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File: 53e4530001d74cd⋯.mp4 (4.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Jew_pulls_knife_on_another….mp4)

36106a  No.314487

Judaism is a religion based on the teachings of the Hebrew Bible (consisting of the Torah - "Teaching", Nevi'im - "Prophets", and Ketuvim - "Writings"). Rabbinic Judaism also incorporates the teachings of the Talmud (consisting of a second "Oral Torah" that was not recorded in the original Torah and rabbinical interpretations of the "Oral Torah" and the Hebrew Bible). Jewish interpretations of the Hebrew Bible (and often the Talmud) culminated in the Halakha - "the way to go" in accordance with Jewish teachings.

Importantly, the Jewish faith demands killing "blasphemers" - both Jewish and non-Jewish alike. In the Hebrew Bible, Leviticus 24:10 mentions a Jew stoned to death by other Jews for blaspheming the name of the Jewish God and Deuteronomy 13 demands killing prophets/dreamers/friends/spouses/children that "incite rebellion" against the Jewish God and even mass-murdering and burning entire towns of "blasphemers" as a burnt offering to the Jewish God.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Do you believe in Odin? Do you believe in Buddha? Do you believe religion is superstitious nonsense? Whatever you believe in, Jews believe that "blasphemers" against the Jewish God should be killed, and that everyone else should be afraid of being killed by Jews (Deuteronomy 13:11).

In short, Jews murdering "blasphemers" - Jews and non-Jews alike - is part of the practice of the Jewish faith. Here is an incomplete list of murders inflicted by Jews practicing the Jewish faith.

Incomplete list of Jewish-inflicted murders:

Jewish mass-murder in the Hebrew Bible: over 2,821,360 Jews & non-Jews killed

116 A.D., Jewish mass-murder in Cyrene: approximately 220,000 non-Jews killed

116 A.D., Jewish mass-murder in Cyprus: approximately 240,000 non-Jews killed

1861-1865 A.D., American Civil War caused by Jewish African slave trade: over 616,000 non-Jews killed

1896-today A.D., Jewish psychiatry: over 500,000 non-Jews killed per year

1913 A.D., Jewish Leo Frank raped & murdered a child: 1 non-Jew killed

1917-today A.D., Jewish Marxist communism: over 100,000,000 non-Jews killed

1931-today A.D., Jewish sex-reassignment surgery: over 4,000 non-Jews sterilized

1948-today A.D., Jewish occupation of Palestine: over 31,000 non-Jews killed

1996-today A.D., Jewish Sackler family opioid crisis: over 240,000 non-Jews killed

2001-2021 A.D., American War in Afghanistan caused by Jewish "neocons": over 176,000 non-Jews killed

2003-2011 A.D., American War in Iraq caused by Jewish "neocons": over 800,000 non-Jews killed

Incomplete Jewish-inflicted murder total:

over 105,148,361 Jewish-inflicted murders thus far

over 500,000 Jewish-inflicted murders per year (Jewish psychiatric drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer)

Note: Despite the fact that Christianity and Islam are religions that mutually accept the Jewish Torah as religious scripture, categorizing Christian-inflicted murders and Muslim-inflicted murders as Jewish-inflicted murders would significantly increase the Jewish-inflicted murder total.

Given Jewish religious teachings regarding murdering "blasphemers" and the quantity of Jewish-inflicted murders thus far, please ask yourself this question: When will a Jew attempt to murder me?

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bf42a8  No.314552


So what? I guarantee you that Christianity has the high score on mass murders with Atheism a close second. 105 million murders is a drop in the bucket. We're not going to lie for you and say that the billions murdered in the name of Jesus were actually Jews doing it. Fuck off.

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36106a  No.314566


>We're not going to lie for you and say that the billions murdered in the name of Jesus were actually Jews doing it.

Reminder that Christianity accepts the Jewish Torah as religious scripture, including the Jewish Torah's teachings regarding murder.


>105 million murders is a drop in the bucket.


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967053  No.314568

File: 384912274abbcc6⋯.jpg (101.68 KB, 736x919, 736:919, JKalI.jpg)


I think OP's point was that Christianity and Islam were Jewish inventions —Jewish Apostacies, as it were. Don't try to pretend you don't know that, or that Christianity is somehow a better religion, more accomodating, less violent, less enforcing of conformity… The three Abrahamic religions (and all the thousands of Protestant offshoots) are ALL, without exception, based around the Mesopotamian War-God, Yawheh. ALL the Abrahamic Religions have the killing of non-believers as one of their major tenets. ALL of them. And they've all done it, by the millions. It's in your Bible. It's in the Koran, it's in the Torah. You BELIEVERS are ALL the Same. You see the world in a particular way, and you want everyone "Else" to see the world that way too; and you'll FORCE your particular viewpoint on "Others" if you have to, because BELIEF is all important, amirite?

Fucking BELIEVERS… They ALL, Without Exception, think they know what's up, and you had better espouse the same narrow conception of reality too, or they'll get all militant on you! This new 'Woke' Religion is no different. Or the Religion of Climate Alarmism, the Antifa Religion, the COVID Religion, etc.. etc.. ad infinitum, there are a whole panoply of Ideologies nowadays that DO NOT TOLERATE ANY DEVIATION FROM THEIR WORLDVIEW. And they'd like to ENFORCE that worldview on "Others" — with violence, and killing, if necessary.



You NatSoc 09A fags are no fucking different. Look at yourselves! You have become everything you hate.BELIEVERS Always Do.

They don't seek for Truth, because they already know everything, their worldview is set, static. ALL Believers, Without Exception. Any new information must be manipulated to fit their narrow conception of reality, rather than being willing to change one's entire worldview based on new information, like an open-minded person would do.

Why do you think I fuck with ALL you "Believers" on this board; and that would include the Atheist, Johnny Neptune, who is one of the most caustic Believers I've ever met. There aren't a lot of negative things about people he disagrees with that he doesn't Believe in! He's one of the worst Believers I've ever met. Most atheists I've met are pretty miserable Believers though. They Believe they know what ISN'T. It's a form of Presumption identical to ALL Religitard Stances — the "I'm Better Than "Others" Stance. "My shit doesn't stink as much as "their's". "I KNOW Better Than Them."

So, if you don't like that stance when Jews take it, why would you take that stance yourself?

LOOK WITHIN. What do you see? What stance are you taking toward the "Outside" world?

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!

Everybody "Else" thinks they already DO know. There's really no getting through to a BELIEVER, of ANY Kind. Their Stance is Closed.

So, have an Anti-Jew stance if you want. It won't do you any good. How do I know? Well, look how my Anti-BELIEVER Stance has served me! Have you noticed how "Relatable" it makes me? How everyone just nods in agreement with my words? NO! You're not seeing that because most people are Believers. The vast majority of people are.LOOK WITHIN. There may be someone with a "Jewish" stance in there; a stance that may need attending to. Maybe that's not a stance you'd like to continue taking. Maybe it is. I don't know. I don't Pretend to Know. Maybe you shouldn't either. I don't know. Maybe you should.LOOK WITHINand you may find "out".

Belief will always get in the way of Clarity. It won't allow you to see What IS. You'll just hang meaning on the Naked Truth until it is no longer recognizable as Truth. It's What BELIEVERS DO. ALL BELIEVERS — Without Exception.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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