of time to create a new work and only leave my views half finished. I will let my actions speak for themselves.

That's for you, damn blank fillers. His actions compensate for what he couldn't type.

Not a shred of anti-Zionism or anti-Jewish criticism to be found in the massacre. Keep feelin' fillin'.

>And honestly, even if it was some other Friday I don't doubt people would have found some other coincidence to latch onto.

Like the entire calendar is full of Friday "coincidences" so the one that is true does not count. KEK

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75f9a7  No.82883


>>pulling out this amazing op, that would require…

As surprising as it may, it actually only requires a few people, Tarrant set to launch his attack on the basis of information gotten by his handlers. Nothing Zionist moles wouldn't know anyway, especially with the very existence of a Mossad cell in this area (one got busted by accident because of an earthquake, it would logically be replaced ASAP).

>>nobody used Christchurch to push for zionism,

Listen, I…

>Now kindly cannibalize your parents and your children and then burn yourself alive.

Did Moloch hold your hand?

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000000  No.82894


ok boomer

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1545ca  No.82940

File: ed14b445343115f⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB, 592x1280, 37:80, Christchurch_1.mp4)



but whatever it was fake as fck anyway

if you believe it you're an idiot.

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1545ca  No.82943

File: 90a590ff3289577⋯.webm (2.87 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Chirstchurch.webm)


Tarrant has set the example. There is NOTHING stopping you from following it and attacking a synagogue, as you claim he should have done. Everyone claiming that he is a mossad or cia plant is at best a brainless retard, and at worst a JIDF shill themselves.

You're either a glow nigger or retarded. Either way just sad.

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56f7af  No.83213

You are retarded. Israel does not physically stamp passports anymore. It is all digital. Therefore, no physical evidence of travel to Israel.

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56f5c7  No.83228


Old news, video is fake. False Flag event to collect guns, New Zealand is a back up plan for the Globalist haven. A sizable island away from the world. Their Prime Minister is a transvestite. Also, this guy looks really Jewish. lol, he's just very dark hair color.

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329e3e  No.83244


>Brenton Harrison Tarrant is a hero and a saint.

That's premature male pattern baldness from defective genes, not a halo, you absolute mong.

He isn't a hero; he's that all-too-common breed of idiot who convinces himself that he's brilliant - and thus becomes an easy catspaw for anyone with the patience to humor his delusions. You can tell he's not very bright from the claims in his manifesto - not only does he buy into a lot of fashy bullshit, but he SPECIFICALLY claims that he was radicalized by Ebba's murder.

Yet his chosen leader is a man best known for murdering a bunch of white kids. Now, I'm no fan of Nazis… but I can think of quite a few fash ecelebs who HAVEN'T killed any white kids that I know of. Why does Brendon "Virtue Signal" Tarrent think we're gullible enough to believe that a man who values the lives of white children would serve Breivik?

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73829d  No.83279

File: f7e172520f5ce00⋯.png (750.53 KB, 825x500, 33:20, 1585205416946.png)

*inhales* Bwahahahahahahaha!

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855570  No.83291


>That's premature male pattern baldness from defective genes, not a halo, you absolute mong.

Baldness is a sign of high testosterone, you soykike.

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855570  No.83300


Fuck off with your obvious shoop. The guy in right is Johnny Neptune. Fuck, I hate his nick.

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8ebd29  No.83461


>poisoning the well

Like how the same shooting poisoned 8chan - 90 day blackout for Q/DIA/NSA/USSF/MIL.

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8ebd29  No.83464


The left can't meme LOL

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d6fa3d  No.83546


baldness is caused by testosterone only if testosterone is supplemented to organism in extraordinary amounts (primarily done by bodybuilders). in normal "unenhanced" people premature baldness is caused only by shitty genes, stressful life and shitty diet

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85d292  No.84354


Poisoning the well.

>Old news, video is fake.


>False Flag event to collect guns

Correct, but not only. Attack on free speech too.

>New Zealand is a back up plan for the Globalist haven


>Their Prime Minister is a transvestite.

Maybe but it will take more than an unfortunate bulge in a dress to make it a fact.

>Also, this guy looks really Jewish


>lol, he's just very dark hair color.

Blondes and redheads are a minority in white Europe and white USA.

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5fa6b1  No.84994


>Yet his chosen leader is a man best known for murdering a bunch of white kids.

A bunch of communists*, the large majority of which were around 24 years old

>Now, I'm no fan of Nazis

Kill yourself and save me the bullet, kike scum

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73829d  No.85275

File: 6904c0260e301e7⋯.jpg (142.49 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, D1taUoTUcAAT_5O.jpg)


The only kike scum are the people trying to encourage racially conscious whites to idolize terrorists and mass murderers. People like you.

Interesting that both Tarrant and Brevik were big fans of Israel and both thought that Jews din du nuffin. Really makes you think.

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0fcb79  No.85285

File: 224a1b2fa7e5e11⋯.jpg (134.37 KB, 778x682, 389:341, LsimA7M.jpg)


spotted the jew

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73829d  No.85287


>spotted the jew

Did you look in a mirror?

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6c4fd6  No.85638


Wait. Who is the man on the right?

It might seem that some facial features may fit, safe for the nose, which could have been job'd in Israel for example. Has anyone tried to shop the picture of the man on the right and see how he would look without a beard? I really doubt they are the same though.

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6c4fd6  No.85641

Anyone remember that he started his video from the car park at Schindler located west of the Al'noor mosque?

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f71320  No.92426

>>85275 aw come on plebs this comparison is like totally bogus right? this not serious

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07b76c  No.92478


fuck off kike

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580c83  No.94492

File: d6a16506131087e⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, 6bf1715e5f276d1d5c4b1b8eac

File: 7bbfd9266bfb182⋯.png (772.18 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 892ad75d02431452fb66c21d94

Lol @ the kikes saging this thread

Moan more, jewboys ;)

Pic related (Tarrants "nazi" hating gay jewish inspiration)

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44f4ab  No.95277

File: 02165b35c085499⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 199.45 KB, 616x480, 77:60, 02165b35c08549912d51c62901

File: d9e25ff34772bca⋯.pdf (32.96 KB, Accelerationism.pdf)


>doing it will most likely further their grip on society

You never actually read the manifesto. Furthering their grip was their entire point. Can you even into accelerationism?

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ae89c5  No.95287


>Dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life, 70 years of non stop wars and conflicts with neighbouring arab countries

Kike please, we have all seen you playing tonsil hockey with the Saudis.

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ec27d6  No.95912


But he fails to mention the subvertive influence jews have in western nations and their explicit involvement in demographic replacement. Very curious.

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ec27d6  No.95914


I miss Porridge Pals.

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71c45d  No.96019

File: 947e48d885c4a47⋯.png (128.21 KB, 500x461, 500:461, Jew_fsjal_fdFull.png)


oy voy

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559e91  No.96030

File: eca0c3a51b90960⋯.webm (2.27 MB, 320x640, 1:2, blaircottrel.webm)

Regardless of whether or not Tarrant was legit or a Mossad Op here is the bottom line on him and "accelerationism" in general courtesy of Blair Cottrel, Australian mad lad and one of /ourguys/ (vid related):

Brenton Tarrant invented a form of terror-suicide where you don’t actually die, you just shoot 50 random nobodies and get starved and tortured for half a lifetime. It’s just like suicide but heaps worse and takes ages.

Half the prison guards in Vic and NSW prisons are Muslim bro, I know because I’ve seen it. Look at the cunt man, in this more recent photo he’s probably lost about 35kg since he went in. Just plead guilty to all 91 charges and I’d hazard a guess that that guilty plea isn’t the result of a change of heart. It’s the result of getting woken up at 3am to four bearded prison officers pissing on you, then beating the living fuck out of you for not liking it. It’s from getting fed only once every 3 days and then that meal you do get has human faeces in it.

And for what? Muh accelerationism. What did he accelerate bro? The process of every organised group of white people being legally classed as a terror threat? Getting raided and shot in your own bed by an armed response team of cops for shitposting? Sitting at home playing PlayStation while the state does fuck knows what and passes fuck knows what laws because muh coronavirus?

Look at the results of “accelerationism” so far, it has accelerated only two things: the empowerment of the global-state and the paralysis of nationalism.

So stop being a sad cunt. Stop thinking the king of sad cunts who’s probably laying in a pool of his own piss and shit right now is cool. Stop blaming chicks for not liking you and your shit, lazy self. Get a difficult job that exhausts you, then lift weights on top of that. Watch your real potential struggle through to the surface. Get jacked if you’re meso, get shredded if you’re ecto. Learn a valuable skill, use it. Work hard, build some character, get a girlfriend who CAN love and respect you because you love and respect yourself. Have a family. Have children.

I’m attacking accelerationism to seperate the serotonin chasers from the nation-builders.

The philosophy of racial significance has got nationalism being represented (and slowly ruined) by worthless serotonin addicts. It creates inside their own heads at least the idea that they’re special and owed something just for being born white. They create Facebook groups and organisations that devolve into a ranked circle-jerk, where they remind one another of how incredibly smart and genetically superior they all are just for recognising some shitty zog propaganda.

You’re not special, you wouldn’t survive a race war and somebody else’s random violence isn’t going to save you. You’ll need to work from the bottom up and prove your right to exist, you can start with working on yourself. Lift weights, learn to fight and spend a few years learning a skill which you can trade to make yourself independent and undoxxable, if it’s hard to concentrate on work and exercise, it’s because your serotonin receptors are flooded, since you’re used to sitting in the circle-jerk believing that you’re special and significant because of your race, but not for anything you’ve actually done or achieved.

In time, if you work hard and consistently enough your mind will heal, your body will develop itself, women will start noticing and approaching you. From there a realm of endless possibility opens up for you. You’re skilled, strong, attractive and sought after. This is the point where you’ll realise how important it is to live and how much of a useless little sad cunt you were before.

I’m not a prophet but I’m always right about my assessments of groups of people and their psychology, so hear me cunts. It’s time to man up.

Sacrifice isn’t making yourself an object of perpetual torture just so a mob of anonymous internet incels can learn your name and provide you with a serotonin boost that lasts about two weeks.

Sacrifice is work, community and family.

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f9a806  No.96079


< The (1) plague.

< Bumping shill thread.

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503200  No.96101


hey blair, is Katie open season?

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8d7261  No.96112


This was the FIRST post on /pnd/?

Talk about damage control.

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b66c16  No.96290



Both Terrant and Breivik didn't achieve anything for us. If anything it got worse.

Breivik shot some commiekiddos. Wew. That's as useful as you if you went to those "counter-demonstrators" and killed them. Sooooooooo useful killing those lazy gov money sinks.

I wouldn't be surprised if a guy like that thin upperlip Terrant turned out to be a kike.

He didn't shoot Goverment people, not kikes, he shot his "enemy", the obstacle on the way to Isreal.

And remember the "Nazi" in Germany, who knocked on a synagogue and then shot two Germans? A worker who ate kebab for lunch because he can only afford cheap and a obese women on the walkway who looked like she had enough troubles already in the video.

Good nazi goyim sheep, believe! Believe!

Support Israel, the jews will surely go then!

It's not like they already had the opportunity before the second world war. Totally not.

The system relies on your participation. Stop participating and it will collapse.

It always needs a scapegoat. ATM it's the evil hoarders who buy all the toilet paper.

Anyone ever considered that the supply could just be lacking?


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10f2c6  No.96720


>Helping Jews getting stronger is good for the goyim

>Trust The Planℱ


Your lack of faith is disappoint me.


>Breivik shot some commiekiddos.

Antizionist "radical" leftists. At that time, the Norway government's antizionism was in full swing, hitting Israeli in the shekels too.

P.S.: kek @ how ded /pnd/ is

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1f0a6e  No.97108

unsageing now

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57161e  No.97189

I thought the christchurch shooting was real as possible, until someone pointed my attention to the shell casings.

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e5c409  No.97399


>Hello it's 2020, I am a full year late and still unaware of video compression facts

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f334be  No.97415

fed chan..

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a4b82a  No.99001


Thanks for this info; hard to deny. The whole thing, like all mossad psyop, had multi benefits.

Wipe out isis operatives they wanted to get rid of, take NZ guns, shut down 8ch and probably more we don't know about yet.

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a4b82a  No.99005


>Marriage to and sex with prepubescent girls is forbidden in Islam

Picture this historical setting: A 49 year old man asks his best friend if he could have his permission to marry his 6 year old daughter. His friend agrees. The man then visits his best friend’s house and speaks with the 6 year old daughter. Her parents watch as the he proposes marriage to the child. He is serious; he wants to marry the little girl and is asking for her consent. The little child says nothing; she only stares at him in silence.

The Islamic source materials state that Muhammad proposed marriage to Aisha when she was 6. He assumed her silence constituted her consent. Some 2 to 3 years later, just after he had fled to Medina, he consummated his marriage with her. He was 52 and she was 9. This occurred prior to Aisha’s first menses and by Islam’s legal definition Aisha was still considered a child. Islam teaches that a child enters adulthood at the beginning of puberty. (This is scientifically inaccurate, the onset of puberty does not equal adulthood – see Appendix 3).

The bottom line is Muhammad, the creator of Islam, revered by his followers, had sex with a child! Worse, Muhammad's action and teachings on marriage established an Islamic precedent and Islamic law allows female children to be married off and engaged in sex provided they are able to handle a man’s penis (Quran 65:4). As will be shown, this leads to physical, and psychological, damage to the child.

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c07bec  No.99043


And the Roman Catholic Church is absolutely full of pedos. Got fresh news?

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28a6c7  No.99045

Christchurch shooting was fake. Watch the first person he "kills" by emptying an entire shotgun into him. No blood is visible until he comes back later after the crisis actor deployed some fake blood packs.

Mossad kvetching in this thread proves it.

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7f4799  No.102416


He was a schizo that went to 4chan too much

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9b7e32  No.102478

I must confess from the beginning there were red flags.

My suspicion is that Tarrant was played by Zionists as part of the broad campaign to cause Christian/Muslim conflict that broadly plays into the hands of Isreal.

The Isrealis have also been notably obstructive about Tarrants actions/meetings in Isreal- we know they don't let single white men on tourist visas just wander around unchecked.

The media simply refused to report on Tarrant himself, his motives, and the interesting details of his life- because he was not in any way "an ordinary guy"

Furthermore the veracity of his manifesto as I understand it was never actually verified- and if a bad actor had access to it beforehand they could have easily have uploaded an edited/redacted version.

This would have required significant resources- but technically would not have required more than hacking a router.

This is not "likely", but alternatives simply havn't been investigated in a transparent manner

I don't jump to any conclusions, but I remind you all that there are many things we simply cannot verify and shouldn't draw conclusions.

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b63de0  No.102587


Could've just been a mentally-ill psychopath.

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2d70c0  No.109837


>Christchurch shooting was fake. Watch the first person he "kills" by emptying an entire shotgun into him. No blood is visible until he comes back later after the crisis actor deployed some fake blood packs.

>Mossad kvetching in this thread proves it.

LOL it's Disney, they funded the movie with fake blood and CGI bullets.


>a mentally-ill psychopath.

