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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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f1bd19  No.315851

To celebrate this nation's great birthday, world famous self-appointed color coordinated limp-listed NEW ADOLF HITLER®PROBCESS PENISPUFFER™had his mommy drive him to upper state New York to visit Aunt Margaret, who immediately hugged him, and said, "it's been years since I've seen you. You've grown so much! Oh my god, you look just like Anderson Cooper.. I am surprised at how much you look like a young Anderson Cooper!!! And why don't you have a girlfriend? You're in your mid 30s, still living with my sister, you don't have a job, and you don't even have a girlfriend.. what the fuck is wrong with you? What is your dysfunction?"

And after excusing himself, complaining about some vague imaginary pain somewhere, he quickly snuck out the side of Aunt Margaret's house, and went straight to the nearest Arian Brothers biker clubhouse….

Come enjoy the 4th of July with PRINCESS PENISPUFFER



(Must be 18 to watch)

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145442  No.315892


Not old enough to watch.

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0d5d4f  No.315906

File: 9bfabd00b0a75e0⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Meet_Karl_Purple_03.mp4)

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0d5d4f  No.315907

File: 5b5ddf3964ab12e⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Meet_Karl_Purple_02.mp4)

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0d5d4f  No.315908

File: e0e7d18c3e3690e⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB, 524x480, 131:120, Neander_the_Nigger_.mp4)

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0d5d4f  No.315909

File: 691481376acf9d5⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Meet_Karl_Purple_04.mp4)

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0d5d4f  No.315910

File: a528e692d247fb4⋯.mp4 (3.33 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Meet_Karl_Purple_05.mp4)

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