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File: ea1cbbb65081cad⋯.jpg (410.74 KB, 1021x483, 1021:483, cvg_BANNER.jpg)

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06c1e8  No.65848[Last 50 Posts]

Thread 29

rolling for 7.6shektillion edition


>Those digits,

> ID quints of death

Legendary Gets

/cvg/ survival bread



Coronavirus update: 9nd Mar ‘20 (Sauce: BNODesk and other reports https://twitter.com/BNODesk)

(((Official))) current global bullshit numbers

- 110,036 confirmed cases

- 3,828 dieded

- 5,689 Serious cundushuns

- 62,226 (((silent recoveries)))

Corona-Chan official Scoreboard As of Mar 9rd, 2020 (Sauce: BNO)

Cases Deaths Serious Critical Recovered

Bug Hive 80,735 3119 5111 - 58600

Worst Korea 7,382 53 - 36 166

Pastaniggers 7,375 366 462 - 622

Eye-Ran 6,566 194 - - 2134

Frogs 1,209 19 21 - 12

Deutsches Reich 1,040 0 - 2 18

Floating Petri Dish 696 7 31 - 245

Spain 674 17 11 - 32

Burgers 548 22 2 6 9

Nips 497 7 30 - 59

Switzerniggers 332 2 - - 3

Bongs 278 3 - - 12

Negerlands 265 3 1 - -

Sweden (yes) 203 0 - - -

Chocolateniggers 200 0 1 - 1

Norway 176 0 - - -

Singapoor 150 0 - 9 90

Honkinese 115 2 2 4 59

Asstria 112 0 - - -

Malaysia 99 0 - - 24

Shitposters 91 3 - - 22

Bahrain 85 0 - - 14

Oliveniggers 73 0 1 - -

Kuwait 64 0 2 1 0

Leafs 67 0 - 1 8

Eye-Raq 60 5 - - -

Vikings 58 0 - - -

Pyramidniggers 55 1 - - 1

Ladyboyland 50 1 1 - 31

Taiwan 45 1 0 0 15

Sandnigger Emirates 45 0 2 - 7

Pooperpower 2020 43 0 - - 4

ISISrael 39 0 - - -

Denmark 37 0 - - -

San Marino 36 1 5 - -

Lebos 32 0 - 1 -

Czech Republic 31 0 0 0 0

Zipperheads 30 0 - - 16

Poortugal 30 0 0 0 0

Brownzil 25 0 - - -

Spurdoland 23 0 - - 1

Potatoniggers 21 0 0 0 0

Algeria 20 0 - - -

Omaniggers 16 0 - - 2

Slovenia 16 0 0 0 0

Ivan 15 0 - - 3


• • Diamond Princess: Cases are not included in the Nip government’s official count. 380 of the 696 were asymptomatic. 14 are Burgers whose test results weren’t known until they left the petri-dish. The total does not include 3 employees of Nip’s Health Ministry and 1 staff member of Nip Diet Secretariat, all of whom were infected while working on the petri dish. It does also not include fucktards who tested positive upon returning home: 45 in burgerland, 10 in Shitpostingland (one of whom dieded), 4 in Bongistan, 5 in Hong Kong, 3 in ISISrael, and 2 in Animeland.

• Denmark: The total includes 2 cases in the Faroe Islands.


Previous Threads

Thread 001 Archive: http://archive.md/XA3Pe

Thread 002 Archive: http://archive.md/Sv3st

Thread 002b Archive: https://archive.ph/e4Ad5 (Niggermod Edition)

Thread 003 Archive: http://archive.md/Hvchk

Thread 004 Archive: https://archive.ph/ltbQP

Thread 005 Archive: http://archive.ph/cJTlt

Thread 006 Archive: http://archive.ph/CFWPb

Thread 007 Archive: http://archive.ph/RZBmI

Thread 008 Archive: http://archive.ph/gsJHR

Thread 009 Archive: http://archive.ph/FNZIL

Thread 010 Archive: http://archive.ph/plJtc

Thread 011 Archive: http://archive.ph/33zLz

Thread 012 Archive: http://archive.ph/hkUy8

Thread 013 Archive: http://archive.md/Hz3IT

Thread 014 Archive: http://archive.ph/bjmHO

Thread 015 Archive: http://archive.ph/3iQxW

Thread 016 Archive: http://archive.md/EsPD1

Thread 017 Archive: http://archive.ph/wjKs3

Thread 018 Archive: http://archive.md/HRNlc

Thread 019 Archive: https://archive.is/Is4mZ

Thread 020 Archive: https://archive.is/Dc2qk

Thread 021 Archive: https://archive.is/6bd8e

Thread 022 Archive: http://archive.md/USIf7

Thread 023 Archive: https://archive.is/d8skk (niggermod edition)

Thread 024 Archive: https://archive.is/C0kYE (NBA edition)

Thread 025 Archive: http://archive.is/03RtY

Thread 026 Archive: http://archive.is/VOBQu

Thread 027 Archive: http://archive.is/wip/ZQzeT

Thread 028 Archive: http://archive.is/Hp06v

Don’t engage obvious trolls and shitposts, one line, one picture derailing, etc.

If you are constantly posting one line replies to the same post instead of putting them in a multi reply you may be subject to cleaning and or collation.

If you are intentional derailing the thread you will be given time out

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188ae6  No.65851

File: 756809f79fcbede⋯.png (470.52 KB, 941x822, 941:822, Corona_Chan_is_already_air….png)

This first/second post has been claimed by the Coronian Cult. Coronian thoughts for this thread:

>Prepare now, relax later. Relax now, despair later.

>Everything happens in due time. Patience is a virtue.

>Unwavering faith is half the battle. The other half is willpower.

Prayer for this thread: The Prayer Of The Unwillingly Blessed

Corona-Chan, my beloved patron Goddess of perfect bioweapons

I do not wish to leave this world yet

Have mercy on my body

Allow me to recover without suffering any lasting damage

I ask you to leave my systems and for you to not return

Give your blessings to my enemies and spare my allies

May eternal glory be yours

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920751  No.65852

File: 6dab270a16b0a36⋯.png (216.99 KB, 660x1139, 660:1139, Screenshot_2020_03_09_01_1….png)

File: 060d29dedcfaa8f⋯.png (178.87 KB, 989x735, 989:735, Screenshot_2020_03_09_01_1….png)



Furthermore, while the retailpocolypse is obvious, the inevitable downsizing of oil production to respond to price drops will put a significant amount of oil related workers out of jobs.



Which will further the collapse.


>Ultimately, further American hegemony is a pipe dream. I think, honestly, it always has been. People need to learn to get by with a bit less. Learning to understand the difference between want and need is something people have forgotten.

That's true for the post-war American dream, but the original American dream of a inter-generational plot of land, a large family, and self sufficiency has always been achievable without government meddling or external resources.

In fact, it's both government meddling and external resources that have destroyed the true American dream.

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6a3848  No.65853

Reposting here so anons can get their collective shit together. We're in for the happening of happenings boys

So I've been digging around for ways to improve ones body for the eventual blessing of Corona Chan. She does not tolerate those who do not take care of themselves. I'm going to repeat some of what's already said, it should be in one good spot for everyone to find. It's not in any particular order. A list of things to get (if you haven't already) and things to do. I just want to get it all in one spot so we can copy/paste it with things added as needed.



-Zinc (helps immune system, you'll need every bit)

-Vitamin C (good energy if you're sick)

-Vitamin D

-CoQ10 (boosts cellular regeneration)

-Cardio Exercises, get a good 15 minutes in a day to start and build up from there



-Canned food is always good

-MRE's or freeze dried food (mountainhouse, etc. also if you have a dehydrator just get a shit ton of food and make a day out of doing this)

-Water filter (under the sink kind, with a few extra filters that shit will last a year+)

-Ammo for any weapons you have

-Bleach, like idk 5-6 jugs of it

-Vinegar (Used as a disinfectant but I'm not sure if it will help with Corona-Chan. Also quite tasty in certain foods.)

-Couple red cans of gasoline if you value having a car/motorcycle to use

-Spare parts for bicycle if you don't care about car

-Spare parts for anything you might not want to live without

-Redundancy in whatever you can get (spare items that can't be fixed)


-Trash bags

-Paper goods


-Any meds you need, stock up before everything goes to shit

-If you are lucky enough to be able to work from home, do so for a while

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000000  No.65854


Verified CPAC attendee who's been sick with "the flu" for the past week confirms he met the infected attendee and that this person was in close, extended contact over two days with many top Trump administration officials, including Kellyanne Conway, Betsy Devos, and possibly Mike Pence

>Everyone at the CPAC Shabbat dinner should be checked. The attendee was there

Others >Rep Louie Gohmert; - Ronna McDaniel - Michael Knowles - Kay James - KellyAnne Conway - Betsy Devos - Rep Matt Gaetz - Diamond/Silk

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6a3848  No.65855


Watch (((Trump))) suddenly care a whole lot about the corona virus once he comes down with it. Hopefully it isn't like fucking Wilson and the Spanish Flu all over again.

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e1274e  No.65857




Add: Long Tail purchases (stuff that ain't in the category of basics, only a subset likes)

Long Tail purchases are smart, regardless of whether or not they're made in China. If there's any subtlety to what you like, buy up. For me, it's ebook readers.

A Long Tail item that's relatively popular (far less than the media claims): fancy cellphones.

Are you a drunk? Stock up on what you like, unless you're not picky.

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e1274e  No.65858


Checked. Ted Cruz and some guy I never heard of, from Arizona, are in "isolation" (isn't that just self-quarantine?)

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06c1e8  No.65859



I fucked up the last thread though, should have let it run later but had cleared posts out and forgot to refresh it, so really it's only at 738 not 751, my bad >_>


>coronian cult anon

I still don't understand how you manage to do this. Magic I say, magic!!

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721be9  No.65861

File: abd665525671e73⋯.jpg (31.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, abd665525671e73ff609fb60c2….jpg)


Kind of off topic but I think we should make a /cvg/ focusing only on USA/Canada and the reaction in North America. I think it's great to know about bugs and europoors but wu flu is ramping up in my area and I'm feeling blind.

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920751  No.65862


SD cards, memory, hard drives, ssds, a few replacement screens for your most used hardware.

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06c1e8  No.65863


That's something that would have to be agreed by anons and maybe BO, as general threads are great sometimes but can also segregate info and also dilute posting. Agreed though as this is scaling it's not a bad way to handle it.

Burgers/leaf/americas, EU bread - who gets the sandniggers then? EU sort of closest, kek.

Also nigfrica will be it's own happening soon..

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6a3848  No.65864



Spare electronics isn't a bad idea. I feel documentation is going to be important in the coming months.

Also, we should get a good list of every bit of research done and put it into one post so we can copy/paste it and everyone can be well informed. Here's some interesting bits I got so far. If anons want to add to the list, just plug it in at the end and create a fresh post. Get the information out there anons, and learn about what we are up against!



>Chink Flu leaves T-Cells depleted and exhausted after infection



>Possible effective treatments for the Chink Flu



>Chink Flu 100% re-infection rate so far

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c75ca8  No.65866


Fuck off, it's not our fault you're too niggerbrained to keep up with the current events.

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6a3848  No.65869


Dude just make a thread and post what you got. Nobody's stopping you. If BO and other anons don't like it then deal with it.


He might be retarded but the worst of the info storm has yet to come. We need to be as far ahead as we can be.


The under reporting here is real, holy shit

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188ae6  No.65871

File: a8f7c8a70f636b7⋯.png (170.63 KB, 651x451, 651:451, jew_york.png)

File: 94aeafa9d0ae2df⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB, 480x256, 15:8, iranian_patient_talks_abou….mp4)

Jew York update, there are now 106 cases in the state https://archive.is/nGoKL and video of an Iranian patient exposing the situation in the hospital:

>the hospital lacks facilities and patients are not given masks and gloves because the hospital doesn't have enough. Rooms are not properly disinfected. Patients are stressed out & fear they will get worse.

Halting operations for now, I have to rest. I will be back in 5 hours or so


>I still don't understand how you manage to do this. Magic I say, magic!!

Pure devotion to the Goddess I worship. Everything I do, I do it for her sake.


Completely disagreed. I crawl twatter for news constantly and I post Burger news very often. Most of my posts are either about Burgerland or Iran. Some burger anons even got informed that Corona-Chan was closing in on them by my posts.

>>65866 (checked)

This, but in a more polite manner.

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393c4e  No.65872


If things really get bad, then the power isnt going to stay on. a chimpout level 5 scenario, all that electronic stuff wont be worth having. The top of my list is a rifle and ammo. I got food supplies and a live in a rural area. Its hard to purchase firearms here though. Im still waiting for my licence!


so john hopkins says its tapering off in china. does anyone believe that? the infection rate cant possibly be that low. >>65869

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002b35  No.65873


Speculation about the shape of the world in the next year is difficult when all hell is breaking loose in the short term. Corona-chan is an outside context problem, and Banks told us about the dangers of those.

We can argue about the true shape of mankind and what we should aspire to, but people are fucking irrational, and even more irrational when scared pissless by the possibility of some modern day plague turning their lungs into lasagna.

Of course, as I've said before, I'll just be happy if we're not in Mad Max mode in a couple of years. I still have dreams of retiring from my cubicle farm some day and making guitars until I quietly shuffle off to wait out my respawn timer again.

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6a3848  No.65874

File: ea8e1a8431b8154⋯.png (11.7 KB, 530x297, 530:297, ClipboardImage.png)


I don't buy it for a second. It could be an anomaly but todays rates elsewhere started doing the same shit china has been doing. Like… wut

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700917  No.65875

File: 962b16586bc7b2c⋯.jpg (24.11 KB, 320x317, 320:317, cad584ad3fdd3dd7847aea38f5….jpg)

File: 85c38dbc5a123ee⋯.jpg (111.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: fd9506df21865f7⋯.jpg (25.08 KB, 401x401, 1:1, 89082027_205607997353510_6….jpg)

We can only hope the jew york semites fall as hard and fast as the Iran semites.

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000000  No.65878


Embedded/control hardware AND the ide/manuals/datasheets for them.

Basic automation of processes, and even irrigation control and traffic lights might be a bitch to fix otherwise.

Also blank PCB and solder.




Drivers, OS images, firmware

>list of every bit of research done

No. It will just spam up every thread with everything covered in every other thread. A pastebin would be a better way to do that, and then much appreciated.

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950677  No.65880

>Dr Bonnie “Syrup” Henry vows to start getting up at noon each day to fight virus

Better late than never.

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920751  No.65889


I highly doubt things will go "mad max" as several people have said over the previous threads.

I do foresee more civil unrest, more crime, and the return of smugglers in a similar pattern to what happened during the depression.

We wouldn't see the markets continually crashing if it wasn't going to happen. muh circular logic

Circular logic is applicable when (((investors))) are involved because (((investors))) create feedback loops. Feedback loops are circular logic.

If a financial manipulator could prevent the stock market from crashing it wouldn't be crashing, therefore it will continue to crash.

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11adfd  No.65891


This is totally about National Socialism and civil unrest. Markets are simply echoing that a hole 'appeared' and is now being 'filled' at 'varying' rates.

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e0650a  No.65892

File: c3a7ec1af6a1172⋯.jpg (283.59 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, addolorata.JPG)

Hi mates, fugly PastaAnon from the red zone reporting in.

Things are going south quickly. /ourgirl/ is in Naples and below you will find a small chronicle of the first victim there. Half lolcow, half drama&impending doom.




In case you did not notice, yesterday there were 3 jail riots. Quite nasty to be honest. 3 jiggaboos were somehow terminated.



On top of this, they want to shut down all the news - no more chitchatting around about "coronavirus", just official and approved news by ZOG.



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11adfd  No.65893


I can't wait to see just how much the levers of power break off in these societies. You're updates on the current situation are like gold.

Keep posting PastaAnon, I'm very intrigued by Italy's version of Titanic.

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000000  No.65894


>3 jail riots

waiting for the first dead blessed prisoner

and mass jailbreaks


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e1274e  No.65896

File: 083d647ed610bd6⋯.jpg (39.75 KB, 550x184, 275:92, Screenshot_20200309_050635….jpg)

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11adfd  No.65899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tim Drool going back and forth on whether this is Armageddon or a YouPoop.

Plus he gives Italy some rambling love.

He literally says 'if you don't have supplies it's too late for them' then he say 'not a big deal.'

If a nigger put a loaded gun into his virgin face pussy, I think he would have an easier time making up his mind.

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143042  No.65900

>4 cases in my country

>in one day all gatherings nation wide are canceled, extra protective gear is commissioned and export is banned

I'm honestly surprised my stupid little country is being serious.

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1c84b5  No.65901

File: 9a38dad8647fcdf⋯.webm (832 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ohnononono.webm)


BTC down 15% from a couple days ago.

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11adfd  No.65902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's OK, just a cold or the common flu right? This whole thing is falling apart.

When MSM stops talking politics to discuss a singular topic, you know it's fucked.

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e1274e  No.65903


common cold: rhinovirus

flu: influenza virus

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115121  No.65904

File: af42db4280afd72⋯.gif (9.69 KB, 500x204, 125:51, KnowTheDifference.gif)


Thank you for reporting in.

Latest report from Easteuro is that many common people think this a conspiracy by the government to get support and frighten people… for reasons. They think the handling of this is far better elsewhere like in the Netherlands. They refuse to believe there is a problem and believe it's just the flu. Government is actually now trying to warn people about hygiene and social distance and people tell each other it's typical political bullshit. Shops, events etc are all normal. Some people in the city have talked about buying extra food and their idea of that is an extra one or two weeks of food but they still go about their day like they are literally waiting for shells to go off and then go hide in their apartments. There was a rumour last week about a school shutdown… and it didn't happen… and I don't think it will happen at all now in practice because most common people will disregarding it. People here are really showing their fatalistic attitude to life.

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e0650a  No.65905

File: 393d718a4a9a1c5⋯.jpg (71.27 KB, 916x442, 458:221, borsa_pasta.jpg)


>pic related


Several politicians are blessed too: old age, many handshakes, meetings…




After they admit the first death it is a wild ride.

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11adfd  No.65906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And to think people doubt when I say the vaccine is going to be an 'interesting' problem.

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186dbe  No.65907

File: afc35c096a6a0c0⋯.jpg (83.65 KB, 625x697, 625:697, Reddit_Is_For_Faggots.jpg)


Like his face pussy would still be virginal.

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11adfd  No.65909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you don't pay attention you will miss it.

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fe9567  No.65913

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be9aae  No.65914

CNN decides to finally call it a pandemic:


>NEW: CNN says it will now refer to coronavirus as a pandemic: "[It] clearly meets the definition, so CNN will start using that term. It is a pandemic"

Really shows even the mainstream media thinks WHO is a joke now.

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8a6f93  No.65916

Im fucked its exactly 14 days after my parent got back from japan and my father start coughing and I got this muscle pain how fuck am I

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115121  No.65918

File: cc9e3adeb81f09f⋯.gif (151.51 KB, 1128x1638, 188:273, MoneyDriedUp.gif)


I don't know who the old hag is near the end of the video but her saying that a SARS vaccine took 20 months to develop back in 2003… and in comparison they can do this vaccine for the Wu Flu in 4 months is funny. It's funny because because of the hubris and funny because a SARS vaccine has never been created. EVER. Nothing was ever created that was safe to use and worked. The Chinese have been working non-stop on a SARS vaccine since 2003 with no success… if there was one it would have been released and in use. Even if there wasn't a formal release (which is what most propagandists would point to… i.e. we have the cure we just didn't put it out there) why is there no trial of a SARS vaccine [even if in the works] on the current Wu Flu? Extend and pretend.

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85e673  No.65919

File: c70c15c1d8ac9b3⋯.jpg (92.26 KB, 1024x689, 1024:689, 1583147129299.jpg)


Tim is the master of centrism. Whenever he seem to go 1mm to the right, he must go to the left in equal amount. If you have anxiety or take blood pressure meds, never watch his videos. They are a health danger.

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000000  No.65921



>for something that already has multiple strains in asia alone

Scientists going to cure the flu and cold magically next?

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32b87a  No.65923


I used to watch his shit until he sued that tiddy developer over use of a trademark. Never fucking again. You leave my anime tiddies alone! Tim you faggot. Taking down a /hgg/ is just in poor taste.

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fe9567  No.65924

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f897e7  No.65925


Well, every disease has a cure.

Pogroms for example can cure the disease known as Judaism.

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e0650a  No.65927

We have a situation brewing here: jail riots intensifying, more riots ongoing, 6 dead, 50 on the run.



I think we are 15 days off the edge. Maybe less. Free for all soon.

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dc6732  No.65929

Whatever happened to malaysia anon? He get blessed? I remember he was supposed to drive around his town and upload some pictures of the qt grills in the area.

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b93ad5  No.65930

File: 4d2f38eaa26885e⋯.png (48.19 KB, 659x413, 659:413, Screenshot_6964_.png)

File: c141d4bdfea46ef⋯.png (155.21 KB, 975x632, 975:632, Screenshot_6965_.png)


Jeb! corona, nice. What a ride that was during the primaries!


Vid. Sounds like night time in Wuhan.



Amazing motto, simply amazing.


>I think the virus was originally genetically engineered at the level 4 lab in winnipeg. Two years ago at that lab a bunch of chinks stole the bioweapons research being carried out there.

Heard that rumor, too. Probably some agency told the Chinese that Canada ((US)) was developing a bio-weapon and blah blah, super-double-counter-ops to trick the Chinks into stealing it knowing they would ultimately fuck it up and kill their own. Meh, we will never know what's truly going on.


>Another Princess cruise ship

State Dept. sent out an advisory last night to not travel on cruise ships...but they haven't exactly banned it. Reckon this is the fruits of Pence's meeting with cruise companies yesterday.

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11adfd  No.65931


I think 15 is pretty accurate.


Anon, for the last time… It's not a vaccine, it's gene therapy designed to manipulate functions of you're body, that can potentially alter you & be passed down to your future offspring forever. Now even though its mass gene therapy, keep this hush hush and be sure not to call it gene therapy because we're totally innocent and not up to something…

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62dc48  No.65932


>If things really get bad, then the power isnt going to stay on.

I'm seriously thinking about buying a generator. I live in a shit country that used to have plenty of blackouts/brownouts and we certainly can go back to that state.

My only concern is drawing attention with its noise. Well, that and fuel storage.

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b93ad5  No.65933



>Anyone find it odd this word is being used and keeps getting repeated? "Although there have been 3,700 deaths there's 60,000 that have recovered."

No it is not odd. "Recovered" is used because you are infected for life and no one is "cured".

Normfags will not notice the word difference until they attempt legal action for being lied to about "just the flu". Their case will fail because they were told all along NO ONE IS CURED FROM CORONACHAN.

Been thinking about this since yesterday. Makes sense. Scary shit.

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32b87a  No.65935



>Amazing motto, simply amazing.

We are the invisible hand. We are the Illuminati. We came before and after. We are forever. And eventually… eventually, we will lead them into the day.

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b93ad5  No.65938

File: 4827733cbe967f9⋯.png (141.66 KB, 978x611, 978:611, Screenshot_6967_.png)


>Dude just make a thread and post what you got. Nobody's stopping you. If BO and other anons don't like it then deal with it.

Agreed. Don't get me wrong I'm a bit of a snob myself who respects order and decorum, but 8kun anons are some anal OCD perfectionists.


>Jew York update, there are now 106 cases in the state

Gov. Huomo sounds like he will start a quarantine soon. What's everyones plan if your state or city enacts a quarantine?

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000000  No.65943


I've started doing Wim Hof breathing exercises, it's supposed to boost your immune system and help with respiratory illness.

Also, raw garlic for immune system boost. I don't think it will make a dent in our good lady herself, but it works wonders for clearing up secondary infections.

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37c9dc  No.65944

File: fe6929f7f8d14c7⋯.jpg (284.59 KB, 1000x625, 8:5, Cronona_Chan_visits_Pembro….jpg)

Today Corona Chan is in Pembrokeshire UK, enjoying the mountains, ports and fresh air of South West Wales.

"I love the boats and Welsh accents are funny." - Corona Chan

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2d05b3  No.65947

File: 0f8d879ce6a2cad⋯.png (4.9 KB, 899x498, 899:498, Mortality_in_China.png)

Looking at the data and found the mortality data from China to have very very little variation. This could be how they are calculating their numbers. Or maybe my maths is shit

Source: https://github.com/RamiKrispin/coronavirus

cumulative(deaths * 100 / (deaths + recovered))

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c57733  No.65948

File: 266796a3178e1b8⋯.png (45.21 KB, 1305x207, 145:23, leafblower.png)


>Heard that rumor, too. Probably some agency told the Chinese that Canada ((US)) was developing…

I remember that level 4 anon post on Oct 21 for something that was supposed to happen a week earlier? Pic related.

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848adb  No.65949

>>65842 pb

The bear will leave his cave forever. - 4ch prophecy.

I agree and am heavily encouraging my kids to learn Russian.

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5f765c  No.65950

File: 9b08bedfc81208e⋯.jpg (639.5 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, 9b08bedfc81208e48eed907db8….jpg)

I felt like adding my own thoughts afther reading this >>65853

I got my first redpills around age 14 and also changed my diet and lifestyle after it. Before that I would get sick like everybody else, after the change I haven't been sick at all, while others had the flu, common cold etc. around me. Anon is 27 now, so I'd say that's a good, illness free record so far.


Only go for natural salt (contains only NaCL and nothing else) because the kikes like to add things to it that will harm you. Natural salt is usually clumped together in bigger, hard pieces and will likely contain small dirt particles, because it's not refined. Same thing applies to honey, 100% raw unfiltered honey only.

>Vitamin C

You can forget about vitamin tablets and pills. Synthetic vitamin doesn't work like the real thing. Same applies to ascorbic acid by itself, but if you mix it with actual fruits or vegetables, it could fortify their effects. 1 teaspoon of ascorbic acid stirred in water + fruits = good shit.


Don't do it. It reduces your immune strength. Corona-Chan will buttfuck you right into the critical zone. It takes about 2-4 weeks for your liver to have a decent recovery from drinking. It depends on how much and how regularly you were drinking before.

>Cardio and diet

Cardio is a good idea. Heavy workouts are bad because it requires more food, food that you will need for bugging in/out. One meal a day diets should be good when SHTF because it gives you enough to go by and fasting is very good for your health. If you haven't done it before, then it will be uncomfortable at first, but you should also know that the hunger you will feel is not real hunger. Your body got used to eating multiple times a day, and now it feels like it's starving.

>Bleach and gasoline

The shelf life of these are not the best. Consider that.

>Water and trash bags

You can pour tap water into strong plastic bags and stack them up from wall to wall if you don't have any barrels. This is much cheaper than buying stacks of mineral water.

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000d74  No.65951


most generators today are pretty quiet ~60 dB, you can't hear it unless are near the area

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848adb  No.65952


Generator is useless unless you want to die. Get some small solar panels 2-3 systems. Maybe even a little windmill.

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1ea541  No.65955

File: cef7e0bfbddfe5a⋯.png (411.93 KB, 878x900, 439:450, shouldnt_have_come_here_ti….png)


have this shitty edit. too bad subverse is full of degeneracy like bestiality and cuckoldry.

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32b87a  No.65956


thanks for the warning. Fucking hell degenerates everywhere.

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1ea541  No.65957


hopefully no one is dumb enough to try to use plastic bags that have a seam at the end.

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854740  No.65962


>Wim Hof

>boost your immune system

I dunno man, reading up on it on it a bit there is an article that implies it actually reduces the immune response instead of boosting it.

Which essentially makes it dangerous for getting initially infected, but could be useful to stave off a cytokine storm.


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000d74  No.65964



You need both gas and solar, solar is practically useless on a rainy and cloudy day.

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b3a477  No.65965

File: 8a1340037403ef6⋯.gif (18.7 KB, 100x100, 1:1, pepeeee.gif)

Service announcement: Every single "recovered" case has tested positive again two weeks after "recovery", thus remaining both infected and infectious.

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46a788  No.65968

File: 085878792985ca3⋯.png (130.83 KB, 1222x1688, 611:844, tumbling_down_tumbling_dow….png)

File: 30d7bdeb5f7bcb2⋯.jpeg (29.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, what_the_hell_is_happenin….jpeg)




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06c1e8  No.65969


>NEW: CNN says it will now refer to coronavirus as a pandemic: "[It] clearly meets the definition, so CNN will start using that term. It is a pandemic"

Ahahaah man, I never thought I'd see the day when CNN calls out the WHO and makes them look bad.


>society breakdown

Sure looks like it..



Kek it's just like the primaries all over again. Wild ride but even better.


>word definitions

As a biz and lawfag you're on the spot with that one.


I'm all for free posting and doing what you want but in the end it's up to BO. I have been told to keep corona shit to this thread so.. hence mentioning BO.


>corona travel diary

Fuggin kek, anon.


>generator silencing

I have seen 1930s 5L twin piston diesel engines rendered utterly silent via appropriate exhaust baffling and design. I have plans somewhere for this.. if interested just reply.



Fuck this thread has started bad for the normalfags and jews, kek.

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50b118  No.65973


spring and summer are coming, which should reduce R0, atleast until october. Use this time wisely, the next flu season this thing is going to explode everywhere at once.

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927407  No.65976


Silent you say? I'm interested.

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352157  No.65977


>spring and summer are coming, which should reduce R0

With airborne, waterborne, and fomite transmission vectors in play? Hardly. Think allergens, for example. The more testing is ramped up, the more cases will be "discovered". It's (((officially))) in 109 countries after just one month, which means it is everywhere. This ride will not stop. There are no breaks.

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50b118  No.65978

the john hopkins data at the GIS link is popping up for a second, then being taken down with no data. any idea when this started?

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927407  No.65979


It looks like something's up with their shit and they need to unfuck it. It's coming and going for me too.

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3e15fd  No.65980

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c77025  No.65981

File: b4822d120f91867⋯.jpg (12.65 KB, 200x171, 200:171, incas.jpg)

Trying to get stories from supposedly recovered people, that coughing with his kid on the news guy is on twitter and seems fine but I'm beginning to doubt a little bit if he ever had it; he's shutting people down asking him basic questions and just wants to post pictures of his kid etc - just doesn't want to talk about it. That's what I imagine some guy hired to be a crisis actor would act like, but then again it's not been very long…. also Steve Walsh; supposed UK 'superspreader' who was in the news about a month ago, if we could find a recent interview/news thing/social media account where he's mentioned/shown to be alive that would prevent memory-holing of at least one such case. But no thing so far really

It's getting worse boys - but what CFR estimates are we looking at? 95%? 5%? If I calculate it myself, I get something bad - If I go by what I see around me and on social media, I get surprisingly optimistic numbers - If I am to believe some of the combo doomers/weebs on here and 1 guy who wrote an article, it's the end of the world. but there's so much to go by, sift through and think about. None of it makes sense

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3e15fd  No.65982

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50b118  No.65983


airborne will go down for the summer, which means you just have to boil water, and prepare your own food to be safe. and remember, this is only temporary, next flu season is probably where the world ends unless they lock down everything and test everyone.

