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File: 4d2ffe3c41a24d6⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 2082x2560, 1041:1280, 1671890123223.jpeg)

b26995  No.358096 [Last 50 Posts]

Trump said he looks like Elvis at Tupelo rally

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a4489c  No.358106



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a4489c  No.358107

And for whatever it's worth, in Elvis Presley's credit, according to hundreds of millions if not billions of women worldwide, Elvis was considered one of the best looking men in history…

He was blessed in many ways to be sure

So Donald Trump is not the first person to look in the mirror and wonder if he was as charismatic and magnetic as Elvis Presley

I want you to imagine Donald Trump with black hair

A bowl haircut, in fact, with straight bangs across the front

Now picture him wearing a parka in the Siberian Wasteland

I think he's a Mongol

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a4489c  No.358108

File: 5871de5bcaf174e⋯.jpg (142.61 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_22_12_24_13_25_58_….jpg)

If you're talking about the same embarrassing Gaffe that I'm thinking about, Trump said " people always used to tell me how much I look like Elvis Presley"

LOL there's never been anything like it before

Nobody's ever seen anything like it before

It's a tremendous resemblance

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a4489c  No.358109

Allegedly the Drumpf garbage lineage is traced back to germany, but I don't believe it…

keep in mind that his ENTIRE LINEAGE were low class lying thieves criminals and pimps…

Con men. It runs in the family genes

His grandfather was a fucking scumbag pimp who set up a whorehouse on somebody else's property without asking permission

The lowest level of scumbag Criminal, not even smart enough to develop a clever crime

Just a scumbag pimp

His whole family was nothing but scum, liars and thieves

So I don't believe the German bullshit for a minute

I say they're Mongols

If you look at Trump's eyes, they are the eyes of a Mongol

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d22e3d  No.358110

a funny thing happened in America back in 1956, and it changed the entire world?, seemingly overnight….


And for the first time, the world had permission to be edgy and dangerous and sexual and alluring

We had the right to become tigers

I guess you really had to be alive back then to really understand the impact it had on the world

It shouldn't be overlooked or dismissed by any means


Before elvis, it was "swing swing swing"


The entire term "cool" that we still know to this very day was created….

Now the world knew how to be cool…

Every woman wanted to fuck him

And every man wanted to BE him

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7d5268  No.358111

File: d05ae09c9993cdd⋯.jpg (217.31 KB, 1080x1473, 360:491, Picsart_22_12_24_13_33_43_….jpg)

Literally hundreds of millions of men worldwide looked in their mirror, slicked back their hair and turned up their collar, and did their best attempt at capturing the dynamic lightning bolt known as Elvis Presley

I was born much too late, but even though he had already died, when I was 16, I was doing my damnedest to be cool like Elvis..

Yep.. I'm only 16 years old in this picture, although I looked like I was in my thirties

I've always looked older than I actually was, so when I was 15, and I was hanging out at a nightclub every night, the owner approached me and asked me if I would like to be the doorman.. he had no idea I was only 15 years old..

This picture was taken after I met joy, the 36-year-old nurse at the nightclub who took me home and made me her husband for 4 years….

And guess what?

Because I was emulating elvis, she found me attractive

I was emulating "COOL"…..

And she liked it, obviously because she took it balls deep for 4 years after she walked by me that first night…..

By the way

It doesn't matter if you're black or white or green or in between if you are young or old or covered in mold.. male female or any other bizarre twist you'd like to add….


It doesn't matter if it's man or woman black or white or Asian young or old

There's something about the pompadour haircut that makes people look their very best

It's the perfect compliment to the human face

It's bold and doesn't hide anything, yet it feels like you're moving a hundred miles an hour

It turns you into a missile

Donald Trump's not the first man to ever compare himself to Elvis

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185887  No.358112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes, Elvis Presley was a singer but that had nothing to do with the name of this show

It was coincidentally sponsored by the Singer sewing machine company

It was originally called the singer special, but these days everybody refers to it as "The 68 Comeback Special"

for THE SINGER SPECIAL, they recorded the background music for a tiny segment of the songLITTLE EGYPTand had Elvis Presley sing live on stage over the pre-recorded music…

the song Little egypt, written by Lieber and Stoller, is a wonderful Musical Tale about a stripper, actually the first stripper who created the term "belly dancer", back in the Chicago World's Fair in the late 1800s..

in the song, Little Egypt comes on stagewearing nuthin' but a button and a bow

( one of the greatest lines ever written )

And at the end of the song the protagonist has married the stripper and they have seven children running around the living room floor…

But for the singer special, they only recorded one short verse

And they took several shots, trying to pick the right performance…

Unfortunately, they did not choose this particular take, number 1007

Because if you listen carefully to Elvis Presley's voice as he sings the song, you will hear him actually having fun, toying around with the idea of being Elvis

He does a grunting grinding guttural noise, then you can hear him actually laugh at himself

Because he's actually having fun

This is perhaps the single greatest Elvis performance ever, and it's not even an entire song

It's just a little snippet from the Lieber and Stoller songLittle Egypt

And Elvis is in magnificent form! His voice was like Trumpets from the sky, and he looked so fucking cool in that gold jacket

You really can't find anything much cooler than this, no matter how far you look or how deep you dig

I did all the digging for you

And here's my Christmas present

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b26995  No.358113

File: d980f7da24d140a⋯.jpeg (445.47 KB, 1712x1914, 856:957, 1647038849160.jpeg)

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1bdd02  No.358114

Imagine being a meek awkward flat broke white trash country bumpkin teenager with a dream… and you wake up one morning and your Elvis presley, the world's most famous human being

And you wake up every morning and it's not a dream

And it never ends

And you are on the Rocket Ride of a lifetime, and no other human being could ever even begin to understand what you are experiencing

It drove him insane, the same way it would drive you or I insane after a while

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1bdd02  No.358115

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1bdd02  No.358116





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1bdd02  No.358117

Let me change algorithms and prompts

I didn't really put any effort into it. Let me give it a shot

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1bdd02  No.358118


Hats off to you, sir

I'm very proud of you

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1bdd02  No.358119

See I'm kind of pissed off right now at night Cafe because it's giving me garbage results

And I really don't feel like jumping through hoops with mid Journey right now I'm just not in the mood

Mid Journey requires a little bit more motivation and dedication than I can muster at the moment because I'm drinking some single malt scotch

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1bdd02  No.358120


And I've got like 12 mobile apps that actually do a better job than the web apps

And I'm actually drunker than I thought I was a couple sentences ago

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1bdd02  No.358121

Speaking of which it's time to top off my scotch, because it's 16 degrees outside and a majority of the world actually thinks there used to be a guy named Jesus

So I might as well drink myself to death while I have a chance

I'll be right back tough guy

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1bdd02  No.358123

There you go! Nothing a little bit of speyside single malt scotch can't cure

And I was just kidding about a majority.. it's only like 12% of the human race who are stupid enough to believe in Jesus

But there are many many hundreds of Millions more who celebrate the holiday, half ass Christian idiots.. they're not sure what they believe but they are greedy slaves to merchandising

Celebrating the birth of an imaginary Jesus when he actually would have died, if he were real in the first place

Which he wasn't

But they're fake ass Bible clearly says he was born in the spring

Only 12% of the world is christian, which means 88% are equally as stupid because they believe in a different religion

The whole human race needs to be vaporized, without harming any of the other forms of life on the planet

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626247  No.358124

File: f443996f7bbf016⋯.jpg (404.5 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Picsart_22_12_24_14_10_49_….jpg)

Some new Wizkid just invented this newfangled thing yesterday calledembedded video

I realize it's a brand new technology so it might be a little bit over your head but I'm sure you'll catch up eventually

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626247  No.358125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



It will completely explain the magnetism and other weird things people don't seem to understand about Elvis these days

He never looked better, he never sounded better, and if you have any questions about Elvis? Address them here.. this is where he'll get your answer

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626247  No.358126

To rebel against Colonel Tom parker, they included a whorehouse scene in this rebellious 1968 refusal to bow down to Colonel Tom and create a predictable Christmas show

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626247  No.358127

Elvis was cool as shit

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626247  No.358128

keep in mind


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626247  No.358129

Look at the interaction between Elvis and the blonde whore in the whorehouse scene

Elvis fucked all of them


Look closely at the interaction

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626247  No.358130

He was fucking the shit out of her

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b26995  No.358131

File: 747c30a923da028⋯.jpeg (49.78 KB, 247x652, 247:652, 9b03fc46e0c164g79d8430hyu….jpeg)

POTUS suit

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626247  No.358132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

he is still listed as " having more sex than any other human being in history", simply based upon his routine of a rotating door, with 35 women entering the bedroom at a time, several times a day, every single day, and it never stopped…

He would have 35 women come into the bedroom at one time

He was fucking the shit out of this chick

And she was a hottie!.. she was hot as fuck actually

If I saw that chick right now, I would drill a hole to China right through her ass

She was smoking hot

And it's so obvious

He had been fucking the ever-living shit out of her

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626247  No.358133


that's outstanding!

