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f04c0e  No.362095

The despotic UK Govt is punishing people by making them listen to TALENTLESS LOW IQ HOMOSEXUALTED NUGENT'S CRAPPY FAKE MUSIC

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f04c0e  No.362096

reports have surfaced that stupid idiot Ted Nugent says "killcen makes me seem like Einstein"

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f04c0e  No.362097

NATURALNEWS reported today that killcen has NEVER cross-referenced or verified a single story in over 30 years

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f04c0e  No.362098

not even ONCE


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f04c0e  No.362099

breitbart.com reports that killcen is unable to learn, so he is afraid of finding 15 seconds to verify ANYTHING

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f04c0e  No.362100

conspiracytrendfollower.org reports that killcen is intimidated by multisyllabic words, so he tries to avoid embarrassment by NEVER cross-referencing a single thing before blindly COPYING & PASTING IT from debunked fake news conspiracy fagshow websites

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f04c0e  No.362101

garbagemusic.com reports that killcen thinks Ted Nugent is talented, because killcen wouldn't recognize talent if it took a shit in his mouth

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f04c0e  No.362103

outiftoucholdfool.net reports that killcen is incapable of understanding anything that's not linear and Collegiate, so his primal monkey brain thinks DESI ARNAZ was talented

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f04c0e  No.362104

obviouslyfalsenews.com reports killcen is so desperate to appear smart, that he copies and pastes our bullshit fake conspiracy theories

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f04c0e  No.362105

intelligentyoungmales.org reports we never read anything killcen copies and pastes

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f04c0e  No.362106

obliviousbuttofthejoke.com nominated killcen as Man Of The Year for the past 33 years

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f04c0e  No.362107

yourpresenceisntrequestedhere.net reports we never paid attention to the insane paranoid fool

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