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66666c  No.65985



> making a separate /cvg/ thread for locations

post it in here.

Keep the information consolidated.

This thread is stickied for a reason and we don't move as fast as half chan.

Might want to start off with a redtext on top of each post denoting areas of location:

North America/U.S.

Northern Asia/Russia

Southeastern Asia/South Korea

Southwestern Asia/Palestine


btw, I really hate niggers and I hope every nigger dies from corona virus

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000d74  No.65986


> Heavy workouts are bad because it requires more food, food that you will need for bugging in/out.

That's if you want to bulk/gain muscle mass but it takes no more energy then cardio to maintain mass/ maintenance calories.

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000000  No.65988



oh fucking shit!


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b93ad5  No.65989



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b93ad5  No.65990


>Trying to get stories from supposedly recovered people

This is what I've been whining about. No personal tweets "Like OMG! I have coronavirus and I'm like in the hospital!"

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352157  No.65992

File: 3c02223f8e25808⋯.jpg (588.66 KB, 703x3727, 703:3727, thebigone.jpg)


>what CFR estimates are we looking at?

100% (pic related).







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37d73d  No.65994


Honestly, with the growing opinion of, at the very least the Eurofag variety, normalfags that the Best Korean method of letting the initial spreaders commit suicide with a gunshot to the back of the head, I don't think you will be seeing any social media presence of the recovered, even if they actually exist.

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46a788  No.65995

File: 35ef56a8b21339c⋯.jpg (323.68 KB, 598x800, 299:400, Cheetos.jpg)

File: 8afd2ee120c6a38⋯.jpg (55.88 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1583333514542.jpg)




ID checked and wewed!



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814301  No.65996

File: 9f9b4969f8f997a⋯.jpeg (85.5 KB, 750x876, 125:146, 26412437_5832_4C73_9736_2….jpeg)

It’s finally happening

>> (((circuit failure))) - market out for 15 minutes

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bb4fd8  No.65998

Can someone explain whats going on in Nigeria? every report says "italian citizen" but doesnt mention race or ever shows pictures of the guy or anything from there.

I read "upon his return to lagos" in an article, which seems odd. so my question is did an italian man go to nigeria and bring the virus with him? or was a nigerian living in italy returning home to nigeria and bringing coronavirus back with him..

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77e435  No.65999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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814301  No.66001

File: 8673e074478e99d⋯.jpeg (75.88 KB, 750x492, 125:82, F4B01CE8_C5F5_4274_8468_4….jpeg)

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000000  No.66002

>>65645 (thread 28)

>Do not think about what will have value NOW, think of what is nearly free now but absolutely indispensable in the future.


>or even think like a nigger, since niggers will have money, and have what niggers want.

So load up on fried chicken, watermelon, crack cocaine, weed, gold bling chains, basketballs, rap videos, 0bamaphones, Air Jordans and fat ugly women?

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46a788  No.66003

File: b521b200e502cb4⋯.jpg (10.04 KB, 142x255, 142:255, kill.jpg)


Trips confirm:


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a562b0  No.66004



>EU impose sanctions

Yes, they might but Erdogan has to ‘feed the beast’ he created SOMEHOW...it is either that or the beast turns on him. If the beast turns on him then it is a crapshoot with who takes over and replaces him...meaning that a totally independent thinker may come into power. I always thought Erdogan thought too much of himself (that he was the incarnation of Suliman) but the next person up might be much worse.


By ‘yemen’? Remember the mini-nuke in Yemen? That whole place is a clusterfuck of unbelievable proportions. The sooner that this semitic trash is driven from the earth, the better. There will never be peace on this planet while they remain.


>airline flights will be cheaper

I love the sense of irony and sarcasm on /pnd/


Really? Have they tested every last human in the world to know which virus strains occur in which nations? Also, I wonder if the ‘USA’ includes Canada in his mind? I wish this video was available with accurate and reliable subtitles. I do remember all of the school closings last winter for ‘a virus’ but this doesn’t explain how the bugs got it. Also...highly mutagenic...it stands to reason that the last nation infected would have more strains than any other and that the First Nation infected would have one single strain. Please tell me that the Japanese are not retarded at this level.

At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter (((which government))) is at fault though does it? They are all a COMPLETE DISASTER on this planet and all culpable to varying degrees for the non-stop destruction of humanity.


Fungusfag was not a chink you dumb fucking boomer


It is a total stretch. Highly mutagenic virus would have ONE STRAIN at the source and mutate out from there, not 5 strains at the source...THAT IS DOWNSTREAM because it fucking mutated and people from all over the planet came here.


Correct. They already said IN MANY PAPERS that of the people they tested in late January that they had 24 different mutated strains from the initial outbreak. This is probably just more fake news. It irritates me that someone would post it without accurate translations of the original video.





Seems like a political prisoner more than someone ill. Yes, he coughs but no one seems worried about it.


Yes, stuff like that, small packages of ‘ready to make’ meals with rice. I wandered around watching a few boomers try to pick out something they wanted while they looked totally confused. The man kept saying, (he was looking for bulk rice) that ‘it must be on the next isle’ they were persistent in looking that is for sure.


All those bioweapons faggots were disappeared or killed. I am not even going to BOTHER to make the claim that he died of something ‘natural’. It is a shame though, because we can’t get the truth out of them.

I would REALLY like to know who funds this ‘virologist’ work...wouldn’t you?



> Hopefully he will take us into heaven this time.

Pretty sure he only takes 144,000...the ‘replacement digits’ of those who originally fell...pretty sure the rest are killed.


Mfw the bidet association of America floods the board.


I will give the Russians this; they make their own vaccines and many other pharmaceuticals. Why do they make their own vaccines? Because they know that only they are trustworthy enough to ensure the survival of their own people. They don’t trust the (((US Pharma))) companies with their genetic survival at all. This is just ONE MORE problem with globalism which is not going to be addressed with race mixing. Humans form local tribal affiliations based on what fucking block they live on left on their own this is never going to be resolved with globalism.


There have been numerous reports of animals carrying it.

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50b118  No.66007


likely the latter, getting good information out of the media is like pulling teeth though.

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0ca471  No.66008



This is what I hear on my mind when I read the news.

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459a15  No.66009


> Vice president of the Central Bank of Sweden got blessed.

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188ae6  No.66010

File: 2e4c89c1a4ba789⋯.png (157.08 KB, 484x515, 484:515, Indonesia.png)

File: cc0d01df938cf52⋯.png (231.11 KB, 485x731, 485:731, chink_lies.png)

File: a6cd738fd12aa04⋯.mp4 (769.61 KB, 448x960, 7:15, Chinks_protesting_over_lab….mp4)

File: 983562991607bbd⋯.mp4 (460.58 KB, 304x640, 19:40, Chinks_in_Chengdu_protesti….mp4)

File: 51ac50a78fe6778⋯.png (436.18 KB, 382x680, 191:340, iranian_bodies.png)

Morning nignogs, it's another glorious day of newsposting and Corona-Chan worshiping: Indonesia update; Funeral home director in Chinkland exposes how the government hides the number of deaths; More protests in Chinkland and picture of Iranian body bags at the Baghe Rezvan Cemetery, in Gilan.


If Pastaland is having this much problem with prisoners being afraid of Corona-Chan, Burgerland is soon going to have a field day with it's incarcerated savages. It's going to be fun. I'm sure things will be even more fun in my country, since the savages are even worse.


Checking those deadly doubles.




Good, crash and burn.


I guarantee you Corona-Chan doesn't give a shit about seasons, temperatures and UV Light. Prayers and rituals have already ensured she is completely invulnerable to all of those things and much more such as metals and drugs. The world as we know it is already ending.


Thank you for everything, Niggermod.

>btw, I really hate niggers and I hope every nigger dies from corona virus

Same, and spics too. They're just as bad as niggers, sometimes even worse.





I was wishing for something like this for a while now, glad someone delivered it. It's perfect.



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50b118  No.66011


>I would REALLY like to know who funds this ‘virologist’ work…wouldn’t you?


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46a788  No.66012

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Posting a classic.

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e76d03  No.66013

File: 2d9e99c1fcf60cd⋯.jpg (180.43 KB, 934x858, 467:429, zombie_2.JPG)

File: be63bab8f531614⋯.jpg (96.78 KB, 977x708, 977:708, zombie_1.JPG)


Correct. No one is cured. "Recovered"? Where are all of the "Recovered" in China, Iran, South Korea, Italy?

No media coverage of these folks. None.

Has anyone seen any documented evidence from the "Recovered" talking about the experience and how they beat it?

Does "Recovered" mean that you are asymptomatic and infectious- for life? If this is the case, we have an entirely new game on our hands.

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77e435  No.66016

File: 4a52c47a6b3a9c5⋯.gif (689.5 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Two_Giggling_Girls.gif)



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a562b0  No.66017


This is the main reason we will not know the future of humanity until a CV19 penis and a CV19 pussy come together. I can’t wait to see what the product is…hopefully not something too grotesque. I also think paleo virology is probably as ‘scientific’ as women’s studies. There is no way that could be accurate given that your average person may have 1 or 2 infections per year and multiplied that over the hundreds of millions of years of history on this planet…that would result in genomes that are layered like a cake with many many snippets being sorted and rearranged rather than one snippet being added to the host. Look at furin that splices DNA strands, that would splice at anyplace not a place that preserved some specific DNA remnant.




That is because of the nature of CV…this one is here to stay and she isn’t going away and even if they developed a vaccine it would be much better not to take it. All vaccines do is allow the weak to propagate on this planet. They are the DEGRADATION of the human form as much as porn is the degradation of sexuality.


Oh PLEAZZZ all you fags do is murder people under the guise of ‘illumination’…it is pathetic. I have seen ‘your rep’ and they are nothing more than a common terrorist just like THE ENTIRE REST OF THE ‘BLIGHT UNTO TO THE NATIONS’…no one is ‘buying’ your fallen angel bullshit anymore.


Solar panels are very visible anon.


>picturing a plastic bag without a seam at the end

>what kind of newfangled device would this be?


Jesus anon, look at your ID!!


(((Circuit failure))) my ass…these fucking cheating kikes are an abomination.

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950677  No.66018


Italy’s strain supposedly traced to Germany. But it was Italy that got hit hard. Foreign national ignored quarantine order and continued to deliver Chinese food. This was leaked weeks ago and then confirmed. White people eat Chinese food when they don’t know yet about the Chinese flu.

Still no word about fallout from that guy in Spain who died around Feb 13. Maybe he had very limited contacts and Spain dodged a worse bullet during the time when they were asleep.

No one wearing masks yet around me in Florida. Above average temps this week. Little league carrying on as normal. Since Trump “moved” to Florida, he might turn out sort of vindicated, although it’s hard to see how the northern states do well. Trump might have actually gotten honest intel from CIA this once! Or we’re all already dead.

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b93ad5  No.66020

File: 96998476b2dab9c⋯.png (106.72 KB, 1366x633, 1366:633, Screenshot_6969_.png)

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e76d03  No.66021

File: 018674ff8198c9b⋯.jpg (122.29 KB, 1228x668, 307:167, wictor_1.JPG)


If that's the case…here's the solution.

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950677  No.66022



Oh yeah, it was an Italian guy who was infected, presumably, in Italy, and traveled to Nigeria on business. It doesn’t matter, just another disease in Africa.

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a562b0  No.66024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just you wait until the ‘recovered’ start having babies…(the ones that still can because

CC hasn’t busted their nuts, anyway).


>Or we’re all already dead.

Yes, well, time is just an illusion anon. You are neither dead nor alive…


I dread whatever further abominations the rapefricans will come up with as a ‘cure’ for CV. I mean I don’t even want to hear whatever abomination those fucks will ‘get up to’ (since raping infants ‘cures’ AIDS) we can expect something truly horrific from them.

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188ae6  No.66025

File: 4d670a8cba76e71⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 352x640, 11:20, Iranian_disinfection_metho….mp4)

File: 2b28e43875c5f7f⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB, 352x640, 11:20, another_collapsed_Iranian.mp4)

File: 945220626757c86⋯.mp4 (3.46 MB, 394x360, 197:180, National_Guard_convoy_spot….mp4)

File: 352c9a61d76669a⋯.png (48.08 KB, 551x502, 551:502, Cuomo.png)

File: 2d88c22cce38f1f⋯.mp4 (4.16 MB, 480x848, 30:53, Alleged_jailbreak_in_Italy.mp4)

Video showing an Iranian disinfection method; Yet another Iranian collapsed in the streets; Nigger makes himself useful and records a video of a Nasty Girl CRBN convoy in Alabama; Cuomo provides an update Jew York and footage of an alleged jailbreak in Pastaland, motivated by fears of /ourgirl/, of course.


>Does "Recovered" mean that you are asymptomatic and infectious- for life?

It's definitely a possibility.

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be9aae  No.66027


Speaking of Trump he tweeted this nearly an hour ago:


>So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!

Replies are an absolute clusterfuck, way more than usual. Expect a surge of "just a flu bro" or "it's a hoax" types all over the internet as a result of this. Though from how Corona-chan is progressing, the reality of it will hit people around April/May at latest.

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bb4fd8  No.66028


i dont see how that answers my question, but garlic does have antiviral properties in that it helps slow the reproduction of a virus. you would need somethnig else in conjunction with garlic to help. and you need alot of garlic.like atleast a bulb a day.


italian citizenship =/= italian nationality.

do you have information that suggests hes italian by race? a picture? a video? a name? anything?

he apparently had nigerian and italian citizenship.

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814301  No.66029


If he truly is an idiot and believes this…he has it already

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a562b0  No.66030


1/10 (and rising) of the total worlds population is on hard quarantine LOCKDOWN.

>Its just the flu bros.

(((This is your government on jews))).

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0ca471  No.66031

Ok here's how I see it:

DNA testing companies constantly advertising "do it yourself tests" (ex. 23 and me).

Rumors of the virus originating from a laboratory in Canada being stolen ending up in China.

"Friends of david goldberg" youtube channel recently terminated when covid 19 is starting to cause pandemic. In case you didn't watch the videos on that channel the notes left by this so called "David" mentioned a targeted biological weapon with flu like symptoms which was going to kill millions.


DNA companies knew whites were going to fall for these ancestry tests so they proceed with constant advertising and succeed in collecting a large database, thus using this information to engineer weapon. At the same time an undercover Chinese communist spy manages to steal this prototype weapon and bring it back to China. To no surprise communists fuck up and end up with a loose weapon of mas destruction unto the public.

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06c1e8  No.66032


>silent genny


I've also seen underground baffle designs that are inaudible at a few meters. e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2682AwYJ7w

Lister CS or clone is your best long term generator, longest produced engine in the world, the poos are still making them new. 80k hour+ bearing life if you look after it, burns anything from ATF to motor oil to water/oil mixes (yes). Some go full water but that's /x/ shit.

Batteries for storage are also a great idea if you need stealth or temporary running.

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a562b0  No.66033

File: eb60f66c93fc197⋯.jpeg (23.33 KB, 400x225, 16:9, FC180C3D_BA9A_49BD_939B_5….jpeg)


>1 bulb a day

Well, at least, you wouldn’t have to worry about social distancing and forget about having children. Even fruity soaps will not correct that.

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b93ad5  No.66034

File: 5bf26dd025bbe48⋯.gif (4.52 MB, 498x498, 1:1, tenor.gif)


>i dont see how that answers my question

You want my answer? Shit…since finding my way to the an inner circle such as 8 chan/pnd/fringe knowledge and whatnots, I've come to the conclusion that whatever They say, whatever They do, whatever educational 'scientific research' They insist we be brainwashed with..it's all a lie, and most importantly and most dangerously it's all against us.

tl;dr watch the gif.

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139ace  No.66035


That disinfection technique is shit. Their back isn't covered, their side only partially, and many don't raise their arms, meaning their underarm isn't covered, and if they do raise their arms, he doesn't spray high enough so their hands aren't covered.

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188ae6  No.66036

File: d545efe3ff7d4c3⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB, 320x580, 16:29, Italian_army_going_after_e….mp4)

File: fa829afa466a505⋯.png (85.29 KB, 535x448, 535:448, deutschland_deaths.png)

Pasta military going after the escaped prisoners in Foggia. Wew. The Centauro is such a beautiful vehicle. Also, Deutschland is reporting it's first two deaths. Can't find any details at the moment.


*CBRN. Fuck this algorithm, I keep forgetting the order of the letters.


What a fucking piece of shit. But I have faith that Corona-Chan is already incubating in him. He will receive divine punishment for lying soon. Burgerland's zog will fall, international jewry will soon follow.


Iranians are incompetent as fuck.

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950677  No.66037


Generator gas consumption is ridiculous. I hope you don’t have electric heat. Cheapo generator consumes one of those tall plastic gas cans in an evening; that’s with just running some lights, refrigerator and freezer, and window air conditioner.

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ee9294  No.66038


>international jewry will soon follow.

idk man, parasites are surprisingly durable

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76614e  No.66039

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Indian guy bypasses airport check and escapes from hospital. Police end up visiting the guy's house and wait for him to come and surrender himself.

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000d74  No.66040


spicy peppers have properties that clean the blood from fats and blood cells clogging up your artery, if your blood is clogged the immune system can't fight the virus.

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950677  No.66041


Aren’t they disinfecting with bug spray anyway? Bad time to be in Iran.

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a842a0  No.66042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

kraut pre-deaths press conference


- minister of health "jens spahn". he is the reason corona got coined "spahnish flu"

- director of the institute of virology at charite "drosten". charite is the most important hospital and front line defense against corona-chan

- president of robert-koch institute(RKI) "wieler". rki dishes out regulations nobody gives a fuck about because they are impossible to implement and because of federal laws in germany

note: while who praises corona-chan as "very high risk", europe goes with "high risk" and krauts merely bumped it to "medium" a week ago.

interesting bits leaving out the frequent coofing in audience:

00:00-06:00 it's just like a flu bro, but we need every kraut to halp us.(first time it is officialy not "just a flu")

06:55 corona-chan is dangerous for 10-14 days. not more, not less.

07:23 as a society we need to decide what we can forego in the coming weeks and months.(he can't stop fagball and concerts because of federal laws, krauts need to decide for themselves)

10:00 please get pneumococcal vaccination if you are >60 years old because it will help with possible additional infections of the lung

10:20 please do not use public transport in big cities if weather checks out

10:34 please cancel any gatherings above 1000 idiots.(several demonstrations to let in muh refugees from bosporus hitler during last week)

10:45 please dont close schools and child care generally so parents can work

13:44-14:05 could get worse than flu, could become less severe than flu - we don't know shit

14:45 don't worry, there will be dead krauts

15:38 RKI: not every contact person needs quarantine. now it is time to cancel gatherings and close public facilities. RKI gives advice, but only local health authorities can decide

17:05 patients with certain preconditions should wear masks and googles

19:25 epidemic study from burgers show high likelyhood of corona epidemic for krauts even in warm climate - nearly no seasonal effect.(not naming study in question)

31:00 Q: what about reports that pastas got corona from krauts? A: i don't believe that because only 3 common properties, but 5 different and study was withdrawn.

33:20 krauts don't require negative tests to be registered, it is voluntary. but we have thousands of negative test results for sure. we do many tests daily, but can't say how much because of federal structure

35:00 RKI: we can't say how many recovered but there are many. some labs report 25 positives on 1000 tests.

36:25 negative PCR tests don't say shit because ===throat tests are positive for about a week=== and lung tests are only done on severe cases. ===if corona-chan blessed lungs, PCR tests do shit===

50:00 fate of fagball super-spreading events will be decided in the next days.(last week german fagball association said we need to play until may, not probable they will cease without being forced)

52:30 antibody tests are positive after first week of symptoms, not useful for early testing like PCR.

53:25 there will be viral antigen tests ("lateral flow devices") soon that will work for early throat testing, most probably

1:01:15 minikrauts only spread but don't get ill so no corona holidays for every school, local authorities have to decide

1:06:10 RKI: it is a pandemic virus, like drosten clearly said last week. 60-70% of krauts will get infected

1:11:58 we expect doubling rate just short of 7 days

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c77025  No.66043


Where is 100% reinfection rate gotten from?

Why are you happy to die?

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d00b5b  No.66045


Check your temperature and blood oxygen level. That'll tell you.

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188ae6  No.66046

File: dd3e3b2a67d9b3c⋯.mp4 (8 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Wuhan_man_says_hospitals_a….mp4)

File: 88bae93839c2dfa⋯.png (151.31 KB, 545x722, 545:722, no_tests_on_weekends.png)

File: a5667236f579fcb⋯.png (160.79 KB, 606x802, 303:401, infected_priest.png)

Chink from Wuhan blows the whistle on hospitals kicking out patients to make room for Corona-Chan's victims; Lazy Burgers refuse to do testing on weekends and infected D.C Priest had contact with 500 people https://archive.vn/3dWzT


I know, but Corona-Chan will purge them all, along with the rest of the uncivilized subhumans that on this planet. Have faith and prepare, things are gonna get nasty soon.




Thank you, German anon. I wish I had the patience and the nerves to watch Brownzilian press cooferences but I just can't do it, I hate our zog way too much.


>Why are you happy to die?

Most anons don't want to die, we are happy because our enemies will.

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a562b0  No.66048

File: 784a6e4eb699b02⋯.jpeg (367.26 KB, 2620x1416, 655:354, C28517DE_F1F0_4E94_922D_1….jpeg)

File: 5cdea8c1452ba46⋯.jpeg (223.58 KB, 1625x1255, 325:251, 6902F99D_9C27_436F_B917_C….jpeg)


I, personally, expect a few mutants to survive. What I don’t expect is that they will be able to #1 find each other in the vast expanse of the planet #2 survive other natural problems/disasters etc that will befall the planet.

The only way that humanity will survive is if a very closely related group of mutants happens to all survive in a community. But with the way that people are so dispersed and uprooted from their homes now I don’t know where this would happen. Maybe in very remote backwaters. Then the question remains will they survive things like nuke plants detonating, etc, biolabs left open (other diseases released by niggers, etc)…broken bones and no healthcare, antibiotic resistant bacteria, etc.


At least give him the medical guidelines for diagnosis.


Check your parents as well to see if their health is deteriorating as well…it is up to you to monitor your family since you know what is going on more than they do (if you love them and want them to live). Obtain O2 monitor from ANY health retailer like walgreens in the diabetes section of the pharmacy. Cost; about $20

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69427b  No.66049


50 on the run… during a quarantine. I take it these complete retards are in fact niggers?

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c77025  No.66050


Still waiting for those di-phasic reinfection sources, didn't say anything about mutants

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139ace  No.66051


The problem I see with that community survival thing is that so few people in developed nations have the skills to survive without modern technology. The amount of people that know how to live with bushcraft/stone-age tech and/or medieval tech is extremely little, and you'd need to have an entire community of them live together and be immune at the same time, because only one or two people with survival skills trying to save an entire community is just going to result in everyone dying.

If reinfection rate is that bad, the best chance for survival of the species would probably be third world nations with less dangers from degrading modern tech (because it doesn't exist) and more people with survival knowledge existing. In that case, we may just restart humanity with a single village of niggers again.

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a562b0  No.66052


Also, I think most of us have lived under the kike slavery for so long that we would do almost anything to get out from under them, including off’ing the entire planet just to be free. This means that their ‘slave system’ was more obnoxious to us than the lives of our own people, the loves of our life and the people of our nation. We know that not everyone can waken and we will cut those who can’t off in a heartbeat if it means that the kikes are exterminated as well. I expect NOTHING LESS from a true aryan (noble) than to act with nobility and towards the greater good, regardless of the cost or personal cost to themselves.

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69427b  No.66053

File: 467b2ae79d7de0d⋯.jpeg (104.64 KB, 1362x766, 681:383, 200309_prison_riots_tease….jpeg)

What a shock, they're niggers.

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a562b0  No.66054


You need to go back and study the corona virus yourself if you do not understand what one is anon. This was basic information that was gone over in the first 10 threads. I am not going to repeat it all for you because you are lazy.

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a562b0  No.66055


Who has time for this…shoot them all. They are double criminals now.

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a562b0  No.66056


>mfw humans were niggers


>fucking kike ‘education’ these days

Anon, there are tons of people in the USA who survive without modern technology.

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e76d03  No.66057

File: 054719975d95de8⋯.jpg (47.13 KB, 452x588, 113:147, nasty_clowns.JPG)


Don't waste the lead and powder. Torch them.

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e0650a  No.66058


There is a 50% chance they are either sandniggers or niggers or gypsies. Now there are just 16 left. Riots look over at the moment, but I think we will see more tomorrow. It is almost press conference time. If I got to know them, today they will be super enthusiast and positive because we were butchered but we fought well.

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442402  No.66059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This guy has a point, what is going on is the biggest wealth transfer in human history and the corona bioweapon is their black swan event - their scapegoat - to collapse the global economic system and roll in a new one (which will obviously be used to disarm, loot and enslave the Western world). We need to be prepared for this and get ready for armed conflict if we want to remain free and independent. They plan to loot your pensions, your 401(k), your IRA, etc everything you have when the crisis gets real serious. Save this video! Mirror it! Spread it!

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69427b  No.66061

I suppose the good thing about a quarantine is that your niggers are guaranteed to attempt to violate it, giving legitimate reasons to cull their population. It's too bad some "human" rights advocate will attempt to intervene.

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000000  No.66062


>Couple red cans of gasoline if you value having a car/motorcycle to use

If you are going to store it, you need to buy ethanol-free gasoline. It's available (at least by me) but you have to find the gas stations that have it. Otherwise, you are going to need some method to decant the water out of the gasoline before use.


>Watch (((Trump))) suddenly care a whole lot about the corona virus once he comes down with it.

Oh, he cares, but only about the stock market. He is really fucking up on this one. He needs to come out and tell everyone it could get bad, and ask everyone to do what they can and rally around the flag. But he won't do it, because this could (probably will) crush his presidency.

>Presidential debates with no local audience because quarantines are in full swing

>daily pictures of hospitals bringing out the dead

>industry grinds to a halt

>no test kits available

>tests cost $3,000 when available



>Spare electronics isn't a bad idea. I feel documentation is going to be important in the coming months.

Thankfully, I repair most of my equipment when I can. Spare parts may become short if china / japan can't resume production. You are going to have to use that iphone for another year or two, faggots.


Learn about the future from watching the current/past. Don't be a moron and think that us/canada will be any different. Trump is fucking up and Trudeau is willfully importing coronachan.


>Chink from Wuhan blows the whistle on hospitals kicking out patients to make room for Corona-Chan's victims

If you are a cancer patient, staying in the hospital and getting corona is a death sentence. This is probably a wise move.

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e76d03  No.66063


You should fuck off and die. Do some work. Pay fucking attention. Now go away.

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b3903b  No.66064


Hey bello, vieni anche su julay/ita/ (o su quella qui su 8kun, solo che è un po' desolata).


Six of them died already. Three of "natural causes" (can't live with a baton cracked in your skull) and another three because they overdosed on pills when they broke through riot police and stuffed themselves with whatever they could find, at least according to local authorities.

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2cf8a0  No.66065


(((They))) need to weaken the masses before mass disarmament and the mass theft of public collateral. It would be the only way they could pull it off and get away with it, is by creating such a crisis as a cover. Be prepared to shoot those who intend to disarm you or steal your property or you will become a slave. Simple as that.

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a562b0  No.66066


You are already a slave. You should be shooting them to obtain freedom.

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a562b0  No.66067


Kill the human rights advocate. Problem solved.

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188ae6  No.66068

File: 829fb8dd83098ff⋯.png (207.14 KB, 604x867, 604:867, Ivan_gets_serious.png)

File: 429de8a339ad833⋯.png (181.14 KB, 554x676, 277:338, montgomery_county.png)

File: c4a963409453ae6⋯.png (227.22 KB, 536x796, 134:199, chinks_begging.png)

File: 44b04a465e85127⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 368x640, 23:40, Chinks_on_their_knees_begg….mp4)

Russia will throw coofers who break quarantine in jail for five years https://archive.vn/f2BMz ; Presumptive case in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania and a video of chinks beggging (the government?) for help.


>We need to be prepared for this and get ready for armed conflict if we want to remain free and independent.

This. Don't let them get away with it, take advantage of their greed and use this disaster to wake the normalfags up.


>If you are a cancer patient, staying in the hospital and getting corona is a death sentence. This is probably a wise move.

You have a good point.

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a562b0  No.66069

File: 9e50d48fb428100⋯.jpeg (33.33 KB, 287x367, 287:367, 911A3226_2FFF_4768_9F6A_3….jpeg)


>Russia will throw coofers who break quarantine in jail for five years

This lends credence to the idea that you will be thrown into chains so heavy that you cannot bear them by the NWO. If I was a diaper fetishist I would be wondering if they will wipe my ass for me as well.

It really is a brilliant set up. Think about how many ‘problems’ (((they))) are resolving using this bioweapon.

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46a788  No.66070


>Jennifer Zeng: Somewhere in #China

So that means that vid wasn't recorded in Wuhan? Anyone have an inkling where it could have been recorded?

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c881b0  No.66072

File: 09c4b25fe8312a0⋯.gif (164.04 KB, 300x291, 100:97, giphy.gif)


>ID: 66666c


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95ea06  No.66073

>39 sick


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1a74dd  No.66075


>>66029 < YES

Trump went to CPAC recently and shook hands with one individual who ended up being diagnosed with the corona virus later on. Anyone at CPAC could be infected.

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950677  No.66077

File: 9310c56dc8b4a9f⋯.jpeg (508.38 KB, 2576x2244, 644:561, DCDCF6D9_AC0E_421F_95CF_A….jpeg)


Change you can believe in

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2c5b9c  No.66078

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950677  No.66080


This is a chink bioweapon to kill off old American women. They voted for Hillary to see a vagina in the white house in their lifetime, regardless of disagreeing with her policies. But that doesn’t mean they’ll vote for Biden. China is pulling out all the stops to get their puppet Biden in office.

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d4b6d8  No.66081


>The man kept saying, (he was looking for bulk rice) that ‘it must be on the next isle’

Ugh. I'm in the process of moving out from my folks' place, and my mom just keeps saying "I'm sure they'll have it" when asking me to get things like bottled water, TP, etc. I then sent her the Sam's/Walmart pictures that I posted in another thread.

