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62.66044, 143.66586

b45315  No.356797

Mind Manipulation, Black Magic Ritual Dark Practices Are The Dangerous Enemy Of The Society

Source, More info:

http://thesaviorisyou. aimoo. com/topic/Mind_Manipulation__Black_Magic_Ritual_Dark_Practices_Are_The_Dangerous_Enemy_Of_The_Society-888017-24989-1



Life is the flow of many different type of unseen energy.

In many nations from the East to the West, there are too many “cheating” actions of humans over others, from the top to the bottom, from the normal citizen to world leaders.

They are using many secret hidden technique to manipulate other via mind, thought, some even attack, control other humans like animals via various methods such as black magic ritual, dark practices.

The society would be much more healthy and balance if they do not using those kind of stupid practices just for temporary little gain in short period of time, but in exchange they was in fact build more negative bad karma for themselves since they are all the external power.

I don’t care much about those stupid practice because they are cannot do any harm to me since I have fully evolve to beyond God level and out of the circle of life death rebirth but some of beings nearby me have not yet.

Last month, I have discovered the “dark negative energy” have blocked me with the rest of the world for about 2 years is from a “dark practice” attacked one member in my living family in Vietnam.

The more stupid problem is the people who in charge of the authority government in Vietnam did support them.

In the West, they only using ritual of burning in general.

But in the East, they are using dark practice to control mindset over other living human and even deceiving the ghost to form “black energy” to either attack or protect someone.

There is even an underground market buy sell trade for those crazy stupid inhuman things in Asia especially in Vietnam, China, Lao, Cambodia, Thailand, the the buyers often the big figure in the society.

It may very hard and difficult to explain with most of you because those thing nearly do not exist in any English country but those practice are real threat to the society because many big public figure who are rich and famous are using it.

I am calling all the military around the world make their public move to defeat those stupid beings/entities.

All people who have any connection with beings who practicing black magic ritual or any dark practices that are trying to control, enslave other humans must not be in charge of any government or any international organization.

I am fully know the working mechanism and how those type of that stupid group are running, operating.

So if any military or beings want to know more about this matter, subject, feel free to contact with me as early as possible.

And to those who are practicing those stupid things, you need to remember that they are only the external power not the permanent power of your body.

The only correct way to gain permanent power for yourselves is cultivate intelligent, knowledge, wisdom in life.

Best Regard,

The Savior Is You

Source, More info:http://thesaviorisyou. aimoo. com/topic/Mind_Manipulation__Black_Magic_Ritual_Dark_Practices_Are_The_Dangerous_Enemy_Of_The_Society-888017-24989-1https://thesaviorisyou.wordpress.com/2022/10/24/mind-manipulation-black-magic-ritual-dark-practices-are-the-dangerous-enemy-of-the-society/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a7y8iLM5zY

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09f8d2  No.356799

according to your mother, you've NEVER had a job. and after the car wreck, you became psychotic, not leaving the house for almost 3 years.

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09f8d2  No.356800

File: ae6fd8f71c0ced9⋯.png (1,58 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20221024_131037….png)


tell me about you being arrested for shoplifting at KOHLS….

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09f8d2  No.356801

File: 2a97dc90a00e0e1⋯.gif (302,09 KB, 376x480, 47:60, 2a97dc90a00e0e16b11dff2e24….gif)


When your mother and you were in the car wreck, did you by any chance sustain a head injury in the circled area of your forehead?

The reason I ask is because a traumatic injury to your frontal lobe may be responsible for your schizophrenia…

I'm amazed you're too stupid to file for SSI disability.

You are 32 years old, and you're still mooching off your mother instead of filing for SSI and helping her out like an adult would do.

Lazy and disrespectful. Stupid and psychotic…

Why is your skin such a weird color compared to Amanda's skin? Your skin has a certain greenish tone to it, similar to Roadkill…

Somewhere between jaundice and a corpse…

I'm beginning to think the dent in your forehead was caused by the car wreck and that's why you're so insane.

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09f8d2  No.356802


You are not a kid anymore, Ashley.. you're not even a teenager anymore…


You cannot continue to pretend you are immune to Life's responsibilities, wild placing all the burden onto other people.

It costs money to live, unfortunately enough for you… it's unfortunate for everybody, but it's a simple fact of life.


And your mother is not responsible for wiping your ass, nor is anybody else.

