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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: c143acb3d455c1d⋯.jpg (267.49 KB, 2000x1335, 400:267, Picsart_22_06_30_10_34_02_….jpg)

69141f  No.314594


uh oh…allow me to explain why the FBI wont stop me from begging you to use your coke can cock to impale my buns and give me a gaping DONUT HOLE Johnny

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1ae351  No.314638

File: 9e38be08889ad53⋯.jpg (86.35 KB, 952x524, 238:131, Picsart_22_06_30_15_01_43_….jpg)

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1ae351  No.314639

File: 438a0eaea4873cd⋯.jpg (596.41 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1000_F_169581932_lfMfz2YDB….jpg)


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1ae351  No.314640

File: 960e52595ca4ffe⋯.png (196.28 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Picsart_22_06_30_12_04_45_….png)


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1ae351  No.314641

File: aff4d8414273162⋯.jpg (65.43 KB, 743x720, 743:720, Picsart_22_06_30_16_04_18_….jpg)

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1ae351  No.314642

File: 928fa5f347da7c2⋯.jpg (109.89 KB, 743x651, 743:651, Picsart_22_06_30_16_06_35_….jpg)

JAKKOV came to PND

And all he got was the first $50 used window unit air conditioner of his entire life

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1ae351  No.314643

My name is JAKKOV

And since I live in a substandard Eastern European shithole Nation, the entire 'time to make them gonuts' reference went right over my head

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