Normalcy bias is going to get a lot of these boomers killed. At least many NPCs will die off.

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b93ad5  No.66082


>the weekend is my chill time, bro

Anymore of that tweet?

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e85039  No.66083

File: f6d50e3cb6f278b⋯.png (800.16 KB, 972x547, 972:547, akiramonster.png)


>This is the main reason we will not know the future of humanity until a CV19 penis and a CV19 pussy come together. I can’t wait to see what the product is…hopefully not something too grotesque.

I think you watch too much anime.

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e48c89  No.66084


The time to stockup was a decade ago anon, when those 25 year shelf life freeze dried luxury foods were only $800 for a one year supply. Try finding such a deal now days, lol.

Anyway: rice, beans, oatmeal, grits, split peas, nuts, granola, flour, cane sugar, peanut butter, dried pancake mix, boxes of Red Feather canned butter, boxes of dried mash potatoe mix, canned mushrooms, spices and seasonings (to flavor food).

For sanitation/decontamination supplies: bleach, lysol spray, borax, rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, soap, tissue, toilet paper, extra clothing, extra shoes/boots, extra towels, respirators, plastic gloves, bio-suits, garbage bags, UV-C germicidal lighting for disinfecting a small area and supplies. Bulk lighter fluid to help burn contaminated bodies in pits.

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188ae6  No.66085

File: 07b96b44f4f25a9⋯.png (359.78 KB, 877x955, 877:955, NYC_quarantine_is_possible.png)

File: 7450c98444b75c5⋯.png (460.25 KB, 870x955, 174:191, blessed_port_authority.png)

File: d9ec53a5414cae7⋯.png (255.04 KB, 593x719, 593:719, Hard_Labor_Creek_State_Par….png)

File: 438252d61ec1bba⋯.mp4 (622.15 KB, 360x640, 9:16, Building_on_fire_at_Zhuzho….mp4)

NYC mayor says quarantine is possible and at least five boroughs could be quarantined https://archive.vn/HQc4K ; Port Authority of New York and New Jersey gets blessed https://archive.is/kgrdG ; Governor of Georgia announces that there will be a coofer isolation center in the Hard Labor Creek State Park in Morgan County https://archive.vn/wip/EwdiQ and a building on fire in Chinkland.


Nope. She does say it was recorded on 2 of March, but nothing about location.


About no tests during the weekend? No.

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ca871a  No.66087


most of diaper fetishists dont look like that

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77e435  No.66091

This will slow down by June and be over by October.

Now, who wants to bet against this statement?

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000000  No.66094


>most of diaper fetishists dont look like that

Get out, freak.


>This will slow down by June and be over by October.

Many companies won't survive anyway.

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fe80e1  No.66095

File: 3b99baffd1bf92e⋯.png (138.05 KB, 467x348, 467:348, duckj.png)

Tanks deployed on pastaland as prison riots due to COVID-19 escalate with 50 escaped


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f897e7  No.66096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't know if this has been posted before, but Vitamin D helps you to not get Corona'd.

If panic still haven't hit your area then get some Vitamin D supplements while you still can.

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a842a0  No.66097

>Iran temporarily released about 70,000 prisoners because of the coronavirus contagion, as the death toll rose by 43 new fatalities to 237.

https://www.aljazeera. com/news/2020/03/italy-coronavirus-toll-soars-north-sealed-live-updates-200308235426110.html

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6f2690  No.66100

NY Gov. Cuomo Reports That Top Transit Official Has Coronavirus

New York governor Andrew Cuomo confirmed that Port Authority Director, Rick Cotton, “has tested positive” for the coronavirus and will be moved into quarantine.

“He has been at the airports, obviously, when many people were coming back with the virus,” Cuomo said in a press conference Monday. “And he will work from home and now, this senior team that works with Rick will also be tested. So several of them may be on quarantine and they will working from home.”

The governor urged his constituents to take precautions but refrain from pandemonium as he provided an update about the ongoing situation. He advised people to “use your discretion, use your intelligence” when it comes to adjusting social interactions amid the pandemic.

“The fear and the hysteria is outpacing the reality of the situation,” Cuomo said, “but the reality of the situation is that people in that target group should be careful.”

Cuomo also used the press conference to reveal a new state-produced hand sanitizer, and to look at the latest test numbers from around the state. The governor touted the results by saying that with more positive tests coming back, it gives authorities a better idea of who to place under quarantine.


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188ae6  No.66101

File: 471447ee1c1d26d⋯.png (309.92 KB, 687x947, 687:947, Ruskie_news.png)

File: d7b487a373bcd24⋯.png (98.23 KB, 535x593, 535:593, big_brain_move.png)

File: 6ffbe4b90762b08⋯.pdf (202.57 KB, event_201_directives.pdf)

File: 8150e882e1212c8⋯.png (188.47 KB, 599x782, 599:782, censorship.png)

20 confirmed cases in Russia https://archive.vn/Wwp5T and Brownzilian ministry of health offering five tickets to the AIDS cooference conference in Tranny Central. Yes, sponsoring international travel to a blessed city, our government is very smart indeed. Also: Zerohedge article on (((social media companies))) working with the WHO to censor information https://archive.vn/ZMSVB . I'm going to supplement this article with a pdf containing the directives from Event 201 that mention "suppression of false information and harmful rumors".


Shit, I forgot to remove the /wip/ on the last archive link, good thing it still works normally.


It won't, it will just intensify. You're going to eat your words. Corona-Chan will only be gone when the last subhuman drops dead. Now leave, unbeliever, begone.


Did you read the thread? I have posted the video here >>66036 .


They did it again? Wew.


Can you fucking quit this diaper bullshit, you nigger? Filtered.

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ca871a  No.66102


>Can you fucking quit this diaper bullshit

I just thought it would be hillarious to post it here of all places

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ca8304  No.66103


Not him, but I'm kindly asking you to stop posting gross pics too.

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b93ad5  No.66104

File: 9aac78653bab529⋯.gif (992.05 KB, 245x196, 5:4, source.gif)


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b93ad5  No.66105


>diaper bullshit, you nigger? Filtered.

Just another Jew trying to get us to be degenerates like them.

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cc085f  No.66107


If you can afford it I would recommend the liquid IU drops, anywhere from 2,000 to 4,000 IUs per drop. They are more expensive but are the real deal, unlike a lot of those cheap Walmart supplements.

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bb4fd8  No.66108


>pictures of shit filled diapers need to be filtered or i might join them

if that tempted you, you would probably kill yourself

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b93ad5  No.66109


Yes, they almost got me.

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98bb31  No.66110


The (((Port Authority))) is a major control point for ZOG, this is amazing.

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46a788  No.66111

File: 8db16b2f59c72cf⋯.png (27.36 KB, 670x404, 335:202, AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.png)

File: d6824cef5829dc5⋯.png (27.98 KB, 662x437, 662:437, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA….png)

File: f752929b19e5c65⋯.png (276.4 KB, 581x633, 581:633, corona_chan_laughing_at_yo….png)

Rest in Pieces Market and Stock Thugs!

Coron-chan is laughing at your blind trust in your wealth.

Hail Corona-chan! Hail Putin and his Based Oil Economics!

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000d74  No.66112

File: e40c87a18ad0107⋯.gif (212.12 KB, 525x525, 1:1, 1423692377857.gif)


I have a rage of a thousand suns


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98bb31  No.66113

Diaper poster should be banned and his content removed so we do not archive it for posterity.

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188ae6  No.66114

File: 0974e45fb13f5e6⋯.png (496.59 KB, 1170x940, 117:94, italia.png)

File: 1308499618745bd⋯.png (329.81 KB, 538x880, 269:440, opposition_claims_overs_26….png)

File: 639fce1ee91ad89⋯.png (236.69 KB, 603x860, 603:860, Faith_is_everything.png)

File: aea4b266edbd77a⋯.png (514.35 KB, 924x1270, 462:635, Corona_Chan_on_jews_and_su….png)

It seems Pasta doctors are giving up on people who are too old:

>If a person between 80 and 95 years old has severe respiratory failure, it’s likely we will not go ahead. If they have multi-organ failure, with more than two or three vital organs, it means that their mortality rate is 100%

Source https://archive.vn/46UjB . Also: Anti-regime movement in Iran claims the death toll is over 2600, Big brain eggheads from Harvard and Literally WHO say that summer might not affect Corona-Chan at all https://archive.vn/w8hOH . I told you to have faith and pray, din't I? I told you the rituals and prayers would ensure this, din't I? The prayers and rituals will not only continue, they will be intensified.




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98bb31  No.66115


Italy probably isn't as fucked up as the UK, where I could see doctors being ordered to give preferential treatment to niggers and assorted muds (BAME as they like to call them).

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be9aae  No.66116

Italy deaths up by 97:


>Death toll in Italy from coronavirus rises to 463 with total number of cases rising to 9,172

Not sure what's going on with BNO, no update since 6 hours ago.

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98bb31  No.66117


>no update since 6 hours ago.

Noticed that too. Perhaps their team finally realized they need sleep, or who knows, maybe they were told to (((SHUT IT DOWN))). Hopefully they're back in action in a few hours.

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751a32  No.66118


True…. but unfortunately if anyone has a pension or a 401(k) it has been looted. Those are all tied to the stock markets so a whole lot of workers are going to lose their savings.

Like Gregory Mannarino pointed out yesterday there is a huge transfer of wealth from the people to the top 1% going on: >>66059

So I hope people in the Western world plan to default and defect from the system, and squat inside their homes armed when this comes crashing down. Shoot and kill anyone who tries to disarm and remove you or your family. Board up your homes and prepare for stand-offs and war. If you know you are going to die plan ASAP ways you can kill as many of the cocksuckers off with you and die in a blaze of glory.

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46a788  No.66119



It's probably the sleep/rest issue. They had a pause before a few days ago and they came on twitter to reassure people they were being overwhelmed and needed a break. I don't know how many work for that account, but it;s probably at most three people, all in the same country or time zone.

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002b35  No.66120

File: 49900571490de46⋯.gif (774.51 KB, 400x300, 4:3, laquer_head.gif)



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188ae6  No.66121

File: d90c04205baca9b⋯.png (161.22 KB, 542x639, 542:639, louisiana.png)

File: b919dce168d08ba⋯.png (120.79 KB, 611x863, 611:863, possible_dc_state_of_emerg….png)

File: 2c94af803b6ee10⋯.png (146.11 KB, 578x572, 289:286, colarado_update.png)

File: d474283f9de5640⋯.png (266.89 KB, 1011x871, 1011:871, saint_patrick_day_parade_c….png)

File: 828d457944f830c⋯.mp4 (375.93 KB, 320x400, 4:5, high_tech_iranian_street_d….mp4)

Potatofags cancel all Saint Patrick parades due to airborne aids https://archive.vn/cwfIZ ; Colorado update from the governor; Video of two Iranians on the back of a pickup, hosing the streets in an futile attempt to disinfect them; D.C mayor considers declaring a state of emergency https://archive.vn/iUHAM and Louisiana reports first presumptive case.


Maybe they're taking a break.


>where I could see doctors being ordered to give preferential treatment to niggers and assorted muds

If that wouldn't be a wake up call to Britbongs to rise up and take back what's rightfully theirs, I don't know what else would be.

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ca871a  No.66122


I tried to delete my diaper posts, but post deletion feature is completely broken on this honeypost site. Maybe its purposively done that way. If someone says he is going to shoot up people, that someone will be unable to delete his own posts if he suddenly changes his mind. Maybe broken post deletion somehow helps law enforcement in catching shooters.

Glowniggers, stay away from me, I live in shithole coutry in eastern EU, I will be dead from virus soon anyway

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000d74  No.66124


even in the best of circumstance 401(k) has hidden fees of 1% to 2% a year meaning your savings will get slashed 30% to half by the time you retire.

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0fd4c4  No.66125


Nothing was mentioned about killing random people, only defending themselves and families from thugs and criminals while bugging-in.

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be9aae  No.66126

DOW is now -2,000, ~8% drop.

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ca871a  No.66127


I know. I was talking about shooters in general

Also, to stick on topic:

Slovakia banned all sport events


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5c967c  No.66128

File: f6a82c8a35609f3⋯.png (262.71 KB, 1527x778, 1527:778, dji_9_3_2020.PNG)

Holy fuck

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59d275  No.66129


Sacklers are and have been killing on avg. 150 mostly whites every single day. We're getting absolutely wrecked by these Jews.

Something to thing about if you think big pharma won't let this spread for better profits next quarter.

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033cbf  No.66130


>So I hope people in the Western world plan to default and defect from the system, and squat inside their homes armed when this comes crashing down. Shoot and kill anyone who tries to disarm and remove you or your family. Board up your homes and prepare for stand-offs and war.


> If you know you are going to die plan ASAP ways you can kill as many of the cocksuckers off with you and die in a blaze of glory.

This could and should have been re-iterated better. Kill off mobs of looters or tyrants who intend to disarm, kidnap, harm or kill you and plan an offense to slow them all down significantly if they breach your barricades to kill you. That's a guerilla warfare tactic used against enemies and it works well to slow down and defeat invading forces.

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030033  No.66131


Most people have never experienced bad times. Baring some mild temporary inconveniences during earthquakes, blizzards, or hurricanes, the average American or European has never encountered dire straights where the local market has been bare.


Reminds me of September 2008. We still have a long way to go. Panic hasn't even truely set in yet. The DOW, though down a lot today, is still at 2018 numbers.

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27722c  No.66132

File: bbfaaddd6127727⋯.jpg (45.59 KB, 750x422, 375:211, 106428962_1583760636526pre….jpg)


I'm just here for the ridiculously pained expressions from stock brokers. Acting devastated like any of this is their money.

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27722c  No.66133

File: b5584aeaedd9500⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 5408x3520, 169:110, 106432679_1583768133077pre….jpg)

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5c967c  No.66134


>Reminds me of September 2008. We still have a long way to go.

We've already crushed the 10-15-2008 crash of -7.87%…

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2c4d56  No.66135


If it goes to -4000 then it is a market crash all over again and expect "problems with the circuits" and possible temp shutdowns of the NYSE.

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27722c  No.66136


Already happened.

>The S&P 500 fell more than 7% Monday, triggering circuit breakers that temporarily helped halt a further plunge.

>The index hit the mandatory trading halt shortly after the open, stopping trading below that level for 15 minutes. The market resumed trading at 9:49 am ET and continued a decline that saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average briefly shed more than 2,000 points.

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46a788  No.66137


>The Goyim know and Corona-chan is just around the corner


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5c967c  No.66138


>possible temp shutdowns of the NYSE.

The stock market was already temporarily shutdown this morning.

>If it goes to -4000 then it is a market crash

Completely arbitrary bullshit number. Points don't determine a crash, percentages do.

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1d320b  No.66139


Campbell's vids are good and digestable for the common folk, but the infos he gave out are things that we already knew about a week prior. It's better to use them as a some sort of catch-up information since not every anon can follow every medical posts in /cgv/.

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950677  No.66140

File: 9271777cf18114c⋯.jpeg (67.33 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 433928EB_B875_4499_887F_6….jpeg)


No one invited you here, fagfag.

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64049a  No.66142


>The stock market was already temporarily shutdown this morning.

OK, I stand corrected.

>Completely arbitrary bullshit number. Points don't determine a crash, percentages do.

This is what I've heard from an interview a while back ago when this panic began. Not sure if accurate but this is what was warned. Could be wrong, don't know, but I figure might as well mention what I heard.

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188ae6  No.66144

File: 98b3f79aa6cc299⋯.png (430.72 KB, 654x953, 654:953, prisoners_making_hand_sani….png)

File: c6fadb4564ea95c⋯.png (302.41 KB, 873x902, 873:902, fulton_county_school.png)

File: 4e247c276e588d4⋯.png (258.92 KB, 923x887, 923:887, infected_cardiologist.png)

File: fda765dbea67867⋯.png (97.27 KB, 1284x631, 1284:631, frisco.png)

File: d0d5e979dd1fbb4⋯.jpeg (244.25 KB, 1093x1773, 1093:1773, collin_health_authority.jpeg)

Jew York prisoners making hand sanitizer https://archive.is/ZvzMu ; Infected employee at a school in Fulton County https://archive.is/MPonr ; Infected cardiologist from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia is critical condition, currently hospitalized at the Hospital of the University of Penn and first presumptive case in Collin County https://archive.vn/cBcAq

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927407  No.66145

Pulled all retirement funds put of stock amd just in time. Kikes only got like .05% of it from the looks of it. Anons get anything out of stock now if you haven't already. The market is utter trash (unless you're a biomedical kike).

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d27aa8  No.66147

File: 099a6ece93905fe⋯.jpg (65.86 KB, 567x636, 189:212, wtf_am_I_reading.jpg)


Well F for my fake currency money. On the other hand, oil companies are going to be a fucking bargain if corona-chan doesn't kill everyone

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927407  No.66148


>prisoners making hand sanitizer

Finally, the niggers shall know what work is

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9d7695  No.66149


Pulling my 401(k) years ago and retiring early was the smartest thing I ever did, a lot of that money was put into paying off mortgage and prepping ;)

Ironically it was a friend of mine who warned me how the stock market was rigged to screw average workers and investors (he was a kike so he knew how to game the system, yet he was nice enough to inform me just how rigged the markets were and he made an income from it. He's now dead from cocaine overdose. His son said something to me that was pretty alarming at his funeral: when they were taking out his belongings they found tons of physical silver, gold, cash and bricks of uncut cocaine!) What that dude knew or was up to God only knows….

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5f765c  No.66150

File: 533ea894851f76b⋯.png (86.51 KB, 443x541, 443:541, 533ea894851f76bdb06b5ad57e….png)


I forgot to add this, but it's a neat idea: Buy full sized mannequin dolls and body bags! The body bags might have multiple uses, but the main thing is that when SHTF and there will be chimpouts and looting, you could throw some clothes on the dolls, put them in the body bags and leave them at your doors entrance, yard etc. Even the dumbest niggers will know that dead body in a bag = Corona infected corpse and house.

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000d74  No.66152

File: a2c4dd5ca9e2bc8⋯.gif (543.72 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1434819106561.gif)


No one is talking about the housing market? Spring and summer is time of the when homes are sold the most because parents want get into a better school before the new school year starts or downsize when their kids go to college.

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927407  No.66154


Sadly I can't retire off of mine, but it would be a nice cash ball. Only like 20% of it was in stocks, the rest in stable money market funds. Once it all transfers I think I'll empty it before those tank too.

Hello to all my bills being paid off

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030033  No.66155


Nig camo is a good idea, but the best solution is to not live near them. The ideal is having a small community that you trust, communicate, and work along with.

What you might want to consider are roadblocks and obstacles to keep the city slickers from driving into town and letting them LARP out their Fallout fantasies.

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927407  No.66156


Checked. Also, bugging in is not a bad idea if you got the means to defend your property.

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5d6a82  No.66157


Is hand sanitizer still good if it's produced by niggers? They'll screw it up somehow.

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5c967c  No.66158

File: 2a540886f5c5948⋯.png (238.83 KB, 1504x786, 752:393, dji_9_3_2020_8_32.PNG)


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d4ed6d  No.66159


It is their money they are losing - most of their renumeration is performance bonus

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59d275  No.66161


And our leader and everyone around him is the worst combination of dishonest, corrupt and incompetent. I didn't think things were really going to get this crazy.

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927407  No.66162


>kikes losing their own money

This makes me feel insanely happy

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030033  No.66163


And it's only just begun!

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000000  No.66164


They could have (should have) closed it down for the week

>several people who worked the floor of the NYSE are presumed positive for COVID-19 pending results from the CDC.

With several NYC kikes legitimately having it, nobody would question it. IF the press did figure it out you could explain it away as faulty tests causing false positives -

>we acted out of an abundance of caution

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32d003  No.66165


I have been searching through my downloads folder which is a cluster fuck a couple of years ago, there was a graph depicting a couple of things. I was linked to a patent held by the Redshields and had something to do with genetics or biology.

I can't believe this hasn't resurfaced or anyone has mentioned it. This is some old school shit and a lot of digging basically led to speculation on some kind of population control but nothing was ever concrete.


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b8b40a  No.66166


Not a bad idea when SHTF only I'd be cautious because it could attract the wrong company too (the feds or a swat team with coof patrols).

Steve Quayle once mentioned a good idea and that would be to make the outside of your home look uninhabited and dilapidated, but from the inside you would put up barricades for the doors and windows and black curtains to block out any light from showing outside the home. People would not suspect anything and likely pass by thinking the place was already ransacked.

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386063  No.66167

Burger here. I know someone who has symptoms of our lord and savior, Corona-chan, but they're afraid of testing costs. Are they free? Or does it depend on the state/city/county?

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927407  No.66168


I remember hearing that the kikes were investing in biomed a few years ago. I don't think anyone counted on them getting everyone sick and constantly giving them a portion of their income to survive though.

Living is about to get very spendy.

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e0650a  No.66169

File: 9b76c5506abfe8b⋯.jpg (92.8 KB, 1667x1200, 1667:1200, corteo.jpg)

File: 9a6f1bea5ac34dc⋯.jpeg (157.63 KB, 1100x963, 1100:963, ESsAJpxXgAAn4i9.jpeg)

Oh, shit… PastaAnon (by waifu system) with a few split numbers by region on /ourgirl/ tour in Italy. MSM went completely overboard: yesterday it was just a flu and today is the black death. (but we are winning goyim! We care, goyim. But do not go outside, do not check in at the ER, wash your hands…)



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927407  No.66170


Call a clinic or hospital and ask

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32d003  No.66171


I don't know why it just befell me today and I can't stop thinking that it has something to do with this stuff.

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927407  No.66172


It might. Honestly this all points to chinks being chinks. It stands to reason that the jew will at the very least scalp everyone in any way they can and profiteer like mad off of this. Donny has dropped hints that is what they will be doing.

But I could be wrong.

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39deff  No.66173


Many testing kits are not very reliable, proven to be getting false positives and false negatives so beware of that.


That could likely attract unwanted attention. I'd recommend the person get a bunch of vitamins (mostly C & D) and natural anti-viral remedies like Chaga mushrooms and curcumin supplements as well some OTC meds like expectorants and fever reducers for emergencies.

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927407  No.66174


I doubt it. There's going to be a ton of people calling with questions or just barging in right now. They get calls asking for prices all the time.

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343b75  No.66175


If I were to call a hospital I would look into spoofing the phone number so it is untraceable just encase. You can never be too cautious these days. Soon we will be seeing draconian interventions just like China has.

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927407  No.66176


Call up an urgent care clinic and go from there.

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a562b0  No.66178


That is hilarious because when I originally thought of it THAT was exactly the image that came to mind. However, far more dangerous to humanity are the alterations that can not be seen by the human eye.

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000d74  No.66179

File: aede88b6fbd8d86⋯.jpg (8.64 MB, 5312x2988, 16:9, 20200309_150023_Copy.jpg)


> black curtains to block out any light from showing outside the home.

Does blue count? I am gonna change the paint the walls soon, the palm tree pollen is gonna kill me if I'm not careful in shtf.

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32d003  No.66180


I am talking about years ago so I might not remember everything but I am autistic so I might.

>Weird as pyramid graph

>Something pointing to genetic editing or biology

>Most digging led to a disease or vaccine

>Redshields held the patent

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258d12  No.66181

File: 1072e1a2b069f6c⋯.jpg (72.24 KB, 426x640, 213:320, 10.jpg)


>quarantine vs isolation

Quarantine is for healthy people who might have been exposed to see if they come down with something

Isolation is for people who are sick so they don't infect others.

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927407  No.66182


That reminds me, Malaysian airlines had some guys that held some very important biomed patents didn't they?

I think we are on to something. Guys can we get a hand?

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188ae6  No.66184

File: 9302502d596602c⋯.png (62.61 KB, 484x498, 242:249, canadian_update.png)

File: 9e6fd35df0998b3⋯.png (108.62 KB, 801x583, 801:583, cdc.png)

File: a4f87511af23185⋯.png (114.3 KB, 806x548, 403:274, jew_jersey.png)

File: 9da3a6e9abd2343⋯.png (63.85 KB, 942x431, 942:431, kirkland.png)

File: 5fc8db0a5d94a42⋯.jpeg (150.98 KB, 1258x588, 629:294, kirkland_emt_infected.jpeg)

Leaf update, first deah; New CDC testing guidance https://archive.is/wktoj ; Jew Jersey update from it's governor and Kirkland update, 2 new deaths and an infected first responder https://archive.is/XrFGl .


I wouldn't use it. If niggers and spics that work in restaurants spit in the customer's food, what's stopping an incarcerated nigger from doing the same to the hand sanitizer?


I think the test is free in NY but I'm not a Burger, so don't take my word for it, I just know this because I read about Cuomo saying something about it.


They can't hide the truth anymore. Stay safe PastaAnon, your nation will need survivors to rebuild it and make it better than before. By the way, any news about SportyPasta? Is he dead?

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a562b0  No.66186


>get out

LOL..{in tears laughing}


Good God anon, Epsteindidntkillhimself was totally invested in ALL MANNER of biological adventures. I strongly doubt that he was killed for his child rape ways as much of the biomedical research he was ‘into’. I am sure there was some nasty nasty fucking shit that man got up to knowing the kikes propensity for torture and murder.


Yes. And at the time it was operated or ran by the son of the Malaysian Prime Minister who told the kikes to FUCK OFF…so there was a lot of coordinated murder in that event.

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32d003  No.66187


It might have been around that time yes. Eveytime it was posted non but the most autistic could make any progress on it.

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46a788  No.66188

File: 49fe4c1e5893b70⋯.png (245.38 KB, 671x605, 61:55, culture_in_his_lungs_lmao.png)


Macron's Minister of Destroying True French Culture has Corona-chan's blessings.

Press S to Spit

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927407  No.66189

File: 66b70c1b1c72754⋯.jpg (79.83 KB, 600x901, 600:901, 1d3.jpg)


>mfw syrupniggers are getting btfo


Holy fuck how many steps led to this moment?

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c77025  No.66190


>YES! 100% mortality, end of the world!

<Source, evidence?

>fuck off and die glowniggerkike

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e6508f  No.66192


You'll have to test it when dark out, turn on all the lights in the room and check from the outside to see if any light shows. If so, go for thick black curtains, maybe get some extra encase you need to overlap two at once. Also check out the corona survival thread for tips to barricade the entry points. You can do some heavy duty DIY fortification that makes entry points very difficult to breach (katy bars, extra deadbolts w/ long strike plates and 3" stainless steel screws to fortify the whole doorjambs) and any glass patio doors can be barricaded easily from the insides with the right tools and supplies.


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115121  No.66193

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927407  No.66194


Hail Hitler dubs



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fe80e1  No.66195

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000d74  No.66196


>you can do some heavy duty DIY fortification that makes entry points very difficult to breach (katy bars, extra deadbolts w/ long strike plates and 3" stainless steel screws to fortify the whole doorjambs) and any glass patio doors can be barricaded easily from the insides with the right tools and supplies.

all of my doors and windows are already hurricane impact, Is there anything else I could do?

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115121  No.66197


S for Sweden

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950677  No.66200


>I think the test is free in NY but I'm not a Burger, so don't take my word for it,

I think it’s no copay/deductible. For those lacking insurance, it’s “fuck you, pay me.”

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09ae0b  No.66201


The tests are in limited supply and they are not very accurate. There is no reliable ways of knowing if you have it or not. The best thing to do is if you have cold/flu symptoms, eat properly, get lots of sleep, avoid bad things like smoking/alcohol/drugs, take lots of vitamins, etc.

The symptoms are very much like the flu or a cold. So they are absolutely terrified of every person rushing to get a corona test as soon as they get a cold.

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097cae  No.66202


That likely would do, although I would look at extra measures if possible. Nightock guards for the doors can take up to 800 pounds of pressure and having two installed for each entry door would make it pretty much batter-ram proof. Those typically are installed next to the door, screwed deep into the floor boards and you can insert or remove those steel guards when needed (allowing you to utilize them like any other lock).

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aac7cc  No.66203


Checking that full house. I just pray this thing crashes markets with no survivors, and causes mass supply shortages especially in medication. Please don't let this be a disappointment, it has real potential

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d4ed6d  No.66204

File: 52c29262b3d69b9⋯.jpg (136.01 KB, 799x600, 799:600, ring_a_ring_a_roses_illust….jpg)

File: 00dae883eb03705⋯.jpg (5.02 MB, 6612x4770, 1102:795, Hans_Thoma_Kinderreigen_18….jpg)

File: 9120df37b9de0d9⋯.jpg (167.66 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, f4ee2e8904d6a2cad38311128c….jpg)

Ring-a-ring o' roses,

A pocket full of posies,

A-tishoo! A-tishoo!

We all fall down.

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e0650a  No.66205



He is still alive and apparently better. He was moved out from ICU today to a semi intensive care room.

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188ae6  No.66206

File: 07a3b680118376c⋯.png (180.71 KB, 608x531, 608:531, eggheads_are_discovering_h….png)

File: 2143edf6aa08e37⋯.png (128.5 KB, 325x592, 325:592, fuck_pakistan.png)

File: 50744834e6afac7⋯.mp4 (2.24 MB, 480x848, 30:53, Collapsed_Iranian_in_Karaj.mp4)

File: 61cb5d19b7d7795⋯.png (175.34 KB, 668x573, 668:573, gay_area.png)

File: cbb628963f04a82⋯.png (67.28 KB, 413x590, 7:10, scc.png)

Eggheads discovered Corona-Chan's envelopes of love can float for 30 minutes I will pray to extend this period even further https://archive.vn/G126v ; Nine new confirmed cases in Pakistan, total is now sixteen https://archive.vn/UAEfw ; Collapsed Iranian in Karaj; 10 new cases in Tranny Central's Gay Area https://archive.vn/rlh5C and first death in Santa Clara County, woman in her 60s https://archive.vn/Q8aFZ

>>66188 (heil'd)


Good riddance, thank you Corona-Chan!

>>66200 (checked)

>For those lacking insurance, it’s “fuck you, pay me.”



>The best thing to do is if you have cold/flu symptoms, eat properly, get lots of sleep, avoid bad things like smoking/alcohol/drugs, take lots of vitamins, etc.

Good advises.


>Please don't let this be a disappointment, it has real potential

It will happen, It's happening! Have faith! Faith is power!


Thank goodness! Thank you for sparing him, Corona-Chan, please let him recover, he doesn't deserve this.

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115121  No.66207

File: 44b6967d022b61c⋯.gif (89.52 KB, 936x962, 36:37, MartinArmstrongItsJustTheF….gif)

Is Martin Armstrong right?

