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File: d089fe8c97046ba⋯.png (311,55 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, Picsart_23_01_30_14_54_06_….png)

2149eb  No.361491

spike glycoproteins are a basic biological element of viruses, and arenot"rare" or "suspicious" in any way.

The basic biological form of viruses consists of three different types of proteins: the MEMBRANE (M) PROTEIN, the ENVELOPE (E) PROTEIN, and the SPIKE (S) GLYCOPROTEIN.

The S Glycoprotein Function:

The S Glycoprotein is a highly glycosylated and large type I transmembrane fusion protein that is made up of 1,160 to 1,400 amino acids, depending upon the type of virus.

As compared to the M and E proteins that are primarily involved in virus assembly, the S glycoprotein plays a crucial role in penetrating host cells and initiating infection.

ow these viruses to penetrate host cells and cause infection.

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2149eb  No.361492


ask him to read "a highly glycosylated and large type I transmembrane fusion protein that is made up of 1,160 to 1,400 amino acids"

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2149eb  No.361493

Recently, I saw our resident VIROLOGY EXPERT KILLCEN "warning" people that the covid vaccine creates Spike proteins that turn into prions and give you mad cow disease if you get vaccinated….

Which proves Beyond any shadow of a doubt, that he literally has no idea what he's talking about…

It's been 3 years since covid, and he couldn't find 15 seconds to self educate about the topic…

Instead ofLEARNING, he wastes his existence PRETENDING TO KNOW THINGS, putting his foot in his mouth with every sentence, copying and pasting easily debunkable, medically impossible conspiracy theories, without having any actual knowledge about the physical mechanisms of viruses, which means he's incapable of determining whether or not he is copying and pasting legitimate information or transparently fabricated lies…

His only criteria is SENSATIONALIZED EXAGGERATIONS, intentionally seeking out the most far-fetched, unrealistic conspiracies he can find on his idiotic disreputable fake news conspiracy theory websites, in a desperate attempt to "frighten people"….

It's been 3 years since covid, and he's only managed to memorize three words so far: SPIKE, PROTEIN, and PRION…

threeyears, and only memorizedthreewords… (without actually learning what those words mean)

So far, his brain has only been able to memorizeONE WORD PER YEAR

The fact that he thinks the covid vaccine is what creates Spike proteins proves that he has absolutely no knowledge regarding viruses whatsoever.

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2149eb  No.361494

EDITOR'S NOTE: killcen's absurd claim that "people are getting mad cow disease from the covid vaccine, which creates Spike Proteins" is just as stupid and easily disproven as his STUPID AS FUCK CLAIM THAT "MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ARE DYING FROM THE VACCINE"

he's exactly like a frantic angry frustrated confused neurotic old woman, trying to spread gossip and make people react in fear.

There's a reason why he behaves like this:

In 1966, he dropped out of high School in the 10th grade, and begin a life of mediocrity and slaving away at unrewarded dehumanizing Blue Collar manual labor…

He could have made something out of his life, and accomplished all of his dreams…..

But instead, he decided he was already smart enough, so he got a grunt job as a mule slaving away in a humiliating low end blue collar white trash Mill job, like some kind of insignificant nigger…

So he comes into chat rooms frequented by college students, with the goal of "appearing intelligent"…

It's simple overcompensation for his overwhelming self perception of insignificance and unaccomplished Shattered Dreams due to idiotic decisions.

He's not trying to help anybody, so his entire "I'm like Noah, saving the world with my warnings" rationale is negated by the fact that there are only two people in this worthless chat room, and that's not exactly the most effective way of saving the world…

So if he doesn't have any education, no actual knowledge, and obviously isn't creating posts to help anybody, why does he continue this embarrassing behavior?

it's all about HIM…. not you, not the world…


This neurotic schizophrenic Behavior serves only one purpose:

Convincing himself that people finally think he's smart..

Compensating for seven decades of people dismissing him off hand due to his lack of knowledge or authority

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2149eb  No.361495

We all know that when people get older like Killcen, they begin to revert back to their inner child..

So let's hypothetically imagine he's a 10-year-old Elementary School student in the fourth grade :

if a teacher discovered one of her fourth grade students was not capable of actually learning information associated with various topics, and instead of actually learning and retaining information, he was only capable of memorizing one word per year, SHE WOULD SEND THE STUDENT TO A SCHOOL FOR LEARNING-INCAPABLE STUDENTS

dum dum school….

shit, even a brain injured orangutan could memorize more than one word per year

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2149eb  No.361496

He made a lifetime's worth of stupid decisions….

