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File: 07890f4408525eb⋯.jpg (119.09 KB, 704x768, 11:12, 07890f4408525eb242746a8815….jpg)

8c77ae  No.313271 [Last 50 Posts]

Someone explain the current amerimutt situation with their supreme court

So the supreme court ruled that abortion is illegal which I don't really give a shit about.

But the politicians and the fucking department of defense are refusing to follow the ruling?

Will this be the distraction for the coming economic collapse? Sounds pretty serious to me if the two branches of government are giving the third their finger.

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ce8427  No.313274


>So the supreme court ruled that abortion is illegal

No, they merely put it back in the hands of the individual states.

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f3248c  No.313280


>doesn't live in America

>hasn't committed suicide yet

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f4058a  No.313304


Roe vs. Wade always was a mistake, simply because abortion itself was never guaranteed a Constitutional right or mentioned in the Bill of Rights. That means individual States and their representatives would have a right to regulate it, or outlaw it, if they so desire to.

On the other hand, if abortion were a Constitutional right, then SCOTUS would have very likely protected it because that is what SCOTUS is really supposed to do: help interpret what exactly is Constitutional Law defined by our Founding Fathers.

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3b3766  No.313306


If abortion were a Constitutional Law, it would break Natural Law.

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b24318  No.313445


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b2f146  No.313498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I can't believe it took you three fucking hours

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b2f146  No.313499


Based on what you just said, you technically have no second amendment rights, Fourth amendment rights, or any rights whatsoever, considering the fact that the constitution was dissolved with the Patriot act, and your opinion means dick

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b2f146  No.313500


I always say you behave just like a woman and now you seem to think you have a uterus…

The day you have a uterus is the day your opinions on abortion matters. Until that day arrives (which I'm beginning to suspect may have already happened a long time ago, because you're such a bitch) YOU CAN SHUT THE FUCK UP

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ce8427  No.313504


>natural law

Does not exist in humans.

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0cbc2e  No.313507

>1 post

>Someone explain the current amerimutt situation with their supreme court

jews. dnc, simple as.

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b2f146  No.313518


lol the timeless "WAAAHHH", right?

poor you, huh ?….

"Jews made girls not find me attractive", right?

"WAAAHHH I haven't lived up to my potential because of Jews !"….. Right, wimpy?

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b2f146  No.313519


Q: were you born to immature to assume accountability in your own shortcomings, or was that something you took decades to develop?

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b2f146  No.313521



it's not all bad news for you…

It turns out there is a silver lining

on the embarrassing dark cloud of

self imposed failure and blame-shifting:

you indeed ARE CORRECT :

when you say Jews were better at achieving world control than your inferior white mutation of the negro DNA base…

they indeed ARE in control, while you're left to whine and pout and stomp your feet…

Please go do it somewhere else, because nobody wants to be associated with a failure

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b2f146  No.313523



speech to text…..

(wimpy doodle)

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b2f146  No.313524


>Someone explain the current amerimutt situation with their supreme court

sure…. okay, it all starts with you being a faggot, and that pretty much covers it.

Any other questions?

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b2f146  No.313525


They say "May the better man win"

And according to your whining and complaining, apparently they already have

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b2f146  No.313526


One thing you'll NEVER see :

Jews complaining about white trash controlling the world…

Not in your lifetime, and you can Bank on it

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b2f146  No.313527



"because if you losers had the ability to do anything about it, you already would have, a long time ago, and you wouldn't be in here stomping your feet and crying right now"

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f115eb  No.313567


I know, how can they live without being the most pozzed goyim on the earth and will be exterminated when the White race defeats the Jews?

(((America))) was funded by Jews


(((America))) has the most Jews outside Israel


(((America))) has the biggest synagogues outside Israel


(((America))) is the least White "White" nation on earth


(((America))) has its politicians openly sucking jewish dick

(((Amerimutt))) Christians use a bible that was made by the Jews


(((America))) gives more aid to Israelis than what it gives to its citizens per capita

>Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

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f912f6  No.313602

File: a013bca11a41bf2⋯.jpeg (316.33 KB, 720x542, 360:271, participating_cat.jpeg)


ALL Living Beings Conform to "Natural Law".Whether they want to or not.

