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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: f6e075b1e9416ca⋯.jpg (279.02 KB, 2000x1335, 400:267, Picsart_22_06_30_10_57_10_….jpg)

80bc49  No.314595


uh oh…allow me to explain why the FBI wont stop me from begging you to use your coke can cock to impale my buns and give me a gaping glazed DONUT HOLE Johnny

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597692  No.314597


So, let me make sure I understand. You're THREATENING to get fucked in the ass, like a WWE Wrassler auditioning for Vince McMahon?

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c6de29  No.314598


trust me, it will hurt his penis. at least for the first 13 seconds.

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597692  No.314599


Let me guess, it definitely won't hurt your rectum, because the 'glaze' acts as an ad hoc lubricant?

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597692  No.314600


but, but…. buttpussy is your purpose on planet earth?

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19b87a  No.314601

I'm going to come to America without wearing any pants or underwear.

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19b87a  No.314602

I'm going to VICIOUSLY ATTACK his penis with my Eastern European non-white poverty stricken anus

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80bc49  No.314604

File: 0b219b5a9df2cfc⋯.jpg (315.27 KB, 2000x1335, 400:267, Picsart_22_06_30_11_52_48_….jpg)

Wooooooo, Johnny!! *wink wink*

"Time To Make My Rectum Bleed!"

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80bc49  No.314617

File: cdd778ac87c58cb⋯.jpg (109.5 KB, 720x1126, 360:563, Picsart_22_06_30_13_14_29_….jpg)

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80bc49  No.314618

File: 610945e1a7fae98⋯.jpg (51.4 KB, 1087x480, 1087:480, Picsart_22_06_30_13_17_29_….jpg)

I've seen him perform live several times and he's the greatest entertainer online

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