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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging

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File: 2b400934b597cc3⋯.png (3.64 MB,1948x1234,974:617,4ChanPepes.png)

25b3fe No.389198 [Last50 Posts]

Question for /pnd/

I am thinking about claiming and reviving this board.

Do you want a board owner who maintains the board and keeps out trash threads like



Would you like a BO who allows the conversations to flow. And does not dictate the topics. But only deals with illegal and spam content?

I don't care if you are NAZI, LIBTARD, MAGA, or ANARCHIST.

But fuck you ZIOINIST! you are not welcome or you kin.

I am just tired of 4chin /pol/ jannies removing threads and not allowing users to have open and free discussion on topics related to /pol/ topics.

I think its time to make 8kun as great as it was in the early 8chan days.

Time to say fuck 4chin and the jannies.

Free Speech is not SAFE.

Speak freely Anonymously.

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875d5b No.389199


Fuck you nigger.

You are probably a jew ass jannie.

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ff4bc3 No.389200

File: 8c0f53c74625b24⋯.jpeg (488.86 KB,561x855,187:285,3FCEBB95_C68D_4233_AFA5_8….jpeg)


yeah why not

would be interesting, if you could pull it off

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9021f7 No.389201


Yeah, the Jews have enough key board control these days.

So, any pnd oldfag community here or is it a ghost town?

I see there's some activity, but might just be abandoned bot action.

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05edb1 No.389202

File: 1b12e8f9799e5e7⋯.png (149.8 KB,271x277,271:277,ClipboardImage.png)


Pic related

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126a1b No.389204


Jim doesnt want this board revised. So he spams, or pays fags like Neptroon to spam it. 4chan is shit, which drives some traffic here, but that traffic is funneled and eventually dissipated. Thats the point; it's a humiliation ritual. MIGApedes and Commies shud have no place to speak, however, in contrast to ur OP.

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f54384 No.389206

Just keep posting TKD


TKD is the simplest most effective position. Don’t need jannie or mod or anything. Just post TKD




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82f2af No.389217


I support it.

What can I do to help?

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661135 No.389218

File: 88afbaa3c9006e0⋯.jpg (46.98 KB,640x662,320:331,BobbyPepe.jpg)


Do you really think so anon?


Tell other anons that there a place for free speech again.

I think it finally time to say fuck 4chin for good.

No more faggot jannies to remove on topic content because they dont like it.

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ce3ff7 No.389219

File: 5f94eaf3f35ca1a⋯.jpg (488.26 KB,1199x800,1199:800,5f94eaf3f35ca1a017a774194b….jpg)


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b3f764 No.389220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Jen Murray

71.6K subscribers

Apr 15, 2024

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ce3ff7 No.389221

File: 72b24e86807e8ee⋯.jpg (111.74 KB,740x500,37:25,72b24e86807e8eee56bb5c3e88….jpg)

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ce3ff7 No.389222

File: 76160b07cf61fde⋯.jpg (87.19 KB,1660x1106,830:553,trump_smug_smile.jpg)


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ce3ff7 No.389223

File: 5397e23c94b24db⋯.jpg (106.59 KB,635x605,127:121,5397e23c94b24db297cc2bd715….jpg)


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ce3ff7 No.389224

File: f9bd0306d3c152e⋯.png (179.33 KB,640x480,4:3,ec49349faeace5be5be8ed55a7….png)

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ce3ff7 No.389225

File: 9832f63f39271d8⋯.jpg (97.18 KB,800x449,800:449,9832f63f39271d803f971f11b9….jpg)

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ce3ff7 No.389226

File: 5c304f1c2051936⋯.png (687.43 KB,680x677,680:677,5c304f1c20519360059f47f033….png)

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ce3ff7 No.389227

File: f0632e3368a5e83⋯.jpg (225.68 KB,900x1041,300:347,f0632e3368a5e83eee4b9aa32e….jpg)

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ce3ff7 No.389228

File: 6e30143d0aac9ba⋯.png (422.48 KB,903x512,903:512,6e30143d0aac9ba173ffae2000….png)

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ce3ff7 No.389229

File: b7c8ea46c6223ef⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,2048x1143,2048:1143,b7c8ea46c6223ef981925625b….jpeg)

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ce3ff7 No.389230

File: 094cc38c6365b3d⋯.png (11.61 KB,255x255,1:1,0de26bbc1ba33f41ce02d8ac70….png)

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661135 No.389231

File: c2457e2173426b7⋯.png (147.51 KB,1067x757,1067:757,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8bf92be10f5ee1⋯.png (194.39 KB,1877x838,1877:838,ClipboardImage.png)

posted to in a /pol/ thread /ptg/

And my post was removed and I was probably banned.