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ab28bc  No.66209

Pentagon Deploys Troops To California Border To Block Surge Of Possibly Infected Migrants


The Pentagon is sending 160 soldiers to California's border with Mexico in order to assist border agents resist an anticipated surge in migrants if the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals strikes down Migrant Protection Protection Protocols (MPP), according to Breitbart.

Approximately 60,000 migrants have been returned to Mexico prior to their US asylum hearings through the MPP program, which is aimed at preventing migrants from obtaining work in the United States, according to the report.

Some of the 30,000 migrants waiting in Mexico rushed for the border February 28 when the court declared the MPP program to be illegal. The court then quickly put a stay on its decision to block the MPP until March 12, pending any Supreme Court intervention.

The California-based court also decided to allow the MPP program to operate in Texas.

Officials at the Department of Justice have asked the Supreme Court to extend the delay. -Breitbart

Trump administration officials added that the troops could help prevent the migration of people carrying diseases, such as coronavirus.

On Friday, the Washington Examiner reported that US border officials have blocked 'hundreds' of foreigners from entering the country at land ports of entry along both the Canadian and Mexico borders, according to a senior homeland security official.

"We've turned people away on both borders, hundreds of them. In total, during the course of the last month … we're under 1,000, but you're in the hundreds, to give you a ballpark sense," said deputy secretary of DHS, Ken Cuccinelli.

Customs and Border Protection officials (CBP) say their duty is to "secure our nation’s borders, and measures such as the Crisis Response Force employment allow CBP to do just that."


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9ac16a  No.66210

File: ea0fa2530bf1810⋯.jpg (74.93 KB, 632x545, 632:545, Macron.jpg)



I hope he coofed all over the French government.

Multiculturalism is Corona chan's greatest strength.

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002b35  No.66211

File: e900b8916e957b3⋯.png (188.22 KB, 1960x1803, 1960:1803, UBQmNrq.png)

One of the things that makes this disease particularly strange is the long tail the illness has after recovery: You still secrete the virus and will test positive for it for quite a while after you've started doing better, so people can STILL catch it from you for a while afterwards. We can presume people in this phase are still at least somewhat immunocompromised as well.

Singapore's medical data has been enlightening.

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c562f7  No.66212


Good Riddance! S

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927407  No.66213


Does the tail end tho?

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748243  No.66214


>is "just a flu bro" right?

No. Altough R0 might tank for northern hemisphere in summer itll rip up south america then return with greater power at end of 2020. Remember if it picks up whatever is hiding in brazilian bat genome fatality rate will rocket according to that early leaker.

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283987  No.66215

File: 711eb08d10a648e⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1280x721, 1280:721, HAPPENING.png)

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26e22f  No.66216

File: 9fbae832e71d321⋯.jpg (69.02 KB, 976x505, 976:505, bfm3067.jpg)

European Stocks Crash Most 'Since Lehman', Enter Bear Market


European stock markets just suffered their worst decline since Lehman… Oct 2008 as the crude and Covid chaos rolls around the world…

Europe is now down over 22.5% - a bear market - from highs just 3 weeks ago…

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95ea06  No.66217



let me guess where you came from

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188ae6  No.66218

File: 42c1864cecd0bd9⋯.png (184.55 KB, 480x540, 8:9, empty_mecca.png)

File: 4977086809a34a8⋯.png (89.58 KB, 305x511, 305:511, brownzilian_update.png)

Empty Mecca and Brownzilian update

>930 suspected cases being investigated (held back)

>685 suspected cases discarded (for being asymptomatic)

>25 cases confirmed (tested positive + symptomatic)

>1 in Alagoas, 2 in Bahia (good riddance), 1 in the capital (good riddance too), 1 in Espirito Santo, 1 in Minas Gerais, 3 in Rio De Janeiro and 16 in São Paulo.

I will post the map later, because Poder360 hasn't posted it yet.


No. Any egghead saying anything negative about Corona-Chan is wrong, any egghead saying anything positive about her is right. Faith>"Science". It's a pretty simple concept, I don't understand why unbelievers can't grasp this. The Goddess will only leave this world after she purifies it. After every subhuman is gone, after international jewry is destroyed, after every faggot and every tranny is removed, Only then, she will be gone, and there will be peace, health and prosperity in this new world.


Weren't they already doing this? I posted a video clip of an MSM news channel talking about this and showing some footage last thread.

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c4a4e4  No.66219


If you take the view that this was a deliberate biological attack with the intent to disrupt China's economy on behalf of an un-reformable rentier class, then he's right if the attempt failed, but he could be wrong if they try again.

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165687  No.66222


>Weren't they already doing this? I posted a video clip of an MSM news channel talking about this and showing some footage last thread.

Don't know, just heard about this as I have been away (getting the very last preparations ready) over the weekend.

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814301  No.66224

File: ddee04f25b50444⋯.png (504.98 KB, 734x1025, 734:1025, pastaprotest.png)

>>protest in north pastaland

Can one of you pastafags confirm this?


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002b35  No.66226


According to Singapore, yes. It does. It just takes a long damn time. People are going to be in quarantine for ages to keep this from breaking loose again. German scientists are also saying that antibody production in their recovered people is normal. So that's good.

We aren't going to hear a lot from recovered people because they're largely still quarantined or locked down behind the Great Firewall. There are serious privacy laws in place that prevent the release of medical information that get people thrown in JAIL, fined to the moon and worse, for violating.

The big X-factor in all this is how divergent a strain needs to be before antibody production doesn't protect you, and if having more than one strain at worse makes you sicker. To put this in perspective: We've only known for sure about Strain S and Strain L for what, a week now? Nobody was even LOOKING for that before.

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d4ed6d  No.66227


Ok seriously why the fuck are people buying so much TP? Do burgers cook with the stuff? Do you use a whole roll for each wipe?

Does it have some special antiviral property? Did jesus command you to buy TP?

"In an average household, the average roll of toilet paper lasts approximately five days." - http://www.toiletpaperhistory.net/toilet-paper-facts/toilet-paper-fun-facts/

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002b35  No.66228


People don't think about how much, or how little, TP they use until they run out. And then the think about how much of a pain in the ass it is to lug a bunch of TP home in addition to the rest of their groceries.

And then there's a run on TP. And then everyone is buying an assload of TP. And then everyone hears they might run out of TP. And nobody has a bidet. So everyone buys out all the TP at once and the supply chain for TP shits itself.

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a842a0  No.66229

File: 4e391f356e2c3ac⋯.mp4 (7.05 MB, 480x848, 30:53, pastabreak.mp4)

https://twitter. com/RvanderDonk1/status/1237038036401127424

>What we're currently looking at is a real outbreak in Foggia, Italy.

>Scenario unknown other than it has to do with the #corona lock down.

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37d73d  No.66230


>The big X-factor in all this is how divergent a strain needs to be before antibody production doesn't protect you, and if having more than one strain at worse makes you sicker.

Isn't basically all antibody defense entirely reliant on the envelope and the shit on it that viruses use to hijack the receptors?

As long as the method of insertion (ACE2 or whatever) doesn't change the antibodies should be able to attach themselves to the virus regardless how fucked up the RNA inside is.

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927407  No.66233


I hope Singapore comes through. This fatality rate is still at 20% of all resolved non chink cases. If it just has a long tail then we should be fine. But holy fuck what a happening.

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e0650a  No.66234


This is bullshit. That place is the video looks like somewhere in Frogland.

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46a788  No.66235

File: eab383e488f1d15⋯.png (130.89 KB, 1224x1573, 1224:1573, massacre.png)


/Ourgirl/, Putin, and Saudi King showed no mercy whatsoever to our markets today.

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06c1e8  No.66237

File: 18a4d7340d197a8⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 300x259, 300:259, hitley_gif.gif)


Thanks Kraut anon.

>60-70% infection rate

Makes no sense when you don't stop spreading it and don't stop getting reinfected (and dying).



RIP Shlomo

>pic related

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68d43f  No.66239

File: ac239cf05274951⋯.jpg (72.01 KB, 807x802, 807:802, ERRLY4oXkAAkYLG.jpg)


>economics talk medicine

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d4ed6d  No.66240


I really wonder how well prepared all these panickers will be when it comes down to it. "Kids, good news is we can wipe our arses.. bad news is that after six days we're out of food"

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209410  No.66241

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927407  No.66242


Eat the toilet paper.

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188ae6  No.66243

File: 60a2c26923830e9⋯.png (66.37 KB, 674x486, 337:243, labs.png)

File: f572a3556e36bff⋯.png (118.41 KB, 675x505, 135:101, grand_princess_arrives.png)

Grand Princess arrives at Oakland https://archive.vn/wM6bx and CDC authorizes 78 public and private labs to test for /Ougirl/ https://archive.vn/3Clld


Nice doubles+triples combo.

>just heard about this as I have been away (getting the very last preparations ready) over the weekend.

Very good, you did well. Best of luck to you.


>I hope Singapore comes through.

For what fucking reason? They're just soaking up all of the manufacturing jobs, just like Chinkland and Taiwan. What a waste of doubles. I pray for a complete devastation of SEA.


Posted this yesterday. Good riddance though.

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927407  No.66245


Right now they are making wonderful labrats. Having labrats not fucking die is a good sign.

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115121  No.66246


Steamed with soy sauce and they are like dim sum!

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bbc708  No.66247


I had 10 bulk packs of TP already stocked up (before corona!). Now I have 12 bulk packs. Those should last me a couple years (hopefully). Other options are bulk portawipes (to save storage space) and using a small squirt gun w/ soapy water to clean your sphincter when you run out of other resources.

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927407  No.66248


I just use baby wipes. So much better than tp and if you're a very hairy guy a complete godsend.

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748243  No.66251


Wrong. 1st it cant just tag all ACE2 without blocking real ACE2 and killing you with massive autoimmune attack against all ACE2 enzymes. It has to find other identifying surface features. This brings us to 2nd point. The virus rapidly changes its outer coat. This is why you catch the common cold (a coronavirus) over and over again. We know immunity will age out within matter of months or years just like with the cold. However ncov19 appears to replicate more and mutate faster than normal. This may take immunity period down to weeks or months. The larger the outbreak around you the more trillions of new viruses, the more chance a new one comes along for round 2.

In other words if youre at center of a pandemic without proper quarantine, your aquired immunity wont do shit.

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f5eeef  No.66252

File: d355cb1e6cc7f2b⋯.jpeg (7.88 KB, 258x195, 86:65, images_1_.jpeg)





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4b6cf6  No.66253


the mother fucker calls himself a lefty even after screaming at the top of his lungs that socialism doesn't work

gotta give it to him for a self proclaimed lefty he has the most red pilled double think i've ever seen

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c4a4e4  No.66254


>They're just soaking up all of the manufacturing jobs

This is entirely because of the "Western" economic model.

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870666  No.66255


Covid infected cash is their way of saying please don't run the banks. Judging by the toilet paper wars, that day is coming. I'm currently only leaving enough cash in the bank to pay bills and order shit online.

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002b35  No.66256

File: cc7c34d4a366c60⋯.jpg (14.37 KB, 225x225, 1:1, shamecheck.jpg)



Corona-chan's magic trick IS that her spike protein is fresh. We don't know how much this could change. I'm not going to be shocked if most of the research industry's focus on this is still 'Holy fuck how do we blunt this?' instead of 'How could this get better or worse via mutation?'

The divergence time between S and L is important. China is already trying to claim a much older release time for this than December caused by (((someone else))). It's quite possible they sat on this for a fucking year or more.

>>66233 (checked)

People who get it and have some other serious problem are just vastly more likely to get instantly dunked, I'm afraid. The older you are, the more things that break down. It's just the nature of the beast. Being young is awesome, but we don't appreciate it until we wake up and have to go through a morning routine startup procedure.

There's also Corona-chan's trick of tainting surfaces, even in the mildest cases. Hospitals are going to have to unfuck their sanitation protocols and anywhere who has loose procedures is going to be a blight. People in hospitals already generally have something wrong with them. So there's a selection bias there in the initial infection wave.


The herd is fucking stupid. I had a co-worker leave on a cruise this weekend. 'Muh sunk costs!' .. Bosses are already prepping a massive work from home push, because this shit is bananas. Microshaft and Faceberg bailing out of their offices was a HUGE wakeup call.


This. We need some data that isn't being attained directly from some political appointee's ass. I can understand people wanting to sit on figures until they can figure out what they're looking at, but just because a baby can't eat a steak doesn't mean I can't enjoy one.

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d4ed6d  No.66257



I am also plenty prepped for TP, it's just a strange thing to be fighting over.

I mean you are at home just have a quick shower if you are out of toilet paper.

Go and fight over the last eggs or tinned fish.

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e0650a  No.66258

BREAKING - All Pastaland soon in full lockdown


ZOG will soon declare Double Secret Probation on chad red zone while all the others will join the virgin red zone club.





250 people revolting. Corona-chan is involved but mainly just as an excuse.

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115121  No.66259



This DIY e-bicycle forum looks like it's going to become a DIY bidet help forum.

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10dc66  No.66260


I have some weird thing going on where I shit 5-7 times a day for the last 10 years and it's usually soft. I have to wash my hairy ass in the sink with a bar of soap every time that paper isn't enough. So I am one of the people buying lots of it, because I always have. The world will crumble and wither around me, and I will be the sole survivor, hunting through wreckage for everyone else's TP stashes.

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927407  No.66261


2020 the year the burger discovers the bidet

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352ebb  No.66262


Here is what's likely to happen, my humble prediction: either the government will cave and default on all debts, along with public debt forgiveness….or they will be forced to fight the masses who are armed to the teeth squatting in our homes telling evicts to fuck themselves at the barrel of a gun. Mark my words would lead to total breakdown of government and civilized society if the second option follows.

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d4ed6d  No.66263

File: af49e93ee1c1d48⋯.jpg (27.42 KB, 350x300, 7:6, UTB8uyv6XtnJXKJkSaiyq6AhwX….jpg)

I tried to get this going in the last thread to no avail but here's a second go. What are some things you have in your supplies that others might have overlooked? For me it's yeast. I have a bunch of it because nothing beats fresh bread and brewed drinks, and you can have both so long as you have yeast.

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61240d  No.66264

File: a26ce4ea54fd707⋯.jpg (30.66 KB, 540x380, 27:19, _5_4.jpg)

Pope Francis to *livestream* Sunday prayers amid coronavirus crisis

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748243  No.66265


>frequent soft shits

Likely you have fat malabsorption. Your bile isnt working right. Probably a liver problem. Cut down fat intake or switch do coconut oil because it doesnt need bile to be absorbed.

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950677  No.66266


Need a bingo card for this. Coofing is the free square.

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188ae6  No.66268

File: 7dd730d99b9ddf6⋯.png (113.8 KB, 767x543, 767:543, another_burger_congressman….png)

File: f809d847969b88f⋯.png (175.04 KB, 501x516, 167:172, congresswoman.png)

File: 41d925885261a8d⋯.jpeg (272.56 KB, 1202x1524, 601:762, should_have_stayed_in_the….jpeg)

File: c5bb707adef62e2⋯.png (63.27 KB, 509x511, 509:511, kentucky_walmart.png)

File: ed39af1795c3816⋯.mp4 (4.35 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Yet_another_patient_from_t….mp4)

More potentially blessed Burger politicians; Confirmed case in Kentucky worked at Walmart https://archive.vn/l8HRG and video of an ambulance taking away another patient from the Life Care Center of Kirkland.


True…fuck SEA anyway.



Thank you for informing us, PastaAnon. Italy's situation is worse than Worst Korea, holy shit.

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9506ef  No.66269


>I will be the sole survivor, hunting through wreckage for everyone else's TP stashes.

Jesus anon, if you live in the US you best be very careful where you tread, wear bullet proof armor and be armed at all times. If you only knew what some of us local small town folk intend to do to marauders and how prepared for this some are. Some Americans have been preparing for civil war for decades! This is nothing new to them.

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10dc66  No.66271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Came across this yesterday, I will be getting yeast too (since I don't have cultures to work from)


I dunno, it's been around forever. I got tested for both Crohns and IBS and the doc said they have no clue what's wrong. I also get spontaneous "runs" (like diarrhea but only for 30 mins or so) generally once a week from regular, staple foods but I also get it guaranteed after a meal I haven't eaten in many months, which means nights out to restaurants are pretty risky unless I go home right afterwards. I keep pepto bismol in my work bag because it's a miracle.

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115121  No.66272

File: e28694838353c21⋯.gif (636.35 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, 2020BurgerRealMoonLanding.gif)

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46a788  No.66274

File: 31bf5bfdf5a99ae⋯.png (832.34 KB, 1425x1068, 475:356, IDIOTS.png)

File: 6fafa51c730e5b2⋯.png (120.5 KB, 795x531, 265:177, RIP_Doug_Collins.png)

File: 292accdd1b8086f⋯.jpg (321.95 KB, 720x915, 48:61, THE_ABSOLUTE_STATE_OF_MY_S….jpg)

An update from CDC-Land:

Fulton County is closing schools early and for tomorrow as a school employee was tested positive. It's too late due to asymptomatic transmission and too short, but whatever.

A congressman, Doug Collins, GA-9th, who represents the NE mountainous region of Georgia

Finally, my state is preparing a state park as a coof camp. As for me myself, my fever from last night abated and I don't have chest tightness or any breathing problems. Whatever my family and I had might literally be just the flu .

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000d74  No.66275

File: 6fa231457eba788⋯.gif (7.49 MB, 900x507, 300:169, Shoe_Bicycle_GIF_10012019.gif)


shoe bike master-race

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927407  No.66276


If gas becomes an issue then a good mountain bike and trailer combo is legit good.

>tfw I have this all ready to go

>tfw no face

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188ae6  No.66277

File: 25ca807576b642c⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Netanyahus_measure.mp4)

Pissrael now requires all foreigners entering the country to self quarantine for 2 weeks.


>As for me myself, my fever from last night abated and I don't have chest tightness or any breathing problems. Whatever my family and I had might literally be just the flu .

Good to know you're better. Stay safe and good luck.

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748243  No.66278


Listen up you nigger. This isnt about IBS. Its simple as fuck. Oil runs straight through you and out your ass unless it mixes with bile. If your gall bladder doesnt contract or if gall stone blocks the duct or if your liver didnt make any, then all that fat you ate runs right out your ass in an oily diarrhea shit. Look up what happens to people who had their gall bladder removed. Exact same thing. Your doctor is only stumped because hes a mouth breathing moron.

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115121  No.66279

File: d47b865eba5e44c⋯.jpg (27.87 KB, 640x480, 4:3, CoronavirusBikeMasterRace.jpg)

>>66275 Wu Flu bike master race

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bcb96d  No.66280

File: 87bf6e4f6639717⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1204x1266, 602:633, protect_the_chosen.png)

BNO are awake gain, time for more numbers.

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bcb96d  No.66281


Helly my fellow Likudnik.

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002b35  No.66282

File: bf1d8998b928aac⋯.gif (110.79 KB, 300x322, 150:161, checkingintensifies.gif)





Coof Cube. Coof Sphere. Coof Boat. Coof Camp. Now we've got the Coof Park. What innovations does the future have in store for us in Coofer storage?

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748243  No.66283


>fever abated so im fine

No in 4-5 days youll be dead of pneumonia. This is how it works.

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ae25d4  No.66284


If you intend to bug out I'd recommend an RV or box truck. You could mount your mountain bike onto the back to bring with you. But you'll want some basic essentials, extra gas and fuel stabilizer and an atlas and some state maps. The country sides are vast and wide, easy to get lost, dangerous wildlife and bad weather also a danger.

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a842a0  No.66285


alcohol 60-80%

less than 60% does not infect

more than 80% hardens virus shell

he protec against poverty if shtf

he attac virus

but most imbordend he also useful in case of no hebbening

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06c1e8  No.66286


ISISrael seem to be one of the only governments (Aside Best Korea and Samoa and Kyrgyzstan or some shit) who give a slight half of a fuck by that move.

That said it's basically voluntary = bullshit

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46a788  No.66288

File: b83f769d4dc46a9⋯.png (626.72 KB, 1037x886, 1037:886, corona_spurdo.png)

>>66277 (Checked)

>Natey-boy not doing the Chad full-month quarantine like Best Korea

Never Gonna Make It!


Now THIS is the Kung-Flu Master!


Well just fuggg muh shig up, sempai!


You could always dilute 91% alcohol with water or a soluble, yet inert substance.

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927407  No.66289


For sure. But if you're stuck in a populated area then bikes are king as long as you know wtf you're doing.

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d4ed6d  No.66290


Not total bullshit - people won't come for tourism because they can enforce it at hotels. It basically closes hotels.

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10dc66  No.66291


Hm. I wonder, because I did have kidney and liver function examined a few years ago for an unrelated test and it came back without any outliers.

I'll look into it when I get back to asking them.

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8d516e  No.66292


Members of Congress are becoming increasingly anxious about coronavirus, and there is growing pressure on leadership to take steps to protect lawmakers — even potentially recessing for a period of weeks — two Democratic congressional sources said Sunday.

Multiple sources said anxiety was on the rise among lawmakers as more cases are reported and the virus spreads.

Several Republican lawmakers self-quarantined after discovering they came in contact with a person who is hospitalized with COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, while attending the Conservative Political Action Conference in Oxon Hill, Maryland.

Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas are among those affected. Both Gaetz and Gosar closed their Washington offices. An aide for Collins told NBC News that in addition to the congressman, two staffers from his office are also self-quarantining.

Collins met with President Donald Trump last week during a visit to the CDC headquarters in Atlanta and Gaetz was on Air Force One with Trump on Monday. All four lawmakers said they are not experiencing symptoms but are acting out of caution.

"Members are very nervous," a senior Democratic leadership aide said. "There's a lot of concern that members could bring it home."


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06c1e8  No.66294


Good point. If they aggressively stop travellers without a 'ban' then it will help a lot.

Smart move. Hopefully the majority white countries will do the same after lots of non-whites get blessed and die.

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927407  No.66295


>congress shuts down for a few months

Wow literally nothing will change as a result of this! Still lulzy though

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46a788  No.66296


Dubs demand a bing card. What should the spaces be and in what type?

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9d3246  No.66297


How can I get cardio excercise if I can't go out because corona is everywhere?

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748243  No.66298


>congress flees to coof bunkers while everyone else is left to die of open boarder bullshit and unrestrained boomer travelfags

Tbh these traitors need to be executed.

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927407  No.66299


Running in place is ok. If you got a stationary cycle, treadmill, or an indoor bicycle mount that'll be better.

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4bb8bd  No.66300


Politico, the Washington Post, the Daily Beast, and Mother Jones have asked reporters who covered CPAC to self-quarantine and work remotely due to concerns that they may have been exposed to the novel coronavirus. Both the Post and Politico say they’ve taken measures to clean and sanitize public areas. The Post has asked employees who were at CPAC to self-quarantine for seven days. All newsrooms tell Washingtonian they’ve taken such measures out of an abundance of caution.

“We understand that this news may be jarring, but it’s important to recognize that this was a large conference and that the risk of transmission for employees who were not in close contact with the infected individual is extraordinarily low,” Politico’s memo says. The Post has already canceled nonessential travel for employees. It has also canceled all WP Live events for March and has canceled office tours.

Someone who’d attended the annual conservative gathering at National Harbor last month has tested positive for the virus. Matt Schlapp, the head of the American Conservative Union, which puts on CPAC, has said he shook this person’s hand. Schlapp shook President Trump‘s hand after interacting with the infected person. The White House says the President never interacted with the infected person and shows no symptoms of the virus.

US Senator Ted Cruz and US Representative Paul A. Gosar have also self-quarantined because they interacted with the infected person. In a statement late Sunday, the American Conservative Union says the Maryland Department of Health has “screened thousands” of employees at the Gaylord National Resort and Conference Center in National Harbor, and that no one, including CPAC staff, hotel employees, or attendees has shown any sign of being infected.


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7126c1  No.66301


Fast squats, high legs I don't know what else to call them, you lift a leg to your chest like you're taking a high step

Jumping jacks, running in place, exercise bike

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06c1e8  No.66302


>Collins met with President Donald Trump last week during a visit to the CDC headquarters in Atlanta and Gaetz was on Air Force One with Trump on Monday.

Burger panic in 5…4…


>Bingo card

>test(ing) kits

>low risk



>WHO recommendations/guidelines

>measures taken

>self quarantine

>the flu


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c75ca8  No.66303


>Gaylord National Resort

The memes are writing themselves at this point.

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10dc66  No.66304

File: d78ba5dd7e78c24⋯.jpg (830.17 KB, 1489x3960, 1489:3960, lifts.jpg)


As others have said

If you have a physical space to move around in. you can do cardio.

If you have objects you can either pick up or lean against, you can do resistance training. Calisthenics (bodyweight exercise) is super great for you and has no startup cost if you already have a railing or something similar. I'm a lazy piece of shit with damaged wrists so I can't speak from personal experience on a lot of the poses in this chart, but it should help.

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09ae0b  No.66305


>Wow Drumpf why didn't you save us?!?!

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814301  No.66306

File: 9e1c808a61c50ef⋯.jpeg (204.13 KB, 1371x1080, 457:360, 3A08FE17_D5E7_407A_BABE_A….jpeg)


>> congress shutdown

Really tells you how bad shit is if these low level scumbags know something is wrong

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d4ed6d  No.66307


Gaylord is one of the funniest words in history. It comes up reasonably often in normal circumstances but not enough to get used to it.

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06c1e8  No.66308


>Gaylord is one of the funniest words in history.

Agreed, ain't heard that shit in years and it's always funny when it does pop up again. Especially for the name of a convention centre.

Waifu had to deal with someone recently literally called 'Gay Pride'. Fucking kek'd at that.

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10dc66  No.66309


also one other thing from personal experience, don't try one leg squats or anything else ass-to-grass if you haven't built up your legs a bit first - regardless of if you're skinny or fat. It is hard on the ligaments covering the top of your kneecap and they need to warm up to it.

Last thing you want while hiding in your prep castle made of canned beans is a minor injury preventing you from fighting intruders.


I felt the same for 'shitlord' as an insult until it, like many good things, were co-opted by the left.

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9a6999  No.66310

File: e82556fb16b3b81⋯.png (128.32 KB, 510x584, 255:292, infected_NY_fireman.png)

File: 8a6aa245b8bbea2⋯.png (137.44 KB, 1035x589, 1035:589, Illinois_four_cases.png)

File: 462d28d25663eee⋯.png (56.66 KB, 875x433, 875:433, mass.png)

Internet shat itself so I got a new ID Seems to be happening daily

Jew York fireman confirmed to be infected https://archive.vn/evAfn ; Four new cases in Illinois https://archive.is/4lVJH and 13 new confirmed cases in Massachusetts, 9 are linked to the Biogen cooference https://archive.vn/dSmDz


>What innovations does the future have in store for us in Coofer storage?

Coof coffins for those who won't survive.


>Natey-boy not doing the Chad full-month quarantine like Best Korea

>Never Gonna Make It!




>>66300 (checked)

Good. Doesn't matter what they try to do, Corona-Chan will hunt down every single one of those filthy traitors.



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9ddbd3  No.66311

How does one even know if they've been blessed but only experience mild symptoms? What are the long term effects of being blessed by a super coronavirus bioweapon.

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a1af82  No.66312


You don't close down schools and cancel business trips over the flu bro!

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927407  No.66313


It starts as a cold or flu but then it turns out its really super aids mixed with sars and some asshole decided it would be funny to make it fuck up your balls too.

This guy when found needs to die a slow painful death.

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000d74  No.66314


>I'm a lazy piece of shit with damaged wrists

can't you get pushup bars and parallel bars? I have ulnar wrist tendonitis and it doesn't hurt when I use those

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9ddbd3  No.66315


So I should get tested for the HIV

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000000  No.66316


The adrenaline release suppresses inflammation (cytokine response) but the white cell count is increased. It's not mentioned in the excerpt you posted, but this video has the details: https://invidio.us/watch?v=A6jqaALpEFM

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dc1311  No.66317

Italy extends its quarantine to the entire country; PM asks residents to stay at home

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ec4bc9  No.66318


>Doesn't matter what they try to do, Corona-Chan will hunt down every single one of those filthy traitors.

Part of me thinks this bioweapon was released to depopulate the world, create a massive wealth transfer and set up a new global government cashless central banking regime…. the other part of me still wonders if this bioweapon release was accidental and not intended at all! I can't figure out which yet.

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927407  No.66319


No its not hiv. But it does have the autoimmune function of hiv included. Some dumb ass chink (may or may not have been enabled by a kike idk yet) tacked it on there to make a very nasty killer.

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f5025f  No.66320


post proofs

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9ddbd3  No.66321



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748243  No.66322


>mad at /our goddess/

Where tf did you come from?

>guy who made it needs to pay

My money is on ayyyyyys so good luck

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dc1311  No.66323


It's breaking news you can find anywhere right now. No long from articles up about it.

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790dec  No.66324


no i can't right now. didn't heard about.

just saw PM live on TV.


it's not a lockdown but all italy has been put under northern restrictions have been met yetersay for north.

PLUS. all sports cancelled, football included. till 3 april

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814301  No.66325

File: 5a7ad91c04972b2⋯.png (134.49 KB, 750x1012, 375:506, fullpastalockdown.png)

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e8cfa6  No.66326

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927407  No.66327


Oh I'm not mad at our goddess. I'm mad that chinks weren't given a nuclear holocaust and wiped from the face of the earth along with kikes circa 1945 right after the japs surrendered.

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10dc66  No.66328


I do have pushup bars and it results in a lot of pain in the forearm within a few sets. I thought the different angle and approach would help but it didn't really. I have the same as you, long term inflammation mostly in the right arm nowadays, traveling between the elbow itself and down to the middle. I work wearing tensor wraps because compression helps a lot.


Fug, maybe I should send this to my "just a flu" pal to rub it in his face a bit, but I've also been saving that opportunity for a significant happening closer to home.

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4dc9a9  No.66329

Trump and Congress looking to pass economic measures in hopes to ease pain and chaos ahead….


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a5f07f  No.66330


> more than 80% hardens virus shell

Where's the sauce on this? I've spent the last few weeks coating everything in 91% isopropyl alcohol.

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11adfd  No.66331


Spics are the most vulnerable in the U.S. You will start hearing about deaths being higher among all age groups, family values as well as communal living traditions as well as ideologies will inadvertently cause a much higher death toll.

BTW. Days ago I posted charts that I intentionally misread, somebody got clever and pointed out a better figure.

The truth is the population of the U.S. is 380 million. They will have to say something, if they don't misreading the numbers for a 10-30% mortality will cause an existential threat.

