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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: bd059baaa8ba68a⋯.jpg (89.2 KB, 1067x720, 1067:720, Picsart_22_06_27_16_39_06_….jpg)

eb9221  No.313764

Wondering if someone can clear this up for me. Exactly what is 'superior' about being worthless White trash?

Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm just confused or something…

But it just seems kind of odd that worthless human garbage white trash would stumble in here and start proclaiming that they are superior to ANYTHING…

Not just 'anybody', but any THING…

Like the dumpster in an Arby's parking lot, for example..

That just doesn't seem to make sense to me. I don't get the connection..

Could somebody please explain it so I could understand better?

Thank you

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0b6853  No.313782

File: 9c5da4583c4403b⋯.jpg (209.11 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, shieetdatzmah_fqam_dur.jpg)


You must be black/shitskin, otherwise you would had understood.

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1e87b2  No.313954

Haha, Loser!

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8d6f79  No.316958

Tldr: the desert thieve tribes that stumbled into jesus/ra world only survive "reincarnation" by having a child connection with the ones that got away and moved north, they would have long disappeared without european traitors wo got bought by saudiarabia

Syria was targetted because much stronger ties to the jesus\ra bloodline than Saudi arabia, lots of blue eyes there

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