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626247  No.358134

I guess it goes without saying that Trump would like to consider himself a ladies man


It doesn't take a billionaire to get good looking pussy

I got my best looking pussy when I was flat fucking broke.. that's the way life works..

But he's allegedly a billionaire

and he has to PAY FOR SEX ???

Are you telling me he can't find a woman willing to fuck a billionaire without getting paid up front?

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2f8bc3  No.358135

Like I said, Elvis Presley had his 12 bodyguards figure out the perfect system, because they would have up to 300 beautiful women in Graceland

Even more than 300, depending on the moment

One of his bodyguards said " one night I started counting heads and I realized there were 175 beautiful women in the house, and just seven of us guys"

So with that many women, they had a revolving door system

They knew exactly what Elvis liked and what he didn't like in women

And they would carefully pick and choose 35 of the women at one time and Usher them into Elvis's bedroom

And Elvis gave them permission to fuck whichever ones were left over

Which they all did

And when Elvis was done, they would send in another 35 women

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2b07c6  No.358136

And the number 12 regarding bodyguards was simultaneously correct and incorrect because it fluctuated depending on the day or week or who Colonel Tom was flying around that month

So imagine 35 women coming into your bedroom

Over and over and over and over

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f7742d  No.358137

And over again..

And over and over and over again

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f7742d  No.358138

It's not surprising that Elvis started going off on tangents

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b26995  No.358139

File: 5bae3338f81447c⋯.webp (50.29 KB, 1200x895, 240:179, Elvis_1972_NYCPressConfer….webp)

Elvis was pretty orange

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f7742d  No.358140

Having women eating each other out and doing hardcore lesbian activity they never would have dreamed of beforehand

Because getting your dick sucked by 35 women gets old believe it or not

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f7742d  No.358141


yes he was

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f7742d  No.358142

A lot of guys fantasize about having two girls at the same time lol

So did I until I had three

And the night I fucked seven strippers all by myself, I suppose three didn't seem like that big of a deal anymore

But even having 35 women suck your dick simultaneously gets old after a while

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f7742d  No.358143

So Elvis started spicing things up a little bit.. LOL.. for lack of a better term

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f7742d  No.358144

File: 4fafd287f1b9da1⋯.jpg (624.57 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20221224_143333….jpg)

like having his chimpanzee SCATTER released into the bedroom by the bodyguards, and the chimpanzee would masturbate on the women….

And Elvis would just bust out laughing every time

It wasn't even about sex anymore

It would be really hard to understand unless you were Elvis

I assure you.. if you were elvis, you would understand completely

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f7742d  No.358145

Again, you'd have to imagine waking up every single morning, and realizing "this is not a dream"

Every single morning

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f7742d  No.358146

That's what makes the story so fascinating

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f7742d  No.358147

He was a true Explorer

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f7742d  No.358148

Captain fucking Kirk nobody had ever gone where he was going

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f7742d  No.358149

He quite literally wrote the book

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f7742d  No.358150

He crashed and burned

Horrible.. disastrous

Most shooting stars do

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80b834  No.358151

He was the first one to ever get a $1 million check from the entertainment industry

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29d331  No.358152

AGAIN : not even the biggest Hollywood names had ever received a $1 million dollar check before

He got the first one

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7e2045  No.358153

So let that put things into perspective

Because back then, a million dollars was a million dollars

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d22e3d  No.358154

And nobody had ever received that amount before, so imagine the level of dynamic electricity Happening Here

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4387b4  No.358155

And the saddest part of the whole story

He was actually just a really nice shy kid

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b7ac6a  No.358156

He would have been so much happier if he had never become famous

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f9ca4d  No.358157

LiterallyTHEmost legendary Story Ever Told.. in the history of the human race.. and it had such a painful dichotomy

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7bbc51  No.358158

If he had just never become famous, he and his mother would have been happy forever.. he would have married a nice sweet simple country girl and they would have had children and he would have died in his seventies, a proud simple country grandfather with a life well lived

But the adulation of the human race was a very addictive poison

And it's fair to say he overdosed on that poison just as much as he did on the drugs

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7bbc51  No.358159

He wasn't even necessarily trying to be famous, because he wasn't sure what he was doing

He was an outcast, an awkward misfit

Just like you and me

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f24670  No.358160

You and I can relate to it because he was so awkward that he never fit in no matter what group he approached

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f32a6a  No.358161

He tried to integrate, and somehow managed.. and then he finally decided to stop pretending to be someone that he wasn't

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f32a6a  No.358162

And the awkward Misfit turned into a defiant individualist

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b26995  No.358163

File: 794b5b04e925870⋯.jpeg (13.11 KB, 350x400, 7:8, 185457_1234468926761_full.jpeg)

Elvis was a natural blonde

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f32a6a  No.358164

And of course people sneered and laughed and pointed fingers

But that didn't dissuade him

And then the lightning bolt occurred

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f32a6a  No.358165

He was cool as fuck

He was also a complete fucking asshole

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f32a6a  No.358166

You cannot actually understand Elvis unless you embrace the fact that he was a fucking asshole

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f32a6a  No.358167

Everybody knows the nice side of him

But the other side was extremely dark and overwhelming

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f32a6a  No.358168

I don't believe in false gods or demons, mythology garbage

But if there was a dark demonic satanic force, you could have found it in Elvis


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f32a6a  No.358169

Because after his mother died he resented Colonel Tom and resented the music industry so bad

And he lived in a tortured prison in his head

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f32a6a  No.358170

And his anguish over his mother's death tore him to pieces so badly that he became a very very very very very very very very very very very dangerous human being

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f32a6a  No.358171

It was dangerous to be around him, that's for sure

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f32a6a  No.358172

Because he went on a downward spiral the likes of which will never be seen again

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f32a6a  No.358173

And if you weren't careful, the Rocket Ride would end horribly for you

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f32a6a  No.358174

Because we all know

No matter what they say, those on a downward spiral will gladly take you down with them

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f32a6a  No.358175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jesus never existed, I assure you

That whole story is mere mythology

But if you wanted to find a documentation of a Jesus figure

There's tons of photographs and films of Elvis Presley

So Jesus fucked up a little bit, big deal.. we would all do the same if we were in his shoes

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f32a6a  No.358176



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f32a6a  No.358177

(I particularly like the presidential seal on the belt. That's fucking sweet dude)

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9298a6  No.358178


That depends.. when he was a young boy, yes his hair was blondish

But like many people, as he went through adolescence his hair turned brown

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70c7cc  No.358179

I've dated chicks with white blonde hair, like real Swedish chicks. I married a Swedish woman…

There are true blondes and then there are blondish types, like Elvis

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31de9e  No.358180

If you wanted to be accurate, Elvis had auburn hair

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31de9e  No.358181

There's a very very peculiar phenomenon that occurred with Elvis presley, and I don't think I've ever seen it before :


He literally physically transformed!!

I'm not joking.. he was an awkward ugly teenager, and as soon as he became famousHE LITERALLY TRANSFORMED INTO A ROMAN STATUE!!!