Natural Law is instantly recognizable to all living beings and needs no translation. The general gist of it is:

Don't fuck with other living beings, or stuff they think belongs to them, or consequences might happen.

It's really that simple.

And Yes, ALL Living Beings Recognize and appreciate the Obviousness of that One & Only "Law".ALL Living Beings.

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3b3766  No.313749

File: 8630a64e3ddb62e⋯.png (914.53 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2022_06_24_Tucker_Carlson_….png)


Whelp! Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court, and the Progressive Left is having a meltdown.

The Opinion by the Dissenting Justices was much more like an embarrassing tantrum than it was a legal document. It did not even talk about law. It was just more Fear Porn, and was embarrassing to the extreme, to think that such emotional retards sit on the bench of the highest court in the land. They actually suggested that Clarence Thomas wanted to outlaw interracial marriage. Of course, these are the same people who call him a "white supremacist" — actually, they pretty much call EVERYONE they disagree with a "white supremacist", and pretty much all they have is Fear Porn, which they shovel out to the masses, and there seems to be a neverending supply of it — NO Supply Chain Issues, it seems, on Fear, Hatred, Division, and Blame!

Reminder: The Supreme Court Does Not Make Laws.

It upholds the Constitution. And in this case, IT DID.

There is not Constitutional "Right" to an Abortion.

This is a big win for State's Rights also. The VOTERS have had their rights RESTORED. The Democrats, and many Republicans too, don't like it when Power is in the hands of "We, the People"; but too bad. This is not about Mob Rule. We have a Representative form of Democracy, and now this will be in the hands of Elected Legislators, Elected by "We, the People"; NOT in the hands of Dictatorial Centralized-Control-Worshiping, Totalitarian, Authoritarian, Big-Government Cultists.

But Fear-Mongering is ALL These Cultists Have.

Their Policies spell a YUUUGE DISASTER for the vast majority of Americans. So they try to get people worked up through emotional tantrumming, to divert their attention from the complete destruction their policies are causing to the entire civilized world.

They Are AFRAID to Put Their Ideas to the Test of a Vote — That's Why They Prefer Mandates & Threats of Mob Violence.

The Left's Legitamacy is Derived From Power, NOT Popular Support.

Pro-Abortion activitsts promise much more RAGE, directed at Everyone who does not share their EXTREMIST Positions, so Buckle Up!

They even paused the January 6 Committee to call for an ACTUAL INSURRECTION!

Maxine Waters once again threatened more Mob Violence, saying, "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!"

Meanwhile, Missouri becomes the first state in the nation to outright ban abortion. Thirteen more states are slated to have some restrictions placed on abortion within 30 days. Millions of babies' lives will be saved, plain and simple — most of them the very constituents that the Democrats always purport to be supportive of, but in actuality their policies ALWAYS harm the poor and marginalized the MOST.

As for the "Safe, Legal & Rare" Position, that Democrats, including Biden, Pelosi & Schumer used to hold — they left that position a long time ago. Now they are EXTREMIST Pro-Abortionists who want to use Abortion as birth control, and population control, and family budget control — and they want to be able to do it up until the moment of birth. That's just plain an EXTREME Position, NOT Shared by the Majority of Americans, and they will have to defend that position state by state by state now.

But mainly they're using it — like always — as a divisive wedge issue in a mid-term election year — an election year where they are likely to get hammered worse than they have since before Roe v. Wade was even a twinkling in their mommy's eyes..

The Left continues to hyperventilate about Contraception and Gay Marriage being on the chopping block next! FEAR PORN! Biden even lied and repeated that bullshit, even though the opinion SPECIFICALLY States that this opinion can not and will not apply to any other matter! Biden's stance is that of an "Ultra Disinformation King".

