wtf is wrong with you weirdos?
there's something so weird about you weirdos
why even have a "Global Report" feature if it doesn't actually work?
why does it take you so long to delete the disgusting CP bullshit? why can't you block that garbage?
I'm here to poke harmless fun at you young internet geeky dorky dudes…. the reason I come here is because I enjoy ridiculing the stupid racist bigoted inexperienced make-believe wannabe fashion-trend neo-nazi idiots…
I'm here specifically to ridicule the losers who come running in here after being banned from 4chan, thinking this is a safe haven for their trendy racism, misogyny & hated…
I'm here to remind them that they're still living in their mommy's spare bedroom, with no girlfriend at age 34 ( which is the opposite of 'superiority')
I'm here to remind them thatI get along just fine with black folk, with yellow people or brown or tan or jew or Muslim or Buddhist
and how I'd MUCH rather hang out with THOSE PEOPLE than with a computer videogame geek…
but nobody wants to see those disgusting threads with the CP Bullshit…
you could ban the .jpgs he uses
you could ban his copied & pasted words EASILY….
EASILY….. it doesn't require a genius to ban the offender with his content, not just his IP address..
so why don't you computer weirdos prove your cyberskills?… embed an algorithm that bans him…
plus… why don't you report him to the feds? it's your duty to report him…
your entire generation are just weird as fuck…. you guys are NOTHING like the guys I grew up with…. weirdos…