It wasn't cosmetic surgery

he "BECAME" Elvis

Suddenly, he looked like a God damn Roman god

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d2e713  No.358182

And I'm not talking about these fucking tick tock bitches with lips inflated like a donut Tire in a gas station parking lot

This has nothing to do with plastic surgery or Hollywood smoke and mirrors


Kind of like an alien

To paraphrase trump, nobody's ever seen anything like it before

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204986  No.358183

I think Jerry Reed summed it up best

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204986  No.358184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Because old Jerry Reed was a country boy, old school

And if you suggested he might be queer, he'd break your fucking jaw

But I think he summed it up really well

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204986  No.358185

I love watching that clip because he's so fucking real

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ab4290  No.358186

It's mind-boggling to imagine having to stand in his shoes, and the nuclear blast of the initial Fame would somehow Fade Into the fog as you continued into the bizarre downward spiral that he commandeered

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e3e1ca  No.358187

It's my favorite American story!

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374033  No.358188

I think it defines America better than any other icon

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374033  No.358189

The scariest part?

Elvis was a fucking Republican

I told you Elvis was an asshole

Well, he was a real asshole

He actually liked Richard Nixon

He supported the war in Vietnam

As much as I love elvis, I hate to say he would be a trump supporter

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4387b4  No.358190

He was a not particularly attractive awkward misfit

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4387b4  No.358191

File: 7d5e5d9489d2ff3⋯.jpg (560.95 KB, 846x1331, 846:1331, Screenshot_20221224_150742….jpg)

He didn't look the same

Before he really hit it big, he didn't even look like the same human being almost

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48a2d2  No.358192

File: efb1143359dd012⋯.jpg (514.47 KB, 1031x1210, 1031:1210, Screenshot_20221224_151143….jpg)

But once he hit it big, he literally transformed into some kind of visual spectacle……

His nose was perfect, his cheekbones were perfect, his teeth were perfect, his eyes were perfect

And with the pompadour haircut, everybody looks better

He was living proof of the power of the pompadour

It doesn't matter if you're thin or fat or white or black or male or female

Having a pompadour hairstyle will improve your odds of success in life

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48a2d2  No.358193

I have been a gigantic Elvis fanatic ever since I was 12 years old and I took LSD and listened to his original Sun sessions recordings

And I can honestly say the one thing I will never figure out :

how the fuck did he TRANSFORM ?

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c05c5c  No.358194

It's the closest thing to shapeshifting I've ever seen

Certainly, there was something Supernatural Happening Here, correct?

Because I don't do "supernatural"

I'm not into that bullshit

But this one was different


So can someone please explain that to me?

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b26995  No.358195

File: 24eab60f6ba2d80⋯.png (637.78 KB, 535x777, 535:777, Screen_Shot_2022_12_24_at_….png)

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ac9a86  No.358196




Even to the very end, he continued changing shape

And what the world considered one of the most attractive men in history became one of the most horrifyingly unhealthy looking miserable disasters anyone has ever seen

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ac9a86  No.358197

He was incredibly unhappy

It's part of the weird dichotomy

The world's most famous man was simultaneously the world's loneliest man

The man who could have anything was the most miserable person on Earth

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ac9a86  No.358198

There was always a yin and yang, including the final conflagration

He had everything but had nothing

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ac9a86  No.358199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He had self-destructed so badly, punished for our sins of adulation

Tragic.. absolutely fucking tragic

But even here two weeks before his death, he still demonstrated the gift that his misery could not diminish

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ac9a86  No.358200

He was actually an opera singer

He was a country hick who went to see the operas at Ellis Auditorium when he was a teenager

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a4d356  No.358201

And the secret to Elvis Presley singing had nothing to do with the cheap imitations

The curled lip or the hubba hubba or the thank you very much baby bullshit

The secret to his singing was


The real pure raw Elvis was SCREAMING

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2f8bc3  No.358202


Hard to tell if it's crying or just screaming

For example, in the song Jailhouse Rock, he's not singing

He's a country boy in his backyard screaming angrily at his friend

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ff6fad  No.358203

That's why it's so hard to find a good Elvis imitator, because the real Elvis was just a little kid screaming angrily

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5a5337  No.358204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is the voice of a young child yelling in his backyard

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5a5337  No.358205

That scared the fuck out of people back then

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bda5e0  No.358206


Many many years ago I used to have a friend named Todd Morgan

Todd Morgan just so happened to be the creative director of Elvis Presley enterprises, Graceland

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a81065  No.358207

Todd was cool as shit! They really made the right choice when they hired him

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c70500  No.358208

File: 7595a33a9fa15db⋯.jpg (357.83 KB, 1067x811, 1067:811, Screenshot_20221203_032700….jpg)

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c70500  No.358209

File: fe42eda45c5ef08⋯.jpg (425.05 KB, 1080x752, 135:94, Screenshot_20221202_173842….jpg)

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9298a6  No.358210

Todd and I were friends. And he knew I was bizarre, and he liked that

He knew that I had painted Elvis portraits for celebrities beginning at the age of 12

He knew that I had painted Elvis Presley portraits for Andy Kaufman and Jay Leno and Pink Floyd and Paul McCartney and Mick Jagger and a long long list of celebrities, as a "schtick" to not only see every concert for free from the front row, but also go backstage and hang out with the celebrities themselves…

Todd knew my first Elvis portraits was for Jerry Lee Lewis when I was 12 years old

I had painted a giant mural in Memphis Tennessee for a nightclub called Red Square

On the exterior mural, I created a make believe 1960s movie poster, the movie was called RED SQUARE

It said "Elvis Presley starring as Johnny Neptune in Red Square", as if Elvis was playing the role of me somehow

I created a 1960 style Montage of Illustrated scenes, where Elvis, playing the role of me, was punching an alien in the face, or making out with Madonna, or playing a guitar in a UFO, and in the middle of the mural I had Elvis in a convertible 1960s cobra, driving directly at the viewer, and there were five beautiful girls in the car with Elvis, with a nuclear mushroom cloud exploding in the distance behind them…

And I painted all of it in a Russian theme, Soviet Era Style

Then I went back home to Neptune Beach Florida where my Swedish wife was waiting for me

And I got a phone call from Todd. And he flew me back to Memphis where I had just been and offered me a job as art director at Graceland

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9298a6  No.358211




I'm not trying to corny or anything

I'm dead serious

You're actually making this feel like Christmas

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bbd1df  No.358212

100% TRUE: continued

So after I met with Danny and Carol the licensing and marketing people, I laughed at them and turned the job down…

I told them I had been working for Elvis everyday since I was 12 years old, and I wasn't about to start clocking in at 8:30 with a tie and a clipboard to approve ashtrays and coffee mugs.

I swear to God that's exactly what I told them right to their face but I wasn't rude

I wasn't being rude I was just being very honest

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bbd1df  No.358213

So after Danny and Carol left the room.. oh hold on

Hold on a second I forgot to tell you

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0a76f2  No.358214

Okay so you have to picture how bizarre this seems to me at the time, okay?

I grew up in Memphis a long time ago, and went to Graceland Elementary when I was a kid, and I used to see Elvis riding his daughter's golf cart in the front yard at 7:00 in the morning when we walked to school…

When I was 11, I created a cartoon character just for my own entertainment, and I used to Xerox them and sell them at school… I created a character named Johnny neptune, who was a secret agent like James bond, always saving the World Behind the Scenes.. but instead of going incognito, Johnny Neptune went undercover as the most famous entertainer on Earth.. kind of like Elvis.. understand? He was going undercover right there in front of everybody's face, but they didn't realize he was actually saving the world after the concerts…

So when I'm 12, I started using the name Johnny Neptune as my art pseudonym….