Who announced in "his" manifesto that he had a few weeks left to finish the revised and much shorter version, for some completely arbitrary reason setting the date to the 15 of March, and that OMGWTF just happened to be the same day during which a big anti-terrorist training exercise was organized in the same city.

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b1f042  No.110473


If you go for the leaf (mudslimes) intead of the root (Jews), don't expect the plant to go away

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c7cd9b  No.110476

File: ba0b57ca2ee3e50⋯.jpg (199.82 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 1567421060385.jpg)

If he wasn't an agent he succeeded. If he was an agent he failed. What I mean is that the guy walked into a masque, killed 50 people and then most of the widespread public didn't care/stayed silent, disapproved but though "muslims had it coming" or straight up supported it. It was a massive whitepill and showed how much the masses are generally on our side or aren't rabid leftists like the media wants the world to seem.

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f2ba36  No.110484


New Zealand: Mosque leader blames Mossad for Christchurch attack


"The Southland Times also said the police national computer was being audited because of concerns it had been hacked into. "

"Security experts suggested agents for Mossad may have been on an identity theft “trawling” mission for information, so that the passports of unwitting citizens could be cloned. "

In my humble opinion, in 2011 the Israelis detonated an explosive charge below the national police computer to plant a device inline with the network access for the UKUSA Agreement surveillance computer that allows Australia, New Zealand, and the England network access to USA domestic NSA blanket wiretap of all communications…circumventing the 4th Amendment of the Constitution of the USA by Treaty. Only they triggered an earthquake that killed 1 of their spies when the building they were next to collapsed… They carried out their mission and fled in a matter of hours. You have to remember Obama was openly pro-Palestine, so the Israelis were not playing games.

Whenever you hear, "We can't discuss that, because it would reveal sources and methods" They are denying the use of the treaty for domestic warrantless wiretap favors between officers in the USA and law enforcement across the sea. Just one of the many layers of the surveillance state's onion and a gaping security hole in the apparatus.

Perhaps the Christchurch show was an opportunistic event funded by Some Middle Eastern influence to endow with minimal bloodshed Muslims in NZ with the "victim" status that Jews are so keen to assume in Western nations. Also, invaders don't like the idea of the people occupying their destination to have weapons, do they?

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a8c49b  No.113618


this post deserves a point by point refutation.


legitimate act of war against foreign invaders


prisoner of war like nelson mandela

>random nobodies

muslims, the most fecund, most warlike of foreign invaders

>tortured by foreign invader prison guards

this is why muslims must be removed from white countries

>brenton tarrant caused the zionist occupiers to opress whites even more than they would have anyway

accelerationism's purpose is to make this obvious

>brenton tarrant caused nationalism to become paralyzed

white nationalists are so insignificant as to be nonexistent, they're a made up boogeyman punching bag

>get laid loser you're probably a virgin wash your penis

not an argument and irrelevent to brenton tarrant's actions

>you think you're superior

white supremacy is a fact jack

>you will be killed by kikes/niggers/aliens in the race war

bring it on tough guy, I will kill you and feed you to my dogs

>get laid loser you're probably a virgin wash your penis

get some new talking points glowing faggot demoralization shill


don't forget, you're here forever


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475d4b  No.120463

File: 7574972bb4b019d⋯.png (60.09 KB, 1245x196, 1245:196, retard.PNG)

tarrant, all you had to do was fucking deliver basic far-right points. instead you praised faggotry and said your ideal system was the chinese government. lets hope you go through with killing yourself

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c29897  No.120494

File: d189a5fb93ed177⋯.png (1003.99 KB, 1100x1250, 22:25, itstoobright.png)

Tarrant is a hero that changed the world and fleshed out acceleration. OP can fuck himself.

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2031aa  No.120532


Anyone who has actually red the manifesto knows this, op is a fucking retard at best.

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a49b38  No.121459


>jewish gains are white gains trust me goy

hey look i'm a faggot and i can't even into false flags


of course a homo's definition of "their peoples well being first" prolly is different from ours!

homos hide and lie like kikes in our societies, that's why theyre so good frens


he killed 51 muslims woohoo



>brenton "i wont talk about kikes and i luv fecesbook" tarrant

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a49b38  No.121461


i'm afraid you're too smart for dis board

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2031aa  No.121518


>crying over deaths of goat fucking invaders

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4926e8  No.121524

File: 492138ec61ba154⋯.jpg (32.28 KB, 500x368, 125:92, IDNS.jpg)


>changed the world

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afa37e  No.123017


I don't think this anon is crying over their deaths, just putting the importance of their deaths where it belongs. I don't see what is so amazing either. Aside from the autistic few who can't unpin Tarrant printed posters off their walls, the rest of the world has moved on. Meanwhile /pol/acks haven't forgotten how redpill central got axed after this. Cohnvenient!

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7fca4d  No.124140


Yes and that young guy that performed Chopin on the piano with great feeling; he ran out and threw his entire young life away so he could shoot one old decrepit yenta at the synagogue. Yes this will really save humanity from the clutches of the chosen tapeworms. If it's true and he really did do it then I'm utterly sickened at the waste of a life with so much potential for something of so little worth to any cause. If it's not true then it's just another shadow flickering on the cave wall to deceive us.

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3e64f0  No.124143


Tarrent is one of ourguys. He's legit. I know because I work for the FBI.

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7fca4d  No.124157

File: 70695134275d6c7⋯.jpg (36.32 KB, 500x479, 500:479, Hogg_Lanza.jpg)

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5ad960  No.124286


What's the story?

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c805d3  No.124308


All white people look the same.

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7fca4d  No.124455

File: 5b1057272b4b99e⋯.jpg (90.15 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DZrMRBYUMAEeUNJ.jpg)


No they're quite unique and individual actually, much more so than the Chinese or Negros.

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ab8a1c  No.124510




>Does Israel stamp passports?

The answer is NO.

It's funny how hard you kikes try to slander St. Tarrant. Just know that there's a rope with your name on it.

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bed0ec  No.124830


So, David Hogg is Adam Lanza? Adam Lanza isn't dead (Wikipedia: "December 14, 2012 (aged 20)"), but just got a minimal facelift job? Nose is literally the same on both guys.

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0c367d  No.124844

File: c397bab19b95c04⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 600x717, 200:239, saint.jpg)


>What other countries did he go to?

I think he visited all European and Eastern Asian countries, no? He was in France, Austria, Sweden, Thailand, … Traveling doesn't make someone a kike, and unlike all the tinfoilhat lardasses who only talk he did something.

Stay mad kike.

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7fca4d  No.124868


>>David Hogg has become a strong voice among survivors of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

>>The attention has given him a powerful platform – but it has also made him the subject of smear campaigns and demonstrably false conspiracy theories.

>>Either he has been "coached" by his father, a former FBI agent; or he is a "pawn" for anti-gun campaigners; or, the most far-fetched, he is not a victim but a "crisis actor," paid to travel to disaster sites to argue against stricter gun laws.

>>"I'm not a crisis actor," Hogg told CNN's Anderson Cooper on "AC360" Tuesday. >>"I'm someone who had to witness this and live through this and I continue to be having to do that."


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7fca4d  No.124871

File: 5718494885f13a8⋯.jpg (209.01 KB, 1908x1146, 318:191, 15335422_0_image_a_48_1561


>>But after the death of his father, in 2010, the suspect’s life took him in an unexpected direction. He invested in cryptocurrency, quit his gym job and took an idiosyncratic tour through North Korea, Pakistan, Eastern Europe, France and elsewhere.

>>And his travels — apparently solo — plunged him deeply into the online world of white-nationalist message boards.

>>Mr. Tarrant now appears to have become the first accused mass murderer to conceive of the killing itself as a meme; it seems he was both inspired by the world of social media and performing for it, hoping his video, images and text would go viral.

You used "tinfoil hat" as an insult…HERE. Nobody here likes that word but you do. You don't belong here. You have to go back.

A young guy strikes it rich and goes to Turkey, Pakistan and Israel. He doesn't go on a massive cunt hunt to Bali to fuck hot Australian girls in string bikinis looking for non stop debauchery. Well Turkey and Israel are Zionist bastions (the Turkish Revolution of the Young Turks was the first Zionist takeover of a country). Of Pakistan, he extolled the inhabitants, claimed to admire them greatly.

Do we know for a fact he's a Zionist agent weaponized to disarm the people of New Zealand and destroy 8chan? No we don't. But it sure smells fishy to me.

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fc4ea5  No.124874


>You used "tinfoil hat" as an insult
HERE. Nobody here likes that word but you do. You don't belong here. You have to go back.

Are you forgetting the part where this board is no longer your little schizophrenic safe space and we're actually allowed to debate you on your bullshit now?

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7fca4d  No.124889

File: ca8c5c1707bae10⋯.jpg (83.15 KB, 1024x534, 512:267, 35049501942_7ee650aaa6_b.jpg)


Sure thing. Go ahead and debate. Calling someone a "tinfoil hat" for doubting Tarrant's authenticity though is not much of a debating point though. It's just a weak ad hominem and that's always a sign that its purveyor has no real arguments or facts to present to the debate. Let's look at Tarrant instead. Let's scrutinize his odd travels. Here's an example of how such an investigation should be carried out;


>>The Assassin: The Srange Case of Arthur Bremer

>>A nearly penniless busboy and part-time janitor, the son of an alcoholic truck-driver and depressive mother, Bremer in the two months before the assassination suddenly went on the move, purchasing a blue AMC Rambler for $800 in cash. According to the Washington Post and Time Magazine, federal income tax forms discovered in his apartment indicated he'd only earned $1,611 the previous year–so the Rambler was an almost impossibly deep-pocket purchase. A month before the assassination attempt, Bremer flew to and from New York, where he chartered a helicopter over the city, hired a limo, stayed at the Waldorf-Astoria, and visited a high-rolling massage parlor (tipping the masseuse who masturbated him $30). Bremer often earned less than $10 in a day. When he drives to Ottawa, Canada, three weeks before the shooting, he stays at the exclusive Lord Elgin Hotel. He later purchases three guns for $80, a tape recorder, a police radio, and binoculars. Wallace himself wondered publicly as to who bankrolled these profligate excursions and purchases, all cash paid.

>>Did Bremer have accomplices? According to investigative reporter Donald Freed, writing in the Los Angeles Free Press in June 1972, Bremer was seen on "several occasions" talking closely with an "older, heavy-set man" as they rode the route of a Michigan ferry back and forth. Investigative reporters Sybil Leek and Bert Sugar claim that Bremer's visit to the Lord Elgin hotel in Ottawa included a rendezvous with one Dennis Cossini, identified as a CIA agent. Cossini, who had no history of drug abuse, was found dead from a massive heroin overdose two months after the Wallace shooting. An eyewitness on the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway told The New York Times and Associated Press that in April and May of 1972 he saw Bremer traveling by train across Wisconsin in the company of a well-dressed man who stood 6'2" tall, weighed 225 pounds and spoke with a New York accent. The eyewitness said the man talked heatedly about moving a political campaignwhich campaign the witness could not sayfrom Wisconsin to Michigan. Was this the same "heavy-set man" from the Michigan ferry?

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b1de65  No.124890


Another dead 51 muslims is another dead 51 muslims, whoever killed them for whatever reason.

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7fca4d  No.125263

File: 630c83c99428a03⋯.jpg (215.42 KB, 1250x1580, 125:158, tarrant.JPG)

File: af9e77cce28284c⋯.jpg (197.61 KB, 1379x1004, 1379:1004, tarrant2.JPG)


It's just weird shit. He hates muslims with a murderous passion, even to the point of putting himself in prison for the rest of his life, but he visits a stinky shithole like Pakistan "for the food". Rheinhold Messner the great mountaineer went through there on his way to some climb in the Himalayas and got a protozoan infestation in his liver from bad rice beer that almost killed him. The place is a fucking toilet. My brother in law's cousin got kidnapped in a muslim country by people he thought were his friends and his parents had to sell their house to ransom him out. He came home and suffered a nervous breakdown. Yeah a great place for a holiday alright. No, this story doesn't smell funny at all.

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7fca4d  No.125750

File: 6fea69157199728⋯.webm (2.67 MB, 404x720, 101:180, Amy_schumer.webm)

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773027  No.125953


What about Brett?

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7fca4d  No.125959

File: 2ee9dcd5efa9862⋯.jpg (320.55 KB, 2048x1980, 512:495, meme.jpg)


>What about Brett?

What about him indeed. Who is this guy? No letters from him? Is he being held incommunicado or something? Who and what is he?

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79a4ba  No.125967


>It's just weird shit. He hates muslims with a murderous passion, even to the point of putting himself in prison for the rest of his life, but he visits a stinky shithole like Pakistan "for the food".

Of course it does not add up. Who would think a normal dude in a quiet place in NZ, with money and enough empathy to appreciate pakslims living in a terrible turd-world country, find them friendly and like their food and be so fond of this place so as to return to it multiple times (see 2nd picture, "regular tourist" in the hotel), would be able to flip a switch in the head and be so fucking cold to screw up with his entire life just to kill some fifty random browns? This is not a normal behavior, even for an enraging based White Nationalist. If you that much empathy, you would obviously feel like you must explain why these Muslims, whom you love so much, but also manage to grow to hate because they live close to you, actually ended living there, and not just go at them like a rabid (almost typed rabbid) dog with no concern for the real truth. This is why at the very least that man was mentally unstable. A nutcase who just happens to organize his terrorist-typed attack the day of anti-terrorist drills in the same city.

There is definitely more than needs to be revealed about his travels in the Middle East and Pakistan.

The Gilgit-Baltistan region could be full of surprises.

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7fca4d  No.125976

File: 9235cf7c38719ae⋯.jpg (50.23 KB, 428x539, 428:539, 3ry8i191467im0d42mxcmlze4o


>The Gilgit-Baltistan region could be full of surprises.

Any additional info on this region?

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8218c6  No.125993

File: 8b9ffd936392a68⋯.jpg (10.67 KB, 154x147, 22:21, 1592155370957.jpg)

Everyfuckingbody in this particular pol is a schyzo fuck

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b2b180  No.125994


This picture only works if you change the caption to "I KNOW THE PIECES FIT". Even as a Tool fan I get a laugh out of it.

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a2d60e  No.125996


This endorsement by the JIDF means we have found one. Is that you, crisis actress?

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4a9fc7  No.125998


Great job proving his point.

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c408d9  No.126264


Wasn't there a website called chan something, full of autistic people who could go after the most bland and unobtrusive piece of information and suddenly return with tons of juicy data from hacked databases and other triangulated extrapolations leading down incredible rabbit holes? I almost think I miss that place.

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7fca4d  No.126275


>Wasn't there a website called chan something, full of autistic people who could go after the most bland and unobtrusive piece of information and suddenly return with tons of juicy data from hacked databases and other triangulated extrapolations leading down incredible rabbit holes? I almost think I miss that place.

It was called Judicial Inc and it was the greatest website ever in the entire history of the internet. It was so good the jews moved heaven and earth to get it taken down.

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d1af39  No.126313

anyone with half a brain figured out he is a shill and that shooting was fake as hell.

