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File: bfb6e22fd7ec62d⋯.jpg (64.32 KB, 380x768, 95:192, 1674469952971174.jpg)

5d8bc0  No.360696

I was in a situation where my wife's family began to pressure us heavily to get vaccinated. So, my wife finally caved and let me know that she had decided to go ahead and get vaccinated to prevent a complete family war. Rather than leave her to do this by herself, I went ahead and got vaccinated with her (original series, Pfizer). This was July 2021.

Literally the night I got my second shot, I had something very strange happen. I had a cyst on my back that I had had for years suddenly turn red and swell up to the point that 2 days later I was at urgent care having it drained. They told me at the time that if it gave me further issues to see a dermatologist. Fast forward to January 2022, my wife suddenly has a bout of symptomatic tachycardia (rapid heart rate). She ended up in the emergency room and ultimately got diagnosed with hyperthryoidism and some other autoimmune/endocrinological issues, completely out of left field.

Right around Christmas, the cyst on my back started acting up again so I made a dermatologist appointment. I saw her last week and had her do a general skin check as well as looking at the cyst. The skin check, thankfully, was clear. She looked at the cyst and said that it could possibly be a basal cell carcinoma. She biopsied it and I should know something next week. The good thing is, if it IS cancer, basal cell carcinoma typically has a very good prognosis and should not be much more than an inconvenience.

Thankfully, my wife and I have not gotten boosters…nor will we be. I don't KNOW that any of the issues we have had since getting the vaccine have anything to do with the vaccine, but I highly suspect that to be the case. If I do end up with cancer it is going to be very hard for me not to harbor major resentment against her family. Now, they have all been vaxxed and boosted to the max and her sister has had to have a hysterectomy due to uterine cancer since getting it and her dad has had a minor heart attack since then.

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99654d  No.360697


Sometimes the best thing to do is to wait out the controversy when it happens, if you don't see family members for a while, so be it. My bother and I liked to get drunk and go fishing sometimes. He took the jab (J&J) and when I told him about this clot shot being for depopulation he thought I was crazy. Well he still does, but it took him a little while to get over it. Luckily he still is alive, I've also had an old friend who got it and wham!, dead a couple months later. Sometimes normies need time to themselves in order to fully vent their emotions and accept the way reality is. You should have simply laid low, no talk, sit back, give them some time before it becomes a "nothing burger." That's my strategy. They'll move on sooner or later, they always do!!

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a54dbf  No.360708


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a54dbf  No.360709

File: 197e73834563c18⋯.jpg (591.84 KB, 1080x1579, 1080:1579, Screenshot_20230125_100658.jpg)


you guys can't evencopy & pastewithout fucking it up, can you?

You're all assclowns, incapable of developing a coherent if not embarrassingly transparent declaration of your lack of medical knowledge, let alone being capable of coming up with something original for even quasi-believable…

It's simple. Your background doesn't involve internal medicine, so you just simply don't understand medicine, and you think your trailer park sticks in stones alchemy conspiracy garbage passes the test, but itdoesn't

Because people who actually did study Internal Medicine and virology laugh at you.. you're not fooling anybody with your medical knowledge and copied & pasted fagshow

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a54dbf  No.360710

File: c84438dcb219ea4⋯.jpg (377.19 KB, 1080x2183, 1080:2183, Picsart_23_01_25_10_34_30_….jpg)

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a54dbf  No.360711

File: 7a13a75e2aaf677⋯.jpg (334.6 KB, 1083x1080, 361:360, Picsart_23_01_25_10_42_05_….jpg)




I'm not being mean. I'm not insulting you, and I'm not attacking you. I'm simply stating the statistical facts:

You Don't Know Jack fucking shit about vaccines or viruses or Internal Medicine whatsoever..

You don't understand virology, epidemiology, Immunology, or even basic biology.

I doubt you ever attended a single high school chemistry class.

Your team consist of THE stupidest humans on earth…. trailer park inbred Hillbillies and the lowest common denominator, the most embarrassingly uneducated blue collar low class EBT food stamp mentally ill defects and incompetent bumbling fools, not to mention cowards.. you're all a bunch of cowards…

Because when a stupid as fuck moron is too afraid to Simply admit that they are a stupid as fuck moron, he's acoward

Hence, your existence

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05c3d9  No.362727

File: c54e28968d970d3⋯.mp4 (14.55 MB, 720x480, 3:2, Vaxx_Taker.mp4)

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