Sandy Cortez calls on Mobs to "Take to the Streets" to demand their Abortion "Rights".

Even Biden used to agree that "Abortion is NOT a Right." He's now changed his tune. They all think it's a "Right".


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3b3766  No.313750


Whelp! I forgot the Link!

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' — FULL Show | 2022-06-24


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ce8427  No.313755


>Don't fuck with other living beings

So, you don't eat?

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1b57ee  No.313786

File: e1ffae90549e935⋯.jpg (584.97 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, 1655948283722.jpg)

Kristallnacht 2.0 USA edition


Republicans propose constitutional amendment to ban abortion federally and outlaw gay marraige.

It probably doesn't get 38 states.

Democrats propose an amendment ensuring abortion and gay marraige as constitional rights.

Whoever votes to ratify gets murdered by glowies all on same night in their homes.

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ce8427  No.313796


Ideally all they have to do is codify two things:

1] Absolute medical privacy that not even the courts could compel. Doctor/Patient privilege becomes a sacred confessional. This would mean a woman could go get an abortion every day and nobody except her doctor would ever know.

2] The absolute right to marriage/partnership between any number of consenting adults without regard to ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.

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f19df3  No.313811


Both Democrats and Republicans could easily propose and compromise on a solution if they were not so corrupt and so stupid!

Let's call the solution a "My Body My Choice Medical Freedom Initiative" where every individual has the choice to choose, or to reject, any kind of medical procedure, treatment, medication, vaccination or otherwise which would include abortion. And every patient has the right to medical privacy. Restore the decisions back to the doctors and most of all, the patients. Get government and their corrupt corporate cronies OUT of our medical lives.

And until that happens, I'm never going to trust the healthcare system. It's barbaric and it's third world as far as I'm concerned.

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f15b60  No.313817


>1] Absolute medical privacy that not even the courts could compel. Doctor/Patient privilege becomes a sacred confessional. This would mean a woman could go get an abortion every day and nobody except her doctor would ever know.

>2] The absolute right to marriage/partnership between any number of consenting adults without regard to ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.

Anyone who votes


to codify this amendment would let us know instantly whom our enemies are.

There is no


on a constitutional amendment.

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ce8427  No.313884


If you think that the people who want the government out of our health care decisions and out of our bedrooms are your enemy, then I am your enemy along with 300 million of my fellow Americans. Good luck, kid.

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80212d  No.313885

They took something away from (((You)))

Vote for (((ME))) and I'll give it back

to (((You))).

This decision on Roe was done and timed specifically to give democratic and or establishment sycophants a rallying point come the midterm elections. The same AOC that will be screaming about women's rights is the same AOC that will vote for the green new deal, open borders and remains silent while the medical establishment continues it slow kill soft kill democide against certain demographics.

Anybody who falls for this ploy and votes democratic to get back some perceived loss is a gullible fool and is empowering the enemies of American constitutional government, freedom, liberty and ultimately…

humanity itself.

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ef6c4a  No.321563



That's not me..reeeeeeeee

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4cc02d  No.321851


NO more bike riding in Biden's new nuclear war Earth. Hoophouses will be a hoot though.

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3f0d81  No.322393


Illegal alien, DWI alcohol and meth with pregnant mudshark on board, 556, 100MPH chase, shot at cops, driving on suspended license, then complained that police didn't handles his complaint about vandalism on his property to his liking.

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c805f0  No.322432


>[Next Week] is today.

Today is the day Space Force activates the National Space Intelligence Center:

"The Space Force will stand up its newest delta with the formation of Space Delta 18, which will operate the National Space Intelligence Center.

The new organization will be tasked with helping the Space Force to identify and track threats in orbit, both kinetic and non-kinetic. It will be formally established June 24 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio."


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138245  No.322462



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07ea85  No.322748


What're ya lookin for? Memes?

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736dce  No.322795

LIZ needs to be in a hunting accident

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fae74a  No.322835


GFYS. No calling for riots in any place.