Anyone promoting Tarrant is either a complete retard or an FBI agent.

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c408d9  No.126323

Article from June 2013.

http:// w w w.indiandefencereview.com/news/gilgit-baltistan-between-the-rock-and-a-hard-place/

Won't quote the whole thing, it's a long piece. I don't know how the situation has evolved over there but what a shithole despite the beauty of the place.

>Both India and Pakistan claim Gilgit-Baltistan and have fought several wars over it.

>Gilgit-Baltistan also shares a border with Afghanistan whose growing Talibanization has further negatively impacted the tourism industry.

>Apart from an age old ideological rift, which often drives the Takfiri militants to Gilgit-Baltistan to kill and torture the Shias; the Taliban desire to control Gilgit-Baltistan in the larger quest to infiltrate in India and northern Afghanistan. However, the presence of Shias and Sufis, who make up for almost 75% of the total population, has thwarted their efforts in the region. Local Shias, Nurbakhshis and Ismailia have resisted such effort to use Gilgit-Baltistan to promote terrorism.

>Local leaders maintain that the military and secret service foster ongoing sectarian polarization and Jihadi adventurism, something that weakens the society and hence not permitted by Islam. On occasions, locals have clashed with militants and forced the secret service to relocate.

>With no luck at winning over the local Shias, secret service and Taliban are moving forward with a campaign of ethnic cleansing and religious conversions as the only remaining path to securing the region. They intend to spread Shia Sunni divide to first, create disunity and weaken the society, and secondly, to gain favor among local Sunnis to find more recruits. In the past, such a strategy was successfully employed in the Kurram Valley when militants attempting to infiltrate Afghanistan met resistance from the local Shias.

>Recently in 2012, Taliban and their affiliates attacked buses on the KKH and killed more than 100 Shias in Gilgit-Baltistan.

>Despite numerous massacres of Shias, no single assailant has been brought to justice. On occasions, locals have accused the military intelligence of protecting the alleged Shia killers. The situation has forced many Shia and Sunni families to flee Gilgit-Baltistan in the face of campaigns of terror. These tactics are reminiscent of those used by the Taliban in Kurram Valley, where Shias lived under siege for over three years under famine-like conditions and thousands were forced to flee the region.

>Despite its rich natural resources, strong tourism and trade potential, Gilgit-Baltistan has the lowest per capita income per annum in Pakistan. As those with the means to flee do so; the poorest locals form a marginalized class which remains subjugated and dependent on government handouts for survival.

>Further, the government offers monetary incentives to Pakistanis to settle in Gilgit-Baltistan. For instance, Pakistani Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani passed an ordinance in 2011 awarding salaries 200% market-rate to Pakistanis for jobs in Gilgit-Baltistan. They are further granted hardship post allowances. Large employers such as military’s Frontier Works Organization (FWO) and Special Communications Organization (SCO) discourage local hiring which in turn brings thousands of outsiders to Gilgit-Baltistan. These settlers are sympathetic to the Takfiri militants and secret service agents and provide them refuge and operational base.

>Despite its rich natural resources, strong tourism and trade potential, Gilgit-Baltistan has the lowest per capita income per annum in Pakistan. As those with the means to flee do so; the poorest locals form a marginalized class which remains subjugated and dependent on government handouts for survival.

>The recent killing of ten foreign tourists at Mount Nanga Parbat should be seen in the context of this larger effort to economically strangulate and isolate the region. The sixteen murderers are all Takfiris and ten of them belong to Diamer district of Gilgit-Baltistan and six to Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. Many of them are suspected members of the Taliban which killed Shias on the KKH in 2012.

>The military’s complicity in the incident cannot be ignored. Despite its large footprint by way of check posts and stations throughout the area, militant training camps continue to function in Jaglote, Gilgit-Baltistan as reported by Dunya Television on June 24, 2013.

That's enough quotations for now.

Weird state of affairs. A blend of tourism and political instability.

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7fca4d  No.126343


Thanks for answering my request. Much appreciated.

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7fca4d  No.126348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>what about Brett?

Oh wait, I fucked up. You meant Kav. What about Kav?

He was guilty of perjury to the Senate Judiciary Committee…but not over the titty squeeze party…he lied to them in 2006 when they were questioning him to make him a Federal Court judge. He lied when they asked him if as a White House attorney he'd had anything to do with the creation or administration of the Patriot Act. He said "no". Now emails between him and John Yoo another Bush era White House attorney have come out proving he helped wright the Patriot Act and administer it. Which is very very important because that's the torture program. And we're not just talking about waterboarding Taliban or making prisoners at Abu Ghraib do funny poses for bull dyke slut soldiers. They've been torturing small children in front of their parents you see.

>>In 2004 Jack Goldsmith, then head of the OLC, advised agencies not to rely on these memos and withdrew them as authorized legal opinions.

>>Several top military lawyers, including Alberto J. Mora, reported that policies allowing methods equivalent to torture were developed in the highest levels of the administration. Lawyers within the Department of Defense worked internally to circumvent those policies and instead mandate non-coercive interrogation standards, but were not successful.[49][50]

>>On December 1, 2005, Yoo appeared in a debate in Chicago with Doug Cassel, a law professor from the University of Notre Dame. During the debate, Cassel asked Yoo,

>>'If the President deems that he's got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person's child, there is no law that can stop him?', to which Yoo replied 'No treaty.' Cassel followed up with 'Also no law by Congress—that is what you wrote in the August 2002 memo', to which Yoo replied 'I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that.'[51]




This is why the hearings were such an absurd clown show. The greatest most powerful nation on earth came to a complete halt over a high school beer bash titty squeeze that nobody can actually remember where it occurred. Both parties went with this nonsense because both Bush 43 and Obama 44 were deeply involved with torture and raping 5 year old boys in front of their mothers. Neither corrupt party wanted to go there whatsoever.




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7fca4d  No.126351

And there's been a Federal Appeals Court order for the US govt to release the remaining torture tapes from rendition sites and the Federal Government is refusing outright to comply.

I wonder why?


>>The U.S. government has asked a federal appeals court to reconsider its order to release 21 pictures of detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan, saying it could jeopardize the safety of U.S. troops.

>>Government lawyers said in papers made public Friday that the issue was of "exceptional importance."

>>In September, a three-judge panel of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the United States to give the pictures to the American Civil Liberties Union. Now the government has asked all 12 judges on the court to hear its case.

>>In the court papers, the government said release of the pictures would pose a grave risk of inciting violence and riots against American troops and coalition forces.

But there's more than pictures. There's video. It's been shown to a congressional committee (The Senate Intelligence Committee?) . The screams of the little boys being sodomized by CIA and IDF/Mossad torturers was apparently unendurable.


At least one prisoner was "diagnosed with chronic hemorrhoids, an anal fissure and symptomatic rectal prolapse," symptoms normally associated with a violent rape.[50] The report identified this detainee as Mustafa al-Hawsawi.[1]:100 of 499

CIA officials, including general counsel Scott Miller and deputy director of operations James Pavitt, were told that rectal exams of at least two prisoners had been conducted with "excessive force."[50] A CIA attorney was asked to follow up on these incidents, but the report states that "CIA records do not indicate any resolution of the inquiry."[1]:100 of 499

CIA interrogators threatened to rape and murder children and/or family members of prisoners.[1]:4[51][52] For example, according to the CIA's Inspector General, a CIA interrogator told Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri that if he did not provide information, "We could get your mother in here," and "We can bring your family in here." The interrogator also led al-Nashiri to believe that he was being held in a Middle Eastern country whose interrogators sexually abused female family members in front of detainees.[53]:42–43

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b694cc  No.126526


Hello. Does this relate to ((Tarrrant)) or what?

red pipie"believe Brett Kavanaugh assulated you…"

I don't think so. Is it an attempt at derailing this thread?

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7fca4d  No.126646


There's no need to derail this thread; it's dead Jim, in case you hadn't noticed. It's dead because there's no information on this guy up to this point. I was on 8chan the night he came on and started his spree. I glanced at it and said "yeah another LARP spammer" and went to the gym. I came back and it was like somebody had kicked over a bee hive. The remarkable thing is how little we know about him. Since then he's said nothing, and there's been no real investigative reporting on him. It's all simplistic and cartoonish; bad racist kills poor mulsim immigrants. Must take guns, welcome poor immigrants. Same with the Las Vegas shooting. A massive event, three or four days of media hullabaloo, then nothing besides "comped sushi" memes. Weird. The (((news media))) is a bad joke.

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7fca4d  No.127209

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File: 40b67bbd2a7719e⋯.jpg (470.62 KB, 3825x897, 1275:299, tarrant_mugshot.JPG)

It just dawned on me though…this guy has been under arrest for a year now, has been arraigned and the authorities haven't even provided the press with so much as a mugshot. What pictures they have released from the courtroom have his face blurred it seems. How very very odd. You'd think that in a country with Habeas Corpus they'd want to show they have a suspect under arrest by producing him for public view. Instead he might just as well be The Man In The Iron Mask. We don't even have that in this case. Am I wrong here? Can one of you find a police mugshot of him?

Surely this in itself is another suspect fact in a very suspect story.

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7fca4d  No.127210

File: 66a3901b6e53b79⋯.jpg (536.56 KB, 3806x908, 1903:454, brenton.JPG)

Let's spell that right

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b0d438  No.128395


Face wasn't blurred in the court, there are clear pictures of him, and face has been clear too this years.

But no mugshot, that is correct it seems.

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7fca4d  No.128501


Two huge mass murders; Las Vegas and Christchurch and nobody is saying shit, there's no good journalist digging away at the story. Just move on folks, nothing to see here.

Personally it all looks like a color revolution taking place and Las Vegas was the first shot fired in US Civil War Part II.

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a4385d  No.129067


that's not true actually when you enter israel they smudge your passport stamp so you're still able to go to arab countries, I know a few people who had that happen to them.

>in b4 kike

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7fca4d  No.129084

File: 75ffa3d2984a15a⋯.jpg (13.8 KB, 600x150, 4:1, external_content_duckduckg


>when you enter israel they smudge your passport stamp so you're still able to go to arab countries,

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1d2d2a  No.129092




Its the same talking points every single time. Shills or pathetic cowards who have not dehumanized themselves yet. You are dealing with brainwashed individuals, you will not win them over with internet arguments. Terrorism works, it always has.

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1d2d2a  No.129099


Fact is you're a fucking coward. Terrorism works. If every European were eager to beat kill Muslims and burn their mosques, Muslim immigrants would think twice before settling in Europe to rape and plunder. You are going to sit in your moms basement on your fat ass as the race war is going down. Hitler could rise from the grave and you'd call him a kike. A man could specifically target and kill 1000 jews and you'd call him a kike trying to gain jewish sympathy. Anybody that doesn't say they want to genocide the kikes is called a kike. Anybody who says they want to genocide all the kikes is a kike trying to make us look bad.

I'm so sick of your cowardice shit. You are really black pilling me here. You're a fucking larper. Do you have family? Children? Do you even care about securing the existence of your race or is the comfort of a temperature controlled suburban house more important to you? You're still stuck on this idea of being morally righteous. As if everyone on the right are pacifist and pure. As if murder and war has literally never occurred that wasn't some jewish ploy.

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7fca4d  No.129110

File: c7e5359bd162550⋯.jpg (18.17 KB, 480x360, 4:3, external_content_duckduckg


If you sacrificed your life to murder 50 grubby carpet jockeys the jews are still going to be owning the Fed and sucking the blood out of the entire human race. You'll be rotting in some cinderblock cell for the rest of your days and you will have accomplished absolutely nothing. You say terrorism works, but what terrorism? Taking delivery of a truckload of ammonium nitrate after a drunken night in some bar with your buddies shooting your foolish mouth off to an undercover policeman? Going around town leaving backpacks filled with C4 on buses and subways that some friendly man paid you $5000 a month to deliver? You believe that Tarrant is a "real" warrior against whatever. Were the Tsarnev brothers "real" too? or were they two guys in a really easy paying gig participating in government/police exercises who got double crossed and wound up getting framed. Or maybe you want to be taking a subway to work and have the SAS storm into the subway car and execute you like that Brazillian apprentice electrician kid in London? You irrational emotionalism is sort of effeminate you know, like my menstruating big sisters at the breakfast table.

So let's look at what Tarrant actually accomplished politically at the end of the day;

1. He got tighter gun controls in New Zealand

2. He got 8chan taken down

3. He didn't stop even one immigrant from entering a western country.

Regardless of whether he was "real" or some methodical psyop by an intel agency that is what he actually accomplished. If my toilet is overflowing with liquid shit from the entire neighborhood, attacking my refrigerator with a sledge hammer in an excited frenzy isn't much of a response.

But hey since you're so passionate about it all, show us how it's done.

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a80ccd  No.129126


Okay, so go do it. Literally nothing is stopping you.

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7fca4d  No.129171

File: ba0e2ac49410478⋯.png (103.14 KB, 500x411, 500:411, external_content_duckduckg


>As if murder and war has literally never occurred that wasn't some jewish ploy.

Well now that you mention it…

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5ad960  No.130365


And would you point be exactly, aside from kvetching? Migrants do not belong on our lands, right, but I would have thought the criticism about the extremely suspicious Tarrant was rather obvious by now. Are you pretending you don't see it, all that on purpose?

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5ad960  No.130367


> It's dead because there's no information on this guy up to this point.

>The remarkable thing is how little we know about him. Since then he's said nothing, and there's been no real investigative reporting on him.

Very true. All that is presented as fact and history about the man could be baloney from start to finish, especially since nearly all of it comes from the MSM.

He's shilled hard as a logical fella with an ax to grind, but every thing he's done is at the exact opposite end of what you would expect.

The Northern Pakistan/Gilgit-Baltistan/Kashmir trail is interesting to dig into, especially since what happens today in relation with China, more than a year after Christchurch and two years after Tarrant's move into this Asian area.

Analogies could help clarify the uncanny state of this event in NZ.

Brenton Tarrant not exposing kikes would be like Aragorn, Gandalf and other knowledgeable members of the fellowship not exposing Saruman, the Fallen Kings and Sauron, but instead focusing on killing random goblins who were rumaging around for little sparrows a mile or two within the borders of the vast human territories, after complaining that they are everywhere, but without wondering nor explaining why.

Thanks to the Gilgit trail revealed above, I spent some time digging for more info about what was going on in that area. We've heard for years since 9/11 that Pakistan was a miserable country and that its ISI had ties with terrorists and the Taliban. Looking at pictures of the place Tarrant visited, I wouldn't be so sure about the beauty of the Hunza and Nagar Valley that cannot be beat. They're pretty but you can find that prettiness in so many other places round the globe, I wouldn't understand the absolute necessity of flying right into a den of poverty, violence, border tensions and wholesale terrorism on locals and tourists.

