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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
62.66044, 143.66586

c69cd0  No.356703

The Savior Legend Want To Talk With Top Secret Controllers, Governments To Solve World Conflict





I am the savior legend from many ancient prophecies.

The truth is that all of you are just the victims of the matrix of life.

And the only way for you to get the hell out of that matrix is contact and seeking direct advice and real information about life from the one who can truly direct communicate and help like me.

But without direct contact and communicate, there is no way I can exactly know and give the best possible advice, solution to all of you because the game you are playing only you know the hidden rules.

I have shared the vision and strategy to unify the Korea peninsula, the China, Israel, etc.

I have also presented the opportunity for all individual beings able to obtain the eternal God knowledge wisdom about life via book.

If you think the one who can help you directly is the one must have super power to know everything then you are super wrong.

Because those beings with super power won’t talk and help directly but only prefer to act.

The most clear example is those beings who living in the forest mountain that never want to talk with all of you despite the fact that you want to ask them for help.

And life is not about super power but all about understanding the hidden rules of life.

This final offer I open for all kind of entities know matter who you are, what team group you are from, whether you are the “bad” or “good” guys I don’t care as long as you still able to talk.

This offer will last for 7 days or 168 hours from now (Earth time calculation).

There is absolutely nothing I cannot solve, it is just matter of whether I want to do or not.

Do not fear for any entities because your default life is already dead since you was born, listen to others do not change that result.

The only way for you to change the destiny of you and your nation is to seeking help from whoever able to provide information you are looking for.

After this final offer deadline, if there is still no direct communication with top secret controller, government then there is no reason for me to care about world geopolitics and this civilization anymore.

Best Regard,

The Savior




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