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c0c304  No.356790

Every National Currencies In Any Nations Should Have Limited Total Population Cap

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The world conflict about the current world financial system is all about the currencies.

You must treat the economy battle between nations like any normal sport.

In sport, each team always have total equal members at the start of the game.

And there is even some kind of rules to make sure that there are some minimum members at anytime of the match to keep the game/match balance and fair.

When you look at the global economic trade war between nations, some team/nation have to much advantage when have big population number such as China, India (about 17% of world population), the United States, European Union (over 300 million people each).

Thus that make the global currency system are not balance at all.

If you can have new international trading rule to limit total number of population each official national currency can have such as bellow 100 million to 200 million or the flexible below 1% – 2% of total world population, then all the current global conflict around economy trade war will stop instantly because all big team big nation must find new solution, new creation to “survive”, thus all will equal.

When that happen, all the USD, Euro, CNY, India Rupee will gone at international level (they may still exist at the domestic in-nation though).

You may ask how and what currency will be trade worldwide between nation.

The answer is that they can choose using currency with smaller population nation such as the Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Russia or they can have a new official common international currency like the one I have shared my ideas not long ago.

And those current big nation will must have new local currency in each state/zone/region if they want their currency have value at international level.

It is very easy to implement above idea and solution because most people understand know how the sport are running and what is the fairness about having equal member in a team.

So when you announce and give the public idea about a new rule for the world financial system about the limited total population cap each currency must have, then people will 99% support (except a tiny group).

Everybody, every nation should be equal, every currency should be equal as well.

So the new rule about total limited population cap for each national currency will be the game changing and life saving for all !

You cannot give those authority too much power, it only going to bring the destruction.

This is how you should do to defeat the current outdated world financial system, how to make the fiat money paper become more healthy, more balance between people, nations.

Best Regard,

The Savior Is You

Source, More Info:



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6195be  No.356792

File: 55f44f1e8f38c46⋯.png (234,01 KB, 2400x1080, 20:9, Picsart_22_10_23_22_54_19_….png)



r a n d o m


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798442  No.356793

and while you're at it, shave that monkey

if you could whack all your hair off like that, the LEAST you could do is landscape that steamy jungle down there, god dammit.

……I mean, jeeez….

you'll NEVER get a real nigga with a nappy stinkmonkey

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8e8a3a  No.356794

William Shatner is probably the most famous astronaut in the world. But of course, he's not an astronaut. He's an actor. The 91-year-old Canadian has been an icon since he played Captain Kirk in the original Star Trek series, which debuted in 1966.

But Captain Kirk, er, William Shatner, did actually go to space — last year, aboard a capsule piloted by Jeff Bezos's company Blue Origin. Shatner details his experiences in his new memoir Boldly Go.

"I was crying," Shatner told NPR. "I didn't know what I was crying about. I had to go off some place and sit down and think, what's the matter with me? And I realized I was in grief."

While he wasn't sure what to expect, Shatner did not predict this. He had been excited to travel to space, and had thought about it for nearly 60 years, but didn't think he'd be overwhelmed with sadness, or that he'd go through "the strongest feelings of grief" that he's ever experienced.

There's a name for what Shatner felt: it's called the "overview effect." The term was coined by space philosopher Frank White in his 1987 book of the same name.

"The overview effect is a cognitive and emotional shift in a person's awareness, their consciousness and their identity when they see the Earth from space," White told NPR. "They're at a distance and they're seeing the Earth … in the context of the universe."

This context was what struck Shatner the most.

"It was the death that I saw in space and the lifeforce that I saw coming from the planet — the blue, the beige and the white," he said. "And I realized one was death and the other was life."

According to White, everyone who travels to space experiences an "overview effect" — an emotional or mental reaction strong enough to disrupt that person's previous assumptions about humanity, Earth, and/or the cosmos. Everyone's overview effect is unique to them, but there are reactions that are more common than others.

White has interviewed more than 40 astronauts, and says that Shatner's response is typical. "People often cry when they first see the Earth from space," he said.

"I wept for the Earth because I realized it's dying," Shatner said. "I dedicated my book, Boldly Go, to my great-grandchild, who's three now — coming three — and in the dedication, say it's them, those youngsters, who are going to reap what we have sown in terms of the destruction of the Earth."

Astronauts often return with a greater distaste for war

After traveling to space, astronauts gain a greater understanding of how precious, and delicate, the Earth is. Many astronauts report that they were aware of climate change and global warming, but they became much more sensitive to the subject after traveling to space.

White said that one astronaut told him that the biggest lesson they learned from space travel was "the difference between intellectual knowledge and experiential knowledge."

"I saw more clearly than I have, with all the studying and reading I've done, the writhing, slow death of Earth and we on it," Shatner said.

"It's a little tiny rock with an onion skin air around it. That's how fragile it all is. It's so fragile. We hang by a thread … we're just dangling."

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2bb8e9  No.356795

I swear to God next time you post on my board I WILL contact the DA in Fond du lac

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