You are 32 years old. You became an adult 14 years ago… TIME TO GROW UP!!!

Since you absolutely refuse to get a job, no matter how many times your mother has asked you and pleaded for help, you can still help her out without getting a job

Your psychosis qualifies you for disability instantly…

And you've denied having schizophrenia to family and whatever friends you used to have before you burned all your Bridges…

Trust me you HAVE indeed got schizophrenia… so you CAN quickly be approved for SSI disability welfare benefits…

trust me, you are exactly why they have SSI disability in the first place, Ashley.

Although you're approval would happen quickly, you would still have to apply now, and wait perhaps a year or more before the approval…

What have you got to lose? Nothing in your daily life will change, you will still literally flush your life down the toilet, the same way you're doing right now…

But while you are busy telling yourself that you are turning into god, you will be collecting back payments, so when you finally get approved, you will suddenly get a $10,000 check…

That's right! You can still sit on your ass at the library pretending to be a Taiwanese Jesus who has been raped by everybody on planet Earthand get a $10,000 check next year!!!

After your initial back payments, you would begin receiving $780 every month for hanging out at the library and convincing yourself that you are a mystical Overlord that secretly controls the world through your Samsung tablet…



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09f8d2  No.356803


Believe it or not, if a person had both legs and both arms blown off, they probably wouldn't qualify for disability…

But if you actually think you are becoming god, you will be qualified almost automatically, even though they will make you wait a year or maybe even 18 months before approving you.

Psychiatric disorders take you to the front of the line when it comes to disability benefits…

I swear to God I'm not lying. Physical disabilities don't even raise an eyebrow when it comes to being approved.. you could be paralyzed from the neck down and they might not approve you for disability…

And it's not an insult when I say you had the organic psychiatric disorder known as schizophrenia.. not paranoid schizophrenia, but just good old-fashioned Garden variety dissociative schizophrenia….

And that's okay.. lots of people have it. You're not alone

So stop using your fragile ego as an excuse to continue criminally exploiting your poor mother financially.

Somebody who takes advantage of an old woman gets no respect from anybody….

And you're not the one paying for cigarettes or rent or electricity or food.

You are making a conscious decision every day to continue being a parasite…

You are intentionally behaving like a 32-year-old tapeworm, attached to your mother and taking advantage at every opportunity.

if you're not going to get your shit together, the least you could do is stop being a tapeworm and apply for SSI disability this week.

You can go to any disability attorney in Fond du Lac Wisconsin and they will do all the work for you…

The only effort you need to put into the project is signing your name to the papers…

And like I said, after applying for ssi, you can go right back to your insane daily routine of pretending to be a messiah Buddha Krishna Jesus God figure in an empty chat room while sitting in the Fond du Lac Public Library riding free Wi-Fi.

And while you are doing your daily psychotic normal behavior, you will be collecting money for your mother to help her out.

It's quite literally the LEAST you could do….

What kind of person sits on their ass for 32 years and refuses to help wipe it?

What kind of 32-year-old daughter victimizes her mother financially?

Why don't you get off your lazy ass ONE TIME and go sign up at a disability attorney office and begin the process of helping your mother out like a responsible self-respecting adult woman?

Absolutely nobody is attracted to a tapeworm. You will never have anybody in your life until you stop behaving like a goddamn worthless parasite. I'm disgusted in your decisions….

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09f8d2  No.356804


The real reason you need to take my advice and apply for SSI it's because you will finally respect yourself

You are not fooling me

You do not respect yourself

So how can anyone else respect you?

You are not happy with yourself

So how can anybody else be happy with you?

You are not proud of yourself

So how can anybody else be proud of you?

You don't even like yourself

So how can anyone else like you?


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09f8d2  No.356805

The only reason you haven't applied for SSI is because you refuse to acknowledge the fact that you have a psychiatric disorder.

Stop being such a coward.

1/3 of the human race has a psychiatric disorder.. and the other two-thirds have behavioral disorders..

There is no Stigma for you to be embarrassed about…

Respecting yourself Begins by embracing yourself for who and what you are, and you happen to have an illness, similar to somebody with diabetes.

It's a medical condition.

People with diabetes don't deny it…

What would be the purpose of denying that they have diabetes?

There's nothing to be embarrassed about…

the only thing you have to be embarrassed about is TAKING ADVANTAGE OF YOUR MOTHER

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09f8d2  No.356806


and it's DISGUSTING !!!


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