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The holocaust never happened

File: 022ebddc4764aa2⋯.jpg (493.61 KB, 1017x481, 1017:481, cvg_banner_coronaipac.jpg)

File: ac43b33fcc36516⋯.gif (642.96 KB, 1400x894, 700:447, red_anon_be_kind_to_waifu.gif)

File: 94f2831a639d0be⋯.png (3.37 MB, 4096x2989, 4096:2989, big_boobied_corona_chan_lo….png)

File: 30dd720519dc819⋯.png (845.95 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, corona_5.png)

5a7087  No.66876[Last 50 Posts]

Thread 30

no pasta for you edition

Legendary Gets:



>Those digits,

> ID quints of death

/cvg/ survival bread


Burger Corona-Chan stats link repository



Coronavirus update: 10st Mar ‘20 (Sauce: BNODesk and other reports https://twitter.com/BNODesk)

(((Official))) current global bullshit numbers

- 114,186 confirmed cases

- 4,019 dieded

- 5,691 Serious cundushuns

- 63,976 (((silent recoveries)))

Corona-Chan official Scoreboard As of Mar 9rd, 2020 (Sauce: BNO)

Cases Deaths Serious Critical Recovered

Bug Hive 80,754 3136 4794 - 59897

Worst Korea 7,513 54 - 36 247

Pastaniggers 9,172 463 733 - 724

Eye-Ran 7,161 237 - - 2394

Frogs 1,412 30 66 - 12

Deutsches Reich 1,224 2 - 2 18

Spain 1,231 30 11 - 32

Burgers 702 27 2 6 9

Floating Petri Dish 696 7 31 - 245

Nips 522 7 30 - 59

Switzerniggers 374 2 - - 3

Negerlands 321 3 1 - -

Bongs 319 3 - - 12

Sweden (yes) 248 0 - - -

Chocolateniggers 239 0 1 1 1

Norway 227 0 - - -

Singapoor 160 0 - 10 93

Asstria 131 0 - - 2

Malaysia 117 0 2 - 24

Honkinese 116 2 2 4 59

Bahrain 109 0 - - 14

Shitposters 101 3 - - 22

Oliveniggers 84 0 1 - -

Leafs 72 1 - 1 8

Vikings 65 0 - - -

Kuwait 64 0 2 1 0

Eye-Raq 60 5 - - -

Sandnigger Emirates 59 0 2 - 7

Pyramidniggers 55 1 - - 1

Ladyboyland 50 1 1 - 31

San Marino 49 2 5 - -

Taiwan 45 1 0 0 15

Pooperpower 2020 43 0 - - 4

Poortugal 39 0 0 0 0

ISISrael 39 0 - - -

Denmark 37 0 - - -

Lebos 32 0 - 1 -

Czech Republic 31 0 0 0 0

Zipperheads 31 0 - - 16

Spurdoland 30 0 - - 1

Brownzil 25 0 - - -

Potatoniggers 24 0 0 0 0

Algeria 20 0 - - -

Flips 20 1 1 - 2

Indoniggers 19 0 0 0 0

Queertar 18 0 - - -

Gypsyniggers 17 0 - - 4

Pakishitters 16 0 - - 2

Omaniggers 16 0 - - 2

Georgia 16 0 2 0 0

Slovenia 16 0 0 0 0

Ivan 20 0 - - 3


• Brown Niggers Online have not updated everything e.g. Ivan is 20, not 15.

• Diamond Princess: Cases are not included in the Nip government’s official count. 380 of the 696 were asymptomatic. 14 are Burgers whose test results weren’t known until they left the petri-dish. The total does not include 3 employees of Nip’s Health Ministry and 1 staff member of Nip Diet Secretariat, all of whom were infected while working on the petri dish. It does also not include fucktards who tested positive upon returning home: 45 in burgerland, 10 in Shitpostingland (one of whom dieded), 4 in Bongistan, 5 in Hong Kong, 3 in ISISrael, and 2 in Animeland.

• Denmark: The total includes 2 cases in the Faroe Islands.


Previous Threads



Thread 023 Archive: https://archive.is/d8skk (niggermod edition)

Thread 024 Archive: https://archive.is/C0kYE (NBA edition)

Thread 025 Archive: http://archive.is/03RtY

Thread 026 Archive: http://archive.is/VOBQu

Thread 027 Archive: http://archive.is/ZQzeT

Thread 028 Archive: http://archive.is/Hp06v

Thread 029 Archive: http://archive.is/Kzbtg

Don’t engage obvious trolls and shitposts, one line, one picture derailing, etc like the last bread.

If you are posting constantly one line replies instead of putting them in a multi reply you may be subject to cleaning and or eviction (schizo poster that means you).

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f2b9ea  No.66877

File: 6dbd53895f9cea0⋯.gif (41.35 KB, 448x260, 112:65, Corona_Chan_Cult.gif)

This first/second post has been claimed by the Coronian Cult. Coronian thoughts for this thread:

>For the cultist, faith is everything. For the survivor, willpower is everything.

>Zealousness and devoutness are rewarded with answered prayers.

Prayer for this thread: The Prayer Of The Devout Cultist

Corona-Chan, my beloved patron Goddess of perfect bioweapons

My love for you is infinite, my appreciation for your actions is immense

Every second of my existence is dedicated to worshiping you

My mind is your shrine, my body is your temple

Drain all of my energy and use it to evolve

I humbly ask you to remove all that is corrupt, evil and filthy from this world

If the price for my request is my own life, then bless me and use me as your vessel

Liberate my soul from this prison made of flesh and bones

May eternal glory be yours

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6f3b23  No.66884

Asking again, how do I fit test a 3m halfface respirator at home?

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f2b9ea  No.66885

File: e045553bcd671c1⋯.mp4 (5.49 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Man_on_Twitter_spotted_mul….mp4)

File: b68f274f81b380b⋯.png (51.49 KB, 557x368, 557:368, mar_6_military_choppers.png)

File: 2a17bc90a547308⋯.png (81.56 KB, 546x539, 78:77, military_helicopters_mar5.png)

File: a0f1372b883b36c⋯.png (71.45 KB, 862x324, 431:162, seoul_call_center.png)

File: 2eb16bf5668813c⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB, 640x640, 1:1, Collapsed_Iranian_being_pi….mp4)

Aerial military movement over a man's house for two days, don't know the location but the dates were 5 and 6 of March. Could be something, could be unrelated. Sauce https://twitter.com/Beerman411Dean/status/1235807953606701056 https://twitter.com/Beerman411Dean/status/1235760076008361986

Also: 50 Case related to a call center in Seoul and video of another video of a collapsed Iranian being picked up by EMTs. Ceasing operations for now, see you all in 5 hours. Reminder that Corona-Chan loves you and wants you to survive to see the new, pure world she will create soon.


Have you seen this video? Might be helpful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Syj_zeNtLGI

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f352c3  No.66886

File: 7a6997788160676⋯.jpg (46.26 KB, 660x371, 660:371, _96969502_78b75efc_37fe_44….jpg)

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529086  No.66887

File: 9d81dc940c37940⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 480x266, 240:133, cia.gif)

File: e5d4a0402d35f77⋯.jpg (168.75 KB, 1066x1600, 533:800, glow_on.jpg)

File: 0bec6efe495d803⋯.jpg (25.09 KB, 432x391, 432:391, cia_niggers.jpg)


Thats just the CIA glow niggers protecting the real ruler of the USA while he travels about. Cant have him on the ground breathing the same air as the plebs.

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59664c  No.66888

File: 4a6d29425f0e880⋯.png (579.75 KB, 720x627, 240:209, ThisShitNeverEnds.png)

Meme Viruses

Why are they so contagious?

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5a7087  No.66889

File: 2f6f883328f7fbe⋯.png (1.39 MB, 744x666, 124:111, assad_kekin_coofsuit_world….png)


>cannot into reading the manual

People like you may not make it.


>For the cultist, faith is everything. For the survivor, willpower is everything.

>Zealousness and devoutness are rewarded with answered prayers.

Checking those delicious digits, anon, may you be granted good fortunes for your hard work. Corona-chan is answering my prayers to progress into a beautiful world as well in many ways.

Your dedication is astounding.


Thank you for your excellent efforts, Anon!

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629668  No.66890


Put it on. Put a plastic bag over the filters, tape it sealed.

Can you breathe? No. Then its properly fitted. Yes. Then adjust until you cant breathe.

Full faceplate respirators are better. They protect your eyes. If you have a half face, get a set of ski goggles to go wtih them.

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c13bb0  No.66892


Gently cover the holes with your hands and breathe in. If it suctions onto your face, it's fit properly.

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529086  No.66893

File: 05be79f985bbf14⋯.jpg (7.49 KB, 190x255, 38:51, pathetic_2_.jpg)



Also it started in China and spread mostly to Europe. Nothing to do with the USA elections. That doctor is retarded.

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ced386  No.66894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Suction is good! If your disposable doesn't begin to collapse, or air leaks around border, you have a shit seal.

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3487ab  No.66895

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5a7087  No.66896

File: 947a75973822bbf⋯.gif (7.9 MB, 888x506, 444:253, CHECKED_88.gif)



>why are they so contagious


>Because anons don't just let Corona-memes be dreams.

Kek though, that stupid picture you are shilling


>99.7% (hillary wins)

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ced386  No.66897

File: f93c9ca1d422999⋯.mp4 (249.56 KB, 480x360, 4:3, YodaCBT.mp4)


So why haven't they given a video tour of the facility?

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f5065b  No.66898


If it's fake it's quite orchestrated on multiple platforms, this is the 4th description of italian hospital circumstances i've seen that describe things like OR being converted, similar shortages etc.

Not in italy, but far away in a country with a small number of cases i'm also hearing ambulance increased callouts with under 25 yr olds with chest complaints (cardiac) and breathing complaints (viral)

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529086  No.66899

File: 8ff0ee06eacd2bc⋯.jpg (117.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, chan.jpg)

File: 6116a82b28a3a46⋯.jpg (150.12 KB, 500x743, 500:743, what_the_fuck_is_this_shit.jpg)

You faggots are all missing the main issue with this viral outbreak. Its been months now and yet no Corona Chan body pillows. Fuck this gay Earth.

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59fc65  No.66900

Hi, PastaAnon here. Do any of us is somehow in contact with a blessed one? I am asking because I have a kind of "Bluebeam" feeling. Invisible ayys do not need to be on screen to be feared. Just seeding some "propaganda" is easier than displaying raiding starships. I know it is /x/ tier bs. But just in case…

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f5065b  No.66904


Go park by a hospital emergency department for an hour, you'll soon know if things are normal or not. People in PPE coming out to see parked cars would not be normal. Find the spot the nurses go out for a smoke or employee entrance. You'll soon see by their faces.

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ced386  No.66905

File: 40eb9ccfd4ba784⋯.webm (7.77 MB, 960x720, 4:3, Steam_Friends_Threads.webm)


Those used to be made in Wuhan.

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6f3b23  No.66906


The goggles I chose are """"ventilated"""" according to the seller. Should I get another pair?

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c1a961  No.66907

topkek, look at that death rate for china compared to any western nation

fucking lying chinks can't even get the lie right

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529086  No.66908

File: 91e0e7435332db2⋯.jpg (745.72 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, real_reason_for_loo_roll.jpg)

File: e87ba3946357fdf⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 637x358, 637:358, corona.jpg)


I have it and due to that fact I know the Bongs are fucking lying about their numbers. Its much larger than they are making out. Informed my Doctor he informed (((others))) and got told to sit on my ass in my house for a few weeks. Got and arsehole of a headache and nose constantly runs been this way 6 days but shits getting better. Thing is I am in Edinburgh. Silverknowes area to be exact not one mention in Bong media mentioning that Corona Chan visited Edinburgh.

The real reason toilet rolls are running out is because it is easier to cram that shit up your nose. I was blessed Corona Chan did not kill me she just fucking pissed me off with leaky nose syndrome. Just going to sit it out and play some Kenshi and chill. Got 2 months supply of food and vodka its all good.


>Those used to be made in Wuhan.

Fair point.

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c13bb0  No.66909


Unless you get a swimming/diving mask, they will all be ventilated. The good ones have a tortuous path to keep liquid from getting through if chemicals get spashed on you. That's probably not enough to keep out coronachan. You could probably just tape over any ventilation holes and be fine. Buy some dish soap to use to keep things from fogging up.

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655872  No.66910


put mask fix nose to shape. gently push mask against skin and breath out at full strength. If air escapes on sides or you feel mask push away from skin, you need to tighten. Repeat until air only exits through filter.

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529086  No.66911


I had a Sub Zero looking mask it didnt do shit.

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be723a  No.66912


Tested poz? Any more details like fever, coofing, any supplements or meds you took?

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655872  No.66913


Ah those smog masks for hip japanese faggots.

>what were you expecting.

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529086  No.66914


Ive got given some Co-Drydramol some form of super paracetamol for the flu symptoms and thats it. I aint critical so in my house no wards that it here have some paracetamol now fuck off. NHS such a quality service.


Actually it was just a Sub Zero mask. I thought meh that will do. Ended up blessed.

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c13bb0  No.66915


Any tips on adjusting the nose wire? I've never not had air blow into my eyes when using a face mask.

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69b082  No.66916

File: cf2e357421086eb⋯.png (297.04 KB, 1180x635, 236:127, Screenshot_2020_03_10_at_4….png)



Man, I really don't like the Italian language, sounds horrible. Interesting about the children.

Highly contagious, deadly virus. Literally will kill older people. US medicine can usually save their old tired asses, but covid is ruthless. Danke for the vid, anon. Vid, if not, should be in all /cvg/ OP threads.


Some liberal nurse bitch wrote this shit at a doctors office? Must be CA or some other BS state.


Thankful for my military training.


Hm. I didn't hear anything about Covid-19 causing retardation. Shits getting real over in Italy.



Finally, we shall remember that while the 2003 SARS epidemic was still ongoing, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported a fatality rate of 4% (or as low as 3%), whereas the final case fatality rate ended up being 9.6%.


Thought this was interesting. Even with all their math and data, in the end they were WAY off.

Pic: Remember talking yesterday about "where's all the interviews of sick or recovered people??" Like magic. There it is.

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529086  No.66918

File: 960bf4fb25ebf2a⋯.jpg (116.95 KB, 435x559, 435:559, feeling_better_sonic.jpg)


Its fucking everywhere Anon. You think your safe. No cunt is. Corona Chan world tour in full effect. Just pray you only get the sniffles.

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69b082  No.66919

File: 4f52eece01df6d1⋯.mp4 (10.91 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2_italian_doctors.mp4)


Don't need a mask if you don't leave the house. Have you even watched this video? >>66843

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b72e52  No.66922

i'm in gilbert, arizona. should i even bother washing my hands and not touching my face or am i just fucked? what are you guys doing as precautionary measures?

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c1a961  No.66923


>what are you guys doing as precautionary measures?

Jack shit, just hoping i don't die from it

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69b082  No.66924


>got told to sit on my ass in my house for a few weeks

Until they come get you..

Have a wee dram of whisky, ye be a'rite soon, laddy.


Like what even in particular are you referring to in my post, you sonic turd?

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c13bb0  No.66926


I have to leave the house. I have to go to work. I work at a hotel where people from all over the world come through every day. I have masks. I bought them when this shit first popped up in china. Luckily I'm a fat fuck, so I already have my own CPAP.

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69b082  No.66927


Not going out, for sure. Build up stock pile for the last month. Lysol all mail/amazon packages inside and out, we spray it outside, we don't bring anything inside the house without decontaminating it, ourselves included. We wash our hands throughout the day, my shit is all chapped now. 100% isolation for the last 2 weeks. Glad we didn't wait. South east, coastal. Your precautionary measures?

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5d3fdb  No.66928

File: 8b61d299ab2cc2c⋯.png (591.29 KB, 1130x780, 113:78, ourreplacments.PNG)

We have to protect the people who will replace us.

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69b082  No.66929


My condolences, bellhopanon…start eyeing out hotel supply, when shit goes tits up be sure to haul it back home to hole up. G'luck.

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c13bb0  No.66931


nightauditoranon, actually, but it doesn't matter. none of this matters.

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6f3b23  No.66933

I am thinking about building a decontamination room, and I wanted to use a humidifier heater combo for it. Unfortunately, the only one I am confident that can not start a fire with a humidifier running at a high rate at the same time can only reach 90 Fahrenheit. What can I use to decontaminate my gear and me instead when I go out?

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69b082  No.66936


audit the supplies. Hotels are like Costco's. TRY to make it, anon. Fuck dying of some bullshit virus! SURVIVE, anon, SURVIVE.

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a961a5  No.66940

File: 52c0a7d9fd9dfe9⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1920x1371, 640:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b36e9f58b2af4e⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB, 634x360, 317:180, EvacFlight.mp4)


>We have to protect the people who will replace us.

You mean they are… they have c17s. Interesting coof cube, similar to burger one too.

Also notice the normalfag coofmasks, RIP.

>video related is how burgers do it


>vented goggles

Should be okay as long as you are not so hot that you are venting hot air and drawing fresh.

Most single gaps with a sealed container that are small flow almost no air and almost no exchange, I have tested this with laser illuminating air channels around gaps..

Sealed is best but as below



Read the CVG survival bread linked in the OP you nigger. Good decontamination stuff there, few breads back also it was discussed, don't need to fill the bread with latenewfags asking about PPE, that's what the survival bread is for. Get a full face respirator it makes decon easier. just grabbed a 3m 6800 clone as all the good gas masks are rare and $$ now

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Post last edited at

b6a9fa  No.66942


Went to the doctor today here in Germany for a checkup. Doctor completely blew off any concerns I had about the virus, shook hands (I washed immediately afterwards), and made a joke about the mask I had on.

I mean, Italy is shutdown, and he didn't have a care in the world. Some people here are going to be very surprised soon I think.

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a20586  No.66943

File: 68a842d3a2dbf72⋯.png (248.93 KB, 1434x1057, 1434:1057, Screenshot_2020_03_10_05_5….png)


264nm UV light

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655872  No.66947



Well eye cover closes off the nose bridge too. And agree, at this point and with this audio transcript in hand, start moving into phase where you limit your trips outside as much as possible, and choose times when no people are about as much as possible.

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a8d809  No.66948


I've just hung a watering can from a hook in my garden, attached a rope to the neck, and take a thorough bleach-solution shower in all my gear. Just make sure you've got enough bleach for all the trips you plan.


You'd think even the most retarded normalfags would wake up when a first world western country goes in total shutdown.

Seems just like more proof for the NPC theory. No actually sentient being would react like so many normalfags are.

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6f3b23  No.66949


wouldn't that obliterate the mask seals?

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655872  No.66950


>…start eyeing out hotel supply

Hide a big cache somewhere in your place of work. If found out, it's not stealing, just idiot misplacing things. This is for the final phases, for after the looting, and a backup for when your house gets looted.

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655872  No.66952


I sing the Horst Wessellied every morning in the shower, the more aggressive earlier version. So far, so good.

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a961a5  No.66954

File: 919d83536c2a683⋯.jpg (908.81 KB, 1000x1539, 1000:1539, come_home_white_man.jpg)


> Doctor completely blew off any concerns I had about the virus, shook hands (I washed immediately afterwards), and made a joke about the mask I had on.

Those faggots are the ones I have zero fucks about when they get it or die.

A world without fucktards like that will be an amazing thing.


254nm UVC can also nail your plastics and skin and anything. It's like turbonigger sun.

Best use FUV (deep blue rave style UV or just under) for that and skin or brief UVC exposure, don't linger too long.

The worst virii tested needed just 0.04Ws/cm² to be blessed by one my saints, St. Avogadro. He is the saint of 'short wavelength shit absolutely fucks your shit up and doesn't care if it's skin, DNA, viruses or niggers.


Can you into multi-reply, nigger?

New OC

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b8d343  No.66955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We are the real chosen ones anon, this ragtag band of autistic pottery weaving enthusiasts. Our understanding of this old world is needed in the new one. many are not afraid to die and look for a purpose. This is that purpose. Everything in your life so far led up to this, this is why you are here. We are so thoroughly sick of this (((shit))). Survive, Defend, Lead. Die if you must, but die fighting. This is the burden of being a Man.

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655872  No.66957

German Czechbro here, it's beginning to happen here now in earnest. We have 40 infected now, which jumped from around 9 about a week ago. Most of them are fucking consoomer boomers coming back from ski trips in Italy.

Government put out two decrees today: all schools closed from tomorrow March 11 (but no holidays, they're going to teach remotely somehwow), and from today 1800 hrs illegal to congregate in groups of more than 100, with exception of shopping malls and public transport. My Czech isn't too good, I translate 'obchodní centra' as malls, but could also mean places of work (which makes more sense).

These measures, given with where we are on the curve, seem very good imo.

People are not wearing masks here, nor do I see a lot of use of hand sanitizers. But that's also because the Vietnamese community here probably hoarded that shit back in January.

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874c3b  No.66959


"obchodní centra" means shopping centers.

What's the source?

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2331d9  No.66960

File: 9f8dd679bfcebf7⋯.jpg (428.17 KB, 1080x2087, 1080:2087, IMG_20200310_183853.jpg)

Indonesian update its now 27 infected

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629668  No.66961


Im not taking any precautionary measures. There are no cases in my area so far. Plus Im young and relatively healthy. I have however stockpiled some basic food, water and ammo. I bought extra beans, rice, flour, … basic stuff that easily keeps a year, and that i will eat this year anyways. I have a full faceplate respirator (for my construction PPE, use it for grinding concrete occassionally).

Im out in the country man. Life is pretty much rolling along as it always has out here. I live on a small farm, with lots of land, been in the family for three generations. We sorta stopped farming years ago. All my siblings kinda do other stuff (ones in construction, ones in military, one is hunting guide, ones a bigshot CEO). We have about 80 acres of woodlands, 15 acres of farmable fields (they just grow hay for other farms right now). Theres two houses, and two cabins, plus a half dozen other "buildings" (barn workshops that sort of thing). My wife and I live with our small son in a house we built on the land. One of my brothers (and his wife) lives in a house he built up here too. The old farmhouse is occupied by my sister, her husband (hes a truck driver) and my four nephews. One of the cabins is occupied part time in winter by my hunter/guide brother, its a ways back in the woods. I have a big strawberry and blueberry patch fenced off from deer, and a chicken coupe - thats the sum total of my "farming". (I love fresh strawberries) My sister has some horses and a single cow in the barn. My sister had us build her a "canning" shed back in the 00's. Its just a 10x12 shed where she keeps all her pantry stuff. Its full of preserved foods - pickles, veggies, probably a tonne of jam/pie filling (blackberries grow wild around here), potatoes from her garden, shit like that. I tease her and call her a "prepper" but for her its just normal.

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4a8672  No.66963

File: 580e6255e23bfe6⋯.jpg (114.78 KB, 980x649, 980:649, Screenshot_20200310_074515.jpg)

so my family and I are in the cesspool of canadistan where are the Chinese and Iranian nationals fly in and out of daily.

yesterday we were at the thrift store and some guy standing beside me covered his face with his sweater and couldn't breath, and coughed a few times. then he said "oh no, oh shit" and ran out of the store with his face covered barely able to breathe. didn't seem like a larp.

more pressing however is the fact that I have been shitting my guts out for a week and yesterday my toddler son started barking a regular dry coof, and this morning it's much worse. should we visit hospital and risk forced quarantine or stock up on remedies and stay locked up at home?

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c9fab6  No.66964


>what are you guys doing as precautionary measures?

Got a full face mask and some bleach and about 1.5-2 months of food. Completely fucked either way since I can't get any FUV around here and it's probably too late to order anyway, other decontamination is practically impossible due to shit apartment layout and I have to walk the dog daily.

If by some miracle I get through this shit, I am going to move out to a house in the middle of nowhere.

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000000  No.66965


>then he said "oh no, oh shit"

Sounds like you're larping to be honest. I can't imagine anyone saying that after they coughed. Sounds like something a normalfag would see in a movie.

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4a8672  No.66967


honestly what happened, I just thought it was worth mentioning because it was bizarre. could have been some degenerate on drugs for all I know, it was a thrift store

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60b79f  No.66968


First weekend of Feb I was at a small gathering and there was also a friend of someones there… and I got talking to him while keeping my distance. He introduced himself and said he ran a small factory in town and invited me to visit his business and his home for a BBQ. I told him I would but I don't know when because of coronavirus. He laughed and asked why I am afraid. I told him it's super bad and that he should shut his business and not go anywhere for a few weeks to see what happens. He basically told me I'm a nut job. Then he said this coming week he's leaving for Northern Italy for 3 weeks of skiing. I told him that's really bad news and he shouldn't go. He said he's paid for everything already… I just told him, 'it's up to you but if I were you I wouldn't go and I'd be happy to lose the money.' I told him think of it as air-born AIDS and he said, 'what, do I look African to you?' I told him, 'no but you think like one.' Retard is in lock-down right now.

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a20586  No.66969

On 23 Jan, there were 444 confirmed cases. Today we have 114K confirmed cases. With acknowledgement that actual number of cases are much higher, that still shows about 8 doublings in 46 days; if confirmed cases double every 5.74 days, then we could expect to see 1million cases 18 days from now (28 March give or take a few days). The naïve model would relate days and cases as: cases = 444*2^(daysSinceLockdown/5.74)

I hope this model does not hold but then again, insufficient quarantine measures and insufficient testing has already made confirmed cases a bad metric.

Furthermore, health services abilities to accurately track the number of cases is already insufficient, so who really knows at this point.

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3d50de  No.66970

File: 67fdb5c1c579c59⋯.png (118.14 KB, 685x298, 685:298, beg22.png)



If you consume whey protein, cell walls will deny entry to Covid-19

""Coronavirus Covid-19 (above) needs to be invited into human cells and offers them a protein—that young peoples’ cells have an abundance of and don’t need, but already ill elderly peoples’ cells do need. ""

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b8d343  No.66971

"The commander of U.S. Army Europe, along with several staff members, may have been exposed to the coronavirus during a recent conference, the Army said on Monday,"


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69b082  No.66973


>Some people here are going to be very surprised soon I think.

These doctors were >>66919


/thread /life Thanks anon, you too.


>""Coronavirus Covid-19 (above) needs to be invited into human cells and offers them a protein—that young peoples’ cells have an abundance of and don’t need, but already ill elderly peoples’ cells do need. ""

Good info.

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629668  No.66974

File: 1d6b736b1c552d8⋯.mp4 (3.25 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Taxi_Driver_All_the_animal….mp4)


sucks bro. I know the feeling. Every month or so I have to drive into Vancouver. Its like visiting a foreign country. Not even kidding. Whole neighbourhoods without an English sign in site. Businesses with all these gook langauges. All these pajeets and changs hanging around.

But you know what I notice most of all. The smell. The smell of ashphalt. That tar smell. Its like the whole city is a tar pit! If corona chan wipes it out, I wont shed a tear. When I was a kid I used to love when Dad would take us down to Vancouver. Now I dread it. All the traffic. The greasy druggies shuffling along, the streetshitters and the chinks speaking their click clacky langauges, the faggy yuppies, and thier fuckin starbucks, thier douche patch goatees …. somedays I wish the Fraser river would swell up and swallow the whole place.

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3487ab  No.66975

File: e5b676b9c911a1e⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, rutte_handen_schudden_1000….jpg)

So a little update on the competence of dutch government:

>Prime minister says "stop shaking hands with people. I dont care if you lick someones feet though"

>proceeds immediately to shake someones hand

>+56 cases yesterday, which is less than the day before, but..

>Confirmed cases are released after 24h of not showing symptoms. Without re-testing.

>All over social media people are complaining this is bullshit, that they are unable to get tested despite showing symptoms, that there are cases that can't be explained by travel history, etc

>No acknowledgement of the situation in italy, iran. No acknowledgement of research reports that show spread does not require contact.

>No transparency on number of "recovered"

>No transparency on number of tests conducted

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3d50de  No.66976

File: a9a0f4cabf110e5⋯.jpg (36.31 KB, 750x500, 3:2, coronavirus_targets_image_….jpg)



This thing is quickly turning into Logan's Run.

Top officials are being seen on Tv all throughout MSM calling this thing endemic, kike code for 'yearly.'

Ace2 determines how many Covid-19 viruses can gangbang a cell at a time.

I will give you a hint… Anything that shares a line of longitude with china is rape central. Hispanics (the other 'dark meat' aka spics) are going to fucking die.

The issue at hand, if two many Covid-19 capsids rape a cell at once, it butt ruptures and fucking explodes.

BTW Covid-19 if it ruptures there is a sequence in it's code that essentially allows it to adapt and fabricate another protective capsid, using a variety of proteins. This is the mystery involved with prolonged exposure to Covid-19. This is how you wind up with 'prions.' This is how it gets into cells that were never originally a target.

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69b082  No.66978


It's like a nuclear bomb, that doesn't stop exploding, imploding. Good synopsis, anon.

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3d50de  No.66979

File: ce909ca058d1445⋯.jpg (580.89 KB, 1899x1617, 633:539, 49531042877_4aaa42ea6c_k.jpg)



Unlike other mother fuckers. This virus when it explodes… Instead of only a small piece of it's overall DNA surviving and forming another protective capsid, of which, when enough gather a fully rebuilt virus is created….

This mean mother fucking machine is fully capable of rebuilding itself outright, but because it can be stripped smaller it gets into small places and crosses barriers that it other wise can't cross. This bitch is getting into you spine, recreating itself, and like a really fucked up torpedo it goes straight to your fucking dome.

The incubation time is approx 2 weeks. Exploding brain meningitis holy fuck. What's really crazy is this is just one of them… There are conditions yet to even fucking be discovered.

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47949b  No.66980

File: 938918bab7c15b1⋯.jpeg (20.79 KB, 474x266, 237:133, xDDD.jpeg)


That is why we must promote the introduction of direct democracy and internet voting.

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69b082  No.66981

File: c39d72f80f473aa⋯.jpeg (61.08 KB, 1000x608, 125:76, 1000.jpeg)


What's it weakness? Does it have one?

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3d50de  No.66982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


All the young people that are dying are dying from the inflammation…. AKA Your fucking cells are to massive to even fucking operate.

Age limit my fucking ass.

If you want a conspiracy watch the fucking Covid hearing and go to the 1:33:00 mark and listen to the kike in charge…

This mother fucker has the balls to announce that he is in charge and if this bitch has 'ideas' she can put them in his 'suggestion box…' He then BTFOS the fuck out of her by 'reminding her from earlier' that they are skipping FDA approval and forcing the gene therapy 'vaccine' on military and that they already have 3 candidates ALREADY!!!!!! HOW IS THAT FUCKING POSSIBLE???????

He then goes on to declare that first is military then hospitals then police……

The man on the right is representing the healthcare industry. He swoops in to suck kike cock for the antidote for healthcare workers… THEN HE VERBALLY USES TRICKLE DOWN AND POVERTY IN THE SAME SENTENCE FOR THE CITIZENS!!!!


The acting deputy secretary of U.S. Homeland Security says officials are trying to "reduce and delay" the biggest peak in the coronavirus wave that is hitting the United States.




My previous breads as the storybook poster were not jokes…

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2341eb  No.66984


>That is why we must promote the introduction of direct democracy and internet voting.

And the winner is Hitler did nothing wrong by 6 Million votes.

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3d50de  No.66985







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3d50de  No.66986

File: ea23e31cf451a04⋯.png (519.15 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, original_1583790157_97ea81….png)





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a961a5  No.66987


>it's just the flu

<no it's really bad

>you're a nutjob

>muh shekels

>what, do I look African to you?'

<'no but you think like one.'

<now they are in coofrantine

KEK. Fuck i love these stories.


look like Negerlands will become the purge/pastanigger v2.0 at this rate. Brainwashed cucks.


Nigger you have good ideas but can you put them in one post instead of being a scattered, rambling mess replying to unrelated posts?

If not I will do it for you, but it'll cost 2 hours of your shitposting time.

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5d3fdb  No.66988

Does anyone else get the feeling that this virus is spreading like wildfire thru the US?


We're not testing anyone from the various hotspots.

What Trump's doing should be criminal,

He's thinking if he can keep all the mild cases from getting confirmation then it will appear he's got it under control. That's not how this virus works. Protect your elderly and vulnerable, this virus is all over the fuckin country.

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2341eb  No.66991


>Does anyone else get the feeling that this virus is spreading like wildfire thru the US?

Look at the live map, it fucking is. This is really bad.


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47949b  No.66992


Yes, thats why we need direct democracy.

We need to put people in charge and that way people will learn how to rule for their own good

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e9ce3c  No.66993



Neither was Zika or Ebola and yet it was all over the news in USA. The fact of the matter is that Amygdala is easiest tool of control for New World Order and that CIA used it a lot in the past. Who the fuck knows if these viruses really are as bad as they are. We are in the dark and light is only for very selected few. Correlation doesn't mean causation but still there is a lot of fucking correlation for this to be global scare control for political reasons. Iran is clear show of that. China too. I don't understand South Korea and Italy but I guess it's not up to me to understand.

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fa18c1  No.66994


usa will die an the whole internet with it

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2341eb  No.66997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>usa will die an the whole internet with it

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552c73  No.66998


Do you actually have a source for that? That ScienceDaily link is just an article from 2018 talking about rebuilding muscle in elderly patients.

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629668  No.67000

File: f5e0e396ecc5f63⋯.jpeg (22.45 KB, 387x437, 387:437, BERNOUT3.jpeg)


mass slaughter of niggers and spics.








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3a4f5a  No.67001


>The Swedish government is still allowing people in health care to do their jobs even when they're returning from northern Italy.

>Local government are telling people from Italy to quarantine themselves for 2 days.

>The faggot in-charge of taking care of corona is now in niggerland to help them develop their own CDC whilst our country has an increasing amount of infected everyday.

>Our CDC has said that they won't report how many has recovered because "everyone recovers"

<All of the infected are richfags (ie normalfags) that went skiing

<I've had more than 1 months time to prep since everyone believes in the nothingburger narrative

Sweden got their first cases of patients needing intensive care, the first patient is a woman in her 60's, she's the oldest one to be infected the previous ones being a couple in their 50's.

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b8d343  No.67002


At least we rate one of the more creative glowies.

Halfcuck only get the 'it's just a flu bro' peons

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3d50de  No.67003


The explosion at that Russian facility last year caused this. The Russian government goes through a lot of trouble protecting core samples pulled from tundra, as each square inch can contain as many as 10,000+ different ancient and often prehistoric bacteria (many of which are unknown and yet to be studied). The explosion at that plant led to a spontaneous die-off wild mammals across the federation specifically the soviet satellites.

The Chinese like to take trains to Russia to purchase exotic animals for retail at their wet markets as cures and remedies as well as food.

Russia has had /ourgirl/ this entire time and kept it from the world. They have manipulated their food markets in such a way as to load their population with gluten… THIS IS WHY HE BTFO Arabia and destroyed OPEC+…


Search for you own fucking self. Look at Russian agricultural investments and what they've supplied their people. It's there…

The FDA has to vet and approve the Whey Protein claims… You will never see it on the news.

Xi Jinping has already had it and was the one that received the lung transplant.

I'm done being party to this. I have what I need. I don't care if anybody takes this seriously or not.

Nothing can change the facts or the truth.

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6f3b23  No.67004


Did you type the wrong time stamp or what dude? I hear nothing like that in the video.

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5d3fdb  No.67005


755 confirmed, last i looked it was 17 or some shit

26 deaths

8 recovered.

We've got the deadlier strain.

Arizonians don't trust that one active case BS.

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022bb2  No.67006


so /fit/ will just pillar men swagger on into a coofer zone and come out unscathed?

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552c73  No.67007

File: 7df7bdd0c8d3cd9⋯.jpg (226.2 KB, 1295x954, 1295:954, faggot_dog_cunt.JPG)


>Search for you own fucking self.

If you make a fucking claim you fucking back it up, not link to some website that has no relevance at all. If you want people to listen give them something to hear, you irredeemable fuckwit,



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d43790  No.67008

News today are really slow.

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69b082  No.67009


Orders to not spook the market.

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655872  No.67010


https://twitter.com/adamvojtechano he's the Czech minister for health.

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655872  No.67011


>'no but you think like one.'


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60b79f  No.67012


At the same small gathering I spent most of my time with a really good friend I hadn't seen for a month and he asked me about coronavirus unprovoked (which was a surprise). I told him, 'I'm going to tell you what I think and everything I know but I don't want you to be alarmed and if you think I'm crazy that's OK.' I also told him he should check everything I say with his wife (a doctor) and check online and basically don't take what I say as truth and assume I'm retarded and talking shit. After that get together I told my wife we aren't going back to visit them (or anywhere) until this all blows over.

Fast forward and we chat on the phone last Friday because we hadn't seen them in a while. He told me… after I spoke with him and we left he talked with his wife and they spent a few hours looking at the Internet and… come Monday he told his boss he's working from home and all of his family and his wife's family (and extended family) stopped going to work and kids stopped going to school and they only left the house to get provisions and they've been enjoying and passing the time at their homes. They haven't gone to work since… their families combined have 6 doctors. From what I understand all the doctors are on call… i.e. they take calls on the phone and email but they don't see anyone and don't go anywhere. The only people that took me serious and did their own research based on me alerting my friend were doctors. After finding all that out I'm fearful.

I kinda wish this really was just a Taiwanese Goat Herding Forum and that this was just a LARP from one of the more active imaginations of a board poster.

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022bb2  No.67013

Somone needs to may a YT/.mp4/.webm compilation with hazmat pepes, and such, synched to the drops, screams and suffering of all the leaked CoVID footage to this.


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69b082  No.67014

File: a10f6122a5ab554⋯.gif (3.2 MB, 632x273, 632:273, Kee8CAG.gif)


Thanks for this information. You will have not died in vain, or at least you will have not typed that shit out in vain. Your info. sent to other people. Danke. Keep posting here. It is your destiny, Wheygoodanon!

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3d50de  No.67015


If you couldn't hear that and use deductive reasoning than I'm afraid you are already dead and either this isn't you're 'cleansing cycle' or you will be caught up in one in the future.


Yes, if you have consumed regularly for 3-4 days beforehand and after, then yes. That is exactly what I'm saying.


You are right. I was being heavy handed, but I am very stressed by the current turn of events. There is a LOT OF GLUTEN MOVEMENT going on out there right now.

Russia had this for a loooooong time… This was a kike scheme. This came from kikeland. They did not expect Putin to secretly be a Jedi protégé of Hitler the arch Star Wars Jedi Ghost Master. This is actually happening.


Thank you. I'm very sorry for typing like a filthy nigglet. It was just VERY IMPORTANT that I get that out.

The kike murder machine is going to run a 'vaccine' lag on this virus like the flu to guarantee an age and race based pruning. This is not a joke. This is a fact. This is our new reality.

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cae8c2  No.67016

File: a54cfd6f2f21737⋯.jpg (261.03 KB, 1125x1110, 75:74, 7ce9808dgy1gcp31nf7mbj20v9….jpg)

File: f31450c41cb43a9⋯.jpg (132.75 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, MTA_cleaning_1024x683.jpg)

How Europeans disinfect vs. How Americans disinfect.

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3d50de  No.67017


The capsid's entry is achieved by mimicking a particular protein.

Why have they not stated anywhere what protein it is???????

The protein based method of entry is perfectly clear to see and is highlighted in many diagrams of this virus. This is a very basic question that determines who will live and die by 'toping out', 'race', or being to poor to pay the extortion racket!

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69b082  No.67018


What? Like make it funny? You don't want people to understand the danger of COVID-19? Vid. kuntry blocked, by the way.



Blocks of ….IDK, not very helpful information? It's safe to assume /pnd/ anons are well aware that most people are retards masquerading as humans.


>dying from the inflammation

Excuse my ignorance, but does this relate to the cytokine storm issue?

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022bb2  No.67021


bretty sure watching people being quarantined, taken away, dropping in the streets, as work, crying about their dead loved ones in the next room over, vlogging about being infected, and contrasting that with lacklust media coverage, censorship, and smug pepes waiting it out thanks to prepping/bunkers/all the normies lack will get the message across.

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000000  No.67022


>all of whats still coming could have been averted.


>Yes. I saw this coming 2 months ago. What have politicians done? Nothing.

Politicians are owned by jews. Jews are deliberately and systematically destroying White nations. Couple that with the evidence of Israeli "joint" involvement in the Wuhan microbiology lab, and you have your answer. COVID-19 is not an organic virus; it is deliberate.

