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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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648ec4  No.313076

East Indian immigration to the united states the past decade has accounted for the largest volume of legal immigration from a single country ever.

It's also the largest volume of immigration from a non-Christian country ever.

East indians also now represent the largest number of foreign nationals controlling american fortune 500 companies.

East indians (along with asians more generally) vote for democrats in greater proportions than any other race group.

Meanwhile there are twice as many stem grads from american colleges than there are stem jobs.

Oppose H1B/L1/OPT visas if you care about this.

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ab8216  No.313251


Dave v.2.0 and the entire CFR says: fuck you

This shit was planned and put in motion 70 years ago.

So um… yeah … fuck you OP.

No disrespect… it is and was a done deal.

Global multi-culti is the new normal.

Congress ain't gonna say or do shit about it.

The Lobby is taking over.

Don't forget to vote OP.

Don't you dare forget to vote.

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6e813e  No.313256

tone it down sb.

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452b83  No.313272

Reminds me of the street shitters saying that they are White because they have 13% European DNA back in /pol/ days

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63ba0f  No.313548


which (of course) reminds everybody that you pretend not to realize that all humans have mutated negro DNA

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63ba0f  No.313549


>Oppose H1B/L1/OPT visas if you care about this

yeah, that's where you took a nosedive

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63ba0f  No.313550


You contradicted yourself again, huh ?

1: there's nothing you can do about it

2: do something about it and vote

lol at least you got the first half correct

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63ba0f  No.313551




I'm sincerely sorry you haven't familiarized yourself with reality yet, but that's a YOU problem.

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