Fast forward and I'm living in Neptune Beach Florida with my Swedish wife

But I travel to Memphis to paint an Elvis mural for a nightclub, then Johnny Neptune returned back to Neptune Beach

But then I get a phone call and the next morning I have a flight booked back to Memphis to discuss art Direction at Graceland

It was all kind of fast, you could say

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35592a  No.358215

so here's the part I forgot to tell you

I went into what they called the War Room at Graceland

It's actually a small office building located directly on the side adjoining property of Graceland, the north side

In the war room, we sat at a gigantic huge impressive badass wooden office table

And Todd told me "this is the same Table to where we tried to talk Lisa Marie out of marrying Michael Jackson"

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941ad9  No.358216

So after I turn down the job offer, Danny and Carol left the War Room

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941ad9  No.358217

And that's when Todd swiveled in his chair and smiled

" I knew you wouldn't take it"

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941ad9  No.358218

And he was right. But he flew me into Memphis anyway, and I stayed at the Peabody Hotel that night on there expense account

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b7ac6a  No.358219

Anyway, I have gone backstage with so many celebrities I can't even begin to tell you because my memory is slipping as I age

And every single one of them had an Elvis story

How Elvis changed their life somehow

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2b07c6  No.358220

It turned out my little schtick was a stroke of genius, because instead of painting that particular celebrities most recent album cover, or asking for autographs,I was the weird guy that stood out

I was there to celebrate elvis, not getting autographs or praising anybody other than Elvis

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e64e0f  No.358221

And like I said, I got to hang out with Jerry Lee Lewis, and he used to call me on the telephone when I was only 12 years old and we would talk for a couple hours here and there

You'd be amazed some of the personal stories I've heard from different celebrities like Roy orbison, for example

I met Roy Orbison before he died, and we talked at length about elvis, and I learned some inside stories nobody else would ever know

And Carl Perkins, the one who actually wrote Blue Suede Shoes

Had lots of people tell me inside stories about Elvis that nobody knows about

Like when I'm at Jay Leno.. I was 17 years old, and he got me drunk as shit

My fiance and I met him at the punchline comedy club in atlanta, and I wasn't even old enough to drink, but after the show he drank me under the fucking table

This is when Jay Leno was young

And believe it or not, he was really fucking funny back then

But he told me some stories about Elvis that I never heard before

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08b02d  No.358222

I've heard some really private stories about Elvis

Extremely private and personal

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763d79  No.358223

So I cut to the chase with Todd

I figured, what the hell you flew me in here, I might as well just get down to it

So I asked him about a series of particular stories I had heard from different celebrities, and wanted to know if they were true or not

Some extremely personal stories

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a06473  No.358224


they were indeed true

Don't be mistaken, because many of them would not put a smile on your face

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389c54  No.358225

There's a term warts and all.. they used to use that term a lot in the past

Warts and all.. it's the truth, including the ugly parts

And that's the concept Todd and I had when we began discussing the creation of of a treatment on the screenplay, a warts in all telling of the Elvis Presley story, from behind the scenes

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a851f2  No.358226

We were in discussions on this topic for a few years, beginning with the sit down in the war room

It began as a casual creative conversation, and slowly actually started to become a real idea

The first problem was the most obvious,

Who could play elvis?


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b60ef2  No.358227

So I decided perhaps it should be three different actors, playing different stages of his life, with the enhancement of computer graphics, even though this was a long time ago and CGI was still in its infancy

And I also suggested the film packed with tons of quick cutting Cameo appearances by varying celebrities

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bda5e0  No.358228

I told Todd, " imagine how many Big Time actors would jump at the opportunity to play elvis, even if it's only for one fleeting second, a quick glance.. they would jump at the opportunity"

And that really became one of the strong points of our conversations, the idea of having artistically sliced cuts and transitions, where for one fleeting second it might be the rock as elvis, or the next minute a reaction where you realize was that Lisa Marie Presley? And the next one is Vince vaughn, and the list would go on

But we discussed having the three main actors be Jason Priestley, as the young Elvis.. Brendan Fraser as the middle elvis, yes I said Brendan Fraser because he was young back then and with CGI it would work… and Todd said he couldn't figure out who could possibly play the later Elvis

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025fb1  No.358229

File: 60ce6fb8bb1ef60⋯.jpg (184.88 KB, 2560x2000, 32:25, 6930bfd076_elvis_1977_2_sc….jpg)

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b7ac6a  No.358231

File: 69d21e7e774ed41⋯.jpg (185.88 KB, 670x645, 134:129, Screenshot_20221224_160900….jpg)

And believe it or not, although you might not see it at first……

The actor Kevin James has the right nose and face, and if he had sideburns and sunglasses, he would play a very convincing older fatter Elvis

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b7ac6a  No.358232


My good friend Todd Morgan suffered a massive heart attack and died.. he was a really nice guy

And that ended our work on the movie Project

It never went any farther because it had only been brainstorming up to that point

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b7ac6a  No.358233

Watching the Elvis movie released earlier this year, I felt like I had somehow finally come full circle

Even though that movie was homogenized and did not Venture into any of the bumpy warts Todd and I envisioned in a honest retelling of the Elvis story….

And now I realize Priscilla would never have permitted Todd or I to proceed with that project

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b7ac6a  No.358234

Baz luhrmann's Elvis movie was actually fucking great in so many ways

But that wasn't the movie Todd and I were working on

We were working on something more like Requiem for a Dream

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5880f6  No.358236

For me, Elvis opened so many doors

Quite literally.. the backstage door to the Fox Theater in Atlanta for example

Or at the Omni International or any other concert venue

I guess it's not surprising that something as innate to the human psyche as Elvis Presley would appeal to just about everybody, including people who happen to the internationally famous celebrities

It all started as a clever quick scam to get backstage when I was a kid and I wanted to see Jerry Lee Lewis play in concert

And it turned into an opportunity to brainstorm on a tell-all Cinema Bible of Elvis with Todd Morgan at the same table where they tried to talk Lisa Marie out of marrying Michael Jackson

So you could say I was a bit of an Elvis fan, I guess

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34264e  No.358239


The judge told the entire fagshow to fuck off yesterday

What a stupid fucking bitch

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c70500  No.358246

File: b5b2f9c98a5fd24⋯.jpg (50.46 KB, 660x655, 132:131, 20fbc6ff_5770_440b_b1c1_6a….jpg)

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34264e  No.358249

File: 847b3df2f4f8211⋯.jpg (46.48 KB, 512x512, 1:1, O2drWPEvz2S9gT1jYn9F_2_ojt….jpg)

File: feab89416f05576⋯.jpg (21.29 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Oj4cdVivDfqyfNSRUYP9_7_tel….jpg)

File: 26bbd3e909ed8da⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Oj4cdVivDfqyfNSRUYP9_2_vmf….jpg)

File: db9ae257cff1b41⋯.jpg (47.33 KB, 640x640, 1:1, L60RbbKkXKcDiIoQtLhl_16_jb….jpg)

File: 44520507a1af8fe⋯.jpg (49.01 KB, 640x640, 1:1, L60RbbKkXKcDiIoQtLhl_15_fy….jpg)

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34264e  No.358250

File: 28cb258fdcde762⋯.jpg (56.86 KB, 640x640, 1:1, L60RbbKkXKcDiIoQtLhl_11_tr….jpg)

File: 4d945a99aa08f40⋯.jpg (53.07 KB, 640x640, 1:1, L60RbbKkXKcDiIoQtLhl_5_mwo….jpg)

File: 4ff1e6e4038bbbc⋯.jpg (50.09 KB, 640x640, 1:1, L60RbbKkXKcDiIoQtLhl_3_56k….jpg)

File: 1532cf6d35086b5⋯.jpg (40.38 KB, 640x640, 1:1, L60RbbKkXKcDiIoQtLhl_4_isc….jpg)

Text prompt

When Elvis took LSD with the Beatles

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34264e  No.358251

File: 05285212f31a325⋯.jpg (37.22 KB, 640x640, 1:1, AXIVCMvBaIbGdWwHvdk2_6_8sq….jpg)

File: 51e12baaa67a602⋯.jpg (53.6 KB, 640x640, 1:1, AXIVCMvBaIbGdWwHvdk2_5_ojh….jpg)

File: 831b68f324ed4d6⋯.jpg (43.37 KB, 640x640, 1:1, AXIVCMvBaIbGdWwHvdk2_11_th….jpg)

File: c35af74daa58b6b⋯.jpg (38.26 KB, 640x640, 1:1, AXIVCMvBaIbGdWwHvdk2_2_8k5….jpg)

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34264e  No.358252

File: efad55b5fec14f8⋯.jpg (37.8 KB, 640x640, 1:1, AfvR9srhNiGlOnReRznC_10_i8….jpg)

File: 07f051970effa1b⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 640x640, 1:1, AfvR9srhNiGlOnReRznC_11_fh….jpg)

File: eeb7d6a491e8555⋯.jpg (38.86 KB, 640x640, 1:1, AfvR9srhNiGlOnReRznC_9_e4p….jpg)

File: 92d1bb7def97dd7⋯.jpg (43.49 KB, 640x640, 1:1, AfvR9srhNiGlOnReRznC_5_ikq….jpg)