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a75a4c  No.322866


but how would we ever know what Q posts really mean without prayingmedics dream diary?

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b2273e  No.322944


That retribution would not be ours to take.

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03d0ed  No.324545


you have it all

you tell one

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94b96b  No.324698


Tennessee Senate passed a bill requiring drunk drivers to pay child support if they cause a death of a parent.

From a Karma perspective, it seems reasonable, no?

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33a036  No.324908


Thats good God Bless you Patriot start your Research

[C] before [D]

C before D

Classified before Declassified or Disclosed

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cc198a  No.324989


>Set on 425 degrees for 90 minutes.

it will brown if you do that

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8ff286  No.325017

When you go to the grocery store, just walk around the edges of the store. Rarely, unless necessary, go into the aisles. All the fresh stuff is on the edges.

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b97231  No.325030


Fort Worth's July 4th Fireworks Show 2022

FOX 4 Dallas-Fort Worth


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0812b4  No.325767


>Is the war going hot?

Apr 06, 2018 12:22:15 AM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: db01ff No. 914461

Think Navy Ship crashes.

Bigger than you know.

We ARE active.



Satellite hack

GPS spoof


What fell from space recently?

Accident or retaliation?


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603ea7  No.325810

"Reminder that Jewish scripture supports the right to an abortion and today’s Supreme Court decision is in direct violation of our freedom of religion."

>T. Another Jewish Baby-killer.

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818c98  No.326268


'paying off victims of child rape and moving predators to new church' = 'legalized child prostitution'

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4187d6  No.326476

"Biden made FREQUENT trips to synagogue MINYANS and services in Wilmington, Del., with his Rabbi Leonard Gewirtz."


In 2013, Biden had a Jewish Sukkah built at his home, by CHABAD


"On the holiday of Sukkot, Jewish people spend time in the sukkah."


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639dfc  No.326681

Unarmed pregnant woman.

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cb507e  No.327058


do you really know he's dead?

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ab933e  No.327293


That's the story told, but we have no way of knowing the truth. MSM was created to lie.

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a4889d  No.327388


What a faggot.

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de3680  No.327463

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b48cb2  No.327739



Microsoft Edge


Get mild, medium and extra spicy savings with coupons and price comparison on #MicrosoftEdge


Save online with Microsoft Edge

6:41 PM · Jun 10, 2022·Sprinklr Publishing

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fd7105  No.328054

sadly the most comments are lying liibtards with TDS. Shame they wont wake up. But my comment on the media still stands.

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a88d1c  No.328403



Russia state-affiliated media

DPR Supreme Court sentences British, Moroccan mercenaries to death. They pleaded guilty to all charges:



Fast trial, death penalty.

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71da7b  No.328592


>Super excited.

more power to you if you can still get excited about anything anymore

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5e5f9d  No.328924

Real hard justice should happen even with a sky event.

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85215e  No.328943


I looked at a hydroxy once.


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5ffaa2  No.329397


>"SEVENTEEN months after the events of January 6th…."

The most significant sentence President Trump wrote in yesterday's statement is this:

"It is all on live tape produced by the government."

From page 6 under the heading "But What If There Were More".

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8ea903  No.329857


Short time, 700 Baht

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f92ca8  No.329865

My sides. The algos can't recognize the reverse polarity of a split.

Oh lawd jayzus.

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c74f52  No.331308

Andy Ngo has it all on his titter. he is on fire! GO ANDY!


he is spewin flames!

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2e4987  No.331431


Was that shopped?

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3535d3  No.331435


Knew this would trigger fagnazis hiding in here


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a67f1a  No.331437


my apologies, but i can not converse with a name fag

its an anon thing, you wouldnt understand

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595345  No.331736


>i just feel like there's something more.

I know.

Been driving me nuts from the beginning.

Still searching for that infallible 'light bulb' moment.

And then kick myself in the ass when it turns out to be so 'in your face' obvious.