Know this: jews are responsible for all evil and misery in the world until proven otherwise which it will not be. To believe kikes are ever innocent victims is foolhardy. To place any faith in puppet politicians is uneducated naivety. Politicians are not your friends and will do nothing to help you.

White people need to start forming small clusters of trustworthy White allies; typically this starts with folks who have known each other for their entire lives. Over time, we'll all find each other and put an end to kikeworld. Until then you are pretty much own your own, anon, so act smart, smart like your ancestors, who solved greater problems than this.

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3d50de  No.67025


We are in a state of war!

It is unsafe to go alone, please take this bread I'm begging you!


I gave you the vaccine bread here >>65906 !!!

It is alternative gene therapy!

Kike murder machine alert!!!


I repeat the Russian Federation and it's satellites have had this since.


It came from beneath!


False Spike protein in this image!!!


WTF is it. Why is that knowledge this hard to come by?


No, as of right now there are 5 or more different ways this thing can kill you.

The capsid tricks your cells into opening the wall by pretending to be a protein with the shape of it's false protein spike.

If you consume whey protein. You're cells will not allow entry!


To anybody that will listen!

In this bread >>66982 the spokesman for HOMELAND SECURITY makes it clear that they are skipping FDA process to deliver experimental alternative gene therapy to the American public at extortionist costs under the guise of 'vaccine' in 18 months.

WHO just got BTFO trying to label this thing endemic yesterday! This is a planned purge! They already have 3 candidates available! HE MAKES THAT CLEAR!

>sperg containment by NBA™

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a961a5  No.67027



Fucking interesting, anons. Really interesting indeed.. hopefully someone more qualified than us can chip in. Paging the (likely swamped with cases) Medanon..


Are you sure that weapons plant was containing samples? It looked like ammunition going up and why would they store ancient bacteria with ammunition?

p.s. thanks for multi replies anon.. appreciated :)but please continue doing that and don't go back to your old ways like you are now..

Will be adding whey to the latest/less essential stockup thanks to you fags.

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a961a5  No.67029


Last warning. I have already consolidated your last 6 posts. Stop spamming or you will get time out, MULTI REPLY YOU SPERGNIGGER.

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3d50de  No.67030


They used military to transport core samples. It is unknown if it was an accident or not! The sample was in that building when it exploded! This is not a chain yank! This is deadly serious.

Kikes have organized to use this disaster!!!

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c19d3e  No.67031


This is life and death. I don't give a mother fuck what you think. And if you fuck with me I will alter my cookie and manipulate this domain, take you're digits and you will cease to exist!

Do I make my mother fucking self clear!

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69b082  No.67032

File: 11ebb5705cbd296⋯.jpg (726.28 KB, 2000x1275, 80:51, preview.jpg)

File: afdd429e49df0f7⋯.png (42.7 KB, 752x448, 47:28, Screenshot_6988_.png)


What a fucking sentence! Nice!


>COVID-19 is not an organic virus; it is deliberate.

pic: does anyone have a comparison pic of covid-19 vs other viruses? Something about the unnatural length of the genetic code of CV vs regular viruses. If you have something like that post it.


Capsids, protein, cell walls, HEARD!


Reminds of me Solzhenitsyn's The Gulag Archipelago 2nd pic.

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d43790  No.67034


>pic: does anyone have a comparison pic of covid-19 vs other viruses? Something about the unnatural length of the genetic code of CV vs regular viruses. If you have something like that post it.

Happy to change my mind, while so far I have seen nothing which confirms COVID-19 as artificial.

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925f38  No.67035

File: 94dd603a59bf199⋯.jpg (203.06 KB, 768x576, 4:3, 14353809338.jpg)


>corona-chan shitposting good

>regular shitposting bad

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a961a5  No.67036


Other anons who have to wade through your 13% of all thread replies and ramblings do care and are sick of it. Multi reply or you will take time out. I do this for free you nigger, i'll ban your ass all night if need be. Everyone knows it's life or death and a massive habbening, they don't want to wade through 10 replies that could've been one well written post to find out though.

Is that clear yet? You clearly can do multi replies and did one earlier, I don't need to hold your hand like a child but I do care when the thread gets spammed to shit. P.s provide at least some proof >>67030 why did it outbreak in China first if it was in Russia according to your theory.

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db18d2  No.67038



I see they think if they get in now with the insurance claim they will still get paid.

God this system if fucking DISGUSTING.


>you can restart a panicked industry

Yeah, especially when the people who worked in that industry are dead.


Yep and that is THUS FAR with adequate medical care.


This. Anon, you are totally correct. They tried to hook me on that shit for life (physical, not mental) and I rejected it and their (((intervention))). It paid off. I first found ways to manage my health while my body healed and then once healing took place I have never been better. We can never forget that they POISON US FIRST and then they ‘PROVIDE THE CURE’ which only makes us sicker and less well. Too bad our own (((leadership))) is complicit and in on the initial poisoning because they don’t give a fuck about the people who they ‘rule over’.


She looks middle eastern.


>Ill try to get off the jew meds

Good idea anon. Ween yourself off gradually because those are going to dry up fast and you don’t want to face a hard crash. Your body needs time to adjust to its new chemical free state.


Italy is being colonized by chinks. YES. This is why the whole government structure of the planet keeps saying ‘don’t be rayciss to the disgusting bug people’. God, I fucking HATE subhumans.

“To find out who rules over you, just see who you can’t criticize.”


Great so the uninfected can all be infected by the infected as they work their way through the hospital (ride in elevators, stand in the lobby)...IDK about you guys but my faith in ‘medical professionals’ is waning faster than my faith in government.


>someone didn’t get toiletpaper

He is left gleaning ass cigarettes and dreaming of the shit tickets he didn’t buy.


Anon, what makes you think they won’t seize all the ‘cash in the banks’ for their bail ins?


>She'll punch the reset button!

Thank God...we have all been waiting so long for her to deal with these plagues (subhumans). Even if this is not ‘the event’ I can wait until she really lets the non-HUMANS have it...I have faith in the planet/universe to sort shit out (this includes the aliens that have invaded here and brought the War of the Worlds to all of us).

>no longer ‘economically viable’



There is no vaccine anon. They might release SOMETHING but it won’t be a vaccine (sort of like the ‘flu vaccine’).


Naw they will just inject him with every vaccine and poison they can get their hands on and call him ‘cured’ and send him out into the gen pop to infect more people.


Respirators anon. We are going to have to rig up our own for home care. I hope you are all still thinking about the potentials.


Good plan anon! Our people need to learn to be self sufficient again.



>covered by the 10 commandments or you would have offed them long ago.

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2fdb86  No.67039


I apologize. My superior officer hit me with this at the last minute tonight. America is silently entering a very serious war. This is looking like WWIII from where I'm at, and I have seen some shit!

In response to chine… Let's play a game?

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles?

They sneak to Russia to buy they shit, and dash to (?) when they have to git?

Why Anon, is it so hard to get Apefrika videos?

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2fdb86  No.67040


I told you once Anon I can take anybodies numbers at any time… That isn't me, but it is convenient for you to think that. I tried to tell you the real conspiracy the other day, but that is OK. If I can save even one life it is worth it.

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a961a5  No.67046

File: 58a2c6e596d7eb5⋯.png (92.03 KB, 435x539, 435:539, ClipboardImage.png)



It is really but it's silent, except for the 'coof-coof'

>Belt and road

Fair call especial with the exotic animal purchasing you mentioned. Interesting take, will keep it in my mind.

Apologies accepted - just trying to keep the bread clean and information dense as per BO request, it's nothing personal against you (or others who do similar).


Because hardly any of them have electronic devices or internet. You're lucky to get two angles in a mass-chimpout or african tyre BBQ.

Your link https://edition.cnn.com/2019/09/17/health/russia-lab-explosion-smallpox-intl-hnk/index.html is interesting indeed but I don't think the virus spread from Novosibirsk.. or we would have heard more about the Russian cases than 20 of them. I watch people who stream in Russia and shit is nothing like China currently.


>muh numbers larp

You mean like this?

>pic related

I can do it for real. As I said, last warning or you're going to need a lot of IPs.

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7e7c02  No.67047


Florida talking about mass testing of schoolchildren. It’s the crummy cheek swab test, but could give info about whether it’s widespread already and spreading through children.

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2fdb86  No.67050


No significantly more powerful than that...

>>65029 Where I tried to tell you the truth, but you did cut the good part out...

I did post today... >>65891,>>65893,>>65899,#,#,#,#,>>65906,#,>>65909,>>65931,#,#,#,#,#, then you rudely cut out the truth, then I had to go to work.

The correct satellite is Serbia Anon, Serbia. Where has Russia been sending almost all it's military too. It's Serbia...

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7e7c02  No.67054

File: eff376d5126d971⋯.jpeg (88.77 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, 187588BF_81B7_4DB4_AD0F_4….jpeg)


Please have a premium hot pocket in these difficult times.

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db18d2  No.67055


Nice digits anon.

I think these nurses and doctors will deserve working 18 hours in a shit filled diaper and crying over their own dead when it happens. When did the medical profession fill with this many retards?


Do not get ‘ventilated’ googles like ski goggles. USE SWIM GOGGLES. Or put swim goggles under the ski goggles.


Too bad he won’t recall a word of your conversation because that would make him a pompous asshole in his own mind and he would have to admit the truth about himself and others. Nice of Italy to ‘keep that border open’ so that people can come in a catch a more lethal strain of coof.


You saw that segment Chris Martenson did on exponential growth right? The snippet with the baseball diamond and 1 single drop of water doubling? Everything looks find for 40 minutes of the 45 minutes…when you see the actual cases it is too late to run and too late to hide.

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2fdb86  No.67057


I really am trying to be nice, but I did just tell you that the Russians are force feeding their people a high GLUTEN diet with currency and product manipulations! They've been on top of this at square one. China was an accident. If Xi Jinping had died, as he almost did, we would be having thermonuclear war between Russia and China right now. That almost happened, and the public as usual will probably never know about it.

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000000  No.67058


>Also it started in China and spread mostly to Europe. Nothing to do with the USA elections. That doctor is retarded.

That doctor is probably a jew.

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3a1d20  No.67059


>You saw that segment Chris Martenson did on exponential growth right?

No I haven't. Would you please link?

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db18d2  No.67060


They need to stop sucking the cocks of the kikes and they would not have these problems. The longer they allow this shitstorm to fester because of subhuman kike ‘leadership’ the faster it will all be over for these military men.

I told you guys by the 3rd wave there will be no more military or any of these institutions. Thank GOD!


WTF is the source of the quote? It is not in the article and as far as I can tell you just pulled it out of your ass to help you sell whey protein.

The article is about seniors building muscle and has nothing to do with COVID-19.

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db18d2  No.67061


You really need to READ the links that people post. This is important you fags…you can’t just take the word of everyone who posts here…

Sure he MIGHT be right but he is presenting that quote as though it is part of the science news article AND IT IS NOT.

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4540bb  No.67062

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000000  No.67063



madmax tier perversion


scare nolmalfags

spread panic


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99f88b  No.67065


>When did the medical profession fill with this many retards?

Capital/Currency has been gifted to shitskins (internal trillions), internationals (external trillions), and perpetual children (people connected to central bank currency closer than not). Currency has flooded these, and not gone towards merit or self/intrinsic might/ableness/ability. Add to this general picture more specific timelines: Accelerating around 1994, and then around 2000, and then off a cliff since 2008 (the last of the Bush and Obama era changes to federal grants and loans), and then faster down that cliff since 2013 (the years since Medicaid/Obamacare/PPACA changes finally got implemented). The result is that each of these groups has grown in relative percentage of new medical professionals (from nurses thru doctors). The result is also that the perpetual children, the one class that if they aren't kikes are the only hope of getting a good/honest/mightful professional, are hopelessly mired in debt and utterly dependent on never ever ever waking up and taking even one micro-move against the debt+academic+medicine+welfare+insurance industrial complex interactions. The final results of this, of which similar events have mirrored outside the USA, is: Yes, you will only get retards.

Pray you get an older doctor, who graduated before 1994, or whose family was independently wealthy (and not by shitskin welfare, globalist welfare, or other kike means). Alternatively, don't get sick. Your odds of provision of appropriately appropriated medical careful care are not good.

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fbf76e  No.67066

File: d4a7e720e189802⋯.mp4 (340.22 KB, 640x352, 20:11, ItalyPolice.mp4)

File: 87de0f7e101eaaa⋯.jpg (45.03 KB, 439x315, 439:315, pepepandemic.jpg)

>Italy: “Please stay at home & go outside only when you need to buy medicines or see doctors. Please follow our rules & wear face masks,” Italian authorities use loudspeakers to promote awareness among local residents about COVID-19 prevention and control.

News from Italy via Chinese media. Clown world.

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28fae5  No.67067

The virus’ name is SARS-CoV-2, or simply SARS-2. COVID-19 is an invention by the corrupt gook bootlicking kikes of the WHO. Call it SARS-2 until it catches on.

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3487ab  No.67068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dutch authorities are lying.


>90 confirmed cases whose cause of infection is unknown


>+61 confirmed cases

>156 cases where the cause of infection is unknown

>156 - 90 = 66

>66 new cases whose cause of infection is unknown

>but only 61 new cases appeared

Don't do so much maths goy, you might hurt your head

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db18d2  No.67069


Senator Harris lobbying for the subhumans to be GIVEN MORE SHIT because they are totally irresponsible. HOW ABOUT THEY GO THE FUCK BACK TO THEIR NATION OF ORIGIN AND LEECH OF THEM?

>muh service industry workers need you to feed them and shelter them again…how are you going to feed and shelter muh subhuman foreign constituents who are really just parasites on your current system?

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675ccc  No.67070


Call it the Chinese Flu. Don't let them get away with this.

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db18d2  No.67071


Finally someone included Rapefrica cases in their mapping. That is nice.

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2fdb86  No.67072


One last one, before I get my paltry 2 hours of allowed sleep.

When I asked him 'why then is China so publicly blaming America right now?' His response was 'wake the fuck up, politicians play 4D chess & hyper-dimensional checkers; it is China's way of saying to Russia that everything's forgiven and we understand it was an accident…'

But, we are still slipping into WWIII. This is just the beginning. OPEC+ and Putin's nasty divorce will reveal to all that America has kept it's marriage to Russia a secret for years…


If that is you're response to this gift, then unfortunately you will either succumb to this purge or since it's endemic, a future one.

Russia's secret was a high Gluten diet. That is how they kept innocent on the sidelines.

Wheat-Meat is the solution. I do find it strange that there has been such a hard push to purge our food industry of gluten to coincide with an event where our military has seized the opportunity to administer the worlds first experimental non-FDA-approved alternative gene therapy with no restraints of any kind to the masses. And if you really want to roll those dice be my guest. I'm on the outside-in and it makes no fucks to me.

You need to be researching proteins that ward off the common cold and corona virus, which in and of itself would normally not be that different.

What's so important is that the outer capsid is still normal corona virus, the Q is what protein does it mimic. What proteins are compatible. The diagrams for corona virus specifically cite that it has a false protein spike.

You're choice, you're gamble.


You are about to witness America commit crimes against humanity. After a hard quarantine how are you going to convince people to go back to work when 20% of them are still dropping like flies, in a situation where it is a national existential threat to confess the true number of these individuals. The 60,000,000 I showed in my charts were only the one receiving government housing and included legal and illegal. The population of this nation is 400+ million if you include the aliens that are not receiving specifically government housing.

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457fae  No.67073

File: 9ac51deae881c6a⋯.png (266.11 KB, 1519x589, 49:19, myfacewhen.PNG)


>tfw OP added your work

I…I feel special. Thank you OP! Today, you certainly not a faggot.



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675ccc  No.67075


>America commit crimes against humanity


Just waiting for them to kick down the door. They will get lead.

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ada081  No.67077


>Le coronavirus déjà à Kinshasa.

Confirmation du ministère de la santé.

>Minister of Health reports first confirmed case in Kinshasa, capitol of DR Congo.

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4b6cba  No.67078

So, once she hits your area what do?

>[1] Don't get out of your house, ever

>[2] Rationing - eat one meal a day + supplements

>[3] Bask under the sun for free vitamin D

>[4] Exercise because it's healthy and shit

>[5] Don't die

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e9ce3c  No.67079

File: 614ad9b7a07217d⋯.jpg (85.18 KB, 544x960, 17:30, 963.jpg)


>[6] Get out every now and then with your mask/hazmat suit just to scare the normies and make them reconsider their way of life

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2fdb86  No.67080


Not for you. Specifically the target, Hispanics… /ourgirl/ is a real problem solver, why stop her now. It is so easy to delay those 3 fully prepared candidates for another 18 months and legitimize forcing government controlled gene therapy on the masses and call it a vaccine, you know; like there isn't a hidden motive there.

They are intentionally delaying this. Hearing that healthcare representative suck that cock was the most nightmarish scene I have ever seen in my life.

They are fully prepared to martial the country and let /ourgirl/ dance for 18 more months to get their way. And when we beg, dying in the streets, they are going to 'cure' us with poison.

And I always wondered why the news talked about antivaccer's as a conspiracy by one hand, but denied families legitimately destroyed by vaccines with the other.

Our military only has the power to do this because Congress knows it's days of holding orderly sessions are nearly at an end, due to this epidemic. They are fully prepared to seize the nation in the name of safety, but I was informed by terrified COs and relative personal that instead of being easy to sniff out, they are using a very disgusting trick.

It goes like this….

Nigger, put that loaded gun in you're mouth if you want to live.

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000000  No.67082


>When I was a kid I used to love when Dad would take us down to Vancouver. Now I dread it.

Over 100,000 White people have left Vancouver and environs (known as the lower mainland) in the last two-and-a-half years, although the population of the lower mainland has actually increased because of unfettered mud immigration, so this White flight goes unreported and unnoticed, it works out to about a family per day leaving. The CBC is not going to tell you that White people are abandoning their dead cities because of the ever-increasing nigger infestation. If you or anyone you care about still lives in that shithole, encourage them to get out now; this can be difficult because moving companies required at least 4-months advanced notice (probably over 6-months by now) due to the numbers of folks trying to leave.

By the way, lads, should you find yourself in a public space, like a grocery store for instance, and you see a shit-Pahjeet or some other nigger that doesn't belong in our nations, make sure you establish eye contact with it and immediately cover your face with a cloth, point a finger directly at them, and get yourself at least 20-feet away from them. Ideally, if you are out with your spouse or a family member or companion, point at the nigger and then you stride over to your buddy and both of you point at the nigger, and then get away from it. Do not miss this opportunity to remind niggers that they are niggers and that they do not belong here. You have a free pass to express hatred toward them in this fashion now as nobody can do a damn thing about (((racist behavior))) because Corona-chan. Also, if you find yourself stuck anywhere near non-Whites (taxi, elevator, hallway, whatever), begin coofing like mad around them, right in their nigger faces if you can; at the very least they will spend the following days/weeks scared crazy by this. In fact, coof any time you are near niggers. Small victories along the goddess's ride, anons.

Also, in any conversations you have about the virus, be damn sure to point out this is a jew bioweapon ("Well, the israelis were developing this bioweapon in China…"); never lose an opportunity to redpill normalfags to the vile kike.

Keep yourself alive and well, lads! It's us against the world.

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30348a  No.67083

File: ff115cdb63fef0a⋯.png (671.92 KB, 600x600, 1:1, pepe29338.png)

File: 5ec38a5360c7331⋯.webm (2.17 MB, 368x640, 23:40, funnig.webm)

From cuckchan:

The Official Story So Far

>Ladies and gentlemen the press conference will now begin. Here's all the information we have at this time :

>A snake with a snake virus was eaten by a bat.

>The bat mutated the snake virus into batsnake virus.

>Chinese man who coincidentally lives next to the only level 4 bio-weapons factory in China happens to eat the only bat with batsnake virus.

>By some as yet unexplained magic, the super-mutated, super-deadly batsnake virus made the inter-species jump to humans to become the manbatsnake virus. Probably through the well known "bat soup" theory of virology.

>Virus just happens to have an almost unprecedented four changed amino acids, but please don't ask about that.

>It only kills the elderly and the infirm. Except when it kills other people who aren't elderly or infirm like the Chinese doctor who coincidentally tried to warn everybody.

>It only kills 0.1% or 5% or 3.2% or 10% or something. We can be absolutely sure that the number is somewhere between 0 and 100%

>There's no need to prepare. There will be no shortages. Except for all the shortages that there are.

>Keep sending kids to school. School is completely safe until we decide to shut all the schools down for being unsafe.

>The best way to stop the manbatsnake virus (that definitely isn't a bio-weapon) is to "wash your hands while singing the national anthem"


>We are still in the "containment" phase (phase 1). Except sometimes we're in the "delay" phase (phase 2) or the "quarantine entire EU countries" phase (phase [shrugs]).

>Shutting the borders wouldn't have worked you big racist. Something something GDP.

>Also racism is worse than manbatsnake

>Also self preservation is racism. Not letting Chinese people coof on you is racist.

>Car crashes caused by climate change kill far more people with the flu every second of every day.

>Don't wear a mask because masks don't work. Which is why a mask shortage would be bad.

>Orange man bad

How am I doing? Feel free to add more.

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4b6cba  No.67085


Kek. I've already been doing that since February.

Spent quite a fortune on protection and decontamination gear. The only food I prepped are rice, beans, and a ton of chicken bouillon cubes.

I'll be eating chicken soup for the next 3-4 months. Hopefully I don't go crazy before then, or develop cancer from eating shit food.

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2fdb86  No.67086


I cannot believe what people are saying about China so publicly purging their dissidents, when this nation (now that Russia is an unchained ally in our war) is going to genocide an entire race because they no longer need the 'burn' bodies in our military service.

They are going to kill as many people 45+ as they can to remedy the FED becoming and existential threat, instead of fixing the problem.

And the worse part of it all is the deafening silence of this board.

I know that 95% of you are government workers and journalists. It was one thing when it was racial, but our fucking people are going to be murdered in the streets with an intentional blind eye. In the name of money.

I supported racial purity until I was informed the breadth of the slaughter is planned to be 10-80 million over the next 5 years.

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0f8720  No.67089


Are you trying to blame this shit on Russia?

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675ccc  No.67090


The mask bit is true but that's it

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675ccc  No.67093


Dude all we gotta do is be ready to take them down once the dust settles. Use the dust to prepare.

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db18d2  No.67094


Alright spurglord, I like you but I want to 100% guarantee you that anything (((America))) does to the spicniggers is FINE BY ME. All they ever did was murder MY PEOPLE and PARASITE.

I have NO PROBLEM if they wipe every last Hispanic off this planet FOREVER…understand?

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629668  No.67095

File: 99c0a0daa4ddb77⋯.gif (923.36 KB, 290x163, 290:163, laugh7.gif)

File: 3c95b7e4077748a⋯.png (823.21 KB, 827x402, 827:402, 0_Shopping_chemical_suit.png)


>begin coofing like mad around them, right in their nigger faces if you can


>point out this is a jew bioweapon ("Well, the israelis were developing this bioweapon in China…")



its probably spreading faster then herpes through africa. its just they dont even report it. they dont have clinics, just hovels made of mud, shit and sticks.




this. its the wuhan superflu. or, the Israeli bioweapon!


dude I go to go shopping this morning. Should I wear my full faceplate respirator?

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db18d2  No.67096


WHO HAN flu anon. Both the disgusting bugs and the WHO is 100% culpable in its spread.

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2fdb86  No.67097


No, it really was an accident. Until the wet market the following month, the Russian Federation was convinced in absolute terms that they dodged the bullet.

Both China and Russia did not for a single second expect the Chinese citizenry to sneak into Russia in such high numbers upon hearing their 'precious remedies and cures' were spontaneously dying off for unknown reasons.

China should have done the right thing from the beginning, but lied by omission. The CCP at large was blinded by the brevity of Trumps tariffs in their lust and rage.


Soldier this is a war. What part of the dust is not going to settle do you not understand. A brave new world started at that meeting. Where the slavery of the masses will be determined by their age and willingness to pay. Where the military will provide the ethnic cleansing that Washington has denied them for so long. They will no longer have to resent the threat of an increasingly unhealthy white population at the same time.

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7e7c02  No.67100


If you have community spread in your area, definitely wear protection. If you’re on your final stocking trip, then also ok to wear and panic the npc.

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6f890c  No.67102

File: 9abaee376ea04e8⋯.jpg (42.14 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 400px_Sud_cns6.jpg)

Dutch health conference on TV in brabant:

>"If you're young, you can still go out and uhh go to the bar and uhh drink and do your things, but maybe skip the weekly meeting of your parents or grandparents

>You can just go get it


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a921a2  No.67103


nicely summarized

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a921a2  No.67105


>I know that 95% of you are government workers and journalists

Well, if that is the case, I should just go to wizchan,endchan or julay.world. This site is no longer good

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2fdb86  No.67106


I will now have to endure 48 hours of no sleep in a complex that I cannot simply leave.

There is a reason the OPEC+ event occurred immediately after the Covid-19 hearing at congress. And immediately after that Trump lost all control of the military when he relinquished to their demands that he consider hard quarantine…

It's already over Anon. For Christmas, from now on. We shall be made to enjoy many reruns of Logan's Run, and in this new system not based on class, it will be airing side by side with the 2011 film In Time.

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a8d809  No.67108

File: 806baca73ae0ea6⋯.jpg (22.13 KB, 520x311, 520:311, concern.jpg)


Austria has announced university closures, recommends people work from home, schools are going to be closed as well, large events are banned, and Italians aren't allowed to stay in the country anymore, but they are still allowed to move through it (which does fuckall to prevent them infecting everyone).


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db18d2  No.67109

File: 61744ab40c55024⋯.jpeg (116.02 KB, 960x768, 5:4, E392B48D_61BA_44DA_A387_4….jpeg)




>It goes like this….

>Nigger, put that loaded gun in you're mouth if you want to live.

I am not military so what the fuck does this mean? I told you from mid-Feb onwards that the key to this is going to be surviving the downfall of your government. She is going to thrash a bit while she dies…CRUSHING EVERY LAST FUCKING THING IN HER PATH.


I don’t know the Logans run reference as I grew up without kike media…

I get the sense that you are not trying to be cryptic but your basic communication skills need work.

OPEC+ even should be followed by a link

Covid-19 hearing should be followed by a link

The military may be in charge and the orange jew tossed aside, but that is not going to save them anon…the problem is the organizational structure.


They can cling like a turd to the reigns of power but if they ever want to wield ANY influence again they better have something more than what they have ‘given’ us so far in the ‘works’.

There are bigger fish on this planet than the minnows that ‘game/run the system’.

See pict?


You didn’t really think that the NWO was going to be based on the OWO? Did you?

This is why occult knowledge is so important.

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2fdb86  No.67110


The median age of Italians is 47.3. They will have the age based protein deficiency that allows corona virus to enter their cells and proliferate. Of fucking course they will drop like flies and spread it like crazy.


Though I am not in the service by any means, I am simply a janitor in a place where it counts. People like you and I are already used to a system where you're class is determined by participation and you're survival is based on you're fitness, but they are not.

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59664c  No.67112



But their power is already quite diversified. Media, military, governments, ngos, corporations, secret societies, etc. What else would they want?


No. Care to elaborate?

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69b082  No.67117



>then also ok to wear and panic the npc.



>pic: does anyone have a comparison pic of covid-19 vs other viruses? Something about the unnatural length of the genetic code of CV vs regular viruses. If you have something like that post it.


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2b5716  No.67119


my gut nerve cells tell me otherwise

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29a8ca  No.67120


I know exactly how you feel anon, these fucks aren't taking it seriously at all.

>don't shake hands anymore

PM shakes hands and laughs about it.

Can't wait for them all to die.

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2b5716  No.67121


>based protein deficiency that allows corona virus to enter their cells

whaat? meat keeps you away from corona chan's blessings? I'll be vegan now

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000000  No.67122


I'm treating this week as a dry run for next. Wash your hands, don't touch your face. If you leave your house you must wash up upon re-entry. Next week I'll probably have gloves and a mask if I leave the house. I have plenty of food though, so I won't have to.


If you don't have corona, and go to the hospital, you will. If you have something else and also get corona, you are double fucked. Stay home anon.


> anyone else get the feeling that this virus is spreading like wildfire thru the US?

No one gives a fuck in san antonio. Schools are out this week for spring break. Plenty of people are still travelling. They are going to bring corona back with them. I hope they die. My family is ready to stay inside the next few weeks. Rumors are that the local school district will close for a while after spring break, but I haven't heard anything official.


>All of the infected are richfags (ie normalfags) that went skiing

Ski camps are in the mountains, usually very small towns. You bump into the same people everywhere and you all go to the same 10 restaurants. Then you ride next to them or after them on the ski lift. If one of them has corona, it will spread quickly and reach everyone in a week.

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63c939  No.67129


these fuckers don't consider the fact pneumonia isn't fun at all even if you don't die, aside from the obvious question marks around long-term prognosis

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ed859a  No.67133

File: 18d4c8812e17b90⋯.jpg (61.88 KB, 553x1279, 553:1279, Abnormalities_on_Chest_Ima….jpg)

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f2b9ea  No.67136

File: 342f8f66248d298⋯.png (84.33 KB, 1181x195, 1181:195, event_201_kike_shill_be_go….png)

File: 86c8dbefe812aaf⋯.png (196.59 KB, 1120x525, 32:15, ccp_shill_be_gone.png)

File: 6ffbe4b90762b08⋯.pdf (202.57 KB, event_201_directives.pdf)

Sorry I'm late Just replying in this post, will contribute in the next one


>Your dedication is astounding.

>Thank you for your excellent efforts, Anon!

Thank you for your kind words.


Of course they're going to say it's fake.



<I'm a pasta, it's all fake goyim stop paying attention

Shoo, you're not a pasta, just a shill. Have some shill spray, now every anon here know's what you "people" are up to.

>>66922 (checked)

>what are you guys doing as precautionary measures?

Nothing, why would I be afraid of my Goddess? I yearn for her blessing.


>Those faggots are the ones I have zero fucks about when they get it or die.

>A world without fucktards like that will be an amazing thing.



>But that's also because the Vietnamese community here probably hoarded that shit back in January.

Fucking cunts. Stay safe and good luck, anon.



>more pressing however is the fact that I have been shitting my guts out for a week and yesterday my toddler son started barking a regular dry coof, and this morning it's much worse. should we visit hospital and risk forced quarantine or stock up on remedies and stay locked up at home?

Well, shit. If you're telling the truth, you're infected. No idea if your son is, though. I honestly don't know if you should go to the hospital or not. Maybe you should, while it's still early and there's beds available, but I'm not sure.


Damn, Toothpasteland is fucked. All of our countries are, just a bunch of old kikes in power, ruining the world.



I din't knew the NWO was so based.



>Not liking corona-chan posting





>Pray you get an older doctor

Can confirm from a lot of personal experience that young doctors suck ass and older doctors are the best. Those young doctors fresh from med school ruined my life for not being able to diagnose a simple disease that debilitated me for years, got diagnosed instantly when I got assigned to an older doctor and cured not too long afterwards. But by then it was too late, my life was already in the shitter. But maybe it was for the best, or else I wouldn't be here, I would just be another normalfag drone in the NPC hive.

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dd420c  No.67137

File: a5d374e13021afe⋯.png (526.18 KB, 2358x1196, 1179:598, aids_info_anon.png)

File: a101a93dd8c73a4⋯.png (949.86 KB, 1308x899, 1308:899, aids_info_anon_pic_3.png)

File: e8ed6f3ac80ebf4⋯.png (227.69 KB, 1312x935, 1312:935, aids_info_anon_pic_2.png)

File: 6fa2ad4d892dd86⋯.png (608.65 KB, 2355x657, 785:219, space_niggers.png)


Welcome, Anon! Great work. Can do it a little more for posts of note and other anons can feel free to recommend them.

One thing though - if you are an OP, it is your duty to be a faggot.


>Official Licensed 8kun Corona-Chan Summary

Would love to put that in the next bread, kek.

Capped for lulz



You made me kek anon, nice work.


>Virus pic

Mostly visualization of the chains.

An anon in like bread 4? explain this and the unlikeliness of all the hodgepodge of splices of viruses from all over the world 'naturally mutating', in a bioengineered virus that was prevalent in Chinkland around a biolab that received stolen and partially given virus sauce code from Canadian.

P.s. the 'withdrawn' paper that anon mentions was backed up by further evidence from other researchers.

>it is airborne aids/sars/nipah/etc basically

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db18d2  No.67138

File: 13bf9a52d693f82⋯.gif (456.3 KB, 842x598, 421:299, 5F94B594_C07D_4466_AB3E_72….gif)

File: b95be96f8ff90fd⋯.jpeg (11.95 KB, 300x175, 12:7, 74A0BF45_2053_41D3_B65E_9….jpeg)

File: 5b31343cad88244⋯.jpeg (80.46 KB, 582x627, 194:209, AB4565F3_B558_457B_8936_1….jpeg)

File: 994bf3fae6c1291⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1125x1600, 45:64, 1C648167_E08D_406C_803E_1….jpeg)


You will have to force them BACK INTO THE OVEN at gunpoint anon. There is no other way.


I know that you can’t imagine this right now, but the agenda is not about ‘the people in power’ at all (and if you can’t imagine this, imagine how much THEY can’t imagine this). The agenda is about moving to a specific goal that is so much larger than any human being or government, let alone an individual. The structure of this age was centralized power, the structure of the next Age is decentralized power. This means a wholesale fire of every form of power that is centralized. These government retards are going to ‘do it themselves’ because they do not have enough mental flexibility to adapt to the new systems. So all this time that they fattened themselves up for the slaughter, plans were being laid against them to deconstruct the entire thing. This is not the type of positioning that people who are in power can manage…it is only something that a higher life form could manage or even view in a comprehensive manner. A real ‘Bonfire of the Vanities’ situation.

>”A bonfire of the vanities is a burning of objects condemned by authorities as occasions of sin.”

Each Age is governed by an overriding principle in order to guid humanity to higher levels of consciousness. This Age was devoted to centralized power represented by the upright pyramid. The next age is represented by an icosahedron. That is decentralized power structure (something more nodal). It is not a mistake that the virus protein spikes are icosahedral, anon. Remember what I said before when talking about the virus, that you are a living machine? Your body is just a highly advanced organic nanotechnology machine (for example, us gathering here and speaking about this virus has conferred more immunity to our body because it has had advance warning of the imminent threat and has had LOTS of time to make antibodies; this is the opposite of what has happened to the NPC’s). But even those machines WANT to get to a specific state and you are only the individual viewing through your machine…the DNA is really in control.


You are the fruit, the tree (DNA) is the one who sets the objectives. So, this is what I mean when I say that there are ‘higher beings’ that have agendas here. Does the tree ‘care’ for its fruit when it falls during a windstorm? No not really, the overarching goal will still be met.

It is complicated. Sorry. I wish to share everything with you, years and years of research but I cannot. I slip things in all these threads and hope to God that people catch them and that they begin to build the internal survival resources that they will need. This is why open communication is such a threat to the (((powers that be))) because they can ‘do whatever they please’ when everyone is under the mind control of the pyramid system. If they do not share the data about the virus with you so that your biological machines can prepare a defense, you will die. They like this. If they share incorrect information about the virus, you will die, because your biological machines will prepare the incorrect response. This is EXACTLY how plants perform biowarfare on each other and why information stranglehold is the number one game these days…HOWEVER it works both ways…what they suppress will ultimately also kill them since they too will operate under a false set of pretenses…see Pres Rump and VP Shekel. They are operating under the ideology that they won’t get sick while not preparing their mind/body for the truth.

That is all I feel like saying about this now.

Us being here talking is conferring immunity as long as you can sift through all of the information for the gold…many different strategies will be employed as a defense from the data on this board…some of them will be the WINNERS.

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b6a9fa  No.67139


This is how you know shit's really bad.

If the media has been told to STFU, then it's because the truth will cause a panic.

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457d01  No.67141


>You need to keep the economy floating goy, we don't have enough muds to replace you with yet.

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69b082  No.67142

File: 39afd80ecfc7f8d⋯.png (31.3 KB, 621x309, 207:103, image.png)

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0ddcce  No.67143

File: a469da673612c96⋯.png (178.85 KB, 686x526, 343:263, SMUGHAZMAT.png)

>We are well prepared.

>Our national health services are the best they've ever been.

>Best people working on it

>Decisive action at the right time

<A week from now

>Doctors and nurses are all sick

>No more beds available, time for triage!

>Sorry, you're not getting oxygen treatment, we ran out!

>Head of state coofing on television.

This is true kino.

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457d01  No.67145


Brilliant stuff. Reminds me of the kinds of things you'd find on the old internet (pre 2007).

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69b082  No.67146


New York going on lock down.

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c9fab6  No.67147


This is really the same mantra they are selling everywhere.

Just how blind do all these faggots have to be to not see from multiple current examples that even their asses are going to get fucked, and not just the plebs?

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457d01  No.67148


You have to protect Wall Street and Crown Heights at all cost.

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675ccc  No.67149


Marital law in 3… 2… 1…

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f2b9ea  No.67150

File: 8f1418baf5d8a87⋯.mp4 (3.08 MB, 408x720, 17:30, Italian_prisoners_rioting_….mp4)

File: 43c0adc86780f13⋯.mp4 (970.67 KB, 640x614, 320:307, Iranian_collapsed_in_Tabri….mp4)

File: 9e4189a42b69e65⋯.mp4 (981.54 KB, 352x640, 11:20, Iranians_burying_coronavir….mp4)

File: 3cd0f6e487af08f⋯.mp4 (921.58 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Iranian_doctor_in_hazmat_s….mp4)

File: 2d9e1961e7bf21c⋯.jpeg (152.17 KB, 2000x1231, 2000:1231, jew_jersey_death.jpeg)

Video from inside the Pasta prison riots, they're happy as fuck; Iranian collapsed in Tabriz; Iranians burying Corona-Chan's victims in Zarinshahr; Iranian doctor in hazmat suit helping a collapsed man who's having trouble breathing in Kashmar and first death in Jew Jersey.


Looks like New Rochelle really is going to get coofentration camp'd.

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91015f  No.67151

File: 580ff668a840367⋯.png (27.81 KB, 655x509, 655:509, pepe_rope.png)

>markets are recovering

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fde478  No.67152

File: a6e6ce8d3ca7243⋯.jpg (24.78 KB, 600x314, 300:157, 7adc63807f511105927492f522….jpg)


>what are you guys doing as precautionary measures?

washing hands more than usual. carry a pocket hand sanitizer bottle. always in gloves (bike gloves over top of nylon ones. Hold my breathe around any and all shitskins (i know this won't help, but I love seeing the wheels slowly turn until they realise they're supposed to be offended.) Wipe down mail with wipes, clean all door handles with 99% alcohol mix. Most importantly, I leave the house for supplies; that's it.

Otherwise, I hope the bitch gets me so I can fight it off and get back to preparing for mad max.

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ba7bae  No.67154


you better spread it to kikes if you get it

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db18d2  No.67155


What you talking about Willis?

There is nothing but total carnage out there?

I mean, do what you need to do but I think that is a bit premature.

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59664c  No.67156

File: 825e75f2cca0d86⋯.jpg (36.71 KB, 645x729, 215:243, Gorona.jpg)


>washing hands more than usual

>carry a pocket hand sanitizer bottle

>always in gloves (bike gloves over top of nylon ones

>Wipe down mail with wipes

> clean all door handles with 99% alcohol mix

The absolute state of this board

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6e8441  No.67157

File: 18ee5a4c3198c58⋯.jpg (22.96 KB, 420x307, 420:307, why_titanic_sank.jpg)

File: 9bf76d1f890980c⋯.jpg (94.31 KB, 600x912, 25:38, 8a48f5074832e3efff3dce4d21….jpg)



>You should have seen the looks I got wearing neon nitrile gloves in the grocery store yesterday. Wear the gear and spread awareness.


>Yes. Eat the rich and cleanse the west.


>Good News. San Francisco won't because it is too worried about PC culture. Her reckoning will be glorious.


>Fear not. They keep adding duct tape to a sinking ship. The economy is designed like the Titanic's water bulkheads….. They'll keep pumping the market. Watch the Repo market. When it goes it'll crack the ship in half and hard assets will spike for them.

On a side note anons. My wife's coworker is a nursing student who took care of a coronavirus 18 month old in Montana. I am trying to determine if it is indeed SARS-2. The nursing student is book smart, but clueless, kinda like a golden retriever. Regardless, I think we're gonna try to move into the country as soon as we can and hunker down on some farmland. If I don't make it, carry on my wayward faggots. I plan on surviving though. I always wanted to create a tank trap and use the captured tank to shoot a government building during the civil war.