Dropping out of school only 2 years before graduating…

investing TEN YEARS into school, only to give up and throw in the towel TWO YEARS before receiving a high school diploma…

(that 10 years was a wise investment)

Not going to college and getting a degree and Building A specialized career, in which he could have giving his family a much better life…

Dismissing his wife and daughter's needs, becoming an "absentee father" while still sitting right there in the house, focusing all of his unstable energy on alcoholism and pretending to be smarter than other people

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2149eb  No.361497


He's brushing his own ego

The only reason he does this behavior is to make himself feel like people look up to him and consider him to be a very intelligent Authority on making good life decisions

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2149eb  No.361498

I don't think he's stupid.. yes, of course the things he says and thinks are incredibly stupid, embarrassingly stupid in fact

because anybody could look at the content of his copied and pasted garbage, and realize it doesn't make any sense.. but he doesn't care if you prove him wrong, because he will simply say "it's YOU who is stupid"

for example, every time somebody mentions that "there has not been ANY increase in deaths associated with the vaccines", he falls back on his handy dandy "you're too stupid to realize they are hiding the numbers from you" excuse

because even when he's proven wrong every single time, he steadfastly refuses to admit what everybody else already knows : HE'S FULL OF SHIT

that's because he's a coward

only a COWARD gets caught red-handed and refuses to admit he's been caught


( in our younger years, all of us learned to Simply admit when we are wrong, because not admitting our mistakes eliminates any possible credibility we may have had)

But unlike you or I, killcen REFUSES to admit when he's wrong….WHY?

Because he thinks admitting he makes mistakes will "destroy the illusion that he's intelligent"…

But he's the only one in here who thinks that he's intelligent, so there is no illusion to be destroyed…

His refusal to admit how little he actually knows ELIMINATESANYHYPOTHETICAL CREDIBILITY, and simply proofs that he's a sniveling fucking coward

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2149eb  No.361499

Alcohol is doing wonders for him…

If he's got all of the survival answers required to save the world, then why does he need to drown his fears with alcohol every night?

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2149eb  No.361500

ALCOHOLISM : the most disgusting embarrassing Addiction on Earth

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2149eb  No.361501

Q: why would an extremely intelligent knowledgeable expert on life advice and survival protocol need to drown his fears in alcohol every night?

A: because he's a frightened failed little man, who made a series of idiotic life decisions, betrayed his own family, limited his options, and allowed all of life's opportunities to slip between his fingers

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2149eb  No.361502

LOL @ KILLCEN creating embarrassing threads about covid vaccines "creating spike proteins that are killing millions of people with mad cow disease"

He's not stupid.. at least not intentionally…

he's simplyLAZY

He was too lazy to pay attention in the first grade and learn the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE

As he continued into the second grade, the third grade, the fourth grade, the 5th grade, the 6th grade.. he was STILL TOO LAZY to master these similar sounding but completely different one syllable words…

Quite literally YEARS PASSED, and he never managed to learn how to differentiate between YOUR & YOU'RE

Years and years passed, but he was too lazy to invest a few minutes into learning how to differentiate between THERE, THEIR & THEY'RE

Then into the 7th grade, and the 8th grade, still too lazy to learn the one syllable words Mastered by every first grade student in every Elementary School across the Nation

He entered the 9th grade, incapable of mastering first grade grammar, too lazy to master one syllable words

He entered the 10th grade, and after investing TEN FUCKING YEARS into school, he made the epic self-defeatist idiotic decision to drop out of school, WITH ONLY TWO SHORT YEARS REMAINING.

(imagine if he were building a house for his family instead of going to school, he would have constructed the entire house, then completely abandoned the project right before he installed the front door)

No wonder he wants to convince you he's a master contractor. He's embarrassed by his lack of accomplishment.


a lot of you guys are in college, working hard to build a better future for you and your future family

Isn't it creepy when a 72-year-old man who can't master first grade grammar comes in here and pretends like he's smarter than you?

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2149eb  No.361503


because even his tiny little brain is capable of realizing he's going to learn information that disproves his uneducated histrionic exaggerated sensationalized effeminate Grandma gossip garbage

He has no intention of learning facts

Because facts are the polar opposite of what he deals with

He specializes in HYSTERICS, just like a looney old grandmother who's kept in the Attic because she embarrasses the rest of the family

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2149eb  No.361504

LEARNING FACTS is not on his agenda, because facts will disprove everything he's ever copied and pasted

And he's well aware that he looks stupid

But he's such a coward, he's not a big enough man to admit it

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48f495  No.361515

File: 322370e700fe90c⋯.mp4 (9,02 MB, 384x288, 4:3, Qtards_Listen_to_Yourselve….mp4)



ask him to research the FACT that Viruses DO NOT EXIST, and neither do Immune Systems.

We DO, however, have a Detoxification System.

What many call "Viruses" are createdWITHINas a response to anything toxic to the system, including Frequencies like 5G, or even the beta waves produced by remaining in a constant state of Fear, and those frequencies fuck up your Detoxification System.