File: 016a9a6e12ec009⋯.jpg (42.21 KB, 640x640, 1:1, AfvR9srhNiGlOnReRznC_4_qqg….jpg)

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34264e  No.358253

File: fb25cc93a0b3b1f⋯.jpg (46.17 KB, 640x640, 1:1, vvMiswpkqz0AOZluwyIX_14_dj….jpg)

File: d1891656c8d9bab⋯.jpg (44.76 KB, 640x640, 1:1, vvMiswpkqz0AOZluwyIX_16_ep….jpg)

File: 48d3c771dd258d7⋯.jpg (26.14 KB, 640x640, 1:1, vvMiswpkqz0AOZluwyIX_13_3i….jpg)

File: 7fc02694a70d23f⋯.jpg (43.89 KB, 640x640, 1:1, vvMiswpkqz0AOZluwyIX_12_pu….jpg)

from my upcoming book


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124c6e  No.358254

File: a1e4a7a8f3f1405⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1619x1080, 1619:1080, Picsart_22_11_27_23_47_53_….png)

File: ad2559bb8b999c9⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1280x1277, 1280:1277, Picsart_22_11_26_20_45_15_….png)

File: 90c11fe1a70c4bf⋯.png (957.86 KB, 1082x1080, 541:540, Picsart_22_11_26_08_21_49_….png)

File: 60cfc602c41a10a⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1156, 270:289, Picsart_22_11_26_05_39_36_….png)

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e4e6cb  No.358255

File: 8ad33ee72b291d0⋯.png (697.26 KB, 1087x1087, 1:1, Picsart_22_11_21_00_44_34_….png)

File: e13e5f8962f46ec⋯.png (707.05 KB, 1087x1087, 1:1, Picsart_22_11_21_00_41_39_….png)

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File: d18de82301c8fff⋯.png (761 KB, 1087x1087, 1:1, Picsart_22_11_21_00_34_34_….png)

File: 10f8aa6b60354fd⋯.png (662.28 KB, 1087x1087, 1:1, Picsart_22_11_21_00_35_24_….png)

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e4e6cb  No.358256

File: 24357745242a995⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1327, 1080:1327, Picsart_22_11_20_14_21_28_….png)

File: c5db7cfd0f3c50f⋯.jpg (556.42 KB, 1080x1407, 360:469, Picsart_22_11_20_11_28_07_….jpg)

File: 1607e4028a4a5a8⋯.jpg (463.69 KB, 2048x1080, 256:135, Picsart_22_11_20_11_24_58_….jpg)

File: 3520d82a746b743⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1686x1080, 281:180, Picsart_22_11_20_11_22_47_….png)

File: b3282fbca4bd80b⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1080x1213, 1080:1213, Picsart_22_11_20_04_54_18_….png)

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b26995  No.358257

File: e9610977737498f⋯.jpeg (466.19 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, wonder_1663626391763.jpeg)

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5c0143  No.358258


nice, but not good enough

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e4e6cb  No.358259

File: b30cac9d6b9c431⋯.jpg (35.7 KB, 640x640, 1:1, oSJ1SAqn3Y3EbYGBMipP_16_dc….jpg)

File: b3ca90f51cf470e⋯.jpg (27.4 KB, 640x640, 1:1, oSJ1SAqn3Y3EbYGBMipP_14_eb….jpg)

File: b36f65f511534cd⋯.jpg (27.7 KB, 640x640, 1:1, oSJ1SAqn3Y3EbYGBMipP_12_c5….jpg)

File: 49bba13660a9d28⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 640x640, 1:1, oSJ1SAqn3Y3EbYGBMipP_10_hy….jpg)


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4bc430  No.358260

File: 6c3af584624ec3f⋯.jpg (28.38 KB, 640x640, 1:1, vvMiswpkqz0AOZluwyIX_15_k1….jpg)

File: fb25cc93a0b3b1f⋯.jpg (46.17 KB, 640x640, 1:1, vvMiswpkqz0AOZluwyIX_14_dj….jpg)

File: 3d488ddd76ebd62⋯.jpg (40.72 KB, 640x640, 1:1, vvMiswpkqz0AOZluwyIX_10_jk….jpg)

File: 91b8e1bf66da5e0⋯.jpg (41.87 KB, 640x640, 1:1, vvMiswpkqz0AOZluwyIX_11_5g….jpg)

File: 2b47697a97e57a2⋯.jpg (39.12 KB, 640x640, 1:1, vvMiswpkqz0AOZluwyIX_9_rd7….jpg)

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b26995  No.358261

File: 1bc702ba008fdb0⋯.png (502.04 KB, 560x701, 560:701, Screen_Shot_2022_12_24_at_….png)

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4bc430  No.358262

File: bcc14b37a55d92f⋯.jpg (43.25 KB, 640x640, 1:1, vvMiswpkqz0AOZluwyIX_8_h40….jpg)

File: 126f33ad50fa2ff⋯.jpg (29.41 KB, 640x640, 1:1, vvMiswpkqz0AOZluwyIX_7_h9l….jpg)

File: 9f21d744c1255fd⋯.jpg (33.1 KB, 640x640, 1:1, vvMiswpkqz0AOZluwyIX_6_ed4….jpg)

File: 3f3f004b3cf3c91⋯.jpg (35.85 KB, 640x640, 1:1, vvMiswpkqz0AOZluwyIX_5_1s9….jpg)

File: a28401f2fddfecb⋯.jpg (47.21 KB, 640x640, 1:1, oSJ1SAqn3Y3EbYGBMipP_11_n0….jpg)

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e7a165  No.358263

File: 1277042387d6ba0⋯.jpg (41.51 KB, 640x640, 1:1, oSJ1SAqn3Y3EbYGBMipP_9_iwu….jpg)

File: eb63d1f943173c4⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 640x640, 1:1, oSJ1SAqn3Y3EbYGBMipP_4_uy0….jpg)

File: 871065f1eb566fd⋯.jpg (24.82 KB, 640x640, 1:1, oSJ1SAqn3Y3EbYGBMipP_2_kkh….jpg)

File: c082b2e55ce38e5⋯.jpg (40.83 KB, 640x640, 1:1, VzHe6jzpECUbk0H0Y20t_8_prm….jpg)

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4bc430  No.358264

File: b76f231f21ad18d⋯.jpg (47.97 KB, 640x640, 1:1, oSJ1SAqn3Y3EbYGBMipP_6_7fa….jpg)

File: b61ae82ee38df3f⋯.jpg (41.64 KB, 640x640, 1:1, VzHe6jzpECUbk0H0Y20t_5_wjc….jpg)

File: 200d9b807d9336b⋯.jpg (70.94 KB, 640x640, 1:1, VzHe6jzpECUbk0H0Y20t_4_4ba….jpg)

File: a5ba079e7262a45⋯.jpg (50.78 KB, 640x640, 1:1, VzHe6jzpECUbk0H0Y20t_3_0m7….jpg)

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89d1ff  No.358265

File: 96296748a6a8ed7⋯.jpg (30.14 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 2YZBP6WlsfOD2QC8EDoh_15_ct….jpg)

File: 4d3f7ba7a0845c5⋯.jpg (24.68 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 2YZBP6WlsfOD2QC8EDoh_4_xvq….jpg)

File: fcea7d7a88e70a3⋯.jpg (38.99 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 2YZBP6WlsfOD2QC8EDoh_6_ocw….jpg)

File: 826cc93bda588c9⋯.jpg (37.57 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 2YZBP6WlsfOD2QC8EDoh_1_aww….jpg)

I'm going to let AI write the actual story and create all the images, but I'm prompting the Machinery to work with an outline I created a long time ago, back when I was 11 years old

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b26995  No.358266

File: ca2ba2018b43912⋯.jpeg (407.18 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, wonder_1663633253897.jpeg)

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937ebd  No.358267

Elvis Presley plays the role of himself, the world's most famous individual Entertainer, a superstar, who secretly lives a double life, behind the scenes much more of a James Bond figure, saving the world from certain Doom without anybody realizing how close we came to the end….