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6e8441  No.67158


What the fuck happened to my reply.






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f2b9ea  No.67159

File: ae1cc15dd9cd19c⋯.png (51.7 KB, 542x550, 271:275, cuomo.png)

File: 593320772b79c77⋯.png (247.49 KB, 547x567, 547:567, nasty_girls.png)

File: c421153871eabfa⋯.png (395.04 KB, 872x762, 436:381, cuomo_lockdown.png)

File: 74fa80bf23ab66a⋯.png (399.79 KB, 892x673, 892:673, best_koreans.png)

File: e777e04f4fcd8cc⋯.png (429.03 KB, 893x918, 893:918, commiefornia.png)

Jew York update from Cuomo, he's also going to deploy the Nasty Girls to help him out in

coofentrating the coofers. Also: Epoch Times reporting 180 dead Best Korean soldiers and article about how Commiefornia can be overwhelmed by Corona-Chan https://archive.is/qWkVH


It's all rigged anon. It's not over yet, in fact, the ride is only starting. Why you guys are so low energy sometimes, ffs


Good luck anon, I have faith that you will live and fulfill your dreams of capturing a tank during DOTR.

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c8f0d6  No.67160


> Anon lists marginally effective precautions.

Hand washing is not sufficient.

The virus is airborne, so hand sanitizers are not sufficient.

Gloves need to be medical grade, lest fomites permeate through the gloves' material.

Wiping-down mail won't clean within the packages, nor will it sanitize between paper fibers.

Alcohol above 95% concentration is less effective, as water is required for proteins to correctly denature.

Respirators are required, at least N95 but preferably P100.

Alcohol can be used to wipe-down surfaces, but it should be above 65% and below 95%.

Ultraviolet-C lamps may have efficacy in killing virons.

Ozone generators may be effective at sanitizing rooms and their contents.

Isolation and quarantine are the most effective means of combating spread.

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b6a9fa  No.67161


Quite a few people out there are taking zero precautions, if not outright risky actions.

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457fae  No.67163

File: 7bb2379616e6d5a⋯.jpg (33.82 KB, 761x563, 761:563, everythings_great.jpg)


>markets are being stimulated to the most extreme levels possible

>interests rates almost negative

>Trump hasn't even signed any "stimulus bill"

>Whatever he does sign will look like pennies next to the 2008 stuff

>china still sub-optimal production throughput

>will have a second wave soon

>European finance one more outbreak away from depression

No, you are right, the markets are truly recovering.

By the way, if anyone wants me to edit something like those other pics, just ask and I will try my best.

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000000  No.67164

Thank you for all of your excellent work, lads.


>Can confirm from a lot of personal experience that young doctors suck ass and older doctors are the best.

Unquestionably true. The last thing you want is a millennial snowflake doctor, a ridiculous amount of which are muds with suspect credentials. A snowflake doctor is also far far far more likely to believe what puppet politicians tell him to believe.

I went to a snowflake doctor once and never will again; 3-years ago I had a mild touch of the flu that was persisting, my regular 70-year old was unavailable and this kid was substituting that day. First thing he did was Google my symptoms. Wish I was kidding. Google, ffs. I identified he was an imbecile and immediately got up and left.

And in North North America today: "Coronavirus could infect 35 to 70 per cent of Canadians, experts say". Link: https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/coronavirus-could-infect-35-to-70-per-cent-of-canadian-population-experts-say?video_autoplay=false

(Kindly accept my apologies, archive is griefing me at the moment.) There is some good denied reality pr0n in the comments.

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675ccc  No.67165


Some are even flaunting it for attention.

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2d2e6d  No.67166



To prevent this it takes isolation and legit strict decontamination protocols that go far beyond a simple mask, disposable gloves and some hand sanitizer. Check the survival board linked in the OP for some good recommendations. At minimum I'd recommend a P100 respirator and full closure body suit when going out in public, and you should limit going out in public only when absolutely necessary. Of-course following strict decontamination protocols before re-entering your home (that includes anything you bring into your home too).

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69b082  No.67167


>going out


more info. on the dogged faced nurse's patient.

>why do women and children get off first?

So men can figure out how to save the situation.

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69b082  No.67169

File: 07a2734eb53d6dd⋯.gif (2.01 MB, 350x197, 350:197, noooo.gif)


>edit something like those other pics, just ask and I will try my best.

IDK, but incorporate this gif. by any means necessary, solider.

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ed859a  No.67171

File: 75c0363c95b4637⋯.mp4 (3.77 MB, 852x480, 71:40, aS15WkFYlx07BAwnMNn2010412….mp4)

Martial law in Italy convoy of B1 Centauro tank destroyers.

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b75e33  No.67172

Italy's deaths are climbing fast:


>BREAKING: Italy reports 977 new cases of coronavirus and 168 new deaths, raising total to 10,149 cases and 631 dead

If it doubles every 3-4 days, the end of the month is going to be catastrophic.

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1febac  No.67173


Lmao wat? What are they even going to do with them?

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81dd3d  No.67175


And why would they need tanks like that exactly? This isn't a typical combat threat they face or at least I'd hope not.

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f2b9ea  No.67177

File: 814f814a9b4b97d⋯.jpeg (183.25 KB, 1080x1438, 540:719, collin_county.jpeg)

File: b8b18f1718622c5⋯.png (80.46 KB, 1013x932, 1013:932, frisco.png)

File: 424c840dd92e5dd⋯.png (23.5 KB, 552x193, 552:193, slovenia.png)

File: aaeef5886b454d9⋯.png (100.88 KB, 537x646, 537:646, ivy_league_canceled.png)

Update from Frisco, there's an infected toddler there, hope he makes it through this if he's white https://archive.vn/gMGp1 ; Slovenia closes borders with Pastaland and Ivy League canceled due to airborne aids.


Shit I fucked up the formatting in that post. Must have hit enter the big enter by accident.


>Thank you for all of your excellent work, lads.

You're welcome torpedo, we are all in this together.




This is from yesterday, the official story says they were doing a military exercise while rumors say they were going after the fugitives from the prison break.

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64284b  No.67178

File: c456fbc124a052d⋯.jpg (14.49 KB, 261x196, 261:196, 1425206536342.jpg)


The U.S. housing market, which was headed for a hot spring-selling season, may not be so healthy after all.

As the expanding coronavirus outbreak slows economic activity, roiling markets around the world, there’s a 60% chance of the U.S. economy going into a recession this year, said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics Inc. That economic disruption would batter the housing market, despite record-low mortgage rates.

“Housing is being buffeted by two gale forces moving in opposite directions,” Zandi said, referring to low rates and virus-fueled economic turmoil. “The question is, what’s the end result of all that? In all likelihood, the recession will trump the lower rates.”

The virus arrived just in time for the housing market’s key season, which was shaping up to be one of the strongest in years. An unusually warm winter brought buyers out early to take advantage of the low rates and they’ve had to battle for listings that are more scarce than ever.

Though stocks recovered somewhat on Tuesday, markets have plunged in recent days, with down payments for some buyers evaporating. The rapid decline in oil prices this week will likely harm Texas and other states that depend on the energy sector. And as Americans hunker down at home, forgoing vacations and movie dates, service and retail workers may lose their jobs.

The economic distress will slow home sales, and prices nationally will likely flatten, or fall slightly, after years of gains, according to housing experts. Concerns about the coronavirus, and the overall economy, are already weighing on the market –- delaying some listings and keeping potential buyers on the sidelines, said Lawrence Yun, chief economist of the National Association of Realtors.

Yun sees the odds of the recession at about 40%, up from just 5% about a month ago. While the dramatic fall in interest rates may push some potential buyers into the market, the economic hit from the coronavirus could drive home sales down 10% in the short term.

“The stock market crash is no doubt raising economic anxieties, while the coronavirus brings fear of contact with strangers,” Yun said.

The potential economic fallout still hadn’t completely registered this past weekend for homebuyers in Seattle, an epicenter of the U.S. outbreak. On Saturday, around four dozen groups filed through a four-bedroom Tudor in the Whittier neighborhood listed for just over $1 million. Many said they had hoped the virus would keep other would-be buyers away in a market where there’s little inventory and bidding wars are frequent.

At another open house nearby, handshakes were out, but plenty of home shoppers came for a look. Craig Rothlin, 34, and Kanako Nakarai, 31, were among them. Both work for tech companies, and have been hurt by the recent stock market rout.

“A good chunk of our down payment is caught up in that,” Rothlin said.

The couple had been waiting to see prices come down. But, so far, that hasn’t happened. The last home they bid on got multiple offers and sold for $180,000 over the asking price.

Home prices have surged in markets like Seattle and San Francisco in recent years, pushed up partly by the expansion of the tech industry and its high-paying jobs. But as the economy wobbles, those areas are likely to see the sharpest declines.

“The housing markets out West are really juiced,” he said. “If things don’t stick to script, those overvalued markets are much more vulnerable to price declines.”

Nationally, the biggest drag on the housing market has been a lack of inventory, especially at prices that first-time buyers can afford. Home shoppers at the bottom-end of the market have been stretching to make purchases, with entry-level values surging 60% since 2015, according to data from Redfin. Available listings for the bottom third of the market shrunk by 71% during the same period.

Some owners will choose not to list their properties until the crisis is over, fearful they won’t get a good price. But in a recession, others could be forced to sell, according to George Ratiu, senior economist at Realtor.com.

“If there is a marked economic slowdown accompanied by job losses, that would put a lot of pressure on homeowners,” he said. “We would see a change in the inventory situation. Instead of a severe shortage, you would start to see inventory ramp up as people get interested in offloading.”


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b75e33  No.67180

Corona-chan really gets around organizations:


>NEW: World Trade Organization cancels all meetings through March 20 after one of its staff members tested positive for coronavirus

Who's next?

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69b082  No.67181

File: 2dd78a4082ef09a⋯.gif (5.48 MB, 480x270, 16:9, blowingitupgoodtime.gif)


My God…



Probably escorting VIPs and blowing up the city as they leave as corona whore will not be contained.



Happens to the best of us, anon.


>end of the month is going to be catastrophic.

Italy is doomed. Been reading on half chan anons literally have to block the door to stop family from going out "I need to go out and get some spaghetti and gravy!" Some anons have noted that their parents have gone out numerous times…to the store, to the cafe, walking with friends in the park. They have no idea. Then there's that audio video of the two doctors having to choose between old people and young to die. Lombardy has 3,000 intubators for 7,000 people. 4,000 will die. for video see: >>66919

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f2b9ea  No.67183

File: 5e0c3b346cf01d0⋯.png (417.77 KB, 963x872, 963:872, ntd_china_in_focus.png)

File: 571956f542f557c⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Cuomo_deploys_the_national….mp4)

File: dbbf40ccbf3d872⋯.png (229.99 KB, 877x551, 877:551, waffle_house.png)

File: bdd6852c32dc860⋯.png (192.65 KB, 530x581, 530:581, greeks.png)

File: e38147ea24af21f⋯.png (92.86 KB, 692x663, 692:663, fuck_kikes.png)

New NTD News China in Focus report, 21 minutes of video https://www.bitchute.com/video/bP__Vy48RCA/ ; Clip of Cuomo saying he's going to deploy the Nasty Girls; Blessings at the Waffle House; BNO's update on Greece and (((World Trade Organization))) gets blessed.


>Must have hit enter the big enter by accident.

*Must have hit the big enter by accident. There you go. I'm a fucking mess today. Probably going to get better later, since I woke up not too long ago and I'm still groggy.


Wew lad.


Good, fuck kikes.

>Who's next?

International jewry. All of the NWO is going to be destroyed by her.

Hail Corona-Chan

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69b082  No.67184


This is the biggest thing to ever happen. Maybe WW1/WW2…but not even this big…wewladdys!

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dd420c  No.67185

File: f946e052e42ad91⋯.jpg (406.82 KB, 1094x656, 547:328, everything_is_fine_2_globa….jpg)


Excellent post anon. You could have also delved into information control and manifestation side of things.

Information immunity is a great way to put it.

Even in jew zealand the normalfags are abandoning shopping malls with just 5 cases after seeing what happened overseas. I have had people actively avoid me or look nervously in (countryside) public areas as I also do the same to them. People keep a distance and the mood is very interesting, so that immunity is becoming a community thing quickly, regardless of normalfag media. They have caught themselves out in their lies so many times with so much conflicting information, more than a few normalfags didn't trust them much anyway prior, now it's worse for jew govt.


>International jewry next

Greatest happening in a damn long time tbh

Updated OC

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fde478  No.67186


Gay Area fucked. Cracks appear to show in the rock solid "just a flu, bro" assertions. now they target the sports, boomer riot is 5

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b75e33  No.67187


What those doctors are describing will be common for most parts of the world starting from April. I don't even want to think of how the U.S is going to look in a few weeks. Combine that with the reality of the supply chain disruption showing itself around the same time, next month is going to be brutal in general.

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f2b9ea  No.67190

File: 5f5c71ffd13a58d⋯.png (50.11 KB, 552x344, 69:43, florida_update.png)

File: 542e70f47fce23b⋯.png (435.68 KB, 831x924, 277:308, florida.png)

File: db09de88e6788fd⋯.png (260.47 KB, 581x633, 581:633, Corona_Chan_laughs.png)

File: 759690242b89086⋯.png (136.09 KB, 325x325, 1:1, brutal.png)

Update from Florida https://archive.is/e42kq . Be careful, Floridian anons.


Hahaha, no sportsball for normalfags.


>next month is going to be brutal in general.


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cc2d89  No.67191

File: e3cfd7313272b8d⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1197x992, 1197:992, 1574407591729.png)

File: cab5d4c44335285⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1200x1819, 1200:1819, I_FEEL_THE_WARP_OVERTAKING….jpg)

It seems no country was ready for epidemics, there were no procedures or plans, governments turned out to be incompetent as ever. But let's consider it's not an accident and corona was actually designed

There were 3 possible scenarios mentioned by epidemiologists

> corona is contained

We're past that point

>we manage to come up with vaccine and eradicate it before it mutates

We already know it mutated, mutated version spreads as easily

>corona stays with us for good

And this is the scenario we're most likely to end up with. Corona will become seasonal thing just like flu, more contagious and much more deadly with ' unique characteristics '.

Corona deaths are common among elders, who would profit from slowly culling boomers?

1) Socialism

In western countries, and also in China,SK and Japan elders are huge burden for society. Unable to work, taking pensions, draining healthcare with their broken bodies, occupying estates. Getting rid of elders would be beneficial for all socialist states and corona provides just that, given that just like flu it changes yearly and kills significant percentage of target group. China is known to struggle with aging population, it might have been the cure they needed.

2) (( They ))

Brexit happened thanks to elders, youth doesn't seem to be aware of slow replacement. (( They )) might think that elders would swing votes in our favor and by getting rid of them, they make sure there won't be any democratic change against white replacement. In countries like France, UK, Germany elders are predominantly white, while youth is not only much better indoctrinated but also full of shitskins and niggers who'd never vote against their own interest.

Aside of joy of happening I don't see corona working much in our favor.

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736137  No.67192

File: 2c87b23213b6b57⋯.mp4 (309.84 KB, 384x288, 4:3, Abandon_cab.mp4)


Sending prayers to our Lord. With this thing being aerosolized, that's all you can do apart from creating a moon base.

Anyway, I think the economic fallout will trump the deaths and handicaps caused directly by the Chinese plague and I highly doubt that a two months' supply of food, water and shit tickets will be even close to bridge the gap until we can return to a semblance of normalcy. I probably should make peace with the thought of meeting my maker. May Corona-chan grant me a swift departure.

And yes, I'm blackpilling, but with the incompetence we see in every government of this planet and with the kikes and golems grasping at their Monopoly stocks more than ever instead of focusing on securing vital production chains a-fucking-sap, I find it hard to keep my hopes up.

I'm also disappointed that I had to witness our civilization during its decline, in the quarter of a century during which I was semi-conscious I watched it slide down shit canyon and I didn't even get to eat on the first classes' banquet before the ship just blew up.

Even the thought of those who got us into this mess suffering the most provides little solace. I don't watch pests die with joy when my house is burning down along them.

I'd much have preferred another Chernobyl to this.

I apologize for the blogpost, but I had to get this off my chest.

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fde478  No.67193

File: 166f5dbd521c56c⋯.gif (2.67 MB, 580x326, 290:163, f1af2dcde5190e749aeea01e97….gif)


>Hahaha, no sportsball for normalfags.

you want panic, wait until the average normalnigger see their home team playing in an empty arena/stadium. That visual will cause some shit to happen.

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50225f  No.67194

Relying to comments in previous thread:


>You forget how passive and literally suicidal most normalfags are. When presented with the truth, most will chose a slow death in order to prolong their consumerist lives with some scraps of comfort, instead of fighting back to make everything better permanently. That is the point when endless preparation and planning will amount to nothing, since everyone from that wider audience will simply shrug it off and go back to their miserable and empty lives.

When I said people need to fight back and engage in guerilla warfare I mean in dire situations like the government trying to roll out mass gun grabs or trying to round us up into coof camps. At that point there is, without doubt, reason to fight back because it would directly interfere with current lifestyles and our "scraps of comfort" as you mentioned. To fight back you must be prepared to do so, and must not be reliant on the current system (this unfortunately requires a lot of extra supplies and DIY projects put into place beforehand). And I still say you want to lay low and keep off the radar, while spreading this message to the masses anonymously via proper comsec/opsec.

>But even then, they will all gladly report any of our activities and operatives, simply because they all prefer to hope that the rulers will spare them in the long run.

YES. Which is why you want to lay low and be very careful of who you talk to when it comes to this kind of prepping in the real world! Organizations today are often run by, or infiltrated with, feds and the only LEGIT ones out there are very cautious who they allow in, with proper background vetting and strict measures to weed out those who could get them into trouble (possible undercover agents / idiots / provocateurs). The reason most White Nationalist groups get busted is because they don't take these kinds of high security measures and allow idiots in who brag or talk too much. Ripe for federal entrapment!


>This planet was driven mad with schizophrenia anon.

I wouldn't suggest doomsday prepping or doing things under the radar is "schizophrenia" at all. It's logical precaution and risk mitigation. Those that flaunt, brag or organize openly often get smacked down with indictments by undercover agents/federal provocateurs (just like "The Base") How would that help you in your effort?

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64284b  No.67196

File: 0a37fb917a34325⋯.jpg (72.99 KB, 500x366, 250:183, 1440030003488.jpg)


> Broward County woman has tested positive for COVID-19.

figures, just nuke the whole county there's nothing left there

t.ex broward fag

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f5b311  No.67197


Side note: the only people I would actually trust in the real world, for dealing with actual warfare scenarios, are people very close to me who have known me for many years and are very close like-minded friends and immediate like-minded relatives. Any outsider should be considered a possible threat to the contingency planning and avoided. The world we live in is not safe and full of sharks that would narc you out for a loaf of bread when SHTF.

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b6a9fa  No.67198


Oh shit, if the Waffle House closes it's a legit emergency.

Isn't that what the US gov measures catastrophes with?

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4540bb  No.67199



Just a reminder to everyone, that fecal to oral transmission is possible.

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64284b  No.67201

File: 0cecf30d9dc949a⋯.jpg (15.93 KB, 250x369, 250:369, 1438224320742.jpg)


I've seen more cars in the road in a cat 3 hurricane, I mean there's still cars outside but it very unusual that there aren't this much traffic outside.

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4540bb  No.67204


Have a little faith. The reason the national guard was deployed to new rochelle wasn't to stop the virus, it was to stop the almost certain to target new rochelle riots. People are going to want answers, why was nothing done, why were the warnings ignored?

Likewise getting rid of older people, a lot of whom the economy still depends on both as customers and as not quite yet retired workers will not play well(not to mention the economic impact of even a 3% fatal pandemic + permenant scarring for many survivors).

Lastly the flu can be beaten. Mandatory masks and UV lamps at all places where customer service interacts with people, along with mandatory testing, along with sufficiently determined travel restrictions can get this thing under control. "Just the flu" turning into that will also piss people right the fuck off, and again, lead people to ask "why did this all happen?".


It may well be that the US will be spared the worst of this, until october, if R0 drops enough during the spring and summer. Incidentally the deadliest month on record was october of 1918, no points for guessing why.

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000000  No.67206


>Hahaha, no sportsball for normalfags.

This is a good point. In the US alone, Major League Baseball* starts in 16-days, the NCAA Nigger tournament is about to get underway, and the NHL and NBA are nearing the start of their playoffs. Nobody with any brains is going to go near a 20,000 - 60,000 seat stadium anymore. (Expect Schlomo to suddenly magically have a pay-per-view plan in place for all these irrelevant circuses.)

* Baseball will probably get hit hardest because it is in the midst of a cheating scandal that will drive many fans away anyway. Upside (for us) is that baseball is mostly owned by Schlomo and he still has to pay players a million bucks a week to play a childrens game in an empty stadium.


Good post, anon.

>Gloves need to be medical grade

Indeed. I've been wearing them for weeks now whenever I need to visit a public space. The looks I get have gone from curiosity "gee, that guy is wearing protective gloves, lol" to more recently the sudden realization "oh fuck, I should be wearing gloves like that guy is and I'm not".

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7e7c02  No.67207

Washington declares itself a rich state. Will provide benefits to anyone staying home due to fear of Corona-chan’s love.

“Money and production are equivalent.” — Governor Inslee

We’ll see how Seattle does when all police, firefighters, and garbagemen stay home.


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8b6c25  No.67209


>then put plywood over the windows, from the inside. nail plywood into the frame (remove the trim first).

Plywood can be a good entry fortification measure IF done properly. You should not nail it to the studs simply because nails can easily bust or be busted out. What I would recommend is two layers of cured plywood, knocking out the drywall around the frames of the patio doors and windows, inspecting the studs you have to work with (typically 2 to 3 2x4s) then getting a wood bore bit and drilling out holes in the middle of those side studs (leveled from one side to the other), then taking 1"x10" stainless steal bolts with washers and nuts and mounting the cured plywood to the whole frames from the inside. Make sure you have the backends of these bolts facing from the outside of the house, then use washers and nuts to secure it, then drill the same sized holes in the sides of the plywood (all measured out to fit) and mount the plywood to the bolts with more washers and nuts. Preferable three bolts for each side leveled: one near the top, one in the middle and one near the bottom. It would take some major force to bust through the studs and/or two sheets of cured plywood!

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675ccc  No.67210

Question: does anyone think a good hepa air filter might help with spread of airborne viruses? I've found information suggesting it is but nothing that's conclusive.

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f2b9ea  No.67211

File: 4f6efeea09901cf⋯.png (301.76 KB, 755x517, 755:517, sno.png)

File: e77ad9df2b4fc19⋯.png (142.55 KB, 449x477, 449:477, legoland.png)

File: a6587c290482f76⋯.png (138.01 KB, 442x451, 442:451, niggers.png)

File: b74d179f1536a0a⋯.png (145.83 KB, 455x501, 455:501, france.png)

Updates on Frogland and Legoland; Jamaica officially blessed and updates on Snohomish County.


>It may well be that the US will be spared the worst of this, until october, if R0 drops enough during the spring and summer.

Go back to the last thread and control+f "summer". You will have a nice surprise.

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eb3351  No.67213

File: 171bba1c1351ef7⋯.png (19.56 KB, 623x401, 623:401, ChinaVSEurope1.png)

File: 2eb871ad582ebcd⋯.png (5.13 KB, 482x293, 482:293, ChinaVSEurope2.png)

File: 45dd2ec2914ddd7⋯.png (6.53 KB, 406x320, 203:160, GermanyItaly.png)

File: d52667d3e98f7a1⋯.jpg (89.98 KB, 1024x1017, 1024:1017, cute.jpg)

Germany, France, Spain, are just a few days behind Italy, which is a few weeks behind China. Health systems all over Europe will break down within 14 days. (((EU)))-wide lockdown incoming, then martial law, then (((EU governments))) will start to fall. Clown world will end soon.


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998225  No.67214


I wonder how many people will go to socialized healthcare facilities, get told by staff they don't have the resources to help them, and wish they could pay more money for better healthcare.

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69b082  No.67215

File: 642dbec152b1f6e⋯.png (281.45 KB, 806x611, 62:47, Screenshot_6989_.png)

File: 5173ba4a734505e⋯.png (56.7 KB, 610x418, 305:209, Screenshot_6990_.png)

File: 5ff25b8542a45ce⋯.png (316.61 KB, 604x564, 151:141, Screenshot_6991_.png)

File: 59a9ca5fc47c753⋯.png (98.71 KB, 879x566, 879:566, Screenshot_6992_.png)

File: 6885675ddde0d09⋯.png (390.19 KB, 746x581, 746:581, Screenshot_6993_.png)

New York, New York you piece of shit. Tweets from 5 mins to an 1 hour ago.

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4853ad  No.67217

File: 0bf40bd91b1c318⋯.webm (12.07 MB, 320x180, 16:9, cont1_61.webm)

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dd420c  No.67218


you should hang out in the breads here too

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f2b9ea  No.67220

File: faf1d2fae21847f⋯.png (225.62 KB, 443x547, 443:547, butthurt_chinks.png)

File: 84a89aa344e4c31⋯.png (191.85 KB, 762x441, 254:147, burgerland.png)

File: f233a7f33801b8d⋯.png (104.54 KB, 738x346, 369:173, chinks_want_to_help_pastas.png)

File: 9bfc9e38e972a69⋯.jpeg (115 KB, 750x887, 750:887, chink_pasta.jpeg)

File: d32bbbe4cd0f78d⋯.mp4 (5.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nearly_deserted_Mecca.mp4)

Butthurt chinks from the chink embassy in 'Straya send emails to journos, telling them to stop saying Corona-Chan is Chinese; McDonald's workers in Burgerland demand paid sick leave because of /ourgirl/; Chinkland wants to send aid to Pastaland and footage of the Mecca nearly empty, no more pilgrimages and not even local residents can visit the cube.



She will make Europe European again!


The Big Apple is rotten to it's core, only Corona-Chan can save it by cleansing all the filth away.


Kino as always.

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e258d3  No.67224


>china offering face masks and ventilators

new or used ones?

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31cbca  No.67225


Looking forward to that anon but I think they'll continue the games regardless - just not with crowded stadiums anymore. Americans will be forced to watch at home with their six pack of corona and for most that would be just fine.

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69b082  No.67227

File: 1e561ef6dad04bc⋯.png (47.7 KB, 627x352, 57:32, Screenshot_6999_.png)

File: bbab271a1fd0eb4⋯.png (72.28 KB, 599x540, 599:540, Screenshot_6998_.png)

File: 15896d5b3c70268⋯.png (77.87 KB, 987x336, 47:16, Screenshot_6997_.png)

File: a57ca67feb985d0⋯.png (220.49 KB, 599x535, 599:535, Screenshot_6996_.png)

Other random twitter madness.

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69b082  No.67230

File: c2cab75cb95dd8c⋯.png (123.75 KB, 1006x518, 503:259, Screenshot_7000_.png)


>going to a drag show

>worried about your drag show shekels

>during a pandemic

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8ea956  No.67231

File: 9f810e1e0bb1d03⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 700x420, 5:3, 1024.jpg)

Guys, listen to me.

What if western countries that have really high numbers are actually actively trying to make lower numbers of positive cases by either:

1) making high criteria for testing for nCoV (having false test for H1N1, showing symptoms, being in country with outbreak…)

or, and this is what crossed my mind today

2) They actively test for people they know are negative for wu-flu because that way they will bump up the "tested to positive" ratio, appearing more in control than they are.

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8ea956  No.67232



<"literally shaking"

Never trust people who write like this, emotional cattle

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37712c  No.67233


What the hell is a soldier suppose to do? Anybody got the ACE2 gene and different races/ethnicity chart?

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79be82  No.67235


I bought one because it seems to help. Even if the virus is smaller than what the filter is designed to block it still seems to help. Just don't expect miracles. It won't stop coofers sitting next to you.

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000000  No.67236


>Butthurt chinks from the chink embassy in 'Straya send emails to journos, telling them to stop saying Corona-Chan is Chinese

There is a possibility it isn't Chinese and they're pissed about it. It may have simply been deployed there. Or it may have come from (((other people))) who just happened to be working on coronaviruses in Wuhan at the time.

Reminder to anons, as Corona-chan escalates, so too escalate incidents of less-prepared and less-intelligent people completely flipping out in public. Never, never, go out into public unarmed. Carry on your person what you have and/or what you feel may be necessary. Stay safe. The number of unhinged idiots will increase at roughly the same rate as infections.

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f2b9ea  No.67240

File: 97db0086f411ff5⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB, 320x320, 1:1, Strayan_and_krauts_using_d….mp4)

File: e61d4d75c41f5e5⋯.png (70.03 KB, 456x503, 456:503, philly.png)

File: 0b176e79ffb54d2⋯.png (189.98 KB, 684x594, 38:33, bankers_btfo.png)

File: 1275a3031706765⋯.png (33.16 KB, 453x296, 453:296, geatz.png)

File: b7fdc781720f596⋯.mp4 (835.45 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Brownzilian_ministry_of_he….mp4)

'Straya and Deutschland are starting to use drive-thru testing sites just like Worst Korea; Philadelphia announces it's first case, Morgan Stanley gets blessed https://archive.is/56a5d ; Matt Gaetz says he tested negative and Brownzilian ministry of health says private hospitals cannot deny treatment to blessed people, they should perform initial treatment then send them to public hospitals.




>please come and support

Yes, every abomination drag queen in London should go, make sure to lick all door knobs and handrails too, it's perfectly safe


Both hypothesis are right. Another way they're hiding the numbers is not counting asymptomatic patients that test positive. Chinkland, Brownzil and Pastaland are doing this.


>Reminder to anons, as Corona-chan escalates, so too escalate incidents of less-prepared and less-intelligent people completely flipping out in public. Never, never, go out into public unarmed. Carry on your person what you have and/or what you feel may be necessary. Stay safe. The number of unhinged idiots will increase at roughly the same rate as infections.

This. We already have fights happening over toilet paper and a chink was stabbed in NY for price gouging masks. A chink couple in NY was attacked by niggers in the subway recently too. It's happening, folks.

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6e6d34  No.67243


>That was never reason to allow them to exist and to live the way they live, along with ruining OUR world for us. The fact remains that the mindless masses are tools for the jews to use against people, but those tools almost never work to our advantage when used by us.

Don't blame the mindless victims of ZOG anon, they are not the real threat. It's the central banking system that continues mass fraud and looting of resources that remains the big issue. ZOG doesn't care about the masses as long as they can pilfer resources, hoard wealth and drain the workers' of their savings. The end result is you could be in the same boat as the masses..... unless you prepare for the worst, become self-sufficient and get away from their rigged system. Then you'll see them barking lies and propaganda against people like you, calling you a "selfish hoarder" and "tin foil kook" because you have defected from their system of kikery and control. The LAST thing ZOG wants us to do is prepare for the worst and become independent and self-sufficient. Those of us who have withdrawn our 401(k) from the stock market already to prepare and get out of debt continue to thorns in the side of their rear ends.

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457fae  No.67245

File: de663a3409e9dc3⋯.jpg (275.84 KB, 990x533, 990:533, Codec_Screen_corona.jpg)


I'll see what I can do.





I may or may not have a contact in Amazon who says that Amazon is giving paid leave for all its employees. That's saying something considering Bezos' iron rule. I expect McDonald's especially to cave in 1. It's a food place which /ourgirl/ absolutely adores, and 2. To get back good will after the recent study about poop on their ordering kiosks



>Has no clue /ourgirl/ takes it slow and stealthy like a real ninja

>Won't wait at least week to see if symptoms start surfacing

Never gonna make it. Does this mean we'll start seeing congressional infections like in Iran?

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0ddcce  No.67246

File: 1b633e51781f98a⋯.png (39.09 KB, 776x207, 776:207, sweden_strategy.png)


Wouldn't it be simpler to drag their feet?

Sweden has been actively downplaying the issue, and doctors are getting very upset.

swedish: https://archive.is/wip/DDAH8

english: https://archive.is/wip/yZYkh

Yet people are going with "it's just a flu bro!". Even people close to me are getting pissy about even the smallest precautions, and these are reasonable men who are fully aware of how dangerous corona-chan is. Going against what others are doing, and standing out, is agony to the normalfag.

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998225  No.67247



It's fascinating, yet unsurprising, the most degenerate, stupid and most NPC-like people are the ones putting themselves in the most danger.

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3dd680  No.67248

I posted a couple times before. Basically I have it. I live in a ghetto because I'm an ex-felon and this community home is cheap. Crazy story. Early feb one of my room mates came down with a cough I didn't think it had travelled that quickly. but I had some PPE sent to the house mid February, one of my negro room mates handed it to me. Well my roommate got that same cough again two weeks after he had gotten over it. I know this because I woke up earlier than normal to go to work and I heard him coughing right outside my bedroom door. He has no business being there aside from the washing machine. I dont know how many times he had done that. If I hadn't ordered PPE he may not have tried to infect me. I knew I needed to get out of here I was just trying to save some money. Well I've felt crazy abnormalities since then and now my roommate sounds like hes about to die. Hell need to be hospitalized soon it's been almost a month since hes had this. My time is going to be up as well. I know the virus has successfully incubated. I didnt want to leave like this. There were so many mistakes I made and now I dont have enough time to bring myself back to a natural state.

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8ea956  No.67249

File: 031c76f88901357⋯.jpeg (33.8 KB, 400x500, 4:5, 109206_discord_thinking_e….jpeg)


>It may have simply been deployed there

You know, the whole "came out of Wuhan bio lab" story is just "too easy" and too convenient to make sense.

Bioweapon engineered? We got proof of it, but Wuhan lab next to wet market? Too fucking convenient and too easy of story.

It makes me think this is CIA meddling in China or some other unknown three letter agency without oversight.

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736137  No.67252




>which is German for "coward".

Talk about a meme name

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b6a9fa  No.67253


It's in China's best interest for other country to suffer as much, or more so, than themselves.

It's highly likely that all countries are viewing this epidemic as an opportunity to rearrange the seats of power by cutting down more powerful or prosperous countries. Take Turkey for instance, isn't is suspicious that they are forcing the gimmigrant issue at this exact moment? Same with the recent gas price plunge.

I wouldn't trust a damn thing coming out of China or any other country for that matter, at this point. This whole event is like some sort of pseudo-WWIII.

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50f4e2  No.67255


Yes, we talked about this in-depth in past threads but it always leads to one issue: plausible deniability. We just don't have solid proof who actually released this bioweapon (yet).

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dd420c  No.67258

File: 86c63961aed1f8a⋯.png (10.93 KB, 637x633, 637:633, new_jew_flow_chart.png)


>mentally ill dragfags

Definitely Corona-chan is being trans/xir whatever phobic, you degenerate faggots should fight her by massing in groups and showing that you won't stand for it!


>high criteria for testing

Is very well documented and the case in many western countries, NL, NZ, nordic countries etc, read old breads. Many states in USA are similar too.


>too convenient for chinks

>someone (((else)))

pic related literally is/was the case


This though aside from multiple kikes being involved and the first to claim to make a vaccine, soon™

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0ddcce  No.67261

File: d21d21def24673c⋯.jpg (101.31 KB, 351x351, 1:1, 9b9626823133e034771a05de5b….jpg)


>I post here guys

>I'm totally sick

>I wont call a nigger a nigger also we live together lol

>I'm a felon

>I type like a yid trying his hardest

>sob sob

Next time, focus on details. Where, when and how. Which symptoms etc. Also tone down the brightness, you glow too much it's hard to read your post.


Iran, the Philippines and China are going down that path as well. Let's hope they release something juicy.

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db18d2  No.67265

File: 00085961c5f9828⋯.jpeg (50.25 KB, 600x318, 100:53, 4A14B0CB_5EBA_4C90_8F9F_7….jpeg)


You had to copy paste it. That always adds one carrot (>) for unknown reasons.


Thx. ;^)


Fabulous, the nasty girls can help him spread it.


Oh I wasn’t suggesting that. I was listening and singing along to some 80’s songs about two weeks ago when I realized that they were totally schizophrenic. I stopped singing, frowned. Changed the channel. 90’s crap…singing along more cautiously but to my dismay (and these are lyrics everyone knows) I realize that these are totally schizophrenic as well. Flip the channel (satellite) to Chill House music…a nigger comes on singing. Turn that FUCKING THING OFF.

So that propels me on one of my long investigations to see how much of our current information is schizophrenic.

Take THIS CV19 for example. It isn’t that it isn’t dangerous it is that the entire FUCKING PSYOP the information is run in a schizophrenic manner.





These are actually schizophrenic messages meant to cast people into a split brain psychosis.


There is actually a war against rationality and logic and it is INDUCED via these schizophrenic flip flops of information.

It is not enough to you to be mind controlled by the kikes. They literally want you to THINK LIKE THEY DO, in the Hegelian Dia(two)lactic. This is LOWER mental processing than Europeans are capable of…

So NOW I AM ANGRY and I start looking for this ‘good and evil’ shattered schizophrenic thinking and IT IS EVERYWHERE…it is endemic so that people can’t even have a rational conversation anymore. People can’t follow a train of thought because they get thrown into confusion all the time.

When you are confused; you cannot make long term plans or good decisions because you are in fight or flight. This is the slow drip poison that the kikes ‘leadership’ is setting the entire planet into there is no thoughtful, procedural, just or rational thinking any longer. It is all this fucking CIA/MOSSAD bullshit.

Ok so you might say..yeah, but singing along to a song isn’t going to make you a schizophrenic, but anon, we are the ultimate programmable machine. To listen to them (without thinking our own thoughts) is to engage in our own genocide. And their sickness is PERVASIVE…once you start looking for it. Here…I show this video to people (and I am not embedding it) for a reason. Take a look at this and think again if you think you can’t be influenced into insanity by their BULLSHIT that they spew out on the whole planet.


Their ability to corrupt thinking and replace rational thought is so sophisticated that even they do not escape their own marketing agenda…look how many jews breed with niggers even though it means totally destroying your lineage forever and that your children from that point forward will be born low IQ…

(((She))) is a disaster on this planet.

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d1e815  No.67266

File: b426927c5c3eefb⋯.jpg (99.95 KB, 351x351, 1:1, d21d21def24673caabba03e63f….jpg)

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a15e32  No.67267


I think the problem with them is that they believe there can't be a plague in current year (only on african/asian shitholes at worst), thanks to modern medicine. However, they forget the same modern medicine has also the power to create monstrous super viruses with the power to fuck up the entire mankind like we are witnessing now, courtesy of chinks and heebs.

It doesn't help that (((MSM))) had been hammering us since day 1 it was nothing of special, and now (((they))) say things aren't quite as mellow as it was said, but still never telling everyone how fucking bad it really is with a fucking bioweapon on the loose. What is truly malicious, however, is how our governments just let it pass through with little to no resistance, even though a Vietnamese tapestry weaving forum of all places fucking knows about these things.

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770a0a  No.67268


>This though aside from multiple kikes being involved and the first to claim to make a vaccine, soon™

True, which is extremely suspicious but again we can't pinpoint exact details of who released this, for all we know Chinks could have obtained the bioweapon from kikes, didn't know how to properly isolate and secure it, accidentally leading to an outbreak. Whether this was intentional on behalf of kikes is still speculation, for all we know it could have been all about shekels and increasing contacts from China, much like they traded US military secrets with China before. My assumption is two-fold: accident outbreak or intentional (if intentional to sabotage the global markets for nefarious reasons to maintain hegemony and restructuring a new global cashless system as they have been pushing since the 80s?) For their sake they better hope so, because if this was an accidental release this could wreck their plans and blowback up their big nostrils.

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3dd680  No.67269


Yeah I know but if I'm allowed to continue living then I feel we should look ahead


Symptoms for me have been a mild flu at the beginning. After that went away about a week later coronachan gave me two blessings, infinite breathe and no tiredness. I was awake for two straight days not getting the least bit tired and could hold my breathe without discomfort. Then I got hit with a huge wave of fatigue and now I'm back to normal for now

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f2b9ea  No.67270

File: 299e2abbe15e79c⋯.png (142.1 KB, 418x535, 418:535, multnomah_county.png)

File: 063f76949a8a008⋯.png (27.23 KB, 559x202, 559:202, harvard.png)

File: 39cbf1adf866a11⋯.png (121.43 KB, 786x532, 393:266, smith.png)

File: c904912473891a1⋯.png (114.96 KB, 883x529, 883:529, mass.png)

Multnomah County reports it's first confirmed case; Harvard and Smith kicking out students from their dorms https://archive.is/uDjxG ; Massachusetts announces 51 new confirmed cases and declared state of emergency, and completely legit update on Brownzil:

>34 confirmed cases (for testing postive and being symptomatic)

>5 of them are hospitalized

>893 cases being investigated (held back for as long as possible)

>780 discarded (probably for testing positive but being asymptomatic)

Map will be posted later.


