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File: f7b0ea5762096d1⋯.jpeg (280.41 KB, 828x440, 207:110, Socialism_is_Tyranny.jpeg)

1d02c1  No.351929

Yep. WORLDWIDE, the Globalists are Losing Control.

Even in Canada.

'We, the People' are asserting our right to live our lives without constant coercion.


Major Pushback on the Canadian Government Using the Public's Money to Erect Concentration Camps


Beyond "WORTH IT".

It's Habbenin'!

btw, I chose this OP pic not only to provoke thought (rather than violence, which is what Leftist Progressives always try to provoke!), but because it was likely to irritate all the right people, in all the right ways; again, to hopefully provoke thought…

Think about what you're doing, and how your actions affect the world around you ⁠— especially your worldview ⁠— your weltanschauung

> inb4 hateful shrieking of minions…

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1d02c1  No.351935

File: 6432d70abdb8e8b⋯.png (6.76 KB, 327x154, 327:154, pompey_stop_quoting_law_we….png)


Threats of Tyrannical Political Violence by an Authoritarian Government (and the mobs they control) Are Easier to Implement on an Unarmed Populace.

Let That Be a Lesson to You.

Your guns are not just for hunting, or for target practice. Just you having them, and keeping them, and maintaining proficiency with them, makes it less likely that your government will threaten absolute authoritarian tyranny on your ass. (I said "less" likely. ButThe Globalists Are DESPERATE Now!They WILL Threaten — ALL of us — with More Tyranny — which is all they have, and have EVER had to offer the world they pretend to care so much about, and they laughingly assume that they are best positioned, (due to their self-perceived "exalted", "elite" stance), to be the stewards of…

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0c4124  No.351953


Nice video.

Yes, it's habbenin' worldwide!

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b622d3  No.351955


As long as the Constitutional USA is still operating zionism fails. We need to keep it alive just to spite them.

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1cd3ee  No.351981

…..shouldn't you be scraping the chicken feces off your boots?

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1cd3ee  No.351983


Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom?

Or is it Freedom Freedom freedom?

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1cd3ee  No.351984


YOU = the coward who made several vague ambiguous THREATS OF VIOLENCE when you couldn't process the fact that YOUR TEAM LOST THE ELECTION


you're still angry, Maharishi


go apply for an increase in your welfare benefits, PRODUCTIVE CITIZEN

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1cd3ee  No.351985


YOU = insisted your team won


YOU = were proven wrong, BUT YOU LIED, and pretended not to realize you had lost


you're full of shit


GO BUY A CHEESY "TUXEDO DESIGN" TSHIRT, And sneak in backstage to a Tucker Carlson event…

See how close Tucker Carlson's bodyguards let you get to him, and that's where you'll find out what class separation is all about

Stop pretending to be a maharishi, you temper tantrum bitch

Stop pretending to be a sophisticated upper echelon elite, you CHICKEN COOP HICK

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1cd3ee  No.351986



NONE of your beliefs have value

You've proven yourself incapable of perception


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1cd3ee  No.351987


you're just like the rest of us, dipshit

You're a nobody

You're low class

You don't matter

You're the bottom rung

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1cd3ee  No.351988

Go watch some more MAINSTREAM CARLSON

and convince yourself that you're UPPER CRUST

washed-up old faggot

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1cd3ee  No.351989


It's hilarious how you waste your time convincing yourself that other people look to you for wisdom

You're an idiot

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1cd3ee  No.351990

FUCK YOU…… I haven't even started being impossible yet… just wait. Bitch…. I haven't forgotten your civil war threats

I honestly WISH you had the balls to try and back up your empty threats

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1cd3ee  No.351992

By the way, next month, I'm making a big announcement regarding YOUR THREATS OF CIVIL WAR

(Spoiler alert : I'm extending it to 3 years)

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1cd3ee  No.351993

I'll bring the war to your shitty computer monitor

And civility won't be part of it

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1cd3ee  No.351994

I can't think of a more wasted effort than a needle junkie pretending these it is a sophisticated upper Cris uppercrest Tucker Carlson type…

If you can't fool us, you certainly couldn't fool Carlson…

(as if simply being a junkie wasn't bad enough, SHARING NEEDLES with diseased junkies turned you into a walking dumpster/spermbank)

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1cd3ee  No.351995

File: e4abaa6a4e15f72⋯.jpg (383.13 KB, 2032x1080, 254:135, Picsart_22_09_04_09_16_33_….jpg)


and now you think the entire world is part of your DISEASED NEEDLE JUNKIE FANTASIES?

yo, HEP Chump…….


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1cd3ee  No.351997

sniveling coward

Made threats over your

Inability to lose with dignity


white trash


.stupid fucking bitch


you're white trash

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31c049  No.352009

File: 5afe60331d56eec⋯.png (205.7 KB, 640x597, 640:597, tumblr_066e00464ea493f0fbc….png)













Look what (You) have become!

(You) no longer '"Question Authority".

(You) lick the boots of Authority.

