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File: b5a6518b580d5f8⋯.jpeg (189.83 KB, 654x800, 327:400, 7dd086368b989c2a.jpeg)

285793  No.354835

Replacement Migration is Invasion by any other Name https://www.bitchute.com/video/G0KPeXZbOdFe/

Nuff said! We are pro-White. We are for Whites. We won't play the egalitarian diversity equality game. We were born crippled so that is gonna be a no.

Hurtie words ahead. Flee Now.

Welcome to the Last sane outpost this side of Hell. Folks have a seat, lets tell a tale.

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41c6f7  No.354836

The root of all evil is low-level education that leaves people ignorant, stupid, immature, mentally/personally ill.

Anyone who is inspired or brainwashed by conspiracy theory, fake, pseudoscience, hoaxes, fortune-telling, or religion and is euphoric as "my knowledge is all true" is a victim of inappropriate low-level education.

Since we do not teach philosophy or psychology in compulsory education, children grow up to have a personality that lacks foresight, sympathy, self-control, problem-solving, logical thinking, self-affirmation, and various kinds of literacy.

All inexperienced people need NOT HATRED (information shut-out, jostle, neglect, punishment, exclusion), BUT LOVE (information exchange, hug, respect, forgiveness, tolerance, comfort, enlightenment, advanced and adequate higher-level education, psychotherapy counseling, salvation)

If you can't love them, it means that you need love first.

"Emotions Self-Responsibility Theory"

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41c6f7  No.354837

"I don't want educated people. I want oxen."

–Anastasio Somoza Sr, dictator of Nicaragua, 1936

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41c6f7  No.354838

"The Rockefellers learned nearly a century ago that there are two standard ways for one of their companies to absorb another corporation. If the firm to be acquired is much smaller, a "takeover" is the simplest procedure: buy 'em out. But if the competitor is more your equal, a "merger" must be arranged.

The same principles hold true among nations. No matter how much this country sends abroad as foreign aid, technical assistance, loans that are never repaid, or other largesse, there is simply no way another country-or even a bloc of countries-can be made powerful enough to take us over.

Recognizing this political fact of life the master planners devised the strategy of a merger - a Great Merger-among nations.

But before such a merger can be consummated, and the United States becomes just another province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal. How does one make the nations of the world more nearly equal? The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was needed; use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. The goal is not to bankrupt the United States, we must emphasize. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world.

Only a fascist-socialist dictatorship would have the power to accomplish such a "redistribution." Notice that the plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to meet theirs coming up.

You may be assured, however, that the Rockefellers and their allies are not talking about reducing their own quality of life. It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order."

–Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File ©1976

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6adf06  No.354839

We're living in a collapsed, downsized, outsourced economy in the grip of a medically supervised, planned democide.

They need replacement population to avoid ghost towns and gaping holes in certain demographics.

If the remnant of the middle class had a clue, there'd be civil war overnight.

for more detailed analysis see also:



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0d7ff7  No.354840









<it was going on for decades before covid. covid just provides the means and mechanism to accelerate the die off of the middle class.

<they might need some replacement population to help obfuscate the gaping holes in certain demographics ;) simple folk who blame the usa for the rampant drug violence in their home country who swear allegiance to the jesuits who rule and reign there.

<dios mio!


" Annals of Internal Medicine found additional information

A study in the Annals of Internal Medicine** examined information that previous studies did not. They recognized the problem with basing studies only on the few adverse events health care professionals report and looked for where they could get unrecorded information (covered in more detail near the bottom of this page).They concluded that 320,000 patients die unnecessarily in medicine in the USA each year. 320,000 is more Americans than died during the entire 8 years of World War II, our deadliest war."

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330bb5  No.354841

Life chances (Lebenschancen in German) is a theory in sociology which refers to the opportunities each individual has to improve their quality of life. The concept was introduced by German sociologistMax Weberin the 1920s.[1] It is a probabilistic concept, describing how likely it is, given certain factors, that an individual's life will turn out a certain way.[2] According to this theory, life chances are positively correlated with one's socioeconomic status.[3]

Opportunities in this sense refer to the extent to which one has access to resources, both tangible ones such as food, clothing and shelter, and intangible ones such as education and health care.[4] Life chances comprise the individual's ability to procure goods, have a career and obtain inner satisfaction; in other words, the ability to satisfy one's needs.[5]

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88a91a  No.354842

File: 32ec59ce3cd6bcf⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1260x1364, 315:341, kekekekeke.png)

I have found Hotwheels and sequestered him. kekekeke

I want the reward money in unmarked Australian bills.

I will be posting highly detailed instructions of how I want the money delivered in the coming days.

A disturbing video of me smacking him around a little bit may be produced and posted on Instagram if my demands and detailed instructions are not followed and executed as per said detailed instructions.

I don't want get evil about it, I just really need the money, so make sure to carefully follow the instructions! kekekekekekekekekeke

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acc02d  No.354843

File: c81de54de5198b3⋯.jpg (43.12 KB, 600x315, 40:21, richardbach1.jpg)

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c3ec5c  No.354862


Wacky. Now that is wacky.

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