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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
62.66044, 143.66586

File: b42c467d3287ed2⋯.jpg (3.68 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20230129_170922.jpg)

File: 5d17b436925753f⋯.jpg (2.72 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20230129_171040.jpg)

16bd54  No.361370

I found a glowie/police surveillance observation post in my neighbourhood at 6512 34 st SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. What should I do?

I know it's a surveillance outpost because I recognized that for over a year, they have always had their curtains drawn. (So you can't look in, but they can look out.) You NEVER see the people who live here, but they still manage to keep the driveway and sidewalk perfectly shoveled despite not having a vehicle. Also, despite people apparently living at the address, the house never puts out any trash or recycling. It doesn't even have bins for these.

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54bb25  No.361376

File: 40bc07addf68110⋯.jpg (61.77 KB, 750x696, 125:116, 1674956518109296.jpg)


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4826d2  No.361378

File: e298653b31c3270⋯.webm (4.26 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 1625903822167.webm)

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458e33  No.361403


A: grow up

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458e33  No.361404



get a fucking JOB….

And move out of your mother's house

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458e33  No.361405

File: b42c467d3287ed2⋯.jpg (3.68 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, b42c467d3287ed2f771e8c94cc….jpg)


Have you really looked closely?

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458e33  No.361406

File: cdf6a63be959707⋯.jpg (861.91 KB, 4000x3000, 4:3, Picsart_23_01_29_22_27_22_….jpg)


I'm afraid this is not a police surveillance headquarters after all..

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458e33  No.361407

File: b68a3790913e835⋯.jpg (493.25 KB, 4000x3000, 4:3, Picsart_23_01_29_22_27_47_….jpg)


In fact, there's a beautiful woman living in that house..

oh, look !!… I see her now….

Do you see her? It looks like she's trying to tell you something

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458e33  No.361408

File: d81dd5b32a6b8b9⋯.jpg (473.6 KB, 4000x3000, 4:3, Picsart_23_01_29_22_28_58_….jpg)

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458e33  No.361423

File: 4bd3d1f207504d4⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 2598x1978, 1299:989, Picsart_23_01_29_23_55_32_….jpg)


HINT: Nobody that says GLOWIE lives in reality….

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458e33  No.361424

File: 00e2294c6be44cf⋯.jpg (781.63 KB, 2598x1978, 1299:989, Picsart_23_01_29_23_55_58_….jpg)

saying GLOWIE proves you live in a fantasy world

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458e33  No.361425

File: 42d2858c20fbed7⋯.jpg (483.1 KB, 2598x1978, 1299:989, Picsart_23_01_29_23_56_20_….jpg)

….and of course, you likely think YOU'RE under surveillance….

because you need to fabricate far fetched fantasies

due to your boring existence

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458e33  No.361426

File: 18124f02604e384⋯.jpg (197.14 KB, 2598x1978, 1299:989, Picsart_23_01_29_23_57_06_….jpg)

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000000  No.361429


WAY TO GO BLABBER MOUTH! That is Trudeau's safe house, or at least it was. That's where they stash him when the trucks show up and he's got to bug out of Ottawa.

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27b487  No.361456

File: c8a4823b2f44245⋯.png (368.51 KB, 1887x536, 1887:536, Screenshot_2023_01_30_at_0….png)

The replies in this thread are obvious shills. They started at the exact same time as this forum sliding kek


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27b487  No.361464

File: a09c15973be29dd⋯.jpg (84.6 KB, 650x699, 650:699, 1674661474114018.jpg)

Thread on 4/pol/ about the obvious forum sliding:



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16bd54  No.361476


Yeah this spam started almost exactly when this post went up. Sus

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000000  No.361479


you have to go back


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16bd54  No.361623


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4d4cec  No.361844


kek, why tf would you dox yourself?

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