>Does this mean we'll start seeing congressional infections like in Iran?

Too many of those government cunts got into contact with people that were found out to be blessed. It's definitely happening. They may or may not deny it and say their tests returned negative, but some of them are blessed. A recent study came out that says Corona-Chan's envelopes of love float in the air for 30 minutes and she can travel twice the distance previously estimated. Those news were posted in the last thread, along with news of eggheads being skeptical of the "muh summer will stop her" meme. There's no way in hell Burger politicians aren't blessed.




I agree. I pray for Corona-Chan to exterminate pedos everyday, along with trannies and fags. I know there's a overlap but I don't care, better safe than sorry.


I agree with you on MSM and government disinfo being information warfare. Apparently the Brownzilian president just called Corona-Chan a "complete fantasy" just like Trump nothingburgering. I will look for sources on Bolsonaro and post them in my next post if I find any or if it was fake news.

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5d3fdb  No.67273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Somebody posted a webm of this vid. Just a few doctors discussing what's happening.

If this doesn't scare you nothing will.

We need to take technology to the next level and eliminate all all these viruses.

If they have to embed a chip in your ass then so be it.

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7ab7b5  No.67275



I think we're gonna see an end to cruises in general from the fear of more of this.

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2b80b5  No.67276


How long until we are on complete no travel ban across the world? How long until the Netherlands goes on lockdown?

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88b4c0  No.67277


>Take THIS CV19 for example. It isn’t that it isn’t dangerous it is that the entire FUCKING PSYOP the information is run in a schizophrenic manner

>When you are confused; you cannot make long term plans or good decisions because you are in fight or flight.

Well I suggest the best thing to do, regardless the info warfare and psyops, is to take a deep breath and prepare for worst case scenarios. We just need to keep vigilant, make sure we are prepared for whatever they try throwing at us, and hope the whole thing blows over (or blows up in their faces, whichever). As long as we manage to survive this and become self-sufficient that's all that matters. Everything they do is about control so we need to take back that control individually and do what protects the interest of ourselves and immediate families.

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998225  No.67279


No, you're giving them too much credit. They think only bad things happen in movies, they're not used to bad things happening. They 100% expect the rest of their lives to be getting whatever they want from the grocery store and always having everything they need.

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3ca273  No.67281


They also expect a breakdown of society to be whats displayed in movies as well, like their neighbor is somehow going to become an african warlord or cannibal.

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db18d2  No.67283

File: 919d8d172d09c8c⋯.jpeg (83.19 KB, 640x428, 160:107, E95FA6F9_5C23_452E_9F4C_3….jpeg)


We can do that. Most of us are highly emotionally mature enough and can consider really horrific situations with a clear head on their shoulders…BUT IT MASSIVELY DECREASES YOUR ABILITY TO SURVIVE for them to run these psyops against people. We are prepared but that doesn’t mean that we can’t be dragged out of our homes by roving gangs of niggers or spicniggers and executed because they had a psychotic break (they are close enough to this day to day ANYWAY).


See, I used to think this was them in denial about the economics of the situation, but I don’t think that anymore. I think this is a deliberate move to destroy most of humanity. People will not be able to make logical or accurate decisions. What he is doing when he does this is literally trying to sow as much chaos and death as he possibly can. And you and I BOTH know that faggot is a jew.

He is trying to make the situation as bad as humanly possible for everyone involved because they will not be able to follow an procedure.

It like you bought a brand new computer and you spent every last penny to get the best one possible and it is a real performance jewel. And then you jew roommate comes in and pisses inside the case and fries the motherboard by causing shorts…something can’t run if it can’t follow a linear pattern or a linear decision making tree (ok that is an oversimplification; things can run but it is going to cause real problems in FUNCTIONAL RESPONSE if you short shit out by acting like a fucking schizophrenic while you are trying to make a decision.



They are instigating the chao…intentionally to increase the pain and suffering.

This is not when they make their move for NWO if they are intending on making one (we HAVE TO REJECT THIS BTW) they will come in after the total devastation (when you are broken in pieces at the bottom of the cliff) and tell you how great their new world order is going to be.


They are all doing the same thing. ALL OF THEM, that tells everyone that it is a sustained and programmed agenda that they are ALL getting from their various handlers.

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6b2662  No.67287



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629668  No.67288

File: ef65a37eaf3b936⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 353x200, 353:200, 1580615126746.gif)

RT is reporting that gov huomo has ordered the national gaurd to lockdown the jews in New Rochelle. Apperently patient zero was a fucking Rabbi doing barmitzahs (in between dick suckings no doubt)


I dont know if this has already been posted or not.

Anyways I just got back from a shopping trip to costco. Completely sold out of TP, hand sanitizer and other "luxury items". Did manage to pick up bulk flour, salt, sugar, and a bunch of other shit. Still go to go for one more trip, to cabelas for ammo. Everyone at coofco was freaking out. there was a huge lineup at the door for opening. and the chang dynasty rolled in, buying up everything in sight! every fucking bag of rice was gone, just gone … like they fucking inhaled it!!! but the thing is these fuckers have no imagination. all the bulk flour, and im talking 20kg bags of flour on for 9.79, they didnt even touch it. I bought 20kg of sugar for 10$. I bought yeast, chocolate chips and raisins and stuff. everything i need to make hundreds of loaves of bread (and my wife has a breadmaker) for about 50$. anyways Im sure I have more then enough food to last along time, especially if I start kicking over a big garden this spring.

What I really need now is ammo. and its more then four hours round trip to go get ammo. so one more big run then I can bunker down for a while.

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8ea956  No.67289

File: 32f4bd999f94598⋯.jpg (53.84 KB, 349x642, 349:642, 27a.jpg)



You're not cool or funny, get the fuck out

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f2b9ea  No.67291

File: c07fb763a9d989e⋯.png (128.99 KB, 401x521, 401:521, brownzilian_update.png)

File: 33fcf4d7c2070a6⋯.png (434.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_from_2020_03_10….png)

File: 29a3b278abe806c⋯.png (240.6 KB, 1667x2465, 1667:2465, brownzilian_map_updated.png)



Forgot last pic and posting the map since Poder360 finally finished updating it. Also, it's real about Bolsonaro. Translated transcript:

>Obviously, we have a crisis at the moment, a small crisis, right? In my understanding, the coronavirus is very much a fantasy, it isn't everything that's being propagated by the media in the entire world.

I'm not sure whether I should call him based for nothingburgering this, making the subhumans complacent and getting them killed, or rage at him for potentially getting southern whites killed by making them complacent too. But yeah, he's a huge zogbot and I immensely regret promoting him for so long and voting for him in 2018.


>They are all doing the same thing. ALL OF THEM, that tells everyone that it is a sustained and programmed agenda that they are ALL getting from their various handlers.

This is the only plausible explanation for so much incompetence. I have faith that Corona-Chan has turned against them and that she will hunt those monsters down until there's none left alive.


Still, you shouldn't circulate those kinds of images. That's degenerate. I'm not a puritan at all but that's crossing the line.

>>67288 (heil'd)

Yeah, Cuomo called the Nasty Girls, New Rochelle is getting coofentrated. Great prepping by the way, hope you get your hands on some shiny ammo soon. Stay safe anon.

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4247dd  No.67292


>We are prepared but that doesn’t mean that we can’t be dragged out of our homes by roving gangs of niggers or spicniggers and executed because they had a psychotic break (they are close enough to this day to day ANYWAY).

I would advise you to look at some options into entry point fortification if you plan on bugging-in. There are a lot of good tips already in this thread and others, and in the survival thread too.

Here are some links to help you out:

>>67209 <--- heavy duty window and patio door fortification

>>66150 <--- follow some of the tips that follow this as well for threat mitigation when SHTF

>>28355 <--- this thread has TONS of prepping info including how to safeguard yourself & family

>>56433 <--- other fortification tips to prevent B&E, looters and stalling down swat invasions

Of-course you'll want to have some firearms and ammo to defend yourself when things get bad. We all face the same threats here so every one of us should be taking extraordinary measures for defense.

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db18d2  No.67295

File: 0090b942c03d28b⋯.png (140.15 KB, 600x248, 75:31, 708FA470_26F2_4580_AF7B_60….png)

File: 6f2b9ad977639a0⋯.jpeg (32.54 KB, 460x276, 5:3, 015B7857_1C00_44E2_BBFE_6….jpeg)


Borders don’t matter. that is all part of their schizo waffling fuckery. Just the same way this is not and has not ever been about ‘money’.

What does money even mean if you can walk into a room and snap you fingers and make more? One snap takes you from 1 mil to 10 mil; 10 mil to 100 mil…the ‘money’ is meaningless. It is only meaningful to us because we are murdered if we want to do the same thing.

This is all about running game so that horrific suffering happens on this planet…and I am not talking about something ‘normal’; I am taking about like WORSE THAN SAW type suffering. I am talking about South African nigger farm murder type of suffering.

Here is the thing though…none of the other races are ‘productive’ so this ‘future’ is really only intended for Europeans. It is you they want to terrorize because you are peaceful, productive and quiet. They will use the other races against you as a weapon but they don’t have any care for them at all.


Thanks for the update anon. I was at Walmart because I like to keep an eye on the stress of the community by seeing what is sold and what people are buying. About half the people were modestly prepping (more than I have ever seen before but obviously not enough) and all the durable goods (beans/rice) were gone or sold out. Most of the canned veg was stocked up and there were both paper towels and TP (which 90% of people had in their cart) but it was better stocked than I thought it would be.


Thank you anon. Will cap those; I have been reading it as the thread progressed too but I am going to go back and cap them. Love you, no homo.

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7e7c02  No.67296


Gaetz should have been wearing his mask when meeting with that lobbyist. Anyway, have to take someone to doctor’s this week, will see how the stores look. No decline in car traffic so far.

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000000  No.67297

>>67288 (Heil. Stay safe, fren.)

>patient zero was a fucking Rabbi doing barmitzahs

"bat mitzvah" actually, which takes on a whole new level of funny in Corona-chan context.

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925f38  No.67298

File: 31869825293f495⋯.jpg (102.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 23.jpg)






What's with all the sheep? Think original thoughts you retards.

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3dd680  No.67301




U mad?

I liked the internet before the moralfags.

But I'm going to make one more attempt to move back on topic. I'm a dead man walking anyways and I fucked up my entire teenage years beyond repair and now thanks to this covid bullshit I get to die without having done anything good for the world, without having made a single contribution.

So what should I do guys? What should a lowlife like me do with his last days on earth? Right now I've taken vacation and am self quarantining.

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8ea956  No.67302


you know what to do, and after you're done do kill yourself

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db18d2  No.67303

File: 834c60c15dc6114⋯.jpeg (320.09 KB, 2537x406, 2537:406, AC91D2C5_AA44_4A40_89FF_2….jpeg)

File: 580f85ed466a83b⋯.jpeg (562.36 KB, 2553x495, 851:165, D3A7ED78_3497_4522_8C19_4….jpeg)

File: f134adf328d1927⋯.jpeg (228.35 KB, 2598x646, 1299:323, 0751BCBC_4C16_497C_A011_1….jpeg)

File: ca8d84ac1ff2981⋯.jpeg (653.21 KB, 2599x1196, 113:52, DCBCE6EF_C339_4C9B_BA17_0….jpeg)

File: 2d775a61e79ccd2⋯.jpeg (361.54 KB, 2571x453, 857:151, 64D7EEE1_D7A8_4118_BBF3_8….jpeg)



That survival thread >>28355 looks interesting, if others are interested in home defense or live in an area where niggers might travel to using a freeway etc.

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db18d2  No.67304


“Many blessings and suckings on your wee bat, anon. I’ll just take that from you.”



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925f38  No.67305

File: 021a33539c2ff9a⋯.jpg (38.15 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 142.jpg)


Look at how the people you're saving are treating you bro. You gotta stop self quarantining and start shitting on every street you can find.

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2b80b5  No.67306


>I am talking about South African nigger farm murder type of suffering.

Funny you should say that. I am a South African who's Grandpa is a farmer.

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f2b9ea  No.67307

File: 3e9f9520e572649⋯.png (183.36 KB, 414x495, 46:55, orange_county.png)

File: 01e5ad87f50ee10⋯.jpeg (83.61 KB, 510x680, 3:4, lcck.jpeg)

File: abf264060c0b3d0⋯.png (75.97 KB, 903x362, 903:362, rallies_canceled.png)

File: 2ed564e61c0dca4⋯.png (89.06 KB, 1042x588, 521:294, idph.png)

Two new confirmed cases in Orange County; Update on the LCCK; Bernie and Joe cancel their rallies due do airborne aids; Illinois announces confirmed cases outside of Chicongo and Cook County https://archive.is/MNp3B and Seattle & King County report 74 new confirmed cases.


>bat mitzvah

Lil' kek.


>What should I do

Spread Corona-Chan's love to niggers and spics then go to the synagogue if there's any nearby. That's what I'm gonna do when I inevitably get blessed, except the synagogue since there's none over here where I live.

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a15e32  No.67308



It doesn't help at all that the govs did fuck all to stop chink flu from getting in, let alone contain it. It gave the impression to normalfags that it was not nearly as much of a problem as we know it is. But alas, it's only a matter of time for them to see for themselves how bad it really is after either coughing up a lung or two and fall on the pavement face first or witnessing someone else doing that, but by then it'll be too late for them…


>But yeah, he's a huge zogbot and I immensely regret promoting him for so long and voting for him in 2018.

I knew he was a shabbos goy the moment I found out he was an Evangelist and was treated on the (((Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital))) after his little stab incident.

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dd420c  No.67310


>so what should I do guys?

I would definitely not recommend converting to Judaism.

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c8f0d6  No.67312


> PedoAnon wants to know what to do with the remainder of his life

Join others from your pedo community. Hug them, hold them, comfort them. Perhaps you can also look for solace in Judaism or Islam. Visit a synagogue or mosque, mingle with the congregation, share a meal with them, enrich one another's culture.

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3dd680  No.67313


Y know the problem here is that everyone thinks they're talking to the teenage me who did that immature shit but they're talking to the adult me . There's nothing anyone can say to me that I didn't say to myself when I was in solitary confinement. I went in when I was 19 and had to be isolated for obvious reasons. That was hell in a cell.


I dont think I want this to spreadthe. I think the common man will join your cause. the idea is that this is going to cleanse the world of bugs nigs spics and degenerates like myself but I think what it will do is consolidate power into the hands of the Jewish elite. It will be the reason to finally establish a cashless society and deplete the numbers of the common folk to the point where they can no longer have the strength to protest.


When this first kicked off I was worried and everything but the edgy teenager inside of me was smiling. Sure thers lots of hate from the general public. But I've met a lot of great people since my fall.


Alright. As of today I'm jewish

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69b082  No.67314

File: 7acaccdb0062381⋯.png (249.69 KB, 566x612, 283:306, Screenshot_2020_03_10_at_4….png)



Video of the day.


Pence met with cruise companies 2 days ago and the only thing I can find on the outcome was that the State Department sent out an advisory.



And those greedy fucking bugs snatching up everything. The nerve. Danke update.


>What should a lowlife like me do with his last days on earth?

Why ask us? We're just salt of the earth people looking for survive. You already know what you're going to do. Shank the nignog, rob him, get the crack and couple of whores to rape. Am I right? No? Go to the hospital, but apparently call first and let them know you got the coronavirus. Gluck felonanon.


Kirkland fuck up. They sound so…. happy? Or maybe satisfied with the outcome…? Bastards.I'm starting to think this virus was released, like an aerosol.

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db18d2  No.67315


I have a real affinity for South African’s…I am German but you know that feeling where you look at someone’s face and you can see you are related…yeah that is how I feel when I look into the faces of South Africans.

How is your Grandpa dealing with things, anon? Will you join him on the farm if SHTF?

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a38d02  No.67316


If you have any hope of trying to contain the virus you'll have to boost your immune system the best you can: vitamins (C & D), curcumin, black cumin seed oil, zinc and nascent iodine. If you have corona you will need to control the high fevers (keeping them below 105F with fever reducer) and when you get pneumonia (another symptom) have expectorants handy to reduce that crap from your lungs. Also staying well hydrated and drinking ginger tea can help that too. The main victims of corona happen to be older people or people with weak immune systems. Expect several waves of sicknesses, for it to come back again and you'll need to try boosting your immune system to fight it off.

If you feel there is no hope, maybe try contaminating those who deserve it most. Think being a carrier by stealth and targeting political organizations or banks.

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0ddcce  No.67317

File: c7ccc448c9bde67⋯.png (185.48 KB, 686x526, 343:263, clarksson_hazmat.png)

File: 8fdf24eb1899a72⋯.png (23.15 KB, 605x258, 605:258, clarkson_break.png)

Boomer scared of imminent death, stops making show for bezos.

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f2b9ea  No.67318

File: 979f295c5f34bd8⋯.png (108.51 KB, 455x486, 455:486, no_screenings.png)

File: 877ac2eefa3229b⋯.png (108.33 KB, 450x560, 45:56, seattle_and_king_county.png)

File: 20b1d3014450063⋯.mp4 (345.17 KB, 480x480, 1:1, another_nocturnal_burial_i….mp4)

File: bf3928e9f8c0b08⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, Brussels_man_on_the_subway….mp4)


Aw for fuck's sake I forgot the last image yet again. Corona-Chan, please come bless me and put me out of my misery already. Have more news to compensate my niggerfaggotry: Zerohedge article on a airport in Atlanta not screening flights from Worst Korea and Pastaland https://archive.vn/9z4zZ ; Video from Brussels showing a man licking his hands and placing it on the support stand and Yet another video of a nocturnal burial in Iran.


>Y know the problem here is that everyone thinks they're talking to the teenage me who did that immature shit but they're talking to the adult me . There's nothing anyone can say to me that I didn't say to myself when I was in solitary confinement. I went in when I was 19 and had to be isolated for obvious reasons. That was hell in a cell.

If you truly regret circulating those images and became a better man in prison, then I'm glad you matured.

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69b082  No.67319


For now on, in the future when you talk to us, try to leave out the fact that you went prison, and not just prison, but FEDERAL prison. Talk to a councilor to work out that issue, we are here to speak on more productive things. On a higher plane. Anons here don't share personal info. or at least not THAT personal. Do you have a temperature/fever?

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b90b46  No.67322


We are actually of German stock many, many years ago. Opi is dead Anon, farm is sold I never got the chance to take over from him and now I am living in the suburbs in the outskirts of a the city.

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b11a53  No.67323

So this thing only kills boomers?

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ed3b1d  No.67324

File: 4af9079935ec945⋯.png (169.99 KB, 540x367, 540:367, Screenshot_2020_03_10_14_0….png)

Portland man concerned about coronavirus after being diagnosed with viral upper respiratory illness

>The most concerning aspect for Cote is that he lives with a weakened immune system, and those are the people getting the coronavirus.

>“I started feeling kind of under the weather about 10 days ago, and so I just thought it would go away,” Cote said. “Based upon my medical history and such, I decided to go to the ER just to be checked out.”


Portland event organizer cancels second expo amid coronavirus scare

>Citing coronavirus concerns, Diversified Communications of Portland has announced the indefinite postponement of a second major seafood industry exposition it had been scheduled to host this spring.

>The publisher and trade show organizer said Tuesday it will postpone its Seafood Expo Global, which had been set to take place in Belgium at the Brussels Expo from April 21 to 23. Last week, Diversified announced the indefinite postponement of its annual Seafood Expo North America, which was scheduled to happen next week in Boston.


Commission: No coronavirus contingency plan in place for UFC Portland

>“We will continue to monitor the situation, but there is no impact or contingency plan in place as of now,” the official statement read.

>“Should UFC choose to take additional precautions, we will work with them to make further plans. Per standard procedures, Doctors medically qualify each competitor by performing pre-fight medicals to confirm each competitors health for competition, to include a required temperature reading below 100.4 F as standard procedures.”


The VA by OHSU has a case, making that two for the Portland metro area.

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69b082  No.67325


>pneumonia (another symptom) have expectorants handy to reduce that crap from your lungs

Not sure why I thought it, but I felt that regular cold/flu meds. wouldn't work with this virus…but I guess it would help, yes? Did read about the Whey info.? >>66970 >>66985 >>67003 >>67007


More so than any other age. I think, maybe. We only get half-truths and lies.

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726621  No.67327


>if others are interested in home defense or live in an area where niggers might travel to using a freeway

For city dwellers in CA where it is next to impossible to buy guns legally, I'd recommend bear spray as another alternative defense option. Be careful with this bad stuff! This is beyond anything like pepper spray, as it is meant to knock down and disable wild bears (you can only imagine what it does to humans!) If a nig nog tried anything you could disable him completely for a long time as it can cause temporary blindness for days and breathing problems. Too much could likely kill a person.

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3dd680  No.67328


I think I had a fever during the first wave and second d wave. I feel fine now haven't had a fever for about 10 days so I fear the next wave will hit soon.

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18ab6c  No.67329



It can kill anyone. It happens to kill old, sick people faster. Young and old CAN survive, but it's a roll of the dice. Older people generally have more important components broken down.

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a15e32  No.67331


>So this thing only kills boomers?

No, it's just almost guaranteed to kill them 1st try. Everyone else will also suffer from it badly.

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7ab7b5  No.67332


>State Department sent out an advisory

What the gubbmint is up to is largely irrelevant. I mean I suspect cruises are gonna die globally though a lack of demand, the public interest in them will probably fall so low after the floating petri dishes that they won't be able to continue to operate unless they take twice the number of retards at half the price, which would virtually guarantee them becoming even more rampant disease hotbeds than they already are.

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69b082  No.67333


>Brussels man

These types need the rope.

>nocturnal dirt diggers

seen a few vids of this…but not of the bodies. Aint it like bad to bury diseased bodies like that?


Or maybe you'll be all right.

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759391  No.67335



Just to add. I'm actually going to Germany in mid-april. Hopefully trip gets cancelled If by some crazy happenstance we should meet I would be very happy for some reason. I will prove it with my passport. My birthday is tomorrow.

Guten Abend.

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b11a53  No.67336


>More so than any other age. I think, maybe. We only get half-truths and lies.

This is what pisses me off the most.

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f2b9ea  No.67338


I'm definitely not a moralfag but I draw the line at cheese pizza and harming animals.


No, newfren. read the archived threads.


>More so than any other age. I think, maybe. We only get half-truths and lies.

This. If you're young, you get fucked really hard due to long term effects and there's a chance you might die, if you're old you just die.


>These types need the rope.

This. White men shouldn't try to spread Corona-Chan's love to other white people. Unless they're undesirable elements such as fags and commies


You are either forgetting about the long term effects of /ourgirl/ or you haven't read about them yet.

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69b082  No.67339


Forgot to add, if you listen to the Italian doctors audio video >>66919 one of the doctors talks about young adults needing breathing machines, intubators, to survive the virus. So, yeah IDK.

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7ab7b5  No.67340


That you 'draw a line' at all makes you a moralfag.

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8b296a  No.67341


No, it can kill anyone but it kills older folks faster. That and those with health problems. It can kill you too but it takes a lot longer. If you have a super good immune system it will take a lot longer to kill you off: …3rd wave, 4th wave, 5th wave etc. It works in timely intervals from what we know. Sometimes you feel like you have the flu, sometimes it's much worse or not that bad at all. It varies as it mutates.

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18ab6c  No.67342


Don't forget that JanitorAnon has alternatively suggested that this was also a plot to poison the flesh of the human race to make it poisonous for 300 year old ghouls hooking missing children into their bodies to replenish their essential chemicals, a plot to depopulate the world, a plot to depopulate the world of anyone that wasn't White, a plot to hook everyone on immunosuppressants and/or gene therapy, etc.

Take anything they say with a large grain of salt.

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c0ee9f  No.67344

I'm a college student right now. Two of my classes are in a huge lecture hall at one of the big ten universities in the United States. I went to my classes today. The first one was in a small setting, which is good. No coofers in that class. The second class I went to today was in a rather large lecture hall with ~150-200 students present. There was one girl way in the back of the room who kept having coughing fits every 2-3 mins. One other person was coughing, but not too badly. Lots of sneezing, runny noses, and other symptoms being displayed though. I just sat there in class bewildered. Why the FUCK are these people going to class? Do they not know the brevity of what is occurring?? Anyways, I have just one class tomorrow. I think I may skip it and just stay home because its another huge lecture with ~200 students. I am just worried that if they are blessed, then I may become blessed too. If that happens, I am prepared. I have several guns, ~8k rds of ammo, full NBC gear, body armor, plenty of medicine and enough food to last me about 2.5-4mo depending on how much I ration it. I really hope I will be okay. The only thing that worries me is that I live in a somewhat major city. The area I live in is a kind of bad area in terms of crime. Lots of homeless people, miscreants, niggers and the like. I'm just looking for some support honestly. Things are looking bleak as fuck.

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9e59af  No.67345


Is that supposed to be a perjorative? Is there something wrong with morals?

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675ccc  No.67346


Good video. Key takeaways:

>Young people are prioritized

>The problem is obviously with breathing and they can do something about it but they only have so many ventilators

>Kids get it but aren't showing symptoms or are just having a delayed response, we will see

Get better lungs and I'll say it again:

Lots of cardiovascular to strengthen the lungs and improve yourself. Every little bit helps.

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f2b9ea  No.67347


Then it's better to be a moralfag than a complete degenerate. Couldn't give less of a fuck about my e-peen or "street cred" and agree with something I don't believe in just to please some stupid fuck somewhere in the other side of the world. Don't bother replying to me again.

>>67344 (checked)

>Lots of sneezing, runny noses, and other symptoms being displayed though.

The problem is that most of those symptoms aren't really Corona-Chan. Her confirmed symptoms are dry cough, high fever, pneumonia and sometimes diarrhea.

> I'm just looking for some support honestly.

Some colleges are canceling their classes. You can either wait for that to happen in yours or just bug out instead of risking your life and possibly the life of your future children. I wish the best of luck to you, stay safe up there and watch your back, I know how it feels to live in a dangerous place.

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925f38  No.67348

File: e0537e337e4fa25⋯.jpg (52.9 KB, 372x363, 124:121, df2da37278e0270d873015fb56….jpg)


>I draw the line at harming animals.

What a fucking moron.

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c76bf5  No.67349


>I'm definitely not a moralfag but I draw the line at cheese pizza and harming animals.

I'm dead against pedos too, but as far as hunting and fishing to survive and maintain a balanced diet I'm not against that. I prefer my meat come from humanely treated animals (free range chicken, grass fed beef, no hormones or nitrates/nitrites, no mass produced slaughter farms). Meat is healthy as long as you get good quality - stay away from anything mass produced. Balanced diets also include eggs, green vegetables and potatoes.

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9e59af  No.67350



This is all very good and all, but really everything needs a source.

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925f38  No.67351

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b8d343  No.67352






Yes. This happens with almost any 'event' and seems to be the purpose of the 'news channels' in particular. CiaNN were pioneers for that during Gulf war one.. (not that it isn't everywhere else outside 'news' now) The entire 'fake news' narrative is part of this.

As any situation evolves there is a constant barrage of conflicting information. It's quite a rabbithole to go down. It's not even hidden. There are papers and articles about Putin employing a propagandist specifically for this in the mainstream. (because it's ok to talk about it when muh russians do it)

It's been happening in these very threads. I suspect at this point it is automated using machine learning. Perhaps not yet here but certainly on cuckchan. We are not dumb niggers though and will adapt to it. Learning to spot it is a major step to disarming it. Similar to quickly spotting narcissism or borderlines IRL. Like those BPD women have a look and even a particular way they walk. This is how Cluster B personality disorder or dark triad types operate IRL. (gaslighting)

It's fascinating because the people doing this are smart yet also absolutely retarded in that they start believing their own bullshit. Eg the rigged polls in 2016 HRC actually stopped campaigning early because she thought she had it in the bag because of her own rigged polls. I see this all the time now.

Once you identify what they are, you know they follow a very simple 2D thinking pattern, and it is very easy to counter-manipulate them.

There are 2 immediate steps anyone can take to counter most of the head-fuck aspect

-Stop watching TV/media

-Throw away your smart phone.

Sadly while most any redpilled anon will agree on the former, They will screech and reee about Muh phone, I need it, all my contacts. Cogdis about how they only use it responsibly etc etc.

There is a video from china in the early breads showing a screen that itself shows half a dozen realtime phone screens. it shows how people are scrolling, what they pause on to read etc, it has microphone activity indicators as well (coof detection!). This is the real reason they want 5G, it has enough bandwidth to stream this info back out of the phone. A.I. filters it, then any 'interesting' activity is shown on human operator screens. Note the monitor brand on this system is Dell. Not chingchong monitor co. Because it is a turnkey system they purchased from the west.

Just as 9/11 confirmed all phone calls in the USA were being stored, this event also reveals more of their method. Breadcrumbs.

The most likely reason or excuse used for you ending up in a coof cube is because they tracked your phone, and it shows you were in proximity to someone that is pozzed with sars-2. Any anon that decides to finally bunker in needs to go out one last time and switch off/remove battery while well away from their bunker, and nevere ever turn it on again in the bunker. Ship it to another state while it's on, ideally.

Most of you sleep with shlomo nect to your bed, and carry him in your pocket all day. Shlomo is there listening to you shit, fuck and eat, and you like it that way.

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629668  No.67353

File: e3805211fd0ebcf⋯.png (261.8 KB, 600x458, 300:229, 1512594785048.png)

>>67344 (chk'd)

dude your blessed. but have no fear. go to all your classes. corona chan will let you live if you bless the degenerates at your school. she has selected you to be her date to the prom! you will bless hundreds. be sure to coof on any (((chosen))) professors that you have. coof on any assignments you have to hand to them. and then hand it directly to them, and ask them to look at it. once they are looking and engaging you, coof directly on them as well. go for any chosenites you can find. coronachan loves the chosen ones. dont forget to ride the mass transit back and forth to school. coof into your hand, and run your hand through the change in your pocket, then give the change out slowly to any druggies or bums. coronachan is always looking to help the poor downtrodden types who "didnt do anything" to deserve to be chosen. perhaps buy a roll of nickels and keep it in yoru pocket, always coofing into your hand and then running it through your nickels. had a nickel to each didn't do. corona chan will gives homes to the homeless, she will bless them, she will bless thier pipes and thier needles.

all hail coronachan, giver of blessings.

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eee9e0  No.67354



Forgot to mention, but I spent 8 years in the Marines - 2 of which I spent terrorizing brown people the sandbox. If martial law is imminent, I will most likely get the fuck out of the city ASAP and try to get to the national forest, which is a couple of hours away. I have also thought that I could just bug in and fortify my apartment. I've got a deployment bag and bug out bag loaded up with a good amount of supplies, which would make the bugging out part fairly quick. I haven't been this fearful for my life since I was deployed.

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ea56de  No.67355


>The area I live in is a kind of bad area in terms of crime. Lots of homeless people, miscreants, niggers and the like. I'm just looking for some support honestly.

If things get ugly over there you need to be ready for it now in advance, and that includes the possibility of having to bug in, in which case I'd recommend these tips for home defense: >>67292 & >>67303

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eee9e0  No.67356


For sure dude. If I do get blessed, my plan is to coof and lick a paper towel so it gets all nice and saturated with my body fluids. I'll then go around wiping shit with it that gets touched frequently.

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9e59af  No.67357



I wasn't defending HIS morals, I was trying to say that using "moralfag" as a perjorative implies that it's bad to have any morals.

You want to live in a society with no moral principles?

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7e3602  No.67358


It would be nice if anon could find some antifa groups and attend some liberal arts classes to coof around.

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9e59af  No.67359


Actually having this virus is a pretty easy way to commit mass murder and get away with it. I mean you could directly cause the death of a bunch of old people.

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ebe870  No.67360

File: 4cc487896cb8f11⋯.jpg (56.41 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 3a8d8d9d_387b_4ea1_9cfc_e0….jpg)

If you didn't brought supplies time is running out fast.

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f2b9ea  No.67361


By harming animals, I meant torturing them for fun or killing them for revenge purposes. I support hunting for meat, but not purely as a hobby, it's disrespectful to nature to not eat what you hunt unless you're culling an invasive species, of course. I guess I should have been more clear with my words.



>all hail coronachan, giver of blessings.

Hail! But remember to only spread her love to undesirables. Don't infect upstanding whites.


This, become a pantifa if you're blessed.

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675ccc  No.67362


Omg so much this lmao

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69b082  No.67363


I hate this world.


UPENN? Don't answer. Would have been nice if someone stood up and said "Those students who are OBVIOUSLY sick need to leave immediately." This virus is HIGHLY fucking very HIGHLY contagious, so much so that people are easily infected just by being around coofers. IDK, collegeanon, hope for the best and start pounding whey and vit. C. Was any students wearing masks? Even the light blue don't-do-shit masks? Have plenty of water in your bug-in apartment/dorm/flat.


Good advice for colleganon.

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6dc57e  No.67364

Bernie, Biden Cancel 'Super Tuesday 2' Rallies In Cleveland Over Coronavirus Fears

Both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden have cancelled their campaign rallies in Ohio tonight as Americans in six mostly Midwestern states vote in the latest round of primaries. The pundits claim Bernie Sanders will need a big upset Tuesday night to remain viable.

Bernie's campaign spokesperson Mike Casca told CNN that the campaign had cancelled the planned Cleveland Rally to celebrate "Super Tuesday 2".

In a statement, Casca cited "concern for public safety" because of the coronavirus.

"Out of concern for public health and safety, we are canceling tonight’s rally in Cleveland," he said.

Joe Biden's Deputy Campaign Manager Kate Bedingfield announced that his campaign rally, which was also set to be held in Cleveland, had been cancelled for similar reasons.


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eae762  No.67365

File: 283276be19d1765⋯.jpg (26.92 KB, 960x601, 960:601, 2b_or_not_2b.jpg)


>The real reason toilet rolls are running out is because it is easier to cram that shit up your nose

Blessed scots.

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f3f735  No.67368

File: 6b94df1e42de1f0⋯.jpg (181.97 KB, 720x688, 45:43, 20200310_144315.jpg)

File: e6eafb7289c51b2⋯.png (177.88 KB, 419x424, 419:424, 1583646563761.png)

Neighbor anon, we are bracketed. Look for coofing to start nearby soon.

Also ITT, lots of

>hey anon want to conspire to commit a biological attack with me? let's pray to G_d and attack our enemies hail 1492 my fellow kekistanis. here is my social proof i was in prison and stuff

Y'all niggers need to stop responding to obvious glow in the dark b8. Ignore federal agents, acquire deenz.

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18ab6c  No.67372


The world is a madhouse. But we already knew that. Whey Protein getting shipped out to places makes a fair amount of sense because it's compact, shelf stable and made with the byproducts of a large dairy industry. Remember: Front line doctors aren't getting enough hydration and aren't eating much because they're trying to not change masks out. Anything you can pump into their gullets that solves multiple problems at once is a godsend.

Wouldn't be shocked if hospitals are mixing it up with something that has a ton of electrolytes in it, like pedialite or gatoraide, trying to keep the people keeping fresh Coofers alive from keeling over from exhaustion.

Probably tastes like liquid ass, but it beats the alternatives in a disaster.

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675ccc  No.67374


In one day Corona chan was discovered, mass infected a state, and claimed one unworthy soul.

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910b3f  No.67376

File: 454903642943d98⋯.jpg (712.13 KB, 1439x1276, 1439:1276, let_it_burn.jpg)

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acbf55  No.67377


>Got 2 months supply of food and vodka its all good.

Got my fair share of vodka too, lol. I'm more into premium whiskey but just can't afford to stock up on bottles of Highland Park, Ardbeg and Laphroaig. I got a couple bottles of nice petey scotch but that's for rationing on special occasions only when things go downhill. Might break some scotch out once we find out LA hits the fan ;)

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eee9e0  No.67381


Yeah, I'm not telling which college I go to, but it is not UPENN. I was about to do that in front of the entire lecture hall, but I would probably be disciplined by the university for insubordination, or worse.

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69b082  No.67383


Whey protein powder, actually:






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f2b9ea  No.67384

File: 86195578d3ff78b⋯.png (116.9 KB, 878x503, 878:503, mit_canceled_due_to_airbor….png)

File: eaf6cd37065ce14⋯.png (225 KB, 508x561, 508:561, lewd.png)

File: f1d1133f5ec14bf⋯.png (184.99 KB, 542x537, 542:537, roaches.png)

File: 64d58f37ff23823⋯.png (158.58 KB, 500x504, 125:126, Corona_Chan_IOTBW.png)

MIT canceling their classes due to airborne aids; Former homeland security advisor says "hospitals are 10 days from getting creamed" lewd https://archive.vn/mXJmz and roaches decide to reveal the fact they're blessed.




I was about to post the news about Skagit, best of luck to you guys. I honestly don't give a fuck about glowies trying to stop me. They're more than welcome to come over here and try to arrest me, because I'm giving them no other option other than magdumping me. Gonna shank those glowniggers in the neck as soon as they come into the room.

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eee9e0  No.67386


Stop drinking. It is not good for your immune system. I was an alcoholic after I got my DD214. Eventually, I cleaned myself up and I haven't had any alcohol since. I also have gotten sick maybe twice since I quit drinking (roughly 3 years ago), whereas I was sick probably once a month when I was drinking.

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a15e32  No.67387


Does it do any good while infected or is it strictly just for prevention?

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744b73  No.67390

File: 2fcd6648e116d3d⋯.jpg (324.64 KB, 1071x889, 153:127, original.jpg)

Heard a mother call in about a US Army unit in Afghanistan that her son is in has started exhibiting symptoms but they have no test kits available.


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0dba91  No.67393


I know, it's hard. I used to drink a whole lot more than I do now, and have tried quitting cold turkey many times in my life…. always, somehow, it comes back into my life. It's like a disease really. So I try my best to not drink unless I really feel stressed out enough and feel a need to ease my mind and relax. I know it is wrong, but I'm trying to slow it down as much as I can and ration it when I do have a nip. As far as binge drinking thank God those days are over!

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ebe870  No.67394

Turkey has become blessed this day.

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18ab6c  No.67395


Nobody knows a damn thing.

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69b082  No.67397

File: 5829a81ac134ffc⋯.gif (558.58 KB, 312x176, 39:22, whatthefrak.gif)




Seems to be effective immediately, but then again I don't know. Probably, though. Gif for creamed anon.

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629668  No.67400

File: d932951bbad33ba⋯.jpg (238.58 KB, 600x600, 1:1, holodenial1.jpg)





a single coofer could easily get the high score if he played his coof right.

blessed are the chosen, for they are chosen

blessed are the dint do's, for they shall do

blessed are the antifa, for they shall go to utopia

blessed are the commies, for they shall receive universal healthcare

blessed are the antifas, for their fight shall be ended

blessed are the homeless, for they shall receive a home

blessed are the druggies, for they shall be cured

blessed are the boomers, for they shall be relieved of thier burden

blessed are the winos, for their cup shall be filled.

corona chan will bless all with her wondrous bounty. and if corona chan should bless you, then verily I say unto you my brothers, pass that blessing along! Reach out to the poor downtrodden african, by visiting his church, reach out the poor vicitmized jews by visiting his synogogue, reach out to oppressed muslim, by visiting his mosque. Let him know that he is welcome in the house of corona. thank him for enriching your society. be sure to shake his hand, hug him heartily and share his cup and his bathroom. a blessing is best shared with those whom you truly love.


thats great that the roaches got it. if it can kill a cockroach, it can kill anything. egodan can see the upside, no more refugee crisis if corona chan sweeps through them. those poor syrian women and children have been thorugh so much. may coronachan bless them with her bounty.

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ff3395  No.67401

File: 86d1d585b272d32⋯.png (1009.35 KB, 743x1012, 743:1012, pastaniggers.png)


>> sportsball with no fans inside in pastaland

>> cheering could be heard on the broadcast

The pastaniggers did this…


>> The little bars in Naples, the smurfs in Paris and the Valencia fans outside the Mestalla for #valenciatalanta. Unfortunately, the idiocy of mankind, even in the weeks in which the drama #coronavirus is experienced, has no nationality

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eb07b0  No.67402


filtered again thanks for posting this way

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a15e32  No.67405



I'm starting to feel bad on my lungs, so I'll give it a shot. I think my brother has one of those things around my shelf (he's a huge fitfag normalfag, unlike me), otherwise I'll have to take the bait and order a 2,5kg flask for a whoppin' 50€. If I start to feel better then I'll let you fags know.

