The Insane Tribe of Chicken Twirlers is at it again; Marxist by nature that lot are!
They will seek to destroy our lives while they vilify us for their hatred of us! Twisted and Vile!
Cannot compromise with a SNAKE!
Reject that Satanic Gas lighting! God Wins! Every Single Time!
Sucks to be the enemy I am sure! Have hope. Keep at the task!
Killers Broke High Schooler Ethan Liming’s Neck and
Left a Shoe Print On His Chest Before They Took His
Car and Left Him to Die
Ethan Liming.
Singled out and murdered because he was White.
Stomped to death by three Black men.
Autopsy released: Broken neck. Broken skull. Shoe
imprint in his chest wall.
Let me say that again: Shoe imprint in his chest wall.
Zero "hate crime" charges.
I would usually end the post there - because the voice in
your gut is already saying anything else that I could
possibly add, but in this moment, I feel compelled to say
this: The only people I resent more than the animals who did
More than the cops pretending it's not a hate crime…
More than the Anti-White media who are the de facto
sponsors of these events…
More than the social engineers who create these
Are the White pussies who tell us "it's not about race!"
White pussies who tell us that acknowledging the racial
realities we face is "falling for divide and conquer!"
White pussies who try to mask their cowardice as
intellectual brilliance - insisting we're the ones who
"just don't get it" while they type exclusively in CAPS
LOCK and brag about a disability called
I have a lot of patience, because I understand the
generations-long dehumanization campaign that has
been waged against us. I understand what it has done to
the psyche of White people. I understand that such
conditioning can't be undone in an instant. And I
understand that, despite it all, there are people who can
still be reached.
But if events like the brutal murder of Ethan Liming and
the Waukesha Anti-White Massacre - on top of the
endless stream of unmasked Anti-White hatred in our
culture - fail to serve as a wake up call that shakes you
out of your stupor, and you insist on continuing to throw
yourself in front of truth tellers like human spike strips
to deflate their efforts…
You're no longer simply your own worst enemy - you're
making yourself the enemy of the only people who have
ever actually been on your side.
Wake the fuck up.
After three Black men beat White 17-year-old Ethan
Liming to death … it took police only five
days to determine that it was not a "hate crime."
Ethan … Let's reverse the races.
Is their any known dimension in which they'd be cleared
of "hate crimes" within the week?
Within eternity?
Or would authorities spend limitless time and resources
combing through every shred of data on their phones?
Every social media post they've ever made?
Interviewing every person they've ever known and
painstakingly trying to extract an admission that, one
day in sixth grade, either of those two men repeated a
magical word that they hear incessantly throughout the
"society" in which they live, but warrants death if it
crosses their lips?
High-Level List of Political
Arrests by Biden Regime … a long list of
political arrests by the Biden Administration.
This inventory is not comprehensive (i.e. every
American arrested for Jan 6 is a political arrest – they
all had a right to protest) but it was an excellent effort to
bring this fact to the masses.
Over 850 #Trump supporters have been arrested
following the #Jan6th, 2021, protests and riot. Most
of these arrests were for walking inside the US Capitol.
Free the Jan 6th Political Prisoners! Free ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS HELD FOR DEFYING #ZOG!
Dinsmoor! Chauvin! Fields! FREE THESE FOLKS!
We talk a big game about freedom but we live like slaves!
#AntiChrist #AntiWhite #AntiMale #Communism #AntiAmerican #Coup #ZOG #Border #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals #MakeWhitesSafeAgain #stopthecaravan #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture
#WhiteHistory https://www.bitchute.com/video/AzMmiKmBGhnU/