For what asking if 4chin is still gay?

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ce3ff7 No.389232

File: 79b9cab469b6db4⋯.jpg (54.28 KB,610x500,61:50,92caa7ce9ab590c4d520b68eb8….jpg)

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d43963 No.389233

Doit OP!

Build it and they will come.

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ce3ff7 No.389234

File: f453d4164727d6a⋯.gif (184.71 KB,220x123,220:123,donald_trump_face.gif)

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bbdf3c No.389235

I rather it not be moderated, moderation almost always leads to some form of censorship or it even becoming compromised later on. Unfortunately that means we will have to put up with the spam from time to time.

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bbdf3c No.389236


4chan died a long time ago, it is filled and controlled by glowie propagandists and govt-narrative gatekeepers. You might as well attend a university lecturing on "gender liberation" I mean that site is basically the same thing now.

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82f2af No.389237



Gotta concur. Half of the posts are bots. The other half are people so influenced by bots that they are completely unhinged. There's no communication there. Just shouting. It's cringe.

That and the fact that trannies are mods. How the fuck did that happen?

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b48ad5 No.389238

File: 868e6cafaf4054e⋯.jpg (79.53 KB,563x822,563:822,animeGirls.jpg)


>Do you want a board owner who maintains the board and keeps out trash threads like





Why would you want to remove those threads? Those are not illegal content. They are not even lewd/pron. They are political and newsworthy.

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82f2af No.389239


Problem is that by merely existing as a pro-White or right wing space, you are instantly the enemy of some of the most obsessive trolls on the planet and extremely well funded subversion organizations. You need standards or they will shit the place up. /pnd/ would never turn leftist so long as there is free speech. But they can do the next worst thing; make it annoying.

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82f2af No.389240


Anyway, I'll bring people over from Gab.

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25b3fe No.389243


There are several in the catalog.

Making it spam not political or newsworthy.

Bumping a thread works just fine. Making new threads to spam shit others are not interested in is spam.

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25b3fe No.389245

Requested BO from the claims section.

Waiting to hear back from IsItWetYet Admins.

Expect to have ownership by next week.

Will probably updated CSS. Clean Spam. Update /meta/. Update board settings.

Then, share the updates with the board in new /meta/ as they change.

Update rules page.

Update /nsg/ thread with current links and new fresh thread.

Let anons create and maintain other typical threads as desired. IE

/ptg/ (President Trump General)

/ch/ (Comfy Happenings in *)

/jqg/ (Jewish Question General)


And just keep it smooth sailing so anons can do their thing in peace.

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25b3fe No.389246

File: c478bd477f311ac⋯.png (12.76 KB,318x325,318:325,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4eb78ca5cb600de⋯.png (32.05 KB,374x508,187:254,ClipboardImage.png)



yep got a 1 week ban. for advertising.

and then got hit for ban evasion.


And a honeypot….

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8e3856 No.389247


go right ahead and try. you're going to look ridiculous when you finally realize nothing you say or do matters. no one cares.

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8e3856 No.389248


Mr ADHD had another one of his pseudo-manic 'self confidence' episodes, huh?

just like always, you get initial lofty ideas of your grandiosity, but you never follow through with any project.

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866057 No.389251

File: 0ce9ac897287e34⋯.jpeg (92.27 KB,1280x576,20:9,IMG_8211.jpeg)


Just lay back and relax hot Carl

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05edb1 No.389252

File: 220e3ac87c0b6d8⋯.png (16.93 KB,644x644,1:1,313828575_1171482187082358….png)

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37f2c2 No.389253

Why was frenschan killed? We had decent discussions there. So few even knew of frenschan yet they still killed it.

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126a1b No.389257


>/ptg/ (President Trump General)

fuck off israeli

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f4aaa5 No.389261


you can't even revive your spot in 4chan

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f4aaa5 No.389262

File: 456352be17dc68d⋯.png (455.59 KB,715x816,715:816,WAAAHHHHH.png)


clean your room, Timmy

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f4aaa5 No.389263

File: d24512f25cda09b⋯.jpg (702.05 KB,967x1493,967:1493,Waaaahhhhh_.jpg)


Avisiting this empty shit hole WON'T 'revive' it, even if you beg other people to come join your lonely ass in here.

