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File: 71a14d8d7aa704b⋯.png (379.37 KB, 1024x609, 1024:609, ClipboardImage.png)

85102c  No.361669

The Swiss National Front enrols!

Christian values - National Socialist ideal

Fundamental political program of the Swiss and European National Front for the Defense of Race and Culture (FNSEDRC) and membership.


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000000  No.361672


Hello Grussad.


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cb5e65  No.361699


nobody here cares about your political fagshow distraction techniques

we're NOT your mother

so you can stop pretending to be heterosexual


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cb5e65  No.361700


hint: we already know the answer to the question

We just want to see YOU admit it



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acb8fe  No.361701

File: 37b3649463966a0⋯.jpg (66.7 KB, 800x597, 800:597, wood_stove.JPG)

Everybody ready for rolling blackouts?

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cb5e65  No.361702





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cb5e65  No.361703


LOL you're literally white trash

Missouri white trash

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cb5e65  No.361704


no money…… relying on a 2nd rate life

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acb8fe  No.361705


Biden promised his "dark winter" 2 YEARS AGO, aka WWIII Nuclear Apocalypse!!!

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cb5e65  No.361706







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cb5e65  No.361707


You failed the pop quiz yesterday, so I'm done with you

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cb5e65  No.361708




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cb5e65  No.361709


If a man is truly thirsty, he will find water no matter what it takes

If a man is truly hungry, he will find food no matter what it takes

If a man is truly cold, he will find warmth no matter what it takes

(even if he still smells like urine from being awoken on his daughter's kitchen floor again this morning)

And if a man is truly heterosexual, he will get pussy, one way or another, motherfucker… guaranteed he's going to get some pussy


And now we're all beginning to understand why you're continually overcompensating

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cb5e65  No.361710


lol just kidding

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acb8fe  No.361711

They'll try doing the same thing to America after WWIII as they did to Germany AFTER WWII, that is the total disarmament, de-militarization and demonization of everything America. What happened to Germany is planned for America: a subjugated disarmed weakened third world failed state totally controlled as a modern EU vassal state, THAT in the plans for America, that's how they plan their "Great Reset". BE PREPARED!

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cb5e65  No.361712



See how easy that was?

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cb5e65  No.361713



You seem to think there's going to be a tomorrow after World War 3


There won't be anything left, and the ground will be contaminated for 10,000 years

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cb5e65  No.361714


dude…….. I bet you have a lisp

you DO, don't you?

admit it…. you have a lisp

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acb8fe  No.361715


That would actually be a better case scenario than to allow them to have their Great Reset imprison humanity and subjugate the world!!! SADLY SAID.

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cb5e65  No.361716

and it will NOT be called WORLD WAR THREE

sorry….. obviously you never self educated about history?

World War I wasnotcalled World War I

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cb5e65  No.361717


World War I was called THE GREAT WAR

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cb5e65  No.361718

Only years later in retrospect did anybody call it World War I

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cb5e65  No.361719


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acb8fe  No.361720

Would a 100MT nuke destroy a whole State? I've heard Russia has them readied, how many I don't know. But Russia does have some powerful nukes. I don't know if they will be able to destroy off all of rural America though. I guess we'll have to wait and find out…

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cb5e65  No.361721

It only became known as World War II in retrospect

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cb5e65  No.361722


short answer: NO

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acb8fe  No.361723


WWII was often called "the big one" as well.

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cb5e65  No.361724


In the early '90s FEMA had 300 million manuals printed, entitled"SURVIVING NW1"


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cb5e65  No.361725


The point I'm trying to make is people always seem to misunderstand the naming of world wars

Due to Atomic weapons, there will never be a World War III

Instead, it will be called nuclear war one

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acb8fe  No.361726



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cb5e65  No.361727

Hold on a minute.. give me a second because I want to find a video you'll probably enjoy

It's fairly well done

It explains the exact nuclear weapons, the specifications and range

And it shows all the targets and lays out what will actually happen

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cb5e65  No.361728

God damn it I just remembered…

In the name of operational security LOL you have self-defeated, shot yourself in the foot, and created a bunch of needless barriers that prevent you from being able to click on a YouTube video


and that helped you HOW?

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acb8fe  No.361729

Rolling blackouts, mass death & depopulation, tons of nuclear fallout for weeks, mssive contamination, a cold "dark winter" from the aftermath….


I can still rip the video from Google's server, where ALL Youtube videos are stored!!

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cb5e65  No.361730

I'm going to post the video anyway, and if you want to see the actual technical specifics yield and range, targets, both ground-based launches, mobile launches, and from nuclear submarines, you can temporarily disable your needless barriers

HINT: watching a YouTube video is it going to bring about the end of the world.. you're not exercising OPSEC you're simply exercising self-defeetist paranoia

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cb5e65  No.361731




And you thought nobody was going to notice?

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acb8fe  No.361732


Like I said I can still rip the video from Google's server where ALL Youtube videos are stored.

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cb5e65  No.361733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Like I said, this video is pretty damn good

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cb5e65  No.361734


Are you able to look at the thumbnail and determine which video you're trying to download?

That sounds needlessly complicated and very little benefit

That's like having complicated surgery, so your head goes down your throat and comes out your butthole, just to eat a tuna fish sandwich

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cb5e65  No.361735

HINT : the surgery was unnecessary.. you could have simply eaten a tuna fish sandwich and saved yourself a lot of trouble

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cb5e65  No.361736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e22c55  No.361737

File: 42c41db3b112a05⋯.jpg (186.95 KB, 1043x739, 1043:739, haha.jpg)

do not let her cuckle.

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acb8fe  No.361738


Yes, that I can do. I can also see the titles of the videos I rip.

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cb5e65  No.361739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cb5e65  No.361740

File: 40d3f9778a3fe2b⋯.jpg (159.33 KB, 1043x739, 1043:739, Picsart_23_01_31_19_27_21_….jpg)


lol @ "we"

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cb5e65  No.361741

File: ec2f7c65ebc2033⋯.jpg (156.78 KB, 1043x739, 1043:739, Picsart_23_01_31_19_26_00_….jpg)


weird….. I unzip my pants AND SUDDEY YOU START SMILING?

Hey, weirdo.. my eyes are up here

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cb5e65  No.361742


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cb5e65  No.361743


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