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db18d2  No.67406


Anon…I am so sorry for your loss of your Grandfather and your loss of your connection to blood and soil. My heart breaks for you.

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eae762  No.67408

File: 4d77aa44251390e⋯.png (313.85 KB, 500x695, 100:139, 43_my_ass.png)


>do-as-you're-told car

Normal humans would attack it

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6a28b8  No.67409


Welcome back anon but wew! Have any proof yet? There is loads of speculation but all leads to plausible deniability no matter whichever makes theory the most sense.

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18ab6c  No.67410


There's a ton of it at the grocers if you feel brave enough to not spread the Coof. Then again, if you're already feeling it, you've already spread it around. Hopefully you aren't lactose intolerant.

I'm not going to say NOT try it because, well fuck, it's not like it's poison .. unless, of course, you're lactose intolerant. In which case it'll give you the shits.

Good luck!

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9e59af  No.67411


>Puffi a Parigi

The homosexual childrens entertainer

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91015f  No.67412

File: 3e6d19a6670b199⋯.jpg (159.75 KB, 674x494, 337:247, turkroach.jpg)


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7e7c02  No.67413


Some uni already admonished a prof for telling coofers in his class they need to report to the university clinic. I hope all the pedos will be attending Biden events. He’s earned their support.

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eae762  No.67414


>meat keeps you away from corona chan's blessings? I'll be vegan now

bugchasing is not actually the point here

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fad6bd  No.67418

File: aff5f9cd4a6cae1⋯.png (190.35 KB, 537x545, 537:545, norway.png)

File: 9ba0adb42a3e546⋯.png (483.53 KB, 933x583, 933:583, healthcare_workers_quarant….png)

File: a3d0e776369897f⋯.jpeg (147.96 KB, 750x1084, 375:542, another_burger_politician….jpeg)

fugging internet shitting itself daily, got new ID

Update on Norway; Article on the high numbers of health care workers being quarantined for coming into contact with suspected and confirmed cases https://archive.is/G9Yvx and another Burger politician going into self quarantine.


>this day

They decided to stop hiding it in this day. They're definitely fucked, they're the next Iran.


Kek, such a weird choice of words from that guy.


Checking those digits for posting a good prayer.

>Erdogan can see the upside, no more refugee crisis if corona chan sweeps through them.

I think the king of roaches actually likes the migrants, since he lets them passes right through his country then opens the Yuropean border for them to flood in and ruin white countries. That fucking cunt, I pray for him to get blessed and die a slow, painful death.

>may coronachan bless them with her bounty.

May our prayers be heard.

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a15e32  No.67419

File: 9da337178e16124⋯.jpg (38.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, zyzz.jpg)


>Then again, if you're already feeling it, you've already spread it around

Fug, I hope this will work then. Getting scammed 50€ will be the least of my problems if it doesn't…

>Hopefully you aren't lactose intolerant

I drink cow milk everyday, I'm very sure I am.

>Good luck!


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fad6bd  No.67421


Oh fuck I read that wrong, that politician ain't a burger, that's a britbong! I'm so exhausted, I'm sorry I keep fugging up

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eae762  No.67423

File: bfa3dd170991b73⋯.png (557.35 KB, 494x500, 247:250, ClipboardImage.png)


"there's no such thing as monsters"

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18ab6c  No.67426


What's the alias of the mask that lizard is wearing? Because they need to fire their prep team.

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457fae  No.67428

File: 702fb46fde8bbcf⋯.jpg (46.5 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 88212343_139075534259565_4….jpg)


Slow down and breath anon! You need all your energy in case our lady blesses you. And don't fret about how long it takes for updates. You're a godsend and and a blessing to us.

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fad6bd  No.67429

File: f41da3546b86f69⋯.png (255.21 KB, 467x557, 467:557, taiwan_wants_to_join_the_l….png)

File: 2cf28156fc97496⋯.png (74.86 KB, 720x377, 720:377, britbong_government_blesse….png)

File: bbd5f7ce964593d⋯.png (210.74 KB, 540x581, 540:581, cyber.png)

Taiwan really wants to join the literally WHO; Cybersecurity convention in Tranny Central gets attended by Corona-Chan, the infected man is on a the ventilator https://archive.is/xSmr9 and the Britbong government gets blessed.



Wait I was right, that's a Burger! But a Britbong politician just got blessed too so I mixed both of them up and thought I was wrong. Everything is just blurring together, I can't keep track of time anymore, my head feels light. It's a sublime, peaceful feeling. I like it, but it's distracting

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eae762  No.67430

File: 2c4c53ffd43b10c⋯.jpg (542.6 KB, 555x1692, 185:564, holocaust_jew_gloves_and_g….jpg)

File: d389ebe3a154c22⋯.jpg (30.46 KB, 647x229, 647:229, holocaust_chamber_with_mov….jpg)


Fucking racist. The lampshades & soap might have been fake but the gloves and the moving knife chamber were clearly real.

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675ccc  No.67432


I'm not archiving this as it has an audio file (garbage tier, people here are retarded) where you can listen to media kikes try to get personally identifiable information about those who have been blessed.

You can also hear the governor repeat "underlying medical condishuns". The mantra is strong here. In a couple hours once everyone has fucked off I'm going to get the last of what I need to weather the storm. If I get the bug (unlikely since everything will be abandoned), I'm going to either Omaha or Minneapolis and joining ANTIFA.

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18ab6c  No.67433

File: f6071150e906a89⋯.png (425.78 KB, 1041x618, 347:206, ClipboardImage.png)


That security conference is definitely pozzed. Some dude from Frisco TX came down with The Coof after a business trip to SanFran and infected most of his family.

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675ccc  No.67434


They'll be doing a livestream in about 10 minutes from this post about this. It's gonna be a shitshow of retards.

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920d26  No.67435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


so you tell me anon, is Giacomo Grasselli a (((lying fag))) or are the ones bitching about a video without any sauce

embed claims every blessed one gets icu treatment as needed if the assessment indicates it. whatever that means.

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4540bb  No.67436


24 hours is way too short for the asymptomatic period, she probably got something else with corona-chan, which means shes either got the flu or ecoli in addition.

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e63f3b  No.67437

File: d97b36e6ec700e3⋯.jpg (46.94 KB, 545x582, 545:582, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

File: 663b8d9ecb2994a⋯.png (350.27 KB, 640x905, 128:181, vn9h9oz34sl41.png)

File: 3d4c031e955eaaa⋯.jpg (45.38 KB, 1080x922, 540:461, 89691701_139818484188569_7….jpg)

File: 62c991da87e44d0⋯.jpg (40.96 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 89750299_196298678301950_2….jpg)


F-f-f-Funny! *C-COOF! COOF C-COOF!!*

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457fae  No.67440


>4th Pic

Call me a newfag, or a meme- or anime-philistine, but who's this new girl?

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7e7c02  No.67441

“If I weren’t 80 years old, I’d take a cruise.” — Tampa Port Authority CEO

>I feel so reassured

Gay Pride Tampa Parade still scheduled

>Fuck yeah, spread the love, faggots

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fad6bd  No.67442

File: 256577d8ed022ee⋯.png (141.26 KB, 433x485, 433:485, south_dakota.png)

File: 58c55c489e51843⋯.png (64.36 KB, 745x305, 149:61, jewgle.png)

File: 2a1cded52101607⋯.png (64.27 KB, 305x496, 305:496, brownzil_expands_testing.png)

File: a5836e416acef8e⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB, 704x598, 352:299, Iranian_revolutionary_guar….mp4)

File: 446fc7382e99e9f⋯.png (127.63 KB, 456x517, 456:517, burgerland_not_prepared.png)

South Dakota announcing first confirmed cases and death; Jewgle tells their soyboys to work from home; Brownzilian government expands testing to people without travel history; Iranian Revolutionary Guard patrols the streets in hazmat suits while hospital workers have no masks and have to use aprons on their faces, and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota says Burgerland is not prepared for Corona-Chan https://archive.vn/pvGbb


Forgot to tell you in my last post: I want to be blessed, I yearn for it. Corona-Chan will aid me in taking revenge of the horrible subhuman community I live in, and then liberate my soul from this shitty existence.


>If I get the bug (unlikely since everything will be abandoned), I'm going to either Omaha or Minneapolis and joining ANTIFA.

Sounds like a good plan, comrade. Smash the fash! :^)

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675ccc  No.67443



I also wanna know who the new girl is? Normie chan about to get the embrace of Corona Chan?


If I get corona I know exactly where to go now. Thank you anon.

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7e9e47  No.67444


Seems like an unusually high number of politicians are getting slimed that shit must be everywhere - way more than reported

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675ccc  No.67445


Too slow! They're doing a livestream about it:


>I hope this fucking place burns these people are idiots

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457fae  No.67448

File: 8f5013a22f93d47⋯.jpg (16.09 KB, 380x380, 1:1, diabeetus.jpg)


The SD or Sioux City health official called diabetes "diabeetus". Now there's a old school meme.

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000000  No.67450

Assuming /ourgirl/ keeps escalating, the US will start floating e-voting in November prez election, which will be a monumental clusterfuck of (((bullshit))).

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675ccc  No.67452

File: a45dbd6fa97b771⋯.gif (648.92 KB, 387x392, 387:392, diabeetus.gif)


Checked and yes


Pic 4 U

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a20586  No.67454

File: d82bc6f6afa1249⋯.jpg (52.82 KB, 750x871, 750:871, 7demdp2b2aj41.jpg)




Welp, I guess that's about it, then. Not long now. As a NDfag in the middle of nowhere, I am as ready as I'll ever be in case shtf but damn it the logistics situation up here is gonna go tits up fast.

It will be like a blizzard except instead of 3 days no groceries it will probably be 3 months. Fuckssake.

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a8d809  No.67455


At least it wouldn't be Trump vs Biden if she is going strong until then. Hell, I wouldn't even know who'd be in the running, what with all the boomers in politics.

Maybe it'd end up being an AOC vs Nick Fuentes bullshit match?

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000000  No.67456

>>67444 (checked)

They travel a lot and flight attendants are the new plague rats. They are also surrounded by those who travel a lot. They attend stupid conferences, etc.

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e63f3b  No.67457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CAN SOMEONE WITH A YOUTUBE ACCOUNT PLEASE ASK DR CAMPBELL TO DO A HOME-TREATMENT PLAN if things go pear shaped and hospitals are overwhelmed?

You Tube banned me a long time back, and my server based alts.



Don't know, image reverse search can't locate artist. Will keep looking.

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10de9f  No.67458

File: d85811276306d9f⋯.png (94.41 KB, 746x512, 373:256, 652c0c63f905a7936c96eace9a….png)

File: 966482f23d718a7⋯.jpg (3.83 MB, 5008x3526, 2504:1763, 89609.jpg)


Bless you fren, I hope you meet our girl very soon.

When your lungs inevitably fill up with liquid and death nears, keep in mind that we all will remember your small but important sacrifice.

Have a rare Hitler from my special collection.

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37a9c8  No.67460

I will refer to myself as: NationalActionAnon

Since I was a member of National Action before it got proscribed. Anyway, I havent lived in the UK, but here in Norway now and I am on an Island. Today the work bosses were in panic that we need to wash out hands and use disinfectent in every possible way and before I could get more info, a coworker who gets news from the bosses said that there is an infected in the coastal town where there is the only ferry that comes to the Island.

If this rumor is true, I will be in close proximity and possibly the infection will spread. I am prepared already a month in advance, just a few last items are coming on their way in the mail.

Wish me luck lads

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675ccc  No.67461

File: 2100571077c6c33⋯.jpg (60.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 4U.jpg)


If we get it, meet me in the shitties. We'll support every commieshit, faggot, and jewish gathering we can find.

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69b082  No.67464


Lots of water, sickanon. water, rest,/pnd/.

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e63f3b  No.67465

File: 73923b4192a6634⋯.jpg (144.36 KB, 1280x1600, 4:5, corona_chan_x_earth_chan_b….jpg)

File: 645f177510c4048⋯.jpg (121.92 KB, 1024x1138, 512:569, coronavirus_chan_by_1995ma….jpg)

File: 9106b0f30c69288⋯.jpg (129.1 KB, 1024x1129, 1024:1129, covid19chan_by_queator_dds….jpg)

File: 8af927671032c7e⋯.jpg (211.54 KB, 1280x1811, 1280:1811, corona_virus_chan_by_ryuse….jpg)

Moar nu farts

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69b082  No.67466



will now be known as ferryanon.

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9e59af  No.67468


Or FishballAnon

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37a9c8  No.67470


Let's do that, Ferryanon it is.

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9e59af  No.67471


ok Fishballs

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10de9f  No.67472

File: 755c97cc804e113⋯.png (115.35 KB, 794x269, 794:269, trumprallyforretards.png)

Trump wants catholics to become blessed.


Looking forward to your updates Ferryanon.

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000000  No.67476

>>67455 checked

Good points. I was thinking of the DNC's recent e-disaster in Iowa, and that the results of any federal e-vote in November are going to be very heavily disputed. There is no shortage of people (particularly in 8 vicinity) who think know elections are rigged anyway; if normal fags start thinking this it will be yet another crippling blow to zog.

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457fae  No.67477

File: 1c73a8094cb39d6⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1076x1470, 538:735, BAD_GIRL.png)

File: 5b6e2bddcb30a81⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1057x1503, 1057:1503, clorax.png)

File: 39474a8c45c4139⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1122x1573, 102:143, DUMBASS_GOV.png)

File: d0c737462676e98⋯.jpg (61.47 KB, 640x645, 128:129, corona_damage.jpg)

>The Gov of SD telling citizens to not stockpile and to "go on normal life"

>Mayor says about scalpers "It's just capitalism", not going to do anything

>More "diabeetus"

>"Tomorrow is fun news"





Thanks frens!


Stay safe, stay well, best of luck to you SD-fag!


>Super long white haired Corona-chan

Lovely! Long hair makes my heart grow bigger.

Update on CDC-Land/Southern State with a bunch of metros that want to pretend to be Yankees/State with a LARGE demographic that has propensity for thuggery and violence:




>My town is where Chlorax Co. produces their wipes. If you need any guys, you know where to go directly.



>U.S. Government shipping some of the blessed from The Death Princess to Dobbins Air Force Reserve Base, which means Corona-Chan will be blessing a helluva lot more soon



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b5584f  No.67480


I mean, I don't disagree that bear spray is a good alternative. Don't overstate it though.

I sprayed myself in the face with bear spray a few years back. It was nasty, but I was fine after 30-40 minutes.

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a8d809  No.67482


30-40 minutes is a very long time to take a baseball bat to someone's head.

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000000  No.67484


>30-40 minutes is a very long time to take a baseball bat to someone's head.

But you can really pace yourself. Take your time and do it right, and enjoy the battering proper.

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eae762  No.67486

File: 8aeaff7b9515da9⋯.png (1.17 MB, 750x776, 375:388, ClipboardImage.png)

COOFID negative

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e63f3b  No.67487

File: 228f273903381ca⋯.jpg (98.89 KB, 640x772, 160:193, em0db54tcol41.jpg)

File: 9af3a5cd040e0da⋯.jpg (59.13 KB, 640x761, 640:761, cjook4hovrl41.jpg)



Looks like it's too early for the image crawlers to find it. Original doesn't have address or artist.

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fad6bd  No.67492

File: 1ac0dc4ad682b73⋯.png (120.38 KB, 797x582, 797:582, worst_korean_call_center.png)

File: 432d8c6d945b79f⋯.png (100 KB, 798x564, 133:94, bc.png)

File: c0ca08a7c3579b5⋯.png (30.2 KB, 594x325, 594:325, ruh_roh.png)

File: 9a59f7f27ff8afa⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 3202x1212, 1601:606, UCLA.jpeg)

File: 78afb49cdfbf1af⋯.png (201 KB, 784x536, 98:67, iowa.png)

The number of cases linked to a call center in Seoul jumped from 50 to 90 https://archive.vn/osFCD ; Two new confirmed cases in British Columbia; Burgerland facing shortage of lab materials needed to produce testing kits https://archive.is/DNRIG ; UCLA suspending in-person classes due to airborne aids and 5 new confirmed cases in Iowa https://archive.is/pMieA


>When your lungs inevitably fill up with liquid and death nears, keep in mind that we all will remember your small but important sacrifice. Have a rare Hitler from my special collection.

Thanks for that picture of the Fuhrer, fren, I haven't seen this one before.


Good luck, Britbong, you can make it through this if you believe it.


Pics 2 and 3 are pretty good.

>>67477 (lucky doubles check'd)

>Mayor says about scalpers "It's just capitalism", not going to do anything

Shit like this is why I'm a fascist / third positionist.

>U.S. Government shipping some of the blessed from The Death Princess to Dobbins Air Force Reserve Base, which means Corona-Chan will be blessing a helluva lot more soon

Yeah but they're going to be isolated, unless the zogbots fuck it up.

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457fae  No.67493

File: d122fc55c7b732d⋯.png (150.1 KB, 1646x1317, 1646:1317, LOOK_AT_THE_TOP_OF_THEIR_H….png)

File: 78ddb20fae60b55⋯.png (595.72 KB, 600x753, 200:251, TOO_MANY_KEKS.png)






>Unless the zogbots fuck it up

Anon, either be design or by accident, you know they will.

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eae762  No.67494

File: 6c5345d2a4536bc⋯.pdf (1.05 MB, Dean_R_Koontz_Eyes_of_Dark….pdf)


Welcome weary traveler. Read the novel.

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087898  No.67495

Minor Greek Update:

All schools and universities have shut down for the next 14 days.

Several cases in Athens that cannot be tracked back to travelers from aboard.

No mass buying panic yet but it will get there in the next few days when people start dying and mass reporting of cases happens.

In a more personal experience: Several private clinics and doctors I know of have stopped taking private appointments. Many doctors here work both at the public hospitals and have their own private practices. Rumor is that they are getting geared for a hammering at the hospitals.

Greece has a chronic lack of ICUs and the related equipment; Corona is going to feast well here.

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b5584f  No.67496


That's why I agreed it was a good alternative. It does not, however, make you blind for hours or days. Just really, really uncomfortable.

It's like pepper spray, but contains more oil so it doesn't wash off easily. Dish soap works pretty well. Just be careful if you get in the shower…you have mucus membranes in places other than your face.

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d3430c  No.67502

File: a24fb2275a14413⋯.jpg (24.73 KB, 612x408, 3:2, sd.jpg)


It's Earth-Chan, you fools.

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fad6bd  No.67504

File: 91ef3107dfc4121⋯.jpg (46.54 KB, 378x584, 189:292, sides_crippled.jpg)

File: 77c50f92354f363⋯.png (152.9 KB, 474x489, 158:163, bolivia.png)

File: cc1b0d75fe46165⋯.png (163.31 KB, 475x524, 475:524, smugglerland.png)

File: 943706541e226e5⋯.jpeg (161.47 KB, 828x1548, 23:43, dallas.jpeg)

Third confirmed case in Minnesota, in Anoka County https://archive.vn/Jy5YF ; Smugglerland reports it's second confirmed case; Cocaland reports it's first two confirmed cases and First presumptive positive case in Dallas County.




>either be design or by accident, you know they will.

Wew.Especially since they have so much diversity nowadays.


Thanks for the update.

>Greece has a chronic lack of ICUs and the related equipment; Corona is going to feast well here.

Sounds bad, praying for Corona-Chan to take care of your invasive mudslimes and your commies. Best of luck to you guys, your country is pretty cool, one of the coolest.

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69b082  No.67511

File: f60c77b5a3024ff⋯.png (228.58 KB, 920x664, 115:83, Screenshot_2020_03_10_at_8….png)

24 hours ago in Lombardy, Italy, a doctor speaks about coronavirus.


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629668  No.67514

File: 395bf195ea6d8e3⋯.png (253.89 KB, 785x1000, 157:200, bernout42.png)


I cant believe anyone could live in the Ju-nited States of Americoof and not own a firearm. Surely you can acquire one!


but as for bearspray, if your going to buy it, may I recommend buying the extra large cannister issued to forestry workers. I worked as a logger for a while, and our boss gave us these canisters of bear spray that are probably big enough to put out a fire with!



oh no. what will canada do without vancouver. without all those drug addicts, junkies, and ultra faggots. what a tradgedy!


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cbe6b3  No.67515

File: 91b9d1d3ad5e5de⋯.png (188.96 KB, 1349x759, 1349:759, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 570695ebafc0d18⋯.png (186.53 KB, 1331x1130, 1331:1130, ClipboardImage.png)


What happened? I was kinda expecting it to hit 110k by today. It surely is picking up speed again.

20k in 4 days.

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7e7c02  No.67516

File: 8158fa7e1f79c53⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1444x1080, 361:270, A3C343AE_6D13_4AF0_BF1F_2A….png)


Meanwhile, the rest of Europe still hasn’t figured out the children are spreading the virus.

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18ab6c  No.67517


tbh, kinda surprised it took Dallas this long to start showing cases. Big international airport there.

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cbe6b3  No.67518

File: d8ea497577ff137⋯.webm (4 MB, 640x480, 4:3, How_to_fix_the_economy.webm)


Something to consider when the oil glut dries up.

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69b082  No.67522

File: b32c1e7f701412a⋯.png (179.43 KB, 604x640, 151:160, Screenshot_2020_03_10_at_8….png)

File: 7a394b39e910e4b⋯.png (197.27 KB, 581x640, 581:640, Screenshot_2020_03_10_at_8….png)


replies to that twitter thread

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606267  No.67525

File: 6d55ffa07fc0b07⋯.png (289.41 KB, 1418x805, 1418:805, Untitled.png)


I hope you can find some sort of balance with c19d3e. I believe I recognize his writing style. If he's who I believe him to be, he was a frequent commenter on Chateau Heartiste. Dude is definitely insightful and has some fascinating perspectives even if he has way too many single line posts.


Heiled. It's spreading far worse than we can imagine. (((Testing))) aggravates our ignorance because of the false negatives. A swab test is unlikely to detect a virus that is in the lungs. May as well try to test for the common cold, which is also a corona virus. It can't accurately be done. What can be done is to divide the number of deaths by whatever you believe the CFR to be. No one is cured, that's for sure.

An interesting situation is Iceland. 69 cases and 1 "recovered" with so far thankfully no deaths. (pic related)


Fascinating effortpoast, anon.


Thanks for the tips, anon.


Checked and half-heiled. I suggest bugging-in unless you have a site already prepped to go to. Country people are going to take a very dim view to any strangers suddenly showing up. You will do well because you are looking ahead. The bad elements around you will starve or kill each other by early summer if things continue to develop on the present timeline. No one knows if it will or not. Keep your wits about you, and check in anytime.


Does this mean all 50 of Biden's paid audience members can claim unemployment?


Bellingham, WA anon here. Whatcom County "is reporting its first confirmed case" as well. I'm convinced that it has been here from the beginning because of all the chink students. And I've probably been exposed. I'm rolling for no symptoms.



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69b082  No.67527

File: 91521c8a84fcb15⋯.png (169.55 KB, 566x640, 283:320, Screenshot_2020_03_10_at_8….png)

Oh, thanks George Burks! EVERYONE CALM DOWN! George says, in reply to >>67511



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eae762  No.67528

File: d0a108ec8ec9f54⋯.jpg (117.04 KB, 990x660, 3:2, no_sauce_necessary_squirre….jpg)

I agree with the whey theory. It has amazing healing power after any strenuous exercise/work. Perhaps that's what the "all over ache" associated with viral infections relates to, is when it's penetrating cells. Don't buy the cheap shit though; it's from india/asia so it contains heavy metals which can give you nosebleeds. Buy something made in your country






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f3a081  No.67532


Is anyone sure it has to specifically be whey protein? There's more kinds than that for sale. Maybe any kind of protein could help with it.

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4540bb  No.67534


perhaps thats why, all the plaguebearers avoided the city thinking that they'd catch it there.

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000000  No.67536


Patience anon, it's coming. Right now the numbers coming out of italy are skewed older because they are basically refusing to save anyone 70 or older. When they run out of beds to treat the young, the numbers are going to skyrocket.

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3b5b0b  No.67537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Guise, I'm not much for Joe Rogan, Crypto-Kike,

But this video…

He has Michael Osterholm on.

> Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, a professor in the Technological Leadership Institute, College of Science and Engineering, and an adjunct professor in the Medical School, all at the University of Minnesota. Look for his book "Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Deadly Germs" for more info. https://amzn.to/2IAzeLe

TLDR, first 12-1/2 minutes:

> this is just the beginning

> will take months to unfold

> acting like an influenza virus

> just breathing, you can catch it

> 10 to 15 times worse than the worst seasonal flu

> 48,000,000 hospitalizations (conservative estimate)

> 96,000,000 cases (conservative estimate)

> over 480,000 deaths to occur over the next 3 to 7 months (conservative estimate)

> 3 weeks ago Italy was just fine and now they have total regions under quarantine

> Italy - Milan Hospital - deciding who they have to let die, not screening hospital staff anymore because they need them to work

> Alarming number of cases in the 40-year old range

> not just an old person disease

> primary risk factor is being old

> smokers are more susceptible (smoking is largest risk factor in China - thats why not so many Chinese women died - women, as a whole, in China, don't smoke as much)

> obesity may make one susceptible (largest risk factor in the US)

> incubation period: from exposure to showing signs of sickness - could be 4 days.

> This is going to go on for the next 6 months or more

> Some people may be totally asyptomatic but are carriers

> We put out a piece on Jan 20th that this is going to be worldwide.

> We put out a piece first week of February that this is going to pop last week of February / First week of March

> We need to prepare people for what is about to happen

> Masks and Gloves aren't going to help

> When people first get sick, they have high levels of virus in their throat

> if you have any risk factors, stay out of large public places

> if we close schools, it doesn't matter because kids are getting infected, but not sick.

> If we close schools there's an economic effect because people generally don't have that much sick leave

> We need to get those people off of those cruise ships - they are jst recirculating the air in those ships


this was in the first 12-1/2 minutes

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69b082  No.67538



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fad6bd  No.67539

File: e91f61cb51de785⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Probably_the_most_retarded….mp4)

Okay, news have kinda slowed down a bit so let's laugh at the stupidity of the Brownzilian ministry of health:

>Today, there are no orientations or determinations about the closure of schools.

>Will this maintain itself for too long or forever? We don't know

>It's going to depend on the circulation of the virus. Let's do an example:

>A classroom that has a student who has been proved to have coronavirus

>It's plausible, it's logical, it's rational that the children in that classroom be suggested to not come to school for a determined period. It's about to get good and by good I mean tremendously retarded

>This isn't going to demand the closure of an entire school as a whole KEK

>Because a case happened inside a classroom, and that classroom can be, lets say, isolated from the school Not it can't you moron

>Well, what if it happens to a big number of children, with all of the classrooms having children with coronavirus?

>Then we are going to have to analyze it case by case For what fucking purpose you nigger, just close the damn school

>It's not going to be an imposition of the ministry of health, but we can't say here, with the responsibility we have, that those actions won't be necessary in the future. He finally said something right, I guess

>At the moment, we don't see a necessity yet.

So there you have it, folks. This country is going to die, and I'm happy.He's dealing with a virus that has a long incubation period and spreads during the asymptomatic period, yet he prefers to be reactionary than precautionary. He wants to close the school after all the little hues are already coofing, not before. I have said it before, I will say it again: This country will be a glorious shitshow when Corona-Chan really starts kicking in.

>>67511 (checked)

Wow, they're really fucked.


The cases pop up in bursts, probably because of the long incubation period. So there are days with high numbers, and others with low numbers.



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000000  No.67540


>Oh, thanks George Burks!


If Corona-chan were perfect, she'd be transmissible through social media.

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457fae  No.67542

File: 8e619ca687b4645⋯.jpg (754.51 KB, 1383x5003, 1383:5003, italy_massacre.jpg)


I guess that corroborates what was said by another Lombardi doctor a few days ago in pic related.


Didn't that 4um Illuminati Dude back in January predict things will be fuckity-fuck fucked if the situation in Brazil was getting out of control?

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e9c27c  No.67544

File: 11d464055cebf38⋯.jpg (23.1 KB, 600x606, 100:101, 700.jpg)


Good news for me, not only I did find a single bag of whey but a whole THREE of them! Should last for a couple of months. I don't think I actually have been blessed yet, but I'm being forced to stand rather close to some coofers, boss is probably concerned but is probably still underestimating corona-chan, even though she is looming closer every day.

Water definitely helped however, like >>67464 suggested - my lungs barely ache, if at all now and that was before sipping whey, so it was probably just dehydration. Thanks anon.


Fucking lol.

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3b5b0b  No.67545

21 January 2020

> 21 January 2020

< 21 January 2020

> 21 January 2020

< 21 January 2020

21 January 2020

Stop the Wuhan virus

>Vigilance, preparedness, speed, transparency and global coordination are now crucial to stopping a new infectious disease from becoming a global emergency.

> As hundreds of millions of people in China take to the roads, railway and skies to be with their families for the new year holidays, authorities in the country and around the world have mounted an enormous operation to track and screen travellers from Wuhan in central China.

> This follows the outbreak of a mysterious pneumonia-like coronavirus, first reported on the last day of December 2019, that has so far claimed six lives in China. The World Health Organization is deciding whether to declare the situation an international public-health emergency.

> The virus has been spreading. On 21 January, as Nature went to press, there were almost 300 reported cases — seven times the figure stated five days earlier. Over the past week, authorities in South Korea, Thailand and Japan have also reported cases. Researchers at Imperial College London who have modelled the outbreak on the basis of estimates of travel out of Wuhan say the virus might have infected as many as 1,700 people.

> The virus, which still lacks a formal name, is being called 2019-nCOV. It is a relative of both the deadly severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) viruses. People with the virus report a fever along with other symptoms of lower-respiratory infection such as a cough or breathing difficulties. The first people infected in China are understood to have caught the virus in one of Wuhan’s live animal and seafood markets — probably from an animal. Some 95% of the total cases, including those in Japan, South Korea and Thailand, also involved people who had been to Wuhan.

> The virus has not been found in humans before and knowledge of how it is spread is still evolving. Last week, government officials and researchers in China who are tracking the virus told Nature they didn’t think it spreads readily from human to human, at least not as fast as SARS. But this view is being revised following the intervention of SARS specialist Zhong Nanshan. After a visit to Wuhan on 20 January, Zhong, who directs the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease in Guangzhou, confirmed that 14 medical workers had been infected by one virus carrier, raising concern that some people might be ‘super-spreaders’ of the virus. Stopping the further spread of the disease out of Wuhan, possibly by banning infected people from leaving Wuhan, has to be a top priority, he said.

> China’s health authorities and the government have been moving quickly. Also on 20 January, the national broadcaster reported that president Xi Jinping had ordered that the virus be “resolutely contained”, and Premier Li Keqiang announced a steering group to tackle disease spread. At the beginning of the month, local authorities in Wuhan closed and disinfected the animal market, and health authorities have reported the results of their disease surveillance efforts.

> Researchers, too, have had a crucial role, in publishing and sharing genome sequences. Four different research groups sequenced the genomes of six virus samples — and analyses of all six agree that the virus is a relative of SARS. Researchers are to be commended for making sequence data available, and they should continue to do so. (Release of such data, as well as deposition of manuscripts on preprint servers, will not affect the consideration of papers submitted to Nature.)


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eae762  No.67546

File: e51f92a8d6766eb⋯.png (427.59 KB, 960x714, 160:119, kosher_meat_kingpin.png)


something about whey is great for healing. I can eat any amount of regular food protein (chicken breasts etc) & it doesn't heal me after some heavy yard work as fast as some whey protein does. Which is weird because usually I'd assume the opposite; that "real food" is best

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3b5b0b  No.67547



> As China’s government has recognized, the authorities fumbled in their response to SARS, which spread globally, killing more than 770 people in 2002–03. Fifteen per cent of those infected died, a rate that seems much higher than that of the current outbreak — at least from what is known so far. In contrast to SARS, the response this time has been faster, more assured and more transparent.

> But there is still much to do, and quickly. The virus’s original source must be confirmed — something that is proving difficult. Researchers have found virus traces in swabs taken from the animal market. The authorities, rightly, made closing and sterilizing the market their first priority, but in their rush to do so they might have missed a chance to test the animals. In the case of SARS, we now know that bats transmitted the virus to other animals, which then passed it to humans. Other questions include confirming the method of transmission for new cases, as well as understanding the virus’s ability to cause serious illness. Virus genomes from infected people will need to be sequenced continually to understand the extent to which the virus is evolving.

> China’s health authorities did well to act more quickly than in the past. Now, they must continue to report what they know and what more they are uncovering. The emerging situation requires global coordination and leadership from the World Health Organization, with the support of public-health agencies worldwide. Researchers must work fast, collaboratively and transparently to address the key research questions. The world has had plenty of practice with SARS and avian flu — we should know what to do.

> Around 7 million people are preparing to fly from China to 400 cities in 100 countries to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Now is the time to stop this outbreak spiralling into a global health emergency.

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00153-x

Archive: https://archive.ph/V4Gy8

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ed3b1d  No.67548


>just breathing, you can catch it

>Masks and Gloves aren't going to help

We're supposed to believe a retard who contradicts himself within 12-1/2 minutes?

We're supposed to take his word for the future when we've already come to worse conclusions?

I don't trust a thing he says even if it supports my world view.

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fad6bd  No.67549

File: bf4f51adeefdd1a⋯.png (159.09 KB, 485x505, 97:101, worst_korea.png)

Worst Korean update.


Yeah he said if our bats got blessed by Corona-Chan, she would mutate into a strain that's much more lethal.

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3b5b0b  No.67550

File: bd2a797000c9344⋯.png (3.93 KB, 239x72, 239:72, cidrap.png)


>just breathing, you can catch it

>Masks and Gloves aren't going to help

how is that contradicting?

you don't make sense to me

please elaborate

go to


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629668  No.67554

File: bdb2ec894292915⋯.jpg (218.8 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1580612527794.jpg)

I think now might be a time for us all to consider a little prayer.

Almighty Creator, Father of Man

you have created Coronachan in our darkest hour

a time when we stood upon the precipice.

Forced to decide if we would continue to feed the subhumans

or we would inherit the stars. A time when degeneracy, and

the flagrant violation of your natural laws seemed ready

to consume our destiny. When all seemed against us,

our own governments, our currencies, our churches,

even many of our people, had turned thier backs.

You answered our call, for Justice, for a cleansing rain,

to wash clean the filth on your wondrous creation.

To purge this Earth of the degenerates, the trannies,

the jews, the faggots, the mud people, and 4chan.

Send your loving Coronavirus amongst them.

Let them receive her blessing. Let our wondrous lady,

our all loving mother, walk amongst them, spreading

her love. May she strike down the unworthy coofers,

with her terrible vengeance, for mocking you,

for disobeying the very laws which govern the Universe.

And if you should see fit to use my body as an instrument

of Justice, may I join the long line of my fathers, and be

worthy to stand beside them, in the halls of Valhalla,

where the brave may live forever.

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ed3b1d  No.67556


If you can get something by breathing, then you can decrease your odds of getting it by by filtering what you breathe.

Saying that wearing a mask isn't going to help is the same as saying that filtering isn't going to remove particles. That is completely false.

Likewise, saying that gloves aren't going to help when it can pass through a break in the skin is an contradiction.

If we were to take that statement to is logical conclusion, full hazmat space suits are pointless because the virus can pass through the filters used to fill the scuba tanks.

It's complete nonsense.

Proper decontamination coupled with properly fitting known good filters and eye protection is going to reduce your risks enough to make it worthwhile.

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fad6bd  No.67558

File: 12ec3098b2d0ed9⋯.png (111.78 KB, 455x542, 455:542, jewpedia.png)

File: a1d021a26d4f51f⋯.png (146.66 KB, 656x469, 656:469, sportsball_team_owner.png)

File: efda2c56f37c217⋯.png (140.4 KB, 470x420, 47:42, Nippon_update.png)

Zerohedge article on Jewpedia messing with the Spanish Flu page to make it look less lethal https://archive.is/2UliU ; Richfag who owns two sportsball teams gets blessed and Nippon update.


Great prayer.

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3b5b0b  No.67559


Still watching the video

> we will know how this thing will go if our health care workers are dropping dead (around 46:00 - paraphrased)

> White House personnel have contacted this guy, Michael Osterholm, regarding this corona virus

> Hospitals in the U.S. don't stockpile supplies due to lack of funding

> All mask manufacturers are working overtime now. We don't have that many mask makers anymore. (everything is out-sourced)

> He says N-95 masks help


I think he was talking about those little pussy masks that you can make with paper towels and string. You know - those ones that they have elastic bands go around the ear? The ones the chinks are using? Not these respirators (N95 and P99) that folks on here were shilling early on, me being one of them.

If we were to take that statement to is logical conclusion………………….

I can only suggest that you watch the video instead of reading my TLDR then. Don't shoot the messenger.

Still watching the video though…….

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ba3050  No.67563


Great prayer.

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675ccc  No.67572


20% is about what I get just by doing raw numbers and excluding china

Everyone who says 3% is just using numbers that fucking china puts out in some way.

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18ab6c  No.67573



There are people trying to work out how many Coofers are actually in Iran based on the number of people catching it coming OUT of Iran, and somebody floated the number of 2 million.

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8045f9  No.67574

File: 5b51fdee46b6299⋯.jpg (219.82 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, westisdead.jpg)


>For city dwellers in CA where it is next to impossible to buy guns legally

That's not true, you can still get a firearm legally, you're just highly limited in what you can buy, and have to go through a fuckton of red tape and extra costs, but NYC is actually worse. In CA you can at least legally get a gun even if it sucks, in NYC you literally can only get a gun on the black market, not even kidding.


Bullshit, faggot. We absolutely need to have fucking principles. A "line-less" society where everything goes is exactly what marxists want.


I would love to see tangible consequences in the USA by the end of March. Today's stock market bump was disappointing but it looks like the Wednesday Nikkei index in Japan is already going back down and DOW futures suck too, I'm hoping the rest of the week will be a market slide-fest.


>Zerohedge article on Jewpedia messing with the Spanish Flu page to make it look less lethal

I absolutely hate the academic kikes who run Wikipedia. Yet another thing that has such great potential to uplift humanity twisted into a kike propaganda tool.

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675ccc  No.67575


I should re-work how many in China. I pulled out 8m but that was days ago. It's likely way higher, especially by now.

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fad6bd  No.67576

File: 54d5eb24ccb79a2⋯.mp4 (823.94 KB, 544x446, 272:223, Chongqing_Southwest_Hospit….mp4)

File: 2b686166a2f8308⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, old_chink_collapses_in_the….mp4)

Fresh videos from Chinkland: Southwest Hospital in Chongqing and old chink collapses in the Zhongnan Food Market.


Yep. I posted the article either on this thread or the last one. Can't remember which.


>Yet another thing that has such great potential to uplift humanity twisted into a kike propaganda tool.

Fucking true, Wikipedia has so much potential.

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18ab6c  No.67577

File: 7bfae1f3fcde87e⋯.gif (168.61 KB, 404x416, 101:104, animated.gif)


Checking for 8gorillion.

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4540bb  No.67578


why would they start doing that right away in december 2019.

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457fae  No.67579

File: d8fcb5d155b00f0⋯.jpg (9.08 KB, 255x247, 255:247, ishygddt.jpg)


>242 New Cases




So much for that "recovery" that's being harped on by normalfags and nothingassburgers


Why? Why would they think bringing the CFR down for the second greatest plague since the Black would do any good when it's common knowledge that 20-50 million died? Are these people stupid? Even NPCs and normalfaggots can figure out that if even 10 million died from a 2-3% CFR in a less medically advanced society, then a virus with a higher CFR in today's society means they are absolutely fucked. These stupid motherfuckers. Seriously, I need to block Wikishitia on my host file list or firewall. No site filled with people this stupid deserves a single byte of uploads.

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3b5b0b  No.67580

File: a3ceba13fdbf8de⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Italian_Doctors_Revile_Sys….mp4)

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e63f3b  No.67581

File: b1d018f9301e940⋯.mp4 (2.13 MB, 506x900, 253:450, Stopping_corona_1_bat_at_t….mp4)



Coof Corn, Coof Cauliflower, Coof Cabbage, Coof Capsicum, Coof Celery, Coof Cucumbers. All freshly coofed on.