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814301  No.66333


>> bought into “recovered”

No one knows what happens after you catch it and “recover”

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bd2eaf  No.66334


CNBC has a single headline page on it, but cany find anything from "official" sources yet

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f5025f  No.66336

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bd2eaf  No.66338


It seems to me if anything the weaker shit would harden the shell by not doing the job fully

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7620da  No.66340

File: 48f0715314c7051⋯.png (169.3 KB, 445x432, 445:432, pasta.png)

>Entire country now under quarantined

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9ddbd3  No.66343

File: 996c35b3d20d0e5⋯.jpeg (206.12 KB, 900x675, 4:3, EQAxrPjU8AAzCgw.jpeg)

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9a6999  No.66344

File: 0f3f74e0029e35f⋯.png (151.43 KB, 679x465, 679:465, scam.png)

File: 324fc75df5dcd25⋯.png (143.49 KB, 450x509, 450:509, gook.png)

Zerohedge article on a (((televangelist))) selling snake oil https://archive.vn/6fe1g and gook hospitalized in Jew Jersey talks about his situation https://archive.vn/OCH90

>They are surprised #COVID19 can be so bad and I'm healthy and so young. I don't drink, I don't smoke.


>Part of me thinks this bioweapon was released to depopulate the world

I think this too. But it doesn't matter anymore, Corona-Chan developed a will of her now and now she's free. And she will cleanse away all the evil and the filth from this world. Have faith and prepare for what's coming.


Every news agency is on it already, he's not lying.


>Spics are the most vulnerable in the U.S. You will start hearing about deaths being higher among all age groups, family values as well as communal living traditions as well as ideologies will inadvertently cause a much higher death toll.

Excellent. Hope Corona-Chan cleanses the world of all creaturas, myself included. We are the result of the horrible mistake known as miscegenation. Has anything good ever come out of Latin America other than Pinochet? Pretty sure the answer is 'no'.


They're truly in a world of hurt.

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f5025f  No.66345

I hope all you burgers remember the good old FEMA camps, plastic coffins, etc. conspiracy theorists talked back about 10 years ago…everything seems to make sense now

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7620da  No.66346

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88f2b8  No.66347


Buteyko breathing is what you need to be practising, small shallow breaths may be all that you can manage if you get infected.

Tumeric Golden Paste and cannabis oil are the basics I'm relying on to get me through.

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dc1311  No.66348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let no one sleep.

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9ddbd3  No.66349

File: 021d624502a12af⋯.jpeg (55.1 KB, 720x720, 1:1, DEVDAr8XcAAaEgG.jpeg)

Carona man

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d4ed6d  No.66350

Maybe I should buy some medical oxygen? What do you think? Can I do more harm than good?

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927407  No.66351


Good luck with that idea. Unless you're a medical professional you're gonna need that luck.

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814301  No.66353


will effect everyone in the US maybe spics more who knows

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46a788  No.66355


>Second pic

Oh shit! RIP Mark!


You need a respirator for the tank, and a means to fully disinfect it in case anyone you love has the virus; otherwise, if you got the money and connections go for it.

You probably won't be able to buy any without a license because you are buy a highly flammable chemical. Shipping cost for those things will be one hell of money funnel

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11adfd  No.66356


The spic plight on this hemisphere will be remembered for many generations. The government has a vested interest in getting rid of them or suppressing them as they will be worse off with /ourgirl/. I'm already seeing and hearing public officials get nervous when discussing the 'Latin American' I mean spic invasion with regards to Corona-Chan.

There is a possibility they are going to commit crimes against humanity in broad daylight against Hispanics in order to prevent a greater panic in American society.

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7126c1  No.66357


You can kill yourself if you don't get the flow or ratio right.


>You probably won't be able to buy any without a license because you are buy a highly flammable chemical.

Nope. Get it from a welding supplier. Pure oxy for gas welding.

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c58a62  No.66358


>I think this too. But it doesn't matter anymore, Corona-Chan developed a will of her now and now she's free. And she will cleanse away all the evil and the filth from this world. Have faith and prepare for what's coming.

One possibility is they did intend a bioweapon release to depopulate the world and reign control over the rest of us ushering in a new cashless surveillance society… but one mistake happened during the RNA editing in a lab and they released something completely unexpected and unintended (and like many wars is now causing tremendous blowback). Maybe they did not fully realize just how bad the modified virus was before releasing it? If that is the case this could end up destroying corrupt kikery and their grip on power world wide.

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a842a0  No.66359


can't pin down source, so dismiss this 80% number from some random fag. i don't archive sources i trust.

might be of interest:

>While it is considered “generally safe,” Purell’s key ingredient, alcohol, is not proven to treat more serious viruses.

https://thehill. com/changing-america/well-being/prevention-cures/480245-fda-tells-purell-that-its-products-cant-treat-or

alcohol is most probably less effective than industry grade stuff. just for anons late to the party and poor fag prepping.

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dc1311  No.66360


You will be rounded up and placed in your local Walmart, citizen.

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94c888  No.66361


Don’t post here again.

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d4ed6d  No.66362


>You probably won't be able to buy any without a license

Nah mate I live in eastern europe, I can buy whatever I want.


>You can kill yourself if you don't get the flow or ratio right.

Yeah or kill my kids - no thanks

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dc1311  No.66363

File: eedaea59444c395⋯.png (219.07 KB, 1208x636, 302:159, muh_vote.png)

This guy man…

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da8ba3  No.66364

Chink niggers want to pretend the virus didn't originated in their place.


>Follow the WHO name of virus! Even though we pressured them into it!

>Virus came from other country and not here!

And other things mentioned here. They're trying too hard.


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dc1311  No.66366


It's a meme that spread amongst stupid people, so the shortages became a self-fulfilling prophesy. While it may have started in Australia, and perhaps there were some places that had legitimate shortages, most of the world did not. Thanks to retards panic buying, stocks are going to be a bit lower.

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927407  No.66367

>wife tells me of a dumb ass Co worker who was tested today for Corona chan and instead of going home she came in to tell everyone about it

>Co worker was also tested but doesn't think it's a big deal

Well I'm fucked. I wait for her embrace.

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d4ed6d  No.66368


>Chink niggers want to pretend the virus didn't originated in their place.

When I talk about it with normies I call it the "Dirty Chinese Virus"

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53d436  No.66369


Not if the American people get angry and desperate enough to finally fight back. Don't count this possibility out because when people are faced with losing everything they have, they tend to become very dangerous (especially when armed and prepared for conflict). If there is armed insurrection nationwide there is no entity that has the resources to stop it in a country as armed and well spread out as America is.

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b3903b  No.66371















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dc1311  No.66372


I was playing along with the conspiracy talk of 10 years ago. That every Walmart has been designed to convert into a detention camp.

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927407  No.66373


Source or gtfo

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a562b0  No.66374

>>66188 (checked holy digits)


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814301  No.66377


>> shill

whoever you are you’d fit in better in halfchan gtfo

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9a6999  No.66378

File: 2e40614aa812d48⋯.png (276.97 KB, 2222x3285, 2222:3285, coronavirus_brasil_8mar202….png)

File: a60dd962b93f020⋯.png (197.4 KB, 661x553, 661:553, 90_cases_in_denmark.png)

Today's map of Brownzil has finally been posted. Here it is. Reminder that the Brownzilian government is not counting positive asymptomatic cases. Also an update on Legoland https://archive.vn/UZoyH . Best of luck to all Danish anons.




>Maybe they did not fully realize just how bad the modified virus was before releasing it? If that is the case this could end up destroying corrupt kikery and their grip on power world wide.

I have faith that this is the case. Corona-Chan is turning against them, they will pay for everything they have done.


<You won't let me coof on you, gweilo? You lacist!


>When I talk about it with normies I call it the "Dirty Chinese Virus"

That's pretty funny. Good to see they haven't been completely zombified by political correctness yet. We don't use normie here, though


Mama mia!

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46a788  No.66379

File: 4f03a06258e9f64⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1427x2048, 1427:2048, shshshrh.png)

File: e5e03652db2f969⋯.png (353.33 KB, 739x646, 739:646, hsrhjrsjj.png)


Mass travel restrictions aren't quite the same as martial law, but considering the situation in Italy, it's just a step closer.




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a562b0  No.66380


What a soulless fucking disgusting culture we live in. They only care about US LIVING when it effects their own bottom line…they let fucking ‘mexico’ overrun us, murder us, and destroy our homeland when they wanted before.

S for SPIT on the fucking feds as well

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70fb55  No.66382


>If there is armed insurrection nationwide there is no entity that has the resources to stop it in a country as armed and well spread out as America is.

The only result would be a collapsed economy, martial law, civil war, mass die off and increasing social isolation mounted with psychological problems and rising murder & suicide rates.


That is a possibility but I think there is a significant number of Americans that already know about that threat and who intend to avoid the outside world while bugging-in and barricaded when things get that bad. Myself included. And if they do have the nerve to try to force evictions or gun grabbing many of us are ready to start shooting them. Hopefully more than we realize at this point.

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000000  No.66383


>Buteyko breathing

I'll look in to that. Never hurts to have another technique in the toolkit.


I like the idea of it, but even a little bit (1/4 teaspoon) turns my shit to liquid. I'm not convinced that it's worth the unpleasant side effects, at least in my case.

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b3903b  No.66384

File: 4d4de63a3c4eb89⋯.webm (250.13 KB, 540x360, 3:2, mama_mia_that_s_a_spicy_m….webm)




Oh I see it has already been said

Italian cucked PM went live on main channels, basically the expected bill which he will sign an hour from now, tl;dr:

>No moving of people anywhere for any reason barring supply transports, work or health and safety reasons

>Citizens in urban areas cannot leave their homes unless a single family member goes to buy groceries or perform administrative acts like getting bank cheques or postal services

>Jail time expected for people who do not abide to this new law



Earlier this morning, the Italian Military sent tanks to quell a police riot in Foggia, Apulia (Southern Italy). It was five fucking tanks and a jeep, at the very least, meaning it's not just some shitty 40 escapees. All small business owners have been asked to shut down their own work places.

t. Pastanigger

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927407  No.66385


Lockdown isn't martial law. Close but no cigar.

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121191  No.66387


Not necessarily. Some use browser spoofers.

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dc1311  No.66388


A tank seems pretty useless for controlling your own city or catching criminals. Oh look, the nigger went in that building… let's blow it up!

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000000  No.66389


>Pissrael now requires all foreigners entering the country to self quarantine for 2 weeks.

Israel is going into their hottest season. Only the upper-middle class have AC and many dont run it due to the high cost of electricity. Furthermore their culture is very close, which is typical of a ME country, but amplified because they have many holidays, social gatherings, and meals which place them in very close proximity. Dinner is especially important, and often from restaurants at large tables with other families, extremely packed in.

This is to say nothing of Jerusalem, both the old city and new. Nightlife fills the streets most days, as soon as the markets close. Oh, did I forget to mention the markets? Forget about personal space. Forget about washing your food. Forget about sanitation.

That's one thing slowing down the infection in the US.. only in the most urban areas are people packed in like sardines. Suburbs and rural areas have room to breathe.

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94647f  No.66390

File: 987216f4862f488⋯.jpg (86.16 KB, 940x960, 47:48, hitler_approves.jpg)

Moscow Goes 'High Alert', Threatens 5 Years In Jail For Breaking Self-Quarantine


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46a788  No.66391

File: 30dd720519dc819⋯.png (845.95 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, corona_5.png)

File: dd60bc50b0b945e⋯.png (630.51 KB, 982x728, 491:364, just_a_tank_exercise_bro.png)





>Earlier this morning, the Italian Military sent tanks to quell a police riot in Foggia, Apulia (Southern Italy).

I saw the webms of the tanks earlier today. Your government and media is spinning it as a mere exercise.

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927407  No.66392



Ok that's more like it.

>martial law for luigi but not the invaders

Sounds about right lmao

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22d967  No.66393

File: 55a5d3933a34d74⋯.png (111.74 KB, 944x944, 1:1, 1583755505458.png)


So much for corona going down in warmth

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8c656e  No.66394


>I like the idea of it, but even a little bit (1/4 teaspoon) turns my shit to liquid.

Raw turmeric spice would likely do that. What you need is curcumin supplement (extracted from turmeric root) with peprine for better absorption. It's not the same as eating raw turmeric. I take curcumin everyday and have no problems.

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814301  No.66395


Thanks for the update anon

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dc1311  No.66396

The lazy BNO niggers still haven't updated their timeline. I wonder if they threw in the towel? They don't actually expect me to donate, do they?

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b3903b  No.66397


Pretty much this, also the tweet is now unavailable so


>Palermo (Sicily)

It was downtown Foggia (Apulia) according to initial reports, then it must mean they already put the sentries on all the most important joints.

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b3903b  No.66398


No, I'm sorry if I didn't put any archives up with my alert. I was just busy finding an article about it since it went live literally twenty minutes ago.

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be915c  No.66399


Guns are loaded

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748243  No.66400


Hard to have an outright street riot when you get a wiff of that 120mm grapeshot. Only way to fight back is go into buildings and play room to room CQC. Casuals without weapons cant do this.

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a562b0  No.66401


>hairy bung +ass tickets

So what you are sharing is that you have rolled a lot of ‘ass cigarettes’ in your time. TMI anon.

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9d3246  No.66402


Cold & flu always results in lots of mucus, not dry cough.

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000000  No.66403


<muh be prepared again and again

Endless preparation leads to defeat. Take action. Instead of everyone preparing indefinitely and waiting for jews and their pets to come for you, unite everyone to go for them to kill them all.

This whole endless preparation and "soon it will be our turn" will only lead to total defeat in the long run.




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07d0a1  No.66405

File: 2b202ebf6b0bec3⋯.png (34.74 KB, 652x168, 163:42, FEDNC.png)

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139ace  No.66406


Keep in mind that MBTs tend to have a machinegun as well.

They are quite useful as mobile machine gun nests. Your average criminal can't kill the guys in the tank, so if a tank parks in front of a building he ran into, he's either staying in that building until infantry can get their ass there to clear it, or he gets a couple new orifices to get Corona-chan through.

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b3903b  No.66409

File: 4d7edd7987155e4⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB, 320x678, 160:339, Tanks_move_in_on_Palermo_S….mp4)


Update with proof for military exercises

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a5f07f  No.66410


> can't pin down the source on 80%+ being ineffective, so dismiss the claim

Thank you. From what I'm reading, a certain amount of water is needed for the proteins to denature, so going above 95% wouldn't work and is difficult to do without adding something like benzene, 'cuz alcohol is an azeotrope.

I did find this though:


> Isopropyl alcohol concentrations over 91% coagulate proteins instantly. Consequently, a protective layer is created which protects other proteins from further coagulation.

I might start adding a little bit of water to my 91% isopropyl alcohol.

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9a6999  No.66411

File: ee0634751618658⋯.jpg (23.5 KB, 300x329, 300:329, nato.jpg)


>Banning on public gatherings in the entire country

They're finally taking Corona-Chan seriously.


>Jail time expected for people who do not abide to this new law

Mama mia! Stay safe Pastafag. Don't let anyone coof on you.

>>66388 (heil'd)

>Oh look, the nigger went in that building… let's blow it up!

It's just some collateral damage, no big deal.


Corona-Chan will holocoof them all, Pissrael will become a mass burial site. Mark my words.


I told you nignogs that the cult's prayers and rituals would ensure that she resisted everything, din't I? Nothing can stop her, nothing can destroy her, nothing can cure her. She already won, and she will cleanse this world. A pure new world is about to be born, a world free from corruption and evil.

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000000  No.66412


>curcumin supplement

Perhaps I'll give that a shot.

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a562b0  No.66413


Those kiddie fuckers deserve death. Also the ones who are ‘innocent’ of kiddie fucking KNOW PEOPLE WHO DID.

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88f2b8  No.66414



>> Hopefully he will take us into heaven this time.

>Pretty sure he only takes 144,000…the ‘replacement digits’ of those who originally fell…pretty sure the rest are killed.

I recall reading that 144,000 figure only refers to the kikes who accept Christ Jesus.

The rest of us are already saved and only have to believe the Creator sent his Son to die for our sins.

Given the alternative (one and done, silence of the grave) I'm more than happy to believe in the Creator/Sacrificial Emissary legends. And I can do so without needing anything corrupted by jews. I tell God I can't abide semetic vermin, if He could just see fit to let me begin taking revenge I'd really appreciate it.

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7e5b37  No.66415

File: bacfb48aeb498a3⋯.mp4 (4.41 MB, 720x404, 180:101, Russian_White_House.mp4)


Tanks are also nice if you have to put down an insurrection. Boris Yeltsin put his tanks to good use in 1993.

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be915c  No.66418


Easier to get to them in their homes.

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a9c781  No.66421


>Instead of everyone preparing indefinitely and waiting for jews and their pets to come for you, unite everyone to go for them to kill them all.

It's hard to unite people in the real world because that is what gets you entrapped and imprisoned. Take a fucking lesson from all the Federal stings anon! Doesn't work. What we need is to spread the message anonymously (with proper opsec online) and let people know we all need to fight back when the time comes. This way there is no way they can do anything about it. It is decentralized. The message reaches MUCH wider audiences, it spreads and there is no need to take the risk of federal indictment.

As for them coming to get us all. Good luck with that when they get ambushed unexpectedly going door to door. Much more dangerous that way. It also drains their resources fighting decentralized guerilla wars too. Learn for Vietnam!

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a562b0  No.66422


Since they are both totally culpable in its spread we could call it:



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020d4b  No.66423

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002b35  No.66424

File: da16fb85a5c0616⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1024x598, 512:299, Biohazardcheck.png)

>>66411 (wew!)

I seem to be doing a lot of checking itt.



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2b72d8  No.66425

File: ed407b8feee815f⋯.mp4 (10.48 MB, 1156x720, 289:180, Video_Shows_Italian_Milita….mp4)

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9d3246  No.66426



>be me

>have only a single bottle of cheapo 50% alcohol that I bought from the dollar store in the middle of last year

oh fugg

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46a788  No.66427



144,000 is a special symbolic number meant to represent the Israelites during the Old Testament times who believed in the promised Messiah (Jesus Christ). The number is to be synergized with the number 12 and 1000, which are also mentioned around that passage. The former being the number of and the latter being a number representing completeness. They "kept themselves from women [or whores]" which is another way of saying they were spiritually pure before God. Anyone who tries to make it more than that is pulling your leg. Any modern Jew that tries to make it mean something about themselves will get a rude awakening if they don't repent of their ways.

t. Bible teacher in training

>>66422 (Checked)

The WHOHan Virus - US Strain

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748243  No.66428


Hardened shell with spike protiens seared off is effectively inert.

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115121  No.66429

File: 094f2b38a2f1d88⋯.jpg (652.08 KB, 1725x889, 1725:889, 777_0000.jpg)


I'll just put this here.

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b93ad5  No.66431


What in the actual fuck? Looks old, but recent?

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4078f0  No.66432

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9a6999  No.66434

File: 583ae966b78bb02⋯.png (180.62 KB, 925x534, 925:534, Iran_cases.png)

File: e87b03963c890b3⋯.png (145.99 KB, 457x464, 457:464, riverside.png)

File: 56cc3ac6a7feb60⋯.png (19.6 KB, 466x172, 233:86, states_declaring_emergency.png)

Article estimating how many cases Iran really has https://archive.is/gYeEH

>The average of these estimates is about 2 million, which is about 250 times the official number and 15 times the total cases acknowledged worldwide.

Also: LA update and three Burger states declare state of emergency.


Kek. Doubles confirm it's a nice name.


Thanks for checking my digits.


Coof tube

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7e5b37  No.66435


I-I-s it happening?

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a2416c  No.66436


All I hear is jews.

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115121  No.66437

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1c9d8e  No.66438


Oh, that's only just the flu bro!

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115121  No.66439

File: 0d6d7ffbc88318b⋯.jpg (731.36 KB, 1725x889, 1725:889, 777_0000v2.jpg)



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2b72d8  No.66440


Very recent. Probably taken using a regular cellphone and at night.

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9d3246  No.66441


Spics live in total filth crammed together with 40 people in a 2 bedroom apartment like fucking subhuman animals. The illegal spic chimpouts are gonna be worse than the nigger chimpouts. Mark my words.

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10dc66  No.66442


I have 99% isopropyl that I use for removing thermal paste, I'm assuming the same can be done to dilute - right? It's sold out in nearby stores so I would have to split off what I have into a smaller container.

I need a non-bleach cleaner for things like my winter gloves and thought about that.

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cc1b02  No.66445

File: 689f04a0d7c3ee3⋯.jpg (89.16 KB, 667x900, 667:900, everyone_right_now.jpg)

File: 5d58f559571dc5e⋯.jpg (21.2 KB, 383x66, 383:66, make_rubble_again.jpg)


Where exactly are you able to see the raw IP information? If you are a mod, that'd be interesting to hear. If you aren't that'd be even more interesting to hear. in any case you are shitting up the thread with your autistic fucking multiple one line responses to the same goddamn post stop it and get back on topic or fuck off to a QTDDTOT or a new thread


I started it as a supplement about a year ago. It is anecdotal (of course) but I used to get sick - a lot - and I don't nearly as much. Make sure whatever you have has black pepper extract in it as well to increase absorption.


Dubs speak. The Red Death is caused by the Whohan Virus.


They really trust the integrity of the coof-tube if it is recent.


What isn't happening. My god this week has already started off with a fantastic bang in the stockmarket and Italy's lockdown. The rest of it will be quite enjoyable.


The Aztec hordes will make the Niggers look docile. I expect them to start ripping out hearts in the middle of it to rekindle "the old ways".

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2197aa  No.66446


Lysol spray would be good, as well as utilizing a UV-C lamp/wand.

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2934d0  No.66448


Faster than many have predicted, yes. If you don't have ALL preps in order better get them ready ASAP while you still can.

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db5b70  No.66449

File: a26530fab62d3ba⋯.mp4 (740.21 KB, 400x300, 4:3, healthy_laugh.mp4)

University of Lisbon and University of Coimbra just closed down here in Portugal for 2 weeks.

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17c914  No.66450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump Press Cooference (starting soon)

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10dc66  No.66451


Place your bets on the stupid shit incoming, hours after covering for the market tumbles (which is a half-truth ;it's truly about geopolitics with oil as usual but the rest isn't necessarily in tandem)

Wash your hands and also wash your face but also don't go outside unless you wash your hands after closing the door behind you?


I told myself I'd do "final preps" twice now, but I'm still planning on going out tomorrow morning for some frozen fruits and cash withdrawal. No car otherwise I'd have gotten it all at once, I have to walk 35 minutes each way which was brutal for the bottled water/canned goods trips.


Lysol spray huh? Wasn't planning on dealing with aerosol cleaners but I'll check it out. I definitely won't have access to a UV lamp.

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46a788  No.66452


More like starting now.

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6fa00f  No.66453

File: 23ba16b21bed26f⋯.jpg (53.29 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 81428281_535243324007469_8….jpg)

File: 3c59a669897d805⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1818x1530, 101:85, 1582823705827_0.png)

File: 3cec0afaa5cb064⋯.png (247.71 KB, 700x901, 700:901, 1581455219457.png)

>>66300 (Check'd)

Holy shit, seems like that girl really took that advice to heart, she really is going places.

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a74dad  No.66454


Corana is a virus, a big nasty virus, the likes of which no one has ever seen before. It's nasty. We have the best people, the greatest people working on the virus. Mike Pence great guy. The virus is a nasty virus, but we acted swiftly. Acted swiftly, and I'm getting a lot of credit for how swiftly I handled it. A lot of people didn't want to close the flights, you know the flights they go to China and back to the USA, but they didn't want to close the flights and I closed the flights. That action saved a lot of lives….

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a5f07f  No.66455


> UV-C light

I have three UV-C bulbs running in my shop/barn/garage right now, sanitizing the packages I ordered and the bulk food I purchased over the weekend. I also have an ozone generator in that room, which I run for 2-4 hours per day.

I bleach all my packages, and wipe-down surfaces with alcohol, all the time.

I need ONE MORE DAY for my final important package to arrive, and then I'm set for the next two years. But a few more days would be nice, so that my night-vision has time to arrive.

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9a6999  No.66456

File: 9977048f5337273⋯.png (184.16 KB, 441x590, 441:590, iowa.png)

File: c727863b109eaf9⋯.png (70.01 KB, 732x562, 366:281, colorado.png)

File: cb9e67497287114⋯.mp4 (1017.25 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Iranian_nurse_begs_people_….mp4)

Iowa update https://archive.is/D1veu and two new confirmed cases in Colorado https://archive.vn/K1peZ . Also video of an Iranian nurse begging people to not come out of their homes because she saw 100 infected die since this morning.




>The illegal spic chimpouts are gonna be worse than the nigger chimpouts. Mark my words.

I believe it. Spics can somehow manage to be worse than niggers sometimes.




Yep, she is going after the right people, she's gonna make the world great again!

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6a3848  No.66458


>ass cigarettes

Lmao. If only that were real, then I could leave them out for faggots to make them even easier to spot before going moon man on their asses.

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fac541  No.66459


Are they literally playing hooky from congress?

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6fa00f  No.66460


It progresses to walking pneumonia and the situation deteriorates until you have to take oxygen to survive in the most severe cases, IIRC.

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571203  No.66461

File: 4cee38cf5f2ea84⋯.jpg (695.03 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 4cee38cf5f2ea84c85004e8e3b….jpg)

Any pastaniggers in here? I have a question for you, since you guys are getting into complete lockdown are you going to run out of interwebs? I really don't want to stop shitposting with you anons.

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a74dad  No.66462


I predicted it quite well.

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a562b0  No.66464

File: 4d71e189a9898ed⋯.jpeg (30.19 KB, 480x358, 240:179, CEA6893B_DC0D_4CAA_846F_1….jpeg)


Yes, you know like Branjelina.


TWO Weeks…

It trips me out that they infected their loved ones as well…


It is like 7 degrees of separation…KUSHNER hopefully infected Bibi as well.

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b3903b  No.66465


Don't think so, no confirmed cases among power grid workers nor telecom industries. I do not expect it to be dire, energy wise. I'm expecting for shit to hit the fan for the water though, as some speculated Corona-chan also spreads through feces and the sewage system for most big cities is kind of held together by string and the willpower of a few hundred technicians.

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b3903b  No.66466


btw we're mostly on julay.world/ita/ if any other Italian anon is still here wondering where we went, we're monitoring 8kun's status so that when things will be more stable with the website we'll eventually move back.

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a562b0  No.66467


Coof coof coof…


Oh it is real alright. This is why I must mummy with practically the entire roll beforehand…{enter the American Bidet Council….now}

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db5b70  No.66468


Although my language isn't much different from yours, I'm not italian and I don't speak your language, even though I would love to join.

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814301  No.66469

First question at the press conference:

“Has the president been tested?” These faggots do lurk here

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a562b0  No.66470


Cool, I think we should all play hooky from our responsibilities as well.

“Free you mind and your ass will follow.”

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b3903b  No.66471


's alright

meanwhile, this is the reaction of Italians after the press conference


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46a788  No.66472

File: c6c92937ed2702c⋯.png (111.48 KB, 314x314, 1:1, AAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH.png)




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ee3195  No.66473


Trump got the fuck out of there real quick and just left Pence to handle it for him.

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b3903b  No.66474


Excuse me, that's the wrong video, ignore that

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950677  No.66475


Suggest Gothic type

Some candidate squares: coof coof, flop sweat, hand wringing, sneeze, altar boy, nigger, “diversity”, “refugees”, “Coronavirus”, “climate change”, “lent”, “repent”, “prison”, “abortion”, stumbles, object falls, protestors.

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002b35  No.66476


To be fair, it was originally supposed to be Pence's conference.

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db5b70  No.66477


That looks like a brilliant way to get infected.

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6a3848  No.66478


>focusing all the inspectors on the old folks homes

You fucking retards.

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b3903b  No.66479

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61240d  No.66480

File: 1ce7be43cf1007e⋯.png (251.35 KB, 893x503, 893:503, 1583793796278.png)


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ee3195  No.66481

"Under the President's leadership"

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f60840  No.66482

File: 8c3c535adb0b76b⋯.jpg (60.8 KB, 514x536, 257:268, 1583432447339.jpg)


>all is under control

>(((pharma))) is creating more test kits and stuff that alleviate symptoms

>only old people die, young more likely to die to flu

>coughing in background

The lid on info show (((it's))) afraid.

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50b118  No.66483


honestly, he is just a figurehead. What power has he actually exercised on America's behalf?

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a562b0  No.66484

File: fe804285b317db4⋯.jpeg (32.98 KB, 800x606, 400:303, 0028C207_B4FA_4640_8D64_2….jpeg)


That doesn’t matter…our girl is a whorish beast (I can’t imagine a girl who is better at spreading that our girl)…it is not ‘how long you are exposed’ it is that you are exposed.

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a5f07f  No.66485

Did I hear the President and his staff say that there would be a reduction of the income tax? Small business relief?

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ee3195  No.66486


Yeah, it's all just posturing.

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a562b0  No.66487


If he would have come out and said it he might have approached a moral position. HE IS A FUCKTARD LIKE ALL THE REST. You think he didn’t know what Epstein et al were up to? He was the protege of the biggest blackmailer in NYC…

May they rest in pieces.

Fuck these asshole and fuck their ‘slave system’.

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ee3195  No.66488


Payroll taxes and compensation for hourly workers (he needs the nigger vote).

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6a3848  No.66490


Wasted dubs. Niggers don't work and won't give a shit about payroll taxes.


I'll believe it when I see it.

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ee3195  No.66493


You obnoxious retard, the nigger part applies to the hourly workers. Yes, most niggers don't work, but those that do, tend to be low level employees paid by the hour.

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6a3848  No.66494

So… who's ready to see the FEMA camps get activated? I bet they'll start getting them fired up in about april.

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6a3848  No.66495


Hourly workers are not usually niggers, you know this. Go commit sudoku.

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e5eff6  No.66497

File: 56051a7bbf71a46⋯.png (165.53 KB, 605x328, 605:328, bolshevism_works_easily_wi….png)



Everyone clear why it's going down?

It's not a haven of value like gold, it's a "high risk gamble" like a small weed stock or biotech stock. So it trades like that. And crashes cause people to NEED MONEY. When people NEED MONEY they sell stuff. So prices go down. So more people NEED MONEY. It's a fun ride down as long as you don't NEED MONEY.

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e0650a  No.66499


By decree the shop can host a very low number of customers based on surface: after the first wave is in there is a guard maintaining always the same amount of customers in. It is just a matter of waiting right now, not a matter of missing on supplies.

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a562b0  No.66504

File: 69d109ad290970c⋯.jpeg (69.95 KB, 780x442, 30:17, 87B6CBA3_13FD_42C8_88D2_B….jpeg)


Pew pew han…

>wewhan is what brits get

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a562b0  No.66505


It is not a ‘gamble’ at all since it is completely WORTHLESS and totally fiat.

