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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: f61bc93b491586a⋯.png (225.09 KB, 340x505, 68:101, escortbelledelphine.png)

fd26c6  No.316760

We’re in the middle of a male loneliness epidemic perpetrated by a sharp rise in female mate selectivity due to the invention of social media and smartphones

Men are more alone than ever, and women are profiting by becoming rich off simps

In 100 years, when they look back at the ruins of our civilization, this will be considered the cause of the collapse

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a6a13a  No.316773



Smartphones were the demise of the internet. Eventually they'll be the demise of traditional culture and social life as we know it too. Glad I'm old and lived most of my life. Thank God for that.

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6e89a3  No.316881





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1a60e1  No.317012


There are extremely wealthy men who could give this young lady a golden checkbook to wear a ring and birth a couple of children.

1 billion certified dollars to spend any way she'd like.

She's probably had offers.

With that much fiat she could be converting it into real estate, gold, what have you. She's smart so she'd quickly realize that wealth is not value per se. She'd probably invest heavily in biotech and military defense.

And then bunker down with the rest of the elite when SHTF.

And then one of the truly greatest content creators the internet has ever known would be sucked up into the post apocalyptic future and lost in obscurity would fade into whatever Orwellian world order emerged.

"Down, let it all burn down

Burn it to the ground

We'll be safe and sound

When it all burns down

Let it all burn down

Burn it to the ground

We'll be safe and sound

When it all burns down"


Or she could knock on my door and play house with me :)

But that'll never happen :(

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1a60e1  No.317015

We're currently being bombarded with Hunter Biden propaganda.

Maybe Hunter should start an OnlyFans account and try to develop a fan base.


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b86bc5  No.317030


He'd make millions $.


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989fc9  No.317100

>Hi, my name is Hunter Biden.

>I'd like to invite you to my OnlyFans.

>I'm offering a free 20 minute pass so

>you can check out some of the

>hottest and wildest adult content

>on the internet

>starring me, Hunter Biden (and a few uber hawt friends)

>click the green yes button at the bottom of this pop up to

>get your free 20 minute pass

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