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49ee1c  No.356711

New World Financial System: Earth Natural Resources & People Made Goods




The battle about the world financial system between people, groups in the current society are go beyond the border zone between nations.

There are only 2 type of goods products in life: the first one made by Earth planet that already exist called as natural resources and the second one is made by humans.

The current world monetary system should change and have 2 new major international financial systems:

– The global Earth natural resources including everything like oil, gas, gold, silver, bronze, platinum, etc.

– The people made fiat money paper backed by the government like the ones we are still using today in 2020s.

So who will manage each new world economic system?

– The globalism group, the one who are thinking and treating all people are equal no matter their background, where they come from will control and manage the global Earth natural resources system.

– The nationalism group, the one prefer and want each nation are unique will control the fiat money paper that issued and backed by the authority.

Here including all people, all beings no matter their level of characters.

You can only pick 1 team 1 ideology, you cannot pick two because of special interest conflict thus lead to chaos.

How the new world financial system will running?

– The trade between nations about natural resources will using the “money, currency” that issued and exist in the new Earth natural resources system. Anything else will using the fiat money paper backed by the authority.

– The trade within each nation will be vary and up on each local government’s decision, but most likely will only using local fiat currency.

Exchange rate between currency from 2 system?

– There won’t be any fixed rule, thus it will be up by the people including every government.

– The new currency in the Earth natural resources system will most likely becoming the new world standard and new “foreign” currency.

Who will own the new Earth natural resources currency?

Unlike the current fiat money paper that can be manipulated, the new Earth natural resources currency will only allow real individual person own, all company must have 100% real person as the direct owner are allowed.

– There could be only 1 type of Earth natural resources currency or there will be “solid” + “non-solid” currency based on the products goods type. Gas, oil, etc. can have it own “non-solid” currency and the gold, silver, platinum, etc. will have it own “solid” currency.

– There could be only 1 new Earth natural resource currency or there will be few one like the continent currency such as Asia, Africa, Europe, Americas & Oceania.

When you have a new general currency for Earth natural resources that apply to all people, all nations, then the conflict related to natural resources will be removed.

But there is still a big question about national currencies that being used for the people made products goods services.

Then you need to find the common ground, common solution between the nationalism people from all nations.

Each people have it own ideology, some will prefer free choice of each local national government, some will prefer settle via coin toss, some will prefer settle via small military games or via sports, etc.

That’s task should be handled latter because the world must stop war first because of natural resources with the new world economic financial system that have new Earth natural resources system.

It is time for all people, beings choose sides: globalism or nationalism. You cannot pick both.

Both are safe for you, it is just a “bad actors” removed process to make life for fair, more balance to all.

There is no time left, no other choice !

Best Regard,

The Savior Is You




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