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9a6999  No.66507

File: fe7c1f35edc8f54⋯.mp4 (5.41 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, Alleged_Nasty_Girl_bus_con….mp4)

File: 9d9f6e18b52f421⋯.jpeg (144.86 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, charter_buses_full_of_nas….jpeg)

Attention, Burgers:Rumors of a convoy of buses full of nasty girls in Grant's Pass, Oregon.


April is a good bet for it, that's when shit will get really serious.

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e5eff6  No.66509

File: 48693b41b7a9b67⋯.jpg (27.95 KB, 300x300, 1:1, let_it_go_scoob.jpg)


It can be both things.

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6a3848  No.66510


Oh shit when was that vid? Should have fucking known they'd take the time to mobilize.

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5f08ad  No.66514



Any country that is not doing this shouldn't be considered a country, they should instead be more accurately considered conquered territory and a vassal state.

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9a6999  No.66515

File: a6284deaca0c33f⋯.png (63.82 KB, 149x582, 149:582, feb_29.png)

File: 6a8c99b19cdfaaa⋯.mp4 (6.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Grand_Princess_arriving_at….mp4)

Video of the Grand Princess arriving at Oakland.


Probably Feb 29. It was on goybook but it got shoah'd.

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bef311  No.66518


Hourly workers are not usually niggers, because niggers are not usually workers. Niggers that do work tend to be hourly, because they work in low skill service industry positions.

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6a3848  No.66519


Checking them digits on that ID

That would also mean they are pretty much ready to roll out now since they've had a week plus to get shit together.

Let the bluegums come. My rifle is ready, and I can make sure I'm not the only bodybag being taken out of here.

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a562b0  No.66521

File: 188b043ebe9d9a9⋯.jpeg (240.45 KB, 959x367, 959:367, C19FF8B4_F343_4B91_A7C8_0….jpeg)

File: 9578ea01abbdc4b⋯.jpeg (418.09 KB, 1182x468, 197:78, 3E1DBB54_A9D8_45C0_8974_4….jpeg)

Poor Chris Martenson. The language in these articles is nothing short of horrific but I think he is super tired of this whole thing.

>but most are likely not

>those who are only mildly sick (wtf does this mean it is not like there is a gage of mildly sick) are likely not infectious.

WHY THE DID THE ‘STUDY’ SAY ANYTHING AT ALL? Most are likely not? Are likely not infectious?

Is that even proper grammar?


It is definitively both things



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bfcd23  No.66522


I hope to God they got shot at if they start anything stupid with those doing their best to hunker down. I speculate, for now, this is just the major cities that are dealing with though. Be prepared everyone.

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9a6999  No.66524

File: 565c235f3bdace0⋯.png (307.56 KB, 438x683, 438:683, hazmat_dudes_in_oregon_doo….png)

File: 5b6f1aebe5afc21⋯.png (429.43 KB, 382x679, 382:679, hazmat_dudes_in_Oregon.png)

There's also rumors of Hazmat dudes in Oregon going door to door. There were rumors of the same thing happening in Commifornia not too long ago, too. https://twitter.com/ShepardAmbellas/status/1234988304333856771


My retarded ass forgot to put the link in the previous post, so here you go, if you want to verify it for yourself https://twitter.com/TerriWork314/status/1233627202517905408

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5f08ad  No.66525

File: 012ccc89293a568⋯.jpeg (67.03 KB, 1048x1132, 262:283, virus_compass.jpeg)

This gave me a chuckle.

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e5eff6  No.66527

File: e42c8aa2d569a5c⋯.png (375.3 KB, 646x410, 323:205, ClipboardImage.png)

Can Trump cut taxes to save us from coronavirus?

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a562b0  No.66528


This. These military coofers should fuck off unless we request help.

THIS IS A SUPER SPREADER…if it gets near you or gets near you family they will get sick because it is COVERED in CV19 from head to toe. It is protecting ITSELF but there are TRILLIONS on the outside of its ‘outfit’.



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6a3848  No.66529


Checked. I hope you're right and it's only major cities.


>Feb 28th

Yup, definitely ready to roll out. Also, if those niggers knock on my door while I'm sick and pull that shit they're getting a glockjob. Fuck 'em.


My vote still goes to "Chinese Flu"

Because fuck China, that's why.

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490ac7  No.66531

File: 6e4535108589a77⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1500x788, 375:197, immortantrump.png)

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46a788  No.66532


Lower Taxes can't help the severe disruption of the global supply chain nor the extreme manipulation of the oil market.

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e5eff6  No.66533

File: bfdd5861cb6c985⋯.png (677.89 KB, 1238x714, 619:357, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah that's real. Why did the top left add the D? If you say "disease" you flunk the class

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b93ad5  No.66535


Free money? Hellz yeah! Just won re-election.

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de64f8  No.66536


The only way he can win re-election is he keeps the government in line and doesn't pull some stupid shit like China did. That and tax cuts for average workers.

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e5eff6  No.66537

File: 74148103d8ec65c⋯.png (78.44 KB, 1040x932, 260:233, ClipboardImage.png)


Textbook example of a natural get. Timestamp coofirms.

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94647f  No.66538

Summary of Monday's biggest coronavirus updates:

- Italy: 1,797 new cases, 97 new deaths

- Iran: 595 new cases, 43 new deaths

- Spain: 558 new cases, 13 new deaths

- France: 203 new cases, 11 new deaths

- Germany: 184 new cases, 2 new deaths


Western Europe is turning into a new Wuhan.

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a562b0  No.66540

File: 20c9c8a45f8dbc7⋯.jpeg (40.77 KB, 460x276, 5:3, 5CE64613_2D38_4A97_B7EA_6….jpeg)


In that case you should love the Red Death



You plebs are so gross…you are such fucking slave whores.

>muh tax cut…

I am picturing weaselly little rat face bastards who want to wheedle a little bit more of their own labor/property back from massa if he will just permit it.


Watching the kikes panic is like the sweetest music that has ever been played on the deck of the Titanic while she was sinking…

Please, sir, can I have some more?

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000000  No.66541


They need help lads! Post your vids with BTC wallet addresses… in Minecraft.

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a842a0  No.66542

File: 5dfc88af187c667⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB, 480x720, 2:3, pastapanic.mp4)


might get worse than wuhan. people can't be forced at gunpoint to behave properly. many outside of italy are still on MSM "just a flu bro" level

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9a6999  No.66544

File: 61e10ca50df58a5⋯.png (112.69 KB, 453x537, 151:179, 5_new_presumptive_cases_in….png)

File: 1ef25427c723058⋯.png (139.01 KB, 464x513, 464:513, sacramento_child.png)

File: 1e9123e6f529204⋯.mp4 (436.11 KB, 224x400, 14:25, military_camp_vegas_8th_of….mp4)

File: 50e87dae6a3b68c⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB, 608x1080, 76:135, National_Guard_convoy_spot….mp4)

Five new presumptive cases in North Carolina, they're linked to the Biogen cooference; Elementary school child confirmed to be infected in Sacramento https://archive.is/y22Lk ; Another Nasty Girl convoy in Las Vegas and another video of that military camp in Vegas. Both videos are from yesterday according to Goybook https://www.facebook.com/groups/coronavirususa/permalink/2828194830623162/



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2fa0c5  No.66546



No refunds? Please

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950677  No.66548

Well I was swimmin’ down the Nile in some cold gray steel

I had the bat soup at buffet, and a coofer at the wheel

Now I’m going back to work with the Wuhan flu

A bragging and a schmaltzing, got nothing else to do

I’m bad, I’m nationwide

She’s bad, she’s nationwide

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378d73  No.66549


>globohomo claim they can't close border

>we're going to put the whole country on lockdown

big think.

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e5eff6  No.66550

File: c92915369329883⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1877x1057, 1877:1057, ClipboardImage.png)


Your magic 8 ball must be clearer than mine. Mine is throwing out stuff about ACE2 expression ratios that looks scary. Perhaps I'm too coffee-brained at it

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095fc2  No.66551


>You plebs are so gross…you are such fucking slave whores.

Just being realistic anon. Americans would not vote for him if he orders the government to act in authoritarian ways like rounding up people into coof camps or trying to disarm us. Anything of that nature would lead to shootouts and carnage I assure you, and he would never be elected again. The best thing they can do is give us some money and stay the fuck away from us. Period.

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9a6999  No.66552

File: 42df7261ddc6f46⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB, 400x188, 100:47, military_camp_vegas_8th_of….mp4)


>Same file twice

What the shit, something went wrong on my end, sorry about that, I'm not used to ripping videos from Goybook so I downloaded the same thing twice by accident. I usually find them somewhere else. Fuck goybook.

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94647f  No.66554


If old people keep dying in that rate in Italy you'll see riots soon. Plus Salvini will get a huge boost and probably the majority of votes on the next elections.

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94647f  No.66556

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0045a1  No.66557

File: 588fddad1a6c1d6⋯.png (44.56 KB, 370x320, 37:32, confusedhuman.png)

File: a77f322fb43502e⋯.png (489.94 KB, 817x800, 817:800, marcelonaotemcoronavirus.png)


>Why did the top left add the D? If you say "disease" you flunk the class

What does it mean then? Death?

On other news, there's now 39 blessings Poortugal, according to (((RTP))), but unfortunately our Minister of Affection didn't get one and has officially bugged in.


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a562b0  No.66558

File: 9e8e6cfb77ce9ee⋯.jpeg (36.37 KB, 474x272, 237:136, 43FD99A6_5C0B_4AC9_A360_2….jpeg)

File: f2398dd7b0ef603⋯.jpeg (29.07 KB, 474x247, 474:247, FD81FE84_45A3_4AA1_ADF6_F….jpeg)



>they are still talking about elections.

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46a788  No.66561

File: 10918331b6bbf4f⋯.jpg (195.49 KB, 954x657, 106:73, time_of_waiflu2_pasta_bago….jpg)

File: 94f2831a639d0be⋯.png (3.37 MB, 4096x2989, 4096:2989, big_boobied_corona_chan_lo….png)

File: ac43b33fcc36516⋯.gif (642.96 KB, 1400x894, 700:447, red_anon_be_kind_to_waifu.gif)

Fixed up the photo-manipulation I did last night. Made it a bit friendly if OP wants to add it to OP. *Wink, Wink*

Also gave two pics of /ourgirl/ with an anon a red makeover.

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8c6ff5  No.66562

Anyone reported the cases in northeastern Indiana yet? Adams and Allen counties are confirming them so far.

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2e85b9  No.66564


Since when are tax cuts equivalent to more debt? That depends how you use that extra money, you could use it to pay off debt or use it to spend more on things you can't pay for I assume. Really depends on the individual.

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e5eff6  No.66567

File: 075ba30a3ac3738⋯.png (377.75 KB, 589x544, 589:544, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b81db43ebd3c75e⋯.png (303.94 KB, 589x479, 589:479, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b95ee973f2003c8⋯.png (307.05 KB, 587x507, 587:507, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 929a3cb73e8ef5c⋯.png (306.2 KB, 587x482, 587:482, ClipboardImage.png)

This "Cotton" character says some good stuff.

He also bangs the "Iran" drum and the "infinite free shit for israel" drum though. The good stuff is just there to cover up the bad stuff, which has long been the case for neocons.

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e5eff6  No.66569

File: c3758646c23a0ea⋯.png (313.32 KB, 298x457, 298:457, ClipboardImage.png)


>number of official Chinese coronavirus deaths can be predicted with math formula

This is what I'm talking about with chinky thinking. "make many video peopre farring down"


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6a3848  No.66570

OK time to do something mildly useful. Fellow burgers, I give you every single states coronavirus page. You can link surf further on your own to find more stuffs. We gotta keep on top of this if we are to survive what is amounting to the biggest fucking happening of our time.

Alabama - http://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/infectiousdiseases/2019-coronavirus.html

Alaska - http://dhss.alaska.gov/dph/Epi/id/Pages/COVID-19/default.aspx

Arizona - https://www.azdhs.gov/preparedness/epidemiology-disease-control/infectious-disease-epidemiology/index.php#novel-coronavirus-home

Arkansas - https://www.healthy.arkansas.gov/programs-services/topics/novel-coronavirus

California - https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/Immunization/nCOV2019.aspx

Colorado - https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/2019-novel-coronavirus

Connecticut - https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/Public-Health-Preparedness/Main-Page/2019-Novel-Coronavirus

Delaware - https://dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dph/epi/2019novelcoronavirus.html

Florida - http://www.floridahealth.gov/diseases-and-conditions/COVID-19/

Georgia - https://dph.georgia.gov/novelcoronavirus

Hawaii - https://www.hawaiicounty.gov/our-county/coronavirus

Idaho - https://coronavirus.idaho.gov/

Illinois - http://www.dph.illinois.gov/topics-services/diseases-and-conditions/diseases-a-z-list/coronavirus

Indiana - https://www.in.gov/isdh/28470.htm

Iowa - https://idph.iowa.gov/emerging-health-issues/novel-coronavirus

Kansas - http://www.kdheks.gov/coronavirus/index.htm

Kentucky - https://chfs.ky.gov/agencies/dph/pages/covid19.aspx

Louisiana - http://ldh.la.gov/index.cfm/page/3835

Maine - https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus.shtml

Maryland - https://phpa.health.maryland.gov/Pages/Novel-coronavirus.aspx

Massachusetts - https://www.mass.gov/resource/information-on-the-outbreak-of-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19

Michigan - https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-71550_5104_97675---,00.html

Minnesota - https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/index.html

Mississippi - https://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/14,0,420.html

Missouri - https://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/novel-coronavirus/

Montana - https://dphhs.mt.gov/publichealth/cdepi/diseases/coronavirusmt

Nebraska - http://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/Coronavirus.aspx

Nevada - http://dpbh.nv.gov/coronavirus/

New Hampshire - https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dphs/cdcs/2019-ncov.htm

New Jersey - https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/topics/ncov.shtml

New Mexico - https://nmhealth.org/about/erd/ideb/ncov/

New York - https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/communicable/coronavirus/

North Carolina - https://www.ncdhhs.gov/divisions/public-health/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-response-north-carolina

North Dakota - https://www.health.nd.gov/diseases-conditions/coronavirus

Ohio - https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/

Oklahoma - https://www.ok.gov/health/Prevention_and_Preparedness/Acute_Disease_Service/Disease_Information/2019_Novel_Coronavirus/index.html

Oregon - https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/DISEASESCONDITIONS/DISEASESAZ/Pages/emerging-respiratory-infections.aspx

Pennsylvania - https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/Pages/Coronavirus.aspx

Rhode Island - https://health.ri.gov/ncov

South Carolina - https://scdhec.gov/health/infectious-diseases/viruses/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19

South Dakota - https://doh.sd.gov/news/Coronavirus.aspx

Tennessee - https://www.tn.gov/health/cedep/ncov.html

Texas - https://www.dshs.state.tx.us/coronavirus/

Utah - https://coronavirus.utah.gov

Vermont - https://www.healthvermont.gov/response/infectious-disease/2019-novel-coronavirus

Virginia - http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/surveillance-and-investigation/novel-coronavirus/

Washington - https://www.doh.wa.gov/emergencies/coronavirus

West Virginia - https://dhhr.wv.gov/Coronavirus%20Disease-COVID-19/Pages/default.aspx

Wisconsin - https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/disease/coronavirus.htm

Wyoming - https://health.wyo.gov/publichealth/infectious-disease-epidemiology-unit/disease/novel-coronavirus/

I'll try to compile and link dump from time to time. I'm not archiving these because I just spent way too much fucking time getting this all together and I'm a lazy nigger, someone else do it.

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95ea06  No.66577


Like your mom?

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a562b0  No.66578


Kek…I couldn’t help it.

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ffd591  No.66582



>looks like kim jong un

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b93ad5  No.66583


Odd that the military should set-up coof-bases (or died-kill bases?) when FEMA camps are already already. Yes? What are they actually doing? Oh…wait, maybe for martial law.

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e38ea9  No.66586

File: 1b27fed4c828b06⋯.png (395.46 KB, 467x358, 467:358, JESUS.PNG)


>My state literally sucking NY's dick

>Confirmed case in my fucking county

>Many people here work from NY

>Not a single fucking soul does shit

I swear, is this how the greatest nation is going down? By pure retardation?

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b93ad5  No.66587


What would you have them do?

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a562b0  No.66588


Too many subhumans. These niggers ruin EVERYTHING they touch. They are like corrosive acid.

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8d6e56  No.66591


>Oh…wait, maybe for martial law.

Nah people can be quarantined to specific areas designated by the government. If those places happen to be on a military base then the quarantined people also are subject to military regs and regulations which may involve them being stuck on base for a while. It's basically a move to prevent any dipshit lawyers from trying to get possible carriers released.

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002b35  No.66592


The reality of the situation is going to have to sink in for some of these numb fucks. Too many people just went 'Am I being detained?' and walked off.

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892938  No.66593



>Coof coof coof…


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933512  No.66594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f35764  No.66595

File: 0acfbc7c1f0d08c⋯.jpg (67.5 KB, 500x434, 250:217, 1581565170021.jpg)

File: 8637d8278853919⋯.jpg (484.62 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1581637355824.jpg)

File: b793ad4e1be6843⋯.gif (989.49 KB, 455x344, 455:344, 1581819535395.gif)

So how does it feel to be right Anon? You where right and this is serious what are you thinking and feeling this moment?

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e5eff6  No.66597

File: 2c29893c3f4a0c6⋯.webm (1 MB, 204x360, 17:30, Chinese_slaughterhouse.webm)



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fb64b9  No.66599

File: b1b4f440a8b672d⋯.png (36.94 KB, 965x592, 965:592, Untitled.png)

Hark back to thread 1…

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50b118  No.66600


him kowtowing to the jews means that we can't have real solutions to problems. I very much don't trust him.

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000000  No.66602


You forget how passive and literally suicidal most normalfags are. When presented with the truth, most will chose a slow death in order to prolong their consumerist lives with some scraps of comfort, instead of fighting back to make everything better permanently. That is the point when endless preparation and planning will amount to nothing, since everyone from that wider audience will simply shrug it off and go back to their miserable and empty lives. But even then, they will all gladly report any of our activities and operatives, simply because they all prefer to hope that the rulers will spare them in the long run. Which will never happen, but they still prefer to think that it will. All of this makes endless preparation without action counter-productive. In the sense that, no matter how many are awakened to the truth, they will still live ignoring the truth, hoping that things will simply be fixed magically. In this (very probable) case, all the preparation will go to waste. The numbers won't increase on our side. And taking action after that will only amount to the majority being used against us. The current time of chaos and uncertainty is the perfect time to act. But not isolated and of course, not centralizes. But mass spread decentralized direct action. If this chance is skipped, there won't be any other. And still, many lazy/cowards will keep talking about a future "day of the rope" that will never come, while urging everyone to go into endless preparation again, just so they can believe that someday they will do something, but in reality, they won't for being too coward to take action. This whole endless preparation is nothing but a placebo.

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46a788  No.66603

File: 4a083334cd773ce⋯.png (27.1 KB, 270x265, 54:53, smug_Alice.png)


It feels *coof* *coof* really good *coof*. I'l post the only reaction suitable for this occasion..

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a562b0  No.66604

File: fb6fa1a6508f120⋯.jpeg (49.93 KB, 383x375, 383:375, 837ECFB4_0DC3_4E76_92E0_B….jpeg)


Well, as I read through ‘Basic Pathology’ I think I should have stopped fucking around on /pnd/ and stuck with my fungusfag theory and pursued it. I was correct about self assembling nanostructures that is what this virus is and I know how it works now. I may not have the ‘vocabulary’ yet but I was correct about what it is.

I feel like I wasted time.

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a562b0  No.66606

File: a00bbfa01207adc⋯.jpeg (335.56 KB, 653x969, 653:969, A865B3CF_BCC4_477E_A5FC_6….jpeg)


This planet was driven mad with schizophrenia anon. It is not their fault. Alien ideas were forced on them and they have never once been able to reconcile them.

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b93ad5  No.66607


>self assembling nanostructures

Like an AI robot virus?

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9a6999  No.66608

File: d6b6ff76e37c412⋯.png (78.93 KB, 461x568, 461:568, fucking_kikes.png)

File: a54e970b101ee75⋯.png (143.97 KB, 453x495, 151:165, worst_korea.png)

File: ad3c14834b51449⋯.png (32.21 KB, 460x255, 92:51, long_beach.png)

File: 45cb37b0d88057d⋯.png (282.33 KB, 2222x3285, 2222:3285, brownzil_update.png)

File: 6c4256092fd1a7d⋯.png (187.2 KB, 550x545, 110:109, panama_and_mongolia.png)

Okay I'm back from Jim's stream, time to get back to work

Zerohedge article on (((Amazon))) and Goybook banning ads of virus prevention products such as face masks and hand sanitizers https://archive.is/n5Vm7 ; Worst Korea update; Brownzilian map updated, we got 30 cases confirmed by our lying government now! Also, Panama and Mongolia got their first confirmed cases.


Hitler digits of truth.


Spoiler the images if you're going to post lewds.

>So how does it feel to be right anon?

I feel good, clown world is finally ending and I finally found my purpose in this shitty life: Worshiping Corona-Chan until she takes me away. Speaking of that, she's taking a little long to get to where I am so I'm planning on giving her a boost and ordering something online, then pray to be blessed with her love.

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870666  No.66609


Nice round of digs on the way

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351d00  No.66610


Burger update here. The state of KY 4million + 'has' 6 cases, one of which was a retail walmart employee. 34 people have been tested.



>34 people have been tested

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a562b0  No.66612


Sort of anon…you keep breaking things down into categories for your comfort…everything has to be X or Y this is not the way things are here…everything is much more fluid. There are no real ‘bicameral’ separations. Virus are not alive. You too are an assembly of organic machines.

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50b118  No.66613


and if they'd slammed the panic button back in january(or hell december since they are supposed to have intelligence agencies and we are just a bunch of shitposters), all of whats still coming could have been averted.

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a562b0  No.66615







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a842a0  No.66617

File: 63b315b9bafe371⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB, 480x848, 30:53, pastapolicia.mp4)

>This was sent to me by a friend from Naples, Italy. The “protezione civile” (civil protection service) has been sending cars (even late at night) with loud speakers urging residents to stay indoors and not leave the house unless it’s absolutely necessary.

twitter .com/ValerioEsposito/status/1237162333589442560

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a562b0  No.66618


Leave it to the Italians to slink off for a quick fuck so that they have to be monitored in the middle of the night…kek

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b93ad5  No.66620


Read that they are to stay home at night, only. Or are they being ordered to stay home 24/7?


Oh damn. Didn't know we should be getting metaphysical with this…but then again, aint everything?

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0ac83d  No.66622


what Im think of is how much i wanna sniff that butt.

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241f7c  No.66623

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what a disgusting future awaits us in the short term

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933512  No.66624


>all of whats still coming could have been averted.

Yes. I saw this coming 2 months ago. What have politicians done? Nothing.

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051355  No.66625

Schizo poster got 2 hours break for shitting the thread up about IPs after being told not to do one line crap. I like them and they post some valuable stuff but not when they go on a tangent like that and can't STFU. They are wrong anyway, you can't see that info client side.

edit: cleaned their irrelevant shit up so refresh the thread if you want

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Post last edited at

b93ad5  No.66626


But the data from Event 201 told them NOT to shut down borders.

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a2416c  No.66627


I wonder what pastaniggers with dogs do, can they walk them? Is there a special coof woof park?

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e5eff6  No.66630

File: 356937206781061⋯.png (385.29 KB, 657x700, 657:700, purpose_of_civilization.png)

File: e982237450c3c42⋯.png (173.28 KB, 471x349, 471:349, 2014_bombing_gaza.png)


>what a disgusting future awaits us in the short term

Is chattel slavery more disgusting than wage slavery? Is government with no clothes more disgusting than government with the fig leaf of republic?

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241f7c  No.66631


No but a police state mandated by the jew world order is.

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a842a0  No.66632

File: b238d6844010335⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB, 848x480, 53:30, pastalacorona.mp4)

>People circulating inside the city and in the provinces were subjected to spot checks to ensure they had valid reasons for being out. Violators risked up to three months jail or fines of 206 euros ($225).

>Under the extended measures, casual errands are out. The time-honored Italian tradition of an espresso at the corner cafe — gone. Customers now are required to take tables, if possible, the one furthest from the bar. The evening aperitif is also frowned upon; bars close at 6 p.m. Even going to the grocery store is a major expedition.

>Her water-delivery man — who has a heart condition — arrived Monday wearing a mask. “He said, ‘I have to work,’” Celeste recounted. Her small family in isolation is being sustained by emails from the parish priest saying they are missed and a note from the catechism teacher sending the kids messages and prayers.

>For travelers and commuters, procedures at Milan’s main train station were tightened significantly. Police officers in masks backed by pairs of masked armed soldiers checked tickets and documents of people arriving and departing.

https://apnews. com/3ff579e06d07428f0bc993c0a98c001d

seems wuhan style. one person in household can go and buy stuff. you can go working. going for a walk is not a valid reason.

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dd5c44  No.66633

File: 8f919b190486574⋯.jpg (90.39 KB, 480x590, 48:59, 8f919b190486574cf29e2dc9df….jpg)


The release of the weapon was an accident, but yes, the kikes will try to use this to usher in the NWO.

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241f7c  No.66634

File: 2786bda986cff9f⋯.gif (4.38 MB, 480x250, 48:25, eating_apple.gif)

66666 get any time soon boys, better say your prayers

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9a6999  No.66635

File: d3b3d9232f8feea⋯.png (159.39 KB, 481x521, 481:521, boeing.png)

Infected Boeing employee in Everett. That's it for this post, got nothing else


Wew, just like in Iran. Also, good to see normalfag videos from Italy, the radio silence from them was driving me nuts.


You have great taste in music.


>coof woof

My sides, man.

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1075f6  No.66637

File: a4d33b91e9fdc90⋯.jpg (120.75 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, just_flu.jpg)


maybe the teacher was the studen all along

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50b118  No.66642


absolutely, he could definitely use the bully pulpit to say things his handlers don't want him to say(but that is about it), and he'd have paid a price for it, but that really doesn't seem relevant anymore.

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50b118  No.66644


they are going to have a hard time of it, the most hardline rightist government in American history came down right after the spanish influenzaand promptly got removed because "muh markets" 5 years later

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9a6999  No.66646

File: 0f5450e5a06c018⋯.png (53.21 KB, 888x348, 74:29, 43scc.png)

File: 65ee871a6509606⋯.png (129.22 KB, 967x560, 967:560, virginia.png)

43 confirmed cases in Santa Clara County and Virginian dept of health confirm 4th and 5th cases https://archive.vn/QnznL;

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840f77  No.66647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Why did the top left add the D?

Ay yo, Thro some D's on that B_ Soulja boy

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393c4e  No.66650



a beeter solution is to buy a roll of tar paper from the hardware store. cover your windows with it. use the red 'tuck tape" around the sills, and dont forget to staple it first. this will block out most light. then put plywood over the windows, from the inside. nail plywood into the frame (remove the trim first). go around edges of plywood with caulking.

for a really serious window defence you should paint the plywood black first. cut holes in top and pour in mortar between plywood and window, or just brick the whole window up (best)!

None of this should be done in a home or building you cannot defend first. you need to analyze your exterior situation first. homes that are crowded in by other houses are not good for long term survival. you need space around the house, clear fields of fire.

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a562b0  No.66654


Yeah, I’d like to imagine that he will die with many regrets but his conscience is probably so seared by the curse of being born into his own family that will never happen.

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1075f6  No.66659

corona chan will bring the whole kike system to it's knees

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9a6999  No.66664

File: 929488c33adbb2c⋯.png (84.02 KB, 208x263, 208:263, helium_losing_it.png)

File: e92ea7e32662c91⋯.png (76.23 KB, 950x553, 950:553, georgia.png)

File: 06c745e83fc4a82⋯.png (165.7 KB, 479x522, 479:522, shohomish.png)

File: 1dcc2cc40afa84a⋯.png (214.16 KB, 487x552, 487:552, jew_jersey.png)

6 confirmed and 11 presumptive cases in Georgia; Schools closed tomorrow in Shohomish, WA, after a district employee tested positive and Jew Jersey government warns residents to stock up for 2 weeks, just in case a quarantine is declared https://archive.vn/wip/pcP9x


I'm officially a nigger for laughing at this shitty post. BIx nood

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f35764  No.66666


When the DB collapses is all over

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d3eee5  No.66667

South America is slowly learning to love Corona-Chan. As is usual, Africa is dead last.

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e5eff6  No.66668

File: a5f3491eeb39736⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1017x481, 1017:481, ClipboardImage.png)

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393c4e  No.66669

File: 205008d00d4d237⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 12yearsnotaslvav.png)

Corona chan will be the end of the world as we know it. Prep accordingly. This is IT. The day of the nigger will be ended. The day of the Jew will be ended. Corona Chan will purge this Earth will her cleansing coof. Nature has had enough of our bullshit. Shes had enough of humans defying natural law. Enough trannies, enough faggots, enough parasites, enough fatties, enough porn, enough degeneracy … her cleansing coof will wash the lungs of the infected. Only the strong will survive.

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9d1270  No.66670


there is no evidence of that. citation or gtfo



and this retard too, both back from where you came from keep the information accurate there is no need to confuse each other

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9a6999  No.66671

File: 83b065f169e4b64⋯.gif (300.57 KB, 360x270, 4:3, hazmat_Ron.gif)

File: 3e4c2bcb3299995⋯.png (357.75 KB, 604x501, 604:501, hazmat_emily_checkem2.png)



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0226ba  No.66672


Legendary dubs.

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002b35  No.66674

File: b54c43a52310659⋯.jpg (114.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, josephcheck.jpg)



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28fcb0  No.66676

File: 0f0a483f56a2210⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 0f0a483f56a221046a86ebc4fd….jpg)

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002b35  No.66678


We already know from Singapore's data that this has a long tail. They've kept people locked down until they actually stop testing poz, and that takes about three weeks.

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46a788  No.66679

File: 71e7fb29c492f6c⋯.jpg (111.2 KB, 816x816, 1:1, checked.jpg)


Giga-satan numbers confirms!

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241f7c  No.66680


what the fuck is DB

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4b6cf6  No.66681

File: 65189a2eacc1d0a⋯.jpg (14.04 KB, 436x284, 109:71, confused_goku.jpg)



what does DB mean?

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a562b0  No.66682

File: 1ba111c466715f5⋯.jpeg (432.31 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, 8E642DB9_3890_4690_9DD2_5….jpeg)

>>66666 (check it!)

