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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 610945e1a7fae98⋯.jpg (51.4 KB, 1087x480, 1087:480, Picsart_22_06_30_13_17_29_….jpg)

eff15e  No.314636

Ladies and Gentlemen….

LOLvis is the undisputed king of rock and trolls

The ubiquitous strain of sand in your condom, no other confrontational sit-down comedian has ever attained the monumental status of the one and only King of getting under people's skin, the first and only sit down comedian to ever sell 1 million death threats from his unwitting victims within the first 24 hours

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eff15e  No.314645

File: aff4d8414273162⋯.jpg (65.43 KB, 743x720, 743:720, Picsart_22_06_30_16_04_18_….jpg)

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eff15e  No.314647

I used to travel around the country when I was younger City to city and watch JN perform live like PT Barnum once said, it truly is the greatest show online

I've never seen a more talented confrontational sit-down comedian in my life, and you can always tell a new fan has become a loyal follower LOL and given their heart to JN when they make death threats within the first 24 hours.

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eff15e  No.314648

When watching Jay and perform, he blurs the lines between reality and your new reality, which generally consists of him getting under your skin quicker than scabies, and he begins laying eggs, each one of them humiliating and itchy

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eff15e  No.314661

I heard Neptune is the first man who ever made JAKKOV feel like the lady he is

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