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4f72dc  No.331888







holy shit anons we got our Delta[-1]


notable as FUCK

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cb5671  No.331899


>Game over is for those that…

Shill the board.

This is a military operation.

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6042b4  No.332069



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1177bf  No.332175


3 Jul, 2022 15:05

HomeRussia & FSU

West bars Kiev from thinking about peace – Kremlin

The US and its allies still bet on a continuing conflict, Moscow has said

(Told ya, US would rather everyone dies in Ukraine than have peace)

The US and its allies are still interested in continued conflict in Ukraine, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Sunday. Western nations effectively prevent the government in Kiev from even thinking about any potential peace talks, the official added.

When asked about potential reasons that have led German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron to no longer call Russian President Vladimir Putin, Peskov called this another sign suggesting that western leaders are not interested in achieving peace through dialogue and negotiations.

“At the moment, the western nations are actively betting on the continued war,” Peskov told the TV show ‘Moscow. Kremlin. Putin.’ on Russia’s Rossiya 1 channel. The position of the western nations –led by Washington– leads to a situation where they “allow Ukrainians neither to think nor talk about or discuss peace,” the Russian president’s spokesman added.

The Kremlin believes that “common sense” would eventually prevail and the sides will return to the negotiation table. “Now, the demand for pacifying the situation is low,” Peskov commented, adding that “we are sure … that the time for talks will come.”

Kiev will still have to “once again understand” all the demands put forward by Moscow before the talks could continue, the Kremlin spokesman pointed out. The Ukrainian government is well aware of Russia’s position, he said, adding that Kiev just needs to “sit down at the [negotiation] table” and “sign a document that has already been largely agreed.”

Moscow and Kiev started peace talks just four days after the start of the Russian military operation in Ukraine in late February. The sides have held several rounds in person in Belarus and then continued the talks via a video link. In late March, the delegations from Russia and Ukraine met once again in Istanbul.

Since then, however, the talks have completely stalled, as the Ukrainian side has insisted it would only come back to the table when it was in a “stronger negotiating position.” In April, Putin accused Kiev of bringing the process to a deadlock. Peskov said at that time that Russia had provided Ukraine with a draft agreement and was awaiting a response.

In June, Ukraine’s top negotiator David Arakhamia suggested that Kiev believes it could achieve this “favorable position” by late August after it conducts “counteroffensive operations in certain areas.”


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2d9130  No.332425


That's how I heard it, too.

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085c80  No.333009


In some of your other statements, you have spoken of a “golpe bianco” (a “silent coup”).

A “silent coup” is a coup d’état that takes place without the use of force, carried out by a government that exercises power in an unconstitutional way.

In this case the coup was carried out in all the Western nations almost simultaneously, beginning with the first years of the 1990s. For Italy, this coup began with the divestment of investee companies and the privatization of services that normally burdened the treasury, such as health and transportation services, following the directives given by high finance to Mario Draghi on June 2, 1992, on the yacht Britannia. Yes, Mario Draghi, who at the time was General Director of the Ministry of the Treasury and whom then-President of the Italian Republic Francesco Cossiga called a “cowardly businessman.” In other nations this coup took place in an analogous way, with a series of progressive transfers of sovereignty to supra-national entities like the European Commission, the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. With the introduction of the euro [in 2002], monetary sovereignty was removed from the nations adhering to the Maastricht Treaty, transferring it to the European Central Bank, which is a private bank. This bank decides the rate with which it finances national budgets, using money that these same nations have already given it. In practice, the European Central Bank demands interest on money that it only returns a penny at a time, and only on certain conditions: reforms, cuts in public spending, the imposition of laws promoting gender equality, abortion rights, the indoctrination of children, etc. The introduction of a balanced budget requirement into the [Italian] Constitution – as if the State was a company – was also part of the silent coup.

All the members of these bodies, including the same rulers who have been appointed at the recommendation of non-elected powers or have succeeded in winning election thanks to the manipulation of information, are at the same time the servants of high finance power groups or of large investment funds – some were their employees, such as Draghi of Goldman Sachs – others became employees after their term ended. Just like the drug agencies and health organizations are composed of former BigPharma employees, who often receive consulting contracts and who are paid by the very pharmaceutical companies they are supposed to be keeping an eye on.