Sure, a handful of unfortunates might drop in a few times, but the smartest ones will quickly realize 'this place is worthless', and they won't return.

Soon thereafter, even the less-smart of these malfeasant dorks will also realize this place is like a nasty abandoned public urinal, and there's nothing(You)can do to make it interesting in here.

This place is nothing but a strip of nasty old Fly-Paper, riddled with a few random houseflies that stumble in here after being banned at 4chan.

In the throes of death, these flies will get stuck to the fly paper, and start buzzing their wings, unable to fly due to the adhesive on their legs, unable to eat, drink, or enjoy a normal 'fly life'

They shut up soon enough….

and so will (You)

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f4aaa5 No.389264

File: 3d74078d9b07532⋯.png (986.68 KB,960x718,480:359,Screenshot_20240419_081404….png)


Clean Your Room before Mommy gets home, Lil' Himmler

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f4aaa5 No.389265


it's fair to say that 'reviving things' hasn't ever been your specialty.

you specialize in shooting yourself in the foot.

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b48ad5 No.389267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>This place is nothing but a strip of nasty old Fly-Paper, riddled with a few random houseflies that stumble in here after being banned at 4chan.


Hey, I am not banned at halfchan, so far as I know. I just don't bother going back there because moot was a cuck even before he lost the site.

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05edb1 No.389268


lack of funding allegedly

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661135 No.389269

So many salty faggots!

Must be a good idea to bring the board back then.

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b41ea1 No.389270

File: 43bfadfbfa7633f⋯.mp4 (13.11 MB,1280x670,128:67,YouCut_20220625_091053051.mp4)


We're so fucking back!

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05a6ad No.389271

𓇰 >>389198

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25b3fe No.389280

bump for visibility.

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05edb1 No.389281

File: 490f06379b62a0f⋯.jpg (51.15 KB,747x705,249:235,490f06379b62a0f11103b69706….jpg)

my anus is prepared

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9021f7 No.389285

File: 72532feee83c7e9⋯.jpg (515.61 KB,1068x1764,89:147,moot_linkdin.jpg)


> he lost the site

7 figures nigga

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9021f7 No.389286


>all the niggers hate the idea of it

kek that's what I took from it

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a842b6 No.389287


I don't mind as long as we are allowed to post real news and our opinions don't get censored.

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05edb1 No.389293


She's pretty.

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25b3fe No.389302


>kek that's what I took from it

Just waiting on admins to approve now.

Twitter account active:


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25b3fe No.389305

File: 73575f4f25d5004⋯.jpg (160.88 KB,1080x748,270:187,JIDFCantMeme.jpg)

Happy Hitler Birthday!

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05edb1 No.389307

File: f7c468879816a54⋯.png (738.21 KB,1280x1280,1:1,1638869602518.png)


oh shit


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25b3fe No.389308

File: 12b22d7cca90ed1⋯.png (60.75 KB,610x653,610:653,ClipboardImage.png)


Well Jim killed the idea of claiming the board.

< picrel

So it will remain full of spam and managed by the Global team.

I guess I will create a board for anons to speak freely.

Thoughts on board name or URI?

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25b3fe No.389309



>Thoughts on board name or URI?

or an existing board which should be claimed.

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05edb1 No.389314


>Thoughts on board name or URI?


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05edb1 No.389315


this board might be fine as it is though

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25b3fe No.389317

File: f67206dee1194b7⋯.gif (2.09 MB,899x811,899:811,FuckFBI.gif)

/sac/ Stand Alone Complex

"Mass hysteria–with purpose"

A social phenomenon where random people work together toward a common goal without leadership or instruction.

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25b3fe No.389318


Says the /sac/ URI is taken. But I cant find it.

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971514 No.389382

File: 465d824b76456c8⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,640x710,64:71,AIshapiro_reads_Talmud.mp4)


this is a jew

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971514 No.389383


pnd and shitslinging is fine, glad Jim didn't give it to you

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05edb1 No.389386


yeh it would be cool if there was like, no board owner

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e27f16 No.389389


This is a good idea.

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92174f No.389390


I actually don't give af who owns the board only hope anons can stop fighting each other and get back to fighting deep state. Because while we're fighting each other, the tentacles of the corrupt deep state continue to infect.