There be potential links between then and now. You decide. So here comes a group of webpages and articles that provide a detailed summary of the political situation in North Pakistan, fresh or older.

satp. org/terrorism-assessment/pakistan-pakistanoccupiedkashmir-gilgitbaltistan

thediplomat. com/2015/01/terror-outfits-build-presence-in-gilgit-baltistan/

news18. com/news/india/pok-controlled-by-terrorists-gilgit-baltistan-under-illegal-occupation-says-army-chief-bipin-rawat-2362613.html

newsintervention. com/gultari-in-gilgit-baltistan-is-the-new-terror-launch-pad-in-pok/

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5ad960  No.130369

So more needs to be said. It's a wide subject. Read what is below and start to understand what is going on there.

telegraph. co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/pakistan/7884083/Pakistani-hotel-cleaner-returns-50000-in-cash-left-behind-by-forgetful-guest.html

>Pakistani hotel cleaner returns $50,000 in cash left behind by forgetful guest

>A hotel cleaner who earns just ÂŁ200 a year has been hailed a national hero in Pakistan after he returned $50,000 in cash left behind by an absent-minded guest.

>Essa Khan found the bag of notes stuffed in a safe deposit box while carrying out a routine inspection of a room vacated by a Japanese NGO worker before another guest arrived.

NGO worker. Tee hee hee.

>After years of negative publicity from terror strikes and political unrest, politicians have lauded the housekeeper's honesty as the "real face of Pakistan".

A very pleasurable region to be sure.

>Mr Khan, 50, has worked for the past 20 years at the Gilgit Serena Hotel

>Hotel staff managed to track down the guest, who works for the Japan International Co-operation Agency, and return the money, which was intended to fund a feasibility study into tourism projects in northern Pakistan.

Sure thing.

>"Even after three days, he had no clue that he had left the money," Mr Uddin said by telephone from Gilgit.

Nip leaves behind him, in a small hotel room, a big bag of cash he put in a safe deposit. Fifty grands. Just that. He never checked again if he had the cash with him during the next three days.

Not even when he impliedly flew back to Japan. :) :) :) :)

I guess he got distracted by the beauty of the Hunza and Nagar Valley.

That shit's gonna become a meme.

>"He came in the next day, and it was easy to see from the look on his face just how relieved he was."

More like this money was intended for someone else and Sushi-san was relieved that some naive idiot honorable Muslim didn't take it for himself instead.

>The hotel has given Mr Khan a 10,000-rupee (ÂŁ77) reward for his honesty.

That's a bit above four months and a half wage for our heroic janitor. I could have given him ÂŁ78 to take care of the bag.

> But his general manager said his actions deserved wider recognition.

>"In these economic conditions, and in a region of poverty, we should be very, very proud of people like this," said Mr Uddin.

>The story has been taken up by politicians in a country tired of negative publicity. Years of suicide bombings mean tourist hotels have struggled to survive as foreigners stay away.

>Salmaan Taseer, the governor of Punjab province, declared Mr Khan a "national hero".

This got stupid very quickly.

>"He's a humble housekeeper and we are really proud of him," he said. "This is the face of Pakistan that people don't see normally."

>He telephoned Mr Khan on Sunday to promise him another reward and to invite him to Lahore for a ceremony in his honour.


Most importantly, that article alone shows two things: strange business oppurtinities are sought by far away countries, and this region is a shit hole full of terrorists and thieves.

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5ad960  No.130371

eurasiantimes. com/us-france-japan-condole-death-of-20-indian-soldiers-but-refrain-from-criticizing-china/

>US, France, Japan Condole Death Of 20 Indian Soldiers But Refrain From Criticizing China

Japan too? I thought they were into new touristic horizons?

A nice place, Jews be loving it.

tribune. com.pk/story/2044363/6-israel-in-kashmir/

>Israel in Kashmir

Several paragraphs about Israel selling tech and services to India, with much "collaboration" and "classified material" involved.

>On 31st October 2017, Israel’s Chief of the Ground Forces Major General Yakov (Kobi) Barak visited the Indian Army’s Northern Command headquarters in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). The Israeli delegation was briefed about “Pakistan’s proxy war in J&K” and “the consistent efforts made by Pakistani troops to infiltrate militants into Jammu and Kashmir from LoC and IB in the State” as if Israel was to counter them for India. In November the same year, an Indo-Israeli Friendship Society delegation visited Kashmir.

defencenews. in/article/Leaked-Documents-Reveal-Pakistan-To-Intensify-Proxy-War-Against-India-Over-Kashmir-830464

>There are reports that Pakistan is planning to intensify the proxy war against India in response to last year’s airstrike on Balakot camp. This came after Green Book 2020 published by the general headquarters of the Pakistan Army was leaked by Express.

>The report suggests reviving the “local uprising” in Jammu and Kashmir which will make it difficult for “India to keep selling the terrorism card” in the highly-volatile region. The book maps out the plans to wage war against India into the “non-kinetic domain” like information or cyber or electronic warfare.

>The book mentions China as a steadfast ally of Pakistan and quotes Chinese President Xi Jinping as saying: “No matter how things change in the world and the region, China will firmly support Pakistan in upholding its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and dignity.”

>India Protests Over Gilgit Baltistan

>India has launched a strong protest against Pakistan’s Supreme Court order allowing elections to be held in Gilgit Baltistan. India considers Gilgit Baltistan as its integral part, illegally controlled by Pakistan.

>This came after a seven-member bench including the Chief Justice Gulzar Ahmed accepted the plea made by the government of Pakistan asking to amend the Gilgit-Baltistan Order 2018.

>The order essentially seizes the powers of Gilgit Baltistan Council and entrusts the Prime Minister of Pakistan with indisputable authority vis-a-vis Gilgit-Baltistan. This plea made by the government of Pakistan included holding the elections and to set up a caretaker government during the interregnum period which was accepted by the court.

Whether the armed goatfuckers supported by Pakistan could be called terrorists or not, the situation in the region has been very chaotic for years (if not decades). It's basically one of the last places I've gone to for vacations around 2018. Beautiful mountains could wait another time.

So US and Israel are possibly in this also because there's huge potential in that region to be used for international provocation against China. Israel has fingers in many pies. By way of deception… and division.

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5ad960  No.130373

Wouldn't be the first time the US (or some ally) use false-flagging soldiers to propagate chaos in a region. I'm thinking of those two (?) UK soldiers disguised as Iraqi and going around in some main city, shooting people and throwing explosives, then got caught by the Iraqi security forces, thrown in jail and saved after a (British?) battle tank was sent to crush the walls of the prison and evac the two men.

Allow for some conjecture too.

Here's what happened recently.

trtworld. com/asia/india-seeks-to-descalate-tensions-with-china-after-deadly-border-clash-37377

www. trtworld.com/asia/pakistan-to-award-courage-of-citizen-killed-in-nz-terrorist-attack-25009

>Naeem Rashid

Was the Pakman who tried to tackle Tarrant in the Al-Noor mosque. More like he was trying to flee, hard to say. He came there with his son.

>Nine Pakistan citizens killed

>Pakistan's foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said the award would be given on March 23, Pakistan Day.

>He confirmed that nine Pakistani citizens had been killed in the attack while one was in critical condition.

>Officials in Pakistan's picturesque northern areas also confirmed that the 28-year-old white supremacist Tarrant, had visited the region as a tourist in October, staying for more than a week.

>"(Tarrant) … stayed for two days before leaving for Khunjerab (Pass, on the border with China).


>"He was a decent and quiet guy," Syed Israr Hussain, owner of Osho Thang Hotel in Minapin Nagar, told AFP.

>He said he remembered Tarrant among the many tourists who visit the region "because he was so impressed by the area, and said he had heard so many negative things about Pakistan but he found it the opposite".

So he is nerve-wrecked about Ebba, hates the migrants in Europe down to every fiber of his body (including the Pakis in UK), most likely has already read or heard many negative things about Pakistan (as per the social network post, since he wanted to debunk this "dangerous region" narrative it seems), clearly sees Islam as a massive threat, yet he goes to Pakistan in the Kashmir region and even crosses the border with China?

23 October 2018: somehow, the first time Tarrant visits Pakistan. According to Syed Israr Hussain (owner of the Israr Oshot Thang hotel), he became a regular.

deccanchronicle. com/world/asia/170319/imran-khan-announces-award-for-pak-man-who-confronted-new-zealand-shoo.html

>Tarrant is also believed to have visited Gilgit and Skardu in the mountainous north.

Hiking maybe. All other trips seemed to be politically and historically motivated. But not this one?

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5ad960  No.130374

boomlive. in/lone-gunman-or-pak-proxy-how-newsx-used-a-facebook-post-to-fan-a-conspiracy/

>English news channel NewsX held an hour-long debate last week speculating how Brenton Harrison Tarrant, the gunman at centre of mass shootings at two mosques in New Zealand which killed 50, could be a proxy for Pakistan, based on a Facebook post.

>The 56-minute debate that aired on March 15, 2019, the day of the attack in Christchurch, began with the channel first showing a Facebook post from October 2018 that included a picture of Tarrant.

Right. On the very same day, they already had the data about Tarrant's travel destinations and they already had a board of shitskins to "debate" about a possible Pakistani involvement? If they could always had that level of haste and efficiency in their business engagements!

Remember that Tarrant's message was? Part of it was:

>"Hopefully in the near future the Pakistani government and Mr Imran Khan will make the necessary changes to the visa program so to encourage tourism and make it viable once more for the world to come and experience the beauty of Pakistan."

I don't even know. Are we supposed to read between the lines now? A veiled threat? A hamfisted suggestion from handlers? Just a random remark by a guy on "vacation" (more like recon)? What gives?

>As the debate raged on several theories were put forward such as gunman being a sleeper cell of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), that the attack was to divert attention from Pulwama. Panelists even questioned the accused religion and raised doubts about a hate crime being the motive.

Pulwama? Something to look into around March 15th.

>Theory 1: "Diverting attention from Pulwama."

>Anchor (Uday): At the end of the day, it needs to be probed further, the shooting just took place about 12 hours ago, at the end of the day, you know a Pakistani link emerging Sir, your first reaction, sir, because you know Pakistan has emerged as the hotbed of terror, and it's not India saying this now, the world is…

It has?

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5ad960  No.130375

>Theory 2: 'Foreigner Radicalisation Angle'

>Anchor (Uday): I want to come back to the foreigner radicalisation point, it's happened before with David Hadley as Lt General Metha just mentioned, but there have been other foreigners who have been radicalised in Pakistan particularly haven't they? That's why this must be probed.

Headly actually.

Wikipedia quote below:

>David Headley

>David Coleman Headley is an American terrorist of Pakistani origin, and a spy who conspired in plotting the 2008 Mumbai attacks. He is currently serving a lengthy prison sentence in the United States. It has been alleged that Headley made periodic trips to Pakistan for Lashkar-e-Taiba training while simultaneously working as an informant for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, but this is disputed. Under the direction of Lashkar chiefs, Headley performed five spying missions in Mumbai to scout targets for the attacks, which killed 168 people. The following year, he performed a similar mission in Copenhagen to help plan an attack against the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, which had published cartoons of Muhammad. He was arrested at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago while on his way to Pakistan in October 2009.


>NewsX claimed the hotel owner's name was 'Ishar Osho Thang', however 'Osho Thang' is the name of the resort in Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan.

>The New York Times contacted Syed Israr Hussain, the owner of Osho Thang hotel in Minapin, Pakistan. Hussain told the newspaper that the accused had stayed there for two or three days with a group of backpackers.

Did we ever, like, hear about these other backpackers who actually spent two to three days with Tarrant in the mountains?

>New York Times had reported that a person with the same name as the accused had stayed at two hotels during October in Pakistan.

>"In the manifesto, he described how it was on a trip to western Europe in 2017 that he first “dramatically changed” his views on immigration — an experience that appears to have led to his radicalization. On that trip, he traveled through France, Portugal, and elsewhere, he wrote, and was horrified by a truck attack in Stockholm around that time that left a young girl dead. " - The Post reported.

But his trip to Pakistan happened in 2018. One year later he goes to exterminate Muslims…

>"In the document, called “the great replacement”, Tarrant describes himself as a “regular white man from a regular family” who “decided to take a stand to ensure a future for my people”, The Guardian reported. "He said he wanted his attack on the mosques to send a message that “nowhere in the world is safe”.

Implied: Safe from a white man killing Muslims. This is quite specific. Thinking of it, that sounds like jewspeak. It flies against the idea that migrants in their own (true/native) countries are not a problem.

Well now they are as everywhere is a dangerous place where people can be killed just like that.

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5ad960  No.130376

thechronicle. com.au/news/what-led-brenton-tarrant-to-kill-51-muslims-in-new/3982348/

>Tarrant travelled more frequently in two years before the massacre including to North Korea, the Balkans, Austria and France to meet right wing extremist groups.

For all I read it seemed more like a solo euro trip. Wasn't aware of the multiple RW contacts.

We know he did send bitcoins to a RW guy in central Europe, head of a RW small group.

>He boasted they were reconnaissance trips to mosques to work out which ones to target, according to a detailed manifesto he wrote spelling out the reasons for the Christchurch executions.

So in 2017 he's already planning a massacre, but in 2018 he goes trekking in Moutainous Muslim Terror Training Central?

> Israr Osho Thang, who runs the Osho Thang hotel in Pakistan where Tarrant stayed in October 2018, said: "He came to Pakistan travelling, he was really interested in the Koran and Islam and mosques, how we pray and our beliefs."

>"He was a tourist, he seemed a fine man, his mental balance was not bad, he came across like a normal person, questioning life, religion, where he was heading in life.

>"The whole time he was getting information, pretending he liked Muslims, he came to the mosque with me to pray 
 we were astonished to hear about the shootings in New Zealand."

Hotel owner mistake aside, that's something new (if true). And a little dumbfounding to say the least. Above all, that is a long way from home just to collect info on Muslim customs. It's not said if the owner is practising Sunni or Shia Islam, or even if he's a Sufi.

>In a Facebook post while travelling Minapin, Tarrant said: "Pakistan is an incredible place filled with the most earnest, kind-hearted and hospitable people, the beauty of the Hunza and Nagar Valley cannot be beat."

There is quite some irony that he ended killing 2Pac, a father and his son, who I am sure would have been kind-hearted too (although unwelcome in NZ and slated for "removal").

rnz. co.nz/news/chch-terror/384860/alleged-mosque-shooter-s-recent-travels-outside-nz

>The owner of the Osho Thang Hotel spoke to RNZ, saying Tarrant stayed at the hotel on 22 and 23 October 2018.

>The hotel owner said he spoke to Tarrant only a few times and did not know why he had travelled to Pakistan.

I'm not in the mood of trying reconciling this owner's seemingly contradictory statements, but it could be done if aside from obvious things like mountain hiking and vaguely looking into Islamic practices (since the place was full of them and it wouldn't seem odd to a Muslim to talk about his faith) then one can somehow understand how there is no contradiction.

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5ad960  No.130377

washingtonpost. com/world/2019/03/16/north-korea-pakistan-bulgaria-unusual-travels-new-zealand-shooting-suspect/

>“The varied cultures of the world greeted me with warmth and compassion, and I very much enjoyed nearly every moment I spent with them,” he wrote.

While, again, already filtering through a list of mosques in Europe or elsewhere that would be worthy of attacking. Either the man was a complete lunatic or he was faking his empathy in the fb.