You can't "catch" a virus from anyone. Viruses don't exist. That's why no one has ever isolated SARS CoV-2

> inb4 regurgitated lies

Do some research.Of course it is much easier to pretend to be knowledgeable about a subject by spouting out someone else's words, a person one worships as a "professional" or "specialist" on whatever subject.

I prefer aquainting myself with a variety of viewpoints, and do not Attach to Ideologies, remaining Free from the confines of a Limiting Belief System. There's no need to argue, or to belittle anyone for the viewpoints they express. Spouting out a bunch of shit is one thing, doing your own research is Priceless…



Dr. Stefan Lanka - Why HIV has never been isolated






> inb4 Leddit

It takes two idiots to argue.

That's why no one but idiots want to interact with one.





Of course, one could always go by the first page of bullshit shilled on Search engines instead, and spout out Faucisms, like Johnny, but then one would be likely to fall for gems like this:


I think I'd rather read another Leddit conversation…


You see, that's the beauty of Not being a Believer in things. One can learn without attachment, and without trying to force all new information to fit within one's own narrow viewpoint formed by Attachments to Ideologies, usually handed to them by supposed "Specialists", whose viewpoints are often mimicked and trusted more than the Blind Believer trusts his own inner judgement, or his own research.

> inb4 misinformation / disinformation

You mean it won't fit within one's preconceived Ideology?

> Waaah! It won't fit!

Blind Believers always seem to have that "problem"!

And they'll always lash out too.

> "They won't see the world the way I do. They are therefore wrong."

Consciousness Creates Bodies & Brains, NOT the "Other" Way Around.

There are an Infinite number of Viewpoints.

The Center of this Infinite Universe is Literally EVERYWHERE.

ALL Viewpoints Are Valid.

(with the possible exception of vid related)

Of course, who amIto judge!

vidrel from this thread: >>>/freedomzine/38716

No, I have no time to argue or even interact. Just Presenting.

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48f495  No.361583

File: df16f87bdd84dc5⋯.jpg (22,94 KB, 300x300, 1:1, What_doesn_t_kill_you_disa….jpg)

File: 3a60e0bf73b1928⋯.jpg (100,73 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, neptunes_pussy.jpg)



Wow. This post will not age well!

By the end of this year even shills for Big Pharma, like Johnny is acting with this post, WILL NOT Make Such a Foolish Claim, that Millions Have NOT Died FROM the Death Jab.

Billions may die FROM the Clot Shot before this is over.

> inb4 no, it's Climate Change, it's eggs, it's the excitement of the World Cup, or opening presents at Christmas, etc, etc, ad infinitum, the excuses never end…


It's the COVID Jabs.

Use your brain.

Millions have already died FROM the injections. Probably hundreds of millions worldwide. You'll see, THIS YEAR.

Accountability is the next stage.

Mark My Words.

This idiotic shilling for Big Pharma will only make one look stupider and stupider as time rolls along. Stop being on the wrong side of history. The projection ITT is palpable.

Just a reminder that viewpoints are fleeting, constantly in flux and changing.

Beliefs, on the other hand, are Attachments that one may choose to hold onto long after evidence has been presented that makes those Beliefs seem silly from "other" Viewpoints.

I would caution against turning "Science" into a Religion; but that's exactly what many have chosen to do with their stances on many subjects. It doesn't look good for Science. Blind Belief and refusal to contemplate alternative viewpoints Never looks good; at least it doesn't from my current viewpoint.

> inb4 nobody cares about my viewpoint

Never assume anyone cares about the viewpoint of an "other", but always be willing to entertain different ways of looking at subject matter.

Who Cares About Apathy Anyway!

A closed mind does not expand far, nor does it learn much. It just tries to convince "others" of its position, like Blind Believers do.

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b609b4  No.361636


lolita spammer = johnny neptune

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ad1e4c  No.361637


>lolita spammer = johnny neptune

Probably true.


>Millions have already died FROM the injections

Certainly true.



Definitely true.



Possibly true.


>Consciousness Creates Bodies & Brains, NOT the "Other" Way Around.

Absolutely true.


>ALCOHOLISM : the most disgusting embarrassing Addiction on Earth

Quantifiably false.

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ece181  No.361638



Good to see you back confronting Johnny with some more common sense, Jerry. Hope you have prepared for the SECOND brutal winter blast that's coming (amid rolling blackouts across this third world nation).

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ece181  No.361640


MY NEW TERM: mRNA spike clotting.

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000000  No.361676


Colin Powell should have opted for the viral vector or monoclonal antibodies. If he did, (if he was even given a choice) he might still be alive today. Pre existing conditions is a subject no one talks about and some of the walking dead can die quicker with mRNA. Because history never happened.

Some of you already know this. Some of you are smart enough to figure it out on your own. The other 99.8 percent of you will sit watching TV like glazed fruit until the next lockdown. There is an invisible enemy. It's just not a corona virus.

Safe and effective for everyone is a lie and the people responsible for the mRNA mandates are murderers.

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