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05edb1 No.389429



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4fc7b2 No.389451


it appears that's the case. hopefully someone can bring this place back and the DS will be too busy to sabotage it

we need a place on 8 to talk shit about jews

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126a1b No.389453

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05edb1 No.389454

File: 5599e7d6485361f⋯.jpeg (257.83 KB,959x978,959:978,5599e7d6485361f2f609cb8b4….jpeg)



The Kun is a good site and anonymous political discussion and planning is key to defeating (((them))), but the QR board has outlawed merchant memes, and 4han has outlawed free speech in it's own unique way of sabotaging good general threads and banning bakers for complete bullshit.






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05edb1 No.389514

File: d3c76159c743532⋯.jpg (207.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,_fcf3df26_5cd9_490d_ba46_3….jpg)

At the very least we need Jim to refresh the pinned threads.

Happy to bake a new natsoc if there are anons who will participate.

I'm also thinking about a /pol/ general thread which we could use as a backchannel for 4chen

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82f2af No.389516


I'd be down for it.

I'm just happy to see this place alive again.

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126a1b No.389519




if only zognald represented that view

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fc913c No.389548


>lol anyone can post here at any time ha ha

>that will totally revive this place which was purposely killed because of this very policy

Commit suicide, dipshit.

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05edb1 No.389554

File: d167e00436b280b⋯.jpg (39.47 KB,640x439,640:439,1709556597834873_167906894….jpg)


>ancient esoteric 8kun /pol/ knowledge on what is and what is to come

Redpill me on this

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82f2af No.389557


Trump isn't really a good person.

But he at least is destabilizing. Something about him makes the regime apparatchiks go insane. It's good that he happened now that the boomer jews, who know what they're doing, are dying off. They created a self perpetuating anti-White system and back in the 2000s, anyone predicting this would be basically predicting our extinction.

But it is now apparent that this self perpetuating anti-White system is also deeply unstable. It may actually destroy itself without direction from jews who know what they're doing.

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05edb1 No.389559

File: 4755793c15e22f9⋯.jpg (448.45 KB,2048x2048,1:1,1502145178515_.jpg)


He's pro individual state and anti deep state

Second time's a charm!

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61765b No.389561

File: 014f2cd4cef8978⋯.png (231.21 KB,604x689,604:689,scientific_langauge_defini….png)

ill agree to go anywhere as long as all langauge used is scientifically derived

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05edb1 No.389562

File: f9cffd61657fe61⋯.png (2.94 MB,2130x1398,355:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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05edb1 No.389563

File: e0cbd8333b773ac⋯.png (352.03 KB,1308x527,1308:527,ClipboardImage.png)

Can't we all get along?

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25b3fe No.389595

The board has seen a small uptick in use.

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05edb1 No.389596

File: eb3fe901cb9f962⋯.png (2.55 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


time 2 meme

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82f2af No.389597


Well, it certainly can't get any worse.

("anon said, before it got worse")

But in seriousness, a second Trump regime might allow us some breathing space to catch our breath and organize again. It'll make the shitlibs lose their fucking minds & they're nig all over the place, adding fuel to the fire.

And if he loses, everyone knows that Biden has no public support so it'll be clear that the regime just rigged the election (again)

Maybe that'll kick conservatives in the teeth hard enough for them to become dissatisfied with democratic politics.

It's win either way. Both options accelerate.

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5cef16 No.389639

File: dde4337a114c03b⋯.jpeg (61.04 KB,960x720,4:3,ed21377735daccd7adcf679db….jpeg)

Its really sad to see the current state of 8kun right now.

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05edb1 No.389640

File: 01d72086f518a44⋯.png (2.5 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

My ban appeal went through.

Are you ready?

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05edb1 No.389641

File: 0cb0852d100e4b4⋯.png (2.69 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4106c No.389642

File: efae7676dc475b4⋯.jpeg (138.66 KB,939x634,939:634,D50E399E_4E5A_4804_8B13_4….jpeg)


Or maybe…

Everyone is a retard.

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c856dc No.389681

File: 5657e63046786c9⋯.jpg (175.69 KB,1920x1080,16:9,gUPidfg_asset_mezzanine_16….jpg)

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c856dc No.389682

Schizophrenia is contagious

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05edb1 No.389766

File: 6f5e62dc2607806⋯.gif (2 MB,267x288,89:96,6f5e62dc260780663a0607955e….gif)


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61f659 No.389865


Claim /pol/ or /p0l/ to completely ass-blast Jim and the gowniggers who want to anally obliterate Jim.

