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0e4501  No.364551


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0e4501  No.364552

File: 95ffe7448a5115c⋯.jpg (152.06 KB, 717x544, 717:544, Screenshot_2023_02_20_18_2….jpg)

As Predictable, he created a thread about composting

As PredictableI told him why wait until he dies? Just go lay out behind the chicken coop and expedite the process of becoming compost

As Predictable, I made a joke and told him to bring a bottle of whiskey with him and cover himself with his own feces too quicken the decomposition process while he's still alive…

As Predictable, he's too dense to even get the joke, and with a straight face he responded, "I don't drink behind the chicken coop but I drink in the garage while I'm burning garbage in the yard every week"

As Predictable, he put his foot into his mouth because yesterday he created two threads about dioxins (a group of chemical compounds that he erroneously thought was just one chemical called dioxin)

As Predictable, he was too lazy to learn that burning trash in people's backyards create 90% of the environmental dioxins on planet Earth, while industrial factories are responsible for only 2% of dioxins, because they have special scrubber equipment

As Predictable, when faced with his next embarrassing flaw, instead of being honest, he tried convincing me that he only Burns wood and paper products, and none of his trash contains plastic

As Predictable, I'm going to torture him about this idiotic mistake for at least the next couple weeks, and maybe even a month or more


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0e4501  No.364553


As predictable, I made a speech to text typo..

I said industrial factories are only responsible for 10% of the world's environmental dioxins and FURANS

Not 2%.. 10%

The other 90% of the world's environmental dioxins are created from idiots like him who burn their garbage in the backyard like animals instead of paying for waste disposal services the way human beings do when they are civilized

What kind of backwoods redneck hillbilly Burns his disgusting garbage in the backyard?

That's such a disgusting habit. He burns all kinds of plastic wrappers and containers in the garbage every week

He exposes his family to dioxins and furans

(He doesn't know what FURANS are)

He is too afraid to simply admit that he doesn't know

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0e4501  No.364554

AS PREDICTED, he was 100% wrong about "wood and paper not creating dioxins when they are burned"

That is completely untrue

Wood and paper and almost ALL ORGANIC matter created DIOXINS and FURANS when burned…

As Predictablehe thinks he can fool people by claiming he never Burns plastic when everybody knows plastic constitutes 50% of his garbage


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0e4501  No.364555

as predictable:

He was caught red-handed being woefully ignorant again

But he doesn't have enough class or intelligence to simply say "touche, sir… You got me. I learned something from this experience"

Instead he's going to continue lying about never burning plastic and pretending as if he's studied chemistry and understands dioxins….

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0e4501  No.364556

File: 7a076e13c314e64⋯.png (6.14 KB, 220x220, 1:1, 220px_Furan_2D_numbered_sv….png)

File: 4593d8c2df64c51⋯.png (4.89 KB, 220x165, 4:3, 220px_Furan_2D_full_svg.png)

as predictableFuran is a heterocyclic organic compound, consisting of a five-membered aromatic ring with four carbon atoms and one oxygen atom. Chemical compounds containing such rings are also referred to as furans.

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0e4501  No.364557

As predictable, he dropped out of school 57 years ago and never studied chemistry not even one day

He never took even one day of chemistry

But here he is, a miraculous immunologist virologist and dioxin expert

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0e4501  No.364558

as predictableNever take medical advice from a high school dropout

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0e4501  No.364559

As predictable, high school dropouts generally end up burning their household garbage behind their trailer in a goddamn nasty trailer park in the middle of nowhere redneck hillbilly heaven

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