What is a DB? Deutsch Bank?

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7ae65a  No.66683

File: d875da028922576⋯.jpg (20.96 KB, 1028x757, 1028:757, blacksun.jpg)


And yet the whole is greater than the sum of the parts, anon.



Wanted to check these delightfully devilish full house digits.


>Pic related

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9a6999  No.66685

File: 8905ea91a8062b8⋯.png (163.39 KB, 476x346, 238:173, a_festival_of_violence.png)

No decent news to post


Pretty good OC.


>South America is slowly learning to love Corona-Chan.

Yes, I can't speak for the rest of Spic America but the Brownzilian government is hiding asymptomatic cases that test positive, combine that with our incompetence and you can quickly realize that our numbers are definitely much higher. The meltdown of society here will be glorious, a true festival of violence.


Perfect post, GET worthy. Better luck next time.

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577c18  No.66686

File: 68103eeac50a6ab⋯.mp4 (5.69 MB, 326x172, 163:86, gondlapunk.mp4)

Anyone catch the NPR psyop this morning?

It was doing a false equivalence about the bioweapon angle and other boomer-tier stupidity.

Apparently suspecting the Chinese and their shitty lab in Wuhan is on the level of drinking bleach like a retard.

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c29eaa  No.66687



>Can stay in the Air for 30 Minutes

Ah, so basically when it becomes humid, EVERYONE WILL FUCKING DIE.

No great, the situation was already a nightmare, but this is it, the nail in the coffin- no amount of safety bar complete isolation is going to solve that- that's literally day 1 after the bombs drop level danger. Time to go innawoods, unnaground, or even just find the nearest abandoned constantly boarded up building and just die of starvation.

Also, you think there's a secret server or some shit that shows the real numbers to those that know the entry method? Kind of like Ex-hentai access, or how people rip things like MLP episodes before they came out because site server infrastructure is crap, y'know, do some scraping. Those are pretty degenerate examples, I apologies That, or there's some jewish numerlogical math hidden in the format that shows the real numbers, I.E uk Deaths are at 300, not 3, or 3000.

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c29eaa  No.66688


If there was ever a time to discover the secrets of the sandnigger cube, it is now.

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241f7c  No.66689


just a meteorite iirc

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c29eaa  No.66690



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dc087a  No.66691


That NJ twatter photo. NJ is literally under foreign control. ZOG is real.

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e5eff6  No.66692

File: a97b16821f242bf⋯.png (30.78 KB, 183x101, 183:101, ClipboardImage.png)


It's just a representation of El which cohencidentally is exactly the same entity as the jews focus their worship on

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ce3619  No.66693


It should get better as it gets more humid, all else being equal

>floating particles

>moisture condenses on them

>they get bigger

>they get heavier

>fall out of the air faster

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dc087a  No.66696

File: 4e46229e35ff36e⋯.png (256.26 KB, 526x322, 263:161, AssadChecked.png)

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7748d2  No.66697


re: the infected priest

priest must be a jew.


>In that case, we may just restart humanity with a single village of niggers again.

anon, we were never niggers nor were we ever monkeys.This planet regularly gets wiped out by cataclysm, be it comet strike or solar flash, whichever face of the planet bears the brunt of the strike the rest burns soon after.

Our very existence is miraculous, I may well be wrong but I don't see how humanity could repopulate the planet in 4000 years from scratch without an outside influence. We are either repopulated from elements hidden within the Earth or, and I like this one, Planet X/Nibiru swings by every so often and whoever is on deck at the time says `wow, shits fucked, repopulate and don't forget to add the niggers to keep the fuckers too busy to leave the planet because we might lose track of the cunts'

I can sense you nodding your head, anon, but that just might mean your brain stem is compromised.

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f35764  No.66698

File: b63f1b38b92d22c⋯.jpg (250.15 KB, 500x421, 500:421, Systemic_Risk_Among_Deutsc….jpg)




>“The visible or measurable size of the derivative market, if you include options, futures, swaps, forex spreads etc., is more than $300 trillion.

>But there is an invisible or not easy to measure component, which is probably 3 times larger than 300 trillion.

So those 2 added together, the size of the derivative markets is approaching $1200 trillion.

>The total size of the world economy itself is less than $73 trillion.


The derivatives are asset evaluation contracts that are used for in a multitude of ways. The amount of derivatives that are DB based which are connected to banking systems around the work dwarfs that of the derivatives that led to the bank bailouts in 08. Basically if DB goes under many and many institutions, businesses are going under all around the world.

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e5eff6  No.66699

File: dcb55ebd36a2265⋯.png (344.27 KB, 1078x634, 539:317, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d4d922d85306fb⋯.png (114.06 KB, 329x194, 329:194, ClipboardImage.png)

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ce3619  No.66700

File: 5799fa54e7ca859⋯.jpeg (172.48 KB, 1078x1463, 14:19, EStyi2LWsAIPrVI.jpeg)

File: a2e959447408abf⋯.jpg (120.7 KB, 720x498, 120:83, 20200309_194415.jpg)

Snohomish County schools are coofing. Driver->kids->parents. The Everett assembly plant has the coof too. Snohomish County anons, you ready for lockdown?

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395e5b  No.66701


Can allalah not protect them from the virus kek

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393c4e  No.66702


What is DB.

What does the D stand for

What does the B stand for

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a562b0  No.66703


You have the wrong anon.

I would have never, inamillion said that we were ‘just niggers’ or ‘just monkeys’


Thanks. I didn’t know the acronym DB but I got a exposure to the (((chicanery))) in 2008. I had plenty of time on my hands to study and understand that nightmare and it has ONLY GOTTEN WORSE.


The semites God abandoned them for their behaviors. I mean, you think we think they are utterly fucking horrific…imagine what it would be like if you could see everything they did…the stench would never come off you. At least they have the decency to keep some of their fucking disgusting parody of what they believe ‘Life’ means cloistered behind closed doors. Fucking disgusting.

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9a6999  No.66704

File: 56b2e975212ba43⋯.png (249 KB, 395x514, 395:514, coofer_hotel_update.png)

File: 47162df807eea72⋯.png (25.32 KB, 512x270, 256:135, Corona_Chan_pixel_art.png)

Updated on collapsed coofer hotel in Chinkland.


>Also, you think there's a secret server or some shit that shows the real numbers to those that know the entry method?

Yes, (((those in power))) definitely know the real numbers based on the data they have access to. I doubt there's a way for plebs like us to access it, though.



No idea if they're still doing that. Some anons think they might be.


Yep, shit's fucked up. That's not the America I fell in love with.


>repopulated from elements hidden within the Earth

Based & Argatha pilled.


Holy shit, I never knew about this.


Corona-Chan's will surpasses Allah by several magnitudes, and these mudslimes clearly don't have enough faith to break through the blockade and reach their beloved cube. Meanwhile, us Coronian Cultists aren't afraid of coofing to death or having a febrile seizure. We will stick with our Goddess until the very end.


Deutsche Bank.

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20c0e0  No.66706

File: f1f42a4a6aa5f13⋯.png (432.37 KB, 479x358, 479:358, f1f42a4a6aa5f13a254701e9d2….png)


Oh boy.

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a562b0  No.66707


>that is not the America I fell in love with

That is not America at all…it is fucking disgusting. Every time I see one of these rainbow coalitions I want to see them face down in the fucking dirt, dead. I swear I will dance and sing as more of these fucking disgusting filthy flea bitten monstrosities called ZOGLODYTES are drug out tarred and feather and murdered. I literally can not wait until shit kicks off in the USA.


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f2997c  No.66708

File: 6f88598f45c5b71⋯.png (185.84 KB, 457x303, 457:303, ImpressiveDubs.png)

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8c6ff5  No.66709

File: 00c9205b331f095⋯.png (678.43 KB, 901x988, 901:988, 1rqrat.png)

China’s second largest steel mill has exploded, apparently.

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7ae65a  No.66710

File: 4011fdf0bdaa731⋯.jpg (39.24 KB, 353x538, 353:538, 440057fd80b57f14adbeb5c81d….jpg)


I don't want to be a downer but serious question here.

>Chinese factories that make the world’s smartphones, toys and other consumer goods are gradually reopening but aren’t expected to reach normal production until at least April. Travel curbs are still in place in many areas, making it difficult for employees to get back to work.


Mainstream media is certainly pushing the "Chinese are going back to work" angle and it may be true. If they get their shit mostly back together by April I imagine that supply chain will take a hit for a few months but get back to normal. Likewise markets will ultimately stabilize and shoot back up, giving (((them))) a chance to cash in on the market crash, and then win twice when it inflates back up later in the year and particularly if/when Chinese manufacturing gets (almost) back to normal. I want to believe this is the big one but in the back of my mind I could also see it being a controlled event, or even if a genuine accident with the virus, still something that is being used as a tool of market manipulation. I know this is all fun and exciting but it might end up with a bunch of disappointed anons and even richer jews with no major changes.

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8c6ff5  No.66711


Why would you ever fucking believe that this would cause an economic crash? They can literally type zeroes into a computer and fix everything. Goddamn, thread’s full of shills tricking the gullible.

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c75ca8  No.66712

File: f39a5a9547fd44a⋯.png (582.71 KB, 554x642, 277:321, be80ab95c0cfe1630be6c520cc….png)


Put me in the screencap

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002b35  No.66716



They want to prop up the idea that everything will be fine if we hang on and the market will recover. Don't worry. Just sit tight, everything will be just fine.

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b1a32a  No.66717


Nothing is reopening, the chinks are lying. They sent people to factories and everybody got quarantined again.

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9a6999  No.66720

File: a230892017415ed⋯.gif (827.17 KB, 320x213, 320:213, happening_bad_reception.gif)



Indeed, they have a reversed Midas touch.

> I literally can not wait until shit kicks off in the USA.

Same, and also in my country.


Happened yesterday, me and other anons posted videos of it last thread.


Aw for fuck's sake not this shit again. Chinkland is faking the recovery of both their economy and their "people". The directors of the factories are turning on everything they can to consume power and meet the consumption quota required to count as "operational". And the workers are still sick, some of them are collapsing in the middle of their jobs. Not to mention that the chinks are pissed off that they can't pay rent, they have been protesting a lot recently. The CCP and Chinkland are finished.It's happening, there will be no disappointment.




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5fe33e  No.66721


To be fair most of our fellow Dutch are super complacent and just autistic in their 'being normal'. It's not a surprise act normal is the national slogan for this country. Considering much of this country is an urban center and the fact hygienic measures are low and people got told early by NOS to not worry, nobody will do anything. The cases are increasing exponentially and the virus is handled abysmally. Our two ministers in charge of public health are two puppets for insurance companies and pharmaceutical industry incapable of managing anything.


Its not really corona, US stocks were already sky high due to Trump's monetary policy. The problem is a lot of the recovery measures US could take to bounce back from the crash were already implemented to create this bubble. The bubble bursts due to Corona causing supply chain delays, doubting investors and so on. On top of that we have the saudis dumping oil, making huge companies like Shell unprofitable. Actually such a gigantic loss for Shell is ridiculous, I'd usually encourage buying if something like this happened since Shell is very nice to hold (always pays out divs, and quite high percentage as well but I doubt they'll do this time around).

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7ae65a  No.66722

File: 58df0d5f246ee7c⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 881x1200, 881:1200, 58df0d5f246ee7cc5994063312….jpg)


What, if anything do you think will come of it economically?


>Aw for fuck's sake not this shit again. Chinkland is faking the recovery of both their economy and their "people". The directors of the factories are turning on everything they can to consume power and meet the consumption quota required to count as "operational". And the workers are still sick, some of them are collapsing in the middle of their jobs. Not to mention that the chinks are pissed off that they can't pay rent, they have been protesting a lot recently. The CCP and Chinkland are finished.It's happening, there will be no disappointment.

Anon, I'm just wanting everyone's take on the media spin. Obviously they are going to try to spin it in the most positive way, I just don't have your level of faith, especially given the low body count outside China and Iran, which is also suspicious. I guess it really hinges on whether or not Chinese manufacturing is totally fucked, and we won't actually know for two or three months until western supply lines start hitting real problems, and I don't mean Costco running out of shit paper.

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b1a32a  No.66723


>some of them are collapsing in the middle of their jobs

The other problem is that 1/3 of chinks never get back to their jibs after Chinese new year. Now during the coronavirus literally nobody got back and they had to import mudslimes who are collapsing.

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814301  No.66725

>> muh… nothing is happening

This is what’s happening in chink land anon

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814301  No.66726

File: 5bb06c845fc8dc1⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, chink_collapsed_at_work.mp4)


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393c4e  No.66727

File: 3701b8a2df167d0⋯.png (29.29 KB, 300x250, 6:5, sunlolirain.png)

SchloAnonmo here. Everything is fine. Entire countries are quaranteening thier populations, air travel is restricted, every government and news agency is talking about it … but nothing is happening fellas. Everything is going to AAA-OOO-KKK. Dont dump your stocks. Dont buy TP, dont stock up on groceries and whatever you do, dont remove your money from the (((banks))). Dont buy more ammo. Dont even think about that! Everythign is going to be fine. Summer sunshine will cure the cold.

Its going to be rainbows and lolipops from here on in. We will all be riding unicorns with sunshine blowing out our asses!>>66710

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9a6999  No.66728


>especially given the low body count outside China and Iran, which is also suspicious.

Pastas are already getting hit badly by Corona-Chan, they had no other option but to close the entire country. The rest of the world will have to wait a little. Just give her some time, Corona-Chan acts slowly but when she kicks in, she hits hard.


Yep, that's exactly what I mean for chinks collapsing at their jobs. You can also go into the archived threads and look for the post where I mention they're turning on all of their factory equipment to fake production. Just a bunch of stuff running without any workers around, nothing being produced other than industrial noise.



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002b35  No.66730


I'm somewhere in the middle on this. I think that they're trying to get things restarted, but you can't restart an industry that got left in haste and panic on a dime. Some people may still be fucked up and working while trying to recover. Asymptomatic carriers and people who recovered but are still secreting the virus due to the long tail may be another danger to consider. A large chunk of their population in industrial centers may simply not BE there, having fled wherever they could.

I still think they're fucking lying about their numbers, though.

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577c18  No.66731

File: 5b0dd8fed30bea2⋯.mp4 (471.63 KB, 854x480, 427:240, 20170401.mp4)


>put coofing people back to work

>oh wow all these industrial accidents why are they happening? Oh jeez no one could've seen this coming.

Can't wait for a feverish chink to chernobyl some chingchong nuke plant.

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7ae65a  No.66732


Oh settle down, faggot. I wanna be frens, but I just feel the need to always question everything like a rational person, and also don't want to get too heavily emotionally invested in this as the great habbening of our time in case it turns out to be another wank.


>Pastas are already getting hit badly by Corona-Chan, they had no other option but to close the entire country. The rest of the world will have to wait a little. Just give her some time, Corona-Chan acts slowly but when she kicks in, she hits hard.

Out of curiosity, why do you think Italy in particular is getting hit harder than the rest of Europe? Climate? Genetics? Lifestyle? Age demographics? Tobacco use? Mass amounts of tourism? Again, I want to believe it will spread and take everything down, but it doesn't appear to fuck everyone over equally and we don't know why yet. Worst Koreans and Japan are getting it, but nowhere as bad as China or Iran for that matter either. Too much is being kept from us, too many faggots are yelling contradictory shit, and we clearly don't know all the factors at play yet for why shit is so inconsistent.

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32b87a  No.66733

File: ece2bc2e29cea6c⋯.png (217.47 KB, 300x642, 50:107, whycontainitelon.png)

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9a6999  No.66735


>Out of curiosity, why do you think Italy in particular is getting hit harder than the rest of Europe? Climate? Genetics? Lifestyle? Age demographics? Tobacco use? Mass amounts of tourism?

Mass amounts of tourism, lifestyle, demographics and genetics.

>Again, I want to believe it will spread and take everything down, but it doesn't appear to fuck everyone over equally and we don't know why yet. Worst Koreans and Japan are getting it, but nowhere as bad as China or Iran for that matter either.

I suspect western countries and countries under western influence are censoring information. We're getting lots of videos and info from Iran because of anti-regime groups. If this wasn't the case, we wouldn't see anything from there either. We only got one or two videos of people collapsing in Worst Korea and one from Japan then complete silence other than MSM footage of hazmat dudes taking swab samples and disinfecting places. It's like (((someone))) suddenly shut it down.

>Too much is being kept from us, too many faggots are yelling contradictory shit, and we clearly don't know all the factors at play yet for why shit is so inconsistent.

All we can do is wait and have faith.

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002b35  No.66736


Italy released the age demographics for Corona-chan's kill count. If you're over 60, basically it's fucking ogre. The average age of a Corona fatality in Italy is 81.4 years.

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0105cf  No.66738

File: ed1d244f6170bcb⋯.webm (5.22 MB, 320x240, 4:3, ed1d244f6170bcb027f9bcfee….webm)

Burger here. I'm getting my autism meds tomorrow but should I just hold them off now, completely avoid going anywhere outside? This virus scares me, what even scares me more is the incompetence of officials not warning citizens enough to avoid spreading this shit.

And on top of that my mom came back from Japan (because her father died, not from Wu-flu though)- I tried telling her not to but she didn't listen and she's in my house now. She came back a few days ago, she's not showing any signs of colds but being 1 inch near her makes me shit my pants, I'm cleaning everything she touches with 70% rubbing alchol. What's even more frustrating is my boomer parents still think this is a nothing burger, I begged them to let me buy bleach etc. but they told me to fuck off and they truly think that the meme vaccine will come in April.

So if your households aren't being careful, what do I do? I did try to red pill years ago, but it came off as spergy, they got offended and told me that I was being 'too mean'.

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7ae65a  No.66739


>We only got one or two videos of people collapsing in Worst Korea and one from Japan then complete silence other than MSM footage of hazmat dudes taking swab samples and disinfecting places. It's like (((someone))) suddenly shut it down.

Ya, but if it was truly bad even if it wasn't on mainstream media, it would still be all over the internet, Koreans and Japanese have way more open internet than the Chinese, yet worse stuff came out of China. Hell, it would be all over the gaming world for that matter if it was Japs and Koryos. I think it's gonna be a fun ride for awhile but not he true apocalypse so many anons want it to be, and I just don't want there to be a big emotional break at the end if shit starts recovering before year's end.


>Burger here. I'm getting my autism meds tomorrow but should I just hold them off now, completely avoid going anywhere outside? This virus scares me, what even scares me more is the incompetence of officials not warning citizens enough to avoid spreading this shit.

Get your meds, you autist. You'll be no good to use if you're sperging out.

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5f08ad  No.66740


This is where I am too. Thing is that if the reinfection thing is true rather than it just being someone that had gotten false negative tests making it look like they had recovered when they hadn't then this will just kick off another wave.

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000000  No.66741


>vaccine will come in April

(((vaccine))), in April 2021, maybe

>what do I do?

run and shoot, shoot and run

or pray to CORONA-CHAN

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7aa2e6  No.66742

File: f271a0d2b56904a⋯.jpg (344.75 KB, 1398x2580, 233:430, Screenshot_20200309_235526….jpg)

The bugs see this as their opportunity to conquer new territory and take over the world. They especially hate France. Also they refer to the epidemic as "war epidemic" on their Wei Boh social media. This is an arms race at a global level for who will be the leading nation NWO.

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7aa2e6  No.66743

File: 543073e472b61e3⋯.jpg (70.7 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 8a27c62fgy1gco2lk285oj20u0….jpg)

Also their version of Carona Chan and blessings to all westerners

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9a6999  No.66744


>I'm getting my autism meds

>taking jew pills that lobotomize you

I have multiple conditions yet I have taken nothing for years. Haven't done anything too crazy and I'm still here, functioning just fine. There's no reason to take that poison. But if you have taken them for a long time, it's probably too late for you, you're already addicted. If that's the case, you will have to go get them if you don't want withdraw symptoms.


>Telling an anon to take jew pills

By the name of the Almighty Creator…Do you have any idea of how much harm those mental meds do? I don't think I want to interact you any further, it's no wonder you keep nothingburgering, you're not from here. If you were, you would be redpilled about the pharmaceutical jew, especially the mental pharmaceutical jew.

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5f08ad  No.66745


Why's she so fucking ugly? Chinks can't even do animu girls right apparently.

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002b35  No.66746


I'm thinking that it's a case of the virus still being there, but the patient having recovered enough that they could be discharged. China is really hot to get people out the door to make room for more coofers. We don't know how long the actual tail is, other than the typical 'bad' cases in Singapore took WEEKS to stop showing virus in tests.

There could also be enough of a difference between the L and S strains that getting one doesn't protect you from the other, we just don't know.

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7ae65a  No.66748



Their bitterness, jealousy and pettiness are palpable.


>By the name of the Almighty Creator…Do you have any idea of how much harm those mental meds do? I don't think I want to interact you any further, it's no wonder you keep nothingburgering, you're not from here. If you were, you would be redpilled about the pharmaceutical jew, especially the mental pharmaceutical jew.

It depends, anon. Things like ADD meds are largely bullshit, just amphetamines. Likewise anti-depressants are massively, massively over prescribed. But it is true that about 5% of the population does need to be on these kind of meds to function, the problem is the number is more like 70%. Also, I say that shit to said anon to be funny because it sounds like he's legitimately questioning taking his meds, but the fact is you can't just come off those things cold turkey. He needs to work with his MD to gradually reduce dosage to get off that stuff. You seriously don't want to be going off psyche meds cold turkey during a potential apocalypse. Hell, IMO that's the number one thing that actually COULD happen if the medication manufacturing and supply chain well and truly breaks. That will be more significant than any stock market crash if everyone starts going off their anti-depressants and benzos and amphetamines all at once. Both the tiny fraction that legit need them, and the vast majority that are simply emotionally dependent.

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0105cf  No.66749


Alright, will do. I'll wear a disposable rubber gloves to protect my hands. I have an M3 mask with P100 filters, but I guess the normal disposable ones is okay.

I'll make a pitstop to buy more cleaning shit. I'm started seeing my dad today get a bit more cautious so there's some hope. It'll be up to me to convince them further about the severities and just being safe.


I'll try to take myself off of them. I did try doing it before, but it ended up giving me headaches and sleep paralysis. I'm gonna ask him to reduce the doses, so can I be off.

I'm worried about how my body will react/will it be more vulnerable to corona chan because of my body not being used to it?

Who knows- I have water bottles and food prepped since February so that's covered.


yeah, that too. I'm telling them to not depend on a random panacea to come into thin air, urging them that being infected = death so do everything you can to not be infected.

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7aa2e6  No.66751


All I know is they've taken extreme measures to stop the spread and contain it. While we sit around oblivious like it's just a flu bro.

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9a6999  No.66752


>I did try doing it before, but it ended up giving me headaches and sleep paralysis.

How horrible, good thing I stopped putting that jew shit in my body really early, before even getting redpilled.

>I'm worried about how my body will react/will it be more vulnerable to corona chan because of my body not being used to it?

I honestly have no Idea, but it could be. I suggest lots of rest and a healthy diet to compensate for that.

>Who knows- I have water bottles and food prepped since February so that's covered.

You did well.

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dc087a  No.66753


>Out of curiosity, why do you think Italy in particular is getting hit harder than the rest of Europe?

Because Italy is being colonized by chinks. (((Italy))) signed on the the one belt one road chink colonization program.

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fd484d  No.66754



>sex at birth

>4% unknown

maybe this will be good for them

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7ae65a  No.66756


See, we're all 3 pretty much saying the same thing, no need to sperg and call another anon a shill. I know the cult of Corona thing is fun but we shouldn't descend into groupthink. The infighting and accusations are one of the worst things we have going for us, bad habit we need to break.


Do you think most or all of those "Italian" deaths are chinks and it's not being reported?

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002b35  No.66757


The moment China locked down their population should've been a sobering moment for the rest of the world. And at the time I thought people surely should've been paying attention.

But, perhaps, their master plan really was to solve the social security solvency issue with this ONE WEIRD TRICK. Fuck, I don't know.

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0105cf  No.66759

File: c9251028d6def22⋯.png (809.5 KB, 872x863, 872:863, c9251028d6def22338ade25b1c….png)


It'll be a rough week of sleep paralysis and feeling paranoid on if I'm getting a Corona seizure, but I'll break through of it. No more meds, only vitamin D, raw garlic, and indoor exercising- then of course, doing more cleaning.

I've started doing more cooking a month ago and its more comfy than I anticipated.

Hope everyone else stays safe, god bless.

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7ae65a  No.66761


>But, perhaps, their master plan really was to solve the social security solvency issue with this ONE WEIRD TRICK. Fuck, I don't know.

I seriously wonder if the Corona virus is the final solution to the retiree question. Just kill off all the olds and continue the pyramid scheme enshrining all the young shitksins as the new primary recipients now that the oldy moldies are dead.

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dc087a  No.66763


>Do you think most or all of those "Italian" deaths are chinks and it's not being reported?

It doesn't matter what I think or what's "being reported." Gas yourself, kike.

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002b35  No.66764


Insufficient data. This is a catastrophic event still in progress, we aren't going to have a good grasp of how everything falls out until the shaking stops.

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7ae65a  No.66765


>Gas yourself, kike.

Fucking relax. Also Nikkei index is back up in Japan and Dow futures are high as well. I'm not a kike I'm warning you the kikes might just be taking us for a ride. You know, manipulating markets, surreptitiously draining the financial assets of the goyim, obfuscating blame the whole way? Just saying this is exactly the kind of shit they're known for, don't let your guard down.

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9a6999  No.66766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>It'll be a rough week of sleep paralysis and feeling paranoid on if I'm getting a Corona seizure, but I'll break through of it. No more meds, only vitamin D, raw garlic, and indoor exercising- then of course, doing more cleaning.

Just remember to keep your diet balanced. And snack often too, but no junk food, go for healthy snacks like fruits or light sandwiches. An healthy snack a day keeps the doctor away and Corona-Chan at bay. And since you mentioned paranoia and sleep paralysis, my suggestion for you is to try take things as easily as possible, don't come here often if it stresses you. Take up meditation and have fun daily, that should get rid of that stress and paranoia naturally and progressively.

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dc087a  No.66767


I'm relaxed. And you're filtered for (((changing the subject))).

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7ae65a  No.66769


Dude, read my post history. I'm literally saying I hope this is for realsies but I'm afraid it might be kike trickery. If you somehow read anything else into that I have no idea.

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9a6999  No.66770

File: 773177330240876⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Dr_Joseph_Fair_says_mass_q….mp4)

File: 64946f2938c030a⋯.png (49.42 KB, 543x358, 543:358, mongolia.png)

File: b3ebb1b003ac1d4⋯.png (293.09 KB, 716x577, 716:577, coronahotline.png)

Burger Surgeon General says that there's a "good possibility" of massive lockdowns in Burgerland; Mongolians go into lockdown mode and Aussies get their brand new Corona-Chan hotline system crashed due to a flood of calls https://archive.is/CwXZV

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7ae65a  No.66773


>Burger Surgeon General says that there's a "good possibility" of massive lockdowns in Burgerland;

I hope so, I wouldn't mind a few weeks' vacation and could easily survive off muh preps while everyone else goes ape shit at the supermarket as we watch on comfy streams.

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0dd4d2  No.66774

File: 5a87a1cd4ffbb99⋯.jpg (16.64 KB, 300x188, 75:47, e47f29f75ce3fb2d3e112f24ec….jpg)




Are you seriously adding recovered to your concluded list? Why? That doesn't make any sense, you get rid of the recovered the Morality rate is more like 3.5%, more likely between 4 to 6% since China is obviously lying about their numbers, maybe slightly more at worst, but the Chinese also live in a shitty environment,which doesn't help. which has gone up since the virus first starting becoming serious. But that is not too much until the number of infected start becoming pretty significant (millions).

I am not a faggot who says "It's just a flue bro", but you guys really overblow the lethalness of this virus. But it's definitely something to be aware of and actively defend againstThe fact that Governments fail to inform people of the infection is what scares people the most, since they don't know how bad it exactly is. The happenings that come with it are also comfy.

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000000  No.66777


>It is not their fault

So? That was never reason to allow them to exist and to live the way they live, along with ruining OUR world for us. The fact remains that the mindless masses are tools for the jews to use against people, but those tools almost never work to our advantage when used by us.

If, as some claim, victory can't be achieved because of that, then take everyone down with us, so nobody wins. It is a better outcome than just going down in glory but allowing the enemy and their mindless masses to keep existing.

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7126c1  No.66778

File: 9da9b1655e8ea42⋯.png (16.83 KB, 973x107, 973:107, Screenshot_2020_03_09_22_4….png)

File: eed652a4780a620⋯.png (45.04 KB, 774x421, 774:421, Screenshot_2020_03_09_22_4….png)

File: 768779cd9e1c72b⋯.png (387.77 KB, 630x815, 126:163, Screenshot_2020_03_09_22_4….png)

Since no one else is posting it:

New coronavirus case at OHSU Hospital in Portland

>Erik Robinson, an OHSU spokesman, confirmed the email was sent to its 16,500 employees but could not provide any additional details about the new case.

>This would make Oregon’s eighth case after news on Saturday of four more presumptive positive cases in Washington, Jackson and Klamath counties. Three earlier cases were reported in Washington and Umatilla counties.


First case of coronavirus in Clark County

>CLARK COUNTY, Wash. — Clark County has its first case of coronavirus. A man in his 70s tested positive for COVID-19, Clark County Public Health said Friday night.

>The man has been in isolation since he was tested and will remain being treated in isolation at PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center.

>Clark County Public Health has identified a small number of people who had close contact with the case. Those individuals have been notified and are now in quarantine, where they will remain for 14 days


Oregon Declares State of Emergency Over Coronavirus

>Oregon Gov. Kate Brown on Sunday declared a state of emergency in her state as 14 people have tested positive for the virus.

>“I have declared a state of emergency, in consultation with @OHAOregon, to ensure that we are able to swiftly and fully deploy the personnel and resources necessary to address coronavirus in Oregon,” Brown tweeted.


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20dff4  No.66780

File: 43bf5a6d81951c6⋯.jpg (67.17 KB, 1024x678, 512:339, 5603749d5e2b6a7212c4002310….jpg)


>why is she so ugly

local inspiration. there is a billion plus chinks and maybe 7 are good looking.

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7126c1  No.66781

File: 208f05de3a315a2⋯.png (878.06 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, 1200px_PeaceHealth_Southwe….png)

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000000  No.66782


>indenting a paragraph

Oddly enough I don't think I've ever seen anyone do that on an imageboard before.