>He also mentions visits to Iceland, Poland, New Zealand, Argentina and Ukraine. Bulgarian officials confirmed on Friday that Tarrant had traveled there in November 2018, flying into the capital of Sofia by way of Dubai and later driving to Hungary. Bulgaria’s chief prosecutor Sotir Tsatsarov said Tarrant spent around a week in the Balkan nation and that prosecutors are now probing whether he visited as a tourist “or if he had other objectives.”

>A senior Turkish official told CNN that he also traveled to Turkey more than once. He “spent an extended period of time in the country,” the official told CNN. A Turkish official told the AP that they are investigating “the suspect’s movements and contacts within the country."

>Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is one of the high-profile targets Tarrant mentions in his manifesto, in addition to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

>Photos published in Australian news outlets show him posing in front of the Samjiyon Grand Monument on a trip to North Korea. And the New York Times reported that a man with Tarrant’s name visited Pakistan in October.

>A hotel manager in Pakistan said he was “nature-loving,” and a different hotel owner said he stayed with a group of backpackers for a few nights. “He was normal and polite during his stay,” Syed Israr Hussain, who owns Osho Thang hotel, told the Times. “There was nothing out of the ordinary.”

Now, as part of the Five Eyes, I find the title of this WP article intriguing:

>New Zealand attack exposes how little the U.S. and its allies share intelligence on domestic terrorism threats

As if NZ was lagging behind and needed a little reminder.

governmentpropaganda. net/why-was-christchurch-new-zealand-killer-in-pakistan-in-2018/

informationliberation. com/files/D1s8UGpX0AALo8F.jpg

So the hotel owner which published the picture and Tarrant's message on fb was a Nizari Ismaili

en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Nizari_Isma'ilism

This is not the Sunni shit most Whites must deal with on a daily basis. Perhaps it might explain Tarrant's more comprehensive attitude when he was in Pakistan. Nevertheless, this requires pausing for a moment. The man who was already on the lookout for mosques to attack, goes to Pakistan in 2018, does some promotion for this increasingly Muslim place and wishes Kahn would do something for making tourism visas easier to obtain, knowing fully that he would soon become a mass killer.

Pakistan: full of nice people, recommended by Brenton "Kebab Remover" Tarrant.

>The owner of the hotel where he stayed said the trip was all hunky dory.

>From The New York Times:

>> Asghar Khan, the manager of operations at the Serena Hotel there, said the man seemed like a “nature-loving” traveler. Syed Israr Hussain, owner of the nearby Osho Thang hotel, said he stayed there for two or three days with a group of backpackers.

>> “He was normal and polite during his stay,” Mr. Hussain said. “There was nothing out of the ordinary.”

>Regardless of the specifics of the attack, we have seen the media and political class respond by blaming the attack on PewDiePie, Candace Owens, Donald Trump, the NRA, the Chans, Free Speech and white people as a whole with endless calls for normal people to have their rights and freedoms taken away as a form of collective punishment.

>That said, I don’t know how the justice system works in New Zealand. In America, such shooters are usually drugged out of their minds in our prison system and are pretty much never heard from again.

"Ah, OK. Yes, guilty."

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5ad960  No.130378

It also appears that NZ hasn't always been that land of cucks. One could easily see the shootings used as a psychological trick to shoehorn a soft coup.

Consider the following website's links relating to New Zealand:

fpp. co.uk/BoD/Mossad/index.html

fpp. co.uk/online/04/05/NZHerald300504.html

>Detectives mounted a surveillance operation after receiving information from Internal Affairs and, on March 23, two men - Urie Zoshe Kelman, 30, left, and Eli Cara, 50 - were arrested after trying to pick up a package.

>Police believe a third man involved, Zev William Barkan, may have already fled the country.

fpp. co.uk/online/04/07/NZ_150704.html

>>The New Zealand government views the act carried out by the Israeli intelligence agents as not only utterly unacceptable but also a breach of New Zealand sovereignty and international law. – Helen Clark, New Zealand's tough talking Prime Minister

>Ms Clark (right) said she had no doubt the two men were Israeli intelligence agents and that the case was "far more than simple criminal behaviour by two individuals".

>She said the case had "seriously strained our relationship" with Israel. New Zealand had asked Israel for an explanation and an apology, but had received neither.

fpp. co.uk/online/04/05/NZHerald130504.html


>Israel Agents Send NZ Message Via Asian-Based NGOs

>South East Asian based non-government organisations are specifically being targeted.

>In April, in a sting titled Operation Cloak, New Zealand Police arrested two suspected Israeli agents on illegal passport charges. Israel asked the New Zealand Government to keep details of the arrest secret and for the matter to be handled diplomatically. New Zealand refused the request.

>Most recent is the Cambodian-based NGO called Global PAC (Global Protect All Children, see global-pac.org), set up to overtly expose human trafficking and child prostitution in the Indo-Chinese region.

>Global Pac says it is committed to child protection "through a two pronged approach, one which emphasizes surveillance and reporting of suspected offenders and the other of which emphasizes the development of vocational skills programmers for those who are victims of sexual abuse or at risk of abuse in the Third World egg "street children".

>Global PAC is one NGO being investigated for covert activities. It is interesting however, the investigation is a media-manipulated push originating from the sidelines of Hong Kong's Foreign Correspondent Club (HKFCC).

Hong Kong you say?

>The HKFCC has long been a hub used by governments determined to plant covert intelligence into the media. It is also an intelligence conduit for respected media outlets such the United Kingdom's Janes. Janes on-sells intelligence to subscribers, businesses and government clients.


>Meanwhile, information originating from Hong Kong's Foreign Correspondent Club suggests that the outer layers of Global PAC's humanitarian work masks the heart of a covert intelligence group.

>The New Zealand intelligence community, based in Asia, believes with certainty that NGOs operated by Kiwis are coming under Israeli intelligence pressure.


>Another Asia-based Scoop contact with both government and non-government-organisation ties says: "I have noticed a trend. New Zealand busts (an alleged Mossad operation) and IMMEDIATELY they (Mossad) begin a multi-pronged harassment campaign on anything related to kiwis, whether that be New Zealand customs agents or New Zealand NGO workers in the Asia pacific region.

>"According to our information" the HKFCC (Hong Kong Foreign Correspondent's Club link) was a set-up. "M' (Editor's note: name withheld) has been communicating with (Israeli agent) based in Guangzhou China."

Spooks, Hooks 'n' Gooks.

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5ad960  No.130380

fpp. co.uk/online/04/07/NZ_020704.html

>2 Israelis admit to unlawfully trying to obtain NZ passport

>>The guilty plea shocked the court as the media gathered for what was expected to be a simple court appearance.

>Suspicions about Cara were originally triggered by a passport officer who thought his accent did not match with the Anglo-Saxon name on the application.


>It turned out, the name was that of a wheelchair bound New Zealander suffering from cerebral palsy.


The two punks were later seen in Auckland, after a quick bailout. Sentences could have gone as far as seven years in jail.

I would have had them hanged but well…

fpp. co.uk/online/04/07/NZ_150704b.html

>New Zealand Jews: 'We are embarrassed'


>NEW Zealand's Jewish community is reacting with both embarrassment and concern to Prime Minister Helen Clark's decision to impose diplomatic sanctions on Israel.


>"New Zealand is not particularly friendly to Israel," said Mike Regan, editor of The New Zealand Jewish Chronicle. He said Clark's decision has more to do with the possibility of Mossad being in the country than it does with the men's attempt to obtain illegal passports.

Wait. Mike Regan is actually (((Mike Regan)))? Are they not ashamed? :-)

>Former president of B'nai Brith in Wellington George Pressburg called the events an embarrassment for Israel and New Zealand's Jewish community.

>"New Zealand has had reasonably good relations with Israel and the Jewish community here is trying to foster and support that. This incident is a setback," he said.

No country can be allowed to unfollow Israel.

>David Sanders, a member of Auckland's Jewish community, said he was "appalled" that the government should take such a step. He called on the Israeli government to address New Zealanders and respond to the allegations of these men as Mossad agents.

>Although Sanders said that the affair "leaves a nasty taste in New Zealander mouth," he said he would continue to support Israel, no matter what.

What taste?

>Auckland High Court Justice Judith Potter [also] ordered them to pay $45,150 each to the Cerebral Palsy Society after they used the name of a disabled man in their bid to get a false passport.

Oh, that taste.

Right after that… guess what.

An attack of Jewish gravestones. Oy vey!

fpp. co.uk/online/04/07/NZ_210704b.html

Now, do you remember this Eli Cara spy?

fpp. co.uk/online/04/12/Israel_spy8.html

>Quadriplegics, epileptics and incontinents on all continents – watch out. Guard your credit cards!

>A suspected Mossad spy who had been jailed for passport fraud in New Zealand became a credit-card executive.

>Israel's VISA CAL company told Yediot Achronot on Wednesday that it had made agentsEli Cara its deputy general manager, two months after he completed a three-month prison term in Auckland for trying to obtain a passport by assuming the identity of a bedridden New Zealander. The company had no comment on Wellington's allegations that Cara and two Israeli accomplices were Mossad agents."

Why do Mossad bois always get the best spots? It's so unfair!

stuff. co.nz/stuff/0,2106,3049126a10,00.html

Right, link is bust but this was the title

>Uh-oh Jewish spies leave NZ after serving half their prison term; but their $100,000 donation to Cerebral Palsy Society (ordered by court) has not yet been paid

nzherald. co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=3595378

Same here, page's gone (although it might be archived somewhere or cached, for those who want to look on Archive or Google's cache).


>Yet another fake-passport factory found in NZ

Anybody from spies, migrants and fleeing killers use those stolen or lost passports.

stuff. co.nz/travel/news/99322726/thousands-of-kiwi-passports-lost-stolen-and-forged-each-year

>Thousands of Kiwi passports lost, stolen and forged each year

>The Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) said since 2012 13,535 Kiwi passports were reported as stolen while a further 49,963 were reported missing.

sunshinecoastdaily. com.au/news/killer-phillip-smith-has-fled-nz-fake-passport/2447526/

>Killer Phillip Smith has 'fled NZ on fake passport'

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5ad960  No.130381

We all know of the Israeli Spy cell that was exposed during an earthquake in NZ. The NZ authorities caved in.

But why would 2011's earthquake event be important?

theguardian. com/world/2011/jul/20/christchurch-earthquake-israeli-spy-investigation

>Israeli spy claims over Christchurch earthquake

>New Zealand prime minister confirms, but then plays down, investigation over Israeli victim said to have held five passports

>New Zealand intelligence services launched an investigation into a possible Israeli spy operation in Christchurch after suspicious activity was observed in the immediate aftermath of the February earthquake, the New Zealand prime minister, John Key, has confirmed.

>But Key insisted the investigation had been completed with no evidence found of wrongdoing.

>Inquiries centred on a potential breach of the national police computer system.

As soon as they know about MOSSAD kikes fleeing the country like rats and along what they found in their secret office, they immediately think the national police computer system was possibly compromised. In other words, the NZ authorities had good reasons to think the kikes were trying to precisely get into this system.

>According to a report in the Southland Times, the investigation was prompted by the departure from New Zealand of three Israeli citizens within hours of the 22 February quake and the discovery of as many as five passports on one of three Israelis killed.

Yeah, I mean, no spies to be found here citizen. Move on.

>There were reports of an unauthorised Israeli search and rescue team that was refused entry to Christchurch's cordoned-off central business district.

They actually were trying to mop up the place, to recover whatever the former spies might have left there before the Kiwi authorities were to put their hands on compromising elements beyond the three dead bodies and multiple passports.

>The prime minister, who is visiting the US, initially did little to dampen suggestions of another diplomatic imbroglio when he evaded reporters' questions, insisting "it is not in the national interest to discuss those matters", while confirming he had taken "a number of calls" from the Israeli premier, Binyamin Netanyahu, in the hours after the Christchurch earthquake.


>Later in the day Key moved to dismiss spying claims. In a statement he said the investigation had been concluded and there was no evidence of subterfuge. "Security agencies conducted the investigation and found no evidence that the people were anything other than backpackers."

The same day, they conclude it's not a cell. Talk about a thorough investigation here.

>Key said he had been advised that reports of Israeli citizens carrying multiple passports were ill-founded and he was satisfied with police assurances that there had been no unauthorised access to the police computer system.


The fact that they were likely trying to get their noses into Kiwi police computers could be relevant to the 2019 shootings.

>"The investigations that have been undertaken have been thorough and have found no evidence of a link between the group and Israeli intelligence."

Right, kikes flee like rats and those dead are found with staches of passports on them, but it's just a cohencidence.

Thanks Mr Key. Goyim can do chutzpah too, assuming good handlers teachers.

>The author of the Southland Times article, Fred Tulett, stood by his story, saying that contrary to Key's remarks the investigation was continuing. He maintained that five passports had been in the possession of the Israeli who was killed, Benyamin Mizrahi.

>Key said the man was found with a European passport. His companions handed over a second passport, his Israeli one, when they left the country.

>The Israeli ambassador for the South Pacific, Shemi Tzur, said any suggestion of a Mossad presence in Christchurch was "science fiction". The Israeli citizens had returned home following the death of a friend whose van was crushed, he said.

It's CGI!

>The Israeli rescue teams, he added, were refused entry because they lacked the necessary authorisation but were there for the right reasons and were left "angry and upset".

>He told the Southland Times: "Yes, there was some regrettable history of Mossad involvement in New Zealand in 2004, and they have apologised for that and we have put it beyond us. Now we are moving forward."


We must remember here that the Jews' definition of "regrets" is vastly different from ours.

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5ad960  No.130382

You have a summary of these events on (((wikipedia)))

en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93New_Zealand_relations

>On 23 December 2016, New Zealand was a co-sponsor on Resolution 2334, which condemned the ongoing building of Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territories.

Looks like it was patsy time!

>New Zealand's Foreign Minister Murray McCully stated that "We have been very open about our view that the [UN Security Council] should be doing more to support the Middle East peace process and the position we adopted today is totally in line with our long established policy on the Palestinian question" and that "the vote today should not come as a surprise to anyone and we look forward to continuing to engage constructively with all parties on this issue".

>Despite the above statements, Israel recalled its ambassadors to New Zealand, as well as fellow co-sponsor Senegal. On 27 December New Zealand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade confirmed that its ambassador to Israel was banned from entering the country. In February 2017, Israel decided not to return its ambassador to New Zealand and permanently downgraded its diplomatic relations with New Zealand to the level of chargés d'affaires, which is the lowest level of diplomatic relations.

Smells like fÄrikÄl & krumkake here.

>On June 14, the Israeli government restored full diplomatic relations with New Zealand after Prime Minister Bill English sent a letter expressing regret at fallout from UN Resolution 2334. The letter was preceded by discreet diplomatic contacts between the two governments and a telephone conversation between English and his Israeli counterpart Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Following the letter and phone conversation, the Israeli Foreign Ministry's director-general Yuval Rotem announced that the Israeli Ambassador Itzhak Gerbeg would be returning to Wellington to assume his duties. The New Zealand Foreign Minister Gerry Brownlee confirmed the restoration of full diplomatic relations. The New Zealand Labour Party leader Andrew Little and the Green Party's foreign affairs spokesperson Kennedy Graham criticised the government for backtracking on its previous support for the resolution and sending mixed messages.

