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433759  No.313766

Doctors across the world are now suddenly reporting a virus that can be lethal if contracted, but is unlikely to cause a global pandemic due to its mode of transmission… Hospitals, doctors offices and emergency rooms across the world are now beginning to add a new box to check off on the questionnaire triage assessment protocol.

The virus is referred to as Hepatitis C, and according to this report I'm reading, as of today, if you've ever used intravenous drugs before, even just once, no matter how long ago, medical staff are now going to silently check the box, where you will be listed as hepatitis and HIV positive…

They're not even going to do a hepatitis C or HIV test to determine whether or not you are positive, because there's nothing positive about a person willing to stick needles in their arms, which means they have literally thrown their life into a toilet.. as of today, medical professionals will begin assuming there's a 95% chance you've shared needles with another intravenous drug user, since you were already throwing your life into a toilet..

So instead of telling you, "just for safety purposes, we are going to list you as HIV positiveandHelp C positive, so all of our staff knows to use the proper protocol dealing with you, because you might have decided to destroy your life, but we didn't decide to destroy our lives, so we don't want to catch your nasty fucking disease,"

That would be too wordy..

Instead, they're not going to say anything.. they'll just ask you, "alcohol? Cigarettes, recreational drugs, any intravenous drugs?"

And if you answer YES to the part about using syringes, they will move to the next question, never telling you that you have officially become listed as being hepatitis C positive and HIV positive as far as they're concerned..

It really makes a lot of sense, I suppose.. after all, if they didn't know you were the type of person who uses needles, they might get a disease from you, so they have every right to use the proper protocol to protect themselves from your blood or any bodily fluids whatsoever.. because they know there's a 95% chance you have both hepatitis CANDAIDS…

Because research has proven conclusively that 95% of intravenous drug users with hepatitis C also have the recombinant retrovirus HIV…

It's just science… It's a fact… They're not judging you as a person, they're simply making a medical analysis to determine what safety measures need to be exercised to prevent contracting your disgusting fucking viruses…

OOPS !!!….. I WAS WRONG!!!…. It turns out I was mistaken


Hold on a minute. I guess that means everybody has already known about this for quite some time now.. it's actually common knowledge, that sharing syringes means there's a 95% chance you have both hepatitis C and AIDS together…

Well if that's the case, then why would anybody share syringes after knowing that?

Obviously I'm capable of making mistakes, like inadvertently thinking an article from 1985 was current news.. but at least I didn't threaten anybody's life over a fake election, and at least I had the balls to admit when I made my mistake…

Thanks for letting me share

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