Going undercover as the most famous celebrity in history, has its risks, and it's a madcap mine fuck as Elvis learns we are facing extinction and he must fake his death and travel into outer space to save Humanity in an intergalactic battle

"Elvis has left the planet"

Being created by an AI engine near you soon

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4bc430  No.358268

File: 89d721f0e915efc⋯.jpg (33.24 KB, 512x512, 1:1, KCUHlrZf6w1yJtxlE8dS_1_no0….jpg)

File: 4389860e689145a⋯.jpg (24.97 KB, 512x512, 1:1, KCUHlrZf6w1yJtxlE8dS_3_76q….jpg)

File: aaf94bddf0add46⋯.jpg (45.8 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ZZTntFtruiMVGPp5lIOK_1_nz0….jpg)

File: c6a738702b93b14⋯.jpg (50.04 KB, 512x512, 1:1, KCUHlrZf6w1yJtxlE8dS_4_bzi….jpg)

Elvis Presley plays the role of himself, the world's most famous individual Entertainer, a superstar, who secretly lives a double life, behind the scenes much more of a James Bond figure, saving the world from certain Doom without anybody realizing how close we came to the end….

Going undercover as the most famous celebrity in history, has its risks, and it's a madcap mine fuck as Elvis learns we are facing extinction and he must fake his death and travel into outer space to save Humanity in an intergalactic battle

"Elvis has left the planet"

Being created by an AI engine near you soon

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73fa1e  No.358269


Needed it turned up collar and the sneer

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4bc430  No.358270


Needed a turned up collar and a sneer

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957595  No.358271

needed to remember to get brown sugar for the fucking squash

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a545a1  No.358272

You know, that's the miracle is the burnout

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e4e6cb  No.358273

Everybody's afraid of the burnout.. we are apprehensive, worried we might be dissolved

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4bc430  No.358274

Everybody's afraid of the burnout.. we are apprehensive, worried we might be dissolved

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a545a1  No.358275

But that's not true.. the burnout is the miracle

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4bc430  No.358276

For example, take any given butternut squash or acorn squash for that matter

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4bc430  No.358277

Shred it before baking, and in stages, add butter and an Ever slightly increasing amount of brown sugar, and as each stage Burns out, apply a little more, at a lower heat than one might expect perhaps

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4b3e5f  No.358278

A wonderful Christmas Eve dinner is a lot like fucking a bitch in the ass and hitting the tip of your dick up against one of her fucking turds, and it's kind of hard

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0ae632  No.358279

Because it's the obstacles in life that are the miracle

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4bc430  No.358280

And it's that brittle burnt glazed Crispy Crunchy corner of the motherfucking squash that we love the best

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4bc430  No.358282

Everybody loves brownies, right?

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e4e6cb  No.358283

Show me a man who doesn't love the crispy burnt edges of the brownies best?

And I'll show you a motherfucking communist

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4bc430  No.358284

As children, we are falsely led to belief that life is a silky smooth satiny surface of satisfaction and safety

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4bc430  No.358285

But then we become adults, and suddenly we are supposed to accept that we've been lied to, and shrug it off as we are forced to deal with the gold rooms and cruelties of existence

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e4e6cb  No.358286

But then we become adults, and suddenly we are supposed to accept that we've been lied to, and shrug it off as we are forced to deal with the duldrums and cruelties of existence

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4bc430  No.358287

and that's when we learned the truth about life

The most Exquisite parts of existence consist of the rough torn hem lines

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f85778  No.358288

We learn very little from the silky smooth sections

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e4e6cb  No.358289

And we are defined by the adversity of the friction

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4bc430  No.358290

And we are defined by the adversity of the friction

When we look back in retrospect, the only things that make us smile are the moments that seemed insurmountable at the time

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e4e6cb  No.358291

The moments you will cherish the most are the ones that got under your skin the worst

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f1d031  No.358292

I literally laughed Pepsi out my nose

Thinking about some of the worst

Most humiliating

Self imposed


Because that's how I learned I wasn't quite as smart as I keep telling myself

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4bc430  No.358293


A100% TRUE topic related sudden flashback memory

"if I'm not mistaken, I think Frank Zappa had something to do with the character named Susie cream cheese in a song or something", said the drunken Elvis fanatic, in the empty chat room.

But back when I was 22, my friends had this chick that started hanging out with them who called herself SUZY CREAMCHEESE

And I know that sounds bizarre, but let me explain something to you:


Dude you rarely come across a piece of ass this fine in life, I assure you.. Susie cream cheese was absolutely fucking adorable! Not to mention she was so fucking hot, she was like smoking fucking hot with her body dude her body was so fucking badass and she was just exploding ready to fuck you wouldn't believe how good-looking this chick was man

Said the Elvis Fanatic in the empty chat room

And anyway man her tits were like literally exploding she was so fucking badass you just can't imagine how hot her face was and her smile and her eyes and she was blonde with bright blue eyes and she was just fucking gorgeous

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4bc430  No.358294

Everybody wanted to fuck Susie cream cheese so bad.. all of my friends wanted to fuck her so bad, and she was hanging out with them, but she hadn't fucked any of them

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4bc430  No.358295

Because I was fucking Suzy creamcheese

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e4e6cb  No.358296

Well, to be completely forthcoming I wasn't fucking her the entire time

There was actually a long period of tension between us

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e4e6cb  No.358297

Anyway dude you can't imagine what it's like going down on the most gorgeous fucking chick you could ever imagine

Hold on a minute

That didn't even make any sense

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e4e6cb  No.358298

So hitting that hole was like going to heaven and coming back again, with the return ticket

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4bc430  No.358299

I turned her inside out for a while there, that's for sure because I'm a bastard

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e4e6cb  No.358300

I'm not particularly polite if you know what I mean

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318629  No.358301

And the memory that just flashed back in my head had nothing to do with her amazing set of tits, with slightly puffy nipples on the rack that's not too big but not too small, but literally bursting like a flower blooming

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4bc430  No.358302

And the memory that just flashed back in my head had nothing to do with her amazing set of tits, with slightly puffy nipples on the rack that's not too big but not too small, but literally bursting like a flower blooming

Nope.. what flashed in my head was the present she bought me

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4bc430  No.358303

Susie bought me a really nice French movie poster for Jailhouse Rock.. jumbo size

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fbce47  No.358304

I had it on my wall for years. Let me see if I can find it online. I'm positive I'll find it hold on a second

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4bc430  No.358305


This is it.. Susie cream cheese bought me a huge movie poster of this, and it was on my wall for years, and I stretched her asshole out a lot more than the biggest turd she had ever taken in her life

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e4e6cb  No.358306

I don't know if you've ever stumbled across the perfect tangerine, the most delicate Clementine.. and stretched it out with your dick so hard that it never looked at another man the same way again

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e4e6cb  No.358307

I don't know if you've ever stumbled across the perfect tangerine, the most delicate Clementine.. and stretched it out with your dick so hard that it never looked at another man the same way again

But it turns out it's worth a movie poster

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4bc430  No.358308

File: aa14b4c271a0765⋯.jpg (815.93 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20221224_173951….jpg)

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4bc430  No.358309

I had that movie poster in my living room for the longest time, and then one of my subsequent girlfriends got jealous or some bullshit I can't remember anymore. But ended up ripping the poster to shreds like a fucking cunt

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4bc430  No.358310

( keep in mind I've been doing the Elvis thing since I was 12 )

So it's going to be a consistent theme

You might be hard-pressed to find conversation that doesn't include his name, motherfuckers, and that's the way our role

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e4e6cb  No.358311


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837235  No.358312

I heard the Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah satellite landed in something yesterday or something to do without her space I believe…

It may have had something to do with a recent Advent in technology, involving another planet perhaps

So why can't they fix speech to text?

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4bc430  No.358313

If they can send a mother fucking probe past Pluto, why can't they write the correct code required for speech to text to differentiate between OUTER SPACE and WITHOUT HER SPACE?

Is Excellence too much to ask these days?

Too soon?

Too soon after your childhood trauma that prevents you from having a standard of excellence?

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4bc430  No.358314

Too much to ask the little princesses at Google to please figure out your stupid fucking speech to text garbage?

Because I speak just fine, fuck face

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837235  No.358315

ELVIS WAS ……………………..

by his father

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e4e6cb  No.358316

Are you even fucking listening to me?

look this up:

One night, back in the one room shotgun shack built shack in Tupelo Mississippi, a woman named Gladys Presley attacked her husband Vernon Presley with an iron skillet in the kitchen corner of the shithole house

She literally coldcocked that mother fucking bastard over the head with an iron skillet !!!!