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417479 No.389958

File: ab9a723b748f588⋯.png (190.84 KB,473x586,473:586,qaggdropimage3901.png)


Tick tock

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417479 No.389959

File: 7d82e49686f5a72⋯.png (146.08 KB,671x519,671:519,1484163896003.png)


Takes time travel trip

Is it all just a dream?

Reality check - confusion?

Who is Q?

I've got a bunch of songs in my Queue


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6704f0 No.389993

File: fd58f4e5d4f63de⋯.jpeg (320.01 KB,828x818,414:409,IMG_4181.jpeg)


Uhh you mean Jews right old man?

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82f2af No.390079

I was going to make an effort post related to a recent PEW survey that found some very disturbing trends among age 18-29 year old Whites and their views on race.

However, this is an adult conversation and, well, look at the state of the board.

In addition, there are some weirdo trolls who respond to every thread while serious anons don't.

idk, maybe we really do need a /pol/ where there can be some moderation to remove the obvious trolls and freaks. Free speech is good but allowing bots to dominate the board is stupid.

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aed5e3 No.390087


I agree. But it's up to Jim. It's his site. We can make a /pol/ style board. But you would need to get anons to use it.

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82f2af No.390092


How does one make a board? I've actually never looked into it. Does it cost money?

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cd2a21 No.390093


No just go to the home page and click create board.

Fill out the info and then you too can have your own board here on 8kun.

Or go to the claims section and repurpose an old board name.

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82f2af No.390095


Well… I guess it falls to me then.

It must be done.

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f5708d No.390097




“Oh this place is good but we should moderate it to shit like the other place”


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000000 No.390109

I miss u guize

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000000 No.390110


>I was going to make an effort post related to a recent PEW survey that found some very disturbing trends among age 18-29 year old Whites and their views on race.

>However, this is an adult conversation and, well, look at the state of the board.

>In addition, there are some weirdo trolls who respond to every thread while serious anons don't.

>idk, maybe we really do need a /pol/ where there can be some moderation to remove the obvious trolls and freaks. Free speech is good but allowing bots to dominate the board is stupid.



lmao good luck with that

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05edb1 No.390835

I still support the current thing

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05edb1 No.390837


Did you do it?

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000000 No.391247

im new here but it tells me tor users cant post.

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000000 No.391248


oh i guess i just cant post in random?

yea anyways im new here and was looking for a pol-esque version cause ive noticed the heavy moderation for years, and its not until something i thought was newsworthy made it into public spotlite but its not on 4chin.

idk. im just searching for information on shit and it seems like not just 4chin is dead now-a-days but the whole fucking internet is dead.

TKD i denounce the talmud.

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cbdf7a No.391249


Gab, Minds, Truth Social, Rumble, Bitchute and Twitter are all available, plus the "fediverse" (federated universe similar to Twitter but p2p and it's endless spin-offs). Some image boards are still alive but not many post on them anymore. Glow niggers abandoned this place pretty much, Jim won't allow gatekeepers here which is nice. Enjoy the real news.

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027c16 No.391509

File: ee83a014bbb150d⋯.jpg (991.08 KB,800x6500,8:65,memes1.jpg)

File: 2e406799ea9f037⋯.jpg (795.14 KB,800x7700,8:77,mind1.jpg)

File: 80c07903655c35d⋯.jpg (780.46 KB,800x5700,8:57,misinfo1.jpg)

File: fa247256364168f⋯.jpg (761.37 KB,800x6200,4:31,psyop1.jpg)

memes, mind control, miss information & psyops

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bbdf3c No.391522


>muh "alt-right"

"alt-right" is the same as saying everyone is a Nazi these days, GROW UP.

At this point "alt-right" is being used to slander left wing anti-war activists. That term has been used and abused so much it means anyone the government doesn't like. It's their taboo political boogeyman.

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e3400a No.391939

Keep fucking bitch niggers

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d7bd7a No.391943

I think we should revive 8kun/8chan

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d7bd7a No.391947


8chan/8kun in 2024 is actually surprisingly very active in comparison to most imageboards, 2nd most active to 4chan,

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ce7f93 No.391975

This shit has tougher faggots and allows way more without shit being sniped so it's better


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fab479 No.392257

File: b464da96f6b0fa5⋯.png (212.83 KB,1128x1296,47:54,ClipboardImage.png)

Fuck 4cuck all they do is limit free speech LMFAO and they're all bunch of glowies

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