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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: d0907887c7664b8⋯.png (2.27 MB, 815x3049, 815:3049, what_have_you_done_.png)

3e38b1  No.315653

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c50881  No.315911


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a05ca5  No.315916


>doesn't understand what "esoteric" means

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897d56  No.315922


>understands enough to catch what the normans will miss

>takes the time to be here with the find

>gets grammar and usage lesson from (((You)))

i'm gonna go watch porn now.

try to find some redeeming quality in the human race via animalistic acts of coitus.

the human mind is a dangerous thing.

the human body, not so much.

i'm trying to fight off the misanthropy.

posts like yours make it harder and harder to do.

ingrates. ingrates everywhere.

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67ab54  No.315923

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