I think we can agree that some severe kikening happened between 2004 and 2016.

Since the Jews had a clear interest in getting into NZ' national police computer system, it is plausible that the shootings were used as a smokescreen for another Mossad operation in Christchurch or nearby. It's also possible they got access to a whole range of information, including incoming events relating to security protocols.

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6a95e6  No.130436


Hey, ID: 5ad960, this is beautiful work. This is exactly the kind of work that 8kun needs if it's going to be worth a shit. Thanks for this.

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6a95e6  No.130478


I just finished reading your very well researched series of posts. There's a lot here to think about. Your article is better than 99.5% of the shit that gets spewed out by the MSM. It's a testament to Robert Steele's thesis on "open source intelligence" (OSINT)


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2c977a  No.130563

Every single tarrant supporter post is either feds or retarded jew lovers, it is known.

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48570e  No.130745


I'll stand by my original assessment of him that I had in the first place. Given the incredibly pathetic local police and the overall concern of his for his nation. Why in the fuck would he allow himself to be apprehended after a single event. Why would he give away his identity. Why would he throw himself away on a single Mosque. He could have perpetrated half a dozen such attacks before being shot and killed, or arrested. He could have assassinated his PM. He could have done any number of dramatic operations over the course of months if not years.

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4fa888  No.130749

I find a number of things about this suspicious.

A. the shooter's extensive travel history (including to Isreal) was never mentioned. He went places, he met people.

B. Personally I never heard any details about where or how he acquired weapons or training

C. he's been completely (and probably illegally) silenced in prison

D. no examination of police activity in the wake of the shooting, I personally know a lot of politically connected figures were visited by police and some were threatened

E. the authorship of any of his manifestos was never confirmed, they could have easily been edited or fabricated entirely

While I wouldn't jump to any conclusions there are a lot of loose ends.

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744d6d  No.130757

File: 220c70c9c030990⋯.png (155.46 KB, 460x302, 230:151, 1416059380241.png)

I find this thread suspicious due to fact that jews don't want whites to have martyrs and heroes, controversy surrounding Tarrant feels artificial to me. A lot of us haven't killed any yids, but that doesn't make us kikes ourselves now does it?

If anyone haven't already formed an opinion on this matter a long time ago, i suggest you read the manifesto first and make up your mind yourself, don't let anyone think for you.

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6a95e6  No.130763


> I personally know a lot of politically connected figures were visited by police and some were threatened

How were they threatened and over what specifically?

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4fa888  No.130770


Couldn't really comment on specifics.

But basically they told everyone to shut up and not do anything for a few months

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6a95e6  No.130782

File: 5652ed947be5916⋯.jpg (42.49 KB, 850x400, 17:8, external_content_duckduckg


>i suggest you read the manifesto

Ah yes, "the manifesto". It's always so remarkable that some dysfunctional geek appears to wreak some idiot massacre and suddenly out of the blue he starts writing a "manifesto" or a "diary".

I posted an article above on the George Wallace assassination by Arthur Bremer.

>>Meanwhile, in Bremer's car a diary surfaced that was reportedly an accounting of Bremer's travels and thoughts in the two months before he shot Wallace, bearing on its pages the loud declaration that "I have to kill somebody" and "I am one sick assassin." But Wallace himself came to believe that the diary, with its bizarre admixture of sophistication and stupidity (complete with spelling errors so egregious they seem almost purposeful), was in fact a forgery. Its tone, he noted to reporters, was "contrived," as though "it were deliberately written to throw off inquiry into a possible conspiracy."

>>Gore Vidal in the New York Review of Books in 1973 came to a similar conclusion. Vidal's article, "The Art and Arts of E. Howard Hunt," traversed Hunt's long career as a spy novelist and concluded that Hunt likely authored the Bremer diary.

CIA/Mossad writing diaries for its patsies is nothing new but to go even further, in general I don't think much of manifestos both as works of literature or as blueprints for social structure. Nobody wrote a manifesto on how to construct the industrial revolution. Marx wrote a manifesto on what communism was supposed to look like. Which was more successful in the real world. We're all living in unimaginable luxury, comfort and good health with insanely powerful computers on our desks. Even the head of IBM in the 1950's thought that there would be no need for more than 2 computers in the entire world. Once people in a disorderly manner set their sights on a process they accomplish miracles. Once a group of assholes impose a manifesto on humanity it invariably produces catastrophes, murderous bloodshed, enslavement.

If Tarrant wanted to be a hero why didn't he take on someone or something that mattered?

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0121e8  No.130813


>If Tarrant wanted to be a hero why didn't he take on someone or something that mattered?

And here lies the biggest point. These targets kind of "mattered" but not really. They were insignificant in the scheme of things. A drop in the buck. They were expendable as are all Muslim Invaders. If you actually want to do some damage you gotta go for the head. If Tarrant was such a hero he'd hit actual players like central bankers for example ( the ones behind the scenes not their cannon fodder or mouthpieces ). Yes they are high profile targets but with this he just made things worse. This "manifesto" and his travels to Israel just make things a bit more spicy.

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27fc0b  No.130829

I'll just remind you that there are some real muslim shills on /pol/. They don't care about white people and use National Socialism as a cover-up for their anti-Zionism movement. They still support the Western globohomo and jews on top of it only if it does not support Israel.

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4023c7  No.130849



>If Tarrant wanted to be a hero why didn't he take on someone or something that mattered?

So, how many camel fucking invaders he had to kill for you to be impressed? How many removed shitskin mudslimes is considered a heroic deed?

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0121e8  No.130850


That's the point. Except if it's a sizable amount of kebab removed this isn't gonna do anything. 50 muslims is literally fucking nothing. If he removed half the muslim population of Australia or all of it, or if he went against higher importance of targets then i would perk my eyes yes.

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4023c7  No.130853

File: 21916f3833d9dd4⋯.jpg (280.01 KB, 1280x849, 1280:849, w53cc53tg4.jpg)


Aren't you asking too much from one man who owes you nothing? A dood kills a bunch of inbred donkey raping invaders on his own free time and some people still aren't happy. Makes no sense.

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0121e8  No.130856


>aren't you asking too much

no, if you want substantial change through that solution that's what you have to do, if i go and throw a drop of chlorine on an ocean of shit the shit isnt gonna clean up, i have the right idea obviously but the execution is lacking

>owes me nothing

i didnt say he owed me anything i merely pointed to the fact that his action accounted to no substantial change towards our side which is true.

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4023c7  No.130859


>if you want substantial change through that solution that's what you have to do

What do you mean, can you elaborate?

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27fc0b  No.130864


>i didnt say he owed me anything i merely pointed to the fact that his action accounted to no substantial change towards our side which is true.

Maybe because people don't follow him.

Are you saying that a plan which you don't follow will not work because you don't follow it therefore the plan is bad?

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0121e8  No.130865


I think we are going in circles but yes let me reiterate my previous post. The muslim population in Australia according to the most cited census in most articles which was taken in 2016 is about over 600k ( there is probably much more now but let's take that as a number ). Now tell me how 50 of them dying changed literally anything. Look how disproportionate things are. 50 expendable sandnogs died. That changes nothing


I didn't say he didn't have the right idea ( in minecraft of course mister Glowstein ), i am saying that in the scale executed it was ineffective, which it was, and might i add that it seems really fishy given the circumstances involved.

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974f7e  No.130877

It’s true that Tarrant’s actions ultimately only served the Jews and globalists, he gave them the pretext to disarm the population of New Zealand, crush any growing identitarian movement in New Zealand and Australia and crack down on the global dissident right movement both online and physically. His actions were ill-thought out and counter-productive. That being said, he was not a Mossad agent, the attack was not a false flag or a hoax and anyone who genuinely believes that Tarrant is some Mossad agent back in Israel right now must be seriously deluded or insane. If Tarrant was some kind of agent, he would never be able to go out in public ever again now that the whole world has seen his face and knows him as a mass murdering terrorist. That’s so obvious it shouldn’t even need to be said.

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e8dcd7  No.130883

File: cd8ca33c90088c7⋯.jpg (23.52 KB, 388x393, 388:393, gpertlym2.jpg)


It's obvious you're a shill.

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6a95e6  No.130890


>So, how many camel fucking invaders he had to kill for you to be impressed? How many removed shitskin mudslimes is considered a heroic deed?

They were totally unarmed. The grand finale was a woman cowering in the gutter whimpering. Not particularly heroic.

I doubt if George Soros was anything but amused. Now ask yourself, what would it take to make George Soros or the Koch brothers or Lloyd Blankfein stop and take note of the displeasure of the people at unrestricted immigration?

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cf1ae0  No.130892


Killing them and their family.

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6a95e6  No.130894

File: 856cba5d6afc55a⋯.jpg (377.66 KB, 2548x1302, 182:93, crime.JPG)

>>anti-Zionism movement.

Yes, anti Zionism, that's what we want and need.>>130892

>Killing them and their family.

I would never say that or insinuate that or advocate such a thing whatsoever nor should you.

In virtually all western countries advocating that someone should be murdered or harmed is itself a crime carrying severe penalties. In no way should my previous statements imply that I was doing such a thing. I was thinking only of organizing political activity to make the will of the people legitimately known to them.

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e08543  No.130910


u wot, m8?

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33a158  No.131026

Interesting how kikes barge into this thread after the anon's big effort post, with the usual use of distorted claims and arguments that seem to go eternally in circles.


>If Tarrant wanted to be a hero why didn't he take on someone or something that mattered?


I don't recall any such claim from this curious man.

The real issue being in the manipulation that goes on with the combined effect of his attack and the manifesto, all pushing us into a vision hampered by blinders to focus on Muslims alone when the cause is utterly ignored.


With limited numbers and a small quantity of precious soldiers, I don't think wasting them and bullets on low-value brownies would be as efficient as, say, actually using these men on high value targets like, say, politicians, entertainers, lawyers, judges, bankers, and basically all the prominent Jewish figures who push for destruction of white culture and lives.

In light of this, the ravenous killing of random Muslims is largely fruitless, especially since they're too many to tackle with limited numbers: you would need a real army to handle these migrant population and force them to do whatever you deem necessary to free your lands.

So we're back to the need to wrestle power out of the Jews' hands.

But how can you do that if you're not even aware that they hold it?

Where is the anti-Zionist/anti-Semitic mass of redpills in all of Tarrant's act?

There's shit to be found. Simply because his purpose was not to help us but to serve Israel.

Now he's stuck in a box, isolated, silenced, used like tissue paper.

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33a158  No.131030


>That being said, he was not a Mossad agent, the attack was not a false flag or a hoax and anyone who genuinely believes that Tarrant is some Mossad agent back in Israel right now must be seriously deluded or insane. If Tarrant was some kind of agent, he would never be able to go out in public ever again now that the whole world has seen his face and knows him as a mass murdering terrorist. That’s so obvious it shouldn’t even need to be said.

What a shill. You have not demonstrated how he could not possibly be a man pretending serving white interests when in fact doing exactly the contrary, for the unique sake of serving his handlers, as he had no choice to do so.

I prefer the following posts:



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6a95e6  No.131058

File: bd89c9baa263e09⋯.jpg (86.21 KB, 700x466, 350:233, external_content_duckduckg

File: bd89c9baa263e09⋯.jpg (86.21 KB, 700x466, 350:233, external_content_duckduckg


>Now he's stuck in a box, isolated, silenced, used like tissue paper.

Is he? When was the last time he appeared in public even in a court appearance? When was the last time he or his attorneys made any pronouncements? Is he living in a penthouse apartment overlooking the beach in Haifa with three or four super beautiful 13 year old Ukrainian blonde girl slaves? Maybe Ken Lay has the apartment next door to his and they're pals.

Who knows?

Once again, let's go back to George Wallace's assassin;

>>Authors Freed, Leek, Sugar and others have suggested that Bremer had a control agent who was running him in the Wallace assassination project. The writers have also speculated that Bremer was a programmed assassin, mind-controlled by CIA handlers using psychedelic brainwashing techniquesmassive doses of LSD and BZ coupled with hypnosisperfected in government Cold War programs such as MK-Ultra and Operation Artichoke. There is no hard evidence to support a Bremer-as-Manchurian-Candidate scenario. Yet Bremer's disassociated behaviorhis indifference, incoherence, his noted roboticism, the "silly grin" he consistently woreraises questions. He writes in his diary that he would shoot Wallace in order to secure fame and publicity. But then, jailed and accused, he refused to speak to the press and, even after his convictionhe was sent to prison for 53 yearshe has never talked since. "I stand mute," he said. Bremer's lawyer at the opening of his speedy five-day trial told the court that given the defendant's mental statethe eerie non-presence of the manit is not surprising that "some doctors will tell you even Arthur Bremer doesn't know if he shot Wallace." When Bremer was arrested and charged, a federal officer noted that he was "almost oblivious to what was going on." Today, Bremer spends his time in prison talking to "inanimate objects," though he has not been declared insane.

So Saint Brendan of ChristChurch sacrificed his entire young life to suffer as a martyr for us, knowing full well that 50 dead muslims was a drop in the bucket but that his example would serve as a paradigm for all of us to emulate…except he's not saying a word. If he has visitors they have nothing to communicate on his behalf to those who adulate him. Is he being kept totally incommunicado?


Nothing in there or any other article I could find denying him the right to communicate with the outside world..

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2b61ef  No.131136

File: eedabad1bfa3204⋯.jpg (43.1 KB, 474x473, 474:473, Jesus_you_can_smell_the_gl


Maybe people are just happy cuz there are now less sand niggers than before and they got murdered in the most gruesome way possible too!

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399cbc  No.131296


>Is he? When was the last time he appeared in public even in a court appearance? When was the last time he or his attorneys made any pronouncements? Is he living in a penthouse apartment overlooking the beach in Haifa with three or four super beautiful 13 year old Ukrainian blonde girl slaves? Maybe Ken Lay has the apartment next door to his and they're pals.

>Who knows?

Fair point, although hard to substantiate, don't you think? I would not rule it out entirely but… same shit about Epstein though. I guess a nation such as Israel which can smuggle nukes out of the USA can ferry people to some remote place without much issues.


His case seems psychologically different. Unless the MKU methods have become much more subtle, dunno. Way too speculative. Tarrant would not need to be turned into a puppet. Imagine just being an agent who screwed up at some point and was obliged towards some (((groups))).

Or none of that and he actually, as you suggested, did his little show and then got moved overseas.

>Nothing in there or any other article I could find denying him the right to communicate with the outside world..

I think the authorities had actually blocked nearly all mail.

That is the official story anyway.

Unless a group of people obtain the right for a surprise visit to Tarrant in the jail center he's supposed to be held in, you'll never know.

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399cbc  No.131297


>Unless a group of people obtain the right for a surprise visit to Tarrant in the jail center he's supposed to be held in, you'll never know.

As a matter of fact, like his family. Did we hear anything about his relatives this year?

