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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
62.66044, 143.66586

bae67a  No.356708

To Evolve, You Must Know Some Human Playing Roles In Real Life: Player, Coach, Observer, Referee




Real life is a complicated battle between people, there is very little information for people to learn, to know.

If you want to evolve, to grow, to increase your own level of your character, then you must know some basic life rules.

In most sport match, you often have players, coaches, observer and referee.

The final result of sport match is decide by the players the most, the rest are just some extra factor.

In your life and the “world” you know, there are also similar roles for various beings.

Majority of mortal human in this society are the “player” but they don’t know it yet.

There are very few “coach”, little “observer” and the unknown mystery “referee”.

If you want to know better the “game of life” then you should change your “role” from “player” to either “coach” or “referee” to “observer”.

The “referree”, “coach” are the one who do not direct “play” the game.

While the “observer” is the only one who stay out of the game/match completely.

The only way for you to become the “observer” is shutting down all the connection with the society as much as possible.

Do you know the secret of Gautama Buddha is that he did became a neutral “observer” to have more peace time to watch, analyze the entire game of life ?!

That peace time did help him able to unlock, figure out and understand what is meaning of life, to know the hidden eternal law of living, of creation at not only on Earth but the entire Universe as well.

The default life result of most mortal humans are dead at some point in the future already.

The only way for them to change that destiny is by switching the “role” from player or coach or referee to “observer”.

The more you try to “conquer” the world, to control the public people, the less likely they will able to fully understand the hidden secret of human body and life.

That simple rule apply to all the rich and the poor, to all classes, to beings, all entities.

If you want to switch the role to “observer”, I don’t think it is easy because only certain people who have enough “karma” and real life experience able to do it successfully.

Everything need preparation including evolution, ascension.

But you can give it a try if your feeling are good.

I do have all the hidden sacred material to help any of you become “God” and able to live to many thousand years if not forever, but you guys need contact and show me your desire.

Best Regard,

The Savior Is You




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