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93f372  No.356730

Open Letter From The Messiah To Help You Understand The Situation

Source: thesaviorisyou.wordpress.com


I am the real Messiah from ancient prophecies but most people do not really understand me, my thinking and world situation in general.

The true of life is that there are a lot of smart strong beings in life on Earth that similar to my level, but why don’t they show up or talk to help the rest?

Because they don’t have any interested in help others via talk, speak but prefer to act only.

And with the level mindset of most mortal human, it is nearly impossible to “decode” any hidden meaning of the master’s actions.

The only reason for me to talk loud and big in the internet platform is that I am not yet active super ability such as fly, teleport, etc. that’s why I able to help you guys via direct talk, communicate.

But there are very little beings/people who understand me and contact with me, that is why it is very difficult for me to help the entire society.

I can answer any question, giving out my personal experience, wisdom about how human body operating, how life truly are (here not only theory but also practice words to help you guys to test/verify).

Due to law of karma and the nature of how dangerous life is, I am not going to provide every knowledge I know for free, but there must be something in return to show that you are truly ready to receive and have strong will power enough to learn/study. Because I have already provided many free knowledge wisdom that good enough to extend longevity and become smarter person already for the last few years in many platforms, blogs.

So do not expect me The Messiah appear online like Jesus or become public leader in mainstream media, that is not going to happen.

I only talk and communicate with beings that give hope and trust into me, and through them the society then become better in some extend.

Best Regard,

The Messiah

Source: thesaviorisyou.wordpress.com

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