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974f7e  No.131426


There was no way that he could have escaped after committing an attack, the entire country’s police and armed forces would be mobilised to look for him. As for why he chose to to attack a mosque rather than a PM or some other important figure, again it’s quite obvious, a PM will be constantly surrounded by security.

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4af529  No.131429



If there is evidence of travel it will block you. When you travel into a nation you get your passport stamped. If you get a new passport there is no carry over of stamps. I don't believe that Tarrant acted alone and i do believe that there is a massive amount of questions that need to be answered. Pictures of him are also misleading. He was more lean and had different facial features as well.

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2cfc7c  No.131434


>Pictures of him are also misleading.

>He was more lean and had different facial features as well.

Prison will do things to you

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6a95e6  No.131439

File: 253bb05cf8a544f⋯.jpg (72.98 KB, 600x585, 40:39, accomplice.jpg)


> I don't believe that Tarrant acted alone

This is another aspect of the case that the government/news media cone of silence has fallen upon. On the day of the shooting there were lots of photos of other participants at other sites. At that time I counted two others.

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6a95e6  No.131444

File: f24f23db6d30d61⋯.jpg (15.2 KB, 375x211, 375:211, tarrant_arrest_1.jpg)

File: 9f8376a1abf99b7⋯.jpg (101.96 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, tarrant_arrest_3.jpg)

One woman and two other men were arrested in association with Brenton's attack.


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a2b43f  No.131477



holy fucking shit. are we still bringing up this guy? it was confirmed shortly after they caught him that he was a random bystander who was detained because of the camo clothing

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6a95e6  No.131478


The article posted says two men and a woman were arrested at the same time. Why were they arrested? Who were they? Were they actually associated with Brenton? Were they associated with Israel?

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c05a61  No.131670


Why am I not surprised that a /pol/fag has this? And I really hope that's not a fucking kid…

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c46519  No.131774


looks like Russian fagfishing

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6a95e6  No.131776

File: 3742cdd1365af4f⋯.png (218.16 KB, 752x529, 752:529, external_content_duckduckg


Ah yes, spamming disgusting faggot porn into a political thread where things are being discussed in a way that (((they))) disapprove of.

I've been seeing this tactic going back to 2000 on bulletin boards that allowed (((them))) to be criticized

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a902f5  No.132579



There are probably /pol/fags that want to be the fag being spray painted…

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4ab508  No.134501



Don't forget the strange video they found him, stay safe x or some shit like that, someone was video capturing a phone playing the video of two armed men entering the same papanui school that nigger was arrested in front of.

All of this was to create confusion. Which was helped since the whole city was used for an anti-terrorist international drill. Plus explosives were reported in different parts of the city too, and one of the sandniggers who ran after Tarrant at the second mosque said that there were other people in the car waiting for him, which is just wtfesque considering we saw Tarrant was alone until the end of the video feed. Doubt he picked anyone up. The Muslim likely lied? Too much confusion again.


>holy fucking shit. are we still bringing up this guy? it was confirmed shortly after they caught him that he was a random bystander who was detained because of the camo clothing

True, but again what a convenient happenstance that he goes around in camo and that he gets caught right in front of the same school featured in the iphone video.

Perhaps we need to post that video? It seems few people are aware of its existence.


And despite reports, this post has not been edited or deleted.


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4ab508  No.134503


Any idea what this anon was trying to say?

Is it some kind of masonic clue or what?

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4ab508  No.134504


They were released. Nothing heard about them ever again. For security and privacy concerns, if the police forces had nothing going against them, I'd expect them not to divulge their identities.

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5b28bb  No.134747


why goatfuckers dilating so hard about Saint Tarrant

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808154  No.134786


> dilating so hard about Saint Tarrant

It's not goatfuckers. It's white people that are highly suspicious of this fucking jew and very odd life leading up to his famous event.

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9d3822  No.134803


No one is defending catholic pedos, you fucking muslim nigger. Felate a gun and get the fuck off my board

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5b28bb  No.135033

File: c77d4581620646e⋯.png (610.99 KB, 606x772, 303:386, 1593789891507.png)


im highly suspicious about you too, who knows you are a t*rkroach, muzzie, kike or a glownigger shill

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808154  No.135089


Yeah well the feeling is mutual, almost. Who knows? maybe you're an IDF soldier sitting in an armored Land Rover in some dark alleyway in Jerusalem with a 7 year old Palestinian boy with two freshly broken arms sitting on your naked lap with your circumcised dick buried in his ass. But the rabbi says that's OK so it's fine, nobody cares.

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9ef828  No.135092


You sure have some strange sexual fantasies, shlomo.

When I think about shills I never think about those things you just said.

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5b28bb  No.135095

File: beb8a9c58329043⋯.gif (3.88 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1593802635311.gif)


you look more jidf than me, only butthurt kike or muzzie would make threads about some revenger that made jihadist muzzie parasites dilate so hard, Tarrant is a hero very sad theres no kikes and turks in that mosque it would be very epic

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808154  No.135137

File: 9ec24cf55e031dd⋯.jpg (56 KB, 384x389, 384:389, ezgif_4_405e5b0fbdf9.jpg)


>When I think about shills I never think about those things you just said.

You don't think about them, you just do them.

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808154  No.135139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Funny you post a pic of Serbs. Serbs are Israel's closest allies.

>>Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met today (Monday 1 December 2014) with the Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić.

>>At the start of the meeting, the two made the following statements:

PM Netanyahu: It's an honor to welcome you to Israel, Prime Minister Vučić.

>>The friendship between the Jewish and Serbian peoples goes back to thousands of years, to the time of the Roman Republic. In the modern world our two peoples were united in struggle and in suffering. During the terrible years of the Second World War in Serbia, our people faced brutal persecution and murder at the hands of the Nazis and their friends. We will never forget the role of the Serbian people in fighting Nazism. >>It's a badge of honor, and one that is deeply felt in our hearts and will always, always be there.

Serbian Jews, Prime Minister, played an important role in the national rebirth of the Jewish people. In the 19th century, perhaps the first progenitor of modern Zionism was Rabbi Yehudah Alkalai, who was from Serbia. Two of the presents of Theodore Herzl, two of the progenitors of Theodore Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism, are buried in Belgrade. Very few people know that. So the modern State of Israel is the culmination of the vision of both Herzl and Alkalai.


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883a7f  No.135148


Actually, Serbs are a very good example that no matter how good you treat the Jews, how much you help them or even if you save them from annihilation, they will still treat you no different from their worst enemies and attempt to ruin you in the worst ways imaginable. Similar holds for Americans, British etc. who are getting the same treatment as Germans despite being on the other side of the war. Kikes were behind violent breakup and bombing of Yugoslavia, they were responsible for economic ruin, color revolution and great robbery before and after that, and are today using their puppets to flood Serbia with shitskins, spread subversive propaganda (poz), tyrannically enforce white genocide and everything else that comes with Zionist occupation. Modern Serbia is also Weimar tier, another clear symptom.

Vucic's mother is a kikess, and most of the inner mafia circle that makes up his party have at least some kike ancestry. Same goes for most oligarchs, any person with some power in Serbia is either a crypto, has a Jewish wife, or got his kosher brand from some front organization.

Average Serb is very similar to American cuckservative.

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5b28bb  No.135159


dilate harder t*rkroach muzzie paki nigger and God bless the Serbs very nice people thank god they putted your kind in a concentration camps never gonna forget their heroism against the islamic parasites, Amen

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808154  No.135163

File: 50d5221af2d4732⋯.png (103.67 KB, 316x316, 1:1, Jidf_logo.png)


>Vucic's mother is a kikess,

Exactly. So he's a jew too. My Croatian friend wised me up on this account; Croats regard Serbs as jews or jew's cock suckers.

>>135139 (You)

>>dilate harder t*rkroach muzzie paki nigger and God bless the Serbs very nice people thank god they

And this post was brought to you courtesy of the JIDF; when you need a pack of good for nothing smelly bums sitting in a tent in the desert wearing doilies on their heads to post lies and spam to the internet, turn to the (((people))) with the most experience. Go to the JIDF. Whether it's heaping scorn on 911 truth, promoting miscegenation between white women and niggers with impossibly huge peckers or hailing Brenton Tarrant as a saint and a hero, you can't go wrong with JIDF.

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808154  No.135170

File: 0bc99a7a70c0bba⋯.jpg (29.32 KB, 435x435, 1:1, Trump_McCain.jpg)


What a great post. It lacked just this one thing;

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6f696b  No.135173

File: a19f975d95b016c⋯.jpg (37.89 KB, 584x310, 292:155, Moshe.jpg)


Tell your Croatian friend that Ante Pavelic's wife was a kikess and that Ustase were IRL Hollywood caricatures of the "nazis" whose sole purpose was to make the movement look bad by committing atrocities. Also send him pic related.

>Croats regard Serbs as jews or jew's cock suckers.

Serbs were mostly indifferent towards the Jews, they just have a lot of stupid people who easily fall for their tricks. On another hand, you'll find more people who are redpilled on the JQ than in some WE country.

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808154  No.135176


I think you're being a bit harsh there on the Croats.

>>Between the end of August and the end of September 1942 the Regiment took part in various training and refitting duties behind the lines. On September 22nd 1942, Colonel Viktor Pavicic, until that time commander of the Croatian Military Academy, replaced Colonel Markulj as the CO of the Regiment. On September 24th 1942, Ante Pavelic made a visit to the Regiment to bestowe decorations upon various men of the unit and to lunch with General Paulus of 6.Armee. Finally, on September 26th 1942, the Regiment received orders to move out. A forced march to the south-east through Gomcar and Gumnik followed. After a 14 hour march, the Regiment arrived in the fateful suburbs of Stalingrad. At 11:30pm of that same day, the 1st Battalion of the Regiment entered the front lines in Stalingrad itself. Early the next morning, the remaining portions of the Regiment also entered the front lines around Stalingrad. The 369th Regiment thus became the only unit of non-Germans to participate in the attack on Stalingrad. This was actually viewed as a great honor - a reward for its hard fought battles and excellent successes to this point. Some talk was even heard about re-naming the 100.JĂ€ger-Division as the 100th German-Croatian Jager Division! None of this was to come to fruition though, as the streets of Stalingrad were to be the final resting place for the Regiment.

They pretty much got wiped out in the fierce fighting.

Croats themselves are somewhat divided on this account, and it's a touchy subject. Tito I believe was a Croat.

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72660b  No.135180



police attending false flag can't remember details with referring to documents

laughable bullshit.

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5b28bb  No.135185


nice try jidf

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5b28bb  No.135187


gas yourself kike

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5b28bb  No.135188


gas yourself paid shill kike t*rkroach nigger

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dbaa48  No.135344



Is this even supposed to be good English?


Nevertheless, thanks for the info anon.

Finally, a non-JIDF post.

>>He explained he had experienced memory impairment triggered by the traumatic events of March 15. The event and prior similar armed apprehensions had affected him significantly, he said.

LOLWUT? What a fucking gay excuse. Tarrant didn't even resist.

>>Justice Churchman said he was satisfied that what might have been an “inexplicable inability” to recall some details of the event without referring to documents was “genuine and understandable”.

>>It was about 2pm on March 15 when the officers saw the shooter’s gold Subaru on Brougham St, driving erratically with its hazard lights on.

Gold? it was silver. They even provide a link to an article featuring the video and the vehicle is described as a "silver wagon".

>>and, ignoring the bombs in the back seat

So there were bombs on the backseat too, besides the incendiary ones in the trunk? Or are they just making this claim up to make it look more dramatic than it actually was?

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b50730  No.135463


It wasn't black and white I guess. You had true believers but you also had opportunists who just sided with whoever was in the power. These opportunists made Croatia to do a U turn (kek) and go full Commie/Yugoslav when Germans were losing the war. Then turn their backs on their former allies again in the 90's. But while Croats were treacherous for their own benefit, Serbs were treacherous against their own benefit. Everything that Serbs did in WW1 and WW2 was to the benefit of the kikes and the eternal Anglo whose propagandists manipulated them, and to their own determent. Those wars brought tremendous damage and population loss to the Serbs, without them gaining much from either. Which is why I find it strange that kikes are trying to replace them with shitskins today, as they could hardly find the gooder of goys.

Tito was a "Croat", but was most likely a crypto-kike with an entirely manufactured identity. Hence why his last name Broz (Codename: Ambroz - Ambrosia).

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808154  No.135472


Yeah the Anglo jew. Croats have a deep contempt and hatred for British meddling in the Balkans, including Greece. They seem to adore the French and Napoleon though…

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37f299  No.135749

File: 90a2fa6bea77a1b⋯.jpg (2.44 MB, 1696x6224, 106:389, 1505231463508.jpg)


>Don't slander people you don't know

Most oldfags know far more about you subhuman goatfucker satanists than even some of you rank and file subhuman goatfucker satanists do. Between watching you 85-iqs get your prostates liquefied by professor.kafir for 11 threads straight and your pathetic and desperate shilling in response, the average oldfag is well-versed in your specific brand of brown fagdom. Unfortunately for you, many anons are also more generally well-read and have the required autism to validate claims by reading primary historical sources and as it turns out, you are exactly what everyone perceives you to be; absolute fucking degenerates with no respect for human life, knowledge or posterity and with absolutely no place in white european society. But take hope. Abandon your goatfucking ways and renounce islam and you may yet be redeemed. That is, if you don't get beheaded by your own parents first.

For newfags:

quran is basically the talmud for racially sloppy sandniggers written by a faggot cuck named muh-homo to trick his friend into giving him his wife, from whom muh-homo wanted sloppy seconds. when this worked really well on his 80iq bro, muh-homo realized he could grift his way into ill-gotten riches and glory, so he wrote the quran by stealing from a bunch of pagan groups and inverting every moral lesson that was in the bible since that way he could pander to low iq sandnigger baser violent instincts. everything a faggot muslim says to a non-muslim in defense of their clitoris-mutilating doctrine is a lie that is permissible and encouraged via their faggy taqqiya.

On the most basic level, untold numbers of whites have suffered and died at their hands throughout history but more egregious is their destruction of every library they ever came across setting the white race back hundreds if not thousands of years thereby - robbing us of a big part of our heritage. You know there's one other race that likes to do this. You guessed it, jews. Remember the golden rule. for every faggot muslim shill you encounter on the internet, redpill 10 people irl about what muslims really are.

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808154  No.135755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is pretty much Sheldon Adelson's favorite rabbi, one of the most influential in the world

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0f2ea1  No.135796


sorry anon. Typing error. should have been 'without referring', not 'with'.

I can't remember the wagon color. They banned the video and arrested kids for sharing it, so I didn't watch the thing a second time. I vaguely remember petrol cans in the boot, no bombs or anything, but who knows. How they could tell from outside I don't know either.

What matters is that its fucking gay and utter BS.


> required autism

We were born to be /pol/

> for every faggot muslim shill you encounter on the internet, redpill 10 people irl about what muslims really are.

Every day, anon, every day.

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5628d9  No.136408


>Typing error. should have been 'without referring', not 'with'.