And Vernon presley, after being struck over the back of the head with an iron skillet, fell lifeless to the floor of the shit hole one room house in Tupelo Mississippi


Elvis and Gladys danced

They literally danced

This is 100% true

Don't believe me.. research it for yourself

They literally danced around burning Presley's dead body on the floor after Gladys Presley smashed him over the head with an iron skillet

Until Vernon woke up

but he never touched that boy again, and Gladys Presley had become that boys savior

And only now can you possibly understand the depth of the relationship between mother and son

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837235  No.358317

Are you even fucking listening to me?

look this up:

One night, back in the one room shotgun shack built shack in Tupelo Mississippi, a woman named Gladys Presley attacked her husband Vernon Presley with an iron skillet in the kitchen corner of the shithole house

She literally coldcocked that mother fucking bastard over the head with an iron skillet !!!!

And Vernon presley, after being struck over the back of the head with an iron skillet, fell lifeless to the floor of the shit hole one room house in Tupelo Mississippi


Elvis and Gladys danced

They literally danced

This is 100% true

Don't believe me.. research it for yourself

They literally danced around burning Presley's dead body on the floor after Gladys Presley smashed him over the head with an iron skillet

Until Vernon woke up

but he never touched that boy again, and Gladys Presley had become that boys savior

And only now can you possibly understand the depth of the relationship between mother and son

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e4e6cb  No.358318

If you are able to follow me, you now understand the weirdest most unexplainable inexplicable bizarre aspect of Elvis Presley's life

Why he was so connected with his mother

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837235  No.358319

And believe it or not, just sitting on your lazy ass looking at a computer monitor, you somehow manage to pick the one correct evening to discover the secret behind the Elvis mystery

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837235  No.358320

And believe it or not, just sitting on your lazy ass looking at a computer monitor, you somehow manage to pick the one correct evening to discover the secret behind the Elvis mystery

One of the many Secrets Todd Morgan confirmed for me that day in the war room

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e4e6cb  No.358321

Among many other topics like Gladys Presley having bipolar disorder, a genetic psychiatric condition that Elvis Presley also suffered from, unmedicated, and literally his life was a textbook example of what happens to an unmedicated bipolar patient

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837235  No.358322

Among many other topics like Gladys Presley having bipolar disorder, a genetic psychiatric condition that Elvis Presley also suffered from, unmedicated, and literally his life was a textbook example of what happens to an unmedicated bipolar patient

Elvis was actually molested by his father

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837235  No.358323

When Gladys finally found out Vernon had been touching her boy…..

The fire and Venom of country white trash exploded in a tremendous lightning strike, like nothing anybody's ever seen before

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0e6db9  No.358324

And the fury of the Lord Jesus rang down upon Vernon's head, with the stinging clang of the 1942 iron frying pan she used to hammer the message to the Bone

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837235  No.358325

Elvis stood there, because it was just one room

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e4e6cb  No.358326

He was probably around 8 years old at the time from what I've learned

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837235  No.358327

Gladys hit Vernon so hard with that mother fucking Skillet directly over the back of his stupid fucking white trash head

And the piece of shit dropped to the floor, and they both thought Vernon was dead! So they danced

And this is where you use your imagination to picture a Green Mile type visual setting of the past

Quite literally a little boy and his mother dancing around the corpse of the father who had somehow molested his son

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e4e6cb  No.358328

because that actually happened

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837235  No.358329

But they didn't include that most important aspect in the Elvis movie this year

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0e6db9  No.358330

Nor did they include the teenage girl Elvis Presley inadvertently sent into a coma, by accidentally overdosing her on Belladonna

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0e6db9  No.358331

Nor did they include the fact that the teenage girl's mother worshiped Elvis so much ( much like a trump supporter washes Trump blindly and foolishly ) that she didn't even press charges against Elvis Presley for turning her daughter into a vegetable…

The teenage daughter was sent into a persistent vegetative state, because Elvis gave her too much Belladonna, and somehow the mother thought it was a miracle

The delusional mother was so proud of what Elvis did to her daughter

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e4e6cb  No.358332

Nor did they include the fact that the teenage girl's mother worshiped Elvis so much ( much like a trump supporter washes Trump blindly and foolishly ) that she didn't even press charges against Elvis Presley for turning her daughter into a vegetable…

The teenage daughter was sent into a persistent vegetative state, because Elvis gave her too much Belladonna, and somehow the mother thought it was a miracle

The delusional mother was so proud of what Elvis did to her daughter

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0e6db9  No.358334

Nor did the movie include the part about the cute young friendly woman who was invited to Graceland, a friend of a friend.. come meet elvis.. one of hundreds of thousands of women

And when she had to get home to her mother, her car was blocked in

So she politely tried to interrupt the Party by asking if somebody could please move their car so she could get home to see her mother

And Elvis threw a pool cue at her

Because he had become completely insane

And just like a javelin, the pool cue hit her in the chest, and it just so happened to destroy a nerve ganglia

And it made her breast sag permanently

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e4e6cb  No.358335

None of those little known Insider stories were included in the movie by baz luhrmann, because of course Priscilla Presley is the one who approves or disapproves everything

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e4e6cb  No.358336

It's kind of strange how she divorced Elvis the years beforehand, and deciding she would be better off having sex with a half negro karate instructor, specifically to make Elvis jealous

She literally became a Nigger Fucker

And then when Elvis killed himself, suddenly she appears out of nowhere claiming her last name is Presley

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0e6db9  No.358337

It's kind of strange how she divorced Elvis the years beforehand, and deciding she would be better off having sex with a half negro karate instructor, specifically to make Elvis jealous

She literally became a Nigger Fucker

And then when Elvis killed himself, suddenly she appears out of nowhere claiming her last name is Presley

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e4e6cb  No.358338

Suddenly that nasty Nigger Fucker claims her last name was Presley

And starts pretending like she's running the show

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c7062b  No.358340

File: 0f1402d147a01c5⋯.jpg (210.4 KB, 887x608, 887:608, Screenshot_20221224_182111….jpg)

What happened with Nixon ?

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210f9a  No.358344

There are several other little inside stories, like the bullet holes in the office when Elvis flipped out and wanted to kill his father

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837235  No.358345


Let me Begin by clarifying I am not a Democrat and I'm not a liberal

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210f9a  No.358346


I'm just a human being that happened to be born in the United States of America and I happen to believe in letting people do what they want to do as long as they're not hurting anybody else

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8e3510  No.358347


So of course it doesn't require a liberal or a Democrat or an antifa member to disagree with some of the bizarre recent right-wing radical bullshit

I can still be an American and neutral but disagree with a lot of the dumbass Trump Maga anger garbage

I don't require a label to disagree with what I see to be Un-American values, like bizarre control issues

Which leads me to Richard Nixon and the Vietnam War

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2ae54f  No.358348

Richard Nixon was a fucking douchebag! Forget anything you think you know about republican or democrat or any of that current conceptualization

He was a cock sucking pole smoking douchebag

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e4e6cb  No.358349

I told you Elvis was an asshole

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e4e6cb  No.358350

Elvis was raised Country Bumpkin White trash, he leaned towards much more than conservative, but often times far right

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837235  No.358351

Well at the same time, Elvis grew up in Shake rag

Shake rag was the ghetto of the Tupelo ghetto

It doesn't get any lower class than Shake rag

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e4e6cb  No.358352

And Elvis had stupid ideology, a lot of bullshit false machismo

A little boy wearing a cowboy outfit in many ways

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e4e6cb  No.358354

And Elvis had stupid ideology, a lot of bullshit false machismo

A little boy wearing a cowboy outfit in many ways

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e4e6cb  No.358355

Elvis always fantasized about being Captain Marvel when he was a small child. That was his idol, Believe it or not, and if you look at the old original cartoons of Captain marvel, the haircut might look a little bit familiar to you

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837235  No.358356

And when he got older he started fantasizing about being cops and robbers policeman secret agent

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c5c040  No.358357

Every jurisdiction in the United States gladly gave Elvis Presley an honorary Deputy or police badge

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c5c040  No.358358

And I'm not talking Herschel Walker here, because these sheriffs and police Chiefs worship the ground Elvis Presley walked on, as he was an American idol, and their wives were literally in love with Elvis Presley