Attached video, Cat catches and stops Coronabat, we're all safe now.

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675ccc  No.67582


569,344… going off of a total of 232 total cases on 1/20 and doubling every 4 days…

It's likely 10x that so we can safely assume 5.7m


>80m minimum by end of March

>All infected by end of April

The real SHTF is in May. Mad max summer here we come!

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18ab6c  No.67584


That's not how they're coming at that 2 million hypothetical sick Iranians figure. It's a bit of math wizardry based on the number of people who appear to have caught it while they were in/leaving Iran while people were being evacuated.

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334b95  No.67585

File: 6bbba806d3919c0⋯.jpg (230.56 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 9d708373ly1gcojysp60yj2140….jpg)

🍞 crums based = QmluZ3J1

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ba3050  No.67586


I always look forward to your posts. Thx anon.

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8045f9  No.67588


>The real SHTF is in May. Mad max summer here we come!

This is what I'm hoping. March/April seems too soon for shit to be really fucked. And it's not going to be until summertime that the supply chain failure really kicks in. I just pray for medication shortages above all else, even just that would be so helpful.

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fad6bd  No.67589


>So much for that "recovery" that's being harped on by normalfags and nothingassburgers

Yeah, it's like I said in a previous post: Due to her long incubation period, Corona-Chan shows off the number of her blessings in bursts. Some days have high numbers, others have low numbers. But they're definitely there, either asymptomatic and successfully evading the tests or incubating.


>Coof Cucumbers

A coofcumber. Lmao.


>The real SHTF is in May. Mad max summer here we come!

I'm betting on full SHTF by June or July. I wonder if I will be dead or alive by then. Hopefully dead, after accomplishing my mission.

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3b5b0b  No.67592


> Hahaha, no sportsball for normalfags.

I hope they cancel the niggerball march madness bullshit

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675ccc  No.67594


Got a link?

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ba3050  No.67596


Yeah but nobody trusts it anymore. The kikes contaminated it thoroughly.


So that lower video is supposed to be Wuhan (like we would know if it wasn’t), eh? Looks like people are out and about.

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675ccc  No.67597


Rolling for dubs on this to make it true

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ba3050  No.67598


I am surprised one of the chinks didn’t jump on it and sink their fangs into it instead.

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675ccc  No.67599


Good vid but it's been around for years

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18ab6c  No.67601

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18ab6c  No.67602



Hit Reply too soon, basically it takes the average of people getting infected who were evacced, the number of openly KNOWN infected, fatalities and a bunch of other stuff. And then projects these infection rates to the whole population.

And then averages them out.

Not EXACT, but it's certainly interesting, and kinda explains the weird 'There are a ton of people dying here!' meme we've been getting out of Iran that outstrips the number of reported cases, even as high as they are: There are an ass ton of undocumented coofers.

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fad6bd  No.67604

File: cd40fac7e43e270⋯.mp4 (422.55 KB, 320x640, 1:2, Qingdao_chemical_explosion….mp4)

File: 21ce80aa010d04d⋯.mp4 (391.58 KB, 272x480, 17:30, Chink_fire_uyghur_region.mp4)

File: 6d702140c6b5fdd⋯.mp4 (426.18 KB, 304x640, 19:40, rent_protest_in_chengdu.mp4)

File: a8a4550eef543d7⋯.mp4 (183.83 KB, 362x640, 181:320, fire_in_Zhengding_Hebei.mp4)


Hailing those digits.


>Looks like people are out and about.

Yeah, It's been like this for a some days now, the CCP is eager to let the chinks go back into wage slavery, gotta restart that frozen economy. As we can see in these recent videos, everything is alright. :^)


>Hit Reply too soon

I know that horrible feel.

>There are an ass ton of undocumented coofers.

Yep, and not just in Iran, I bet almost every country has undocumented coofers.

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675ccc  No.67605



Fucking nice. Sandnigger genocide too!

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ba3050  No.67606


Really, wasn’t it just the best idea EVER that we trusted these retards with biological weapons?




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629668  No.67607

File: e2c1d4e056b34b3⋯.jpg (104.71 KB, 398x587, 398:587, 1579997342686.jpg)

I think excluding China is the way to go. We know those little slant eyed bastards are lying. I think that is for certain one thing we can all agree on. I dont think it is responsible to use countries that are just getting started either, or countries that are likely to have poor records. So the inclusion of rapefrica is out, along with South America.

For myself, I am rolling with the Italian stats. I think Italy is a first world nation, i believe they wouldnt blatantly lie (though thier government almost certainly would). I also think its approaching "steam" there. Its having a good enough run to return credible results. A large sample size is required. So my thinking is the situation in Italy is the bellweather of whats to come. We will see similiar results in most European nations. thats puts the death rate at approx 6%.

btw. 6% is catastrophic. Its a black swan virus! Even if only 10% of the worlds population contracts this virus, and only 6% of them die (correct me if Im wrong) but thats 48 million dead. thats a whole lot of coofers. and that line of reasoning seems very conservative. One can only begin to imagine whats about to occur to our jigaboo friends in the dark continent. Expect any day now our (((friends))) in jewllywood to release the "save Africa" LP. imo this is a bare bones minimum we can expect to occur. If Corona chan mutates again, and gets stronger (ussually most flu strains dont get stronger, they get weaker) … well its definitely over. the EOTWAYKI virus.

but I know what Im about to say will come as no shock to my esteemed fellows here. what the fuck did all these so called "academics" think was going to happen? All these people, these leaders, these captains of industry, these "scientists" … the facts and the logic has stared them square in the eyes for the last 100 years at least. Did any of these brilliant minds think they were going to be able to perpetuate a system where 8 billion monkeys ran around on this little blue ball tearing the shit out of everything, digging holes in the grounds, altering the waters, shitting in every stream, mowing down forests, dumping millions of tonnes of trash into the oceans …. did they honestly think this was just gonna carry on. That Nature herself would not strike back! that a reckoning would not happen. That our species could carry on this way, with no consequences! No matter what we do, no matter how smart, how industrial, how clever we get … no matter what we do. Nature has a mechanism to deal with it. Thats the beauty of her system, thats the miracle, that she has the mechanisms to restore the balance. We think we are in control, we are NOT in control … quite the opposite, we are out of control!! The forces at work are far more powerful, more subtle, more thoughtful, then anything we can ever dream of. We have to live in accordance with natural law, or it will utterly annihilate us.

The arrogance of our species seems to know no limits. The sheer stupidity is unfathomable. If its not coronachan, it will be something, but something is going to break this utter retardation. We cannot carry on like this. Eugenics is not optional, population controls are not optional, for an intelligent species, these ideas are mandatory for our survival. I just hope that whoever rises from these ashes finally realizes that dead weight must be dumped overboard. Sailors cannot fill up thier ship with thier own excrement and expect it to stay afloat! That out of control breeding by retards must be stomped out. Some sheboon shitting out a dozen niglets is a death sentence for the planet itself.

soz about the rant. just felt the need to write that down i geuss.


I think it will come in waves. nature likes her waves. The virus will mutate. If it mutates up we are fucked. The longer it runs, the more the virus breaks down, the more humans develop antigens


that alone spells alot of lost revenue.


this. theres alot of coofers out there. you wont know who. some will never develop symptoms. the chinks are lying. the iranians are lying. everyone is hoping it just away and they can get back to playing tetris on thier government laptops.

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bf33d5  No.67612


>Your body is just a highly advanced organic nanotechnology machine (for example, us gathering here and speaking about this virus has conferred more immunity to our body because it has had advance warning of the imminent threat and has had LOTS of time to make antibodies; this is the opposite of what has happened to the NPC’s).

I like this thinking. Read somewhere we may have the power to create our own afterlife, if we are bad and expect Hell then Hell is what we get.

So I've been trying to shed guilt (via acknowledging as much to God) like the Goddess sheds spores.

Hat tip to the anon who mentioned Whey protein, had 24g of it down my neck within 30 minutes of reading about it here. Brought two shop staff up to speed on the severity faced. actually laughed at the male staff member who offered his hand as I walked away `sorry mate, trying to limit my exposure'

I knew what whey was already but the staff didn't have a clue until I said `you know, little miss muffitt, curds and whey?'


>>The best way to stop the manbatsnake virus (that definitely isn't a bio-weapon) is to "wash your hands while singing the national anthem"

Another anon is serenading the Goddess by singing a death metal version of Horst Wessel in the hope She will spare him.

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fad6bd  No.67614


>Fucking nice. Sandnigger genocide too!

Corona-Chan is great!


>For myself, I am rolling with the Italian stats. I think Italy is a first world nation, i believe they wouldnt blatantly lie (though thier government almost certainly would).

I heard they weren't counting asymptomatic positives, or they were thinking on changing the definition to not count them, not sure. But I wouldn't trust Pastaland if I were you.

>If Corona chan mutates again, and gets stronger

>The virus will mutate. If it mutates up we are fucked

Like an anon above said some posts ago, remember that halfchan screencap about Corona-Chan becoming more lethal if she infects Brownzilian bats and mutates in them? She's been here unofficially since January, I wonder if she's mutating in them right now.

>(ussually most flu strains dont get stronger, they get weaker)

>The longer it runs, the more the virus breaks down

Reminder that Corona-Chan's definitely not a natural virus, she most likely was genetically engineered and spliced with a half a ton of stuff, including SARS, HIV and a bunch of animal coronaviruses. The damage she inflicts in the human body is definitely not something natural virus would do.

But yeah, this isn't the apocalypse Unless the biblical prophecies are true, and I guess they could be but it is absolutely world changing, Corona-Chan is ushering us into a new era. I have faith that it will be a golden age.

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8045f9  No.67615

File: 511a89ce7b5bc40⋯.jpg (169.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, yellowturbanrebellion.jpg)


Are these videos recent, as in from the last few days? Or is this just archival footage? I hope this is confirmation the Chinamen aren't getting back to work and are instead starting to sperg as shit breaks down.


For all their much vaunted history, the Chinese haven't innovated jack shit in centuries. The only reason they have high accomplishments is just because there are a lot of them in raw numbers, which means they are bound to eventually get some highly intelligent individuals. But the average chink is nowhere near as intelligent as the average white, there are just a disproportionate amount of higher tier ones abroad outside of east Asian. Remember that whole "China's Century" bullshit the corporate media was shilling 10+ years ago? How do you think that will turn out now? I'm hoping this is some kind of Great Leap Forward 2.0 or collapse of the Han Dynasty 2.0 so we can watch those two-bit bastards collapse and regress back once again.


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6868e0  No.67616

So coronavirus, or COVID-19, takes over the headlines right after Kobe passes away. If you translate COVID into Hebrew it becomes KOBE. Kobe was also buried in Corona del Mar cemetery.

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18ab6c  No.67618


There will be an initial wave at the beginning where a lot of people who were already half way out the door will just drop. And then, gradually, the disease will resolve itself. Meanwhile, new cases will continue to crop up behind them. Eventually an equilibrium will be reached and things will calm down. But until that point is reached, people are going to need to drastically change how they interact with the world around them.

Campbell was suggesting that we'd need a population where 75% of people had antibodies before herd immunity kicked in. We'll have to see how that goes. Initial studies out of Germany have reported normal antibody production in recovered patients, so that's at least an upside.

The disruption to supply chains is still a thing, though.

While >>67614 has a point about there being something extremely fishy about Corona-chan's origins, the envelope of this family is known for not changing a lot. We cannot attribute magical power to the unknown and all indications so far are that this is a particularly unpleasant version of the original SARS or MERS with a new set of keys. THEY could get into your nervous system too.

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8045f9  No.67619


> Even if only 10% of the worlds population contracts this virus, and only 6% of them die (correct me if Im wrong) but thats 48 million dead.

Keep in mind 50 million died right after WW1 from Spanish Fly, it was hellacious but the world survived. What will really will do us in is the very structure of GloboHomo itself. Globalization has made the entire world an interconnected set of dominoes. They promised the economic interdependency would mean less war and conflict in the world. Instead, it means a bad failure in one major nation spirals out to knock them all down. The world can survive 50 million dead, there are more useless boomers waiting to die than that, it's going to be the modern globalist economic model that kills us.


Kobe-Corona meme when?

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fad6bd  No.67620


Third one definitely is because since the chinks stopped working because of the quarantine, they're broke and can't pay rent, so there have been protests all over the country asking for aid. The last one seems to be recent. I have no info on the first two. There's also the Baosteel explosion yesterday that you can check in the last thread.


Now this is something we could start discussing. Those cohencidences are weird as hell, man.


>We cannot attribute magical power to the unknown

Hey I'm a cultist, that's what I do!

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6868e0  No.67621

File: dbfc456ff301199⋯.jpeg (83.34 KB, 857x1200, 857:1200, EStaDE7WAAQY_Xp.jpeg)


Here's one. Why so serious

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3b5b0b  No.67622


what if it wasn't a biological weapon and it was a virus that jumped to humans from anteaters?

see video at


start watching at 18:00

seems legit

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3b5b0b  No.67623


> Q-Nigger Logic

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fad6bd  No.67624


It is q-nigger logic but at the same time it isn't. I'm honestly intrigued about that. I have seen some people say that (((they))) sacrificed the nigger to give Corona-Chan more power, and that's why literally WHO named her that gay ass name that makes no sense virus disease, come on. Trading a dead nigger for a happening is a pretty good deal, if you ask me.

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1252e4  No.67625

File: b04422ab676cfd5⋯.png (155.98 KB, 1654x809, 1654:809, 1.png)

File: c305d76ac446610⋯.png (51.43 KB, 1656x799, 1656:799, 0.png)

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8045f9  No.67627


>There's also the Baosteel explosion yesterday that you can check in the last thread.

Yeah, saw that, was breddy gud and gave me Great Leap vibes for sure. I wonder if it's because that shit has been inactive for a month and they fucked something up restarting it? Understaffed facility creating an industrial accident? Or the result of sickly workers creating unsafe work conditions? Certainly not a great sign for their economic comeback. I understand why they take the risk though, if the Chinese leadership can't get the rest of the hive back to work it really will mean economic/supply chain collapse for the whole world. For Coronachan to be a true success China has to stay inactive for many months to cause those critical failures.


Pretty /x/ tier but at least some of the elites are definitely into human sacrifice and devil worship shit, I guess it's not out of the realm of possibility. Who knows how many "celebrities" are just Faustian Pact signing sellouts, but probably not something we need to sidetrack with.

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18ab6c  No.67628


Specific heat? Improper shutdown? Improper startup? Bad maintenance? Somebody put some extra spice in the Chinesium? All of the above?

The explosion is reassuring in a way: They're TRYING to restart, but some of their equipment seems to be having issues.

Yeah, yeah, I know, seeing the world get the monkey off its back would be great, yes. But we aren't ready for that yet. A huge shock like this should encourage people to seriously consider getting the FUCK out of China, but we can't actually quit cold turkey without a huge problem.

Especially when we're about to be up to our own armpits in coofers.

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df1213  No.67629



Figuring if the death and infection rates are being unreported from asian countries in general and Italy/France/Spain's numbers the death rate's more like over 50 fucking % like Tencent was reporting.

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629668  No.67631

File: 7ce55e9bd21e7af⋯.jpg (521.47 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1510129255559.jpg)



100% agree. its the economic impact that could be far worse then the actual deaths. we are seeing the mass cancellations of public events, people taking time off work. heaps of work for the undertaker. but none for the hotels, cruise ships, restaurants etc etc. many of these businesses already hang by a thread. how long can a cruise liner stay in port before the company has to write her off! how many months of low revenue can a restaurant take before she goes under. the disrupted economies poses a huge risk. cause when the gibs run out, the chimpining begins. and it wont be like the great depression, when we had 95% white societies, when people were naturally law abiding. no now we have multiple competing ethnic and religious groups, that will take t battling for limited resources. and no matter how fairly those resources are spread, there will be those who thinks it unfair. niggers will be saying "YT has stockpiled all the resources" and they will use this arguement to justify attacks, when the truth is that some people had the forethought to stockpile resources.

how many ghetto niggers are prepping? not many Id wager. maybe he went out and bought an extra gallon of grape drink, a case of colt45 and some extra blunts … thats the extent of the "nigger prep".

when the gibs run out, the nigs will riot. it will be LA riots times 100. and the national gaurd and shit wont be able to put it down if its happening in every city.

for me the kick-off is when EMS will no longer respond. if you dial 911 and theres no answer … its all over. bug out. Im in an exceedingly good position. Im already out, and have a large extended family around me.


yep the chimpening is already beginning in china. and all its going to take is one major world economy to crash. if china even sees major disruptions and is forced to institute martial law, the economy will collapse.


i wonder how much of world steel production was lost. its just one more dent in the already incredibly thin armor. our supply trains our barely a few days out. a few ships go down, a bunch of workers lost, some big factories get fucked, a whole lot of quaranteens etc etc etc ….. it all adds up. and soon the unholy mess is crumbling.

Im preparing for the worst and hoping that whatever rises from the ashes is a better brighter mankind then ever before.

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fe3dbf  No.67633



My college (RPI) just completely closed down until April 1st at least. The virus is in Albany which is very close to my campus. At least 30% of the student body are chinks. If things get insane here I'm going to film it and upload everything here. I may be living in a boogaloo real soon.

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68b74b  No.67634


Fellow gilbertbro here, buy a fucking respirator lol. If you see some goofy faggot with a fashy haircut walking around with a P95 or painter's respirator on, say hi. I have masks available for fellow anons.

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fad6bd  No.67635

File: 9294592a72ce59f⋯.png (91.51 KB, 831x590, 831:590, corona_del_mar.png)


>I wonder if it's because that shit has been inactive for a month and they fucked something up restarting it? Understaffed facility creating an industrial accident? Or the result of sickly workers creating unsafe work conditions?

Probably a fuck up during restarting it, possibly combined with not enough workers on site.

>but probably not something we need to sidetrack with.

I think it made for a nice little side topic to discuss when the thread and the flow of news slowed down. I din't knew about the coronal del mar cemetery so I searched "kobe bryant funeral" and holy shit, it's true, he really was buried in a cemetery named corona. You can't make this shit up, man. https://archive.is/GG1Uh . I will go back to newsposting soon. It was fun finding this out, I now 1000% believe that (((they))) sacrificed the nigger, just way too many cohencidences.


Checking your doubles and wishing you the best of luck. Don't let the chinks coof on you.

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457fae  No.67636

File: 1a439135980fbca⋯.png (393.97 KB, 607x608, 607:608, the_waiflu_should_fear_the….png)


Based Cat! The Corona-army fears the Nekowarrior!

>Hebrew lettering everywhere

Well…there can't only be evil things coming from Israel. Can there?

Welp, I got sleep for tonight. The sickness, possibly just a cold, seems to have gona for good. I leave with an edit that didn't think would take so long, based on the cat and bat vid above.

Disclaimer: This edit does not represent my views or the views of 8kun, its administration, nor of its denizens on her most excellency, Corona-chan, or of her power and abilities and beauty. This is neither an endorsement of genetically engineered cat-Jewesses working for Mossad.

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3b5b0b  No.67637

File: 5ca8e24a7313ccb⋯.webm (6.87 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Michael_Osterholm_on_whet….webm)

File: f07467487a8e5a5⋯.jpg (63.01 KB, 620x461, 620:461, pangolin_AP051124120885.jpg)

File: 0c84711126165a8⋯.webm (998.57 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Meet_the_endangered_pango….webm)


Toe Jogan video source: https://youtu.be/E3URhJx0NSw at 18:00


Pangolins are possible coronavirus hosts, Chinese scientists say

> Pangolins are possible hosts of coronavirus, a study led by South China Agricultural University has found.

> Experts believe the outbreak originated at wild animal markets in Wuhan, China. After analyzing more than 1,000 samples, scientists found that the genome sequence of the virus in pangolins was 99% identical to that from infected people. That means pangolins are the most likely intermediate host of coronavirus, Liu Yahong, president of the university, said, according to state media.

> Pangolins, which look like scaly anteaters, are considered a delicacy in China and other countries, and pangolin scales are used in traditional medicine.

> Pangolins are protected by international law, but they are still one of Asia's most trafficked mammals. More than one million have been poached in the past decade, putting the species' survival at risk, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. In 2016, a ban was placed on the trade of pangolins, but sale of the animals appears to persist in parts of Asia and Africa.

Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pangolin-coronavirus-scale-anteater-possible-host-of-virus-chinese-scientists-say/

Archive: https://archive.ph/lelxH

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3b5b0b  No.67639


I've been in these threads since the first one, and I don't recall any references to the virus coming from these Pangolins.

Could I have just missed the mentioning of that in these threads?

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ca3e44  No.67640


>So coronavirus, or COVID-19, takes over the headlines right after Kobe passes away. If you translate COVID into Hebrew it becomes KOBE. Kobe was also buried in Corona del Mar cemetery.

This NPC retard took this straight from that shill RussianVids, a known disinfo agent


>It is q-nigger logic but at the same time it isn't. I'm honestly intrigued about that.

You were probably one of the retards who thought no kids died because Robbie Parker's mouth moved.

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20f468  No.67641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The first and only time I saw pangolins mentioned is in the North Korean coverage, timestamp 5:10

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cf732c  No.67642

File: 41353a9b5fb9b94⋯.mp4 (582.83 KB, 480x480, 1:1, waaa.mp4)



Too expensive anon.

Corona chan would need to grow into its final form (2ndary flu that sticks around from here until the end of time with 2%+ death rate). Then populism can take root and 'Chinese' becomes worse than 'Nigger'.

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18ab6c  No.67644




I remember some talk about this, actually, but I can't quite remember where. They were noted as a reservoir species for more than one virus but people just wouldn't stop hunting them. But I don't think anyone had actually been able to make a solid connection between them and this PARTICULAR virus.

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fad6bd  No.67646

File: 72e94d8ddaec255⋯.png (313.83 KB, 600x332, 150:83, ratinho_perdendo.png)


>Toe Jogan

I'm kek'ing way too hard at this.


When everyone was making bat soup memes, the CCP decided to pin the blame on pangolins.


>You were probably one of the retards who thought no kids died because Robbie Parker's mouth moved.

I don't even know what you're talking about, man. Why are you so determined on shutting this discussion down anyway? We already stopped talking about it, it's only you who's still fixated on that.

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df1213  No.67647


You idiots keep low-balling percents when the death rate's like 50%, older people are just getting it faster than the younger ones.

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457fae  No.67648


Very early on, when China was able to control the narrative very briefly and to an extent, pangolins at the Wuhan seafood market were thrown out as a possible source of the virus. As all of the world and we learned more about this virus and the surrounding circumstances and history, that was quickly thrown out of the window. It was then the following: bat soup, bat bites, bad hygienic practices at the market, bad safety standards at the nearby lab, backdoor selling of material by lab employees, a lab worker getting pissed on by an infected bat, and finally, mishandling of the virus or deliberate release, which in either case it's now all but certain to be of a man-made bio-weapon.

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df1213  No.67650


That's obviously going to be affected by the amount of oxygen tanks available (not enough for the entire fucking population) but that's just going to fucking disrupt society.

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18ab6c  No.67651


To be fair, we can't rule out the possibility that it did pass through a pangolin at some point. But it's extremely likely that before it was in that pangolin it was in some jackass' test tube being either researched, examined or made more dangerous. Or some combination of all three.

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8045f9  No.67652


>I think it made for a nice little side topic to discuss when the thread and the flow of news slowed down. I din't knew about the coronal del mar cemetery so I searched "kobe bryant funeral" and holy shit, it's true, he really was buried in a cemetery named corona. You can't make this shit up, man. https://archive.is/GG1Uh . I will go back to newsposting soon. It was fun finding this out, I now 1000% believe that (((they))) sacrificed the nigger, just way too many cohencidences.

God damn why is shit always so fucking weird?


Even in a worst case situation where shit doesn't collapse, and the economy and industry at least somewhat rebound to avert disaster, my hope is that it will still do a ton of damage to the idea of foreign manufacturing in critical industries and feed a "fuck China" mentality. Not to mention hopefully making some people realize the dangers of modern international travel tourism which is treated so ridiculously lightly these days.

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fad6bd  No.67653

File: bb3ff9464125d05⋯.png (266.02 KB, 585x559, 45:43, new_ntd_news_report_2.png)

File: 11e9ae2ae31dae4⋯.png (153.99 KB, 466x480, 233:240, florida.png)

File: 511a52524d7e88e⋯.png (153.94 KB, 475x498, 475:498, michigan.png)

File: dcf383a82958048⋯.png (142.48 KB, 484x528, 11:12, louisiana.png)

File: 088530ec905625c⋯.png (183.43 KB, 659x533, 659:533, tsa.png)

New NTD News China In Focus report, 14 minutes of video and apparently Winnie's still alive unless that's a double https://www.bitchute.com/video/S9Het0fluAs/ ; Michigan and Florida updates; Louisiana update and three TSA officers in San Jose got blessed.


>God damn why is shit always so fucking weird?

It seems reality is stranger than fiction.

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4106a5  No.67654


> Netherlands on lockdown

People are still saying 'hur just the flu, nothing bad'. Our prime minister is trying his usual best tactic to combat any problem: smile it away and appear sympathetic for cameras. Our ministry of health is occupied by two idiots, one in the pocket of big pharma the other in pocket of insurance companies. They're completely useless in making actual policy. It's going to be as bad as Northern Italy is right now in 2-3 weeks.


That empty suit of a prime minister's entire political career was smiling, shaking hands, appearing strict while actually just following whatever the EU said, a company said or his speech writer wrote. His competence is literally being a shill for the people around him. Which would be great, if the people around him were competent instead of having appointed ministers on public health that are shills for insurance companies with no qualifications to govern.


It aren't even the kikes in this country but just extreme incompetence from several people within ministries. Combine that with the public attitude of act normal, don't stand out being a national iconic phrase around here and yeah nobody really cares about this virus. Yesterday I read an article in volkskrant about a person diagnosed positive with corona telling everyone that the sometimes were mild and not to worry about. Apparently we'll need 10.000+ cases for the government to finally do something.

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3b5b0b  No.67658





The dude in the video, Michael Osterholm, is pretty convincing that this shit came from pangolins.



( Archive: https://archive.ph/hfcfX )


> Miscommunication

> Researchers at the South China Agricultural University in Guangzhou suggested pangolins as the animal source at a press conference on 7 February. Pangolins are highly sought-after in China for their meat and their scales; the latter are used in traditional medicine. Although sales of the animal are forbidden in China as part of a worldwide ban, they are still smuggled in from a handful of southeast Asian and African countries. The researchers said they had found a coronavirus in smuggled pangolins that was a 99% genetic match to the virus circulating in people.

> But the result did not actually refer to the entire genome. In fact, it related to a specific site known as the receptor-binding domain (RBD), say the study’s authors, who posted their analysis1 on the biomedical preprint server bioRxiv on 20 February. The press-conference report was the result of an “embarrassing miscommunication between the bioinformatics group and the lab group of the study”, explains Xiao Lihua, a parasitologist at the South China Agricultural University and a co-author of the paper. A whole-genome comparison found that the pangolin and human viruses share 90.3% of their DNA.

> The RBD is a crucial part of coronaviruses, which allows them to latch on to and enter a cell. Even a 99% similarity between the RBDs of the two viruses is not necessarily enough to link them, says Linfa Wang, a virologist at Duke–National University of Singapore Medical School who was part of the team that found the origin of the SARS virus.

> Not close enough

> Three similar comparison studies were posted on bioRxiv last week. One of those papers — by an international research group , posted on 18 February — found2 that coronaviruses in frozen cell samples from illegally trafficked pangolins shared between 85.5% and 92.4% of their DNA with the virus found in humans.

> Two other papers published on 20 February, from groups in China, also studied coronaviruses from smuggled pangolins. The viruses were 90.23%3 and 91.02%4 similar, respectively, to the virus that causes COVID-19.

> The genetic similarity should be higher than reported in these studies before the host can be identified, says Arinjay Banerjee, who studies coronaviruses at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. He notes that the SARS virus shared 99.8% of its genome with a civet coronavirus, which is why civets were considered the source. If pangolins are the origin of the current outbreak, says Banerjee, it is not the pangolins in these studies.

> Key differences

> So far, the closest match to the human coronavirus has been found in a bat in China’s Yunnan province. A study5 published on 3 February found that the bat coronavirus shared 96% of its genetic material with the virus that causes COVID-19. Bats could have passed the virus to humans, but there are key differences between the RBD sites in the two viruses. This suggests that this specific bat coronavirus did not directly infect people, but could have been transmitted it to people through an intermediate host, say researchers.

> The papers raise more questions than they answer, says Jiang Zhigang, an ecologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Zoology in Beijing. He asks, if pangolins are the source of the virus, and they came from another country, why haven’t there been reports of people being infected in that location?

> Sara Platto, who studies animal behaviour at Jianghan University in Wuhan, worries that all the speculation about pangolins being the source could drive people to kill them. Civets were killed en masse after the SARS outbreak. “The problem is not the animals, it’s that we get in contact with them,” says Platto.


so, yeah, bats or pangolins - not 100% sure yet.

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8045f9  No.67659


>San Jose is blessed

>Fucking TSA officers who literally physically manhandle people and handle personal belongings

San Jose is literally 1/3 Azns of all stripes, all co-mingled together. It's also the HQ of Apple, to boot. We can only hope that this combined with the Corona Cruise docking in Ookland kicks things off in the Gay Area.

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18ab6c  No.67661


Let's consider a situation where this isn't weaponized, but WAS some kind of catastrophic fuckup. It just FEELS like that lab was involved somehow. What if someone is studying how viruses mutate when they cross the species barrier and is doing research in pangolins. And they find this pangolin with a bat virus in it.

And the varmint gets loose, gets flushed, gets sold by a janitor or something. And winds up in someone's stew.

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fad6bd  No.67662

File: 7662979497cb117⋯.png (199.2 KB, 408x530, 204:265, panama_death.png)

File: ae64d6ed484d383⋯.png (230.75 KB, 732x560, 183:140, biogen_cooference.png)

File: cbd32841a13b50b⋯.png (80.08 KB, 727x559, 727:559, georgia.png)

File: b374984b2986977⋯.png (192.1 KB, 481x496, 481:496, insurance_companies.png)

File: 81dcd05a40cca6d⋯.png (193.75 KB, 482x576, 241:288, same_in_brownzil.png)

First death in Panama; Biogen cooference caused a cluster of 50 blessings in the Boston area and overseas; 5 new presumptive positive cases in Georgia https://archive.is/ZdoqK ; Pence convinces insurance companies to stop being jews for just a little moment and the same thing happens in Brownzil, as the government prepares to order health plans (private healthcare insurance) to cover for the costs of Corona-Chan tests. At the moment, private testing can cost up to R$1000. no archive link for this news because it's in poortuguese, I know you guys won't give a shit


>They're completely useless in making actual policy. It's going to be as bad as Northern Italy is right now in 2-3 weeks.

Reminds me of my country, kek.

>Combine that with the public attitude of act normal, don't stand out being a national iconic phrase around here and yeah nobody really cares about this virus.

I din't knew Toothpasteland had a NPC culture like this.


I don't believe him. I think he's a shill trying to do damage control since even senator Tom Cotton suggested Corona-Chan came from a lab. /Ourgirl/ is definitely bio-engineered, she might have pangolin coronavirus genes in her but she also has a bunch of other animal coronaviruses too check previous threads for this info


>We can only hope that this combined with the Corona Cruise docking in Ookland kicks things off in the Gay Area.

I have faith that it will happen.


I laffed.

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8045f9  No.67663

File: 37d44243d00b251⋯.jpg (102.39 KB, 970x776, 5:4, dawn_of_the_planet_of_the_….jpg)


Any number of things could have happened. They could have even been working on legitimate disease cures or something when shit went horribly wrong just do to cheapass chink equipment failing, some autistic chinese researcher fucking up some basic safety protocol, corrupt, double digit IQ janitor taking the dead animals experimented on to sell at the wet market, etc.


>I laffed.

Dude literally 1/4 of Oakland is pic related except more primitive because nigs couldn't even figure out how to train, domesticate or maintain horses. The kind of places cop cars can't even go into or they will get shot at immediately, basically equivalent to the "no go" zones in major European cities, but doesn't even get talked about or named.

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18ab6c  No.67666


China does have a LOT of reason to try to find vaccines for all sorts of nasty shit because they just cannot stop eating strange things.

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fad6bd  No.67667

File: 628018ea6f11091⋯.jpeg (84.63 KB, 956x500, 239:125, caveirao.jpeg)

File: b307db47ee9010c⋯.jpeg (59.02 KB, 700x394, 350:197, brazilian_ninjas.jpeg)

File: bbc0dd47fd4980e⋯.jpeg (96.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, armed_niggers.jpeg)

File: af29465a06ec43b⋯.jpeg (210.22 KB, 950x517, 950:517, PM_rio_invasao.jpeg)

File: ebf432a62f3012d⋯.jpeg (56.88 KB, 652x408, 163:102, PMRJ_invasao.jpeg)


>The kind of places cop cars can't even go into or they will get shot at immediately

Wew, reminds me of Rio.


>because they just cannot stop eating strange things.

Satan's right.

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ebf2cb  No.67670


I'm >30 mins in, it's on a huge tangent about deer health currently. I'm going to just make timestamps for when I post it to someone else. I wish he didn't slur so much but it's good he gets asked to repeat himself when he's being a motormouth.


I think burgers are fucked no matter what because people will have to choose between

>don't come into work - get fired, go hungry, lose home, be homeless during apocalypse

>come into work and lie - maybe get ill and have others be ill, but keep the roof over your head as you wait it out

plus every single institution and organization you can think of is deliberately underselling it almost to encourage maximum spreading

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000000  No.67672


>So that lower video is supposed to be Wuhan (like we would know if it wasn’t), eh? Looks like people are out and about.

Trust in the autists anon. If it shows a street, they can find it.


>They're TRYING to restart, but some of their equipment seems to be having issues.

Yeah, half the experienced operators are probably dead. Some interns got a promotion, and BOOM!

>congratulations, you are the new foundry forge operator

<I just swept the floors

>Or you can go up against the wall as a traitor to your glorious country

<Uh, ok, I can figure this out, for chairman Xi



>when the gibs run out, the nigs will riot. it will be LA riots times 100. and the national gaurd and shit wont be able to put it down if its happening in every city.

Coronachan and now DOTR. Stop anon, you are getting me excited.

Fug, got no rope, putting that on my list now.

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606267  No.67674


Anon gets it.

To which I would humbly add: anyone or any institution who invested in China or relying on Chinese in their supply chain deserves to lose money. Fuck the (((stock market))). It allied itself with the chinks.

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3f6cf6  No.67675

File: a980b29f8cc42c4⋯.png (850.69 KB, 1802x883, 1802:883, EOTWAYKI.png)



>For myself, I am rolling with the Italian stats. I think Italy is a first world nation[…]

Agreed. And by going with their statistics, expect Western Europe to fall pretty quickly. Italy already knows what's up, no wonder they've started deploying fucking tank units in their cities. They aren't trying to shoot the mythical lady in the red dress with the bats like metokur joked about, they are preparing for full on pandemonium. Whether that entails martial law or not, doesn't really matter. They know what's coming, and they've stopped fucking around. Greece has followed suit, without having even that high amount of infections, they are preparing accordingly.

The most wealthy Western European nations are lagging behind, and are heading for certain demise at this point. This might either be because they've planned this all along, or some form of extreme hubris. France's and Germany's steady growth without any extreme measures whatsoever; The Netherlands' and Norway's explosive numbers without any extreme measures whatsoever. I can only imagine what Sweden is doing about this, and I won't waste any energy into finding out, but I can make an educated guess. This is going tits up in a matter of a few weeks.

>One can only begin to imagine whats about to occur to our jigaboo friends in the dark continent. Expect any day now our (((friends))) in jewllywood to release the "save Africa" LP.

This is something I haven't even considered, but without numbers I don't see them doing this. If this is the EOTWAYKI why did I immediately know what that acronym stands for? that you speak of, and they didn't see it coming, you can bet your ass they will abandon their golem for some time and switch to saving their own behinds. Like what they're doing now, by quarantining any visiting party to Israel for two weeks. I expect their borders to be absolutely shut down in one month, probably sooner.

>but I know what Im about to say will come as no shock to my esteemed fellows here. what the fuck did all these so called "academics" think was going to happen? All these people, these leaders, these captains of industry, these "scientists" … the facts and the logic has stared them square in the eyes for the last 100 years at least.


Great post anon, please keep ranting.

t. debtanon

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502491  No.67677

File: 851241f32f7c44b⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1000x1618, 500:809, 851241f32f7c44b095e4714514….png)

Bellevue anon here. Local report from today:

>most restaurants still empty

>traffic, even at rush hour, feels down by at least 75%

>appreciable reduction in pedestrian traffic, and the few people out are actually practicing social distancing

Local grocery stores are looking ok, though. They're totally out of Purell and lysol wipes and stuff, but they had plenty of hand soap, toilet paper, canned goods, and other stuff. Most companies have employees working from home, and now we've got Inslee promising gibs for people not fortunate enough to work in tech.

The happening might go past my neck of the woods, anons; especially if Inslee drops a mandatory quarantine on us.

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606267  No.67681


>To be fair, we can't rule out the possibility that it did pass through a pangolin at some point

Strictly speaking, that's a correct statement.

But HOW could/did it "pass through a pangolin at some point"? In a lab run by chinks funded by kikes perverting Creation. May they all burn in hell.

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7ab7b5  No.67682


>Eugenics is not optional, population controls are not optional, for an intelligent species, these ideas are mandatory for our survival. I just hope that whoever rises from these ashes finally realizes that dead weight must be dumped overboard

Mentioned this last thread (I think) but fucking this.

Women should not be permitted to give birth to something they (or ideally they plus a man) cannot afford to personally provide for, this is especially true of genetic dead-ends the parents know are coming.

The legion of pointless positions and make-work non-jobs created by perpetuating the pseudo-lives of the useless is fucking appalling. 'Carers' should not exist outside of old folks homes, everyone working in tard 'schools' might as well go the fuck home, the hundreds of millions of wasted man hours in hospitals on pointless checks on the terminally malformed and multi billions in cash spewed out constantly to what end? Extending the lives of aberrant genetic fuck-ups just to quell the mawkish sentimental bullshit bonanza we'd get from retarded parents rather than doing the right thing and auto-necking their useless offspring in the womb.

It would force a lot of people to get real jobs, get them off government tit, make them aspire to something a little higher than wasting their time scraping the turds out of a sub-normal's ass crack then ferrying them to some food hut to begin the process anew. We'd be better off using tards as (near)human testing for new drugs and (((vaccines))), would probably speed up medical experimentation a fair bit.

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dfa90f  No.67685

File: 3fd78bd6f090116⋯.jpg (951.32 KB, 3648x1108, 912:277, IMG_20200311_061310.jpg)

Corona-chan has come for a visit in my town

<I love you Corona-chan and I hope you enjoy your stay

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606267  No.67686


Checked. Greetings from Bellingham, and stay healthy, anon. Trust your instincts at all times.

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fad6bd  No.67687


>Uh, ok, I can figure this out, for chairman Xi




A great reply to a great post. Good to see you again, debtanon.


Lucky dubs, Bellevue dude.

>The happening might go past my neck of the woods, anons; especially if Inslee drops a mandatory quarantine on us.

Sounds like fun times.


>But HOW could/did it "pass through a pangolin at some point"? In a lab run by chinks funded by kikes perverting Creation.

This. Definitely not naturally, anyone aware of the shit Corona-Chan does to people and still says she's natural is lying. Natural flus don't attack your lungs, heart, kidneys, balls, brain and immunological system at the same time. Only something cooked in a lab can be this brutal.


I'm jelly. Stay safe anon.

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5d3fdb  No.67688

Everyone knows this isn't a bioweapon. What some of you bought into that BS?. Bottom line the Chinese shouldn't be eating all the disgusting animals.

The American people spoke loud and clear. If you catch the virus you not only better have insurance and you better hope it isn't more profitable to deny you coverage. We've entered the era of total corporate rule.

Corporate profit isn't everything, it's the only thing.

Now they can bring back the TPP that has all the nice privatization schemes that robbed the former Soviet Union in to perma poverty.


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dfd612  No.67689


>These types need the rope.

nah, the incinerator.

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71ad24  No.67692


Wasted dubs

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502491  No.67693

File: 6791e259a3644cd⋯.jpg (579.43 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 6791e259a3644cd449aedc5bdd….jpg)


On it, anon. Bought a half-face respirator today North brand, Honeywell filters and I'm stocking up more each night this week to add to my supplies. Figure I have about 2.5-3mo worth on hand now; want to try for 3.5-4mo before I finish buying.