Nah, I meant the article itself:

>>Mosque shooter arresting officer has memory damage from trauma

The sentence is so bad it can be read as it's a mosque shooter arresting an officer. Because headlines keep getting more and more condensed, faster to read. It keeps getting worse imho.

>I can't remember the wagon color.

Silver. The picture of it is literally all over the internet and the newspaper links to one of its former articles that features the vehicle in a video and is properly described as silver, not gold.

Could be Stuff's journo's sloppy work though. Kinda funny because wikipedia also repeats the same error. wikipedia.org/wiki/Christchurch_mosque_shootings#Arrest, quoting an article from The Sydney Morning Herald.

>They banned the video and arrested kids for sharing it, so I didn't watch the thing a second time.

See below for an upscaled version, perhaps through use of an AI.


>I vaguely remember petrol cans in the boot, no bombs or anything, but who knows. How they could tell from outside I don't know either.

Already, the two canisters in the trunk weren't exactly obvious as bombs but that is due to the color of the pipe attacked to each canister (black) and the low resolution. You would expect policemen to be vaguely formed about such devices, especially when considering the ongoing simulated terrorist attack that happened today, one that could have been part of their training program. So it's possible they quickly spotted some devices on the backseat too. Or again, sloppy journalism.

>What matters is that its fucking gay and utter BS.


I have a hard time believing you suffer a memory-wiping critical psychological trauma after forcing a car to the side of the road and arresting a guy who provided no resistance whatsoever. The policeman might have been very cautious at that time because the situation was tense, they had a rampaging shooter on the run and nobody would be there to tell him what Tarrant had planned next, but is that much different from the training that teaches these armed forces how to deal with potentially high risk threats? In fact, under such danger, senses tend to be very sharp on specific elements and I'd expect the mind to autistically memorize some elements which on the larger scale wouldn't appear that much essential, outside of any police report.

But the most insulting part of this is how the cop claims this event in March 15 literally made him forget about an older event involving the other gun totting guy who was caught walking around with his rifle when going to the public room for a pee. Of course it's complete BS and it is disgusting. No real and impartial expert could truly validate this nonsense! However, and unless I missed something, it's quite peripheral to the case itself, aside from involving one of the few cops who arrested Tarrant. There is no doubt that true intelligence experts have a deeper file on this guy, right?

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058804  No.136468

File: 61135db6e6b2d08⋯.jpg (23.29 KB, 367x245, 367:245, abu_ghraib_jews_of_course.jpg)


Fucking infernal hell batman!, so this yoo fellow is even worse than he seemed

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808154  No.136485

File: edd10e3680ac3d0⋯.jpg (92.05 KB, 511x800, 511:800, c90d365c7f38f0b1757859908e


>The sentence is so bad it can be read as it's a mosque shooter arresting an officer. Because headlines keep getting more and more condensed, faster to read. It keeps getting worse imho

If you haven't read it yet get it. You'll enjoy it. It's right up your alley.

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058804  No.136491


Thank you anon, there seems to be something very important for the kikes in kiwiland, they've worked hard for over 15 years to infest them and apparently they now have decent control over them, seems suspect as everything the kikes do, perhaps there could be some wiretapping into the internet backdoors that the americans and other 5 eyes have installed, they could surely use it as a base of operations to infect china (more) and japan (even more).

I don't know, it's all just too fishy to be directed by the USA.


Remember the gungrabbing florida children also went to christchurch about a month before for some special effects training another little coinkidink


hahahahaha what a fucking crock of shit, It's also funny how the shooters always have bombs but never manage to fucking use them it's like they're not really committed to the bit.

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808154  No.137393

File: feb4e9f8090e994⋯.jpg (230.71 KB, 1318x1851, 1318:1851, NZ.JPG)


Not directly related but I can see where the Israelis would be deeply concerned with NZ


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9e3bbd  No.139318

File: 503f09396446adb⋯.jpg (34.78 KB, 700x394, 350:197, http_com_ft_imagepublish_u


>Tarrant visited Israel

It's a prerequisite for kosher greatness it seems.

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516752  No.142112

Has there been a more complete article than SOTT's yet ? (warning: they're not NatSoc or even WN, they cuck on this which explains why they're still up on Youtube)


https://www.sott.net/article/409377-NewsReal-30-Christchurch-Massacre-Dont-Fall-For-The-Manipulation (:yt video, good one too)

They pour fuel then light the fire.

>It's the birthrates!

>It's the birthrates!

>It's the birthrates!

Yet everything, from the manifesto's main content to Tarrant's actions, designate the Muslims as the main target. Therefore, we should read:

>It's the Muslims!

>It's the Muslims!

>It's the Muslims!

Because this is what is so transparently *cough* implied *cough*.

Migrants came and now tensions are set ablaze for maximum chaos and crackdown on liberties, which will guarantee that it is absolutely impossible for White Nationalists to free themselves from this planned genocide.

Then Edom will be wiped clean and the Jewish messiah will reveal himself in Jerusalem, head capital of the world.

How long could this take? White countries are on the bring of implosion, but the federal ruling and overbearing governments are yet to be a strong reality. Whereas Europe has its Union, North America is yet to have its NAU.

The plan is to bridge all these unions into one single world government that will conveniently solve all problems.

The mandatory control of people's movements and vaccination, the chipping of countless devicing, the Internet of Things and 5G, all combine into this surveillance grid. This is not science fiction, it's happening right now.

This is the Zionist prophecy and this is why neither Breivik nor Tarrant pointed fingers at this Jew-led International Zionist Cabal.

Many people remain absolutely puzzled by the apparent opposition between the unity through miscegenation and the clash of civilization. Are they really opposed though?

The former is mostly achieved by controlling the much larger part of all populations but in reality there is no such miscegenation at large.

The latter is focused on extremist groups which in return feed the political rhetoric for foreign wars and domestic dictatorship.

Our countries are geared for self-destruct. This is the point. The unity message is to keep the Whites bewitched, non-reactive to their own destruction, so they accept the invasion and destruction of their culture, which ultimately, because of numbers, will precisely lead to a conflict where Whites, already the minority of all races on this planet, will be largely destroyed so that whatever remains will be easily ruled.

The non-Jewish Zionists are allies of fortune, wishing for the good life hoping to be spared from the Jews' cruelty. Think the torture porn of Elie Roth, think of the suffering of Gaza's inhabitants, of whom Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said they included "no innocent people."

We are not humans in the eyes of the rabbis. We are cattle to them.

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820e38  No.142121

How to spot a shill:

Have they never criticized jews? Shill.


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2a7e7a  No.142137



Exactly; we are in a tight spot. There is only one way out and it leads directly through the jew regardless of how many minions and golems he throws against us. Maybe we will be crushed, but maybe not. Back when I worked as a bouncer in all sorts of bars and nightclubs often it would seem that I alone or with two other bouncers were doomed to take a severe shitkicking; 25-30 bar denziens of scurvy aspect against two or three bouncers is pretty bad odds. But you stand and fight; you're cornered, and you zero in on the biggest toughest one in the pack that's got you cornered and you start hammering your fist into some faces. Then suddenly, the clouds part, the chaos evaporates and there you stand alone unbeaten in a half deserted bar. The scurvy ones have fled. The jews are not good soldiers. They're not particularly courageous. They got their asses handed to them in Lebanon by Hezbollah. Their marvelous Merkava tanks are pieces of worthless shit. They got their asses handed to them and they've been crying like little bitches ever since.

We will stand and fight. We will win or die fighting.

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e58f22  No.145082

A flood of confusion.


>After all, with the growing clamor for a new, independent investigation of 911, with the numbers of Americans suspecting their government of complicity in the 911 attacks, with the growing evidence that every word that comes out of the mouths of the Ziocons is monstrously twisted at best, an out and out lie at worst, what's a bunch of Pathocrats to do?

>Why, produce distractions and more distractions, of course!

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f02e3d  No.148871


we're fucked mate. see victoria for what is coming to rest of aus and NZ

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cb7257  No.148878

File: 6a81b64cefe5f5f⋯.gif (7.67 MB, 710x296, 355:148, lotr_two_towers_helms_deep


No matter whatever else anybody might say about him, he actually went there.>>148871

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c68880  No.148942

Nobody brings up the Oak Ridge shooting at a synagogue last summer.

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dd4c2f  No.149583

File: 1d3b579c47f4afc⋯.mp4 (13.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Goyim_Goddess_Mossad_Appla


Yeah, i saw that "livestream" when it came out of production, it looks like a video game. The graphic details are reduced to make it harder to tell, but disappearing shells in midair is not so common in this reality for example.

So can you go to jail for livestreaming a video game shooter and saying subscribe to pewd nowadays?

Video source: https://archive.org/download/thirdreichmusicvids

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cb7257  No.149586


You know I've seen a lot of right wing media around here and it's all been pretty bad. But this vid and song are actually quite well done. Thanks.

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dd4c2f  No.149588

File: 05df98073ae2cf4⋯.mp4 (9.81 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Goyim_Goddess_Internet_Tro

File: 4263e693e2b94d0⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Mr_Bond_Good_Old_Nationali

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dd4c2f  No.149589

File: 21b146dec320b39⋯.mp4 (11 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Mr_Bond_Holding_Out_For_A_

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dd4c2f  No.149592

File: 2a23303274396bc⋯.mp4 (14.75 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Holohoax_Anthem_GASSED_NO_

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dd4c2f  No.149593

File: d3f7c58e6244542⋯.mp4 (12.72 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Rabbi_Bad_Guy_by_Billy_Eil

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dd4c2f  No.149594

File: 02b43ef09fe1ac1⋯.mp4 (14.61 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Blow_Em_Up.mp4)

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dd4c2f  No.149596

File: 47656e516f2c38e⋯.mp4 (13.19 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Goyim_Goddess_Zyklon_B.mp4)

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dd4c2f  No.149597

File: b41cafa4d356ba0⋯.mp4 (10.17 MB, 640x360, 16:9, I_love_zog.mp4)

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dd4c2f  No.149598

File: d807372dfa311f3⋯.mp4 (9.32 MB, 768x490, 384:245, Mr_Bond_Cleaning_Out_My_Wa

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dd4c2f  No.149599

File: 138af7db9cddb0b⋯.mp4 (10.32 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Mr_Bond_Power_Level.mp4)

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32d426  No.149706


Do anybody here actually run some autistic cross-checking of names and dates?

Christchurch, Tarrant, etc. Linking them with other attacks, destruction, arson, etc.?


>The graphic details are reduced to make it harder to tell, but disappearing shells in midair is not so common in this reality for example.

when a bot is literally one year late

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80e589  No.152071



Isn't it a pity that the best investigation into this false flag is done by people who would loathe /pol/?

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1c731b  No.153113


>Serbs are Israel's closest allies.

Is that why the Jews bombed us in 1999?

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1c731b  No.153116


Is it very simple to find out whether Tarrant is on the right side or not, by asking a simple question:

If all men were like Tarrant, would be the world be a better place?

If you're a white nationalist the answer must be an overwhelming YES. Thus Tarrant is a hero.

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d3c18a  No.153120


>Is that why the Jews bombed us in 1999?

Never accept the "friendship" of jews or (((brits))). You're about to be fucked up the ass, like the Japs in WWII.

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42b20b  No.153147


Stupid scenario. What "all men"?

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d3c18a  No.153182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Since 911 we've collectively slaughtered about a million or so muslims and the world is far from being a better place. Maybe if we'd just nuked the real perps of 911 instead of the rug riders, the world would be a better place. Maybe, just maybe.

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88d932  No.153375

Kike thread, there is no proof Tarrant visited Israel.

Israel said that.

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88d932  No.153376


All the west has done is killing the good muzzies while welcoming the bad ones straight from Turkey.

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17d743  No.153849


It’s not impossible at all you uncultured swine. You simply don’t get your passport stamped from either two countries before you fly. Same applies travelling from Malaysia to Israel. If your passport is stamped, they won’t allow you to enter.

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2e9f95  No.154091

mfc is a shite site and we hope it goes down soon because european women shouldn't be put on greg lansky videochat services for perverted cuckolds

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d7e273  No.154124

File: 9d02edb6d35bd33⋯.webm (955.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, _you_.webm)


here it is in higher resolution

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9f72de  No.154129

File: 3457b2f54187b6c⋯.png (3.71 MB, 1378x5792, 689:2896, screencapture_washingtonpo


an article about faggots who talked to him at his sentencing

my favorite highlight:

>Then followed one of the rare occasions when Tarrant showed emotion. The gunman appeared to smile briefly after Smith suggested that Tarrant should read the Koran

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553b81  No.154426


I don't believe it was a false flag either.

No matter what target he chose people would be saying it was the wrong one. He may have been unknowingly groomed into making a move that was less than optimally strategic for himself and his goals, though that's debatable, but total false flag would require extraordinary evidence because it's an extraordinary claim.

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553b81  No.154428


> having slavegirl who you can rape at will with no consequences

> not raping her

And I suppose any sex with such a slavegirl would be rape even if she screamed yes more the whole time…

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94deae  No.154657

He cucked

Lawyers said Tarrant, who is Australian, regretted his actions, had changed his beliefs and wanted to meet his victims — many of whom were holding white flowers in the hearing room on Thursday.

Prosecutor Mark Zarifeh cited Tarrant’s statements to psychiatric and judicial officials in which the gunman described his actions as “unnecessary, abhorrent and irrational,” saying he was influenced by political views that he now concedes “were not real.” Zarifeh also referenced the mass murderer’s statement to officials that he was deeply unhappy and committed his crimes because he “wanted to damage society as an act of revenge.”

He got life without today.

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d3c18a  No.154682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>He got life without today.

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f039ba  No.154692

File: e4869e9668e8567⋯.jpg (35.57 KB, 680x578, 20:17, 6c29b9bd7c41ca6002481de72f

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796f6f  No.154700


in any sane country being a high-profile offender AND getting a sentence that is exceptionally longer than the norm is called miscarrige of justice.

too bad he allowed himself to be cucked by the system lel. oh well. We can just ignore the fact he's alive

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4a9ccc  No.154724

File: 51c7a94a28a001c⋯.jpg (45.28 KB, 1024x414, 512:207, EfGC1kKUEAEOfaS.jpg)


It's more than likely he's been psychologically tortured for most of the past year. Leftists are openly speaking about sending people to reeducation camps for wrongthink alone, let alone for taking action. It'd be much better for him to die fighting, all things considering. He could, theoretically, still become a Mandela-like symbol if public sentimets change - but that in itself is not likely to happen.

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0738a1  No.154876


> Mandela-like symbol

Mandela had powerful jews and international allies backing his terrorism. And then later on got USA state support. Also they rewrote his story as not using terrorism but peace under a multicultural nation without apartheid. Which is complete bs, but jews are going to be jews and people actually believe that bullshit still in modern day


No. You forget the shills that go on hysteria about jews and JQ and call everyone a jew and thus derailing topics.

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50f2aa  No.155038


It would be pretty based if Brenton replaced Mandela as the long detained peace man. I hope we start an uprising on 1/2/21 January second, 2021. It would be epic


He seemed to look up to the crusaders so his visit to the Zionist entity would be obvious cause a lot of Christian holy sites are currently occupied by kikeistan

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