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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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cfe86a  No.313063

East Indian immigration to the US since around 2011 has accounted for the largest volume of legal immigration from a single country ever.

It has also accounted for the largest volume of immigration from a non-Christian country, legal or illegal ever. Most western societies have a certain baseline set of shared ethics based on judeo-christian history.

East indians also now represent the largest number of foreign nationals controlling American mega-companies.

The first 15 years of my career i had zero east indian national coworkers. now more than 50% of my coworkers are east indian nationals. Meanwhile it's been reported that there are twice as many stem grads in the US than stem jobs, and I've noticed that my employer doesn't even consider americans when hiring anymore. Even for non-tech, tech-adjacent roles they go straight to east indian candidates.

Oppose H1B/L1/OPT visas if you care about this.

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