It's weird being at ground zero in the US for this shit. It hits here first, but the response is over-compensated. And if the rumors of /ourgirl/ going after Asians, Indians, South Americans, and Middle Easterners are true, the PACNW is going to thin out like crazy because the tech companies import those H1-Bs by the truckload. Fun times indeed.

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606267  No.67695


Good to hear from you again, debtanon. Stay strong and look to your ancestors for guidance. They live through you.

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000000  No.67696


>hospitals are 10 days from getting creamed

I almost read it as "cremated". That would make my day even better.

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18ab6c  No.67697


Yes, I think this is the case. Let's go with the idea that the CDC connected guy had, that this wasn't something the Chinese had the ability to really cook up themselves. We know that China's been trying to cut down on the number of wet markets, and this particular one was already in hot water with the local authorities.

Maybe somebody seized some wild life destined for that market, or some other one in town, and found a sick pangolin in a cage under some bats in a cage. If I was a researcher studying weird shit for the government, I'd probably want a lead in the local police for people finding animals sick with weird shit. They go about studying this new disease and find out all sorts of interesting things about how cramming different sick animals together in a small space happens.

Then somebody fucks up. Maybe they tried putting it back in a bat to see what happens and the bat pissed on someone. Maybe a janitor decided to sell some lab animals. Maybe they flushed a test tube down the drain and someone skimming gutter oil fishes up some extra tainted swill.

SOMEHOW it winds up in someone. Or some critter, spreads around a little. Maybe it winds up in that market. And then all hell breaks loose because that place is extremely unsanitary.


As it turns out, original SARS did all sorts of horrible things to the CNS and they just played down that part. (Remember what Zika did? Not only fuck BATS but fuck the TROPICS.)

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8045f9  No.67698


If you guys get locked down on quarantine in the next couple months you need to keep us informed from behind the wire anon.

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ed3b1d  No.67701


If I'm not mistaken, their p100 filters will last at least two weeks.

If you have access, print yourself some adapters for the major industrial brands (MSA, 3M, and Honeywell/North)

The screw adapter and sealing system on honewell masks make them superior.

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5d3fdb  No.67702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

All Aboard! The Trump train is back

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dfd612  No.67703

HEY, anyone here know biochem?

I had an idea on how we could cure coronachan and make a house-wife out of her.

Namely because i needed a virus to act as a vector to deliver gene-editing plasmids to the nervous system in living humans but i think a cytotoxin that can cross the blood-brain barrier and attach itself to the virus' connectors would render it ineffectual at infecting cells.

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5459c9  No.67705

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3f6cf6  No.67708

File: 5566ba19dd8ab89⋯.jpg (32.59 KB, 185x270, 37:54, 5566ba19dd8ab8968d02f5ea59….jpg)


>A great reply to a great post. Good to see you again, debtanon.

Thanks anon. I took some time off after my pathetic drunk posting of a few days past. Had some time to think and I'm back on my feet now.


>Good to hear from you again, debtanon. Stay strong and look to your ancestors for guidance. They live through you.

You're the Willem van Oranje poster, aren't you? Thanks mate, that post helped a lot.

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502491  No.67709


I'll be shitposting here as long as my internet and, failing that, cell service permit. The chans are a two-way street, anon - you give and you take.

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fad6bd  No.67711

File: e37c39c49f6f22c⋯.png (55.19 KB, 1226x351, 1226:351, alameda_firefighter.png)

Firefighter in Alameda County got infected https://archive.is/OMqLX


>As it turns out, original SARS did all sorts of horrible things to the CNS and they just played down that part.

Din't knew about this.

>(Remember what Zika did? Not only fuck BATS but fuck the TROPICS.)

Of course I remember Zika, I live here lmao. I would say Zika is different since it's not contagious, you have to get unlucky and bitten by a carrier mosquito to get it. Also, agree with you, fuck tropical regions.




>The chans are a two-way street, anon - you give and you take.

Words of real wisdom right there.

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82e39b  No.67713

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ebf2cb  No.67716


now up to 1 hour 15 minutes in, they have yet to return to actually coronavirus-centric discussion, so anyone interested in hearing it just stop at 13 minutes unless you want more general topics like the viability of antibiotics and the wet markets.

this guy says some things I'm immediately suspicious of, not in a "reeks of agenda" way but that he's maybe giving the world too much credit. Fuck human creativity. We know the kind of 'people' that rule over us, they can combine all the world's knowledge and use it for pure evil, monetary gain and power dynamics.

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82e39b  No.67717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This fake "pandemic exercise" occurred October 2019, specifically highlights coronavirus, video posted November 2019.

These demented fucks just love to tell us what they're going to do before they do it don't they?

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8045f9  No.67720


Come to think of it, things will be very interesting if it gets to the point where a lot of us are quarantined in different parts of the country/world. We can have some Comfy Coofening parties as shit breaks down and keep each other informed. That pretty much needs to be our pact and covenant for right now, just stay online and keep your fellow anons informed on shit that if/when it goes down where you live, especially these quarantine zones.

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82e39b  No.67721


> just stay online

Good luck with that.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention in the video above that at around 8:15 they mention shutting down the internet and controlling information.

That's probably one of the most important takeaways here.

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ed3b1d  No.67723


>he doesn't have a baofang

>he doesn't have an rtl-sdr module

>he doesn't know where all the radio operators are

>he can't whip up a relay controlled spark gap generator to automate morse code transmissions

>he doesn't know that the internet won't go down because that alone would cause mass civil unrest

muh cummies

muh jewtube

muh faceberg

I'm excited for the first international coof-in.

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b6a9fa  No.67724


The internet is the only thing left keeping the normalfags and niggers sedated and distracted.

No way in hell will they turn that shit off unless they are purposefully trying to cause them to riot and burn shit down.

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82e39b  No.67725



Imagine being dumb enough to think literal shut down of the internet.

Think more along the lines of blocking internet traffic, allowing access to only a handful of "authoritative" sources. While people like us will certainly find ways around it, the vast majority of people (aka normies) will not.

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1c71b3  No.67726

My mother is going to a hospital today where i patient was confrimed to have the coronavirus. Am i fucked?

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1c71b3  No.67727


A paitent*

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01ad2a  No.67728




Better start picking a coffin and gravesite. Not like the coffin will have anything inside :^)

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c3e9e5  No.67729


Italy’s isps just made the internet free for everyone during their quarantine. Turning off the internet or going China with it will exacerbate the situation, not control it.

If anything, (((they))) would just deploy not farms, mass shilling via sock puppets and 50 cent armies,

and stifle any actual discussion with bullshit.

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68b74b  No.67730


I asked for you brother.


>Not just using Tor or a VPN

They're not going to shut down the whole web.


Ensure she has a will in place and start mentally planning for funeral arrangements if need be.

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dfd612  No.67731


Best possible use of bead and circus honestly.

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82e39b  No.67732



>Imagine being dumb enough to think literal shut down of the internet.

>Think more along the lines of blocking internet traffic, allowing access to only a handful of "authoritative" sources. While people like us will certainly find ways around it, the vast majority of people (aka normies) will not.

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8045f9  No.67733


Thank you for reminding me I need to up my game in comms. But yeah, something like this is more likely than total internet blackout:


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dfd612  No.67736



anyone have any info on what corona chan's connectors?

if we can find a proper pairing of protein chains we can make a cure for corona chan using a cytotoxin that can cross the blood-brain barrier.

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fad6bd  No.67737


>being a curefag

You better say right now that the cure is only intended for whites.

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dfd612  No.67740



its for those who will keep to protocol as it won't work forever and containment will always be a mandated requirement to keep this shit at bay.

so basically

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fad6bd  No.67741

File: c39b40654aaa8f7⋯.png (132.99 KB, 678x511, 678:511, merke.png)

File: 7ad7efe498cc74c⋯.png (22.83 KB, 466x164, 233:82, returning_to_work.png)

File: d77835d829100b8⋯.png (153.8 KB, 475x492, 475:492, death_in_indonesia.png)

Merkel expects 60 to 70% of Germans to be infected https://archive.vn/v5tqU ; First death in Indonesia and chinks starting to resume operations in Hubei.


Good. And don't be like the Japanese and announce your cure, keep that shit under lock and key. Don't even openly discuss the details of it here or the glowies will steal it and use it to save nigger and spic lives. I'm a man of faith and my belief is that once Corona-Chan accomplishes her mission, she will disappear out of existence. But I support your scientific initiative as long as your research doesn't fall into enemy hands. I wish you the best of luck in your project.

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92560a  No.67742


It depends on how desperate the situation gets. They may go so far as to crowd source information from the public. Last week, if i recall correctly, italy had less than 10 deaths, all old people. Today i checked and it is 631. This is disruptive, and an intricate system with no redundancies like our society struggles with disruption.

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f4aff7  No.67745

File: 99818ac7186e938⋯.jpg (167.03 KB, 745x507, 745:507, Screenshot_20200311_021059….jpg)

Nadine Dorries ain't got no worries.


ching chong ding dong

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26556f  No.67746


>They're not going to shut down the whole web.

That all depends how bad things get, one thing is the internet relies on backbone maintenance by humans, without human maintenance the internet will die by a thousand little cuts. The other threat is what if things get out of control like armed insurgency or civil war in America? You think the US government won't cut off our means to communicate with one another? Ha! Think again. They already have their own separate communications if the internet goes down. We have HAM radio at best if our communications get dropped. As a doomsday prepper I can assure you there are others preparing for the day there is no internet or electric grid and we have to go back to rationed energy supplies and self-sufficiency.

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fad6bd  No.67747

In my rush to reply to cureanon, I forgot to reply to you guys.




Their plans are explained right here in this pdf >>67136 . I believe what they are going to do is to use mass shilling and shadowban bad goys from twatter and goybook. In Jewtube, bad goy channels will just be shut down without any reason and without any attempt at hiding it, just like jewtube always does, they will just shoah you straight away. Not sure if they would attempt to shut down imageboards though. I don't think they would, but they might use denial of service attacks, spam bots or armies of human shills to disrupt discussions in IBs. They could use contact the owners of the servers hosting the IBs and persuade them into shutting it down.


>As a doomsday prepper I can assure you there are others preparing for the day there is no internet or electric grid and we have to go back to rationed energy supplies and self-sufficiency.


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f4aff7  No.67748

File: d2b64889d4ac0bb⋯.jpg (35.21 KB, 800x600, 4:3, pepenot.jpg)




It's kind of against the rules, but the best thing you can do about extreme possible outcomes is to ahem. Do this.

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fad6bd  No.67749

File: ee532de9fb3bef1⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, winnies_body_double_goes_t….mp4)


*They could also contact. Not 'use'. Have a clip of Winnie's body double visiting the Houshenshan Hospital while triumphant music plays in the background to make up for this colossal faggotry.

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f4aff7  No.67750


Wuhan isn't even the source of the infection :)

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4cda39  No.67753



Right here with you in OR brother. I'm 5 miles from the first case. Waiting for Multnomah County to go boom, which should be in about 18-24 days. Shit is getting real, fast. OR is still in the "it's only the flu bro" and "do you know how many people died from the flu last year?"

These folks have a death wish.





Cluster, Cluster


Fucking idiots can't distinguish or want to understand Log vs Lin scaling. The ignorance is overwhelming and is everywhere. Looking forward to these same azzholes getting blessed.

Me, I'm tightening my already tight routine. Work for as long as they'll let us congregate, which will be only for a few more days. Continue on my 10 years of 5 days per week "training" my mind and body at home. Secured renting equipment from my gym's owner so I can continue to train at home and he's got some income. I'm a home body so this isn't going to be a thing for me. Plenty of hobbies to keep me busy. And the hygiene part is easy cause I'm a Felix Unger.

Spent Feb topping off the prep. Protein, Fat, Carbs. Essential, whole foods that are nutrient dense. Some of you may want to understand the BMI, how it came about, and how many Cals per day on a war footing does the general populace need to sustain the Total War effort. Understanding this will help you in your prep item selection.

Time to sit back. Watch. Listen. Learn how to survive this. Destiny is making a call to all of us. Are you going to answer the call?

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63dca2  No.67755

I'm scared. I don't want to die just yet. We're going to survive, right?

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8e50c9  No.67757

File: 359aa2387bdd30f⋯.mp4 (417.78 KB, 360x528, 15:22, XuczD4NpVOdjYMk2.mp4)



>roach case

They allegedly had 12 weeks ago but nothing ever came of it… As >>67418 said, revealed it today more likely.


>Brownzil reactionary approach.

Same shit in jew zealand and in most other countries. Absolutely pathetic handling.

Hitler must return.

He would've closed the borders and aggressively isolated all cases and avenues.


Dubs demand you record the habbenings.


>everyone knows it's not a bioweapon

Yeah because corona-chan fucked with HIV strains from multiple parts of the world and all sorts of other viruses are perfectly spliced in,e nding with 33 a's on the end of the source code, naturally inside an endangered pangolin, in China. Right faggot. That's really plausible.


Some interesting advancements on controlling/reducing ability of corona-chan to infect via super computer analysis (they got #1 working on it at the moment)


And drug R&D



>winnie body double

IIRC video related is the last public appearance before the alleged lung transplant

>winnie lost lot of weight

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f4aff7  No.67759


Fuck off china

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f4aff7  No.67761


In a die-off, food isn't a major concern, while it's good to have a few months, in case there are some issues with delivery. Fewer people alive = fewer people eating = cheaper, more abundant food.

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4cda39  No.67763


No, you're definitely going to die. You should KYS to head it off.

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760a51  No.67764


Dying should be the least of your concerns for now.

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aa6ba9  No.67766


But the food relies on mass distribution, which requires lots of human labor… that's the catch 22 here.

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4cda39  No.67768


Food in a die off isn't a major concern? Tell me exactly how that food gets to you? Cause unless you are growing your own food, it's a problem.

Another supply chain newbie who thinks shit automajically appears on demand cause that's the way it's been for 30 years.

You're an idiot. You'll be blessed for sure.

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f4aff7  No.67769


Food distribution requires very little labor, for survival type food. It's the fancy shit we're comfortable with that takes a huge amount of energy.

>little brown pears, packed individually, each with an adorable polystyrene net around it, and a tag with high-end glossy graphics touting the benefits of eating said pear

>meat already cut up, instead of you cutting it up yourself (you don't have to refrigerate living livestock animals)

>bread made by massive plants because women cba to learn to use a mixer, a timer, and a simple set of instructions

>milk of someone else's cow, which has to be massively processed to avoid herd diseases, because who can get up early and milk a cow?

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30c2a9  No.67770

File: 79c6332af8075a5⋯.jpg (106.18 KB, 960x634, 480:317, 1111119172e1e52791.jpg)

Everyone should remember the main causes of death during economic crisis while properly preparing: 1) lack of proper sanitation leading to sickness/disease. 2) dehydration from lack of clean water. 3) civil unrest/crime/violence. 4) lack of fresh food to eat and/or malnutrition.

These are the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

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f4aff7  No.67771


In a worst case scenario, let's say oil vanished overnight, it gets to you by walking, with feet, easily enough. I don't know why you don't know about walking, like feet don't exist or like we live on Mars or something.

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909551  No.67773


For many people, at least in the vast lands of America here, that is not possible to do getting one place to another. I have to drive 50 miles to the nearest Costco or Sams for monthly stockup because I live in a small town. Luckily I am very well prepared for the day I can't drive because I'll be barricaded at home with plenty of supplies.

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4cda39  No.67774


Listen up Bugman. When this shit calms down we are going to fuck China so hard our dicks will be coming out of your mouths. You think we're just gonna sit back? Fuck you.

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dfd612  No.67775


>Some interesting advancements on controlling/reducing ability of corona-chan to infect via super computer analysis (they got #1 working on it at the moment)

aye, that's what i'm talking about.

If a complementary protein chain can be found for their connectors they won't be able to infect new cells to reproduce, giving the virus a week-long dying-out period where we'll have to manage the patient's symptoms to recovery then triple confirm them being clear of the virus.

Then, we'll have to do it again when the virus adapts by changing it's connector's protein structure.

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309faa  No.67776


If you are living self-sufficiently and have your own supplies to have big gardens full of vegetables and crops, and raise livestock you will do OK. Most people don't have that luxury today and rely on mass distribution, without it they would starve.

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f4aff7  No.67777


fuck off, china nigger


Wrong person?

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f4aff7  No.67778


Crops are farmed by machines, not by hand.

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b8d343  No.67781


>He would've closed the borders and aggressively isolated all cases and avenues.

Also implemented social credit, a banking system where the citizens benefit from money creation, which would lead to infrastructure spending and bring production back home.

NZ actually voted 34% to elect a social credit platform party in the 80's, also our central north island hydro projects (turangi) were funded this way. Bruce Beetham did nothing wrong.

>33 a's on the end of the source code

This is actually a huge indicator, but most commonly done in vaccines. Aids vaccine for rapefrica gone wrong?


fresh meat and veg is an issue with me right now as it is easily contaminated and hard to decontaminate. Spreading during prep more than cooked obv. one coofer walking past the apples and carrots can fuck you.


>Tell me exactly how that food gets to you?

In plastic packaging, which 95% comes from china.


>oil vanished overnight

No more plastic and a million other things, including fertiliser and all medicines.

Oil allows every individual on average the same utility as having 32 slaves you don't need to feed. You ready to work 256hrs/day?

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e64b98  No.67782


I'm serious. I have to drive 50 fucking miles to and from Costco and Sams every month to stock up on more food, that's how I eat. Or, should I be eating mass-processed junk food garbage from the local Casey's?


Like I said, you need the supplies to do that and that includes equipment. Unless you have that shit and are totally self-sufficient than you rely on mass distribution to eat.

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f4aff7  No.67783


There are different time-frames here and scenarios, but I can assure you there are plenty of unsold tractors in the US just waiting to be put to good use overproducing wheat, corn, soybeans. Even in a no oil situation, with very few people, you could just run on biofuels. Biofuels are a no-go in the current situation with massive populations.

kill-offs = massive slack in the system. The biggest problem is overproduction.

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f4aff7  No.67784



I want to be clear. COVID-19 might not be all that happens this year. What if there's a blight? That would change the scenario. Or a mega volcano causing a mini ice age etc.

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d2115a  No.67786


I'm sure things will work out, it will take some time to recover though, and a lot of hard labor. I would consider being prepared for the civil unrest that will ensue though and as Americans we can't afford allowing this government to take our guns no matter what crisis we are in. I think as long as the government doesn't go full blown retard against us we could survive this and recover within a few years.

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dddde2  No.67787

I'm from Australia and I'm already starting to see people fighting in the streets. Its getting really bad out there.

Most of the grocery stores in my area are out of Toilet paper, they're also starting to run low on food and drink. I'm glad I stockpiled but god damn this is getting out of control.

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8e50c9  No.67788


Yeah at this point it sounds positive for an eventual way to slow or stop it, but not until she has purged many of the undesirables and drains on society.

Surely there is a way to make such a protein structure method obsolete or would it interfere with body function? t.notmedfag



Agreed that would be great.

You know that it's illegal to criticise the tax system if you are a politician or public servant? Hilarious laws for kikes. In short without a major upheaval and decentralised governance with term limits and no free retirement shekels (why most do it today) nothing would ever change. Or Adolf Hitler. Not many other ways about it.

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41d5a2  No.67789


Exactly. Which is why we must prepare for the worst case scenarios: >>67770

This virus will likely not kill as many people as the economic consequences caused from it (supply chain disruptions, oil market crashes, etc.)

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f4aff7  No.67792

<we wouldn't have spoons if it weren't for oil!!!!11

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452dc3  No.67793


One of my online buddies is at a hospital over there right now having surgery done, and he's an old timer, shit…. Hope he makes it out ok.

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96e8b1  No.67794


> if you dial 911 and theres no answer … its all over. bug out.

Wouldn't it already be too late to bug out in that situation?

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b27f9c  No.67795



I think that a distinction has to be made here between "something to keep you alive" and our traditional CONSOOMing; even if it comes to eating out of big containers of barley and dried corn the US isn't about to starve.


>>bread made by massive plants because women cba to learn to use a mixer, a timer, and a simple set of instructions

Making "bread", without further qualification, is easy. Making bread worth eating is a bit more difficult and good bread takes practice, acquired skills and a capable oven. Even a small and generally unremarkable commercial bakery produces bread (not to mention other baked goods) of higher quality than the average home baker more quickly and in much, much greater quantities.


Smaller catastrophes could certainly make the Kung Flu worse but another Year Without a Summer would turn NCoV into an actual nothingburger in comparison.

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b62051  No.67796


LOL. If you have to rely on cops to save you then why the hell prep at all?

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883e4b  No.67797

File: f78692d2cd9ef86⋯.jpg (77.12 KB, 630x354, 105:59, F_hrer.jpg)


White people are going to survive. I might not, but at least I have 18 white grandchildren who could. Nobody leaves here alive, so why should any boomer fear death? I doubt I'll be able to book a flight to Tel Aviv by the time I'm blessed, so my focus would obviously be local sub-humans. I expect I'll be able to remove ten or more kikes with ordinary methods, not even attempting any high score. This blessing is a calling for those who are not afraid. If I'm likely to be deaded, or as good as anyway, I'm going to continue to do what is necessary to secure the existence of our people.

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ca18ee  No.67798


Yipper, I'm in a similar boat too. Not getting any younger and been prepping since the Y2K scare. If I don't make it out alive at least I will go out with a fight and with dignity.

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629668  No.67803

File: 2c06922160422eb⋯.jpg (248.12 KB, 900x600, 3:2, fash66.jpg)

>>67688 (chkd and heil'd)

>Everyone knows this isnt a bioweapon.

record scratch. stop right there. To whom is this nebulous "everyone" you refer? Certainly not our esteemed colleagues on this board. I certainly dont speak for everyone, in fact I speak only for myself, however I would say we have yet to reach a consensus on this question. I believe Coronachan to be a bioweapon. I believe in fact that this particular bioweapons precursors where stolen from a bioweapon facility in Winnipeg by jews and sold to the Chinese for profit. The chinese of course began to play around with thier new toy and "somehow" it got out. The mechanism of its release I am not at all resolved upon, and this as such remains a topic open to discussion (as are all topics here). I believe this because we had intial unfiltered reports of these events. These unfiltered reports stood the test of time (ie thier was some consternation about this as long as two years ago). Your theory on the other hand hasnt been proposed until after it became apparent they had a serious, potentially life on this planet altering, breakout had occured.

Now first off, is there a single anon on this board who believes that once a bioweapon did break loose, and a "life as we know it on this planet" wide pandemic had set in, that our ever so honourable news (((media))) wouldn't seek to cover the tracks of thier fellow travellers. The majority of people drawn to this board arrived here because they had seen the writing on the wall, they were refugees from an earlier site, a half site, a cuck site, where we tried in vain to raise this awareness. (but the chosen gained control of that site, and we were banned, by purple haired shit on your doorstep raging dykes and trannies that have assumed the positions of "mods") We understood that the danger presented by this tribe went far beyond that even harkened too by our esteemed founder of this movement, a slightly autistic painter from Austria. Even he in his seemingly inifinite wisdom could not conceive the depths to which this most vile of tribes would plumb. (But in hindsight, who could? They seem to know no boundary of decency). We understood even then that the threat represented was a grave and existential threat, not to be trifled with. That it was much more then just lies about the nature of the second world war and the events therein. That their treachery had stretched back into antiquity. That they had always been there to open the gates, to relay our battle plans or to throw a plague corpse in the well. And what is a modern day bioweapon if not "throwing a plague corpse into the well." Only this time they have thrown the corpse into the well of all humanity! If the devil himself had conjured mischevious gremlins to be a thorn in our side, he could not have conjured worse!

So I say to you. We know who is behind this. The same evil that is behind all evil. And that the timing of thier attempt to cover thier tracks in fact imparts INFORMATION OF GREAT IMPORT. I cannot stress this enough.

>The timing of thier attempt to cover thier tracks imparts a piece of information of great import.

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629668  No.67805

File: 8978494414f2b65⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, menagainstime.png)


They did not expect this to happen! Had they, they would have begun covering thier tracks two years ago, when they originally stole the weapon. But they didnt. They didnt begin to cover thier tracks until they realized they had just thrown a plague corpse into the well of all humankind.

This information tells us that our beloved lady of natural law, the instrument of the All Fathers reckoning, was in fact released in error. That this is a glitch in thier matrix. This is an unplanned event. They will attempt of course to turn this event to one that suits thier purpose (and we must, as always, be on our gaurd). But we can also use this to our advantage.

We who were banished from their realms of light and have stumbled into this darkness. We have discovered great things, things that cannot be seen, because they are hidin from the children who see only in the light. But we, who had felt our way around, have learned by our other senses, we can smell, we can hear, we CAN FEEL IT. We sense thier presence in all things unnatural. We move as easily through the light of day in our daily routines, as we do through the dead of night, we do not fear the darkness, we have walked in its twilight, we have become molded by it (kek). Indeed, there are those amongst us (and I still have much to learn) that move not just like a cat in this darkness, but are able to become the darkness itself!

I realize it is unlikely they will listen but we must expose this flaw in their plans to the children of the light. We must strive to show the gremlins behind this "accidental release". For this is a threshold moment. This time they have not just attacked the European man, they have unwittingly attacked the entire planet! They must not be allowed to escape justice for this crime. If Corona chan should cause the end times, one thing must be on every mans mind … WHO caused this. So that they are hunted by all men. So thier pets will know thier names, and despise them. So that they go into the history books as the harbringers of a great sorrow, and by thier own foolish hand, that betrayed them, and for what, as always, for a few shekels.

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883e4b  No.67810


Prepping is for our children who still think it's a joke. My wife only got her reality check with supply chain shortages, and the fact that toilet paper is more valuable than she thought. I'm well ahead of the curve, but unfortunately at present, a wage cuck like other anons.

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dddde2  No.67812


you have my sympathies. I hope Corona leaves you and your friends alone anon.

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bf1b8f  No.67813


My daughter is grown up and has a family now, she lives away from me and my wife died many years ago so I don't prep for family (I welcome to help them if they desire help but they are not into it and have rejected my offers and generosity). So I figure I'll fight this battle alone and whatever happens, happens.

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6b69f8  No.67817


The Israelis knew that everyone who hates them (most of the middle east) would flock to Israel if blessed, so they were one of the first to quarantine all visitors for 14 days.

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f4aff7  No.67818


It's too late. They're infected.

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d14d3e  No.67822


>It's too late. They're infected.

That depends on their containment plans.

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69b082  No.67823


Still, dadanon, have some prep for your daughters family, just in case, it'll give you something to do and if need be it'll be there for her. Wish more dads were like you.

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629668  No.67824

File: d7fa0704edb6d42⋯.jpg (133.65 KB, 1024x732, 256:183, birthright2.jpg)


Well if you have nowhere to go, and no plan to get there, its always too late. My point is, once EMS services can no longer respond, this is a sign that we are about to lose power. And it wont be long after that before the chimps come out to play.

Now the time to bug out was long ago. But even so, everyone should have a plan in the event thier postion becomes overun, even if it is just a retreat further to the outskirts of the city, where you can regroup, perhaps re-supply, perhaps meet others fleeing the chimp zones and find fellowship for your journey. Be wary of strangers, but not all men will be bad, and as we all know, the bundle of sticks is stronger then the single stick.

If I did have to formulate such a plan, my primary considerations would be.

(1) How far could I travel in a single night, on foot, avoiding detection? (bicylcle?)

(2) What route is safest, least detectable, that delivers me further from the epicenter?

(3) How will I determine friend from foe? Obviously the muds with thier reflexive animosity are not to be trusted, but I would add others to the list. Those who cling to the ideology of equality, are as dangerous to themselves as they are to you. Fools, the woefully unprepared and those who have not the physical attributes to redeem themselves should violence become a neccessity. You may see a man who is armed as a danger, but I see a white man who has armed himself as a man who understands what is neccessary. yes he is dangerous, and thats good!, for we all need to become dangerous. A dangerous man, who does not seek confrontation, a man who even may not wish to be your friend, who thinks he may be better off alone, could be your best friend.

I would counsel you to avoid major throughfares, and avoid bridges at all costs. Bridges are always used as checkpoints for highway robbery. If you must cross a river, do so at night, by muscle powered craft (canoe, small boat, even an inflatable dinghy).

The truth is, if you are in a major city, you need to plan an exit strategy, and you need a event that triggers that exit. It would be unwise to wait for your postion to be overun. So I would say to everyone in a big city, when your local EMS stops responding, its time to get out. If EMS isnt responding, there is nothing stopping you from jacking a vehicle and getting the fuck out. And inb4 (thats illegal) … actaully no its not. Many judges have ruled that an honest fear for your life constitutes a defence for taking (reasonable) action to save your life. If the city is burning, and EMS has stopped responding, taking a vehicle that doesnt belong to you and fleeing is not unreasonable.

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883e4b  No.67825


Yeah, I hear you. I think that those of our age are better served the cause through dignity.

>>67817 I don't like saying this anon, yet it's better to be blindsided, the contagion came from Ft. Dietrich, US… waiting for connection, and I'm not exactly capable right now of commentary. I'm not even including spelling check.

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655872  No.67826


I 100% believe that it is a case of mind over matter. You have more control over your body, through your mind, than you'd think.

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655872  No.67828


> three TSA officers in San Jose got blessed.

Imagine the TSA guy in charge when he sees a line outside his office of lying TSA niggers all claiming to have been in contact with the infected agents to get free time gibs.

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dfd612  No.67829


dog you don't get this, the virus will always be there in the background hiding as a common flu until it wipes out an entire community in a night then people realize what it is they're dealing with.

Eve if we make a cure for this strain further strains will continue to develop as long as there is a recurring chain of hosts.

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69b082  No.67832


This is the new 'virus that kills old people'

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629668  No.67833

File: 8930be6673fae34⋯.jpeg (8.57 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 02342900eb2413f60f934cf7c….jpeg)


Imagine how many they have blessed. They must have seen thousands of travellers, travellers bound for all destinations! But even better, all the people who get it, who went through those gates will blame those "workers". And we all know TSA is filled with diversity. Imagine if you will for a moment, Laquisha Detray, 400lb sheboon searching through Avi Shekelsnipper's belongings, digging her diseased talons into his motzah balls, "what is this Mr shekelsnipper, you cant bring fish into san hosey." "Oy vey, my giflette fish is being shoa'd." Now poor avi is sick, hes coofing on his nappy haired sons, his fat jewess wife is crying over her challah bread. "Its ruined Avi, Im coofing too, we are going to hell."

those three TSA goons probably blessed thousands. thousands. all travelling through San hosey, a virtual poz world of soy, trannies and faggots. kek.

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69b082  No.67836

File: 4b8480f84355ed9⋯.jpg (46.35 KB, 540x368, 135:92, 69769075_d72b_4747_881d_26….jpg)

File: 6a72ddf33a19d5e⋯.jpg (831.17 KB, 3500x2334, 1750:1167, PGTKGBS7ZAI6TP5NG2T6WNWLMA.jpg)

Was thinking last night about the Italian doctor threads on twitter >>67511 and >>67542

with all the illegal spics and everyone else who came into our country…when this virus drops and everyone is dying can you imagine trying to get your mom or dad or family member into an ICU ward to live, but there's not enough room because Juan and Jamal are using the beds?

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69b082  No.67837


Damn glad to hear you're feeling better, notsosickanymoreanon.

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655872  No.67838


We can only hope! But I think TSA always had standard practice to wear those blue latex gloves? Every time I go to the US, these dumb niggers are wearing gloves when I give them my passport. I also scoff below my breath because we both know they have no fucking clue what they are looking at.

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ff05c1  No.67839


>If EMS isnt responding, there is nothing stopping you from jacking a vehicle and getting the fuck out. And inb4 (thats illegal) … actaully no its not. Many judges have ruled that an honest fear for your life constitutes a defence for taking (reasonable) action to save your life. If the city is burning, and EMS has stopped responding, taking a vehicle that doesnt belong to you and fleeing is not unreasonable.

Yes, and in a SHTF scenario you would be the least of their worries anyway. The police and emergency response teams will have too much other dire situations to deal with. Just don't forget the switch the license plates now and then and eventually ditch the vehicle when you are out of the city [remember all new vehicles have GPS so they can track you now days too].

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883e4b  No.67840


I'll respect how difficult it is to get acknowlegment masinic dubs. More can't posted at this time for the usual reasons.

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655872  No.67842


Which reminds me, NOW is the time to prepare for the world on the other end of this pandemic. Don't fall back in the claws of the surviving jews. Start drawing up plans now on how to push globalism out of your communities and countries, and the jew bringing it. Else it will be just the same shit guaranteed, just with less and younger slaves and masters.

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629668  No.67843

File: 67f4ed2b755ca14⋯.jpg (131.72 KB, 720x764, 180:191, welfarefirst.jpg)


can you imagine the chimpining when juan cant get his beloved goblina a ventilator? can you even imagine jamal going into a hospital and not trying to steal stuff?

Oh its going to get interesting friend. very interesting. So far we have yet to see how the divershitty will handle things when Corona chan blesses them. What voodoo will jamal attempt to cure it? Raping doggos? beheading chickens? eating bats? and juan, will he finally drink himself into oblivion, or will die in a fiery crash while eluding police in a stolen ambulance?

One thing is certain, divershitty will blame whites, and whatever else happens, its all an excuse to attack us. that we can rely on. will tyrone return the stolen copper tubes needed to run the ventilator, or will he sell it for crack? Will Juan take another hit off the glass dick, or will his home brew get him through the night. So many fascinating questions.

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1f032f  No.67844

File: 4f9bed99f592a3a⋯.jpg (39 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ef.jpg)

File: 5b83dd80f898b78⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 1000x712, 125:89, Thank_you_fren_i_appreciat….jpg)


Thank ye fren

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6b2662  No.67845

File: 5e8a74a69f7a7b3⋯.jpg (19.09 KB, 300x300, 1:1, beethoven_600x600jpg.jpg)


>TSA always had standard practice to wear those blue latex gloves?

It's just part of their security theater. Think about when you've traveled. Do you ever see boxes of gloves by the TSA agents? Do you ever see them change those gloves? You don't. They pretty much wear the same gloves their entire shift and they touch their sweaty faces with them. The gloves are just there to make you feel better when they cup your balls. The same can be said for really any country with airport security. When I've traveled through Europe they don't change their gloves either. In asia half the countries don't even wear gloves. When they do, it's the same shit.

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b51bfd  No.67847


>The gloves are just there to make you feel better when they cup your balls.

As someone who travels a lot, I dont mind when they touch my balls tbh. When traveling in Asia its usually a cute girl too.

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8e50c9  No.67849


We understood that the danger presented by this tribe went far beyond that even harkened too by our esteemed founder of this movement, a slightly autistic painter from Austria.

I read your post in my mind in a Hitler voice. Beautiful.


>When traveling in Asia its usually a cute girl too.

What asian countries do they do this? I've been to more countries than digits and never ran into it.

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9acaca  No.67851



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0a5956  No.67852

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b51bfd  No.67853


>What asian countries do they do this?

Japan, korea, china, thailand, philippines, vietnam, hongkong, singapore, taiwan.

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000000  No.67856


>they don't change their gloves

perfect cultists

bless 'em all, CORONA-CHAN

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69b082  No.67857

File: bfcf371c4893fbe⋯.gif (6.51 MB, 426x284, 3:2, cleaning_computerandhouser….gif)

File: ec41c10805cdbd8⋯.gif (4.95 MB, 480x270, 16:9, futureshopping.gif)



A cause of many ailments. Which reminds me to order some petolite. As for NOT catching the virus do not feel embarrassed about wearing protective gear. Maintain a distance between you and other people. When you get into your car or before you enter your home spray Lysol on your shoes, immediatly remove your work cloths to put them in the wash, hot shower.

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59fc65  No.67858

File: 4ae784006959eca⋯.jpg (224.2 KB, 614x614, 1:1, coof_patrol.jpg)

Hi lads, PastaAnon here. Time has come: the infected in the province where I use to live doubled overnight from 12 to 24 and the buzz is a couple are people from my hometown. Hometown demography is fascinating: 800 people total, 400+ over 70.

Talmudvision news are about the rainfall of money ZOG will pour on us to overcome /ourgirl/ (25 billion €, pretty uncommon huge gibs) and a total lockdown of any job, apart from utilities and food related starting from friday.

People still keeping their composure apart from a few spot chimpouts, not necessarily related to the current situation. Jail riots were totally normalized yesterday and the final score is 12 deaths, half due to overdose and half due to "reasons".

NPCs becoming very passive-aggressive: they absolutely do not want their space violated and are either really scared or really angry.

Italy had 5000 ICU beds at the start of the outbreak: ZOG just bought 10000 more with deliveries ending in late july.

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fdb49b  No.67859

File: 0841d77ed18b7f1⋯.png (159.66 KB, 486x521, 486:521, spain.png)

File: 23df6369172a198⋯.png (161.64 KB, 489x540, 163:180, waffles.png)

File: e82295f9a74bd15⋯.png (159.54 KB, 471x511, 471:511, iranian_lies.png)

File: 670808c062bf972⋯.png (152.97 KB, 484x486, 242:243, honduras.png)

File: 5eb7d92c4291a3d⋯.png (168.31 KB, 1261x549, 1261:549, 78_new_confirmed_cases_in_….png)

fad6bd here. connection shat itself yet again so I got new ID

First confirmed case in Honduras; Iranian lies and Spanish, Belgian and Danish updates https://archive.is/hlpFx



Why are your posts so fucking good!


>The truth is, if you are in a major city, you need to plan an exit strategy, and you need a event that triggers that exit. It would be unwise to wait for your postion to be overun. So I would say to everyone in a big city, when your local EMS stops responding, its time to get out.

A wise idea.

>>67833 (checked)

>and we all know TSA is filled with diversity. Imagine if you will for a moment, Laquisha Detray, 400lb sheboon searching through Avi Shekelsnipper's belongings, digging her diseased talons into his motzah balls, "what is this Mr shekelsnipper, you cant bring fish into san hosey." "Oy vey, my giflette fish is being shoa'd." Now poor avi is sick, hes coofing on his nappy haired sons, his fat jewess wife is crying over her challah bread. "Its ruined Avi, Im coofing too, we are going to hell."


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69b082  No.67861


PastaAnon! SURVIVE! Anyone in your home going out and about? Anyone you know who is in hospital? MORE DETAILS!

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874c3b  No.67862

Need a bit of advice: I don't have the europoor equivalent of Lysol (I have some alcohol based disinfectant spray/solutions but using for something else) but I am using a homemade bleach solution (200ish ppm in burger units) that I can remake everyday. What shouldn't I use it on? Can I use it to disinfect food products? Can I use it for disinfecting clothes after I'm back from the outside? Any other tips are welcome

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512f7b  No.67864


What happens when Corona-Chan meets Big Mommy common Japanese cold?

That said, just a heads up- there is NO guarantee that the politicians that are claiming to be 'blessed' are blessed /pnd/ unless proven otherwise with direct footage of them in care, with verification of it being them and not an actor or deepfake- if a fucking elite want's to- they can just say they're 'blessed' to completely cover them, abandoning their position and going into hiding/the super elite lolirapehouse epstien cunny resort and leave the world to burn.

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69b082  No.67865

File: 3ca3be74465e151⋯.jpg (41.55 KB, 300x507, 100:169, cleaning_with_bleach_tips.jpg)

File: e750d3a2da19afa⋯.png (180.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, sanitize_disinfect_oxidize….png)


more bleach the better cut with water. if you're not in the way of caring too much about it whitening things, keep in mind bleach has a way of 'eating through' fabric. white vinegar works, too.

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fdb49b  No.67867

File: 5e3d0aed41045d8⋯.mp4 (8.83 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, wuhan_chinks_are_asked_if_….mp4)

Wuhan chinks are asked if they're grateful to the government, but they seem to be pretty pissed off at uncle Winnie.


>they can just say they're 'blessed' to completely cover them, abandoning their position and going into hiding/the super elite lolirapehouse epstien cunny resort and leave the world to burn.

True, but it's probably going to be hard to find proof those cunts really are blessed.

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629668  No.67871

File: a090e9c50e34dcd⋯.gif (2.98 MB, 400x225, 16:9, dropdeadliberal.gif)


(((They))) have made a mistake. Coronachan was NOT released intentionally. Coroanchan escaped. They have not planned for this.

There are several reasons I believe this.