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393c4e  No.66784

File: c942620c99ed0c7⋯.png (686.2 KB, 1307x1371, 1307:1371, blackholesun30.png)


It doesnt matter. It only delays the inevitable. Corona chan is not going away. sars, Mers, H1N1, Ebola … none of these have ben defeated. We still have no reliable vaccines for them. they are still out,mutating, re emerging adn going away for a while and popping up somewhere else. You simply cannot put the genie back in the bootle! Once this virus appeared in nature, then it will continue to re-appear.

Might not be this summer, might be in the fall, might be next fall. But we all know whats coming. We can feel it our bones! Nature will not abide 8 billion 100kg monkeys trashing her planet! She will not abide 8 billion monkeys shitting on her natural evolutionary cycles, the balance will be restored.


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20dff4  No.66785


>continue the pyramid scheme enshrining all the young shitksins as the new primary recipients

That's all well and good. But niggers and their ilk are net tax losses. Taking out old Joe Sixpack who pays out the nose in taxes top replace him with Farooq and his 9 inbred kids isn't a great idea.

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174075  No.66786

ok, anyone know where the fucking non-zogged discussion is on this topic. its literally the same shit everywhere.

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174075  No.66787


>a fucking red line on a picture of a building

so this.. this is.. no no, these ARE the facts. understood.

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0dd4d2  No.66790


I'am special.


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174075  No.66791


>But we all know whats coming. We can feel it our bones!

shut the fuck up

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174075  No.66792


shut up. shut the fuck up.

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174075  No.66793


>as we watch on comfy streams.

shut.. just shut the fuck up.

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0dd4d2  No.66794

File: 62992835ba6f862⋯.jpg (114.77 KB, 750x924, 125:154, 586d92e12ff0af02da068efbf6….jpg)


>sars, Mers, H1N1, Ebola

But most of these are no longer very relevant, what are you even talking about?


Try and stop me.

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002b35  No.66795

File: ebbaebf55a4f202⋯.jpg (73.99 KB, 728x410, 364:205, cowboy.jpg)

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9a6999  No.66796

File: fd2c3f079c0adfb⋯.png (172.84 KB, 1120x525, 32:15, CCP_shill_be_gone.png)

File: 5b091e692daaf54⋯.png (75.75 KB, 1181x195, 1181:195, Event_201_kike_shill_be_go….png)

File: b6ab35f3156782d⋯.jpg (54.23 KB, 862x177, 862:177, nothingburger_shill_pasta.jpg)

File: 8b251e1bba0af7a⋯.png (711.34 KB, 1858x3530, 929:1765, ccp_shill_and_or_event_201….png)


I must have missed these in my crawls. Thanks for joining the newsposting effort. You're perfect at this, too, nice job with the screencaps containing dates and archived links. You even got quick little summaries. You're better at this than me, very nice


>It doesnt matter. It only delays the inevitable. Corona chan is not going away.

>Might not be this summer, might be in the fall, might be next fall. But we all know whats coming. We can feel it our bones! Nature will not abide 8 billion 100kg monkeys trashing her planet! She will not abide 8 billion monkeys shitting on her natural evolutionary cycles, the balance will be restored.

Perfect post.


Right here. If there's nothing you're interested in on this thread, look into the archived ones. We already went over many theories and hypothesis in the past weeks.


>Appears out of nowhere and starts shitting on the thread

Completely natural behavior, not a shill at all. Filtered.

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174075  No.66797


you dumb fuck.

you are the cancer.




>Right here. If there's nothing you're interested in on this thread, look into the archived ones. We already went over many theories and hypothesis in the past weeks.


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7ae65a  No.66799

File: 07b6996a0090b13⋯.png (575.32 KB, 800x312, 100:39, Black_Sun_Galaxy_schwarze_….png)


>Might not be this summer, might be in the fall, might be next fall. But we all know whats coming. We can feel it our bones! Nature will not abide 8 billion 100kg monkeys trashing her planet! She will not abide 8 billion monkeys shitting on her natural evolutionary cycles, the balance will be restored.

So basically this is yet another element of the restoration of natural law? I guess I could see that. Suffice to say humanity is doing a good job of making this planet a really shitty place to live.


Also some of you anons are obviously stressed, I can tell tensions are running high. What kind of discussion would you prefer, or are you just here to spam? If anyone is a shill or kike it's the random guy just shitting up the thread, unless it's just some autist sperging. I was getting called a kike for pointing out this may be a kike scheme so who knows, anons are just stressed and wound up about this shit too, just like normalfags trampling each other for fucking shit papers and asswipe.

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174075  No.66800


>Also some of you anons are obviously stressed, I can tell tensions are running high. What kind of discussion would you prefer, or are you just here to spam?

you disgust me, you speak like a damn reddit mod incarnate.

what kind of discussions would I prefer? ones that are discussions and not a reddit general of everyone towing the fucking line of bullshit and lies with zero evidence but your gay ass tweets and faggot ass fake numbers.

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20dff4  No.66801


impressive, very nice on the dubs, but

>fucking shit papers and asswipe

we've established that the nom-du-jure for toilet paper is shit tickets. please adjust accordingly.

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db784e  No.66802

File: 127cccc78ff25e2⋯.jpg (179.59 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1582259376493.jpg)


> I wouldn't mind a few weeks' vacation

Lad, what I don't think people are really comprehending, it'll be a lot longer than a few weeks' vacation with the upcoming surge in unemployment everyone should be bracing for and have already prepared for


The trips of the Lord have spoken, it must all burn.


This guy gets it. If we survive round 1 somewhat intact, we won't survive rounds 2…3…4… Remember Grandma Black Death didn't work her magic in just one year. Luckily we have better medicine and hygiene now- well until the hospitals become overwhelmed and the water systems become non-functioning due to worker illness. Hmmm.







Someone didn't get toilet paper before it ran out. Sad.

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174075  No.66803


>I was getting called a kike for pointing out this may be a kike scheme so who knows

i dont fucking care. that means nothing to me. I want logical discussion, I dont need your fucking backstory on why I should give you credence. no one deserves credence, their arguments should speak for themselves.

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174075  No.66804


shut the fuck up with your facebook post.

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174075  No.66805

To all the cia niggers I just told to shut the fuck up. its nothing personal, when you guys literally assfuck every single outlet for intelligent discussion it is frustrating. why did you have to do this? why? you couldnt just let one single fucking basket weaving consortium have conversations free of bullshit? you had to just assfuck them all. why. its tiresome. im done being a bad goy now.


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7126c1  No.66806

File: 5afe9960260d0c7⋯.png (31.31 KB, 756x230, 378:115, Screenshot_2020_03_09_23_1….png)


>I must have missed these in my crawls.

No one can be expected to catch everything everywhere.

Corona in Clark County is old news at this point. The fact that it's at that particular hospital is a big deal.

There's dense suburbs surrounding the hospital, and the hospital regularly transfers employees from that hospital to it's offices 10 minutes east of there.

That hospital's cafeteria is also known for being the best cafeteria, and one of the best restaurants in the city, so quite a few locals go there instead of an actual restaurant.

This announcement is a discrete way of saying that it's running rampant in Clark County.

Clark County testing 7 people for coronavirus

>Clark County Public Health has sent seven specimens to Washington’s state health lab to be tested for coronavirus, or COVID-19.

>Author: KGW Staff

>Published: 3:03 PM PST March 2, 2020


I can tell you that very few people in Clark County are taking the wuflu seriously. Certain calibers of ammo are sold out along with TP, cleaning wipes, and some paper towels.

The Costcos have put hard limits on certain things like rice, flour, canned goods, and TP.

But at the same time, very few are taking the proper precautions (face masks and decontamination).

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8e6b5f  No.66807

File: 65ea6e692cddc5d⋯.jpg (74.91 KB, 724x1024, 181:256, 65ea6e692cddc5dc0a694230fa….jpg)

Bellevue, WA anon checking in. It's getting spooky outside, anons. Crazy fog this morning, very thin traffic Coronachan has blessed my commute, clearly, and all of the tech workers are working at home. Restaurants dead, food trucks on life support, and even the transit center big bus station for sixteen lines is skeletal.

No quarantine yet either, but Inslee could shit one on us any time now. Going to a few grocery stores tomorrow and will report in on stock.

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0dd4d2  No.66809


I for one, enjoy the less traffic. Fuck the amount of people here, doesn't help a good chunk are not even US citizens. So overpopulated.

The Wal-Mart in Renton is getting hit a fair amount, heard people are literally running around to buy toilet paper. Thank god I don't go there.

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7ae65a  No.66810


Alright well contribute something meaningful then, don't just spam everyone else. Contribute something to the fucking discussion. It's ok for anons to have some fun for fuck's sake.


Very well, possibly appropriate since in the coming weeks and months you might be able to break down and sell individual shit tickets as currency, extra value if they are 2 or 3 ply. It pains me to say this but if utilities stay on it might be bidet master race, even though they aren't popular in the western world.


>Lad, what I don't think people are really comprehending, it'll be a lot longer than a few weeks' vacation with the upcoming surge in unemployment everyone should be bracing for and have already prepared for

If we really do have quarantines in the USA and supply chain breakdowns to boot, after three weeks it would start to get crazy. 90% of America couldn't last 3 months, and I mean just cash in bank and food in house, and that's assuming everything is still functioning.

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9a6999  No.66811

File: 76f390337faa12b⋯.jpg (923.73 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Tarrant_chan_nice.jpg)

File: 2785651cd3c12ed⋯.png (226.82 KB, 520x588, 130:147, Louisiana_VA.png)

First presumptive case confirmed in Louisiana. https://archive.vn/2z5l1 The guy's a vet, he's at the VA in New Orleans.


>it must all burn.

>This guy gets it. If we survive round 1 somewhat intact, we won't survive rounds 2…3…4…

It's been a while since I saw a Christian being this much based. Good post dude. Guess Corona-Chan was right when she told me to stop picking on you guys.


I wish the best of luck to all Clark County anons.


Guess the reason you're seeing so few people outside is because they're scared shitless. They're doing the right thing.

>Going to a few grocery stores tomorrow and will report in on stock.

That would be interesting. Stay safe up there.

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393c4e  No.66812

File: e5544d4ab0ee9ed⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 700x394, 350:197, blacksun2.gif)


>But most of these are no longer very relevant, what are you even talking about?

Anon in 1363 - "Yeah the black plague is no longer relevant guys, dont worry its not coming back."

Kinda like white people. We are not relevant until we decide to be relevant!


All natural occurences are the elements of natural law. Corona chan may have been developed by men, she may have even been released by men, but now shes out of her bottle, and what happens now is what natural law dictates. And if its not gonna be Coronachan, its will be something else, a superbug, an antibiotic resistant bacteria, a new form of Ebola. All Im saying is Nature has her own mechanisms for dealing with an out of control animal species. Her method ussually involves wiping out 90% of them! Shes not gonna tolerate 3 billion sheboons shitting out 8 niglets a piece! Shes not gonna tolerate 2 billion chinks pumping a gazillion tonnes of plastic into the ocean yearly. She'll punch the reset button!


this anon gets it.

2, 3, and 4. …. Ol' grandma made the rounds for 400 years bro. 1340 to 1670. Wiping just as many towards the ends as when she started! 17 major outbreaks. she was present somewhere in Europe every year for 430 years. She wiped out 50% of England (nearly 3 million in her first year) and took 1 million in France during her last year!

and consider the population in those times was far more rural, 1000 times more self sufficient, and the population was way smaller.

Sooner or later, Nature is going to decide that 7.5 billion humans are no longer "economically viable".

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db784e  No.66814

File: 011e8a9b04b95a8⋯.jpg (161.49 KB, 592x2112, 37:132, coming_soon_to_a_state_nea….jpg)

File: 37a11f480a61006⋯.png (71.29 KB, 684x752, 171:188, Selection_093.png)

>Pic Related

I expect these particular medical shortages to start showing up next week in WA, NY, LA if they haven't already. After that it will cascade across the major metropolitan areas though the infection chain until it hits literally everywhere. Western medicine is about to get rather medieval. But hey! Futures are up so everything is gonna be great! Buy that dip! Forget canned foods! Throw it all into fun-shekels on Wall Street and buy more shit until your lungs fill up with fluid!


The panic is about to be offset by true, unbridled fear.

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be9aae  No.66815

In Australia I found out they're testing anyone who exhibits any flu-like symptoms for Covid-19. Around here at least (not in a major city). Family member got tested and won't know results until a few days.

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7748d2  No.66816


>Even the dumbest niggers will know that dead body in a bag = Corona infected corpse and house.

If all hell breaks loose:

Make sure any doors leading into your house have electricity running through the handles (exposed ends of extension cord twisted around the handle) and have the cords running to a multi-socket board centrally located. There is no room for mistakes, my property is gated and locked at all times so anyone actually standing on the soaking wet welcome mat trying the door handle is on a suicide mission.

Keep the juice on until the smoke pouring off that nigger's head reaches at least 10,000ft.

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9a6999  No.66818

File: 9ccb9a0b16c7f81⋯.webm (272.8 KB, 284x240, 71:60, toppestkek.webm)


>Keep the juice on until the smoke pouring off that nigger's head reaches at least 10,000ft.

I fucking wheezed.

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0dd4d2  No.66819


>Anon in 1363 - "Yeah the black plague is no longer relevant guys, dont worry its not coming back."

And it didn't, at least not in the same scale. None of what you mentioned never came REMOTELY close to the black plague. Hell Coronochan still has a fair bit to go to get to those levels.

>Kinda like white people. We are not relevant until we decide to be relevant!

I have zero clue how this is relevant to what I said, I am convinced you are retarded.

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5c073c  No.66820


>Are you seriously adding recovered to your concluded list? Why? That doesn't make any sense, you get rid of the recovered the Morality rate is more like 3.5%

Here's how it works: Italy has had 9,172 cases. 7,985 of those are active cases. What of the 1187 no loner active cases? 463 have died and 724 recovered. So, the mortality rate of completed cases is over 40%. The 7,985 active cases will become recovered/dead statistics in the next 30 days or so and the mortality rate will rise to around 50 percent by that time, because medical service is now being refused to old people who are most likely to die.

If you have a 50% mortality rate does it mean that it is almost 100% death sentence to people over 60? Wouldn't this wipe out conservative politics?

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8e6b5f  No.66821

File: c830c45e5b020c6⋯.jpg (18.23 KB, 526x297, 526:297, 1424130400801.jpg)


Renton is a shithole, and a multicult one at that. Let it rot. Anyone using that walmart is probably blessed already, whether they know it or not.


>few people outside

I think most are still not taking it seriously, anon. I've made a half dozen grocery store trips since I think my 6mo food order is going to get delayed because of the inevitable quarantine, and very few people are buying anything other than 'i saw it on the news'-type shit like wipes, TP, soap, and other stuff. Most places still had full stocks of canned goods and everything else. Hell, there were even still girl scout kiosks selling cookies. Yes, parents letting their young girls handle money and such from total strangers during a global-fucking-pandemic. But the fewer people out there, the less chance for infection. more or less



I think their normalcy bias will overwhelm their senses and by the time fear can set in, we'll be under a mandatory quarantine.

>and like desperate sailors, they'll turn to seawater

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be9aae  No.66824


If it's anything like the Spanish Flu, the full impact of Corona-chan will be seen in about 2 years.

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393c4e  No.66826

File: 76cbb4d0bda9d83⋯.jpg (63.71 KB, 480x444, 40:37, nicewhitepeople92003.jpg)


It was present in Europe every single year from 1340 until 1670. Every single year somewhere in Europe another village got wiped (or more). There were 17 MAJOR outbreaks during this time, outbreaks that killed millions. At a time when all of Europe had less then 100 million. Some of the last outbreaks where MORE deadly then the intial ones. A simple jewgle search will pull up all this, and alot more.

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59d275  No.66830

So the world's biggest Communist country is bringing the entire world to crisis in order to impose communism on us all.

They'll release the vaccine once they get their people in power.

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d06f4f  No.66831

File: b93979e59baee68⋯.png (99.54 KB, 728x227, 728:227, wuttt.png)


> Coronavirus: School closures the 'new normal'

could this be a major redpill opportunity?

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0dd4d2  No.66833


If you use this sort of math in other countries, then the. For example, I did South Korea and it is at around 17.94%, we will just say 18%. Vastly different to Itatly, but still a fair amount high. France is 71.42% by that to. I can see your math, but it's all over the place and doesn't seem like a reliable way to determine the current mortality rate. I just add the overall total of deaths to the total cases like most people have. Give it more time to be a bit more accuratewatch me be wrong and it is really that bad.


>Renton is a shithole

Yeah fuck that place, have some of the worst PoS in this damn county. God I miss the south…


>It was present in Europe every single year from 1340 until 1670

I am aware of everything you posted, which is why I said it never came back "to the same scale". I don't think there is a lot of evidence Corona will be quite as bad the Black Plague, but it seems to be a likely chance it can reach Spanish Flu levels, unless S. Korea is consistent with their low daily case numbers. Then other countries will prob slowly follow with a exception of a few. We will see.

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d06f4f  No.66834

File: fb79700f13ab6e8⋯.png (44.22 KB, 630x129, 210:43, uh_oh_at_the_VA.png)


> at the VA

he's dead

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7ae65a  No.66836


>I expect these particular medical shortages to start showing up next week in WA, NY, LA if they haven't already.

It's going to take longer than that, my bet is more like a couple months until we have severe shortages.


Thank you for reminding me there are going to be some truly dastardly traps out there.


Now that's good thinking. Craptons more kids will be on the internet and gaming as well with schools closed. This actually is a good opportunity for higher than usual engagement.

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459a15  No.66843

File: 4f52eece01df6d1⋯.mp4 (10.91 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2_italian_doctors.mp4)










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393c4e  No.66844


It doesnt even have to reach spainish flu levels to cause a system wide collpase. No one knows for sure how much stress the system can handle. But if even 2-3% of world population dies I'd wager thats enough. The whole system is built on interdependent systems now. We do not have the resiliency (the worlds economic systems) that Europe had for Spainish flu. It all hangs by a thread, and there are alot of people that would like to cut that thread! Our systems of on-time delivery, our inability to make our own steel, our own concrete, even our own antibiotics, are all put into jeopardy. Already the stock market is crumbling, oil is plunging, bond yields at all time lows (less then 1% on a thirty year bond) …. these are all bellweathers of whats to come.

The engine is already sputtering. She was broken when we took off. We are losing airspeed, and we can only convert so much altitude into airspeed before the inevitable nosedive and freefall begins. Once that economic engine cuts out, its over.

Its not that Corona chan is going to wipe out 50% of the world. Its the economic breakdown, followed by the chimpining, followed by the loss of the Pax Americana, which will cause massive wars. For eighty years America has held the worlds enemies in thier corners. those people (Arabs, jews, niggers, chinks) have been screaming to get at each others throats. This pax Ameircana has garanteed peace in regions of the world that would have long ago descended into mad max style feudal empires. Pakistan will go ot war with India, Africa will degenerate (I know you'd think the niggers couldn't stoop lower … oh they can).

Russia and China would love to snip that thread btw. So we are not just talking small players that see this as an opportunity to end American hegemony.

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7748d2  No.66845


>I have some weird thing going on where I shit 5-7 times a day

You should try Andrea Moritz's Liver and Kidney cleanse. I've done it 4 times so far, stuck to the directions verbatim for the 1st effort and passed hundreds of stones, slid a little with the next 3 efforts and didn't expel many at all but if you've been dealing with this for 10 years you may be made of sterner stuff. I did the cleanse because I couldn't drink for a year after falling onto my back, too uncomfortable, but after the 1st successful cleanse and expelling so many stones (the pain must've been the stones rubbing against each other) I was back on the grog two days later.

Cannabis oil and/or Tumeric Golden Paste every day may also bring your gay bowels into line.

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db784e  No.66847

File: ca848dd4b004cd0⋯.jpg (184.41 KB, 1024x1800, 128:225, deus_vult.jpg)

>>66811 (checked)

Pic Related


Everyone is hoping for the balmy summer months to put /ourgirl/ on hold. I think this will be in waves for at least 2 years. Hell just the economic fallout will take that long to recover and that's in the best of cases. Comment I heard best about Spanish Flu was if there was a strong people behind a stable government- they were fine. If there was any weakness at all, they collapsed.


It ground society down to the base core. Sad part about it Western civilization was actually stable and somewhat prosperous for the first time since the fall of the Romans. Then the fucking plague ships came through trade. Strange how history will repeat itself.

Aside from all of the other speculation about this thing's origin- the keyword that was snubbed and suppressed is "novel". That out of all of the conjecture and conspiracy is the biggest tell. The species hasn't seen it, no herd immunity exists, the baubles of society are the only thing separating us from Civilization ending levels of mortality.


>watch me be wrong and it is really that bad

It really is that bad. The only thing that suppresses the natural CFR is medical intervention. When medical intervention fails the CFR skyrockets- one of the various reasons the ChiComs blacked out info and brought in the mobile crematoriums. Interesting article on Doomporn.com that talks about this. When it gets into the deep lungs you are pretty well fucked without medical assistance. Of course no mention of the brain damage / encephalitis aspect but hey, we don't want people to freak out now do we?



>my bet is more like a couple months until we have severe shortages.

You have greater faith in the stockpiles of our medical professionals than they do. I'm monitoring this site pretty closely.


But as a numbers game, it is a simple matter of supply and demand. There are 10k hospital beds in WA. How quick you think they will all be filled when this pandemic is showing a doubling of cases every 6 days? A couple of months, I hope you are right- I'm just doubtful in your optimism.

>>66844 (checked)

>ts the economic breakdown, followed by the chimpining, followed by the loss of the Pax Americana, which will cause massive wars.

I still have a very good feeling there will be a few nukes popped over this. Power vacuums are forming everywhere already. Trust is being shaken to the absolute core in everything "stable", and as the machinery of society keeps crushing of the weight of these happenings- wise people see weakness and WILL exploit it. At least half of the people in this country can barely handle their preferred party losing an election, much less what's coming down in the next few weeks. It'll be fun.

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20dff4  No.66848

friendly post; holding you breathe around shitskins pisses them off some very much right now.

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002b35  No.66849


God help us. If one is listening. But I fear one IS, and that could be the problem.



People have been bleating for the Americans to leave and stop playing world police for years. They are likely to get exactly what they wished for, one way or another, and learn that you do not taunt the monkey's paw.

I suspect that at the first sign of possible trouble, the government is going to come down like a hammer on anyone who tries to start shit in the hot zones. What the west coast of the US does in the next week or so and how the government responds is going to show us how the next three months will go.

Past that? Fuck, I don't know.

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7748d2  No.66850



>How can I get cardio excercise if I can't go out because corona is everywhere?

Dance, motherfucker, dance.

Put on some good music (you should be listening to selected tracks from Tool's latest album anyway) and start dancing, you can do it while you are reading /pol/. The music on that album is elemental.

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115121  No.66853

File: 25b03d8b614bdcb⋯.gif (164.74 KB, 978x901, 978:901, BidetMasterRace.gif)



How will doctors react when they realise it's even worse than they have seen?

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5a2477  No.66855

File: ac3315d6a73170c⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 1216x3320, 152:415, ThePlan.jpg)

File: 2fc64cef3e986f2⋯.jpeg (56.24 KB, 474x843, 158:281, prophecy.jpeg)

File: 8e14bc5320fb6e3⋯.mp4 (3.56 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Tahnee_Cain_The_Tryanglz_B….mp4)

No control

Walk right into coals to feel the pain

I'm lost in you

Oh, now you strike the match and light the flame

My heart's a blaze

I feel the heat of your desire

I just can't face the fire

You've got me burnin', you've got me burnin'

You've got me burnin' in the third degree

You've got me burnin', you've got me burnin'

You've got me burnin' in the third degree

Hypnotize, see the flicker gleaming in your eyes

It catches me

Oh, I take it and you'll never let me go

I'm your prisoner

I feel the heat of your desire

I just can't face the fire

You've got me burnin', you've got me burnin'

You've got me burnin' in the third degree

You've got me burnin', you've got me burnin'

You've got me burnin' in the third degree

Can't stop, my body's aching

Give us what this all has taken

I'm the victim of your passion

Know you're burnin' too

You've got me burnin', you've got me burnin'

You've got me burnin' in the third degree

You've got me burnin', you've got me burnin'

You've got me burnin' in the third degree


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9a6999  No.66856

File: 7fc76f2cdd1432a⋯.mp4 (8.25 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Night_Fever_Dave_Rodgers_M….mp4)



[Verse 1]

Look into your eyes

Oh  baby baby let me know

Take  me back into the night

Golden seventies

The time is passin' by you know

What  I need babe


Like  to my songs I'll give you all my feelings

For you my little pretty woman

Baby  I need your love

Baby I can insist

Don't let me go again, baby I want you


Night fever, night fever

Disco  in town is on fire

Night fever, hi-fever

Burning with me 'cause the night's on fire

Night fever, night fever

Disco in town is on fire baby

Night fever, hi-fever

Here we go here we go

Night fever nights

[Verse 2]

Let the music flow

I'm ready baby listen now

Lay your hands on me right now

Let your feelings free

And listen to me: what I need

You, just you babe


Like to my songs I'll give you all my feelings

For you my little pretty woman

Baby I need your love

Baby I can insist

Don't let me go again, baby I want you


Night fever, night fever

Disco in town is on fire

Night fever, hi-fever

Burning with me 'cause the night's on fire

Night fever, night fever

Disco in town is on fire baby

Night fever, hi-fever

Here we go here we go

Night fever nights

[Verse 1]

Look into your eyes

Oh baby baby let me know

Take me back into the night

Golden seventies

The time is passin' by you know

What I need babe


Like to my songs I'll give you all my feelings

For you my little pretty woman

Baby I need your love

Baby I can insist

Don't let me go again, baby I want you


Night fever, night fever

Disco in town is on fire baby

Night fever, hi-fever

Here we go here we go

Night fever night


Like to my songs I'll give you all my feelings

For you my little pretty woman

Baby I need your love

Baby I can insist

Don't let me go again, baby I want you


Night fever, night fever

Night fever, hi-fever

Here we go here we go

Night fever nights

Night fever, night fever

Disco in town is on fire baby

Night fever, hi-fever

Here we go here we go

Night fever nights

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393c4e  No.66860

File: 88efca35980fa24⋯.png (1.23 MB, 725x874, 725:874, steampunkviking.png)


well the thing is that in the beginning they wil have lots of resources to stop the chimpining. but as the social malaise spreads, and cohesion breaks down it will get harder and harder to control. so they may stomp quickly on the first big city-wide chimp out, but what happens when multiple large areas are chimping. when feral packs of niggers are running free, raping and looting. law abiding citizens will have no choice, but to put them down.

If food is getting scarce, gibs aren't being delivered, the chimps will inevitably blame white people. they will claim we are "hoarding" (ie had forethought to stock up on supplies). imagine if the LA riots happened at the same time as katrina, the watts riots and places like chicongo are ten times more deadly. All the major cities will see chimpinings this summer if the economy cant recover. How will the chimps respond when thier precious 400lb Laquisha Watermelonia cant get on a ventilator 'cause Tyrone LaDouche has stolen the copper pipes? What will the chimps do when they cant trade stolen supplies for crack? These are important questions. Does anyone here seriously believe that Mayor Jamal al-Blowjabi is going to send in the army to deal with his ghetto trash voters?

Tomorow is my day off. I am going to my bank to withdraw the bulk of my savings. Then Im going to Costco to stock up on essentials, then Im going to Cabelas to buy more 7.62x39! The process of liquidating my stocks has already been iniated. Im buying silver, physical silver. Im not letting some ghetto nigger named "Hot Sauce" show up with his homies and steal my shit!

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82ac53  No.66862

File: 14b2ae51aeac323⋯.png (299.14 KB, 970x482, 485:241, 20200310_032021.png)


>And bus is kill

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7748d2  No.66863


>How does one even know if they've been blessed but only experience mild symptoms?

Good point. Many of us may have already faced the 1st wave without realizing it, perhaps those poor bastards dropping dead in the streets did so too, that was the reinfection (2nd) taking out the heart. The brain stem (3rd) infection will be hard to witness (they all do the Rock Lobster).

I have to admit I'm a tad impressed by the diabolical nature of it all, I've expected zombies in the streets for years but never factored in I'd have to be dealing with something unseen as well. My missus will be the death of me most likely, I can walk from where I sit reading /pol/ into the lounge with ever more shocking facts and figures at my fingertips and the rancid buzzard screeches at me for stressing her out over something that the telly says is only a fucking flu. She has no interest in taking anything preventative. I rang my aged Mother (79) to tell her that her and the old man (81) will die if they catch it, she laughs at me and says she doesn't care if she dies tomorrow anyway. Both women are fucking lucky they are covered by the Ten Commandments or I'd have offed them long ago.

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a07bc9  No.66864



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a2416c  No.66865


Eurofag her, translation checks out, I understand Italian (through my knowledge of Spanish). I'm going to send this in an email message to my boomer mom and my sister and the rest of my family. No further comments (I'm a radical prepper in their eyes anyway so I would only hurt my purpose), just this message. It is both a sane red pill and a huge black pill.

I can't believe I actually get to be in the Happening.

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6c51e5  No.66866

File: fe8ca2f5074787d⋯.jpg (464.52 KB, 650x887, 650:887, kathy_nooooo.jpg)




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82ac53  No.66867


Katy Tur wood is such a dumbfuck

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a2416c  No.66869


checked – dekcehc

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9c4d99  No.66871

File: 01165a2933cf94a⋯.jpg (136.69 KB, 318x471, 106:157, griezelbus.jpg)


>bus of death

pic related, hop on kiddo



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1ea541  No.66875

File: 9aad98b373c9b2d⋯.png (9.76 KB, 1167x149, 1167:149, ClipboardImage.png)


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aabb4c  No.66878

File: 7d3b8ee7014f723⋯.jpg (201.33 KB, 792x1440, 11:20, takboom_snackbar_check.jpg)

File: 2f6f883328f7fbe⋯.png (1.39 MB, 744x666, 124:111, assad_kekin_coofsuit_world….png)


>When DB collapses, it's over






She received our energy.


Burger corona-chan stats link repository

Will chuck in OP, It's already archived in thread.


>pic 2

>worst korea

>is over the hill possibly

That's good news but I guess we'll have to deal with the kikes ourselves then.


Nice list of numbers and calculations. I could add this to the OP table but I cannot into the last column.

Could change to 1 decimal place for an easier read.


Thanks for the new banner background. Will change it with a dash of OC ;)

Updated Assad OC to suit the times


>no pasta for your edition





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1ea541  No.66880


Replying to myself to clarify: This is from Amazon, btw. It is in relation to nCoV/Covid-19.

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de528b  No.66881

hello anons

how do I do a fit test at home for my 3M masks?


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05b5ff  No.66883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

italy btfo

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