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File: 2e62074f7899906⋯.jpg (170.99 KB, 508x382, 254:191, incredible_inedible_egg.jpg)

3fb00a  No.362983

LOL @ idiots complaining about egg prices.

here's an idea: eat shit

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3fb00a  No.362984

by the way, the cost of wholesale eggs has dropped 50% in less than a month, and retail prices are soon going to follow suit.

if you eat disgusting unhealthy eggs you deserve to get ripped off.

fuck you

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3fb00a  No.362987

File: b6c6698208ac926⋯.jpg (314.86 KB, 1436x1080, 359:270, Picsart_23_02_09_08_02_32_….jpg)

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3fb00a  No.362988

File: f0a9af6fa1e8662⋯.jpg (345.01 KB, 1436x1080, 359:270, Picsart_23_02_09_08_04_12_….jpg)

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3fb00a  No.362989

File: 798af517e02ff26⋯.jpg (285.61 KB, 1436x1080, 359:270, Picsart_23_02_09_08_05_44_….jpg)

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3fb00a  No.362990

File: 23fb88e6491120b⋯.jpg (325.88 KB, 1436x1080, 359:270, Picsart_23_02_09_08_09_14_….jpg)

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3fb00a  No.362991

MEDICAL FACT : eggs make you become a coward

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3fb00a  No.362992

eating eggs changes your brain's ability to admit when you're obviously wrong

and you lose all credibility

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3fb00a  No.362993

not being brave enough to simply admit when you made a mistake :


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3fb00a  No.362994


which explains the term "chickenshit"

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