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992990  No.359704


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2835bc  No.359711

is that the gimbal video?

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6d48dd  No.360248

File: 3e9c2b7ce8c9ecb⋯.png (981,7 KB, 1164x1300, 291:325, disclosure_the_bear.png)

>hi everybody

>i'm disclosure the bear

>the disclosure won't happen on it's own

>we need to work with our politicians and social media

>to get the latest technology and information

>what technology is available?

>ufos, synthetic telepathy, manifestation, timeline viewing, teleportation

>astral projection, zero-point energy

>how does it work?

>hyperdimensional mind over matter consciousness field, the astral plane

>who else lives there?

>demons, aliens, god the singularity

>how will this affect our politics?

>everything will be free and on demand, including new people!

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