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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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99d94f  No.313973

The NY Times today had an article that focused on Mitch McConell being consequential in blocking a democrat supreme court appointment during the last days of Obama's illegal presidency and also being a primary reason how Trump was able to appoint three supreme court Justices in his time as president from January 2017 to January 2021. We all know McConell is mobbed up with the DS, So I have my thoughts, but none to certain; WHY would McConell help Trump as he did to get those three appointed to the court? And especially, why would McConell break precedent and deny the democrats a nomination of a Justice during the time Obama was president?

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314d84  No.313998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Because the Globalist Agenda is bigger than any mere political party concerns.

Politics are outer garments they all wear for show anyway.

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f37cd0  No.314012


One Lobby and Ethics Committee to rule them all.

At least they still allow us to vote and we allow ourselves to believe it will make any damn bit of difference.

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1586c6  No.314108

Free mandatory injections are the hallmark of a free nation.

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7d40c4  No.314164


why does mitch look so happy?

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f48f55  No.314468


He's just a happy guy by his nature.

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