Authority that treats everyone like children, and wants to control everyone's life, from womb to tomb; which may sound great to someone who has never been trained for self-sufficiency, but it is anathema to Freedom.

(You) Are the Opposite of "Liberal".

I am a Liberal.

I Love Freedom, and DO NOT Lick the Boots of (You)r Totalitarian Overlords.

Like ALL Leftist Progressives, (You) LIE.

(You) cannot back up any of (You)r assertions with FACTS or EVIDENCE, so (You) just keep repeating the same old tired LIES over and over again, ad nauseum; again, with NO PROOF OR EVIDENCE.

(You) Are Hateful, Divisive, and Pathetic in (You)r Stance.

Like a Petulant Child, a DANGEROUS TODDLER,(You), Like ALL of (You)r Kind, Threaten Violence CONSTANTLY, And Almost Every Word Out of (You)r Mouth Constitutes "Hate Speech".

Just because (You) are a militant crusader for the State Religion does not make (You) in the right.

History Will Judge…

Just because (You) do the bidding of (You)r Globalist Overlords does not make you in the right.

History Will Judge…

(You) do realize (You)'ve BECOME All That (You) accuse "Others" of being, don't (You)?

One Becomes That Which One Hates.

It's a Maxim.

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31c049  No.352030

File: 7681329359487ad⋯.jpg (194.83 KB, 1232x1280, 77:80, PicsArt_05_24_10_27_27.jpg)

File: 0ed3c0bb4a62e72⋯.jpg (64.41 KB, 300x409, 300:409, wpid_orphic_egg_by_clarusc….jpg)

File: 213dcee65c2d5b8⋯.jpg (28.09 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 0008858753_23.jpg)

Would ya like a big bowl of "Veiled Eggs" this morning, Johnny?


"Highly" Recommend!

> inb4 moonrocks

I don't think the substances are improving your life, or the lives of those you come into contact with, but I'm not here to judge…

And besides, that's just my opinion. I'm not asking anyone to concur with it.

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4a4330  No.352031

File: d2d02af740f974d⋯.mp4 (5.41 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, km_20220904_720p_30f_20220….mp4)

I imagine to kick off your big upcoming threatened Civil War, you intend on spitting in all the democrat's drinks so all the leftists get hepatitis C?

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4a4330  No.352032

white trash = trump voters

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4a4330  No.352033


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1d02c1  No.352070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> WORLDWIDE, 'We, the People' Push Back Against Global Tyranny

This is TRUE.

"The Global Walkout" on the Globalists began today.


> One step at a time, hand in hand, we are walking out from the globalist society they are trying to enslave us into


> the "Capitol City" part seems unnecessary. The withdrawing from the Globalist tools that enslave us part though I can get behind…


Embed: [Global Walkout IS STARTING](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuWAgBhyDnY)

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1d02c1  No.352074

File: 0bb898abf410d54⋯.mp4 (15.22 MB, 480x360, 4:3, A_demented_Lucifer_pedo_as….mp4)




> Yes, it's habbenin' worldwide!

Very "Entertaining", to say the least…

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eb4930  No.352077

File: b085d7968891159⋯.mp4 (10.4 MB, 872x480, 109:60, Fluvid_19_Coming_Soon.mp4)




Never underestimate, or forget to anticipate, the Awesome Power of the Fear Machine; especially as it relates to to the "newer" variants, like "Fluvid 2022"

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615b2f  No.352098

You are such a worldly guy, With your continental International outlook, comma they're in your shitty little chicken coop hellhole in the Tri city area of Washington State….

You've got your finger on the pulse of the planet, Don't you?

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615b2f  No.352099

Because you spend your life laying on your back on the sofa ( So many health problems it's complicated ) you don't even know what's happening in America there in your stinky living room….

And now you're pretending like you know what's happening around the planet?

I guarantee if the world was a used syringe, you would know exactly what was happening…

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615b2f  No.352100


Never underestimate, or forget to anticipate, the Awesome Power of hepatitis c

Have you ever shared syringes with another junkie?

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615b2f  No.352101


Is what gauge syringe do you prefer when running up heroin?

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615b2f  No.352102


I always get my trusted news from lonely introverted unemployed sexual failures in chat rooms…

Because you guys are experts when it comes to world events

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615b2f  No.352103


You have any used syringes you could mail me?

I'm trying to impress Tucker Carlson, so I want To contract hepatitis C

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615b2f  No.352105



The world has moved on

you missed the memo?

It's funny how Jerry is so adamant against vaccines

But he used zero discretion when contracting hepatitis C by sharing used syringes with other heroin junkies

Too bad the covid vaccine doesn't get you high

or Jerry would allow you to pump it into his rectum

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615b2f  No.352108

Jerry doesn't trust the covid vaccine

because he doesn't know exactly what's in it

oddly, he also didn't know exactly what was in the heroin he used to inject into his arms. .


he didn't know what diseases the other heroin junkies had when he shared his used syringes, and contracted Hep C



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615b2f  No.352109


is there a correlation between your lack of real knowledge and your propensity to believe garbage BITCHute videos?