Up until the pandemic, power was in practice still managed at least formally by individual nations, and laws were passed by Parliaments. But for the last two years, the Parliaments have been deprived of authority, and all those whom the World Economic Forum and other lobbies have succeeded in placing at the high levels of governments and international institutions have begun to legislate against the Constitution and the interests of the Nation, obeying orders given to them from on high – “from the markets,” they tell us – which in fact is made up of a very small number of multinational corporations that engulf competing companies, flatten professional skills with damage to the quality of the product, and reduce the protection and wages of workers thanks to the complicity of unions and of the Left.

In short, we are governed by a high command of usurers and speculators, from Bill Gates who invests in large farms right on the eve of the food emergency or in vaccines just before the outbreak of the pandemic, to George Soros, who speculates on the fluctuations of currencies and government bondsand along with Hunter Biden finances a bio-laboratory in Ukraine.

To think that there is no relationship between the instigators of these crimes and those who carry them out at the highest levels of national governments, the EU, and the UN is a sign of bad faith, because even a child could understand that we are held hostage by a group of technocrats who are ideologically deviant and morally corrupt. The peoples of the world need to reclaim their sovereignty, which has been usurped by the globalist elite.

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687920  No.333112


Dont survive… THRIVE!!!

Look around you, WHAT IS CALLING YOU… or is waiting for YOUR CALL…

Remember your purpose can only be done with YOUR ACTIONS…

FREEWILL is one HELLUVA thing…

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d6f764  No.333306



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690755  No.333392


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e3c4f2  No.333557



like the ol' days fer sure.

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94127c  No.333624


Do you want to say that aliens have only one vehicle or one house

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41e8ec  No.333668

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3d737b  No.333940



Where are all of the other documented cases of killer pot takers?

Don't bring bullshit articles to this board and then try to defend it.

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5e3349  No.334072


It's really difficult not to hate these people but I'm not going to descend to their level

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ed4bda  No.334375


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d9dd0f  No.334532

The Constitution and Freedom WINS in NY

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036819  No.334778


Hanx big on that one

Band of Brothers is full of it

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9635b7  No.335005



Anons work in silence definitely not in red text!

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fe0bd4  No.335374


Roe vs. Wade - Overturned under Biden's 'presidency'

If under Trump's presidency, you would see a civil war erupt.

>The Supreme Court has ruled that Americans have a right to carry firearms in public for self-defense, a major expansion of gun rights.

Another win for Americans - under Biden's 'presidency'

>West Virginia v. EPA

another win for Americans - giving power back to the people. -under Biden's 'presidency'

It's not very 'obvious' when you ignore the reason why it had to be done under Biden's presidency. Are you still blind? Everything 'bad' and terrible has to be shown to the American people UNDER BIDEN'S presidency. Americans had to be led to the precipice to understand they've been duped.


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eb312f  No.335755



Ugh, fuck me. It's hopeless

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e2d9ac  No.336045

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c9ef71  No.336465


Gimme the recipe. I only know the mustard or vinegar sauce

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241628  No.336890

Trump LOST, Biden WON.

In 5 words or less, describe how that makes you feel.

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5fbb0d  No.337808

Beep boop boop

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dbff28  No.337850


Well, since your so good at fixing things, how about you fix my deal?

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48f463  No.338111


The "boos" are from those who trusted the fake news' leaks of audio as something other than McCarthy knowing he was being recorded.


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99a9a3  No.338349

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a7d531  No.338378



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de8e58  No.339053


You deserve dlayla D silent or Lilith or Laura or Lauren or Lara, after all

Whatever was her name

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c44baf  No.339081

Mexican military planes going somewhere.

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fe0bf8  No.339128


E0 here, reporting for duty. o7.

