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File: 380b98191a6d154⋯.jpeg (181.15 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, A_black_image.jpeg)

167cf9  No.360861

The "negro compliance engine" was invented by Ku Klux Klan members out of Atlanta, Georgia for buckbreaking (raping slaves) at plantations. It was sometimes combined with other machinery to cause maximum pain/suffering and it was so powerful that it could cripple or kill the slave who was tied down and anally raped by it.

This is the kind of creativity we need. America was built by and for the white man. Time to take back what’s rightfully ours from the Jews and niggers.

And it needs a nigger feces feeder to go with it. A mechanical glove attached to a steam-powered pulley that dips the hand in a bowl of the white family’s night soil. Angled over the restrained nigger's mouth with a wooden wedge gag. As the nigger is penetrated anally, the glove of the feces feeder machine presses said excreta down the niggermouth into the niggerthroat, and upon reaching a certain vertical distance down, the pulley goes back up to grab more.

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bf5b64  No.360887

of course, it'syet ANOTHER lonely Friday for the unemployed adult male

no money, no girlfriend, no wife, not even a platonic friendship with a female acquaintance…

Every Friday…Every Saturday…. Every Sunday… Every Weekend of Every Month of Every Year so far.. .

all alone…


but not even ONE thinks you're cool

but here you sit, Romeo….

convincing yourself that you're better than other people…


yeah….. no wonder women laugh huh?

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bf5b64  No.360888


HINT : when applying for a job, do NOT mention your butthole to the black McDonalds Manager

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ed6356  No.360889


That's not very civilized, I don't think anyone should endure that. I do think the ones who don't obey laws or who hate America should be shipped back to Africa where they belong. Same with Jews or any other type of foreigner. If they can't behave in a civilized way, are highly corrupted and irrationally subverted, they should be exported out of our nation with their name, fingerprints and photo ID on a blacklist so they can't come back. As for those who are committing treason at the expense of American lives for their own selfish interests on a regular basis, we need to bring back military tribunals and public hanging.

Too bad nothing will be done about it, outside a full-scale societal and economic collapse. On the other hand, too bad for those who put the US into such scenarios who live to see that collapse in the US. I have a feeling bad karma is going to become very cruel, very fast.

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bf5b64  No.360890


sorry…. I just literally made myself laugh Coffee out my nostrils…

The idea of you having a job

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bf5b64  No.360891


lol @ you thinking OPs homoerotic fantasies about scatology and anal sex with black menis true


You're SO gullible dude

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bf5b64  No.360892


karma cruel and fast

like the 73 years fast it took you to be called out in a chatroom by a douchebag Elvis fanatic in a chatroom for not knowing the difference between YOUR & YOU'RE?

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bf5b64  No.360893

in a chatroom in a chatroom?

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bf5b64  No.360894

or the CRUEL karma that will occur on Monday if you're too lazy to do a little Research into virology before the pop quiz?

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bf5b64  No.360895

in a chatroom?

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bf5b64  No.360896

OR…. conversely…..

in a chatroom

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bf5b64  No.360897

You're going to look SO FUNNY when Trump gets arrested in Apri

right here in Atlanta

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bf5b64  No.360898

the GREAT STATE OF GEORGIA is going to put your monkey man into a jail cell

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bf5b64  No.360899

and You're going to look SO SILLY

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bf5b64  No.360900

File: 9ca3ccec46af3d7⋯.jpg (250.05 KB, 1099x1080, 1099:1080, Picsart_23_01_27_15_00_32_….jpg)


do you even know what a FREUDIAN SLIP is?

……………………..hello ?…

hey, weirdo…..

are you even aware it's possible to

NOT mention gay sex?

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bf5b64  No.360901


I mean SERIOUSLY, dude… ..

Every time you sit down in front of that computer, sooner or later, you're going to start typing things about putting stuff in your butthole…..

Can't you ever just act normal? Do you always have to be a fucking loser?

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bf5b64  No.360902


can't you be into something COOL ?…

Like elvis, for example.. can't you subconsciously bring Elvis Presley into every post instead of gay anal sex?

Or maybe totally insane conspiracy theories? Do you think you could arrange Freudian slips about conspiracy theories instead of putting things in your butthole with a black man?

doeseverythingrevolve around homoerotic interracial anal fantasies?

At this point, if you were one of those My Little Pony guys it would be less embarrassing

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bf5b64  No.360903


the real PLAGUE is the homo in mommy's spare bedroom and his obsolete computer


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