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87f5f9  No.317153


So it's becoming more clear than ever before spooks are running 8kun and this site IS A HONEYPOT. And honestly I knew it was a while ago but did not care about it, I don't post anything illegal. All I wish to do is archive news. Real Solid News! HOWEVER…. as of recently, I have been under some STEALTHY ONLINE ATTACKS!!! This is not ordinary average 'run-of-the-mill' hackers, "ha I hacked your files and stole stuff!" Oh no no no… this is alternative sites and accounts I post on going down COMPLETELY! Passwords changing to accounts. 404'd accounts. 8kun re-directing my browser to spam sites!! I'm talking NSA-level glowfuckers messing around with almost anything I try posing: specifically the Russia-Ukraine war logs!!! And folks I got some OPSEC skills, so someone is pulling out some heavy fucking arsenal now!! I've even seen some older pastebin archives go down too!! Folks, here's what this means, I'm going to be BLUNT. They're trying to erase history, they're trying to CONTROL NARRATIVES. They're angry some outsider like me is telling it LIKE IT IS, and is archiving it all. I've seen some attacks in my day but today it is really getting spooky!!! For those who care to preserve history: BACKUP EVERYTHING. Have it all hard-copied and stored OFFLINE too!! And I mean multiple copies!! Faraday cage that info too!!! Anyway, yes looks like an Empire of Lies is waging war on TRUTH.

Pic in OP just for some humor.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87f5f9  No.317157



Go offline.

Set your system cleaner to 35x gutmann encryption wipe before bedtime (this takes a while):


RAM cleaned

MFT entries cleaned

USN entries cleaned

$LogFile entries cleaned

free harddrive sectors cleaned

%Recycle Bin% cleaned

.sqlite browser caches cleaned

.sqlite-shm browser caches cleaned

.sqlite-wal browser caches cleaned

.json browser caches cleaned

.log browser caches cleaned

CryptnetUrl caches cleaned

system registry caches cleaned

system PREFETCH caches cleaned


Reboot lastest fresh copy of operating system.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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