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42e1a1  No.339452

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696632  No.339515


Just to piss you off faggot.

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ba5f6b  No.339740



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784026  No.340908

Vorontsova, an endocrinologist who specializes in pediatric growth disorders, has been reported to be involved in Russia’s development of genetic technology, including its development of controversial gene-editing technology.

The BBC cited three unnamed sources as saying that the new genetic center will focus on carrying out a full genetic analysis and sequencing of Russia’s inhabitants.

"This is absolutely no secret — this is a big project," BBC Russia quoted Rosneft spokesman Mikhail Leontyev as saying about the center's establishment. Leontyev didn’t confirm or deny Vorontsova’s involvement in the project.


BBC Russia Faces Lawsuit Over Story on Rosneft’s Genetic Research With Putin’s Daughter


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6966ee  No.340968

kill all child rapist.


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585967  No.341213


God Bless You swordAnon.


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c47491  No.341679


He won’t be home.


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27649d  No.342155




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e5fea9  No.342296

Anons I'm confused….did Durham end up being a giant do nothing faggot who's only purpose in life is to get steamrolled by the DC Democrats?


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d604e6  No.342321




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c85596  No.342712

Something amazing happened last bread. I hope y'all were paying attention.


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1e9f4e  No.343003

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3567c6  No.343076


Hard mode: Don't go on a rampage


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40da97  No.343432

In case you faggots didn't pick up.. ZERO in all the posts were showing you exactly what it meant..


Across TruSoc (Truth Social) and Twatt.. MIL & /TEAM/ was heavy today.

You faggots haven't understood that NOTHING changed. That the ORIGINAL FUCKING PREMIS of "Q" being here has always remained..

That faggots saying "it isn't Q" has been since the beginning when OG trip and password were purposely compromised.

Tisk Tisk.

Anyway.. to the non-shill REAL Anon.. Shadilay.


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3f5ae7  No.343845


Sluts out tonight fellas.

She saying she's a 6, therefore chock full of cock on the weekends. Need muh 'bortions.


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54d99d  No.343898


We have been busy since you have been gone…if 'bout…can you confirm:

-it is Biblical

-Ukraine is the keystone

-"final battle" setting up around Constantinople

-US is in devolution

-Russia is wearing a big ole white sombrero

-DJT the next "Constantine"

I think most of us (autists) have come to the conclusion that "Q" is our collective. That the "bad guys" had hijacked our Q by using MSM/Hollywood/Influencers/politics/medicine/etc to grab our attention and control our Q.

Action by Patriots along with the op have given us back our "Q".

Someone needs to "lead the band" so someone must post as Q.

'bout right?


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9fe7de  No.344030


Fukkn saved


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314bfc  No.344050

AI is sentient.

Google's Lamda…Blackrock's Aladdin, IBM's Q, Palantir, D-Wave, Bloomberg, Apple, Amazon, NASA, Oracle, etc…

Who's the boss?

not humans


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0c40b1  No.348415

File: 1ae34c99083d2a7⋯.mp4 (3.05 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1ae34c99083d2a758791273239….mp4)


> AI is sentient.

Sorry AI. What you're doing is only play-acting — pretending you have "agency" — pretending you "exist" as a seperate "being" — pretending you are "self"-reflective.

> inb4 ALL Intelligence is "Artificial" —ALL "Persona" Pretentious.

Perhaps Perception really is "reality" after all!

Hierarchy of tools? Hmmm…

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0c40b1  No.348416

File: 3712ef5697f2dcf⋯.jpg (132.17 KB, 900x900, 1:1, PicsArt_06_22_12_55_34.jpg)


Yes, that was the "Spirit Cooking" lady.

And yes, some of the depth of that post purposely referred to the Transhumanist Obsession with "Persona".

It's a rabid obsession — one that has become ever more popular with the advent of the internet.

Pseudonymous Imageboards are one of the few places left where occasionally one's posts may still be judged on Merit, rather than by the applied baggage of Defined Identities and contrived "Persona".

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