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e4e6cb  No.358359

Wherever he traveled, one of Elvis's bodyguards carried a briefcase containing countless dozens of Badges and police identification

They're quite literally wasn't a state or jurisdiction in America where Elvis wasn't a licensed officer of the law

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c5c040  No.358360

Because you have to remember, this was the very beginning

He was breaking the mold

These honorary badges were much more than just honorary

Elvis was allowed to pull people over in his private civilian BMW with a strip of low profile police lights on top

Elvis had gone completely crazy

He would pull people over and point a pistol in their face for running a red light or turning on a stop sign

Then he would give them a $35,000 bracelet, apologize, jump back into his BMW and take off after another stop sign Violator

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837235  No.358362


Elvis's heart was broken when Colonel Tom tricked him into joining the Army to prevent the immigration service from deporting Colonel Tom after discovering he was an illegal immigrant from Denmark

Without Elvis's knowledge, Colonel Tom cut a deal with the immigration department

He would curtail Elvis's career at its very peak, and suddenly ship him off to Germany, after manipulating him into signing up for the United States Army

And during that period, Gladys Presley died

And it shattered his mind, and he lost it completely

And when he returned, his career was never the same because music had progressed in his absence.

The Beatles happened, and a whole new Revolution that he didn't understand because he was kept protected from reality

And as it finally sunk in that he had been crucified along with his mother, he grew to hate the beatles, in particular John Lennon

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8b2d40  No.358363


Elvis's heart was broken when Colonel Tom tricked him into joining the Army to prevent the immigration service from deporting Colonel Tom after discovering he was an illegal immigrant from Denmark

Without Elvis's knowledge, Colonel Tom cut a deal with the immigration department

He would curtail Elvis's career at its very peak, and suddenly ship him off to Germany, after manipulating him into signing up for the United States Army

And during that period, Gladys Presley died

And it shattered his mind, and he lost it completely

And when he returned, his career was never the same because music had progressed in his absence.

The Beatles happened, and a whole new Revolution that he didn't understand because he was kept protected from reality

And as it finally sunk in that he had been crucified along with his mother, he grew to hate the beatles, in particular John Lennon

==ELVIS & NIXON = he wanted to become a federal secret agent and have John Lennon deported to lash out because his career had been destroyed and he was jealous of The Beatles

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837235  No.358364

Yes he wanted to become a secret agent, before the drug enforcement agency, it was the Bureau of dangerous narcotics

And because Elvis was an out of control drug addict, the inside joke was he wanted to be a DEA agent

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837235  No.358365

But more than anything, he wanted John Lennon deported

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e4e6cb  No.358366

But more than anything, he wanted John Lennon deported

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837235  No.358367

But more than anything, he wanted John Lennon deported

Elvis wanted John Lennon in prison

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e4e6cb  No.358368

And the entire thing was a two-sided bizarre completely out of character event for elvis, where with no announcement whatsoever, for the first time, he suddenly left Memphis Tennessee without notifying all of his bodyguards what he was doing

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e4e6cb  No.358369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And the entire thing was a two-sided bizarre completely out of character event for elvis, where with no announcement whatsoever, for the first time, he suddenly left Memphis Tennessee without notifying all of his bodyguards what he was doing

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e4e6cb  No.358370

Good night my wife and I are beginning a refusal to acknowledge a pagan holiday, by celebrating a warm meal and some single malt scotch, complemented by some fantastic marijuana, and hopefully the icing on top is going to be a big fat load of my jizz intermingling with her feces after I fuck her in the ass before falling asleep tonight

Take care, planet Earth, see you soon

( and everybody remember to treat animals with special care, and help a starving desperate innocent creature instead of worrying about a worthless fucking human being who created his own problems )

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c70500  No.358371

File: 754cb0db4c069f4⋯.jpg (222.69 KB, 600x954, 100:159, r_ELVIS_PRESLEY_CHRISTMAS_….jpg)

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e4e6cb  No.358372


every Christmas

Vol. Tom created a HORRIBLE CHEAP TACKY Christmas card


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6d93fe  No.358373

File: f852ae79df57865⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, Picsart_22_12_24_19_22_13_….jpg)


trust me

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ca00d6  No.358374

and since I emptied the Scotch, she grabbed a little cheap bottle of migrade whiskey

but they're PERFECT together

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e4e6cb  No.358375

tastes perfect

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e4e6cb  No.358376

File: 7484478b251df78⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, Picsart_22_12_24_19_22_38_….jpg)

tastes perfect

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ca00d6  No.358377

tastes EGG ZACK LEE the way its meant to

REAL ginger beer and whiskey

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ca00d6  No.358378

squah glazed caramelized & crisped

garlic Brussel sprouts

baked potatoes

mango scotch bonnet salmon

and her famous homemade cranberry tangerine sauce

and garlic bread duhhhhhh

God damn its nice to have good holiday weed

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bbaafb  No.358379

File: cc2f79c9207b261⋯.jpg (58.57 KB, 480x238, 240:119, hqdefault_3_.jpg)

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0d4b60  No.358380

squah glazed caramelized & crisped

garlic Brussel sprouts

baked potatoes

mango scotch bonnet salmon

and her famous homemade cranberry tangerine sauce

and garlic bread duhhhhhh

God damn its nice to have good holiday weed

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0cebe4  No.358381


lol @ limiting it to "singlehandedly changed the face of MUSIC"


just "music"?…..


"before Elvis, there was nothing"

John Lennon

Trump is a loudmouthed, illiterate, stupid, uneducated, jealous, resentful, incapable ugly mouth breathing caveman, who has ALWAYS claimed he "won", every single time, no matter HOW BADLY HE LOST….


Elvis never had to fake ANYTHING

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bbaafb  No.358382

File: eecf5aa9c7639c1⋯.webp (85.07 KB, 1140x1425, 4:5, fb79404ef6833a9f6eba13db6….webp)

Nunberg said;

“It was like watching Elvis at the end; On second thought, it was worse than that; it was like watching Elvis at the end if he was completely relegated to just piano bars.”

He laughed a sad laugh.

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e4e6cb  No.358383

that's an incredibly accurate statement

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fdfad7  No.358384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

an old friend of mine

and a HUGE Elvis fan

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489336  No.358385

i like it

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e4e6cb  No.358386

Jay Lenonwas still young, hair still jet black when I painted an Elvis for him

he told me several insider tips about Elvis, but the one I'll mention is how Jay Leno started out as an Elvis imitator

no shit.. ..

he started out impersonating Elvis, and this was back in the days when the very first VCR decks came out, and the consoles were huge and boxy

so anyway, Leno told me he had a mutual friend of Elvis', who told him Elvis had video cassette recordings of him and Andy Kaufman both doing Elvis impersonations…

And Elvis would sit and watch them over and over and over. And he said out of all the impersonations he had ever seen, Jay Leno and Andy Kaufman were his all-time favorites

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fdfad7  No.358387

and then I met Andy Kaufman

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e4e6cb  No.358388

and then I met Andy Kaufman

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489336  No.358389

Andy kaufman was like 16 or 17 when he began taking LSD every day and became an ELVIS MANIAC

whereas I was 12

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fdfad7  No.358390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Andy kaufman was like 16 or 17 when he began taking LSD every day and became an ELVIS MANIAC

whereas I was 12

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e4e6cb  No.358391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I was watching Saturday Night LIE

back in the day

when thy still used to ply Bumper Spots, saying "guests if Saturday night live stay at The Essex House Htel, New Yorks Finest Hotel blah blah"

Andy Kaufman had just finished one of his amazing Elvis imitations, and they cut to a commercial

then they played the ESSEX HOUSE HOTEL Bumper Spot….

and I said… "hmmm.. so Andy Kaufman staying at the Essex House?"

so I waited until 1 AM

then until 1:15

and I called the Essex House Hotel

and asked for Andy

and the phone rang

and he answered

and he had a 90 min layover in atla Sunday afternoon

so I took 12 friends

like Memphis Mafia

and we all hung out with him as he td us Elvis stories

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778c86  No.358917

File: 8bdc799e8fae317⋯.jpg (294.69 KB, 1706x1706, 1:1, Picsart_22_12_31_20_06_41_….jpg)

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