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eb746d  No.357158

In the aftermath of the Balenciaga saga, is it possible that more and more information is being leaked out? Perhaps someone insider, like Q, would want to do a series of exposes regarding the vile and abominable ring of cp? How do they hide things in plain sight? Perhaps pay special attention to social media posts containing the keywords "fish", "fillet", and "Pisces"? Two fish facing opposite directions? Something more than just delicious fish? What about fish and chips? Is it possible that they are served with pizza? Stay tuned for more.

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d856a3  No.357161


Q was never an insider. Q was always a fat senile pig farmer and his mongrel son playing a prank that you idiots fell for and sent your entire life savings to.

It's literally just fish and pizza is literally just pizza and you're an entire useless faggot if you think otherwise. Kill yourself.

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2f7a0b  No.357165


I wouldn't be so fast to judge him on that. How did Q know about Ascension and Project Nightingale wayyy before they were reported on MSM?

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2f7a0b  No.357166

File: c0cd9a0ea5148bc⋯.webp (90.02 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, PMOCK_1500x.webp)

File: 39b81f26cf31c24⋯.webp (105.18 KB, 3000x2318, 1500:1159, il_fullxfull_3166192514_6….webp)

File: 2ea86167c40342d⋯.jpg (15.01 KB, 500x375, 4:3, s_l500.jpg)

Next time you see the Pisces symbol displayed on a car, you know what it means. https://8kun.top/pnd/res/357158.html#q357158

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d856a3  No.357167


Because the MSM isn't the only source of information. Google itself was talking about it openly, as were the tech zines, years before Jim and Ron started bringing it up. However, since you live inside a very tiny bubble, it was news TO YOU, but not to anyone who actually follows the tech rags.

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b039d3  No.357171



for more WHAT?..

more of you not having anything better to do with your boring existence then to sit around on your lazy ass, trying to fabricate non-existent correlations between reality and your fantasy world that makes your lack of relevance seem more understandable to you?

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