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31c049  No.352123

File: af5290f3ae1fc1d⋯.png (48.21 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, leftismdies.png)


You don't believe your own eyes?

Or you can't believe you were stupid enough to pretend your opinion mattered when you didn't even watch OP's video?

I guess you're unaware what real life looks like — REALITYIrrefutablethe Globalists are Losing Control.

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b6426c  No.352159


Even Canadians are getting animated!

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0fcf13  No.352160

The root of all evil is low-level education that leaves people ignorant, stupid, immature, mentally/personally ill.

Anyone who is inspired or brainwashed by conspiracy theory, fake, pseudoscience, hoaxes, fortune-telling, or religion and is euphoric as "my knowledge is all true" is a victim of inappropriate low-level education.

Since we do not teach philosophy or psychology in compulsory education, children grow up to have a personality that lacks foresight, sympathy, self-control, problem-solving, logical thinking, self-affirmation, and various kinds of literacy.

All inexperienced people need NOT HATRED (information shut-out, jostle, neglect, punishment, exclusion), BUT LOVE (information exchange, hug, respect, forgiveness, tolerance, comfort, enlightenment, advanced and adequate higher-level education, psychotherapy counseling, salvation)

If you can't love them, it means that you need love first.

"Emotions Self-Responsibility Theory"

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c1d634  No.352164


No, the root of all evil comes from arrogant yet well-meaning people who think they know what is best for everyone else, who therefore try to impose their ideology and will on others regardless any conflict of interest or consequences it may have for others. Those that believe science should be supreme carte blanch law over morality and ethics are the definition of evil. Corruption is also a root factor.

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31d91d  No.352166

File: cd1c4cd874a22fe⋯.jpg (35.93 KB, 736x808, 92:101, 286164469_737928250867743_….jpg)

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b6426c  No.352194

File: 473017795f16ac0⋯.png (74.84 KB, 300x100, 3:1, piss_poor_representation_a….png)


One of their favorite forms of censorship is controlling the narrative, filling every space where ideas can be exchanged with an aggressive barrage of sewage, until everyone either shuts up or leaves.

They do not feel they will be happy until everyone is made as miserable as they are.

imho, it's because they willingly traded spirituality for ideology, and lacking a spiritual compass, they cannot see that they are at war with themselves, they cannot see themselves, and they are easily distracted — controlled — by ideology, or whatever latest tricks can be performed with their magical slave device — maybe go attack the folks one's ideology tells them are less-thanBurn some witches! Mob-Rule!(That's what the Leftist Progressive stance is in a nutshell, and that of TDS Freakazoids in particular. Very obsessed. See witches EVERYWHERE!)

The State Religion is a Controlled Ideology, and Leftists not only push this hateful and divisive ideology, they Control the Narrative, and "Cancel", (in many ways, like I said), ALL who refuse to Conform to the State Secular RELIGION of Ideology.

> inb4 "aggressive barrage of sewage"

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31d91d  No.352199


this post just screams "I have no bass to my voice"

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b6426c  No.352204


This post screams public school indoctrination and 4Chan-tier expressiveness related to a well-cultivated low-attention-span.

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7e51c8  No.352215


Image board culture is dead. 80% are now bots and political propagandists (likely on the govt doll). That and spooks parsing through .sqlite data from our web browsers to put us on watch lists. 4chan is Big Tech at this point, 8kun is gay and the other decent boards won't even be mentioned here for obvious reasons.

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eb4930  No.352239

File: b0e5830b5dd7935⋯.mp4 (6.06 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Donald_Trump_and_Joe_Biden….mp4)


No matter how much the Demonization levels are ramped up,"Populism"just keeps getting more, well, "Popular"!

No one can deny that one man caused so much butthurt that the "Deep State" actually fully outed itself, showed its true colors, and the entire world got to watch the Globalist Narrative-Control-Machine go into hyper-action.Pulling the hoodwink back over everybody's heads now won't be possible, but still they try. There ain't no putting this genie back into this bottle though! Interesting times ahead to be sure. They've assured us they're not going to "go gentle into that good night…" They'll never give up their lust for power over "others". Their lust cannot ever be satiated.

They, however, while shrill and loud, are few; while "We, the People", are many.

It's funny how it is the TDS freaks who make EVERYTHING about Trump (in their own minds, and in everything they think and do). They've turned into caricatures of themselves, and still expect their opinions to be taken seriously when all they do express Hatred for all humans, the place where they are domiciled, and anything related to the idea of FREEDOM! They want to wipe "We, the People" off the face of the Earth, while "We, the People" just think they are St. Vitus Dance batshit-insane!

Protip: Not everything is about Trump.

Ahhh, butt how nice to witness the butthurt! To help sprinkle the salt…

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a5663d  No.357451

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b6426c  No.360666

File: 34bdef150f0373b⋯.webp (21.88 KB, 600x322, 300:161, pete_buttigieg_breastfeed….webp)


> 8kun is gay

This is true.

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