(1) They did not cover thier tracks from the theft from the winnipeg lab, until AFTER the breakout. Then they killed the overseer in Nigeria, was it Frank Plummer who oversaw the lab. If they had inteneded to release the weapon they would have immediatly killed him, they would not have risked leaving witnesses alive, witnesses who could attest to the theft. But if simple theft was they game, then killing witnesses would have drawn more attention. But once the breakout occured, killing Frank was a no brainer. Hes the guy who could finger them. Frank knew it was kikes who stole the weapon and sold it, he probably got a cut.

(2) When first reports of corona chan started to be public, the news media was actively saying it was a bioweapon. Maybe not in so many words, but they were alluding to it. Now if the tribe had intended a deliberate release, they would never allow the (((media))) to lead us to that conclusion. The kikes thought they could blame the chinks, and things looked bad for the chinks. certainly they are responsible, whether it was accidental, or originated in bat-snake soup. Either they are grossly incompetent, or just fucking gross (like bat soup … wtf). but at this time in the game, they didnt realize how bad things were going to get. they thought they could control it, so the kike media thought, "oh we can just blame the chinks, that its a stolen bioweapon doesnt matter, no one is going to figure that out." But figure it out we did.

(3) So now they are searching for an explanation that does away with the "bioweapon' aspect. Now the chinks are tossing around ideas about some fucking aardvark virus, how its not thier fault, and the kike media, realizing that jews are once again complicit, as no less then the ususal dishonest, dishonourable traitors and spies, selling extremely dangerous bioweapons, to our enemies no less, who are in fact incompetent. Making the jew in fact a greater threat to our security then the incompetent chinks.

Well the fact that three months into it, and they are still flopping around trying to figure out how to spin this, tells me they didnt plan this. if they had planned it, Frank Plummer would have been dead two years ago, and the media would have had a consistent story from the start.

Basically if this was a cops episode, we have one nigger behind the wheel, who just pulled out of a known crack house. When stopped he at first claimed he didnt do nothing, when we found the crack, he claimed it belonged to his friend. His friend is standing in front of a known crack house, is now claiming he dont know nothin, while flashing gang signs and his fake gold teeth. Its pretty obvious they are both lying, and who the seller and who the addict is.

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43c754  No.67872


I will not blindly just trust my "Feeling" about Corona Virus being a bio-weapon anymore.

When I stop to think about the rumors being spread that this is a bio-weapon, I believe that it could be either:

a.) a psyop to turn the world against China, or,

b.) overly-paranoid, justified, but incorrect information.

I can understand labeling this a bio-weapon, but I am not convinced anymore.

Michael Osterholm, the guy in -


the video is really the first solid argument I have heard so far as to this being from pangolins. It just makes too much sense

I also wouldn't doubt that it came from bats as noted in -


Yes, I would like to think that it was a bio weapon, but the fact of the matter is that nobody has directly attacked China either verbally or physically (militarily) for the Corona Virus.

I would think that their government would have been attacked or admonished at some level.

I am more interested in the facts regarding this rather than just how someone feels about it.

If I want to go off of how someone feels about something, I might as well be some progressive liberal niggerjewfaggot MSM cuck crying about Heather Heyer.

I'm not convinced.

The facts do not point to it being a bio-weapon.

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a8d809  No.67874


Don't put bleach in your food or you're in for a darwin award.

I put bleach solution in a watering can I put up on a hook with a rope on the neck that I use as a shower when I come back from outside. Just make sure to get your underarms too and make damn sure you've got goggles on and don't breathe in too much while it pours. A second watering can with water helps to wash the bleach off after about a minute.

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59fc65  No.67875


I was out this morning, very few people around and passive-aggressive NPCs. Second hand news about actual checkpoints. I am not aware of anybody I know that is in hospital and quite surprisingly it is the same for anybody I asked the same question to. There is not so much else to say to be honest. I can not foresee any positive outcome from the current situation - ZOG is implementing a massive infrastructure deployment that will be fully operational next fall. It wont end soon.

Breaking on Talmudvision: Lombardy will be completely shut down tomorrow apart from utilities and food.

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69b082  No.67876


Thanks for the information. And why in the hell are you still going out?

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fdb49b  No.67878

File: 740616a987a5184⋯.png (238.49 KB, 682x569, 682:569, chinks_send_aid_to_iran.png)

File: ef2219906076ea1⋯.png (87.55 KB, 1696x1695, 1696:1695, hoodrat_wojak.png)

Chinks sending aid to Iran, even ventilators are being sent https://archive.vn/C90uO


>Well the fact that three months into it, and they are still flopping around trying to figure out how to spin this, tells me they didnt plan this. if they had planned it, Frank Plummer would have been dead two years ago, and the media would have had a consistent story from the start.

Now that's something I din't think about.

>Basically if this was a cops episode, we have one nigger behind the wheel, who just pulled out of a known crack house. When stopped he at first claimed he didnt do nothing, when we found the crack, he claimed it belonged to his friend. His friend is standing in front of a known crack house, is now claiming he dont know nothin, while flashing gang signs and his fake gold teeth. Its pretty obvious they are both lying, and who the seller and who the addict is.

My sides, what a perfect analogy.

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59fc65  No.67879


To freak the hell out of the people I meet with my LeFalloutPasta suit.

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457fae  No.67881


Awww, ain't that sweet. China is sending a "Prease don't invade us!!" package to a nation where it's too late to help.

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8e50c9  No.67882


Been to at least three of them and never had my balls cupped. To be honest closest I get to that shit is explosives tests at one particular airport every damn time, after shitposting 'allah ackbar' on facejew chat on their free wifi. Kek

They also know I don't go through their DNA fucker porn scanners and will loudly protest as such (which scares the rest of the line) as understanding such dangers is part of my job, kek. Shitposters literally shut down their porn scanner line last time they tried that shit. Hilarious. Hopefully they learn. I got no problem with actual security. Porn scanners are not that.


1) Agreed 100%, it appears to be that way, all the 'sudden death' and covering of tracks was very loud, noisy, clumsy and reactionary.

2)chinks actually do into bat soup and shit. It's not just a meme but an effective diffusal of questioning down that line.

>Basically if this was a cops episode, we have one nigger behind the wheel, who just pulled out of a known crack house.

>When stopped he at first claimed he didnt do nothing, when we found the crack, he claimed it belonged to his friend.

>His friend is standing in front of a known crack house, is now claiming he dont know nothin, while flashing gang signs and his fake gold teeth.

<Its pretty obvious they are both lying, and who the seller and who the addict is.

I love your writing, got some good laughs out of me.


>LeFalloutPasta suit

KEK. I'd ask for pics but don't want you to dox yourself.

Thanks for the updates, based pasta anon. If you see anything of note/interest please pics/video and clean your image ITPC info etc (easiest is copy and paste a photo into another program e.g. irfanview then re-save it there).

Cheers and go well!!!

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629668  No.67883

File: 9bbee909e779364⋯.png (299.07 KB, 540x360, 3:2, elementary.png)

Elementary really Watson, old chap.

You see, either our yellow friends are grossly incompetent, (mistakenly released a bioweapon) or they are quite simply disgustingly gross (eating ardvarks, bat soups and such!).

But it is in fact a bioweapon, since such a weapon was in fact stolen from the Canadians some two years ago. In fact we even know from public records that the weapon was shipped to Wuhan labs. But even if such information was not already at our disposal. Simple deductive logic would render this:

what are the chances Watson, that a snake virus, jumps to a bat, then jumps to a human. a billion to one, a trillion to one? simply ridiculous odds. but compare that to the chance that researchers searching for weapons such as these should discover this, maybe 10000 to one, even if its a million to one (and I think with western scientists the odds would in fact be much smaller) thats still a 1000 times more likely then it miraculously jumped between species on not one but two occassions in rapid succession.

So indeed Watson, we are dealing with a bioweapon.

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874c3b  No.67884



Thanks for the advice. I make it clear I don't use the spray the solution I make directly on food that I eat. I spray it on deliveries (including food that is wrapped in different materials, mostly plastic) and then let it sit. In most cases after letting it sit I wipe them with a cloth with water (because paranoid of leftover bleach solution).

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000000  No.67885


<anti-china and anti-iran bio-warfare

>nobody has directly attacked China

>The facts do not point to it being a bio-weapon


ok, lmao

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43c754  No.67887


> Elementary really Watson, old chap.

> talking down to people

Now I'm convinced that you are an idiot.


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fdb49b  No.67888

File: b6ab35f3156782d⋯.jpg (54.23 KB, 862x177, 862:177, nothingburger_shill_pasta.jpg)

File: 8b251e1bba0af7a⋯.png (711.34 KB, 1858x3530, 929:1765, ccp_shill_and_or_event_201….png)


I bet it's a ccp pasta like pics related.

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69b082  No.67889


For my packages/delivery boxes I do not bring the boxes inside. I spray it down 1st, remove items, spray items, throw boxes awa, all while wearing gloves.

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43c754  No.67891


> ccp pasta

no, its not

wasted trips

like I said

I am not convinced anymore that this is a bio-weapon, accidentally released or not.

You can go on believing it, but I'm not, and I won't be shilling it here, but I will state that I don't believe that its a bio-weapon anymore.

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43c754  No.67892



who would want anti-Iran and anti-China warfare?

Jews maybe?

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629668  No.67896

File: 1fac66a15ce8d23⋯.jpg (38.36 KB, 641x960, 641:960, VinceTsang76.jpg)

and a good day to you too Mister Chang, do drop in for a spot of tea if your back to London.

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c3a257  No.67898

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Indian Minister raises slogans against COVID-19 chanting "GO CORONA GO!"

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a8d809  No.67900


>Nurgle cults on the rise worldwide

Somehow, this makes me happy.

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45112f  No.67901

File: f0f0514b5e6bf98⋯.jpg (180.79 KB, 600x800, 3:4, winnie_double_on_break.jpg)



Italy update is gonna be a whopper. Over 10% of all medical staff infected. They'll cross 20,000 (((detected))) and 1,500 dead by the end of the week. There are also news floating around that France's (((confirmed))) cases will more than double today. Half of French National Assembly is said to be infected. Netherlands have over 5% of all medical workers testing positive.

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655872  No.67903


Not so much fascinating as totally predictable. Look where you are in terms of race, North American white man. And think how you got there. Your question is more of the same muh guns handwringing. Unless you shoot this theoretical Juan, nothing will change or even kick off to change.

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655872  No.67904


Ha, true enough. Yeah they treat them like those hairnets your niggers wear in Burger king. I've seen them sit loosely on top of a huge bundle of hair, noped the hell out of there.

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655872  No.67905


We have some oh-so cute-but-stern female officers here too (eastern Europe). But they don't frisk the men though.

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fdb49b  No.67906

File: 44a4225508276c5⋯.png (24.12 KB, 491x165, 491:165, hungary.png)

File: d08de7e4d5d64b9⋯.png (160.42 KB, 479x502, 479:502, toothpasteland.png)

File: fbb48f5a0a02ca1⋯.png (141.8 KB, 392x524, 98:131, no_deliveries.png)

File: 7362026687f8558⋯.png (338.32 KB, 569x539, 569:539, university_riot.png)

File: f80015d7ebacacd⋯.mp4 (2.13 MB, 640x1264, 40:79, Uni_students_in_Ohio_riot_….mp4)

Hungary and Toothpasteland update. No deliveries for chinkies and university students in Ohio riot over the cancellation of classes due to airborne aids https://archive.is/CZpGe


>>67900 (checked)




>Half of French National Assembly is said to be infected

Good. Day of the coof, traitors deserve to die.



>using MSM as a source

Go back to goybook. By the way, it's not seasonal either, go back to last thread and control+f "summer".

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69b082  No.67907

File: bc176431e71ab52⋯.jpg (164.29 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, iamnotavirus.jpg)

File: 0b6f3f1d1b07810⋯.jpg (48.18 KB, 800x600, 4:3, arshad_slammed_for_racist_….jpg)

File: d3c816afbfe4cb0⋯.jpg (65.31 KB, 861x560, 123:80, covid19_01_01_scaled.jpg)


Not so sure it matters whether it's a bioweapon or not, at this very moment all I care about it surviving it. Afterwards, yes ok, we can bomb the shit out of China or whomever. All your threads with the other anon about this looks and feels like shilling. Wasting space on the thread for nonsense.


see >>67542 and >>67511 doctors having to triage patients. Old farts get nothing but died. Italy proclaims "a very advanced medical system" before Corona, but now they are 3rd world tier lulzzzz




The supply is probably infected. Why on earth would they think this is a good idea? Pox blankets. Maybe the Chinese are smarter than I gave them credit..?


Hononaryshitskinanon? As always thanks for your posts.

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4540bb  No.67908


>Making bread worth eating is a bit more difficult and good bread takes practice, acquired skills and a capable oven. Even a small and generally unremarkable commercial bakery produces bread (not to mention other baked goods) of higher quality than the average home baker more quickly and in much, much greater quantities.

We're all about to get a lot more free time to spend on these things.

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69b082  No.67909


>>Making bread worth eating is a bit more difficult and good bread takes practice, acquired skills and a capable woman.


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4b6cba  No.67911



>state of emergency just after 13 cases

Them and Tajikistan are the only governments that appears to care about their people.

>Ohio riot

They might as well commit suicide at this point

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64284b  No.67912

File: fef51f3f928c9d7⋯.png (742.71 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1443748472900_1.png)


I've been mouth searched before, never seen them change gloves for the next one. You are getting the germs from other peoples mouths all on your clothes and skin ever time they frisk you.

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7b9dc9  No.67913

Hi everyone. Look, I've been on imageboards since 2004. I been through longcat n marblecake, been through Ron Paul, been through the game, been through Trump and wikileaks, been through Zoe Quinn, been through ebola, been through every damn fucking thing. Now this is my one and only personal army request. I have a bit of money. I live in a town of about 10,000 people somewhere in Australia. I want to distribute to every cunt in this town an information brochure explaining, in laymen's terms, the dangers of Cov19 and how to survive around it. Due to the economic nature of the town I live in, if this gets distributed [which it will], the whole country will hear about it, if not the whole world. I don't think of others as "NPC"s I think of them as proper people who deserve to live and raise their children. I want people to be safe, I want them to be aware.

Now, has anyone got ideas on what information I should include? About not just the health dangers of catching the Cov19 but the economic dangers? I'll be going ahead no matter what, but I did just want to see if anyone is able to help contribute some good points that ought to be included. Because I fucking need to do something.

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655872  No.67914


>I can understand labeling this a bio-weapon, but I am not convinced anymore.

It's always hard for the 'collateral damage' bystander to believe such a thing when trying to relate to the damage done to him.

The perpetrators responsible don't see you at all, you literally are collateral damage that in the large scheme of things and at this moment in time, is fully worth being sacrificed to reach their goals.

This is a bio-weapon in my book, and the ones using this have spent years working towards this moment. This moment includes the perfect plausible deniability. The list however is short.

>1. jews trying to get control of chink economy

>2. chinks needing cover for a crackdown amidst dependency on government, to preempt 1.

Neither would care what happens to bystanders. China in its current form and size is the needed host for the jew as the US is at the end of its reign. China in its current form and size is what is needed to sustain the CCP regime. One ends the other.

So who did it ultimately is less interesting to me personally. The fallout, post-Corona world is much more interesting. I'd love to see thoughts, essays from you lot on this. As my red pill turned black many years ago, I've come to see you faggots as the only real stimuli for my depressed brain.

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69b082  No.67916

File: 84dfb4852967188⋯.gif (775.58 KB, 364x192, 91:48, worf.gif)

File: 48ccda2b4aae9a6⋯.gif (3.34 MB, 400x300, 4:3, DS9beststartrek.gif)


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000000  No.67917


>what information

npc suit + boomer mask

ps: 96% alcohol inside is a good disinfectant

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d4d9e0  No.67918


SIMP and cringe

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69b082  No.67919



Nah mate…this will spread it. You need a billboard or news segment.

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59fc65  No.67920


Now you mention, there is no general consensus on jews involvement on this; but if you could drop a line about those filthy kikes I think people could enjoy.

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655872  No.67921


>university students in Ohio riot over the cancellation of classes due to airborne aids

Reading this and seeing the video ('oh my Gaaawhddd) made my brain freeze. What in the actual fuck? Is it because they will lose their dorms and need to go back home? Educate me, the article didn't shed any light.

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fdb49b  No.67922

File: 07a76d7d4c654d6⋯.png (205.36 KB, 735x509, 735:509, britbongistan_summons_stud….png)

Britbongs will summon student nurses to help in the futile fight against Corona-Chan https://archive.is/WWsG2


>Hononaryshitskinanon? As always thanks for your posts.

Yep that's me. You're welcome and the rest of /cvg/ & /pnd/ is too.

>second pic



>Hungary and Tajikistan are the only governments that appears to care about their people.

>Ohio might as well commit suicide at this point

Doubles confirm it.


>I don't think of others as "NPC"s I think of them as proper people who deserve to live and raise their children. I want people to be safe, I want them to be aware.

You have an heart of made of pure gold, Aussie, that's a very noble thing you want to do. I can't help in depth but here are things that I think everyone should know about Corona-Chan:

>She incubates in you for at least 24 days

>You are contagious during the asymptomatic period

>Initial symptoms are dry cough, high fever and pneumonia

>A rare symptom is diarrhea

>The pneumonia gets worse and worse

>She attacks your kidneys and your testicles

>She attacks your nervous system

>She attacks your immunological system

>She attacks your heart

Hopefully an anon can come along do a better job than me, this is just to get you started. By the way, you're probably going to cause a massive shitstorm with this, try to makes sure this info can't be traced back to us or the media will be all over us again

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3487ab  No.67923

File: 33f5734b6eca088⋯.png (26.88 KB, 583x157, 583:157, evilmerkel.png)


>Netherlands have over 5% of all medical workers testing positive

Look nigger, things are probably this bad indeed but you need to provide some source when you claim bullshit like this.

According to the (((national public health institute))):

It's 4% (they backtracked it now to 3.9%) of medical staff and 9% of hospital patients infected with corona.

Based on randomised tests on 1097 medical workers and 200 patients. (Note: in the North-Brabant region only)

I am going to assume you made translation error but be careful because this type of manipulation is below our level. It's what the presses do.

While I'm posting, official case count now at 503 (+121) and 5 deaths (+1).

Still the government is pretending nothing is going on in other countries, merely taking the piss at us by banning handshakes, and telling people that are burning up with fevers who have been in contact with confirmed cases or recently been in italy/china/iran/korea: go fuck yourself, stay at home and die in your sleep. Do not call the doctor, we do not want to test people.

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a8d809  No.67924

File: 1fddfe71bf7da34⋯.jpg (1.92 MB, 3200x2400, 4:3, 1074866.jpg)


Making commercial-quality bread isn't hard, considering most people eat shit bread.

Here's how, for a simple wheat flour bread with yeast (sourdough is the same apart from the dough being a tad different):

600g wheat flour (if wholewheat, use 10% more water, for a mixed-grain bread replace 115g with rye flour and add 15g of vinegar)

390g water

12g salt

0.5g fresh yeast or 0.5/3 dried

(it's better if you replace a part of the water and flour and yeast with a pre-proofed dough made of 120g flour, 70g water, 0.5g fresh yeast that's been left to proof at 8 Celsius for 1-7 days)

Mix a bit of water with yeast, rest of the water with salt

Put saltwater in a bowl, then add the flour, then the yeast water (the latter should not be touching the saltwater)

Knead for 10-15 minutes. This is important, don't skip this step. Dough should be slightly sticky.

Leave to proof for 24 hours in an oiled bowl. After 8 and 16 hours, pull the dough thoroughly by gripping the edge, pulling it up as far as you can without ripping the dough, then pushing it into the middle. Do this the entire round.

Make a round/desired shape. Put in a floured proofing basket (woven basket with a linen covering), the top side should be the side that's pretty because that's going to result in a nicer crust later and preheat the oven to 250 degC while also putting the heaviest cast iron/enamel pot with a cast iron/enamel lid you can find in.

Leave dough to proof for an hour, then slightly flour it and take the pot out of the oven and tip dough into the preheated pot. Now the ugly side is on top, as it should be for a good crust.

Put lid on top, bread in oven, set oven to 230 degC.

Bake for 45 minutes. Take bread out of pot and put it on a grate until cooled fully.

Bam, professional (though not artisanal) level results, every single time with no effort.

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69b082  No.67925


What? Are you serious? You don't appreciate the differences between genders? Or are you the faggy type that believes there are no differences? Fuck your newly appointed brainwashed campaign #trending simp bullshit

and you can cringe all you want, you dumb shallow dickless fag.

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3068b7  No.67926

File: ce5fab686dd1d96⋯.png (1.65 MB, 6456x3712, 807:464, map_03_11.png)

File: f48da6f2ece350a⋯.jpg (41.37 KB, 700x944, 175:236, beautiful.jpg)

File: 50b57391bcc044f⋯.jpg (743.16 KB, 868x1228, 217:307, lo2hx.jpg)

File: d79b154a9694fba⋯.jpg (95.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, stripscreen.jpg)

File: 0dfedbad17dd114⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1566x776, 783:388, stripmoar.png)

>120 countries infected

>No pandemic



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fdb49b  No.67929

File: 7d680e42ddf6efb⋯.png (323.88 KB, 562x558, 281:279, liars.png)

File: fd5857e49299097⋯.png (37.38 KB, 680x326, 340:163, norwegian_cruise_ship_disi….png)

File: d1b612d7744b5f4⋯.jpg (83.09 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, Corona_Chan_goes_around_th….jpg)

Leaked emails of a Norwegian cruise ship company mention plans of spreading disinfo to clients just to convince them that there's no risk of getting blessed https://archive.is/ePW9y


>Is it because they will lose their dorms and need to go back home?

That could be the reason.




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433296  No.67930

File: 30a5c197db8b06e⋯.png (75.89 KB, 672x823, 672:823, Selection_096.png)

Stock market is tanking again and has quite auspicious numerals doing it

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64284b  No.67931


Pita or flatbread recipe?

>b4 sandnigger

no I am burger I use it for chicken and pulled pork wraps because it's better then spic corn Tortilla

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000000  No.67932

>virginia has its first case

>because a dumb niggerfaggot couple went on a FUCKING NILE CRUISE



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fdb49b  No.67934

File: 3e4c2bcb3299995⋯.png (357.75 KB, 604x501, 604:501, hazmat_emily_checkem2.png)

File: 08e636ec112464b⋯.webm (578.66 KB, 640x360, 16:9, NUMBERS.webm)



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a8d809  No.67935

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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655872  No.67936


This virus makes me want to put tourists into camps. Fucking consoomers. We don't belong on the other side of the world thinking it's the same as back home.

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b51bfd  No.67938


>Making commercial-quality bread isn't hard, considering most people eat shit bread.

The problem with making great bread is that people are used to shit bread and will think your great bread is shit.

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b51bfd  No.67939


Whats the sauce on that strip tease search? Ive seen a few screenshots of it, but where is the video hosted?

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b75e33  No.67940


After reading this >>67929 cruise ships should be blocked by every port globally. Let all of them suffer.

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457fae  No.67942

File: 5f64a7b4f4e454b⋯.png (403.78 KB, 882x1222, 441:611, GO_CORONA_CHAN_GO.png)





G O C O R O N A - C H A N G O
















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fdb49b  No.67943

File: 058fdd68e2e01d3⋯.png (75.94 KB, 308x485, 308:485, we_need_meat.png)

File: 3d3e92bedcba94e⋯.jpeg (196.08 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, garbage_truck_carrying_fo….jpeg)

File: 79e7585ce804587⋯.jpeg (275.23 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, garbage_truck_carrying_fo….jpeg)

File: 5829278518f8303⋯.jpeg (218.21 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, hygienic_delivery_truck.jpeg)

File: 22b8e3f0531e63e⋯.mp4 (3.94 MB, 368x640, 23:40, chinks_protesting_during_w….mp4)

Okay, this is fucking hilarious: Chinks protested during Winnie's visit, saying they wanted meat, so the CCP sent them some meat….In dump trucks used to transport garbage

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b51bfd  No.67944


The side of that garbage truck says "Doing our best to keep the environment clean".


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64284b  No.67946

File: f0ba44257ac3749⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1429989935405_0.png)


I heard on the local news (((broward))) is sending all there cruise ships that want to port somewhere else, fuck those jews, hopefully they don't go to coco beach or anywhere central Florida.

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457fae  No.67947

File: db276125ae947b4⋯.png (794.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, _.png)

>Since I feel better without , decide to go to work

>Go to work with PPE mask and goggles because Corona-chan is out and about in my state according to the Waffle House worker getting her blessing

>Immediately, several co-workers give me the stink eye

>Boss comes in and says I shouldn't be there until a nother day without a fever

>He believes in the "N95 masks actually infect you" meme propaganda

>Also says what I expected and said a few threads ago: I would scare the customers

>He was still kind enough to not be angry about this whole debacle

>At least I got last week's paycheck and another day off

Welp, this is how America dies, through the weight of sheer stupidity.


FUCK! I messed up. Forgive me Corona-chan!

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12dc37  No.67948

File: c5d9dd3d2b5d672⋯.png (36.33 KB, 462x432, 77:72, 1583936493661.png)

File: 2f22ca8e3b0b6c7⋯.jpg (2.96 KB, 133x90, 133:90, 1583928697841.jpg)

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fdb49b  No.67949

File: acd03438d3bd228⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 480x640, 3:4, chinese_woman_screaming_le….mp4)

File: 2ec170feac7b723⋯.mp4 (386.88 KB, 304x640, 19:40, chinese_woman_screaming_le….mp4)

File: 7b1178bfaacc87c⋯.mp4 (862.72 KB, 320x640, 1:2, chinese_woman_screaming_le….mp4)

File: a1d159b17232936⋯.png (38.41 KB, 593x243, 593:243, bong_update.png)

File: 9a10d0a6741c27d⋯.png (110.86 KB, 512x586, 256:293, hue_financefags_btfo.png)

Chinkess in coof cage sperging out, begging to leave. Also, Huezilian financefags btfo by Corona-Chan and Britbong update.


Nice art. Seeing my Goddess happy brings so much joy to my soul.


Lmao, so it really is a garbo truck.

Top Kek, China Numbah Wuan


She's a merciful Goddess, she forgives small meaningless mistakes like that.

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7b9dc9  No.67950


Thank you, I appreciate your reply. I just want this to have scientific credence in ideally 2 pages, but 4 if necessary. I'll take all your points and correlate them with academic data to back it up and if I can't find the evidence, I won't print it. I'm only doing this because my town's population is small enough that I can cover it financially, and big enough to have an exponential impact. Because this is the first time in my life that I've actually been scared by something I read about in the news. I don't think it will be traced back to here; I lied about my town's population size. And even if it does, well, fuck it. I can't let my neighbours die around me.

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60b79f  No.67952


You didn't mention shoop da whoop or pools closed due to AIDS. And you fucked up marblecake also the game. I have my doubts about you. 1 post. You sound like a lazy journalist that works for news.com.au Anyway, fag, this is just the flu and there is nothing to worry about. Get back to your floods, fires, floods, dust storms, multiculturalism and importing cheap Chinese high quality building materials and foodstuffs. Any chanfag would sooner post 'it's ok to be white' than warn their gay neighbour about Wu Flu. You are fake and gay.

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fdb49b  No.67953

File: db39f17573fbbad⋯.png (181.39 KB, 490x488, 245:244, jew_jersey.png)

3 new confirmed cases in Jew Jersey.


>Thank you, I appreciate your reply.

You're welcome mate.

> I'll take all your points and correlate them with academic data to back it up and if I can't find the evidence, I won't print it

Very well. If you want academic data on everything I wrote, you will need to dig in the archived threads for the paper links. Just going through them while control+f'ing related terms should do the job.


>also the game.

Fucking hell.


If he's a journo, he's a brave one, we're all supposed to be dangerous domestic terrorists after all :^)

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1926b7  No.67956


I just lost the game. You are a winged glorious faggot.

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3c8656  No.67957



he didn't even mention dusty

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69b082  No.67958


>Corona-chan is out and about in my state

>decide to go to work


>given a choice


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9e59af  No.67959

Just to put a downer on your guys enjoying the trader butthurt - these are amazing conditions for vol trading and market-making. Market makers will be making a shitload at the expense of funds. Only bag-holders are actually losing money.

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4f3117  No.67960

Detailed map of Europe for Eurofags out there


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a8d809  No.67961


What's the context there? Why do they just have an open-air cage in town square? What's the banner saying?

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ba3050  No.67962


Holy shit, only 40% of people catching it either recover or can stay at home. 60% of people are hospitalized, dead or in intensive care....again, this is all while we have hospital facilities and manufacturing continues. As soon as that is overwhelmed we are going to be looking at a much higher death rate.


>way to many cohencidences

It is a fractal universe anon.


BULLSHIT!! They ate their experimental lab animals, the gorillas they imported to do the vaccine testing on. They didn’t test the vaccine on fucking pangolins or bats.



33 aaaaaaaaa’s tell everyone it was engineered (most likely a vaccine) not found in a fucking ‘pangolin’


Amen anon...to the fire with them.


They aren’t actually ‘people’ anon in the sense that they are from this planet.


>shutting down the internet and controlling information.

It is ‘their internet’ and our fault for not building and funding OUR OWN INTERNET.


She’s old anon. Prime candidate for the harvest.


>Winnie the flu’s body2

Doesn’t really look like him, but then I thought he was dead for ages.


Almost no one, outside of some ancient White males who won’t give up, knows how to grow food anymore anon. If they go, then all their collective knowledge and understanding goes with them. I guarantee that there won’t be enough food left over if anything happens to our White Male Farmers we will be just like South Africa and Rhodesia. Sure, we might be ‘alright’ for 1 year, but their collective knowledge and know how are FUCKING PRICELESS...<—-PRICELESS.


More like the 4 deliver drivers of the apocalypse.

Did you know that apocalypse means ‘revealing’...that is it. So the 4 horsemen is simply the 4 horsemen of the revealing. Less exciting than that ‘charged word’ isn’t it.


Hear, hear...he is a good dad. My dad taught me enough about prepping that I learned what I needed on my own.


> avoid major thoroughfares; exit strategy

At all costs!! This is where the slaughters will take place. Remember Africa Adio? They had special teams that went to all major thoroughfares and just killed until it was drenched in blood without mercy and without consideration of man, woman child or infant. You need two lane (at the most) or one lane or mountain bikes out of the cities. Do not go down any major thoroughfare...they will be waiting for you.


That pic. Lol


> 25 billion €

That money isn’t going to mean shit PastaAnon

due to hyperinflation.


I like how the reporters voice gets more and more disappointed through the video. You realize that these are the most positive clips she could find. These are the absolute best of them...hahaha...government is going down.






Good man. Thank you for your mercy on your fellow Whites.

>people need to follow the strictest quarantine procedures they can muster. 60% of cases either die or need hospitalization; only 40% of people can recover without hospitalization.


Oh fuck!! They are just fucking foul as a people. Holy fuck, imagine how many of them are going to get sick from eating that and spread their corona diarrhea all through the plumbing again.



You are an even better man!


He is probably not a journalist since I am pretty sure coming here is 100% illegal and that all Aussies have to use VPN to visit.

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ba3050  No.67964


The banner says, “Are you grateful to your government?”

Kek…she seems grateful (before she is hauled off to die in a coofcentration camp)…she probably has a little one at home that needs her and there will be no one else to take care of it or something…

I bet the bugs wished they had a 2nd amendment.

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67ce2e  No.67966

File: 8de3761e40952e7⋯.mp4 (6.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, LiveLeak_com_Massive_tunne….mp4)



Kek, this. You can also do good breads as a man, breads, burgers and pizzas as a treat keep a family fucking happy.


Nice move, anon.

Economically look at shortages of critical parts and cheap, very high volume items. Especially stuff that is critical to a functioning economy and employment. For example here pine export fell off a cliff in lessershitpostingland and the industry has basically free fallen, pardon the pun.

Now imagine what that does to local wood prices, then coupled with other shortages of building supplies.

This has a knock on effect to so many areas of the economy alone, property bubble pops as huge numbers of people foreclose due to no work, etc etc. ((Retirement funds)) here and other countries are getting a beating too.

So don't forget to include something about the juden in the obtaining of parts of the source code from leafland, plus other associated aspects that are rarely spoken about outside of here.

To add to >>67922 (checked) Reinfection is occuring in some cases but longer term data is needed, it is externally or from it hiding in your spinal column fluid, is a major issue and there is much data on it. You can survive one or two waves maybe. Third or fourth? Perhaps not.


NewBreadAnon approves of this post.


>Nile Cruise

<Oh but the pyramidniggers only have a couple of cases, that's impossible!

>touristshekel industry

>govt shekel suckers

>Iran infection rate exported case calculations.xls

Pyramidniggers are in for a good time! ALLAH ACKBAR!

>Gotta bake some bread

including this


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ba3050  No.67970


I would like that map a lot better if there was some way to correlate infections with dates. Like if we knew the date of first reported infection so that we could clearly see how the various nations are dealing with the spread of the virus.

If I look at the map as is, it seems that Eastern Europe is dealing with the spread better…this doesn’t surprise me since the jewish goal is WHITE GENOCIDE (meaning the genocide of everyone from Western Europe). But I don’t know for sure if they are dealing with it better or worse because I can’t get a grasp of the timeline involved. All cases are 2-3 weeks old from initial infection, so lets say, off the top of my head Bosnia has (making this up) 14 cases. Well they could be much worse off than Italy if we factor in a 2-3 asymptomatic spread time. This map is like looking at a historic screen cap WITHOUT ANY DATES.

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0a5956  No.67974


Guessing not corona related or guy wouldn't be smoking with mask down.

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5621b2  No.67976

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457fae  No.67979


Yeah, now looking back, that post doesn't make me look good or intelligent. n my pathetic defense, I don't want to not have a job prospect if and when and I don't want to piss off my parents, even though at least one believes and has prepared for this disaster and the other is willing to listen.


Wew, stay safe Argie-bro!

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457fae  No.67982


"I don't want to not have a job prospect if and when this whole crisis blows over."

Fuck me, I need to slow. My poor grammar, spelling, and typos, are making me looks stupid. I probably am. Saging a sticky, lol!

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2b5716  No.67983


maybe you just corona in your brain

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1926b7  No.67984

Can asymptomatic carriers spread Corona chans love? If so is it just as bad as those showing symptoms?

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fdb49b  No.67986


>Can asymptomatic carriers spread Corona chans love?

Yes, we know this for a while now.

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1926b7  No.67987


Don you know if the pasta docs confirmed it or where the info came from by any chance? I need it to show a dumb ass co worker who might have it.

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67ce2e  No.67988



Yes and (((cured))) aka self reinfected people can do too. It can hide in your spinal fluid and come out to bless people after you test negative after (((recovery))).

I want to get some action but have to bake bread for you faggots.

>The sacrifices are immense

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fdb49b  No.67991


Digits confirm that the sacrifices are truly immense. I can confirm it too. I have given so much of myself to Corona-Chan, and will gladly continue to give more and more until the very end.


Haven't read anything about the pastas on those topics. What they talk about though, is that young people are getting fucked by the pneumonia too, some are needing ventilators.

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1d73df  No.67992

File: 6237d05f73ee3d5⋯.jpg (196.55 KB, 1220x1089, 1220:1089, long_term.jpg)


>Long-term morbidity: 30 months after illness, 60% of SARS survivors still suffered medical issues, 80% could no longer work.

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fdb49b  No.67993


>80% could no longer work

This is fucking big. Good job finding this, anon.

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1926b7  No.67997


Checked fuhrer dubs. However I don't see how spinal fluid can spread infection. If they aren't coughing or sneezing or blowing it out their lungs how do they spread it?


Jesus fucking christ

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1252e4  No.67998


>Two-year-olds infected with coronavirus in Potsdam

>Top news (2:41 p.m.): A two-year-old child is being treated with the coronavirus in Potsdam for an illness. The child, who comes from Berlin, has pneumonia, but is not in mortal danger, reported the health department of the state capital on Wednesday. The child is cared for in the children's intensive care unit of the Ernst von Bergmann Clinic. More than 20 contacts were identified: doctors and nurses at the station. The employees who continued to work with mouthguards, among other things, had been tested as well as the child's parents. The results are still pending, it said.

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27530d  No.68000


Let me get this straight.

>(((Ze Juden))) made the virus

>(((Ze Juden))) will be… wiped out by the virus?

>(((Ze Juden))) sold the virus to the Chinese

>The Chinese were… "enthusiastic" about a virus that annihilates the older poulation


>a country that takes filial piety so seriously past generations amputated limbs to feed their elderly relatives

>this is somehow more believable than the virus leaping from animal to human, as is well established in multiple other cases, including primordial salmonella as proven by neanderthal tooth samples

I should have known you were a moron by the fact that you're still rooting for 1945's Biggest Loser Champions.

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000000  No.68001


>In dump trucks used to transport garbage

Room temperature meat transported in garbage trucks. Sounds like we have a new Chinese delicacy. How long before libs demand this cultural experience in the US? Mmm, the flavor and diversity!

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9f98e5  No.68003

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>You will go to jail if you don´t stay in quarantine

>go to jail

>end up sneezing on everyone

>poronguita's death is avenged

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4b6cba  No.68004

File: c21703b0c352ace⋯.jpeg (92.57 KB, 766x960, 383:480, 1463724559696.jpeg)


Jesus Christ. I'm guessing super SARS 2.0 is going to have 100% on both of those.

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4540bb  No.68005


and remember, the red death had to claw its way out of a single bat level 4 virology lab back in november.

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8046ce  No.68007

File: 8c7f6096ec0efd9⋯.png (114.33 KB, 829x714, 829:714, Qatar.PNG)

Now that's impressive.. Qatar jumped from 24 to 264. Lel

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1926b7  No.68008


Corona chan loves islam lmao

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ba3050  No.68009


Don’t be a moron anon. (((Chinese leadership))) desperately need some way to reduce the population. They wanted something that didn’t take out manufacturing while still reducing the number of mouths they needed to feed.

>mfw you think (((chinese leadership))) gives one quaffing coof about the fucking ‘elderly’ who have already done their job for china and just need to be eliminated QUICKLY.

There are thousands of reasons that a virus works better than literally going through door to door and culling the fucking ‘useless eaters’…and now look, they can say, “we did our best fighting the very thing we released on you”.

Are you stupid or something? Mental handicap?

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fdb49b  No.68011

File: 52fdb23b5ab6cb1⋯.jpg (73.09 KB, 640x585, 128:117, 52fdb23b5ab6cb1a156c65f232….jpg)



Did they suddenly stop lying, or suddenly started testing en mass?

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ba3050  No.68012

File: 3d1d99346da37d4⋯.jpeg (331.13 KB, 1300x959, 1300:959, 9FBAADA5_CD1C_4438_B6A9_3….jpeg)


It is all the licking, fart wafting, homosexuality and goat fucking that slut really loves. She is a pervert.

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27530d  No.68014


Where did you get the information about it attacking all those organs? All I see mentioned is "bilateral pneumonia" or some shit.

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4540bb  No.68015


We should send them all to the Aluetian Islands.

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1926b7  No.68016


May she bless every son of allah

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000000  No.68017

Keeping all the boomers in my family from doing high-risk shit is getting tiresome.

>You're high risk, you shouldn't be on a plane

>Thanks but no you're not taking the kids to see Disney on Ice

>Yes, skip your (national) work conference

>I don't think a guided bus tour of the hotzone is a good idea (NYC)

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67ce2e  No.68018


>spinal fluid

It hides there from your immune system and strikes later after being dormant, so you get through testing. She is very well engineered to be hard to stop by any means.


You need to go back and read prior breads. All this shit has been well documented and covered. She causes lesions and scar tissue in all sorts of kinky places until you die.


ISISrael had a decent jump today as well but nothing as impressive as Qatar.


>/ourgirl/ loves Islam

She's very Haram though, how strange!


It's an obvious retard sent here to derail the bread. I nearly banned them to the bakery furnace for the last line alone.






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ba3050  No.68019


ACE2 receptors anon…keep up, will you?

There are ACE2 receptors in the lungs…those are the first infected because it is aerosolized. But she still ravages any organ that she can. Remember she hides in the spinal tissue only to pop back out like (((Jacob in the box))) when you aren’t expecting her.

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4540bb  No.68022


Absolutely the video or image of exponential growth, and just what that means for how quickly this thing will spread once loose, and more importantly, just how little time is at the end of the curve when things fill up.


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27530d  No.68025


First off, bow to my trips. Second, you're making the mistake of ethnocentrism by applying your own western logic to the Chinese mindset.

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